1 minute read

table talk

who is the holy spirit & what does he do?

the spirit is the author of all scripture.


The Holy Spirit inspired many men through many ages to write His Scripture. He inspired them in such a way that the Scripture can be called the very words of God. head

The Christian life is often described in the Bible as living or walking by the Spirit. In other words the Christian life is one where every thought and action is guided and empowered by the Spirit. How do we receive guidance from the Spirit? heart

When you read the Bible do you actually view it as getting to be with and listen to the Spirit? Why or why not?


One way to learn how to listen to the Spirit from His Scripture is to practice praying Scripture. Pray through the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23 this week. After each virtue pause and pray this “God have your Spirit show me where I have not been… (love, joy, peace, etc.…) today. When something jumps to mind repent of that and ask for the Spirits helps to be more… (loving, peaceful, etc.…) tomorrow.


Remember walking in the Spirit is not something we do alone, but with each other in the Body of Christ. Pick one person from your family or group and prayer through the Fruit of the Spirit for them this week. After each virtue pause and pray that God would make this person more…this week.