November 2019 Issue

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Bronze Magazine celebrates, empowers and inspires! If you would like to share your own personal inspirational journey or good deeds in the community (or your industry) with our digital issue readers, then please submit your interest to: Your email should include the following: •A brief bio about you and a history of your brand/company (may include any press releases, media kits, website info, model tear sheet, etc.) •How you (company and/or brand) pay it forward by empowering and inspiring others to be their best. •Why you feel Bronze readers will want to know about you. •Your contact info (email, phone, etc.)


November 2019 Editor’s Note Happy November Bronze beauties! While the holiday season is quickly approaching, it’s important to remember the power of family, love and health. Remember to “show up” for loved ones or even a stranger in need, because life is way too short. Let love and peace be your shield from hate and negativity. And practice self-care, both mentally and physically. HARLEM'S RETAIL ROYALTY

Cover Credits:

Cover Stars: Guy & Sharene Wood + Family Photographer: Erica Reade Photography FOUNDER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Shawn Stuldivant CO-OWNER Barry Stuldivant ISSUE DESIGN BY Casey Blackman Shawn Stuldivant EDITOR/PROOFREADER Atreyi Jayadutt WRITERS Abena Boateng Tiarsha Harrison Patrice Rivers Kiara Timo



Speaking of the importance of family, this month’s issue marks our very first family cover, and I couldn’t be more excited! Guy and Sharene Wood, owners of the iconic 5001 FLAVORS and Harlem Haberdashery brands, head up the family business which is rooted in Harlem, and is responsible for styling countless celebs including Hip-hop royalty over the years. Guy and Sharene’s story of family, style, business and love for community is so inspiring and uplifting that you will not be able to stop reading what they have to say about how they got their start in the business all the way to the many causes they support to give back to their community. In addition to the Wood family, we are honored to feature rising opera star J’Nai Bridges, whose debut as Queen Nefertiti in Philip Glass’s Akhnaten will take place on November 8th at the Metropolitan Opera House in NYC. I’d like to take this time to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you again in next month’s issue!

xoxo, n w a h S

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Photo credit: Erica Reade Photography

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Kimeko McCoy is an Atlanta bred and Brooklyn based social media strategist and journalist. The minute she saw Breakfast at Tiffany’s it became obvious to her that her passion was story telling. In the film, Audrey Hepburn’s character, Holly Golightly stated, “The quietness and the look of it. Nothing very bad can happen to you here.” When Kimeko thought this quote over, the first thing that came to her mind was that this was the exact feeling she got when she walks into a newsroom. Even though Kimeko was more acquainted with social media, she originally started off as a feature reporter at local newspapers. By doing this, she dove into the industry and gained a few motivators along the way. “My friends help me work hard and keep me humble, I definitely look up to them,” stated McCoy. Aside from the accomplishments mentioned above, she also gained the opportunity to write for award winning publications like The Atlanta Journal Constitution and Adweek. “Working for established organizations can give you imposter syndrome. It's not easy coming into an organization which has so many leaders, editors and incredible writers, but you learn to keep up pretty quickly. The collaboration and projects that have come out of my time working there has allowed me to get a leg up in the field.” 6



Thanks to companies like The Atlanta Journal Constitution and Adweek, McCoy has learned how to tackle almost everything in the world of journalism. She is a versatile and creative muse who also loves to engage herself in media avenues other than social media and broadcasting. She considers herself a wordsmith and a storyteller. “I do think there is value in good visuals and audio. I didn’t have much interest in being on camera. I wanted to be behind it, and I jumped at the chance to show my broadcast skills.” A lot of Kimeko being on camera contributed to her participating in acting improv classes in the past. “Podcasting, however, is a new wave. I think what most interests me about podcasting is the intimacy of it. It is a provoking way for more brands and advertisers to engage with listeners.” Kimeko hopes to inspire those who are coming up in the industry, looking to make a name for themselves. “I’m still trying to make a name for myself, but I believe we can all learn from each other.” Kimeko isn’t looking to slow down anytime soon with her accomplishments and overall success. "I think my future here looks like me being a writer who focuses on the stories of women and audience development. It’s such an interesting intersection with journalism. I am trying to entwine these two communications within our audience." Kimeko recently indulged in creative writing as well. Some of her articles can be found on her website You can also find her on Twitter at @KimekoM and on Instagram at @Kimxko.




