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Available data shows that country has to generate capacity of 24,414 MWp from conventional sources while power from renewable sources is lagging far behind at 766.32 MWp, which is around 3 percent of the total generation capacity.


Numbers from the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) show that among different renewable energy sources, PV Solar leads the sector with 532.69 MWp generation capacity, while it is followed by hydro with 230 MWp capacity, 2.9 MWp from Wind, 0.69 MWp from Bio-gas and 0.4 MWp from Biomass. Bangladesh is far behind Pakistan and India, among its South Asian neighbours in utilizing renewable energy resources for electricity generation.

The Power System Master Plan (PSMP) 2016 had set a target to reach the renewable energy’s share to 10 percent of total power generation capacity (2470 MW) by 2021 – a major focus was supposed to be on exploiting the potential of Solar energy to achieve the goal.

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