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bronze Shanica Knowles on how singing is therapy to her soul

5 Ways to Spread Love this Holiday Season

Cool Holiday Beauty Picks


Denise Boutte

Dishes on Southern recipes, keeping grounded, and new film The Bounce Back


editor’s note


appy holidays Bronze Beauties! Wow, can you believe that 2016 is coming to an end soon? Where did the year go so fast? What are your holiday plans? What are you looking forward to in the new year? I’m looking forward to a new year filled with possibilities! In addition, I am looking forward to continuing to provide inspirtion for you, our readers, for what I hope to be many more years to come. We have an awesome issue in store for you this month, featuring some amazingly Bronze and Beautiful women who are sure to inspire you with their stories. First we have the lovely actress Denise Boutte, who is our cover star. You

will enjoy reading about Denise’s journey to success and her current projects including her recent film The Bounce Back. Next, singer/actress Shanica Knowles shares about her love for singing, her recent Lifetime film, and how acting was never in her plans. Finally, actress and former Tyrant star Afsaneh Dehrouye opens up about her love of acting, who she wouldn’t mind collaborating with, and what makes her really nervous. We also have two gentlemen in the house, indie filmmakers Tirf Alexius and Remoh Romeo disussing the success of their highly acclaimed indie film. Lot’s of good reading, so I hope you enjoy. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the new year!


Shawn Stuldivant


Search for Bronze Magazine or Bronze Mag Apps

bronze magazine

Co-Owner/Editor In Chief Shawn Stuldivant Co-Owner

Barry Stuldivant

Feature Photographer Amina Touray Issue Design/Layout Melissa Biggs Writers (this issue) Kadisha Kentish Amelia Moore Bethany Thomas Amina Touray Farren Washington


Denise Boutte



6 10 42

Actress Afsaneh Dehrouye Getting Personal with...

Shanice Knowles Country Cool

Tirf Alexius and Remoh Romeo

Two Indie Filmmakers on the Rise

Son of a 44 Bastard Thousand Fathers A Movie Review


Cute in the 22 Looking Cold Beauty News... 40 Winter Cool Holiday Picks



5 Ways to Spread Love this Holiday Season

Getting Personal with Actress Afsaneh Dehrouyeh by Farren Washington

British-Iranian actress Afsaneh Dehrouyeh is definitely a force to be reckoned with. The multitalented entertainer started her career portraying Muslim activist Khadija in Fressia, Britain’s first film about Islamophobia. But it was her breakout role as Mahdiya Kattan, in Howard Gordon’s Middle Eastern drama Tyrant that really had everybody talking. The storyline develops around a man who is the youngest son of an infamous dictator. After running from his past for 20 years, he returns to his home country in the MiddleEast, torn apart by a brutal war. Even though Tyrant was recently cancelled by FX, this rising

star has no plans of stopping any time soon. We talk to her about everything from how she first got started, to her dream role(s), to her hopes and plans for the future. How did you get into acting? What made you think it was the right career for you? I first caught the acting bug after doing a school play when I was eleven. I fell in love with the craft, and made the decision that this is what I want to do with my life. After that, I started doing plays and musicals at my local theatre, the Cheltenham Playhouse (in Gloucestershire, England). My family and teachers tried to talk me out of pursuing it professionally due to how cut-throat the industry is. I’m grateful for that now, because it helped prepare me for the tough competition and how to handle rejection. While it is a challenge everyday, I feel strongly that this is my calling. Where did you go to college/get your formal training? I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Drama and Theatre Arts at Goldsmiths University. After graduation, I enrolled at the International School of Screen Acting (based in London) for more specialized training. Do you feel that you are much like the character you are playing on Tyrant? How do you connect to this character? In so many ways, Mahdiya is more different than anyone I had ever played before. We have completely conflicting beliefs. She’s incredibly ambitious and when she believes in something, she will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Those are qualities we both share and that was my way of connecting to her. No matter how stereotypically good or bad a character is, you can’t judge them. There is always a way to connect to the character, even if it’s just one line of dialogue.



December 2016

How do you prepare for the role of a character? I make a real effort to get to know the charactertheir past, likes and dislikes, their beliefs. I go over the script with a fine tooth comb and make a note of everything they have an opinion on and everything that other characters in the script say about them. Basically, I use the script for any clues I can find. Once I’m confident that I know them as well as I know myself, I know that I can just go on set and do a good job. Whatever

happens in the moment with my scene partner is what happens. I don’t worry about any of my preparation anymore; I throw all that away and just lose myself in the character. Who is your role model? Audrey Hepburn is my role model for everything really. Her career accomplishments, her kindness, her humanitarian work, her personal style. I also look up to and admire Joaquin Phoenix, Claire Danes and Malala Yousafzai.


December 2016


What role would you love to play/be your dream role?

What are your strong points as an actor?

Cleopatra, Princess Jasmine, an intelligence officer, and someone inspiring who has fought to make a positive change. That’s not in any particular order, Princess Jasmine is very important.

I’m always getting auditions for strong, independent women; of course it varies every time depending on the role, but because of the opportunities I’ve been lucky enough to have, I’ve been able to work on strong, powerful traits a lot.

What do you enjoy most about your job? The whole creative process of being on set is what I enjoy most. I think the filmmaking process is fascinating. More in particular, watching the crew do what they do best and then getting to collaborate with talented actors.

What are the hardest parts of being a celebrity? It’s always a lot more fun and easy going than I build it up to be in my head. I get really nervous when I know I have an interview or public appearance. What is some advice that you would give to someone aspiring to be in the industry? You have to need it, not want it. If you can be happy without it or content with it as a hobby, then it’s not worth trying to pursue as a career. My second piece of advice would be to get used to rejection and growing a thick skin as quickly as possible. It’s also crucial to surround yourself with good friends that understand what you’re doing. I’d be lost without mine. Watch films, go to the theatre, never stop learning. When you feel disheartened, watch and read interviews with people you admire talking about how it was for them when they were starting out. Mark Ruffalo’s story has gotten me through some pretty tough times and it still does. What do you like to do in your spare time?

What actors/actresses do you want to collaborate with and why? There’s too many, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. I would love to work with Emma Stone because I think she is absolutely wonderful. It would be great to watch and study her doing comedy in person. What other projects do you have in the works? About a year ago, I launched a production company (Scadoo Pictures) with fellow actress Susie Coreth. Our first short film is currently in post-production. We’ve started submitting it to film festivals and have other projects in the works. I will also be starring in a film called Pegah by Javid Rezai. I play the title character; she grew up in a traditional Iranian family in England and has come to a point where she is gaining independence, discovering who she wants to be and what she wants. In the process, she hits some unexpected speed bumps along the way.

