2 minute read

Movement & Momentum

By: Lenita Smart

This is “track season” for the kingdom of God! He is setting, sending, and pacing us. If you’re being set, it may look like transitions are happening left and right. Maybe, certain relationships have shifted or ended, and you now must embrace a new mindset. Or, perhaps, an opportunity for influence has risen, but the fear of failure [or success] is gripping you. Well, these are prime opportunities for God to set and align your feet for a new start. Life changes can seemingly interrupt what we had intended for our lives. Things can feel awkward, unsettling, or confusing but it is not a stuck place. It’s a moment to shift! This can mean taking much-needed time away with the Lord to get clarity and focus on what He can fulfill instead of what it feels like you’ve been denied. Repeat after me: it’s only a shift!


The second layer of what God is doing right now is sending. Even though it is our joy to yield to how He places our feet in the pedals of a new starting block, know that we are not meant to stay there. We move when He moves! Not seeing the end from the beginning is not a deficiency – it stretches our faith and increases our dependency on God and the power of Holy Spirit. We are called to trust His voice and take strides into our new faith territory. This can mean starting the business He showed you, purchasing the property He positioned you for, or taking those speaking engagements to tell your story. Whatever movement looks like for you, do not be afraid. Isaiah 43:1b-2 states: …Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. (NASB)

The third aspect of this time is that God is pacing us. Just like an actual track runner, we must be ready to adjust to the conditions of our race. This is where momentum is happening, and we are coming into sync with the rhythm of God’s heart. Merriam-Webster defines momentum as: “the force that a moving body has because of its weight and motion.” God knows exactly what He’s put in you and how weighty it is, and it takes His wisdom to gain strength and power the right way. Even a skilled runner knows when to pick up speed, and how to preserve strength as necessary – because of training. This is what the Lord is actively pouring out as we venture into new places and opportunities. Expect it and depend on it! Every act of obedience and honor to God in this season is yielding more strength and more power!

Lenita Smart

Lenita Smart

Lenita Smart is an ordained minister of the Gospel. She has a heart for worship and loves the exploration of the deeper things of God. Lenita currently resides in Houston, TX where she works with leaders, prophetic teams and intercessors. In her spare time, she enjoys learning new music on the flute and ukulele, reading,