April 2017 issue

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Writer Sianna Stewart on how her inspirational article is a celebration of black womanhood


The Talented Dancer, Model and Actress is Accomplishing her Dreams on her own terms




to Your Liver-Loving Detox

aPrIL 2017





Hello Bronze Beauties! We have a great issue in store for you this month. Talened dancer, actress and model Khadija Shari graces our cover this month. Khadija has danced alongside superstars such as BeyoncĂŠ and Rihanna, and has worked with Pharrell Williams. In an intimate interview with our photographer/writer Amina Touray, she reveals her journey to stardom and shares about who has inspired her along the way. Other fabulous features include interviews with Mommy Mogul Lavada Dale, Best-Selling author Mya Kay, and writer Sianna Stewart, as well as other inspiring content! Happy reading!

xoxo Shawn Stuldivant



APRIL 2017 Issue Editor’s Note

Cover Credits: Photographer: Amina Touray Cover Star: Khadija Shari Stylist: Janel Styles Makeup Artist: Niehla O White jacket with studs design: Glamrock by Marla Guloien - @ MarlaGuloien , @shopglamrock Provided @PRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS Shirt design: Ema Sarah. Provided @fashionforwards_la Light blue jeans designs: Azul by Moussy azulbymoussy_official. Provided by @mediaplaypr

Look for the BronzeMag App

Co-Owner/Editor In Chief

Shawn Stuldivant Co-Owner

Barry Stuldivant Cover Photographer

Amina Touray

Issue Design/Layout

Cheyenne Coston Writers(This Issue)

Sheron Brown Morgan Conyers Tanasia Patterson Amina Touray Lilian Uzokwe

Khadija Shari




Sexy Bronze Glow


Mommy Mogul Lavada Dale


Spring Cleaning by Sheron Brown


Author Mya Kay


Bronze Beauties


Sianna Stewart


BRONZE IT UP Step up your contour game with this matte bronzer. It also offers 5 different shades. NYX Matte Bronzer, $9, Ulta Beauty and nyxcosmetics.com

THE GLOW This highlight will give you a glow that you can see miles away. OFRA Rodeo Drive Highlighter, $35, ofracosmetics.com

CHEEKY CHEEKS Brush on this blush to your cheekbones to get a natural glow. MAC Refined Golden Bronzing Powder, $27, maccosmetics.com

SHIMMERY SHINE Amplify your highlight with this glowly product that will have people complimenting you all day. BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Topaz, $38, Sephora

PERFECT NUDE Slide these rich gold eyeshadows onto your eyelids for a stunning glow. COVERGIRL Goldens TruNaked Eyeshadow Palette, $12, Ulta Beauty

By Tanasia Patterson

The average woman today has a lot to balance when it comes to life. We have to make time to go to the gym, eat healthy, and still manage to get 8 hours of sleep. That all goes on top of balancing a career and being a full time mother. How do they do it? Can it be done? Lavada Dale can tell you all about managing your career and your children all at the same time. The mother of five balances being an author, her haircare line “Haircredibles� and being a mother. BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

APRIL 2017


Q. What inspired you to write your books, “The War between My Mind, My Soul, My God, and “Tears of an Inmate’s Wife”? A. I was going through something and I thought, let me write on it. Writing wasn’t really my thing and I wasn’t sure what lane I wanted to be in as far as writing, but I thought I could empower and inspire the next person while they are going through something. I wanted to give advice on life to the next person. When I did write my book, I got great feedback on how it inspired people once they read it. Q. How did you come up with your titles? A. As I said before I was going through something and often when we go through things we question God and ask why them. It was a constant struggle within myself. So I wrote a book that gave advice. Q. Do you have any other titles in the works? A. Yes, “Live Your Legacy” is in the works. It tells people to live as you go. It shows people that although I own my own business and am an author I’m still relatable. Q. How did you transition from writing to creating and selling hair products? A. I wouldn’t say transition since I still do both, but I was suffering from alopecia. I had bald spots all over my head and I didn’t know the cause of them. I went to the doctor and they told me that I needed injections which were pretty costly. I was a single mother at the time to my two girls. I became insecure and depressed. It was a long process and cosmetology wasn’t my background. I would go to different beauty supply stores and look at different products and their ingredients. I did my research.