I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I like going to concerts, art galleries, the movies, the theatre and I’m always up for tea and cake. I also love traveling, there’s so much to see in Europe! Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years time? I have a lot of professional goals that I’m aiming to achieve within the next five years. I still haven’t worked in the U.S., which is something that I am striving towards at the moment. But I’m also learning to accept that I can’t control when or what my next job is going to be and just seeing where the ride takes me. I’ve always had big dreams and ambitions, but I’m giving leeway on how I end up getting to those goals and taking each day as it comes.

By: Bethany Thomas Welcome to the holiday season! Patience is notoriously low, emotions are running high, and an endless loop of the same five songs is playing in every retail store. For some, the season brings cheer and happiness, but for many it is a time of trail. Those who suffer from S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder), experience a lack of/stressful family situation, mental illness, and various other challenges are at particular risk for having a difficult holiday season. How can we spread just a little bit more love this season?

1. GIVE CREATIVELY Perhaps one of the biggest stressors is gift giving. We worry that without an excessive amount of money we can’t possibly show how much our loved ones mean to us. The truth is, the most meaningful gifts are representative of our feelings not our financial status. A handwritten letter can be a wonderful gift that your loved one will remember forever and be able to look back on. Another unique idea is a memory/admiration jar. Decorate and fill a jar with as many fond memories/ things you like about that person as you can think of written on paper slips. Aim for 52 total so your loved one can open one a week for a year.

2. GIVE OF YOUR TIME Often we become so wrapped up in finding the perfect physical object to give that we forget our time is most precious. Our lives are so busy it becomes a sincere honor to give someone a moment of our time. Let your gift be an activity that you do with that person. Better yet, give of your time together by volunteering. This will allow your gift to come full circle.

3. ASK Much of the holiday season is spent pondering in our own minds how to best show our love for those around us. Instead, let’s focus on communication to better achieve our goals. This tip can be especially helpful in romantic relationships (and not just at the holiday season.) “How may I love you today?” can be a simple, yet powerful statement affirming your commitment to love your significant other while allowing them to present their needs.

4. LISTEN After we ask we must listen, in the words of Stephen R. Covey, “Most people do not listen with the intent of to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Go back to the basics. Be a listener for a friend in need. It’s easy to identify a friend in need when you put others first and take the time to hear what those around you are experiencing. At times we all need extra support. The most pure gift you can give someone is the knowledge that you are there for them. You may be surprised at what you hear.

5. REMEMBER YOURSELF The holiday season takes a lot out of everyone. For most, more time is spent traveling, shopping, cooking, and being with family, etc at this time than any other time of the year. Don’t forget self-care. The better we care for ourselves the more we have to give to others. It is a common mistake amongst those with the biggest hearts to forget to care for themselves. Ultimately the holiday season will end. Some will be happy to see it go, others will anxiously await next years festivities. However, It doesn’t have to be an end to giving. Let the spirit of giving lead you through the new year as you challenge yourself to always become a better person, a person who cares more and acts on that compassion. Photo cited: 123RF Stock Photo, by arekmalang


December 2016





Photographer: Amina Touray, @aminatphoto Wardrobe stylist: Janel Styles, @janelstyles77 Makeup artist: Niehla O, @niehlao Hair stylist: Brittany Love, @brittanyl0ve Hair provided by: Royauté Hair Collection, @iamroyautehair

by Amina Touray


December 2016


Shanica Knowles is bubbling with energy and a bright smile when we meet in the early A.M. She is one of those charismatic women that you are so blessed to come across. A small town, Cedar Rapids girl, Knowles has been singing since the tender age of 4. Early on her talent was recognized not only by her parents, but through talent shows across the Midwest. Shanica later moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in music. Though acting was never the plan, she found herself signing with an agency at the age of 13, and booked a recurring role in Disney’s Hannah Montana a year later. In this year’s Lifetime Movies biopic Surviving Compton, we can see Shanica portraying Tichina Arnold, which she describes as, “A dream coming true.” Although acting is therapeutic to her mind, singing is therapy to her soul. You too will understand why when you listen to her song Roller Coaster. Here we connect to find out what she’s currently working on, her highlights and how her upbringing influenced her music. Amina Touray: Shanica, please share your story and tell us where you’re from, a little about your upbringing and where you are today? Shanica Knowles: I’m just a small town girl from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Music was always a part of my soul. I couldn’t stop singing at the age of 4, and for some reason when I was 7 years old I was obsessed with learning how to play the guitar. The obsession turned into a fantasy, and I made that fantasy turn into a reality. When I was 9 I started performing in talent competitions in Iowa, and that quickly turned into me performing all throughout the Midwest. Just imagine a little girl wearing cowgirl boots with a cowgirl hat, holding a guitar that was bigger than her singing country music. That little girl was me, and that’s why my parents sacrificed everything to make that move happen to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams. Thinking back now, you would think that Nashville would’ve been a better place for me, considering the genre of music I had chosen. However, I don’t believe in coincidences, but that everything in life



December 2016

happens for a reason. I’m very happy with where I am right now professionally. The journey is never ending, but the story is what makes it all worth it. AT: You’ve grown up in the spotlight and have been seen in shows such as Hannah Montana, Jump In, Super Sweet 16: The Movie, to name a few. How has that been for you? Did you always know you wanted to pursue a career in film and music? SK: I honestly never thought acting was in the cards for me. When my mother and I moved out to L.A. when I was 12 years old, I never thought about being an actress because my focus was only on music at the time. However, breaking into the music industry wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be. So, since most entertainers in L.A. had to be triple threats by singing, dancing, and acting, I thought to myself I might as well do that too in order to compete. So when I was 13, I signed on with my first agency, and a year later I booked a recurring role on Disney’s Hannah Montana. That show opened more doors for me in the acting world than I could have ever imagined. As time went on, and the more projects I did, the more and more I found myself having a deep passionate love for acting. There’s something very calming about being in front of a camera, and that helped me become the natural performer I am today. AT: What was your approach when you knew that you wanted to get into acting and singing? SK: I took a very aggressive approach wanting to be a singer and an actress. I knew what I wanted at a very young age. My mother was never a stage mom, nor did she force me to do anything I didn’t want to do. I always told her that these were the careers paths that I wanted to pursue, and she did nothing less than support my dreams. She was also an American record holder in track and field, so that drive I have instilled in me definitely came from her. (Continued>>


December 2016


AT: Has your family always been supportive of your career choices and goals? SK: I’m really lucky to have the parents that I have. They sacrificed their jobs, their friends, their families, and their lives in Iowa, just so that I could live in Hollywood to have more opportunities and to have the chance of becoming a singer. They believed in me the way parents should believe in their child. Without all of their love and support, I promise you that I would not be where I am today. AT: That’s a play Tichina Arnold, in the recently released movie biopic Surviving Compton, please tell us about your role.

character justice and made her proud. AT: How was the experience of filming Surviving Compton? SK: Filming Surviving Compton was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. The relationships I made along the way made it the best summer of my life. AT: A lot of actors/actresses find interest in directing and screenwriting. Is that something you’ve ever considered? SK: I’m actually in the process of writing my first screenplay and I can’t wait until the final product is complete.