J'Nai Bridges: All Hail the Queen!

By Kiara Timo

Some of us grow up wanting to be a Rockstar, an astronaut, or a scientist, but J’Nai Bridges wanted to be an Opera singer, and with that job she get’s to be a Queen. Actually, she get’s to be THE Queen. During October I had a phone call with the Opera Star for Bronze Magazine as she prepared for her run playing the iconic Queen Nefertiti in Philip Glass’s Akhnaten at the Metropolitan Opera House beginning November 8th. I spoke to her as she was leaving a rehearsal, filled with adrenaline and energized for her performances ahead. You’ve studied Opera for so long, so for someone to come and just say ‘We want you and we want you at the MET’? What does that feel like? It’s everything that I have. Lots of sweat and tears have gone into where I am today, and singing at the MET feels like a huge accomplishment. I mean, I won’t say I’m ready to quit now but it is a huge check off of my bucket list. I’m hoping that they are happy with my work and continue to hire me because it is every Opera singer’s dream to sing at the MET. Since you played this role already three years ago, what made you want to take it on again? I really fell in love with Philip Glass [Composer]. At first, when I saw the music and the score I thought, ‘Hmm, this is kind of strange. It’s different. It’s not something I’ve ever done before’—the repetitive nature of it. But, after preproduction and really delving into it, I just fell in love. The production is absolutely gorgeous, and the direction is beautiful, and it feels good to sing, and the costumes— everything is a dream and when the MET asked me—Of course! Hands down. I’ve been dreaming of the MET for years, so what better way to enter than singing this role that I’ve done before and that I’m very familiar with and playing this beautiful Queen that I identify with. (Continued on next page)

"It is every Opera singer's dream to sing at the Met."




Did you still have to audition for the Met or was it offered to you based on your work at the LA Opera? Are you nervous about your performance? They came to the show in LA, saw me perform it and they said we have to have her in that role, so I didn’t audition. I’m not nervous. I’m really ready. The only thing—If I did have to be nervous about something it would just be singing on the MET stage [laughter]. It’s something that I’ve dreamed of for so long and I know the nerves are going to kick in, but I’ve been doing this thing now for a few years professionally, and I now know how to work with my nerves; instead of allowing them to debilitate me. I know I’m going to be nervous because it’s an iconic place to sing, but other than that, no, because I know I’m ready. Was there anything you learned during your research that you didn’t know growing up? I didn’t know that she [Queen Nefertiti] possibly reigned for a brief period of time after Akhnaten died. There’s not a lot of research about it but it is kind of assumed that she did before King Tut [Tutankhamun, Egyptian Pharaoh], because King Tut was so young; so she reigned in the interim, which they don’t really talk about. I don’t know if it’s because she’s a woman, who knows. It’s not confirmed but it is heavily assumed. Who has inspired you along your journey of becoming a part of the legion of performers who are changing the face of Opera? I came across Denyse Grave’s Carmen and I thought, ‘Oh My Gosh, I want to be that woman.’ Denyse Graves is an African American soprano. She sang Carmen all over the world. For me to see this Black woman making these sounds and wearing these gowns and being such an incredible diva, I was just so drawn and inspired. I also heard the voice of Jessye Norman, who recently passed and I sang at her funeral—she was an icon. She changed the game for not only Black Opera singers but for classical music in general. She was so creative in her delivery and was not afraid to speak her truth, so that was another singer that really inspired me to believe that I can do this thing, and I can sing on stages and I can try and go for it as a Black woman because I’ve been exposed to Opera. Seeing those singers really gave me hope that I could pursue this thing, or at least attempt to pursue. NOVEMBER 2019

"I came across Denyse Grave's Carmen and I thought, Oh my gosh, I want to be that woman."



