1 minute read

table talk

what is christianity all about? at its core christianity is about the gospel, which is the story of god and his salvation for us.

What is Christianity all about? One way of explaining Christianity is by telling the Gospel Story in 4 parts: Creation/Corruption/Christ/Completion.


Creation Corruption

In the beginning God created all things and it was good, with no evil, no sadness, no suffering, and no death. (Genesis 1 & 2)

Human beings rebelled against God. Instead of trusting Him they tried to become “like him” and this brought evil and its consequences into the world. (Genesis 3)

Christ Completion

The 2nd person of the Trinity, the Son of God, became a human being (Jesus), lived the perfect life that we could never live, took the punishment of our sins in our place (death), and rose again allowing all who repented of their sins and put their faith in Jesus to receive forgiveness for our sins and be adopted as children of God.

We are promised the Jesus will return and restore everything that was broken in the fall, and that all of God’s people will live in paradise with God forever. (Revelation 21 & 22)