AT: Nice, can’t wait to see what’s in store! SK: Playing Tichina Arnold in Surviving And I have to ask, which Compton was a dream come you enjoy more, being a true. I actually met her on “ I’m not trying to be an do singer or actress? my 24th birthday when I artist, I’m trying to be a performed at the NAACP SK: Acting is therapeutic game changer ” Awards. She was for my mind, but music is backstage, and I went up therapeutic for my soul. If to her and told her what a fan I was and took I had to choose between the two, I definitely a picture with her. Tichina was so nice and enjoy singing more. I was blessed with the so down to earth. Who knew that a few years ability to heal people with the power of my later I would be playing her in a biopic. I voice, and I plan on honoring that blessing. guess that’s how the Universe works, things AT: You’re an indie/country singer, and you happen when you least expect them. In the mentioned before that there have been movie Tichina is Michel’le’s best friend and some challenges with that music genre for best support system. She’s one of the few you. Could you please talk a little about that, people who genuinely looked out for her best interests. Michel’le told me herself that even to and tell us more about the challenges you’ve faced? this day, they are still best friends. AT: How did you prepare for the role? SK: I prepared for the role by watching videos of anything she’s ever done in TV/film. I studied her mannerisms, characteristics, and her Brooklyn accent very closely. However, growing up on Martin made it very easy to imitate her. I’ve seen every episode from every season. I definitely think I embodied her spirit the best way I could, and brought her to life in the biopic. It’s always a little intimidating portraying a person on TV, but I hope I did her



December 2016

SK: My journey has not been an easy one, and it never will be. I’m not just trying to be an artist, I’m trying to be a game changer. AT: In what way has your upbringing influenced your music? SK: My upbringing influenced my music in every way. Since I came from the country, I grew up listening to country, therefore I started singing country. (Continued>>


December 2016


Red top and skirt with crystals, designer: Odrella USA, @Odrellausa Ring with marble stone gold (Bar USA): Jewelry Bar USA, @jewelrybar.usa Gold earings with crown: Jewelry Bar USA, @jewelrybar.usa Wardrobe contribute by: PRB Public Relations, @PRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS All jewelry provided by: Now LA Showroom, @now_showroom



December 2016

SK: It just became apart of who I am. More importantly, it’s been able to keep me grounded. I’ll never forget where I came from because it helps me appreciate what I’ve fought so hard to have now. AT: Who did you listen to growing up? SK: Growing up I listened to Shania Twain, Martina McBride, Sarah McLachlan, Norah Jones, Avril Lavigne, Alanis Morissette, Tracy Chapman, and Dido to name a few. AT: What do you want people to feel and experience when they’re listening to your music? SK: I want people to experience serenity when they listen to my music. My goal is to emotionally connect with people the best way I know how... through my music.

AT: You look like you are in excellent shape. What are your day to day fitness/wellness/ spiritual routines? SK: To be honest, most of it is genetics. Both my parents were athletes so I’ve always had a fit body. However, I do maintain it by eating healthy, working out, and meditating. AT: What are the holiday plans? SK: I’ll probably spend the Holidays with my folks back in Iowa. AT: This year has flown by so fast! What can we expect from you in 2017? SK: I feel that 2017 is going to be a big year for me. Stay tuned...more exciting news to come.

AT: What are you currently working on? SK: I’m currently working on my music. I hope to release something early next year. AT: What has been your greatest highlights this year? SK: My greatest highlights this year was signing with a new TV/film manager and agent. I’m thankful for my Honda commercial airing this Summer, playing Tichina Arnold on Lifetime’s Surviving Compton, and playing Jane Middleton in my new romance/comedy flick The Time Capsule, which comes out in 2017. This year has been a great year and I am extremely humbled. AT: You seem fearless. What gives you strength and motivation? SK: I may seem fearless but I’m not. My only fear is failing, and that is what motivates me. AT: What words of wisdom can you share with other young women that you have learned along your journey? SK: My words of wisdom are quite simple. If you want something bad enough...go get it!


December 2016




December 2016

White long sleeve shirt w/black lace back design (FM). Wardrobe provided by: @fashionforwards_la Jeans skirt: Shanica’s own White boots: Shanica’s own Black choker with gold cross design: Glamarella, @glamarella_jewelry Wardrobe provided by: Fashion Forwards, @fashionforwards_la All jewelry provided by: Now LA Showroom, @now_showroom


December 2016




December 2016

Black lacetop: Contessa LA, @contessa_la Black lacetop: Contessa LA, @contessa_la Black skirt designer: lvan DONEV, @ivandonev_id Black skirt designer: lvan DONEV, @ivandonev_id Gold round ring with diamond: Jewelry Bar USA, Gold round ring with diamond: Jewelry Bar USA, @jewelrybar.usa @jewelrybar.usa Long gold Diamond earring design: Glamarella, Long gold Diamond earring design: Glamarella, @glamarella_jewelry @glamarella_jewelry Red Shoe with laceRope Red Shoe with laceRope design: JF London, @jflondon_official design: JF London, @jflondon_official Wardrobe provided by: PRB Public Relations, Wardrobe provided by: PRB Public Relations, @PRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS @PRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS All jewelry provided by: Now LA Showroom, All jewelry provided by: Now LA Showroom, @now_showroom @now_showroom BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

December 2016


Looking Cute in the Cold by Kadisha Kentish

In the colder months of the year, the main focus on everyone’s mind as they go about is keeping warm. But it’s not all the time that you want to go outside looking as stuffed as a snowman. Women want to go outside and stay warm while at the same time look cute. Here are some suggestions on how to look stylish in the cold.

