3 minute read

Your trainer misses you!

When you have a trainer, you have a partner to help you be your best

by Molly Nevins


If you aren’t one who takes group exercise classes, you are probably baffled by some of the things that you see and hear. People are always bragging about how “I nearly died in class” or “that was the worst workout ever” and they’re saying it with a smile.

They are paying for someone to “torture” them. Most likely your news feed is full of your friends “checking in” at their class, and they don’t seem to be able to talk about much else. It probably resembles a cult to the outside eye. So what is the deal?! Why is group fitness such a big deal to its participants?

Group fitness happens in a room where everyone shows up with similar goals, but different stories and journeys. There is comradery formed by losing sweat and pounds together, there is competition in seeing someone next to you working harder than you, and there is joy in sharing your endorphin rush at the end of a great accomplishment. It is truly addicting. At the front of the room, doing all the yelling, taking in all the dirty looks and smiles, is the instructor.

It is no secret that people who take group fitness classes love their instructors. They blast it on social media, talk about their classes everywhere they go, and are quite sassy when there is a sub. Those same participants also seem surprised when an instructor remembers their kid’s name, or a goal that they have. What a lot of participants don’t realize is that your instructor loves you just as much as you love them, if not more.

You are our purpose, you give us fulfillment. Most of us spend a large chunk of our days planning class and getting excited to put that hat on. In the “real world,” things are hard. We might have a tough day at home, or not be feeling our best.

However, we know when we walk in that studio, that will all melt away. The smell of the equipment, energy of the music, and most importantly the eager faces of our participants ready to work will be all we need. When you complain, it gives us positive feedback. When you leave class sweaty or chatty or happy, it gives us positive feedback.

There is never a day that we leave the studio without knowing we gave you what you came for, and what a joy that is! A lot of jobs don’t have that instant gratification, we are so fortunate to experience that all the time.

Those of you who attend a lot of classes, or just a few of them consistently, become a constant in our life. We always know “A” will grumble about burpees, “B” will be racing everyone and “C” will give us that awesome smile when she walks in. We look forward to seeing you, and miss you when you aren’t there. It is a true friendship that we form, and it goes both ways.

The messages you send about being able to lift heavier than you could before, wearing an old pair of pants, smiling all day from your workout….those are the things we live for. You aren’t bothering us, you are making our day. I can’t speak for everyone, but most likely if we have given you access to communicate with us, questions are welcome. Don’t apologize. We love that you are taking the time to better yourself, and are not going to begrudge you for asking which sports bra is better for class or what kind of stretches will help your sore butt.

If you’re missing your instructors, like they’re missing you, find out what they are up to right now. Many of them are probably teaching outdoor or virtual classes. The list of fitness happenings in the Lansing area now is quite impressive, and I’m sure you can find your favorite instructor teaching there. Group fitness can fill such a void for us, even more so now in these uncertain time.

Molly Nevins, ACSM HSF, is a longtime contributor to Healthy & Fit Magazine. Check out her Facebook page at: facebook.com/molly.fit