3 minute read

Secrets to Increasing Your Life Harmony

By Dr. Heather H. Tucker, PHD CEO/Life Harmony Coach, Speaker, Trainer

Business, Life and Technology Harmony


Life has its ups and downs, highs and lows, as well as its blessings and burdens. It’s easy to focus on the things that are within our control such as our work (i.e., careers and businesses). It’s harder to give our dedicated attention to the more troublesome side of life such as our relationships, family, and health. Sometimes the burdens we carry can be so great and people in our lives can have no idea about the weight that we are carrying around. It’s not just about what it looks like, what does it feel like? Life harmony is the ability to cultivate peace on all sides of life, even in the midst of chaos. It’s the ability to create emotional wisdom and have awareness of the emotions of ourselves and others around us. It’s important to focus on healing the home because that is from which everything flows. We never want to get so busy making a living that we forget to make a life. Every decision that we make can possibly lead to tipping the scales from harmony to disharmony.

Here are 3 secrets to increasing your life harmony:

1. Get clarity on where you are and where you want to be. How satisfied are you with the following areas of life? career, relationship with your spouse or significant other, physical environment, friends, life balance, education/personal growth, spirituality/religion, emotional health (happiness), physical health, family, fun/leisure, and finances. What are the areas have ignoring or not been paying attention to? It’s time to face that we’ve been neglecting and identify ways to increase satisfaction in such areas.

2. Life is too short not to be happy, prosperous, and abundant. What’s holding you back from living and achieving your dreams? Sometimes, it’s other people, but most of the time it’s ourselves. Most of us weren’t taught to have healthy boundaries. Creating healthy boundaries is the key to success. It’s easy to become consumed by others’ intentions for you, yet we can teach people how we want to be treated. A big life lesson that many successful people learn is the power of saying NO to people and opportunities that don’t best serve them. Time is the one thing we can never get back and we must focus to accomplish the desires of our heart. Make sure you are using your time and giving it to others wisely for your best interest.

3. Take steps to live fully in the present day, not the past or the future. We can’t change the past and the future hasn’t happened yet. Our perceptions of past experiences are primary drivers for what hold us back from living our best life. Many of us, especially those who have been called for great things, suffer with some variation of post-traumatic stress from significant emotional events that may have happened in childhood, work environments, relationships, etc. We often go through life unaware unless we come to a situation that reminds of us or is similar to what we had previously experienced. Living in the past, we can come frozen in time and it’s difficult to move forward. The best thing to do is heal your past, with support, in order to life more in the present. Others can live Implementing these secrets can change your life. God doesn’t want us to live a life stressed out and overwhelmed by the things that are happening, he wants us to live in perfect peace even while there is chaos. We cast our cares onto him, and he takes care of our burdens while following his lead to take action on our purpose, passion, and prosperity. He wants us to experience mental and emotional freedom so that we can hear Him clearer and strengthen our relationships with Him, ourselves, and others. It’s about opening up ourselves so that His will can be done in our lives. “Where there is no vision, the people parish” (Proverbs 29:18). Now’s the time to expand your vision and do your calling with ease. Here’s a free audio to support you to your next level: “3 Secrets to Expanding Your Life Vision”