1. The Style of Your Coat There are many different styles of coats that you can choose from. Some styles include camel coats, anoraks, car coats, duffle coats, parkas, peacoats, and trench coats. Camel coats are made out of the Sorel Conquest hair of a Bactrian camel. Anoraks Carly Parka are waterproof coats typically with (Backcountry) a hood. Car coats are short squarecut coats typically for driving. Duffle coats are made of a coarse woollen material, fastened with horn toggles and rope closures, have a hood, two large patch pockets and fall to the knee. Parkas are large windproof coats with a hood. Peacoats are short double-breasted overcoats. Trench coats are loose, belted, double-breasted, waterproof coats. You don’t have to opt for the “bubble” coat to stay warm. And not all “bubble” coats can insure that you’ll be warm. Speaking from experience, some coats are just deceiving to the eye, so you should make sure to try on the coat that you’re eyeing. Everyone has their own style, so know what you like and find the warmest coat of your style.

Burberry Duffle Coat (Farfetch)

Camel CoatIro ‘Raina’ coat (Farfetch)

Women’s Plus Size Relaxed Wool Peacoat (Lands’ End)

Theory wool-cashmere trench coat (IfChic)

WOOLRICH Scarlet Eskimo Anorak (Flannels)

Oasis Kimberly Car Coat (House of Fraser)

2. Knowing Your Winter Accessories Hats, scarves and gloves are essential to keeping warm. If you want to look cute while you are hustling out in the cold, find the accessories to match the style of your coat, whether it Adrienne Landau Honeycomb-Stitch Maison Fabre Slouchy be the color or the texture of your Rosette Fur Infinity Scarf Mitaine Fingerless Cashmere Beanie accessories. There are plenty of Earmuffs for Women Leather Gloves HALOGEN® scarves, gloves and hats, such as the (Last Call) (Old Navy) (Gilt) (Nordstrom) really big scarves or a circle scarf, the fingerless gloves or mittens, a cap or a beanie. And for those who love to do their hair in styles that might be ruined by wearing a hat, use earmuffs to stay warm instead. If you’re someone who just doesn’t like gloves or scarves, make sure the coat that you choose has warm enough pockets and/or a high enough neckline that will protect your throat from the harsh winter air (but you should really use scarves to avoid a sore throat). 22


December 2016

Sesto Meucci Kaitlin Quilted Leather Riding.. (Last Call)

‘Hold Tight’ High Bcbg Maxazria CARLOS Heel Boot Slink Over the by Carlos Santana (Nine West) Knee Black Leather Delia (BCBG) (Zappos)

Charles David Valle Suede High-Heel Bootie (Last Call)

3. What’s on Your Feet Like coats, there are many styles of boots, and if Uggs don’t match your style (or even if you want to change up your look), there are plenty of stylish boots out there that might suit you. Bulky snow boots are not the only warm boots out there. Some boot styles include duck shoes, ankle boots, chukka boots, mid-calf boots, over knee boots, riding boots, moccasin boots, high heel boots, lace up boots, army/combat boots, booties, jodhpur boots, and knee high boots. The secret to staying warm in stylish boots that aren’t lined with fur is to wear thick socks that are warm, or double up on socks if you have to room to.

Chloé ‘Harper’ ankle boots (Farfetch)

Frye Claude Jodhpur (6pm)

Journee Collection ‘Shelley-12’ Slouch Buckle Microsuede (Overstock)

Madden Girl Eloisee Combat Booties (Macy’s)

SEVEN DIALS Lace Up Chukka Boots (TJ Maxx)

SPORTO Quilted Lace Up Duck Booties (TJ Maxx)

Yoki 28-Mudd55 Mid Calf Knee High Mocassin... (ShoeCenter)

Steve Madden KINNON (Steve Madden)

4. The Clothes within the Coat Layers are your best friend in the winter time. That pair of leggings under your jeans, or the extra t-shirt, or even the extra pair of socks (or those extra long socks) makes all the difference as you face the winter winds. Sometimes you are outdoors more than you are inside, so you don’t really get to take off your coat. If this is Winter graphic Gap Ankle Ozone Chevron of your case, why worry about looking cute without your long sleeve tee leggings Spades Over the coat? Focus on how you look with your coat on and (GAP) (GAP) Knee Socks whether your boots go well with your coat, rather than (Shoebuy) your outfit, and utilize those winter accessories. If you are going to be indoors, you still want to be warm as you go to and fro. Even if you’re layered up, you can still look good. Pick out the outfit that you want to be seen and just put the extra layer over (or under, if you don’t think you’ll be too hot) it so you can take it off when you’re indoors. And if you’re not into layering up, make sure you are wearing your warmest coat, boots, and winter accessories (oh, and hustle to your destination).


December 2016


Denise Boutte

After working in the advertising world, Denise Boutte had been asked many times to be in front of the camera, which was not her initial career plan. But after being contacted by a talent agent and landing a talent manager, Boutte knew that there was nothing to lose and everything to gain. So she took off and tried her wings in Hollywood. Fast forward a couple of Tyler Perry movies later, Denise is currently starring in the new movie The Bounce Back with Shemar Moore. As we connect, she shares her journey to success, her Southern recipes, the new movies and what keeps her grounded.

Photographer/writer: Amina Touray, @aminatphoto Actress: Denise Boutte, @denise_boutte Wardrobe Stylist: Janel Styles, @janelstyles77 Makeup Artist: Niehla O, @niehlao Hair Stylist: Sylvia J Stankowski, @sjshairdesign


December 2016




December 2016

Amina Touray: Denise, you have an interesting background in Mass Communications and Advertising, but then transitioned into the TV & movie industry, which wasn’t planned. At what point did you decide to take the risk and change career paths to pursue the entertainment industry instead? Denise Boutte: Have to chalk it all up to good ol’ Divine Intervention! In a nutshell: While working in the Dallas, TX world of advertising, overseeing commercial and photo shoots for a range of campaigns, I was introduced to life on set and on several occasions was asked to step in front of the camera by my clients. The initial resistance did last several years, but after being approached by a local talent agent, I found myself in front of the lens for a variety of print and commercial campaigns. A chance introduction landed me a talent manager (who I’m still with, till this day) in Hollywood and shortly after, I decided to take a leap of faith, packed my bags and headed West. It was a total gamble, but I felt secure in my decision, based on having a plan to give it my all, within a predetermined period of time. If nothing of significance happened within that deadline, plan B was to shift gears, into Entertainment Journalism. AT: Were you ever scared? DB: Of Course...who wouldn’t be scared! The key is to not let the fear of the unknown deter you. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sure it took a lot of sacrifice, the most obvious, cost of living in Dallas, pales significantly in comparison to L.A. The initial move felt similar to post­college mode but I’d do it again in a heartbeat! I don’t ever want to look into life’s rear­view mirror and ask “What If?” AT: Did you get the support from family and friends? DB: Hate this to seem harsh, but by the time they were told, my mind was already made up and the plans for the move, already in motion. I didn’t want to risk any potential negativity, entering my focus on the positive, so the Hubby and I decided to wait until the imminent move was only weeks away. I had all the support I needed, as long as he and I were on the same page. AT: A lot of people move to Hollywood with big dreams and hopes. But the entertainment industry can be very tough and judgmental. Please describe how your journey has been. DB: Blessed! By no means has it been easy, but in the grand scheme of this industry and what I’m painfully aware can happen to some, I have been one of the lucky ones and know better than to take any success for granted. I keep my