APRIL 2017

Q. How do you balance both your jobs and being a full time mother? A. You have to be strategic. You will be tired a lot. You have to take care of your body. Eat better. There is no such thing as naps lol. I work through their naps though. Make it work and stay organized. Keep the kids on a schedule and work around their schedules. Stick to a routine. Q. What made you use the ingredients you used? A. I based it on customer reviews. It was more of what the people needed. I did a lot of research. I found things that gave good moisture. Contacted YouTubers to see what they wanted in a product. I created a lotion and a holding yogurt instead of a gel. Something that was lightweight so that it doesn’t weigh your hair down. Q. What is your favorite product on your line? A. My curl-defining potion. It helps keep my curls for days. Also my leave in conditioner is my favorite. I use it every day. It helps keep my hair moisturized and it restores moisture. Q. Would you come out with a kid’s line? A. Kids can use my products. Children 1 year and up can use it. Maybe in the future I will do one where my kids can be a part of it. Q. How did you come up with the name for your line? A. I was with my kids and they always call me “Supermom.” We were watching the “Incredibles” and it was the scene where elastic-girl is trying to keep the kids from fighting with each other and that’s when I was like that’s it “Haircredible.” Q. Are you going to come out with any other products? A. Next on my list is Bath, Body, and Bubbles. It’s for the woman that takes the time for herself. Whatever happened to bubble baths? No one takes the time for themselves anymore. Lavada shows that you can be a full time mother and have a career. You have to be organized and strategic. While doing so, take time for yourself because that is important also.


APRIL 2017


3 Steps to Your Liver-Loving Detox By Sheron Brown, PhD

Have a “Crowd Out” Mindset

Are you like me? Something takes over in the Spring

Approach the cleanse positively. Instead of

and I want to clean everything around me: stacks of

deprivation-thinking (i.e., “I can’t eat this,” or “I

built up mail, the piles of shoes in my closet, the car and

shouldn’t eat that”) think in terms of what you

sometimes even the garage. There’s something about

can eat more of. Telling yourself what you can’t

the newness of the season that sparks a desire to start

eat is the fastest way to succumb to temptation

fresh. Our brains need the cleansing reset. Moving out or

and your cravings. Instead, focus on increasing

clearing up clutter frees our minds for increased creativity

the intake of foods that your body will love you

and vibrant thoughts. Yet just as the mind requires

for by healing itself. Eating more of these types

cleansing periodically, so do our bodies, particularly the

of food is referred to as “crowding out.” Here are


the foods that will be replaced or crowded out

Your liver is a sugar-processing organ and too much of it

during the detox.

over time is linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even gout. Excess sugar in our diets is also now being linked to Type 3 diabetes—Alzheimer’s disease!

• Refined carbohydrates (white rice, bread, pasta, pizza…you get the gist.) • Processed cereals—yes, all that stuff in the cereal aisle.

The daily recommended amount of sugar for women is about 6 teaspoons per day (and 9 for men), but on average, Americans consume about 20 . This is mainly because of the way food is processed and the foods you choose to eat. The more you eat processed sugar, the more you want processed sugar. Your brain responds to processed sugar like it’s an abusive drug. Indulging in a sugary dessert every now and then is perfectly fine, but daily indulgence is deadly, literally. Over indulgence harms your liver, your brain and ultimately your body.

• “Fruit” in cans and plastic cups. If you must eat apple sauce, then make it. • Sauces with sugar…that’s almost all of them. Read the labels! • Salad dressings with sugar. Again, read the label. • ANYTHING in a box that says “sugar free,” “fat free,” or “reduced fat.” It’s a set up! • Sweetened nut milks. Go ahead and drink your almond milk—the unsweetened kind. • Sugar. That includes raw cane, natural, honey, nectars, corn syrups. Sugar.



