Journal 2008

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ISSN 1691-4333





REDKOLÇÌIJA: EDITORIAL BOARD: Jânis Krastiòð, Dr.habil.arch., Riga Technical University Ivars Strautmanis, Dr.habil.arch., Riga Technical University Jânis Briòíis, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University Sandra Treija, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University Uìis Bratuðkins, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University Sigurds Grava, Ph.D., Columbia University, New York (USA) Karin Hallas. Ph.D., Estonian Museum of Architecture (Estonia) Jânis Kursis, Lund University (Sweden) SEKRETÂRS: SECRETARY: Sandra Treija, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University ZINÂTNISKAIS REDAKTORS: SCIENTIFIC EDITOR: Jânis Krastiòð, Dr.habil.arch., Riga Technical University RECENZENTI: REVIEWERS: Jânis Krastiòð, Dr.habil.arch., Riga Technical University Ivars Strautmanis, Dr.habil.arch., Riga Technical University Jânis Briòíis, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University Gunârs Asaris, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University Jânis Zilgalvis, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University Uìis Bratuðkins, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University Sandra Treija, Dr.arch., Riga Technical University Aija Ziemeïniece, Dr.arch., Latvia University of Agriculture Ojârs Spârîtis,, Art Academy of Latvia

REDKOLÇÌIJAS ADRESE: ADDRESS OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD: Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Riga Technical University 16 Âzenes Str., Rîga, LV-1048 Fax: +371 67089130 E-mail:

© Rîgas Tehniskâ universitâte, 2008



The proreedings by the lecturers and PhD students of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of RTU is another contribution to the science of Latvian architecture. In line with the principal directions for research defined at the university, the authors of the articles have focused on deeper recognition, evaluation and systematisation of cultural heritage of populated areas of Riga and other parts of Latvia, analysis of urban and spatial planning problems, and on study of particular artistically creative aspects of architecture.

Rakstu krâjums ir RTU Arhitektûras un pilsçtplânoðanas fakultâtes mâcîbspçku un doktorantu kârtçjais pienesums Latvijas arhitektûras zinâtnç. Atbilstoði fakultâtç îstenotajiem galvenajiem pçtîjumu virzieniem, veikta Rîgas un citu Latvijas apdzîvoto vietu kultûras mantojuma dziïâka apzinâðana, novçrtçðana un sistematizçðana, pilsçtbûvniecîbas un teritoriju plânoðanas problçmu analîze, kâ arî atseviðíu arhitektûras mâkslinieciski radoðo jautâjumu izpçte. Raksti sakârtoti tematiskâ secîbâ. Vairâki pçtîjumi veltîti atseviðíâm çkâm vai arhitektûras mantojuma detaïâm. Seko plaðâku vçsturisku tçmu apskati. Ðie raksti zinâtniskajâ apritç ievada jaunu, lîdz ðim pietekami neapzinâtu faktu kopumu. Pçc tam sagrupçti pçtîjumi par pilsçtbûvniecîbas un plânoðanas jautâjumiem. Tajos skârta gan esoðâs pilsçtvides organizâcijas, sakârtoðanas un attîstîbas problemâtika, gan plaðâka mçroga plânoðanas aktualitâtes. Par rakstu zinâtnisko kvalitâti atbild to autori.

The articles are arranged in a thematic order. Several studies are devoted to individual buildings or elements of architectural heritage. The complication also includes reviews of more comprehensive historic themes. These articles introduce new and almost unnoticed facts into scientific circulation. Then follow studies on urban construction and planning. They focus on organisation, improvement and development problems of the existing urban environment and on topical issues in the planning on a wider scale. Authors themselves take the responsibility on the scientific quality of the articles.

Krâjumâ iekïautie raksti ir noderîgs palîglîdzeklis profesionâlajâ radoðajâ darbâ gan arhitektûras un pilsçtplânoðanas speciâlistiem, gan par kultûras mantojuma saglabâðanu un aizsardzîbu atbildîgajâm institûcijâm. Redkolçìija cer, ka ðis krâjums izraisîs interesi visiem, kas interesçjas par Latvijas vidi un tajâ esoðo kultûras vçrtîbu ðodienu un rîtdienu.

These articles will be a useful supplementary aid in professional creative work of specialists in architecture and urban planning, as well as for institutions responsible for preservation and protection of cultural heritage. The editorial board hopes that this compilation would be of great benefit to those who are interested in Latvia's environment and in the present and future of its cultural values.



Z. Ðmita

DAUGAVPILS VIENÎBAS NAMS ........................................................................................................................................ 6

J. Zilgalvis

VECGULBENES MUIÞAS ÐVEICES MÂJAS ..................................................................................................................... 14

I. Dirveiks

SLÎDLOGS LATVIJÂ ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

J. Kalniòð, J. Krastiòð

LOGU AILU FORMAS RÎGAS KOKA ÇKÂS ..................................................................................................................... 38

J. Krastiòð

REINHOLDS ÐMÇLINGS UN RÎGAS SABIEDRISKÂS ÇKAS 19. UN 20. GADSIMTA MIJÂ ....................................................................................................... 50

A. Tipâne

KURZEMES UN ZEMGALES SINAGOGU ARHITEKTÛRA ............................................................................................ 72

S. Ozola

KÛRORTU ARHITEKTÛRA UN PLÂNOJUMS BALTIJÂ 19. GADSIMTÂ – 20. GADSIMTA PIRMAJÂ PUSÇ ........................................................................................................... 84

U. Bratuðkins

STARPVALSTU ROBEÞTELPAS ATTÎSTÎBAS PROBLEMÂTISKIE ASPEKTI VIENOTÂ PILSÇTVIDES STRUKTÛRÂ VALKÂ-VALGÂ .............................................................................. 98

U. Bratuðkins


J. Briòíis, O. Buka

APDZÎVOJUMA CENTRU STRUKTURÂLI TELPISKÂ ATTÎSTÎBA LATVIJAS REÌIONOS ................................................................................................................. 120

I. Strautmanis, J. Briòíis, E. Bçrziòð


I. Strautmanis, J. Jâkobsone

CILVÇKA VÇRTÎBU SISTÇMA. KULTÛRVÇSTURISKÂS VIDES NOZÎME TAJÂ. KULDÎGAS VECPILSÇTAS PIEMÇRS ........................................................................................ 140

S. Treija

RÎGAS LIELMÇROGA DZÎVOJAMO RAJONU STRUKTÛRAS ATTÎSTÎBU IETEKMÇJOÐIE FAKTORI ................................................................................................... 154

M. Liepa-Zemeða


Z. Karpova

DZÎVES TELPAS KVALITÂTE LATVIJÂ.SITUÂCIJA ÐODIEN ........................................................................................ 180

A. Riekstiòð

ÌENÇTISKÂS ARHITEKTÛRAS NEIEROBEÞOTÂS IESPÇJAS ..................................................................................... 194

S. Treija, J. Truðiòð

JAUNAIS URBÂNISMS UN TÂ INTERPRETÂCIJAS LATVIJÂ ....................................................................................... 204



Z. Ðmita

THE HOUSE OF UNITY IN DAUGAVPILS ........................................................................................................................ 6

J. Zilgalvis

SWISS HOUSES OF VECGULBENE MANOR ................................................................................................................... 14

I. Dirveiks

SASH WINDOW IN LATVIA ................................................................................................................................................ 26

J. Kalniòð, J. Krastiòð

SHAPE OF APERTURES OF RIGA WOODEN BUILDINGS ............................................................................................ 38

J. Krastiòð

REINHOLD SCHMAELING AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN RIGA AT THE TURN OF THE 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES ......................................................................................... 50

A. Tipâne

ARCHITECTURE OF KURZEME AND ZEMGALE SINAGOGES ................................................................................... 72

S. Ozola


U. Bratuðkins

PROBLEMATIC DEVELOPMENT ASPECTS OF COMMON URBAN TOWNSCAPE IN THE BORDER AREA OF VALKA-VALGA ........................................................................................... 98

U. Bratuðkins


J. Briòíis, O. Buka

STRUCTURAL AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF POPULATED AREAS IN REGIONS OF LATVIA ......................................................................................................... 120

I. Strautmanis, J. Briòíis, E. Bçrziòð

VISUALLY SPATIAL FACTORS IN MODELLING OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF COASTAL ZONES .......................................................................................... 132

I. Strautmanis, J. Jâkobsone

HUMAN VALUE SYSTEM. VALUE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THIS SYSTEM. KULDIGA OLD TOWN AS AN EXAMPLE ................................................................... 140

S. Treija


M. Liepa-Zemeða

TOPICAL DIMENSIONAL PLANNING IN CITIES OF BALTIC SEA REGION ............................................................... 170

Z. Karpova

QUALITY OF LIVING ENVIRONMENT IN LATVIA.SITUATION TODAY ................................................................... 180

A. Riekstiòð

THE UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES OF GENETIC ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................... 194

S. Treija, J. Truðiòð

NEW URBANISM AND ITS INTERPRETATIONS IN LATVIA ......................................................................................... 204


DAUGAVPILS VIENÎBAS NAMS THE HOUSE OF UNITY IN DAUGAVPILS Z. Ðmita Atslçgas vârdi: arhitektûras vçsture, çku tipoloìija.

Key words: history of architecture, building typology.

Nama ideja Laikâ pirms neatkarîgas Latvijas valsts izveidoðanas gan Daugavpilî, gan Latgalç bija liegta latvieðu biedrîbu un citu sabiedrisku organizâciju dibinâðana. Lai varçtu tikties kultûras pasâkumos, Daugavpils latvieði cçlâs pâri Daugavai uz Grîvu, jo Grîvâ, kas toreiz bija iekïauta Kurzemes guberòâ, bija atïauta latvieðu biedrîbas darbîba. Grîvas latvieðu biedrîba darbojâs kopð 1904. gada [5]. Pçc 1917. gada februâra revolûcijas Krievijâ arî Daugavpils latvieði izcînîja iespçju organizçt biedrîbu. Pirmo rosîbu Daugavpils latvieðu biedrîba uzsâka Daugavpils evanìçliskajâ luterâòu skolâ. Tad sâkâs aktîva latvieðu kultûras pasâkumu darbîba, kas turpinâjâs lîdz pat vâcu okupâcijai 1941. gadâ, kad latvieðu biedroðanos pastâvoðâ vara aizliedza [5]. Daugavpils latvieðu biedrîba atsâka savu darbîbu tûlît pçc Latvijas neatkarîbas izcînîðanas un daïa no biedriem sapulcçjâs, lai atjaunotu un turpinâtu aizsâkto. Lîdz ar biedrîbas darbîbu Daugavpilî atjaunojâs aktîva latvieðu kultûras pasâkumu dzîve un tika nodibinâta pirmâ latvieðu vidusskola. Strauji palielinâjâs biedrîbas dalîbnieku un aktivitâðu skaits, lîdz ar to tika lemts par kultûras nama dibinâðanu, ko sâkotnçji bija iecerçts izveidot, palielinot biedrîbas îpaðumâ esoðo çku Aizsargu ielâ 4 [5]. Tâ kâ biedrîbas telpu paplaðinâðanas ideja radâs vienlaicîgi ar nepiecieðamîbu paplaðinât arî Daugavpils teâtra telpas, tad Daugavpils domei tika lûgts atvçlçt zemesgabalu jaunas çkas bûvniecîbai Raiòa un Varðavas ielas stûrî, taèu pilsçtas dome nolçma, ka tautas nams jâceï pilsçtas centrâ – Vadoòa un Lâèplçða ielas stûrî. Pçc sarunâm par nama bûvniecîbu ar valdîbas pârstâvjiem Rîgâ tika pieòemts lçmums par Daugavpils tirgus laukuma atvçlçðanu nama bûvniecîbai. 1934. gada 17. augustâ uz pârrunâm par nama bûvniecîbu pilsçtâ ieradâs Valsts prezidents Kârlis Ulmanis un viòa atbilde bija îsa un skaidra “Uz ðî laukuma pacelsies Vienîbas nams!” [6].

Idea of the House Before the establishment of an independent Latvian state, both in Daugavpils and in Latgale foundation of Latvian societies and other public organisations were denied. For the purpose of gathering in cultural events Latvians from Daugavpils crossed the Daugava River and went to Grîva, since in Grîva, which was then part of Kurzeme Province, activities of Latvian societies were allowed. The Grîva Latvian Society was founded in 1904 [5]. After the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia, the Latvians in Daugavpils also won the right to organise societies. The Daugavpils Latvian Society began its first activities in Daugavpils Evangelic Lutheran School. Then followed a succession of Latvian cultural events what continued until the occupation by German troops in 1941 when the ruling power forbade gathering of Latvians in societies [5]. The Daugavpils Latvian Society resumed its work shortly after gaining of Latvia’s independence and part of its members came together to proceed with the previous activities. Along with the resumed activities of the society, the Latvian cultural life also began to thrive once again in Daugavpils and the first Latvian secondary school was established. The number of society members and activities grew rapidly and it was decided to establish a community house. Initially it was intended to find the place for it by expanding the society-owned building at Aizsargu iela 4 [5]. As the idea of extension of the society house occurred simultaneously with the need to expand the premises of the Daugavpils Theatre, then the Daugavpils Council was asked to allot a plot of land for construction of a new building on the corner of Raiòa and Varðavas Streets. Nonetheless, the City Council decided that the people’s house had to be built in the city centre – on the corner of Vadoòa and Lâèplçða Streets. After discussions with government


Nama projektçðanas, bûvniecîbas un attîstîbas vçsture 1934. gada rudenî tika izstrâdâta projekta programma, kas aptvçra biedrîbas, teâtra un atseviðíu nelielu veikaliòu telpas, taèu programma tika papildinâta. Novembrî latvieðu biedrîba izsludinâja projektu konkursu, pieaicinot trîs arhitektus, kuru skièu projektus izskatîja 1935. gada 6. jûnijâ. Izvçrtçjot iesniegtos darbus un òemot vçrâ Latvieðu arhitektu biedrîbas viedokli, par labâko tika atzîts arhitekta Vernera Vitanda (1903–1982) darbs. Verneram Vitandam, kas tajâ laikâ bija ïoti jauns arhitekts, uzticçja projektçt Daugavpils Vienîbas namu un vadît çkas bûvdarbu procesu. Sastâdot finansçjuma grafiku un meklçjot lîdzekïus projekta îstenoðanai, par Vienîbas nama idejas finansiâlajiem dalîbniekiem kïuva arî Armijas ekonomiskais veikals, kas tajâ laikâ bija nolçmis paplaðinât savu darbîbu Daugavpilî, un Latvijas Kredîtbanka, kas meklçja telpas Daugavpils centrâ. Bez tam namâ tika paredzçtas telpas arî A/S “Rota” un biedrîbas laikraksta redakcijai [7]. 1935. gada 15. maijâ tika likts pamatakmens. Svinîgajâ ceremonijâ piedalîjâs Ministru prezidenta biedrs M. Skujenieks un Tautas labklâjîbas ministrs V. Rubulis. Vçl pirms bûvniecîbas sâkuma Latvijas Kredîtbankai radâs nepiecieðamîba pçc lielâkâm telpâm, un tâs vietâ plaðâkas telpas Vienîbas namâ ieguva Armijas ekonomiskais veikals. Bûvniecîbas darbus uzsâka augustâ un ar lielu dedzîbu pabeidza 17 mçneðu laikâ. Bûvdarbus veica komercsabiedrîba “J. Neiburgs un biedri”. Kâ apakðuzòçmçji projekta îstenoðanâ piedalîjâs firma “Konstantîns Pçkðçns”, izbûvçjot siltâ ûdens un tvaika apkuri, kanalizâciju, celtòus un saldçtavas. J. Gulbis ierîkoja elektroinstalâciju apgaismojumam un spçka iekârtâm. Firma “Richards Kablics” veica siltâ gaisa apkures un vçdinâðanas sistçmu izbûves darbus. Inþenieris A. Ozoliòð aprîkoja virtuvi ar katliem, pavardu un konditorejas krâsnîm. Grandiozâs çkas bûvniecîbas darbi visâ Daugavpilî nodarbinâja 25% vietçjo mûrnieku un amatnieku, darbos iesaistot pat zemniekus un strâdniekus. Bûvdarbos diendienâ strâdâja lîdz 300 strâdnieku, veicot darbus divâs maiòâs. Visa bûvniecîbas procesa finansiâlo gaitu pârbaudîja valsts kontroles bûvinþenieris A. Grundmanis. 1937. gada 5. janvârî notika nama spâru svçtki, un 19. decembrî nams tika pilnîbâ pabeigts [4].

officials about the prospective construction, the decision was made in Riga on allocation of the market place area in Daugavpils for construction of the House. On 17 August 1934 President Kârlis Ulmanis arrived in the city for negotiations on construction of the House and his answer was short and clear “The House of Unity will rise on this square!” [6]. Designing, construction and development history of the House In autumn 1934, the design programme was produced. It included premises for the society, the theatre and a few small shops, though later the programme was supplemented. In November the Latvian Society announced a design competition inviting three architects. Their sketch designs were examined on 6 June 1935. Evaluating submitted proposals and taking into account the opinion of the Latvian Architects’ Society, the preference was given to the design by architect Verners Vitands (1903–1982). Verners Vitands, who that time was a very young architect, was entrusted with the designing of the House of Unity and supervision of construction works. During the drawing up of a funding schedule and searching for the resources for project implementation, the Army Economy Department Store, which at that time had decided to expand its activity in Daugavpils, and the Latvian Credit Bank that was looking for premises in the centre of Daugavpils also became financial benefactors to the idea of the House of Unity. Besides, the House was also going to accommodate the JSC Rota and the editorial office of the society’s newspaper [7]. On 15 May 1935, the foundation stone was laid. The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister M. Skujenieks and Minister of People’s Welfare V. Rubulis. Shortly before the construction a need arose for the Latvian Credit Bank for wider premises, so instead the Army Economy Department Store acquired larger spaces in the House of Unity. Construction works began in August and with great zeal were completed after 17 months. Construction works were performed by the commercial enterprise J. Neiburgs un biedri. The firm Konstantîns Pçkðçns took part in the implementation of the project as subcontractors and built hot water and steam heating, sewerage, lifts and cold storage rooms. J. Gulbis set up electric installations for lighting and power equipment. The firm Richards Kablics constructed hot air heating and ventilation systems. The engineer A. Ozoliòð equipped the kitchen with kettles, stove and pastry ovens. In the


1. attçls. Vienîbas nama fasâde pret Vienîbas laukumu. 2008. gada foto. Picture 1. Fa´ade of the House of Unity towards Vienîbas Square. Photograph of 2008.

construction of the edifice 25% of the local bricklayers and craftsmen from Daugavpils were employed, involving in works even farmers and factory workers. Every day up to 300 workers took part in construction works organised in two shifts. The financing during the entire construction process was supervised by civil engineer from the Government Control A. Grundmanis. On 5 January 1937 the roof-wetting celebration was held and on 19 December the House was fully completed [4].

2. attçls. Vienîbas nama fasâde pret Ìimnâzijas ielu. 2008. gada foto. Picture 2. Facade of the House of Unity towards Ìimnâzijas iela. Photograph of 2008.

Architecture of the House The building was Neo-Eclectic in design with elements of functionalism that were characteristic of large public objects in the second half of the 1930s. The monumental House of Unity in Daugavpils is one of the most remarkable examples of NeoEclecticism in Latvia (Picture 1, Picture 2). The multifunctional building has a convenient and rational layout of premises and integrated massing.

Nama arhitektûra Çka projektçta neoeklektisma stilâ ar funkcionâlisma iezîmçm, kas 20. gadsimta trîsdesmito gadu otrajâ pusç bija raksturîgi lielu sabiedrisku objektu arhitektûrâ. Monumentâlais Daugavpils Vienîbas nams ir viens no ievçrojamâkajiem neoeklektisma stila paraugiem Latvijâ (1. attçls, 2. attçls). Daudzfunkcionâlajai çkai ir çrts un racionâli risinâts telpu plânojums un viengabalaina bûvapjomu kompozîcija.

Structure and finish of the House The walls of the House of Unity are made of brick. Grey artificial granite plaster is used in the fa´ade finish. As the author of the project had envisaged use of various structural elements so that the rooms could be better adjusted to the necessary function, different types of ceiling structures can be found in the building and some of them are artistically reflected in the interior. Lacunar reinforced concrete ceilings can be seen in the larger rooms of the building, the ceiling over the theatre


Nama konstruktîvais risinâjums un apdare Vienîbas nama sienas celtas no íieìeïiem. Fasâþu apdarç izmantots pelçks mâkslîgâ granîta apmetums. Tâ kâ nama projekta autora ieceres pamatâ bija daudzveidîgu konstruktîvo elementu izmantoðana, lai telpas maksimâli piemçrotu nepiecieðamajai funkcijai, tad çkâ atrodami daþâdi pârsegumu risinâjumi, kuri vairâkâs telpâs atspoguïojas interjerâ. Çkas lieltelpâs redzami kasetçti dzelzsbetona griesti, teâtra zâles pârsegumâ – izliektas dzelzsbetona èaulas ar 18 m laidumu, un teâtra zâles balkonâ – kasetçti dzelzsbetona griesti ar 6 m laidumu [4]. Teâtra zâles skatuves un sarîkojumu zâles interjerâ redzamas dzelzsbetona kopnes, un sânskatuves interjerâ – kniedçtas metâla sijas. Visas konstrukcijas tika izstrâdâtas pçc inþeniera Dþ. Krûmiòa aprçíiniem. Vienîbas nama iekðtelpu apdarei tika izmantoti izturîgi un katrai telpas funkcijai precîzi atbilstoði apdares materiâli. Sarîkojumu zâles, teâtra zâles, deju zâles un dzîvokïu grîdas tika ieklâtas ar parketu. Armijas ekonomiskâ veikala, restorâna virtuves un palîgtelpas grîdâm izmantoja noturîgas betona akmens flîzes un plaðajam teâtra vestibilam – teraco grîdas iesegumu. Pârçjâs telpâs ir dçïu grîdas. Monumentâlâ bûve bija arî sava veida tehnikas sasniegumu demonstrçjums, jo çkâ tika izbûvçta centrâlâ siltûdens un zemspiediena tvaiku apkures sistçma, silta gaisa apkures sistçma un centrâlâ vçdinâðanas sistçma ar 23 ventilatoriem [3]. Çkâ bija elektriskais apgaismojums, signalizâcija, tâlruòu centrâle, centrâlâ radioiekârta, saldçtava, vârâmie tvaika katli un grozâmâ teâtra skatuve. Vienîbas nams bija tâ laika komplicçtâkâ un viena no vislielâkajâm celtnçm Latvijâ. Tâ kubatûra ir 78 000 m3. Kopçjâs nama bûvniecîbas izmaksas sasniedza 2 802 391 Ls. Visi izdevumi sadalâmi trijâs galvenajâs grupâs – bûvdarbi 23,25 Ls/m3, tehniskâs ierîces – 11,53 Ls/m3 un iebûvçtâs mçbeïu iekârtas un gaismas íermeòi – 1,14 Ls/m3. Bûvprojekta izstrâdâðana, bûvdarbu vadîba un izmaksu kontrole kopumâ sastâdîja 2,81% no bûvdarbu koptâmes [5, 7].

hall is made of reinforced concrete arched shells with a span of 18 m and the balcony of the theatre hall has a lacunar reinforced concrete ceiling with a span of 6 m [4]. In the interior of the stage and the assembly room of the theatre hall, reinforced concrete trusses can be discerned and riveted beams – in the backstage interior. All constructions were made according to the calculations by engineer Dþ. Krûmiòð. Durable finishing materials that precisely suited each particular function of the room were used in the interior finish of the House of Unity. Floors in the assembly room, theatre hall, dancing hall and apartments were made of parquet. In the Army Economy Department Store, in the restaurant kitchen and auxiliary rooms resistant concrete stone tiles were used but in the spacious theatre foyer – terrazzo floor covering. In other rooms the floors were made of boards. In a way, this monumental structure also demonstrated engineering achievements since it had the central warm-water and low-pressure steam heating system, warm-air heating system and central ventilation system with 23 ventilators [3]. The building also had electric lighting, an alarm system, a telephone exchange, a central radio relay system, a cold storage, kitchen steam boilers and a revolving theatre stage. The House of Unity was the most sophisticated and one of the largest buildings of the period in Latvia. Its cubic capacity constituted 78 000 m3. The total construction costs of the House reached 2 802 391 lats. All costs were divided into three main groups – construction works – 23.25 lats/m3, technical facilities – 11.53 lats/m3 and in-built furniture and lighting elements – 1.14 lats/m3. Preparation of construction design, supervision of works and control of costs constituted 2,81% of the combined estimate for construction works [5, 7]. Premises of the House Several public offices and various public organisations found their home in the House of Unity. The hall of the Daugavpils City Theatre occupied the largest part of the building with 500 seats in the stalls, 350 seats in the balcony and 1 500 standing-rooms, the stage and roomy auxiliary premises (dressing rooms, a rehearsal hall, storage rooms for decorations, costumes and props, joineries, a room for stage machinery and other premises), which together took up 32 000 m3. The large theatre stage – 18 x 18 m in size – was equipped with a revolving platform. In addition, there were also transformable platforms and their wide options for

Nama telpas Vienîbas namâ mâjvietu atrada vairâkas iestâdes un daþâdas sabiedriskas organizâcijas. Lielâko çkas daïu aizòçma Daugavpils pilsçtas teâtra zâle ar 500 sçdvietâm parterâ un 350 – balkonâ, kâ arî 1 500 stâvvietâm, skatuvi un plaðâm skatuves palîgtelpâm (aktieru garderobçm, mçìinâjumu zâli, dekorâciju, kostîmu, butaforiju un rekvizîtu


noliktavâm, galdnieku darbnîcâm, skatuves maðînu telpu un citâm telpâm), kas kopâ aizòçma 32 000 m3. 18 x 18 m lielajai teâtra skatuvei tika izprojektçta grozâma ripa. Bez tam tur uzstâdîtas bîdâmas platformas, kuru plaðâs pârvietoðanas iespçjas deva iespçju teâtrî uzvest sareþìîtus inscençjumus. Visas teâtra telpas aizòçma çkas 5 stâvus un jumta izbûvi. Pagrabstâva telpâs zem teâtra zâles izbûvçja gâzes patvertnes. Teâtra aktieru vajadzîbâm tika paredzçta arî atpûtas telpa un teâtra bibliotçka ar lasîtavu. Çkâ tika izvietotas latvieðu biedrîbas kluba un aizsargu kluba telpas ar mazo zâli sarîkojumiem. Atseviðíi tika risinâta sarîkojumu zâle 600 sçdvietâm ar plaðâm palîgtelpâm, kas kopâ aizòçma 11 500 m3. Çkas pagrabstâvâ ar ieeju no Rîgas ielas tika paredzçtas plaðas telpas restorânam un centrâlajai nama virtuvei, kas apkalpoja arî kafejnîcu, konditoreju un ceptuvi. Namâ pagrabstâvâ atradâs arî A/S “Rota” spiestuve ar avîzes “Daugavas Vçstnesis” izdevniecîbas telpâm. Daïu çkas otrâ stâva aizòçma sarîkojumu un deju zâle ar 700 vietâm un 550 vietâm balkonâ. Lîdzâs deju zâlei treðajâ stâvâ atradâs arî Latgales biedrîbas telpas un zâle, kas bija paredzçta sanâksmçm, koru koncertiem un daþâdâm sporta aktivitâtçm. Tieðâ zâles tuvumâ tika ierîkotas duðas telpas. Treðajâ stâvâ pret Vadoòu ielu atradâs Daugavpils pilsçtas bibliotçkas telpas. Plaðas telpas çkas pirmajâ stâvâ aizòçma Armijas ekonomiskais veikals ar noliktavâm, personâla telpâm un veïas mazgâtuvi, kas sastâdîja 14 000 m3. Izmantojot çkas veiksmîgo novietojumu pilsçtas centrâlajâ daïâ, çkas viesu vajadzîbâm nama ceturtajâ stâvâ tika paredzçta viesnîca ar 18 daþâda lieluma istabâm un pieciem daþâda lieluma dzîvokïiem. Çkâ bija paredzçti lifti. Atklâðanas laikâ Vienîbas nams bija Daugavpilî pirmâ çka ar liftiem. Namâ bija arî peldbaseins (baseina lielums 4,50 x 15,00 m). Vienîbas nama telpu plânojuma struktûru noteica bûvlaukuma atraðanâs pie pilsçtas lielâkajâm ielâm un laukuma. Bûtiski to ietekmçja armijas ekonomiskâ veikala telpu novietoðana pie publiski aktîvâs Vadoòa ielas (tagad Ìimnâzijas iela), kurai çka piekïaujas ar 32 m garu fasâdi, bet ieeju teâtra vestibilâ paredzot pret 3. janvâra (tagad Vienîbas) ielu ar 30 m dziïu atkâpi, paredzot plaða priekðlaukuma izveidi [3]. Lai Vienîbas namâ veiksmîgi varçtu lîdzdarboties visi çkas lietotâji, to pârvaldîja Latvieðu biedrîbas valde ar 22 locekïiem, padome ar 75 locekïiem un revîzijas komisija ar 5 locekïiem. Kopð nama atvçrðanas publikai par tâ vadîtâju kïuva

modification enabled production of complex theatrical performances. All rooms of the theatre took up 5 floors and the roof structure. Anti-gas shelters were built on the basement floor under the theatre hall. There was also a lounge for actors and a theatre library with a reading-room. The building accommodated the club of the Latvian Society and the club of the members of the Latvian paramilitary organisation aizsargi with the small hall for parties and social gatherings. There was also a separate hall with 600 seats and spacious auxiliary rooms which together took up 11 500 m3. Large rooms of a restaurant and the central kitchen of the building, which also cooked for a café, a pastry shop and a bakery, were arranged in the basement with the entrance from Rîgas iela. The basement floor also accommodated the printinghouse of the JSC Rota and the editorial office of the newspaper Daugavas Vçstnesis. Part of the second floor of the building was occupied by an assembly and dancing hall with 700 seats and 550 seats in the balcony. Next to the dancing hall on the second floor, there were rooms for the Latgale Society and a hall for meetings, choral concerts and various sports activities. Shower stalls were installed just beside the hall. The Daugavpils City Library found itself on the second floor facing Vadoòu iela. The Army Economy Department Store with storage rooms, rooms for the staff and a laundry spread over the spacious ground floor of the building, taking up 14 000 m3. Making use of the favourable location of the building in the central part of the city, a hotel was arranged on the third floor for visitors of the House with 18 rooms of varying sizes and five flats of different dimensions. The building also had elevators. At the time of its opening the House of Unity was the first building in Daugavpils, which had elevators. And there also was a swimming pool (its dimensions 4.50 x 15.00 m). The layout scheme of the House of Unity was determined by the location of the site at the largest streets of the city and the square. For the Army Economy Department Store it was essential to open towards the busy street – Vadoòa iela (now Ìimnâzijas iela) to which the building adjoins with a 32 m long fa´ade, but the entrance into the theatre foyer was planned in a distance of 30 m from 3. janvâra (now Vienîbas) iela, arranging a wide square in front of the building [3]. So that all dwellers of the building could use the House of Unity for the intended purposes, it was


Daugavpils pilsçtas vecâkais A. Ðvirksts. Vienîbas namâ darbojusies Izglîtîbas komisija, sarîkojumu komisija, mâjturîbas sekcija, sociâlâs aizgâdîbas komisija, dâmu komiteja, dziedâðanas sekcija, oríestra sekcija, vçstures komisija, tûrisma kopa un saimnieciskâ komisija, kuras katra, pildot savu funkciju, nodroðinâja vienotu visu organizâciju veiksmîgu sadarboðanos un nama pilnvçrtîgu izmantoðanu.

managed by the Board of the Latvian Society with 22 board members, the Council with 75 councillors and the Inspection Committee with 5 members. Since the opening of the House to the public A. Ðvirksts, chief townsman of Daugavpils, became its principal. The House of Unity had provided premises for the Educational Committee, a social gathering committee, a housekeeping circle, a social protection committee, a ladies’ committee, a singing circle, an orchestra group, a history committee, a tourism circle and an economic committee, where each of them functioning properly ensured a successful co-operation of all organisations and appropriate utilisation of the building.

Nama atdzimðana un Latgales Centrâlâ bibliotçka Ðobrîd Daugavpils Vienîbas namâ atrodas Latvieðu kultûras centrs, Daugavpils teâtris, tûrisma informâcijas centrs, Latgales Centrâlâ bibliotçka, ASV informâcijas centrs, kafejnîca, banka, veikals un citas iestâdes. SIA “Arhitektoniskâ izpçtes grupa” izstrâdâs Daugavpils Vienîbas nama arhitektoniski mâksliniecisko inventarizâciju un fiksçs laika gaitâ veiktâs pârbûves un izmaiòas. Pçc projekta izstrâdes tiks uzsâkti plaði atjaunoðanas darbi, lai atgrieztu Vienîbas namam tâ agrâko spoþumu [2]. Latgales Centrâlâ bibliotçka, kas pçc vairâku gadu ilgas strâdâðanas neremontçtâs telpâs, ir atguvusi Vienîbas nama idejai atbilstoðu mâjvietu. Latgales Centrâlâs bibliotçkas pirmsâkumi meklçjami jau 1859. gadâ, kad sîkpilsonis Jekubs Padeþins blakus savam jaunatvçrtajam grâmatu veikalam atvçra arî pirmo bibliotçku Daugavpilî. Vçlâkajos gados viena bibliotçka vairs nevarçja apkalpot visus lasîtgribçtâjus, un tika atvçrtas divas jaunas bibliotçkas. Lîdz 1881. gadam Daugavpilî darbojâs jau 4 bibliotçkas. Visas atvçrtâs bibliotçkas sniedza maksas pakalpojumus, bet 1904. gadâ pçc pilsçtnieku lûguma Daugavpilî tika atvçrta pirmâ bezmaksas lasîtava, kas bija aizsâkums vairâku organizâciju uzturçtu publisku bibliotçku ierîkoðanai un atvçrðanai. Tâs bija Skolotâju Savienîbas bibliotçka (1919), Latvieðu biedrîbas bibliotçka (1920) un Dzelzceïnieku biedrîbas bibliotçka (1921). 1937. gadâ Latvieðu biedrîbas bibliotçka apvienojâs ar Skolotâju Savienîbas bibliotçku, izveidojot Pilsçtas bibliotçku, kas 1938. gadâ savâ îpaðumâ ieguva plaðas telpas jaunuzceltajâ Vienîbas namâ. Otrâ pasaules kara laikâ bibliotçka smagi cieta gan nama postîjumu dçï, kad pçc nama sabombardçðanas sadega viss bibliotçkas krâjums (apmçram 40 000 sçjumu), gan vçlâk, kad vâcu karaspçks atkâpjoties nolçma paòemt lîdzi bibliotçkas atjaunoto krâjumu. Tomçr apòçmîgâ kultûras darbinieka J. Tâles rîcîbas rezultâtâ, piekukuïojot Maþeiíu stacijas priekðnieku, uz grâmatu vagona tika uzrakstîta Talsu adrese, kas

Revival of the House and the Latgale Central Library Today, the Centre for Latvian Culture, the Daugavpils Theatre, a tourist information centre, the Latgale Central Library, a US information centre, a café, a bank, a shop and other establishments have found their place in the House of Unity in Daugavpils. The company SIA Arhitektoniskâ izpçtes grupa will prepare the architectural and artistic inventory of the House of Unity and will record all transformations and changes made in the course of time. After preparation of the project large-scale restoration works will begin in order to give back to the House of Unity its former splendour [2]. After several years of working in badly maintained premises, the Latgale Central Library has acquired a home appropriate for the initial idea of the House of Unity. The beginnings of the Latgale Central Library date back to 1859 when a middleclass citizen Jekubs Padeþins next to his new bookshop opened the first library in Daugavpils. In following years one library could not serve the needs of all readers and two new libraries were founded. Until 1881, already four libraries were functioning in Daugavpils. They all offered paid services, but in 1904, upon citizens’ request, the first free readingroom was opened in Daugavpils. It was the beginning of establishment of public libraries that were supported by several organisations. There used to be the Library of Teachers’ Association (1919), the Latvian Society Library (1920) and the Library of Railwaymen Society (1921). In 1937, the Latvian Society Library merged with the Library of Teachers’ Association and became the City Library that in 1938 acquired in its possession spacious rooms in the newly built House of Unity.


During World War II, the library suffered extensive fire when the House of Unity was bombed. All library stocks (approximately 40 000 volumes) burnt to ashes. But later, when the German troops withdrew, they decided to take along the restored library stocks. Nevertheless, as a result of unfaltering actions of the culture activist J. Tâle, who bribed the stationmaster of Maþeiíi Railway Station, an address in Talsi was written on the carriage and this saved part of the books of the Daugavpils Library from vanishing from Latvia [4]. Although the name of the library changed several times, it was always located in the House of Unity and it held together several public libraries of Daugavpils in a united system. After restoration of library premises (the author of the interior – the firm SIA Arhitekta L. Ðmita darbnîca) the Latgale Central Library now spreads out on the ground, first and second floors of the House of Unity. The interior of the library was designed trying to reproduce as precisely as possible its original appearance. The lacunar ceiling has been revealed for display and the panelling of columns has been restored (Picture 3). The public library is a very appropriate function for the House of Unity as it gives a chance to every city dweller and visitor to see the restored premises and it also realizes the basic idea of this culturally and historically important building.

3. attçls. Latgales Centrâlâs bibliotçkas abonementa zâle Vienîbas namâ. 2008. gada foto. Picture 3. A subscription hall at the Latgale Central Library in the House of Unity. Photograph of 2008.

paglâba daïu Daugavpils bibliotçkas grâmatu izveðanu no Latvijas [4]. Bibliotçkai vairâkkârtîgi mainîts nosaukums, taèu tâ vienmçr ir atradusies Vienîbas namâ un uzturçjusi vienotâ sistçmâ vairâkas Daugavpils publiskâs bibliotçkas. Pçc bibliotçkas telpu atjaunoðanas (projekta interjera autors SIA “Arhitekta L. Ðmita darbnîca”) Vienîbas namâ pirmajâ, otrajâ un treðajâ stâvâ atrodas Latgales Centrâlâ bibliotçka. Bibliotçkas interjers izstrâdâts, pçc iespçjas precîzâk saglabâjot sâkotnçjo interjera risinâjumu. Apskatei atvçrti kaseðu griesti un atjaunots kolonnu panelçjums (3. attçls). Publiskâ bibliotçka ir ïoti piemçrota funkcija Vienîbas namam, jo dod iespçju atjaunotâs telpas apskatît ikvienam pilsçtas iedzîvotâjam un viesim, kâ arî kalpo kâ ðî kultûrvçsturiski nozîmîgâ nama pamatideju îstenotâja.

Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.



Baranovska I. Kurð kalis Vienîbas nama burtus? // Latgales Laiks. – 2005. – 16. dec. Baranovska I. Vienîbas nams atgriezîsies jaunîbâ // Daugavpils un Krâslavas ziòas. – 2008. – 29. feb. Gulbis A. Vienîbas namam – 55 // Latgales Laiks. – 1992. – 19. dec. Latgales Centrâlâs bibliotçkas novadpçtniecîbas materiâlu krâjums. Rîtiòð R. Vienîbas nams Daugavpilî. – Daugavpils: Daugavpils latvieðu biedrîba, 1940. – 1.–16. lpp. Ðipuïina N., Verjovoèòikova G., Kârlis Ulmanis: “Ðajâ laukumâ bûs Vienîbas nams!” // Latgales Laiks. – 1997. – 12. nov. 7. Vienîbas nams – mûþîgâs Latvijas garam // Latgales Vçstnesis. – 1936. – 14. maijs. Zane Ðmita Lecturer, Mgr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia E-mail: Ðmita Z. Daugavpils Vienîbas nams Rakstâ analizçta Daugavpils Vienîbas nama çka, kas celta 1937. gadâ, kâ publiski nozîmîga, daudzfunkcionâla un arhitektoniski sareþìîta bûve. Rakstâ apkopota informâcija par tâm sabiedriskajâm organizâcijâm, kuras bija Vienîbas nama idejas pamatlicçjas, projektçðanas un bûvniecîbas procesa iniciatores un nama lietotâjas un apsaimniekotâjas. Detalizçti analizçta Daugavpils Latvieðu biedrîbas izveide, darbîba un ietekme uz Vienîbas nama idejas attîstîðanu un îstenoðanu. Uzmanîba pievçrsta inþeniertehnisko iekârtu aprakstam, kas 1937. gadâ bija liels sasniegums Daugavpils bûvniecîbas pieredzei, nama arhitektoniskajam veidolam un çkas daudzo funkciju loìiskâ izkârtojuma skaidrojumam. Rakstâ detalizçti aprakstîta Latgales Centrâlâs bibliotçkas, izveide, attîstîba un saistîba ar Vienîbas namu, kâ arî Vienîbas nama rekonstrukcijas iecere. Pçtîjums veikts apkopojot laikrakstu un Latgales Centrâlâs bibliotçkas materiâlus, kâ arî veicot apsekoðanu dabâ. Ðmita Z. Daugavpils Hause of Unity The article analyses Daugavpils House of unit that was built in 1937, as a significant, polyfunctional and architectionally complex public building. The article summarises the information about those public organizations, which were founders of the idea of Unity House, the initiators of designing and building process, users and managers of the building. The article analyses in details the foundation, activities and influence on the idea and development of Unity House. Attention is turned to the engineer technical equipment used in the building that was a great achievement for Daugavpils building experience in 1937, the architectional shape and logical layout of many functions of the building. The article analyses in details the creation and development of Latgale Central Library, and connection with Unity House, as well as the intention of reconstruction of the building. The research is based on the materials form the archives and the materials of Latgale Central Library, as well as carrying out the visual inspection. Øìèòà Ç. Äîì Åäèíñòâà â Äàóãàâïèëñå Ñòàòüÿ ïîñâÿùåíà çäàíèþ Äîìà Åäèíñòâà â ãîðîäå Äàóãàâïèëñ. Ìíîãîôóíêöèîíàëüíîå, çíà÷èòåëüíîå äëÿ îáùåñòâåííîé æèçíè ãîðîäà è ñëîæíîå ïî àðõèòåêòóðíîìó ðåøåíèþ çäàíèå ïîñòðîåíî â 1937 ãîäó.  ñòàòüå îïóáëèêîâàíû ñâåäåíèÿ î òåõ îáùåñòâåííûõ îðãàíèçàöèÿõ, êîòîðûå ÿâëÿëèñü îñíîâîïîëîæíèêàìè ñàìîé èäåè Äîìà Åäèíñòâà, èíèöèàòîðàìè ïðîåêòèðîâêè è ñòðîèòåëüñòâà, à òàêæå óïðàâëÿëè äîìîì è ïîëüçîâàëèñü åãî ïîìåùåíèÿìè.  ñòàòüå ïîäðîáíî ðàññìîòðåíî ñîçäàíèå è äåÿòåëüíîñòü Äàóãàâïèëññêîãî Ëàòûøñêîãî îáùåñòâà, à òàêæå åãî âëèÿíèå íà ðàçâèòèå è îñóùåñòâëåíèå èäåè Äîìà Åäèíñòâà. Îñîáîå âíèìàíèå óäåëåíî êàê îïèñàíèþ èíæåíåðíî òåõíè÷åñêèõ ñîîðóæåíèé, êîòîðûå ÿâëÿëèñü äîñòèæåíèåì äëÿ ñòðîèòåëüñòâà â Äàóãàâïèëñå, òàê è àðõèòåêòóðíîìó ðåøåíèþ çäàíèÿ è ðàçúÿñíåíèþ ëîãèêè èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ ïðîñòðàíñòâà â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ìíîãî÷èñëåííûìè ôóíêöèÿìè çäàíèÿ.  ñòàòüå ïîäðîáíî îïèñàíî ñîçäàíèå è ðàçâèòèå Ëàòãàëüñêîé Öåíòðàëüíîé áèáëèîòåêè, åå âçàèìîäåéñòâèå ñ Äîìîì Åäèíñòâà è èäåÿ ðåêîíñòðóêöèè Äîìà Åäèíñòâà. Èññëåäîâàíèå ïðîâåäåíî íà áàçå ìàòåðèàëîâ ãàçåò è Ëàòãàëüñêîé Öåíòðàëüíîé áèáëèîòåêè, à òàêæå ïóòåì íåïîñðåäñòâåííîãî îñìîòðà è îáñëåäîâàíèÿ ìåñòíîñòè.


VECGULBENES MUIÞAS ÐVEICES MÂJAS SWISS HOUSES OF VECGULBENE MANOR J. Zilgalvis Atslçgas vârdi: kultûras mantojums, Latvijas muiþu apbûve, t.s. Ðveices mâjas.

Key words: cultural heritage, manors or the so-called Swiss houses in Latvia.

19. gadsimta otrajâ pusç Latvijas muiþu un pilsçtu arhitektûrâ sastopamais t.s. Ðveices jeb vasarnîcu stils ir savdabîgs eklektisma stila formâli stilistiskais virziens. Tâ izcelsme Rietumeiropas zemju arhitektûrâ meklçjama 18. gadsimta beigu romantisma mâkslas strâvojumos. Pats nosaukums jau atklâj ðî virziena bûtîbu – visbieþâk to pauþ koka konstrukcijâs bûvçtas çkas ar lielâm jumta pârkarçm, rotâtiem spâru galiem un saiðíiem, kâ arî verandâm, terasçm un galerijâm, kuras papildinâtas ar dekoratîvi izveidotâm margâm. Dekorâ plaði izmantotas koka meþìînes – ornamentâli kontûrveida izzâìçjumi koka dçïos. Ðîs stilistikas çkas, kuras vairâk asociçjas ar Ðveices arhitektûru, tâ arî sauktas – par Ðveices mâjâm. Visu muiþâs un pilsçtâs esoðo t.s. Ðveices jeb vasarnîcu stila çku idejiskie avoti un paraugi ir kopçji. Jau 18. gadsimtâ Alpu tautu celtniecîba sev pievçrsa visas Eiropas uzmanîbu. Ðveices zemnieku çkas – lielas, ar lçzenu jumtu, uz stabiem vai konsolçm balstîtâm galerijâm un atsegtâm koka konstrukcijâm – Latvijas arhitektûrâ kïuva populâras 19. gadsimta otrajâ pusç. To popularitâte izskaidrojama ar vçlmi atgriezties romantisma noskaòâs un kâ arî tuvinâðanos dabai un etnogrâfiskâm formâm. Tautas celtniecîbas pieminekïi, kas cita vidû ir iepazîstami Latvijas Etnogrâfiskajâ brîvdabas muzejâ, liecina, ka vietçjiem amatniekiem nebija sveðas konsoles un lîdzîgas citas konstrukcijas. Piemçram, klçtij Valkas rajona Çrìemes pagasta Lejasciòu mâjâs ir jumta pârkare ar dekoratîvu ripas motîvu (19. gadsimta vidus) [1, 92]. Zinâma loma Ðveices mâju izplatîbai bija arî tâ laika vajadzîbai pçc ârstniecîbas un atpûtas iestâdçm – pansijâm, viesnîcâm un villâm, kuras prasîja vieglas konstrukcijas, ar ârtelpu saistîtas terases, lodþijas, galerijas utt. Ðâdas celtnes ir, piemçram, villa Franz Siguldâ [2], pansija

The so-called Swiss or chalet style seen in the architecture of Latvia’s manors and towns is an interesting formally stylistic variety of Eclecticism. It originated in the architecture of Western European countries at the end of the 18th century as a trend of romanticism in art. The name itself reveals the essence of this trend – most often these are wooden houses with large roof overhangs, ornamented rafter ends and collar beams, and verandas, terraces and galleries that are supplemented with decorative railings. Widespread is the use of elaborate woodcarvings – ornamental figures sawn out in wood planks. The buildings of this style, which are mostly associated with the Swiss architecture, are also called Swiss houses. The ideas for all Swiss-style houses or chalets found in manors and towns come from the same sources and examples. Already in the 18th century the construction practices of Alpine nations attracted attention from the entire Europe. The Swiss farmhouses – large, with low-pitched roofs, with galleries on props or cantilevers and open wooden constructions – became popular in the Latvian architecture in the second half of the 19th century. Their popularity stemmed from the desire to return back into the atmosphere of Romanticism and feel closeness to nature and ethnographic forms. Monuments of folk construction, that among others can be seen in the Latvian Ethnographic Open-air Museum, show that local craftsmen could build cantilevers and similar structures, e.g. the barn of Lejasciòi farmstead in Valka region, Çrìeme parish, has a roof overhang with a decorative disc motif (mid–19th century) [1, 92]. The need of that time for health-care and recreational establishments also accounted for the popularity of Swiss houses. These were boarding houses, hotels and villas, which required lightweight constructions, outdoor terraces, loggias, galleries and so


1. attçls. Villa Franz Siguldâ. 1920. gadu foto [2]. Picture 1. Villa Franz in Sigulda. Photograph of 1920s [2].

2. attçls. Ðveices mâja Turaidas muiþâ. 20. gs. sâkuma foto [7]. Picture 2. A Swiss house of Turaida Manor. Photograph of early 20th century [7].

3. attçls. Galgauskas muiþas Ðveices mâja. 1931. gada foto [8]. Picture 3. A Swiss house of Galgauska Manor. Photograph of 1931 [8].

4. attçls. Krimuldas muiþas Ðveices mâja. 20. gs. sâkuma foto [9]. Picture 4. A Swiss house of Krimulda Manor. Photograph of early 20th century [9].

“Lakstîgala” Siguldâ [3] u.c. (1. attçls). Liela nozîme bija arî saistîbai ar dabas vidi. Muiþâs sastopamâs Ðveices mâjas nav vienâdas, katrai rasts savs individuâls tçls. Tâm zinâmas lîdzîbas atrodamas Eiropâ iznâkuðajâs paraugu grâmatâs [4] un izdevumos, kuros apkopota informâcija par vçsturiskâm koka çkâm Ðveicç [5]. Viens no agrînâkiem un iespaidîgâkiem piemçriem Vidzemes muiþâs ir Ðveices mâja Turaidas muiþâ (2. attçls). Ðî çka kâ muiþas viesnîca ar divâm koka stadulâm uzcelta Turaidas-Inciema ceïa malâ 1828. gadâ. Tâ kalpojusi kâ muiþas îpaðnieka Lorenca fon Kampenhauzena privâta

on, e.g. Villa Franz in Sigulda [2], the boarding house Lakstîgala in Sigulda [3] etc. (Picture 1). The link with nature was very important. The Swiss houses of the manors are not similar; each of them has its own individuality. Some similarities can be found in the books of samples published in Europe [4], and in editions providing information about historic wooden houses in Switzerland [5]. The Swiss house of Turaida Manor (Picture 2) is one of the earliest and most impressive examples in Vidzeme. This house was built as a manor hotel with two wooden horse-barns on the TuraidaInciems roadside in 1828. It was used as a private


ceïotâju un atpûtnieku apkalpoðanas vieta. Ap 1890. gadu dienvidu pusç esoðâ stadula tika nojaukta, un tâs vietâ uzcelts mûra krogs-tçjnîca. 1944. gadâ koka çkas nodega, taèu krogs-tçjnîca saglabâjusies vçl ðodien. Ðo Ðveices mâju 19. gadsimta piecdesmitajos gados savâ zîmçjumâ attçlojis vâcbaltu mâkslinieks Augusts Matiass fon Hâgens [6], un tâ redzama arî vçlâka laika fotogrâfijâs [7]. Savukârt Galgauskas muiþas Ðveices mâja, kas celta 1895. gadâ (3. attçls) bija îpaði bagâta ar koka meþìînçm [8, 143]. Lîdz mûsu dienâm nonâkusi arî viena no divâm Krimuldas muiþas Ðveices mâjâm (19. gadsimta beigas; 4. attçls). Tâ ir gara çka, kuras pirmais stâvs ir mûra [9, 12]. Raksturîgi ðî virziena paraugi saglabâjuðies arî Cesvaines muiþâ (meþkunga mâja [10], kura tagad ir perfekti restaurçta; 5. attçls), Vidriþu muiþâ (mednieku namiòð) un Siguldâ (villa Agnes). Diemþçl nav saglabâjusies Ðveices mâja Bilstiòmuiþâ. Visu minçto plaði pazîstamo piemçru kontekstâ maz pazîstamas un nepamatoti piemirstas ir Vecgulbenes muiþas Ðveices mâjas. Liekas, ka vienu no Vecgulbenes muiþas bûvgaldniekiem pâròçmusi îpaða mîlestîba pret ðo stilistisko virzienu, jo viòð ar lielu rûpîbu un ne jau bez muiþas îpaðnieka finansiâlâ atbalsta cçlis vairâkas ðâdas çkas. Divâm no tâm pirmais stâvs ir mûra, bet otrais – koka guïbûve. Viena no tâm ir çka, kurâ 20. gadsimta sâkumâ atradies pasts un telegrâfs, bet tagad to izmanto Gulbenes slimnîcas Infekciju nodaïa (6. un 7. attçls). Çka ir pilnîbâ pârveidota un vienkârðota, un tagad, salîdzinot ar 20. gadsimta sâkuma fotoattçlu, to pat grûti atpazît [11]. Simetrisko çku otrajâ stâvâ apjoza galerija, kuru balstîja koka konsoles. Galerijâ varçja nonâkt pa ârçjâm kâpnçm. Galerijas margas bija smalki izstrâdâtas, lietojot koka meþìînes. Izteikti lielas bija jumta pârkares, kuras balstîja kokgriezumiem rotâtas konsoles. Arî spâru gali bija smalki rotâti. Pirmâ, mûra stâva arhitektoniskais risinâjums bija stilistiski citâdâks – ailas apvija balti tonçtas apmales, stûrus rotâja rusti. Nav izslçgts, ka jau esoðai vienstâva mûra çkai 19. gadsimta beigâs radies “Ðveices stâvs”. Tâpat stilistiski atðíirîgi ir otrâs t.s. Ðveices mâjas stâvi (8. attçls), lai gan çka, pçc vietçjo iedzîvotâju atmiòâm, celta no jauna, nevis pârbûvçta. Pirmajâ stâvâ tâpat dekoratîvi akcentçtas apmales ap ailâm (9. attçls) un apjoma stûru joslas, taèu ap logailâm tâs ir îpaði rotâtas un atðíiras no citâm tâdâm vietâm. Uzsvçrta ir augðçjâ daïa un

hotel of manor’s owner Lorenz von Kampenhausen for travellers and holidaymakers. Around 1890, the horse barn on the south side was pulled down and a stone pub-tea room was built instead of it. In 1944, the wooden houses burnt down, while the pub-tea room still stands today. In the 1850s, this Swiss house was depicted in drawings by the Baltic-German artist August Matthias von Hagen [6], and it can also be seen in the photographs taken in later years [7]. The Swiss chalet of Galgauska Manor constructed in1895 (Picture 3), in its turn, was particularly abundant in elaborate woodcarvings [8, 143]. One of the two Swiss houses of Krimulda Manor (late 19th century) has also survived until the present day (Picture 4). It is a long building with its ground floor built of stone [9, 12]. Characteristic examples of this trend have been preserved also in Cesvaine Manor – the house of the estate forester [10], which has been superbly restored (Picture 5), and the hunters’ lodge Villa Agnes in Vidriþi Manor in Sigulda. Unfortunately, the Swiss house of Bilstiòmuiþa Manor has not survived till the present day. In the context of all mentioned well-known examples, less known and undeservedly forgotten are the Swiss houses of Vecgulbene Manor. One of the carpenters of Vecgulbene Manor appears to have been especially deeply infatuated with this stylistic trend since he had built several such houses showing great care and receiving financial support from the estate manager. The ground floor of two of them is built of stone, but the first floor is a log structure. In the early 20th century one of the buildings used to house a post office with a telegraph, but now it is used as the Infectious Diseases Unit of Gulbene Hospital (Picture 6 and 7). The house has been completely transformed and simplified, therefore now, comparing it with the picture taken at the beginning of the 20th century, it is even difficult to recognise it [11]. A gallery on wooden cantilevers used to encircle the symmetric building on the first floor. An external staircase led to the gallery. The railing of the gallery was elaborately made of delicate woodcarvings. Roof overhangs were exceptionally broad and supported by cantilevers that were also decorated with woodcarvings. Rafter ends were ornately adorned. The architectural solution for the ground floor, which was made of stone, differed in style – apertures had white-tinted frames, the corners were decorated with rustication. It cannot be ruled out that the existing one-storey stone building acquired its new “Swiss floor” at the end of the 19th century.


5. attçls. Cesvaines muiþas meþkunga mâja. 20. gs. sâkuma foto [10]. Picture 5. The house of the estate forester of Cesvaine Manor. Photograph of early 20th century [10].

6. attçls. Vecgulbenes muiþas pasta un telegrâfa mâja. 2007. gada foto. Picture 6. The house of a post office and a telegraph of Vecgulbene Manor. Photograph of 2007.

7. attçls. Vecgulbenes muiþas pasta un telegrâfa mâja. 20. gs. sâkuma foto [11]. Picture 7. The house of a post office and a telegraph of Vecgulbene Manor. Photograph of early 20th century [11].

domâts arî par virsmas faktûru. Ðie rotâjumi varçja rasties 20. gadsimta divdesmitajos vai trîsdesmitajos gados, tâpat arî galvenâs ieejas portâls, kad çkâ tika iekârtots zobârstniecîbas kabinets un zobârsta dzîvoklis.

Stylistically dissimilar are also the floors of the other so-called Swiss house (Picture 8), although according to the recollections of local inhabitants, the building was not transformed but originally built this way.


8. attçls. Vecgulbenes muiþas kalpu mâja. 2007. gada foto. Picture 8. The house of the servants of Vecgulbene Manor. Photograph of 2007.

9. attçls. Kalpu mâjas pirmâ stâva ailas dekors. 2007. gada foto. Picture 9. The décor of the ground-floor aperture of the servants' house. Photograph of 2007.

10. attçls. Kalpu mâjas galerijas margu elementi. Picture 10. Elements of gallery railings of the servants' house.

12. attçls. Kalpu mâjas logailas dekora fragments. 2008. gada foto. Picture 12. A fragment of the aperture décor of the servants' house. Photograph of 2008.

On the ground floor frames of apertures (Picture 9) and corners of the building are also accentuated with decors, but window openings are particularly richly ornamented and differ from other such places. The upper part is emphasised and a special attention is paid to the texture of the surface. These decorations could have appeared in the 1920s and 1930s along with the portal of the main entrance when a dental surgery and a dentist’s flat were furnished in the building. Initially the house was built as a dwelling for servants. The apertures in one of the gable facades are decorated in a different manner slightly

11. attçls. Kalpu mâjas otrâ stâva logailas dekors. Picture 11. The décor of the first-floor aperture of the servants' house.


Sâkotnçji çka celta kâ kalpu mâjoklis. Vienâ no gala fasâdçm logailas dekorçtas citâdâk, ar tâdu kâ barokâlu motîvu. Salîdzinot ar pirmo minçto Ðveices jeb vasarnîcu stila çku, ðî celtne savu ârçjo veidolu saglabâjusi daudz vairâk. No divâm pusçm çku joprojâm apvij galerija, bet vienâ no gala fasâdçm tâ ir zudusi – rçgojas tikai nozâìçtie siju gali. Droði vien ðeit sâkotnçji atradâs arî kâpnes. Ar îpaðu rûpîbu veidotâs galerijas margas (10. attçls) un to ornaments ir lîdzîgs bijuðâ pasta un telegrâfa mâjas galerijas margâm. Liela uzmanîba pievçrsta arî otrâ stâva logailu dekoram (11. un 12. attçls). Ailu malâs un augðdaïâ likti vienkârði dçïi, kuriem iekðpuses vidusdaïâ ir nofrçzçta ðíautne. Augðpusç, virs minçtâ dçïa ir barokâlas formas dekors. Tam lîdzîgi risinâjumi redzami tautas celtniecîbas pieminekïos Latgalç, piemçram, dzîvojamajâs çkâs Daugavpils raj. Vecpils ciema Slutiðíos, dzîvojamâs mâjas fasâdçs tâ paða rajona Kalna Romuïu sâdþâ u.c. [12, 167]. Logailas dekoratîvais risinâjums lejasdaïâ noslçdzas ar graciozi un eleganti veidotu dekoru, kurâ izmantoti meandra un volûtas motîvi. Îpaða uzmanîba pievçrsta arî spâru galu izveidojumam un guïbûves augðçjiem vaiòagiem gala fasâdçs, kuri veido konsoles ârçjo spâru balstîðanai. Pie bçniòu stâva durvîm gala fasâdç acîmredzot atradies mazs balkoniòð, no kura tagad palikuði tikai siju gali. Kopumâ var teikt, ka ðî çka ir profesionâla meistara darbs, kuram bija pazîstami jaunâkie ðîs arhitektûras modes strâvojumi un tendences. Çkai ir liela kultûrvçsturiskâ vçrtîba, kuru bûtu pienâcîgi jânovçrtç. Jâcer, ka tiks atjaunotas zuduðâs koka detaïas un tiks salabots apdrupuðais portâls. Ðîs çkas detaïu atjaunoðana prasa vislielâko uzmanîbu, jo jebkurai niansei vai detaïai ir liela nozîme. Tâm jâatbilst sâkotnçjam izskatam. Mazâk Ðveices mâjai, bet vairâk vasarnîcai lîdzinâjâs dârza (dârznieka) mâja (13. attçls), kas atradâs pie oranþçrijas. Tâ lîdz mûsu dienâm nav saglabâjusies, bet redzama kâdâ 1913. gada fotoattçlâ [13] un 1993. gada fotofiksâcijâ [14]. Ðî visai interesantâ koka çka tika nojaukta 20. gadsimta deviòdesmitajos gados, jo atradâs ïoti sliktâ tehniskâ stâvoklî. Tâs plânojums bija neparasts – L burta formâ veidotâ apjoma iekðçjâ kaktâ atradâs plaðs lievenis ar galveno ieeju. Çka bija vienstâva, uz augsta cokola un ar drempeïstâvu. Ar stâvu divslîpju jumtu segtâs çkas fasâdes bija bagâtîgi dekorçtas ar koka meþìînçm zelmiòos, kâ arî kâpòu un lieveòa margâs. Grezna bija logailu apdare. Noteikta loma fasâþu mâkslinieciskajâ risinâjumâ

13. attçls. Vecgulbenes muiþas dârza (dârznieka) mâja. 1913. gada foto [13]. Picture 13. The garden (gardener's) house of Vecgulbene Manor. Photograph of 1913 [13].

resembling Baroque motifs. As compared to the first mentioned Swiss or chalet style house, this building has retained much more of its initial outer appearance. A gallery still encircles the building from two sides, while from one of the gable facades it has disappeared – only the sawn-off ends of beams can be seen. Perhaps, once a staircase was also located there. The railing of the gallery (Picture 10) was made with a particular care and its ornament resembles that of the railing of the former post-office and telegraph. Much attention was given to the décor of the upper floor apertures (Picture 11 and 12). On the sides of the apertures and in their upper parts simple boards were used which had a milled facet in the middle of their inner part. A baroque-shaped décor can be seen in the upper part above this board. Similar patterns can be found in the monuments of vernacular buildings in Latgale, e.g. in Slutiðíi dwelling houses of Vecpils village, Daugavpils region and in the facades of the dwelling house in Kalna Romuïi village of the same region, and so on [12, 167]. The décor for window openings in the lower part ends up with a delicate and elegant ornament that includes motifs of meander and volute. Particular attention was paid also to the arrangement of rafter ends and upper rows of logs in the gable facades, which form corbels supporting the external rafters. Evidently a small balcony once used to be attached next to the attic door in the gable fa´ade, now only ends of beams can be seen. On the whole, this house appears to have been built by a highly skilled master who was aware of the latest trends in


bija arî gropçtu dçïu apðuvumam, kas pirmajâ stâvâ bija horizontâls, bet drempeïstâvâ – vertikâls. Abus stâvus atdalîja dzega ar ritmisku ornamentu. Ðî çka, domâjams, bija celta 19. gadsimta beigâs vai 20. gadsimta sâkumâ. Vecgulbenes muiþâ atradâs arî vairâkas mûra çkas, kuru arhitektûrâ izmantoti tikai atseviðíi t.s. Ðveices jeb vasarnîcu stila elementi. Viena no tâdâm bija pagastmâja – ar lielâm jumta pârkarçm, kuras balstîja dekorçtas konsoles (14. attçls). Rotâti bija arî spâru gali un saiðíi. Vecgulbenes muiþas Ðveices mâju stilistiskajâ risinâjumâ vçrojama arî savdabîga un citur maz sastopama îpatnîba. Tâ ir gotikas formu izmantoðana gan tradicionâlâs, gan visai neparastâs vietâs un bûvformâs. Viena no ðâdâm çkâm ir meþsarga mâja, kas atrodas attâlâk no muiþas centra – Ozolu ielâ 4 (19. gs. beigas; 15. attçls). Tâ ir pagara guïbûve, segta ar stâvu divslîpju jumtu. Vienâ garenfasâdes galâ izbûvçts rizalîts. Ðî rizalîta telpiskais un arhitektoniski mâkslinieciskais risinâjums izraisa vislielâko interesi – virs kores

14. attçls. Vecgulbenes pagastmâja. 20. gs. divdesmito gadu foto [11]. Picture 14. The administrative building of the civil parish of Vecgulbene. Photograph of 1920s [11].

this architectural language. The house has significant cultural heritage value that should be recognised and appropriately treated. Let us hope that the missing wooden details will be replaced and the crumbling

15. attçls. Vecgulbenes muiþas meþsarga mâja. 2008. gada foto. Picture 15. The house of the estate forester of Vecgulbene Manor. Photograph of 2008.


paceïas ïoti grezns gotiskâs formâs veidots tornîtis, kurâ sâkotnçji atradies zvans (16. attçls). Tâ konstrukcija daïçji balstâs uz jumta krçslu un ârpusç arî uz îpaðiem brîvstâvoðiem balstiem. Tâdi paði balsti rizalîta fasâdç ir arî zem kopturiem. Toròa gotisko formu risinâjumam meistars pievçrsies ar lielu nopietnîbu un izpratni. Smailloka arkas atgâdina baznîcu logailas, lietots arî trejlapja motîvs un virs vçjdçïa – krabju veidojumi. Lai tornîða gotiskâs formas nebûtu vientuïas, tâs parâdâs arî zelminî un bçniòu stâva logailâ. Vçjdçïa un tornîða balstu savienojuma vietas ar çkas sienu rotâjumiem jau pilnîgi atbilst visai kosmopolîtiskajam Ðveices vai vasarnîcu stilam. Greznâka savulaik bijusi arî logailu apdare, kura jau 1993. gadâ vai pirms tam bija nomainîta ar vienkârðâm apmalçm [15]. Greznais tornîða veidojums mâkslinieciskâ piesâtinâjuma ziòâ mazliet konkurçja ar paðu çku, kas bija samçrâ vienkârða un varbût pat laucinieciska. Gotikas formas sastopamas arî veðûþa jeb veïas mâjas zelmiòos (19. gs. otrâ puse; 17. attçls). Çka novietota gleznainâ vietâ – Rûdolfa parka malâ, pie upîtes uzpludinâjuma. Tâ ir divstâvu, segta ar stâvu divslîpju jumtu un ar simetrisku galveno fasâdi. Tâs pirmâ stâva centrâ atrodas galvenâ ieeja. Iztâlçm çka liekas neievçrojama, taèu pietuvojoties tai, iespaids kïûst pavisam citâdâks. Izrâdâs, ka çka klâta ar koka zvîòveida apðuvumu. Spâru saiðíu sadurvietâ zelmini rotâ jauks gotiskâ èetrlapja siluetgriezums, kas, netipiski citâm ðâdas stilistikas çkâm, ritmiski turpinâs arî vçjdçïa risinâjumâ. Ðâda veida zvîòveida fasâdes apðuvums redzams arî Gulbenes luterâòu draudzes mâcîtâjmâjâ un t.s. muiþas slimnîcâ, kura atrodas Rûdolfa parka malâ, pie ceïa, kas ved uz mâcîtâjmuiþu un tâlâk uz Stariem. Liekas, ka Gulbenes apkârtnç strâdâjis kâds savdabîgs bûvgaldnieks, jo nekur citur Vidzemç, izòemot Vijciema luterâòu baznîcu Valkas rajonâ (18. gs. beigas, apðuvums 20. gs. sâkums), ðâdi fasâdes zvîòveida iesegumi nav sastopami. Ja sâkumâ minçtâs abas Ðveices mâjas tieði atbalso ðo stilistisko virzienu, tad meþsarga mâja jau ir savdabîgs tautas celtniecîbas tradîciju un t.s. Ðveices stila apvienojums, pie kam izmantojot arî konkrçta stila – gotikas – formas. Muiþu arhitektûrâ ðâdi piemçri ir maz. Var minçt Putnu mâju Lielstraupes muiþâ un Mednieku namiòu Vidriþu muiþâ, taèu ðajos objektos rotâjoðie elementi ir skopi. Vecgulbenes muiþâ atradâs vçrâ òemama t.s. Ðveices mâju grupa, kas izcçlâs ar profesionâlu

portal will be repaired. Restoration of the parts of this house requires the highest level of attention because any nuance or detail is very important in returning the house its original appearance. The garden (gardener’s) house, which used to be located next to the greenhouse (Picture 13), resembles more a summer cottage than a Swiss house. It has not survived till today but it can be seen in a photograph taken in 1913 [13] and in a photofixation made in 1993 [14]. This quite interesting wooden house was pulled down in the 1990s because it was in a very bad technical condition. Its layout was unusual – the building had a L-shape plan and a wide porch with the main entrance located in its inner corner. The house had one floor on a high socle and a semi-attic floor. Facades under a high-pitched gable roof were richly adorned with elaborate woodcarvings in gables and in railings of the stairs and the porch. Ornate was also the finish of apertures. The interlocking wood panel cladding, which on the ground floor was laid horizontally but on the semiattic floor – vertically, played a certain role in the artistic composition for facades. A cornice with a rhythmical ornament separated both floors. Presumably, this house was built in the late 19th century or early 20th century. Vecgulbene Manor also included several masonry buildings in the architecture of which only individual elements of the so-called Swiss or chalet style were used. One of them was the administrative building of the civil parish – with large roof overhangs propped by decorated cantilevers (Picture 14). Rafter ends and collar beams were also adorned. The stylistics of the Swiss houses of Vecgulbene Manor also includes an original and peculiar feature that can hardly be seen anywhere else. It is the use of Gothic shapes both in traditional and in quite unusual places and construction forms. One of such buildings is the house of the estate forester which is located farther off from the manor centre – at Ozolu iela 4 (end of the 19th century; Picture 15). It is a longish log structure with a high-pitched gable roof. A bay window is constructed at one end of the longitudinal fa´ade. The spatial and architecturally artistic solution of this bay window arouses the largest interest – a very ornate Gothic-style tower, which used to house the bell, rises above the ridge (Picture 16). Its construction partly leans on the roof structure and also on special free-standing props outside. The same props are also in the bay window fa´ade under the purlins. The master had taken special care and shown particular understanding


when working on the Gothic-style tower. Pointed arches resemble apertures of churches; a motif of a trefoil was also used along with crab-like shapes above the barge-board. So that the Gothic shapes of the tower would not appear solitary, they reoccur also in the gable and in the attic aperture. The areas where barge-board and tower props join the wall ornaments of the house already fully correspond to a rather cosmopolitan Swiss or chalet style. The finish of apertures also used to be more ornate, which in 1993 or even earlier was replaced with simple frames [15]. The artistic saturation of the elaborately ornamented tower somewhat competed with the house itself which was rather simple and maybe even rustic. Gothic forms can also be seen in the gables of the washhouse or the laundry (the 2nd half of the 19th century; Picture 16). The building finds itself in picturesque environment – at the side of Rûdolfs Park, at the flooded-up area of the river. It has two storeys, a high-pitched gable roof and a symmetric main fa´ade. The main entrance is arranged in the centre of its ground floor. Although from the distance the house seems plain and undistinguished, approaching it the impression changes. It turns out that the building has a scale-like wooden cladding. In the junction of collar beams the pediment is adorned by a nice silhouette-cut of a Gothic fourfold which, unlike in other houses of this style, rhythmically continues also in the bargeboard. Such scalelike facade cladding can also be seen in the clergyman’s house of Gulbene Lutheran Parish and in the so-called manor hospital which is located at the edge of Rûdolfs Park, at the road leading to the vicarage and farther on to Stari. It appears that a singularly skilful carpenter had worked in the vicinity of Gulbene because nowhere else in Vidzeme, aside from Vijciems Lutheran Church in Valka region (the end of the 18th century, cladding – the early 20th century), such scale-like facade cladding can be found. If the two Swiss houses mentioned in the beginning are perfect examples of this stylistic trend, then the forester’s house is a peculiar combination of folk construction traditions and the so-called Swiss chalet style, including also Gothic forms – elements of a particular style. There are only few such examples in the architecture of manors, for instance the Birds’ House in Lielstraupe Manor and the hunters’ lodge in Vidriþi Manor, however, these objects have only some adorning elements. In Vecgulbene Manor there was one more remarkable group of the so-called Swiss houses

16. attçls. Meþsarga mâjas tornîtis. 2008. gada foto. Picture 16. A tower of the house of the estate forester. Photograph of 2008.

17. attçls. Vecgulbenes muiþas veïas mâjas zelminis. 2008. gada foto. Picture 17. A gable of the washhouse of Vecgulbene Manor. Photograph of 2008.


amatniecisko izpildîjumu un atzîstama lîmeòa stila formu izpratni. Diemþçl daïa no çkâm nav saglabâjusies, citas atrodas ne îpaði labâ tehniskâ stâvoklî. Turpmâk îpaða vçrîba bûtu jâpievçrð kalpu un meþsarga mâjâm, kuras vçl lielâ mçrâ ir saglabâjuðas savu sâkotnçjo arhitektoniski mâksliniecisko risinâjumu.

which were built with excellent craftsmanship and high-level understanding of the vocabulary of the style. Unfortunately, not all of the houses have been preserved, but the few which have survived, are not in a very good technical condition. In future particular attention should be paid to the houses of servants and foresters, since they have retained their initial architectural and artistic idea to such a great extent.

IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Cimermanis S. Latvieðu tautas dzîves pieminekïi. Celtnes un to iekârta. – Rîga: Zinâtne, 1969. – 152 lpp. 2. Valsts kultûras pieminekïu aizsardzîbas inspekcijas Pieminekïu dokumentâcijas centrs (turpmâk VKPAI PDC). Lieta “Sigulda”. Foto “Lessin” Siguldâ. 3. VKPAI PDC, lieta “Sigulda, Lakstîgalas iela 13.” 4. L’architecture pittoresque en Suisse ou choix constructions rustiques. – Paris, 1873. – 125 pp. 5. Gladbach E. Die Holzarchitektur der Schweitz. – Zürich, 1885. –168 S. 6. Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas Reto grâmatu un rokrakstu nodaïa. G.F. Ðlâtera litogrâfija no A. fon Hâgena zîmçjuma. Inv. Nr. R IL–2/65. 7. VKPAI PDC, lieta “Turaidas muiþa. Turaidas muzejrezervâts.” 8. Bruìis D. Historisma pilis Latvijâ. – Rîga: Sorosa fonds-Latvija, 1996. – 287 lpp. 1931. gada fotoattçls 9. Die Livländische Schweitz in Wort und Bild. – Riga, 1901. – 34 S. 10. VKPAI PDC, lieta “Cesvaines muiþas meþkunga mâja”. 11. Gulbenes Vçstures un mâkslas muzejs (turpmâk GVMM). 12. Latvijas Etnogrâfiskais brîvdabas muzejs. – Rîga: Zinâtne, 1987. – 223 lpp. 13. VKPAI PDC, lieta Vecgulbenes muiþa. Oriìinâls O. Mçtras fondâ GVMM. 14. VKPAI PDC, lieta “Vecgulbenes muiþa”. 15. VKPAI PDC, lieta “Vecgulbenes muiþa”. 1993. gadâ veiktâ fotofiksâcija. Jânis Zilgalvis Assistant professor, Dr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia E-mail: Zilgalvis J. Vecgulbenes muiþas Ðveices mâjas 19. gs. otrajâ pusç Latvijas muiþu un pilsçtu arhitektûrâ sastopamais t.s. Ðveices jeb vasarnîcu stils ir savdabîgs eklektisma stila formâli stilistiskais virziens. Tâ izcelsme Rietumeiropas zemju arhitektûrâ meklçjama 18. gs. beigu romantisma mâkslas strâvojumos. Maz pazîstamas ir Vecgulbenes muiþas Ðveices mâjas. Vienu no muiþas bûvgaldniekiem pâròçmusi îpaða mîlestîba pret ðo stilistisko virzienu, jo viòð ar lielu rûpîbu un ne jau bez muiþas îpaðnieka finansiâlâ atbalsta cçlis vairâkas çkas. Vienâ no tâm 20. gs. sâkumâ atradies pasts un telegrâfs, bet tagad to izmanto Gulbenes slimnîcas Infekciju nodaïa. Çka ir pilnîbâ pârveidota un vienkârðota. Otra – kalpu mâja savu sâkotnçjo veidolu saglabâjusi daudz vairâk. Mazâk Ðveices mâjai, bet vairâk vasarnîcai lîdzinâjâs dârza (dârznieka) mâja, kas atradâs pie oranþçrijas. Tâ lîdz mûsu dienâm nav saglabâjusies. Vecgulbenes muiþâ atradâs arî vairâkas mûra çkas, kuru arhitektûrâ izmantoti tikai atseviðíi t.s. Ðveices jeb vasarnîcu stila elementi. Viena no tâdâm bija pagastmâja. Ja sâkumâ minçtâs abas Ðveices mâjas tieði atbalso ðo stilistisko virzienu, tad muiþas meþsarga mâja jau ir savdabîgs tautas celtniecîbas tradîciju un t.s. Ðveices stila apvienojums, pie kam izmantojot arî konkrçta stila – gotikas formas. Muiþu arhitektûrâ ðâdi piemçri ir maz. Var minçt Putnu mâju Lielstraupes muiþâ un Mednieku namiòu Vidriþu muiþâ, taèu ðajos objektos rotâjoðie elementi ir skopi.


Vecgulbenes muiþâ atradâs vçrâ òemama t.s. Ðveices mâju grupa, kas izcçlâs ar profesionâlu amatniecisko izpildîjumu un atzîstama lîmeòa stila formu izpratni. J. Zilgalvis. Swiss Houses of Vecgulbene Manor The so-called Swiss or chalet style seen in the architecture of Latvia’s manors and towns constructed in the second half of the 19th century is an interesting formally stylistic variety of Eclecticism. It originated in the architecture of Western European countries at the end of the 18th century as a trend of romantic art. Less known are the Swiss houses of Vecgulbene Manor. One of the carpenters of Vecgulbene Manor was especially deeply infatuated with this stylistic trend since he had built several such houses showing great care and receiving financial support from the estate manager. One of these buildings in the early 20th century used to house a post office with a telegraph, but now it functions as the Infectious Diseases Unit of Gulbene Hospital. The house has been completely transformed and simplified. The other – the house for servants has retained much more of its initial outer appearance. The garden (gardener’s) house, which used to be located next to the greenhouse, resembles more a summer cottage than a Swiss house. It has not survived till today. Vecgulbene Manor also included several stone buildings in the architecture of which only individual elements of the so-called Swiss or chalet style were used. One of them was the administrative building of the civil parish. If the two Swiss houses mentioned in the beginning are perfect examples of this stylistic trend, then the forester’s house is a peculiar combination of folk construction traditions and the so-called Swiss chalet style, including also Gothic forms – elements of a particular style. There are only few such examples in the architecture of manors, for instance the Birds’ House in Lielstraupe Manor and hunters’ lodge in Vidriþi Manor, however, these objects have only some adorning elements. In Vecgulbene Manor there was one more remarkable group of the so-called Swiss houses which were built with excellent craftsmanship and high-level understanding of the vocabulary of the style. Zilgalvis J. Les maisons du style suisse du manoir de Vecgulbene Le style architectural rencontré vers la deuxiFme moitié du 19e siFcle dans les villes et les domaines de la Lettonie, nommé le style suisse ou le style des maisons d’été est dérivé de l’éclectisme. Son origine date de la fin du 18e siFcle dans les pays de L’Europe occidentale. Les maisons suisses de la domaine de Vecgulbene sont peu connues. Un des menuisiers de la domaine, saisi par l’amour de ce style, construit avec un grand soin et non sans soutien financier du propriétaire de la domaine plusieurs bâtiments dont un celui dans lequel au début du 20e siFcle se touve la poste et le télégraphe, mais aujourd’hui il abrite l’hHpital de Gulbene, bloc des maladies infectueuses. Le bAtiment est transformé et simplifié complFtement. La maison A cHté de l’orangerie, la maison du jardinier, ressemble moins A la maison suisse qu’A une maison d’été. Elle ne s’est pas conservé jusqu’A nos jours. Dans la domaine de Vecgulbene il y a avait aussi quelques bAtiments de pierre dans l’architecture desquels seulement quelques éléments du style suisse ou des maisons d’été sont employés. Parmi eux le bAtiment de la mairie. Si au début, les deux maisons suisse mentionnées reflFtent ce style, alors la maison du forestier de la domaine est déjB l’union singuliFre des traditions de la constructon polulaire avec celles du style suisse, en plus, les formes du gothique y sont emplyées. Dans l’architecture des domaines de tels exemples sont rares. Il faut mentionner la Maison des oiseaux dans la domaine de Lielstraupe et la Maison du forestier de la domaine de Vidriþi, mais les éléments décoratifs y sont sobres. Dans la domaine de Vecgulbene il y avait le groupe des bAtiments nommé maisons suisse qui se distinguait par sa réalisation artisanal de bon niveau professionnel et la compréhension des formes du style. Zilgalvis J. Schweizer Häuser auf Gut Alt-Schwanenburg Der so genannte Schweizer- oder Ferienhaus-Stil, der in der städtischen Architektur sowie in der Architektur der Herrenhäuser der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Lettland verbreitet war, lässt sich kurzgefasst als eine eigenartige, stilistische Abzweigung des Eklektizismus charakterisieren. Die Entwicklung dieser Stilrichtung leitet sich aus den Strömungen der westeuropäischen Architektur der Romantik her. Die Schweizer Häuser auf Gut Alt-Schwanenburg sind kaum bekannt. Einer der Tischler in Alt-Schwanenburg pflegte wohl eine besondere Liebe zu dieser Stilrichtung, da er mehrere Gebäude in diesem Stil mit großer Sorgfalt, wahrscheinlich auch vom Gutinhaber finanziell unterstützt, errichtete. In einem dieser Gebäude befand sich zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts das Post- und Telegrafenamt, jetzt ist dort die Infektionsabteilung des städtischen Krankenhauses (Gulbene/ Schwanenburg) untergebracht. Dieses Gebäude stellt sich jetzt allerdings vollkommen verändert und vereinfacht dar.