“village” small and am very cautious of who I call a friend. I don’t take that word lightly, nor give it freely. My Family and village are like a safe haven; they keep me grounded like a little fortress that protects me from the negativity. AT: What words of advice can you share with other people that are trying to enter a similar career path as you? DB: Your word has worth. Too many people make promises they know good and well they can’t keep. Separate yourself from the masses and be a person of your word. Trust me when I say, it matters. AT: You’ve starred in movies such as Why Did I Get Married, Meet the Browns, For the love of Ruth, just to name a few. How was it to work with Tyler Perry and how did your roads cross? DB: TP is of the most beautiful person, I’ve ever met. Unlike most, he didn’t allow my lack of resume influence his decision to offer me a role among the stars of “Why Did I Get Married?” or the now syndicated “Meet the Browns.” He instead recognized my potential and gave me a safe environment in which to learn, grow and eventually thrive. How did I book it? Like most- walked into an audition, then at the next day call-back when Tyler Perry himself shook my hand and offered me the role. Just thinking about it still makes me smile, one reason being that until that moment, I didn’t know that was actually Tyler Perry. I’d only seen him as Madea and had no idea what he looked like, without the wig and moo­moo, (laughs). AT: You’re also starring in the new movie The Bounce Back. Tell us about that. DB: As the story goes, we were quite young when our relationship began, then married. Several years after the birth of our daughter, so beautifully portrayed by Nadja Alaya, we head down divorce drive, as I feel we’re better parents than partners. Our characters are a beautiful example of healthy co­parenting and the ability to “bounce back” after divorce and find love again. AT: Describe your character. DB: I portray Matthew Taylor’s (Shemar Moore) ex­-wife, Julie. One of the ironies, if you will, is that my character is the one who divorces his, hence the need to “bounce back.” First-­read of the script, I was like, “So did the girl not like 6­packs, or what?” (Denise laughs) AT: How was it to work with Shemar Moore? DB: To say that it was a fun set would certainly be an understatement. Bill Bellamy and Shemar are practical joke masters! Just as cool, as he is handsome. That’s a Lot! (Continued>>

“I keep my “village” small and am very cautious of who I call a friend. I don’t take that word lightly, nor give it freely.”


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December 2016

AT: You recently came back to L.A. after working out of state. Could you tell us what you’re currently working on? DB: I just wrapped a Romantic Comedy in DC called Couple’s Night (shout out to Reagan Gomez­Preston, Malik Whitfield, Tony Rock and Tri­Destined!!) and was reminded how much I love and miss comedy! We had SO much fun making this movie and if the audience enjoys it even half as much, they’re going to LOVE this movie! Prior to that, my roster’s been filled with a slew of Bad Girls, which can also be quite fun… get to vicariously live life on the wild side, without the repercussions. AT: You have two new movies coming out; Secrets and Media. Could you share some information on what we can expect? DB: YAAAAASSS HUNTEY...In my Wendy Williams voice ( laughs)! Ms. Victoria Campbell in Secrets, Now that’s One BAAAD Chick (laughs)! She was so calculated, smart, and manipulative, and what made her the most fun was that there were no boundaries. This woman had a plan, and absolutely nothing would get in the way of her execution. Be on the lookout for the teaser screenings, currently rolling through dozens of major cities, prior to nationwide release. What makes Ms. Victoria so scandalous? You’ll see.... Don’t Miss Radio One Founder and Chair, Cathy Hughes’ baby Media coming at you February 2017 on TV­One! So honored to be a part of this star­studded cast, too many folks to name, but I have no choice than to mention Brian White, who effortless portrays the hubby, Michael Jones, to my Danielle Jones. In a nutshell, it focuses on the Jones family, who owns and operates JUMP, Jones Universal Media Productions. Between affairs, conspiracies, backdoor deals, fierce rivalries, and mix in a little murder, you’ve got the perfect recipe for drama. AT: Describe how this year has been for you with all the projects you’ve been working on. DB: Super busy but I’ve got an amazing support system and wouldn’t change a thing. AT: And you have a young daughter. How do you balance your career, with motherhood and being a wife? DB: My Family gives me the fuel and motivation necessary to sustain my career. When away for work or too busy to be much of a homemaker, the time and care I give during times of calm make up for it. That, and I’ve got a freezer full of labeled and prepared meals; they simply have to heat&eat. That gives me a “hallpass” for anything, (laughs)! With a healthy desire to lead by example, the Hubby and I are

doing all in our power to raise a beautifully well-rounded, confident, selfrespecting young lady that doesn’t have to search for love cause she knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that she has two parents who love and are willing to do anything for her. AT: What do you do to keep your body and soul in good shape and spirit? DB: I prefer to exercise outside. Lots of rolling hills right outside my door, so most often I walk; occasionally I jog, and when I can get to the beach, I love to rollerblade! Recently, I’ve taken an interest in checking out Yoga. I’ll let you know how that goes :-­) AT: Your skin is flawless. Is it just good genes, or can you share any secret(s) about it? DB: Awe…so sweet again, I keep that simple too. My go to is Cetaphil. I slather that stuff on from head to toe, daily. That, and maybe some of that good ol’ Louisiana humidity may still be residing in these pores (laughs). AT: You also have a YouTube channel called Denise’s Dish, with your cooking. Is that something you’ve always been passionate about? Please tell us more about it.