You were the captain of your varsity basketball team in your senior year of high school, having played for four years. You experienced a significant turning point during that time. Explain what that was. This was my senior year, and I was really starting to get into the classical voice, so I auditioned for the Tacoma Opera and ended up in the chorus! I got the gig! I asked my coach if it would be okay if I played on the basketball team, be a captain, and sing at the Opera at the same time and he agreed it was fine, just as long as we worked out scheduling. There was one day where I had a choir rehearsal the same day as a basketball game. It was an important game, one of the games to get us into the next round of the tournament. I asked him if I could do the rehearsal during the day for the choir and have my mom drive me up north so I could play the game and he said ‘yes.’ So, I finished the rehearsal, I drove up two hours north, I suited up in my basketball gear and he sat me on the bench. I said, ‘I’ve got to go warm up. My team is out there warming up and I need to be ready.’ He said, ‘Sit down, you’re not playing.’ There was a write up in the Seattle Times and everything because he sat me down and I ended up leaving the game because I couldn’t stand to just sit there and not play and watch my team suffer. I think I made the right decision. I quit the team and it was a hard choice because I loved my team and I love the game of basketball and I didn’t want to let them down, but he said that he couldn’t promise that he was going to play me for the rest of the season. So, I said, ‘Well, I can promise you that I won’t be playing at all; Bye.’ It was hard and I apologized to my team. Half of them understood, half of them didn’t, but I don’t regret my decision. How was the transition from being a basketball player to a full time Opera singer, combining your skill sets with other people who have been training just as long, possibly longer, and putting together a show for entertainment? It’s so closely related because you have to be able to work with other people. It’s a collaboration. The hard work that goes into it. The hours of prep it takes. The consistency and determination. It’s so similar, so I would say that my career as an athlete really helped prepare me for my career as an Opera singer. I like to call myself an Opera-athlete. I always hashtag #operaathlete. Was opera viewed as a credible career path for you by your family? Not until it started being one [laughter]. My family’s initial response was, ‘What are you doing? We know you love music and the piano, but singing classes? That’s just so far away from what you’ve ever done.’ So, they were a little bit shocked, but they were always supportive and I’m grateful for that because there are so many parents that just shut down the dreams of their children when they want to go and do anything artistic. I’m thankful that my parents did not do that. They were there for me. They come to every performance and my siblings are equally as supportive. With the exception of family members, if you could pick anyone in the entire world to surprise you and show up to that first performance on that first night who would you pick? Top three? Michelle Obama, Oprah, and Beyoncé [laughter]. I would die. I wouldn’t know what to do. I do actually; I would hug them and not let go. Would you want to know beforehand that they’re in the audience or wait until you’re done? Would not want to know because I would be thinking about them [laughter]. Performances of Akhnaten at the Metropolitan Opera House take place between November 8th to November 30th. There will also be screenings of Akhnaten at local AMC theaters on November 23rd. Please check your local AMC listing to find a theater near you. You can follow J’Nai Bridges on Twitter at @jnaimarie and on Instagram at @jnaibmezzo 10




HARLEM'S RETAIL ROYALTY Custom clothing, accessories and spirits brand is a family affair.


For the love of fashion and each other, husband and wife team Guy and Sharene Wood (2nd and 3rd

Though it wasn't easy at first because

from right) have made a huge

neither of them thought about a

impact in the Harlem community.

career in fashion, life has a way of

With their custom clothing and

creating different paths, and for Guy

accessories, their brand represents

and Sharene, their path took a turn

the culture and art of “The Black

which led them to becoming


successful entrepreneurs.





