March 2021 Issue

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Bridging the wellness gap for black & underserved women with Movita Organics

NAVIGATING WELLNESS IN A PANDEMIC WORLD Coach Beverly provides 3 tips to reboot your goals and reignite your flame.


Founder of the black girl wellness app 365zing




march 2021

Editor’s note Dear Bronze lovelies, So much has happened since we last connected in our December issue. I can recall saying to you at the time, that despite ushering in a new year, many challenges still lie ahead. Little did I know those challenges would include a violent attack on our country’s democracy and the grim mark of 500,000+ deaths due to COVID19, a devastating and painful reminder of the many unnecessary losses of life we have suffered.

Cover Credits: Cover Model: Chef huda Cover Photography: Jackie Hicks

FOUNDER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Shawn Stuldivant CO-OWNER Barry Stuldivant ISSUE DESIGN BY shawn stuldivant WRITERS nsi amah Abena Boateng priyanka hardikar beverly k johnson charlene kalala amber Krystal jae marie nicollette samuels chelsea young BRAND PARTNERSHIPS Yaya Rey

Despite so much pain and loss, every day is an opportunity to do better, to be better and to feel better. This has been the inspiration behind the March issue. I felt it was important to focus on women’s well-being and selfcare because it is so needed, especially during these times. And I am very humbled to the women who took part in helping my vision for this issue come to life, from our writers and contributors to our Brand Partnerships Director to the PR teams and our special featured guests including our amazing cover star, award-winning celebrity Chef Huda. These pages are for you, beautiful Bronze readers. With all that you have been through in the past year, you deserve to be nourished and cherished, and I am committed to bringing you content and experiences that will continue to do just that. Enjoy the issue, stay safe and healthy, and I look forward to seeing you again in June.

xoxo, Shawn


COVER STAR - CHEF HUDA Award-winning celebrity chef dishes on her new premium spice line + more!





march 2021




MOVITA ORGANICS BRIDGES THE WELLNESS GAP An entire line of all natural wellness products specifically for women by Founder Tonya Lewis Lee .


INNER PEACE BEGINS WITH YOU CEO of The Beauty Coach Amber Krystal on the journey of attaining inner peace



A chat with app founder Nzingah Oniwosan.


NAVIGATING WELLNESS IN A PANDEMIC WORLD Three steps to reboot your goals and reignite your flame.


SIMPLE WAYS TO LOVE YOURSELF A few simple acts on expressing self love.


FITNESS INFLUENCER SHELLY MURDOCK Transforms the lives of women around the globe through pole fitness.


WORKING FROM THE KITCHEN? Separate the office from home in a few steps.



Creates a brand focused on clean beauty products.


BAD MOOD? TRY THESE STEPS TO RESET YOUR MIND ways in which you can be proactive towards your own positive mental health.


PILATES & WELLNESS EXPERT KIM CARRUTHERS Bringing Pilates to black and underserved communities and celebrating her activewear line.


By Abena Boateng

Sarah Lawrence College and University of Virginia School of Law alumna Tonya Lewis Lee has many shared much success. The author, producer and businesswoman has written 4 books, 3 of which are children books (Please Baby Please, Please Puppy Please, Giant Steps to Change the World and Gotham Diaries) practiced law at a prestigious law firm and produced popular movies and shows such as The Watsons Go to Birmingham, She’s Gotta Have It and more. Lewis Lee is the true definition of being “every woman.” In 2007, Lewis Lee was asked by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health to be a spokesperson for an infant mortality awareness raising campaign called “A Healthy Baby Begins with You.” This is where she began her journey focusing on women’s health.

years and finding ways to help African American women achieve their healthiest life, Lewis Lee decided to use her own lifestyle and wellness journey coupled with her entrepreneurial spirit to create an entire line of all natural, organic wellness products specifically for women called Movita. The name Movita derives from her husband, award-winning film director, producer, screenwriter and actor Spike Lee and his 1990 musical comedy Mo’ Better Blues. “I thought of Movita as in Mo’ vitality, Mo’ vitamins, so it's sort of a play on Mo’Better Blues,” Lewis Lee said.

Having a society that doesn’t promote

Lewis Lee created a multi-vitamin

health and wellness for women can make

supplement that women can take on an

self-care sound unrealistic, especially in the

empty stomach any time of the day. She

black community. Astonished by the

and her team focused on delivering a high-

disparities that women of color go through

quality supplement to their clientele, even if

due to lack of proper care and attention in

it takes longer for the product to be ready.

health care systems, Lewis Lee knew

“It was important to me that our product

she had to make a difference. “As a society

had the multi baseline of nutrition so women

we focus on what happens when we get

can actually get something out of it,” Lewis

sick, as opposed to focusing on preventative

Lee said.