Weniger einem Schweizer Haus als einem Ferienhaus ähnelte das Gartenhaus (Gärtnerhaus), das sich in der Nähe der Orangerie befand. Es hat sich nicht erhalten. Zum Besitz des Gutes Alt-Schwanenburg gehörten auch mehrere Steingebäude, deren Architektur nur wenige, einzelne Elemente des so genannten Schweizer- oder Ferienhaus-Stils aufweist. Dazu zählte auch das Landkreishaus. Im Gegensatz zu den beiden so eben genannten Gebäuden, deren Architektur diese Stilrichtung deutlich vertritt, vereint der Bau des Forsterhauses die charakteristischen Traditionen volkstümlicher Bauweise und Elemente des so genannten Schweizer-Stils unter zusätzlicher Verwendung gotisierender Formgebung in sich. In der Architektur der Gutshäuser gibt es nur wenige derartige Beispiele. Man könnte hier noch das Haus “Vogel“ auf Gut Groos-Roop sowie das Jägerhäuschen auf Gut Widdrisch anführen, in deren Gestaltung jedoch die dekorativen Elemente nur sparsam angewendet worden sind. Die so genannten Schweizer Häuser auf Gut Alt-Schwanenburg verdienen wegen der qualitätsvollen Architektur in ihrer stilechter Formgebung Beachtung.


SLÎDLOGS LATVIJÂ SASH WINDOW IN LATVIA I. Dirveiks Atslçgas vârdi: slîdlogs, vçrtne, rûts, ðíçrsis.

Key words: sash window, panel or “sash”, pane, muntin.

Par slîdlogu sauc logu ar bîdâmâm vçrtnçm, kuras var pârvietot vertikâlâ vai horizontâlâ virzienâ loga plaknç. Latvieðu tautas celtniecîbâ zinâmo ðautru – nelielu lûkai priekðâ aizbîdâmu koka vçrtnîti – ar slîdlogu salîdzinât nevar, jo tiem kopîga ir tikai vçrtnes pârbîdîðanas ideja. Ðautra ir viens no primitîvâkajiem un senâkajiem logailas aizdares veidiem ar koka dçlîti. Slîdlogs radâs tad, kad veramu vçrtòu loga konstrukcijas bija pazîstamas jau vairâkus gadsimtus. Kopð renesanses perioda pazîstami loga stiklojumâ iestrâdâti nelieli vçdlogi, kas atverami, horizontâli pârbîdot. Par to liecina gan vçsturiski attçli, gan joprojâm saglabâjuðies piemçri Vâcijâ (galvenokârt Saksijâ un Bavârijâ), kâ arî citâs centrâlâs Eiropas zemçs. Nereti vertikâli bîdâmu divvçrtòu slîdlogu dçvç par “angïu” logu (vertical sliding sash window – angïu val.), jo vairâk nekâ trîs gadsimtus tas ir populârâkais logu konstruktîvais tips Anglijâ un tâs bijuðajâs kolonijâs. Tomçr slîdloga izcelsme meklçjama ârpus Anglijas – Francijâ [16, 55]. Sâkot ar 17. gadsimta vidu Anglijâ pçc vienkârðâkajiem franèu paraugiem sâka izgatavot logus, kam augðçjâ vçrtne ir statiska, bet apakðçjâ paceïama, to bîdot pa ðim nolûkam izveidotu rievu aplodâ. Fiksçðanas mehânisms bija vienkârðs – aizbîdòi, kuri noturçja vçrtni aplodâ daþâdâ augstumâ izurbtos caurumos. Tomçr apakðçjâs vçrtnes pacelðana radîja neçrtîbas, jo tâ bija lielâka un smagâka vai nepietiekoði kvalitatîvi izgatavota. Tieði Anglijas galdnieku nopelns ir ðî loga modernizçðana 17. gadsimta septiòdesmitajos un astoòdesmitajos gados, aplodas sânu statòos iestrâdâjot atsvarus, kurus attiecîgi noregulçjot, loga pacelðana kïuva ievçrojami vieglâka [16, 60]. Par atjautîgâs konstrukcijas autoriem un precîzâku datçjumu daþâdos avotos ir nedaudz atðíirîgi dati. Pateicoties daudzu apstâkïu sakritîbai un Anglijas ârçjiem sakariem ar Franciju un Nîderlandi, slîdlogs ar atsvariem savu optimâlo

A sash window is a window with movable panels, that can be moved in a vertical or horizontal direction in the window casing. The Latvian ðautra (dart), a small wooden panel that could be slided in front of an opening, known from traditional Latvian building methods, cannot be compared to a sash window, because the two have in common only the idea of a movable panel. The ðautra (dart) is one of the most primitive and oldest methods of closing a window-opening with a small wooden board. The sash window was invented when movable sash constructions had already been known for several centuries. Small windows for airing that were built into the window glazing had already been known since the renaissance period. They could be opened by moving them horizontally. This can be witnessed not only in historic illustrations, but also from samples still to be seen in Germany (mainly in Saxony and Bavaria), as well as in other central European countries. Often the vertically movable double-hung sash window is called an “English” window, because for more than three centuries it has been the most popular window construction method in England and the former colonies. Still, the origin of the sash window is to be sought outside of England – in France [16, 55]. From the beginning of the mid 17th century, windows began to be constructed in England according to the most simple French samples, where the top sash is static, but the bottom sash can be lifted by sliding it along a groove in the jamb for this purpose. The fixing mechanism was simple – fasteners, that held the sash in the jamb in drilled holes of different levels. Still, it was uncomfortable to lift the bottom sash, because it was bigger and heavier or because it was not qualitative enough. The English carpenters can take credit for modernizing these windows in the 1770ies and 1780ies, by working counter-weights into the side jambs, which could be regulated as needed, and made lifting the window


konstruktîvo risinâjumu ieguva pakâpeniski divu paaudþu laikâ no 17. gadsimta pçdçjâ ceturkðòa lîdz 18. gadsimta divdesmitajiem gadiem [10, 84]. Tâ kâ slîdloga konstrukcija bija sareþìîta un dârga, Latvijai tuvâkajâ reìionâ Vâcijâ slîdlogus galvenokârt iebûvçja greznâkâs çkâs – pilîs un rezidencçs. Tomçr 19. gadsimta sâkumâ lielâko daïu slîdogu nomainîja [14, 60]. Vertikâlais slîdlogs sasniedza tehnisko pilnîbu 19. gadsimta beigâs, kad rûpîgi pârdomâta atsvaru sistçma nodroðinâja çrtu abu vçrtòu – apakðçjâs un augðçjâs – vçrðanu. Slîdloga konstrukcijas galvenâ nozîme ir iespçja labi regulçt telpas vçdinâðanu un tas, ka atvçrtâ stâvoklî vçrtnes nav izvirzîtas no sienas plaknes [12, 191]. Mûsdienâs slîdlogus pârsvarâ izmanto cokolstâvu un galveno dzîvojamo stâvu telpâm. Retâk – pagrabiem un bçniòiem. Primitîvas konstrukcijas slîdlogi ar horizontâli pârbîdâmâm vçrtnçm Anglijâ un Nîderlandç plaði izmantoti kopð 18. gadsimta sâkuma [12, 58]. Mazâkâm un vienkârðâkâm çkâm, kâ arî vasarnîcâs, palîgçkâs un darbnîcâs tie iebûvçti arî 19. gadsimtâ [12, 59]. Latvijâ klasiski “angïu” logi (vertikâli divvçrtòu slîdlogi) plaðâk neieviesâs. Tomçr atrodamas liecîbas par atseviðíiem mçìinâjumiem tos lietot 18. gadsimtâ – laikâ, kad Anglijas ietekme sasniedza arî Baltijas jûras krastus. Acîmredzot daþi aristokrâti izvçlçjâs savâm rezidencçm slîdlogus, vçlçdamies kaut ko “îpaði modernu”, redzçtu ârzemçs. Iespçjams, ðâda risinâjuma izvçlç noteicoðâ loma bija arhitektam. Ir zinâmi daþi vçsturiski zîmçjumi, kuros redzamais ïauj pieòemt, ka attçloti tieði slîdlogi, un ir daþi objekti, kuros nepârprotami konstatçtas ðîs logu konstrukcijas. J.K. Broces kolekcijâ ir vairâki zîmçjumi, kuros slîdlogu konstrukciju var pieòemt teorçtiski, jo paði objekti vairs dabâ nav saglabâjuðies. Rçzeknes rajona Puðas muiþa attçlota 1797. gadâ, kad tâs kungu dzîvojamâ mâjâ daïçji jau nomainîti vecie logi ar klasicismam raksturîgiem astoòu rûðu logiem un asimetrisku loga krustu attiecîbâ 1:3 [2, IV, 343]. Çka, ðíiet, celta 18. gadsimta otrajâ pusç, un gadsimta beigâs stilistiski un konstruktîvi jauni logi pauþ îpaðnieka laikmetîgo domâðanu un izglîtotîbu, ko attçlam pievienotâ aprakstâ atzîmçjis arî J.K. Broce. Gan mansardâ, gan çkas labajâ pusç vçl redzami vecie sîkrûðu logi. Pirmajâ stâvâ tiem ir tikai horizontâlais ðíçrsis ar zîmçjumâ izceltu çnojumu zem tâ, kas liek domât, ka arî Latgalç atrodami atseviðíi slîdlogu piemçri. Tas gan uzskatâms par retu gadîjumu un vairâk skaidrojams ar atseviðíu

markedly easier [16, 60]. Data regarding the inventors of this resourceful construction and more precise dates differ in different sources. As a result of lucky coincidences and the contacts that England had with France and the Netherlands, the sash window with counter-weights was gradually developed during the period of two generations between the last quarter of the 17th century up to the 1820ies, before it finally reached its optimal constructive solution [10, 84]. Since the construction of the sash window was complicated and expensive, in Germany, which was the region closest to Latvia, sash windows were mainly built into exclusive buildings – castles and manors. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the 19th century, the largest part of the sash windows were replaced [14, 60]. The vertical sash window reached its technical perfection at the end of the 19th century, when a carefully contemplated counter-weight system made it possible to comfortably open both sashes – the bottom and the top. The main goal of the sash window construction is the possibility to easily regulate the airing of rooms and also, that when opened, the panels do not protrude from the wall [12, 191]. In our days, sash windows are mainly used on ground floors and the main stories of dwelling houses. More rarely – for basements and attics. Sash windows of primitive construction with horizontally movable sashes have been widely used in England and the Netherlands since the beginning of the 18th century [12, 58]. Also during the 19th century sash windows were built into smaller and more simple buildings, as well as summer houses, subsidiary buildings and workshops [12, 59]. In Latvia the classic “English” window (vertical double-hung sash windows) was not widely introduced. Still, indications of several attempts to use them during the 18th century are to be found – during this period, English influences also reached the coasts of the Baltic Sea. It is obvious that some aristocrats chose sash windows for their residences, seeking something “especially modern”, something seen abroad. It is possible that the architect had the final say in the decision. There are certain historic drawings that seem to show windows that appear to be sash windows, and there are also several buildings that definately show these window constructions. The collections of J.K. Brotze contain several illustrations where the construction of the sash window can be accepted in theory, since the objects themselves have not survived in practice. One of the illustrations shows Puða Manor in the region of


Rçzekne in 1797. At this time, the old windows of the main dwelling building had already been partly replaced by eight-light windows and asymmetrical parting strips with the proportion 1:3 [2, IV, 343]. It seems the building has been built during the second half of the 18th century and at the end of this century stylistically and constructively new windows give expression to the owner’s contemporary thinking and level of education. This has also been commented on by J.K. Brotze next to the illustration. Both in the garrett and on the right side of the building the old multiple-light windows can still be seen. The ground floor windows have only a horizontal muntin with a shadow underneath, highlighted in the drawing, which makes it probable that samples of sash windows can be found also in Latgale. This must nevertheless be seen as a rare case and can mainly be explained by certain highly educated manor lords taking a private iniciative. Latgale for more than 200 hundred years, until 1772, belonged to Poland and was under Polish cultural influence. Sash window constructions in the Polish region were not common and are to be seen only in some examples from the 19th and 20th centuries [15, 13]. This hypothesis regarding sash window constructions can be attributed also to a little manor in the Riga suburb of Zolitûde, which was built in the 1760ies or 1770ies. In the foreground of the drawing from 1785 there are two buildings – a garden pavilion and an orangery [2, II, 325]. Both buildings have high windows with a segmented upper part and shutters. The openings are horizontally parted by a muntin, forming two sashes with nine panes in each. The oldest known example of a sash window can be seen in the details of a project from the 18th century. The architect H. Pirangs has published the drawings from an uncompleted project for the facade of Meþmuiþa manor (Grenzhof) in the region of Dobele, which has been dated from 1755 [13, I, 54] (Picture 1). The project was kept at the province museum of Courland in Jelgava and disappeared during the Second World War. It is not known who commissioned the building. It is credible that it was the tenant of the sequestered Meþmuiþa manor that belonged to the Duke of Courland, E.J. Biron, who was in exile at the time. The project has been developed by the Duke’s director of construction Jacob Christian Schirmeister. Comparing this intended project with other manorhouses that were built in the mid 18th century, for example Liepupe, Katvari and Íirbiþi, the manor of Meþmuiþa is set apart by several unusual solutions for this period,

1. attçls. Meþmuiþas (Grenzhof) kungu mâjas projekts. Griezums. 1755. g. J.K. Ðîrmeistars. Pirmajâ stâvâ ir groplogi ar vidusstatni un ðíçrsi. 2. un 3. stâvâ ir divvçrtòu slîdlogi [13, 54]. Picture 1. Construction plan for Meþmuiþa (Grenzhof) manor house. Section. 1755, J.K. Ðîrmeistars. Casement windows with mullion and muntin on ground floor. Double-hung sash window on first and second floors [13, 54].

plaðâk izglîtotu muiþnieku privâtu iniciatîvu. Latgale vairâk nekâ divus gadsimtus, lîdz 1772. gadam piederçja Polijai un atradâs tâs kultûras ietekmç. Polijas reìionam slîdloga konstrukcija nav raksturîga un sastopama tikai atseviðíos paraugos 19. un 20. gadsimtâ [15, 13]. Hipotçze par slîdlogu konstrukciju attiecinâma arî uz Pierîgas muiþiòu Zolitûdç, kas celta 18. gadsimta seðdesmitajos vai septiòdesmitajos gados. 1785. gadâ tapuða zîmçjuma priekðplânâ ir divas çkas – dârza paviljons un oranþçrija [2, II, 325]. Abâm çkâm ir augsti logi ar segmentveida augðdaïu un slçìiem. Ailas horizontâli dalîtas ar ðíçrsi, veidojot divas vçrtnes ar deviòâm rûtîm katrâ. Senâkais zinâmais slîdloga piemçrs redzams kâda 18. gadsimta projekta materiâlos. Arhitekts H. Pirangs publicçjis Dobeles rajona Meþmuiþas (Grenzhof) fasâdes nerealizçta projekta zîmçjumu, kas datçts ar 1755. gadu [13, I, 54] (1. attçls). Projekts glabâjâs Kurzemes provinces muzejâ Jelgavâ un zudis Otrâ pasaules kara laikâ. Jaunbûves pasûtîtâjs nav zinâms. Visticamâk, ka tas bijis trimdâ esoðâ Kurzemes hercoga E.J. Bîrona sekvestrçtâs Meþmuiþas nomnieks. Projektu izstrâdâjis hercoga bûvdirektors Jçkabs Kristians Ðirmeisters (Jacob Christian Schirmeister). Salîdzinot çkas ieceri ar citâm 18. gadsimta vidû uzceltajâm muiþas kungu mâjâm, piemçram, Liepupi, Katvariem un


which is indicative of the work of an experienced architect. The project shows warm air-heating channels, that are connected with the hooded chimney. Also, showing the drainage underneath the building is not common in construction projects for manor houses in the mid 18th century. Compared with other dwelling houses on country estates in Latvia it is unusual to have a hall in the attic floor and also the placing of the roof windows – the grouping of two windows that project out from the wall together in one block allows for much better lighting in the rooms. In this case, it is especially worth mentioning the solution of sash bars. There are not many construction projects for houses in Latvia from the 18th century, where the filling of the window openings is illustrated in detail. In the project for the Meþmuiþa manor building, the windows on the main dwelling floor are parted with a muntin in two identical sashes, each sash having 20 panes. These windows do not have a middle bar, which usually parts the opening symmetrically. The ground floor windows are depicted with a traditional window bar, whereby the muntin splits the opening in uneven parts. The ground floor windows bear witness to differing window constructions – they have a traditional window crossing with an asymmetrical vertical parting. It is doubtful that the tenant of the exiled Duke’s manor would have payed such attention to a special window construction. It is possible that more research on the buildings built by J.K. Schirmeister would provide more information about the currently known oldest vertical sash window projected for a building in Latvia. It is known that J.K. Schirmeister was a carpenter in the town of Wittstock in the region of Brandenburg in Germany, but his brother, the engineer-architect Georg, worked as the king’s construction director in Berlin. In 1753 J.K. Schirmeister arrived in Courland and from 1755 until 1766 he worked for the Duke [3, I, 1838]. The upswing of his further career bears witness to his experience and authority. K. Schirmeister became the construction master of Riga. It is credible that the experience of J.K. Schirmeister made him choose the sash windows for Meþmuiþa manor, that gained popularity in the mid 18th century also outside England and the Netherlands. The vertical sash windows were a novelty and a certain fashion wave among the aristocratic buildings in Germany. In Latvia historic 18th century vertical sash window constructions have been determined only from fragments of window frames in the ruins of

2. attçls. Lustes pils 20. gadsimta sâkumâ. 2. stâvâ vertikâli slîdlogi [VKPAI PDC Inv. Nr. 38.038 IV]. Picture 2. Luste castle at the beginning of the 20th century. Vertical sash windows on first floor [VKPAI PDC Inv. Nr. 38.038 IV].

Íirbiþiem, Meþmuiþa atðíiras ar vairâkiem savam laikam neparastiem risinâjumiem, kas liecina par pieredzçjuða arhitekta darbu. Projektâ parâdîti siltâ gaisa apkures kanâli, kas savienoti ar virtuves apvalkdûmeòiem. Arî drenâþas parâdîðana zem çkas nav ikdieniðía parâdîba 18. gadsimta vidus muiþu projektu zîmçjumos. Uz citu Latvijas muiþu dzîvojamo mâju fona neparasts ir zâles izvietojums mansarda stâvâ un plânoto jumta logu forma – divu logu izbûvju grupçðana vienâ blokâ ïauj telpas daudz labâk izgaismot. Ðajâ gadîjumâ îpaðas uzmanîbas vçrts ir logu risinâjums. Nav daudz 18. gadsimta Latvijas çku bûvprojektu, kuros bûtu detalizçti izzîmçts logailu aizpildîjums. Meþmuiþas kungu dzîvojamâs mâjas projektâ galveno dzîvojamo stâvu logi ir dalîti ar ðíçrsi divâs vienâdâs vçrtnçs, no kurâm katrâ ir 20 rûtis. Ðiem logiem nav vidusstatòa, kas parasti dala ailu simetriski. Cokolstâva logi attçloti ar tradicionâlu loga krustu, kura ðíçrsis sadala ailu nevienâdâs daïâs. Par atðíirîgâm logu konstrukcijâm liecina cokolstâva logi – tiem ir tradicionâlais loga krusts asimetriskâ vertikâlâ dalîjumâ. Maz ticams, ka trimdâ izsûtîtâ hercoga muiþas nomnieks bûtu pievçrsis uzmanîbu kâdai îpaðai logu konstrukcijai. Iespçjams, kâdu informâciju par paðlaik senâko zinâmo vertikâla slîdloga piedâvâjumu kâdai çkai Latvijâ dotu plaðâki J.K. Ðirmeistera celto çku pçtîjumi. Zinâms, ka J.K. Ðirmeisters bijis galdnieks Vitstokas (Wittstock) pilsçtiòâ Brandenburgas zemç Vâcijâ, bet viòa brâlis inþenieris – arhitekts Georgs strâdâjis par karaïa bûvdirektoru Berlînç. J.K. Ðirmeisters


1753. gadâ ieradies Kurzemç un no 1755. gada lîdz 1766. gadam strâdâjis hercoga dienestâ [3, I, 1838]. Par viòa pieredzi un autoritâti liecina tâlâka karjeras augðupeja. J.K. Ðirmeisters kïuvis par Rîgas bûvmeistaru. Domâjams, ka J.K. Ðirmeistera pieredze lika viòam izvçlçties Meþmuiþai slîdlogus, kas 18. gadsimta vidû ieguva izplatîbu arî ârpus Anglijas un Nîderlandes un, piemçram, Vâcijâ vertikâlie slîdlogi bija jaunums un zinâma modes lieta aristokrâtu çkâs. Latvijâ vçsturiskas 18. gadsimta vertikâla slîdloga konstrukcijas konstatçtas tikai palodas fragmentu izskatâ Lustes pils drupâs Dobeles rajonâ [9]. Çku kâ medîbu pili Kurzemes hercogam Pçterim 18. gadsimta septiòdesmito gadu vidû projektçjis dâòu izcelsmes arhitekts Severins Jensens (Severin Jensen, 1723–1809(?)). Çkas apjomâ jûtamas asociâcijas ar itâïu kubveida villas tipu [5, 72]. Lustes pils galvenâ stâva slîdlogus var redzçt kâdâ 20. gadsimta sâkuma fotogrâfijâ [17] (2. attçls). Visticamâk, ka sâkotnçji katrai no divâm taisnstûrveida logailas vçrtnçm bijuðas deviòas rûtis. Attçlâ redzamâs èetras rûtis ir 19. gadsimta pârveidojums. Zâles logi ir garâki – virs abâm slîdloga vçrtnçm vçl ir pusaploces formas augðçjâ vçrtne. Lustes pils arhitektûras izpçtes laikâ 1987. gadâ tikai vienâ logailâ daïçji bija saglabâjusies aploda bez vçrtnçm (3. attçls). Lustes pils slîdlogiem nav atsvaru – aplodu veido masîva koka ðíautòi ar valnîða veida profilçjumu ârpusç un iekðpusç. Lîdzîgi aplodu profili 17. gadsimta beigâs un 18. gadsimta pirmajâ ceturksnî bijuði slîdlogu konstrukcijâm Anglijâ [11, 202, 209]. No priedes koka izgatavotâ aploda iestrâdâta sienâ tâs mûrçðanas laikâ. Konstrukcijas noturîbu sienâ nodroðina mûrî ielaistie palodzes un palodas pagarinâjumi. Augðçjâ vçrtne nostiprinâta statiski – ieliekot aplodas gropç un pienaglojot. Apakðçjâ paceïamâ vçrtne ielikta gropç sânu statòos un nostiprinâta ar îpaðâs sânu rievâs ieliktu profillîsti, kas imitç ðíautòa profilu [9, 38]. Palodâ ir metâla skava, kas acîmredzot domâta iekðçjâs vçrtnes fiksçðanai ar kâdu âíi atvçrtâ (paceltâ) stâvoklî. Oriìinâlo konstrukciju zudumu dçï nekas nav pasakâms par vçrtòu detaïâm un fiksçðanas principu. Neskaidrs paliek konstrukcijas montâþas princips un abu vçrtòu savienojuma zonas konstruktîvais risinâjums. Lustes pils slîdloga konstrukcija ir primitîva. Iespçjams, ka Lustes pils logu projektçtâjs nav tuvâk iepazinies ar atsvaru mehânismu ârzemju paraugos vai arî nav atrasti logu izgatavotâji, kam bûtu atbilstoða prasme.

Luste castle in the region of Dobele [9]. The building was designed as a hunting castle for the Duke of Courland, Peter, in the mid 1770ies by the Danish architect Severin Jensen (1723–1809(?)). The volume of the building leads to associations with the Italian cube formed villa type [5, 72]. The sash windows of the main story of Luste manor can be seen in a photograph from the beginning of the 20th century [17] (Picture 2). It is credible that initially each of the two rectangular window opening panels had nine panes. The four panes seen in the illustration are from the 19th century. The windows of the main hall are taller – above both sash window panels there is also a crescent-shaped top panel. During the research on Luste castle in 1987 only one window-opening had partly preserved a frame without sashes (Picture 3). The sash windows of Luste castle do not have counter-weights – the frame is formed by massive wooden muntins with a wavelike profile on the outside and the inside. Similar frame profiles have also been present in the sash window constructions in England at the end of the 17th century and the first quarter of the 18th century [11, 202, 209]. The frame that is made of pine wood has been worked into the wall during the brick-laying stage. The stability of the construction is secured by the window-sill and window frame lengthenings set into the wall. The top panel is set vertically – by putting the frames into the groove and nailing them. The bottom movable panel is set into the groove in the side stanchions and fixed with a special profile ledge, which imitates a muntin profile, placed in the side grooves. [9, 38]. The frame has a metal staple, which seems to be meant for fixing the inner panel with a hook in its opened (lifted) stage. Since the original construction has not survived, nothing can be said about the details of the sash and its fixing principles. The principle of the mounting of the construction remains unclear as well as the constructive solution for the joining of both sashes. The sash window construction at Luste castle is primitive. Possibly, the designer of the windows of Luste’s castle was not aware of the counter-weight mechanism in foreign samples or has not been able to find window constructors who would have had the necessary expertise. The influence of the architect (or his personal “handwriting”) in the choice of the construction method for sash windows can be discerned also at the mausoleum of the von Liewen family at the Lîvbçrzes manor chapel (1787). Also the author of this building is Severin Jensen [5, 37]. A photograph from 1940 shows a window opening with a crescent-


3. attçls. Lustes pils. Dobeles raj. 18. gadsimta septiòdesmitie gadi. Arhitekts S. Jensens. Slîdloga fiksâcija. D. Lçvalde, L. Markova. 1987. A – aplodas horizontâls ðíçlums iekðçjâs bîdâmâs vçrtnes lîmenî. B – palodas ðíçlums ar augðçjâs neveramâs vçrtnes fragmentu. C – sânu statnis. Picture 3. Luste castle. District of Dobele, 1770ies. Architect S. Jensen. Sash window setting. D. Lçvalde, L. Markova. 1987. A – horizontal casement section on inner sash level. B – casement section with a fragment of the upper fixed panel. C – side stanchion.

Arhitekta iespaids (vai savdabîgs “rokraksts”) slîdloga konstrukcijas izvçlç izsekojams arî Lîvenu dzimtas mauzolejâ Lîvbçrzes muiþas kaplièâ (1787). Arî ðîs çkas autors ir Severîns Jensens [5, 37]. 1940. gada fotoattçlâ redzama logaila ar apaïloka pârsedzi. Ailas apakðçjâ daïâ, lîdzîgi kâ Lustes pilî, ir divas èetru rûðu vçrtnes vertikâla slîdloga konstrukcijâ.

shaped top. The bottom part of the window opening, much like Luste castle, has two quadruple hung sections in the vertical construction of the sash window. In a description of Jelgava castle from 1811 there is mention of two “windows that can be slided upwards” (Aufschiebfenster) in room no. 31 [4, 19]. Each window has had 12 panes (each sash six panes, organized three in two rows). This is typical for


4. attçls. Horizontâls slîdlogs Alûksnes luterâòu baznîcâ draudzes telpas starpsienâ. K. Hâberlands. 18. gadsimta astoòdesmitie gadi. 2007. gada foto. Picture 4. Horizontal sash window in Alûksnes Lutheran Church in the dividing wall of the congregation hall. K. Hâberlands. 1780ies. Photograph of 2007.

5. attçls. Hercoga loþa Liepâjas Sv. Trîsvienîbas baznîcâ. 1763. J. Slavièeks (?). Kopskaitâ 11 vertikâli slîdlogi ar oriìinâlo stiklojumu. 2008. gada foto. Picture 5. The Duke's lodge in the Holy Trinity Church in Liepâja. 1763. J. Slavièeks (?). In total 11 vertical sash windows with original glazing. Photograph of 2008.

1811. gada Jelgavas pils aprakstâ minçti divi “uz augðu bîdâmi logi” (Aufsciebfenster) 31. istabâ [4, 19]. Katram logam bijuðas 12 rûtis (katrâ vçrtnç seðas rûris, kas kârtotas pa trim divâs rindâs). Tas atbilst klasiska 18. gadsimta angïu loga kompozîcijai. Ðâda tipa logu iebûvçðana, iespçjams, saistîta ar jau

classic 18th century English window composition. The fitting of windows such as these, possibly, is connected with the already mentioned S. Jensen’s work, who, as the main architect of the province of Courland from 1796 to 1803 also took part in the renovation work at Jelgava castle [7, 79].


minçtâ S. Jensena darbîbu, kurð, bûdams Kurzemes guberòas arhitekts no 1796. lîdz 1803. gadam, piedalîjies Jelgavas pils remonta darbos [7, 79]. Latvijâ daþos 18. gadsimta zîmçjumos çku fasâdçs redzami horizontâli bîdâmi slçìi. Latvijas klimata apstâkïos horizontâli bîdâmu stiklotu vçrtòu logu ir labâk izmantot iekðtelpâs. Horizontâli slîdlogi savâ vienkârðâkajâ risinâjumâ – bez atsvariem – saglabâjuðies vairâkâs 18. gadsimtâ celtâs baznîcâs. Slîdlogus iebûvçja telpâs blakus altârim, ar t.s. “otrâs gaismas” nozîmi. Âdaþu (Baltezera) baznîcâ (1775) draudzes telpai bijis vertikâls slîdlogs pret zâli (katrai no 2 vçrtnçm bijuðas 4 rûtis) [18]. Alûksnes baznîcâ (1781–1788, K. Hâberlands.) sakristejai un patronâta loþai kâ otrâs gaismas logi ir horizontâli slîdlogi (4. attçls). Ðie konstruktîvie risinâjumi izvçlçti racionâlu apsvçrumu dçï, lai apakðçjâ lîmenî vçrtnes atvçrtâ stâvoklî neaizòemtu telpu un netraucçtu liturìiskajâm norisçm, bet augðçjâ lîmenî atvçrtas vçrtnes netraucçtu redzamîbu. Alûksnes luterâòu baznîcas slîdlogu vçrtòu râmjiem ir ierievji, kas ielaisti palodas un balzuma rievâs. Pârbîdît iespçjams visas vçrtnes, jo vidçjai vçrtnei ir atseviðía rieva. Horizontâli pârbîdâmâm vçrtnçm nav nepiecieðami rokturi, kas, no racionâla viedokïa raugoties, ir lîdzekïu ekonomija – vienîgâs metâla detaïas ir aplodu fiksçjoðâs mûrdzîtnes. Vairâkâs baznîcâs vertikâli paceïamu vçrtòu logi iebûvçti kungu solos un loþâs. Bauskas Sv. Gara baznîcas kungu sola (G.L. Ðetlers, 1770) galvenâs fasâdes loga apakðçjâ vçrtne nav saglabâjusies, bet rievas trajektorija aplodâ liecina par filigrânu S veidâ izliektu vçrtni. Latvijâ vislabâk saglabâjuðies 18. gadsimta slîdlogi ir Liepâjas Sv. Trîsvienîbas baznîcas hercoga loþâ (ap 1763. gadu). Vienpadsmit, dekoratîvâs formâs un ar kokgriezumiem rotâti vertikâli slîdlogi joprojâm ir labâ tehniskâ stâvoklî. Loþas sânu fasâdçs tie ir ðaurâki, ar deviòâm rûtîm katrâ vçrtnç. Trîs centrâlie logi galvenajâ, pret vidusjomu vçrstajâ fasâdç ir platâki – katrâ vçrtnç ir attiecîgi divpadsmit un piecpadsmit rûtis (5. attçls). Paceïamas ir apakðçjâs vçrtnes, kas aprîkotas ar atsperes veida fiksatoriem. Ðîm vçrtnçm katrai ir divi pogas tipa tverekïi. Paðlaik saglabâjuðies divi to veidi – dzelzs un misiòa. Pçdçjie ir vçlâki – 19. gadsimta papildinâjums. Slîdloga priekðrocîbas ðajâ gadîjumâ ir acîmredzamas – pçc mâkslinieciskâs ieceres otrajâ lîmenî paceltâ loþa uztverama kâ kompozicionâli vienots iekârtas priekðmets, kas telpâ starp

In Latvia in some drawings from the 18th century horizontally movable shutters can be seen in the facades of the buildings. In the Latvian climate it is better to use horizontally movable glazed panel windows indoors. Horizontal sash windows in all their simplicity – without counter-weights – have survived in several churches built in the 18th century. Sash windows were fitted in the rooms next to the altar, to create an extra light effect. The congregation room at Âdaþu (Baltezers) church (1775) has had a vertical sash window towards the hall (each sash has had four panes) [18]. The sacristy and the patronage lodge of the church of Alûksne (1781–1788, Ch. Haberland) have horizontal sash windows as windows providing a “second light” effect (Picture 4). These constructive solutions have been chosen for rational reasons, so that the bottom sashes when opened would not take up space and intrude on the lithurgical events, and the top sashes when opened would not intrude on the view. The sash window panel frames on Alûksne’s Lutheran church have feathers, that have been worked into the grooves in the casement and support. It is possible to move all the panels, because the middle panel has a seperate groove. Horizontally movable panels do not need handles, which, from a rational point of view, saves money – the only metal details are bolts fixed in the casement. In several churches vertically movable panel windows were built into the gentlemens’ pews and lodges. The bottom panel from the main facade window of the gentlemens’ pews in the Bauska Holy Spirit Church (G.L. Schettler, 1770) has not survived, but the trajectory of the grooves in the frame bear witness to a filigree S-shaped curved panel. The best-preserved 18th century sash windows in Latvia are the windows of the duke’s lodge at the Liepâja Holy Trinity church (around 1763). Eleven vertical sash windows in decorative forms and decorated with wood carvings are still in good working order. In the side facades of the lodge they are narrower, with nine panes in each panel. Three central windows in the main facade, which faces the middle part, are wider – each panel has twelve and fifteen panes respectively (Picture 5). The lower panels, that are fixed with spring-like rollerarms, are movable. These panels each have two button-like knobs. Currently, two of these have survived – iron and brass. The latter are from a later period – an addition from the 19th century. In this case, the advantages of a sash window are obvious – according to the artistic concept, the


6. attçls. Fasâdes projekts veikala çkai Alûksnç. Arhitekti V. Reslers un R. Herðelmanis. Slîdloga konstrukcijas skatlogi [1, 121]. Picture 6. Plan for the facade construction for a shop building in Alûksne. Architects W. Rossler and R. Herðelmanis. Shop windows with sash window construction [1, 121].

7. attçls. Rîga, Toròa iela 4. 1996. gadâ iebûvçti plastmasas slîdlogi koka aplodâs. Logu konstrukcijas izgatavotas ASV. 2008. gada foto. Picture 7. Rîga, Toròa Street 4. Plastic sash windows built in 1996, set in wooden casement. Window constructions manufactured in USA. Photograph of 2008.

kolonâm un sienu nostiprinâts vizuâli “viegli” – bez redzamiem balstiem. Veramas vçrtnes sadrumstalotu loþas uztveri un deformçtu arhitektonisko un mâksliniecisko izteiksmîgumu. Slîdloga konstrukcija Latvijâ ir nepierasta un mûsu klimatam neatbilstoða. Mçìinâjumiem to atkal izmantot ir tikai izòçmuma raksturs. Ir gadîjumi, kad slîdlogi lietoti atseviðíu nelielu tirdzniecîbas objektu arhitektûrâ. 1908. gadâ arhitekti V. Reslers un R. Herðelmanis veikala çkai Alûksnç projektçjuði lielizmçra skatlogus slîdlogu konstrukcijâ, kuru palodze loga atvçrtâ stâvoklî izmantojama kâ tirdzniecîbas lete. [1, 121] (6. attçls). Plaðâkais mûsdienu slîdloga lietoðanas piemçrs ir Vecrîgâ, Toròa ielâ 4, kur, 1996. gadâ atjaunojot t.s. “Jçkaba kazarmas”, ziemeïu fasâdç pret pilsçtas kanâlu iebûvçti vertikâlie slîdlogi (7. attçls). Konstrukcijas izvçlei nav arhitektoniskas motivâcijas, bet çkas rekonstrukcijas investora pragmatiski apsvçrumi. “Jçkaba kazarmu” slîdlogiem ir koka aplodas un plastmasas vçrtnes. Tiem ir zema kvalitâte, kas rada sareþìîjumus ekspluatâcijâ. Galvenie iemesli, kâdçï “angïu” logs fasâdçs palika tikai îslaicîga modes parâdîba 18. gadsimtâ, ir ðîs konstrukcijas trûkumi un neatbilstîba vietçjam klimatam. Tâ aprîkoðana ar Latvijas laika apstâkïiem tik nepiecieðamajâm ziemas vçrtnçm ir pârâk sareþìîta un dârga. Slîdloga konstrukcija nav pietiekoði blîvi noslçdzoða. Nav mazsvarîgi, ka

lodge raised to the second level is to be regarded as a compositionally united interior object, which is fixed in the space between the columns and the wall visually “lightly” – without visible support. Movable panels would fragmentize the perception of the lodge and deform the architectonic and artistic expression. The construction of the sash window in Latvia is uncommon and for our climate unsuitable. Attempts at repeatedly making use of it are only coincidental. There are cases when sash windows have been used seperately in the architecture of smaller buildings used for trade. In 1908 the architects W. Roessler and R. Herschelmann designed large shop-windows in the sash window construction for a shop building in Alûksne. When the window was opened, the window-sill could be used as a sales counter [1, 121] (Picture 6). The most extensive contemporary example of the use of sash windows is in the Old Town, on Toròa iela 4, where, during the reconstruction of the so called “Jacob’s Barracks”, the northern facade towards the city’s canal was fitted with built-in sash windows (Picture 7). The choice of construction does not have any architectonic motivation, only the pragmatic considerations of the investor of the reconstruction of the building. The windows are of bad quality which causes problems in the exploitation of the building.


ârçjie slîdlogi vçja brâzmu iespaidâ vibrç, jo vçrtnes rievâs neatrodas aplodai blîvi pieguïoðâ stâvoklî (rada troksni). Viens no bûtiskâkajiem trûkumiem ir tas, ka fasâdçs ðie logi ir grûti kopjami un tîrâmi. Anglijas pieredze 19. gadsimtâ liecina, ka sareþìîtâkie konstruktîvie risinâjumi prasa îpaði augstu izgatavoðanas kvalitâti, un mehânisma bojâjumu gadîjumos ir nepiecieðamîba pçc îpaði kvalificçtiem speciâlistiem [12, 191]. Vertikâls slîdlogs logu vçsturç ir bijis veiksmîgs izgudrojums konkrçtai Eiropas valstij – Lielbritânijai ar tâs savdabîgo klimatu, kas atðíiras no kontinentâlajiem klimata apstâkïiem ar paaugstinâtu mitrumu un salîdzinoði siltiem laika apstâkïiem visu gadu. Labas gaisa kontroles iespçjas telpâs lika samierinâties ar konstrukcijas nepilnîbâm [12, 67]. Ziemeïeiropâ un Baltijas jûras valstîs ðâds loga risinâjums ârsienâs nebija pieòemams un palicis tikai kâ eksotisks izòçmums.

The main reasons as to why the “English” window in facades remained only a short-term fashion occurance in the 18th century were the shortcomings of this construction and its non-compatibility with the local climate. To construct the winter panels for these windows which are so necessary in the Latvian climate is too complicated and expensive. The construction of the sash window is not tight enough. It is also of some importance, that the outer sash vibrates in windy weather because the panels in the grooves are not tightly fixed in the frames (which causes noise). One of the most notable shortcomings is that when fitted into the facades, these windows are complicated to maintain and to clean. The English experience in the 19th century shows that the most complicated constructive solutions require especially high construction quality, and in case of the mechanism breaking, specifically qualified experts are necessary [12, 191]. The vertical sash window in the history of windows has been a successful invention for a specific European country – Great Britain, with its special climate, which, with its elevated levels of humidity and comparably warm weather all year round, stands apart from the continental climate conditions. The possibility to control the quality of the air indoors made it necessary to accept the shortcomings of the construction [12, 67]. In Northern Europe and the Baltic Sea countries this kind of window solution in the outer walls was unacceptable and has remained only as an exotic exception.

Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.


IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Jahrbuch für Bildende Kunst in den Ostseeprovinzen. – Riga: Architektenverein, 1908. – 121 S. 2. Broce J. K. Zîmçjumi un apraksti. I.–IV. sçj. – Rîga: Zinâtne, 1992.–2002. 3. Campe P. Lexikon Liv-und Kurländischer Baumeister, Bauhandwerker und Baugestalter von 1400–1850. – Stocholm, 1951. – Bd. 1. – 645 S. Valsts Kultûras pieminekïu aizsardzîbas inspekcijas Pieminekïu dokumentâcijas centra (turpmâk – VKPAI PDC) arhîvs. 4. Jansons A. Jelgavas pils vçsture un izrakstu materiâli. – Rîga, 1960. – Manuskripts VKPAI PDC arhîvâ. 5. Lancmanis I. Ernesta Johana Bîrona rezidences Kurzemç // Ernests Johans Bîrons. 1690.–1990. (Katalogs izstâdei Rundâles pilî). – Rîga: Rundâles pils muzejs, 1991. – 56.–73. lpp. 6. Lancmanis I. Noskaòas Lîvbçrzes muiþâ // Mâksla Plus. – 2001. – Nr.6 - 34.–38. lpp. 7. Lancmanis I. Jelgavas pils (3. izdevums). – Rîga: Zinâtne, 2006. – 239 lpp. 8. Lçvalde D., Auziòð V. Lustes pils arhitektoniski mâkslinieciskâ izpçte. 2. sçj. Fotofiksâcija. – Rîga, 1988. – Manuskripts VKPAI PDC arhîvâ. 9. Lçvalde D. Lustes pils arhitektoniski mâkslinieciskâ izpçte. 1. sçj. Teksts. – Rîga, 1988. – VKPAI PDC arhîvs. 10. Louw H., Crayford R. Industrial organization (A Constructional History of the Sash – Window c.1670 – c.1725. Part1) // Architectural History, Vol. 41. – London: SAHGB Publications Limited, 1998. – pp. 82–130. 11. Louw H., Crayford R. Industrial organization (A Constructional History of the Sash – Window c.1670 – c.1725. Part 2) // Architectural History, Vol. 42. – London: SAHGB Publications Limited, 1999. – pp. 173–239. 12. Muthesius H. The English house. – London: Crosby Lockwood Staples, 1979. – p. 246. 13. Pirang H. Das Baltische Herrenhaus. 1.–3. Teil. – Riga: Jonck & Poliewsky, 1926. 14. Schrader M. Fenster, Glas und Beschläges Baumaterial. Ein Materialleitfaden und Ratgeber. – Suderburg: anderweit Verlag GmgH, 2001. – 304 s. 15. Tajchman J. Stolarka okienna w Polsce. Rozwój i problematyka konserwatorska // Biblioteka Muzealnictwa i Ochrony Zabytków. Seria C. Tom V. – Warszawa: Oúrodek Dokumentacji Zabytków, 1990. – 144 s. 16. Templin R.J. Timber windows. Their repair and replacement in historic buildings. Dissertation for the Diploma in concervation studies. – York: Uiuversity of York, The Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, 1980. – 396 s. 17. VKPAI PDC. Inv.Nr. 38.038 IV 18. VKPAI PDC. Inv. Nr. P. 2305–2IV; Neg. R706. A. Birzenieka foto. Ilmârs Dirveiks Lector, Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia E-mail: Dirveiks I. Slîdlogs Latvijâ Sâkot ar 17. gadsimta èetrdesmitajiem gadiem Anglijâ pçc vienkârðâkajiem franèu paraugiem sâka izgatavot logus, kam augðçjâ vçrtne ir statiska, bet apakðçjâ, paceïama, 17. gadsimta septiòdesmitajos un astoòdesmitajos gados konstrukciju modernizçja, aplodas sânu statòos iestrâdâjot atsvarus. Vçrtnes pacelðana kïuva ievçrojami vieglâka. Nereti slîdlogu dçvç par “angïu” logu, jo vairâk nekâ trîs gadsimtus tas ir populârâkais logu konstruktîvais tips Anglijâ un tâs bijuðajâs kolonijâs. Latvijâ slîdlogi plaðâk neieviesâs. Tomçr atrodamas liecîbas par atseviðíiem to izmantoðanas mçìinâjumiem 18. gadsimtâ. Par to liecina vçsturiskie attçli un kâds 1755. gada projekts. Izpçtîtas un fiksçtas slîdloga konstrukcijas 18. gadsimta septiòdesmitajos gados celtâ Kurzemes hercoga medîbu pilî Lustç. Daþi oriìinâlie slîdlogi saglabâjuðies 18. gadsimtâ celtu baznîcu interjeros. Zinâmie ðo logu piemçri izgatavoti bez atsvaru sistçmas. Vislabâk saglabâtie paraugi ir 1763. gadâ izgatavotajâ Kurzemes hercoga loþâ Liepâjas Sv. Trîsvienîbas baznîcâ. Latvijâ slîdlogu konstrukcijas lietojumam mûsdienâs ir gadîjuma raksturs, jo tâ nav piemçrota Ziemeïeiropas un Baltijas klimatam.


Dirveiks I. Sash window in Latvia Production of the simplified French window version began in England by 1640. Windows had a fixed upper casement and an uplifting lower one. Construction was modernized in 1670–80 by working counter-weights into the jambs and the uplifting of casements became much more easy. Quite often it is called an "English" window, because for more than three centuries it has been the most popular window construction type in England and its former colonies. Sash windows were not extensively instilled into production in Latvia. Still some traces of their use in the 18th century can be found. This is evidenced by historical pictures and some designs of 1755. Constructions of the vertical sliding sash window in the Luste hunting Manor house of the Duke of Courland built in 1770 were examined and restored. Some original sash windows have survived in the interiors of 18th century churches. Samples of such windows were produced without the counter-weight system. The best ones are from the 1763 Duke of Courland's lodge in the Liepaja Holy Trinity Church. Use of these sash window constructions in Latvia are of an occasional character, as they are not appropriate for the climate of Northern Europe and the Baltic states. Äèðâåéêñ È. Ïîäúåìíûå îêíà Íà÷èíàÿ ñ 1640-ûõ ãîäîâ, èñïîëüçóÿ ïðîñòåéøèå ôðàíöóçñêèå îáðàçöû, â Àíãëèè íà÷àëè ïðîèçâîäèòü îêíà ñ äâóìÿ ñòâîðêàìè – íåïîäâèæíîé âåðõíåé è ïîäüåìíîé íèæíåé ñòâîðêîé.  1670–80-ûõ ãîäàõ êîíñòðóêöèþ ìîäåðíèçèðîâàëè, âìîíòèðîâàâ ïðîòèâîâåñû â áîêîâûå ñòîéêè îêîííîé êîðîáêè. Ïîäíÿòü ñòâîðêó òàêèì îáðàçîì ñòàëî íàìíîãî ëåã÷å . ×àñòî ïîäúåìíîå îêíî íàçûâàþò “àíãëèéñêèì”, èìåÿ â âèäó òî, ÷òî áîëåå òðåõ ñòîëåòèé ýòî ñàìàÿ ðàñïðîñòðàíåííàÿ êîíñòðóêöèÿ îêíà â Àíãëèè è åå áûâøèõ êîëîíèÿõ.  Ëàòâèè îêíà ñ ïîäúåìíûìè è ðàçäâèæíûìè ñòâîðêàìè íå âíåäðèëèñü. Îäíàêî èìåþòñÿ îòäåëüíûå ñâåäåíèÿ îá èñïîëüçîâàíèè òàêèõ îêîí â 18-îì âåêå. Îá ýòîì ñâèäåòåëüñòâóþò èñòîðè÷åñêèå èçîáðàæåíèÿ è ïðîåêò, ñîñòàâëåííûé â 1755-îì ãîäó. Èññëåäîâàíû îñòàòêè îêíà, ñîõðàíèâøèåñÿ ñ 1770-ûõ ãîäîâ, êîãäà áûë ïîñòðîåí îõîòíè÷èé çàìîê Êóðëÿíäñêîãî ãåðöîãà â Ëóñòå. Îòäåëüíûå îêíà ñîõðàíèëèñü â öåðêîâíûõ èíòåðüåðàõ. Âñå êîíñòðóêöèè, êîòîðûå èçâåñòíû â Ëàòâèè, ñäåëàíû ïðîñòî è áåç ïðîòèâîâåñîâ. Ëó÷øèå îáðàçöû íàõîäÿòñÿ â öåðêâè Ñâ. Òðîèöû â Ëèåïàå. Ýòè ïîäúåìíûå îêíà ñäåëàíû äëÿ ãåðöîãñêîé ëîæè (õîðà) ïðèìåðíî â 1763 ãîäó. Ââèäó òîãî, ÷òî êîíñòðóêöèÿ ïîäúåìíûõ îêîí íå ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìåñòíîìó êëèìàòó, â íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ â Ëàòâèè ýòè îêíà èñïîëüçóþòñÿ êðàéíå ðåäêî.


LOGU AILU FORMAS RÎGAS KOKA ÇKÂS SHAPE OF APERTURES OF RIGA WOODEN BUILDINGS J. Kalniòð, J. Krastiòð Atslçgas vârdi: arhitektûras vçsture, arhitektûras stili, çku daïas

Key words: history of architecture, architectural styles, parts of buildings

Çkâm, lai arî kâdâ laikâ tâs bûvçtas, ir nepiecieðama saikne ar apkârtçjo pasauli. Lai nodroðinâtu çkas funkcijas, tiek izveidotas daþâda tipa ailas – ieejai mâjoklî, gaismas un gaisa cirkulâcijai vai apkârtçjâs vides uztverei mâjokïa iekðienç. Ailas var bût pavisam mazas kâ nelielas lûkas, vai arî normâla izmçra, eleganti dekorçtas, rûtotas un iestiklotas, kâdas redzamas vairumâ çku. Ailas var bût arî aizsedzamas ar salmu pinumiem, dçlîðiem vai slçìiem vai arî bez tiem. Logus aprîko arî ar metâla apkalumiem un viru eòìçm. Tas viss atspoguïojas koka çku logu “gâjienâ” cauri gadsimtiem. Mûsdienu pilsçtvidç ir saglabâjies daudz koka çku, kuras daþviet telpiski konfliktç ar mûra çku apjomiem, tomçr atseviðíâs pilsçtas nomalçs koka çku apbûves kompleksi veido harmoniskus pilsçtbûvnieciskos ansambïus. Mâkslinieciski stilistiskie elementi arhitektûrâ sniedz priekðstatu par pilsçtvides izmaiòâm attiecîgajâ laika posmâ. Koka çkâs ailas veido savdabîgu arhitektonisko kompozîciju un ir lielisks stilistikas izpausmes “spogulis”, kas ïoti bieþi vçrojams ne tikai to aizpildîjumâ vai dekoratîvajâs apmalçs, bet tieði logailu formâs. Savukârt logu vçrtòu dalîjums rûtîs, ja tâs saglabâjuðâs oriìinâlas, ir pirmais faktors, kas nosaka çkas piederîbu konkrçtam arhitektûras stilam vai laika posmam [1, 221,225]. Arheologu izrakumi liecina: “Senâkâs logailu liecîbas Rîgâ saistîtas ar 13. gadsimtu. 1996. gadâ rokot bûvbedri viesnîcai “Radi un draugi”, atsegta guïbûve, kuras siena pret Mârstaïu ielu saglabâjusies 11 vainagu augstumâ. Tajâ bijusi 34 cm plata un vismaz 30 cm augsta logaila” [1, 217]. Grâmatas “Koka Rîga” autori raksta, ka çka bijusi iedziïinâta zemç, tâdçï aila acîmredzot kalpojusi puspagraba gaisa apmaiòai un daïçjai izgaismoðanai [1, 217]. Savukârt: “Peldu un Ûdensvada ielas stûrî 1974. gada izrakumos konstatçts, ka çkas guïbaïíu zelmiòa sienâ izcirsta 16 x 20 cm liela aila dûmu izvadîðanai”

Buildings, built in whatever period of time, need a connection with the surrounding world. In order to ensure functions of the building, apertures of various types are provided – for entrance to the house, for circulation of light and air, or for perception of the surrounding environment from the enclosure. Apertures may be tiny as small holes or normal-sized, elegantly decorated, multi-paned and glazed – as they appear in the majority of buildings. Apertures may also have covers made of straw wickerwork or small boards, or there may be no shutters at all. Windows are also equipped with metal bindings and strap hinges. This all is reflected in the “course” of apertures of wooden buildings through the centuries. Modern cityscape has retained many wooden houses that in some areas spatially contradict with the masonry buildings, while here and there on the outskirts of the town clusters of wooden houses form harmonious urban ensembles. Artistically stylistic elements in architecture bear evidence of the changes affecting urban fabric in the respective period. Apertures in wooden buildings make a distinctive architectural composition and function as an excellent “mirror” of stylistic expression, which very often can be seen not only in their fill or decorative casings but rather in the shapes of apertures. However, the division of window panes into sections, if they have retained their original form, is the first factor determining the architectural style of the particular building or the time period when it was built [1, 221,225]. Archaeological excavations prove: “The most ancient apertures in Riga date back to the 13th century. In 1996 during the excavation of a foundation pit for The Radi un Draugi Hotel, a log house was uncovered. Its wall towards Mârstaïu iela had been preserved at the height of 11 rows of logs. It had had a 34 cm wide and at least 30 cm high aperture”


1. attçls. Daugavgrîvas iela 19/21.

2. attçls. Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 55.

5. attçls. Maskavas iela (nav saglabâjusies; nezinâma autora foto).

6. attçls. Daugavgrîvas iela 11.

3. attçls. Volguntes iela 16.

4. attçls. Daugavgrîvas iela 34.

7. attçls. Kalnciema iela 28. 8. attçls. Visvalþa iela 8.

[2, 58]. Ðajâ laikâ koka arhitektûrâ logu ailas bija maz un tâm bija mazi izmçri. Attîstoties materiâlu apstrâdes un celtniecîbas tehnoloìijâm, logailas kïuva lielâkas un tajâs iestrâdâja logus ar rûtotâm vçrtnçm. Lîdz 17. gs. rûtis aizpildîja ar daïçji caurspîdîgiem vai caurspîdîgiem materiâliem [1, 217]. Koka çkas, salîdzinâjumâ ar mûra arhitektûru, nevar lepoties ar lieliem logailu izmçriem, jo to neatïauj çkas parametri, arhitektûras pamatprincipi vai iekðtelpu apjomi. Ðie ierobeþojumi vairâk attiecas uz dzîvojamâm mâjâm. Baznîcâm vai citâm lielâka mçroga sabiedriskajâm celtnçm parasti bija arî lielâkas. Rîgas koka çku arhitektûrâ gotikas stilistikas tradicionâlo smailloka arkas formâ izveidotu fasâdes logailu praktiski nav. Maz ir arî 18. gadsimtâ vispârraksturîgo ailu ar pârsedzi apaïloka arkas formâ (J.K. Broces zîmçjumi), kuras daþkârt veidoja arî 19. gsadsimtâ, piemçram, Ðvarcmuiþas dzîvojamajâ çkâ (1872, arhitekts M. Holsts) [3, 240] (1. attçls). Mazâka izmçra apaïloka logailas, lielâkoties çku zelmiòa daïâ, parâdîjâs jûgendstila koka çku arhitektûrâ (31. attçls). Koka çku logailas ar lçzeni izliektu pârsedzi (2. attçls) sastopamas bieþâk. Jûgendstila laikâ samçrâ izplatîtas ir ailu formas ar noðïauptiem sâniem augðçjâ daïâ (3. attçls). Ir arî ailas ar

[1, 217]. The authors of the book Koka Rîga (The Wooden Heritage of Riga) write that the house had been lowered into the ground, therefore the aperture had evidently been used for air circulation and partial lighting of the semi-basement floor [1, 217]. In its turn, “in 1974 the excavations on the corner of Peldu and Ûdensvada Streets revealed that an opening in size of 16 x 20 cm was made in the wall of the house’s log gable for the outflow of smoke” [2, 58]. At this time there were only few apertures in wooden architecture and their dimensions were small. Along with the development of material processing and building technologies, apertures became bigger and were equipped with the windows divided into panes. Until the 17th century the panes were filled with translucent or transparent materials [1, 217]. Wooden houses, as compared to the masonry ones, cannot have large-size apertures because of the dimensions of the building, basic principles of architecture or the size of internal premises. These restrictions mostly refer to dwelling houses. Churches or other larger public buildings usually had bigger apertures. There are practically no facade apertures made in a shape of a pointed arch – a characteristic feature of Gothic style – in the architecture of Riga’s wooden buildings. There are also


trîsstûrveida formas augðçjo daïu (4. attçls). Logailas, kas veidotas tradicionâlajâ taisnstûra formâ, lietotas visu arhitektûras stilu laikos. Mainîjuðie vienîgi to izmçri, proporcijas un ailu aizpildîjuma kompozîcijas paòçmieni. Tie katrâ laika posmâ ir bijuði samçrojami un atbilstoði çkas koptçlam vai materiâlu apstrâdes un bûvniecîbas tehnoloìiju iespçjâm. Ailas forma nosaka arî tâs arhitektoniskâs apdares îpatnîbas. 18. gs. çkâs daþkârt lietotas logailas kvadrâta vai tam tuvâ formâ. Tâdas redzamas J.K. Broces zîmçjumos un vçlâk aprakstîtas grâmatâ “Koka Rîga”: “18. gs. mazâkâs koka çkâs logi nebija lieli, proporcijas tuvu kvadrâta formai. Dabâ lîdzîga çka vçl saglabâjusies Zçlustes muiþâ (“Vecâ mâja”, Mazâ Juglas ielâ 45, 1763). Daþkârt lielâkâm telpâm (krogos, raþoðanas çkâs) ðos logus grupçja vairâkus kopâ” [1, 219]. Nereti logailas kvadrâtiskâ forma vairâk tuvojas taisnstûrim, kura garâkâ mala, atðíirîbâ no mûsdienâs ierastajâm logu formâm, ir horizontâla. Bez ðâdiem, mazâka izmçra logiem, bija sastopami arî logi, kas veidoti mûsdienu standartiem raksturîgâs proporcijâs. Lîdzâs taisnstûra formai sastopamas arî logailas ar apaïloka arkas formas atkârtojumu vai lçzeni izliektu pârsedzi. Ïoti bieþi vienas çkas vairâkos stâvos sastopami vismaz divi ailu formu veidi. Baroka laikâ celto çku logailas ar lçzeni izliektu pârsedzi visbieþâk lietotas lukarnâs. Tâdas redzamas arî J.K. Broces zîmçjumos (5. un 8. attçls). Neapdzîvotâ mansarda jumta lçzenajâ daïâ lukarnas parasti ir mazâka izmçra un logi visbieþâk ir elipses formas ar garâko tâs asi gan horizontâli, gan vertikâli. Zîmîgi piemçri ir Blieíu muiþiòa ar 18. gadsimta treðâ ceturkðòa konstrukciju, kompozîciju un detaïâm [1, 192], kur ailas elipses novietojums ir vertikâls (5. attçls) un 18. gs. otrâs puses [3, 239] nams ar horizontâli novietotu elipses logailu (6. attçls). Mansarda jumta lçzenâs daïas lukarnâs ir redzamas arî ailas ar ovâli izliektâm, taisnstûrim tuvâm malâm, atkârtojot eliptisko dzegas izliekumu. Ðâda tipa logailas, kas lielâkoties sastopamas tieði lukarnâs, ir vispârraksturîgas barokam un atbilst ðî stila formu pârpilnîbai un bagâtîbai (7. attçls). Popova muiþâ lukarnas logailas aizpildîjums un dekoratîvâs detaïas atspoguïo klasicisma perioda formu valodu, taèu ailas lçzeni izliektâ pârsedze saglabâjusi baroka vçlînâ posma rokoko izteiksmi [1; 219] (8. attçls). Arî mezonîna frontonus rotâ elipses vai gandrîz precîza apïa formas ailas, kuras vairâk atbilst baroka stila formâlajâm iezîmçm

only few apertures with a lintel in a shape of a round arch characteristic of the 18th century (drawings by J.C. Brotze), which sometimes were used also in the 19th century, for instance, in the dwelling house of Ðvarcmuiþa Manor (1872, architect M. Holst) [3, 240] (Picture 1). Round-headed apertures of smaller sizes, mostly in the pediment part of the house, appeared in Art Nouveau wooden buildings (Picture 31). Apertures of wooden buildings with a slightly curved lintel (Picture 2) occur more often. During the Art Nouveau period the shapes of apertures with tapered upper parts were quite widespread (Picture 3). There are also apertures with rectangular-shaped upper parts (Picture 4). Apertures that are made in a traditional rectangular shape have been used throughout all periods of architectural styles. Only their dimensions, proportions and compositional methods for aperture filling have changed. In each period they have been proportionate and appropriate for the overall image of the building or available material processing methods and building technologies. The shape of the aperture also determines its architectural finish. Some buildings of the 18th century have square-shaped or similar apertures. Such can be seen in the drawings by J.C. Brotze, and later described in the book The Wooden Heritage of Riga: “in the 18th century the windows of the smaller wooden houses were not big, in proportions they resembled a square. A similar house is still preserved in Zçluste Manor. It is so called “Vecâ mâja” (Old House) at Mazâ Juglas iela 45 (1763). Sometimes for larger rooms (in pubs, industrial buildings), several such windows were grouped together” [1, 219]. Pretty often the quadratic shape of the aperture resembles a rectangle the longer side of which, unlike the conventional modern-day apertures, is horizontal. Besides such small-size windows, there were also windows having proportions that are close to modern-day standards. Along with the rectangularshaped apertures there are also few with a repetition of a round-arch shape or a slightly curved lintel. Very often on several floors of the same building at least two kinds of different window shapes can be found. Apertures with a slightly curved lintel of the Baroque period buildings are most often used in dormers (Pictures 5 and 8). Some of them can also be seen in J.C. Brotze’s drawings. Dormers in the low-pitched slope of the mansard roof are usually smaller in size and windows mostly have a shape of an ellipse with its longer axis stretched either horizontally or vertically. Representative examples are


9. attçls. Hanzas un Rûpniecîbas stûrî (nav saglabâjusies; nezinâma autora foto).

10. attçls. Strazdumuiþa Juglas ielâ 14. 18. gs. vidus [5; 60] (foto: Jânis Jaunarâjs).

(9. un 10. attçls). Mezonîna telpas izgaismoðanai jau baroka laikâ tika ierîkotas lielâkas logailas, kuras uzsvçra çkas fasâdes centrâlo kompozîcijas asi. Tâdas, piemçram, ir “Pçtera namiòâ” [1, 190] (9. attçls). Baroka lukarnu logailas kompozicionâli nereti konfliktç ar plakni, kurâ tâs tiek izveidotas. Logailas forma ar barokam raksturîgajiem pârspîlçjumiem izskatâs “ar varu iespiesta” ðajâ arhitektoniskajâ elementâ. Strazdumuiþas mansarda jumta lçzenajâ slîpnç veidotâs logailu izbûves – tâ sauktie sikspâròu logi – kâ stila formveides elementi “pieliek punktu” baroka perioda formu pârpilnîbai koka çku arhitektûrâ (10. attçls). 18. gs. otrajâ pusç, baroka pârejâ uz klasicismu, logailas koka çkâs ieguva formu skaidrîbu. Tas attiecas gan uz fasâdes plaknç veidotajâm ailâm, gan atbilstoðâ mçrogâ un proporcijâs veidotajâm ailâm jumtu izbûvçs [1, 200; 5, 14]. Klasicisma koka çku

Blieíu Manor with the construction, composition and details characteristic of the third quarter of the 18th century [1, 192], where an elliptic aperture is placed vertically (Picture 5) and the house of the second half of the 18th century [3, 239] with a horizontally placed elliptic aperture (Picture 6). The dormers of the low-pitched slope of the mansard roof sometimes have apertures with oval shaped edges resembling a rectangular, repeating the elliptic curve of the cornice. Apertures of this type, which are used mostly in dormers, are most characteristic of Baroque and display abundance and richness of its shapes (Picture 7). In Popov’s Manor the fill of the dormer apertures and decorative details reflect the vocabulary of Classicism, yet the flatly-bent lintel of the aperture has retained its expression of Rococo – the late period of Baroque [1, 219] (Picture 8). Mezzanine gables are also decorated with elliptic or almost circular apertures that are closer to formal features of Baroque (Pictures 9 and 10). For lighting of the mezzanine room already in the Baroque period several apertures were made that accentuated the central compositional axis of the fa´ade. Such can be seen e.g. in “Peter’s House” [1, 190] (Picture 9). Apertures of Baroque dormers very often compositionally disagree with the plane in which they are inserted. The shape of the aperture with exaggerations characteristic of Baroque looks “forced” in this architectural element. The apertures built in the low-pitched slope of the mansard roof of Strazdumuiþa Manor – the so-called eyebrow dormers – as form-shaping elements of the style “put

11. attçls. Slokas iela 41.


12. attçls. Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 22.

13. attçls. Elizabetes iela 83/85.

14. attçls. Balasta dambis 44.

15. attçls. Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 43.

16. attçls. Saules simbolika [4; 57].

arhitektûrâ nereti ir saglabâjuðies arî daþâdi baroka elementi, jo stilu nomaiòa koka çkâs ilga aptuveni 50 gadus (11. attçls). Par koka çku fasâþu galveno elementu klasicisma arhitektûrâ kïuva mezonîns ar vainagojoðo frontonu, kâ arî klasisko orderu elementi. Lçzena trîsstûra formas frontona izmçri noteica arî logailu formas un izmçrus. Daudzâm klasicisma laika koka bûvçm zîmîgas ir gandrîz pilna pusapïa izmçra segmenta formas logailas, kas ierakstîtas frontona virsmas laukumâ [1, 200; 223] (20. attçls). Klasicisma izskaòas – ampîra – paraugfâsâþu [5, 70] mezonînu frontonos redzami mazâka izmçra ailojumi ar rombisku, pusapïa segmenta vai pilna apïa formu (12.–15. attçls). Koka çku arhitektûrâ nereti lietotas arî simboliskas formas, ar kurâm ir stilizçts saules motîvs (16. attçls). Ðîs ailas parasti kompozicionâli iekïautas frontonu virsmâs (13.–15. un 19. attçls). Atbilstoði simboliskâs formâs lielâkoties veidots arî logu spraiðïojums (15., 16 un 19. attçls). Klasicisma periodâ koka çku logiem bieþi vien joprojâm saglabâjâs baroka stilistikas iezîmes. Mainîjâs vçrtòu rûtojums un dekoratîvo detaïu risinâjumi ailu apmalçs. Visplaðâk lietotâs bija taisnstûra formas logailas ar seðâm rûtîm [1, 222]. Daþâdu ìeometrisku formu logailas visu arhitektûras stilu periodos vçrojamas çku zelmiòos un frontonos (17.–20. attçls). Rîgas koka çkâs ðiem arhitektûras elementiem lielâkoties ir trîsstûra siluets, bet ïoti ïoti reti – cita konfigurâcija. Eklektisma un jûgendstila laikâ çku zelmiòos vçrojami ne tikai daþâdu formu, bet arî atðíirîgu izmçru logailu grupçjumi. Tie veidoti daþâdâs kom-

an end” to the abundance of Baroque shapes in the architecture of wooden buildings (Picture 10). In the second half of the 18th century in the transition from Baroque to Classicism, apertures in wooden buildings acquired purity of shapes. It refers to apertures in elevations as well as to apertures in dormers made in appropriate scale and proportions [1, 200; 5, 14]. In architecture of classical wooden buildings quite often various Baroque elements have been preserved because the change of styles for wooden buildings lasted about 50 years (Picture 11). The mezzanine with a crowning gable as well as the elements of classical orders became the main elements in facades of wooden buildings in Classicism architecture. The shape and size of apertures depended on the dimensions of a low-pitched triangular gable. Many wooden structures of the Classicism period have characteristic, almost full semi-circle apertures that are inserted in the gable surface [1, 200, 223] (Picture 20). In mezzanine gables of pattern facades [5, 70] of the late period of Classicism – Empire style – smaller openings can be seen shaped like rhombi, semicircles or full circles (Picture 12–15). Pretty often symbolic shapes representing a stylized sun were also used in the architecture of wooden buildings (Picture 16). These apertures usually are compositionally included in gable surfaces (Picture 13–15 and 19). The glazing bars are also made matching symbolic shapes (Picture 15, 16 and 19). In the Classicism period the windows of wooden buildings very often still retained traces of Baroque stylistics. The pane arrangement and


17. attçls. Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 22.

18. attçls. Elizabetes iela 83/85.

19. attçls. Balasta dambis 44.

20. attçls. Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 43.

21. attçls. Âgenskalna iela 8.

22. attçls. Melnsila iela 17.

23. attçls. Lielâ iela 29.

24. attçls. Nometòu iela 53.

pozîcijâs, kas lielâkoties ir pakârtotas simetrijas asij un ierakstîtas jumta kontûru veidotajos zelmiòu laukumos (21.–24. attçls). Nereti aiz zelmiòa çkâ ir arî apdzîvotas telpas, tâdçï zelmiòos nereti ir izveidoti lielâki, standarta izmçra logi ar trîsdaïîgu dalîjumu, lai telpa iegûtu nepiecieðamo apgaismojumu (21. un 23. attçls). Ðo logu dekoratîvâs apmales visbieþâk ir tâdas paðas kâ pârçjâm çkas fasâdes daïâm. Daþos gadîjumos ðie zelmiòa logi ir kâ akcentçjoðs elements, to dekors ir greznâks un pilda tam atvçlçto funkciju çkas dekoratîvajâ tçlâ. Gandrîz katrâ zelmiòa daïâ parâdâs ar çkas pârçjâm logailâm kontrastçjoði ìeometriskas logu formas, kuras kopçjâ fasâdes kompozîcijâ veido akcentu (21.–24. attçls). Gaismas plûsmu pastiprina simetriski abpus novietoti papildus lodziòi, kuriem visbieþâk ir smaila ailas augðçjâ daïa vai rombveida konfigurâcija (21. un 24. attçls). Gandrîz visos gadîjumos ailu kopuma kompozîcija çku zelmiòos ir kâpjoða un ierakstîta trîsstûrî, kura malas ir paralçlas jumta slîpnçm (21., 22. un 24. attçls). Atseviðíos gadîjumos zelmiòa logailas ir iekïautas ar çkas visas fasâdes apdari kopçjâ dekoratîvâ kompozîcijâ, piemçram, Zvejnieku ielâ 5a (1909., arhitekts E. Laube) [5, 153] (25. attçls). Ðajâ piemçrâ redzams, ka logailu izmçri un forma saglabâjuði bûvplastiskâs apdares kompozîciju, kas atbilst fasâdes arhitektûrai. Jûgendstila laika Rîgas koka çku arhitektûrâ ïoti bieþi veidotas ðâdas, cieði viena pie otras sagrupçtas zelmiòu logailas. Ðâds ailu

decorative details in aperture casings changed. Most widespread were rectangular-shaped apertures with six panes [1, 222]. Apertures of diverse geometric shapes can be seen in pediments and gables of the buildings of all periods of architectural styles (Picture 17–20). In the wooden buildings of Riga these architectural elements mostly have a triangular shape and very rarely – other configuration. Gables of Eclectic and Art Nouveau buildings include groups of apertures varying in shapes as well as in sizes. They are arranged in different compositions mostly depending on the symmetry axis and are inserted in the gables formed by roof contours (Picture 21–24). Sometimes the rooms in the house behind the gable are inhabited, therefore windows are made larger, standard-sized with a three-part division so that the room will get the necessary lighting (Picture 21 and 23). Decorative casings of such windows most often are the same as for the other fa´ade parts of the building. In some cases these gable windows are like accentuating elements, their décor is richer and it performs the function it has been assigned to in the decorative image of the building. In almost every part of the gable geometric-shaped windows appear which contrast with the other apertures of the building making an accent in the overall fa´ade composition (Picture 21–24). The flow of light is intensified through small additional windows symmetrically


flanking the main one. Most often, they have pointed upper parts or rhombus-like configuration (Picture 21–24). Almost in all cases the composition of apertures in gables is ascending and arranged inside a triangle the sides of which run parallel to the sloping ends of the roof (Picture 21, 22 and 24). In several cases gable apertures are included in the overall decorative composition of facade finish, e.g. the building at Zvejnieku iela 5a (1909, architect E. Laube) [5, 153] (Picture 25). This example shows that proportions and shapes of apertures follow the decorative composition of the finish that corresponds to fa´ade architecture. Such densely grouped gable apertures were quite widespread in the architecture of Riga’s wooden buildings in the Art Nouveau period. This alignment of apertures correlates with the division into smaller panes of the upper parts of window sashes that is a well-known feature of Art Nouveau. Coupling of windows also makes a decorative accent in the facades of the buildings. There are quite many such twin windows (Picture 26–28) in Riga. Sometimes three (Picture 22) or four (Picture25 and 29) windows are grouped together. Due to functional considerations – lighting and airing – the apertures of the uninhabited parts of the buildings (lofts) are usually smaller in size. Here as well architects choose different shapes (Picture 30–33), however, the most widespread apertures are with pointed upper parts (Picture 30) following the silhouette of the gable. The aperture in the gable of the bay-window of the building at Balasta dambis 38/40 (1907, architect J. Alksnis) (Picture 31) is part of the decorative lattice forming a harmonious architectural composition. Very often gable apertures are not glazed (Picture 34 and 35). Perhaps such apertures served as decorative elements (Picture 34) or as faux windows (Picture 37). The apertures of such windows or openings mostly have the shape of a circle or a rhombus. Several geometric shapes used in aperture configuration may also have a symbolic meaning. The shape of the sun and the star may have various symbolic interpretations (Picture 35). Considering the location of the house, it might have been inhabited by people employed in fishing or seafaring for whom this sign symbolized the North Star and its importance. The apertures of such a shape can be seen at Balasta dambis 68a and in several buildings in Vienîbas gatve (street), starting from the house No. 98. Architectural solutions for neoclassical pediments that are characteristic of Eclecticism and late

25. attçls. Zvejnieku iela 5a.

grupçjums sasaucas ar jûgendstilam vispârraksturîgo sîkrûðu dalîjumu logu augðçjâs daïâs. Dekoratîvu akcentu çku fasâdçs rada arî logu sapâroðana. Ðâdi dvîòu logi (26.–28. attçls) Rîgâ ir samçrâ daudz. Daþkârt logi grupçti arî pa trim (22. attçls) vai èetriem (25. un 29. attçls). Funkcionâlu apsvçrumu dçï – izgaismoðanai un vçdinâðanai – neapdzîvotâs çku daïâs (bçniòos) logailas parasti ir mazâka izmçra. Arî ðeit arhitekti izvçlas atðíirîgas formas (30.–33. attçls), tomçr visbieþâk lietotâ aila ir ar smailu augðçjo daïu (30. attçls), ierakstot to zelmiòa siluetâ. Çkai Balasta dambî 38/40 (1907, arhitekts J. Alksnis) (31. attçls) rizalîta zelmiòa logailas forma ierakstîta dekoratîvâ reþìojuma konfigurâcijâ, nodroðinot harmonisku arhitektonisko kompozîciju. Ïoti bieþi zelmiòa logailâm nav stiklojuma (34. un 35. attçls). Iespçjams, ka ðâdas ailas ir veidotas kâ dekoratîvs elements (34. attçls) vai aklais logs (37. attçls). Ðîs logu vai lûku ailas visbieþâk ir apïa un romba formâ. Vairâkâm ailu konfigurâcijâ izmantotajâm ìeometriskajâm formâm var bût arî simboliska nozîme. Daþâds simboliskais tulkojums ir kâ saules, tâ arî zvaigznes formai (35. attçls). Òemot vçrâ bûves atraðanâs vietu, iespçjams, ka tajâ dzîvojuði zvejniecîbâ vai kuìoðanâ nodarbinâti cilvçki, kuriem ðî zîme simbolizç polârzvaigznes atainojumu un nozîmi. Tâdas formas logailas ir Balasta dambî 68a un virknei çku Vienîbas gatvç, sâkot no 98. numura. Daudzveidîgas ailu vai lûku formas ir gan eklektisma, gan jûgendstila vçlajâ periodâ izplatîtâ neoklasicisma frontonu arhitektoniskajos risinâjumos (38.–45. attçls). Ïoti reti sastopamas ir trîsstûra


26. attçls. Kapseïu iela 12.

27. attçls. Slokas iela 30.

28. attçls. Íemeru iela 13.

29. attçls. Kalnciema iela 102.

30. attçls. Baldones iela 12.

31. attçls. Balasta dambis 38/40.

32. attçls. Âgenskalna iela 1.

33. attçls. Gdaòskas iela 3/5.

34. attçls. Íemeru iela 2.

35. attçls. Piestâtnes iela 5.

36. attçls. Tapeðu iela 12.

37. attçls. Lielâ iela 29.

38. attçls. Baloþu iela 17.

39. attçls. Valentîna iela 19. 40. attçls. Lielâ iela 9.

41. attçls. Valmieras iela 6.

42. attçls. Kalnciema iela 26.

43. attçls. Baldones iela 10.

45. attçls. Kalnciema iela 25a.

44. attçls. Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 49.


46. attçls. Baloþu iela 28.

47. attçls. Mazâ nometòu iela 69.

48. attçls. Olgas iela 5.

49. attçls. Artilçrijas iela 71.

50. attçls. Artilçrijas iela 60.

51. attçls. Augusta Deglava iela 11.

52. attçls. Artilçrijas iela 67.

53. attçls. Tçrbatas iela 47.

54. attçls. Mencu iela 1a.

55. attçls. Baloþu iela 17.

