1 minute read

Read Together

acts 17:22-34

Discuss together: Since God has no need for Human beings as this verse shows us, why does He still pursue a relationship with us?


Think about how you have heard God described (or how you have described God). What are some ways you have heard God described as needing something or someone? Ex: Some people say that God created us so that He could have something to love. But we know that since God is Trinitarian, He is perfect in love in Himself, and has no need to create in order to love.

Sometimes we begin to think that God needs us in order to accomplish His work here on Earth. But the Bible tells us that the opposite is true; God has no need for us. He alone accomplishes his work. This means we must view Gods invitation to join Him in His work not as a need but as a kindness; like a father including his child in his work so they can be together. Discuss in what ways are you tempted to believe that God needs you?

What are some things you have been worrying about that are outside of you control. Spend time this week (whenever you notice you are worrying) bringing these worries to God in prayer.

Knowing that God has no need for us changes the way we share the Gospel. We realize only God has the power to change people’s hearts, and therefore become far more reliant on prayer. When we do share the Gospel, our motivation is no longer to change anyone, it is to be faithful to God. The results are up to God and not something for us to stress about. With that in mind spend some time praying together for a friend or family member who doesn’t yet know Jesus.