measures,” she said. 6

After working for the campaign for a few


march 2021

Lewis Lee’s first and most popular product was multivitamin and later expanded to prenatal and beauty vitamins. Unlike any other vitamins, Movita vitamins are certified organic, fermented; making it easier for your body to absorb and best of all it is black owned. Their packaging is also very beautiful and elegant. The vitamins come in two packages of your choice with 30 capsules in each. The brown glass bottle which is sealed with a corkscrew or the pouch which is made from brown kraft paper. “We have beautiful packaging and that was intentional. Yes, it is a vitamin, but you should be able to enjoy the experience of taking the vitamin which might also help you take it every day and remember to take it every day,” Lewis Lee said.. With the help of her 28-day challenge which you can find on the Movita website, Lewis Lee shares her virtual journal as she tracks her progress through Movita products and her daily fitness routines, whether it is working out, healthy food recipes, meditation and more. “I put myself in a 28-day challenge because by the end of the 28th day I can establish a habit,” Lewis Lee said. With a 12-hour day-to-day work shift of being a producer and wellness business owner, Lewis Lee does sometimes have to stay focused but with the help of her team, they are able to work together and focus on the important aspects of Movita. The brand plans to expand their products later this year, which Lewis Lee expressed she is very excited about. You can find more interesting facts and Movita products on the website

Inner Peace Begins With You


hen you hear inner peace, what immediately comes to mind? Well, for some it’s yoga, reading a book, or going for a long drive in the afternoon. Truth is inner peace that starts from within and can be attained while living a normal, ordinary life.

From day to day, you have to make a conscious decision that inner piece will be your portion. Being at peace with yourself means your senses are sharpened, you handle day to day affairs efficiently, you are happy, you develop a level of strength and confidence and you focus more easily on your mental state of being. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia says inner peace or (peace of mind ‘’refers to the state of being mentally and spiritually at peace with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress.’’

Amber Johnson Amber Johnson is a Beauty Coach, Columnist and Speaker. She is passionate about helping women overcome hurtful, traumatic areas in their life and helping them discover their t rue beauty from within. For more information visit: website: www.amber Instagram: @TheeBeautyCoach Twitter: @TheeBeautyCoach Facebook: Official.Amber J Public Figure (Facebook) : OfficialAmberKrystal




march 2021

As you begin this journey of finding inner peace along the way, you’ll have to disconnect yourself from people, places or situations that keep you from a state of harmony and not allow anything to interfere and disturb your quest for inner peace. I leave you with this quote from The Dalaï Lama, “When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us. When our community is in a state of peace, it can share that peace with neighboring communities.”

"Truth is inner peace that starts from within."


Model: Nzingah Oniwosan Photography: @briandwayne Clothing: @gaiam



march 2021

Black Girl Wellness App 365zing Founder Nzingah Oniwosan HELPS BLACK WOMEN BE INTENTIONAL WITH THEIR SELF-CARE

Nzingah Oniwosan is a Haitian-American award winning wellness and holistic coach who recently created the wellness app 365zingwith a goal to help black women mentally, physically, and spiritually. We recently chatted with Oniwosan to learn more about her app and the benefits it

By Chelsea Young

"My vision is that in my own way I can help close some of these health disparities we see with black women."

provides for black women.



The app was birthed out of my personal

One of the key components is the ability to

journey to heal myself and my work as a

track and assess what is going on with you

holistic health consultant, which has been

physically and mentally. We have charts

predominantly with black women. I started

that are created so you can see your

my journey 20 years ago and had to

progress. We also have community

piecemeal the information I needed to create

and the possibility to be paired with an

a wellness plan that worked for me. In my

accountability partner. I feel that is a key

personal journey, I was told that I had to

component because we are more successful

come to terms with my diagnosis and there

when we have people on the journey with us

was nothing they could do for me because I

to cheer us on.

was black. When I specifically started my holistic journey, there was no one place for all the things I needed. I wanted to create something to help black women have an easier experience. More importantly, a space that accounted for their cultural and social nuances that factor into their health. My vision is that in my own way I can help close some of these health disparities we see with black women.

WHAT FEATURES, ASIDE FROM WEEKLY SCHEDULES AND GOAL PLANNING, ARE INCLUDED IN THE SUBSCRIPTION FOR 365ZING? In the app, you have a large library of plant-based recipes, on-demand fitness classes, as well as different courses. An additional feature is our live classes and courses.

WHAT HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG BLACK WOMEN DOES THE APP AIM TO MEND? I hope to address mental health, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, infertility, maternal mortality, & uterine fibroids. I know this list seems extensive but much of what's listed is interrelated. By taking a holistic approach to

wellness we are able to prevent and reverse many of these conditions. Most black women have only given evasive protocols as the only choice and it is our intention to teach them about all the choices they have available.

CAN YOU EXPLAIN A FEW OF THE COURSES AVAILABLE ON THE APP? There are several courses available on the app and more released every month. Right now we have the following: Plant-based 101, which is a class that wants to deep dive into their plant-based journey. I also have a course called Discover Your Practice, designed for those who want to begin their own yoga practice. I have a few courses that happen in real time like EXHALE which is a 6 week course to help mothers be well.

IS IT ONLY AVAILABLE TO BLACK WOMEN? OR IS THAT SIMPLY YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE? The app is available to anyone but black women are our target audience. Everyone can benefit from the app. What makes it different is all of our images and instructors are of black women.



march 2021

DO MEMBERS HAVE TO MAINTAIN A PARTICULAR DIET (VEGAN, VEGETARIAN, ETC.) FOR THE APP TO BE EFFECTIVE? No. We recommend eating more plants. With our database of vegan plant-based recipes, the goal is to make it easier to include more plant-based meals into their regime. By doing so they will gain positive shifts in their health.

