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Meet Jade Corse

Working out is a great way to deal with stress

Jade Corse, 42, of Lansing, is the program administrator at a home for women that have been sexually trafficked. She said that, besides the health benefits of making sure to exercise, it’s served as a way to deal with stress.


“It truly helps me decompress from my day,” she said. “I physically feel better afterwards and I feel good making something that started as a goal to be less sedentary in the winter months into a healthy habit.”

It helps that her family has decided to work out with her.

“My 13-year-old works out with me and my parents, as well,” she said. “We motivate each other. I also work out because I like the results: I’m taut, physically stronger. I feel more self-confident, and less self-conscious in a bathing suit.”

She said her workouts consist of a circuit on the stationary bike and elliptical, as well as other exercises.

“I tend to switch it up,” she said. “At home, I follow various videos that target particular areas, such as the abs, so an online trainer in a sense. Outside of the gym, I walk my dog in a local park/wooded area.”

A long time vegetarian, Corse said she focuses on eating healthy, when she can.

“I have always made healthy choices,” she said. “There are plenty of temptations that are not meat. So, what I have really focused on in my health and fitness journey is increasing my water intake, reading the labels for grams of sugar, and really educating myself on how easily calories/sugar can be in there.”

“Something I have found that helps in a lot of ways is intermittent fasting,” she said. “I only eat within a six to eight-hour window. During that fasting time, my water intake is high and I have a meal of appropriate proportions. This has not only decreased bloating, but it has made me feel better overall. I feel the fasting is a way to flush out the toxins along with the increased water intake.”

Her advice is to hold yourself accountable, but make sure to allow for mistakes.

“Make something routine to make it stick,” she said. “Get that workout in however you can, and don’t depend on others to keep motivated.”