56. attçls. Annas Sakses iela 2. 57. attçls. Kristapa iela 2/4.

logailu formas (40. attçls). Ekskluzîva logailas forma ar horizontâli paplaðinâtu rombu ir dzîvojamai çkai KriðjâòaValdemâra ielâ 49, kura ðobrîd ir kritiskâ stâvoklî (44. attçls). Atikos un lukarnâs, kuras nereti flankç balustrâdes, arî redzamas daþâdu formu ailas un sapâroti logi (46.–53. attçls). Kupolveida jumta izbûvçs ïoti bieþi tika lietotas logailas ar apaïloka pârsedzi. Ðâdas izbûves un ailas ir daudzâs Rîgas neorenesanses stilistikas çkâs, kuras lielâkoties ir diezgan apjomîgi îres nami (49. attçls). Sapâroti jeb dvîòu logi ir ïoti bieþi sastopami lukarnu izbûvçs, kas pastiprina to dekoratîvitâti un kompozicionâli atrisina plaknes laukumu (47. 51. un 52. attçls). Eklektisma daþâdo neostilu, kâ arî jûgendstila çkâs ir arî daþâdas neparastas un reti sastopamas

Art Nouveau include various shapes of apertures or openings (Picture 38–45). Very rare are the triangular-shaped apertures (Picture 40). A singular shape for the aperture is a horizontally extended rhombus as seen in a dwelling house at KriðjâòaValdemâra iela 49 that currently is in a critical technical condition (Picture 44). In attic storeys and dormers, which are often flanked by balustrades, also can be seen apertures and coupled windows of different shapes (Picture 46–53). The dome-shaped roof structures frequently include apertures with a round-arch lintel. Such structures and apertures can be found in many Riga’s buildings of Neo-Renaissance style, which are mostly rather big apartment houses (Picture 49). Coupled or twin windows very often can be seen in


logailu formas (54.–57. attçls). Neogotiskâ çka Tallinas ielâ 6 ir vienîgais piemçrs Rîgâ. Jûrmalâ to ir vairâk. Bolderâjâ, Mencu ielâ 1a ir koka çku arhitektûrâ ïoti reti sastopamâ logaila ar smailloka arkas pârsedzi. No aptuveni 500 autora veiktajâ pçtîjumâ iekïautâm koka bûvçm ðis ir vienîgais ðâda tipa ìeometriski kompozicionâlais piemçrs (54. attçls). Verandas logu spraiðïojumu ar gotikas stilistikas iezîmçm var redzçt Kalnciema ielâ 9. Jûgendstila arhitektûrâ samçrâ izplatîtas ir atslçgas cauruma formas logailas. Ðíiet, ka vienîgais ðâdas ailas piemçrs Rîgas koka çku arhitektûrâ ir Kristapa ielâ 2/4 (1904, arhitekts A. Aðenkampfs) (57. attçls). sastopama arî ðîs paðas tçmas savdabîga interpretâcija taisnâs formâs (56. attçls). Koka çku arhitektûras logailu formu klâsts ir spilgts un daudzveidîgs. Ailu formveide gadsimtu gaitâ mainîjusies, iezîmçjot arhitektûras stilu pazîmes. Pilnvçrtîgi risinot arhitektoniskâs vides problemâtiku, logailas forma nosaka ne tikai vçrtòu konstrukcijas, metâla apkalumus un spraiðïojumus, bet arî ailu apmalojumus. Ðis formu kopums rada vienotu kompozîciju un arhitekta sajûtu atainojumu. Ailu formas, veidi un to arhitektoniskâ apdare ir unikâla kultûrvçsturiskâ mantojuma sastâvdaïa Rîgas pilsçtvidç.

lucarne structures, thus enhancing them decoratively, and compositionally completing the plane area (Picture 47, 51 and 52). Buildings of various Neo-Styles of Ecclectism and of Art Nouveau as well have some unusual and rare shapes of apertures (Picture 54–57). The NeoGothic building at Tallinas iela 6 is the only example in Riga. In Jûrmala, there are more such examples. In Bolderâja, at Mencu iela 1a we can see the aperture with a pointed arch lintel that occurs very rarely in the architecture of wooden buildings. This is the only example of geometric composition of such type (Picture 54) among about 500 wooden buildings and structures that have been included in the author’s research. The composition of glazing bars in veranda with the features of Gothic stylistics can be seen at Kalnciema iela 9. Keyhole-shaped apertures are quite widespread in Art Nouveau architecture. It appears that the only example of such aperture in the architecture of Riga’s wooden buildings is at Kristapa iela 2/4 (1904, architect A. Aschenkampf) (Picture 57). An interesting interpretation of the same theme in linear forms can also be found (Picture 56). The variety of shapes of apertures in the architecture of wooden buildings is rich and colourful. Over the centuries the shapes of apertures have changed, adapting to the characteristic features of architectural styles. A thorough analysis of architectural environment reveals that the shape of the aperture determines not only the construction of casements, metal bindings and glazing bars but also that of the casings. The assortment of shapes creates a single composition and reflects architect’s feelings. Shapes, types and architectural finish of apertures are a unique part of the cultural heritage in the cityscape of Riga.


IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Âlbergs N., Blûms P., Dirveiks I., Zviedrâns J., Strupule V., Lapiòð A. Koka Rîga.- Rîga: Neputns, 2001. – 244 lpp. 2. Öàóíå À. Æèëèùà Ðèãè XII–XIV ââ. Ïî äàííûì àðõåîëîãè÷åñêèõ ðàñêîïîê. – Ðèãà: 1984. – 58 còp. 3. Zalcmanis R., Pçtersons B., Pçtersone I., Sîpola I. Rîgas ielas. Enciklopçdija. – Rîga: SIA Drukâtava, 2008. – 2. sçjums. – 310 lpp. 4. Øåéíèíà Å.ß., Ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ ñèìâîëîâ. – Ìîñêâà: Òîðñèíã, 2006. – 216 còp. 5. Krastiòð J. Rîgas arhitektûras stili. – Rîga: Jumava, 2005. – 240 lpp. 6. Broce J.K. Zîmçjumi un apraksti. 1. sçjums. Rîgas skati, ïaudis un çkas. – Rîga: Zinâtne, 1992. – 453 lpp. Jânis Kalniòð Scientific assistant, Riga Technical University, Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry 14/24 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia Phone: 29117878 Jânis Krastiòð Professor, Dr.habil.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Arhitecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 67089256; +371 67089115; Fax: +371 67089130 Kalniòð J., Krastiòð J. Logu ailu formas Rîgas koka çkâs Koka çkâs ailas forma nosaka tâs aizpildîjuma un dekoratîvo apmaïu izveidi. Koka çku logailu formas ir ïoti daþâdas. Tâs var bût tuvas kvadrâtam, pârsegta ar apaïloka vai lçzeni izliektâm arkâm, ar noðïauptiem sâniem augðçjâ daïâ, ar trîsstûrveida augðçjo daïu un tamlîdzîgi. Visos arhitektûras stilu periodos ir izplatîtas taisnstûru formu ailas. Baroka laika lukarnâs logailas, visbieþâk, ir ar lçzeni izliektu augðçjo pârsedzi, tâm ir arî eliptiskas vai daþâdas aplim tuvâs formâs interpretçtas pârsedzes. Çku zelmiòos sastopamas logailas gan apïa, gan segmenta, gan romba, elipses, trîsstûra, zvaigznes un citâs lîdzîgâs ìeometriskâs formâs. Ðie logi nereti veidoti arî lîdzîgi çkas apakðçjo stâvu fasâþu logiem. Zelmiòu un frontonu logailas izceïas ar daudzveidîgâm dekoratîvâm kompozîcijâm. Mâkslinieciski îpaði izteiksmîgi ir logi çku atikos un lukarnâs. Bieþi lietotas vairâku savstarpçji savienotu ailu kompozîcijas. Logailu formâ var redzçt katram arhitektûras stilam raksturîgâs iezîmes. Koka çku logailu formu klâsts ir neparasti bagâts gan formu valodâ, gan mâkslinieciskâ izveidojumâ. Ðie logi ir unikâla Rîgas pilsçtvides kultûrvçsturiskâ mantojuma sastâvdaïa. Kalniòð J., Krastiòð J. Shapes of Apertures in Wooden Buildings of Riga In wooden buildings, shapes of apertures determine their fill and the form of decorative casings. Shapes of apertures in wooden buildings are diverse and manifold – close to a square with a round-arch or slightly curved lintel, with tapered or pointed upper parts and so on. In all architectural styles rectangular shapes of apertures have prevailed. The lintels of apertures in Baroque dormers most often are flatly bent, they may also be elliptic or round in various interpretations. Different geometrical shapes of apertures can be seen in gables and pediments – circular, segmented, rhombic, elliptic, triangular, star-shaped and other geometric designs. Very often these dormers match the shapes of the windows of the lower floors of the building. Apertures in pediments and gables form different decorative compositions. Artistically expressive are windows attic storeys and dormers. Very often compositions of several interconnected apertures can be seen. Shapes of apertures display the most characteristic features of each architectural style. The variety of apertures of wooden buildings is incredibly rich in its vocabulary and artistic representation. These windows are a unique part of the cultural heritage of the cityscape of Riga.


ß. Êàëíèíüø, ß. Êðàñòèíüø. Îêîííûå ïðîåìû â äåðåâÿííûõ ñòðîåíèÿõ Ðèãè  äåðåâÿííûõ çäàíèÿõ, ôîðìà ïðîåìîâ îïðåäåëÿåò èõ çàïîëíåíèå è âûïîëíåíèå äåêîðàòèâíîé îòäåëêè. Oêîííûå ïðîåìû äåðåâÿííûõ çäàíèé áëèçêè õàðàêòåðíûì ôîðìàì êâàäðàòà, â ôîðìå ïîëóöèðêóëúíîé àðêè, ñ îòëîãî âûãíóòûì âåðõíåé ïåðåìû÷êîé, ñî ñêîøåííûìè áîêàìè â âåðõíåé ÷àñòè, ñ çàîñòðåííîé òðåóãîëüíîé âåðõíåé ÷àñòüþ, à òàê æå c ïðÿìîóãîëüíîé ôîðìîé îêîííûõ ïðîåìîâ, êîòîðàÿ íàáëþäàëàñü âî âñåõ âðåìåíàõ àðõèòåêòóðíûõ ñòèëåé. B îêîííûõ ïðîåìàõ ëþêàðí, âðåìåíè Áàðîêêî, ÷àùå âñåãî, ñ îòëîãî âûãíóòûì âåðõíåì êðàåì, îòðàæàåòñà ðàçíîîáðàçíàÿ èíòåðïðèòàöèÿ ðåøåíèé, êîòîðàÿ âûïîëíåíà â âèäå ýëëèïñà èëè â âèäå êðóãà. Ðàçíîîáðàçíûå ãåîìåòðè÷åñêèå ôîðìû îêîííûõ ïðîåìîâ íàáëþäàþòñà â ôðîíòîíàõ – â âèäå êðóãà, ñåãìåíòà, ðîìáà, òðåóãîëüíèêà, à òàêæå â õàðàêòåðûõ ôîðìàõ îêîí ôàñàäà. Ñîâîêóïíîñòü îêîííûõ ïðîåìîâ â ôðîíòîíàõ îáðàçîâûâàåò ðàçíîîáðàçíûå äåêîðàòèâíî êîìïîçèöèîíàëüíîãî ðåøåíèÿ.  àòòèêax è ëþêàðíàõ òîæå âñòðå÷àþòñà âûøåóïîìÿíóòûå ôîðìû îêîííûõ ïðîåìîâ a òàêæå âñïàðåííûå îêíà.  ôîðìå îêîííûõ ïðîåìîâ ìîæíî óâèäåòü õàðàêòåðíûå ÷åðòû àðõèòåêòóðíûõ ñòèëåé. Oêîííûå ïðîåìû äåðåâÿííûõ çäàíèé, â ðàìêàõ àðõèòåêòóðíîãî ñòèëÿ, îáðàçîâûâàåò àðõèòåêòóðíóþ îòäåëêó, êîòîðàÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñîñòàâíîé ÷àñòüþ íàñëåäèÿ, óíèêàëüíîé êóëüòóðíî-èñòîðè÷åñêîé ãîðîäñêîé ñðåäû Ðèãè.



Key words: history of architecture, building typology.

Reinholds Georgs Ðmçlings (1840. gada 14. novembrî Rîgâ – 1917. gada 17. oktobrî Rîgâ) veselus 36 gadus – no 1879. lîdz 1915. gadam – bija Rîgas pilsçtas arhitekts. Ðis laiks bija pats nozîmîgâkais visâ pilsçtas attîstîbas vçsturç. Rîga bija pârkâpusi viduslaicîgo nocietinâjumu vaïòus, un to vietâ vecpilsçtu apjoza bulvâru loks, kurâ apstâdîjumi mijkârtojâs ar iespaidîgu jaunceltòu kvartâliem un brîvstâvoðâm sabiedriskajâm çkâm. Bulvâru loka rajonâ koncentrçta lielâkâ daïa pilsçtas nozîmîgâko sabiedrisko çku – divi teâtri, cirks, muzejs, vairâku publisko biedrîbu nami, virkne banku, viesnîcu un administratîvo iestâþu, kâ arî 16 mâcîbu iestâþu çku. Ielu audumu pilsçtas centrâ bija radîjis iepriekðçjais pilsçtas arhitekts Johans Daniels Felsko, bet viòa amata pâròçmçja R. Ðmçlinga celtnes piepildîja pilsçttelpu jau daudz plaðâkâ mçrogâ. Daudzo R. Ðmçlinga darbu klâstâ visvairâk ir daþâda veida un daþâdu funkciju sabiedriskâs çkas, bet visvairâk – mâcîbu un veselîbas aizsardzîbas iestâdes.

Reinhold Georg Schmaeling (14 November 1840, Riga – 17 October 1917, Riga) as many as 36 years – from 1879 till 1915 – was Riga City Architect. It was the most remarkable time in the entire history of Riga’s development. The city had spread over the medieval fortification walls encircling the old town which then were replaced by a boulevard circle where green areas intermingled with blocks of impressive new houses and free standing public buildings. The boulevard semicircle area comprises the majority of the most significant public buildings – two theatres, a circus, a museum, houses of several public societies, a few banks, hotels, administrative agencies as well as 16 buildings of educational establishments. The creator of street fabric in the centre of Riga was the previous city architect Johann Daniel Felsko, but the buildings designed by his successor Reinhold Schmaeling filled up the urban space on a much wider scale. The assemblage of Schmaeling’s works includes public buildings of various types and functions, yet educational and health care establishments take the largest proportion.

Mâcîbu iestâdes Starp daudzajâm mâcîbu iestâþu çkâm, kas atrodas Rîgas bulvâru lokâ, divas celtas pçc Reinholda Ðmçlinga projektiem. Tâs ir Pilsçtas meiteòu skola (tagad Rîgas 17. vidusskola Kriðjâòa Valdemâra ielâ 2, 1881–1884; 1. attçls) un Pilsçtas pamatskola (tagad Rîgas Valda Zâlîða pamatskola Kalpaka bulvârî 8, 1883). Pçdçjâ kopâ ar ielas pretçjâ pusç esoðo Pilsçtas reâlskolu (tagad Rîgas 2. vidusskolu Kriðjâòa Valdemâra ielâ 1), kas celta 1876–1879. gadâ pçc arhitekta J.D. Felsko projekta, veido brîniðíîgu, paðu radîtu pieminekli abiem Rîgas pilsçtas arhitektiem. Pilsçtas pamatskolai Kalpaka bulvârî 8 lîdzîga skolas çka pçc R. Ðmçlinga projekta 1883. gadâ uzcelta arî Kriðjâòa Barona ielâ 71 (tagad Rîgas Ïeva

Educational establishments Among many buildings of educational establishments located within the Riga Boulevard Cycle two were built by R. Schmaeling’s designs. These are City School for Girls (now Riga Secondary School No. 17 at Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 2, 1881–1884; Picture 1) and City Elementary School (now Riga Valdis Zâlîtis Primary School at Kalpaka bulvâris 8, 1883). The latter along with City Realschule on the opposite side of the street (now Riga Secondary School No 2 at Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 1), which was designed by architect J.D. Felsko and built in 1876–1879, forms a magnificent, selfcreated monument to both Riga City Architects.


1. attçls. Pilsçtas meiteòu skola Kriðjâòa Valdemâra ielâ 2. 1881–1884. R. Ðmçlings.

2. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Kriðjâòa Barona ielâ 71. 1883. R. Ðmçlings.

Tolstoja krievu vidusskola; 2. attçls). 19. gadsimta nogalç vairâkas daþâda rakstura skolu çkas uzceltas pçc arhitekta Alekseja Kîzelbaða projektiem. Tâs ir Pçtera I ìimnâzija Kronvalda bulvârî 1 (1889), Nikolaja I ìimnâzija Kriðjâòa Valdemâra ielâ 1c (1891), Zçnu draudzes skola Matîsa ielâ 37/39 (1891) un Draudzes skola Miera ielâ 61 (1895). A. Kîzelbaðs bija Vidzemes guberòas Tçrbatas skolu apriòía, kura administratîvajâ pakïautîbâ bija arî valstij piederoðâs mâcîbu iestâdes Rîgâ, arhitekts. Citas ievçrojamâkâs 19. gadsimta nogalç un 20. gadsimta sâkumâ celtâs mâcîbu iestâþu çkas Rîgâ ir Pareizticîgo garîgâ skola Kriðjâòa Barona ielâ 99 (1880, arhitekts Dmitrijs Ïuðins), Þîdu draudzes skola Lâèplçða ielâ 141 (1887, arhitekts Jûlijs Hâgens), Kurlmçmo skola Aleksndra Èaka ielâ 42 (1897, arhitekts Otto Hofmanis), Rîgas Politehniskâ institûta dabas zinîbu laboratoriju çka Kronvalda bulvârî 4 (1898, arhitekts Johanness Kohs) un Komercskola Alberta ielâ 10 (1903, arhitekts Pauls Mandelðtams). Tâs visas ir tipiskas neorenesanses stilistikâ veidotas eklektisma stila celtnes. Renesanses uzplaukuma laikâ 15.–16. gadsimtâ attîstîjâs humânisma idejas, kas nesaraujami saistîtas arî ar izglîtîbas jçdzienu. Tâpçc semantiskajâ izpratnç tieði neorenesanse bija visizplatîtâkâ stilistika tieði mâcîbu iestâþu arhitektûrâ. 20. gs. sâkumâ Rîgâ sâkâs îsts skolu celtniecîbas bums. Pçc R. Ðmçlinga projektiem vien tad tika uzceltas vismaz 20 skolu çkas! Starp tâm viena no pirmajâm bija pilsçtas 4. pamatskola (tagad Âgenskalna koledþa) Lavîzes ielâ 2a (1901; 3. attçls). Ðîs skolas telpas bija izkârtotas divâs atseviðíâs çkâs. Mazâkajâ no tâm atradâs palîgtelpas un skolotâju dzîvokïi, bet lielâkajâ – klases. Tâs

A school building similar to City Elementary School at Kalpaka bulvâris 8 was designed by R. Schmaeling and constructed in 1883 at Kriðjâòa Barona iela 71 (now Riga Leo Tolstoy Russian Secondary School; Picture 2). At the end of the 19th century several school buildings of different types were built by designs of architect Aleksey Kieselbasch. These included Peter I Gymnasium at Kronvalda bulvâris 1 (1889), Nikolai I Gymnasium at Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 1c (1891), Parish School for Boys at Matîsa iela 37/39 (1891) and Parish School at Miera iela 61 (1895). Kieselbasch worked as an architect in Tartu School District of Vidzeme Province that administratively governed also state-owned educational establishments in Riga. Other remarkable school buildings constructed in Riga in the late 19th century and early 20th century include Orthodox School of Theology at Kriðjâòa Barona iela 99 (1880, architect Dmitry Ljuschin), Jewish Parish School at Lâèplçða iela 141 (1887, architect Juliuss Hagen), School for Deaf-mute Children at Aleksandra Èaka iela 42 (1897, architect Otto Hoffmann), a building of laboratories of natural sciences of Riga Polytechnic Institute at Kronvalda bulvâris 4 (1898, architect Johann Koch) and Commercial School at Alberta iela 10 (1903, architect Paul Mandelstamm). These all are eclectic buildings designed in a typical Neo-Renaissance stylistic trend. When Renaissance reached its apogee in the 15th–16th centuries, ideas of humanism developed which were inseparable from the notion of education. Thus, semantically Neo-Renaissance was the most widespread style exactly in architecture of school buildings.


3. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Lavîzes ielâ 2a. 1901. R. Ðmçlings.

4. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Skrindu ielâ 1. 1902–1903. R. Ðmçlings.

izvietotas tieði pie kâpnçm ap lielâku rekreâcijas telpu, kas vienlaikus kalpoja kâ skolas sanâksmju zâle. Abas çkas ir tâ sauktâ íieìeïu stila piemçri. “Íieìeïu stils” bija viens no eklektisma formâlajiem paveidiem. Tam raksturîgas ir neapmestu íieìeïu fasâdes ar samçrâ bagâtîgi artikulçtâm figurâla mûra dzegâm un arhitektoniskâm detaïâm piesâtinâtiem zelmiòiem, kuru formâs pastarpinâti atspoguïojas viduslaiku arhitektûras valoda. Ðajâ stilistikâ veidota arî R. Ðmçlinga projektçtâ pilsçtas pamatskola Skrindu (tolaik Rodenburga) ielâ 1 (1902–1903; 4. attçls). Tipiski “íieìeïu stila” piemçri ir arî Toròakalna Latvieðu palîdzîbas biedrîbas skola Mazajâ Altonavas ielâ 6 (1903, arhitekts Jânis Alksnis; 5. attçls), Þîdu arodskola (tagad Rîgas Dzelzceïnieku skola Abrenes ielâ 2, 1904, arhitekts Pauls Mandelðtams; 6. attçls) un Literâri-praktiskâs pilsoòu savienîbas vâcu pamatskola Olîvu ielâ 9 (1909, arhitekts Kârlis Felsko; çkas 3. stâvs uzcelts 1926. gadâ pçc arhitekta Heinriha Pîranga projekta). 1904. gadâ Rîgas pilsçtas valde, atzîmçjot Krievijas cara ìimenç notikuðo troòmantnieka Alekseja Nikolajevièa piedzimðanu, nolçma atvçrt 8 pamatskolas nabadzîgo iedzîvotâju bçrniem, èetrâm skolâm uzceïot arî jaunas çkas [1, 119]. Pirmâ no tâm tika uzcelta 1905. gadâ Sarkandaugavas (tolaik Âdolfa) un Limbaþu ielas stûrî. Nâkamâs trîs skolas – Slokas ielâ 65, Lomonosova (tolaik Saratovas) ielâ 4 un Augusta Deglava (tolaik Rumpmuiþas) ielâ 3 – uzcçla 1908.–1909. gadâ. Visâm tâm ir vienâds plâns. Mâcîbu telpas izkârtotas gar tieði no sâniem izgaismotu gaiteni jeb galeriju, kas kalpo kâ rekreâcija. Atðíirîga ir fasâþu arhitektoniskâ apdare. Çkas Slokas un Lomonosova ielâ

In the early 20th century a real school construction boom began in Riga. Reinhold Schmaeling alone designed at least 20 school buildings! Riga Elementary School No. 4 (now Âgenskalns College) at Lavîzes iela 2a (1901; Picture 3) was one of the first among them. This school occupied two separate buildings. The smallest building comprised auxiliary rooms and apartments for teachers, and the largest structure contained classrooms. They were located right next to the stairs around a larger recreational room that was also used as a hall for school gatherings. Both buildings are examples of the socalled “brick style”. “Brick style” was one of formal varieties of Eclecticism characterized by unplastered brick facades with quite abundantly articulated cornices made of figural brickwork and pediments rich in architectural details with their shapes implying indirect references to the vocabulary of medieval architecture. City Elementary School designed by R. Schmaeling at Skrindu (then Rodenburga) iela 1 (1902–1903; Picture 4) shows the same stylistics. Typical examples of “brick style” are also Toròakalns Latvian Relief Society School at Mazâ Altonavas iela 6 (1903, architect Jânis Alksnis; Picture 5), Jewish Trade School (now Riga Railwaymen School at Abrenes iela 2, 1904, architect Paul Mandelstamm; Picture 6) and German Elementary School of Literary Practical Civic Society at Olîvu iela 9 (1909, architect Karl Felsko; the second floor was designed by architect Heinrich Pirang and added to the building in 1926). In 1904 the Riga Town Council, celebrating the birth of Alexei Nikolaevich, heir to the Russian throne, decided to open 8 elementary schools for children from poor families, and to build new


5. attçls. Toròakalna Latvieðu palîdzîbas biedrîbas skola Mazajâ Altonavas ielâ 6. 1903. J. Alksnis.

6. attçls. Þîdu arodskola Abrenes ielâ 2. 1904. P. Mandelðtams.

7. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Slokas ielâ 65. 1908–1909. R. Ðmçlings.

8. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Lomonosova ielâ 4. 1908–1909. R. Ðmçlings.

(7. un 8. attçls), lîdzîgi daudzâm iepriekðçjâm R. Ðmçlinga celtajâm skolâm, bûvçtas no dzeltenajiem smilðu íieìeïiem samçrâ vienkârðâs “íieìeïu stila” formâs. Pilnîgi cita fasâþu arhitektûra ir skolai Augusta Deglavâ ielâ 3 (9. attçls). Tâs apdarç sarkano íieìeïu virsmas mijkârtotas ar gaiði apmestiem laukumiem. Starp citu, 1908. gadâ pçc R. Ðmçlinga projekta uzcelta arî Pilsçtas kanalizâcijas sistçmas sûkòu stacija Eksporta ielâ pie pilsçtas kanâla ietekas Andrejostas lîcî. Arî tai ir lîdzîgâ stilistikâ veidotas fasâdes. Nedaudz lîdzîgâ manierç bija celta arî tautas çdnîcas çka Klîversalâ, tagadçjâ Uzvaras bulvâra un Kuìu ielas stûrî (nojaukta 1957. gadâ). Ðîs celtnes aizsâka “sarkani balto” periodu arhitekta daiïradç. Stilistika ar fasâþu apdarç izspçlçtiem sarkano íieìeïu un gaiða apmetuma virsmu kontrastiem bija viens no tâlaika bûvmâkslas modes virzieniem: lîdzîgas celtnes var atrast visâ Eiropas ziemeïu reìionâ, sâkot ar Vâciju un beidzot ar Skandinâvijas zemçm

houses for four of these schools [1, 119]. The first school building was constructed in 1905 on the corner of Sarkandaugavas (then Âdolfa) and Limbaþu Streets. Next in line were school buildings at Slokas iela 65, Lomonosova (then Saratow) iela 4 and Augusta Deglava (then Rumpmuiþas) iela 3, which were constructed between 1908 and 1909. They all have a similar layout. Classrooms were arranged along the side-lit passageway or gallery that was used for recreation. Yet architectural finish of facades differs. The buildings at Slokas and Lomonosova Streets (Pictures 7–8), similarly as many other schools previously designed by R. Schmaeling, were built of yellow brick in rather simple “brick style” forms. The school at Augusta Deglava iela 3 (Picture 9) has a completely different façade architecture. In its façade finish red brick surfaces interchange with light plastered patches. By the way, in 1908 R. Schmaeling designed a pumping station of the city sewerage system in Eksporta iela at


the outfall of the city canal into the Andrejosta inlet. The facades of this building were also made in a similar style. A people’s canteen in Klîversala, on the street corner of the present-day Uzvaras bulvâris and Kuìu iela (demolished in 1957) resembled the same manner. These structures were trend-setters for the “red-and-white” period in the architect’s creative work. This stylistics with the contrasts of red brick and light plaster areas in the façade finish was one of the fashion trends in building art of that time: similar buildings can be found all over the north of Europe, starting from Germany and going as far as the Scandinavian countries [2, 130]. Some façade details of these buildings show slightly stylised motifs of medieval architecture, yet it would not be correct to classify this architecture as eclectic. This style does not have direct analogues in history, the artistic image of buildings is rational and rather precisely reflects the inner layout: it clearly shows location of larger and smaller rooms, as well as indicates the vertical communications. This exactly complies with the principles of Art Nouveau’s creative method, and this red-and-white stylistics is, in fact, a rationalistic formal variety of Art Nouveau. Around 1910 the construction of schools in Riga began in earnest. Between 1910 and 1911 R. Schmaeling drew up a new design which underlay construction of schools at Telts iela 2a (Picture 10), at Baltâ iela 10 (extended in 1937, the author of the design was architect Jânis Rengarts; Picture 11), at Raòía dambis 1 (Picture 12) and at Krimuldas iela 2a (extended in 1926, the author of the design was architect Jânis Gailis; Picture 13). The school in Telts iela differed from the others with its layout arranged as a mirror image. The same year the largest of Riga’s redand-white school buildings with a clearly different design was erected at Zeïïu iela 4 (Picture 14). One of its wings houses a public library. A new project followed which was implemented between 1911 and 1914 in slightly different versions constructing a school at Gaujas iela 23 (its first extension in 1912 was designed by R. Schmaeling himself but in 1926 the author of the extension was architect J. Gailis; Picture 15) and schools at Kalnciema iela 118, Patversmes iela 20, Ðarlotes iela 8 and Hâmaòa iela 2a (Pictures 16–19). Besides, two more dissimilar designs underlay construction of school buildings at Slâvu iela 12 (Picture 20) and Bruòinieku iela 28 (extended in 1978, the author of the design was architect Edgars Ðçnbergs; Picture 21). The latter stands out with striking pediments the architectural

9. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Augusta Deglava ielâ 3. 1908–1909. R. Ðmçlings.

10. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Telts ielâ 2a. 1910–1911. R. Ðmçlings.

[2, 130]. Ðo çku fasâþu atseviðíâs detaïâs zinâmâ mçrâ jûtama stilizçta viduslaiku arhitektûras noskaòa, taèu nebûtu precîzi ðo arhitektûru pieskaitît eklektismam. Ðai stilistikai nav tieðu analogu vçsturç, çku mâkslinieciskais veidols ir racionâls un diezgan precîzi atspoguïo iekðtelpu struktûru: skaidri nojauðams, kur atrodas lielâkâs, kur – mazâka izmçra telpas un kur ir vertikâlâs komunikâcijas. Tas viss tieði atbilst jûgendstila radoðâs metodes principiem, tâpçc ðî sarkani-baltâ stilistika faktiski ir racionâlistisks jûgendstila formâlais paveids. Ap 1910. gadu skolu celtniecîba Rîgâ sâkâs ar patieðâm iespaidîgu vçrienu. 1910.–1911. gadâ pçc R. Ðmçlinga izstrâdâta jauna projekta uzcçla skolas Telts ielâ 2a (10. attçls), Baltajâ ielâ 10 (paplalsinâta 1937. gadâ pçc arhitekta Jâòa Rengarta projekta; 11. attçls), Raòía dambî 1 (12. attçls) un Krimuldas ielâ 2a (paplaðinâta 1926. gadâ pçc arhitekta Jâòa Gaiïa projekta; 13. attçls). Skola Telts ielâ atðíiras no


pârçjâm ar spoguïattçlâ veidotu plânu. Tad pat, bet pçc atðíirîga projekta tapa lielâkâ no Rîgas sarkani baltajâm skolâm – skola Zeïïu ielâ 4 (14. attçls), kuras vienâ spârnâ atrodas arî publiska bibliotçka. Sekoja jauns projekts, pçc kura daþâdâm, nedaudz atðíirîgâm versijâm 1911.–1914. gadâ tapa skolas Gaujas ielâ 23 (1912. gadâ paplaðinâta pçc paða R. Ðmçlinga projekta un vçlreiz 1926. gadâ pçc arhitekta J. Gaiïa projekta; 15. attçls), Kalnciema ielâ 118, Patversmes ielâ 20, Ðarlotes ielâ 8 un Hâmaòa ielâ 2a (16.–19. attçls). Tostarp pçc vçl diviem atðíirîgiem projektiem uzcçla skolas Slâvu ielâ 12 (20. attçls) un Bruòinieku ielâ 28 (paplaðinâta 1978. gadâ pçc arhitekta Edgara Ðçnberga projekta; 21. attçls). Pçdçjâ izceïas ar efektîgiem zelmiòiem, kuru arhitektoniskajâs detaïâs diezgan tieði stilizçta gotikas formu valoda. Tâdçjâdi Bruòinieku ielas skola simboliski noslçdz sarkani balto skolu celtniecîbas periodu, kura sâkumu nosacîti var fiksçt ar arhitekta Vilhelma Bokslafa projektçto Birþas komercskolas (Tagad Latvijas Mâkslas akadçmijas) çku Kalpaka bulvârî 13 (1902–1905). Tiesa, te bija cits uzstâdîjums: acîmredzot atbilstoði pasûtîtâja vçlmei çka veidota “ziemeïu íieìeïu gotikas stilâ”, tai ir “ar plçstiem granîta akmeòiem apðûts cokolstâvs un augðçjie stâvi no sarkaniem íieìeïiem ar balti apmestiem laukumiem un glazûras joslâm dzegâs un ap logailâm” [3]. Starp citu, jau 1902. gadâ, pirms R. Ðmçlinga sarkano skolu perioda cits Rîgas arhitekts – Augusts Reinbergs – lîdzîgâ stilistikâ uzcçla skolu Pçrnavâ (Igaunijâ) [2, 130]. R. Ðmçlinga radoðais rokraksts bija neparasti daudzveidîgs. 1912.–1913. gadâ uzcelta Marijas meiteòu skola Gaiziòa ielâ 1, kuras plânojums ir daïçji lîdzîgs citâm viòa projektçtajâm skolâm, bet apmesto fasâþu apdarç lietoti vispârinâti ìeometrisku formu jûgendstila motîvi (22. attçls). Pilnîgi atðíirîga ir 1911.–1912. gadâ uzceltâs skolas Pçtersalas ielâ 10 arhitektûra [4]. Skolas çka neuzkrîtoði iekïauta apkârtçjâ vidç, tâs apjomu atvirzot no ielas kvartâla iekðtelpâ. Apmestâs fasâdes risinâtas Rîgas jûgendstilam vispârraksturîgâs, eleganti atturîgâs formâs (23. un 24. attçls). Savukârt ar ðo skolu vienlaikus celtâs Pilsçtas pamatskolas çkas Ludzas (tolaik Jaroslavas) ielâ 2 fasâdes arhitektûrâ atspoguïojas jûgendstila vçlajâ periodâ modç nâkuðâ neoklasicisma izteiksme. Tipisks neoklasicisma piemineklis ir arî Pilsçtas Tirdzniecîbas skolas (tagad Rîgas Celtniecîbas koledþas) lielceltne Gaiziòa ielâ 3 (1912; 25. attçls). Kâ ðîs celtnes autoru parasti min R. Ðmçlingu, tomçr tam trûkst tieðu dokumentâru

details of which carry a rather direct vocabulary of stylised gothic forms. Thus the school building in Bruòinieku iela symbolically concludes the construction period of red-and-white schools which reputedly began with Stock Exchange Commercial School (now Latvian Academy of Arts) at Kalpaka bulvâris 13 (1902–1905) designed by Wilhelm Bockslaff. Yet the building had had a different aim: evidently the client had wanted it to be designed in a style of “Nordic brick gothic”, it has “the socle floor coated with splintered granite stones and upper floors made in red brick and white plastered patches with ornamental bands in cornices and around window openings” [3]. By the way, already in 1902 before R. Schmaeling another architect from Riga – August Reinberg – started the trend of red-and-white schools: he designed a school in a similar style in Parnu (Estonia) [2, 130]. R. Schmaeling’s manner of designing was uniquely diverse. In 1912 another school was built at Gaiziòa iela 1, its layout slightly resembled designs of other Schmaeling’s school buildings, while the finishing of plastered facades displayed generalised Art Nouveau motifs of geometric shapes (Picture 22). Completely different is architecture of the school built in 1911–1912 at Pçtersalas iela 10 [3]. The building discreetly blends with the surrounding environment, its volume retracted from the street inwards the block. The plastered facades have characteristic, elegantly reserved shapes of Riga’s Art Nouveau. (Pictures 23 and 24). While the architecture of facades of City Elementary School at Ludzas (then Jaroslaw) iela 2, which was built at the same time, includes elements of Neo-Classicism that came into fashion in the late period of Art Nouveau. The highrising structure of Riga School of Trade and Crafts (now Riga Building College) at Gaiziòa iela 3 (around 1910; Picture 25) is a typical monument of Neo-Classicism. Usually R. Schmaeling is indicated as the author of this building, however, it is not proved by direct documentary evidence. The design of the building was elaborated at the City Architect’s Office. Also in some report on implemented works made in 1910 R. Schmaeling himself noted that along with other tasks he was engaged in construction of this building [4]. In the same document R. Schmaeling wrote that he also dealt with the building matters of the so-called Peter’s House (an asylum built from Riga City funds at Kuldîgas iela 43/45), yet it is precisely known that the architect of this building was Bernhard Bielenstein (construction completed in 1912) [5, 53]. At this time the architect


11. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Baltajâ ielâ 10. 1910–1911. R. Ðmçlings. (Paplaðinâta 1937).

12. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Raòía dambî 1. 1910–1911. R. Ðmçlings.

13. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Krimuldas ielâ 2a. 1910–1911. R. Ðmçlings. (Paplaðinâta 1926).

14. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Zeïïu ielâ 4. 1910–1911. R. Ðmçlings.

15. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Gaujas ielâ 23. 1911–1912. R. Ðmçlings. (Paplaðinâta 1926).

16. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Kalnciema ielâ 118. 1912–1913. R. Ðmçlings.


17. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Patversmes ielâ 20. 1912–1913. R. Ðmçlings.

18. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Ðarlotes ielâ 8. 1912–1913. R. Ðmçlings.

19. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Hâmaòa ielâ 2a. 1913–1914. R. Ðmçlings.

20. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Slâvu ielâ 12. 1912–1913. R. Ðmçlings.

21. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Bruòinieku ielâ 28. 1913–1914. R. Ðmçlings.

22. attçls. Marijas meiteòu skola Gaiziòa ielâ 1. 1912–1913. R. Ðmçlings.


23. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Pçtersalas ielâ 10. 1911–1912. R. Ðmçlings. Fasâdes zîmçjums.

24. attçls. Pilsçtas pamatskola Pçtersalas ielâ 10. 1911–1912. R. Ðmçlings.

25. attçls. Pilsçtas Tirdzniecîbas skola Gaiziòa ielâ 3. 1912. N. Nords un R. Ðmçlings.

26. attçls. Jaunavu biedrîbas meiteòu amatniecîbas skola Kronvalda bulvârî 6. 1900. R. Donbergs.

27. attçls. A. Jastrþembskas privâtâ meiteòu ìimnâzija Kronvalda bulvârî 8. 1909. A. Ðmçlings.

28. attçls. Vâcu biedrîbas skola Mârtiòa ielâ 9. 1909. H. Pîrangs.


pierâdîjumu. Çkas projekts izstrâdâts pilsçtas arhitekta birojâ. Arî pats R. Ðmçlings kâdâ 1910. gadâ sastâdîtâ darbu atskaitç norâdîjis, ka lîdz ar citiem darbiem ir aizòemts ar ðîs celtnes bûvniecîbu [5]. Tajâ pat dokumentâ R. Ðmçlings norâdîjis, ka ir aizòemts arî ar tâ sauktâ Pçtera nama (par Rîgas pilsçtas lîdzekïiem celtâs patversmes Kuldîgas ielâ 43/45) bûves lietâm, bet ir pilnîgi precîzi zinâms, ka ðo çku uzcçla pçc arhitekta Bernharda Bîlenðteina projekta (bûvdarbi nobeigti 1912. gadâ) [6, 53]. Ðajâ laikâ pilsçtas arhitekta birojâ lîdz ar citiem kolçìiem darbojâs arî arhitekts Nikolajs Nords, un, salîdzinot ar vairâku viòa projektçto îres namu arhitektûru, bijuðâs Tirdzniecîbas un amatniecîbas skolas çkas fasâdç viegli pamanâmi mâkslinieciskâs kompozîcijas motîvi, kas jûtami atgâdina vairâku N. Norda projektçto çku fasâþu arhitektonisko veidolu. Tâpçc diezgan pamatots ir pieòçmums, ka vismaz viens no ðîs celtnes autoriem vai galvenais autors ir N. Nords, protams, neizslçdzot arî paða R. Ðmçlinga ieguldîjumu. 20. gadsimta sâkumâ lîdz ar tieðâm iespaidîgo R. Ðmçlinga veikumu Rîgâ tapa vçl vesela virkne mâcîbu iestâþu çku. 1909. gadâ, kad pçc profesora Otto Hofmaòa projekta uzcçla Rîgas Politehniskâ institûta çkas (tagad Latvijas Universitâtes Raiòa bulvârî 19) spârnu gar Arhitektu ielu, ðîs Rîgas centra pilsçttelpâ labi pamanâmâ celtne ieguva sava apjoma galîgos apveidus. Tâs arhitektûra ir raksturîgs 19. gadsimtâ populârâ “apaïloka stila” piemçrs. Kronvalda bulvârî 6 uzcçla Jaunavu biedrîbas meiteòu amatniecîbas skolu (1900, arhitekts Rûdolfs Donbergs; 26. attçls), bet blakus, Kronvalda bulvârî 8 – A. Jastrþembskas privâto meiteòu ìimnâziju (1909, arhitekts Aleksandrs Ðmçlings; 27. attçls). Abas ðîs çkas uzskatâmi atspoguïo arhitektûras stilu evolûciju no raksturîga eklektisma vairâk vai mazâk tieðâ neorenesanses versijâ lîdz racionâlistiski atturîgam jûgendstilam, kura formu valoda konkrçtajâ gadîjumâ ir tuva nacionâlâ romantisma izteiksmei. Savukârt vâciskajam “dzimtenes stilam” tuvâ jûgendstila variantâ veidotas bijuðâs Vâcu biedrîbas skolas fasâdes Mârtiòa ielâ 9 (1909, arhitekts Heinrihs Pîrangs; 28. attçls), bet Mihaila Eizenðteina projektçtâ S. Mitusova privâtâ skola Strçlnieku ielâ 4a (tagad Stokholmas Ekonomikas skola, 1905, arhitekts Mihails Eizenðteins) ir viens no samçrâ vçla eklektiski dekoratîva, ar daþâdiem bûvtçlnieciskiem rotâjumiem pârsâtinâta jûgendstila piemçriem, kâdi Rîgas arhitektûrai kopumâ nav raksturîgi.

Nikolai Nord worked at the City Architect’s Office together with other colleagues and comparing architecture of several tenement houses he had designed, the façade of the former School of Trade and Crafts clearly shows motifs of artistic composition that strongly resemble architectural patterns on the facades of several N. Nord’s buildings. This almost certainly implies that N. Nord was at least one of the authors or even the sole author of this building, of course, R. Schmaeling’s contribution also cannot be denied. At the beginning of the 20th century along with the really impressive accomplishments of R. Schmaeling a succession of other educational establishments were also constructed in Riga. In 1909, when the wing of Riga Polytechnic Institute (now Latvian University at Raiòa bulvâris 19) along Arhitektu iela was completed after the design by Professor Otto Hoffman, this hallmark in the urban space of the centre of Riga acquired its final outline. The architecture of the building is a typical example of the “semicircular arch style” so popular in the 19th century. School of Crafts for Girls of the Maiden Society was built at Kronvalda bulvâris 6 (1900, architect Rudolf Philipp Dohnberg; Picture 26) and beside it at Kronvalda bulvâris 8 – A. Jastrszæbska’s private gymnasium for girls (1909, architect Alexander Schmaeling; Picture 27). Both structures display evolution of architectural styles from typical Eclecticism in a more or less direct version of Neo-Renaissance to rationalistically reserved Art Nouveau which, in this particular case, in its vocabulary of forms and shapes is close to the expression of National Romanticism. Facades of the former school of the German Society at Mârtiòa iela 9 (1909, architect Heinrich Pirang; Picture 28) are designed in an Art Nouveau manner that is close to the German “Heimatstil” (“Fatherland style”), but S. Mitusov’s private school at Strçlnieku iela 4a (now Stockholm School of Economics, 1905, architect Mikhail Eisenstein) is one of the examples of rather late eclectically decorative Art Nouveau oversaturated with various sculptural ornaments, which overall are not characteristic of Riga’s architecture. In the early 20th century premises of several private schools were built also in the Art Nouveau buildings located within the close block structure, e.g. at Ìertrûdes iela 32 (1910, architect Eiþens Laube), Brîvîbas iela 70 (1911, architect Max von Osmidoff) and Brîvîbas iela 74 (1913, architect Viktor Stamm). In these buildings, school premises were usually arranged on the first or second floor,


20. gadsimta sâkumâ vairâku privâto skolu telpas tika izbûvçtas arî cieðajâ kvartâlu apbûvç celtajos jûgendstila namos, piemçram, Ìertrûdes ielâ 32 (1910, arhitekts Eiþens Laube), Brîvîbas ielâ 70 (1911, arhitekts Maksis fon Osmidofs) un Brîvîbas ielâ 74 (1913, arhitekts Viktors Ðtams). Ðajâs çkâs skolas telpas parasti atradâs otrajâ vai treðajâ stâvâ, bet augstâkajos stâvos bija dzîvokïi. Natâlijas Draudziòas skolas telpas Ìertrûdes ielâ 32 atradâs çkas pagalma spârnâ.

while apartments occupied upper floors. At Ìertrûdes iela 32 premises of Natâlija Draudziòa’s school were located in the courtyard wing of the house. Health-care establishments In an explosion-like upswing period of Riga in the late 19th century and early 20th century several health-care establishments were built. Between 1895 and 1899 Children’s Hospital was constructed in Pârdaugava at present-day Vienîbas gatve 45 by Reinhold Schmaeling’s design. Its construction was financed from the resources bequeathed to the city in his will by manufacturer and merchant James Armitstaed, for that reason the hospital was also named after him [7, 254]. Already in 1896, celebrating the coronation of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia, the city, in its turn, allotted 10 free beds in the newly constructed hospital [8]. Passageways connect three historic hospital buildings, but two pavilions for infectious diseases are free-standing. Neo-Renaissance features can be discerned in the architecture of yellow brick buildings (Picture 29). Between 1909 and 1910 a few other structures were built on the plot of the Children’s Hospital with the majority of them connected to the passage-way system. In 1912 deeper within the hospital territory a pavilion for diphtheria patients was built along with a building for outpatient clinic and pharmacy at Vienîbas gatve (Picture 30). This structure was designed in a manner of rationalistic Art Nouveau. In 1899 Riga City Hospital No. 1 acquired matching additions to the construction began in 1873 after the design by J.D. Felsko. At the end of each row of pavilions that were connected by two passageways, architect Wilhelm Bockslaff designed a new masonry pavilion. A hospital layout scheme with separate pavilions that are connected by passageways was quite widespread. Many hospitals in Europe were built according to this scheme. Among the well-known examples are Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona (1901–1930, architect Llujs Domdnech i Montaner) [10, 25] and Hospital Brugmann in Brussels (1906–1923, architect Victor Horta) [11, 110]. Pavilions for infectious diseases usually were detached. Riga City Hospital No. 1 also had several isolated pavilions. In 1902 near the corner of Brîvîbas and Ðarlotes Streets R. Schmaeling designed one more detached pavilion of women’s clinic (Picture 31). In 1905 R. Schmaeling’s plans underlay the construction of the main building of the hospital and outpatient clinic in Bruòinieku iela

Veselîbas aizsardzîbas iestâdes Sprâdzienveidîgâ Rîgas uzplaukuma periodâ 19. gadsimta nogalç un 20. gadsimta sâkumâ tapa arî virkne veselîbas aizsardzîbas iestâþu. No 1895. lîdz 1899. gadam Pârdaugavâ, tagadçjâ Vienîbas gatvç 45 pçc Reinholda Ðmçlinga tika uzcelta Bçrnu slimnîca. To cçla par rûpnieka un tirgotâja Dþeimsa Ârmitsteda pilsçtai testamentâri novçlçtajiem lîdzekïiem, tâpçc arî tâ tika nosaukta viòa vârdâ [7, 254]. Savukârt Rîgas pilsçta jau 1896. gadâ, sakarâ ar Krievijas imperatores Aleksandras Fjodorovnas kronçðanu jaunceïamajâ slimnîcâ atvçlçja 10 bezmaksas gultas [8]. Trîs slimnîcas vçsturiskâs çkas savienotas ar gaiteòiem, bet divi lipîgo slimîbu paviljoni ir brîvstâvoði. No dzeltenajiem smilðu íieìeïiem celto çku arhitektûrâ jauðamas neorenesanses iezîmes (29. attçls). 1909.–1910. gadâ Bçrnu slimnîcâ uzcçla vçl daþas çkas, no kurâm lielâkâ pievienota gaiteòu sistçmai. 1912. gadâ slimnîcas zemesgabala dziïumâ uzcçla difterijas slimnieku paviljonu un ambulances un aptiekas çku, kas atrodas tieði pie Vienîbas gatves (30. attçls). Ðî çka veidota raksturîgâs racionâlistiska jûgendstila formâs. 1899. gadâ organisku papildinâjumu ieguva Rîgas Pilsçtas I slimnîca, kuras bûve sâkta 1873. gadâ pçc J.D. Felsko projekta. Katras pie diviem savienojoðajiem gaiteòiem izkârtotâs paviljonu virknes galâ pçc arhitekta Vilhelma Bokslafa projekta tika uzcelts pa jaunam mûra paviljonam. Slimnîcu plânojums ar atseviðíiem paviljoniem, kurus savieno gaiteòi, bija visai izplatîts. Tâ veidotas daudzas jo daudzas slimnîcas visur Eiropâ. Vieni no pazîstamâkajiem piemçriem ir Hospital de Sant Pau Barselonâ (1901–1930, arhitekts Luis Domçneks i Montançrs) [10, 25] un Hospital Brugmann Briselç (1906–1923, arhitekts Viktors Horta) [11, 110]. Lipîgo slimîbu paviljonus parasti veidoja brîvstâvoðus. Arî Rîgas Pilsçtas I slimnîcâ bija vairâki atseviðíi izvietoti paviljoni. Netâlu no Brîvîbas un Ðarlotes ielas stûra 1902. gadâ pçc R. Ðmçlinga projekta tika uzcelts vçl


29. attçls. Dþeimsa Ârmitsteda Bçrnu slimnîca Vienîbas gatvç 45. Galvenâ çka. 1895. R. Ðmçlings.

30. attçls. Dþeimsa Ârmitsteda Bçrnu slimnîca Vienîbas gatvç 45. Plâns 1912. gadâ [9].

31. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas I slimnîca. Sievieðu klînika. 1902. R. Ðmçlings.

32. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas I slimnîca. Administratîvâ çka un ambulance Bruòinieku ielâ 5. 1905. R. Ðmçlings.

viens brîvstâvoðs – sievieðu klînikas – paviljons (31. attçls). 1905. gadâ pçc R. Ðmçlinga projekta Bruòinieku ielâ tika uzcelta slimnîcas galvenâ çka un ambulance (32. attçls). Galvenâ çka ir lielisks detaïâs piesâtinâta “íieìeïu stila” piemçrs, kurâ sakausçti gan viduslaiku arhitektûras, gan renesanses motîvi. Viens no lielâkajiem Reinholda Ðmçlinga darbiem bija Rîgas pilsçtas II slimnîca (tagad Paula Stradiòa Klîniskâ universitâtes slimnîca) Pârdaugavâ, Pilsoòu ielâ 13. Tâs bûvi uzsâka saskaòâ ar Rîgas Domes 1908. gada 12. maija lçmumu [12]. Slimnîca bûvçta pakâpeniski vairâkâs celtniecîbas kârtâs (33. attçls). Slimnîcas pirmâs çkas uzcçla 1908. un 1909. gadâ. Tâs bija ambulance, terapeitiskais un íirurìiskais paviljons un trîs lipîgo slimîbu paviljoni (34. attçls), kuras sâkotnçji izmantoja citâm nepiecieðamajâm vajadzîbâm. Vienâ paviljonâ iekârtoja administrâcijas telpas,

(Picture 32). The main building is a wonderful example of “brick style” saturated in details displaying elements of medieval architecture as well as Renaissance motifs. One of the greatest Reinhold Schmaeling’s accomplishments was Riga City Hospital No. 2 (now Pauls Stradiòð Clinical University Hospital) in Pârdaugava, at Pilsoòu iela 13. Its construction began following the decision of 12 May 1908 made by the Council of Riga [12]. The hospital was built in several construction phases (Picture 33). The first buildings – the outpatient clinic, the medical ward and the surgery and three pavilions for infectious diseases (Picture 34) appeared in 1908 and 1909. Initially the buildings were used for other needs. One pavilion accommodated rooms for administration, the other – kitchen and laundry, the third pavilion housed hospital’s pharmacy, morgue and flats for the hospital staff. Works were performed by the


33. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas II slimnîca. Pilsoòu ielâ 13. Çku celtniecîbas periodi (apïos norâdîta korpusu mûsdienu numerâcija).

otrâ – virtuvi un veïas mazgâtavi, bet treðajâ – slimnîcas aptieku, morgu un kalpotâju dzîvokïus. Celtniecîbas darbus veica mûrnieku amata meistara Ludviga Neiburga bûvuzòçmums. 1910. gada martâ slimnîcas teritorijâ tika iekârtoti apstâdîjumi. Ðajâ gadâ sâka un 1911. gadâ pabeidza direktora nama (35. attçls) celtniecîbu. 1912. gada otrajâ pusç sâka celt slimnîcas pârvaldes çku ar aptieku, ðajâ celtnç iekïaujot 1909. gadâ uzcelto ambulanci (36. attçls). Tad pat uzcçla vçl vienu íirurìisko paviljonu (37. attçls), operâciju bloku, saimniecîbas çku, savienojoðo gaiteni, lipîgo slimîbu slimnieku izolatoru, kâ arî morgu ar patoloìisko un seroloìisko institûtu un kalpotâju dzîvojamo çku (38. attçls). Ðo çku bûvniecîbu pabeidza 1914. gadâ. 1914. gadâ sâka celt trîs izolçtus lipîgo slimîbu slimnieku paviljonus (39. attçls) gar Liepâjas ielu.

construction company of the bricklaying master Ludvigs Neiburgs. In March 1910, shrubs and trees were planted in the territory of the hospital. The construction of director’s house started that year and was completed in 1911 (Picture 35). In the second half of 1912 construction of the administrative building with the pharmacy was under way, this structure included the outpatient clinic built in 1909 (Picture 36). At the same time another surgical pavilion was built (Picture 37) together with operational block, outbuilding, connecting passageway, isolation ward for infectious patients and morgue including the pathological and serological institute, and a house with flats for the hospital staff (Picture 38). These buildings were completed in 1914. In 1914, construction of three isolated pavilions (Picture 39) for patients with infectious diseases


34. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas II slimnîca. Lipîgo slimîbu paviljoni (5., 7. un 8. korpuss). 1908–1909. R. Ðmçlings.

35. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas II slimnîca. Direktora nams (2. korpuss) 1910–1911. R. Ðmçlings.

37. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas II slimnîca. Íirurìiskie paviljoni (23. un 24. korpuss). 1908–1909, 1912–1914. R. Ðmçlings.

38. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas II slimnîca. Patoloìiskais un seroloìiskais institûts un kalpotâju dzîvojamâ çka (12. un 13. korpuss) 1912–1914. R. Ðmçlings.

Tos visumâ pabeidza 1915. gada rudenî, vienîgi krâsoðanas darbi materiâlu trûkuma dçï nebija pabeigti. 1915. gada februârî tika uzceltas un nodotas militârresoram èetras koka barakas lipîgo slimîbu slimniekiem ar 200 gultâm katrâ. Lai nodroðinâtu civiliedzîvotâjus epidçmisku slimîbu izplatîðanâs gadîjumâ, tâ paða gada martâ sâka un jûlijâ pabeidza celt vçl èetras koka barakas ar 76 gultâm katrâ, vçl vienu morgu un vairâkas saimniecîbas çkas. Tâdçjâdi ap 1915. gadu slimnîcas vçsturiskâ daïa bija ieguvusi tâs mûsdienu izskatu (40. attçls). Visas R. Ðmçlinga celtâs Pilsçtas II slimnîcas çkas veidotas raksturîgajâ sarkani baltajâ stilistikâ. Çkâm ir augsti, ar gropçtiem kârniòiem iesegti jumti, virs kuriem paceïas pasaku namiòiem lîdzîgi dûmeòi. Pârvaldes çkas galveno zelmini rotâ íieìeïu cilnî atveidots Rîgas pilsçtas ìerbonis. Sarkani baltâs çkas veido viengabalainu, mâkslinieciski izteiksmîgu un joprojâm nevainojami funkcionçjoðu arhitektûras ansambli, kuru gan nepiecieðams atbrîvot no atseviðíiem destruktîviem padomju laika uzslâòojumiem.

36. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas II slimnîca. Pârvaldes çka (25. korpuss). 1908–1914.

39. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas II slimnîca. Lipîgo slimîbu paviljons (9. korpuss). 1914–1915. R. Ðmçlings.

began along Liepâjas iela. At large they were completed in autumn of 1915, only painting works were not finished because of the lack of materials. In February 1915 four wooden barracks for patients with infectious diseases were built and delivered to the military department, each of the barracks held 200 beds. In order to ensure treatment of civilians in case of epidemics, in March of the same year construction of another four wooden barracks with 76 beds in each began and was completed in July. During this construction phase another morgue and several outbuildings were also constructed. Thus, around 1915, the historic part of the hospital had already acquired its present-day appearance (Picture 40). All buildings of Riga City Hospital No. 2 R. Schmaeling designed in the distinctive red-andwhite style. The houses have high roofs clad with grooved tiles and chimneys resembling fairy-tale cottages hovering above them. The main pediment of the administrative building is decorated with the coat of arms of Riga City made in brick moulding. The red-and-white buildings form a uniform, artistically expressive and still flawlessly functioning


40. attçls. Rîgas Pilsçtas II slimnîca. 1908–1915. Skats no Ventspils ielas.

41. attçls. Bçrnu patversme Jçkabpils ielâ 19a. 1910–1911. R. Ðmçlings.

42. attçls. Nedziedinâmi slimo patversme Telts ielâ 1. 1903. R. Ðmçlings.

Sarkani baltajâ stilistikâ veidota vçl viena veselîbas aprûpes iestâde. Tâ ir bijusî bçrnu patversme Jçkabpils ielâ 19a, kas pçc R. Ðmçlinga projekta celta 1910.–1911. gadâ (41. attçls). Nedaudz agrâk, 1903. gadâ uzceltâs nedziedinâmi slimo patversmes Telts ielâ 1 çka vçl celta vienîgi no dzeltenajiem smilðu íieìeïiem, un tâs arhitektûra ir R. Ðmçlinga ðî perioda darbiem raksturîgâ “íieìeïu stila” piemçrs (42. attçls). Savukârt bijusî Evaòìçliski-luterisko þçlsirdîgo mâsu apvienîbas çka Miera ielâ 45 (1904, arhitekts Otto Hofmanis; 43. attçls) fasâdes veidotas vienîgi no sarkanajiem íieìeïiem, arhitektoniskajâ apdarç izmantojot vairâkas figurâla mûrçjuma joslas un dzegas. Tagad ðî çka ir daïa no Dzemdîbu nama kompleksa. Lîdz ar pilsçtas finansçtajiem lielajiem dziedniecîbas iestâþu kompleksiem ap 19. un 20. gadsimta miju tapa arî virkne privâto klîniku çku. Pârdaugavâ, Vienîbas gatvç 87 uzcçla Dr. Makða

43. attçls. Evaòìçliski-luterisko þçlsirdîgo mâsu apvienîbas çka Miera ielâ 45. 1904. O. Hofmanis.

architectural ensemble, which nevertheless needs to be relieved from a few destructive additions acquired during the Soviet period. One more health-care establishment was designed in the red-and-white stylistics. It is the former orphanage at Jçkabpils iela 19a that was designed by R. Schmaeling in 1910–1911 (Picture 41). Somewhat earlier, in 1903, a shelter for the lethally ill at Telts iela 1 was built only of yellow brick, and its architecture is an example of “brick style” characteristic of R. Schmaeling’s works of that period (Picture 42). In their turn, facades of the former building of the Evangelical Lutheran Sisters of Mercy Society at Miera iela 45 (1904, architect Otto Hoffmann; Picture 43) are made entirely of red brick, using several ribbons of figural brickwork and cornices in architectural finish. Now this building is part of the Maternity Hospital Complex. Around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries along with the large city-funded complexes of


44. attçls. Dr. Makða Ðçnfelda nervu klînikas paviljons ar katlu mâju Vienîbas gatvç 87e. 1897. V. Bokslafs.

45. attçls. Dr. O. Buða sievieðu klînika Skolas ielâ 19/21. 1910. V. Bokslafs.

46. attçls. Lînas Pihlau bçrnu patversme Talsu ielâ 7a. 1910. V. Bokslafs.

47. attçls. "Villa Vaza" Ezermalas ielâ 24. 1904. V. Neimanis.

48. attçls. "Villa Vaza" fasâdes 49. attçls. "Villa Vaza" 20. gs. nogalç. zîmçjums un pârbûves projekts. 1931. N. Hecbergs.

health-care establishments a few private clinics were also built. Thus, in Pârdaugava, at Vienîbas gatve 87 Max Schoenfeldt’s neurology clinic was constructed (1897–1899, architect Wilhelm Bockslaff; Picture 44). It is a complex of five isolated pavilions located within the greened territory. On the whole, the elaborate architectural finish of the buildings is close to the “brick style” expression. In 1910, W. Bockslaff designed two more buildings of health-care establishments – Dr O. Busch’s women’s clinic at Baznîcas iela 19/21 (Picture 45) and Lihn Pichlau’s orphanage at Talsu iela 7a (Picture 46). Both houses are built to Neo-Classic designs that were very popular just around 1910. Neo-Classicism reflected a desire for impressive monumentality through the use of classical vocabulary that is usually included in the finish of buildings which are shaped according to the Art Nouveau principles. A particularly typical example of this style is the house of women’s clinic.

Ðçnfelda (Max Schoenfeldt) nervu klîniku (1897–1899, arhitekts Vilhelms Bokslafs; 44. attçls). Tas ir apzaïumotâ teritorijâ izvietotu piecu atseviðíu paviljonu komplekss. Çku smalki detalizçtâ arhitektoniskâ apdare visumâ ir tuva “íieìeïu stila” izteiksmei. 1910. gadâ pçc V. Bokslafa projektiem tapa vçl divu veselîbas kopðanas iestâþu çkas – Dr. O. Buða (O. Busch) sievieðu klînika Skolas ielâ 19/21 (45. attçls) un Lînas Pihlau (Lihn Pichlau) bçrnu patversme Talsu ielâ 7a (46. attçls). Abas veidotas neoklasicisma, kas uzplauka tieði ap 1910. gadu, stilistikâ. Neoklasicisms atspoguïoja tieksmi pçc reprezentablas monumentalitâtes, lietojot klasiskos izteiksmes lîdzekïus, kas parasti iekïauti jûgendstila telpveides principiem atbilstoðu celtòu arhitektoniskajâ apdarç. Îpaði raksturîgs ðîs stilistikas piemçrs ir sievieðu klînikas nams. Tâ augðçjos stâvos atradâs îres dzîvokïi. Bçrnu patversmes çka paplaðinâta un pârveidota padomju


50. attçls. Dr. N. Bçrensa privâtâ klînika Kapseïu ielâ 31. 1913. H. Pîrangs. Projekta skice [13].

51. attçls. Dr. N. Bçrensa privâtâ klînika Kapseïu ielâ 31.

52. attçls. Sarkanâ Krusta biedrîbas Rîgas þçlsirdîgo mâsu biedrîbas ambulance un slimnîca Jâòa Asara ielâ 3. 1910. F. Ðefels.

laikâ, kad tajâ atradâs onkoloìiskâ slimnîca, bet tagad tâ ir pamesta un tuvojas avârijas stâvoklim. Laika gaitâ pamatîgi pârveidota arî A. un V. Berkholcu (Berkholz) privâtâ pansionâta çka Ezermalas ielâ 24 (1904, arhitekts Vilhelms Neimanis), kas bija pazîstama kâ “Villa Vaza” un bija viens no Meþaparka simboliem. Vâcu “dzimtenes stila” garâ veidotâs çkas sâkotnçjais izskats saglabâjies tikai senâs atklâtnçs (47. attçls). Nelielas pârbûves tajâ izdarîtas jau 1905. gadâ. Nâkamâs sekoja 1925., 1928. un 1929. gadâ, kad çkâ atradâs Dr. Kurta Haha (Kurt Hach) sanatorija. Tâ daïçji izdega 1931. gadâ. Atjaunojot celtne tika vçlreiz jûtami paplaðinâta (48. attçls). Tagad tâs ârçjâ veidolâ identificçjamas tikai atseviðías autentiskâs daïas (49. attçls). Dr. N. Bçrensa (N. Behrens) privâtâ klînika Kapseïu ielâ 31 (1913, Heinrihs Pîrangs) veidota Rîgas 20. gs. sâkuma arhitektûrai raksturîgajâs “stateniskâ jûgendstila” eleganti atturîgajâs formâs (50. un 51. attçls). Çka, kas tagad tiek izmantota bçrnu sociâlâs aprûpes vajadzîbâm, ir nedaudz paplaðinâta, bet tâs eksterjers kopumâ pilnîgi

Its upper floors were adjusted for tenement flats. The building of the orphanage was extended and transformed in the Soviet times when it was used as the oncology hospital, but now it has been abandoned and finds itself in a very critical technical condition. In the course of time the building of the private rest-home of A. & W. Berkholz at Ezermalas iela 24 (1904, architect Wilhelm Neumann) underwent major transformation, it was known as “Villa Vasa” and was one of Meþaparks’ symbols. Now only old postcards show the initial appearance of the building designed in the German “Heimatstil” (Picture 47). The house was slightly transformed already in 1905, then in 1925, 1928 and 1929 when there was Dr. Kurt Hach’s sanatorium. It partially burned out in 1931. During the restoration the building was again substantially extended (Picture 48). Now its outer appearance shows only few authentic parts (Picture 49). Dr N. Behrens’ private clinic at Kapseïu iela 31 (1913, Heinrich Pirang) was designed in the elegantly reserved forms of “perpendicular Art Nouveau” so characteristic of Riga’s architecture in the early


20th century (Pictures 50 and 51). At present the building is used for the needs of children’s social care, it has been slightly extended, but overall its exterior has completely retained the authentic image and architectural finish. One of the most remarkable health-care establishments built at the beginning of the 20th century in Riga was the outpatient clinic and the hospital of the Riga Sisters of Mercy Association of the Red Cross Society at Jâòa Asara iela 3 (1910, architect Friedrich Scheffel; Picture 52). The building has a complex yet functionally perfect arrangement of volumes. The monumental architecture features elements of Neo-Classicism, for all that the vocabulary of classical forms is presented in a sophisticated and reserved Art Nouveau manner. The house has been abandoned for a longer time, but the municipality of Riga, which owns it, does not ensure maintenance appropriate for this outstanding building.

53. attçls. Dzelzceïa virsvaldes administratîvâ çka Gogoïa ielâ 3. 1913. A. Verhovskojs.

saglabâjis autentisko veidolu un arhitektonisko apdari. Viena no ievçrojamâkajâm 20. gadsimta sâkumâ celtajâm veselîbas aizsardzîbas iestâdçm Rîgâ bija Sarkanâ Krusta biedrîbas Rîgas þçlsirdîgo mâsu biedrîbas ambulance un slimnîca Jâòa Asara ielâ 3 (1910, arhitekts Fridrihs Ðefels; 52. attçls). Çkai ir sareþìîts, taèu funkcionâli perfekts apjomu kârtojums. Monumentâlâ arhitektûra atspoguïo neoklasicisma stilistiku, taèu klasiskâ formu valoda pasniegta izsmalcinâti atturîgâ jûgendstila manierç. Çka jau ilgâku laiku ir pamesta, bet Rîgas paðvaldîba, kuras îpaðumâ tâ atrodas, nenodroðina ðîs izcilâs celtnes pienâcîgu uzturçðanu.

Other public buildings At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries besides schools and health-care establishments, a new theatre, a museum, several houses of public societies, market pavilions, five fire stations, various sports structures, public utilities and transport facilities along with the buildings of several banks and administrative institutions were also constructed in Riga. One of the most impressive office buildings is the edifice of the Railway Central Administration at Gogoïa iela 3 (Picture 53) that was designed in 1913 by the Saint-Petersburg engineer Andrey Verhovskoy. He supervised reconstruction works of Riga railway junction. Most of the public buildings constructed that time had been designed by Reinhold Schmaeling. Between 1880 and 1882, R. Schmaeling designed the Ulej House of the Russian Society in Old Riga at Kaïíu iela 16. In 1967 the house was tgransformed by architect Juris Skalbergs, providing modern premises for the needs of the Russian Drama Theatre. In 1885–1887, R. Schmaeling drew up plans for the restoration of the burned out Riga City Theatre (now the Latvian National Opera) at Aspazijas bulvâris 3. In the early 20th century, the Riga City II (Russian, now Latvian National) Theatre at Kronvalda bulvâris 2 (1900–1902, architect August Reinberg) was built, but the plans for construction of the Riga City III (Latvian) Theatre on the street corner of Aspazijas bulvâris and 13. janvâra iela

Citas sabiedriskâs çkas 19. un 20. gadsimta mijâ bez skolâm un veselîbas aizsardzîbas iestâdçm Rîgâ uzcçla jaunu teâtri, muzeju, vairâkus publisku biedrîbu namus, tirgus paviljonus, piecus ugunsdzçsçju depo, daþâdas sporta, komunâlâs saimniecîbas un transporta celtnes, kâ arî virkni administratîvo iestâþu çku. Viena no iespaidîgâkajâm biroju celtnçm ir Dzelzceïa virsvaldes çka Gogoïa ielâ 3 (53. attçls), kuru uzcçla 1913. gadâ pçc Sanktpçterburgas inþeniera Andreja Verhovskoja projekta. Ðis speciâlists vadîja Rîgas dzelzceïa mezgla pârbûves darbus. Ievçrojama daïa no ðajâ laikâ uzceltajâm sabiedriskajâm çkâm ir Reinholda Ðmçlinga veikums. 1880.–1882. gadâ pçc viòa projekta Vecrîgâ, Kaïíu ielâ 16 uzcçla krievu biedrîbas “Uïej” namu. 1967. gadâ pçc arhitekta Jura Skalberga projekta tas pârbûvçts, izveidojot modernas telpas Rîgas Krievu drâmas teâtra vajadzîbâm. 1885.–1887. gadâ pçc


54. attçls. Ugunsdzçsçju depo Maskavas ielâ 3. 1886. R. Ðmçlings.

55. attçls. Ugunsdzçsçju depo Hanzas ielâ 5. 1909–1910. R. Ðmçlings.

56. attçls. Vidzemes tirgus Matîsa ielâ 7. 1902. R. Ðmçlings.

57. attçls. Âgenskalna tirgus Nometòu ielâ 64. 1911. R. Ðmçlings.

R. Ðmçlinga projekta tika atjaunots ugunsgrçkâ cietuðais Rîgas Pilsçtas teâtra (tagad Nacionâlâs Operas) nams Aspazijas bulvârî 3. 20. gadsimta sâkumâ tapa Rîgas Pilsçtas II (krievu, tagad Latvijas Nacionâlais) teâtris Kronvalda bulvârî 2 (1900–1902, arhitekts Augusts Reinbergs), bet Pilsçtas III (latvieðu) teâtra, kas bija iecerçts Aspazijas bulvâra un 13. janvâra ielas krustojumâ, bûvniecîbas ideja palika neîstenota. Cita ievçrojamâkâs ðajâ laikâ uzceltâs kultûras iestâdes bija Pilsçtas (tagad Nacionâlais) Mâkslas muzejs Kriðjâòa Valdemâra ielâ 10a (1903–1905, arhitekts Vilhelms Neimanis), Rîgas Latvieðu biedrîbas nams Meríeïa ielâ 13 (1909, arhitekti Eiþens Laube un Ernests Pole; paplaðinâts 1938. gadâ pçc E. Laubes projekta), Rîgas Latvieðu palîdzîbas biedrîbas (tagad Rîgas Jaunâ teâtra) nams Lâèplçða ielâ 25 (1901, arhitekts Edmunds fon Trompovskis; 1931. gadâ pçc arhitekta Artûra Krûmiòa projekta pârbûvçts teâtra vajadzîbâm) un pretalkohola

were not implemented. Among other remarkable buildings of cultural establishments constructed that time were Riga City (then National) Museum of Art at Kriðjâòa Valdemâra iela 10a (1903–1905, architect Wilhelm Neumann), the house of the Riga Latvian Society at Meríeïa iela 13 (1909, architects Eiþens Laube and Ernests Pole; extended in 1938, the design by E. Laube), the house of the Riga Latvian Relief Society (now the New Riga Theatre) at Lâèplçða iela 25 (1901, architect Edmund von Trompowsky; in 1931 the house was converted by architect Artûrs Krûmiòð to accommodate the theatre) and the house of the Non-alcoholic Society Ziemeïblâzma at Ziemeïblâzmas iela 36 (1913, architect unknown). The facades of the last-named are an outstanding example of Art Nouveau in the architecture of public buildings. Among the public buildings eclectic in style that were designed by R. Schmaeling still in the 19th century the most remarkable were the building of


biedrîbas “Ziemeïblâzma” nams Ziemeïblâzmas ielâ 36 (1913, arhitekts nav zinâms). Pçdçjâs celtnes fasâþu veidols ir izcils jûgendstila formveides paraugs sabiedrisko çku arhitektûrâ. Pçc R. Ðmçlinga projektiem vçl 19. gadsimtâ celto tipisko eklektisma stila sabiedrisko celtòu klâstâ redzamâkâs bija Policijas pârvaldes nams Aspazijas bulvârî 7 (1889–1891) un Vingrotava Vingrotâju ielâ 1 (1880). 20. gadsimta sâkumâ, atbilstoði izmaiòâm viòa radoðajâ rokrakstâ, savâdâk izskatîjâs arî arhitekta celtâs sabiedriskâs çkas. Lîdzîgi kâ skolu vai slimnîcu arhitektûrâ, 19. gadsimtâ vai 20. gadsimta paðâ sâkumâ dominçja “íieìeïu stils”, bet ap 1908. gadu to nomainîja jûgendstila sarkani baltâ stilistika. Piemçram, 1886. gadâ uzcelto ugunsdzçsçju depo çkâm Akmeòu ielâ 17, Maskavas ielâ 3 (54. attçls) un Matîsa ielâ 9 bija vispârinâti vienkârðas íieìeïu fasâdes, kurâs atspoguïojâs arî R. Ðmçlinga iecienîtâs neorenesanses formas, bet 1909.–1910. gadâ uzceltais ugunsdzçsçju depo Hanzas ielâ 5 ir tipisks sarkani baltâs stilistikas paraugs (55. attçls). Lîdzîgâ veidâ Aleksandra (tagad Vidzemes) tirgus paviljona Matîsa ielâ 7 (1902; 56. attçls) fasâdes veidotas smalki detalizçtâ figurâlâ íieìeïu mûrî, bet Âgenskalna tirgus çka Nometòu ielâ 64 (1911; 57. attçls) izceïas ar sarkanajâ íieìeïu mûrî harmoniski iekomponçtajiem baltâ apmetuma laukumiem un izteiksmîgu siluetu, ko vainago skulpturâli skursteòi. Çka ir ievçrojams apkârtçjâs vides akcents un kopâ ar netâlo skolu Zeïïu ielâ 4 un Pilsçtas II slimnîcu, kas atrodas daþu minûðu gâjiena attâlumâ, veido izcilu R. Ðmçlinga sarkani balto celtòu ansambli. Ðîs celtnes ir Rîgas kultûrvides neatòemama sastâvdaïa.

Police Headquarters at Aspazijas bulvâris 7 (1889–1891) and the Gym at Vingrotâju iela 1 (1880). Following the changes in his manner of designing, the public buildings built by the famous architect at the beginning of the 20th century looked different. Similarly as in the architecture of schools or hospitals, in the 19th century and early 20th century the “brick style” prevailed. Typical examples of this style are the building of the Riga City Immovable Property Board (now the building of the Supreme Court) at Abrenes iela 3 and the City Almshouse at Telts iela 1. Around 1886 “brick style” was replaced by the red-and-white Art Nouveau stylistics. Thus, the fire stations built in 1886 at Akmeòu iela 17, Maskavas iela 3 (Picture 54) and Matîsa iela 9 had simple, generalised brick facades with discernible shapes of Neo-Renaissance so favoured by R.Schmaeling, but the fire station built in 1909 at Hanzas iela 5 is a typical example of the red-and-white stylistics (Picture 55). Similarly, the facades of Alexander (now Vidzemes) Market pavilion at Matîsa iela 7 (1902; Picture 56) are made in elaborate figural brickwork, but the building of Âgenskalns Market at Nometòu iela 64 (1911; Picture 57) stands out with its white plastered patches that are harmoniously entwined in the red brick wall and with its expressive silhouette crowned with sculptural chimneys. The building is a significant landmark of the area and together with the nearby school at Zeïïu iela 4 and Riga City Hospital No. 2 located within walking distance from it, they form a unique ensemble of R. Schmaeling’s red-and-white masterpieces. These buildings are an inherent part of Riga’s cultural environment.


IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Kpaêèé oáçop äåÿòåëüíîñòè Pèæñêîé ãopoäñêîé Äóìû çà 1905. ã. – Pèãà: Òèïîãpaôèÿ Mþëëepa, 1906. – 119. còp. 2. Spârîtis O., Krastiòð J. Rîgas arhitektûras astoòi gadsimti Eiropas kultûras spogulî. – Rîga: Nacionâlais apgâds, 2005. – 179 lpp. 3. W. B. Der Neubau der Rigaer Commerz-Schule (gegründet vom Börsenverein) // Illustrierte Beilage der Rigaschen Rundschau. – 1902. – Nr. 5. – S. 42. 4. Latvijas Valsts vçstures arhîvs (LVVA), 6637. fonds, 3. apraksts, 717. lieta, 2.–5. lp. Celtnes vçsturisko atributçjumu atklâjusi APF maìistrantûras studente Agate Eniòa. Historic attribution of the building was discovered by Agate Eniòa, a MA student of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning. 5. LVVA, 2761. fonds, 2. apraksts, 8. lieta, 89. lp. 6. Bîlenðteins B. Bet mâjas palika. Die Häuser aber blieben. – Rîga: Jumava, Edition Baltica, 1998. – 96 + 87 lpp., ill. 7. Hartmann H. Heilanstalten. Das Armitsteadsche Kinderhospital // Riga und seine Bauten. – Riga: Rigaer Tageblatt, Jonck & Poliewsky, 1903. – S. 254–256. 8. Krievijas Valsts vçsturiskais arhîvs Sanktpçterburgâ (KVVA), 1284. fonds, 241. apraksts, 102. lieta, 138. lapa. 9. Kpaêèé oáçop äåÿòåëüíîñòè Pèæñêîé ãopoäñêîé Äóìû çà 1912. ã. – Pèãà: Òèïîãpaôèÿ Mþëëepa, 1913. – còp. 153. 10. Domènech i Girbau L. Domdnech i Montaner. – Barcelona: Ediciones Poljgrafa, 1994. – 127 pp. 11. Aubry F., Bastin Ch., Evrard J. Le Bruxelles de Horta. – Gand: Ludion, 2007. – 136 pp. 12. Kpaêèé oáçop äåÿòåëüíîñòè Pèæñêîé ãopoäñêîé Äóìû çà 1909. ã. – Pèãà: Òèïîãpaôèÿ Mþëëepa, 1910. – còp. 128. 13. Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst in den Ostseeprovinzen. – Riga: Rigaer Architektenverein, 1913. – S. 125. Jânis Krastiòð Professor, Dr.habil.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Arhitecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV–1048, Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 67089256; +371 67089115; Fax: +371 67089130 Krastiòð J. Reinholds Ðmçlings un Rîgas sabiedriskâs çkas 19. un 20. gadsimta mijâ Reinholds Georgs Ðmçlings (1840–1917) no 1879. lîdz 1915. gadam bija Rîgas pilsçtas arhitekts. Daudzo viòa darbu klâstâ ir daþâdu funkciju sabiedriskâs çkas, bet visvairâk – mâcîbu un veselîbas aizsardzîbas iestâdes. Çkas, kuras celtas jau 19. gs., atspoguïo neorenesanses stilistiku. 20. gs. sâkumâ Rîgâ sâkâs seviðíi intensîva skolu celtniecîba. Vairâkas no ðî perioda skolâm bija veidotas tâ sauktâ íieìeïu stila formâs ar bagâtîgi artikulçtâm figurâla mûra dzegâm un arhitektoniskâm detaïâm piesâtinâtiem zelmiòiem. Kopð 1908. gada R. Ðmçlinga daiïradç dominç celtnes, kuru fasâdçs sarkano íieìeïu virsmas mijkârtotas ar gaiði apmestiem laukumiem. Ðâdâ “sarkani baltâ” stilistikâ uzceltas 13 skolu çkas, taèu arhitekta radoðajâ mantojumâ pârstâvçti arî citi jûgendstila mâkslinieciskie novirzieni. Pçc viòa projektiem Rîgâ pavisam uzceltas 23 skolas. Vçl iespaidîgâks ir R. Ðmçlinga ieguldîjums Rîgas slimnîcu celtniecîbâ. No 1895. lîdz 1912. gadam viòa vadîbâ izveidots Dþeimsa Armitsteda vârdâ nosauktais Bçrnu slimnîcas komplekss, kurâ atspoguïojas stilu evolûcija no neorenesanses lîdz racionâlistiskam vçlajam jûgendstilam. 1902.–1906. gadâ pçc R. Ðmçlinga projektiem tapuðas piecas çkas Rîgas pilsçtas 1. slimnîcâ, tostarp slimnîcas galvenâ çka Bruòinieku ielâ. Viens no lielâkajiem arhitekta darbiem bija Rîgas pilsçtas II slimnîca Pilsoòu ielâ 13, kuru sâka celt 1908. gadâ. Tâs vçsturisko daïu veido vismaz 18 “sarkani balto” çku ansamblis. Starp daudzâm pçc R. Ðmçlinga projektiem celtajâm citu funkciju sabiedriskajâm çkâm ievçrojami pilsçtvides akcenti ir ugunsdzçsçju depo Hanzas ielâ 5 (1909) un Âgenskalna tirgus Nometòu ielâ 64 (1911). Ðîs celtnes ir arî augstvçrtîgi “sarkani baltâs” stilistikas pieminekïi. Rakstâ analizçta arî virkne citu arhitektu – R. Ðmçlinga laikabiedru – projektçto sabiedrisko çku nozîme Rîgas arhitektûras mantojumâ.