Makes Me Wanna Holler! “Navigating Wellness in a Pandemic World.”

By Beverly K. Johnson

We can all agree on one thing: 2020 snatched

Self-talk can be beneficial when it's positive,

our edges! We experienced every emotion

calming fears and bolstering confidence." [1]

possible. We're emotionally exhausted from the

You've done amazing things, don't allow a bad

onset of a mysterious pandemic to racial tensions

season to derail your progress.

and the tumultuous election cycle. We've officially been living a year with an ever-present pandemic

2. Be realistic:

in the background. The reality is we'll never return

Perfection will always be the greatest enemy of

to the "good ole days." Those days before social

progress. One of the greatest hindrances to

distancing and masks are becoming a fleeting

progress is believing that all your ducks must be


in a row. The first step should always begin with

Many of us are hanging on to the remnants of memories of life "B.C"- Before COVID. Every year, we make our vision boards and declare that the

goals for you, it will become easier to set your priorities. This becomes your "why."

incoming year will be different. This year is no

How to Set a Goal: "First consider what you want

exception. The plans and purpose will never

to achieve, and then commit to it. Set SMART

change. What changes is our approach to it? I

(specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and

can hear you saying, "what's the point?!" The

time-bound) goals that motivate you and write

answer is simple- YOU'RE WORTH IT!.

them down to make them feel tangible". [2]

I'm not naïve to the fact that it's difficult to find

3. Consistency Matters

the motivation. All of us (including me) have felt the emotional toll of the pressure from the pandemic. What do you do when it's difficult to find the motivation to start? You remember your ABCs! Three steps to reboot your goals and reignite your flame.

1. Adjust your focus: When feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to stop, regroup and calm your spirit. The most powerful statement that you can make is, "I am…". It's powerful because what you put after it determines your mindset. "Our self-talk can be cheerful and supportive or negative and selfdefeating.


a goal. Once you identify the most important


march 2021

In your wellness journey, it's more important to be consistent than extreme. The question is often asked, "which is most important- the kitchen or the gym?" And the answer is both are important. Your diet and physical activity work in tandem. "Diet has a stronger effect on weight loss than physical activity does; physical activity, including exercise, has a stronger effect in preventing weight regain after weight loss. Weight loss through diet without physical activity, especially in older people, can increase frailty because of agerelated losses in bone density and muscle mass. Adding aerobic and resistance training to a weight-loss program helps counter the loss of bone and muscle.

For most healthy adults, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends these exercise guidelines: Aerobic Activity. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. The guidelines suggest that you spread out this exercise during a week. Greater amounts of exercise will provide an even greater health benefit. But even small amounts of physical activity are helpful. Being active for short periods throughout the day can add up to provide a health benefit. Strength training. Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week. Aim to do a single set of each exercise, using a weight or resistance level heavy enough to tire your muscles after about 12 to 15 repetitions." [3] Your goals don't have an expiration date. It's time to fight for your goals and put your dreams into action! After all-, YOU'RE WORTH IT! [1] “Self-Talk”, [2] “Personal Goal Setting”, [3] “Exercise for weight loss: Calories burned in 1 hour”,

About Coach Beverly: Beverly K. Johnson is a certified Wellness Coach and CEO of Genesys Fitness. GenFit is a safe space where women can transform their mindset, body, and life in a caring and non-judgmental environment. Through candid conversations and fitness training, “forgotten” women are empowered to reclaim their identity and unveil the strength inside by working 1-on-1 with motivational life coach Bev. Website: Instagram: @bevkjohnson


Chef Huda needs no introduction. She has made Food Network history, hosted an award-winning show, and founded a company focusing on healthy comfort food. She continues to show us what it means to live more fully through cultivating a heart-healthy lifestyle. Learn more about her new premium spice line “Just Savor,” the first meal she cooked as a six-year-old, and her role with the American Heart Association

WHAT WAS THE FIRST MEAL YOU REMEMBER COOKING ON YOUR OWN, AND THAT YOU WERE REALLY PROUD OF? When I was six years old, I overcame the urge to make something to eat while watching Sesame Street. I decided to embark on my first culinary adventure with no parental supervision and make fish in a cast-iron skillet in the oven. I remember seasoning it with spices. I climbed up to the counter to turn on the oven. I sat proudly on the floor with my high-water jeans and pigtails and patiently waited for my culinary creation to be done. Just then, my mother walked into the kitchen to find me cooking. I don't remember how it tasted or even eating it; I just remember how proud and excited I was to cook. (continued on page 18 >