Both Sharene and Guy always loved fashion but never knew they would make a career out of it. Guy’s love for fashion originated through his mom, who was a seamstress. At a young age, he was exposed to patterns, buttons, sewing and more. “Friends would ask me to help out putting looks together for them. Without realizing it, I was already styling people,” Guy said. When he got older, he decided to get his clothes custom-made because they didn't have what he wanted in many stores. This led him to having a style so unique, he was approached by clients who wanted to be styled by him. As for Sharene, she always loved fashion and always knew she wanted to be an entrepreneur, but it wasn't until she was a pre-law student at Columbia University and Guy approached her about starting a company together that she realized the two could be blended together as a business. When Guy was approached by an executive at a record label to style an artist, this helped establish their brand, 5001 FLAVORS. Together, the pair started styling and consulting clients, but a lot of what they needed was not available in the marketplace. They ended up hiring the tailor that used to make Guy’s custom clothing so they could style clients with their unique pieces.

"Our clients have always come from word-ofOne of their first clients was the late

mouth referrals which has been our greatest

Jamaican born American rapper Heavy D

resource,” Sharene said. Having the support from

for his album, Nuttin But Love on Uptown

many diverse entertainers and artists constantly

Records. They created custom looks that

made them thankful.

weren’t available in stores, making them different from other clothing brands, which set them apart. With early celebrity clientele, they made sure to maintain great relationships with people in the entertainment industry, such as Sean “Puffy” Combs.

The origins of Harlem Haberdashery came about when their company, 5001 FLAVORS, participated in a Mercedes Benz Fashion show. Their showcase, which they named Harlem Haberdashery, paid homage to the history and fashion legacy of Harlem. “We loved the name so much we decided to develop that collection’s sensibility into a brand that celebrated Harlem and our style origin,” Sharene said.

5001 FLAVORS became the parent company and Harlem Haberdashery the retail expression. 5001 is direct-to-client inquiries while Harlem Haberdashery is their daily operated boutique selling men’s, women’s and accessories for all. From one client to 10 to 50 to 100, 5001 FLAVORS became a well-known clothing brand in the entertainment industry. Their goal was to help define a client's brand through custom styled designs. When it comes to the business aspect, Guy is the Head Designer at 5001 FLAVORS and Creative Director of both brands. Overseeing the creativity process, he works directly with clients, helping their vision come to life. On the other hand, Sharene is the President and CEO of both brands, and is primarily responsible for all administrative and organizational needs. She also works with each client and their teams, managing projects and maintaining client connections throughout the years. The Harlem Haberdashery boutique caters to people who are not celebrities but have their own red-carpet moments and want the same unique sensibility and statement pieces in their own wardrobes. “Everyone from the executive to the bus driver, who wants originality and non-cookie-cutter fashion. We serve diverse populations across race, gender and socioeconomics,” Guy said.




For the couple, when it comes to the fashion industry the hardest part is the constant competing labels. With millions of clothing brands in the world, their goal is to set Harlem Haberdashery apart for everyone else. By doing so, they didn't stop at 5001 FLAVORS or Harlem Haberdashery, they created a lifestyle brand extension of Harlem Haberdashery called HH Bespoke Spirits, which launched in November 2018. It features a unique collection of HH Bespoke Gin, Rum and Vodka sold in several retail stores in New York and California, with signature cocktails at major Harlem restaurants including Red Rooster, Melba’s, Harlem Hops, Barawine and more. Their HH Bespoke Spirits draws inspiration from the rich cultural history all the way back to the Harlem Renaissance, which led them to receive accolades from Black Enterprise, New York Amsterdam News and The New York Times. Harlem Haberdashery is not your ordinary clothing brand; their clothing contains small collection garments so that people still get that “unique, bespoke, one-of-a-kind” look from their clothing. “Everyone has their own story to tell, so allowing people to still have that fashion uniqueness but still offering high end and quality design offerings is important at Harlem Haberdashery,” Guy said.




