1 minute read

table talk

what do we believe?

“in the image of god, he created them”




it Mean to be a Human Being?

The foremost thing that we can say about any human being is that he or she is made in the image of God. This means that we, in a small way, share and reflect God’s character. In addition, while human beings are made “in” the image of God the Scripture also says that Jesus “is” the image of the invisible God. To be human, then, is to be made for, by, through and in Jesus and we were made to be like Him.

Head Heart

Many people use the phrase “only human” when describing our flaws and weaknesses. Yet Christians believe that all the flaws and weaknesses that come from sin are not a part of true human nature. These things were not always and will not always be true of human beings. Discuss how it might change your view of yourself and others to instead begin with the image of God when describing what it means to be human.

Sin is not a part of what it means to be human. In fact, the Scripture describes the effects of sin as robbing us of our full humanity. This means that Jesus (the only human being who never sinned) is actually the most “human” person to have ever lived. How might realizing this affect our view of Jesus? How might it affect our view of so called “little sins”.

Hands Feet

One way we are taught by Jesus to be more fully who we were created to be is to read from the Gospels about Jesus life. With that in mind, when can you make time this week to learn from Jesus in the Scriptures how to be more fully human?