“I didn’t know that was actually Tyler Perry. I’d only seen him as Madea and had no idea what he looked like, without the wig and moomoo”

DB: Diversification is key. In addition to producing my own Film and Television concepts, I’m in the thick of creating a cooking empire! From Pecan Praline gift­sets, to Cookbooks, to Heat­&­Eat Sides, desserts and seafood. It’s all on deck baby! AT:Your food looks absolutely delicious! Where do you get the recipes? And who taught you how to cook? DB: Can’t beat Cooking in by book! Speaking of books (how’s that for a creative segue, laughs), I’m currently putting the finishing touches on my Cookbook of Family Favorites entitled, Cook’in in California with Louisiana Roots. Beyond excited! AT: How are you going to celebrate the holiday & New Years? DB: As we do every year. Going home to Weezina Baby!!!! Christmas and New Years just aren’t the same if they’re not spent with our family in Louisiana. Of course, Baby Girl’s a little confused with how Santa gets her presents to Mon Mon’s tree in Louisiana, but that’s a whole other creative story. AT: What does 2017 look like for you? DB: Super excited to see what it has in store, but I’m in no rush. I know to enjoy the present. AT: Anything else you’d like to add? Thank You Bronze Magazine! Thank You Princess Amina! You’ve been a true joy.


December 2016


Rose gold knit dress w/ chain side, designer: WowCouture, @wowcouture_usa, provided by Fashion Forward, @fashionforwards_la Ring: Kat Ong, @katongers, provided by Now Showroom, @now_showroom Black strap shoe: JF London, jflondon_official, provided PRB PR PUBLIC RELATIONS, @PRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS



December 2016


December 2016




December 2016


December 2016




December 2016

Black bodysuit w/ open front: Design by WowCouture, @wowcouture_usa Wardrobe by: Fashion Forward, @fashionforward_la Jewelry\Ring design: Jewelry Bar USA, @jewelrybar.usa, provided by Now Showroom, @now_showroom Earrings: Denise’s own Gold and black booties: JF London, @jflondon_official BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

December 2016




December 2016

Embellished dress: Contessa LA, @contessa_la Silver strappy sandal: JF London, @jflondon_official Wardrobe provided by: PRB PR PUBLIC RELATIONS, @PRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS Ring designer: Kat Ong, @katongers Earrings designer: Glamarella, @glamarella_jewelry All jewelry is from Nowshow, @now_showroom


December 2016




December 2016

Gold short top designer: Odrella, @odrellausa, provided by: PRB PR PUBLIC RELATIONS, @PRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS Black colored pant designer: N12H, @n12hfashion, provided by Fashion Forwards, @fashionforwards_la Shoe: JF London, @jflondon_official, provided by PRB PR PUBLIC RELATIONS, @PRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS Gold Bracelet with cross, designer: Glamarella, @ glamarella_jewelry Ring: Jewelry Bar USA, @jewelrybar.usa Earrings: Glamarella, @glamarella_jewelry All jewelry provided by: Now Showroom, @now_ showroom


December 2016


Winter Beauty News... Cool Holiday Picks by Amelia "Ameliaismore" Moore

Tis the season everyone is looking for those healthy gifts, not only for the woman who has everything, but also the gift that no one else will give. Have no fear, the cool new products are here… Winter is always the season when our skin gets dry and chapped. Our hands and feet get the most abuse from the cold and wet weather, especially during long hours of holiday shopping. Parodi Professional Care has the solution for you! It’s an excellent gift for you and your favorite hairdresser, barber, fireman, handyman or housekeeper. This is an easy remedy for anyone whose hands and feet are overworked from over exposure to water, chemicals or long hours of standing. What does Parodi products do? Parodi is primarily dedicated to caring for the unique needs of salon professionals and their salon clients worldwide. Everyone from moms to medical professionals can benefit from Parodi Professional Care products. Their care line is broken down into four main products: two for your hands and two for your feet. The daily hand cream and the intensive hand cream for overnight adds the much needed moisture and resilience back to your skin after a long day of wear and tear. The foot products are similar. First you have the smoothing exfoliate that helps remove dead skin and reduce calluses. It will turn any shower into a foot spa. The nourishing foot cream is the after shower treatment that keeps your feet smooth and hydrated for a softer touch. However, what makes this product unlike others is its ingredients. Parodi infuses its extremely concentrated formulas with three high performance core ingredients: Narce (Mother of Pearl)- which helps promote 40


December 2016

lustrous supple skin, Hypericum (St. John’s Wort)- which offers cosmetic and antioxidant properties for balancing texture and maintaining essential natural moisture, and Spilanthes- which helps soothe irritated skin. Yet that is not all. Parodi pairs these ingredients with the latest in scientific skin care along with other natural botanicals such as Arnica, Sacha Inchi and Evening Primrose Oil, all known for their beautifying and calming properties. Follow them @parodicares or visit their website

For the fashionista that has everything, take…NOTE! I’m not talking about a message, but rather the new makeup line, NOTE Cosmetics, that prides themselves in using special natural ingredients like Argan oil, Shea Butter and Macadamia Nut Oil to improve your skin on the inside while beautifying your look on the outside. What is best about this product is that the whole line has SPF protection in every product to protect your skin from damaging ultra violet rays. Only three years old, Note Cosmetics is a high quality passion driven professional cosmetics brand that embraces art by using your face as the canvas with a Staying with healthy choices (which seems to be the buzz words these days), my last choice is for your hair. This product caught my attention because of its name and how great it smelled. Every lady loves to smell good, especially her hair. BCL Naturals, which stands for BE CARE LOVE is hypo-allergenic, has no sulfates and no harsh preservatives. It’s PH balanced and vegan! Yes vegan! It’s also cruelty free, paraben free, color safe with no GMOS’s, no phthalates, and gluten free. It’s next level natural hair care. The repair and reconstruction line has a calming rose and apricot spa scent while containing organic sea kelp to strengthen and fortify your hair. It also has organic carrot seed oil to protect your hair and its color from environmental damages. The last two ingredients are organic aloe vera, used to rejuvenate and condition, while organic quinoa oil is used to restore the protein matrix to strengthen your hair shaft. The intense hydration line uses lavender and avocado oil for a soothing spa scent. The line also contains four ingredients that repair you hair naturally, starting with the organic carrot seed oil. Similar to the repair and reconstruction line, it helps protect your hair and its color from environmental damages. Organic avocado oil is used to condition and moisturize your hair deeply. Organic soy protein works to strengthen and protect your hair shaft naturally. And

palate of amazing colors to paint your face beautifully. NOTE prides themselves on being a European brand that is more than a make-up line. Instead, they are an award winning luxe cosmetic brand at affordable prices. The impressive office gift that looks like you spent $100 when you spent only $10. If you don’t believe me, then go to their website They spent time making certain that the colors on the site are an exact match to the product shipped to you. A personal favorite is the Sunglow Foundation with SPF15 and vitamin E. When applied it gives you a nice shimmer without feeling greasy. I also enjoyed their rich color lipstick. Infused with Coca Butter and Argan oil, it has staying power like the long stay lipsticks but without paraben, which has been said to contribute to the cause of cancer. Made for every shade this holiday season…. Secret Santas, take NOTE. Follow them at @NOTECosmetics

lavender oil helps control breakage, a common problem with treated or over styled hair. In short, BCL Naturals states they are luxurious formulas that are naturally clean to give your hair true performance. Pre-order your product by going to The product line is scheduled to launch January 2017, so you heard it here first! Follow them at @bclnaturals