Photo Credit: The Just Savor Group 16


march 2021

Photo Credit: Qasim / Aristocrat Film

TELL US ABOUT THE HEALTH FOOD STORE YOUR MOM HAD GROWING UP AND YOUR FAMILY’S HEALTH HISTORY. HOW DID THAT INFLUENCE YOU AS A CHEF? When I was 10 years old, we had a health food store and I learned all about organic food as a young girl. My mom cooked for us and for the store deli. All natural foods were a staple in our home. She taught me many aspects of the food business and I grew up eating very healthy. Our home was a very health conscious home, so I learned how important eating healthy was very early on. Many of our family members experienced health issues, which really made me pay close attention to diet and its impact on health. I have always loved to cook since I was six years old, and that love flourished over the years and led me to go to Le Cordon Bleu to train to become a professional chef. Now I am so excited that I am able to share products with everyone with our Just Savor brand. WHAT MAKES YOUR BRAND JUST SAVOR UNIQUE? Our premium chef-curated spice blends are crafted from only the finest natural ingredients to create bold flavors. Our mission is to inspire people to Cook, to Share, and to Just Savor! With more than 20 Chef Curated Premium Spice Blends, some of our favorite blends that people love are Jammin' Jerk, Turmeric Gold, Garlic Goodness, Spicy Garlic Madness, Maple Sugar Magic, Applewood Smoked Sea Salt, and Merlot Sea Salt. TELL US ABOUT THE SPICES YOU ARE DRAWN TO AND THAT YOU ENJOY BLENDING. HAVE YOU COME ACROSS SPICE BLENDS THAT SURPRISED YOU, BUT WORKED LIKE MAGIC? I love all types of spices – the aromas remind me of traveling on a journey around the world and experiencing other cultures through food and flavors. I love a smokey blend that is complex and unexpected, which can taste amazingly and surprisingly delicious. Some of my favorites that we have at Just Savor are Applewood Smoked Salt, Sweet Jerk, Smoked Black Pepper and Garlic Goodness.



march 2021

Photo Credit: The Just Savor Group



I have always loved savory flavors and

The work that the American Heart

the balance and contrast between

Association does is near and dear to my

sweet and savory. My mother cooked

heart. They do fantastic work to help

with cinnamon, cumin, curries, and lots

bring awareness about the signs and

of garlic powder. I still adore those

symptoms, risk factors, and actions to

flavors today.

protect women's hearts. I have been an

CAN YOU TALK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF A HEART-HEALTHY LIFESTYLE – PARTICULARLY FOR WOMEN OF COLOR? It is crucial to know how to protect against heart disease, which is the number one killer of women, especially African American women. Our mission is to encourage people to take a more heart-healthy conscious approach to their diets and to make small decisions to include fresh fruits and veggies, eating less junk food, choosing low sodium foods, drinking more water, and exercising daily. Small changes can make a big difference in you and your family's health.

Ambassador for the American Heart Association for over 10 years.

WHAT INSPIRES YOU – IN COOKING AND IN YOUR LIFE? I am inspired by so many things around me: my family, traveling and discovering other cultures, music, fashion, new ingredients, other chefs, and trying new foods. I like to incorporate different flavors, combinations of cultures, and experiences in my cooking. The more you experience things outside of your every day, the more inspiration you have to create, and I love creating. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WANT TO START IN THE FUTURE OR HOPE TO DO, POST COVID? We are really excited about the Just Savor Spice Line's launch and success. We are looking forward to introducing our new online cooking classes and more products later this year, including our highly anticipated cookbook Fall 2021. TELL US MORE ABOUT WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU TO EMPOWER PEOPLE THROUGH FOOD. It has always been important to our brand to positively impact the world around us by providing vital information about healthy eating, healthy recipes and encouraging an overall healthy lifestyle through our cooking classes, demonstrations, and social media posts in a fun and entertaining way. It allows us to empower our audience to think about or try something new, which hopefully they share with others. Food has the power to bring us together in a

Photo Credit: Clarke PR

unique way.


of expressing love is important, not only for others but for yourself. You have to remember to give yourself as much love as possible. How you treat yourself is a reflection of how others should treat you. It can be difficult to love yourself when you are dealing with so much anxiety or depression, especially during these challenging times. Even social media and societal norms make people living with mental illnesses or anxiety difficult. However, there so many ways to manage and love yourself.



march 2021

Say no when you need to

Set Boundaries

Saying no when you need to is super

Setting boundaries for everyone is very

important. You don't have to commit to

important, including coworkers. People

anything if you don't want to. You have the

need to learn to respect your time, just as

right to say no when you need to. Don't let

much as you should respect theirs. You

anyone guilt you into saying yes; they don't

should always be polite about establishing

know you or your schedule. Some of your

your boundaries, unless the person in

anxiety might come from taking on too

question doesn't respect yours. In this case,

many responsibilities that you can deal with

you may need to become more firm, making

at the time. So, don't bite off more than you

it clear that there will be consequences for

can chew.

failing to respect you. If they can't do that, then you need to reconsider your relationship with that person.

Give yourself Love letters

Have a date night for you

Journaling is a great way to write down

A date night is a good way to love yourself,

your worries and affirmations. Writing

especially when you are single. Why not

down affirmations on a daily or weekly

take yourself somewhere nice or better yet,

basis is a good way to do some self-love.

date yourself at home. You can simply put

This will make your mind think more

the phone away, make some popcorn, have

positively about yourself and life. You can

some wine and watch Netflix for the rest of

turn your writings into love letters to

the night. Take time for yourself to create a

yourself that you will read later. In your love

good spa day and do your skincare routine.

letter, make sure you reassure yourself

Put the phone away and read a book for a

about what life is throwing at you. In

few hours. The key here is to take the time

addition to that, say nice things about

to do what you love to do. Also, take time

yourself and encourage yourself. No one

away from social media and take a break

can love you better than you love yourself.

from socializing.

