1 minute read

table talk

what do we believe?

“it is not good for man to be alone”


What Does it Mean to be a Human Being? Human beings

were made to be in relationships with other human beings. Before any sin had corrupted creation, God said that it was not good for man to be alone. To be human is to be made for human relationships.

Read 1 John 4:20. Why do you think the Bible places such a strong emphasis on how we treat our fellow Christians?

ephesians 2:11-22

Here we see that, through His sacrifice, Jesus breaks down the “wall of hostility” that divides human beings in their sin. He then unites them together into one body where His Spirit dwells. In other words, one of the consequences of the fall was that human relationships were corrupted, but in Jesus they are restored. Discuss together times in your own life where you have seen human relationships restored through Jesus.

John 13:35 says that people will know who are disciples of Jesus by how they love each other. If you are giving yourself an honest evaluation, do you think that people would be able to tell that you are a disciple of Jesus based on how you love your fellow Christians?

Who is one person in our church body that you can encourage this week?

Who is someone in your life right now that is difficult to love? Make a plan to do one kind thing for them this week. Without naming names tell someone in your group/family this plan and ask them to check up on you this week to see how you are doing at following through with your plan.