1 minute read

table talk

what do we believe?

jesus is the fulfillment of the bible


Who is Jesus? All of the Bible points to Jesus even when it does not mention Him by name. The Old Testament reveals the needs of fallen humanity that can only be fulfilled in Jesus. The Gospels reveal Jesus and how through His life, death, and resurrection he fulfilled the Old Testament. Acts show us how the Church Jesus founded began. And the letters of the New Testament show us how we must live in light of who Jesus is and what He accomplished.


Do you often think about how the verse you are reading point to Jesus when you are reading the Bible?

How might this knowledge change the way you approach reading the Bible?

1. What is the fallen (sinful) condition this section of Scripture is highlighting?

2. How does Jesus offer a solution to this fallen condition?

One helpful tip to grow in seeing Jesus in the Scripture is to ask these 4 questions whenever you are reading a section of Scripture.

3. How am I affected by this fallen condition?

4. What do I need from Jesus to save me from this condition? Then spend time praying to the Spirit for what you need.

hebrew 9:11-28

Here we see several ways in which the Old Testament pointed forward to Jesus. In this section alone we see how Jesus is the greater High Priest and sacrifice, how He built a better tabernacle, and how He establishes a better covenant. Each of these point to a human need (sacrifice=forgiveness of sin/ tabernacle=nearness to God/covenant=relationship with God) that is only fully met through Jesus. Discuss how you have felt these needs in your own life and how you have found them met in Jesus.

Hands Feet

The book of Hebrew may be the most concise explanation of how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament. Spend some time reading it this week and think through all the needs that we have as fallen human beings and how Jesus is the only way to fully satisfy these needs.

Taking the Bible reading tip in the heart section ask those questions for a friend or family member as you spend time in the Bible. Spend time this week praying for them.