APRIL 2017

Decide to Love Yourself with Loving Foods Show yourself some love by crowding out sugar and chemicalized man-made foods with these natural alternatives: • Vegetables…all of the non-starchy veggies. • Fruit—the real kind out of the produce aisle, but only 1-2 servings per day. • Nuts, if you’re not allergic. Wait! And no honey roasted anything! • Seeds (flax, chia, pumpkin, hemp, sesame, etc.) • Grains, if you’re not allergic. • Coconut oil and olive oil. • Seasonings without sugar. • Water, water, and water. If you don’t eat meat or want to try this detox meatfree, eat foods like avocados, kale, spinach, walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds. If you eat meat, try your best to make it non-GMO and lean toward fish like salmon, snapper, trout, cod, tuna, or halibut.

Consider Supplements Wondering if you’ll have a good amount of nutrients during the detox? You absolutely will and you can fortify this knowledge by adding a few supplements. Use these: • Konjac fiber or psyllium husk in powder or pill form to turn off hunger, slow down sugar absorption and reduce fat storage. • Chromium in pill form will regulate blood sugar and insulin, and promote sugar balance in your body. • Vitamin B12 (mostly if you choose to not eat meat) will ward off anemia and boost energy. Plus, all of the variety of vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds you’ll be eating will ensure you have the nutrients you need.

During the first three to five days, you may feel headaches. That’s the detox working. Drink plenty of water and stick to your decision. You will make it through. If your headache persists, however, check in with your physician. Also, try to have friends, coworker and/or family members join you if possible. I went through the detox in my Going Raw Together Facebook group and having company to share the experience with made it more fun and built in accountability. Whether you choose to detox alone or with partners, the point is to choose. Choose to break the addiction and heal your body. Choose to make a fresh start this Spring and show your liver some love. This article contains excerpts from the ebook, 10Day Sugar Detox: Your Roadmap to Loving Your Liver, Healing Your Body and Empowering Yourself with Choices Because You Are Sweet Enough, by Sheron Brown. Excerpts reprinted with permission from the author.

Sheron Brown, PhD is the owner of Sweet Eden by Sheron, a wellness education company. She helps people reduce stress and related conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, anxiety, obesity and cardiovascular disease through individual and group coaching, courses and seminars. As a yoga instructor and certified health coach, she also teaches mindful practices that help people improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being so they can live and work with increased joy and purpose. Request a free health coaching session by emailing info@sweetedenbysheron.com or connect with Sheron on Facebook.com/ sheronbrownphd and Instagram.com/iamagirlfrombrooklyn. BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

APRIL 2017


Photography Ardell McDuffie (@ardellmcduffie) MUA Katrina Reel (@trina_glams_you) They say that persistence pays, and Mya Kay is no exception. The bestselling author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur has been honing her craft since she first discovered her calling for writing and publishing ten years ago. With several published books to her credit and goals of conquering Hollywood, it’s no wonder that the North Philadelphia native recently made literary history. Find out how she did it as she inspires us with her journey filled with passion, purpose, and challenges…

What was your childhood like? My childhood was filled with love and pain. But one thing that I always remember is my mother taking me to the library every Saturday and church every Sunday. I always had a book in my hands and I was reading encyclopedias at a young age. Growing up in North Philadelphia, there was a lot of struggle and violence, but there were also life lessons that taught me how to be tough and not take ‘no’ for an answer.

When did the writing bug hit you? I was five years old when the writing bug hit me. I remember asking a friend in class if she would draw the pictures to go with the book I was writing for a quarter each. I was serious. Even though she said no, something told me that I would one day finish that book.

What was your dual-degree for in community college? How did that impact your decision to study Magazine Journalism at Temple University? I studied pre-nursing because I thought I wanted to be a nurse. When I got to Temple, I decided to go pre-med, thinking that it was a safe career choice. But eventually, I realized it was better to have passion over profit and focused on journalism. Temple has one of the best film/communication schools, so I was excited to study journalism at Temple.