Remember, no one can love you like how you love you. Your anxiety and depression can be managed; you just need to take the time to manage them. These tips are meant to be helpful, however, you should always seek professional help from a licensed health care provider if you feel your situation is unmanageable. Also, you can contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline 1-800-662-HELP (4357). This is a confidential, free, 24hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.


Business Owner, Philanthropist and and Body Double, Shelly Murdock helps everyday women regain their selfconfidence with pole dancing exercise aka pole fitness, an art form based on the exotic dance mixing an aerobic exercise that stimulates flexibility, balance, strength, and endurance. In an exclusive interview, Murdock talks to us about her passion for the fun body workout, helping women globally to have fun and feel sexy while working out and giving back to communities.

What inspired you to begin pole dancing? I was always a person to give something that piqued my interest a chance. In the middle of my college career, I saw an ad for the US Military and looked at the perks and evaluated the pros and cons, and I decided to take a shot and joined the Air Force. Things seemed to move pretty fast, and as my time in the military came to an end, I became an exotic dancer to help pay for me to finish my degree. After I graduated, about halfway through my internship I realized that I enjoyed the art of pole dancing, and I wanted to try and have a physical location where other women and I could train and focus on it as a sport. It felt like I awakened a passion, and that's how it all started. Before, pole dancing was an activity reserved only for strip clubs, but now it has become increasingly popular as a fitness regimen. Why do you think this is so, and what are some of the benefits of pole fitness? Well, before I answer, I'd like to say first and foremost that women have to stop accepting these thoughts as norms essentially created by older white men in regards to pole dancing. Society has so many patriarchal norms that we can't allow our lives to be controlled by.



march 2021

By Charlene Kalala

I believe many of the changes in the perception of pole dancing are driven by women partaking in it and celebrity and media representation showing that it's a real sport and an art form. The main benefit to pole dancing is how rewarding it is, both physically and emotionally. It's challenging to have the patience and the strength to carry on and finally nail that routine can be very fulfilling, as well as knowing you have an entire network of women behind you, supporting you every step of the way. It can feel like a tight-knit family, and many people surprisingly don't have that in their lives, which does wonders for their confidence once they do.


You worked at a strip club at night while attending school during the day. How did you eventually pivot into pole fitness, making it a business? As I opened my studio, I knew I wanted my business to mirror some aspects of my time as a dancer. I knew what I wanted to take from that environment and how it could benefit a business model and the people who joined. For example, I knew I wanted the women who joined my studio to have altered ego names and separate themselves from who they are outside of the studio. This allowed them to recreate their image into whoever they want to be, which plays into the confidence a person could gain from pole dancing. The idea was to create a space to unify women from all walks of life through this art that we all have a passion for, that we think is beautiful, and make them feel accepted.

What was it like opening your first dance studio? To sum it up, it was both exciting yet terrifying, fulfilling, yet stressful. I remember thinking how important it was to have a plan and be organized and structured. In the beginning, I spent a lot of time thinking about why I wanted to open a studio and what I wanted to accomplish once it was open. I had to sit down and have an honest conversation with myself and come up with a purpose that motivated me and one that I could stay true to. Once I had that, funding was the only problem I had to work around, which I did by doing all the footwork for the business myself with a few trusted friends. What type of body (weight, size, etc.) do you need to have for practicing pole fitness? What are a few beginner tips? I know it seems like an exaggerated answer, but it's just a proven fact that anyone can do it if they genuinely want to. I would say to anyone who's considering practicing pole fitness is to let go of any preconceived notions they may have. Whatever they think the experience is going to be like, it probably won't be. After that, I'd say pole fitness is very psychological. If you believe you can do it, you'll have a much better time and will be much more successful, so don't psych yourself out and have fun. In what way(s) do pole fitness help women regain their selfconfidence? Pole dancing is very empowering as you get to reinvent yourself as confident and sexy. It's incredibly satisfying once you've learned a new technique or routine, and if you're persistent with it, the boost you'll see in your strength and endurance will be noticeable. You're also surrounded by women that have your back every step of the way, there for you if you fall, and more than glad to offer their advice if you have any questions.

Pole fitness with men continues to grow every year. Why is that?

With the increased popularity, men have begun to notice pole fitness's physical effects on the body. I don't believe they look to it for confidence, but instead as an alternative, fun way to work out and get shredded, similarly to parkour. You are reaching women globally with your Fit 2 Flaunt mobile app. What does this service offer? What are some of the benefits and challenges of virtual pole fitness? The great thing about the app is that it's super easy for anyone to download and immediately begin practicing pole fitness from home, even if they have no prior experience. We already have proof of concept, with thousands of women around the world interested in getting the app and their own pole to begin their journeys, sharing each step they make with us along the way. However, it's more than just a pole dancing app, as Fit 2 Flaunt is a community of people helping each other to be the best they can be by helping men and women embrace themselves and be okay with the skin they're in. The app shows you how to flaunt your stuff, with the only real downside being a person's motivation to keep on it since no one is physically there with them to help push them. However, I do believe the community aspect of the app helps with that as well.

Tell us about your Fit to Flaunt Foundation and its impact on small businesses and women with breast cancer. Like the app, the Fit to Flaunt Foundation is all about the sense of community we strive to create and maintain. What other fitness business can you name that provides an entire community to support you with whatever you're going through in life? For us, it's all about the Flaunter Community coming together to support one another. When I say flaunter, I don't necessarily mean someone who's on the app or constantly practicing on the poll, but someone who is actively supporting other women however they can, whether it be in person or over social media.

