November 2020

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SubScribe Although your daily mail and package deliveries may have gotten exponentially bigger during the pandemic – most of these deliveries probably have a smile on the box or envelope (actually, Jeff Bezos grinning) and could be the result of your serious “one-click” problem. The one thing that you have seen less and less of each month is your monthly dose of printed motorcycle information and publications. Oh, sure – we are still here, but Backroads is a different sort of operation and both Shira and I would be doing this even if we did not have to. We own Backroads and it is not even a labor of love, but a life, as there is a huge difference between working for somebody or something and living a happy and productive life. Especially when it can benefit others as well. For years I have jokingly said Backroads was the biggest regional motorcycle publication – the reason why we print in a tabloid size! But suddenly, with the Great Moto-Pub Attrition of the past few years, we have gone from a nice “Mom & Pop” run regional moto-mag to one of the last paper players. Who would have thought many years ago that this would happen and our response would be…This Sucks! This was bound to happen when people that are not real riders get involved in the sport. But, this is the same with all walks of life, not just the motorcycle industry. I have nothing against venture capitalists – but few are real motorcycle enthusiasts. Today we heard that Bonnier Corp, that bought several motorcycle magazines back in 2011, has sold off its digital assets to Octane, a powersports finance company. Bonnier was owned by the Bonnier Group of Sweden and, even before COVID, was trying to sell off its magazines, including Cycle World, Field

Page 3 & Stream, and Popular Science. According to Octane’s CEO Jason Guss, “Our goal for this acquisition is to ensure that unbiased product reviews, rigorous and objective testing, and informed storytelling will continue to be available to powersports enthusiasts. When combined with Octane’s financing platform and dealership partners, consumers will soon be able to go directly from researching their dream vehicle to owning it, in a fast, seamless process.” Ahh – one-click shopping. Although the present crew that had been writing and creating Cycle World will stay around, that comfortable magazine has gone the way of so many great publications. Motorcycle Consumer News – gone. Motorcyclist – gone. American Iron – gone. Rider and Cycle World - digital-only. Many of the articles that we have seen recently like to play up that print is dead and the end-all of the modern-day is digital. Perhaps – but as we heard in The Holy Grail – “I’m not dead yet!” And… neither is print. There are still fine publications in which you can feel, touch, turn, and dog-ear a page… Thank the Road Gods! Let me throw out a few, although I will miss a couple, I am sure. Know these motomags still consume their share of trees and are not owned by corporations – but by real riders or riding associations.

roadrunner Motorcycle Touring & Travel Many of you who read Backroads do so for the destinations – it’s great to have and ride motorcycles but much like us, RoadRunner offers up some wonderfully great adventures from various places around the United States Continued on Page 6

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