“I realized it was better to have passion over profit.”

Did you pursue a career at all as a journalist after graduation? Why or why not?

Where do you get your inspiration for your books? Do you ever draw on personal experiences to form your characters?

When I was a junior in college, I remember applying

Every writer draws on personal experience. It’s hard not to. For

to a bunch of different jobs in the journalism field.

me, it’s about fleshing out a character until I know everything

Nothing happened, even after I graduated. It wasn’t

about them, down to what their favorite food is. As long as I

by choice that I didn’t pursue a career, it was just

know my character, the story line will unfold as it should. I feel my

that the doors didn’t open. What I realized is that by

characters out deeply. It’s the only way I know how to make a

the time I finished college (2007), you had to know

story come to life.

someone to break into journalism or you needed to be able to create your own dream job.

What was the catalyst for founding mentoring organizations for men and women while at TU?

How did it feel when you self-published your first book Speechless? What has been one of the greatest challenges on your road to becoming a published author? Self-publishing was fun for me, but it had its challenges. I think

I always loved helping people and serving. I learned

having the support I had from Terri J. Vaughn and Rodney Perry

how important it was to help people from the

helped a lot. And I started with a book of short stories so that I

women in my family. I saw how I was attending this

could test the waters before publishing a full novel. After that, I

great, prestigious university in Philadelphia, yet so

decided to go ahead and publish two more books. A Song for

many of the children in the neighborhood were

Jordan, my first full length novel, was much more challenging.

hurting. So for me, it was a matter of taking the

I wrote it while my mom was recovering from tongue cancer

time to see how I could help without overwhelming

and I had to do everything - design the cover, edit, market, etc.

myself. The organization ended up going on for two

However, that book ended up in Barnes & Noble which is very

years and creating great events that catered to the

hard to get into as a self-published author.

youth in the North Philadelphia community.

The road to becoming a published author with support and

“I learned how important it was to help people from the women in my family.” How was your experience of living and teaching in North Korea?

backing from a major distributor takes a lot of work. I am now signed to The TMG Firm, a New York publisher, but it took years and a lot of books to get here.

Is there any particular audience that you like writing for the most? Why or why not? I write young adult novels because growing up, I was able to see myself in a lot of the books I read. Today, minorities are very underrepresented on the bookshelves, so I believe it’s my calling to change the world with words, primarily among teen and young adults. (continued on next page)

I taught English in South Korea and it was beyond rewarding. It was also humbling. There’s no way that you can be that far outside of your comfort zone and not learn a lot or learn more about yourself in the process. To this day, I miss my babies. It was hard leaving but I knew it was time to come home. It was

“I believe it’s my calling to change the world with words.”

just for a season of my life. BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

APRIL 2017


What genres do you cover? Any favorites?

Any advice for up and coming writers?

Edgy YA and Romantic Suspense are my favorite genres

Advice for writers: Write. You would be surprised how

because I get to merge the two together. The Clover

many people claim they want to be a writer and they

Chronicles: Battling Brelyn (a young adult family saga with

want to write, but they don’t. Don’t focus on the end

romantic elements) is about a teen girl with lupus who

result, just write and keep writing until you are done. And

falls in love with a paralytic athlete, but her health takes a

if you can’t get an agent or a publisher, find a way to

turn for the worse and causes her family to have to figure

publish your work. Be fearless because rejection is apart

out what is going on and why is her health failing all of a

of the game.

sudden. There’s a lot of twists and turns that will leave you surprised at the end.

You have published 5 books in 7 months, and recently you had a literary historic moment when you released 3 books in one day. How are you able to do it all so quickly?

What’s next for you? April is a big month for me historically and personally. I’m focusing on making sure these three books soar to the top and I’m focusing on my upcoming book tour, which will probably be a ten city tour for now. In addition to that, I launched my own digital magazine called, Elect Style Digizine (electstyledigizine.com). It’s a bi-monthly

I write at the speed of my vision. I don’t have a particular

magazine for millennials of color that focuses on the boy

time frame to finish the books, but for me, the three books

and girl next door, and not so much celebrities. However,

in one day is my biggest moment. I didn’t rush those books.