Furthermore, Sharene and Guy Wood always extend an arm when helping their Harlem community. They host annual community drives to help families and people in need. “We are a family run business and believe that we have a commitment to take care of the community that our business is in and named for. For us, the Harlem community is defined as our family, and we believe that family takes care of family,” Sharene said. Some of these community drives include, #GreenerLenox which focuses on sustainability, preservation and pollution control in Harlem, #TCOHTOY Drive, an annual toy/gift drive at the Boys and Girls Club of Harlem and other Harlem CBOs, #CoolforSchool which is an annual back-to-school drive for the children of Harlem to return to school for a successful start by supplying qualifying students from Pre-K to 12th grade with backpacks filled with essential school supplies. With Harlem having the highest poverty rate in Manhattan at 36.4%, Sharene and Guy Wood try everything in their power to help the community and make it a better place. One of their initiatives #TakeCareofHarlem, organizes a day of volunteers & supporting organizations who collaborate to prepare and deliver 500 meals in the “Brown Paper Bag” style to those in need. One of their most significant events is their signature annual black-tie Masquerade Ball. The ball showcases a fun night of fashion celebrated with friends and family and uplifting each other’s lives. Their upcoming event will be held on March 14th, 2020 and will benefit the Food Bank for New York City. Tickets will be sold soon online at but early bird tickets can also be purchased now at their store. Guy and Sharene Wood combined their love for fashion, each other and helping out their community. “After seeing the clothing that we’ve made for our clients be selected for inclusion in world fashion museums (Rock N Roll Hall of Fame) and other important archival exhibitions, I realize that what we’re doing is really helping create history that will live for all time, and that makes us as a family and company very proud,” said Sharene.




My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. MAYA ANGELOU




Now that fall weather is upon us, it’s time to turn a new leaf, and first on our agenda is nourishing our hair to health! Celebrity Hair Stylist Ursula Stephen shares a few valuable tips for you to obtain bouncy, healthy and flourishing curls this season with the new Suave Professionals for Natural Hair collection – a line of wash + care and styling products co-created with 5,000 women with natural hair. The chlorine from the pool can strip your hair of its natural oils, causing it to be dry and brittle. After the summer months, it’s necessary to put the moisture back into your hair. Ursula suggests “using products with ingredients such as shea butter and pure coconut oil to help revitalize the curls while also locking in the moisture. Products like the Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Sulfate-Free Cleansing Shampoo and Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Moisturizing Curl Conditioner will leave your hair feeling soft and moisturized.” Dry and brittle hair means split ends! Untrimmed ends can begin to go up into the hair shaft causing more breakage and an uneven hair length. Ursula has a great idea when it comes to fixing the problem. She proposes that one should use a leave-in conditioner to saturate the ends of the hair. Once your hairdresser has rinsed the product out, have he/she cut off the split ends to reveal an even length and healthy hair. For those with colored hair, the summer months can bring sun damage to the hair causing the color to fade or get brassy, giving it a very dry and dull appearance. Ursula recommends “deep conditioning to regain the moisture and shine back into the hair. After you’ve applied the Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Moisturizing Curl Conditioner, sit under a dryer to really let the conditioner work its way throughout your hair.” Whether it’s by braiding or utilizing flexi rods to achieve this look, twist-outs is such a fun and easy style to do this fall! Curl definition is always an issue for most, as they want the curls to pop when doing this hairstyle but Ursula shared some helpful tricks – “Start off with damp hair and then spritz the Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Cream Detangler Spray to help with the detangling process, as this will help you achieve a defined twist-out. Once the hair is detangled, my favorite product to use in order for those curls to pop is the Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Curl Defining Cream. It’s creamy and rich formula will elongate the curls while also providing added moisture to the hair. Before you start twisting, take a dime-quarter size amount of Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Define & Shine Serum Gel to lock in the curls. This will help set the style overnight and will leave the curls shiny.” There’s been a debate on which method of drying is better in terms of achieving great results – air drying or diffusing; Ursula suggests “diffusing the roots first and then letting your hair air dry the rest of the way.” Once you unravel the twists in the morning, add in a few pieces of hair jewelry to dress up the style. Women that are constantly on the go and busy don’t necessarily have time to spend on their hair. Wash and Go’s are a quick way to style your hair and get to work on time! To get out the door in about 20 minutes, Ursula suggests “mixing water and a thick curl defining product or conditioner in a spray bottle to not only dampen the hair but to evenly distribute the product onto the hair.” Don’t worry about diffusing – let your hair air dry during the day to achieve bouncy and frizz-free curls.




