July 2022

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And I’m never going back to my old school… Steely Dan or whateva?

Backroads Central to Hancock, Maryland Although a soggy veteran, I am not a fan of wet weather riding; but if you ride - I have a shirt for you. It simply says “Rain Happens.” We will all get caught in it now and again. Worse, would be staring out in the rain. That was what Dark Sky had foretold for us the night before, so we were somewhat heartened by the gray clouds and hit or miss mists that greeted our start south this Memorial Day Friday. My headset and GPS spun up Steely Dan. Well boy, I think I AM going back. Every year we tell you about going to CLASS, Reg & Gigi Pridmore’s high-performance riding school, held for the last decade each year at Virginia International Raceway, right at the border between VA and North Carolina. The difference this year was that it was being held in the middle of the spring, rather then in fall. Better for us, we thought, as it gave us a good head start on the season. (Like Ecuador was not enough?) On this ride, I thought we could meander in a southwesterly flow. First through the Slate Belt and then the old mountains before crossing the Susquehanna River. At some point in the southern Poconos, we ran high and into the thick clouds that had been our cover for the ride so far.

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