I have a section called Master Millennial and I was

Two of them are celebrity collaborations, so those took

honored to have one of my faves, Teddy Riley, featured

months (for each) to complete. Non-fiction is a little more

in my first issue for that section. The next issue comes out

challenging to write because you have to make sure you

May 5, 2017.

have the facts correct. Fiction is easier, but it’s still hard.

I would love for readers to follow me @writermya and to

Once I turn the faucet on, I keep going until I’m done.

keep up with my success at www.writermya.com. Sign up

Tell us about your love for writing screenplays and about your writing business. As a writer, I believe in using my gift in multiple ways. It could be writing music, poetry, movies or television shows. As long as I have a piece of paper and a pen, I’m going to always use words to inspire and create change. My next goal is to conquer Hollywood, which may take a little more time and effort, but that’s what building an empire is all about.

“As long as I have a piece of paper and a pen, I’m going to always use words to inspire and create change.” 14


APRIL 2017

for my email list for exclusive updates and meet & greet opportunities.

Advertise in our next issue For affordable placement options Request our Media Kit at info@bronzemagonline.com

hadija Shari

is a dancer, actress and model with Caribbean roots, and an upbringing in New York. She has come a long way in her career. After dancing next to superstars such as Beyonce and Rihanna, and being the face of Pharrell’s single “Marilyn Monroe,” she is living a life that most only dream of. But it has been far from a bed of roses. Through the challenges and obstacles she’s faced, Khadija had to push a little harder to be where she is today. In our intimate interview we get to know Khadija a little deeper while she talks about her journey and new projects!

Photographer/writer: Amina Touray @aminatphoto Wardrobe stylist: Janel Styles @janelstyles77 Makeup artist: Niehla O @niehlao White jacket with studs design: Glamrock by Marla Guloien @ MarlaGuloien, @shopglamrock Provided @PRB_PUBLIC_ RELATIONS Shirt design: Ema Sarah. Provided @fashionforwards_la Light blue jeans designs: Azul by Moussy - azulbymoussy_ official. Provided by @mediaplaypr



APRIL 2017


APRIL 2017


Going back in time, tell us where you’re from and about your upbringing?

immense amount of love! I truly couldn’t be more

I am from the beautiful Island of Trinidad and Tobago.

sacrifices… missing your own bed, your family and

Raised in Brooklyn, NY.

friends, a boo, the time differences, and then

You started dancing at the tender age of 5. Did you always know that you wanted to pursue a dancing career?

thankful for the experience. The downside is the

not getting to spend enough time in each place. Otherwise, time of my life!

for this production called “Dance Africa.” It was that

Tell us about your experience of being the face for Pharrell’s “Marilyn Monroe” single.

show that gave me my first stage high, lol. I loved it and

Becoming the face of Pharrell’s, “Marilyn Monroe”

I wanted more. Was making a career out of it in the

single was like a shock to my system. In a good way, of

plans? Not quiet. At the time, I just loved performing.

course. Imagine always being the background talent…

Around 8 yrs old, I got the chance to perform on stage

You’ve danced alongside Beyonce, Rihanna and Pharell. How were those experiences and what have they taught you?

playing your part for years… But also knowing and

Dancing alongside superstars like Rihanna, Beyonce

definitely surreal for a while. I was actually at the mall

and Pharrell have been the most rewarding

when I got all these calls and texts about it coming out.

experiences of my career. It’s allowed me the chance

I was like ‘Oh lord, I’m in this mall looking weak, hope

to do what I love, live out my dreams (of performing

no one recognizes me,’ lol. But no, I felt overwhelmed

and traveling the world), be an example for youth

with Joy and Gratitude. And then I immediately wanted

that dreams can come true, and then doing it on the

to hug Pharrell. Because it would be the first time some

highest level. I think what I’ve learned most, is that hard

one (who wanted to help my career) kept their word

work beats out any amount of talent and looks. Lastly,

and did exactly what they said they were gonna do. I’ll

I learned that making a statement with your presence,

forever love him for that!

feeling that one day there could be a moment that all eyes would be on you. How does one prepare for such a thing? Exactly! You don’t.. You just live in it. It was

how you use your platform can either make you a thing

How has the road been to get to where you are today?

of the moment, or give you a career that lasts the true

The road to getting where I am today has not been

test of times!

anybody’s “yellow brick” road! More like cracked

producing quality work, standing for something, and

You’ve done 3 tours with Rihanna. Tell us what tour life is like?