Krastiòð J. Reinhold Schmaeling and Public Buildings in Riga at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries Reinhold Georg Schmaeling (1840–1917) from 1879 till 1915 was Riga City Architect. Among his many works there are public buildings of various functions, yet educational and health care establishments take the largest proportion. The stylistics of Neo-renaissance can be discerned in those buildings designed already in the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century a real school construction boom began in Riga. Several schools built in this period were designed in the so-called brick style with quite abundantly articulated cornices made of figural brickwork and gables rich in architectural details. Starting from 1908 most of R. Schmaeling’s buildings have façade finish where red brick surfaces interchange with light plastered patches. As many as 13 school buildings share this “red-and-white” stylistics, yet the renowned architect created designs also in other artistic varieties of Art Nouveau. Altogether 23 schools had been built in Riga according to his designs. R. Schmaeling’s contribution to the construction of hospitals is even more impressive. Between 1895 and 1912 he supervised construction of the Children’s Hospital Complex named after James Armitstaed. This complex reflects the evolution of architectural styles from Neo-Renaissance to late rationalistic Art Nouveau. Between 1902 and 1906 R. Schmaeling drew up plans for five buildings of Riga City Hospital No. 1, including the main hospital building in Bruòinieku iela. One of the most remarkable R. Schmaeling’s accomplishments was Riga City Hospital No. 2 at Pilsoòu iela 13 the construction of which began in 1908. Its historic part consists of an ensemble of at least 18 “red-and-white” structures. Among many R. Schmaeling’s public buildings that are intended for other functions, a fire station at Hanzas iela 5 (1909) and Âgenskalns Market at Nometòu ielâ 64 (1911) are impressive landmarks in the cityscape. These buildings are also valuable monuments of the “red-and-white” stylistics. The article also includes references to several public buildings designed by other architects – R. Schmaeling’s contemporaries – and their significance in the context of Riga’s architectural heritage. Êðàñòèíüø ß. Ðåèíõîëä Øìåëèíã è îáùåñòâåííûå çäàíèÿ Ðèãè íà ðóáåæå 19 è 20 âåêà Ðåèíõîëä Ãåîðã Øìåëèíã (1840–1917) ñ 1879 ïî 1915 ãîä áûë ãëàâíûì àðõèòåêòîðîì ãîðîäà Ðèãè. Ìíîæåñòâî åãî ðàáîò ñîñòàâëÿåò îáùåñòâåííûå çäàíèÿ ðàçëè÷íîãî íàçíà÷åíèÿ, íî áîëüøå âñåãî – ó÷åáíûå çäàíèÿ è ó÷ðåæäåíèÿ çäðàâîõðàíåíèÿ. Çäàíèÿ, ïîñòðîåííûå åù¸ â 19 âåêåá îòðàæàþò ñòèëèñòèêó íåîðåíåññàíñà.  íà÷àëå 20 â.  Ðèãå ðàçâåðíóëîñü îñîáåííî èíòåíñèâíîå ñòðîèòåëüñòâî øêîë. Íåñêîëüêî øêîëüíûõ çäàíèé ýòîãî ïåðèîäà âûäåðæàíû â ôîðìàõ òàê íàçûâàåìîãî êèðïè÷íîãî ñòèëÿ – ñ áîãàòî àðòèêóëèðîâàííûìè êàðíèçàìè ôèãóðíîé êëàäêè è ùïöàìû, íàñûùåííûìè àðõèòåêòóðíûìè äåòàëÿìè. Ñ 1908 ãîäà â òâîð÷åñòâå Ð. Øìåëèíãà äîìèíèðóþò ïîñòðîéêè, íà ôàñàäàõ êîòîðûõ ïîâåðõíîñòè èç êðàñíîãî êèðïè÷à ÷åðåäóþòñÿ ñî ñâåòëî îøòóêàòóðåííûìè ïëîùàäÿìè.  òàêîé “êðàñíî-áåëîé” ñòèëèñòèêå ïîñòðîåíî 13 øêîëüíûõ çäàíèé, îäíàêî â òâîð÷åñêîì íàñëåäèè çîä÷åãî ïðåäñòàâëåíû òàêæå äðóãèå õóäîæåñòâåííûå íàïðàâëåíèÿ ñòèëÿ ìîäåðí. Ïî åãî ïðîåêòàì â Ðèãå ïîñòðîåíû âñåãî 23 øêîëû. Åù¸ áîëüøå âïå÷àòëÿþùèì ÿâëÿåòñÿ âêëàä Ð. Øìåëèíãà â ñòðîèòåëüñòâå ðèæñêèõ áîëüíèö. Ñ 1895 ïî 1912 ãîä ïîä åãî ðóêîâîäñòâîì âîçíèê êîìïëåêññ äåòñêîé áîëüíèöû èìåíè Äæåéìñà Àðìèòñåäà, ãäå îòðàæàåòñÿ ýâîëþöèÿ ñòèëåé îò íåîðåíåññàíñà äî ïîçäíåãî ðàöèîíàëèñòè÷åñêîãî ñòèëÿ ìîäåðí.  1902–1906 ãîäó ïî ïðîåêòàì Ð. Øìåëèíãà ïîñòðîåíî 5 çäàíèé â 1îé ãîðîäñêîé áîëüíèöå, â òîì ÷èñëå ãëàâíîå çäàíèå ïî óëèöå Áðóíèíèåêó. Îäíîé èç íàèáîëåå êðóïíûõ ðàáîò àðõèòåêòîðà áûëà Ðèæñêàÿ 2àÿ ãîðîäñêàÿ áîëüíèöà ïî óëèöå Ïèëñîíþ 13, ïîñòðîéêà êîòîðîé íà÷àòà â 1908 ãîäó. Èñòîðè÷åñêóþ ÷àñòü áîëüíèöû ñîñòàâëÿåò àíñàìáëü èç 18 “êðàñíîáåëûõ” çäàíèé. Ñðåäè ìíîæåñòâà îáùåñòâåííûõ çäàíèé äðóãèõ ôóíêöèé, ïîñòðîåííûõ ïî ïðîåêòàì Ð. Øìåëèíãà, ïîæàðíîå äåïî ïî óëèöå Õàíçàñ 5 (1909) è Àãåíñêàëíñêèé ðûíîê ïî óëèöå Íîìåòíþ 64 (1911) ÿâëÿþòñÿ çíà÷èìûìè àöåíòàìè ãðîäñêîé ñðåäû. Ýòè çäàíèÿ ÿâëÿþòñÿ òàêæå âûñîêîêà÷åñòâåííûìè ïàìÿòíèêàìè “êðàñíî-áåëîé” ñòèëèñòèêè.  ñòàòüå ïðîàíàëäèçèðîâàí òàêæå ðÿä ïðîèçâåäåíèé äðóãèõ àðõèòåêòîðîâ – ñîðàòíèêîâ Ð. Øìåëèíãà – è èõ çíà÷åíèå â àðõèòåêòóðíîì íàñëåäèè ãîðîäà.



Keywords: history of architecture, church architecture.

Kurzeme un Zemgale ir viens no retajiem Latvijas reìioniem, kur ebreju dievnami tika celti jau kopð 16. gadsimta. Sinagogu arhitektûra ienesa daudzveidîbu Latvijas arhitektûras kopainâ. Kurzemç un Zemgalç lîdz mûsdienâm ir saglabâjuðâs daudzas ebreju sinagogas un lûgðanu nami, kas mûsdienâs ir piemçrotas citâm funkcijâm. Senâkâs zinâmâs sinagogas Baltijâ ir bijuðas Lietuvâ. Pirmâs ziòas par to celtniecîbu ir saglabâjuðâs no 16. gadsimta beigâm. Pirmâ Viïòas sinagoga ir bijusi celta no 1572. lîdz 1573. gadam. Jaunas sinagogas celtniecîba ir uzsâkta 1630. gadâ un pabeigta 1642. gadâ. Tâ ir bijusi koka celtne, kuras stilistikâ jau iezîmçjas renesanse [1, 158]. Kurzemç un Zemgalç ebreji sâka apmesties jau Livonijas pastâvçðanas pçdçjâ gadsimtâ. Pârsvarâ tie ieceïoja no Prûsijas. Viòi apmetâs galvenokârt Kurzemes rietumu daïâ, Aizputes pilsçtâ un Piltenes apgabala apkaimç, kur viòiem tika pieðíirtas uzturçðanâs atïaujas [2, 15]. 1561. gadâ tika izveidota Kurzemes un Zemgales hercogiste, kas bija Polijas vasaïvalsts. Polijâ un Lietuvâ ebreju stâvoklis bija daudz labâks kâ citâs Eiropas valstîs, jo ðeit viòi varçja brîvi nodarboties ar amatniecîbu un tirdzniecîbu. Viòi sâka ieplûst arî Kurzemç un Zemgalç. Pârsvarâ tie apmetâs uz dzîvi pilsçtâs, kur viòi sâka veidot savas kopienas. Daudz ebreju apmetâs Piltenes novadâ, kas kopð 1585. gada bija Polijas teritorija un ebrejiem tika pieðíirtas pilsoòu tiesîbas. 1585. gadu var uzskatît par ebreju kopienas sâkuma gadu Kurzemç [3, 142]. 16. gadsimta beigâs daudziem ebrejiem, kas dzîvoja rietumu Kurzemç, jau bija savi nekustamie îpaðumi. 1628. gadâ tika dibinâta kopiena Valdemârpilî [4, 111]. Ebreji sâka apmesties arî Zemgales dienvidu rajonos, kur viòi ieradâs no Lietuvas un Polijas. Zemgalç viena no vecâkajâm draudzçm 17. gadsimtâ izveidojâs Bauskâ, kur ebrejiem atïâva apmesties priekðpilsçtâ [4, 19]. Ebreju ieplûðanu hercogistç sekmçja hercogs

Kurzeme and Zemgale are two of the few Latvian regions where Hebrew synagogues were being already built in the XVI century. The synagogue architecture brought diversity to the general entity of the Latvian architecture. In Kurzeme and Zemgale many Hebrew synagogues and preachinghouses have remained to this day, although many of them have been adapted for other purposes. The first known synagogues in the Baltic States were built in Lithuania at the end of the XVI century. The first synagogue in Vilnius was built from 1572 to 1573. The building of a new synagogue started in 1630 and was completed in 1642. It was a wooden building with early Renaissance features [1, 158]. The Hebrews started to settle in Kurzeme and Zemgale in the last century of the existence of Livonia. They came mainly from Prussia and settled in the western part of Kurzeme, in the town of Aizpute and in Piltene region, where they were given residence permit [2, 15]. The Kurzeme and Zemgale duchy, a Polish vassal state, was created in 1651. In Poland and Lithuania the social conditions of Hebrews were much better than in the other European states, because here they were allowed to freely practice crafts and trades. In time, they started to settle also in the rest of Kurzeme and in Zemgale, prefering mainly the cities, where they started to form their own communities. Many Hebrews settled in Piltene region, which belonged to Poland since 1585, and where Hebrews were given citizen rights. 1585 may be considered the year when the Kurzeme Hebrew community was created. [3, 142]. Many of the western Kurzeme Hebrews had their own real estates by the end of the XVI century. In 1628 the community of Valdemarpils was founded [4, 111]. The Hebrews started to settle also in the southern regions of Zemgale, to which they came from Lithuania and Poland. One of the oldest Hebrew parishes in Zemgale was created in the XVII century


Jçkabs (1640–1682), kurð atbalstîja merkantîlisma politiku un rûpçjâs par savas valsts ekonomisko augðupeju [5, 225]. Valsts galvaspilsçtâ Jelgavâ ziòas par pirmajiem ebrejiem ir saglabâjuðâs no 1729. gada [4, 45]. Ebreju kopiena tika izveidota 18. gadsimta sâkumâ, un tâ bija viena no lielâkajâm ebreju kopienâm hercogistç. Jelgavâ bija pat Þîdu iela (Judengasse) [5, 226]. Ebreju kopienas ðeit ir bûvçjuðas arî savus lûgðanu namus jeb sinagogas. Sinagogu plânojuma struktûra un bûvformas bija tuvas vadoðo reliìiju dievnamu arhitektûrai, bet tâs tomçr nedrîkstçja lîdzinâties atzîto reliìiju dievnamiem. Galvenâ telpa sinagogâs bija lûgðanu zâle. To plâna forma parasti bija kvadrâts vai taisnstûris, kas ar stabu rindâm sadalîta vairâkos jomos. 1692. gadâ, kad Kurzemç valdîja hercogs Frîdrihs Kazimirs, Kurzemes landtâgâ tika nolemts aizliegt ebrejiem nodarboties ar tirdzniecîbu, tomçr pats hercogs bija ieinteresçts tirdzniecîbas attîstîbâ, un ðis lçmums netika apstiprinâts [5, 143]. Savukârt 1714. gadâ, hercoga Ferdinanda valdîðanas laikâ, tika izdota pavçle ebrejus padzît no hercogistes [5, 143]. Tomçr jau 1719. gadâ landtâgâ tika pieòemts lçmums par apmeðanâs tiesîbu pieðíirðanu ebrejiem, ja viòi samaksâjot gadâ 400 dâlderu nodokli [2, 17]. 1737. gadâ hercogisti sâka pârvaldît Ernests Bîrons, kas bija lojâls pret ebrejiem. 1739. gadâ tika atcelts ebreju uzturçðanâs nodoklis [5, 144]. Ebreju stâvoklis pasliktinâjâs hercoga trimdas laikâ, bet atkal uzlabojâs pçc viòa atgrieðanâs. Ebreju skaits Kurzemç un Zemgalç pieauga. 1708. gadâ tika nodibinâta un reìistrçta Piltenes ebreju kopiena un tika uzcelta sinagoga [4, 75], kas bija viena no vecâkajâm Kurzemç [6, 132]. Piltenes sinagoga atgâdinâja Kurzemes tradicionâlâs dzîvojamâs çkas. Tâ bija taisnstûra

in Bauska, where Hebrews were allowed to settle in the outskirts of the town [4, 19]. The Hebrew inflow into the duchy of Kurzeme and Zemgale was favoured by Duke Jacob (1640–1682), who promoted the policy of mercantilism and cared for the economic development of his state [5, 225]. The information about the first Hebrews in the state capital Jelgava date from 1729 [4, 45]. The Jelgava Hebrew community was created in the beginning of the XVIII century, and it was one of the largest in the Kurzeme and Zemgale duchy. There was even a Jew Street (Judengasse) in Jelgava [5, 226]. The Hebrew communities also built their own preaching-houses, which are known as synagogues. The synagogue layout structure and construction forms were similar to those used in the architecture of the main religion churches; however, they had to retain some differences. The main room in the synagogue was the preaching hall, which was usually of a square or rectangular form and divided with rows of posts into several naves. In 1692, when Duke Friedrich Casimir ruled Kurzeme, the Kurzeme Landtag (provincial assembly) decided to prohibit the Hebrews trading. The Duke himself, however, was interested in the development of trade, and the decision of the Landtag was never validated [5, 143]. In 1714, during the rule of Duke Ferdinand, however, an order was issued to drive the Hebrews away from the duchy [5, 143]. Only five years later, in 1719, the Landtag decided to grant residence permit to Hebrews on the condition that they pay an annual tax of 400 thalers [2, 17]. In 1737 the duke title came to Ernst von Biron, which was loyal to Hebrews. In 1739 the Hebrew residence tax was lifted [5, 144]. The state of Hebrews took a turn for the worse during the Duke’s exile, but it improved again after his return. The number of Hebrews in Kurzeme and Zemgale increased. In 1708 the Piltene Hebrew community was founded and registered, and a synagogue was built [4, 75]. It was one of the oldest synagogues in Kurzeme [6, 132]. The Piltene synagogue resembled the traditional dwelling houses of Kurzeme. It was a longitudinal rectangular building with a high double pitch hip roof. The only elements indicating that it was a religious building where the lancet windows. It is possible that the windows were added later (Picture 1). In 1751 a new Hebrew community was founded in Aizpute, in 1765, in Tukums, and in 1799, in Kuldîga. At the end of the century communities rose

1. attçls. Piltenes ebreju dievnams. Picture 1. The Hebrew preaching-house in Piltene.


garenbûve, kuras augstajam divslîpju jumtam bija noðïaupti gali. Vienîgie elementi, kas liecinâja par kulta celtni, bija smailloka logi. Tie, iespçjams, iebûvçti vçlâk (1. attçls). Jaunas ebreju kopienas 1751. gadâ tika nodibinâtas Aizputç, 1765. gadâ – Tukumâ un 1799. gadâ – Kuldîgâ. Gadsimta beigâs sâka veidoties kopienas arî Liepâjâ un Ventspilî [4]. 18. gadsimtâ par vienu no ebreju centriem Zemgalç kïuva Grîva. Tur viòi izveidoja savu apmeðanâs vietu Jeruzalemi, kas atradâs ârpus pilsçtas robeþas [4, 33]. 1784. gadâ Jelgavâ ebreju draudzes vecâkâ Kalmana Borkuma vadîbâ tika uzcelta sinagoga, kas pârbûvçta 1874. gadâ [7, 86]. Ðî sinagoga, iespçjams ir bijusi viena no vecâkajâm koka sinagogâm Latvijâ. Tâ ir bijusi koka garenbûve ar divslîpju dakstiòu jumtu noðïauptiem galiem. Fasâdçs bija ritmiski kârtoti pilastri. 1793. gadâ Jelgavas ebreji iesniedza hercogam Pçterim memorandu, kurâ pateicâs par ebreju tiesîbu aizsardzîbu [5, 149]. 1787. gadâ tika izdota broðûra “Par labu tolerancei attiecîbâ uz Kurzemes un Zemgales ebrejiem” [5, 17]. 18. gadsimtâ ebreju lûgðanu nami, iespçjams, jau ir eksistçjuði visâs viòu apdzîvotajâs vietâs, tikai par tiem saglabâjuðâs ziòas ir ïoti trûcîgas. Tâ, piemçram, Aizputç 18. gadsimta beigâs divas treðdaïas iedzîvotâju bija ebreji, kas galvenokârt nodarbojâs ar tirdzniecîbu. 18. gadsimta Aizputes senajâs kartçs redzami ebreju lûgðanu nami. Tâs ir bijuðas divas nelielas çkas, kas celtas pildreþìa konstrukcijâ un drîzâk atgâdinâjuðas dzîvojamâs çkas, nevis lûgðanu namus. Viens no senâkajiem sinagogu kompleksiem ir saglabâjies Valdemârpilî, netâlu no pilsçtas centrâlâ laukuma un luterâòu baznîcas. Tas celts 18. gadsimtâ un sastâv no trim çkâm – lielâs un mazâs sinagogas, kâ arî saimniecîbas çkas. Ðî kompleksa sinagogu formas ir tuvas dzîvojamajâm çkâm. Lielâ sinagoga ir taisnstûra garenbûve ar mansarda tipa jumtu (2. attçls). 1795. gadâ Kurzemes hercogiste tika iekïauta Krievijas sastâvâ un kïuva par Kurzemes guberòu. 1797. gadâ tika veikta iedzîvotâju skaitîðana. Kurzemes guberòâ dzîvoja ap 10 000 ebreju, no kuriem tikai 20% atradâs pilsçtâs [2, 20]. 18. gadsimta beigâs Krievijas galmâ tika iesniegts priekðlikums par ebreju stâvokïa uzlaboðanu Kurzemç. Tâ sagatavoðanâ piedalîjâs arî vietçjâ muiþniecîba [2, 19]. 1799. gadâ Krievijas valdîba izdeva likumu, kas Kurzemes ebrejiem pieðíîra pilsoòu tiesîbas un “viòi no ðî brîþa bija tiesîgi uzturçties visâ guberòas teritorijâ un

also in Liepaja and Ventspils [4]. In the XVIII century Grîva became one of the Hebrew centres in Zemgale. They founded their own settlement outside the town boundaries and named it Jeruzaleme [4, 33]. In 1784 a synagogue was built under the guidance of Kalman Borkum, the elder of the Jelgava Hebrew parish. The synagogue was reconstructed in 1874 [7, 86]. It was perhaps one of the oldest wooden synagogues in Latvia – a longitudinal wooden building with a tiled double pitch hip roof. The facade boasted pilasters in a rhythmic sequence. In 1793 the Hebrews of Jelgava presented Duke Peter with a memorandum in which they expressed their gratitude for the defence of Hebrew rights [5, 149]. In 1787 a brochure “The Pro’s of Tolerance against Kurzeme and Zemgale Hebrews” was issued [5, 17]. It is possible that by the XVIII century Hebrew preaching-houses existed in all Hebrew settlements, although the correspondent data is very poor. Thus, at the end of the XVIII century two thirds of the population in Aizpute were Hebrew, whose main occupation was trade. One can see Hebrew preaching-houses in the old maps of Aizpute of the XVIII century. They were two small infilled timber frame buildings that looked more like dwelling houses than temples. One of the oldest synagogue complexes is still preserved in Valdemarpils near the central square and a Lutheran church. It was built in the XVIII century and it consists of three buildings: the great and the small synagogue, and a household building. The form of these synagogues is similar to that of dwelling houses. The greater synagogue is a longitudinal rectangular building with a mansardtype roof (Picture 2). In 1795 the duchy of Kurzeme and Zemgale was annexed to the Russian Empire, and it became the Kurzeme province. A population census was carried out in 1797, and it revealed that 10 000 Hebrews lived in the Kurzeme province, though only 20% of them lived in the cities [2, 20]. At the end of the XVIII century a proposal was filed with the Russian court concerning the improvement of the state of Kurzeme Hebrews. The local gentry also took part in its preparation [2, 19]. In 1799 the Russian government promulgated a law according to which the Kurzeme Hebrews were granted citizen rights and they “from now on had the right to reside within the whole territory of the province and freely engage in trade and craft” [2, 19]. The legalisation of the state of Hebrews in Kurzeme province contributed to a sharp incline in


2. attçls. Valdemârpils sinagogu komplekss (tagad dzîvojamâs çkas). Figure 2. Valdemarpils synagogue complex (currently used as dwelling houses).

3. attçls. Bauskas sinagoga. Figure 3. Bauska synagogue.

bez traucçjumiem nodarboties ar tirdzniecîbu un amatniecîbu” [2, 19]. Ebreju stâvokïa legalizâcija Kurzemes guberòâ sekmçja to skaita strauju pieaugumu. 19. gadsimta sâkumâ Kurzemç jaunas kopienas izveidojâs Grobiòâ, Embûtç, Sabilç un Jçkabpilî, bet Zemgalç – Jaunjelgavâ, Subatç, Demenç un Skaistkalnç. 1834. gadâ ðeit jau dzîvoja 23 486 ebreji [2, 20]. Krievijas valdîba 1835. gadâ izdeva jaunu likumu, kas noteica, ka ebreju migrâcija no citâm guberòâm ir aizliegta. Tas nedaudz ierobeþoja ebreju skaita pieaugumu, tomçr joprojâm Kurzemç ebreju pieplûdums no apkârtçjâm guberòâm bija ïoti liels. 19. gadsimtâ ebreji apmetâs galvenokârt pilsçtâs. “Jau 1825. gadâ Jelgavâ dzîvoja 4987 ebreji, Bauskâ – 2669, Jçkabpilî – 2569, Tukumâ – 2391, Kuldîgâ – 2330, bet Liepâjâ – 1348 ebreji” [3, 150]. Visâs lielâkajâs pilsçtâs – Jelgavâ (1803) un Liepâjâ (1815) tika uzceltas jaunas sinagogas, tomçr ziòas par tâm ir ïoti trûcîgas. Arhîvu materiâlos ir saglabâjuðâs ziòas, ka 1803. gadâ celtâ jaunâ sinagoga Jelgavâ, ir bijusi jau treðâ ðajâ vietâ [5, 226]. 19. gadsimta sâkumâ ebreju lûgðanu namus ierîkoja arî Tukumâ un 1845. gadâ – Ilûkstç [2]. 19. gadsimta sâkumâ Bauskas Slabadas teritorijâ ir eksistçjis lûgðanu nams “Judische Kapelle”, kas ir bijis atzîmçts arî 1833. gada kartç [9]. Ðî celtne lîdz mûsdienâm nav saglabâjusies, jo 1927. gadâ ir bijusi drupu stâvoklî. Vçl viena koka sinagogas çka Bauskâ ir celta ap 1830. gadu. Tâs vietâ, iespçjams ap 1850. gadu, tika uzcelta mûra celtne, kuras formâs dominçja vçlâ klasicisma stilistika (datçjums pçc D. Bruìa). “Ðâdu datçjumu pieïauj gan ïoti plakanâ fasâdes plastika ar reti novietotajiem pilastriem un

their numbers. At the beginning of the XIX century new Kurzeme Hebrew communities were founded in Grobiòa, Embûte, Sabile and Jçkabpils, as well as in Jaunjelgava, Subate, Dçmene and Skaistkalne in Zemgale. In 1834 already 23 486 Hebrews lived in the province [2, 20]. In 1835 the Russian government promulgated a new law prohibiting Hebrew immigration from other provinces. The law slightly limited the growth of the Hebrew population, but nevertheless the influx of Hebrews from the nearby provinces into Kurzeme was still considerable. During the XIX century the Hebrews settled mainly in the cities. “By 1825, there were already 4987 Hebrews in Jelgava, 2669 in Bauska, 2569 in Jçkabpils, 2391 in Tukums, 2330 in Kuldîga, and 1348 in Liepâja” [3, 150]. New synagogues were built in the largest cities – in Jelgava (1803) and in Liepâja (1815), but the data concerning the synagogues is poor. Some information may be found in archive materials, that the synagogue built in 1803 in Jelgava was already the third synagogue in that city [5, 226]. At the beginning of the XIX century a Hebrew preaching-house was built also in Tukums, and in 1845 one was built in Ilûkste [2]. At the beginning of the XIX century there was a preaching-house called “Judische Kapelle” in Slabada territory near Bauska; it was also marked in the map dating from 1833 [9]. This building has not survived to the modern days, as it was already in ruin by 1927. Another wooden synagogue was built in Bauska around 1830s. Around 1850s it was possibly replaced by a stone building featuring the style of late classicism (dates according to D. Bruìis). “These dates are supported by the very flat facade


neizteiksmîgu, gludu frontonu, gan gadsimta vidû modç nâkuðie pusaploces logu noslçgumi çkas pirmajâ stâvâ” [9]. Tâ ir bijusi divstâvîga celtne ar centrâlo rizalîtu, ko akcentçja èetri lielâ kârtojuma pilastri (3. attçls). Celtnei ir bijis ïoti grezns interjers. Tâs telpa ar koka kolonnu rindâm bija dalîta trîs jomos. Otrâ stâva lîmenî aiz aþûra koka latiòu noþogojuma atradâs sievieðu galerijas. Vidçjâ joma centrâ atradâs paaugstinâjums – bema, ko ierobeþoja balustrâde. Îpaði grezni bija veidots Aron-Kodeð (skapis Toras tîstokïiem), kura meistars, iespçjams, bija ebreju amatnieks Ðafia. Mâkslas vçsturnieks V. Peòìerots ðo Aron-Kodeð raksturo kâ vienu no ievçrojamâkajiem ebreju altâriem ne tikai Latvijâ, bet Eiropâ. “...Bauskas sinagogas altâris no Kurzemes baznîcu retabliem atðíîrâs galvenokârt ar savâm aþûrajâm, smalki ornamentçtajâm kolonâm, kas austrumnieciski tiecâs it kâ dematerializçt ðo konstruktîvo elementu, kâ arî îpatnçjo zvçru figûru pielietojumu. Altâra virtuozo kokgriezumu papildinâja arî ne mazâk efektîgs krâsojums zilâ, zaïâ, sarkanâ un dzeltenâ krâsâ, radot mums neierastu, gluþi austrumniecisku krâðòuma iespaidu. Zili balti mâkoòu vâli greznojuði arî ar dçïiem apðûtos griestus” [9]. Lîdzîgas formas Aron-Kodeð bija arî Kelmes sinagogai Lietuvâ. Tas bija dalîts vairâkos stâvos un to rotâja bagâtîgi kokgriezumi [10]. 19. gadsimta otro pusi var uzskatît par ebreju kultûras uzplaukuma periodu visâ Kurzemes guberòas teritorijâ. Jaunas ebreju kopienas tika nodibinâtas Aucç, Dobelç, Saldû un Talsos. Ebreju skaits turpinâja pieaugt – 1857. gadâ Kurzemes guberòâ dzîvoja 25 559, bet 1881. gadâ – jau 49 823 ebreji. 1897. gadâ ðeit dzîvoja 56 169 ebreji [8, 20]. 35% no tiem bija tirgotâji, 40% strâdâja rûpniecîbâ, bet pârçjie nodarbojâs ar amatniecîbu [5, 150]. Tika dibinâtas ebreju skolas, kurâs varçja iegût gan reliìisko, gan laicîgo izglîtîbu. 1850. gadâ valsts uzturçja piecas ebreju laicîgâs skolas – Liepâjâ, Jelgavâ, Kuldîgâ, Tukumâ un Jçkabpilî. Skolas bija arî pie 29 ebreju reliìiskajâm draudzçm un sinagogâm. 1897. gadâ Kurzemç jau darbojâs 7 valsts skolas, 22 privâtâs laicîgâs skolas un 142 reliìiskâs skolas [5, 151]. Kurzemes guberòas statistikas apkopojumos ir ziòas, ka ebreji veidoja arî daþâdas sabiedriskas biedrîbas. Jelgavâ no 1825. gada darbojâs Mîtavas palîdzîbas biedrîba, kas palîdzçja slimajiem un trûcîgajiem, 1864. gadâ tika nodibinâta Sievieðu labdarîbas biedrîba, bet 1874. gadâ – Apbedîðanas biedrîba. Pilsçtâs, kur dzîvoja ebreji, 19. gadsimta beigâs tika uzceltas arî jaunas sinagogas un lûgðanu

plastic with pilasters placed at great intervals and with an inexpressive, smooth fronton, as well as by the lancet window enclosures on the building’s ground floor, that had come into fashion in the middle of the century” [9]. The synagogue was a two-storey building with a central risalit accented by four pilasters of the greater order (Picture 3). The building had a splendid interior. With the help of wooden column rows the preaching hall was divided into three naves. The women galleries were on the first floor level behind an openwork rod barrier. In the centre of the middle nave was a dais (bimah) enclosed by a balustrade. Of a particular beauty was the Aron Kodesh (the cabinet for Torah scrolls), which was probably made by the Hebrew craftsman Shafia. The art historian V. Peòìerots recognises this as one of the most remarkable altars not only in Latvia, but also in Europe. “…The main difference of the Bauska synagogue altar that sets it apart from other retables found in Kurzeme churches is its finely ornamented openwork columns, that tended to dematerialise this construction element in an Oriental fashion, as well as its peculiar use of beast figures. The virtuous woodcarving of the altar was supplemented by an equally splendid colouring of blue, green, red and yellow, thus creating a strange, almost Oriental effect of magnificence. The planked ceiling was also decorated with blue-white cloud paintings” [9]. There was a similar Aron Kodesh in the Kelme synagogue in Lithuania. It was divided in several levels and was rich in woodcarving [10]. The second half of the XIX century may be considered a time of Hebrew culture upsurge throughout the Kurzeme province. New Hebrew communities were founded in Auce, Dobele, Saldus and Talsi. The number of Hebrews continued to grow: there were 25 559 Hebrews living in Kurzeme province in 1857, and 49 823 in 1881. By 1897, already 56 169 Hebrews lived there [8, 20]. 35% of them were tradesmen, 40% worked in industry, and the rest were craftsmen [5, 150]. Hebrew schools providing both religious and secular education were also opened. In 1850 the state was financing five Hebrew secular schools in Liepaja, Jelgava, Kuldiga, Tukums and Jekabpils. There were also schools under the government of 29 Hebrew religious parishes and synagogues. In 1897 there were already 7 state schools, 22 private secular schools and 142 religious schools operating in Kurzeme province [5, 151]. There is also data provided by the Kurzeme province statistics that Hebrews were also running


4. attçls. Aizputes sinagoga (tagad Aizputes kultûras nams). Figure 4. Aizpute synagogue (currently used as Aizpute recreation centre).

5. attçls. Kuldîgas sinagogas interjers. Figure 5. The interior of the Kuldîga synagogue.

6. attçls. Jelgavas sinagoga (nopostîta Otrajâ pasaules karâ). Figure 6. Jelgava synagogue (destroyed in World War II).

nami. Lielâkâs sinagogas tika uzceltas Kurzemes lielâkajâs pilsçtâs un tâs visas pârsvarâ bija neorenesanses stilistikas celtnes. Tâdas bija Liepâjas, Jelgavas, Kuldîgas, Sabiles, Aizputes un Jçkabpils sinagogas (4. un 5. attçls). No 1862. lîdz 1863. gadam Jelgavâ tika uzcelta jauna sinagoga pçc arhitekta O. Bâra projekta [11]. Tâ ir neorenanses stilistikas bûve ar bagâtîgu fasâþu dekoratîvo apdari. Ritmiski kârtoti pilastri izmantoti sienu apdarç un to vainago kupols (6. attçls). Sinagoga tika nopostîta Otrâ pasaules karâ. Liepâjâ 19. gadsimta beigâs dzîvoja viena no lielâkajâm ebreju kopienâm, kas ðeit uzcçla vairâkas jaunas sinagogas. Viena no nozîmîgâkajâm un lielâkajâm Kurzemes sinagogâm ir bijusi Liepâjas Lielâ jeb Horâlâ sinagoga. Tâs celtniecîba notika no 1870. lîdz 1873. gadam. Sinagoga tika atvçrta tikai 1878. gadâ, jo tâ tika vçl pârbûvçta [7]. Liepâjas Horâlâ sinagoga bija neorenesanses stilistikas çka. Sinagogai îpaði grezni bija veidota rietumu fasâde. Simetriskajâ


various public societies. In Jelgava there was the Mitau Help Society, that aided the sick and the poor since 1825; the Women Charity Society was founded in 1864, and in 1874 a funeral parlor was founded. At the end of the XIX century new synagogues and preaching-houses were built in the cities where Hebrews resided. The greatest synagogues were built in the larger cities of Kurzeme, and they were all mainly built in a Neo-Renaissance style. Such were the synagogues of Liepâja, Jelgava, Kuldîga, Sabile, Aizpute and Jçkabpils (Pictures 4 and 5). From 1862 to 1863 a new synagogue was built in Jelgava according to the design of the architect O. Bârs [11]. It was a Neo-Renaissance style building with richly decorated facades. The walls were adorned with pilasters in a rhythmic sequence, and the synagogue was crowned with a dome (Picture 6). Unfortunately, the building was destroyed in World War II. At the end of the XIX century one of the largest Hebrew communities lived in Liepaja, where they built several new synagogues. One of the biggest and one of the most remarkable synagogues of Kurzeme province was the Liepâja Great or Choral synagogue. It was built from 1870 to 1873, but due to further reconstruction it was opened only in 1878 [7]. The Choral synagogue of Liepâja was a Neo-Renaissance style building with an especially magnificent west facade. The symmetric composition accentuated the central risalit, which was also the widest. The synagogue was crowned with three domes set in a dynamic system. The Choral synagogue of Liepâja was also destroyed during the World War II (Picture 7). In the XIX century the Hebrew community of Liepâja built also several smaller synagogues that

served only prayer purposes and therefore may rather be called preaching-houses. At the end of the XIX century four new preaching-houses were built in Liepâja – in Pçtera iela (1863), J. Brauna iela (1898), Jâòa iela (1883), and one called Bet Midrash de Hasidim (1874) [7, 106]. All these preachinghouses were ascetic Neo-Renaissance style buildings, the most pompous of which was that in Jâòa iela [7, 112]. Its facades were decorated with appliqué rustic pilasters. The Hebrew preaching-houses functioned also as schools, therefore they were designed and registered as preaching schools. In 1878 the preachinghouse of Jekabpils burnt down, and a new design was developed in 1880 for a school and a preaching-house [12]. It was a longitudinal single-storey stone building with an accentuated central risalit. The building held two big and one small preaching hall with separate entrances. Hebrew services are ministered separately for women and for men, so two of the halls were intended for men, and the third was for women. There was also a Neo-Renaissance style synagogue on the lot. It had a magnificent end facade decoration. The design of Ilukste preaching-house was confirmed in 1882 [13]. It was a single-storey wooden building with a double pitch hip roof. In 1865 the Tukums synagogue was lost to a fire, and in its place the Great synagogue was built in 1890 [14]. It is a longitudinal rectangular building with a double pitch hip roof. The eastern facade of the synagogue faces Elizabetes iela, and it is decorated with Neo-Renaissance style elements. Across the street there once was the Little synagogue (Picture 8). The Kuldîga synagogue built in 1875 is an ascetic building [7, 104]. The longitudinal rectangular building has two floors and an emphasized main entrance facade, the symmetric composition of which accentuates the central risalit with an attic. The walls of the building are decorated with rustics. Unlike the outer appearance of the synagogue, the interior was very luxurious. The preaching-hall was divided into three naves. The central nave, which was also the widest, ended in an especially gorgeous Aron Kodesh, over which there was a round window in the synagogue wall [6]. In several cities the Hebrew preaching-houses were built also in Neo-Romanesque and Neo-Gothic style. Thus, for example, the Heiman’s synagogue of Jaunjelgava, which was built at the end of the XIX century, was a single-storey red brick building with a double pitch roof and window openings under lancet arches [6].

7. attçls. Liepâjas Horâlâ sinagoga (nopostîta Otrajâ pasaules karâ). Figure 7. Choral synagogue of Liepâja (destroyed in the World War II).

kompozîcijâ bija akcentçts centrâlais, platâkais rizalîts. Sinagogas apjomu vainagoja trîs kupoli, izkârtoti dinamiskâ sistçmâ. Liepâjas Horâlâ sinagoga tika nopostîta Otrajâ pasaules karâ (7. attçls). 19. gadsimtâ Liepâjâ dzîvoja liela ebreju kopiena, tâdçï notika aktîva sinagogu celtniecîba. Tâs bija mazâku izmçru un pildîja tikai lûgðanu funkcijas, tâdçï tâs var dçvçt par lûgðanu namiem. Liepâjâ 19. gadsimta beigâs tika uzcelti èetri jauni lûgðanu nami – Pçtera ielâ (1863), J. Brauna ielâ (1898), Jâòa ielâ (1883) un Bet Midrað de Hasidim (1874) [7, 106]. Tie visi bija askçtiskas neorenesanses stilistikas celtnes, no kurâm greznâkais bija lûgðanu nams Jâòa ielâ. [7, 112]. Tâ fasâdes rotâja aplikatîvi rustoti pilastri. Tâ kâ ebreju lûgðanu nami pildîja arî skolas funkcijas, tad tie tika projektçti un reìistrçti kâ lûgðanu skolas. 1878. gadâ Jçkabpilî nodega lûgðanu nams un tâ vietâ 1880. gadâ tika izstrâdâts skolas un lûgðanu nama projekts [12]. Tâ bija vienstâvîga mûra garenbûve ar akcentçtu centrâlo rizalîtu. Çkâ ir divas lielâs un viena mazâ lûgðanu telpa ar atseviðíâm ieejâm. Tâ kâ ebreju dievkalpojumi notiek atseviðíi vîrieðiem un sievietçm, tad divas zâles bija paredzç-


tas vîrieðiem, bet treðâ – sievietçm. Ðajâ zemes gabalâ ir bijusi arî neorenesanses stilistikas sinagoga ar greznu gala fasâdes apdari. 1882. gadâ tika apstiprinâts Ilûkstes lûgðanu nama projekts [13]. Tâ bija vienstâvîga koka çka ar divslîpju jumtu noðïauptiem galiem. Tukumâ 1865. gadâ nodega sinagoga, kuras vietâ 1890. gadâ tika pabeigta Lielâs sinagogas bûve [14] Tâ ir taisnstûra garenbûve ar divslîpju jumtu noðïauptiem galiem. Sinagogas austrumu fasâde ir pavçrsta pret Elizabetes ielu. Tâs apdarç izmantoti neorenesanses dekoratîvie elementi. Ielas pretçjâ pusç ir atradusies Mazâ sinagoga (8. attçls). Kuldîgas sinagoga, kas celta 1875. gadâ, ir askçtiska bûve [7, 104]. Tâ ir divstâvîga taisnstûra garenbûve ar uzsvçrtu galveno ieejas fasâdi, kuras simetriskajâ kompozîcijâ bija akcentçts centrâlais rizalîts ar atiku. Çkas sienu apdarç lietoti rusti. Kuldîgas sinagogai pretstatâ eksterjeram, ir bijis ïoti grezns interjers. Tâs lûgðanu telpa ir bijusi dalîta trîs jomos. Vidçjais, platâkais joms noslçdzâs ar îpaði grezni noformçtu Aron-Kodeð, virs kura ir bijis apaïð logs dievnama sienâ [6]. Vairâkâs pilsçtâs ebreju lûgðanu nami bija veidoti arî neoromânikas un neogotikas stilistikâ. Tâ, piemçram, 19. gadsimta beigâs celtâ Jaunjelgavas Heimaòa sinagoga bija vienstâvîga sarkano íieìeïu celtne ar divslîpju jumtu un smailloka arkâm pârsegtâm logailâm [6]. 20. gadsimta sâkumâ Kurzemç turpinâja palielinâties ebreju skaits. 1914. gadâ ðeit dzîvoja ap 68 000 ebreju. Liepâjâ ebrejiem piederçja 25% no rûpniecîbas uzòçmumiem [3, 151]. 20. gadsimta sâkumâ tika uzceltas arî jaunas sinagogu çkas – Kandavâ, Dobelç un Ilûkstç. Vairâkâs pilsçtâs tika celtas jaunas ebreju pirts çkas, kurâs atradâs arî mikvas, kas pildîja rituâla funkcijas. 1905. gadâ iesniegts Bauskas pirts un mikvas projekts. Tâ bija askçtiska vienstâvîga mûra celtne ar divslîpju jumtu. Lielâko çkas daïu aizòem pirts telpas, bet mikva bija izvietota atseviðíi, vienâ çkas galâ. Celtne sâka funkcionçt jau 1906. gadâ [15]. Arî Kandavâ 1905. gadâ ebreju kopiena ir iesniegusi pirts pârbûves projektu, kas tika apstiprinâts 1906. gadâ un tajâ paðâ gadâ pirts tika arî atklâta [16]. Kandavas pirts çkas bûvç veiksmîgi tika ierakstîta reljefâ. Tâ bija vienstâvîga garenbûve ar divslîpju jumtu. 1909. gadâ tika izprojektçta jauna aka jau eksistçjoðai pirtij Grîvâ [17]. 1915. gadâ ir izstrâdâts jauns projekts paðai pirts bûvei. Tâ bija vienstâvîga mûra çka, kurâ bija divas mikvas [17]. 1912. gadâ tika iesniegts lûgums remontçt Piltenes sinagogas mikvu, ko

8. attçls. Tukuma Lielâ sinagoga (tagad Sporta skola) un Mazâ sinagoga (tagad aptieka). Figure 8. The Great synagogue (currently used as a sports school) and the Little synagogue (now a chemist's shop) of Tukums.

At the beginning of the XX century the number of Hebrews in Kurzeme continued to grow. By 1914 there lived already 68 000 Hebrews. In Liepâja they owned 25% of the industrial entities [3, 151]. New synagogues were built at that time in Kandava, Dobele and Ilûkste. New Hebrew bath-houses were built in several cities; the bath-houses contained also mikvahs, which had ritual functions. In 1905 the design proposal for a bath-house and a mikvah was submitted in Bauska. It was an ascetic single-storey stone building with a double pitch roof. The larger part of the building was reserved for bathing, and the mikva was in a separate room in the other end of the building. The building was completed and operating already in 1906 [15]. In Kandava the Hebrew community also submitted a bath-house reconstruction proposal in 1905. It was accepted in 1906, and the renewed bath-house was opened in that same year [16]. The bath-house was a longitudinal single-storey building with a double pitch roof. A new well was designed for an existing bath-house in Grîva in 1909 [17]. In 1915, a new design was created for the bathhouse itself: it was a single-storey stone building containing two mikvahs [17]. In 1912 a request to repair the mikva of Piltene synagogue was submitted, and the repair works were carried out according to the design of the engineer L.V. Butvilovich in 1913 [18]. During the World War I thousands of Hebrews were forced to leave Latvia and flee to Russia. 40 000 Hebrews were deported from Kurzeme because they were accused of collaboration with the German forces [3, 159]. Many synagogues were completely destroyed during the war; for example, the Ilûkste synagogue, of which only the foundations remained [19]. The Subate synagogue was turned


into a hospital, and later destroyed just as the other two preaching-houses of Subate called Hsidim and Msidim [14]. The Tukums and Saldus synagogues were also destroyed in the warfare [20]. The years of the first Latvian independence, when many Hebrews returned to Latvia, was a time of flourish for the Hebrew community. Approximately 95 000 Hebrews lived in Latvia at that time, but it was still just a fraction of the population that lived here before the war [3, 165]. The Hebrews were successful in many different spheres of economy. Riga, where a theatre was opened in a Hebrew club in 1926, became their cultural centre. There were more than 60 Hebrew preaching-houses and synagogues in Rîga. Daugavpils also became an important cultural centre, as there were 46 synagogues and preaching-houses. The territory of Latvia was dividend into 57 rabbinates, 25 of which were in Kurzeme [5]. There could be several preachinghouses in one rabbinate. The Hebrew centre of Kurzeme was Liepaja with its 8 preaching-houses. Rather many Hebrews lived and worked also in Jelgava and Subete, where there were 4 preachinghouses [21]. Jaunjelgava, Jçkabpils and Ventspils each had 3 preaching-houses, and Bauska and Viesîte each had 2 preaching-houses [4]. In other cities of Kurzeme and Zemgale – Aizpute, Aknîste, Auce, Dobele, Grîva, Grobiòa, Kandava, Kuldîga, Nereta, Piltene, Sabile, Saldus, Skaistkalne, Talsi, Tukums, Vaiòode, Skrunda, Pâvilosta and Valdemârpils – there was one preaching-house [4]. After the World War I many Hebrew families returned to the Kurzeme and Zemgale cities, and the function of the synagogues and preaching-houses was renewed. In 1926 the state granted funds for the renewal of the destroyed preaching-houses of Tukums, Subate, Jçkabpils, Ilûkste and Saldus [14, 22]. State funds were also used for the improvement of the existing synagogues, thus, for example, funds were allocated in 1928 for the installation of the water-pipe for the Great synagogue of Jelgava [19]. In 1929 state benefits were granted for the preaching-houses of Saldus, Valdemârpils, Ilûkste, Tukums, Bauska and Grobiòa [22]. A new synagogue was built in Vaiòode in 1929 [7, 198]. It is the only synagogue in Latvia built in a functional style. The building of the Vaiòode synagogue is currently used by the Catholic parish (Picture 9). In 1940 repressions were started against the Hebrews, and many of them were arrested. All their public organisations were abolished. In 1941, when the German forces entered Latvia, a mass annihilation

9. attçls. Vaiòodes sinagoga (tagad Vaiòodes katoïu baznîca). Figure 9. Vaiòode synagogue (currently the Catholic church of Vaiòode).

veica pçc inþeniera L.V. Butvilovièa projekta 1913. gadâ [18]. Pirmâ pasaules kara gados tûkstoðiem ebreju bija spiesti atstât Latviju un doties bçgïu gaitâs uz Krieviju. No Kurzemes izsûtîja 40 000 ebreju, jo viòus apvainoja sadarbîbâ ar vâcieðiem [3, 159]. Daudzas sinagogas kara laikâ tika pilnîbâ nopostîtas, kâ, piemçram, Ilûkstes sinagoga, no kuras palika tikai pamati [19]. Subates sinagogâ tika ierîkota slimnîca, bet vçlâk tâ tika nopostîta, tâpat kâ pârçjie Subates lûgðanu nami – “Hsidim” un “Msinagdim” [14]. Karâ cieta arî Tukuma un Saldus sinagogas [20]. Uzplaukuma periods ebreju kopienas dzîvç bija Latvijas I brîvvalsts laiks, kad Latvijâ atgriezâs daudzi ebreji. Latvijâ dzîvoja ap 95 000 ebreju, tomçr tas bija stipri mazâk nekâ pirms pirmâ pasaules kara [3, 165]. Ebreji sekmîgi darbojâs daþâdâs saimniecîbas nozarçs. Par ebreju kultûras centru kïuva Rîga, kur 1926. gadâ ebreju klubâ tika atvçrts ebreju teâtris. Rîgâ bija vairâk nekâ 60 ebreju lûgðanu namu un sinagogu. Par nozîmîgu ebreju centru kïuva arî Daugavpils, kur darbojâs 46 sinagogas un lûgðanu nami. Latvijas teritorijâ darbojâs 57 rabinâti, no kuriem 25 atradâs Kurzemç [5]. Vienâ rabinâtâ varçja atrasties vairâki lûgðanu nami. Ebreju centrs Kurzemç bija Liepâja, kur darbojâs 8 lûgðanu nami. Arî Jelgavâ un Subatç dzîvoja un strâdâja samçrâ daudz ebreju un ðeit darbojâs 4 lûgðanu nami [21]. Jaunjelgavâ, Jçkabpilî un Ventspilî bija 3 lûgðanu nami, bet Bauskâ un


Viesîtç – 2 lûgðanu nami [4]. Pârçjâs Kurzemes un Zemgales pilsçtâs – Aizputç, Aknîstç, Aucç, Dobelç, Grîvâ, Grobiòâ, Kandavâ, Kuldîgâ, Neretâ, Piltenç, Sabilç, Saldû, Skaistkalnç, Talsos, Tukumâ, Vaiòodç, Skrundâ, Pâvilostâ un Valdemârpilî, darbojâs viens lûgðanu nams [4]. Pçc pirmâ pasaules kara Kurzemes un Zemgales pilsçtâs atgriezâs daudzas ebreju ìimenes, un tur atkal sâka darboties sinagogas un lûgðanu nami. Tika atvçrtas jaunas skolas un atjaunotas karâ izpostîtâs sinagogas. 1926. gadâ valsts pieðíîra pabalstus izpostîto Tukuma, Subates, Jçkabpils, Ilûkstes un Saldus lûgðanu namu atjaunoðanai [14, 22]. Valdîbas lîdzekïi tika izmantoti arî sinagogu labiekârtoðanai – 1928. gadâ tika pieðíirti lîdzekïi Jelgavas Lielâs sinagogas ûdensvada ierîkoðanai [19]. 1929. gadâ pabalstus saòçma Saldus, Valdemârpils, Ilûkstes, Tukuma, Bauskas un Grobiòas lûgðanu nami [22]. 1929. gadâ Vaiòodç tika uzcelta jauna sinagoga [7, 198]. Tâ ir vienîgâ funkcionâlisma stilâ uzceltâ sinagoga Latvijâ. Vaiòodes sinagogas çka ir atdota katoïu draudzei 9. attçls). 1940. gadâ sâkâs represijas pret ebrejiem, kad daudzi no tiem tika apcietinâti, kâ arî likvidçtas visas sabiedriskâs organizâcijas. 1941. gadâ, Latvijâ ienâkot vâcu karaspçkam, sâkâs ebreju masveida iznîcinâðana. Daudzâs pilsçtâs notika asiòaini grautiòi un sinagogu dedzinâðana. Pçc kara Latvijâ ebreju skaits bija neliels – Rîgâ dzîvoja tikai pieci lîdz septiòi tûkstoði ebreju. Padomju varas gados ebreju skaits palielinâjâs, kaut arî viòi tika vajâti un turpinâjâs deportâcijas. Ieceïotâji parasti bija no citâm padomju republikâm un tie apmetâs uz dzîvi lielâkajâs pilsçtâs – Rîgâ, Daugavpilî un Liepâjâ. Ebreju skaits Latvijâ tomçr nesasniedza pirmskara lîmeni. Sinagogas un lûgðanu nami tika piemçroti citâm funkcijâm un pârvçrsti par daþâdâm sabiedriskâm celtnçm. Kandavas un Kuldîgas (1958) sinagogâs tika ierîkoti kinoteâtri, Aizputes sinagogâ – kultûras nams, bet Tukuma un Sabiles sinagogâs – sporta zâles (10. attçls). Paðlaik Latvijâ dzîvo tikai 15 000 ebreju, no kuriem 14 000 dzîvo Rîgâ [8, 328]. Sinagogas ir atjaunotas un darbojas tikai Rîgâ, Daugavpilî un Liepâjâ.

10. attçls. Kandavas sinagoga (tagad kinoteâtris "Senleja"). Figure 10. Kandava synagogue (currently houses the “Senleja” cinema).

of Hebrews began. Bloody massacres and the burning of synagogues took place in many cities. After the war the number of Hebrews in Latvia was small: only five to seven thousand Hebrews lived in Rîga. During the Soviet regime the number of Hebrews slightly grew, although they were persecuted and the deportations continued. The immigrants mostly came from the other Soviet republics, and they settled in the larger cities – in Rîga, Daugavpils and Liepâja. The Hebrew population never reached its prewar level. Synagogues and preaching-houses were adjusted to other functions and turned into different public buildings. The Kandava and Kuldîga (1958) synagogues were turned into cinemas, the Aizpute synagogue became a recreation centre, and the Tukums and Sabile synagogues became gyms (Picture 10). Currently only 15 000 Hebrews live in Latvia, 14 000 of which live in Riga [8, 328]. The only renewed and functional synagogues are located in Rîga, Daugavpils and Liepâja.

Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.


IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES A. Literatûra Literature 1. Lietuvos architektûros istorija, II. – Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopediju leidykla, 1994. – 592 p. 2. Levins D. Ebreju vçsture Latvijâ. – Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1988. – ... lpp. 3. Ðteimanis J. Pasaules ebreju vçstures pçtnieki. – Rçzekne: Latgales kultûras centra izdevniecîba, 2004. – 263. lpp. 4. Melers M. Ebreju kapsçtas Latvijâ. – Rîga, 2006. – 175 lpp. 5. Judaica. Aus der Geschichte der Juden in Letland. – Basel: Stiftung für Kirche und Judentum, 1997. – 269 S. 6. Barkâns N. Latvija sinagogas un rabîni. 1918–1940. – Rîga, 2004./5765. – 294 lpp. 7. Barkahan M., Bogdanova R., Smirin G. Synagogues of Latvia 1918–1940. – Riga: Shamir, 2005. – 50 pp. 8. Balodis R. Valsts un reliìija. – Rîga: Nordik, 2000. – 727 lpp. 9. Bruìis D. Bauskas sinagoga // Informatîvs biïetens. Novads Nr. 4. – Bauska: Bauskas muzejs, 1991. – 24 lpp. 10. Rupeikiene N. Nykstantis kultûros paveldas: Lietuvos sinagogu architektûra. – Vilnius: E. Karpavièiaus leydikla, 2003. – 190 p. B. Arhîvu materiâli Archive materials 11. Latvijas Valsts vçstures arhîvs (LVVA), 97. fonds, 1. apraksts, 717. lieta 12. LVVA, 97. fonds, 1. apraksts, 636. lieta, 2. lp. (rev.). 13. LVVA 97. fonds, 1. apraksts, 658. lieta 14. LVVA 1370. fonds, 1. apraksts, 798. lieta 15. LVVA 97. fonds, 1. apraksts, 787. lieta 16. LVVA 97. fonds, 1. apraksts, 792. lieta 17. LVVA 97. fonds, 1. apraksts, 872. lieta 18. LVVA 97. fonds, 1. apraksts, 1088. lieta 19. LVVA 1370. fonds, 1. apraksts, 1161. lieta 20. LVVA 1370. fonds, 1. apraksts, 980. lieta 21. LVVA 1370. fonds,1. apraksts, 2793. lieta 22. LVVA 1370. fonds, 1. apraksts, 1388. lieta Agrita Tipâne Lecturer, Mgr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 26320731 E-mail: Tipâne A. Kurzemes un Zemgales sinagogu arhitektûra Rakstâ analizçta Kurzemes un Zemgales sinagogu un lûgðanu namu arhitektûra no 17. gadsimta beigâm lîdz mûsdienâm. Izpçtîti un apkopoti arî arhîvu materiâli gan par sinagogâm un lûgðanu namiem, gan skolu çkâm un pirtîm, kas pildîja rituâla funkciju. Vecâkâs sinagogu çkas Kurzemç ir saglabâjuðâs Valdemârpilî no 18. gadsimta. Tomçr lielâkâ daïa sinagogu ir tikusi uzcelta 19. gadsimta otrajâ pusç. Ðîs celtnes pârsvarâ ir bijuðas neorenesanses bûves, kas ienesa daudzveidîbu Latvijas pilsçtu arhitektûrâ. Lielâkâs un mâkslinieciski augstvçrtîgâkâs sinagogas ir bijuðas uzceltas Liepâjâ un Jelgavâ, bet tâs gâja bojâ Otrâ pasaules kara gados. Jelgavas sinagoga bija celta no 1862. lîdz 1863. gadam pçc arhitekta O. Bâra projekta, bet Liepâjas Horâlâ sinagoga no 1870. lîdz 1873. gadam. Abas ðîs celtnes vainagoja kupoli, kas ienesa daudzveidîbu pilsçtu arhitektûrâ. Daudzas sinagogas tika nopostîtas Pirmajâ Pasaules karâ. Ebreju kopiena savu uzplaukumu piedzîvoja Latvijas Pirmâs brîvvalsts laikâ, kad tika atjaunotas karâ sagrautâs sinagogas, kâ arî uzbûvçtas vairâkas jaunas. Vaiòodes sinagoga ir vienîgâ funkcionâlisma stila sinagogas bûve Latvijâ. Otrajâ pasaules karâ tika iznîcinâta Latvijas ebreju


kopiena, kâ arî nozîmîgâkâs sinagogas. Padomju okupâcijas laikâ tika pârbûvçtas un piemçrotas daþâdâm citâm funkcijâm saglabâjuðâs sinagogas. Kuldîgas un Kandavas sinagogâs ierîkoja kinoteâtrus, Aizputes – kultûras namu, Tukuma un Saldus – sporta zâles, Valdemârpils, Talsu un Ventspils – dzîvojamâs çkas. Daudzas no ðîm sinagogu çkâm joprojâm tiek izmantotas citâm funkcijâm, jo pilsçtâs nav ebreju kopienas. Sinagogas ir Kurzemes un Zemgales arhitektûras daïa, kas ieòem nozîmîgu vietu Latvijas arhitektûras kopainâ. Tipâne A. Architecture of Kurzeme and Zemgale synagogues The article presents an analysis of the synagogue and preaching-house architecture of Kurzeme and Zemgale in the time period from the end of XVII century till nowadays. The author has studied and summarised archive materials concerning synagogues and preaching-houses, as well as school buildings and bath-houses, which served a ritual function. The oldest synagogues in Kurzeme are situated in Valdemârpils and date from the XVIII century. The majority, however, have been built in the second half of the XIX century. These buildings were mostly built in Neo-Renaissance style, which greatly contributed to the architectural diversity of the Latvian cities. The largest and artistically most valued synagogues were those of Liepâja and Jelgava, but they were destroyed during the World War I. The synagogue of Jelgava was built from 1862 to 1863 according to the design of the architect O. Bârs. The Choral synagogue in Liepâja was built from 1870 to 1873. Both buildings were crowned with domes, thus adding to the architectural variety of the cities. A great number of synagogues were destroyed in World War I. In the years of the first Latvian independence the Hebrew community experienced an upsurge, as the destroyed synagogues were reconstructed, and many new ones were built. The Vaiòode synagogue is the only synagogue in Latvia built in the functional style. The Hebrew community of Latvia and the more important synagogues were destroyed in World War II. During the Soviet occupation the remaining buildings were reconstructed and adjusted to different purposes. The synagogues of Kuldîga and Kandava were turned into cinemas, the synagogue of Aizpute became a recreation centre, those in Tukums and Saldus housed a gym, and the synagogues in Valdemârpils, Talsi and Ventspils became dwelling houses. Many of these buildings are still used for such different purposes, as there are no Hebrew communities in the cities. The synagogues constitute an integral part of Kurzeme and Zemgale architecture, and hold an important place in the general entity of the Latvian architecture.



Atslçgas vârdi: peldvieta, peldu iestâde, kûrmâja, jûras paviljons, peldmâjas, koncertdârzs, parks.

Key words: bathing area, bathing establishment, wellness hotel (kurhaus), sea pavilion, bathhouses, concert garden, park.

Kûrortu izveides priekðnoteikumi Urbanizâcija 19. gadsimta otrajâ pusç un 20. gadsimta sâkumâ rosinâja izmainît apdzîvotu vietu veidolu un veicinâja kûrortu kâ jauna tipa apdzîvoto vietu veidoðanos. Kûrortos izmantoja dabas dziedniecîbas lîdzekïus – ûdeòus un dûòas. Krievijâ pirmais plaðâkais kûrortu reìions izveidojâs 19. gadsimta sâkumâ Kaukâzâ, kur ârstniecîbâ izmantoja minerâlûdeòus. 19. gadsimta vidû par nozîmîgu kûrorta reìionu kïuva Krimas dienvidu krasts. Kûrorti kontekstâ ar inteliìences kultûru kopð 19. gadsimta seðdesmitajiem gadiem pakâpeniski kïuva par vienu no spilgtâkajâm masu kultûras izpausmçm. Kûrorta pilsçtu centru koncepciju noteica ar ârstniecîbu, atpûtu un izklaidçm saistîtas intereses. Lielu nozîmi ieguva parki. Balneoloìijas kûrortos nozîmîgs bija klimats, pievilcîga apkârtne vai jûras tuvums. Krievijâ saskaòâ ar imperatora rîkojumu 1884. gadâ “sabiedriskas nozîmes minerâlûdeòu avotu” nozîmi ieguva arî kûrorti Baltijâ – Íemeri, Baldone un Druskininki [16].

Preconditions for the establishment of health resorts Urbanization during the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century promoted changes in the pattern of inhabited areas and stimulated the development of health resorts as a new type of inhabited area. Health resorts used natural healing resources – water and dunes. The first larger health resort region in Russia developed at the beginning of the 19th century in the Caucasus, where mineral waters were used for medicinal purposes. In the mid 19th century the southern coast of the Crimea became an influential health resort region. Health resorts in context with the culture of the intelligentsia since the 1860ies gradually became one of the most outstanding manifestations of mass culture. The concept of health resort town centers was defined by interests that were connected to therapy, rest and entertainment. Parks acquired a great importance. Climate, an attractive environment or the presence of the sea were important for balneological health resorts. In Russia, in accordance with the emperor’s decree issued in 1884, also health resorts in the Baltics – Íemeri, Baldone and Druskininkai were awarded the status of “mineral water springs of public significance”[16].

Latvijas kûrorti Sena Latvijas kûrvieta ir Bârbele Bauskas apkârtnç. Pie turienes sçravota jau 17. gadsimtâ bijusi hercoga vannu iestâde [9, 11]. 1739. gadâ avotu izpçtîja Rîgas ârsts Benjamins Teofils Grâfs (1700–1767). Viòð sûtîja uz turieni ârstçties slimniekus. Ûdens izðïâcies cilvçka augumâ un skrçjis tik âtri, ka pie ietekas Iecavas upç varçtu ierîkot dzirnavas. Hercogs Ernsts Johans Bîrons (Ernst Biron; 1690–1772) pavçlçja Bârbelç celt peldmâju, bet bûvi nepabeidza. Avota dziednieciskâs spçjas mazinâjâs un kûrvieta popularitâti neieguva [9, 11].

Health resorts in Latvia One of Latvia’s oldest health resorts is Bârbele in the vicinity of Bauska. Here, by the sulphur spring, already in the 17th century lay the duke’s bathing establishment [9, 11]. In 1739 the spring was examined by the Riga doctor, Benjamin Theophil


1. attçls. Íemeru plâns.

2. attçls. Dûòu sagatavoðana.

1738. gadâ kâ pirmâ vieta, kur ieradâs peldviesi un Kurzemes muiþnieki pie Rîgas jûras lîèa, minçta Plienes (Plieòciems). Ap 1780. gadu peldçjuðies arî Engurçs (Engurç), Bigauòciemâ un Lapmeþâ (Kauguros). Pliençs Rîgas tirgotâjs Kleins 1808. gadâ peldviesiem ierîkoja viesnîcu ar 10 istabâm un lielu zâli [2, 59]. Kopð 18. gadsimta kâ balneoloìisks kûrorts ar vairâk nekâ 30 sçravotiem un bagâtîgiem ârstnieciskas kûdras un dûòu krâjumiem Kaòiera ezerâ [4, 19] veidojâs Íemeri (1. un 2. attçls). 1735. gada dokumentos atrodams pirmâ Slokas pilsçtas mediía – íirurga Ferdinanda Konradi – vârds [9, 28]. 1801. gadâ izpçtîts sçravots (3. attçls), un Slokas iedzîvotâji Íemeros sâka celt mâjiòas slimnieku uzòemðanai. 1825. gadâ Klîves muiþas meþzinis Feihtners uzbûvçja garu vienstâvu çku Robeþu un Tukuma ielas stûrî. Tâ bija pirmâ peldu viesnîca ar vannu nodaïu Formahiva [2, 257]. 1838. gadâ atklâja pirmo valsts peldu iestâdi ar 32 vietâm. Tajâ kâ ârsts darbojâs Dr. Magnuss [2, 259]. Peldu iestâdç bija telpas 20 ozola koka vannâm. Pie griestiem bija ierîkoti ar auklâm atverami logi. Telpâs bija ar tvaiku apsildâmi èuguna galdiòi veïas sildîðanai. No avota ar rokas sûkòiem pa koka rençm iestâdei pievadîja sçrûdeni. Çkai 1839. gadâ piebûvçja vçl 14 istabas [2, 260]. Kopð 1844. gada iestâdç sâka strâdât G. Girgensons. Viòð ierîkoja arî sçra dûòu vannas. 1837.–1838. gadâ uzbûvçja kûrorta pârvaldes çku jeb “Kroòa mâju” [2, 259]. 1840. gadâ ierîkoja 4 verstis garu ceïu no Íemeriem uz pludmali [2, 260]. 1868. gadâ Slokas aptiekârs Ðmîdens Íemeros atvçra vasaras aptieku, kuru 1889. gadâ pârveidoja par pastâvîgu. 19. gs. septiòdesmito gadu beigâs starp peldu iestâdi un “Kroòa mâju” tika uzcelta jauna kûrmâja ar kolonâdçm, koncertzâli, istabâm lasîðanai un mûzikas paviljonu [2, 263]. 1896. gadâ Íemeru peldviesu izklaidçm ierîkoja diliþansu satiksmi uz Jauníemeru jûrmalu [3, 19–20]. 1912. gadâ no Íemeriem uz jûrmalu atklâja 7 ½ verstis garu

3. attçls. Sçravots.

Graff (1700–1767). He sent his ailing patients there for treatment. The water is said to have gushed up as high as a human being and rushed with such speed, that a windmill could have been built at the point where it met the Iecava River. The duke Ernst Johann Biron (1690–1772) ordered a bathing establishment to be built in Bârbele, but this was never finished. The healing qualities of the spring diminished and the health resort did not gain popularity [9, 11]. The first spot mentioned in 1738 in the Gulf of Riga where bathers and the aristocracy of Courland started to arrive was Plienes (Plieòciems). Around the year 1780 people were bathing also in Engure, Bigauòciems and Lapmeþs (in Kauguri). In Plienes in 1808, the Riga merchant Klein established a hotel for the bathing guests with 10 rooms and a big hall [2, 59]. Since the 18th century Íemeri (Pictures 1 and 2) had developed as a balneological health resort with more than 30 sulphur springs and an abundancy of healing peat and dunes in the Kaòiera lake [4, 19]. Documents from 1735 mention the name of the first town doctor and surgeon, Ferdinand Conradi [9, 28]. A sulphur spring was examined in 1801 (Picture 3), and the inhabitants of Sloka in Íemeri began to build small houses to accommodate patients. In 1825 the district forester of Klîves manor, Feihtner, built a long one-story building at the corner of Robeþu and Tukuma streets. This was the first bathing establishment with a bath section Formahiva [2, 257]. In 1838 the first state-owned bathing establishment was opened, with room for 32 bathers. The serving doctor there was Dr. Magnus. [2, 259]. There was room for 20 oak baths in the bathing establishment. Near the ceiling there were windows that could be opened by pulling strings. In the premises there were small cast iron tables that could be heated by steam for warming laundry. Sulphur water was delivered to the establishment from the springs in wooden gutters with the help of manual pumps. In 1839 another


tramvaja lîniju. Apbûvei pieðíîra 150 jaunus zemesgabalus un teritorija ieguva Jauníemeru nosaukumu. Sâkotnçji ïoti ðaurâs ielas vçlâk paplaðinâja un izveidoja arî trotuârus [2, 266]. Íemerus Latvijas Republikas laikâ izveidoja par modernu Eiropas dziedniecîbas vietu. 1921.–1924. gadâ atjaunoja pirms kara celtâs peldu iestâdes çkas. 1925. gadâ sâka darboties jaunas dûòu un sçrûdens vannu çkas. 1928. gada 25. septembrî Íemeri ieguva pilsçtas tiesîbas. 1936. gadâ atklâja Eiþena Laubes (1880–1967) projektçto Íemeru viesnîcu. Monumentâlâ, bet modernâ piecstâvu celtne ainavu parkâ radîja pils iespaidu. Lîdz 20. gadsimta deviòdesmitajiem gadiem çkâ darbojâs sanatorija [4, 21]. Íemeru ainavu parku ar lîkumoto celiòu tîklu, paviljoniem, rotondâm, tiltiòiem un mâkslîgi veidotiem kanâliem, kas savienoti ar parkam cauri tekoðo Vçrðupîti [4, 21], izveidoja dârznieka M. Vâgnera vadîbâ no 1851. lîdz 1861. gadam [3, 23]. 19. gadsimta beigâs celto koka vannu çku 1924. gadâ apvienoja ar arhitekta Ernesta Ðtâlberga (1883–1958) projektçto dûòu dziedniecîbas kompleksu. 1928. gadâ uzcçla Mîlestîbas saliòas paviljonu [3, 23] un 1932. gadâ – restorânu “Jautrais Ods” [4, 23]. Abas celtnes projektçjis arhitekts Fridrihs Skujiòð (1890–1957). Jau kopð 15. gadsimta kâ sçrûdens dziedniecîbas vieta pazîstama Baldone (4. attçls). Tur pie sçravota vasarâs apmetâs Livonijas ordeòa mestrs ar saviem ïaudîm [2, 13]. Hercoga Jçkaba (1610–1682) valdîðanas laikâ, no 1642. lîdz 1682. gadam Baldonç atradâs muiþa un koka baznîca [2, 14], kâ arî Kurzemç pirmais dzelzs ieguves ceplis. Sçravota (5. attçls) popularitâte veicinâja Ziemeïu kara laikâ izpostîtâs Baldones atjaunoðanu. Nomnieks firsts fon Lîvens pçc kara uzcçla pirmo kûrmâju [1]. Kurzemes hercoga Ernsta Bîrona ieceres par kûrorta ierîkoðanu Baldonç izjauca viòa izsûtîðana trimdâ 1740. gadâ. 1793. gadâ Baldonç uzbûvçja sçravota tvertni un vairâkas çkas. Muiþas nomnieks barons fon Korfs 1795. gadâ nodibinâja Baltijâ vecâko sçra vannu iestâdi, atjaunoja sçravota nostiprinâjumu un uzbûvçja jumtu. 1797. gadâ Baldoni apstiprinâja par kûrortu. Ieradâs pirmais kûrorta ârsts Dâniils Balks un atvçra aptieku [2, 15], bet Rîgas tirgotâjs Dþons Morisons uzcçla villu [9, 58]. 1816. gadâ uzcçla vannu korpusu 30 koka vannâm un 6 dzîvojamâm istabâm. 1818. gadâ kûrortu ar sçravotu un parku nodeva fon Korfam dzimtîpaðumâ. Baldones atpûtas vietas nozîme mazinâjâs pçc Íemeru kûrvietas atklâðanas 1838. gadâ [2, 17]. Kûrorta izaugsmi apturçja 1877. gadâ atklâtâ dzelzceïa lînija no Rîgas

14 rooms were added to the building [2, 260]. In 1844 G. Girgenson started working at the establishment. He started using also sulphur dune baths. In 1837–1838 a health resort administration building, or the “Crown house” was built [2, 259]. In 1840 a road 4 versts long was formed from Íemeri to the beach [2, 260]. In 1868 the Sloka pharmacist Schmiden opened a summer pharmacy in Íemeri, which in 1889 was made into a permanent pharmacy. A new wellness hotel was built at the end of the 1870ies between the bathing establishment and the “Crown house”, with colonnades, a concert hall, rooms for reading and a music pavilion [2, 263]. In 1896 for the entertainment of the bathing guests in Íemeri, coach traffic to the Jauníemeri beach was started [3, 19-20]. In 1912 from Íemeri to the beach a 7 ½ verst long tramway line was inaugurated. 150 new land properties were handed over for construction and the territory received the name of Jauníemeri. The streets that initially had been very narrow were later widened and also pavements were formed [2, 266]. During the period between the two world wars, Íemeri developed into a modern European health region. Between 1921 and 1924 the buildings that had served as bathing establishments before the war were renovated. In 1925 new dune and sulphur water bathing establishments began operating. In 1928 on September 25th Íemeri was granted city rights. In 1936 Íemeri hotel was opened, designed by the architect Eiþens Laube (1880–1967). The monumental, although modern, five-story building created an image of a castle in the landscape park. Until the 1990ies a sanatory operated in this building [4, 21]. The landscape park in Íemeri, with its winding network of paths, its pavilions, rotondas and small bridges and artificially created canals, connected to the Vçrðupîte River [4, 21], which flows through the park, were created during the period between 1851 and 1861 under the leadership of the gardener M. Wagner [3, 23]. The wooden bath building which was built at the end of the 19th century, was in 1924 merged with the healing dune complex designed by architect Ernests Ðtâlbergs (1883–1958). In 1928 the pavilion on the little “Love Island” was built [3, 23] and in 1932 – the restaurant “Jautrais Ods” (“Happy Mosquito”) [4, 23]. Both buildings were designed by the architect Fridrihs Skujiòð (1890–1957). Already since the 15th century Baldone was known as an area of healing sulphur waters (Picture 4). There, by the sulphur spring, the master of the Livonian Order would reside with his people


4. attçls. Baldones plâns.

5. attçls. Baldones sçravots 18. gadsimtâ.

uz Íemeriem [1]. Latvijas pirmâs Republikas laikâ Baldones kûrorts atguva pelnîto atzinîbu. Dziedniecîbas iestâdes, kûrmâju un citas çkas uzcçla par valsts lîdzekïiem. Atpûtai izmantoja meþu un parku ar spçïu laukumiem [9]. 1927. gada pavasarî nodeva lietoðanâ Dziedniecîbas dûòu vannas çkas pirmo daïu, bet otro pabeidza 1928. gadâ. 1937.–1939. gadâ pçc arhitekta Artûra Krûmiòa projekta uzcçla galveno vannu un dûòu ârstniecîbas korpusu (6. attçls). 1938.–1939. gadâ parkâ novietoja tçlnieka Voldemâra Jâkobsona veidoto granîta strûklaku ar dziednieciskâ ûdens aizbildnes Mâras tçlu un dekoratîvus veidojumus – sçravotiòu “Íirzaciòa” un strûklaku “Vâverîte”. Pâri Íekavas upei izveidoja tiltiòus. Kûrorts uzplaukumu sasniedza 20. gadsimta trîsdesmitajos gados, bet pçc privatizâcijas 1997. gadâ darbîbu vairs neatsâka [9]. No nelieliem zvejnieku ciemiem, kas 19. gadsimtâ pârveidojâs par vasarnîcu (8. attçls) rajoniem, attîstîjâs Rîgas Jûrmala (7. attçls). Uz ðauras zemes strçles, kas stiepâs 20 km garumâ no Lielupes grîvas lîdz Slokai, veidojâs peldvietas (9. attçls). 1834. gadâ sâka izdot zemesgabalus vasarnîcu bûvçðanai [4, 43]. Teritorijas jaunâkâs daïas regulârais plânojums atðíîrâs no seno zvejniekciemu neregulârâ plânojuma. Jûrmala uzplauka pçc RîgasTukuma dzelzceïa lînijas atklâðanas 1877. gadâ. Jûrmalas vasarnîcu arhitektûrai raksturîgi ir dekoratîvi reþìojumi zelmiòos, aplicçti ornamentâli izzâìçjumi, verandu un balkonu rotâjumi, kâ arî grezni kalti vçjrâdîtâji. 1921. gadâ pçc Jûrmalas vçsturiskâs attîstîbas un ìeogrâfisko un klimatisko apstâkïu izpçtes inþenieris Eduards Veiss (1886–1966) izstrâdâja “idejisko projektu” pilsçtas kâ dziednîcu, kûrortu un atpûtas vietas attîstîbai. Izstieptâs pilsçtas teritorija projektâ sadalîta dzîvojamajâs un rûpniecîbas zonâs, izveidojot sabiedriskos centrus un radot vienotu transporta sistçmu. Pirmo reizi tika izteikts priekðlikums elektrificçta slieþu transporta satiksmei ar Rîgu. Jûras krastu un kâpas vajadzçja saudzçt – tur nedrîkstçja bût “nevienas

6. attçls. Peldu iestâde Baldonç.

during the summers [2, 13]. During the reign of Duke Jacob (1610–1682) between 1642 until 1682, there was a manor and a wooden church in Baldone [2, 14], as well as the first iron kiln in Courland. The popularity of the sulphur spring (Picture 5) stimulated the rebuilding of Baldone after the destruction in the Nordic war. The tenant, Prince von Lieven, built the first wellness hotel after the war [1]. The hopes of the Duke of Courland Ernst Biron, for the establishment of a health resort in Baldone were destroyed by his exile from Courland in 1740. In 1793 a sulphur spring collector was built in Baldone, as well as several buildings. The tenant of the manor, Baron von Korff, founded the oldest sulphur bath establishment in the Baltics, rebuilt the sulphur spring shore and built a roof. In 1797 Baldone received health resort status. The first health resort doctor, Danil Balk, arrived and opened a pharmacy [2, 15], but the Riga merchant, John Morrison, built a villa [9, 58]. In 1816 a complex was built for 30 wooden baths and with 6 accomodating rooms. In 1818 the health resort together with its sulphur spring and park was handed over to the von Korff family estate. The importance of Baldone as a recreational area diminished after the development of the Íemeri health resort in 1838 [2, 17]. The growth of the health resort was stopped by the railway line from Riga to Íemeri that was inaugurated in 1877 [1]. Between the two world wars the health resort of Baldone regained its well-earned recognition. Health treatment establishments, wellness hotels and other buildings were built with state funds. The forest and park with play grounds were used for recreational purposes [9]. In the spring of 1927 the first part of the healing dune bathing establishment began to be exploited, but the second part was finished in 1928. Between 1937 and 1939 the main healing bath and dune ensemble was built, designed by the architect Artûrs Krûmiòð (Picture 6). In 1938–1939 a granite fountain made by the sculptor Voldemârs Jâkobsons was placed in the park, boasting a statue of the


patroness of healing waters, Mâra, as well as decorations – the little sulphur spring “Íirzaciòa” (Little Lizard) and the fountain “Vâverîte” (Little Squirrel). Small bridges were built across the Íekava River. The health resort prospered in the 1930ies, but after coming into private ownership in 1997, the resort did not recommence operating [9]. The city of Jûrmala (Picture 7) developed from small fishing settlements, that started to form into summer home regions (Picture 8) in the 19th century. Bathing areas were formed on a narrow strip of land, which stretched 20 km from the estuary of Lielupe to Sloka (Picture 9). In 1834 plots of land began to be handed out for the construction of summer homes [4, 43]. The regular planning of the new territory differed from the irregular planning of the old fishing villages. Jûrmala began to flourish after the inauguration of the railway line from Riga to Tukums in 1877. The architecture of the summer villas in Jûrmala is characterized by decorative lace carvings in the pediments, applied ornamental carvings, veranda and balcony decorations, as well as richly forged weather vanes. In 1921 after research on Jûrmalas historical development and geographical and climatic circumstances, the engineer Eduards Veiss (1886–1966) developed a “theoretical project” that saw the development of the town as an area for therapy, health and recreation. In the project, the territory of the elongated town is divided into inhabited areas and industrial areas, forming public centers and creating a united transportation system. For the first time, a suggestion was put forth to form an electrified rail system for transportation traffic to Riga. The seaside and the sand dunes were to be protected – it was not allowed to have any “unnecessary construction” in those areas. Jûrmala’s functional zoning plan and building regulations were confirmed in 1929, but the developmental problems of the transportation system and the planning of the town remained [7, 17]. Liepâja has been a site for bathing and sulphur spring water treatment since the 18th century. In 1810 it was already known as a health resort. In 1834 the privately owned establishment Merbi with cold and warm sea water baths began to operate. In 1860 the heir of the throne of Russia, Grand Duke Nikolaj Aleksandrovich, traveled to Liepâja together with the members of the tsar family. He inaugurated the “Nikolaj Bathing Establishment” with 40 warm sea water baths and 4 dune baths [9, 36]. The developement of the health resort was defined by the demands of the elegant bathing guests. Around 1867 a park began to be formed on the site of moving sand dunes.

7. attçls. Rîgas Jûrmalas plâns 1928. gadâ.