We try to give back as much as we can, and given everything that's happening today in places like Texas, it's important to try and have each other's backs. We've given away nine 250 dollar grants to those in need for them to get back on their feet. We also established a Valentine's Day grant for single mothers this year. We gave four mothers 700 dollars to spend on whatever they'd like for themselves, as well as gave out three handmade baskets with spa items to spoil themselves with and a 100 dollar gift card for them to spend on whatever they'd like or need. What advice can you give to people who would like to start their own pole fitness business? I know it's scary, and there can be many unknowns, but if you are doing something from the heart and something you're passionate about, you'll be successful. Just take the first step, focus, and the rest will come.


Jae Marie is a NYC-based writer who covers all things food, drink, beauty, travel and lifestyle. When she’s not writing, she can be found on the hunt for the city’s best mojito or cup of hot chocolate. You can follow her blog, By Jae Marie, for more adventures around town.

It has been more than a year since many have made the switch to working from home. Overnight, living rooms, garages and even closets were transformed into workspaces. The divide between home and office is important to maintain. It can be difficult, but not impossible with a few tips and tricks.


Designate a Space



The most obvious step in separating work and home is literally splitting work and home. It can get crowded, especially if there are multiple people working from home. Throw in kids with virtual learning and there is a full house - literally! If possible, set up shop and designate an area specifically for office use. Find a place that has access to natural light and fresh air. Living in an apartment or small space might limit what is possible. However, a workspace that best captures the sun’s rays, a breeze and outside sights can have a positive impact on mood and performance.

march 2021


Wake Up Well It can be tempting to wake up and hit snooze a few times. By the time the alarm is blaring again, it is time to clock in and start working, but those pajamas are still on. Admit it. We have all done it or at least thought about rolling over and logging in from bed once or twice. Do not give in! Wake up, shower and go through a typical morning routine. While a full pant suit and heels are not needed, a comfortable sweater and leggings are an easy alternative to staying in pajamas all day. Stay true to an established beauty routine. When it does come time to return to the office, it will be less of a struggle to get back into regularly scheduled programming.

Image: Sora Shimazaki from Pexels


Use Time Wisely Without a commute, there is more time in the morning to get things done. If waking up before a shift to exercise and make breakfast was a usual occurrence, keep that going. Use this time to clean around the house, tune in to the morning news or grocery shop. The thought of being able to whip up a full meal during the day with the kitchen just steps away is enticing. Meal prepping can help cut down on time spent cooking throughout the work day. Getting tasks done early will keep them from weighing heavy on the mind during conference calls.


A Quick Escape Be sure to still utilize those allocated breaks. This is where being home serves as a perk rather than a distraction. It can be easy to get roped into a project or assignment, but everyone still needs to step away from the office set up, even if just for a short while. Use that time to get up, walk around, stretch and clear thoughts. Blend up a quick smoothie. If time permits, a brief yoga session or run can serve as a temporary escape both mentally and physically. Return to work refreshed and ready to take on the next task.


Snack Attack As we mentioned, having the kitchen so close with unlimited snacks on hand is tempting! There is a good chance the fridge and pantry are fully stocked with all types of delicious options to choose from. While comforting, giving in to sudden cravings throughout the day is a drawback that comes along with working from home. Set aside some healthy but filling options for the mid-day hunger call to hold until dinner.



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Log Off, Log Out Work-life balance is important now more than ever. Clock out when it is time to! Without the commute home, it is easy to forget that there are designated hours to each shift. There will always be more work to do. Be sure to finish that last pressing task, but save the rest for tomorrow. Come back rejuvenated knowing the previous evening was not spent logged in working on an assignment hours after it was time to call it quits for the day.

Clean Up

No one wants to be reminded over the weekend about that brief that is due on Monday. Make sure to tidy up not just on Fridays but at the end of each day. A clean work space can set the tone in the morning. Power off the laptop, unplug the charger and organize notes. Make things easy to find by keeping documents on the desk. Do not bring work to the dinner table or into the bed. Stick to the boundaries set when a work space was established.


Do Something Fun The house is still a home. Do not let your space become overpowered by the thought of work. Remember to have fun. Schedule a virtual happy hour with friends. Whip up a new recipe weekly, join a book club or have an at-home paint and sip. Find a way to unwind at the end of the day.

Beauty Entrepreneur creates brand focused on clean beauty products By Nicollette Samuels

Ghanaian born beauty entrepreneur and mother, Nana Otu advocates for natural skincare through her brand Coco Nyle Skin, after discovering the wonderful properties of mother nature. Through her studies of natural skincare formulation at the School of Natural Skincare, Otu was able to help build her knowledge and shape her business into what it is today. Growing up in Canada has made her African history and culture very important to her; this along with her faith have been the center of her brand.

As a businesswoman and mother, how do you balance work with mom life? I don’t think I will ever find balance when it comes to motherhood and business. Motherhood is my biggest motivator when it comes to running my business. It is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. Although it also comes with many challenges, my daughter motivates me to keep working. I am a mother and a business owner. They are both mutually exclusive because I find each role important to me in different ways; I find time to navigate them both.