December 2016


Two Indie Filmmakers on the Rise by Farren Washington A few months ago, independent film company 4 Features Film Co., announced the upcoming theatrical release of their new project Bastard Son of a Thousand Fathers (movie review on page 42). The movie had already started generating big buzz with the mainstream media and their loyal fans. The film is centered on the high-risk, high-stakes world of the drug trade as seen through the eyes of ruthless immigrant Koda (Lanre Sarumi, who also directed and wrote the screenplay). Koda creates an illicit new drug that allows the user to reach an ultimate high while still remaining a productive member of society. Just as he’s starting to make some serious money, a mysterious blackmailer threatens to take it all away. The movie was nominated for five MPAH Haiti Movie Awards including: Best Movie, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Original Script and Best Director of Photographer. It was released in select theaters in Chicago on September 16 and in Los Angeles and New York City on September 23. It is now available to purchase on Amazon and iTunes. We talk to the multi-talented Remoh Romeo and Tirf Alexius (they’re also brothers in real life), who not only starred in the film (they portrayed Cal and Rex), but were executive producers on the project as well.

1. What was the inspiration for the movie? The director (Lanre Sarumi) really wanted to do a project that was gritty, had action and dug deep into the heart of the drug business. The goal was to make a realistic, crime drama that really delves into the darker side of human nature. That’s when we came in to help with pre-production, develop the script and put together a quality team that could deliver all of that on a tight budget. 2. What inspired you or led you to film this movie the way it was filmed? Were there certain scenes you had envisioned in your mind (knowing already how you wanted it to be filmed) when reading the screenplay? Lanre had a specific vision for the movie that he shared with us over the course of many meetings. He wanted it to be shot hand held style to keep the energy going. That was really important to him because you don’t just want to sit there, you want to feel like it was always on the go and always moving. Overall, he just wanted it to be fast-paced, edgy and intelligent. 3. What was the message you wanted to convey? What do to audiences about this movie? It’s like that old saying goes, about art imitating life. To do a film like that, you have to show the grittiness of it all. This particular project digs deep into the heart of the drug business; it’s very candid in the sense that it shows you what is happening on the streets and across the world. We also wanted to depict the consequences of being involved in that world as well. All in all, it’s a visual platform. We wanted the film to be enagaging as well as entertaining, because otherwise we ran the risk of losing the audience. 4. What are personal attributes that make for a good filmmaker, and what do you do to foster them? You have to have that belief in yourself, and a positive attitude. To be a success, it’s necessary to surround yourself with people who share your vision. If your ideas are similar, then those same people will be more likely to help you out with things like funding and distribution. It’s important to have the drive, as well as a thick skin because you’re going to have to deal with some rejection. This is Hollywood after all! Once you can show everybody else that you’re worth taking a chance on, others will follow suit. 5. How important is the background score in engaging the audience? It’s crucial. All of our films have a heavy music or sound element to it. Music has to have an immersive quality, so the audience can lose themselves in the film. We wanted the hip-hop score to have a cinematic feel and be on a grander scale. A lot of money went towards sound design. The reason for this is because we wanted people to really feel what was happening on screen. So yeah, it was a major component in the film post-production. 6. What is your philosophy in life that influences your creative work? Any type of genre that you write, ultimately there is a part of you that’s in it because you can’t write without knowledge.

If you’re working on a project that’s fictional, then you can embellish as much as you want. But on the other hand, you’ll never make a film without some actual life aspect in it. Even though it’s meant to be entertainment, there’s always some reality in it. 7. How have your roots influenced your art? It’s the simplicity of it. We were born in Haiti and came here to the U.S. with very simple means. And our father would always tell us crazy tales from his childhood, which has had a huge impact creative-wise. We definitely gained an appreciation for good storytelling through him. Also in our approach to art (filmmaking more specifically), it’s about being honest and letting those moments happen on camera naturally. 8. What role have film festivals played in your career so far? Why are they necessary? How do you get the most out of them? You know, with film festivals, depending on when the film is done and when you want to release it, they can be a positive thing. And if you happen to win the lottery and get accepted at a major film festival, there might be the possibility for a distribution deal. However, if you have a film that you know is done and ready to go, it’s not a good idea to submit it to every film festival out there with the hopes of acceptance. Hoping is not good enough for us. Our documentary Lakay was in several festivals; it had won awards, and was well-received. But with BSOTF, our release schedule didn’t really coincide with the festivals. By the time we had finished it, the major festivals we had wanted to submit the movie to weren’t accepting any more entries. So we decided to just go ahead and release it early. It’s also important to foster good relationships with sales agents because they have direct access to these film festivals. They have the power to cut through all of the red tape, and make sure that you stand out amongst the 1,000s of other entries. So yeah, if the opportunity presents itself, definitely take advantage of it. 9. What do audiences want? And is it the filmmaker’s role to worry about that? It all depends upon how involved one is. If you’re taking on multiple roles (writer, director, actor, etc.), then yeah it’s extremely important because you’re responsible for the finished product. Going into it, there has to be a solid script and you need to make sure that production is tight all around. And finally, it all comes down to strategic marketing and having the right advocates (big name actors, TV Personalities, etc. ) behind you. 10. What was the most important lesson you had to learn that has had a positive effect on your film? How did that lesson happen? Well, it happened while we were making our last film, Lakay. We realized just how important it was to make sure that a film is done properly. The process shouldn’t be rushed, and it’s always important to do things right the first time. We wanted BSOTF to be able to stand up against the big budget ($15 million and over) films. This time we had the knowledge and the funding to get it right.