8. attçls. Koka vasarnîca. 9. attçls. Peldvieta 1910. gados.

liekas bûves”. Jûrmalas funkcionâlâ zonçjuma shçmu un bûvnoteikumus apstiprinâja 1929. gadâ, bet transporta un pilsçtas plânveidîgas attîstîbas problçmas saglabâjâs [7, 17]. Kopð 18. gadsimta peldu un dziedniecîbas vieta ar sçravotiem bija Liepâja. Kopð 1810. gada to jau pazina kâ kûrortu. 1834. gadâ sâka darboties Merbi privâtâ iestâde ar aukstâm un siltâm jûras ûdens vannâm. 1860. gadâ Liepâjâ kopâ ar íeizariskâs ìimenes locekïiem ieradâs Krievijas troòmantnieks lielkòazs Nikolajs Aleksandroviès. Viòð atklâja “Nikolaja peldu iestâdi” ar 40 silta jûras ûdens vannâm un 4 dûòu vannâm [9, 36]. Kûrortu veidoja atbilstoði izsmalcinâto peldviesu prasîbâm. Ap 1867. gadu klejojoðo smilðu kâpu vietâ sâka veidot parku. Sâkotnçji to plânoja lielâku, nekâ tas ir tagad. 1870. gadâ pretî Peldu ielai uzcçla Jûrmalas paviljonu un izveidoja strûklaku. Kûrmâjas prospekta arhitektoniski telpisko risinâjumu noslçdza pilsçtas arhitekta Maksa Paula Berèi (Paul Max Bertschy, 1840–1911) projektçtâ un 1875. gadâ uzbûvçtâ kûrmâja (10. attçls) ar restorânu un deju, teâtra izrâþu un koncertu zâli 500 skatîtâju vietâm. Liepâjas 1880. gada plânâ (11. attçls) redzams jau izkopts parks. Teritorijâ starp Kûrmâjas prospektu, Ûliha un Peldu ielâm veidoja vasarnîcu rajonu. Liepâjas pilsçtas valde 1895. gadâ pieòçma lçmumu par parka izveidoðanu starp Peldu un Krasta ielu. Stâdîjumus veidoja pçc Rîgas dârzu un parku direktora Georga Kufalta (Georg Kuphaldt; 1853–1938) 1899. gadâ izstrâdâta projekta. Parkâ


10. attçls. Liepâjas kûrmâja.

12. attçls. Tenisa laukumi.

Initially, it was planned to be larger than it is today. Facing Peldu iela, the Jûrmala Pavilion was built in 1870 and a fountain was erected. The architectonic spacial solution of the Kurhaus Avenue was concluded with the wellness hotel designed and built in 1875 by the city architect Paul Max Bertschy (Picture 10) with a restaurant and a hall for dancing, theater performances and concerts, with space for 500 viewers. In the plan of Liepaja from 1880 (Picture 11) you can see an already finished park. In the territory between the Kurhaus Avenue and Ulija and Peldu streets a summer home territory was formed. The town council of the city of Liepâja adopted a decision in 1895 to form a park in the territory between Peldu iela and Krasta iela. The greenery in the park was planned according to the director of Riga’s gardens and parks, Georg Kuphaldt’s (1853–1938) designed project from 1899. The park had a flower garden and areas for sports, among them tennis courts (Picture 12). In the oldest part of the park, following the aspirations of the city mayor Karl Gottlieb Sigismund Ulih, a swan pond was made with an island and a pavilion so that the ensemble could include a bathing establishment, which was built in 1902 according to the architect M.P. Bertschy’s project. The island could be reached along two small bridges. In the 1930ies the city gardener, A. Leimanis, formed tree lanes along the northern and middle part of the park, but in the region of Jûrmalas iela – lawns with groups of trees and bushes [7, 81, 82].

11. attçls. Jûrmalas parks 1880. gadâ.

bija puíu dârzs, un sportâ, tostarp tenisa laukumi (12. attçls). Parka senâkajâ daïâ pçc pilsçtas galvas Kârïa Gotlîba Sigismunda Ûliha ieceres izveidoja Gulbju dîíi ar saliòu un paviljonu, lai kopçjâ ansamblî iekïautu peldu iestâdi, kas tika uzcelta 1902. gadâ pçc arhitekta M.P. Berèi projekta. Uz saliòas varçja nokïût pa diviem tiltiòiem. 20. gadsimta trîsdesmitajos gados pilsçtas dârznieks A. Leimanis parka ziemeïu un vidusdaïâ izveidoja alejas, bet Jûrmalas ielas rajonâ – zâlienus ar koku un krûmu grupâm [7, 81, 82]. Lietuvas kûrorti Kûrortos ârstniecîbu 19. gadsimtâ un 20. gadsimta sâkumâ saistîja ar atpûtu dabâ, pavadot laiku svçtku noskaòâ psiholoìiski labvçlîgâ un dziedniecîbai atbilstoðâ gaisotnç. Lietuvâ par nozîmîgâkiem kûrortiem izveidojâs Druskininki, Palanga un Birðtona. Palanga pirmo reizi rakstiskos avotos minçta 1161. gadâ. 19. gadsimtâ tâ kïuva par iecienîtu vasarnîcu celtniecîbas vietu. 1827. gadâ uzcçla aptieku. 1843. gadâ sâka veidot ainavu parku, kuru 19. gadsimta beigâs paplaðinâja pçc beïìu dendrologa Beisensa de Kolona un Parîzes parku direktora, ainavu arhitekta Eduarda Fransua Andre (Edouard FranIois André; 1840–1911) projekta (13. attçls).

The health resorts of Lithuania Health treatment in health resorts in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century had to be connected with rest in natural surroundings, at the same time preserving a holiday mood in an environment suitable for health treatments. In Lithuania important health resorts became Druskininkai, Palanga and Birðtona. Palanga is mentioned in written sources for the first time in 1161. In the 19th century it became a


13. attçls. Parka projekts.

14. attçls. Palangas parks ar pili.

15. attçls. Jçzus skulptûra pie pils.

16. attçls. Druskininku plâns.

17. attçls. Ratnièas upe 20. gs. sâkumâ.

18. attçls. Svçtâs Jaunavas Marijas baznîca.

Parterî izveidoja strûklaku (14. attçls). Rozârijâ auga apmçram 80 ðíiròu rozes. 1897.–1898. gadâ pçc vâcu arhitekta F. Ðvehtena (Schwechten) projekta (15. attçls) uzcçla grâfa Feliksa Tiðkevièa pili. 19. gadsimta beigâs veidojies arî balneoloìiskâ un dûòu dziedniecîbas kûrorta regulârais tîkls [17, 456]. Druskininku (16. attçls) vidi veido Nemunas un Ratnièas upju ielejas (17. attçls), parki, prieþu meþi un ârstniecîbas iestâdes. Druskininku ciems pieminçts 1635. gadâ, bet kûrorta plâns apstiprinâts 1837. gadâ. 1838. gadâ uzbûvçja valsts dziednîcu ar 12 vannâm, bet vçlâk – privâtu dziednîcu un çkas slimnieku izvietoðanai. Kûrortam ir regulârs ielu tîkls. 1844. gadâ uzcçla neogotiskâ stilâ veidoto Svçtâs Jaunavas Marijas baznîcu (18. attçls), bet 1856. gadâ – sezonas slimnîcu ar 30 gultas vietâm. Saglabâjuðâs 19. un 20. gadsimta mijâ celtâs koka villas un sanatorijas. Kûrorta arhitektûras attîstîbu sekmçja Pçterburgas-Varðavas dzelzceïa lînija, kas atklâta 1862. gadâ. 19. gadsimta beigâs Druskininki ieguva pilsçtas tiesîbas [17, 243].

popular summer home construction area. A pharmacy was built in 1827. In 1843 a landscape park was founded. At the end of the 19th century the park was enlarged according to the project of the Belgian dendrologist Buyssen de Coulon and the Parisian park director, landscape architect Eduard Francois André (1840–1911) (Picture 13). A fountain was placed in the park (Picture 14). There were about 80 species of roses in the rosary. In 1897–98 Count Felix Tiskevicius’s castle was built in accordance with the German architect F. Schwechten’s project (Picture 15). At the end of the 19th century also a regular network of streets was formed in the balneological and dune treatment health resort [17, 456]. Druskininkai’s surroundings (Picture 16) are defined by the valleys of the Nemunas and Ratnièas Rivers (Picture 17), by the parks, pine forests and health treatment establishments. The village of Druskininkai is mentioned in 1635, but the plan for the health resort was confirmed in 1837. In 1838 a state health treatment center was built with 12 baths, but later – a private health treatment center and a building for patient accomodation. The health resort has a regular street network. In 1844 the church of the Holy Virgin Mary (Picture 18) was built in NeoGothic style, and in 1856 – a seasonal hospital with 30 beds. The wooden villas and sanitories built in the 19th and 20th centuries have still survived. The development of the architecture of the health resort was boosted by the Peterburg-Warsaw railway line,

Igaunijas kûrorti 19. gadsimtâ daudzas pilsçtas Krievijas ziemeïu reìionâ un Skandinâvijâ kïuva par populâriem kûrortiem. Igaunijâ par tâdiem izveidojâs Kuresâre un Narva. Dzelzceïu tîkla attîstîba nodroðinâja çrtu nokïûðanu Tallinâ, Pçrnavâ un Hâpsalâ, un arî ðîs pilsçtas ieguva kûrortu nozîmi.


19. attçls. Narvas plâns 1766. gadâ.

20. attçls. Narva un Ivangoroda.

Narvai (19. un 20. attçls) nebija raksturîgi publiski zaïumi, tomçr 20. gs. sâkumâ tur bija trîs publiskie dârzi. 1853. gadâ Viktorijas bastiona vietâ tika ierîkots Tumðais dârzs un Miera bastiona vietâ, iepretim Pçtera I mâjai – skvçrs. 1876. gadâ ar Narvas pilsçtas galvas Adolfa Hâna (1832–1914) atbalstu Narvas upes kreisajâ krastâ tika izveidota promenâde ar kâpnçm, kurâm ir 93 pakâpieni. Arhitektûras vçsturnieks O. Koèenovskis par ðo kâpòu prototipu uzskata Potjomkina kâpnes Odesâ, kas izbûvçtas 1842. gadâ [6, 47]. Par nozîmîgu, zaïumos slîgstoðu atpûtas vietu izveidojâs Narvajoesû, kas atrodas 14 km no Narvas pie Narvas upes ietekas Baltijas jûrâ. Senâk te bija zvejnieku ciemi Magerburga, kas vâcu valodâ nozîmç Vâjâ jeb Tievâ pilsçta un Hungerburga – Bada pilsçta. Nosaukumi labi raksturoja seno ciemu atraðanâs vietu uz plûstoðajâm smiltîm. Par Narvajoesû kûrorta pamatlicçju kïuva enerìiskais uzòçmçjs, Narvas pilsçtas mçrs Adolfs Hâns, kurð 1874. gadâ uzcçla vasarnîcu Aia ielâ 1. Nîkuïojoðais ciematiòð daþu gadu laikâ sâka plaukt. 1875. gadâ izplânoja ceïus, rezervçjot zemi parkam, kura platîbu 1877. gadâ nolçma palielinât. Kûrorta attîstîbu labvçlîgi ietekmçja labâs piekïûðanas iespçjas gan ar kuìi pa Narvas upi, gan pa dzelzceïu [6, 48]. Sanatorijâs un dziednîcâs ârstniecîbai izmantoja dûòas. 1886. gadâ kûrortpilsçtiòa cieta ugunsgrçkâ. Pçc tâ arhitekts Aleksandrs Novickis (1848–1905) izstrâdâja jaunu pilsçtas plânu ar regulâru ielu tîklu. Abpus galvenajai alejai, kas veda uz parku, tika starveidîgi izveidotas pârçjâs ielas. Lielâkajai daïai ielu ietve bija tikai vienâ pusç. Galvenajâs ielâs – Meriküla un Mere prospektâ – ietve bija abâs pusçs. Akmeòiem bruìçtâ Meriküla iela sâkâs pie stacijas, kur atradâs dârziòð ar strûklaku. Paralçli gâja Aia un Luha iela. Mere prospekts veda no jûrmalas uz Narvas pusi un ðíçrsoja Meriküla ielu. Paralçli uz jûru veda 12 citas ielas. 1894. gadâ Narvajoesû ieguva kûrorta statusu [12].

21. attçls. Narvajoesû kûrmâja.

which was inaugurated in 1862. At the end of the 19th century Druskininkai was granted official city rights [17, 243]. Estonia’s health resorts In the 19th century many cities in Russia’s northern region and Scandinavia developed into popular health resorts. In Estonia Kuresare and Narva developed into such health resorts. The development of the railway network secured comfortable travel to Tallinn, Pärnu and Hapsalu and also these towns acquired health resort status. Public green areas were not characteristic for Narva (Pictures 19 and 20), nonetheless, at the beginning of the 20th century there were three public gardens. In 1853 at the site of the Victoria Bastion, the Dark Garden was formed and at the site of the Peace Bastion, opposite the house of Peter I – a square. In 1876 with the support of the head of the town of Narva, Adolf Hahn (1832-1914), on the left banks of the Narva river, a promenade with a staircase with 93 steps was formed. The architecture historian O. Koèenovskis considers the prototype of these stairs to be the Potomkin staircase in Odessa, built in 1842. [6, 47]. Narvajoesu, located 14 km from Narva at the estuary of the Narva river into the Baltic Sea, developed into an important and very green area of recreation. Before, the fishing villages Magerburg (in German – Thin Town) and Hungerburg (Hungry Town) had been here. The names were good descriptions of the location of these villages – on moving sand. The founder of Narvajoesu health resort was the energetic businessman, the Mayor of the City of Narva, Adolf Hahn, who in 1874 built a summer home on Aia Street 1. The drab little village in a few years’ time began to flourish. In 1875 roads were planned, reserving an area for a park, which in 1877 was planned to be enlarged. The development of the


Centrâlo ielu krustojumâ jau 1881.–1882. gadâ bija uzbûvçta kûrmâja. Ðo pildreþìa konstrukcijâs veidoto divstâvu çku vainagoja uz centrâlâs ass izvietots skatu tornis, bet fasâdes rotâja koka meþìînes, balkoni un tornîði. Ieejot pa galvenajâm durvîm, labajâ pusç bija restorâns un biljarda zâle, pa kreisi çdnîca un lasîtava, bet taisni – liela, cauri diviem stâviem izbûvçta zâle 300 cilvçkiem ar skatuvi. Otrajâ stâvâ bija apmçram 50 viesu istabas. 1910. gadâ kûrmâja nodega. 1912. gadâ pçc poïu izcelsmes Pçterburgas arhitekta Mariana Lalevièa projekta uzcçla jaunu, greznu un monumentâlu mûra çku ar neoklasicisma motîviem fasâþu arhitektûrâ (21. attçls). Pie kûrmâjas izveidoja dârziòu ar paviljonu oríestrim. Parku jûras pusç veidoja no pameþa attîrîts prieþu sils ar ceïu tîklu. Pludmalç bija peldmâjas un soli. Parku tuvâk kûrmâjai Meriküla ielas otrâ pusç veidoja saulainas pïaviòas, tenisa un kroketa laukumi, labiekârtoti celiòi ar parka soliem, dekoratîvo stâdîjumu grupas un ûdens tilpne ar saliòu, uz kuras stâvçja koka meþìînçm rotâta mâjiòa. Ezera ðaurâko daïu ðíçrsoja tilts. Muiþnieku, tirgotâju un rûpnieku villas veidoja veselus eklektisma stila arhitektûras ansambïus. Pçc H. Tammes ziòâm, Hânam piederoðâs Villa Capriccio dârzu Aia ielâ 1881. gadâ veidojis Pçterburgas Botâniskâ dârza direktors Eduards Augusts Rçgelis. Savukârt, pçc V. Orava datiem, krievu dzejnieka Konstantina Sluèevska (1837–1904) vasaras muiþas Ugolok dârzu veidojis Aloîzs Rîgelis. Regulâru daiïdârzu ar puíu vâþu ieskautu strûklaku un ìeometriska raksta zâlieniem aiz baltâs neorenesanses stila divstâvu çkas ietvçra pergolas [6, 48, 49]. Hâpsalâ (22. attçls), kur 1279. gadâ uzbûvçja bîskapa pils (23. attçls) un katedrâles kompleksu, 1805. gadâ uzcçla pirmo peldu iestâdi [12]. 1820. gadâ apriòía ârstam Gustavam Princam ieradâs palîgs Kârlis Abrahams Hunniuss (Carl Abraham Hunnius; 1797–1851), kurð 1821. gadâ kïuva par medicînas zinâtòu doktoru. Igaunijâ un Baltijâ viòð pirmais zinâtniski izmantoja dûòas kâ ârstniecîbas lîdzekli. Hâpsalâ 1825. gadâ atklâja pirmo ûdens–dûòu dziednîcu Igaunijâ. Ierîkoja promenâdes (24. attçls) un râtsnama skvçru. 1845. gadâ uzcçla modernu dziednîcu un izveidoja regulâru satiksmi ar Pçterburgu. Ârsts un sabiedriskais darbinieks Kârlis Arturs Hunniuss (Carl Artur Hunnius; 1825–1893) uz pilsdrupâm veidoja parku. Tçvs un dçls Hunniusi veicinâja Hâpsalas kûrorta panâkumus [6, 45, 46]. Kûrorts sabiedriskâs dzîves norisçs iesaistîja pareizticîgo

health resort was favorably influenced by easy access both by ship along the Narva river and the railway [6, 48]. In the sanatories and treatment establishments dunes were used for health treatments. In 1886 the little health resort suffered from a fire. After that, the architect Alexander Novicki developed a new plan for the town with a regular network of streets. On both sides of the main central lane, which lead to the park, the rest of the streets were formed in a sun ray pattern. Most of them had pavements only on one side. On the main streets – Merikula Street and Mere Prospect – the pavement was on both sides. The stone-paved Merikula Street begins at the station, where there was a small garden with a fountain. Aia Street and Luha Street ran parallel. Mere Prospect lead from Jurmala in the direction of Narva and crossed Merikula Street. There were 12 more parallel streets leading to the sea. In 1894 Narvajoesu gained health resort status. At the crossing of the central streets already in 1881–1882 a wellness hotel was built. This two story building, which was built as a fachwerk construction, was crowned by a viewing tower which was placed on the central axis. The facade was decorated with wood carvings, balconies and little towers. Coming in throught the main entrance, on the right hand side was a restaurant and billiard hall, on the left a canteen and a reading room, but straight ahead – a big hall, constructed through both floors for 300 people with a stage. On the second floor there were approximately 50 guest rooms. In 1910 the wellness hotel burned down. In 1912 a new, luxurious and monumental brick building was built, according to the project of the St Peterburg architect of Polish descent, Marian Lalewicz. It had neoclassicism motives in the facade. Next to the wellness hotel a small garden was founded with a pavilion for an orchestra. The park on the side of the sea was formed by a pine forest cleaned from underbush and a network of paths. On the beach were bathing establishments and benches. The park closest to the wellness hotel Merikula on the other side of the street consisted of sunny meadows, tennis and crocket courts, paths with park benches, decorative plant groups and a pond with a small island, on which stood a little house ddecorated with wood carvings. The narrowest part of the lake was crossed by a bridge. The villas of the manor lords, merchants and manufacturers formed whole ensembles of eclectic style architecture. According to information from H. Tamme, the Villa Capriccio garden on Aia Street which belonged to Hahn, was formed in 1881 by the


director of St. Peterburg’s botanical garden, Eduard August Regel. In turn, according to V. Orava, the summer manor Ugolok’s garden was formed by Alois Riegel. A regular decorative garden with a fountain surrounded by flower vases and geometrically formed lawns behind the white neorenaissance style building was surrounded by pergolas [6, 48, 49]. In Hapsalu (Picture 22), where a bishop’s castle was built in 1279 (Picture 23) as well as a cathedral complex, the first bathing establishment was built in 1805 [12]. In 1820 the doctor of the region, Gustav Prinz, welcomed an assistant to the town, Carl Abraham Hunnius (1797–1851), who in 1821 became a Doctor of Medicine. He was the first in Estonia and the Baltics to scientifically use dunes as a method of treatment. In Hapsalu in 1825 the first water-dune healing establishment in Estonia was opened. Promenades were formed (Picture 24) as well as a town hall square. In 1845 a modern health establishment was built and regular traffic to St. Petersburg was developed. The doctor and public agent Carl Artur Hunnius (1825–1893) formed a park on the castle ruins. Father and son Hunnius stimulated the success of Haapsalu as a health resort. [6, 45, 46]. Public places in the health resort included a Russian Orthodox church, a wellness hall and a yachting club. In 1906 the railway line from Haapsalu to St. Petersburg was inaugurated. [10]. Pärnu (Picture 25) until the mid 19th century was surrounded by a defence system constructed by the Swedish engineer Erik Dahlberg (1625–1703) (Picture 26). In 1831 following the decision of Mayor C.V. Goldmann the Old Park was created at the corner of Karja Street and Kuninga Street, with pergolas and a bathing salon for the recreational organization Musse. In 1867 according to the project formed by the Riga City Engineer William Veira (1828–1908) the largest part of the defence ramparts was pulled down and the moat was filled in. After the elimination of the defence system the territory between the city and the sea was to be turned into a promenade area with avenues. In 1882 a park began to be constructed in the vicinity of the bathing establishment (Picture 27). The Head of the City, Oskar Alexander Brakmann (1841–1927) payed special attention to the development of the health resort in Pärnu, since using healing sea dunes for health treatments did not require large investments. In the summer of 1888 the Director of Riga’s gardens, Georg Kuphaldt, received an assignment for the development of a program for the “widening and beautifying of the town’s parks”, which he

22. attçls. Hâpsalas plâns.

23. attçls. Hâpsalas pils.

24. attçls. Promenâde ar kûrzâli.

baznîcu, kûrzâli un jahtklubu. 1906. gadâ atklâja dzelzceïa lîniju no Hâpsalas uz Sanktpçterburgu [10]. Pçrnavu (25. attçls) lîdz 19. gadsimta vidum ieskâva zviedru inþeniera Çrika Dâlberga (Dahlbergk, Dahlbergh; 1625–1703) ierîkotie nocietinâjumi (26. attçls). 1831. gadâ pçc birìermeistara C.V. Goldmaòa pavçles pie Karja un Kuninga ielas krustojuma sâka ierîkot Veco parku ar lapençm un atpûtas biedrîbas Musse peldu salonu. 1867. gadâ pçc Rîgas pilsçtas inþeniera Viljama Veira (1828–1908) izstrâdâtâ projekta nojauca lielâko daïu no nocietinâjumu vaïòiem un aizbçra cietokðòa grâvi. Pçc nocietinâjumu likvidçðanas teritoriju starp pilsçtu un jûru paredzçja pârvçrst par alejâm rotâtu pastaigu vietu. 1882. gadâ peldu iestâdes (27. attçls) tuvumâ sâka ierîkot parku. Seviðíu uzmanîbu kûrorta attîstîbai Pçrnavâ pievçrsa pilsçtas galva Oskars Aleksandrs Brakmanis (1841–1927), jo dziedniecisko jûras dûòu izmantoðana neprasîja daudz lîdzekïu. 1888. gada vasarâ Rîgas dârzu direktors Georgs Kufalts saòçma uzdevumu “pilsçtas parku paplaðinâðanas un izdaiïoðanas” programmas izstrâdei, kuru viòð pabeidza 1889. gada janvârî. O.A. Brakmanis lîdz Pirmajam pasaules karam neatlaidîgi centâs îstenot


25. attçls. Pçrnavas centrs.

26. attçls. Nocietinâjumi Pçrnavâ.

27. attçls. Pçrnavas peldu iestâde.

28. attçls. Tallinas plâns 1766. gadâ.

29. attçls. Kadriorgas pils.

30. attçls. Kadriorgas parks.

G. Kufalta vçrienîgo un ar perspektîvas izjûtu radîto plânu, ierîkojot parkus un alejas, cik to ïâva pilsçtas pieticîgâs iespçjas [6, 44, 45]. Arhitektoniski nozîmîgâkâs çkas Pçrnavâ tapa pçc arhitektu Alfrçda Junga (Alfred Jung) un Hugo Volfelda (Hugo von Wolffeldt) projektiem [13]. Tallina (28. attçls) bija pazîstama ar Pçterburgas inteliìences vasaras atpûtas vietu Kadriorgu (29. attçls). 1813. gadâ uzòçmçjs Benedikts Georgs Vite tur atvçra pirmo peldu iestâdi. Veselîbas ûdeòu izmantoðana pamudinâja arî miesniekmeistaru A. Krauspu 1815. gadâ atvçrt peldu mâjas. Tallinâ pçc cietokðòa vaïòu nojaukðanas, ko sâka 1876. gadâ, ierîkoja dârzus un bulvârus pçc Eiropas parauga. Par to rûpçjâs bulvâru komisijas priekðsçdçtâjs Eduards Ernests Betge (1849–1925). 1881. gadâ par pilsçtas dârznieku kïuva no Ðtutgartes atbraukuðais Hugo Valkers. Viòð 1893. gadâ Zaïâ tirgus vietâ Pikal ielâ izveidoja ar èuguna sçtiòu ierobeþotu skvçru, kurâ novietoja pilsçtas iedzîvotâju dâvanu – strûklaku ar skulptûru. 19. gadsimta astoòdesmitajos gados pârveidoja Harju kalna dârzu, bet Rannaveravas kalnâ ierîkoja parku. 1889. gadâ pabeidza darbus Telliskopli alejâ aiz Baltijas stacijas lîdz Kopli kapiem un Telliskopli muiþai, bet 1891. gadâ sâka veidot promenâdi Kadriorgas jûrmalâ. 1895. gadâ Tallinâ bija publiskie dârzi uz Ingeri un Skones bastioniem, kâ arî Wismari ravelîna, bet aiz Sûrerannas vârtiem bija izveidots roþu dârzs. 1896. gadâ bija pabeigtas koku alejas

finished in January 1889. O.A. Brakmann relentlessly attempted to implement G. Kuphaldt’s ambitious plan, which was also created with a feeling of perspective, up until the First World War. As far as the town’s modest finances would allow, parks and avenues were constructed [6, 44, 45]. The architectonically most significant buildings in Pärnu were designed according to the architect Alfred Jung’s and Hugo von Wolffeldt’s projects [13]. Tallinn (figure 28) was known because of the summer recreation spot Kadriorg, that was visited by the intelligentsia from St. Petersburg (Picture 29). In 1813 the businessman Benedict Georg Vitte opened the first bathing establishment there. The use of healing waters encouraged also the master butcher A. Krausp to open bathing establishments in 1815. After the defence ramparts in Tallinn were pulled down, a task that was started in 1876, gardens and boulevards were formed according to European models. This was overseen by the Chairman of the Boulevard Committee, Eduard Ernest Betge (1849–1925). In 1881 the city’s gardener becamed a gentleman from Stuttgart, Hugo Walkers. In 1893 in the place of the Green Market on Pikal Street, he constructed a square, surrounded by a cast iron fence, in the middle of which a gift from the townspeople was placed – a fountain with a sculpture. In the 1880ies the garden at Harju Hill was transformed, but a park was created on Rannaverava Hill. In 1889 work was finished at the Telliskopli avenue


31. attçls. Kuresâres plâns.

32. attçls. Kuresâres cietoksnis.

33. attçls. Kuresâres kûrmâja.

behind the Baltic Station up to the Kopli Cemetary and Telliskopli Manor, but in 1891 a promenade began to be formed at the Kadriorga seaside. In 1895 there were public gardens in Tallinn on the Ingeri and Skone Bastions, as well as the Wismari Ravelin, but behind the Surerannas Gates a rose garden was formed. In 1896 the tree avenues on Viru Street and the boulevards surrounding the Old Town were finished. In 1897–1898 at the site of the Bremeni Bastion on Viru Hill a public garden was created according to G. Kuphaldt’s project. In 1897–1900 he was also responsible for the work on the transformation of the Kadriorga park (Picture 30) [6, 40, 41]. Kuresaare (Arensburg, Picture 31) was formed after 1400 when the bishop’s castle was built (Picture 32), but in 1563 the Count of Holstein, Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie, granted it city rights. In the 19th century dunes with healing qualities were discovered in the big gulf and in 1840 and 1876 Kuresaare opened the first healing dune establishments [11]. In 1883 on Pargi Street Dr. Wiedeman’s “new dune treatment houses and bathing establishments”, belonging to the city council, were opened. Kuresaare became a health resort. The head of the town, Hugo von der Borg (1825–1885), suggested forming a park with a music pavilion, a cafe and an amusement pavilion “Tivoli” in the esplanade between the city and the wall of defence in 1860. In 1861–1863 trees were planted. The landscape park with curved paths that was projected by the Riga gardener H. Gögginger was surrounded by a hedge. In 1883 the first lanterns were put up, but in 1887 an avenue was formed. In 1889 the architect of Kuresaare, K. Lorenzoni, made a project for a wellness hotel (Picture 33). The eclectical style building had a buffet, a restaurant, a reading room, a room for playing cards, a theater, a music and dance hall, an open veranda, a business aparment and a viewing tower. In 1898 a reading hall Lesehalle and the Versman Park between the Veize meadow and the

Viru ielâ un bulvâri ap vecpilsçtu. 1897.–1898. gadâ Bremeni bastiona vietâ Viru kalnâ ierîkoja publisku dârzu pçc G. Kufalta projekta. 1897.–1900. gadâ viòð veica arî Kadriorgas parka (30. attçls) pârveidoðanas darbus [6, 40, 41]. Kuresâre (Arensburga, 31. attçls) izveidojâs pçc 1400. gada, kad uzcçla bîskapa pili (32. attçls), bet 1563. gadâ Holðteinas hercogs Magnuss Gabriels de la Gardi tai pieðíîra pilsçtas tiesîbas. 19. gadsimtâ Lielajâ lîcî atklâja dûòas ar dziednieciskâm îpaðîbâm, un 1840. un 1876. gadâ Kuresârç atvçra pirmâs dûòu dziedniecîbas iestâdes [11]. 1883. gadâ Pargi ielâ atklâja pilsçtas domei piederoðâs Dr. Vîdemaòa “Jaunâs dûòu dziednîcas un peldu iestâdes”. Kuresâre kïuva par kûrortpilsçtu. Pilsçtas galva Hugo fon der Borgs (1825–1885) esplanâdç starp pilsçtu un cietoksni 1860. gadâ ierosinâja ierîkot parku ar mûzikas paviljonu, kafejnîcu un izklaides paviljonu “Tivoli”. 1861.–1863. gadâ stâdîja kokus. Rîgas dârznieka H. Gegingera (Gögginger) projektçto ainavu parku ar lokveida celiòiem apjoza dzîvþogs. 1883. gadâ ierîkoja pirmâs laternas, bet 1887. gadâ izveidoja aleju. 1889. gadâ Kuresâres arhitekts K. Lorenconi (Lorenzoni) izstrâdâja projektu kûrmâjai (33. attçls). Eklektisma stila çkâ bija bufete, restorâns, lasîtava, kârðu spçïu istaba, teâtra, mûzikas un deju zâle, vaïçja veranda, dienesta dzîvoklis un skatu tornis. 1898. gadâ ierîkoja lasîtavu Lesehalle un Versmaòa parku starp Veizes pïavu, Romassâres dûòu dziednîcu un 1884. gadâ uzcelto kafejnîcu, bet 1901. gadâ – tenisa laukumu. 19. gadsimta beigâs izveidojâs dârzu pilsçtiòa ap parku. 19. gadsimta deviòdesmitajos gados tika iestâdîta aleja un nolikti soli pie kafejnîcas Trinkhalle. Pirms Pirmâ pasaules kara izveidojâs galvenie atpûtas centri – Pilsçtas parks un Jûrmalas parks [6, 46, 47]. Kûrortu uzplaukums 19. gadsimtâ un 20. gadsimta pirmajâ pusç stimulçja arhitektûras, apdzîvoto vietu plânojuma un zaïo stâdîjumu attîstîbu. Igaunijas, Lietuvas un Rîgas Jûrmalas kûrortiem raksturîgs bija regulârs ielu tîkls. Liepâjâ vasarnîcu


apbûves rajona kompozîcijai tika izvçlçta trapeces formas konfigurâcija. Íemeros un Baldonç izmantoja brîvu plânojumu, lai kûrortam raksturîgâs çkas – kûrmâjas, peldu iestâdes, estrâdes un paviljonus – organiski iekïautu parku kompozîcijâ un dabas vidç. Mûsdienâs Lietuvas un Igaunijas kûrortu arhitektûra attîstâs vçsturisko tradîciju ietekmç. Latvijâ privatizâcijas procesu rezultâtâ kûrorti zaudçjuði valstiski nozîmîgas ekonomiskâs nozares statusu. Daudzi privatizçtie objekti pârtraukuði darbîbu, izsaimniekoti un nojaukti. Saasinâs jautâjums par kultûrvçsturiskâ mantojuma turpmâko likteni.

Romassare dune-treatment house was formed. In 1884 a cafe was built, in 1901 – a tennis court. At the end of the 19th century a garden village was constructed around the park. In the 1990ies an avenue of trees was planted and benches were placed near the Cafe Trinkhalle. Before the First World War the main recreational centers were formed – the city park and the sea-side park [6, 46, 47]. The flourishing of health resorts in the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century stimulated the development of architecture, the planning of inhabited areas and the development of green areas. Estonia’s, Lithuania’s and Riga’s sea-side health resorts were characterized by a regular network of streets. The composition for the construction region for summer homes in Liepâja was characterized by a trapeze-shaped configuration. In Íemeri and Baldone free planning was used, so that the buildings characteristic of health resorts – wellness hotels, bathing establishments, open-air stages and pavilions – would organically be included in the composition of the parks and the natural environment. Today the health resort architecture in Lithuania and Estonia continues to develop under the influence of historic traditions. In Latvia, as a result of the privatization process, health resorts have lost their status as important state economic zones. Many privatized objects have stopped operating, have been squandered and pulled down. The question about the future fate of this cultural and historical inheritance is becoming urgent.

IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Baldones sçravoti Latvijâ. – Baldone: Baldones sçravotu direkcija, 1932. – 14 lpp., il. 2. Belte P. Rîgas Jûrmalas, Slokas un Íemeru pilsçtas ar apkârtni: vçsturisks apskats. – Dubulti: Autora izdevums, 1935. – 299 lpp., 204 il. 3. Blaus I. Baldone. – Rîga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecîba, 1962. – 86 lpp. 4. Jûrmala. – Rîga: Nacionâlais apgâds, 2006. – 96 lpp., il. 5. Jûrmala. Daba un kultûras mantojums. – Rîga: Neputns, 2004. – 343 lpp., il. 6. Kavere A. Rîgas dârzu arhitekta Georgs Kûfalts. – Rîga: Jumava, 2007. – 195 lpp., il. 7. Krûmiòð G. Praktisks ilustrçts vadonis pa Liepâju un Dienvidu Kurzemi. – Rîga: Jçkaba Krûmiòa izdevums, 1930. – 128 lpp., karte, 8 plâni, il. 8. Íezbere D. Jûrmala. Pilsçta uz viïòa. – Rîga: Nacionâlais apgâds, 2005. – 96 lpp., il. 9. Latvijas ârsts / Vîksna A. Medicînas sâkumi Latvijas novados. – Rîga: Latvijas Ârstu biedrîba, 1993. – 120 lpp., il. 10. Vana Haapsalu: ehitised ja inimesed. – Tallinn: Argo, 2006. – lk 7–8. 11. Vana Kuressaare: ehitised ja inimesed. – Tallinn: Argo, 2006. – lk 6–7. 12. Vana Narva: ehitised ja inimesed. – Tallinn: Argo, 2006. – lk 8. 13. Vana Pärnu: ehitised ja inimesed. – Tallinn: Argo, 2006. – lk 7–8. 14. Ãðàäîñòðîèòåëüñòâî Ðîññèè ñåðåäèíû ÕIÕ – íà÷àëa ÕÕ âåêà. Ïîä îáùåé ðåäàêöèåé Êèðè÷åíêî Å. È. – Ìîñêâà: Ïðîãðåññ–Òðàäèöèÿ, 2003. – ñòð. 254–255. 15. Ëèòâà. – Âèëüíþñ: Ãëàâíàÿ ðåäàêöèÿ ýíöèêëîïåäèé, 1989, 672 ñòð., èë.


Darbâ izmantoti fotomateriâli no Paula Stradiòa Medicînas vçstures muzeja, Liepâjas vçstures muzeja, Liepâjas Centrâlâs bibliotçkas, Pçrnavas muzeja, Jûrmalas vçstures muzeja, Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas fondiem, Svena Karjaharma pastkarðu kolekcijas, personîgâ arhîva, kâ arî interneta avoti, un Silvija Ozola Lecturer, Mgr.arch. Riga Technical University, Liepâja Affiliation 4 Vânes Str., LV-3405, Liepâja, Latvia Phone: +371 29435668 Ozola S. Kûrortu arhitektûra un plânojums Baltijâ 19. gadsimtâ – 20. gadsimta pirmajâ pusç Tirdzniecîbas un rûpniecîbas apvçrsums pasaulç 19. gadsimtâ rosinâja izmainît apdzîvotu vietu veidolu un stimulçja jauna veida apbûves parâdîðanos. Krievijâ lielo pilsçtu apkârtnç izveidojâs pirmâs dârzu pilsçtas, kas diktçja jaunas funkcionâlâs îpatnîbas pilsçtu vçsturiskajiem centriem. Kûrorta pilsçtas radâs 19. gadsimtâ un 20. gadsimta sâkumâ un raksturoja visagrâko jauna tipa apdzîvoto vietu daudzveidîbu. Kûrortâ kâ speciâli ârstniecîbas nolûkam veidotâ apdzîvotâ vietâ izmantoja dabas dziedniecîbas lîdzekïus – ûdeòus un dûòas. Kûrorta pilsçtai izveidojâs sava estçtika un saturs – to veidoja ârstniecîbai, atpûtai un izklaidei. Baltijas kûrorta pilsçtu centru saturu noteica cilvçka çtika un intereses. Liela nozîme bija publiskiem parkiem. Pazîstamâkâs kûrortu pilsçtas Igaunijâ bija Tallina, Pçrnava, Hâpsalu, Kuresâre un Narva; Lietuvâ – Palanga un Druskininki, bet Latvijâ – Baldone, Liepâja un Rîgas Jûrmala ar Íemeru dziednîcâm. Kûrortu izveide veicinâja izmaiòas pilsçtu plânojumâ, jaunu atpûtas un dziedniecîbas çku tipu raðanos, vides labiekârtoðanu un ârtelpu detaïiekârtu izveidi. Pilsçtbûvniecîbas norises mûsdienu pilsçtâs skar vçsturiski izveidojuðos apbûves struktûru un plânojumu, saasinot jautâjumu par tâ turpmâko likteni. Ozola S. The Architecture and Olanning of the Health Resorts in the Baltic Region in the 19th century and the 1st half of 20th century World’s market and industrial revolution in the 19th century stimulated the change of the shape of populated areas and stimulated the appearance of a new way of building. In the surroundings of large Russian cities the first gardentowns were formed, that established the functional features of city centre. Health resort cities grown out in the 19th and early 20th century and characterized the diversity of novel populated areas of new type. Health resorts had their own esthetics and content – they were designed for medical treatment, recreation and entertainment. In Baltic states the design of the center of health resorts were based on esthetics and interests of people, therefore park was an important constituent, for example in Estonia – Tallinn, Pärnu, Haapsalu, Kuressaare, Narva; in Lithuania – Palanga, Druskininkai, in Latvia – Baldone, Liepâja, Jûrmala, including Íemeri resort. The appearance of health resorts stimulated changes in the city planning, the appearance of new types of recreation and health treatment buildings, landscaping and development of small architectural forms. Planning of modern cities affects the structure and layout of historical building and raises a question of its further existence. Îçîëà Ñ. Àðõèòåêòóðà è ïëàíèðîâêà êóðîðòîâ Áàëòèè â ÕIÕ âåêå – íà÷àëå ÕÕ âåêà Òîðãîâî-ïðîìûøëåííûé ïåðåâîðîò â ìèðå â ÕIÕ âåêå ñïîñîáñòâîâàë óëó÷øåíèþ îáëèêà íàñåëåííûõ ìåñò è ñòèìóëèðîâàë ïîÿâëåíèþ çàñòðîåê íîâîãî âèäà.  îêðåñòíîñòÿõ êðóïíûõ ãîðîäîâ Ðîññèè çàðîäèëèñü ïåðâûå ãîðîäà-ñàäû, êîòîðûå îïðåäåëèëè ôóíêöèîíàëüíûå îñîáåííîñòè ãîðîäñêèõ öåíòðîâ. Ãîðîäà-êóðîðòû, âîçíèêøèe â ñåðåäèíå ÕIÕ–íà÷àëå ÕÕ âåêà, ïðåäñòàâëÿþò íàèáîëåå ðàííþþ ðàçíîâèäíîñòü íîâûõ òèïîâ ïîñåëåíèé. Íà êóðîðòàõ, êàê ñïåöèàëüíî ñîçäàííûõ ïîñåëåíèÿõ äëÿ ëå÷åíèÿ ñ ïîìîùüþ ïðèðîäíûõ ñðåäñòâ – âîä è ãðÿçåé, ñêëàäûâàëàñü ñâîÿ ýñòeòèêà è ñîäåðæàòåëüíîñòü – ïðåäíàçíà÷åííàÿ äëÿ îçäîðîâëåíèÿ, îòäûõà è ðàçâëå÷åíèé. Îñîáåííîñòè öåíòðà ãîðîäà-êóðîðòà â Áàëòèè èñõîäèëà èç èíîé êîíöåïöèè – â åå îñíîâó áûëà ïîëîæåíà ýòèêà è èíòåðåñû ÷àñòíîãî ÷åëîâåêà. Öåíòð ãîðîäà–êóðîðòà îñíîâûâàëñÿ íà ïåðåíåñåíèè â ãîðîä åå ïàðêîâîé ÷àñòè è åå ðàçâèòå ïîä÷èíÿëîñü êóðîðòíîé ñïåöèàëèçàöèåé: â Ýñòîíèè – Òàëëèí, Õààïñëó, Êóðåññààðå, Ïÿðíó, Íàðâà; â Ëèòâå – Ïàëàíãà, Äðóñêèíèíêàé; â Ëàòâèè – Áàëäîíå, Ëèåïàÿ, Ðèæñêîå Bçìîðüå ñ êóðîðòîì Êåìåðè. Àðõèòåêòóðíî-ïëàíèðîâî÷íàÿ ñòðóêòóðà ãîðîäîâ ïðèîáðåëà èçìåíåíèÿ ïðè ñîçäàíèè êóðîðòîâ. Ýòî ñïîñîáñòâîâàëî ïîÿâëåíèþ íîâûõ òèïîâ çäàíèé îòäûõà è îçäîðîâëåíèÿ, ðåøåíèé áëàãîóñòðîéñòâà. Ñîâðåìåííûå ãðàäîñòðîèòåëüíûå ïðîöåññû çàòðàãèâàþò èñòîðè÷åñêè ñëîæèâøóþ ñòðóêòóðó ïëàíèðîâêè è çàñòðîéêè ãîðîäîâ, âûäâèãàþò âîïðîñ î åå äàëüíåéøåé ñóäüáå.



Key words: divided cities, zone of impact, townscape, public open space, border area, visual space.

Livonijas pilsçta Valka (Walk) pirmoreiz rakstos pieminçta 1286. gadâ Rîgas kredîtreìistrâ, un 1584. gadâ tâ ieguva pilsçtas tiesîbas [8]. Laika gaitâ, lîdzîgi kâ pârçjâ Livonijas teritorija, pilsçta vairâkkârt mainîja pakïautîbu, nonâkot gan Zviedrijas, gan Krievijas, gan Vâcijas ietekmç, tomçr attîstîjâs pçc vienota plâna. Pilsçtas centrs veidojâs lineâri gar Pedeles upi. 1780. gadâ Valkâ tika uzbûvçtas pirmâs mûra celtnes – baznîcas, skolas un paðvaldîbas çkas. 1889. gadâ, lîdz ar dzelzceïa lînijas Rîga-Pleskava izbûvi, tika atklâta Valkas dzelzceïa stacija, un pçc dzelzceïa atzarojuma Valka-Tartu, kâ arî ðaurslieþu lîniju Valka-Pçrnava un Valka-Marienburga (Alûksne) atklâðanas, Valka izveidojâs par dzelzceïa mezglu. XIX un XX gadsimta mijâ pilsçtas iedzîvotâju skaits tuvojâs 15 tûkstoðiem. 1920. gadâ pçc Latvijas un Igaunijas valstiskâs neatkarîbas proklamçðanas, Valku ðíîrçjtiesâ sadalîja Latvijas un Igaunijas daïâ. Valstu robeþu novilka tieði cauri pilsçtas centram pa nelielo Pedeles upes pieteku Varþupîti, no agrâk vienotâs pilsçtas izveidojot divas atseviðías daïas. Lîdz ar valstu robeþu ierîkoðanu abas pilsçtas daïas sadalîja arî fiziski, izbûvçjot þogus un starpvalstu satiksmei ierîkojot atseviðíus robeþpârejas punktus. Abas pilsçtas daïas joprojâm nesa agrâko nosaukumu, taèu atbilstoði igauòu valodas fonçtiskajâm îpaðîbâm, Igaunijas daïas nosaukums ieguva Valgas vârdu. Tâdçjâdi divâs valstîs nostiprinâjâs divas pilsçtas – Valka un Valga. Neraugoties uz to, vçl mûsdienâs daudzi apkârtçjo pagastu iedzîvotâji latvieði

The Livonian town Valka (Walk) was first mentioned in 1286 in the Riga Credit Register and in 1584 it acquired a status of a town [8]. In the course of time, similarly as in the rest of Livonian territory, the town became subjected to different rulers – Swedish, Russian and German, yet it developed according to a single scheme. The city centre spread linearly along the Pedele River. In 1780 the first stone houses – churches, schools and municipality buildings – appeared in Valka. In 1889 Valka Railway Station was built following the construction of the railway line Riga-Pskov, but after opening the railway extension Valka-Tartu and the narrow gauge lines Valka-Pärnu and Valka-Marienburg (Alûksne), Valka became a railway junction. At the turn of the 19th and 20th century the number of population in town reached almost 15,000. In 1920 after proclamation of independence of Latvian and Estonian states, in the court of arbitration Valka was divided into Latvian and Estonian parts. The state border was drawn right through the town centre along the small creek of the Pedele River called the Varþupîte River and two separate parts instead of the formerly united town appeared. Simultaneously with the securing of the state border both the parts of the town were divided also physically by setting up fences and erecting border posts for interstate traffic. Both parts of the town were still called Valka, however, due to phonetic peculiarities of the Estonian language, the Estonian part acquired a new name – Valga. Thus, two towns – Valka and Valga – came into existence in two states. Despite this, quite a few Latvians of the neighbouring


Valgu dçvç par “igauòu Valku”, bet igauòi Valku – par “latvieðu Valgu”. Lai gan Valkas un Valgas kontekstâ lieto jçdzienu “dvîòu pilsçtas” [6], drîzâk abu pilsçtu fenomena apzîmçðanai ir piemçrojams jçdziens “dalîtâs pilsçtas”. Jçdzienu “dvîòu pilsçtas” (Twin Cities) visbieþâk attiecina uz ASV pilsçtâm Mineapoli (Minneapolis) un Senpolu (St. Paul) [7], taèu ar to apzîmç arî ìeogrâfiski tuvu atrodoðâs pilsçtas, kuras ðíir dabiski ðíçrðïi, piemçram, Otavu (Ottawa) un Gatino (Gatineau) Kanâdâ. Eiropâ jçdziens “dvîòu pilsçtas” aktualizçts 2006. gadâ dibinot Eiropas Dvîòu pilsçtu asociâciju, kurâ apvienojuðies seði pilsçtu pie robeþâm pâri [6], arî Valka un Valga. Ðo jçdzienu lieto arî tâdu pilsçtu apzîmçðanai, kuras, neatkarîgi no attâluma, saista savstarpçjâs sadarbîbas lîgumi. Tomçr tieði jçdziens “dalîtâs pilsçtas” visprecîzâk raksturo Valkas un Valgas vçsturiskâs peripetijas un atbilst vienotas pilsçtas struktûras dislokâcijai vairâku politisko vai administratîvo varu jurisdikcijâ. Lai arî ne pârâk izplatîta, lîdzîga pilsçtu sadalîðanas prakse nav unikâla. Eiropâ pagâjuðâ gadsimta otrajâ pusç pazîstamâkais piemçrs ir kâdreizçjâ Berlînes sadalîðana Austrumberlînç un Rietumberlînç, taèu par dalîtu pilsçtu, galvenokârt pçc etniskâ principa, pazîmçm runâ arî Beïìijas (Brisele) [2], Bosnijas (Banja Luka, Sarajeva, Viteza u.c.) [1], Horvâtijas (Splita) [2] un Ziemeïîrijas (Belfâsta) [3] kontekstâ. Zinâmâ mçrâ dalîto pilsçtu pazîmes piemît Ungârijas galvaspilsçtai Budapeðtai, lai gan tur vienota pilsçta veidojusies, saplûstot divâm atseviðíâm pilsçtâm pretçjos Donavas krastos – Budai un Peðtai. Savukârt Roma un Vatikâns, ko arî min kâ dalîto pilsçtu piemçru, ðim jçdzienam atbilst ïoti nosacîti, jo ðai gadîjumâ runât par abu pilsçtu strukturâlo vienotîbu nav pamata. Tâ kâ dalîto pilsçtu kontekstâ vienmçr pastâv kâds ðíçrslis jeb robeþa, kas tâs sadala, var lietot arî apzîmçjumu “robeþpilsçta” (frontier-city). Kâ minçts 1993. gadâ Ulsteras universitâtç (University of Ulster) notikuðajâ Fulbraita seminârâ par dalîto robeþpilsçtu pârvaldi, pilsçtu sadalîðanas iemesli var bût etniskas un reliìiskas izcelsmes, kâ arî vçsturisku un ìeogrâfisku apsvçrumu diktçti, savukârt sadalîðanas sekas var izpausties kâ iedzîvotâju nodarbinâtîbas un izglîtîbas lîmeòa kriðanâs, izmaiòas demogrâfiskajâ struktûrâ un daþâdu sociâlo slâòu savstarpçjâs neiecietîbas palielinâðanâs [1]. Lîdzîgi secinâjumi lasâmi arî 2005. gadâ Vudro Vilsona Starptautiskâ stipendiâtu centra (Woodrow Wilson International Center for

parishes still call Valga “the Estonian Valka”, but the Estonians refer to Valka as “the Latvian Valga”. Although speaking about Valka and Valga the term twin cities [6] is used, to describe this phenomenon the term divided cities seems more appropriate. The term twin cities most often is attributed to the US cities Minneapolis and St. Paul [7]; however, it is also used to designate the cities of close geographic proximity divided by natural barriers, for instance, Ottawa and Gatineau in Canada. In Europe the term twin cities came into circulation in 2006 when the Association of European Twin Cities was founded uniting six pairs of cities across borders [6], including Valka and Valga. This term is also used to designate the cities which, regardless of the distance, are bound by mutual co-operation agreements. However, the term divided cities more precisely describes a sequence of historic events in Valka and Valga and it is more appropriate for the situation when a single urban structure is under jurisdiction of several political or administrative powers. Although not very widespread, similar city division is not an extraordinary phenomenon. In the second half of the previous century the most wellknown example in Europe was the division of Berlin into East Berlin and West Berlin. Anyhow, mostly due to the ethnic principle under the term divided cities also fall cities in Belgium (Brussels) [2], Bosnia (Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Vitez, etc.) [1], Croatia (Split) [2] and Northern Ireland (Belfast) [3]. To a certain extent the capital of Hungary Budapest can also be classified as a divided city, although a common city formed there when two separate towns – Buda and Pest – located on the opposite banks of the Danube River merged. While Rome and the Vatican City, which are also referred to as an example of divided cities, correspond to this term only relatively because of the lack of structural unity of both cities. Since in the context of divided cities, there is always some barrier or border dividing them, a designation frontier-city is also used. As it was said in 1993 at the Fulbright Seminar on administration of the divided frontier-cities held at the University of Ulster, the reasons for splitting the cities may be ethnical or religious, there may also be historic or geographic considerations, while the effects of division may manifest themselves in a decline of employment and education levels of population, changes in demographic structure and increase of intolerance between different social groups [1]. Similar conclusions can be found in the materials of the 2005 workshop organised by the Woodrow


1., 2. attçls. Starpvalstu robeþas vizuâlâ telpa. Picture 1, 2. Visual space of State Border area.

Scholars) rîkotâ plençra materiâlos [2]. Lai gan Valkas-Valgas sadalîðana ir politiski etniska rakstura, vairums no minçtajiem riska faktoriem tur nav novçrojami. Galvenâ problçma ir tîri pilsçtbûvnieciska rakstura, jo vienotas plânojuma struktûras ietvaros sâk darboties divi paralçli pilsçtu administratîvie centri. Padomju okupâcijas laikâ Valkâ-Valgâ fiziskâs starpvalstu robeþbarjeras tiek nojauktas, taèu katra pilsçta atrodas savas padomju republikas jurisdikcijâ un tiek autonomi pârvaldîta. Kopîgi darbojas atseviðíi infrastruktûras elementi, piemçram, sabiedriskais transports. Lîdz ar Latvijas Republikas un Igaunijas Republikas valstiskâs neatkarîbas atjaunoðanu, abu pilsçtu saiknes atkal vâjinâs, tiek atjaunotas starpvalstu robeþbarjeras un robeþpârejas punkti, un sabiedriskais transports starp abâm pilsçtâm kursçt pârtrauc. Pçc Latvijas un Igaunijas iestâðanâs Eiropas Savienîbâ un pievienoðanâs Ðengenas konvencijai atkal ir nojauktas fiziskâs robeþbarjeras Valkas un Valgas centrâ, un abas pilsçtas atkal iegûst vienotu telpu (1.–6. attçls). Tas ïauj apsvçrt abu pilsçtu kâ vienotas sistçmas attîstîbas iespçjas nâkotnç, kâ arî prognozçt bûtiskâkâs problçmas, kas varçtu attîstîbu kavçt. Nozîmîgâkie faktori, kas ietekmç robeþpilsçtu attîstîbu mûsdienâs, galvenokârt ir sociâla rakstura kâ, piemçram, izglîtîba, nodarbinâtîba un mainîgâ demogrâfiskâ struktûra, kâ arî konfliktbîstamîba, kas var rasties uz kâda no riska faktoru bâzes. Svarîgâkais uzdevums ðo faktoru identificçðanâ un ievçrtçðanâ ir vispusîgas pilsçtu pârvaldes jauna modeïa veidoðana [1]. Valkas-Valgas gadîjumâ ðî uzdevuma îstenoðanu apgrûtina administratîvâs barjeras, jo

Wilson International Center for Scholars [2]. Although political and ethnical considerations accounted for division of Valka and Valga, the majority of the mentioned risk factors do not apply be there. The main problem is purely urban in character because within the framework of a united planning structure two town administrative centres are functioning simultaneously. During the Soviet occupation the physical interstate borders in Valka and Valga were removed, nevertheless, each town was located in the separate jurisdiction of each Soviet republic and was administered autonomously. Several infrastructure objects were functioning jointly, e.g. public transport. Following the restoration of independence of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Estonia, ties between both towns weakened and the interstate borders and border posts were re-established, and public transport ceased running between both towns. After accession of Latvia and Estonia to the European Union and joining the Schengen Convention, the physical borders in the centre of Valka and Valga have been removed again and both towns have again acquired a single urban space (Picture 1–6). In this situation it is possible to consider development of both towns as of a united system in future as well as to predict the most essential problems that may hamper development. The most important factors affecting development of frontier-cities today are mostly social in substance, like education, employment and the changing demographic structure as well as inclination to conflicts which may be triggered off by some of the risk factors. The most important task is to identify these factors and to take them into account when shaping


3., 4., 5., 6. attçls. Starpvalstu robeþas vizuâlâ telpa. Picture 3, 4, 5, 6. Visual space of State Border area.

katrâ pilsçtas daïâ darbojas sava paðvaldîba, bet elastîgai savstarpçjâs sadarbîbas attîstîbai traucç starpvalstu lîmenî nenoregulçti jautâjumi, piemçram, neatliekamâs palîdzîbas vai sabiedriskâ transporta pârvadâjumu jomâ. Neraugoties uz grûtîbâm, Valkas un Valgas paðvaldîbâm ir izdevies saskaòot rîcîbu vairâkos aspektos. Jau 1995. gadâ abu pilsçtu vadîtâji parakstîjuði sadarbîbas lîgumu, kurâ fiksçti nozîmîgâkie sadarbîbas virzieni – pilsçtas pârvaldîba un saimniecîba, vides kvalitâte, tûrisma attîstîba un plânoðana [8]. Valgas-Valkas apvienotais sekretariâts, kura vadmotîvs – “Viena pilsçta, divas valstis” – raksturo abu paðvaldîbu mçríi izveidot vienotu pilsçttelpu. Jau vairâkus gadus tas darbojas kâ koordinâcijas centrs. Pagaidâm ðî darba rezultâti pârsvarâ definç turpmâkâs darbîbas virzienus, tomçr atseviðíu aktivitâðu, piemçram, valstu robeþas maríçðana dabâ (7., 8., 9. attçls), tûrisma kartes un fotoalbuma par Valku-Valgu izdoðana, kâ arî Starptautiskâ studiju centra veidoðana, îstenoðanas rezultâti ir novçrtçjami praktiski.

a new model of comprehensive town administration [1]. In the Valka-Valga case the attainment of this objective is encumbered with administrative barriers since each part of the town has its own municipality, but the issues unsolved at an interstate level impede development of flexible mutual co-operation e.g. in the sphere of emergency aid or public transport services. Despite the obstacles, the municipalities of Valka and Valga had already managed to co-ordinate actions in various fields. In 1995 town councillors signed a co-operation agreement which determined the most important directions for co-operation – town administration and management, environmental quality, development and planning of tourism [8]. The joint secretariat of Valka-Valga, the leading motive of which is “One Town, Two States”, embodies the aim of both municipalities to create a common urban townscape. For several years it has been functioning as a co-ordination centre. So far the results of this work have mostly led to defining directions for further activities, however, the results of several activities,


7., 8. attçls. Valstu robeþas maríçjums Valkas-Valgas centrâ. Picture 7, 8. Signs of the State Border marquee in the centre of Valka-Valga.

Tâ kâ viens no harmoniskas attîstîbas priekðnoteikumiem, kuru par prioritâti atzinuði arî abu pilsçtu vadîtâji, ir plânoðana, sekmîgi îstenojies pirmais abu pilsçtu kopîgas nâkotnes vîzijas iezîmçðanas mçìinâjums – attîstîbas plânu savietoðana. Lai gan tas noticis samçrâ mehâniski, un abu pilsçtas daïu telpiski vizuâlâs kopsakarîbas kopîgajâ dokumentâ pagaidâm nav nepârprotami definçtas, pati pieeja ïauj prognozçt, ka veiksmîgas plânotâju sadarbîbas rezultâtâ ðî nepilnîba tiks novçrsta. Daudzie gadu desmiti, kamçr pilsçta attîstîjusies divu valstu jurisdikcijâ, atstâjuði graujoðu ietekmi uz pilsçtas struktûru un publiskâs telpas kvalitâti. Ainaviski izteiksmîgie Varþupîtes krasti, kas varçtu bût izvçrsts un pilsçtu rotâjoðs rekreâcijas areâls, bijusi divu valstu nomale, pret kuru no abâm pusçm pavçrstas saimniecisko vajadzîbu paðas utilitârâkâs izpausmes – mazdârziòu kompostu kaudzes, privâtmâju ðíûnîði, daudzdzîvokïu namu garâþas, pilsçtu inþenierapgâdes infrastruktûras objekti un tamlîdzîgi elementi. Ðo principu veicinâjusi robeþzonas plânojuma struktûra, jo visas ðo areâlu apkalpojoðâs ielas atvirzîtas no valstu robeþas dziïâk katras pilsçtas teritorijâ. Vienotas pilsçttelpas reìenerâcijas uzdevums ir mîkstinât ðo ietekmi, par robeþzonas prioritâti definçjot publiskas rekreâcijas vides izveidoðanu. “Intereðu gravitâcija” mûsdienu pilsçtâ aptver sabiedriski svarîgâko objektu izvietojumu un marðrutus, kas tos saista savâ starpâ. No vienas puses, jauni semantiskie poli ar savu infrastruktûru, kas ne vienmçr atbilst tradicionâlajai vçsturiski izveidojuðâs pilsçtas struktûrai, un, no otras puses, pilsçtas infrastruktûras diferencçðanâs atbilstoði mûsdienu

such as marking of state borders (Picture 7, 8, 9), publication of tourist maps and picture albums about Valka-Valga as well as establishment of the International Centre for Studies, can actually be assessed. As one of the preconditions for harmonious development, which has been deemed the priority by the councillors of both towns, is planning, the first attempt to envisage a common future for both towns – compounding of the two development plans – has succeeded. Although it has been done almost mechanically, and for the time being the spatially visual common features of both parts of the town are not precisely defined in the joint document, the approach itself leads to a conclusion that as a result of a successful co-operation of town planners this shortcoming will be eliminated. The many decades, while the town had developed under the jurisdiction of two states, have left a disruptive influence on the urban structure and quality of public spaces. The picturesque banks of the Varþupîte River, which could have been a wellarranged recreational area enhancing the quality of the town, used to be the borderland of two states encircled from both sides with a wide range of utilitarian objects – compost piles in vegetable gardens, sheds at dwelling houses, garages around apartment blocks, infrastructure objects of engineering communications and similar elements. The layout scheme of the frontier area has accounted for this principle as all streets servicing this area are withdrawn farther off from the state borders inwards the territory of the town. The task of regeneration of a common urban townscape is to soften this impact, defining establishment of the public recreational


9., 10., 11., 12. attçls. Starptautiskâ tûrisma informâcijas centra çkas novietnes vizuâlâ telpa Valkas-Valgas centrâ. Picture 9, 10, 11, 12. International Tourism Information Centre site in the visual space of Valka-Valga centre.

dzîves tempam un tagadçjam transporta un gâjçju samçram izvirza jaunus uzdevumus arî attiecîgo zonu idejiski mâkslinieciskajai organizâcijai” [5, 106]. Ðâdâ kontekstâ kïûst aktuâls jautâjums par veidojamâs publiskâs rekreâcijas vides idejisko uzstâdîjumu. “Vçsturiskajâs pilsçtâs, it îpaði to centrâlajâs daïâs, risinot rekonstrukcijas un renovâcijas problçmas, par vienu no lîdzekïiem, kâ palielinât telpiskâs struktûras funkcionâli un emocionâli estçtisko piemçrotîbu mûsu gadsimta dzîves prasîbâm, nereti tiek izmantota mçrítiecîga monumentâlu akcentu (zonu) radîðana” [5, 102]. Sareþìîtâ Valkas-Valgas vçsture “Viena pilsçta, divas valstis” kontekstâ ir pievilcîga tçma ðâdas idejas îstenoðanai. Tâ daïçji jau aizsâkta, izveidojot valstu robeþas maríçjumu. Tâ kâ Varþupîtes vizuâlâ telpa saplûst ar Pedeles upmalâ veidojamo aktîvâs un pasîvâs atpûtas areâla vizuâlo telpu, uz abu ûdensbaseinu telpiskâs struktûras bâzes iespçjams izveidot izvçrstu un reprezentablu ârtelpu

area as a priority of the frontier area. “Gravitation of interests” in a modern city comprises placement of important public objects and routes connecting them. On the one hand, new semantic poles with their infrastructure, which not always fits into the traditional and historic urban fabric, and on the other hand, differentiation of the urban infrastructure in order to keep up with the rhythm of modern life and current proportion of vehicles and pedestrians define new tasks also for the ideological and artistic organisation of the respective zones” [5, 106]. In this context the issue of ideological positioning of the developable public recreational area comes into the foreground. “In the historic towns, especially in their central parts, when dealing with restoration and renovation, a purposeful creation of monumental accents (areas) is quite often used as one of the means for increasing functional and emotionally aesthetic suitability of the spatial structure to the lifestyle requirements of our century” [5, 102]. The intricate history of Valka-


sistçmu, kurâ iespçjams îstenot daþâdas, gan pilsçtas centram, gan perifçrijâm raksturîgas sabiedriskâs aktivitâtes. Tâ kâ starpvalstu robeþas vizuâlâs telpas platums daþâdâs zonâs ir daþâds un svârstâs no vairâkiem metriem abpus robeþas ðaurâkajâs vietâs lîdz daudziem desmitiem metru platâkajâs, arî sabiedrisko aktivitâðu piesâtinâjums attiecîgi jâdiferencç. Aktîvâk noslogotajâs vietâs jâparedz apbûves iespçjas apkalpes funkciju nodroðinâðanai. Abu rekreâcijas struktûru sadurvietâ pilsçtu vçsturiskâ centra tieðâ tuvumâ idejas par valstu robeþas iezîmçðanu kontekstâ jau ir rezervçta vieta starpvalstu tûrisma informâcijas centram (10., 11., 12. attçls). Tas varçtu kïût par arhitektoniski atraktîvu un saturiski daudzpusîgu vietzîmi. Informâcijas centra telpiskâs vietzîmes funkcija ïautu pastiprinât paðreiz ïoti vâjo Valkas-Valgas centra semantiku, jo “akcentus izvietojot paðos svarîgâkajos pilsçtas struktûras (un infrastruktûras) mezglpunktos, iespçjams arî daïçji uzlabot laika gaitâ zaudçto pilsçtas telpas semantisko (jçdzienisko) precizitâti” [5, 102]. Tas nozîmç, ka ðî objekta arhitektûrai un vides labiekârtojumam jâkïûst par dominanti, un to nevajadzçtu apgrûtinât ar citâm papildfunkcijâm. Valkas-Valgas pilsçtvides attîstîbas konsekvences liecina, ka galvenie virzieni, kuros plânoðanas un arhitektûras kontekstâ nâkotnç pievçrðama îpaða uzmanîba, nosacîti iedalâmi trîs grupâs: 1) pilsçtvides telpiskâs struktûras un infrastruktûras attîstîbas vienotâ sistçmâ veicinâðana, 2) starpvalstu robeþas ietekmes zonas un vizuâlâs telpas pârveidoðana par publiskas rekreâcijas areâlu, 3) atseviðíu çku projektu risinâjumu ieceru arhitektoniski telpiskâs kvalitâtes nodroðinâðana. Tâ kâ “pilsçtas un teritorijas ir vietas, kur vara tiecas dominçt – nosakot, kâ cilvçkiem ikdienâ dzîvot” [4, 19], ðos uzdevumus iespçjams kvalitatîvi îstenot, tikai sekmîgi turpinoties iesâktajai starppaðvaldîbu cieðai sadarbîbai. Ðai kontekstâ visaktîvâkâ sadarbîba nepiecieðama, îstenojot aktivitâtes pirmajâs divâs grupâs minçtajos virzienos, pie tam lîdzâs arhitektoniskajiem un telpiskajiem vides attîstîbas paòçmieniem îpaða nozîme pievçrðama arî sociâlajiem aspektiem. Tâ kâ Valkas-Valgas sabiedrîba diferencçjas pçc etniskâs piederîbas un runâ divâs ïoti atðíirîgâs valodâs, sabiedriskâs

Valga within the context of the motive “One town, two states” is an appealing theme for implementation of this idea. In part it has already been initiated by marking the state borders. As the visual space of the Varþupîte River merges with the visual space of the prospective recreational area for active and passive leisure activities on the riverbanks of the Pedele, the spatial structure of both watercourses can be used as a basis for an extensive and attractive system of open spaces where it would be possible to organise various public activities inherent to both town centre and suburbs. Since the width of the visual space of interstate border in different areas varies between several meters in the narrowest stretches on both sides of the border up to several tens of meters in the broadest areas, the intensity of public activities should also vary accordingly. In the most actively utilised areas the construction of service facilities should be planned. Considering ideas for marking the state border, a place for a tourist information centre has already been reserved in the area where both recreational structures meet right next to the historic centre of the towns (Picture 10, 11, 12). It could become an architecturally attractive and content-rich landmark. Functioning of the information centre as a spatial landmark may enhance the semantics of Valka-Valga centre, which at the moment is very weak, since “placing accents in the most important nodes of urban structure (and infrastructure), it is also possible to improve partly the semantic (notional) explicitness of the townscape what had been lost over time [5, 102]. It means that the architecture of this object and environmental improvement should become a priority and it should not be burdened with other additional functions. Peculiarities of development of the ValkaValga townscape prove that the main directions to which a particular attention should be paid in future in relation to planning and architecture could be divided into three groups: 1) facilitation of development of the spatial structure and infrastructure of the townscape into a single system, 2) transformation of zones of impact of the interstate border into public recreational area, 3) ensuring architectural and spatial quality of project solutions and ideas for individual buildings. Since “the cities and territories are the places where the power tends to dominate – determining a routine of people’s everyday life” [4, 19], these


integrâcijas aktivitâtes varçtu stiprinât vienotâs pilsçtas telpas izjûtu abu kopienu iedzîvotâjiem. Ðai aspektâ îpaða vieta ir starpvalstu robeþas ietekmes zonai, jo gan pçc lokalizâcijas pilsçtâ, gan sabiedrisko aktivitâðu perspektîvâ piedâvâjuma dçï tas ir potenciâli vispievilcîgâkais attîstîbas areâls. Paredzams, ka nâkotnç lielâkâ izvçle bûs jâizdara starp tieksmi panâkt maksimâlu apbûves intensitâti un vçlmi saglabât neapbûvçtas platîbas rekreâcijas vajadzîbâm.

objectives can be attained only by continuing close co-operation between interstate municipalities. In this context the most active co-operation is required when carrying out activities in the directions mentioned in the first two groups, moreover, besides architectural and spatial methods of townscape development, a special attention should be paid to the social aspects. As the community of Valka-Valga is divided by ethnic affiliation and speaks two different languages, the activities focusing on social integration could provoke a sense of a common townscape in members of both communities. In this aspect the zone of impact of the interstate border plays a particular role because due to its location in the town and the envisaged public activities, it is potentially the most attractive area for development. It is expected that in future the choice between eagerness to obtain the maximum construction intensity and a desire to preserve vacant areas for recreation should be more advised.

Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.

IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Demichelis J. NGOs and Peacebuilding in Bosnia’s Ethnically Divided Cities // – skatîts 20.04.2008. 2. Divided Cities. Event Summary // summary&event_id=137528 – skatîts 22.04.2008. 3. Dunn S. (red.) Managing Divided Cities. // – skatîts 18.04.2008. 4. Soolep J. The Power and Pain of Town Construction // Maja: Estonian Architectural Review. – 2007. – Nr. 1(51). – 16.–21. lpp. 5. Strautmanis I. Monumentâlâs propagandas plâns un monumentu loma mûsdienu pilsçtas struktûrâ // Latvijas PSR arhitektûra un pilsçtbûvniecîba. – Rîga: Zinâtne, 1987. – 101.–109. lpp. 6. Zvirgzdiòð A. Valka un Valga – atkal viena pilsçta // – skatîts 22.05.2008. 7. – skatîts 20.05.2008. 8. – skatîts 13.04.2008. Ugis Bratuskins Associate Professor, Dr.arch. Riga Technical University, faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 6708 9116 E-mail:


Bratuðkins U. Starpvalstu robeþtelpas attîstîbas problemâtiskie aspekti vienotâ pilsçtvides struktûrâ Valkâ-Valgâ Valku (Walk) pirmoreiz rakstos piemin 1286. gadâ, un 1584. gadâ tâ iegûst pilsçtas tiesîbas. Laika gaitâ pilsçta vairâkkârt maina pakïautîbu, tomçr attîstâs pçc vienota plâna. 1920. gadâ, izveidojoties Latvijas un Igaunijas valstiskajai neatkarîbai, Valku sadala Latvijas un Igaunijas daïâ. Valstu robeþu novelk tieði cauri pilsçtas centram, no agrâk vienotâs pilsçtas izveidojot divas atseviðías daïas. Padomju okupâcijas laikâ Valkâ-Valgâ starpvalstu robeþbarjeras tiek nojauktas, taèu katra pilsçta tiek pârvaldîta autonomi. Lîdz ar Latvijas Republikas un Igaunijas Republikas valstiskâs neatkarîbas atjaunoðanu abu pilsçtu saiknes atkal vâjinâs, tiek atjaunotas starpvalstu robeþbarjeras un robeþpârejas punkti. Pçc Latvijas un Igaunijas iestâðanâs Eiropas Savienîbâ un pievienoðanâs Ðengenas konvencijai, vçlreiz tiek nojauktas fiziskâs robeþbarjeras, un abas pilsçtas iegûst vienotu telpu. Tas ïauj apsvçrt abu pilsçtu kâ vienotas sistçmas attîstîbas iespçjas nâkotnç un prognozçt bûtiskâkâs problçmas, kas varçtu attîstîbu kavçt. Nozîmîgâkie faktori, kas ietekmç robeþpilsçtu attîstîbu mûsdienâs, ir ekonomiska un sociâla rakstura. Svarîgâkais uzdevums ðo faktoru identificçðanâ un ievçrtçðanâ ir vispusîgas pilsçtu pârvaldes veidoðana. Ðî uzdevuma îstenoðanu apgrûtina apstâklis, ka katrâ pilsçtas daïâ darbojas sava paðvaldîba, bet elastîgai savstarpçjâs sadarbîbas attîstîbai traucç starpvalstu lîmenî nenoregulçti jautâjumi. Tomçr Valkas un Valgas paðvaldîbâm jau ir izdevies saskaòot rîcîbu vairâkos aspektos, parakstot sadarbîbas lîgumu, kurâ fiksçti nozîmîgâkie sadarbîbas virzieni. Daudzie gadu desmiti, kamçr pilsçta attîstîjusies divu valstu jurisdikcijâ, atstâjuði graujoðu ietekmi uz pilsçtas struktûru un publiskâs telpas kvalitâti. Ainaviski izteiksmîgais pilsçtas centra areâls bijusi divu valstu nomale. Vienotas pilsçttelpas reìenerâcijas uzdevums ir mîkstinât ðo ietekmi, par robeþzonas prioritâti definçjot publiskas rekreâcijas vides izveidoðanu. Tâ kâ Valkas-Valgas sabiedrîba diferencçjas pçc etniskâs piederîbas, sabiedriskâs integrâcijas aktivitâtes tajâ varçtu stiprinât vienotâs pilsçtas telpas izjûtu abu kopienu iedzîvotâjiem. Paredzams, ka nâkotnç lielâkâ izvçle bûs jâizdara starp tieksmi panâkt maksimâlu apbûves intensitâti un vçlmi saglabât neapbûvçtas platîbas rekreâcijas vajadzîbâm. Bratuskins U. Problematic Development Aspects of Common Urban Townscape in the Border Area of Valka-Valga The town of Valka (Walk) is first mentioned in 1286 and in 1584 it obtains the rights of the town. By time dependence of the town changes for many times, however it is developed according to a common plan. In 1920 by proclamation of state independence of Latvia and Estonia Valka is divided into Latvian and Estonian parts. State border is erected directly through the town centre creating two separate parts from a single town. The state border in Valka-Valga is taken away during the soviet occupation period but each town is managed autonomously. By restoration of the state independence of Latvia and Estonia the connection of both cities weakens again and state borders are restored. By entering of Latvia and Estonia in the European Union and joining to the Shengen Convention the physical border barriers are taken away once more, and both cities obtain a single space. This allows to review development of the town as a common spatial system and to forecast the most substantial problems that may impact it. The most considerable factors that impact development of the divided towns are of economical and social character. The most important task in authentication of these factors and evaluation of them is comprehensive town management. Both Valka and Valga local governments already have succeeded in coordination of several acts by signing an agreement of mutual collaboration. For many decades while the town has been developing into jurisdiction of two states the quality of townscape and condition of urban structure have significantly decreased. The actual task is to regenerate the common urban space determining creation of expressive public open space as the priority. As Valka-Valga population differentiates according to the ethnic origin the increasing public activities could contribute to the integration of two communities. The most significant choice in future will be to state the priority of development of the state border area between increasing of the building intensity and saving free areas for recreation.


Áðàòóøêèíñ Ó. Ïðîáëåìàòè÷íûå àñïåêòû ðàçâèòèÿ ïðîñòðàíñòâà ìåæãîñóäàðñòâåííîé ãðàíèöû â óñëîâèÿõ åäèíîé ãîðîäñêîé ñòðóêòóðû â Âàëêå-Âàëãå Âàëêà ñïåðâà óïîìÿíóò â 1286. ãîäó è â 1584. ãîäó ïîëó÷àåò ãîðîäñêèå ïðàâà.  òå÷åíèå âðåìåíè ãîðîä íåîäíîêðàòíî ìåíåÿåò ïîä÷èíåííîñòü, òåì ìå ìåíåå ðàçâèâàåòñÿ ïî åäèíîìó ïëàíó.  1920. ãîäó ñ âîçãëàøåíèåì íåçàâèñèìîñòè Ëàòâèè è Ýñòîíèè Âàëêó ðàçäåëÿþò â ëàòûøñêóþ è ýñòîíñêóþ ÷àñòè. Ãîñóäàðñòâåííóþ ãðàíèöó ïðîâîäÿò íåïîñðåäñòåííî ÷åðåç öåíòð ãîðîäà, ñîçäàâàÿ äâå îòäåëüíûå ÷àñòè. Âî âðåìÿ ñîâåòñêîé îêóïàöèè ãðàíèöà â Âàëêå-Âàëãå óáèðàåòñÿ, íî êàæäûé ãîðîä óïðàâëÿåòñÿ àâòîíîìíî. Ñ âîññòàíîâëåíèåì íåçàâèñèìîñòè Ëàòâèè è Ýñòîíèè ãîñóäàðñòâåííûå ãðàíèöû âîññòàíîâëÿþòñÿ è åäèíñòâî îáåèõ ãîðîäîâ ñëàáååò ñíîâà. Ñ ïðèñîåäèíåíèåì Ëàòâèè è Ýñòîíèè ê Åâðîïåéñêîìó ñîþçó è Øåíãåíñêîé êîíâåíöèè ôèçè÷åñêèå áàðüåðû ãðàíèöû îïÿòü óáèðàþòñÿ è îáå ãîðîäà ïðèîáðåòàþò åäèíîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî. Ýòî ïîçâîëÿåò ðàññìîòðåòü ðàçâèòèå ãîðîäà â îáùåé ïðîñòðàíñòâåííîé ñèñòåìå, à òàêæå ïðîãíîçèðîâàòü ñóùåñòâåííûå ïðîáëåìû êîòîðûå ìîãóò ïðèïÿòñòâîâàòü åé. Ñàìûå çíà÷èòåëüíûå ôàêòîðû êîòîðûå âëèÿþò íà ðàçâèòèå ðàçäåëåííûõ ãîðîäîâ â îñíîâíîì íåñóò ýêîíîìè÷åñêèé è ñîöèàëüíûé õàðàêòåð. Âàæíàÿ çàäà÷à â îïðåäåëåíèå ýòèõ ôàêòîðîâ è â îöåíêå èõ çíà÷èòåëüíîñòè ÿâëÿåòñÿ âñåñòîðîííåå óïðàâëåíèå ãîðîäà. Ñàìîïðàâëåíèÿ Âàëêè è Âàëãè óæå èìåþò îïûò êîîðäèíàöèè íåñêîëüêèõ àêòèâíîñòåé, îñíîâû êîòîðûõ çàëîæåíû ïîäïèñàíèåì äîãîâîðà î âçàèìíîé ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå. Çà ìíîãèå äåñÿòëåòèè ïîêà ãîðîä ðàçâèâàëñÿ â óñëîâèÿõ þðèñäèêöèè äâóõ ãîñóäàðñòâ êà÷åñòâî ãîðîäñêîé ñðåäû è ñîñòîÿíèå åå ñòðóêòóðû çíà÷èòåëüíî óõóäøèëîñü. Àêòóàëüíàÿ çàäà÷à çàêëþ÷àåòñÿ â ðåãåíåðàöèè åäèíîé ãîðîäñêîé ñòðóêòóðû ïðèíèìàÿ çà ïðèîðèòåò òâîðåíèå âûðàçèòåëüíîãî îáùåñòâåííîãî îòêðûòîãî ïðîñòðàíñòâà. Òàê êàê íàñåëåííîñòü Âàëêè-Âàëãè äèôôåðåíöèðóåòñÿ ñîãëàñíî ýòíè÷åñêîìó ïðîèñõîæäåíèþ, óâåëè÷åíèå îáùåñòâåííûõ àêòèâíîñòåé ñìîãëè âíåñòè ïîëîæèòåëüíûé âêëàä â èíòåãðàöèè äâóõ îáùèí. Çíà÷èòåëüíûé âûáîð â áóäóùåì áóäåò ñîñòîèòñÿ â îïðåäåëåíèè ïðèîðèòåòîâ ðàçâèòèÿ çîíû ìåæãîñóäàðñòâåííîé ãðàíèöû ëèáî äëÿ óâåëè÷åíèÿ èíòåíñèâíîñòè çàñòðîéêè, ëèáî äëÿ ñîõðàíåíèÿ ñâîáîäíîé çîíû äëÿ ðåêðåàöèè.



Key words: water area, detail design, area of impact, cityscape, public open space, visual space.