Brooklyn pavements, to smooth 5th Ave streets, back to

Man, tour Life is one of the most exciting, adventurous,

It’s been a roller coaster to say the least. Filled with

‘dream like’ ways to live while traveling and performing.

some amazing highs and lows. I’ve had to push past so

You’re literally either hopping off of a 12-18 hr bus

many tests and adversities from injuries, failures of all

ride, 15-22 hour flight (if you’re traveling through the

kinds, blowing thousands of dollars, living from

continents), to the next stop… shower, get ready and

apartment to apartment. I’ve literally gone through

hit the stage. You meet all these different people. See

some life changing shit…damn near wanted to give up

how they live. Try all kinds of foods. Be forced to learn a

on it all at times. But my faith in God, my belief in

little of the local language. Party in the coolest places

my purpose and then the tremendous support I’ve

(btw, partying with Rihanna is like NO OTHER) lol.. And

gotten thus far has kept me going!

the Subway, to a cruise down the 101 at 3am (laughs).

then meeting and chatting with the fans, who always show an



Clothing Credit on right page: Black drop top shoulder: Design by Steph Audino - @stephaudinolabel. Provided @now_showroom

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What brought you from New York to Los Angeles? Well, dancing for Beyonce (as my first job into the business) opened my eyes to all of the other possibilities the industry could have for me. I had already done some awesome jobs in NY, but it didn’t feel big enough. It was really getting denied the chance to tour with Bey that made me want to chase a tour that much more. I knew NY was Broadway based and that all the major tours were mostly being casted in L.A., so I knew I had to be there. I mean, I had nothing to lose..only to gain!

You seem very strong minded and confident. Where do you think that comes from? I think my upbringing plays a huge factor in my strength and confidence. Not to mention, I am a Virgo. I work for what I want. And I believe. You gotta believe in your juice, no matter what anyone else thinks (laughs). I also grew up in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn with West Indian parents. I got to be free to enjoy the city and gain some street smarts. Then learned discipline, family values and love at home. That balance makes for a well rounded confident individual, I think.

Tell us something about yourself that you think people would be surprised to know? I think people would be most surprised to know that I’m modest to a fault. I can get very shy. It’s so annoying because I can feel myself getting all weird. Like I love meeting and talking to people, learning about them, picking their brain. The minute the attention goes on me and talking about all that I’ve done, giving me compliments, I can get shy and start over complimenting them back lol. I’m learning to just say thanks.

You are an inspiration to alot of people. Growing up, who was your biggest inspiration? Growing up, some of my inspirations was my Mother to start. That lady is a beast in everything she does with a heart of gold! My Dad, for his love for me and what I should look for in a man. Aside from them, my teachers (art and school). Oprah, Brandy, Beyonce, mogul women. Angela Bassett, Nia Long, Meryl Streep and Halle Berry are some of my favorite actresses to watch. Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash, Allen Iverson…funny, I always related the way I performed to how they played. Start and finish with a bang! And then of course, my fashion muva was always Naomi Campbell.

And you’re also an actress and model. What are you currently working on? Well, I’ve been fully committed and dedicated to making this next chapter as epic as the last. So far for the year, I was featured in the Big Sean “Moves” video. Soon to be released videos with Trey Songz and Mario. On the beauty side, the Sephora campaign I got to be apart of just released. I also have a new Beauty Campaign coming out soon, which is going to be pretty cool. And then I have my first film project coming out. I got to play one of the costars to rising star…don don don. You’ll have to wait and see!

