1 minute read

table talk

what are the practices of the church?

jesus gave his church the practices of communion and baptism in which we celebrate the gospel together.


The Church was given two rituals that we call ordinances to form us together into God’s people. The first is baptism where every new believer publicly confesses their unity with Jesus in his life death and resurrection. The other is communion which Jesus established on the night he was betrayed which reminds us of the sacrificial death of Jesus by which we have life and forgiveness of sin.

Head Heart

Notice that both rituals that Jesus gives His church to observe until He returns are tangible retellings of the Gospel. The Gospel being the life death and resurrection of Jesus for our salvation from sin. How do you see the Gospel displayed in the two ordinances?

Rituals are simply habits that hold deep significance. Human beings were created to be creatures of habit and therefore we are shaped by our habits. These 2 rituals are powerful tools given to us by Jesus to shape us as a people marked by the Gospel. However, if we merely go through the motions, and do not meditate on the Gospel that is being displayed, we can miss how the Spirit is shaping us through obedience to these two commands. When you observe a baptism or take communion do you think about the Gospel? How has the Spirit used the two ordinances to shape you as a disciple?

Have you been baptized? If so, share the story of when you were baptized. If not, why have you not yet been baptized?

Do you have a friend or family member who knows Jesus but has not yet been baptized. Ask them to a meal this week and tell them you would like to talk about baptism with them. Encourage them to take this step of obedience.