Rîgas centra attîstîba turpmâkajos gados galvenokârt bûs skatâma Daugavas kreisâ krasta jeb Pârdaugavas kontekstâ. Par to liecina gan vairâku pçdçjâ laikâ notikuðo arhitektûras plençru un konkursu rezultâti, gan aktivitâtes, kas tieði paver ceïu konkrçtu ieceru îstenoðanai. Viena no tâdâm, kas iezîmç vadlînijas pilsçtvides attîstîbai Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles areâlâ, ir ðîm çkâm pieguloðo teritoriju detâlplânojuma izstrâde. Lai gan pilsçtas attîstîbas daþâda mçroga vîzijâs un maketos abas çkas jau labu laiku tiek attçlotas kâ realitâte, to dialogs ar pilsçtvidi pagaidâm nav iezîmçts pietiekami precîzi. Krastmalu revitalizâcija pilsçtâs, izvietojot kultûras celtnes pie tâm, ir Eiropâ un pasaulç atzîts paòçmiens, kâ ûdensmalâm piesaistît daudzveidîgas publiskâs aktivitâtes [2], paaugstinot to pilsçtainavisko kvalitâti. Vienai no divdesmitâ gadsimta arhitektûras ikonâm – 1973. gadâ atklâtajam J. Utsona (J. Utzon) projektçtajam Sidnejas operas namam – jaunajâ tûkstoðgadç piepulcçjies Þ. Nuvçla (J. Nouvel) Kultûras un konferenèu centrs Lucernâ (Ðveice, 2000. gads), N. Fostera (N. Foster) Seidþa Mûzikas centrs Geitshedâ (Lielbritânija, 2005. gads), R. Kolhâsa (R. Koolhaas) Mûzikas nams Porto (Portugâle, 2005. gads), K. Nîlsena (K.H. Nielsen) Mûzikas çka Amsterdamâ (Nîderlande, 2005. gads), H. Larsena (H. Larsen) Operas nams Kopenhâgenâ (Dânija, 2005. gads), biroja Sneheta (Sn¸hetta) Operas nams Oslo (Norvçìija, 2007. gads) un B. Lundgârda (B. Lundgaard) un L. Tranberga (L. Tranberg) Karaliskâ teâtra çka Kopenhâgenâ (Dânija,

In the following years development of Riga centre will mostly concentrate on the left riverbank of the Daugava called Pârdaugava. The results of several architectural workshops and competitions held over the last few years and ensuing activities are leading straight to the realization of certain ideas. The elaboration of detail designs for the Latvian National Library and Riga Acoustic Concert Hall and for the adjacent territories of those buildings is one of the activities outlining the development of urban space in this particular area. Although for quite a long time both buildings have been inherent elements of city development visions and models of varying scale, their dialogue with the cityscape is not very clear yet. Revitalisation of waterfronts in the cities by means of cultural buildings located near them is a recognised method in Europe and in the world how to attract to the water various public activities [2], enhancing scenic quality of the city. One of the architectural icons of the 20th century – Sydney Opera House designed by architect J. Utzon and completed in 1973 in the new millennium is followed by J. Nouvel’s Culture and Conference Centre in Lucerne (Switzerland, 2000), N. Foster’s Sage Music Centre in Gateshead (United Kingdom, 2005), R. Koolhaas’ House of Music in Porto (Portugal, 2005) K.H. Nielsen’s Music Building in Amsterdam (the Netherlands, 2005), H. Larsen’s Opera House in Copenhagen (Denmark, 2005), Sn¸hetta’s Opera House in Oslo (Norway, 2007) and B. Lundgaard and L. Tranberg’s Royal Theatre House in Copenhagen (Denmark, 2008). All these


2008. gads). Ðîs kultûras celtnes vieno izvçlçtâ novietne pie ûdens (1., 2., 3. attçls) un interjera vizuâlâs telpas tieða emocionâla un funkcionâla saistîba ar blakusesoðo publisko ârtelpu pie akvatorijas (4.–10. attçls). Lîdzîgu apsvçrumu dçï izvçlçta arî Rîgas jaunâs koncertzâles novietne [1]. Tomçr ðaubas, vai iespaidîgais çkas apjoms un nepiecieðamo infrastruktûras saiðu trûkums jûtami neapgrûtinâs pilsçtvides pilnvçrtîgas attîstîbas iespçjas AB dambja ietekmes areâlâ Klîversalas krastmalâ, ir izskançjuðas kopð ðî lçmuma pieòemðanas brîþa. Pirmais plânoðanas dokuments, kas, precizçjot Rîgas attîstîbas plâna un Rîgas vçsturiskâ centra saglabâðanas un attîstîbas plâna nostâdnes, detalizç Daugavas krastmalas teritorijas izmantoðanas principus Pârdaugavâ, ir ðî areâla detâlplânojums, kura izstrâde ir uzsâkta, pamatojoties uz 27.02.2007. Rîgas domes lçmumu Nr. 2128. Kâ minçts ðî plânojuma materiâlos, “Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles teritorijas un tâm pieguloðo teritoriju detâlplânojuma izstrâdes nolûks ir noteikt infrastruktûras nodroðinâjuma attîstîbas iespçjas, kâ galvenos uzdevumus nosakot transporta risinâjumu

cultural buildings are located next to the water (Pictures 1, 2, 3) and their interior designs are emotionally and functionally attuned to the nearby public open space at the water area (Pictures 4–10). Similar considerations underlay selection of the site for the new Riga Concert Hall [1]. However, since the moment of making this decision doubts persist whether the impressive volume of the building and the lack of necessary infrastructure connections will not considerably impede the overall development of urban environment in the area near AB Dam along the Klîversala waterfront. The first planning document, which specifying the guidelines of the Riga Development Plan and the Preservation and Development Plan for the Historic Centre of Riga, explicitly states utilisation principles of the Daugava waterfront areas in Pârdaugava, is the detail design for this territory the elaboration of which was initiated by the Riga City Council with the Decision No. 2128 of 27 February 2007. As it has been stated in the materials of this detail design: “the aim of preparation of the detail design for the site and adjacent territories of the Latvian National

1., 2., 3. attçls. Daþâdas kultûras celtnes vieno to interjeru vizuâlâs telpas saistîba ar blakusesoðo publisko ârtelpu pie akvatorija. Mûzikas çka Amsterdamâ, Kongresu un konferenèu centrs Lucernâ, Operteâtris Kopenhâgenâ. Picture 1, 2, 3. Visual space of interiors in various buildings for culture are attuned to the nearby public open space at water area. Music Building in Amsterdam, Culture and Conference Centre in Lucerne, Opera House in Copenhagen.

4., 5., 6. attçls. Karaliskâ teâtra jaunbûvi Kopenhâgenâ raksturo emocionâls eksterjera un interjera dialogs ar akvatoriju. Picture 4, 5, 6. Building of Royal Theatre in Copenhagen is distinguished with emotional dialogue between interior space and water area.


izstrâdâðanu, iedzîvotâjiem pieejamas publiskâs ârtelpas veidoðanu un pilsçtas esoðâ un jaunveidojamâ administratîvâ centra sasaisti”[3]. Ðie jautâjumi ir bûtiski ne tikai Pârdaugavas, bet visas Rîgas centra attîstîbai, jo tieði jaunveidojamâs publiskâs ârtelpas kvalitâte kontekstâ ar çku arhitektonisko kvalitâti un sabiedrisko nozîmîgumu, lîdzîgi kâ Rîgas vçsturiskajâ centrâ, bûs Pârdaugavas vizîtkarte. Ðî iemesla dçï tieði publiskâs ârtelpas izmantoðanas funkcionâlo un sociâlo aspektu daudzveidîguma nodroðinâðana ir pilsçtvides attîstîbas prioritâte. Ðî raksta mçríis ir noskaidrot, vai Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles çku prognozçjamais dialogs ar vidi atbilst starptautiskajâ pieredzç aprobçtajâm un Rîgas attîstîbas dokumentos iestrâdâtajâm kvalitatîvas publiskâs telpas attîstîbas prioritâtçm. Par jaunâ pilsçtas administratîvâ centra veidolu Toròakalnâ vçl ir pâragri runât, tâdçï arî Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles teritorijas detâlplânojumâ ðî sasaiste ievçrtçta tîri teorçtiski. Bibliotçkas un koncertzâles jaunbûvçm savukârt pavisam praktiski jâiezîmç Rîgas attîstîbas dokumentos noteiktâ Daugavas ceïa un Brîvîbas ceïa – divu galveno pilsçtas kompozîcijas asu – krustojuma vieta: “Daugava ir Rîgas un tâs vçsturiskâ centra galvenâ atklâtâ telpa ar visnozîmîgâkajâm pilsçtas

7., 8., 9., 10. attçls. Karaliskâ teâtra jaunbûvi Kopenhâgenâ raksturo emocionâls eksterjera un interjera dialogs ar akvatoriju. Picture 7, 8, 9, 10. Building of Royal Theatre in Copenhagen is distinguished with emotional dialogue between interior space and water area.

Library and Riga Acoustic Concert Hall is to determine development possibilities of infrastructure where the priority tasks are elaboration of transport solutions, creation of accessible public open space and connection with the planned new administrative centre” [3]. These issues are important not only for development of Pârdaugava but also in the context of development of the entire area of Riga centre because the quality of the new public open space together with the architectural quality of these buildings and their public significance will be the landmark of Pârdaugava, similarly as in the historic centre of Riga. Exactly due to this reason the variety of functional and social aspects in utilisation of a public open space is the priority of urban development. The aim of this article is to find out whether the expected dialogue between the cityscape and the National Library and the Acoustic Concert Hall agrees with the internationally approved and in the development documents of Riga incorporated priorities for development of high-quality public spaces. Now it is too early to speak about the visual aspects of the new city administrative centre in Toròakalns, therefore its implications have been touched upon only theoretically in the detail design for the territory of the National Library and the Acoustic Concert Hall. The new buildings of the library and concert hall have to physically mark the crossing point of two routes – the major axes in Riga’s spatial composition – the Daugava River and Brîvîbas iela foreseen in the development documents of Riga: “the Daugava is the principal open space in Riga and in its historic centre with the most significant views opening towards the panorama and skyline of the city. Both embankments of the Daugava are actively used for recreation and entertainment in summer as well as in winter months” [7]. Much information has been collected about the architectural image of the said buildings, therefore the analysis of their impact on the cityscape from different aspects, including vantage points, panorama or 3D modelling, is not a topical issue any more. The functional connection of the buildings with the surrounding area is another story. How would it be possible to access the buildings on foot and by car, what would be the arrangement of entrances for various groups of users – visitors, staff, technicians, and what would be the arrangement of parking spaces – these are the most essential questions affecting the dialogue between the new buildings and the cityscape. The ambition of developing public open spaces as pedestrian-oriented areas in city centres has been


panorâmas un silueta uztveres iespçjâm. Abas Daugavas krastmalas tiek plaði izmantotas atpûtai un izklaidei gan vasaras, gan ziemas sezonâ”[7]. Par bibliotçkas un koncertzâles çku arhitektonisko veidolu jau ir uzkrâts pietiekami daudz informâcijas, tâdçï to ietekmes uz pilsçtvidi izvçrtçjums skatu perspektîvju, panorâmu vai citâdu trîsdimensiju analîþu veidâ vairs nav aktualitâte. Citâdi ir attiecîbâ uz çku funkcionâlo sasaisti ar apkârtni. Kâ bûs iespçjams pieiet un piebraukt pie çkâm, kâ tajâs tiks organizçtas ieejas daþâdâm lietotâju grupâm – apmeklçtâjiem, darbiniekiem, apkalpes dienestiem, un kâ tiks atrisinâtas autostâvvietas – tie ir bûtiskâkie jautâjumi, kas ietekmç apbûves dialogu ar pilsçtvidi. Publisko ârtelpu kâ gâjçjiem adresçtas vides attîstîbas ambîcijas pilsçtu centros konkurç ar transporta attîstîbas ambîcijâm kopð pirmo satiksmes plûsmu veidoðanâs laika [9, 143–144], un tikai radikâli ierobeþojot transporta ekspansiju, ir iespçjams veidot gâjçjiem pievilcîgus apstâkïus. Izòçmums nav arî Daugavas kreisâ krasta publiskâ ârtelpa Rîgas centrâ. Ilgtermiòâ, pamatojoties uz Rîgas attîstîbas plâna nostâdnçm [4], ir paredzçta satiksmes plûsmu samazinâðanâs pâr Akmens tiltu, pârvçrðot to par gâjçju un sabiedriskâ transporta tiltu, taèu satiksmes ierobeþoðana ne Mûkusalas ielâ, ne Kuìu ielâ nav plânota [3]. Gluþi pretçji, izbûvçjot Nacionâlo bibliotçku un Akustisko koncertzâli esoðie infrastruktûras elementi tiks vienkârði apgrûtinâti ar papildu slodzi. Bibliotçkas un koncertzâles vajadzîbâm ir projektçtas nepiecieðamâs autostâvvietas, bet iebrauktuves tajâs ir paredzçtas no Mûkusalas un Kuìu ielas jeb Daugavas krastmalas puses. Tâdçjâdi ðo ielu telpu izmantoðana reprezentablu promenâþu veidoðanai gâjçjiem kïûst faktiski neiespçjama. Bibliotçkas priekðpusç gâjçju un transporta konflikts ir mîkstinâts, paredzot izveidot virs brauktuves plaðu platformu, pa kuru gâjçjiem ir iespçjams nokïût lîdz Daugavmalai. Savukârt koncertzâles areâlâ satiksmes joslas aptek visapkârt ûdensmalâm, Kuìu ielâ atstâjot gâjçjiem vien ðauras ejas. Visai neveikli risinâts AB dambî iebûvçtâs autostâvvietas pieslçgums Akmens tilta rotâcijas aplim, paredzot vienlîmeòa gâjçju pâreju pâri èetrjoslu iebrauktuvei tajâ. Kâ alternatîva gâjçjiem nepiecieðamo âra rekreâcijas platîbu trûkumam Kuìu ielâ varçtu kalpot plânotâ promenâde uz AB dambja no Uzvaras bulvâra lîdz koncertzâlei, taèu tas pilnîgi izslçgs no intensîvas publiskâs aprites viesnîcas “Radisson SAS Daugava” priekðlaukumu, ko nâkotnç bûtu iespçjams savienot ar Klîversalas

a challenge opposing transport development ambitions since the day when the first traffic flows appeared [9, 143–144], and only radical restriction of traffic expansion may provide more pedestrian-friendly conditions. The public open space on the left riverbank of the Daugava in the centre of Riga is no exception. A long-range strategy following the guidelines of the Riga Development Plan [4] foresees reduction of transport flows over Akmens Bridge, transforming it into a bridge for pedestrians and public transport, however, traffic restriction is planned neither in Mûkusalas iela, nor in Kuìu iela [3]. On the contrary, construction of the National Library and the Acoustic Concert Hall will simply overload the existing elements of infrastructure. The library and concert hall will have the necessary parking lots but their entrances are planned from Mûkusalas iela and Kuìu iela or from the side of the Daugava embankment. Thus, it will be almost impossible to arrange pedestrian promenades along these streets. A wide pedestrian platform above the carriageway leading to the Daugava waterfront attempts to soften the conflict between pedestrian and vehicle flows in front of the library. Whereas in the area of the concert hall traffic lanes encircle the waterfront, leaving merely narrow passageways for pedestrians in Kuìu iela. Rather awkward is the connection of the parking lot built inside AB Dam with the roundabout at Akmens Bridge foreseeing a one-level pedestrian crossing over a four-lane carriageway. The promenade planned on AB Dam from Uzvaras Boulevard to the concert hall may be an alternative to the lack of recreational areas necessary for pedestrians in Kuìu iela, however, thus the forecourt of the Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel will be completely excluded from intensive public activity, although in future it could be connected to the northern part of Klîversala and the potential recreational system of the south-eastern waterfront of Âgenskalns Bay. Even if the Riga Forum or pedestrian platform above the existing roundabout in Kuìu iela is constructed, as it is envisaged in the detail design, the primary users of the pedestrian promenade on AB Dam will be concert hall visitors because due to construction prohibition along the entire length of AB Dam up to the concert hall, other public activities are less likely to appear there. Whereas considering the intensive construction planned in the near future, arrangement of various public activities will be more appropriate and easier in the northern end of Klîversala. Analysing development solutions for transport infrastructure and public open space, odd consistency can be observed. On the right bank of


ziemeïu daïas un Âgenskalna lîèa dienvidaustrumu krastmalas potenciâlo rekreâcijas sistçmu. Pat, ja tiks izbûvçts detâlplânojumâ paredzçtais “Rîgas forums” jeb gâjçju platforma virs paðreizçjâ Kuìu ielas rotâcijas apïa, uz AB dambja izveidotâs gâjçju promenâdes prioritârie adresâti bûs koncertzâles apmeklçtâji, jo apbûves lieguma dçï visâ AB dambja garumâ lîdz pat koncertzâlei citu publisko aktivitâðu piedâvâjums bûs problemâtisks. Savukârt Klîversalas ziemeïu galâ nâkotnç plânotâs intensîvâs apbûves kontekstâ izvçrst daudzveidîgas publiskâs aktivitâtes bûtu daudz lietderîgâk un vienkârðâk. Analizçjot transporta infrastruktûras un publiskâs ârtelpas attîstîbas risinâjumus, vçrojama savâda konsekvence. Daugavas labajâ krastâ, Vecrîgas tuvumâ 11. novembra krastmalas platums no apbûves frontes lîdz ûdensmalai daþâdâs vietâs ir daþâds, bet caurmçrâ sasniedz 85 m. No tâ gâjçju promenâde gar ûdensmalu ir 7 m plata, zâliens starp promenâdi un brauktuvi aizòem 17 m, bet brauktuve – 30 m. Atlikuðo ârtelpas platumu aizòem otrs zâliens un otra brauktuve ar ietvçm gar paðu apbûves fronti. Ðî promenâde plaðâku publisku sarîkojumu gadîjumos jau kïûst par ðauru visu interesentu komfortablai uzòemðanai. Kâ viena no iespçjâm 11. novembra krastmalas publiskâs ârtelpas paplaðinâðanai ir ideja attîstît alternatîvu ârtelpu Pârdaugavâ iepretim Vecrîgai [8], izveidojot plaðu rekreâcijas areâlu abpus Daugavai. Bûtu jâsagaida, ka Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles teritorijas detâlplânojumâ ðî nostâdne tiks stingri atbalstîta un ievçrtçta konkrçtos risinâjumos. Kuìu ielas platums no viesnîcas “Radisson SAS Daugava” piebûves lîdz ûdensmalai ir 38 m, no kuriem detâlplânojumâ trîsjoslu brauktuvei ar vienu joslu stâvvietai katrâ pusç atvçlçti ap 15 m. Publiskâs rekreâcijas vajadzîbâm atliek vien 18 m platuma, kuros vçl jâieraksta gan ietves abpus brauktuvei, gan josla zâlienam. Tâdçjâdi izvçrstas krastmalas promenâdes izveidoðana gâjçjiem ðeit nav paredzçta. Jau ilgi notiek diskusija par satiksmes ierobeþoðanas nepiecieðamîbu 11. novembra krastmalâ, konstatçjot, ka intensîvâ transporta plûsma atdala pilsçtu no Daugavmalas un neïauj brîvu gâjçju pârvietoðanos starp tâm. Kâ viens no iespçjamiem konflikta risinâjumiem ir tuneïa bûvniecîba, kas transportu novirzîtu pazemç, atbrîvojot virszemi netraucçtai gâjçju satiksmei. Pârdaugavâ, savukârt, paredzçts Daugavmalai transportu intensîvi piesaistît, radot labvçlîgus apstâkïus gan tâ tranzîtplûsmai, gan novietoðanai stâvçðanai. Tâ rîkojoties, netiek

the Daugava, near Old Riga, the width of the embankment (11. novembra krastmala) from the frontage to the water varies in different areas, yet on average it reaches 85 m. The pedestrian promenade along the waterfront is 7 m wide, a strip of lawn between the promenade and the carriageway covers 17 m, but the carriageway – 30 m. The rest of the open space is taken up by the other stretch of lawn and the other carriageway with pavements along the very frontage on the opposite side. During mass-events this promenade already becomes too narrow for comfortable accommodation of all participants of festivities. One of the possibilities how to expand the public open space along the embankment is development of an alternative open space in Pârdaugava opposite Old Riga [8], making a wide recreational area on both sides of the Daugava. It should be expected that in the detail design for the territory of the National Library and the Acoustic Concert Hall this idea will be strongly supported and taken into account in all particular solutions. The width of Kuìu iela from the extension of the Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel to the waterside is 38 m, the detail design foresees to allocate about 15 m of them for a three-lane carriageway with one lane for parking on each side. For the needs of public recreation only 18 m remain, which still have to include the pavements on both sides of the carriageway and a strip of lawn. Consequently, a spacious pedestrian promenade along the waterfront is not planned here. The prolonged discussion about the necessity of traffic restriction in 11. novembra krastmala (embankment) has come to a conclusion that the intensive transport flow separates the city from the Daugava waterfront and prevents free movement of pedestrians between them. One of the possible solutions for this situation is construction of a tunnel that would channel the transport flow underground, providing the surface level for unrestricted movement of pedestrians. While in Pârdaugava it is intended to intensively attract transport to the Daugava waterfront, creating favourable conditions for its transit flow as well as for parking. Acting this way, the possibilities provided by the urban situation are not used. After demolition of the residential building of Eclectic period at Uzvaras bulvâris 2, the new structure of the National Library will now occupy almost the entire area of the block amid Uzvaras Boulevard, Valguma iela, Akmeòu iela and Mûkusalas iela. The logical organisation of entrances to the library parking lots would be not from the Daugava waterfront, but from Valguma


izmantotas tâs iespçjas, ko paver pilsçtbûvnieciskâ situâcija. Pçc eklektisma laika dzîvojamâs çkas Uzvaras bulvârî 2 nojaukðanas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas jaunbûve aizòem pilnîgi visu kvartâla platîbu starp Uzvaras bulvâri, Valguma ielu, Akmeòu ielu un Mûkusalas ielu. Iebraukðanu bibliotçkas stâvvietâs bûtu loìiski organizçt nevis no Daugavmalas, bet gan no Valguma ielas puses, tâdçjâdi arî ðîs ielas telpu aktualizçjot kâ piederîgu bibliotçkai un vienlaikus atslogojot Mûkusalas ielu vismaz no satiksmes plûsmas bibliotçkas apmeklçtâju vajadzîbâm. Viesnîcas “Radisson SAS Daugava” priekðâ detâlplânojumâ paredzçts izvietot autobusu stâvvietu koncertzâles apmeklçtâjiem. Tâ kâ no Klîversalas ziemeïdaïas skatu uz Vecrîgas panorâmu aizsegs koncertzâles bûve, krastmala zonâ no Akmens tilta lîdz AB dambim un viesnîcas priekðlaukums ir vienîgais posms, no kurienes to iespçjams uztvert. Ja Kuìu ielâ tiks izbûvçta autobusu stâvvieta, Klîversalas krastmalas un viesnîcas publisko telpu apmeklçtâjiem iespçju baudît skatu uz Vecrîgu vairs nebûs vispâr. Lai arî jaunveidojamâs publiskâs ârtelpas jautâjumiem Pârdaugavas attîstîbas kontekstâ formâli atvçlçta salîdzinoði liela daïa, detâlplânojumâ ieteiktie risinâjumi neliecina par ðîs jomas prioritâti. Gâjçju çrtîbâm attîstâmajâ areâlâ atstâts tieði tik daudz vietas, ciktâl tas netraucç transportam. Vçrienîgo, uz terases izvietoto Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas priekðlaukumu un AB dambja promenâdi, kas ved uz koncertzâli, savieno ðaura un utilitâra gâjçju pâreja, ko paredzçts izbûvçt virs Daugavas zem Akmens tilta. Divu nozîmîgâko Pârdaugavas sabiedrisko çku publisko promenâþu savienojumam tas ir vairâk nekâ neatbilstoði un necili. Gâjçjiem draudzîgâks risinâjums ilgtermiòâ bûtu satiksmes slçgðana posmâ zem Akmens tilta, novirzot to no Mûkusalas ielas uz Akmeòu ielu, Valguma ielu, Uzvaras bulvâri un Raòía dambi. Daugavmalas promenâde bûtu jâatvçl tikai gâjçjiem. Klîversalâ izvietotajâm çkâm piebraukðana bûtu jâorganizç pa Trijâdîbas ielu, neparedzot tranzîtsatiksmi zem Akmens tilta. Pçc Daugavas Ziemeïu ðíçrsojuma izbûves, kas ïautu ievçrojami samazinât satiksmes intensitâti pâr tiltiem pilsçtas centrâ un atvçlçt Akmens tiltu tikai gâjçju un sabiedriskâ transporta satiksmei, ðâds risinâjums bûtu iespçjams. Tad paðreizçjo satiksmes tuneli, to paplaðinot, varçtu nodot gâjçju rîcîbâ un izveidot pietiekami vçrienîgu bibliotçkas un koncertzâles publisko promenâþu savienojumu. Varçtu arî izbûvçt izvçrstas uzejas uz Akmens tilta. Tâdâ gadîjumâ patieðâm îstenotos

iela, thus incorporating also this street into the library area and at the same time relieving Mûkusalas iela at least from the traffic flow generated by library visitors. In front of the Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel the detail design plans to arrange a bus parking for concert hall visitors. As the structure of the concert hall will obstruct the view to the panorama of Old Riga from the northern part of Klîversala, the embankment area from Akmens Bridge to AB Dam and the square in front of the hotel will be the only vantage points providing views to Old Riga. If the parking lot for buses is built in Kuìu iela, there will be no chance at all for visitors to enjoy views to Old Riga either from the Klîversala waterfront or from public spaces of the hotel. Although formally the issue pertaining to the prospective public open space is deemed important within the context of Pârdaugava development, the solutions suggested in the detail design fail to treat it as a priority task. In the developable territory pedestrians have just enough space as far it does not restrict transport flows. The spacious forecourt of the National Library, on the terrace, and the promenade along AB Dam, leading to the concert hall, are connected with a narrow and utilitarian pedestrian crossing that is going to be built above the Daugava under Akmens Bridge. It is more than inappropriate and humble for a meeting point of the promenades of two most significant public buildings in Pârdaugava. In a longer run a more pedestrian-friendly solution would be conversion of the stretch under Akmens Bridge in a car-free area, diverting traffic from Mûkusalas iela to Akmeòu iela, Valguma iela, Uzvaras Boulevard and Raòía dambis (street). The promenade along the Daugava waterfront should be entirely pedestrianised. Access to the buildings in Klîversala should be organised via Trijâdîbas iela with no transit traffic under Akmens Bridge. Such a solution could be viable after construction of the Northern Crossing over the Daugava, what would allow considerably reducing traffic intensity across the bridges in the city centre and providing Akmens Bridge only for pedestrians and public transport. Then the existing transport tunnel, after its broadening, could be turned into a pedestrian tunnel and the connection point of the two public promenades could be made appropriately impressive. There may also be extended ramps to Akmens Bridge. In that case the task set out in the detail design would really be achieved – “to combine the sites of architecturally diverse objects – the Latvian National Library and the Riga Acoustic Concert Hall – into a single public open space” [3].


detâlplânojumâ stâdîtais uzdevums – “apvienot arhitektoniski atðíirîgo objektu – Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Rîgas koncertzâles teritorijas kopîgâ publiskâ ârtelpâ” [3]. Skatu perspektîves ir vçl viena saudzçjama publisko ârtelpu kvalitâte. Rîgas vçsturiskâ centra saglabâðanas un attîstîbas plânâ uzsvçrts, ka “nekas netraucç uztvert Vecrîgas skaistumu. Ðo unikâlo mantojumu izdevies papildinât ar kvalitatîvu jauno apbûvi vçsturiskâ centra aizsardzîbas zonâ stingrâ pakârtotâ saistîbâ ar Vecrîgas siluetu, kas ir viena no izteiksmîgâkajâm Rîgas vizîtkartçm” [7]. No tâ izriet, ka jebkurð vides pârveidojums nedrîkstçtu pazeminât pilsçtainavas esoðâs uztveres iespçjas. Lai arî detâlplânojumâ ðim aspektam pievçrsta liela vçrîba, uzmanîgi analizçjot skatu perspektîves uz Vecrîgu no Klîversalas pâri AB dambim un Daugavai, risinâjumos ietvertâs nostâdnes liecina, ka par prioritârâm uzskatîtas tikai tâs kvalitâtes, kas paveras no AB dambja, citus areâlâ esoðos skatu virzienus faktiski ignorçjot. Trijâdîbas ielas esoðâ augstuma atzîme krustojumâ ar Kuìu ielu ir 3,10 m virs jûras lîmeòa, savukârt AB dambja esoðâ augstuma atzîme ir 2,80 m. Ðâds augstumu kârtojums paðreiz ïauj no Klîversalas krastmalas labi pârredzçt AB dambi un pâri Daugavai esoðo Vecrîgu. Kâ minçts detâlplânojuma dokumentâcijâ, viens no uzdevumiem ir skata uz Vecrîgas panorâmu saglabâðana. Tâ kâ koncertzâles vajadzîbâm AB dambî jâiebûvç autostâvvieta, ðim nolûkam paredzçts ievçrojami paaugstinât AB dambja virsmu lîdz 4,60 m atzîmei. Tas pçc detâlplânojuma autoru domâm bûtu maksimâlais pieïaujamais augstums, lai ievçrojami neaizðíçrsotu skatu perspektîves pâr Daugavu. Ðîs nostâdnes îstenoðana ir problemâtiska divos aspektos. Viens no tiem saistâs ar augstumu attiecîbâm. Ja pieòem, ka pilsçtvides baudîtâji ne tikai stâv kâjâs, bet, piemçram, sçþ kafejnîcâs, viòu acu augstums virs zemes viesnîcas “Radisson SAS Daugava” priekðâ ir aptuveni tikai 1,10 m detâlplânojumâ pieòemto 1,50 m vietâ. Ðâdâ gadîjumâ detâlplânojumâ prognozçtâ AB dambja virsmas augstuma atzîme 4,60 m par 40 cm pârsniedz ârtelpas lietotâja skata horizontu, citiem vârdiem, AB dambî iebûvçtâs autostâvvietas terase no Klîversalas krastmalas Daugavas ûdenslîmeni pilnîbâ aizsedz. No AB dambja lîèa krastmalas, kas atrodas ievçrojami zemâk par Kuìu ielas lîmeni, bûs iespçjams redzçt tikai Vecrîgas toròu smailes. Otrs no aspektiem ir jau pieminçtâ autobusu stâvvieta pie

Sight lines are another quality of public open spaces that should be preserved. The Preservation and Development Plan for the Historic Centre of Riga emphasises that “nothing prevents from perceiving the beauty of Old Riga. We have managed to supplement this unique heritage with high-quality new structures in the protective zone of the historic centre while strictly preserving the Old Riga skyline that is one of the most expressive hallmarks of Riga” [7]. It follows that no transformation of the urban fabric must diminish the existing options for perception of the cityscape. Although a particular attention has been paid to this aspect in the detail design, analysing perspective views to Old Riga from Klîversala across AB Dam and the Daugava, the suggested solutions imply that only those qualities are regarded as priorities which can be seen from AB Dam, bluntly ignoring other sight lines opening from this area. The height mark on the corner of Trijâdîbas iela and Kuìu iela is 3.10 m above sea level, while the existing height mark of AB Dam is 2.80 m. At present such an arrangement of heights provides views from the Klîversala embankment to Old Riga across AB Dam and the Daugava. As it is stated in the documents of the detail design, one of the tasks is preservation of views to the Old Riga skyline. Since a parking lot for the needs of the concert hall has to be constructed inside AB Dam, it is intended to raise the surface of the dam up to 4.60 m. According to the authors of the detail design, it would be the maximum permitted height in order to avoid obstructing the views across the Daugava. The attainment of this principle is problematic in two aspects. One of them refers to the proportion of heights. If we assume that sightseers will not only stand but also sit in cafes, the height of the eye level above ground in front of the Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel is only about 1.10 m instead of 1.50 m stated in the detail design. In such a case the height 4.60 m of AB Dam estimated in the detail design by 40 cm exceeds the view horizon of the sightseer or, in other words, the parking terrace constructed in AB Dam completely obstructs the view to the water level of the Daugava from the Klîversala embankment. From the waterfront of AB Dam, which is much lower than the level of Kuìu iela, only the spires of old town towers could be seen. Another aspect is the already mentioned bus parking lot at the Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel, which in any case obstructs the views to Old Riga from Kuìu iela. Thus, the construction of the parking lot in AB Dam in the planned


viesnîcas “Radisson SAS Daugava”, kas jebkurâ gadîjumâ aizðíçrso skata perspektîvi uz Vecrîgu no Kuìu ielas. Tâtad autostâvvietas iebûve AB dambî detâlplânojumâ iecerçtajos gabarîtos bûtiski pasliktinâs Daugavas akvatorijas pârredzamîbu un Vecrîgas silueta uztveri no Klîversalas puses. Vçl viens publiskâs ârtelpas pârveidoðanas aspekts saistâs ar paðreizçjâs Daugavas akvatorijas daïas starp Klîversalu un AB dambi attîstîbu. Rîgas vçsturiskâ centra saglabâðanas un attîstîbas plânâ teikts, ka “AB dambja lîèa garums nedrîkst tikt bûtiski samazinâts” [6]. Detâlplânojumâ no Trijâdîbas ielas puses ir paredzçts satiksmes ðíçrsojums uz AB dambi, kur atradîsies pazemes autostâvvieta, taèu nav skaidri norâdîts, vai ar jçdzienu “ðíçrsojums” domâts tilts vai jauns dambis. Publiskâs ârtelpas funkcionâlâs un apstâdîjumu koncepcijas materiâlos, sprieþot pçc apzîmçjumiem, tas ir jauns dambis. Tâdâ gadîjumâ no Daugavas lîèa starp pamatkrastu un AB dambi tiktu atdalîta ievçrojama ûdenstilpnes daïa, pârvçrðot to par beznoteces stâvoða ûdens dîíi. Vizuâli nav lielas starpîbas, vai ûdenstilpne augðpus satiksmes ðíçrsojumam ir Daugavas akvatorijas daïa vai no tâ atdalîts dîíis, tomçr no hidroloìiskâ reþîma un funkcionâlâs izmantoðanas viedokïa atðíirîba ir bûtiska. Rîgas centrâ, atðíirîbâ no citzemju piejûras pilsçtâm, laivas un jahtas ir reta parâdîba. Tas tâdçï, ka lîdz pat ðim laikam pilsçtas centra vizuâlajâ telpâ nav izbûvçta neviena piestâtne. Tuvâkâs atrodas Andrejostâ un Âgenskalna lîèa dziïumâ pie Raòía dambja, taèu to ietilpîba ir neliela, un no publikas visvairâk apmeklçtâs zonas Daugavmalâ pilsçtas centrâ – 11. novembra krastmalas – tâs nav vizuâli nolasâmas. Ievçrojot Pârdaugavas strauji augoðo nozîmi Rîgas centra paplaðinâðanâs kontekstâ, Âgenskalna lîcis un akvatorija starp vçsturiskajiem Daugavas ûdensteces regulçðanas dambjiem un pamatkrastu ir ideâlas vietas ðâdas funkcijas realizçðanai. Vizuâli nozîmîgâkâ no ðâda veida vietâm ir lîcis aiz AB dambja. Tur izvietotas jahtas pieðíirtu Rîgai îstas jûras pilsçtas seju, vienlaikus îpaði netraucçjot Vecrîgas panorâmas uztverei. Ðai idejai bîstami oponç detâlplânojumâ paredzçtâ ðíçrsojumu bûvniecîba no AB dambja uz Klîversalu un Íîpsalu, kas, sadalot Daugavas akvatoriju, laivu un jahtu piestâtòu attîstîbu ðai pilsçtas daïâ padarîs pilnîgi neiespçjamu. Îstenot lîèa ðíçrsojumu, izbûvçjot pâri tam dambi, ir vienkârðâk nekâ izbûvçt tiltu, jo zem tilta jânodroðina ûdens caurtece un jâatstâj kaut minimâla augstuma rezerve caurbraukðanai ar laivâm. Izvçle

dimensions will considerably impair the views across the Daugava water area and perception of the Old Riga skyline from Klîversala. One more aspect of transformation of the public open space regards the development of the stretch of the water area between Klîversala and AB Dam. The Preservation and Development Plan for the Historic Centre of Riga states that “the length of the inlet of AB Dam must not be considerably reduced” [6]. The detail design envisages a traffic crossing from Trijâdîbas iela to AB Dam where the underground parking will be located, yet it is not clearly indicated whether the term “crossing” stands for a bridge or a new dam. In the materials outlining the functional and plantation conception for the public open space, judging by the legend, it is a new dam. In this case a considerable part of the water body would be cut off from the Daugava inlet between the riverbank and AB Dam, turning it into a closed stagnant pond. Visually the difference is insignificant whether the water body above the traffic crossing is part of the Daugava water area or a pond separated from it, however, the difference is substantial when considering hydrological regime and functional use. In the centre of Riga, unlike in other seaports, boats and yachts are a rare show because so far no wharf or pier has been constructed in the visual space of the city centre. The nearest wharves are located in Andrejosta and in the recesses of Âgenskalns Bay at Raòía dambis, however, their capacity is limited and they cannot be visually seen from the Daugava embankment (11. novembra krastmala) – the most frequented public space in the city centre. Considering the increasing significance of Pârdaugava in the context of expansion of Riga centre, Âgenskalns Bay and the water area between the riverbank and the historic dams, which regulate the water flow in the Daugava, are ideal places for realization of this function. Visually the most significant area is the inlet behind AB Dam. The yachts moored there would endow Riga with a real seaport charm, at the same time not much obstructing views to the panorama of Old Riga. This idea, however, contradicts with the construction of the crossing from AB Dam to Klîversala and Íîpsala planned in the detail design. The crossing, dividing the Daugava water area, will make it impossible to build wharves for boats and yachts in this part of the city. Speaking about this crossing, construction of a dam is easier than construction of a bridge since the water should flow freely under the bridge and the


par labu dambim varçtu bût vilinoða, jo tâdâ gadîjumâ ir iespçjams izveidot satiksmes pieslçgumu AB dambim uz zemâkas atzîmes nekâ tas bûtu iespçjams tilta variantâ. Tomçr, arî izbûvçjot jaunu dambi, ievçrojami pazeminât satiksmes pieslçguma lîmeni iebraukðanai AB dambî iebûvçtajâ pazemes autostâvvietâ nav iespçjams, jo paaugstinâsies tâs applûðanas draudi Daugavas ûdenslîmeòa celðanâs gadîjumâ. Tâtad satiksmes pieslçgumu AB dambim no Trijâdîbas ielas puses visdrîzâk iespçjams realizçt vienîgi tuvu autostâvvietas pârseguma terases lîmenim jeb koncertzâles ieejas lîmenî. Tas savukârt nozîmç, ka neiztiks bez detâlplânojumâ redzamâs satiksmes cilpas koncertzâles ieejas priekðâ, kas vairâk nekâ par pusi samazina gâjçju promenâdes platumu, arî ðeit dodot priekðroku transportam. No detâlplânojuma materiâliem nav precîzi saprotams, kâdâs zemes virsmas augstumu attiecîbâs atradîsies koncertzâles ieejas lîmenis un pazemes autostâvvietas labiekârtotâ jumta lîmenis. Cik var noprast no publiskajai ârtelpai veltîtajâm planðetçm, autostâvvietas pârseguma virsmas izmantojamais lîmenis varçtu aptuveni sakrist ar koncertzâles ieejas lîmeni, t.i., atrasties 4,60 m. Tas nozîmç, ka koncertzâles apmeklçtâjus, kas uzturçsies ieejas vestibilâ un tam pieslçgtajâs rekreâcijas telpâs, no Daugavas ûdens virsmas ðíirs 4,40 m liela augstumu starpîba. Tomçr detâlplânojumâ ir paredzçts, ka gar Daugavmalu tiks izveidotas ûdenstransporta pieturas. Nav precizçts, kâds skats uz jaunbûvi pavçrsies, izkâpjot no kuìîðiem vai iekâpjot tajos vienu lîmeni zem koncertzâles galvenâs ieejas. Iespçja, ka pasaþieri varçtu tieði nokïût koncertzâles publisko telpu ieejas lîmenî ievçrojamâs augstumu starpîbas dçï ir apðaubâma.

height should be sufficient for passage of boats. An option to build a dam may seem attractive because in such a case the traffic connection with AB Dam could be arranged lower than connection with the bridge. Nevertheless, a new dam will not allow considerably lowering the level of the traffic connection for entrance into the underground parking lot in AB Dam to prevent it from flooding, if the water level in the Daugava rises. Consequently, the traffic connection to AB Dam from the side of Trijâdîbas iela could be arranged only close to the level of the terrace over the parking lot or at the level of the concert hall entrance. It means there will be a traffic loop in front of the concert hall entrance, as shown in the detail design, which reduces the width of the pedestrian promenade by more than a half, thus giving preference to transport here as well. Detail design materials do not clearly specify what would be the level of the concert hall entrance and the level of the roof over the underground parking in respect to the ground level. It appears from the panels showing the public open space that the available functional area on the roof over the parking lot may be close to the concert hall entrance level, i.e. at the height of 4.60 m. It means that between concert hall visitors, who will stay in the entrance foyer and adjoining recreational premises, and the Daugava surface level there will be a clearance of 4.40 m. Despite this the detail design intends to arrange wharves for water transport along the Daugava embankment. There is no visual reference how the new building will appear to the passengers disembarking or embarking one level under the main entrance of the concert hall. Because of the considerable height difference passengers are less likely to disembark directly at the entrance level to the public spaces of the concert hall.

11., 12., 13. attçls. AB dambja plânotâs apbûves pilnvçrtîga funkcionçðana nav atrisinâma, nepârnesot ievçrojamu daïu tâs îstenoðanai nepiecieðamâs slodzes uz Klîversalas tuvçjo apkârtni, tâdçjâdi apgrûtinot kvalitatîvu attîstîbu tur. Picture 11, 12, 13. The future structure on AB Dam cannot function properly without shifting the large part of the burden necessary for its implementation to the Klîversala area thus considerably impeding high-quality urban development there.


Detâlplânojuma darba uzdevumâ minçts, ka tâ mçríis ir “noteikt infrastruktûras nodroðinâjuma attîstîbas iespçjas un risinâjumus teritorijai, kurâ atradîsies sabiedriski nozîmîgas celtnes – Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçka un Akustiskâ koncertzâle” [3]. Tas arî pilnîbâ ir izdarîts, apzinot esoðo situâciju un vairâkos variantos prognozçjot attîstîbas iespçjas. Tomçr detâlplânojuma materiâlos ir arî skaidri redzams, ka divu kultûras lielceltòu izvietoðana relatîvi nelielâ areâlâ ievçrojami apgrûtina gâjçjiem un rekreâcijai draudzîgas vides veidoðanu Daugavas kreisajâ krastâ Rîgas centrâ, bet piedâvâtie transporta risinâjumi daudzos aspektos ir harmoniskai attîstîbai pârâk agresîvi. Ja Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas gadîjumâ ir iespçjams atseviðíus risinâjumus pârskatît un iegût pieòemamu rezultâtu, koncertzâles gadîjumâ tas ir pilnîgi nereâli. Detâlplânojuma materiâli un attîstîbas prognozes liecina, ka uz AB dambja plânotâs apbûves pilnvçrtîga funkcionçðana nav atrisinâma, nepârnesot ievçrojamu daïu tâs îstenoðanai nepiecieðamâs slodzes uz tuvçjo apkârtni Klîversalâ, tâdçjâdi tur ievçrojami apgrûtinot kvalitatîvu vides attîstîbu (11., 12., 13. attçls). Detâlplânojuma risinâjumi pârliecinoði apliecina lçmuma par Akustiskâs koncertzâles vietas izvçli apðaubâmîbu.

According to the assignment of the detail design the aim of the detail design is “to determine the development potential of infrastructure and solutions for the territory where important public structures – the Latvian National Library and the Acoustic Concert Hall – will be located” [3]. The aim has been achieved, assessing the current situation and modelling several variants of development. Yet the detail design materials do clearly show that placement of two cultural megastructures in a rather small area largely impedes creation of a pedestrian-friendly and recreational environment on the left bank of the Daugava in the centre of Riga, but the suggested transport solutions in many aspects are too aggressive for harmonious development. If in the case of the National Library it is possible to revise separate solutions and obtain an acceptable result, then in the case of the concert hall it is utterly impossible. The detail design materials and the ensuing prognoses for cityscape development prove that the structure on AB Dam cannot function properly without shifting the large part of the burden necessary for its implementation to the Klîversala area, thus considerably impeding high-quality urban development there (Pictures 11, 12, 13). It demonstratively proves that the choice of the site for the Acoustic Concert Hall was precarious.

IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Akustiskâ koncertzâle Rîga, uz AB dambja. Apskats // Latvijas Arhitektûra. – 2006. – Nr. 4(66). – 16.–32. lpp. 2. Kultûra ûdensmalâ. Apskats // areas/waterfront – skatîts 01.05.2008. 3. Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles teritorijas un tâm pieguloðo teritoriju detâlplânojuma 1. redakcija // – skatîts 01.05.2008. 4. Rîgas attîstîbas plâns. Ielu tîkla attîstîbas shçma // kartes/9.2.3._ielu_tikla_attistibas_shema.pdf. – skatîts 15.05.2008. 5. Rîgas attîstîbas plâns. Publiski pieejamâs krastmalas un to izmantoðana // rpap/Pask_rakst_kartes/10.6._publiski_pieejamas_krastmalas_un_to_izmantosana.pdf. – skatîts 15.05.2008. 6. Rîgas vçsturiskâ centra un tâ aizsardzîbas zonas teritorijas izmantoðanas un apbûves noteikumi. – Rîgas dome, 07.02.2006. lçmums Nr. 832, punkts 7. Rîgas vçsturiskâ centra saglabâðanas un attîstîbas plâns. Paskaidrojuma raksts // uploads/rvc/Paskaidroj_raksts.pdf. – skatîts 01.05.2008. 8. Roze A. Divas vienreizçjas izdevîbas//Latvijas Arhitektûra. – 2005. – Nr. 2(58). – 98.–100. lpp. 9. Çèòòå Ê. Õóäîæåñòâåííûå îñíîâû ãðàäîñòðîèòåëüñòâà. – Ìîñêâà: Ñòðîéèçäàò, 1993. – 255 ñòð.


Ugis Bratuskins Associate Professor, Dr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 6708 9116 E-mail: Bratuðkins U. Rîgas centra publisko ârtelpu paplaðinâðana Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles kontekstâ Rîgas centra attîstîba turpmâkajos gados bûs skatâma Pârdaugavas kontekstâ. Viens no soïiem, kas iezîmç vadlînijas pilsçtvides attîstîbai Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles areâlâ, ir ðîm çkâm pieguloðo teritoriju detâlplânojuma izstrâde. Ðai rakstâ analizçts, vai Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles çku prognozçjamais dialogs ar vidi atbilst Rîgas attîstîbas dokumentos un starptautiskajâ pieredzç aprobçtajâm kvalitatîvas publiskâs telpas attîstîbas prioritâtçm. Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles jaunbûvçm jâiezîmç Daugavas ceïa un Brîvîbas ceïa – divu galveno pilsçtas kompozîcijas asu – krustojuma vieta. Kâ bûs iespçjams pieiet un piebraukt pie çkâm, kâ tajâs tiks organizçtas ieejas daþâdâm lietotâju grupâm, kâ tiks atrisinâtas autostâvvietas – tie ir bûtiskâkie jautâjumi, kas ietekmç apbûves dialogu ar pilsçtvidi. Kâ izriet no detâlplânojuma materiâliem, izbûvçjot Nacionâlo bibliotçku un Akustisko koncertzâli esoðie infrastruktûras elementi tiks apgrûtinâti ar ievçrojamu papildu slodzi. Abu çku vajadzîbâm ir paredzçtas autostâvvietas, bet iebrauktuves tajâs ir pieslçgtas pret krastmalâm pavçrstajâm ielâm. Tâdçjâdi ðo ielu telpu izmantoðana reprezentablu promenâþu veidoðana gâjçjiem tiek ievçrojami apgrûtinâta. Jebkurð jauns vides pârveidojums nedrîkst pazeminât pilsçtainavas esoðâs uztveres iespçjas. Autostâvvietas iebûve AB dambî detâlplânojumâ iecerçtajos parametros bûtiski pasliktinâs Daugavas akvatorijas pârredzamîbu un Vecrîgas silueta uztveri kontekstâ ar to no Klîversalas puses. Lîdz pat ðim laikam Rîgas centra vizuâlajâ telpâ nav izbûvçta neviena piestâtne, un laivas un jahtas tur ir reta parâdîba. Ievçrojot Pârdaugavas strauji augoðo nozîmi Rîgas centra paplaðinâðanâs kontekstâ, Âgenskalna lîcis un akvatorija starp Daugavas ûdensteces regulçðanas vçsturiskajiem dambjiem un pamatkrastu ir ideâlas vietas ðâdas funkcijas realizçðanai. Detâlplânojumâ paredzçtâ ðíçrsojumu bûvniecîba no AB dambja uz Klîversalu un Íîpsalu, kas, sadalot Daugavas akvatoriju, laivu un jahtu piestâtòu attîstîbu ðai pilsçtas daïâ padarîs neiespçjamu. Detâlplânojuma uzdevumâ minçtais mçríis – noteikt infrastruktûras nodroðinâjuma attîstîbas iespçjas un risinâjumus Latvijas Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas un Akustiskâs koncertzâles teritorijai – ir sasniegts, apzinot esoðo situâciju un prognozçjot attîstîbas iespçjas. Tomçr ir arî skaidri redzams, ka divu kultûras lielceltòu izvietoðana nelielâ areâlâ ievçrojami apgrûtina gâjçjiem un rekreâcijai draudzîgas vides veidoðanu, bet piedâvâtie transporta risinâjumi ir harmoniskai attîstîbai pârâk agresîvi. Ja Nacionâlâs bibliotçkas gadîjumâ ir iespçjams tos pârskatît un iegût pieòemamu rezultâtu, koncertzâles gadîjumâ tas nav reâli. Tâdçjâdi detâlplânojuma risinâjumi pârliecinoði apliecina lçmuma par Akustiskâs koncertzâles vietas izvçli apðaubâmîbu. Bratuskins U. Expansion of Public Open Spaces of Central Riga in the Context of National Library and Acoustic Concert Hall In the following years development of Riga centre will mostly concentrate in Pârdaugava. One of the activities outlining the development of urban space in this particular area is the elaboration of detail designs for the Latvian National Library, Riga Acoustic Concert Hall and adjacent territories. The article analyses whether the expected dialogue between the cityscape and the National Library and the Acoustic Concert Hall agrees with the internationally approved and in the development documents of Riga incorporated priorities for development of high-quality public spaces. The new buildings of the library and concert hall will have to mark the crossing point of two routes – the major axes in Riga’s spatial composition – the Daugava River and Brîvîbas Street. How would it be possible to access the buildings on foot and by car, what would be the arrangement of entrances for various groups of users, what would be the arrangement of parking spaces – these are the most essential questions affecting the dialogue between the new buildings and the cityscape. It follows from the detail design materials that construction of the National Library and the Acoustic Concert Hall will overload the existing elements of infrastructure. The library and concert hall will have the necessary parking lots


but their entrances are planned from the streets facing embankments. Thus, it will be almost impossible to arrange pedestrian promenades along these streets. Any new transformation of the urban fabric must not diminish the existing options for perception of the cityscape. The construction of the parking lot in AB Dam in the planned dimensions will considerably impair the views across the Daugava water area and perception of the Old Riga skyline from Klîversala. So far no wharf or pier has been constructed in the visual space of the city centre and boats and yachts are a rare show. Considering the increasing significance of Pârdaugava in the context of expansion of Riga centre, Âgenskalns Bay and the water area between the riverbank and the historic dams, which regulate the water flow in the Daugava, are ideal places for realization of this function. However, the construction of the crossing from AB Dam to Klîversala and Íîpsala, planned in the detail design, dividing the Daugava water area will make it impossible to build wharves for boats and yachts in this part of the city. The aim of the detail design assignment – to determine the development potential of infrastructure and solutions for the territory of the Latvian National Library and the Acoustic Concert Hall – has been achieved, assessing the current situation and modelling several variants of development. And it is evident that placement of two cultural megastructures in a small area largely impedes creation of a pedestrian-friendly and recreational environment, but the suggested transport solutions are too aggressive for harmonious development. If in the case of the National Library it is possible to revise them and obtain an acceptable result, then in the case of the concert hall it is utterly impossible. Thus, the detail design solutions demonstratively prove that the choice of the site for the Acoustic Concert Hall was precarious. Áðàòóøêèíñ Ó. Ðàñøèðåíèå oáùåñòâåííûõ oòêðûòûõ ïðîñòðàíñòâ ãîðîäñêîãî öåíòðà Ðèãè â êîíòåêñòå îêðåñòíîñòåé Íàöèîíàëüíîé áèáëèîòåêè è Êîíöåðòíîãî çàëà Ðàñøèðåíèå îáùåñòâåííûõ îòêðûòûõ ïðîñòðàíñòâ ãîðîäñêîãî öåíòðà Ðèãè â äàëüíåéøèõ ãîäàõ áóäåò ðàññìîòðåòñÿ â îñíîâíîì â Ïàðäàóãàâå. Îäèí èç øàãîâ, êîòîðûé îïðåäåëÿåò ðàçâèòèå ãîðîäñêîé ñðåäû òàì – ýòî íåäàâíî ðàçðàáîòàííûé Äåòàëüíûé ïëàí òåððèòîðèè Íàöèîíàëüíîé Áèáëèîòåêè Ëàòâèè è Àêóñòè÷åñêîãî Êîíöåðòíîãî çàëà.  ýòîé ñòàòüå îáñóæäàåòñÿ ïðèíöèïû äèàëîãà ìåæäó çäàíèÿìè è îêðóæàþùåé ãîðîäñêîé ñðåäû è ñîîòâåòñòâèå èõ ïîñòàíîâëåíèÿì äîêóìåíòîâ ðàçâèòèÿ Ðèãè è ìåæäóíàðîäíîìó îïûòó ðàçâèòèÿ âûñîêîêà÷åñòâåííûõ îáùåñòâåííûõ îòêðûòûõ ïðîñòðàíñòâ. Íîâûå çäàíèÿ Íàöèîíàëüíîé áèáëèîòåêè è Êîíöåðòíîãî çàëà äîëæíû îòìå÷àòü ïåðåñåêàþùèéñÿ ïóíêò äâóõ ãëàâíûõ îñåé ãîðîäñêîé êîìïîçèöèè Ðèãè – Ïóòè Äàóãàâè è Ïóòè Ñâîáîäû. Êàê çäàíèÿ ñâÿçàíû ñ ãîðîäîì, ãäå ïîìåùåíû âõîäû, êàê îðãàíèçîâàíû ìåñòà äëÿ ñòîÿíêè àâòîìîáèëåé – ýòè íàèáîëåå ñóùåñòâåííûå àñïåêòû, êîòîðûå âîçäåéñòâóþò íà äèàëîã çäàíèÿ ñî ñðåäîé. Êàê çàìåòíî èç äåòàëüíîãî ïëàíà, ðàçâèòèå Íàöèîíàëüíîé áèáëèîòåêè è Êîíöåðòíîãî çàëà áóäóò ñïîñîáñòâîâàòü çíà÷èòåëüíîå äîïîëíèòåëüíîå çàãðóæåíèå ñóùåñòâóþùèõ èíôðàñòðóêòóðíûõ ýëåìåíòîâ. Ìåñòà äëÿ ñòîÿíêè àâòîìîáèëåé äëÿ îáåèõ çäàíèé ïîäêëþ÷åíû ê óëèöàì ðàñïîëîæåííèìè âäîëü ðåêè. Ýòî â äàëüíåéøåì ïåðåîáðàçîâàíèå ýòèõ óëèö â ïåøåîäíûå ïðîìåíàäû äåëàåò ïðîáëåìàòè÷íûì. Ëþáîå íîâîå ïðåîáðàçîâàíèå îêðóæàþùåé ñðåäû íå äîëæíî ïîíèçèòü êà÷åñòâî ñóùåñòâóþùåãî ãîðîäñêîãî ëàíäøàôòà. Ñîîðóæåíèå äëÿ ñòîÿíêè àâòîìîáèëåé çàïëàíèðîâàííûõ ðàçìåðîâ âíóòðè äàìáû AB óõóäøàåò îáçîð ðå÷íîãî ïðîñòðàíñòà è âîçìîæíîñòè âîñïðèÿòèÿ èçâåñòíîãî ñèëóýòà Ñòàðîé Ðèãè. Äî ñèõ ïîð â âèçóàëüíîì ïðîñòðàíñòâå ðåêè Äàóãàâû â öåíòðå Ðèãè íå ïîñòðîåíî íè îäíîãî ïðè÷àëà äëÿ ëîäîê è ÿõò. Ðàññìàòðèâàåìûé àðåàë â Ïàðäàóãàâå áûñòðîðàçâèâàþùèåñÿ òåððèòîðèÿ â êîíòåêñòå ðàñøèðåíèÿ öåíòðà Ðèãè. Çàëèâ Àãåíñêàëíñ è âîäíîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî ìåæäó èñòîðè÷åñêèìè äàìáàìè è íàáåðåæíûìè – ýòè òå ìåñòà, ãäå ðàçâèâàòü òàêóþ ôóíêöèþ. Ïðåäóñìîòðåííå äåòàëüíûì ïëàíîì ïåðåñ÷åíèÿ òðàíñïîðòà îò äàìáû AB äî áåðåãîâ Äàóãàâû â Êëèâåðñàëà è Êèïñàëà ðàçäåëÿò âîäíîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî è äåëàåò èäåþ ðàçâèòèÿ ïðè÷àëîâ äëÿ ëîäîê è ÿõò íåâîçìîæíîé. Óñòàíîâëåííàÿ öåëü äåòàëüíîãî ïëàíà – îïðåäåëÿòü íåîáõîäèìûå èíôðàñòðóêòóðíûå ïîòðåáíîñòè â çîíå ñòðîèòåëüñòâà Íàöèîíàëüíîé áèáëèîòåêè è Êîíöåðòíîãî çàëà – äîñòèãíóò ïóòåì ïîëíûõ èññëåäîâàíèé ñóùåñòâóþùåé ñèòóàöèè è ïðîãíîçà äëÿ áóäóùèõ äåéñòâèé. Îäíàêî î÷åâèäíî, ÷òî ìåñòîðàñïîëîæåíèå äâóõ ãëàâíûõ çäàíèé êóëüòóðû â ñðàâíèòåëüíî íåáîëüøîì ãîðîäñêîì ó÷àñòêå çíà÷èòåëüíî ïðåïÿòñòâóåò ãàðìîíè÷åñêîìó ðàçâèòèþ ñðåäû è ïðåäëîæåííûå ðåøåíèÿ äâèæåíèÿ ñëèøêîì àãðåññèâíû äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ ðåêðåàöèîííûõ ñòðóêòóð ñ ïðèîðèòåòîì äëÿ ïåøåõîäîâ. Åñëè â ñëó÷àå îêðåñòíîñòåé Íàöèîíàëüíîé áèáëèîòåêè âîçìîæíî ïåðåñìàòðèâàòü ðåøåíèÿ è ïîëó÷èòü ïðèåìëåìûé ðåçóëüòàò, òî â ñëó÷àå Êîíöåðòíîãî çàëà ýòî íå êàæåòñÿ ðåàëüíûì. Òàêèì îáðàçîì äåòàëüíûé ïëàí äîêàçûâàåò ñîìíèòåëüíîñòü ðåøåíèÿ ïî âûáîðó ìåñòà äëÿ ñòðîèòåëüñòâî Êîíöåðòíîãî çàëà.



Key words: spatial architectural space.

Latvijas plânoðanas reìionu apdzîvojuma strukturâli telpiskâ sasaiste pamatâ balstâs uz monocentriskâm, policentriskâm un lineârâm struktûrâm ar cieðâm, gadsimtu gaitâ izveidotâm funkcionâlâm, sociâli ekonomiskâm un kultûras saiknçm. Plânojuma struktûrâs nozîmîga ir daþâdu rangu pilsçtu un lauku apdzîvoto vietu hierarhija (1. attçls). Valsts piecu plânoðanas reìionu teritorijâs (Rîgas, Kurzemes, Zemgales Vidzemes un Latgales reìions) izðíir vairâkpakâpju hierarhijas apdzîvojuma centrus: vietçjâs nozîmes; novadu nozîmes; rajonu nozîmes; reìionâlâs nozîmes; nacionâlâs jeb valsts nozîmes centrus.

The pattern of structural and spatial distribution of population in Latvia’s planning regions is basically made of monocentric, polycentric and linear structures that are linked by close functional, social, economic and cultural connections that have been established over the centuries. The hierarchy of urban and rural populated areas of varying levels plays a significant role in planning structures (Picture 1). In the territories of five planning regions of the country (Riga, Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme and Latgale) there are populated areas of a multilevel hierarchy: local level; area level; district level; regional level; centres of national or state level.

Apdzîvojuma centrs ir apdzîvota vieta, kas sniedz savam lîmenim atbilstoðus pakalpojumus un, piedâvâjot darba vietas, piesaista apkârtnes iedzîvotâjus. Ðo centru hierarhiskâ sistçma balstâs uz ikdienas, periodisko un epizodisko pakalpojumu diferenciâcijas un integrâcijas procesiem. Raksturîgâkâs apdzîvojumu centru funkcijas ir: 1) administratîvâ pârvalde, 2) sakari un informâcija, 3) tirdzniecîba un sabiedriskâ çdinâðana, 4) sadzîves pakalpojumi, 5) kultûras dzîve, 6) atpûta, 7) ârçjâs satiksmes mezgli, 8) vçsturisko centru kodolu saglabâðana un renovâcija.

An inhabited area is a populated place that provides commensurate services and work places to the local population. The hierarchy of such areas is based on differentiation and integration processes of everyday periodic, and episodic services. The most characteristic functions of inhabited areas are: 1) administrative management, 2) communication and information, 3) trade and public catering, 4) consumer services, 5) cultural life, 6) recreation, 7) external traffic hubs, 8) preservation and renovation of the cores of historic centres.

Dominçjoðo centru sistçma Latvijâ ir vçsturiski izveidotais visai blîvais 77 pilsçtu strukturâli




The system of dominant nodes in Latvia is a historically established and quite dense structural and territorial network comprising 77 towns. Table 1


teritoriâlais tîkls. Iedzîvotâju skaits Latvijas pilsçtâs 2007. gadâ parâdîts 1. tabulâ. Tajâ redzams, ka Latvijas pilsçtâs dzîvo lielâkâ daïa valsts iedzîvotâju – 67,9%, lîdz ar to tâs veido galvenos apdzîvojuma un attîstîbas centrus. Lauku teritorijâs dzîvo treðdaïa – 32,1% valsts iedzîvotâju, un galvenie apdzîvojuma un attîstîbas centri ðeit veidojas uz lielâko ciematu un ciemu bâzes [1].

shows the number of population in Latvian towns in 2007. According to the data, the majority of population in the country, i.e. 67.9% reside in towns and cities; consequently towns are the main populated and developing areas. While one third of the population, i.e. 32.1% live in rural regions where the principal inhabited and developing areas evolve on the basis of the largest villages and hamlets [1].

Nr.p.k. No.

Pilsçtas Cities

1. 2. 3.

Kopçjais iedzîvotâju skaits / Total number of population pilsçtâs / incl. in cities lauku teritorijâs / rural areas Republikas nozîmes pilsçtas / Cities of state importance: Rîga Daugavpils Liepâja Jelgava Jûrmala Ventspils Rçzekne Valmiera Jçkabpils Kopâ / Total 18 rajona nozîmes pilsçtas / 18 district-level towns: Aizkraukle, Alûksne, Balvi, Cçsis, Bauska, Dobele, Gulbene, Krâslava, Kuldîga, Limbaþi, Ludza, Madona, Ogre, Preiïi, Saldus, Talsi, Tukums, Valka Pârçjâs 50 rajona nozîmes pilsçtas / The other 50 district-level towns Kopâ / Total

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


Iedzîvotâju skaits Number of population 2 281 310 1 550 120 731 180

% no kopçjâ iedzîvotâju skaita % of the total number of population 100 67,9 32,1

722 490 108 090 85 480 66 050 55 410 43 540 36 350 27 470 26 760 1 171 640


210 410


168 072


1 550 122




1. tabula. Iedzîvotâju skaits valsts pilsçtâs 2007. gadâ. Table 1. Number of population in the towns and cities of Latvia in 2007.

Reìionâlâs attîstîbas reformas gaitâ pilsçtâs, seviðíi republikas un rajona nozîmes pilsçtâs, tiek veidoti galvenie reìionâlâs attîstîbas centri. Ðo abu pilsçtu grupâs dzîvo 60,6% valsts iedzîvotâju. Treðajâ, mazpilsçtu, grupâ dzîvo 7,3% iedzîvotâju, un tâs veido vietçjos attîstîbas centrus rajonos un novados. Attîstîbas centri ir pilsçtas, kâ arî novadu lielâkie ciemati un ciemi, kuros ir resursi ( cilvçku resursi), sociâli ekonomisko aktivitâðu koncentrâcija un faktori, kas veicina apkârtçjâs teritorijas (gravitâcijas lauka) attîstîbu [2]. Reìionâlâ apdzîvojuma galvenie attîstîbas centri ir republikas nozîmes pilsçtas, kurâs dzîvo

In the course of the regional development reform, particularly in the cities and towns of national and regional significance, the major areas of regional development are being designated. As many as 60.6% of the state’s population reside in those two types of towns and cities. Only 7.3% of the inhabitants live in small towns constituting the third group. These are local development centres in districts and areas. The development centres could be defined as towns, as well as the largest villages and hamlets of the area having resources (including human resources), concentration of social and economic activities and factors enabling further devel-


1. attçls. Latvijas lielâkie apdzîvojuma centri pçc iedzîvotâju skaita un dislokâcijas rajonos. Picture 1. The largest populated areas of Latvia by the number of population and distribution in the regions.

vairâk nekâ puse – 51,4% – valsts iedzîvotâju un kurâs ir izveidotas plaðas raþotòu zonas, kâ arî rûpniecîbas mezgli. Ðo pilsçtu grupas plânojuma struktûras parâdîtas 2. attçlâ, kurâ redzama arî rajonu nozîmes pilsçtu vienmçrîgâ dislokâcija. Ðajâ pilsçtu grupâ dzîvo 9,2% iedzîvotâju. Tâdâs rajonu pilsçtâs kâ Gulbene, Tukums, Aizkraukle, Alûksne, Balvi, Madona, Ogre, Saldus, Cçsis un Preiïi jau 20. gadsimta septiòdesmitajos – deviòdesmitajos gados tika izveidotas attîstîtas raþoðanas zonas [3]. Plânojot un veidojot jaunas, lielâkas reìionâlas administratîvi teritoriâlas struktûras, ir svarîgi izzinât vçsturiski izveidojoðos apdzîvoto vietu funkcionçðanas mehânismus un ðo struktûru tieces laukus. Ar tieces laukiem saprot ðo struktûru sekmîgai funkcionçðanai nepiecieðamo telpisko areâlu, ko nenosaka ar administratîvâm metodçm, bet iezîmç paðu apdzîvoto vietu

opment of the surrounding territory (gravitational field) [2]. The main development centres of population distribution in the regions are the major towns of the state where 51.4% or more than a half of the total number of population lives. In addition, these centres are also industrial hubs with extensive production zones. Picture 2 shows the layout structures of this type of towns and also demonstrates the even distribution of the major regional towns where 9.2% of the inhabitants of Latvia reside. Production zones in such regional towns as Gulbene, Tukums, Aizkraukle, Alûksne, Balvi, Madona, Ogre, Saldus, Cçsis and Preiïi were established and developed already in the 1970s –1990s [3]. Planning and developing new, larger regional administrative and territorial structures it is important to determine the historically established mechanisms of functioning of these populated areas and the


2. attçls. Republikas nozîmes pilsçtu strukturâlais plânojums valsts apdzîvojuma sistçmâ. Picture 2. The structural layout of the major regional towns in the population distribution scheme of the country.


struktûru sociâlâs un ekonomiskâs sadarbîbas mehânismi. Latvijas teritorija ir 64 635 km². XX gs. vidû tâ tika sadalîta 26 administratîvi teritoriâlos rajonos. To platîba ir visai atðíirîga. Lielâkie ir Rîgas, Liepâjas, Madonas un Cçsu rajons (attiecîgi 3067, 3594, 3355 un 3066 km²), bet mazâkie – Dobeles, Jelgavas, Ogres un Gulbenes rajons (attiecîgi 1633, 1626, 1836 un 1873 km²). Katram rajonam ir savs vienojoðais centrs. Neskatoties uz to simetrisko vai asimetrisko dislokâciju, rajonu centru tieces areâli ir samçrâ vienâdi, jo to apkalpoðanas râdiusi nepârsniedz maksimâlo 1 stundas (30–40 km) sasniedzamîbas robeþu. Rajonu dislokâcija Latvijas plânoðanas reìionos parâdîta 3. attçlâ. Laika gaitâ ir izveidojusies visai sazarota rajonu teritoriâlâ infrastruktûra. Rajonu centri un citas rajonu pilsçtas ir savstarpçji savienotas ar republikas nozîmes autotransporta maìistrâlçm, kâ arî ar enerìçtikas un sakaru koridoriem. 22 rajonu centri un 23 rajona nozîmes pilsçtas ir saistîtas ar dzelzceïu tîklu. Stratçìiski svarîgi dzelzceïa mezgli ir Liepâja, Ventspils, Jelgava, Jçkabpils, Daugavpils, Rçzekne un Gulbene. Tâdçjâdi 26 republikas rajonu centri pilnîbâ dominç

gravitation fields of such structures. A gravitation field can be defined as a spatial area necessary for a proper functioning of such structures, which are not determined administratively but marked out by the mechanisms of social and economic correlation of the structures of a particular populated area. Latvia covers an area of 64,635 sq km. In the middle of the 20th century it was divided into 26 administrative and territorial units. Their area considerably varies. Riga, Liepâja, Madona and Cçsis (3067, 3594, 3355 and 3066 sq km respectively) are the largest districts, and Dobele, Jelgava, Ogre and Gulbene (1633, 1626, 1836 and 1873 sq km respectively) are the smallest districts. Each district has its administrative centre. Regardless of their symmetric or asymmetric location, gravitation fields of administrative centres are quite similar, as their servicing radiuses do not exceed the limit of reaching within maximum one hour (30–40 km). The distribution of districts within Latvia’s planning regions is presented in Picture 3. In the course of time the territorial infrastructure of districts have become rather ramified. Administrative centres and other regional towns are interconnected by state roads as well as energy supply corridors and communication lines. A railway

3. attçls. Latvijas plânoðanas reìioni. Picture 3. The planning regions of Latvia.


un veido galvenos apdzîvojuma un attîstîbas mezglus kopçjâ apdzîvojuma sistçmâ. Rajonu centros paðlaik ir koncentrçta lielâkâ daïa visu rûpniecîbas uzòçmumu un citu raþotòu. Tajos atrodas arî lielâkâ daïa visa dzîvojamâ fonda, kâ arî visu veidu ikdienas, periodisko un epizodisko pakalpojumu, aprûpes, izglîtîbas un kultûras iestâþu. Rajonu centriem kâ lielâkajâm rajona pilsçtâm zinâmâ mçrâ ir aglomeratîvs raksturs. Tie ir pamats citu rajona pilsçtu, lauku ciematu un lauku apdzîvoto vietu grupveida koeksistencei un veicina cieðu funkcionâlo saikòu veidoðanos starp visâm ðîm apdzîvotajâm vietâm. Iedzîvotâjiem pârvietojoties no mâjokïiem uz darba vietâm, pakalpojumu un izglîtîbas iestâdçm, kâ arî uz rekreatîvajâm zonâm, ðajâ funkcionâlajâ gravitâcijas laukâ veidojas arî izteikta svârstmigrâcija. Valsts rajonos aug un attîstâs 50 lielâkas vai mazâkas pilsçtas, kas ir tieði saistîtas gan ar savu perifçro zonu, gan ar rajona centrâlo pilsçtu. Apkârtçjâ teritorijâ tâs veido tieces laukus, kas ir tâdi paði kâ areâlos ap rajonu centriem. Ðîs pilsçtas ir cieði saistîtas ar lauku pagastu apdzîvojuma urbâno un disperso struktûru, kurâ tâm savâ tieces areâlâ ir rajonu apakðcentru funkcijas. Atseviðías rajona pilsçtas gan skaita, gan dislokâcijas ziòâ savu rajonu teritorijâ ir izvietotas visai atðíirîgi. Neatkarîgi no iedzîvotâju skaita tâm visâm, tâpat kâ rajonu centriem, ir specifisks pilsçtbûvniecisks plânojuma elementu strukturâlais kârtojums un atbilstoða piepilsçtas zona. Ðo pilsçtu ârçjâs zonas gravitâcijas lauks rajona lauku teritorijâ ir 10–20 km. Teritoriâlâs reformas gaitâ no 2000. lîdz 2007. gadam valsts 26 rajonu robeþâs teritoriâli nelielie pagasti ir apvienojuðies novados [4]. Vairâk nekâ 500 pilsçtu un lauku pagastu paðvaldîbu ir reformçtas par 103 teritoriâlâm novadu paðvaldîbâm. Reformçtajâ Rîgas rajonâ ir izveidoti 19 novadi, Kuldîgas rajonâ – 2, Bauskas rajonâ – 3, Liepâjas rajonâ – 4 utt. Gulbenes un Ventspils rajonâ ir pa vienam novadam. Novadu izveidç liela nozîme ir sociâli ekonomiskâs attîstîbas pakâpei un pakalpojumu centru dislokâcijai [5]. Rîgas rajona dalîjums novados parâdîts 4. attçlâ. Neatkarîgi no turpmâkajiem attîstîbas procesiem un tempiem, valsts teritorijas administratîvajâm vienîbâm – pagastiem, rajoniem, novadiem, reìioniem – apdzîvoto vietu hierarhijâ pastâvçs izteikta, vçsturiski likumsakarîga pakïautîba gan pakalpojumu, gan komunikâciju jomâ. Ðajâ

network links 22 administrative centres and 23 regional towns. Liepâja, Ventspils, Jelgava, Jçkabpils, Daugavpils, Rçzekne and Gulbene are strategically important railway junctions. Thus, 26 regional centres dominate and form the main nodes of development and population distribution in the overall system of inhabited areas of the republic. Currently the largest part of all industrial plants and other production units is concentrated in regional centres. The largest part of the entire housing stock as well as all kinds of everyday, periodic, and episodic services, health-care, educational and cultural establishments are also located there. Regional centres as the larger towns of the district to a certain extent resemble agglomerations. They are the basis for group coexistence of other towns, villages and settlements of the area and facilitate establishment of close functional links among all these populated places. With people commuting from homes to their places of work, from service centres to educational establishments and to recreational areas as well, a pendulum migration also occurs in this functional gravitation field. In the regions of the country 50 larger or smaller towns, which are directly connected with their peripheries and the central city of the region, are growing and developing. In the surrounding territory they form gravitation fields that are the same as in the areas around regional centres. These towns are closely linked with the urban and disperse structure of population distribution of rural districts, where they function as regional sub-centres in their gravitation field. Distribution of separate regional towns in the territory of the respective region considerably differs by their number and location. Irrespective of the number of population they all, similarly as regional centres, have a specific urban structure of planning elements and a corresponding suburban zone. The gravitation field of outer zone of these towns in the rural area of the district is 10–20 km. As a result of the territorial reform that was carried out between 2000 and 2007, smaller territorial units within the boundaries of 26 districts of the state were combined together into larger rural districts [4]. After the reform more than 500 urban and rural municipalities have been transformed into 103 territorial municipal units. Now there are 19 districts in Riga region, 2 – in Kuldîga region, 3 – in Bauska region, 4 – in Liepâja region and so on. In Gulbene and Ventspils regions there is one district in each of them. The degree of social and economic development and distribution of service centres played a


4. attçls. Perspektîvais Rîgas rajona administratîvi teritoriâlais iedalîjums 19 novados. Picture 4. The prospective administrative division of Riga region into 19 districts.

hierarhijas sistçmâ arî perspektîvâ bûs ðâdas galvenâs sastâvdaïas un to grupas: lauku apdzîvota vieta – viensçta, viensçtu grupa – ciems, lauku ciemats, pilsçta – vietçjais centrs, pilsçta – rajona, novada centrs, pilsçta – rajonu, novada grupas reìionâlais centrs, galvaspilsçta – valsts vienojoðais reìionâlais centrs. Viens no svarîgâkajiem uzdevumiem teritoriâlâs plânoðanas un pilsçtbûvniecîbas jomâ atjaunotajâ Latvijas Republikâ ir mçrítiecîga vienotas apdzîvoto vietu telpiskâs sistçmas izveide. Tâ radîs priekðnoteikumus pilsçtu un lauku apdzîvoto vietu ìenerâlo plânu un detâlplânu korekcijâm un pilnveidei. Svarîga loma ðajâ darbâ pieðíirama arî rajonu un novadu telpiskâs vides arhitektoniski kompozicionâlo kvalitâðu pilnveidei un apbûves mçroga

large role in establishment of districts [5]. The division of Riga region into districts is shown in Picture 4. Irrespective of the further development processes and the speed of their advancement, the administrative units of the territory of the country – rural areas, districts, regions – in the hierarchy of populated areas will have a clear and logical, historically established subordination in the spheres of services and communications. In future this hierarchical system will also have the following main elements and their groups: a rural populated area – a farmstead, a group of farmsteads – a village, a rural village, a town – a local centre, a city – a centre of a region, district, a city – a centre of districts, a regional centre of a district group, the capital – a regional centre of the country. One of the most essential tasks in spatial plan-


5. attçls. Vidzemes reìiona attîstîbas centri. Picture 5. Development centres of Vidzeme region.

6. attçls. Reìiona, rajona, novada un vietçjas nozîmes pilsçtas pakalpojumu centri un to diferencçtâs struktûras. Picture 6. Service centres of regions, areas, districts and local levels and their differentiated structures.


izvçrtçðanai kâ pilsçtâs, tâ arî lauku apdzîvotajâs vietâs. 5. un 6. attçlâ parâdîts viens no valsts reìioniem – Vidzemes attîstîbas reìions – un tâ centri un ðo centru diferenciâcija [6]. Reìiona apdzîvojuma sistçmas lîmeòi un pilsçtu centru iespçjamâs sasaistes parâdîtas 7. attçlâ. Pilsçtâs – reìionu centros – ir jâveido sabiedrisko iestâþu komplekss, kas kalpo paðai centra pilsçtai, reìiona vietçjâs nozîmes pilsçtâm, kâ arî lauku apdzîvotajâm vietâm. Reìiona pilsçtas centra struktûrâ ir jâatspoguïojas vispusîgi izvçrstâm centra funkcijâm, lîdz ar to ir nepiecieðams tâ teritorijâ organizçt gan pilsçtas apkalpoðanas, gan reìiona apkalpoðanas sektoru. Pilsçtas apkalpoðanas sektorâ tiek koncentrçtas iestâdes, kas sniedz pakalpojumus galvenokârt pilsçtas mçrogâ (pârtikas un rûpniecîbas preèu veikali, pilsçtas un vietçjo organizâciju administratîvâs un kultûras çkas, pilsçtas sadzîves pakalpojumu iestâdes utt.). Reìiona apkalpoðanas sektorâ tiek izvietoti, piemçram, novadu tirgi, lielveikali, daþâdas starprajonu administratîvâs iestâdes, viesnîcas, teâtri un novadpçtniecîbas muzeji. Ðim sektoram jâbût çrti saistîtam ar starppilsçtu satiksmes ceïiem. Pilsçtas un reìiona apkalpoðanas sektoriem jâbût kompozicionâli vienotiem un jebkurâ izbûves posmâ jâveido augstvçrtîgs arhitektonisks ansamblis.

ning and urban construction in the restored Republic of Latvia is the establishment of a united spatial system of populated areas. It will create preconditions for adjustment and improvement of master plans and detail designs that are elaborated for urban and rural populated areas. In this work priority tasks are also improvement of architectural and compositional quality of spatial environment in regions and districts, and assessment of construction scale in towns and rural populated areas. Pictures 5 and 6 show one of the regions of the country – Vidzeme development region – and its centres and differentiation of these centres [6]. The levels of population distribution in the region and possible connections of towns-centres are presented in Picture 7. In towns – regional centres – a complex of public institutions should be established which would service the central town itself, regional towns and rural populated areas as well. The centre structure of a regional town should include all functions of the centre, thus, it is necessary to organise in its territory a sector for provision of services to the town and to the region. The town-servicing sector comprises establishments providing services mostly within the town limits (groceries and department stores, administrative buildings and cultural establishments, public and local organisations, public utilities, etc.). The region-servicing sector includes, for instance, district markets, supermarkets, various interregional administrative establishments, hotels, theatres and museums of local history. This sector should be conveniently connected with intercity traffic routes. The sectors servicing the town and the region should be compositionally united and at any construction stage they should appear like high-quality architectural ensembles. In the public centres of regional towns there should be town-servicing and region-servicing

7. attçls. Reìiona apdzîvojuma kompleksâs sistçmas un pilsçtu centru sasaistes pakâpes. Picture 7. Complex systems of population distribution in the region and degrees of connection of towns-centres.


Rajonu nozîmes pilsçtu sabiedriskajos centros jâizdala pilsçtu un rajonu apkalpoðanas sektori, taèu ðâds pilsçtu centru iedalîjums nedrîkst bût mehânisks. Pilsçtâs – reìionu un administratîvo rajonu centros – abas sabiedriskâ centra daïas ir jâizmanto kompleksi. Apkalpoðanas sektori savâ starpâ var bût saistîti ar kâjâmgâjçju ielu vai zaïumu joslu. Atkarîbâ no vietçjiem apstâkïiem un iespçjâm var bût arî citi varianti (8. attçls). Seviðíi labvçlîgi nosacîjumi arhitektonisko ansambïu veidoðanai ir tieði vietçjas nozîmes centros – mazpilsçtâs un ciematos. To teritorijas nav lielas, iedzîvotâju skaits ir relatîvi mazs un centra sabiedrisko iestâþu sniegto pakalpojumu râdiusi ietver visu pilsçtu, nepârsniedzot dzîvojamo rajonu un mikrorajonu pakalpojumu râdiusus (800–1000 m).

sectors, however, such division of town centres must not be mechanical. In towns – regional and administrative centres – both parts of the public centre must be used in a complex manner. Servicing sectors may be interconnected or linked with a pedestrian street or a green area. Depending on the local circumstances and possibilities there may also be other options (Picture 8). Particularly favourable conditions for creation of architectural ensembles are exactly in the centres of local importance – in small towns and villages. Their territories are not big, the number of population is relatively small and the scope of services provided by the local public establishments includes the entire town, not exceeding the radiuses of services provided for residential areas and housing estates (800–1000 m).

