2 minute read

ROOFTOP SOLAR GROWTH ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…........0

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For many years, Vietnam depends on Coal as the cheapest source to fulfill the energy needs of the consumers. Technology innovation and growing awareness about climate change have made renewable energies affordable. In 2017, there was no such attractiveness for Solar energy, so there was no such strategy to boost Solar. By the end of 2019, Vietnam takeover Malaysia and Thailand to become one of the largest Solar PV installers countries in South-East Asia. In the 2020 calendar year, the country installed more than 11.5 GW of Solar PV of this more than 9 GW comes from rooftop Solar which is more than the overall installed rooftop capacity of the Indian Subcontinent and reach 16.64 GW of the cumulative installed Solar capacity. The reason for the surge in rooftop Solar installations in the country was due to the FiT deadline by 31st December 2021, where utility-scale projects were not able to be installed due to approval delays from the government. So, to reap the benefit of FiT, there was a rush of distributed Solar installations in 2020.

On 5th July 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) issued Decision 2023/QD-BCT which launched the Rooftop Solar Promotion Program for the 2019-2025 period (RTS Program) with the overall objective to promote the development of the market for rooftop Solar technology. The program aims to install 100,000 Rooftop Solar (RTS) systems or the equivalent of 1,000 MWp by the end of 2025. As per EVN and the Vietnam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG), there was a major growth of 2,345% year over year in 2020 from 2019 where the installed capacity under the rooftop Solar segment was just 378 MWp to 9.583 GWp. The installations were exponential in the first half of 2020, even though pandemic and country-wide lockdown were imposed, also the installation in the last month of 2020 was fabulous. The growth in rooftop Solar was driven by the FiT2 policy were $0.0838/kWh over 20 years for the project with commissioned due date on or before 31st December 2020 which was finalized at the starting of April 2020. By the end of December 2020, a total of 105,212 rooftop Solar systems (RTS) with a capacity of 9,730.87 MWp were installed in Vietnam (end of November 2020: 74,281 systems/2,875.5 MWp). During December 2020, 30,931 rooftop Solar systems with a capacity of 6,855.4 MWp were newly installed.


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EQ iSearch

Power Mix in Vietnam

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The country prime minister approves the PDP VIII (Power Development Plan Eight). The fundamental substance of PDP VIII incorporates development planning of Power plants and transmission networks with the voltage from 220kV up in the domain of Vietnam (interconnected force frameworks with the adjoining nations) in 2021–2030 with a vision up to 2045.


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