South Carolina Native and Inspirational Speaker Brittney Clement Lends a Helping Hand for Upcoming Entrepreneurs Through Her MentorshipProgram By Patrice Rivers

BRITTNEY CLEMENT Brittney Clement, a native of Charleston, South Carolina is an inspirational speaker, coach, mentor and author. Her success story of being an entrepreneur stems from being a young mother of three at an early age. Being an entrepreneur for more than eight years, Clement enjoys the feeling of speaking at churches, conferences, schools and corporations. She wants to help others realize who they are and help them find their destined purpose. She has helped thousands of people realize their potential and has assisted them by putting them on their desired paths to success. Brittney is a published author of two books, including her self-help book, Statistic To Success: How To Overcome The Obstacles of Life, where she shares her story of proven success of how she struggled and overcame the challenges in her life.




PATRICE RIVERS: WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR? BRITTNEY CLEMENT: I worked 75 to 80 hours a week as a Nursing Assistant. I was 23 years old and a single mother of 3 children. I never had time for myself or my children as I was also raising my two younger siblings. Even though I worked hard, I also never had any money. I wanted freedom. I wanted my time back and to have money. I was introduced to entrepreneurship through network marketing. After doing countless presentations and traveling to speak for the company that I was a part of at that time, I realized that I loved speaking and decided to launch my own company, Brittney Inspires and speak full-time. PATRICE: AS AN ENTREPRENEUR FOR MORE THAN EIGHT YEARS, WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ALONG YOUR JOURNEY? BRITTNEY: There’s going to be valleys and peaks as you work hard to focus on your dreams and goals. In the beginning there will be a lot more valleys than peaks. Some days you will want to throw in the towel but you know there’s no going back. If you remain consistent, optimistic, and keep grinding, you will be successful. It’s very important to pray. Don’t try to do things on your own. Trust God and let Him help and guide you. Together you make the best team. PATRICE: YOUR PASSION IS SPEAKING AT CHURCHES, CONFERENCES, SCHOOLS AND CORPORATIONS TO INSPIRE OTHERS. WHAT EXACTLY IS THE MESSAGE YOU ARE TRYING TO GET ACROSS? BRITTNEY: My ultimate purpose in life is to help people experience “Heaven On Earth.” What that means is to live a life they love and love the life they live. To understand that you truly can be, do, or have whatever it is that you want. That you don’t have to look forward to life after death for a promise that you’re hoping is going to come. Enjoy life. It’s meant to be abundant. It’s okay to have an amazing life now. My message is all about inspiration. If I can do it, you can do it. Depending on where I’m speaking, my message caters to the audience for the specific topic that I’m speaking on at that given time, but it’s always based on inspiration. PATRICE: HOW ARE YOU HELPING ENTREPRENEURS (YOUNG AND OLD) WITH STARTING UP THEIR BUSINESS? BRITTNEY: I give them the guidance and direction they need to start any business. In The Dream Team Mentorship program - which is a program I offer to aspiring entrepreneurs - I start with mindset. If you don’t have the right mindset to get started and continue even when the going gets tough, you won’t succeed. I cover everything from goal setting to accountability and even break down writing their book, because I believe everyone has a story to tell. I also offer an online community of like-minded entrepreneurs that they can be a part of to share ideas and provide support. PATRICE: YOU HAVE PUBLISHED TWO BOOKS. ONE OF YOUR BOOKS IS CALLED “STATISTIC TO SUCCESS: HOW TO OVERCOME THE OBSTACLES OF LIFE.” HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THE CONCEPT OF THE BOOK? WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO TELL YOUR STORY NOW? BRITTNEY: Honestly, it was all God. I had already been through so much in life that I needed to get past. I needed to release those things and let go. I write self-help books to inspire others because I know that there’s someone out there who has gone through what I have gone through or is going through what I’m going through right now. If I can show them that it’s possible to overcome those obstacles, maybe it will give them hope. If I can just change one person’s life, I have done my job.