8. attçls. Reìiona pilsçtu pakalpojumu centru un to struktûru principiâlâs zonçjumu shçmas. I – reìiona pilsçta; II – rajona novada pilsçta; III – vietçjas nozîmes pilsçta; 1 – Centra zona, kura apkalpo pilsçtu; 2 – centra zona, kura apkalpo reìionu; 3 – vecpilsçtas zona; T – tirdzniecîba; A – administrâcija; K – kultûra; AT – atpûta; SP – sadzîves pakalpojumi. Picture 8. The principal zoning schemes of service centres of regional towns and their structures. I – regional level city; II – district level town; III – local level town; 1 – centre zone which is servicing the city; 2 – centre zone with is servicing the regions; 3 – old town area; T – trade; A – administration; K – culture; AT – recreation; SP – public services.

9. attçls. Vidzemes reìiona, rajona un vietçjas nozîmes pilsçtas centru panorâmas. Picture 9. Panoramas of town centres of Vidzeme region, area and local level.


Sabiedriskâs iestâdes te koncentrçjas nelielâ teritorijâ, kas nodroðina maksimâlas variçðanas iespçjas. Pilsçtas centra arhitektoniskajâ ansamblî un arî dalîtajâ centrâ, tâpat kâ jebkurâ mâkslas darbâ, jâievçro vispârçjie kompozîcijas likumi. Kompozicionâlâ vienîbâ jâsaista galvenais ar pakârtoto, jâievçro vienots mçrogs, ritms un kontrasta principi. Nevienas pilsçtas sabiedriskâ centra veidoðanâ nedrîkst izmantot shematizçtus risinâjumus un to atkârtojumus, jo katrai pilsçtai ir savas, ilgâ laikâ izveidojuðâs îpatnçjas vizuâlâs un sociâli kulturâlâs iezîmes un sava tautsaimnieciska nozîme valstî (9. attçls) [8].

Public establishments are concentrated here in a small area what ensures maximum possibilities for variation. As in any work of art, in the architectural ensemble of the town centre and also in the divided centre the general composition rules must be observed. In the compositional unit the dominant must be entwined with the dependent, while retaining a united scale, rhythm and principles of contrast. Schematized solutions and their repetitions must not be used in creation of a public centre of any town because every town has its own peculiar visual, social and cultural features acquired in the course of time and its significant place in the national economy of the country (Picture 9) [8].

IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. LR Centrâlâ statistikas pârvalde. Latvijas statistika [tieðsaiste] [skatîts 2008. g. 18. martâ]. Pieejams: 2. Reìionâlâs politikas pamatnostâdnes [tieðsaiste] : Ministru kabineta 2004. g. 2. apr. rîkojums Nr.198 [skatîts 2008. g. 20. martâ]. Pieejams: 3. Briòíis, J., Buka, O. Pilsçtu un lauku apdzîvoto vietu kompleksu arhitektoniski telpiskâ plânoðana : mâc. grâm. Rîga : Rîgas Tehniskâ universitâte, 2006. 235 lpp. ISBN 9984–32–180–0. 4. Par vietçjo paðvaldîbu administratîvi teritoriâlâ iedalîjuma projektu : Ministru kabineta 2006. g. 28. jûn. rîkojums Nr.478. Latvijas Vçstnesis, Nr.101, 2006, 30. jûn., 2.–6. lpp. 5. Rîgas plânoðanas reìiona telpiskais (teritorijas) plânojums [tieðsaiste]. 2. d. Perspektîva. Rîgas reìiona attîstîbas aìentûra, 2007 [skatîts 2008. g. 18. martâ]. Pieejams: 1/RigRegPlan_Perspektiva.doc. 6. Vidzemes plânoðanas reìiona teritorijas plânojums [tieðsaiste]. 2. d. Telpiskâs attîstîbas perspektîva. Projekts “GIS”. Rîga : Vidzemes Attîstîbas aìentûra, 2007. [skatîts 2008. g. 18. martâ]. Pieejams: 7. Buka, O., Friðenfelds, V. Latvijas vidçjo un mazo pilsçtu centru attîstîbas problçmas. No: Arhitektûra un pilsçtbûvniecîba Latvijas PSR. Rîga : Zinâtne, 1971. 9.–19. lpp. 8. Strautmanis, I. Reìionâlâs arhitektûras formveides valoda. Rîga : Rîgas Tehniskâ universitâte, 1992. 73 lpp. Jânis Briòíis Professor, Dr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 67089114, Fax: +371 67089130 E -mail: Olìerts Buka Professor Emeritus, Dr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 67089210, Fax: +371 67089130


Briòíis J., Buka O. Apdzîvojuma centru strukturâli telpiskâ attîstîba Latvijas reìionos Rakstâ aplûkoti reìionâlâ apdzîvojuma centru strukturâli telpiskie aspekti. No teritoriâlâs plânoðanas viedokïa pirmkârt akcentçta apdzîvoto vietu hierarhija, kuras pamatâ ir: Nacionâlâs nozîmes jeb Republikas nozîmes, reìionâlâs nozîmes, rajonu nozîmes, novadu nozîmes un vietçjâs nozîmes centri. Ðî hierarhiskâ sistçma balstâs uz sociâli ekonomisko sadarbîbu, kâ arî uz ikdienas periodisko un epizodisko pakalpojumu diferenciâcijas un integrâcijas procesiem. Pie raksturîgâkâm apdzîvoto vietu centru funkcijâm pieskaitîtas administratîvâ pârvalde, sakari un informâcija, tirdzniecîba un sabiedriskâ çdinâðana, sadzîves pakalpojumi, kultûras dzîve, atpûta, ârçjie satiksmes mezgli un celtniecîbas bâze. Kâ otrs reìionâli telpiskâs attîstîbas aspekts rakstâ tiek aplûkots apdzîvotîbas centru strukturâli telpiskâ uzbûve un centru tiecies lauki. Pamatots, ka centru plânojuma struktûrâs jâveido diferencçts zonçjums, kurâ izdalîti pilsçtas un tâm pieguïoðo rajonu galvenie pakalpojuma sektori, tâ veidojot vienotas atjaunotâs Latvijas Republikas apdzîvoto vietu arhitektoniski telpiskâs sistçmas, kâ arî apdzîvoto vietu harmoniskas kompozîcijas, kas uzskatâms par vienu no svarîgâkajiem ðodienas uzdevumiem reìionâli teritoriâlâs plânoðanas un pilsçtbûvniecîbas jomâ. Briòíis J., Buka O. The Structurally Spatial Development of Populated Centres the Regions of Latvia The article deals with structurally spatial aspects of populated centres in regions. From the point of urban planning, the main accent is put on the hierarchy of populated areas based on National or Republic significance, regional significance, significance of districts and centres of local significance. This hierarchical system is based on socio – economic interaction and also on differentiation and integration processes of everyday periodical and episodical services. As the most typical functions of populated centres could be mentioned administrative authority, communications and information, commerce and public catering, household services, cultural life, recreation, external traffic hubs and construction centre. The second aspect of spatial development of regions analyzed in the article deals with structurally spatial formation of populated centres. It is reasoned that differential zones must created when planning the structures of centres where the main service sectors of town and its bordering districts are divided, thus, creating architecturally spatial systems of populated areas in the united renewed Republic of Latvia, and harmonious composition of populated areas as well, which is considered to be one of the most important tasks in the field of regional territorial planning and urban construction. Áðèíêèñ ß, Áóêà Î. Ñòðóêòóðíî ïðîñòðàíñòâåííîå ðàçâèòèå öåíòðîâ ðàññåëåíèÿ â ðåãèîíàõ Ëàòâèè  ñòàòüå ðàññìîòðåííû ñòðóêòóðíî ïðîñòðàíñòâåííûå àñïåêòû öåíòðîâ ðåãèîíàëüíîãî ðàññåëåíèÿ. Ñ òî÷êè çðåíèÿ òåððèòîðèàëüíî ïëàíèðîâî÷íîãî àñïåêòà íà ïåðâîì ïëàíå âèäâèãàåòñÿ èåðàðõèÿ ïîñåëåíèé â îñíîâå êîòîðîé ëåæèò: íàöèîíàëüíûå èëè öåíòðû Ðåñïóáëèêàíñòâîãî çíà÷åíèÿ, öåíòðû ðåãèîíàëüíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ, öåíòðû ðàéîííîãî è âîëîñòíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ è ìåñòíûå öåíòðû. Ýòà èåððàðõè÷åñêàÿ ñèñòåìà æèçäèòñÿ íà ñîöèàïüíî ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå, åæåäíåâíîì, ïåðèîäè÷åñêîì, ýïèçîäè÷åñêîì îáñëóæèâàíèè, ô òàêæå íà ïðîöåññû äèôåðåíöàöèè è èíòåãðàöèè. Ê õàðàêòåðíûì ôóíêöèÿì öåíòðîâ ïîñåëåíèé ïðè÷èñëåíû àäìèíèñòðàòèâíîå óïðàâëåíèå, ñâÿçü è èíôîðìàöèÿ, òîðãîâëÿ, îáùåñòâåííîå ïèòàíèå, áèòîâîå îáñëóæèâàíèå, ìåðîïðèÿòèÿ êóëüòóðû, îòäûõ, âíåøíèé òðàíñïîðò è ñòðîèòåëüíàÿ áàçà. Êàê âòîðîé àñïåêò ðåãèîíàëüíîãî ðàçâèòèÿ â ñòàòüå ðàññìàòðèâàåòñÿ ñòðóêòóðíî ïðîñòðàíñòâåíîå ïîñòðîåíèå öåíòðîâ ïîñåëåíèè èõ àðåàëû âëèÿíèÿ. Îáîñíîâàííî, ÷òî â ïëàíèðîâî÷íûõ ñòðóêòóðàõ öåíòðîâ íåîáõîäèìî ñîçäàâàòü äèôåðåíöèðîâàííûå çîíû îáñëîáñëóæèâàíèÿ ñ âûäåëåíèåì ñåêòîðîâ íåïîñðåäñòâåííî ãîðîäñêîãî è ïðèãîðîäñêîãî çíà÷åíèé. Òàêèì îáðàçîì ñîçäàþòñÿ ïðîñòðàíñòâåííûå ñèòåìè ïîñåëåíèé â âîñòàíîâëåíîé ðåñïóáëèêè Ëàòâèè. Ñîçäàíèå ãàðìîíè÷íûõ ïðîñòðàíñòâåííûõ êîìïîçèöèé ïîñåëåíèé è èõ öåíòðîâ íåîáõîäèìî ðàññìàòðèâàòü êàê îäíó èç îñíîâíûõ çàäà÷ â îáëàñòè òåððèòîðèàëüíîãî ïëàíèðîâàíèÿ è ãðàäîñòðîèòåëüñòâà.


VIZUÂLI TELPISKIE FAKTORI PIEKRASTES ILGTSPÇJÎGAS ATTÎSTÎBAS MODELÇÐANÂ VISUALLY SPATIAL FACTORS IN MODELLING OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF COASTAL ZONES I. Strautmanis, J. Briòíis, E. Bçrziòð Atslçgas vârdi: teritoriju plânoðana, telpiskâs vides kvalitâtes, telpiskâ modelçðana, plânoðanas monitorings.

Key words: spatial planning, qualities of spatial environment, spatial modelling, monitoring of planning.

Piekrastes lîdzsvarotas attîstîbas pârvaldîbas centrâ pakâpeniski izvirzâs plânoðanas satura un kvalitâtes jautâjumi, kuru tieðâ ietekme gan uz atseviðíu îpaðumu vçrtîbu, gan publisko pieejamîbu un vides kvalitâti unikâlajâ piekrastes joslâ, pastâvîgi pieaugot daþâdu intereðu grupu pieprasîjumam, kïûst kritiska. Ðî raksta kontekstâ “piekraste” ir lietota ”Aizsargjoslu likuma” izpratnç. Lîdz ðim teritorijas plânojums bieþi tika uzskatîts par formâlu procedûru radîtu, plakanu un aprobeþojoðu dokumentu, kas piekrastes gadîjumâ veidots, galvenokârt dabas aizsardzîbai pieskaòojot to aizsargjoslu likuma definîcijâm: “Baltijas jûras un Rîgas jûras lîèa piekrastes aizsargjosla izveidota, lai samazinâtu piesâròojuma ietekmi uz Baltijas jûru, saglabâtu meþa aizsargfunkcijas, novçrstu erozijas procesu attîstîbu, aizsargâtu piekrastes ainavas, nodroðinâtu piekrastes dabas resursu, arî atpûtai un tûrismam nepiecieðamo resursu un citu sabiedrîbai nozîmîgu teritoriju, saglabâðanu un aizsardzîbu, to lîdzsvarotu un ilgstoðu izmantoðanu”. Loìiski, ka ðai paðâ kontekstâ vçl lîdz ðim laikam bieþi tiek lietots termins “apsaimniekoðana”, neòemot vçrâ, ka mûsdienâs plânoðana ir uzskatâma par vienu no bûtiskâkajiem attîstîbas un pârvaldîbas instrumentiem. Prakse ir pierâdîjusi, ka formâlu tiesisku procedûru ievçroðana (arî lietojot terminu “sargâðana”) vien negarantç leìitîmu rezultâtu sabiedrîbas lîdzsvarotas attîstîbas interesçs. Tâdçï, arvien vairâk pieaugot prasîbâm pçc kvalitatîvas vides un garantçtiem, paredzamiem attîstîbas scenârijiem gan katrâ konkrçtâ vietâ, gan piekrastç kopumâ, par galveno kritçriju perspektîvai plânoðanai kïûst konkurçtspçjas veicinâðana caur kvalitâti plânoðanas procesâ un definçtâm telpiskâs perspektîvâs attîstîbas iespçjâm,

The issues pertaining to the content and quality of planning are gradually becoming the focus of a balanced development management of coastal areas, since their direct influence on the value of individual properties, public accessibility and environmental quality in the unique coastal zone becomes critical due to the continuous growth of demand from different stakeholders. In this article the term “coastal zone” corresponds to the definition used in the Law on Protective Zones. Until now the spatial plan was regarded as a flat and restricting document elaborated as a result of formal procedures, which, in case of coastal zones, have been aimed mostly at nature protection, adjusting the plan for the needs of the Law on Protective Zones: “The Baltic Sea and Gulf of Riga coastal protection zone has been established in order to decrease the effects of pollution in the Baltic Sea, to preserve the protective functions of the forest, to eliminate the development of erosion processes, to protect the coastal landscapes, to ensure preservation and protection of coastal natural resources, including resources necessary for leisure and tourism and other territories important for society, and the balanced and the continuous utilization thereof.” It is logical that still today very often the term “management” is used in the same context, disregarding the fact that nowadays planning is seen as one of the most essential instruments of development and administration. Practice has shown that observance of formal legal procedures (also using the term “protection”) in itself does not guarantee legitimate results in the interests of society’s balanced development. Therefore, with the increasing requirements for highquality environment and guaranteed, predictable development scenarios in each particular place and


kas integrçtu gan pieejamâs zinâðanas un cilvçku kâ neatòemamu ðîs teritorijas vçstures un ilgtspçjîbas garantu. Baltijas jûras, ðî “Eiropas Savienîbas lielâkâ ezera” krastu attîstîbas procesu izpçtç un plânoðanas koordinâcijâ ir atzîmçjami ïoti nozîmîgi starptautiski telpiskâs plânoðanas sasniegumi kâ “Vîzijas un stratçìijas apkârt Baltijas jûrai” (VASAB) un desmitiem programmatisku mçría projektu, plânoðanas kontekstâ îpaði 2007. gadâ veiktais ES Interreg IIIC “Developpement Durable des Zones Cotieres Europeennes” jeb DEDUCE, kas radîja Eiropas piekrastes attîstîbas indikatoru sistçmu. Tomçr, akûta problçma Latvijas krastâ joprojâm ir plânoðanas sistçmas lîmeòu nesaiste un lokâlâs vienoðanâs vâjums. Ìeneralizçtie lielmçroga projekti un komplicçtie starptautiskâs sadarbîbas procesi sava “administratîvâ smaguma” un ekstraordinâro izmaksu dçï vienmçr gulsies uz valdîbu pleciem, bet to rosinâtâs idejas un zinâðanas, iztrûkstot Latvijas nacionâlâ un reìionâlâ lîmeòa telpiskajai stratçìijai, praktiski nenonâk lîdz vietçjam lîmenim. Lîdz ar to plânoðanas reâlais adresâts jeb “coastal manager” – iedzîvotâjs, îpaðnieks vai lietotâju mçríu grupas tiek sasniegts fragmentâri. Vçl jo vairâk – formâlo plânoðanas procedûru ietvaros bieþi dalîbnieku lomas tiek pozicionçtas kâ pretstati radot, nevis kopdarbîbas iespçjas un vienoðanâs gandarîjumu, bet nereti vienkârði aizvainojumu, ka netiek sadzirdçti. Rezultâtâ degradçjas publiskâs telpas kvalitâte, kas bûtîbâ ir galvenais teritorijas vçrtîbas mçrs, bet tajâ pat laikâ privâtîpaðums visdaþâdâkajâs izpausmçs telpiski demonstrç savtîgâs intereses. Dabas un kultûrvçsturiskâs ainavas neatgriezeniski zaudç telpisko loìiku, fiziskâ fragmentâcija un psiholoìiskâ atsveðinâðanâs deformç ainavu un bieþi rada gan emocionâlas, gan fiziskas barjeras publisko tiesîbu realizçðanai. Reâlai plânoðanai mantoto sareþìîto uzdevumu uzskatâmi ilustrç Nîcas pagasta Jûrmalciema piemçrs ar fiksçto publisko un servitûtu ceïu nodroðinâjumu, kas skatâms 1. attçlâ. Tieði ðajâ jomâ zemes reformas un stihiskâ tirgus rezultâtâ teritoriju lîdzsvarota attîstîba ir saòçmusi vissmagâk deformçto mantojumu, kas apgrûtina publisko tiesîbu realizâciju. Jûrmalciemâ, starp îpaði aizsargâjamâm dabas teritorijâm: Papes dabas parku, Bernâtu dabas parku un Sakas novada (bijuðâ Sakas pagasta teritorija) ar Ziemupes dabas liegumu visâ pagasta piekrastç uz dienvidiem no Pâvilostas neskartas dabas un attîstîbâs teritoriju attiecîbu scenârijâ

in the overall coastal area, encouragement of competitiveness through the quality in planning process and defined possibilities for prospective spatial development, which would integrate the available knowledge and the human being as an integral guarantee for history and sustainability of this territory, becomes the main criterion in advance planning. The research of development processes and coordination of planning in the coastal zones of the Baltic Sea – “this largest lake of the European Union” – have resulted in very remarkable international achievements in spatial planning, i.e. Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea (VASAB) and many other programming target projects in the planning context, particularly the survey EU Interreg IIIC Developpement Durable des Zones Cotieres Europeennes or DEDUCE performed in 2007, which produced a system of indicators for the development of Europe’s coasts. However, an urgent problem for Latvia’s coasts is the lack of linkage between planning system levels and the weakness of local agreements. The generalised large-scale projects and complicated international co-operation processes due to their “administrative heaviness” and extraordinary costs will always rest upon the governments, but their proposed ideas and expertise do not actually reach the local level, since Latvia lacks the spatial strategy of a national and regional level. Thus, the real addressee of the planning or “a coastal manager” – an inhabitant, owner or target groups of users – is reached fragmentary. Moreover, in the framework of formal planning procedures, participants are often positioned in opposite roles, thus not creating preconditions for their co-operation and a possibility to come to the agreements but very often leaving them with the sense of resentment as they feel they have not been listened to. As a result, the quality of public space is declining, what is, in fact, the main measure of the value of the territory, but at the same time the private property in various forms of expression spatially demonstrates selfish interests. Natural and cultural landscapes irreversibly lose their spatial logic, but their physical fragmentation and psychological alienation deforms the scenery and often creates emotional and physical barriers for realisation of public law. The example of Jûrmalciems village in Nîca parish with the provision of fixed public and easement roads, which can be seen in Picture 1, clearly illustrates the complicated task the real planning has come to face. As a result of the land reform and spontaneous market, exactly in this sphere the balanced development of


1. attçls. Nîcas pagasts – Jûrmalciems. Nostiprinâto servitûtu ceïu tîkla fragmentâcija. Picture 1. Jûrmalciems village in Nîca parish. Fragmentation of the fixed easement road network.

skaidri izdalâma cilvçka faktora nepiecieðamîba identitâtes un unikâlu dabas ainavu saglabâðanai. Ðim cilvçka faktoram ir jâbût idejiski pamatotam un ekonomiski spçjîgam. Bezdarbîbas rezultâtâ ðîs unikâlâs ainavas pâròems “zaïais tîìeris” – meþs. Konkrçtâkais lîmenis, kas likumîgi nosaka atïauto plânoto izmantoðanu, ir vietçjâs paðvaldîbas teritorijas plânojums, diemþçl bez realizâcijas instrumentiem un pozitîvâs prakses. Atïautâs plânotâs izmantoðanas kartes fragments skatâms 2. attçlâ. Publiskâs telpas kvalitâti raksturo ne tikai tâs pieejamîba, bet gan telpiskâs struktûras organizçtîba un kvalitâte kopumâ – kultûrainava. Vistieðâk kultûrainavu interpretç zonçjums, jeb vizuâli caur plânojuma leìendu kombinâcijas starp tâdiem elementiem kâ îpaði aizsargâjamâs dabas, aizsargâjamo ainavu, dabas publisko ârtelpu teritorijas un, protams – dabas publisko ârtelpu teritorijas, kâ arî ceïu tîkls, jeb saskarsmes tîklojums gan filozofiskâ gan fiziski tiesiskâ aspektâ. Jûrmalciema piemçrâ 3. attçlâ no teritorijas plânojuma ir atlasîti publiskajâm funkcijâm paredzçtie slâòi. Savietojot tos ar saraustîto servitûtu ceïu tîklu no 1. attçla ir acîmredzamas publiskuma realizâcijas tiesiskâs problçmas. Diemþçl fragmentâcija turpinâs arî plânoðanas laukâ, paðvaldîbâm savu autonomo funkciju

the territories has received the most deformed heritage what impedes realisation of public law. In Jûrmalciems, in the scenario of area proportions between pristine nature and developable territories the need of a human factor in preservation of identity and unique natural landscapes can be clearly distinguished in the entire coastal zone of the parish to the south from Pâvilosta including the specially protected nature territories: Pape Nature Park, Bernâti Nature Park and Saka Area (territory of the former Saka parish) with Ziemupe Nature Reserve. This human factor must be ideologically substantiated and economically viable. As a result of the failure to act this unique landscape will be taken over by the “green tiger” – the forest. The most explicit document legally stipulating the permitted planned utilisation is the spatial plan of the local government, unfortunately, still without implementation instruments and positive experience. Picture 2 shows a fragment of the map of permitted planned utilisation. The quality of public space is characterised not only by its accessibility but also by the overall organisation and quality of the spatial structure – cultural landscape. The zoning or the legend of the plan visually and most directly interprets the cultural landscape through combinations of such elements as specially protected nature territories, protected landscapes and nature territories of public open spaces as


2. attçls. Nîcas pagasts – Jûrmalciems. Teritorijas plânojuma atïautâs plânotâs izmantoðanas kartes fragments. Picture 2. Jûrmalciems village in Nîca parish. A fragment of the map showing permitted planned utilisation.

3. attçls. Nîcas pagasts – Jûrmalciems. Publiskajâm funkcijâm plânoto teritoriju atlase (to attîstîbu un publiskâs piekïuves krastam apgrûtina ceïu tîkla fragmentâcija). Picture 3. Jûrmalciems village in Nîca parish. Selection of territories for public functions (fragmentation of the road network impedes their development and public access to coasts).

teritorijas attîstîbas plânoðanâ deleìçjot atseviðíiem attîstîtâjiem. Plânoðanas kopums tiek aizstâts ar lokâlâm imitâcijâm, kas realitâtç bieþi vien tiesiski vçl vairâk nostiprinà konfliktsituâcijas dabâ. Tâdçjâdi Latvijâ nostiprinâs neleìitîma plânoðanas prakse kâ rezultâts dotajai iespçjai finansçt detâlplânojumus tieði un veicot tos viena zemes gabala ietvaros, kas realitâtç izpauþas kâ nedaudz paplaðinâts kâdas atseviðías bûvniecîbas ieceres “ìenplâns”. Lîdz ar to netiek sasniegts plânoðanas bûtiskâkais mçríis – sabiedrîbas vienoðanâs par interesçm un vçrtîbâm konkrçtâ vietâ un kopumâ. Runâjot par konkrçtu vietu, metodçm un instrumentiem plânoðanai pçc bûtîbas ir jâsatur ðî mçrogu

well as a road network or a grid of connections both in philosophical, and in physical and legal aspects. In the example of Jûrmalciems in Picture 3 the layers foreseen for public functions have been removed from the spatial plan. Combining them with the fragmented network of easement roads from Picture 1, the legal problems pertaining to the realisation of public law become evident. Unfortunately fragmentation continues also in the field of planning, as local governments entrust their autonomous function in the planning of spatial development to separate developers. The set of planning measures is replaced with local imitations that in reality sometimes even more


atðíirîbu lietojuma iespçja, lai telpiski vçrtçtu samçrîgumu starp aprobeþojumiem un iespçjâm, kâ arî iespçju vizuâlo interpretâciju. Jâpatur prâtâ, ka konkrçto ainavu iespaido gan darbîba, gan bezdarbîba, bez saimnieciskâs darbîbas – lauksaimniecîbas, bûvniecîbas u.c., ainava kïûst nabadzîgâka, tâpat kâ jebkura darbîba var saturçt zinâmu apdraudçjumu. Modelçðana paver iespçju diskusijai. Praktiski nemaz netiek runâts par to, ka arî antropogçno ietekmju trûkums degradç vides daudzveidîbu. Par publiskajâm, tâtad kopîgajâm vçrtîbâm vienoties var atklâtâ publiskâ procesâ, kam nepiecieðama gan lîdzdalîba, gan konkrçta, godîga interpretâcija, kas ir visiem pieejama. Tâtad, pieòemot lçmumus, plânoðanai jâvar parâdît gan darbîbas, gan bezdarbîbas rosinâtos scenârijus. Bieþi ir grûti novçrtçt tâ saucamâs ieinteresçtâs sabiedrîbas intereðu patiesumu, ja tâs interese aprobeþojas pildot “sargsuòa lomu”, kâ arî uzturçt intrigu. Plânoðanas laukâ, pusçm darbojoties uz “vilks aitâs” fenomena robeþas, mçs tâdçjâdi esam tuvu neatgriezeniskiem identitâtes zaudçjumiem. Apbrînojami, ka tas notiek reâli pieejamu tehnoloìiju laikâ, ko uzskatâmi demonstrç citas sfçras, bet mçs to neizmantojam. GoogleEarth pielietojums ir mçìinâjums “atvçrt” plânoðanas procesu un padarît to godîgâku. Rîgas Tehniskâs universitâtes Arhitektûras un pilsçtplânoðanas fakultâte, apvienojot studentu mâcîbu un teorçtisko pçtîjumu darbus, tiek veikta Latvijas Baltijas jûras piekrastes zonas attîstîbas izpçte, piedâvâjot reâlus moduïus un attîstîbas scenârijus vides kopçjai harmoniskai attîstîbai. Bûtiskâkie secinâjumi, ko ïauj izdarît lîdz ðim paveikto darbu rezultâti, ir: 1. Plânoðana nav tautas mâksla, bet ar tehnoloìiju palîdzîbu to var pielietot jebkura mçroga telpisku lçmumu pieòemðanâ, gan diskusiju, gan konkrçtu lçmumu lîmenî; 2. Latvijas piekrastes apdzîvojuma struktûras optimizâcijai, identitâtes un konkurçtspçjas saglabâðanai nepietiek ar aizsardzîbas reþîma definçðanu, ja vienlaicîgi netiek panâkta dinamiska un koncentrçta attîstîbas pârvalde; 3. Pakâpeniski jâatjauno loìisko secîbu – plânoðana un tikai tad sekojoðâ zemes ierîcîba; 4. Plânojuma sâkumposmâ obligâti jâvienojas struktûrplânu lîmenî par galvenajiem

legally aggravate conflict situations in nature. Thus, illegitimate planning practice strikes root in Latvia, deriving from the provided opportunity to finance detail designs directly and within the boundaries of one plot, what in reality takes form of a slightly more elaborated “master plan” for some construction idea. Consequently, the most essential task of planning – agreement of the public on the interests and values in a particular area and on the whole – is not carried out. Speaking about a particular place, methods and instruments, the planning, in fact, must include a possibility to use of this difference of scales, so that to spatially evaluate the proportion between limitations and possibilities, as well as visual interpretation of options. It should be kept in mind that the particular scenery is affected by action as well as by failure to act, and without economic activities – agriculture, construction, etc. the landscape becomes poorer, similarly as any action may also imply a certain threat. Modelling can lead to a dialogue. There is almost no discussion about the fact that the lack of anthropogenic impacts impairs diversity of environment. The public, i.e. common values can be agreed on only in an open public process, which requires involvement and specific, honest interpretation that is available to everyone. Consequently, making decisions, the planning should demonstrate the scenarios deriving from actions as well as failures to act. Very often it is difficult to determine the sincerity of interests of the so-called stakeholders, if their interest is limited to “the role of a watchdog” or to sustaining of the intrigue. In the field of planning, when the parties are acting on the verge of the “wolf in a flock of sheep” situation, we have thus come close to irreversible loss of identity. Admirably, that it occurs in the era of actually available technologies, as it is clearly demonstrated by other spheres, however, we do not use them. The application of GoogleEarth is an attempt “to open” the planning process and to make it more honest. The Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Riga Technical University, combining studies and theoretical research of students, is carrying out the survey of development of the coastal area of the Baltic Sea, offering real modules and development scenarios for overall harmonious development of the environment. The most essential conclusions based on the results of the already performed work are such: 1. Planning is not a vernacular art, though with the application of technologies it can be


telpiskajiem principiem, kas piekrastes ciemu gadîjumâ veido to unikalitâti; 5. Jâsakârto tradicionâli iezîmçto plânojuma struktûru, tajâ skaitâ vçsturiski veidojuðos ceïu tîklu, pasargâjot vietçjo teritoriju no caurbraucçju plûsmâm; 6. Jâpilnveido vçsturiski veidoto lineâro struktûru, saglabâjot vietvârdu identifikâciju.


3. 4.




used in making of spatial solutions of any scale, as well as in discussions and in concrete decisions. Optimisation of the settling structure in Latvia’s coastal zones. Defining of the protection regime is not enough for preservation of identity and competitiveness, if simultaneously the dynamic and focused management of development is not carried out. The logical sequence must be gradually restored – planning and only then a land utilisation system. In the initial stage of planning at the level of structural plans, the main spatial principles must be agreed on, what in the case of coastal villages account for their uniqueness. The traditionally defined planning structure should be improved, incorporating the historically established road network into it, thus protecting the local territory from transit flows. The historically established linear structure must be improved, preserving identification of place names.

IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4.>#Ozhan96 5. Ivars Strautmanis Professor, Dr.habil.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048 Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 67089256, Fax: +371 67089130 E-mail: Jânis Briòíis Professor, Dr.arch. Riga Technical University), Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048 Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 67089114, Fax: +371 67089130 E-mail: Egons Bçrziòð Assistant professor, Dipl.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048 Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 67089116, Fax: +371 67089130 E-mail: Strautmanis I., Briòíis J., Bçrziòð E. Vizuâli telpiskie faktori piekrastes ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas modelçðanâ Raksta mçríis – noteikt Baltijas jûras piekrastes apdzîvojuma sistçmas bûtiskâkos arhitektoniski telpiskâs transformâcijas virzienus, saglabâjot labvçlîgu un ilgspçjîgu dzîves, darba un atpûtas vidi. Lîdz ðim teritorijas plânojums bieþi tika uzskatîts par formâlu procedûru radîtu, plakanu un aprobeþojoðu dokumentu, kas piekrastes gadîjumâ veidots, galvenokârt dabas aizsardzîbai pieskaòojot to aizsargjoslu likuma definîcijâm. Prakse ir pierâdîjusi, ka formâlu tiesisku procedûru ievçroðana (arî lietojot terminu “sargâðana”) vien negarantç leìitîmu rezultâtu sabiedrîbas lîdzsvarotas attîstîbas interesçs. Tâdçï, arvien vairâk pieaugot prasîbâm pçc kvalitatîvas vides un garantçtiem, paredzamiem attîstîbas scenârijiem gan katrâ konkrçtâ vietâ, gan piekrastç kopumâ. Par galveno kritçriju perspektîvai plânoðanai kïûst konkurçtspçjas veicinâðana paugstinot kvalitâti plânoðanas procesâ un definçtâm telpiskâs perspektîvâs attîstîbas iespçjâm, kas integrçtu gan pieejamâs zinâðanas un cilvçku kâ neatòemamu ðîs teritorijas vçstures un ilgtspçjîbas garantu. Ðâdas situâcijas atrisinâðana prasa risinât konkrçtu problçmu iedziïinoties (ieejot) tajâ. Piedâvâtais vizuâlâs modelçðanas veids balstîts uz jauna un visiem pieejama GoogleErth modeïa pielietojumu, kas piekrastes plânojumos ar to pastâvîgi mainîgo situâciju varçtu bût vis ilgtspçjîgâkais, çrtâkais un pieejamâkais visur un visu lîmeòu dalîbniekiem vienlaicîgi gan plânoðanas procesâ gan monitoringam lielos un lokâlos modeïos neatkarîgi no to mçrogiem. Plânoðana kïûst atvçrta un tâs rezultâti vizuâli prognozçjami. Telpiskâs plânoðanas metodes rezultâtâ nacionâlâ plânojuma lîmenî bûtu iespçjams iestrâdât kopçjo vçrtîbu sistçmâ balstîtu stratçìiju kas, respektçjot unikâlo atseviðíâ vietâ, nodroðinâtu ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu Latvijas piekrastei kopumâ.


Strautmanis I., Briòíis J., Bçrziòð E. Visually Spatial Factors in Modelling of Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones The aim of the article – to determine the most essential directions for architectural and spatial transformation of the settling structure in the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea, while preserving a favourable and sustainable living, working and recreational environment. Until now the spatial plan was regarded as a flat and restricting document elaborated as a result of formal procedures, which, in case of coastal zones, have been aimed mostly at nature protection, adjusting the plan for the needs of the Law on Protective Zones. Practice has shown that observance of formal legal procedures (also using the term “protection”) in itself does not guarantee legitimate results in the interests of society’s balanced development. Therefore, with the increasing requirements for high-quality environment and guaranteed, predictable development scenarios in each particular place and in the overall coastal area, encouragement of competitiveness through the quality in planning process and defined possibilities for prospective spatial development, which would integrate the available knowledge and the human being as an integral guarantee for history and sustainability of this territory, becomes the main criterion in advance planning. The solution of this situation requires coming to grips with a particular problem by probing into it. The suggested way of visual modelling is based on the application of a new and widely accessible GoogleEarth model, which in the plans of coastal areas with their constantly changing situation may be the most sustainable, convenient and accessible means everywhere and for all kinds of participants in the planning process and for monitoring in large and local models, irrespective of their scales. The planning becomes open and its results are visually predictable. As a result of the spatial planning method, at the level of national plans it would be possible to develop a strategy based on the common value system, which, respecting the unique qualities in one area, would ensure sustainable development of the overall coastal zone of Latvia. Ñòðàóòìàíèñ È., Áðèíêèñ ß., Áåðçèíüø Ý. Âèçóàëüíî ïðîñòðàíñòâåííûå ôàêòîû äëÿ ìîäåëèðîâàíèå äîëãîâðåìåííîãî ðàçâèòèÿ ïîáåðåæèÿþ Îáùàÿ öåëü ñòàòüè – îïðåäåëèòü âàæíåéøèå íàïðàâëåíèÿ àðõèòåêòóðíî-ïðîñòðàíñòâåííîé òðàíñôîðìàöèè æèëè÷íîé ñèñòåìû ïðèáåðåæíîé çîíû Áàëòèéñêîãî ìîðÿ, ñîõðàíÿÿ íàèáîëåå áëàãîïïðèÿòíûå è äîëãîâðåìåííûå óñëîâèÿ äëÿ ðàáîòû è îòäûõà ñðåäå. Äî ñèõ ïîð òåðèòîðèàëüíîå ïëàíèðîâàíèå íåîäíîêðàòíî ðàññìàòðèâàëîñü êàê ôîðìàëüíàÿ ïðîöåäóðà äëÿ òoão, ÷òîáû ñîãëàñîâàòü ïðèðîäíî-îõðàííûå ìåðîïðèÿòèÿ ñ äåôèíèöèÿìè çàêîíîâ îõðàííûõ çîí. Îäíàêî, êàê ïîêàçûâàåò ïðàòèêà, ñîáëþäåíèå ôîðìàëüíûõ ïðîöåäóð ñàìî ïî ñåáå åùë íå ãàðàíòèðóåò ëåãèòèìíûé ðåçóëüòàò îõðàíû îáùåñòâåííûõ èíòåðåñîâ.  ñîâðåìåííûõ óñëîâèÿõ ãëàâíûì êðèòåðèåì ïåðñïåêòèâíîãî ïëàíèðîâàíèå âñë ÷àùå ñòàíîâèòñÿ ðàçâèòèå êîíêóðåíòíîñïîñîáíîñòè, ïîñòåïåííî ïîâûøàòü êà÷åñòâî ïëàíèðîâî÷íîãî ïðîöåññà â öåëîì. Ïðåäëàãàåòñÿ ìîäåëü âèçóàëüíîãî ìîäåëèðîâàíèÿ â îñíîâíîì áàçèðóåòñÿ íà èñïîëüçîâàíèè íîâåéøåé ìîäåëè GoogleErth, êîòîðîå äîñòóïíî ïðàêòè÷åñêè âñåì ó÷àñòíèêàì ïëàíèðîâî÷íîãî ïðîöåññà.  ðåçóëüòàòå ïëàíèðîâàíèå òåðèòîðèè ñòàíîâèòñÿ îòêðèòûì è âèçóàëüíî ïðîãíîçèðóåìûì. Íà óðîâíå íàöèîíàëüíîãî ïëàíèðîâàíèÿ ýòî ïîçâîëèò ðàçðàáîòàòü ñòðàòåãèþ îáùèõ öåííîñòåé, êîòîðûå â ñâîþ î÷åðåäü îáåñïå÷èò äîëãîâðåìåííîñòü ïëàíèðîâî÷íûõ ìåðîïðèÿòèé ïðèáåðåæíîé çîíû Áàëòèéñêîãî áåðåãà â öåëîì.



Key words: values, cultural and historic environment, unique qualities in the old town of Kuldîga.

Kuldîgas pilsçtas dome 2006. gadâ sâkusi mçrítiecîgu darbu, lai izstrâdâtu vecpilsçtas vçrtîbu izzinâðanas, inventarizçðanas un apsaimniekoðanas programmu. Tâs mçríis – kvalitatîvi renovçta vçsturiskâ pilsçtvide. Bûtisks priekðnoteikums, lai ðo mçríi sasniegtu, ir sabiedrîbas iesaistîðana un izglîtoðana. Kâ attîstîties Kuldîgas vecpilsçtai, lai tâ bûtu kâ dzîvs muzejs, kas nepârtraukti aug un mainâs, tomçr saglabâ kultûrvçsturiskâs vçrtîbas, – par to diskutçts ar kultûras mantojuma, dabas, vides, arhitektûras, tûrisma un sabiedrisko attiecîbu speciâlistiem. Nepiecieðams konkrçtu pasâkumu kopums, kas, iespçjams, mainîtu Kuldîgas iedzîvotâju vçrtîbu skalu. Ja kuldîdznieki un viesi tiks informçti par vecpilsçtas kultûrvçsturiskajâm vçrtîbâm, tad tâs sargâs ne tikai paðvaldîba un kultûras mantojuma aizsardzîbas valsts institûcijas, bet arî paði pilsçtnieki, kas ir tieðâ mçrâ atbildîgi par vçrtîbu saglabâðanu.

In 2006 the Kuldîga Town Council focused its work on development of a programme for recognition, inventory and management of the values of Old Town. Its goal – high quality renovated historic townscape. Involvement and education of the public is an essential precondition for attainment of this goal. How the old town of Kuldîga should develop so that to become a live museum, which is constantly growing and changing while also preserving its cultural heritage values – this question has been discussed with the experts specialising in the areas of cultural heritage, nature, environment, architecture, tourism and public relations. A set of particular measures may, perhaps, change the scale of values of the inhabitants of Kuldîga. If the inhabitants and visitors of Kuldîga are informed about the cultural heritage values of the old town, then these values will be protected not only by the municipality and state institutions for cultural heritage protection, but also by the townsmen themselves who are directly responsible for protection of those values.

Vçrtîbu termins, klasifikâcija un teorçtiskâs pamatnostâdnes Vçrtîbas – filozofiska kategorija, kas raksturo cilvçka augstâkos ideâlus un tieksmi tos sasniegt [1]. Katras sabiedrîbas un tautas dzîves kârtîbu nosaka tâs vçrtîbu sistçma, kas izriet no pamatpriekðstatiem par pasauli un cilvçka vietu tajâ. Tie ir mîti, vçsturiskâ apziòa un tradîcijas. Vçrtîba var bût lieta vai parâdîba, kuras îpaðîbas nodroðina cilvçku dzîvoðanas vai attîstîbas vajadzîbas. Piemçram, pârtika ir vçrtîba, kas nodroðina organismu ar dzîvîbai nepiecieðamâm vielâm, bet apìçrbs ir vçrtîba, kas nodroðina pret nosalðanu. Ðíietama vçrtîba ir arî nauda, kas nodroðina iespçju iegût iepriekð minçto. Vçrtîbas un vajadzîbas var dalît trijos lîmeòos jeb grupâs: 1) fizioloìiskajâs, 2) sabiedriskajâs,

Definition of values, classification and theoretical formulations Values – a philosophical category that characterises the highest human ideals and an aspiration to attain them [1]. The order of life of every community and nation is determined by a system of its values derived from the basic conceptions about the world and the place of a human being in it. These conceptions are myths, historical awareness and traditions. A value may be a thing or a phenomenon whose qualities provide for a person’s life or development. For example, food is a value that provides the body with nutrition, but clothing is a value that protects against freezing. Money is also a seeming


3) garîgajâs [2]. Psihologs Abrahams Maslovs, kurð izstrâdâjis plaði izmantoto cilvçka vajadzîbu piramîdu, uzskatîja, ka augstâkâs vajadzîbas (pçc paðizpausmes) ir raksturîgas vien ïoti nedaudzâm izcilâm personîbâm: zinâtniekiem un mâksliniekiem. Tâtad, jo augstâkas vçrtîbas, jo mazâk cilvçku, kuri tâs izprot un uzskata par svarîgâm [2]. Cilvçks tikai tad zina, kas labi un kas slikti, kas pareizi un nepareizi, ja viòam tas apzinâti skaidrots un iemâcîts; tâdas zinâðanas automâtiski nodroðina to, ka cilvçka rîcîba atbildîs sabiedrîbas çtisko vçrtîbu kritçrijiem – ðîs idejas saknes var sameklçt jau antîkajâ Grieíijâ, bet îpaði tâ akcentçta racionâlisma laikmetâ, kad prâts un apziòa tika izcelti kâ cilvçka esamîbu determinçjoðais faktors [3]. Daudzâs valstîs skolu mâcîbu saturâ îsâku vai ilgâku laiku, lielâkâ vai mazâkâ apjomâ tiek iekïauta vçrtîbizglîtîba ar reliìisku vai humânu orientâciju, ar izglîtojoðu vai audzinoðu mçríi. Efektîvâka varçtu bût tâda mâcîbu sistçma, kas uzsvçrtu paða bçrna pieredzi un tâs izvçrtçjumu çtisko kritçriju kontekstâ, meklçjot atbildi uz jautâjumiem “kâpçc?”, nevis “kâ jâbût?”. Vçl viens vçrtîborientçtâs izglîtîbas trûkums – tâ akcentç to, kas ir labi un pareizi un kâ jâbût, bet praktiski nepalîdz bçrnam saprast, kâpçc tâ nav, lîdz ar to neparâda ceïu, kâ var kaut ko mainît [3]. Gan sabiedrîba, gan daba nosaka cilvçka darbîbas robeþas. Bieþi vien abas nesakrît, un tas izraisa vides problçmas. Vçrtîbas un normas, pçc kurâm cilvçki veido sabiedrîbu, visai reti tiek balstîtas videi draudzîgâ rîcîbâ, jo daþkârt cilvçkiem ir citas prioritârâs vçrtîbas. Viens no ietekmîgâkajiem mûsdienu vçrtîbu teorçtiíiem sociâlajâs zinâtnçs ir Ronalds Ingleharts. Atbilstoði viòa vçrtîbu teorijai, kas sakòojas plaðâ empîriskâ materiâlâ, 20. gadsimta otrajâ pusç rietumu pasaulç notikusi pakâpeniska vçrtîbu maiòa – no materiâlajâm (galvenajâm ekonomiski materiâlajâm un droðîbas vçrtîbâm) uz postmateriâlajâm (t.s. dzîves kvalitâtes vçrtîbâm). R. Ingleharta teorçtisko priekðstatu kopums sakòojas A. Maslova vajadzîbu teorijâ, kuras pamatâ ir tçze: kad indivîda primârâs vajadzîbas – fiziskâ, izdzîvoðanas un droðîbas – ir apmierinâtas, tad svarîgâkas kïûst augstâkâs – sevis realizâcijas, intelektuâlâs un estçtiskâs jeb postmateriâlâs vajadzîbas, kas ietver arî vides aizsardzîbas apzinâðanos un vides nepiesâròoðanu. Katra kultûra izpauþas vçsturiskâ procesâ, tâpçc var teikt, ka kultûrvçsturiskâ ainava ir tâda kultûrvide, kurâ sintezçjas dabas veidojumi ar noteiktas kultûras (tautas) ieviestajâm pârmaiòâm.

value that gives a chance to obtain all aforementioned. Values and needs may be divided into three levels or groups: 1) physiological, 2) social, 3) intellectual [2]. The psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, who developed the widely used hierarchy of human needs, believed that the highest needs (after selfactualization) are characteristic only of few distinguished individuals: scientists and artists. So, the higher the values, the fewer people understand them and regard them as important [2]. A person knows what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong only if it has been deliberately explained and taught to him/her; such knowledge guarantees that person’s actions would comply with the ethical norms of the society. The roots of this idea can be traced back to Ancient Greece, but it really came to the foreground in the era of rationalism when the mind and consciousness were defined as factors determining the existence of a person [3]. For a longer or shorter period, in a smaller or larger scope, school curricula of many countries have included the subject of ‘value education’ with a religious or humane orientation, with an educational or instructional purpose. An educational system that would focus more on children’s own experience and its assessment within the context of ethical criteria could be more efficient, seeking the answer to the questions why? and not to the question how must it be? Another drawback of the education focused on values – it emphasises what is good and right and how it must be, but in practice it does not help the child understand why it is not so, consequently, it does not show the way how to change something [3]. Both the society and the nature determine the limits of human activity. Frequently they do not coincide and it leads to environmental problems. Values and norms the society is based on quite rarely rely on environmentally friendly actions because people are apt to have other priorities and values. Ronald Ingelhart is one of the most authoritative theoreticians of modern values in social sciences. According to his theory of values, which is based on the comprehensive experiential material, in the second half of the 20th century a gradual change of values – from material (the principal economic, material and safety values) to post-material (the socalled values of life quality) occurred in the Western world. Ronald Ingelhart’s theoretical conceptions derive from A.H. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that is based on a thesis: once the primary needs of an


Tâpçc kultûrvçsturiskâ ainava nav abstrakta, bet gan latviska, igauniska, skotiska u.tml. Kultûra pçc bûtîbas nevar tikt definçta ar negatîvâm pazîmçm tâpçc, ka tâ ir radoðas sadarbîbas izpausme. Tas norâda uz kritçrijiem, pçc kuriem kultûrvçsturisku ainavu var atðíirt no neizkoptas vai destruktîvai ietekmei pakïautas vides [4]. Îpaðas nozîmes unikâlâ vçrtîba pasaules kultûras mantojuma saraksta kontekstâ Daþâdi definçjamais jçdziens – îpaðas nozîmes unikâlâ vçrtîba – ir pamatkritçrijs kultûras vçrtîbu iekïauðanai pasaules mantojuma sarakstâ. “Vçrtîba” ir relatîvs apzîmçjums, jo ietver nepiecieðamîbu salîdzinât vienu objektu ar citiem, lai varçtu secinât, kas ir nozîmîgs. Vçrtîba saistîta ar patçrçtâju – to, kuram tâ svarîga, tâdçjâdi tai ir relatîva nozîme uz lîdzîgu vai lîdzvçrtîgu objektu fona [5]. Pasaules mantojuma saraksta kontekstâ kultûras vçrtîbas izvçrtçjums tiek balstîts uz trim galvenajiem pîlâriem. 1. Pirmkârt, tâ ir identitâtes vçrtîba. Tâ bieþi saistîta ar emocionâlo pieíerðanos kâdai vietai vai objektam. Cilvçki, kuri tur dzîvo, saskata mantojumu kâ savçjo, identificç sevi ar ðo vietu. Kuldîgâ var pârliecinâties, ka ðî ir viena no spçcîgâkajâm vçrtîbâm, jo iedzîvotâji visi kâ viens kâ vçrtîbu pirmâm kârtâm min to, ka tâ ir viòu pilsçta un tieði tâdçï viòi jûtas tai piederîgi, ar to saistîti. Cilvçkiem ðî vieta saistâs ar konkrçtâm atmiòâm, ar to, ko viòi vçlas saglabât un nodot nâkamajâm paaudzçm. Pieauguðie cer, ka bçrni ðîs vçrtîbas pâròems un glabâs kopâ ar viòiem. 2. Otrs pîlârs, uz kâ balstâs izvçrtçðana, ir mâkslas vai tehniskâ vçrtîba, kas skar gan materiâlus, no kâ veidots mantojums, gan tehniskus parametrus, pçc kuriem var salîdzinât, kâdâ veidâ tam ir lielâka vai mazâka mâkslinieciska vçrtîba. 3. Treðais pîlârs saistîts ar retuma vçrtîbu jeb unikalitâti pasaules kontekstâ: vai tas ir vienîgais tâda veida objekts, ar ko tas zîmîgs un kâdçï tam vajadzçtu atrasties pasaules mantojuma sarakstâ. Vçl viens nozîmîgs kritçrijs iekïauðanai sarakstâ ir autentiskums. Uz to jâraugâs no daþâdiem skata punktiem. Pirmkârt, autentiskums ârçjâ izskatâ, otrkârt, materiâlos, treðkârt, apdarç, ceturtkârt, novietnç [5]. Pilsçtu vçsturisko centru iekïauðanai pasaules mantojuma sarakstâ tiek veltîta îpaða uzmanîba.

individual – physiological, survival and safety – are satisfied, the higher needs become important – selfexpression, intellectual and aesthetic or post-material needs which also include awareness of nature protection and non-pollution of environment. Each culture manifests itself in the historic process, therefore we can say that the cultural and historic landscape is such a cultural environment where natural formations blend with the changes introduced by a certain culture (nation). Thus, the cultural and historic scenery is not abstract but rather Latvian, Estonian, Scottish, etc. Culture in its substance cannot be defined by negative features because it is an expression of creative co-operation. It points to the criteria, which distinguish the cultural and historic scenery from the unattended environment or environment exposed to destructive influence [4]. The unique value of special significance in the context of the World Heritage List The term with various definitions – the unique value of special importance – is a basic criterion for inclusion of cultural values on the World Heritage List. “A value” is a relative description as it implies a necessity to compare one object with others in order to draw a conclusion what is important. The value is associated with the consumer – the one for whom it is important, therefore it has a relative importance as compared to similar or equal objects [5]. In the context of the World Heritage List the assessment of cultural values is based on three main pillars. 1. First of all, it is the value of identity. Very often it implies emotional attachment to some place or object. People who live there, perceive this heritage as their own, they identify themselves with this place. In Kuldîga it appears to be one of the most potent values because all inhabitants start with saying that it is their town and that it is the reason why they feel attached to it. People associate this place with particular memories, with things they want to keep and bequeath to next generations. Grown-ups hope that children will take over and hold these values together with them. 2. The second pillar, on which the assessment is based, is the artistic or technical value which refers to materials from which the heritage is made and to technical parameters according to which a comparison can be made in what way it has a lower or higher artistic value.


Ðâdas teritorijas iekïaujamas tikai tâdâ gadîjumâ, ja tajâs ietilpst daudz senu çku ar vçstures pieminekïu nozîmi, kas norâdîtu îpaðu interesi izraisoðas pilsçtas raksturîgâkâs iezîmes. Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas vçrtîba pasaules kultûras mantojuma kontekstâ Saskaòâ ar Vençcijas hartu (ICOMOS, 1964), kultûras mantojuma vçrtîba Kuldîgas vecpilsçtâ ir “objekti, kuri saglabâjuðies no pagâtnes lîdz mûsdienâm kâ gadiem ilgu tradîciju liecinieki”. Viens no bûtiskâkajiem Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas saglabâðanas priekðnoteikumiem saskaòâ ar ðo konvenciju ir tas, ka “cilvçki arvien vairâk un vairâk apzinâs humâno vçrtîbu vienotîbu un uzskata antîkos pieminekïus par kopçju mantojumu. Ir atzîta kopçjâ atbildîba tos pasargât nâkamajâm paaudzçm”. Iedzîvotâju apziòa ir viens no bûtiskâkajiem faktoriem vecpilsçtas saglabâðanâ [6]. Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas kultûras mantojuma vçrtîba saskaòâ ar dokumentu “Kritçrijs iekïauðanai pasaules mantojuma sarakstâ” (UNESCO, 1998) ir “ievçrojams piemçrs çku modelim vai arhitektûrai, vai tehnoloìiskam ansamblim, vai ainavai, kas parâda nozîmîgus posmus cilvçces vçsturç” [7]. Kuldîgas vecpilsçta Ventas senlejâ ir harmoniska ainava, kurâ apvienota cilvçka veidota urbâna vide un dabas komplekss (1. attçls). UNESCO pasaules mantojuma sarakstâ ir divi Latvijas objekti. Visplaðâk pazîstamais ir Rîgas


The third pillar pertains to the value of rarity or uniqueness at a global scale: whether it is the only object of such kind, why it is significant and why it should be on the World Heritage List. Authenticity is another important criterion for inclusion on the list. It has to be considered from different aspects. First of all, authenticity of the outer appearance, secondly – of materials, thirdly – of the finish, and fourthly – of the site [5].

A particularly attention is paid to the inclusion of historic centres of cities or towns on the World Heritage List. Such territories can be included only if they comprise many ancient buildings having a status of historic monuments what would constitute the characteristic features of a city or town arousing a special interest. The value of the old town of Kuldîga in the world heritage context According to the Venice Charter (ICOMOS, 1964), the values of cultural heritage in the old town of Kuldîga are “the objects imbued with a message from the past, the historic monuments of generations of people which have remained to the present day as living witnesses of their age-old traditions”. One of the most essential preconditions for preservation of the old town of Kuldîga, according to this Convention, is that “people are becoming more and

1. attçls. Kuldîgas vecpilsçta Ventas senlejâ. Picture 1. The old town of Kuldîga in the Venta Valley.


vçsturiskais centrs, kas tajâ iekïauts 1997. gadâ. 2005. gadâ sarakstâ uzòemts desmit valstu pieteiktais objekts – Strûves meridiâna loks, kura divi punkti atrodas Latvijâ. Tas nozîmç, ka esam bagâti ar divâm pasaules mantojuma vietâm [5]. Kuldîgas kultûrvçsturiskâ vide un tâs vçrtîbas Kuldîgas kultûrvçsturisko vidi veido ðâdas formâlâs un aizsargâjamâs, saglabâjamâs vçsturiskâs vçrtîbas: visu sastâvdaïu autentiskums, ietverot vçlâkus uzslâòojumus, kuriem nav destruktîvas vai degradçjoðas ietekmes, telpiskâ struktûra (silueti un panorâmas, skatu perspektîvas, vçsturiski radîtais pilsçtas teritoriju dalîjums, ielu tîkls, zemes gabali, parcelâcija, vçsturiskâ apbûve, tâs mçrogs un raksturîgâs proporcijas, ûdensteces un ûdenstilpes ar to virsmas spoguïiem kontekstâ ar citâm kultûrvçsturiskâm sastâvdaïâm), pazemes kultûrvçsturiskais mantojums (arheoloìiskais kultûras slânis), bûvniecîbas tradîcijas (dekoratîvâ mâksla, bûvamatniecîbas darinâjumi, tehnoloìija, tehnika, vietai tradicionâlie materiâli, krâsa, faktûra), ielu segums un virszemes inþenierbûves, publiskâs telpas iekârtojums: ainavu arhitektûra un interjeru dekoratîvâ mâksla [8]. Ðîs vçrtîbas veido unikâlo vçsturisko pilsçtvidi. Nedrîkst mainît nevienu, jo tad tâs neiederçtos vides kontekstâ (1. tabula). Emocionâlâs vçrtîbas Brînums; Identitâte; Nepârtrauktîba; Cieòa un godbijîba; Simbolika un reliìija.

Kultûras vçrtîbas Dokumentâcija; Vçsture; Arheoloìija un laikmets; Estçtiska un arhitektûra; Pilsçtas ainava; Ainava un ekoloìija; Tehnoloìija un zinâtne.

Izmantoðanas vçrtîbas Funkcionalitâte; Ekonomiskums; Izglîtîba; Politika.

1. tabula. Raksturîgâs vçsturisko çku un pieminekïu vçrtîbas [9].

Ja kâdas apdzîvotas vietas vçsturiskâ vide ir vçrtîga un atzîta par saglabâjamu neatkarîgi no tâ, vai iedzîvotâji to vçlas vai arî vieta ar likumu iekïauta valsts vai paðvaldîbas aizsargâjamo objektu

more conscious of the unity of human values and regard ancient monuments as a common heritage. The common responsibility to safeguard them for future generations is recognised.” The awareness of people is one of the most relevant factors in preservation of the old town [6]. According to the document Criteria for Inclusion of Cultural Properties on the World Heritage List (UNESCO, 1998), the value of cultural heritage of the old town of Kuldîga is “an outstanding example of a type of building or architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history” [7]. The old town of Kuldîga in the Venta Valley is harmonious scenery that combines the human-built urban environment and natural landscape (Picture 1). The UNESCO World Heritage List includes two objects from Latvia. The most widely known is the historic centre of Riga that was inscribed in 1997. In 2005, following the applications made by ten countries, the Struve Geodetic Arc, two survey points of which are located in Latvia, was also included on the list. It means that we are rich as we have two world heritage sites [5]. Cultural and historic environment in Kuldîga and its values The cultural and historic environment of Kuldîga comprises the following formal and protected, preserved heritage values: authenticity of all components, including later layers which do not have either destructive or degrading impact, spatial structure (silhouettes and panoramic views, sight lines, historic division of urban area, street network, plots of land, parcellation, historic buildings, their scale and characteristic proportions, water courses and water bodies with their reflecting surfaces in the context of other cultural heritage components), underground cultural heritage (archaeological culture layer), building traditions (decorative art, masterpieces of building art, technology, methods, location-bound materials, colour, texture), road surfacing and overground engineering structures, arrangement of public spaces: landscape architecture and decorative art in interior designs [8]. These values constitute the unique historic urban environment. No element must be changed in order to preserve intact the overall townscape context (Table 1).


sarakstos, to nevar izdarît bez vides rakstura saglabâðanas. Vides specifika ir iepriekð minçto savdabîbu kopums, kas nosaka vietas autentiskumu un identitâti. Jo vairâk apzinâti tiek saglabâts kâdas vietas raksturs, jo spçcîgâks ir tâs autentiskums. Cilvçks kâ kultûrvçsturiskâs vides ietekmçtâjs un veidotâjs Pçc çkas izskata var spriest par tâs saimnieku vai îrnieku. Namu saglabâðanas lielâkâs problçmas nav saistîtas ar to vecumu un fizisko nolietojumu, bet gan ar cilvçka radoðo izpausmi. Piemçram, mâja bûvçta ar savam laikam atbilstoðiem materiâliem un metodçm, un tâ ir vienots objekts. Bet sareþìîjumi rodas, kad iemîtnieki vçlas veco çku siltinât, ievietot plastikâta pakeðu logus un ierîkot centrâlo apkuri. Ar ðâdiem paòçmieniem veco struktûru var neatgriezeniski sabojât: çka netiek pietiekami ventilçta, koka namos parâdâs sçnîte un puve, mûra mâjâs netiek atjaunots ar kaïíu apmetumu, bet ar cementa javu. Tâdas ir darbîbas sekas, ja dzîve vecajâs çkâs netiek uzlabota profesionâli. Lai vecpilsçta kïûtu pievilcîgâka, pçc kuldîdznieku ieteikumiem objekti un vietas jâsakopj un jâatjauno. Iedzîvotâji aicinâjuði veidot pozitîvâku sabiedrîbas attieksmi pret kultûrvçsturiskâm vçrtîbâm [10]. Cilvçki postoði darbojas, piemçram, nelikumîgi nojaucot çkas un izraisot ugunsgrçkus, kas spçj âtri vecpilsçtu iznîcinât. Nami bûvçti ïoti blîvi un neatbilst mûsdienu ugunsdroðîbas normatîviem. 2007. gadâ Kuldîgas vecpilsçtâ nodeguðas jau 15 çkas, kas finansiâlu apstâkïu dçï netiek atjaunotas un veido “robus” vçsturiskajâ apbûvç. Kuldîgas iedzîvotâju nozîme vecpilsçtas saglabâðanâ Raugoties uz Kuldîgas iedzîvotâju nozîmi, jâizceï daþi aspekti saistîbâ ar iespçju pilsçtu iekïaut pasaules mantojuma sarakstâ. Jâveicina cilvçkiem labvçlîga un kvalitatîva dzîves vide. Jâapòemas îstenot programmas bçrniem, jaunieðiem un ikvienam iedzîvotâjam, kas mâca mantojumu saglabât un nodot no paaudzes paaudzç. Tas nozîmç aktîvi iesaistît cilvçkus vçsturiskâ centra nâkotnes redzçjuma veidoðanâ, saglabât apdzîvotu un vçsturiski patiesu pilsçtas seno daïu. Kuldîgas uzdevums bûtu ar atbildîbu pret vçsturisko centru veidot ilgtspçjîgu, kvalitatîvu un iedzîvotâjiem tîkamu pilsçtas vidi. Tâ bûtu iespçja iegût pilsçtas vçrtîbas apliecinâjumu, ko pieðíir iekïauðana pasaules mantojuma sarakstâ, kvalitâtes

Emotional values Miracle; Identity; Continuity; Respect and reverence; Symbolism and religion.

Cultural values Recording of facts; History; Archaeology and the era; Aesthetics and architecture; Townscape; Landscape and ecology; Technology and science.

Utilisation values Functionality; Economy; Education; Politics.

Table 1. Characteristic values of historic buildings

and monuments [9].

If the historic environment of any populated area is valuable and deemed preservable irrespective of what local inhabitants think or if the place is included by law on the lists of objects protected either by state or municipality, it cannot be ensured without preservation of the character of the site. The specific nature of the site is the entirety of all above mentioned original features which determine the authenticity and identity of the place. The more the essential characteristics of some area are deliberately preserved, the more authentic it becomes. A human being as a factor affecting and developing the cultural and historic environment The appearance of the house can tell much about its owner or tenant. The most serious problems in preservation of buildings do not pertain to their age and physical wear, but to the human creative expression. For instance, the house was built from materials and with methods appropriate for its period, and it is a single object. However, problems start appearing when the dwellers want to insulate the house, install plastic windows and the central heat supply system. Such transformations may result in irreversible damage to the old structure: it is not sufficiently ventilated, in wooden houses fungi and rot start appearing, in stone houses lime plaster is not renewed but replaced with cement mortar. These are the consequences of such actions if the improvement works in the old buildings are not done professionally. According to the suggestions made by the inhabitants of Kuldîga, for the old town to become attractive the objects and sites need to be tidied up


zîmi, atpazîstamîbu pasaules kontekstâ, un tas droði vien ikvienâ objektâ veicinâjis tûrisma attîstîbu. Tomçr tûrisms nes ne tikai pozitîvo vien, pilsçtai jâbût gatavai, ka lîdzi nâks arî daþâdas negâcijas. Visbeidzot – pilsçtas iekïauðana mantojuma sarakstâ ir tilts uz pasauli, kas palîdz celt tiltu uz savas unikalitâtes apziòu, uz cieòu pret vçsturi un tâs pçctecîbu. Kuldîgas vecpilsçtai svarîga vçsturiskâs vides dzîvotspçja [7]. Pçtîjuma “Kuldîgas iedzîvotâju un viesu viedoklis par vecpilsçtu” raksturojums Lai uzzinâtu Kuldîgas iedzîvotâju un viesu viedokli par pilsçtas vçrtîbâm, paðreizçjo situâciju, saglabâðanas un atjaunoðanas nepiecieðamîbu, 2007. gada jûlijâ Pilsçtas svçtku laikâ Kuldîgas dome rîkoja aptauju. Anketâ bija iekïauti vairâki atvçrtie jautâjumi, lai respondentiem bûtu iespçja domas izteikt plaðâk. Pçtîjuma mçríis tika sasniegts, jo par vecpilsçtu iegûti daþâdi vçrtçjumi. Aptaujâ piedalîjâs 243 respondentu: 73 vecpilsçtâ dzîvo, 45 strâdâ, 81 to apmeklç ikdienâ un 40 tajâ viesojas (4 anketâs saistîba nebija norâdîta). No vecpilsçtâ dzîvojoðajiem visvairâk respondentu (17) bija no 51 lîdz 60 gadiem un no 21 lîdz 30 gadiem (16 aptaujas dalîbnieku). No kuldîdzniekiem, kuri vecpilsçtâ strâdâ, vislielâkâ bija grupa lîdz 30 gadiem, bet no tiem, kuri to ikdienâ apmeklç, – lîdz 20 gadiem [11]. Rezultâti râda, ka divreiz aktîvâkas atbildçjuðas sievietes. 36% no viòâm vecpilsçtâ dzîvo, bet 45% vîrieðu to apmeklç ikdienâ. Ïoti lîdzîgs ir dzimumu sadalîjums starp viesiem: pa 20 katrâ grupâ. 83% respondentu uzskata, ka vecpilsçta kïuvusi sakoptâka. Tâ domâ 82% cilvçku, kuri tur dzîvo, 78% tur strâdâjoðo un 86% to, kuri turp dodas ikdienâ. 15% cilvçku, kuri vecpilsçtâ dzîvo, domâ, ka situâcija nav mainîjusies (2. attçls). Gandrîz simtprocentîgi sakoptâka tâ liekas cilvçkiem pçc 40 gadiem, bet vismazâk par to pârliecinâti jaunieði lîdz 20 gadiem (78%) [11]. Lai konstatçtu Kuldîgas unikâlâs vçrtîbas iedzîvotâju un apmeklçtâju skatîjumâ, atbildot uz jautâjumu “Kâdas unikâlas vecpilsçtas vçrtîbas esat pamanîjuði?”, tika nosauktas 52. Tâs sagrupçjot, var secinât, ka vislielâkâ popularitâte ir materiâlâm vçrtîbâm, kas ir lielas vai kuru ir daudz un tâpçc ïoti pamanâmas [11]. Vispopulârâkâs vçrtîbas, pçc respondentu domâm, ir tieði tâs, kas anketâ jau bija nosauktas, un tieði tâdâ paðâ secîbâ. Vienîgi Kuldîgas viesi novçrtçjuði vecpilsçtas vçsturisko auru kâ bûtiskâku

and restored. Local inhabitants also pointed to the need of the society to develop a more positive attitude to cultural heritage values [10]. People may have disruptive influence, e.g. by illegally pulling down houses and causing fires that can quickly destroy the old town. The houses are very densely packed and do not comply with the current fire safety regulations. In 2007 as many as 15 houses burnt down in the old town of Kuldîga, which due to the lack of financial resources are not being restored and make gaps in the historic built-up area. The role of inhabitants of Kuldîga in preservation of the old town Considering the role of Kuldîga inhabitants, some aspects need to be emphasised in regard to the possibility of inclusion of the town on the World Heritage List. The living environment should be made more qualitative and favourable for people. There should be programmes for children, young people and all citizens what would teach people how to preserve the heritage and hand it down from generation to generation. It means active involvement of people into development of the future vision for the historic centre and preservation of the oldest part of the town populated and historically authentic. The task of Kuldîga would be to take up responsibility to develop the townscape in the historic centre sustainable, high quality and appealing to the inhabitants. It would allow obtaining the proof of the value of the town deriving from its inclusion on the World Heritage List, what is a hallmark of quality, global recognizability and would surely facilitate development of tourism. However, tourism does not only bring advantages, the town must be ready for various negative aspects accompanying it. Finally, the inclusion of the town on the World Heritage List is like a bridge to the world what would help build a bridge to the awareness of its uniqueness, to the respect for the history and its continuity. The viability of the historic environment is crucial for the old part of Kuldîga. Description of the study Opinion about the Old Town of Inhabitants and Visitors of Kuldîga In order to find out the opinion of inhabitants and visitors of Kuldîga about the values of the town, the current situation and the need for revitalisation, in July 2007 the Kuldîga Town Council organised a questionnaire during the Town Festivities. The questionnaire included several open questions deliberately seeking longer answers from respondents. The aim


2. attçls. Respondentu viedoklis par Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas sakoptîbu. Picture 2. Opinion of respondents about the cleanliness of the old town of Kuldîga.

par autentiskajâm namu detaïâm. Bez piedâvâtajiem variantiem populârâkâ atbilde no tiem, kuri dzîvo vecpilsçtâ, ir Alekðupîte (11%), no tiem, kuri strâdâ vecpilsçtâ, çkas (koka, vçsturiskas) minçjuði 18,5% aptaujâto, 10% respondentu, kuri vecpilsçtu ikdienâ apmeklç, nosaukuði Ventas rumbu. Velvju tilts ir vispopulârâkâ atbilde visâs vecuma grupâs. Jaunieði nosaukuði 108 vçrtîbas, bet visvecâkie aptaujâtie – 51. Taèu interesanti, ka abas grupas balsis sadalîjuðas 17 vienîbâm [11]. Jautâjums “Ko jûs ieteiktu viesiem vecpilsçtâ apskatît?” tika uzdots, lai konstatçtu vçrtîbas, ar kurâm Kuldîgas iedzîvotâji lepojas. Starp visâm grupâm vispopulârâkâs, attiecîgi pirmajâ un otrajâ vietâ, ir Ventas ûdenskritums un vecais tilts. Visvairâk lietu un vietu nosaukuði respondenti, kuri vecpilsçtâ dzîvo. Pastaigu gar Alekðupîti minçjuði respondenti visâs grupâs, bet tomçr mazâk populâra tâ ir starp tiem, kuri vecpilsçtâ strâdâ. Kuldîdznieki minçjuði daudzas konkrçtas lietas un vietas (vecâko mâju, baznîcas, pagalmus, parkus), arî tâdas vietas, kuru pilsçtas senajâ daïâ nav. Tas nozîmç, ka paðiem vietçjiem nav îsti zinâmas vecpilsçtas robeþas. Tikai kuldîdznieki minçjuði ðâdus

of the survey was attained since the questionnaire produced a variety of opinions about the old town. Altogether 243 respondents took part in the questionnaire: 73 of them live in the old town, 45 work there, 81 visit it every day and 40 stay as guests there (in 4 forms the relation was not indicated). The majority (17) of those respondents, who live in the old town, were aged 51–60 and 21–30 (16 respondents). From those Kuldîga inhabitants, who work in the old town, largest was the age group below 30, but from those who visit it every day – the group aged up to 20 years [11]. The results show that women have answered twice as actively. 36% of them live in the old town, but 45% of men go there every day. Quite similar is the distribution among visitors: 20 men and women in each group. 83% of respondents believe that the old town has become tidier. This is the opinion of 82% of people who live there, 78% of people who work there and 86% of people who go there every day. 15% of those, who live in the old town, believe that the situation has not changed (Picture 2). The area seems to be one-hundred-percent tidier to respondents above the age of 40, but young people below the age of 20 (78%) are least sure of it [11]. To find out what are the unique values of Kuldîga according to the local inhabitants and visitors, answering the question What unique values have you noticed in the old town? – as many as 52 values were mentioned. Their classification into groups leads to a conclusion that the most popular are material values that are either big or in large numbers and thus, also the most conspicuous. The most popular values, according to the respondents, are those which were already included in the questionnaire and precisely in the same order. Only the visitors of Kuldîga have regarded the historic atmosphere of the old town as more important than the authentic details of houses. Apart from the suggested options, the most popular answer given by those residing in the old town was the Alekðupîte River (11%), 18.5% of those, who work in the old town, mentioned (wooden, historic) buildings, 10% of respondents, who go to the old town every day, mentioned the Venta Rapids. The vaulted bridge is the most popular answer in all age groups. Young people named 108 values, but the eldest respondents – 51. However, it is interesting that both groups gave their votes for 17 entries [11]. The aim of the question What would you recommend to the visitors to see in Old Town? was to find out those values the inhabitants of Kuldîga are proud of. Respondents of all groups agree that the


Dabas skati, klusums. Nature sights, silence. Pagalmi, ðíûòi, malkas krâvumi, ûdens brîvkrâni, parki, koka apbûve, arhitektûra. Yards, sheds, stacks of firewood, public water taps, parks, wooden houses, architecture. 49 anketâs nosauktas konkrçtas çkas, 20 – Ventas rumba, 18 – Alekðupîte un tâs tiltiòi. Particular houses were mentioned in 40 questionnaires, the Venta Rapids – in 20, the Alekðupîte River and its bridges – in 18.

Vecpilsçtas vçsturiskâ aura – 71 anketâ. Historic atmosphere of Old Town was mentioned in 71 questionnaires.

471 reizi minçts velvju tilts, kârniòu jumti, ielas (bruìçtas, sareþìîts tîklojums) un laukumi, autentiskâs namu detaïas (durvis, virsgaismas lodziòi, vçjrâdîtâji u.c.). The vaulted bridge, tile roofs, streets (cobblestones, intricate street network) and squares, authentic details of houses (doors, transoms, weathervanes, etc.) were mentioned 471 times.

3. attçls. Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas unikâlâs vçrtîbas iedzîvotâju un apmeklçtâju skatîjumâ. Picture 3. The unique values of the old town of Kuldîga according to the local inhabitants and visitors.

objektus: tiltiòus pâr Alekðupîti, dzirnavas, dakstiòu jumtus, vçjrâdîtâjus, Ventmalu, “Bendes namiòu”, ðíûnîðus, râtsnamu, domi, pilsçtas vecâko mâja, Mârtiòsalu, kafejnîcas “Pagrabiòð” un “Pîlâdzîtis”, “Rumbas” kiosku, Upes, Dîía, Annas, Baznîcas, Kalna, Mâlu, Pils un Ventspils ielu, Sv. Katrînas baznîcas torni. Tikai viesi minçjuði 2 vçrtîbas: Kuldîgu kâ mazo Vençciju un iespçju izloþòât visas maliòas. Taèu tas varçtu nozîmçt arî iespçju apskatît visu pilsçtu [11]. Atbildes uz jautâjumu “Kas Kuldîgu atðíir no citâm pilsçtâm?” ïauj secinât, kas ir pilsçtas unikâlâs vçrtîbas. Kuldîgas atðíirîgumu respondenti izsaka, izmantojot daþâdus îpaðîbas vârdus: senatnîgs, saglabâjies, mazs, nomaïð, sareþìîts, laipns, draudzîgs, latvisks, vçsturisks, divstâvîgs, vecs, neparasts, mierîgs, mîïð, autentisks, nesteidzîgs,

most popular values are the Venta Rapids and the old bridge – in the first and second place respectively. Those respondents, who live in the old town, named the largest number of objects and places. All respondents mentioned a walk along the Alekðupîte River, yet less popular this location was among those who work in Old Town. The inhabitants of Kuldîga named many particular objects and places (the oldest house, churches, courtyards, parks) and also the places that are not located in the oldest part of the town. It means that the local inhabitants themselves do not really know the boundaries of the old town. Only local inhabitants mentioned such objects: bridges across the Alekðupîte River, the watermill, tile roofs, weathervanes, banks along the Venta River, the house of the castle guard, small sheds, the town hall, the town council, the oldest house of the town, the artificial island Mârtiòsala,


4. attçls. Avoti, kuros gût informâciju par Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas vçrtîbâm. Picture 4. Sources of information about the values of the old town of Kuldîga.

5. attçls. Par vecpilsçtas saglabâðanu atbildîgie. Picture 5. Responsible for preservation of the old town.