What inspired you to start your own skincare brand? I grew up struggling with acne, there were many days where I would refuse to leave the house because of how bad my skin was breaking out. It took a huge toll on my selfconfidence. This frustrating journey and desire for clear skin led me to do extensive research and discover the benefits of natural skincare. I started doing a lot of natural skincare DIY at home to figure out



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what worked for my skin. The results were

Furthermore, I underestimated how

amazing. Eventually, friends and family

much time, research and asking questions

were encouraging me to start my own

was a vital part to getting my brand off the

skincare line to help others, which birthed

ground. We sometimes live in an

Coco Nyle Skin. My skin is not perfect, but it

individualistic mindset which can stifle our

has gotten better with consistency and

growth. Once I realized I needed to step out

understanding and having the knowledge of

of my comfort zone, I was able to hone in

what I am putting on my face. I want people

and focus on growing my brand.

who have gone through the same experience to know that there is room for them in society. You don't have to have perfect skin; your flaws tell your story regardless of the beauty standard.

What challenges did you face getting your brand off the ground?

As someone who has struggled with acne, what successful changes have you made to see results and how have they been incorporated in your products? So, a couple of successful changes I’ve made in my own personal experience with acne and how I have incorporated it my

ISome of the challenges I faced was overall

products would be switching over to more

fear of failure and understanding the

natural products. This is one of the main

logistics of running a business. I was afraid

reasons I decided to start a “natural”

to start because my skin wasn’t perfect. I

skincare business. I wanted to be mindful

feared that people wouldn’t believe that

when it came to what I was putting on my

my products were not effective, especially

skin. Another successful change was adding

because in the beauty industry perfection is

a toner to my skincare routine. It was a

gloried over flaws. This led me to question

game changer for skin and its health. I knew

many times if my business was good

for a fact that I had to have a toner in my

enough to thrive in the beauty industry.

product line. (continued on next page >>

What “toxic/synthetic” ingredients have been excluded from Coco Nyle products?

Are there any hints of your Ghanaian culture seen in your brand and products?

A few toxic/synthetic ingredients I was very

Yes, absolutely. I wanted to make sure that

careful of when formulating my products

a few of my products had hits of my

were excluding any form Parabens, Sodium

Ghanaian culture, so I incorporated Shea

Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Phthalates. These

butter and black soap for two of my

synthetic toxins have been linked to cancer,


hormonal imbalances, and birth defects. that happen when we apply these toxins

Are there any hints of your Ghanaian culture seen in your brand and products?

on our skin.

My love for God propels me to remind

Unfortunately, these are just a few things

What is your opinion on essential oils causing the sensitization of the skin, as many natural skincare brands tend to use them? I think the first thing is to understand how essential oils work. Essential oils are highly potent and come in different grades. I think natural brands need to be extra careful when it comes to adding it to their formulas because some of the oils require a higher absorption rate than others. I think for consumers it’s also good to do their research on the brand first to understand what essential oils may work and not work for them. Nonetheless, I do believe that essential oils are safer than some fragrances that are added to some products we use.

What message do you want to teach consumers who are struggling with their skin? The first thing I would say is do not compare your skin to anyone else. We are all on our own unique skin journey and I believe that is the beauty of being human and the key to truly loving your skin regardless of where it is at. Imperfect skin is still beautiful even if it’s not dominating the tabloids. Love all of you completely, flaws and all.



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women to love themselves completely, they are made in His image--fearfully and wonderfully. I believe that God wants us to know this through His sacrificial love, that no matter how we view ourselves His grace is sufficient, and His love is intentional. I want women who come across my brand to be reminded that regardless of how they view themselves, God loves them, sees them as valuable and knitted for His glory. That is why my main message for Coco Nyle Skin is “imperfect is still beautiful,” because you don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful and beauty is only in the eyes of the true beholder.




By Priyanka Hardikar

RESET Photo Credit: Isha Gaines/CreateHerStock My friend cheered me up the other day with these words: “Always remember no matter what mood you’re in, your true nature is love, and anything else is temporary.” That is such a beautiful reminder! Our bad mood is never there to stay, and how long we engage with it is entirely up to us. The next time you find yourself in a bad mood, try the following tips to reset your mind: 34


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DISTANCE YOURSELF FROM YOUR PHONE You know how they say not to drunk text? In the same way, avoid texting or social media activity when you are in a bad mood, or on the edge of one. We all know how a bad mood feels. It changes the way we listen, and how we listen changes the way we espond. When we are in a bad mood, almost anything someone says can rub us in the wrong way – even if what they say is nice. What normally wouldn’t get a reaction out of us can bring us to the verge of tears, and we don’t know why. It isn’t anyone’s fault. We are just in a bad headspace. It happens. It’s okay. It’ll pass. But only if we stop feeding it. The reason text messages or social media posts often feed our bad mood, more often than in-person conversations, is that they are easy to misinterpret. It is almost too easy to make assumptions when the person we are talking to isn’t standing in front of us. Texting indicates a lack of body language, a lack of context. That can make it harder to clear up any tension. Put your phone on airplane mode, or turn your phone off completely – or simply set it aside for an hour or two. This way, you are not making assumptions or reacting to your mood; you are simply allowing it to show up, and then allowing it to pass by, without taking up any space in your heart, or leaving much of an impression on your day.