So far, what has been your greatest challenges and accomplishments? My greatest challenge is being overly critical of myself. Not allowing my wins to live. Always competing with myself to do something bigger and better than the last. It’s a real struggle at times. I’m doing better though. My greatest accomplishment would be the feeling I get when I read messages and comments from young black girls or women, thanking me for being an inspiration to them. Helping them love their skin tone and giving them someone to pair to be like who looks like them or doing things they want to do! That right there beats out any performance or opportunity.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now? This question makes me cringe. As an artist, I don’t often think that far. Our lives can change in an instant. I see visions of what I want to do. But what if it doesn’t happen in those 5 yrs? It’s low key like a set up... lol. Honestly, I just hope and pray that I am living in my purpose. Using my gifts and talents to create a career where I can work hard and play hard and help the next generation to come. I’ll gladly take a husband and even a baby though. And then of course to keep sprinkling this black girl magic everywhere I go! Oufit Credits on left page: Blue jacket: Design by Masaki Matsuka - @masakimatsuka Earrings: Jewelry bar usa - @jewelrybar.usa. Provided by @now_showroom Bracelet: NMD @now_showroom Outfit Credits on right page: Black drop top shoulder: Design by Steph Audino - @stephaudinolabel. Provided @now_showroom Red shorts with gold buttons: Lotuz - @lotuz_jakarta. Provided @now_showroom Shoes: JF London - @jflondon_official. Provided @prb_public_relations


APRIL 2017




APRIL 2017

What legacy do you wish to leave behind? What legacy do I wish to leave behind? Hmmm… I would have to say, a legacy that awakens the mind of the youth and the people. I want to leave a legacy of love, passion, hard work, dedication, courage, honesty, unwavering strength and consciousness of self, life and the world. I want it to make you feel something… something worth watching.. something worth believing in. From my pictures to the projects I do, to my words. I want my legacy to touch the generations after me. Igniting the light in the minds and souls of the next ones up! I don’t know who’s watching and taking notes. But that’s what I want my legacy to do. Make you feel like ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Lastly, I want it to show the power and grace of the black woman! Oufit Credits on left page: Blue jacket: Design by Masaki Matsuka - @masakimatsuka Purple skirt: Design by Masaki Matsuka Provided by @fashionforwards_la Gold strap high top sandals: Design by JF London @jflondon_official. Provided byPRB_PUBLIC_RELATIONS Earrings: Jewelry bar usa - @jewelrybar.usa. Provided by @now_showroom Outfit Credits on right page: Black drop top shoulder: Design by Steph Audino - @stephaudinolabel. Provided @now_showroom Red shorts with gold buttons: Lotuz - @lotuz_jakarta. Provided @now_showroom Shoes: JF London - @jflondon_official. Provided @prb_public_relations


APRIL 2017



Photographer: Amina Touray Makeup artist: Irma Vasquez Models: Jessica Hearns (left) & Sarah Edwards (right) 24


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APRIL 2017


Photographer: Amina Touray Makeup artist: Irma Vasquez Model: Jessica Hearns



APRIL 2017

1. Temptu airpod Chestnut 2. Josie Maran cheek gelee in Berry Bliss 3. Bobbi Brown long wear cream shadow in Copper 4. Maybelline touchable taupe 5. Danessa Myrick’s Enlight Halo powder in sun





APRIL 2017


Photographer: Amina Touray Makeup artist: Irma Vasquez Models: Sarah Edwards 30


APRIL 2017

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APRIL 2017


Sianna Stewart and her Year of the #BlackGirl

By Lilian Uzokwe

With popular social movements and campaigns generaing viral hashtags on social media such as #BlackGirlsRock, #BlackGirlsareMagic (or #BlackGirlMagic), #melaninonfleek, and #flexinmycomplexion, it’s no wonder that 2016 was the Year of the black girl. Whether it was using their voices towards social activism, celebrating black women’s accomplishments, or encouraging acceptance of the beauty of their various skin tones and hair textures, black women have become a force to be reckoned with, as a result of a massive digital footprint where no one can deny its importance. If you do nothing else, you must read writer Sianna Stewart’s article exposé, Year of the #BlackGirl in Charlie Magazine (http://helloitscharlie.com/blackgirls), where she discusses topics from what it is like growing up as a black woman in today’s society to the ever-evolving social movements that have raised voices and social consciousness. In our interview with the talented writer, we learned why she chose to delve into such a reflective piece and what she wants readers to learn from it...

