November 2020

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Frontline Eurosports Presents

BIG CITY GETAWAY SuSSex county harveSt, honey & garlic FeStival A DeliciouS colliSion of flAvoRS Many of you know that Backroads Central calls the farmlands and forests of northwest New Jersey home. We like it here. Comfortable, open, great roads and an abundance of fresh foods – especially come the fall. This year’s Festival was, like most other planned gatherings, cancelled but last October we heard that the annual Sussex County Harvest, Honey & Garlic Festival was to be held that coming weekend at the Fairgrounds in Augusta, New Jersey – a way too short ride from the barn. So, we made it a bit longer but did eventually make our way down the long circular drive past the spraying lake fountain and to the parking lot – hidden from view from the road above. Wow, they have themselves a decent crowd, I thought. Lucky for us they are very good about motorcycles and we put them off on a convenient piece of grass. Admission to this event is free; and if you love fresh harvest of all kinds, crave garlic, and go yummy over honey? Well, this festival is for you. The grounds have a number of large and long barns – three were full today. One Honey. One Garlic. And one for everything else. A fourth had stuff for kids – face and pumpkin painting, kids crafts, and a hayride. We saw Shira’s friend, Monica, from Orchard View Lavender Farm as well as Springhouse Creamery and some folks selling seriously hard pickles.

daytrip ideas to get out of the daily grind The honey barn had its share of bees and honey products and it was amazing to see just how different one honey can be from another. Along the garlic side of things, we found many varieties of the smelly rose proving that Dracula doesn’t stand a chance in the Garden State. We ended up buying some black garlic balsamic along with some horseradish root that became the beginnings of a bountiful crop.

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