FORGIVE YOURSELF – NOW A bad mood can distort our vision and our opinion about almost everything – including ourselves. That can sometimes stir up feelings of selfloathing. The longer we remain in a bad mood, the more likely we are to do something that intensifies our selfloathing. When we are in a bad mood, we are not in the right mental space to receive criticism or to make a positive change. Therefore, instead of criticizing ourselves for our bad mood – and the actions that follow – we have to do what is the hardest to do: Forgive ourselves, fully and freely.

Self-loathing and self-forgiveness are on two opposite spectrums – switching from one to the other is like switching from steaming hot water to ice cold water in the middle of a shower. It shocks us. It makes us curse at the inanimate faucet, or jump out in surprise and discomfort. But then, when the tingling stops and your body adjusts to the temperature, it feels better; it feels really good. Self-forgiveness is the same way – we spend so much time talking ourselves out of it, coming up with new reasons to criticize our actions or behavior. Why did I have to do that? What is wrong with me? I just wasted so much time. We are so much more familiar, more accustomed to selfloathing than we are with self-love that criticism becomes our default. In one of my favorite books, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, Bryan Stevenson writes: “Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.” We are also more than the worst thing we have ever felt or thought.

CLEAN THE SLATE / RESET YOUR MIND You’ve already done the hardest part – you’ve set aside your phone and you’ve forgiven yourself (good job!). Now all that’s left is allowing time for your mood to reset. In yoga, after an intense pose, we reset our back and our sacrum by doing a neutral pose (like lying on our stomach in a prone savasana, or corpse pose). In the same way, when your mood is extreme, do something neutral. This could be as simple as sitting down and closing your eyes, slowing down your breath in the process. It could also be lying down on the floor and doing nothing. Doing something neutral means you are not getting a reaction from it. You are not really affecting your mood at all. You are just letting it pass with the passage of time. It is like waking up in the morning to a new day, to the sun rising. It is cleaning the slate – resetting your day and resetting your mind – on your own accord. Because you don’t need a clock to tell you when it’s time to start again; that is completely up to you.


By Chelsea Young



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The health, wellness, and fitness industries have exploded in the past decade and mostly white influencers have been the face of that movement. Activities like yoga and Pilates, which roots can be traced back to eastern cultures, now seem exclusive to wealthy white women. Kim Carruthers, Alvin Ailey dancer turned Pilates instructor and holistic health specialist, has been working in the world of fitness and holistic health for 25 years. “At the end of my dance career I started thinking about what I could do that I would enjoy, that I knew well.” Kim explained. She had discovered Pilates as a dancer while rehabilitating an injury and fell in love with the movement. After becoming a certified instructor she combined Pilates with her background in dance and holistic health to create the “KC Method.” “I’m a holistic health specialist as well.” Kim told us. “That’s where I fuse different forms and ways other than traditional medicine into helping with stress, anxiety, weight management, and depression with methods such as diet change, herbs, exercise, meditation, and more.” Since creating her Pilates method, Kim has gone on to gather a large clientele, including many celebrities, along with opening up her Pilates studio Physical Perfection in Hollywood. In addition to being an instructor, Kim has created the KC Body Shop selling her personally designed products, merch, and activewear, as well as launching the Pilates in the Hood program aimed at bringing free Pilates classes to black and low-income communities. The KC Body Shop products include Kim’s exercise bands - the KC Body Band and KC Body Booty Band, designed to go with her workouts. Most recently, Kim released the KC Downtown Set, her first step into activewear. “Trying to venture into [active wear] as a black woman, I didn’t know was going to be so difficult,” Kim explained, but she managed to break through and is now planning to drop more active wear sets in the near future. (continued on next page >

PILATES What could be considered the most influential aspect of Kim’s life of Pilates and holistic health is the launch of her Pilates in the Hood program which provides free pilates classes to all ages of the black community. The program, which recently celebrated its 16 year anniversary, started out of Kim’s frustration with the black community’s lack of access to Pilates and holistic health and people being shocked to see a black woman working in the industry. “To go mainstream [in Pilates] like I had was unheard of because people didn’t even know there was a black woman teaching Pilates 25 years ago,” Kim explained. “It’s starting to grow within the black community and I’m excited for that, but it’s been taking a long time.”

Pilates in the Hood started in one after school program and has spread to well over ten programs and churches in multiple communities. Since Covid-19 the classes have been held virtually through a live Zoom class as well as being uploaded to the platforms of the centers hosting the classes for people to watch at a later time. “It has changed so many people’s lives.“ Kim reflected. “I have students who were seven years old when they started and are now married with kids and they still come to the classes.” Many of these life-time students have become Pilates instructors themselves, contributing to the growth of Pilates in the Hood. The program's most recent development is a partnership with a health insurance company that will be promoting Pilates in The Hood and the KC Method.

To know more about Kim and her advice on Pilates and wellness, be on the lookout for her book where she will be combining 25 years of knowledge and experience with wellness and fitness. The book will include different types of exercises, holistic health advice, diet management, ways to improve stress and anxiety, and much more. You can find Kim on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube to stay up to date on everything KC, including the drop of more KC Body activewear sets. If you would like to set up a private virtual workout you can contact her on her website as well as her Instagram @physicalperfectionpilates



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