1 minute read

Center table talk

as christians we must let the gospel influence every aspect of our lives.

How should we then live? The Spirit led life has the gospel as its center. This means not only that we have received salvation in Jesus, but that every thought, desire, and action is transformed by the reality of our complete helplessness and God’s complete grace.


galatians 3:1-6

The Galatians realized that they were save by “grace alone” however they sought to “be perfected” by “works of the flesh” (their own efforts). They forgot that not only their salvation but their sanctification (the process of becoming more like Jesus) is an act of God’s Spirit done in us by grace alone.

The New Testament is constantly warning against trying to attain righteousness by our own efforts. Why do you think it is so hard for us to accept God’s grace without trying to add to it with our own works?

Hands Feet Heart

When have you tried to become more like Jesus by your own efforts? How did that work out for you?

While we know that good works, no matter how good or plentiful, cannot save or sanctify us, that does not mean that good works have no place in the life of the Christian. Instead, they are described as a natural result of a heart that is overflowing with gratitude. What are some ways you have seen the Spirit cultivate gratitude in your own hearts in response to His grace?

The work of making disciples is no exception to this.

Disciple making must result primarily from a heart that is overwhelmed by God’s love and not primarily by some sense of obligation. After all we naturally share what brings us joy, and as Christians we have no greater joy than the grace and love shown to us in Jesus. Spend time meditating on the Gospel this week, pray that God reminds you of the “joy of your salvation”.