1 minute read

Read Together

galatians 5:22-23

When a person has the Holy Spirit indwelling them they begin to change. The person will become more and more like what is described in Galatians.


How have you seen the Holy Spirit grow you in the fruit of the Spirit since becoming a Christian?

Notice that the fruit is of the Spirit. This means that not only our salvation, but our sanctification is a gift of God. How might realizing this change the way we approach growing in holiness?

The fruit here is singular not plural which means that the evidence of the Spirit in someone’s life is that they are increasing in all of these virtues. Which virtue do you think you most need to grow in right now?

Pray through the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians

5:22-23 this week. After each virtue pause and pray this “God have your Spirit show me where I have not been… (love, joy, peace, etc.…) today.

When something jumps to mind repent of that and ask for the Spirits helps to be more… (loving, peaceful, etc.…) tomorrow.

Remember walking in the Spirit is not something we do alone, but with each other in the Body of Christ. Pick one person from your family or group and prayer through the Fruit of the Spirit for them this week. After each virtue pause and pray that God would make this person more… this week.