What inspired you to write about the Year of the #BlackGirl? What does it mean to you? In 2016, I really felt like black womanhood and sisterhood

What would you like to see in the future in regards to black women’s influence culturally and socially?

were pushed to the forefront on social media by our

I would like to see people from all backgrounds accept

community’s musicians, actresses and organizers. They

and appreciate the positive influence and contributions

radically changed how people perceived blackness and

black women have made in modern-day society. More

exposed socio-cultural issues that affect our community.

importantly, however, I would love to see the influence of

The amount of awareness raised through Twitter, Facebook, black women be directed into mentoring young girls of and Instagram alone is super impressive, and that, along


with the proud agenda of celebrating blackness is what

How did writing this article make you feel? What type of feedback have you received?

really inspired me.

The article makes a point about the unique perspective black women bring to social media. What in your opinion, does that mean for black women?

Writing this article felt really empowering. Capitalizing on the opportunity to talk about something that really mattered to me and was pressing to women I knew,

It means now, more than ever, we should capitalize on the

increased my pursuit of writing even more. Additionally,

platforms that really amplify our voices (individually and

the feedback we have received from the article and

collectively). Since we cannot and do not depend on mass Charlie, on a whole has been phenomenal. We’re blown media to speak on the truths we understand, I believe this

away by the amount of features and support for this

means that we should unashamedly share our perspectives

project and all of it’s content.

on issues using this medium. If we are looking for change, in

What would you tell your younger self about how to go about finding your own #blackgirlmagic?

exchange, we will open the doors to more people looking to contribute and strengthen whatever cause we are highlighting.

Do you think Year of the #BlackGirl is here to stay? why or why not?

I’m currently twenty-five, so I’m still taking each day as an opportunity to hone in on my #blackgirlmagic, but if I could tell my younger self anything, it would

Yes, definitely. I believe Year of the #BlackGirl is here to

be to embrace my unwavering curiosity by exploring

stay, and I believe it will continue to evolve throughout the

everything. I would tell myself not to focus on the lack of

years. Since most media platforms and networks are made

black female representation in the U.S.’s creative industry,

up of non-black women, it’s inevitable that our community

but to find my passion in art and work on being successful

will continue to grow and highlight our achievements on

at that day in and day out.

grander scales each year.

What message do you want your readers to take away from your article?

Why do you think that although millions of people are tuning into our movements on social media, do you think it’s still hard for our voices to be heard?

I want readers to understand the importance of today’s black women, their hardships, their achievements, and the massive digital footprint they have made

I believe that social media has made it a lot easier for

using social media. I also would like readers to be

our voices to be heard. Black women have a knack for

inspired by our motivation to celebrate blackness,

creating impressionable and viral content on trending

self-love, and community through innovative, visceral

topics that circulates for years at a time; it pulls in millions

ways. Additionally, I hope this article also reflects why

of people from all backgrounds. Unfortunately, I believe

community and empowerment is so necessary. I believe

it is still hard for our voices to be appreciated and taken

power is in every minority group, and unity, plus the

seriously. Many social media users still disparage #blackgirl

promotion of that unity, can be used to overpower

achievements and movements and that backlash can

negativity and overcome any obstacle.

really knock down our intention. The negative noise doesn’t make it impossible, but it does makes it harder to be heard.


APRIL 2017


“Celebrate and embrace th

Photographer: Amina Touray Photography Makeup Artist: Crystal Watana Models (from left to right): Krystal Willis, Alicia Erby, Linda Walton, Angela Meryl, and Chelsy Gantt

he beauty of women of color�

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