1 minute read

Read Together

colossians 2:8-10

Central to the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus was not just a human being, not even just a really good human being. He is fully God, and He became a human being for our sake while still being fully God.


This truth (that Jesus is fully God) tells us about God’s heart for us. Human beings separated themselves from God and where helpless to return to Him. So, God came to us. In fact, Scripture tells us that God is always the initiator in our relationship with Him. We only love Him because He first loved us. Yet we don’t always live in a way that shows we believe this. In your relationship with God do you usually find rest in knowing God is the initiator or do you often find your Christian walk stressful as if your relationship with God depends on you?

How should the truth that Jesus is God affect the way that we live as disciples of Jesus?

The Christian faith is the incredibly good news that, while human beings cannot know God on our own, God became a man in order to make Himself known to us and rescue us from our own sin.

Who do you want to share this good news with this week?