December 2016


Movie Review By Farren Washington

**Warning** This review describes the movie in very graphic detail and contains a number of spoiler alerts. A dazzlingly complex film, Bastard Son of a Thousand Fathers takes a hard, unflinching look at the world of drugs that is perfectly clear and uncompromising. I also liked the fact that the director wasn’t afraid to address tough or uncomfortable issues. Truth be told, the subject manner is not one that I am usually interested in seeing. But I was reminded that you cannot judge something by the “cover”- in this case the movie description. ‘BSOTF’ is about a powerful drug that includes a highly potent recipe that was created by Koda (Lanre Sarumi), a sociopathic doctor from Nigeria. He teams up with Duke, Rex and Cal (Hugh Grady, Tirf Alexius and Remoh Romeo) to mass produce his creation and get it out on the streets. I absolutely without question loved the film, which is truly a collection of some of the best acting I have ever seen - poignant, with a depth of realness built on so many layers as it etches a truth regarding the descent into madness. I am so thankful I stepped outside my comfort zone to see ‘BSOTF.’ It was more than worth my time, and I loved their creativity about “the magical drug.” Ultimately, it is a story about the power of addiction, profit, deception, violence, cynicism, and a glimpse of human decency. The movie was filled with murderous rage, great overkill scenes, and the reality of the “drug business.” The characters were believable, and the scenes were authentic. The film also demonstrates greed and an indifference for human life, but a particular scene did portray that empathy can’t be escaped by even the most evil mind. The movie starts off in a dingy, white room where a young woman is in labor. The woman is clearly in a lot of pain, and Koda tells his female assistant to give her another injection of Morphine. One thing I noticed immediately was that Koda was wearing flip flops. What kind of doctor wears flip flops on the job?!! The woman is crying out for her husband Dave, who is repeatedly knocking on the door demanding to be let in. Koda finally opens the door and tells him that everything is okay. He picks up a metal tool, and for a second it appears that he will use it. After awhile, he just gives up for some reason and walks away. The assistant yells after him, but he doesn’t turn around. For some reason, Koda just flat out gave up. It was almost as if he didn’t care, which baffled me to no end. While leaving the room, Koda tells Dave to finish the operation himself. There is a lot of blood, and Dave watches helplessly as his beloved wife



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dies on the operating table. After watching this gruesome and heart wrenching scene, it makes you wonder what the heck is wrong with Koda and what kind of doctor is he? It made me question if this guy was even a real doctor to begin with. Koda meets up with Duke and Rex, and then that’s when things really start to heat up. The three men get into Duke’s car and drive to his main base of operations, which is really just an abandoned warehouse. We then see a long table lined with stainless steel stock pots, coffee pots, cylinders and small bags filled with white powder. It is clearly a homemade drug operation of some sort. They then walk into Duke’s office to discuss Koda’s illicit new creation. In a flashback scene, Koda is seen conversing with a woman named Gloria. It appears that she is flirting with him and coyly suggests that he call her sometime. They walk into a dirty alley and she asks him for another hit of the Bastard drug for free; Koda then brutally rapes her. In the present day, he explains that the drug is a combination of: Crack Cocaine, Heroin, Crystal Meth, Angel Dust, LSD, Ecstasy, Nicotine, Caffeine, Marijuana, Chocolate and Hibiscus flower. The drug is then revealed to be called ‘The Bastard Son of a Thousand Fathers.’ Koda also tells them that the drug is immediately addictive and deadly if the addict tries to kick the habit. Duke attempts to make a

deal with him to mass produce the drugs at his warehouse. Koda flatly refuses and says that the recipe will stay with him and he’ll mass produce the product himself. Duke balks at Koda’s refusal to cooperate and the two argue heatedly over the matter. After discussing it further, they all come to a mutual agreement and Duke threatens bodily harm against both of them if they screw up. I have to admit, that scene made me laugh out loud. A montage sequence shows Koda, Rex and Cal working together to make the first batch of drugs. A week later, the three men hit the streets and start selling the drugs to dealers and addicts alike. While en route to the warehouse, Koda sees Gloria and tells Cal to pull over. Gloria curses him out and spits in his face. She apologizes and begs Koda for more drugs. She then threatens to go to the cops and spill the beans on their entire drug operation. Knowing that she couldn’t resist the pull of the drugs, Koda agrees to another “exchange,” and Gloria leads him to an alley across the street. She pulls down his pants and the scene cuts away to Koda walking back to the car. Cal questions Koda about the encounter, and asks if she plans on carrying out her threat of telling the cops. His response made me kind of uneasy. What did he do to her? Back at Koda’s apartment, the audience finds out that he had recently received an anonymous blackmail letter. An-

other flashback reveals that Koda strangled Gloria to death when she pulled him into the alley and someone clearly saw him do it. The letter read, “I saw what you did to Gloria.” A man wearing gray pants and dark shoes is seen watching Koda walk away from the scene of the crime. Over the course of the film, he slaugthers multiple people for various reasons including Duke and Cal. One thing that I found to be particularly interesting was the fact that Koda lied to Rex initially about who murdered Cal. He put the blame on the bookies who were after Cal and figured that it would probably be better to have Rex on his side than against him. Later on, Koda reveals to Rex that he killed Duke and Jeff (Duke’s distributor) for double crossing him. Apparently, Duke finally got fed up with Koda’s insubordination and ordered Jeff to raid his apartment for the drug recipe. BIG MISTAKE. A second and third letter are discovered, which implies that the blackmailer is still out there. Koda and Rex recruit a new distributor, Steve and negotiate a deal with him. To make a long story short, Steve turned out to be an undercover cop who was sent in to bring Koda to justice. Him and his partner apprehended Rex and told him the

truth about who really killed Cal. Together, the three of them plan a sting operation to catch Koda in the act. Needless to say, things didn’t exactly go according to plan and they all ended up dead at Koda’s hand. After I saw that scene, I was thinking to myself, “You’ve got to be kidding me, there is no way the movie ends like this with him walking away.” Here is the surprise twist: The blackmailer is revealed to be Dave, the husband of the pregnant woman from the beginning of the movie. He shows up again at the end, and avenges his wife’s death by shooting Koda in the heart. And justice is finally served. All that said, ‘BSOTF’ is a visually good film. The photography is excellent and innovative. The camera is always in the right place at the right time, capturing events perfectly without being too distracting. The score compliments the film very well. It definitely kept my interest with plot twists, great acting, and a few laughs. A must see!


December 2016


“Celebrate and embrace th

Photographer: Amina Touray Photography Makeup Artist: Crystal Watana Models (from left to right): Krystal Willis, Alicia Erby, Linda Walton, Angela Meryl, and Chelsy Gantt

he beauty of women of color�

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