PATRICE: TELL ME MORE ABOUT IMT (INSPIRED MANAGEMENT TEAM). BRITTNEY: I manage the speaking career of elite professionals by helping them get booked for speaking engagements, teaching them the art of speaking, and doing everything on the business side for them that they don’t have time to do. I’m currently managing a professional football player’s speaking career. I’m really excited about that. PATRICE: WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR IN BEING A YOUNG, AFRICAN-AMERICAN FEMALE IN BUSINESS? HAVE YOU HAD ANY CHALLENGES ALONG THE WAY? BRITTNEY: To be honest, I have no fears. I believe that race, age, and gender are only a factor in Corporate America. When you own your own business, there are no boundaries to the level of success you can have. I see it as an advantage in today’s age. The only challenges I experienced were internal. It was when I used to have a fear of success and a fear of the unknown. I knew I wanted to be successful, but I didn’t know if I could handle it, regardless of how bad I wanted it. Once I understood that I deserved to be successful and it’s what God intended for me, it gave me the confidence to accept it and own it. PATRICE: DO YOU HAVE ANY PLANS TO PUBLISH MORE BOOKS IN THE NEAR FUTURE? BRITTNEY: Absolutely. The funny thing is, I’ve never wanted to be a writer, but God keeps giving me more things to talk about and He blesses me with the titles in advance. At the moment, I currently have 4 titles that will one day become books. However, I still don’t see myself as a writer. I just speak on paper and have conversations with my readers. PATRICE: ARE THERE DIFFERENT OPPORTUNITIES IN CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND FOR OTHER BUSINESS OWNERS TRYING TO DO THE SAME THING? BRITTNEY: Opportunity is everywhere. It’s not about where you are; it’s about who you are and what you do with your gifts. You could start a business online and never leave home and be profitable with clients and customers nationwide and even internationally. It's 2019, geographical location doesn’t matter. I do believe in building in your own backyard first before expanding, because it gives you the experience but it’s no longer necessary. I’m currently in the expansion phase myself. After 8 years, it’s time to go global.




PATRICE: HOW IS IT HAVING LISA NICOLS AS YOUR MENTOR? BRITTNEY: It’s amazing to be able to learn from someone with proven success. Lisa Nichols is one of my speaking idols. She is part of the reason how I came across the Law of Attraction, and that led me to becoming a Law of Attraction Coach. Meeting her was the Law of Attraction in action and this was a confirmation that I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. PATRICE: FOR THE REMAINDER OF 2019, WHAT WILL YOU BE WORKING ON? BRITTNEY: I’m currently focused on speaking at colleges and working with new and current clients. I’ll also be doing free online webinars for aspiring entrepreneurs. Outside of that, I’m preparing for projects that I’m already working on which I’ll be rolling out after the New Year. PATRICE: HOW CAN READERS REACH OUT AND CONNECT WITH YOU? BRITTNEY: My website is and my email is My favorite social media platform is Instagram and you can connect with me at Brittney_Inspires. Every Tuesday I share inspirational videos for my Transition Tuesdays series on my YouTube channel Brittney Clement.

Patrice Rivers is a published author of seven books, a lifestyle and entertainment writer and a journalist. You can check out her website at




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