ðaurs, vienreizçjs, atðíirîgs, brûkoðs, nepiesâròots, nolaists. Tâ raksturotas gan konkrçtas vietas, ielas, pagalmi, çkas un to detaïas, gan cilvçki, vide, gaiss, daba, aura utt. [11]. Lai izzinâtu labâkâs informâcijas sniegðanas metodes, noder atbildes uz jautâjumu “Kur gûstat informâciju par Kuldîgas vecpilsçtu?” (4. attçls). Visi aptaujâtie kuldîdznieki neatkarîgi no vecuma un saistîbas ar vecpilsçtu kâ galveno informâcijas nesçju minçjuði rajona laikrakstu “Kurzemnieks”. Visâs grupâs vçl kâ informâcijas avots minçts pilsçtas domes izdevums “Kuldîgas Vçstis”, paðizziòa un kuldîdznieku atmiòu stâsti. Strâdâjoðie lasa arî domes interneta mâjas lapu Aptaujâ kâ iespçjamie varianti vçl tika piedâvâti radio, televîzija un laikraksti “Diena”, “Latvijas Avîze”, “Neatkarîgâ Rîta Avîze”, bet tos respondenti minçjuði ïoti reti [11]. Lai konstatçtu, kam jâuzòemas atbildîba par vçrtîbâm, tika jautâts “Kam, jûsuprât, jârûpçjas par

cafes Pagrabiòð and Pîlâdzis, the Rumba kiosk, Upes, Dîía, Annas, Baznîcas, Kalna, Mâlu, Pils and Ventspils Streets, the tower of St. Katherine’s Church. And only visitors of Kuldîga mentioned two values: Kuldîga as the Small Venice and a possibility to sneak around all corners. However, it might also imply a chance to see the entire town [11]. The answers to the question What distinguishes Kuldîga from other towns? reveal what are the unique values of the town. Respondents describe the distinctive qualities of Kuldîga with various adjectives: ancient, preserved, small, remote, complicated, kind, friendly, Latvian, historic, two-storey, old, unusual, quiet, lovable, authentic, unhurried, narrow, unique, different, collapsing, unpolluted, neglected. These attributives were used to describe concrete places, streets, courtyards, buildings and their parts, and also people, environment, air, nature, atmosphere, etc [11]. The answers to the question Where do you get information about the old town of Kuldîga? indicate


vecpilsçtas saglabâðanu?” (5. attçls). Diagrammâ redzamâs atbildes visu grupu respondenti nosaukuði kâ vissvarîgâkâs [13]. Attçlâ nav iekïauti râdîtâji “dzîvokïu îpaðnieki” un “dzîvokïu îrnieki”, jo tie atbalstu neguva, tas nozîmç, ka, pçc respondentu domâm, tiem par vecpilsçtas saglabâðanu jârûpçjas vismazâk. Apkopojot aptaujas rezultâtus, var secinât: iedzîvotâjiem un pilsçtas viesiem Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas attîstîba ir svarîga, jo savu viedokli respondenti pauduði droði un atklâti, tikai 3% anketu bija anonîmas; nav iespçjams konstatçt, vai respondenti zina vecpilsçtas unikâlâs vçrtîbas, jo anketâ daþas tika piedâvâtas un tâs arî izrâdîjâs vispopulârâkâs; pçc aptaujâto domâm, Kuldîgas vecpilsçta ir sakopta; Ventas rumba, Alekðupîte un tâs ûdenskritums, íieìeïu tilts, muzejs ar parku, Râtslaukums, vecpilsçta un tâs ieliòas, baznîcas, senâs çkas un pagalmi ir vietas, kuras gan kuldîdznieki, gan viesi atzinuði par visskaistâkajâm, tâpçc tâs râdâmas citiem; Kuldîga no citâm pilsçtâm atðíiras gan ar taustâmâm vçrtîbâm, gan izjûtâm; lielâkajai respondentu daïai neatkarîgi no vecuma, dzimuma un piederîbas vecpilsçtai rajona laikraksts “Kurzemnieks” ir galvenais informâcijas avots; paðvaldîbai un valstij jârûpçjas par vecpilsçtas saglabâðanu – tâ domâ lielâkâ daïa aptaujâto kuldîdznieku; pçc 38% vecpilsçtas iemîtnieku domâm, par ðo vietu jârûpçjas gan paðvaldîbai un valstij, gan çku îpaðniekiem un citiem pilsçtniekiem; vissvarîgâkais un steidzamâkais vecpilsçtas attîstîbas uzdevums ir namu restaurâcija – tâ domâ vairums anketçto kuldîdznieku. Secinâjumi un ieteikumi Runâjot par mantojuma uzturçðanu, parasti tiek pieminçta lîdzdalîba, sabiedrîbas iesaistîðanâs un dalîti pienâkumi, bet daudz retâk tiek izvirzîti tâdi uzdevumi kâ ieklausîðanâs, sapratne, misijas apziòas tuvinâðana cilvçkiem, lai ikviens justos iesaistîts. Paðvaldîbai un citâm atbildîgajâm institûcijâm jâmaina attieksme, vairâk jâpaïaujas uz cilvçkiem, jâpalîdz katram radît savu koncepciju par kultûrvçsturisko identitâti. Nepiecieðams zinât, ko iedzîvotâji

the best sources of information (Picture 4). All interviewed local inhabitants, irrespective of their age and association with the old town, mentioned the regional newspaper Kurzemnieks as the main source of information. Respondents of all groups mentioned the town council’s edition Kuldîgas Vçstis, self-made inquiries and recollections of local inhabitants as another sources of information. The working population also read the town council’s web page Anyhow, the suggested options – the radio, television and newspapers Diena, Latvijas Avîze, Neatkarîgâ Rîta Avîze – were named very rarely [11]. To find out who should bear responsibility for the values, the question Who, in your opinion, have to take care of the preservation of the old town? was asked (Picture 5). The answers, which respondents of all groups deemed to be most important, are shown in the diagram [13]. The diagram does not include the entries owners of flats and tenants since the respondents did not mention them and it implies that they should take care of the old town least of all. Summarising the results of the questionnaire, a conclusion can be drawn that: development of the old town of Kuldîga is important for local inhabitants and for visitors as the respondents expressed their opinions openly and freely, only 3% of answers were anonymous; it is impossible to ascertain if the respondents are aware of the unique values of the old town, since some of the values were predefined in the questionnaire and they turned out to be the most popular ones; according to the respondents, the old town of Kuldîga is tidy; the local inhabitants and the visitors named the Venta Rapids, the Alekðupîte River and its waterfall, the brick bridge, the museum with the park, the Town Hall Square, the old town and its streets, churches, old buildings and courtyards as the most beautiful sites which should be shown to others; Kuldîga differs from other towns both with tangible values and its atmosphere; the regional newspaper Kurzemnieks is the main source of information for the largest part of respondents, irrespective of their age, gender and affiliation; the municipality and the state should take care of the preservation of the old town – this is the opinion of the largest part of the interviewed local inhabitants;


par mantojumu domâ, vai viòi tâ saglabâðanâ jûtas iesaistîti. Vajadzçtu izprast viòu domas saistîbâ ar ierobeþojumiem, kuri vçsturiskajâ vidç traucç dzîvot. Kopâ ar sabiedrisko attiecîbu speciâlistiem nepiecieðams pieminekïu uzraudzîbu padarît cilvçciskâku, saikni ar iedzîvotâjiem veidot tâ, lai katra prasîba bûtu viòiem mazâk sâpîga. Paðvaldîbas un kultûrvçsturiskâ mantojuma aizsar-dzîbas speciâlistiem jâorganizç skolçnu ekskursijas uz vçsturiskajâm pilsçtâm. Tâm jâbût vçrstâm uz vçrtîbu izzinâðanu, bet arî aizraujoðâm, vajadzîga precîza informâcija, nevis kultûras, vçstures un tehnisko aspektu izklâsts. Kulturâlu un emocionâlu saikni ar mantojumu var veidot tikai ar zinâðanâm, kas tiek nodroðinâtas pilsçtniekiem un apmeklçtâjiem. Ieguldîjumi izglîtîbâ un kultûrâ nav tikai demokrâ-tiska rîcîba, tas ir labâkais veids, kâ garantçt mantojuma aizsardzîbu nâkotnç. Heroni Martorels, viens no Spânijas pieminekïu restaurâcijas tçviem, 1920. gadâ rakstîjis: “Mûsu darbs ir nostiprinât un atjaunot çkas, bet mums vajadzçtu mçìinât arî ietekmçt sabiedrîbas interesi par pieminekïiem, lai tâ tos vairâk un vairâk novçrtçtu un saprastu. Jo sabiedriska atzinîba ir saglabâðanas labâkâ garantija.”

according to 38% of inhabitants residing in the old town, the municipality and the state should take care of this area, along with the owners of the houses and other citizens; the most important and urgent task in development of the old town is the restoration of buildings – this is the opinion of the majority of the questioned inhabitants of Kuldîga. Conclusions and recommendations Speaking about the maintenance of heritage, participation, involvement of the public and shared duties are usually called upon, but quite rarely the tasks like listening to opinions, understanding, awareness rising of the mission in population are set, so that everyone would feel involved. The municipality and other responsible institutions should change their attitude and rely more on people, help everyone come to their own concept about the identity of cultural heritage. It is necessary to know what inhabitants think about the heritage, whether they feel involved in its preservation. It should be clarified what people think about limitations that are restricting life in the historic environment. Together with public relations specialists it is necessary to make monument protection more human, to form the relation with people what would make each requirement less painful for them. The municipal specialists and specialists for protection of cultural heritage should organise tours for schoolchildren to the historic towns. They should focus on exploration of values and provide exciting experience, not only dry facts about culture, history and technical methods. A cultural and emotional linkage with heritage can be established only through knowledge provided to inhabitants and visitors of the town. Jeroni Martorell, who was one of the founders of Spanish monument restoration, in 1920 wrote: “Our work is to reinforce and restore the buildings, but we should also try to arouse public interest in monuments so that people would appraise and understand them more. Since public recognition is the best guarantee of preservation.”

Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.


IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Izglîtîbas un zinâtnes ministrija. Koncepcija audzinâðanas darbîbai izglîtîbas iestâdçs// 2. Sils J. Mediji, vçlmes, vajadzîbas // 3. Bçrziòa D. Vai izaudzinât çtisku cilvçku? Vai iemâcît çtiku? // 4. Stelps P. Par telpu un vçrtîbâm // 5. Ozols R UNESCO Latvijas nacionâlâs komitejas ìenerâlsekretârs. Pasaules mantojuma saraksts un tâ iespçjas Kuldîgai. Tilts Kuldîgai – tilts uz pasauli: starptautiskas konferences materiâli. Kuldîga, 2007. – Pieejams Kuldîgas pilsçtas Domes pilsçtbûvniecîbas nodaïas arhîvâ. 6. ICOMOS (1964), International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (Venice Charter) // 7. UNESCO (1998), Criteria for the Inclusion of Properties in the World Heritage List // 8. Blûms P. Daþas atziòas par galvenajiem mûsdienu vçsturiskâs pilsçtvides saglabâðanas un attîstîbas principiem: ziòojums konferencç Kuldîgas vecpilsçta ðodien, rît – Latvijâ, Eiropâ. Kuldîga, 2004. – Elektroniskais formâts, pieejams Kuldîgas pilsçtas Domes pilsçtbûvniecîbas nodaïas arhîvâ. 9. Feilden B. M. Conservation of Historic Buildings, Butterworth Architecture. Oxford, 1995. – 164 lpp. 10. Redberga Z. Latvijas arhitektûras mantojuma dokumentçðanas un publicitâtes metodika. Maìistra darbs, 1998. – 16 lp. Pieejams Rîgas Tehniskâs universitâtes Arhitektûras un pilsçtplânoðanas fakultâtes metodiskajâ kabinetâ. 11. Kuldîgas pilsçtas Dome. Pçtîjums “Kuldîgas pilsçtas iedzîvotâju un viesu viedoklis par Kuldîgas vecpilsçtu”. Kuldîga, 2007. Pieejams Kuldîgas pilsçtas Domes pilsçtbûvniecîbas nodaïas arhîvâ. 12. Arabarri. Kultûras mantojuma apsaimniekoðana un saglabâðana Alavâ: sociâlais aspekts. Tilts Kuldîgai – tilts uz pasauli: starptautiskas konferences materiâli. Kuldîga, 2007. Pieejams Kuldîgas pilsçtas Domes pilsçtbûvniecîbas nodaïas arhîvâ. Ivars Strautmanis Professor, Dr.habil.arch. Riga Technical University, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia E-mail: Jana Jâkobsone City Architect / Director, Mgr.arch. Kuldiga Town Council, Department of Town Planning 1 Baznicas Str., LV-3301, Kuldiga, Latvia E-mail:, Strautmanis I., Jâkobsone J. Cilvçka vçrtîbu sistçma. Kultûrvçsturiskâs vides nozîme tajâ. Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas piemçrs Rakstâ analizçta cilvçku vçrtîbu sistçma un kultûrvçsturiskâs vides nozîme tajâ. Izvirzîta un apstiprinâta hipotçze – ja Kuldîgas vecpilsçtas iedzîvotâji un apmeklçtâji tiks informçti par kultûrvçsturiskajâm vçrtîbâm, tad to sargâtâji bûs ne tikai paðvaldîba un kultûras mantojuma aizsardzîbas valsts institûcijas, bet arî paði iedzîvotâji, kas tieði atbildîgi par vçrtîbu saglabâðanu. Rakstâ analizçts vçrtîbu jçdziens, klasifikâcija un teorçtiskâs pamatnostâdnes. Analizçts arî pçtîjums “Kuldîgas iedzîvotâju un viesu viedoklis par vecpilsçtu”, kurâ minçtas Kuldîgas unikâlâs vçrtîbas. Pçtîjumâ minçtâs vçrtîbas tiek salîdzinâtas ar pasaules mantojuma saraksta nostâdnçm un îpaðas nozîmes unikâlâs vçrtîbas definîciju un kritçrijiem. Rakstâ analizçta Kuldîgas kultûrvçsturiskâ vide un tâs vçrtîbas, cilvçks kâ vides veidotâjs. Kuldîgas iedzîvotâju nozîme vecpilsçtas saglabâðanâ skatîta caur termina “vçrtîba” prizmu.


Strautmanis I., Jâkobsone J. Human Value System. Value of Cultural Heritage in this System. Kuldiga Old Town as an Example This article is proceeding to analyse a human value system and the place of cultural environment heritage value in this system. The following hypothesis is marked and proved in this article – if inhabitants and visitors of Kuldiga old town were informed about the principles of preservation of cultural heritage of Kuldiga old town, the preservers of it would be not only local municipality and monument protection state institutions, but also inhabitants, who are directly responsible for preservation of these values. The term “value” is discussed in the article: its theoretical formulation, meanings, classifications and significance of education of inhabitants. The research “Opinions of Inhabitants and Visitors of Kuldiga on Kuldiga Old Town” is analysed, where the unique values of Kuldiga old town are mentioned. The values stated in this research are compared to the criteria of the UNESCO World Heritage List – definition and parameter of the unique value. The role of inhabitants in preservation of cultural heritage of the Old Town is analysed through the prism of the term “value”. Ñòðàóòìàíèñ È., ßêîáñîíå ß. Cèñòåìà öåííîñòåé ÷åëîâåêà. Pîëü êóëüòóðíî-èñòîðè÷åñêîé ñðåäû â ýòîé ñèñòåìå. Kàê ïðèìåð, èñòîðè÷åñêèé öåíòð ãîðîäà Kóëäèãè  ñòàòüå àíàëèçèðóåòñÿ ñèñòåìa öåííîñòåé ÷åëîâåêà, ìåñòî êóëüòóðíî-èñòîðè÷åñêîé ñðåäû è äîñòîÿíèé íàñëåäèÿ â íåé. Àâòîðû îòìå÷àþò è äîêàçûâàþò ãèïîòåçó – åñëè æèòåëè è ïîñåòèòåëè Kóëäèãè áóäóò èíôîðìèðîâàíû î êóëüòóðíîì íàñëåäèè èñòîðè÷åñêîãî ãîðîäà, òî õðàíèòåëÿìè ýòèõ öåííîñòåé â ïåðâóþ î÷åðåäü áóäóò ÿâëÿòüñÿ îíè ñàìè, íå òîëüêî ãîðîäñêîe ñàìîóïðàâëåíèå è ãîñóäàðñòâåííûå ó÷ðåæäåíèÿ, îòâåòñòâåííûe çà ñîõðàíåíèå ýòèõ öåííîñòåé.  äàííîé ðàáîòå paññìàòðèâàåòñÿ èññëåäîâàíèå “Ìíåíèÿ æèòåëåé è ïîñåòèòåëåé Kóëäèãè î ñòàðîì ãîðîäå”, ãäå óïîìÿíóòû óíèêàëüíûå öåííîñòè ñòàðîãî ãîðîäà. Öåííîñòè â ýòîì èññëåäîâàíèè ñðàâíåíû ñ êðèòåðèÿìè Ñïèñêà ìèðîâîãî êóëüòóðíîãî íàñëåäèÿ ÞÍÅÑÊÎ è ñ îïðåäåëåíèåì è ïàðàìåòðàìè óíèêàëüíûõ öåííîñòåé. Òàêæå èññëåäóþòñÿ êóëüòóðíî-èñòîðè÷åñêàÿ ñðåäà è öåííîñòè ãîðîäà è ðîëü ÷åëîâåêa â ñîçäàíèè ýòîé ñðåäû. Çíà÷åíèå æèòåëåé ïðè ñîõðàíåíèè èñòîðè÷åñêîãî öåíòðà ïðîñìàòðèâàåòñÿ ÷åðåç ïðèçìó öåííîñòåé.



Key words: large-scale residential districts, affecting factors, prospective development.

Rîgas telpiskâ vide piedzîvo aktîvus attîstîbas procesus, kuru tieða ietekme konstatçjama arî kvantitatîvi nozîmîgâkajâ Rîgas pilsçtas dzîvojamâs vides veidâ – lielmçroga dzîvojamajos rajonos. Tâ kâ lielmçroga dzîvojamajos rajonos dzîvo ap 60% no pilsçtas iedzîvotâjiem un tie sastâda ap 40% no Rîgas dzîvojamâ fonda, ðo teritoriju nâkotnes perspektîva ir bûtisks jautâjums Rîgas pilsçtvides attîstîbas kontekstâ. Rîgas lielmçroga dzîvojamie rajoni, kopskaitâ 13, tika uzbûvçti apmçram 35 gadu laikâ, sâkot no 1950. gadu vidus. Ðajâ laikâ tapis arî liels skaits ðî tipa dzîvojamo çku grupu daþâdos pilsçtas rajonos. Pçdçjo dekâþu procesi – mâjokïu jomas reforma, iedzîvotâju sociâlâ noslâòoðanâs u.c. radîjuði ievçrojamas pârmaiòas lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu problemâtikâ. Daþâdâs attîstîbas stadijâs atrodas jauni dzîvojamâs apbûves objekti esoðo rajonu ietvaros un teritorijâs, kas robeþojas ar tiem. Jaunâ apbûve ievçrojami izmaina esoðo rajonu struktûru un rada priekðnoteikumus gan telpiskiem, gan sociâliem konfliktiem. Ðî raksta mçríis ir definçt un analizçt galvenos ietekmes faktorus, kas nosaka procesu attîstîbu Rîgas lielmçroga dzîvojamajos rajonos. Mâjokïu jomas attîstîbas pamats ir valsts politiski ekonomiskâ bâze. Latvijas ekonomiskâs politikas rezultâtâ relatîvi îsâ laikâ ir radîti tirgus ekonomikas pamati un makroekonomiskie priekðnoteikumi tautsaimniecîbas izaugsmei, kas nepiecieðami mâjokïu sektora attîstîbai, tai skaitâ lielmçroga dzîvojamajos rajonos. Ðo pilsçtas teritoriju attîstîbas îpatnîbas Rîgâ no 1991. lîdz 2007. gadam ir ietekmçjuði vairâki politiskie, ekonomiskie, demogrâfiskie un sociâli psiholoìiskie faktori.

The spatial environment of Riga is undergoing active development with its direct impact being exerted also on the large-scale residential districts – by quantity the most significant part of the living environment of Riga. Since about 60% of the city dwellers reside in large-scale residential districts, which constitute approximately 40% of the housing stock of Riga, the future prospective for these territories is an urgent topic in the context of the urban development in Riga. Altogether 13 large-scale residential districts were constructed in Riga over a period of about 35 years, starting from the mid-1950s. At that time large numbers of groups of this type of residential buildings were built in various parts of the city. The processes of the last decades – the housing sector reform, social differentiation of population, etc. have resulted in serious changes in the situation and problems pertaining to the large-scale residential districts. New residential developments are in different stages of implementation within the territories of the existing districts and in the areas bordering on them. The new developments considerably change the existing structure of districts and create preconditions for spatial as well as social conflicts. The aim of this article is to define and analyse the main factors of influence determining evolution of processes in Riga’s large-scale residential districts. The political and economic basis determines development of the housing sector. As a result of the economic policy of Latvia, in a relatively short period a basis of market economy and macroeconomic preconditions for the growth of national economy have been created, what are necessary for development of the housing sector, i.e. also the large-scale residential districts. Characteristic features of


Politiskie faktori: îpaðumtiesîbu reforma, pilsçtplânoðanas dokumenti Viens no bûtiskâkajiem faktoriem, kas ietekmçja mâjokïu tirgus izveidi un attîstîbu, bija valsts pieòemtie likumi, kas attiecâs uz îpaðumtiesîbu reformu: likumi par dzîvojamo mâju denacionalizâciju un privatizâciju. 1991. gadâ tika uzsâkta bijuðo îres namu denacionalizâcija un padomju dzîvokïu celtniecîbas kooperatîvu dzîvojamâ fonda privatizâcija to biedriem. Tajâ paðâ gadâ daïa valsts fonda tika nodota paðvaldîbu pârziòâ. 1995. gadâ sâkâs valsts un paðvaldîbu fonda privatizâcija, ðajâ laikâ notika arî îres reforma [16, 9]. Namîpaðumu denacionalizâcijas, kâ arî valsts un paðvaldîbas dzîvojamo mâju privatizâcijas rezultâtâ Latvijâ kardinâli mainîjâs dzîvojamâ fonda îpaðumstruktûra. Daïa denacionalizçto çku îpaðnieku veica komunâlo dzîvokïu iedzîvotâju izmitinâðanu, lai dzîvojamâs çkas pârveidotu par biroju çkâm, daïa remontçja dzîvokïus, lai vçlâk tos izîrçtu. Lielu daudzumu prestiþâko çku uzpirka investori, kuri veica pilnîgu iedzîvotâju izlikðanu, lai rekonstruçtu ðîs çkas. No 22 372 bijuðo nekustamâ îpaðuma îpaðnieku vai viòu mantinieku iesniegumiem par îpaðumu atgrieðanu tika apmierinâtas aptuveni divas treðdaïas. No 1992. lîdz 2002. gadam Rîgâ tika denacionalizçts liels daudzums dzîvojamo çku, kurâs kopumâ bija 25 tûkstoði dzîvokïu ar kopçjo platîbu 1 408 tûkstoði m2, kuros dzîvo 65 tûkstoði iedzîvotâju [9]. Pçc sagatavoðanâs perioda un organizatorisko struktûru izveidoðanas, kâ arî pçc labojumu pieòemðanas likumâ, kas ïâva veikt paâtrinâto privatizâciju, kopð 1997. gada sâkâs masveida dzîvojamâ fonda privatizâcija. Privatizâcijai tika piedâvâti gandrîz 99% paðvaldîbas un valsts namu. Pçc Centrâlâs dzîvojamo mâju privatizâcijas komisijas datiem no valsts un paðvaldîbu mâju privatizâcijas procesa sâkuma lîdz 2004. gada sâkumam Rîgâ bija privatizçti 187 tûkstoði dzîvokïu [8]. Ðiem dzîvokïu îpaðniekiem bija jâveic svarîgs privatizâcijas cikla posms – jâpâròem dzîvojamâ mâja no paðvaldîbas vai valsts savâ îpaðumâ un jâveido tâs apsaimniekoðanas struktûra. Paðlaik tâdu piemçru, kad mâju îpaðnieki, pâròemot mâju savâ apsaimniekoðanâ, izvçlas to atjaunot, ir ïoti maz, tâdçï iespçja neilgâ laikâ savest kârtîbâ visu Latvijas dzîvojamo fondu ir nereâla. Tiek lçsts, ka ðim mçríim bûs nepiecieðami vismaz 20–30 gadi. [14, 79]. Sakarâ ar dzîvojamo mâju privatizâciju tika izstrâdâti noteikumi privatizçjamâm çkâm piesaistâmo zemesgabalu izveidei. Rezultâtâ pilnîgi

development of these urban areas in Riga between 1991 and 2007 have been affected by several political, economic, demographic and social-psychological factors. Political factors: ownership reform, urban planning documents One of the most essential factors affecting the configuration and development of the housing market was the laws passed in the state which referred to the ownership reform: laws on denationalisation and privatisation of dwelling houses. In 1991 denationalisation of the former apartment houses and privatisation of flats of the former Soviet condominiums by their owners began. The same year part of the public housing stock was given in charge of municipalities. In 1995 privatisation of the public and municipal housing stock began, the tenancy reform was also carried out in this period [16, 9]. As a result of denationalisation of real estate and privatisation of the public and municipal residential buildings, the ownership structure of the housing stock considerably changed in Latvia. Part of the owners of denationalised houses relocated inhabitants of communal flats, in order to transform the houses into office buildings, some of the owners reconstructed the flats so that to rent them out afterwards. Many of the most prestigious buildings were purchased by investors who completely freed the apartments from their inhabitants relocating them, in order to reconstruct the houses. About two thirds of 22,372 applications on restitution of ownership submitted by the former owners of immovable properties or their heirs were satisfied. From 1992 till 2002 a large number of dwelling houses were denationalised in Riga with altogether 25,000 flats covering the total area of 1,408,000 m2 and with approximately 65,000 inhabitants [9]. After the preparation period and establishment of management structures, and after adoption of amendments to the law enabling accelerated privatisation, in 1997 mass privatisation of the housing stock began. Almost 99% of municipal and stateowned buildings were offered for privatisation. According to the Central Committee for Privatisation of Residential Buildings, from the beginning of the privatisation process till the early 2004 as many as 187,000 flats of municipal and state-owned buildings were privatised in Riga [8]. The owners of these flats had to go through an important stage of privatisation process – to take over the residential buildings from the municipality


tika izjaukta dzîvojamo rajonu oriìinâlâ plânojuma shçma, notika ðo rajonu telpiskâs kompozîcijas mehâniska destrukcija, sadalot kvartâlus nelielos zemes gabalos, kas bieþi vien nenodroðina to îpaðniekiem – nama iedzîvotâjiem – pat elementârâs dzîvojamâs vides funkcijas. Minçtie procesi radîjuði gan veicinoðus priekðnoteikumus, gan bremzçjoðus ðíçrðïus turpmâkajai dzîvojamo teritoriju attîstîbai: Dzîvokïu privatizâcija par sertifikâtiem lika pamatu “Latvijas vidusslâòa” izveidoðanai, kas ieguva savdabîgu uzkrâjumu nekustamâ îpaðuma veidâ. Tas veicinâja plaða iedzîvotâju slâòa maksâtspçjas pieaugumu un tipveida dzîvokïu tirgus segmenta izveidoðanos. Dzîvojamo namu denacionalizâcija stimulçja dzîvokïu pieprasîjumu pilsçtas lielmçroga dzîvojamajos rajonos, kur pamatâ tika izvietoti komunâlo dzîvokïu iedzîvotâji. Zinâðanu un resursu trûkums liedz privatizçto namu îpaðniekiem plânveidîgi atjaunot dzîvojamo fondu. Zemes îpaðumu denacionalizâcijas rezultâtâ zemi lielmçroga dzîvojamajos rajonos atdodot vçsturiskajiem mantiniekiem, un pçc tam privatizçjamajâm dzîvojamajâm çkâm piesaistot minimâli nepiecieðamos zemesgabalus, tika izveidota sareþìîta zemes îpaðumu struktûra, radot legâlu pamatu jaunai bûvniecîbai lielmçroga dzîvojamajos rajonos. Pçdçjo piecpadsmit gadu laikâ ir izstrâdâti vairâki materiâli, kas tieði vai netieði regulç mâjokïu jomu Rîgâ un tâs reìionâ. No tiem tiesîbu normatîva akta spçku ieguvuði ðâdi dokumenti: Rîgas attîstîbas plâns 1995.–2005. g. (RAP, pieòemts 12.12.1995.), Rîgas attîstîbas mçríprogramma 2002.– 2005. g. (pieòemta 14.05.2002.), Rîgas teritorijas plânojums 2006.–2018. gadam (pieòemts 20.12.2005.).

or state in their possession and to establish its management structure. Today there are only few such cases when owners of the building, taking it over in their management, choose to renovate it, so it is less likely that within 5–10 years the entire housing stock of Latvia will be reconstructed. It will require at least 20–30 years [14, 79]. In connection with the privatisation of residential buildings the regulations on the plots of land acquired for the needs of the privatised buildings were prepared. As a result, the original planning scheme of residential districts has been completely disarranged, their spatial composition has been mechanically destroyed, dividing residential blocks into small plots of land which very often fail to provide their owners – inhabitants of the buildings – even with the basic functions of the living environment. The said processes have created preconditions for further development of residential areas: Privatisation of flats for vouchers resulted in emergence of a middle class in Latvia, which acquired a kind of savings in a form of immovable properties. It led to the increase of paying capacity of a large proportion of population and formation of a market segment of standard apartments. Denationalisation of residential buildings generated the demand for flats in large-scale housing districts where basically the inhabitants of communal flats were relocated. The lack of knowledge and resources prevents the owners of privatised houses to restore the housing stock on a systematic basis. As a result of denationalisation of land properties, when the land in large-scale residential districts was returned to the previous owners and then provided as the minimum required land to the privatised buildings, the original spatial composition of districts was completely destroyed, creating a legal basis for new construction in large-scale residential districts.

Pirmâs konceptuâlâs nostâdnes un stratçìiskie uzdevumi Rîgas pilsçtas mâjokïu politikas veidoðanai un 90. gadu aktuâlo mâjokïu jautâjumu risinâðanai jaunajos sociâli politiskajos apstâkïos tika doti Rîgas attîstîbas plânâ 1995.–2005. g. Tajâ tika iezîmçts virziens uz mâjokïu politiku, kas iedzîvotâju vairâkuma interesçs lîdzsvarotu racionâlas pilsçtas zemes izmantoðanas prasîbas un

Urban planning documents Over the last fifteen years several materials have been developed which either directly or indirectly regulate the housing sector in Riga and in its region. Among them the following documents have become legislative instruments: Riga Development Plan for 1995–2005 (RDP, adopted on 12.12.1995),


pilsçtas sociâlo un ekonomisko attîstîbu. Dokumentâ bija definçti pilsçtas attîstîbas mçríi, tai skaitâ mâjokïu jomâ: ”Dot mâjokïa izvçli daþâdu dzîvesveidu, sociâlo un ekonomisko iespçju iedzîvotâjiem sakârtotâ, veselîgâ un droðâ vidç.” [10, 19]. Risinot Attîstîbas plâna tieðo uzdevumu – pilsçtas zemju izmantoðanas uzlaboðanu – bija ieteikti “pasâkumi esoðo dzîvojamo rajonu attîstîbai un to kvalitâtes uzlaboðanai, humanizçjot, intensificçjot un sançjot rajonu teritorijas” [10], kâ arî pasâkumi jaunu mâjokïu bûvniecîbâ. Humanizâcijas procesu bija paredzçts veikt pakâpeniski. Kâ viens no tâ îstenoðanas priekðnosacîjumiem minçts lielpaneïu dzîvojamo rajonu sakârtoðanas stratçìijas izstrâde. Intensificçðanu tika paredzçts veikt, apbûvçjot rajonus ar relatîvi zemu apbûves intensitâti ar daþâda tipa dzîvojamâm un apkalpojoðâs infrastruktûras çkâm, saglabâjot vai pilnveidojot ðo rajonu savdabîgo raksturu. Kopumâ Rîgas attîstîbas plânâ dzîvojamo çku bûvniecîbai bija rezervçti aptuveni 1 000 ha vai 3% no pilsçtas teritorijas, aptuveni 500 ha bija neapbûvçtas, bet 500 ha – intensificçjamas teritorijas. 2005. gada nogalç tika pieòemts Rîgas teritorijas plânojums 2006.–2018. gadam. Òemot vçrâ iedzîvotâju migrâcijas aspektus un speciâlistu prognozes, jaunâ attîstîbas plâna izstrâdes ietvaros par pamatu, aprçíinot nepiecieðamo dzîvojamo teritoriju, pieòemts pozitîvâs migrâcijas variants – 700 000 iedzîvotâju 2018. gadâ. Noteikti prioritârie virzieni, kas realizçjami ârpus plâna: daþâdas attîstîbas programmas, kurâm jâveicina mâjokïu fonda atjauninâðanâs process, îres dzîvokïu izmaksu izlîdzinâðanâs, mâjokïu pabalstu sistçma, kâ arî paðvaldîbas îres fonda paplaðinâðana [15, 74]. Uzsâkot darbu pie Rîgas teritorijas plânojuma 2006.–2018. gadam, Rîgas pilsçtas attîstîbas programmâ 2006.–2012. gadam noteiktas vadlînijas pilsçtas attîstîbas plânam: “Paredzçt zemju platîbas privâtmâju bûvniecîbai. Ðobrîd Rîgâ privâtmâjas ir 5,5% no kopçjâ mâjokïu skaita. Ja pieòemam, ka lîdz 2018. gadam jâsasniedz 8% îpatsvaru no kopçjâ mâjokïa skaita, tad vçl vajadzçtu uzcelt 6 940 privâtmâjas X 600 m2 = bûs nepiecieðami 416 ha pilsçtas zemes”. Vienlaikus noteikts, ka Rîgai ir jâmçìina kontrolçt savas morfoloìiskâs robeþas izpleðanâs, aktivizçjot neizmantotâs teritorijas un revitalizçjot degradçtâs teritorijas, kâ arî veicinot pilsçtas iekðçjo attîstîbu un paaugstinot dzîves un mâjokïu kvalitâti [13, 15 ]. Par vienu no svarîgâkajiem uzdevumiem ir izvirzîta dzîvojamâs vides kvalitâtes uzlaboðana, kuras nodroðinâðanai definçtas ðâdas prioritâtes:

Target Programme for Riga Development 2002–2005 (adopted on 14.05.2002), Riga Spatial Plan for 2006–2018 (adopted on 20.12.2005). The Riga Development Plan for 1995–2005 proposed the first conceptual guidelines and strategic objectives for development of the housing policy of Riga City and solutions for the problems of housing sector in the 1990s occurring in the new social and political conditions. The plan set forth a direction towards the housing policy which, in the interests of the majority of population, would balance the requirements for efficient land use in the city with social and economic development of Riga. The document defined urban development goals, i.e. also in the housing sector: “To provide the population with a choice of various lifestyles, social and economic opportunities in a healthy and safe environment”. [10, 19]. While focusing on the major objective of the City Development Plan – more efficient land use in the city – “measures for development of the existing residential areas and improvement of their quality by means of humanisation, intensification and regeneration of their territories” were proposed [10], as well as measures for construction of new dwellings. Humanisation had to be carried out in stages. Elaboration of a strategy for improvement of slab block housing estates was defined as one of the preconditions for the humanisation process. Intensification was intended to be performed constructing new residential buildings and service and engineering objects of various types in the areas with comparatively low housing density, while preserving or improving the particular character of those districts. On the whole, about 1,000 hectares or 3% of the city territory were reserved for construction of residential buildings in the Riga Development Plan, with approximately 500 ha left vacant and 500 ha intended for intensification. At the end of 2005 the Riga Spatial Plan for 2006–2018 was adopted. Taking into account aspects of migration and experts’ prognoses, calculating the necessary residential area for the needs of the new development plan, a variant of positive migration was accepted – 700,000 inhabitants in 2018. The priority directions to be achieved beyond the scope of the plan were determined: various development programmes aimed at regeneration of the housing stock, equalisation of rental payments, a housing benefit system, and expansion of the municipal tenement housing stock [15, 74]. Initiating the work at the


attîstît esoðos dzîvojamos rajonus, veicinât daþâda tipa mazstâvu apbûvi (jo îpaði savrupmâju bûvniecîbu, paredzot jaunas dzîvojamâs teritorijas), veicinât pirmâm kârtâm savrupmâju un cita veida mazstâvu dzîvojamâs apbûves îpatsvara pieaugumu Rîgas dzîvojamajâ fondâ, sekmçt daudzstâvu dzîvojamo çku bûvniecîbu. Nevienu attîstîbas plânu nav iespçjams îstenot bez tâlâkâm aktivitâtçm. 2004. gadâ tika izstrâdâta Rîgas Domes mâjokïu bûvniecîbas programma, kuras mçríis ir lîdz 2010. gadam nodroðinât ar labiekârtotiem mâjokïiem vismaz 5 000 ìimeòu. Ðim nolûkam ir identificçti 20 zemes gabali ar kopçjo platîbu 72,4 ha, kas saskaòâ ar pilsçtas attîstîbas plânu ir paredzçti daudzdzîvokïu dzîvojamo namu bûvniecîbai. Ðo zemesgabalu kapacitâte ir 6 535 dzîvokïi [3]. Rîgas dome, reaìçjot uz iedzîvotâju protestiem, 2006.gada augustâ pieòçma moratoriju par bûvniecîbas aizliegumu mâju iekðkvartâlos. Moratorijs attiecas uz aptuveni 1 700 zemesgabaliem çku iekðpagalmos, kas ir nepilni 5% no pilsçtas kopçjas platîbas. Izòçmums ir skolu un bçrnudarzu rekonstrukcija, kâ arî savrupmâju un dvîòu mâju bûvniecîba. Apbûves aizliegums ir spçkâ lîdz attiecîgâs teritorijas detâlplânojuma apstiprinâðanas, kas ietver arî projekta publiskâs apsprieðanas procesu. Pçc Rîgas attîstîbas plâna 1995.–2005. gadam darbîbas izbeigðanâs jâsecina, ka tajâ paustâs vadlînijas bija atbilstoðas mûsdienîgâm pilsçtplânoðanas nostâdnçm, taèu bez tâlâkas rîcîbas programmas un atbilstoða paðvaldîbas finansiâlâ un politiskâ atbalsta tâs palikuðas deklaratîvâ lîmenî. Kopumâ jâsecina, ka ðî plâna darbîbas laikâ mâjokïu joma nav bijusi Rîgas Domes darbîbas prioritâðu sarakstâ. 2005. gada plâns ir pragmatiskâks un orientçts uz reâlâm nekustamo îpaðumu attîstîbas tendencçm. Mâjokïu jomas attîstîbas prioritâtes noteikuðas iedzîvotâju vçlmes un iespçjas dzîvot ìimenes mâjâs. 2018. gadâ rîdziniekiem nodroðinâmo mâjokïu platîbas aprçíinâðanai pieòemts standarts – 28 m2/personai. Ðî mçría sasniegðanai izvirzîti vairâki apakðmçríi, tai skaitâ – paplaðinât mâjokïu izvçles iespçjas gan no izmaksu, gan no tipoloìijas viedokïa. Analizçjot plânoðanas dokumentus, redzams, ka, izstrâdâjot mâjokïu politiku, arvien vairâk uzmanîbas tiek pievçrsts ilgtspçjîbas jautâjumiem, tomçr bieþi tie netiek skatîti kopîgâ indikatoru sistçmâ. Piemçram, vairâkos mâjokïu politikas dokumentos minçts fakts, ka dzîvojamâ platîba uz vienu iedzîvotâju Latvijâ ir ievçrojami mazâka nekâ Rietumeiropas valstîs, tâpçc kâ prioritâte tiek izvirzîta jaunu privâtmâju celtniecîba.

Riga Spatial Plan 2006–2018, the Riga City Development Programme for 2006–2012 set forth the guidelines for the city development plan: “To provide plots of land for construction of private houses. Currently private houses take 5.5% of the total number of dwellings in Riga. If we assume that till 2018 the percentage has to be 8% of the total number of dwellings, then 6,940 private houses still have to be built, i.e. each X 600 m2 = 416 ha of the city land will be necessary.” At the same time it is said that Riga has to try to control expansion of its morphological boundaries, more actively using vacant areas and revitalising degraded territories as well as facilitating the internal development of the city and increasing the quality of life and dwellings [13, 15]. Improvement of the quality of living environment is set as one of the most important tasks for attainment of which the following priorities have been defined: to develop the existing residential districts, to facilitate few-storey developments of various types (particularly construction of private houses, planning new residential territories), to promote, first of all, the increase of percentage of private houses and other few-storey buildings in the housing stock of Riga, to support construction of multi-storey apartment buildings. No development plan can be implemented without further activities. In 2004 the Programme for Dwelling Construction of the Riga City Council was elaborated which intended by 2010 to provide highquality dwellings to at least 5,000 families. For this purpose 20 plots of land were identified with the total area of 72.4 ha, which according to the city development plan were foreseen for construction of apartment buildings. The capacity of these plots is 6,535 flats [3]. The Riga City Council reacting to the protests of inhabitants, in August 2006 imposed a moratorium on prohibition of construction in the inner yards of the buildings. After expiry of the Riga Development Plan for 1995–2005, it has to be concluded that its guidelines were contemporary and longranging, however, without further action programmes and appropriate financial and political support from the municipality they remained at a declarative level. In general, it leads to the conclusion that during the validity period of this plan, the housing sector was not among the priorities of the Riga City Council. The 2005 Plan is more pragmatic and focuses on real tendencies. The interests of


Demogrâfiskie faktori: iedzîvotâju skaita izmaiòas Mâjokïu problemâtikas apzinâðanâ un plânoðanâ bûtiska nozîme ir demogrâfisko procesu analîzei un prognozei. Ekonomiskâ un sociâlâ krîze 20. gs. 90. gados pirmo reizi Latvijas vçsturç (izòemot aktîvas karadarbîbas posmus) izraisîja iedzîvotâju skaita samazinâjumu. Lîdzîgas norises ðajâ laika posmâ bija vçrojamas arî citâs Austrumeiropas un Viduseiropas valstîs, kur notika saimniekoðanas veida un politiskâs iekârtas nomaiòa. Taèu valstîs ârpus bijuðâs PSRS tas risinâjâs galvenokârt dabiskâs kustîbas ceïâ, bet Latvijâ – kâ dabiskâs kustîbas, tâ migrâcijas rezultâtâ. Demogrâfiskie râdîtâji Latvijâ ir vieni no zemâkajiem Eiropâ. 2008. gada sâkumâ valstî bija 2 miljoni 271 tûkstoði iedzîvotâju jeb par 395 tûkstoðiem cilvçku mazâk nekâ 1989. gada sâkumâ [1, 22]. Kopð 1989. gada iedzîvotâju skaits Rîgâ samazinâjies par 78 tûkstoði, jeb 18,7%. Laika posmâ no 1990. lîdz 1995. gadam no Rîgas izbrauca 106 112 cilvçku un atbrîvojâs aptuveni 2 018 600 m2 apdzîvojamâs platîbas vai apmçram 40 tûkstoði dzîvokïu. Ðo piecu gadu laikâ dzîvojamais fonds uz vienu cilvçku palielinâjâs par 10%, tâpçc jaunu dzîvojamo masîvu celtniecîba nebija pieprasîta un lîdz 2002. gadam gandrîz 95% no visa ik gadus uzceltâ jaunâ dzîvojamâ fonda bija privâtmâjas [7]. Neraugoties uz kopçjiem iedzîvotâju skaita zudumiem migrantu apmaiòâ, Rîga turpina piesaistît jaunieðus no visas Latvijas. Jaunieði no visas valsts teritorijas mçdz apmesties galvaspilsçtâ uz mâcîbu laiku Rîgâ koncentrçtajâs augstskolâs, un daïa no viòiem te paliek arî uz dzîvi. To veicina lielpilsçtâm raksturîgâs plaðâkâs un daudzveidîgâkâs darba iespçjas, kâ arî lielâks sadzîves komforts un kultûras iestâþu pieejamîba. Taèu varbûtçjai migrantu piesaistei no mazâkâm pilsçtâm un laukiem ir vairâki ierobeþojumi. Lai gan iedzîvotâju skaits Rîgâ samazinâs, vajadzîba pçc mâjokïa pastâv: Kâ nesenâ pagâtnç, tâ paðreizçjâ laikposmâ apmeðanos Rîgâ daudziem cilvçkiem liedz piemçrotu mâjokïu piedâvâjums par viòiem pieòemamu cenu. Iebraucçjiem, kuri izcelsmes vietâs valdoðâ bezdarba dçï tomçr îrç dzîvokli Rîgâ, nesamçrîgâs mâjokïa izmaksas vai tâ iegâdei òemtâ kredîta atmaksa kavç ìimenes paplaðinâðanu. Tas ir viens no cçloòiem zemajam dzimstîbas lîmenim Rîgâ un pilsçtas nespçjai patstâvîgi atjaunot savu iedzîvotâju skaitu.

inhabitants and a possibility to live in family houses have determined development priorities in the housing sector. A standard – 28m2/per capita – was approved for calculation of the dwelling area necessary for the inhabitants of Riga in 2018. To attain this standard, several tasks were set, e.g. to provide more options for a choice of dwellings differing by costs and typology. Analysing planning documents, it is evident that developing housing policy, increasingly more attention is being paid to the issues of sustainability, however, very often they are not considered within a single system of indicators. For example, several housing policy documents state that the floor space per one inhabitant in Latvia is much smaller than in the Western European countries, therefore construction of new private houses is set as a priority. Demographic factors: changes in the number of population In dealing with the problems of the housing sector, the analysis and prognosis of demographic processes play an important role. The economic and social crisis of the 1990s, for the first time in Latvia’s history (apart from the periods of active warfare), led to the decline in the number of population. In that period similar processes were observed also in other Eastern and Central European countries, where the change of the type of management and political system took place. However, in the countries outside the former USSR, it was carried out naturally, while in Latvia – as a result of both a natural process and migration. Demographic indices in Latvia are almost the lowest in Europe. At the beginning of 2008 there were 2,271,000 inhabitants in the country or by 395,000 less than at the beginning of 1989 [15, 22]. Since 1989 the number of population in Riga has decreased by 78,000 inhabitants or by about 18.7%. In the period between 1990 and 1995 as many as 106,112 people left Riga and 2,018,600 m2 of dwelling space or about 40,000 flats were vacated. During those five years the housing stock per one inhabitant increased by 10%, therefore construction of new residential districts was not required and until 2002 private houses made up almost 95% of the newly constructed dwellings [7]. Young people from all parts of Latvia tend to settle in the capital city during their studies at the


Ekonomiskais faktors: hipotekârâs kreditçðanas attîstîba, mâjokïu tirgus attîstîba Pamatfaktors, kas noteica mâjokïu tirgus segmenta attîstîbu Rîgas pilsçtâ laika posmâ no 1997. gada lîdz mûsdienâm, ir ekonomiskais faktors un galvenokârt hipotekârâs kreditçðanas sistçmas attîstîba. Salîdzinot ar citâm Austrumeiropas valstîm, kas pârdzîvojuðas pâreju no komandekonomikas uz brîvo tirgu, Latvijâ mâjokïu bûvniecîbas apjoms pagâjuðâ gadsimta deviòdesmitajos gados ne tikai ievçrojami saðaurinâjâs, bet arî bija vienpusîgi ievirzîts – tika bûvçti galvenokârt virsstandarta mâjokïi. Ðî gadsimta sâkumâ mâjokïu bûvniecîbas tendences ir mainîjuðâs. No 1997. gada rudens Latvijas banku sistçma, atspirgusi no 1995. gada krîzes, sâka realizçt kreditçðanas operâcijas ar nekustamo îpaðumu. 2001. gadâ bankas palielinâja hipotekârâs kreditçðanas termiòus lîdz 10–15 un vairâk gadiem, pazeminot kredîtu procentu likmes lîdz 8% gadâ. Gada laikâ Rîgas pilsçtâ reìistrçto hipotçku daudzums pieauga par 41%, bet nekustamo îpaðumu darîjumu skaits – par 47%. Pçc speciâlistu domâm 2001. gadâ tipveida dzîvokïu tirgû pirmo reizi pçdçjo 10 gadu laikâ parâdîjâs piedâvâjuma nepietiekamîba. Valstî pieauga dzîvojamo mâju bûvniecîba, seviðíi strauji tas notiek Rîgas reìionâ. Kopð 2002. gada dzîvojamo mâju bûvniecîba te ir aktivizçjusies vçl vairâk: 2002. gadâ no visas valstî uzbûvçtâs dzîvojamâs platîbas Rîgas reìionâ uzbûvçti 68%, 2003. gadâ – 69%. Bezprecedenta kredîta likmju pazeminâðanâs 2002. gada otrajâ pusç (lîdz 5–6%) un banku resursu pieejamîbas pieaugums noveda pie pieprasîjuma aþiotâþas pçc tipveida dzîvokïiem. Tâs sekas bija straujð cenu kâpums. Gada laikâ reìistrçto hipotçku daudzums Rîgâ divkârðojâs, bet darîjumu skaits pieauga par 40%. Pieprasîjuma aþiotâþu veicinâja tas, ka iedzîvotâji gaidîja vispârçju cenu palielinâðanos pçc Latvijas iestâðanâs Eiropas Savienîbâ. Îpaðumu sekundârajâ tirgû stabilizâcija kïuva iespçjama tikai pçc jaunu tipveida dzîvokïu masveida celtniecîbas uzsâkðanas 2003. gada pirmajâ pusç. Pirmo reizi kopð 1991. gada dzîvokïu cena sekundârajâ tirgû pârsniedza celtniecîbas paðizmaksu. Straujo jaunu dzîvokïu pieprasîjuma attîstîbu nosaka ne tikai dzîvojamâs platîbas trûkums, bet arî ar padomju laikos celto daudzdzîvokïu çku morâlâ un fiziskâ nolietoðanâs. Lçtu un pieejamu hipotekâro kredîtu iespçja plaðam iedzîvotâju slânim ir pastiprinâjusi vçlmi nomainît veco dzîvokli pret jaunu. Bûtisks faktors ir sociâli aktîvo cilvçku slâòa

universities, which are concentrated in Riga, and part of them stay there for good since the city offers wider and more varied opportunities for employment, larger comfort in everyday life and availability of cultural establishments. Due to these factors Riga continues to attract young people from all parts of Latvia, regardless of the overall decline in the number of population because of migration. However, there are several limiting factors to attraction of newcomers from smaller towns and rural areas. Although the number of population in Riga decreases, the need for the dwelling still exists: Today, similarly as it was not so long ago, for many people settlement in Riga is impossible due to the lack of appropriate dwellings for acceptable price. Disproportionate costs of the dwelling or repayment of the mortgage loan prevent from family planning those who are renting a flat in Riga because of unemployment in their native towns and cities. It is one of the reasons of a low birth rate in Riga and city’s inability to reproduce the number of its population by itself. Economic factor: development of mortgage crediting, development of housing market The basic factor, which determined development of the housing market segment in Riga from 1997 till today, was the economic factor and, primarily, development of the mortgage crediting system. Having convalesced from the 1995 crisis, since the autumn of 1997 the Latvian banking system has been performing crediting transactions with real estate. In 2001 the banks increased the period of mortgage crediting up to 10–15 and more years, lowering the credit interest rate to 8% per year. Within a year the number of mortgage credits registered in Riga increased by 41% but the number of real estate transactions – by 47%. According to the experts, in 2001 the market of standard dwellings for the first time in the last 10 years experienced a shortage of supply. In comparison to other Eastern European countries that had undergone a transition from a command economy to a market economy, the volume of housing construction in Latvia in the 1990s not only considerably narrowed but also had a single target – mostly standard dwellings were built. Since the beginning of this century construction tendencies in the housing sector have changed. The construction of dwelling houses increases in the country, particularly in Riga region. Since 2002 the construction of dwelling


(vecumâ no 25–40 gadiem, ar Latvijas vidusslânim stabili augstu ienâkumu lîmeni) vçlme dzîvot sociâli viendabîgos namos ar mûsdienîgu arhitektûru un attiecîgu servisa lîmeni. Pateicoties valsts ekonomiskajai izaugsmei pçdçjo 3–5 gadu laikâ un kredîtu pieejamîbai, samazinoties kredîtprocentu likmçm (sâkot ar 1999.–2000. gadu visâ valstî, bet it îpaði Rîgâ), notiek strauja nekustamâ îpaðuma tirgus attîstîba. Vispirms tas skâra dzîvokïu tirgus segmentu, paaugstinoties vidçjâm sçrijveida dzîvojamo çku dzîvokïu tirgus cenâm no 100–150 Ls/m2 1999. gadâ lîdz 900–1 000 Ls/m2 vidçjam ðâdu paðu dzîvokïu cenu lîmenim 2006. gadâ. Kâ redzams, cenu pieaugums standarta dzîvokïiem 7 gadu laikâ sasniedzis aptuveni 800% lîmeni. Dzîvokïiem Rîgas pilsçtas centrâlajâ daïâ cenas pieaugums ir bijis vçl lielâks [4, 78]. Lai gan jau vairâkus gadus valstî palielinâs nodarbinâto darba samaksa un mâjsaimniecîbu rîcîbâ esoðie ienâkumi, tomçr iedzîvotâju ienâkumu pieaugums ir ïoti nevienmçrîgs, pieaug materiâlâs labklâjîbas polarizâcija. 2003. gadâ SKDS veiktajâ aptaujâ noskaidrots, ka tikai 5% no lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu iedzîvotâjiem varçtu atmaksât hipotekâro kredîtu, tâtad bûtiski uzlabot savus mâjokïu apstâkïus [11, 6]. Kopumâ Latvijâ hipotekâro kredîtu ir òçmuðas mazâk nekâ 15% mâjsaimniecîbu. Latvijas Republikas Centrâlâs statistikas pârvaldes dati râda, ka vairâk nekâ 80% iedzîvotâju atturîgi vçrtç savas iespçjas turpmâko gadu laikâ bûtiski uzlabot mâjokïu apstâkïus [5]. Pirmais Latvijas mâjokïu politikas koncepcijas pamatprincips ir ðâds: “Valsts rada iespçju pilsoòiem izvçlçties mâjokïa veidu atbilstoði viòu materiâlajâm iespçjâm.” [6]. Lîdzekïi, kas atvçlçti sociâlajai palîdzîbai mâjokïu jomâ, nav pietiekami, lai apmierinâtu visas mâjsaimniecîbas. Sociâlo mâju izveide un uzturçðana ir dârgâks palîdzîbas veids nekâ dzîvokïu pabalstu izmaksâðana. Ir daudz apstâkïu, kas ietekmçja un vçl joprojâm ietekmç mâjokïu tirgus attîstîbu, bet galvenie no tiem ir ðâdi: kredîtu pieejamîba plaðâkam potenciâlo kredîtòçmçju lokam, samazinoties kredîtprocentu likmçm; iedzîvotâju vçlme uzlabot savus dzîves apstâkïus, iegâdâjoties plaðâkas un kvalitatîvâkas dzîvojamâs platîbas; vçlme ieguldît gan savus, gan piesaistîtos lîdzekïus nekustamajâ îpaðumâ, cerot uz tâ vçrtîbas pieaugumu nâkotnç;

houses have become even more active there: in 2002 as many as 68%, but in 2003 – already 69% of the entire dwelling space built in the country were built in Riga region. The unprecedented reduction of the credit interest rates (down to 5–6%) in the second half of 2002 and easier access to bank resources resulted in the rapid increase of demand for standard dwellings. As a result the price jump followed. The number of mortgage loans registered in Riga doubled but the number of transactions grew by 40%. The demand was exaggerated since after Latvia’s accession to the European Union a general rise of prices was expected. The secondary real estate market could stabilise only after the mass construction of new standard dwellings in the first half of 2003 began. For the first time since 1991 in the secondary market the price of the dwelling exceeded its construction costs. The growing demand for the new housing was determined not only by the shortage of dwelling space but also by the moral and physical deterioration of the Soviet apartment blocks. Availability of cheap and accessible mortgage loans made even more inhabitants want to replace their old flats with new ones. An essential factor was the desire of a socially active group of population (aged 25–40 with the level of income appropriate for Latvia’s middle class) to live in socially homogenous buildings with a modern architectural design and adequate service level. Owing to the economic growth in the country in the last 3–5 years and accessibility of loans with the receding credit interest rates, (starting from 1999–2000 in the entire country, and particularly in Riga) a rapid development of the real estate market took place. First of all, it affected the dwelling market segment, since the average prices of dwellings in standard apartment buildings increased from 100–150 Ls/m2 in 1999 to 900-1,000 Ls/m2 in 2006 for the same dwellings. As it can be seen the increase of prices for standard flats within 7 years had already reached the level of about 800%. For the apartments in the central part of Riga the price increase was even bigger [4, 78]. Although salaries in the country and income of households have been rising steadily for several years, the increase of income is not even among the population, and the polarisation of material wellbeing is building up. According to the survey performed in 2003 by SKDS only 5% of the inhabitants of large-scale residential districts could repay the mortgage loans, i.e. considerably improve their


nekustamâ îpaðuma cenu lîmenis un izaugsme pçdçjo gadu laikâ tuvçjâs ârvalstîs, kas arî pârdzîvo pârejas ekonomikas laiku; nekustamâ îpaðuma cenu lîmenis Eiropas Savienîbas dalîbvalstîs. Sociâli psiholoìiskie faktori: mâjokïu standarta izmaiòas, dzîvojamo rajonu publiskais tçls Mâjokïa standarta veidoðanâs tiek uzskatîta par ilgtermiòa procesu, kas notiek, daþâdos lîmeòos mijiedarbojoties sabiedrîbas priekðstatiem par patçriòa prioritâtçm un tâs materiâlajâm iespçjâm. Mâjokïu piedâvâjuma daþâdîbu attîstîto valstu mâjokïu tirgû nosaka atðíirîbas sabiedrîbas locekïu un slâòu priekðstatos un patçriòa prioritâtçs, kâ arî to materiâlajâs iespçjâs. Valsts varas politikas filozofiskâ bâze un programmatiskâs nostâdnes noteic pieòçmumus par valsts lomu sociâlâs labklâjîbas nodroðinâðanâ, ietverot mâjokïa standartu, ko cenðas nodroðinât publiskâ vara, bet no valsts tautsaimniecîbas stâvokïa ir atkarîgas ðîs labklâjîbas nodroðinâðanas iespçjas. Pçc Otrâ pasaules kara, kad vairums Rietumeiropas valstu sâka veidot aktîvu mâjokïu politiku, tieði iejaucoties mâjokïu tirgû (ar apjomîgâm subsîdijâm atbalstot gan mâjokïu fonda paplaðinâðanu, gan mâjokïa patçriòu), parâdîjâs vajadzîba orientçjoði aprçíinât mâjokïu situâcijas uzlaboðanai nepiecieðamos resursus. Lai noteiktu kâdas teritorijas iedzîvotâju izmitinâðanâ nepiecieðamo mâjokïu daudzumu, mâjokïu politikâ un plânoðanâ, kâ arî pçtniecîbâ, sâka lietot jçdzienu “mâjokïu standarts”, kurâ visi iepriekðminçtie mâjokïu standarta aspekti tika integrçti vidçjâ râdîtâjâ, ko parasti izteic vai nu kâ istabu skaitu uz noteikta lieluma mâjsaimniecîbu, vai mâjokïa platîbu uz vienu personu. PSRS mâjokïu politikâ ilgstoði tika lietoti jçdzieni “minimâlais”, “normatîvais”, “vidçjais” nodroðinâjums ar dzîvojamo platîbu. Minimâlais nodroðinâjums bija noteikts 4 m2, normatîvais – 9–12 m2 atðíirîgos laika posmos. Jçdzienu “mâjokïa standarts” kâ râdîtâju, izmantojot istabu skaitu uz mâjsaimniecîbas locekli, padomju pilsçtu plânoðanâ un mâjokïu programmâs plaðâk sâka izmantot tikai 80. gados pçc saukïa “2000. gadâ katrai padomju ìimenei atseviðíu dzîvokli vai mâju” izvirzîðanas. Par vçlamo tika pieòemts standarts “n” – mâjsaimniecîba apdzîvo tik istabu, cik tajâ ir personu [7, 54]. Latvijas Republikâ pirmie priekðstati par vçlamo mâjokïu standartu netieði formulçti

living conditions [11, 6]. Overall less than 15% households in Latvia have taken mortgage loans. According to the Central Statistical Bureau of the Republic of Latvia, more than 80% of the population regard critically their chances to improve substantially their living conditions within the next few years [5]. The first basic principle of the concept of the Latvian housing policy defines: “The state provides an opportunity for its citizens to choose a type of dwelling corresponding to their material capabilities.” [6]. The means provided for the social assistance in the housing sector are not sufficient to satisfy all households. Establishment and maintenance of social houses is a more expensive kind of support than the payment of housing benefits. There are many factors that affected and are still influencing development of the housing market, but the main factors are such: accessibility of credits for a larger number of potential borrowers, due to decreasing credit interest rates; a desire of inhabitants to improve their living conditions through purchasing of larger and more qualitative dwellings; a desire to invest their own and borrowed resources in immovable property, expecting increase of its value in future; the price level of immovable property and its rise over the last few years in the neighbouring countries which are also undergoing a transition period in economy; the price level of immovable property in the EU member states. Social-psychological factors: changes in dwelling standards, public image of residential districts The formation of housing standard is seen as a long-term process taking place at various levels through interaction of the concepts of the public about consumption priorities and its material capabilities. The wide range of dwellings offered in the housing market of developed countries accounts for the differences in the concepts of community members, consumption priorities and their material capabilities. The philosophical basis of the state power and programming guidelines determine assumptions about the role of the state in provision of welfare, including the housing standard that the state power is trying to guarantee, but a possibility to ensure the welfare depends on the condition of the national economy of the state.


iedzîvotâju dzîves apstâkïu pçtîjumos. 1994. gada pçtîjumâ “Dzîves apstâkïi Latvijâ” A. Ðvarckopfa mâjokïu standartu definç ðâdi: “Pârapdzîvots dzîvoklis ir tâds, kurâ dzîvojoðo cilvçku skaits ir lielâks nekâ dzîvojamo istabu skaits, normâli apdzîvots, ja istabu skaits atbilst dzîvojoðo cilvçku skaitam, plaðs dzîvoklis, ja istabu skaits ir lielâks nekâ dzîvojoðo cilvçku skaits” [2, 21]. Rîgas Attîstîbas plâna ietvaros izstrâdâtajâ izpçtç ir izvirzîta mâjokïa standarta definîcija. Saskaòâ ar to standarta lîmenim atbilstoðs mâjoklis nodroðina iespçjas kâ atpûtai, tâ citâm dzîvç nepiecieðamajâm darbîbâm. Par tâdu tiek uzskatîts mâjoklis, kurâ istabu skaits vismaz par vienu pârsniedz vienas ìimenes vai saimes locekïu skaitu un kurð ir aprîkots ar visâm laiku un spçkus taupoðâm labierîcîbâm higiçnas vajadzîbu apmierinâðanai. Rîgas mâjokïu standartu var vçrtçt, balstoties uz 2000. gada tautskaites datiem, kuri sniedz priekðstatu par mâjokïu veidiem, labiekârtojumu, dominçjoðiem dzîvokïu tipiem. Tipiskâkais rîdzinieku mâjoklis ir atseviðís dzîvoklis daudzstâvu dzîvojamâ mâjâ, kas apgâdâts ar elektrîbu, ûdensvadu, kanalizâciju, centrâlo apkuri, gâzi un telefonu. Mâjokïu platîba nav liela, vidçji 1 istabas dzîvokïa kopplatîba ir 30–40 m2, 2 istabu – 45–50 m2, 3 istabu – 55–65 m2, 4 istabu – 65–75 m2. Dzîvokïi, kas lielâki par 4 istabâm, neiekïaujas priekðstatâ par tipisku rîdzinieku mâjsaimniecîbas mâjokli [7]. Eiropas valstu mâjokïu un plânoðanas nozarç akceptçto vidçjo vçlamo mâjokïa standarta râdîtâju izteic formula “n + 1 istaba katrai mâjsaimniecîbai”, kur “n” ir mâjsaimniecîbas locekïu skaits. Eiropas valstîs mâjokïa platîba uz vienu mâjsaimniecîbas locekli 90. gados ir svârstîjusies 29–51 m2 robeþâs. ES dalîbvalstîs 21. gs. sâkumâ akceptçts ðâds mâjokïa standarts: ar elektrîbu, ûdensvadu, kanalizâciju, centralizçtu apkuri un telefonu apgâdâts mâjoklis, kurâ trokðòu, putekïu u.c. traucçjumi nepârsniedz nomu, dabiskais apgaismojums un vçdinâðana atbilst valstî noteiktajiem normatîvajiem aktiem un ir par vienu istabu vairâk nekâ personu ðajâ mâjoklî mîtoðajâ mâjsaimniecîbâ. Rîgai kâ ES dalîbvalsts galvaspilsçtai tâlâkajâ perspektîvâ jâorientçjas uz ðo mâjokïu standartu, tomçr paðvaldîbas mâjokïu celtniecîbas programmâ 2005.–2006. gadam Eiropas standarts atzîts par vçlamu, taèu par pieòemamu un saistoðu 12 gadu periodâ paredzçts ðâds: “Jaunceïamo mâjokïu istabu skaits ir atbilstoðs to apdzîvojoðo mâjsaimniecîbu personu skaitam mâjsaimniecîbâ vai par vienu istabu vairâk nekâ personu.” [12, 20].

After World War II when the majority of the Western European countries began actively structuring their housing policies, directly interfering in the housing market (with impressive subsidies supporting expansion of the housing stock and housing consumption), the need arose to estimate the resources necessary for improvement of the situation in the housing sector. In order to determine the number of dwellings necessary for settlement of population in a certain territory, the term “housing standard” appeared in the housing policy, planning and research, in which all aforementioned aspects of the housing standard were integrated into an average index which usually is expressed either as the number of rooms per household of a certain size, or as the dwelling area per one person. In the USSR housing policy the terms “minimum”, “normative” and “average” provision with the living space were used. The minimum provision was 4 m2 and normative – 9–12 m2 in different time periods. The term “dwelling standard” as an index, using the number of rooms per each member of a household, in the planning of Soviet cities and in housing programmes, became widespread only in the 1980s after appearance of the slogan “a separate flat or house for each Soviet family in 2000”. The standard n – the household occupies the number of rooms corresponding to the number of persons in it – was accepted as the desirable standard [7, 54]. In the Republic of Latvia the first ideas about the desirable housing standard were indirectly reflected in the surveys of living conditions of the population. In the 1994 survey Living Conditions in Latvia A. Ðvarckopfa defines the housing standard in the following way: “The flat is overpopulated if the number of persons living in it is larger than the number of living rooms, it is normally populated if the number of rooms corresponds to the number of persons living in it, it is a spacious apartment if the number of rooms is larger than the number of persons living in it.” [2, 21]. In the survey performed as part of the elaboration of the Riga Development Plan, the definition of the housing standard was provided. According to this definition, the dwelling complying with this standard provides opportunities for relaxation as well as for other activities necessary in life. It is the dwelling where the number of rooms at least by one exceeds the number of members of one family or household and which is equipped with all facilities saving time and energy, and meeting hygienic needs. The standard of dwellings in Riga can be evaluated on the basis of the 2000 census providing


Rîgas mâjokïu labiekârtotîba aptuveni atbilst Eiropas valstu lîmenim. Kritiskais punkts mâjokïu standarta paaugstinâðanâ ir nepietiekamâs mâjokïu platîbas. 2000. gadâ Rîgâ mâjokïu kopplatîba bija 16 miljoni 231,5 tûkstoði m2, vidçjâ viena iedzîvotâja mâjokïa platîba – 21,4 m2. Arî pçc iedzîvotâju skaita samazinâðanâs 90. gados esoðâ mâjokïu fonda apjoms nav pietiekams un struktûra nenodroðina katrai rîdzinieku mâjsaimniecîbai atseviðíu mâjokli, kas atbilstu standartam n – tik daudz istabu, cik mâjsaimniecîbâ personu. M. Lûses darbâ “Rîgas iedzîvotâju mâjokïu apstâkïu, kâ arî mâjokïu pieejamîbas raksturojums un priekðlikums par minimâlo mâjokïu standartu 2018. gadam” izstrâdâts aprçíins par nepiecieðamo mâjokïu skaitu standarta n nodroðinâðanai. Orientçjoðais aprçíins liecina, ka mâjokïu fondu nepiecieðams paplaðinât par aptuveni 56 tûkstoðiem mâjokïu, no tiem 3 istabu – par 10 tûkstoðiem, 4 istabu – par 29 tûkstoðiem, 5 istabu – par 11,7 tûkstoðiem un 6 istabu – par 5,3 tûkstoðiem. Pieòemot, ka jaunbûvçjamo mâjokïu vidçjâ platîba ir 75 m2, vajadzîgais mâjokïu platîbas pieaugums ir 4 200 m2. Ja ðo pieaugumu grib nodroðinât izstrâdâjamâ Rîgas Attîstîbas plâna darbîbas laikâ, t.i., no 2006. lîdz 2018. gadam, ikgadçjam bûvniecîbas apjomam jâsasniedz vidçji 4 600–4 700 mâjokïi vai 350 m2 mâjokïu platîbas gadâ. Ðâds apjoms salîdzinâms ar komandekonomikas periodâ par valsts budþeta lîdzekïiem îstenoto mâjokïu bûvniecîbas apjomu, bet nekâdi neatbilst pçdçjâ desmitgadç îstenotajam. Nozîmîgs aspekts jebkuras teritorijas perspektîvajai attîstîbai ir tâs publiskais tçls vai sabiedriskais statuss. Gandrîz visur Eiropâ lielmçroga dzîvojamie rajoni tiek definçti kâ pagrimuðas pilsçtas teritorijas mazturîgiem iedzîvotâju slâòiem ar virkni nopietnu problçmu – nabadzîbu, vandâlismu, kriminalitâti utml. Ðis dzîvojamais fonds ir pilnîgi izslçgts no mâjokïu tirgus – pçc tâ nav pieprasîjuma. Ðis tçls attur investorus no lîdzekïu ieguldîðanas ðâdâs teritorijâs un pilsçtas rajoni lîdz ar to arî sabiedrîba noslâòojas vçl vairâk. Lai izbçgtu no plaðu pilsçtas rajonu galîgas degradâcijas, paðvaldîbâm un daþâs valstîs arî valsts institûcijâm jâiegulda ievçrojami lîdzekïi to renovâcijâ. Rîgas lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu ðodienas statuss ir atðíirîgs no lielâkâs daïas Eiropas pilsçtu, bet visai lîdzîgs ar postpadomju pilsçtâm. Rîgâ tâ ir dzîvojamâ vide sabiedrîbas lielâkajai daïai, arî iedzîvotâjiem, kas pçc nodarboðanâs pieder klasiskajai izpratnei par vidusðíiru – izglîtîbas, medicînas darbinieki un citi, pârsvarâ sabiedriskajâ sektorâ

information about the types of dwellings, facilities and prevailing types of flats. The most typical flat of the inhabitants of Riga is a separate flat in a multistorey apartment building which is equipped with electricity, water supply, sewerage, central heating, gas and a telephone. The area of the dwelling is not big, on average the total area of a single-room flat is 30–40 m2, 2-room flat – 45–50 m2, 3-room flat – 55–65 m2, 4-room flat – 65–75 m2. The flats with more than 4 rooms fall out of the category of a typical dwelling of the inhabitants of Riga [7]. In the housing and planning sector of the European countries the index of the desirable housing standard is expressed by the formula “n + 1 room for each household” where “n” stands for the number of members in the household. In the European countries the area of the dwelling per one member of the household in the 1990s fluctuated between 29 and 51 m2. At the beginning of the 21st century the EU member states adopted the following housing standard: a dwelling equipped with electricity, water supply, sewerage, central heating, gas and a telephone where the level of noise, dust, etc. does not exceed the accepted norm, where natural lighting and ventilation comply with the normative standards approved in the country and the number of rooms by one room exceeds the number of persons in the particular household. Riga, as a capital of the EU member state, has to focus on this housing standard in the future, however, in the municipal housing construction programme for 2005–2006 the European standard was recognised as desirable, yet as acceptable and binding for a 12-year period the following standard has been set: “The number of rooms in the newly-constructed dwellings should correspond to the number of persons living in the household or exceed this number by one room” [12, 20]. The quality of dwellings in Riga nearly corresponds to the level of the European countries. The critical point in the improvement of housing standards is insufficient living space in dwellings. In 2000 the total area of dwellings in Riga constituted 16,231,500 m2, the average area of a dwelling of one inhabitant was 21.4 m2. Notwithstanding the decline in the number of inhabitants of Riga in the 1990s, the amount of housing stock is not sufficient and its structure does not provide each household in Riga with a separate dwelling, which would comply with the standard n – the number of rooms corresponds to the number of persons in the household. The methodology for calculation of the volume of housing required to meet the standard n was proposed in


strâdâjoðie, kuru darba atalgojuma lîmenis vçl ilgi ierobeþos viòu iespçjas uzlabot dzîves apstâkïus. Rîgâ ðie rajoni bieþi ir izvietoti çrtâ sasniedzamîbas attâlumâ no pilsçtas centrâlâs daïas, aprîkoti ar servisa objektiem un izglîtîbas iestâdçm, tajos ir plaðas rekreâcijas iespçjas. Lîdz ar to Rîgas liemçroga dzîvojamie rajoni ir uzskatâmi par aktîvâm un aktuâlâm pilsçtas teritorijâm, kuru publiskais tçls ir pievilcîgs lielam iedzîvotâju skaitam. Rîgas lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu attîstîbas procesi Apsekojot Rîgas lielmeroga dzîvojamos rajonus, konstatçjami daþâdi dzîvojamâs vides attîstîbas procesi, kas ilustrç ðodienas situâciju un iezîmç perspektîvâs tendences. 1. Jauna attîstîba nenotiek – vide degradçjas, jo tâ nolietojas un netiek investçti lîdzekïi tâs kvalitatîvai uzturçðanai (1., 2. attçls). 2. Rajonam tuvçjâs teritorijâs, kas robeþojas ar lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu tiek bûvçti satelîtrajoni (3., 4. attçls). 3. Rajona robeþâs – iekðpagalmos vai nomalçs tiek bûvçtas jaunas çkas (5., 6. attçls). 4. Rajonam tuvçjâs teritorijâs, kas robeþojas ar lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu tiek bûvçti satelîtrajoni (7., 8. attçls). Secinâjumi Analizçjot Latvijas politiski ekonomisko situâciju, jâsecina, ka pçdçjo gadu attîstîbas procesi ir ievçrojami veicinâjuði aktivitâtes mâjokïu jomâ – naudas resursi ir kïuvuði pieejamâki plaðâkiem iedzîvotâju slâòiem, lîdz ar to ir aktivizçjies mâjokïu tirgus un jaunu mâjokïu bûvniecîba. Pârejas uz tirgus ekonomiku sâkumperiodâ 1991.–1995. gadâ mâjokïu nozarç pieòemto tiesisko aktu mçríis bija radît priekðnosacîjums tirgus attiecîbu iedibinâðanai padomju ekonomikas sociâlajâ sfçrâ iekïautajâ mâjokïu sektorâ, saglabâjot dzîvojamo telpu îrniekiem daïu iedibinâto tiesîbu un sociâlo garantiju, kâ arî pieðíirot tiesîbas paðvaldîbâm lemt par îres maksas apmçru to teritorijâ. Periodâ no 1995. lîdz 2002. gadam izdotie tiesîbu akti regulç dzîvokïu privatizâciju, dzîvokïu îpaðnieku tiesîbu un pienâkumu kopumu un sociâlâ palîdzîbas sniegðanu mâjokïu jomâ, kâ arî skar zemes izmantoðanas un mâjokïu bûvniecîbas tehniskos jautâjumus. Taèu ar tiesîbu aktiem netika pietiekami reglamentçti privatizçto dzîvojamo mâju apsaimniekoðanas jautâjumi un teritorijas plânoðanas nozîme jaunu mâjokïu bûvniecîbâ pasvaldîbu teritorijâs. Mâjokïu îpaðumu reforma,

the paper Description of Dwelling Conditions of Riga Inhabitants and Accessibility of Dwellings with the Proposal for the Minimum Housing Standard for 2018 written by M. Lûse. The approximate estimate shows that it is necessary to expand the housing stock by about 56,000 dwellings: 10,000 of 3-room apartments, 29,000 of 4-room apartments, 11,700 of 5-room apartments and 5,300 of 6-room apartments. Assuming that the average area of the newlyconstructed dwellings is 75 m2, the required increase of the dwelling space is 4,200 m2. In case this increase is intended to be achieved during the validity of the Riga Development Plan, i.e. between 2006 and 2018, then the annual construction volume should amount to 4,600–4,700 dwellings on average or 350 m2 of dwelling space per year. This housing volume can be compared to the one implemented with the government funding during the command economy period, however, it does not even come close to the volume generated over the last decade. Public image of residential areas Almost all over Europe large-scale residential districts are defined as degraded urban territories inhabited by low-income social groups and facing a range of problems, such as poverty, vandalism, criminality, etc. This housing stock is absolutely excluded from the housing market, there is no demand for it. This image prevents investors from investing resources in these territories and as a consequence the districts and community are becoming even more differentiated. To avoid ultimate degradation of extensive urban areas, the local governments, and in some countries also public authorities have to invest resources in their renovation. The current status of the large-scale residential districts of Riga differs from most of the European cities, but is very similar to the post-Soviet cities. Riga is the living environment for the major part of community and for inhabitants belonging to the middle class in its traditional sense, i.e. teachers, doctors and other professionals mostly employed in the public sector, with their level of income preventing them from improving their housing conditions for years to come. In Riga, large-scale residential areas very often are located within an easy reach from the city centre, they have service objects, educational establishments and facilities for recreation. Thus, the large-scale residential districts of Riga are active and popular urban territories, the public image of which is appealing to a vast number of inhabitants.


Development processes in large-scale residential districts of Riga 1. There is no new development – the environment is declining and resources are not invested in its qualitative maintenance (Pictures 1, 2). 2. The existing housing stock is being improved – windows are replaced, facades are heat insulated, public open spaces are improved arranging new playgrounds (Pictures 3, 4). 3. New buildings are constructed within the boundaries of the district – in the inner yards and on its outskirts (Pictures 5, 6). 4. Satellite districts are being constructed in the territories bordering on large-scale residential districts.

1. attçls. Tipiska iekðkvartâlu teritorijas aina Imantâ. Picture 1. Typical scenery in the inner yard of Imanta.

2. attçls. Dzîvokïu nekoordinçtas renovâcijas izpausmes çkas fasâdç Imantâ. Picture 2. Evidence of haphazard renovation in the facade of the building in Imanta.

îstenojot denacionalizâciju un privatizâciju, ir radîjusi gan pamatkapitâlu daudziem iedzîvotâjiem, gan arî virkni problçmu – ir radies liels skaits jaunu privâtîpaðnieku, kuriem nav ne mentâlas gribas, ne resursu, ne zinâðanu, kâ apsaimniekot kopîpaðumu un bût saimniekiem. Vienlaikus ar to, ka daïai iedzîvotâju raduðâs iespçjas uzlabot savus mâjokïu apstâkïus, ievçrojamam rîdzinieku skaitam nepiecieðama palîdzîba mâjokïu jautâjumu risinâðanâ. Lielmçroga rajonu dzîvojamâs vides kvalitâte paðlaik neatbilst mûsdienu prasîbâm un nenodroðina iedzîvotâju sociâlâs un rekreâcijas vajadzîbas. Atseviðíu mâjokïu kvalitâte gan pakâpeniski uzlabojas, bet publiskâ ârtelpa turpina degradçties, jo tâs nozîme joprojâm tiek uzskatîta par sekundâru. Lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu attîstîbas virzienu noteikðanai nepiecieðams izstrâdât kompleksus dzîvojamâs vides kvalitâtes novçrtçðanas kritçrijus. Virsuzdevums turpmâkajai dzîvojamâs vides

Conclusions Analysing the political and economic situation in Latvia, it has to be concluded that the development processes of the last few years have considerably affected activities in the housing sector – monetary resources have become more accessible to wider population, thus, the housing market has become active and the construction of new dwellings has begun. In the initial period of transition to a market economy in 1991–1995, the aim of legislative instruments adopted in the housing sector was to create preconditions for establishment of market relations in the housing sector that was part of the social sphere of the Soviet economy, retaining some of the predefined rights and social guarantees to the tenants of dwelling spaces, and giving local governments a right to decide on the amount of rental payment in their territories. The legislative acts passed between 1995 and 2002 regulated privatisation of apartments, rights and obligations of the owners of apartments and social assistance in the housing sector, as well as pertained to technical issues of land use and dwelling construction. However, the legislative acts did not sufficiently regulate the management of privatised residential houses and the role of spatial planning in construction of new dwellings in the territories of local governments. The housing ownership reform, carrying out denationalisation and privatisation, along with a core capital for many inhabitants has also created a range of problems – there are many new private owners who are either not willing or do not know how to manage the common property and to be owners. Although part of the population have had a chance to improve their living conditions, a large number of inhabitants of Riga need assistance in solution of their housing problems.


3. attçls. Çka ar siltinâtu gala fasâdi Âgenskalnâ. Picture 3. Renovated building facade in Âgenskalns.

4. attçls. Atjaunots bçrnu rotaïu laukums Âgenskalnâ. Picture 4. Renovated playground in Âgenskalns.

5. attçls. Jauna dzîvojamâ apbûve iekðpagalmos Purvciemâ. Picture 5. New residential construction in inner yards in Purvciems.

6. attçls. Jauna dzîvojamâ apbûve Purvciemâ. Picture 6. New residential construction in inner yards in Purvciems.

7. attçls. Dzîvojamo çku grupa "Tobago" Zolitûdç. Picture 7. A group of dwelling houses Tobago in Zolitûde.

8. attçls. Dzîvojamo çku grupa "Varavîksnes nami" Zolitûdç. Picture 8. A group of dwelling houses Varavîksnes nami in Zolitûde.


attîstîbai ir daudzfunkcionâlas un intensîvi izmantotas pilsçtvides radîðana, kâ arî vietas identitâtes saglabâðana, tâs pilnveidoðana un vides mçroga harmonizâcija. Raugoties no plaðâkas ilgtspçjîgas pilsçtvides perspektîvas, par prioritâti jâizvirza jau esoðo blîvi apdzîvoto rajonu renovâciju un modernizâciju, to humanizçðanu, nodroðinot augstas kvalitâtes preèu, pakalpojumu un sabiedriskâ transporta pieejamîbu. Ðâda rîcîba mudinâtu iedzîvotâjus nepamest savus mâjokïus un nepieïautu pilsçtu izpleðanos.

Currently the quality of large-scale residential districts does not comply with the modern requirements and does not meet the social and recreational needs of inhabitants. While the quality of individual flats is gradually increasing, the public open space continues to degrade because it is still seen as being of secondary importance. In order to determine development directions for large-scale residential districts, it is necessary to elaborate complex criteria for evaluation of the quality of the living environment. The principal task for further development of the living environment is the creation of a multifunctional and intensively utilised urban environment along with the preservation of the identity of the place, its improvement and harmonisation of environmental scale. As seen from a wider perspective of urban environment, priorities should be renovation and modernisation of the already existing densely populated areas, their humanisation ensuring accessibility to high-quality goods, services and public transport services. Such undertakings would motive population not to leave their dwellings and would not permit expansion of cities.

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16. Tsenkova S. Housing Reforms in Riga: the Politics of Muddling Though // Challenges and Opportunities in Housing: New Concepts, Policies and Initiatives. – Riga: CIB Publications, 2002 – pp. 3–33. Rakstâ izmantoti E. Suvorova un A. Jçkas fotoattçli. Sandra Treija Associate Professor, Dr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia E-mail: Treija S. Rîgas lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu struktûras attîstîbu ietekmçjoðie faktori Pçdçjo dekâþu procesi – mâjokïu jomas reforma, iedzîvotâju sociâlâ noslâòoðanâs u.c. radîjuði ievçrojamas pârmaiòas lielmçroga dzîvojamo rajonu problemâtikâ. Daþâdâs attîstîbas stadijâs atrodas jauni dzîvojamâs apbûves objekti esoðo rajonu ietvaros un teritorijâs, kas robeþojas ar tiem. Jaunâ apbûve ievçrojami izmaina esoðo rajonu struktûru un rada priekðnoteikumus gan telpiskiem, gan sociâliem konfliktiem. Ðo pilsçtas teritoriju attîstîbas îpatnîbas Rîgâ no 1991. lîdz 2007. gadam ir ietekmçjuði vairâki politiskie, ekonomiskie, demogrâfiskie un sociâli psiholoìiskie faktori. Mâjokïu îpaðumu reforma, îstenojot denacionalizâciju un privatizâciju, ir radîjusi gan pamatkapitâlu daudziem iedzîvotâjiem, gan arî virkni problçmu – ir radies liels skaits jaunu privâtîpaðnieku, kuriem nav ne mentâlas gribas, ne resursu, ne zinâðanu, kâ apsaimniekot kopîpaðumu un bût saimniekiem. Lielmçroga rajonu dzîvojamâs vides kvalitâte paðlaik neatbilst mûsdienu prasîbâm un nenodroðina iedzîvotâju sociâlâs un rekreâcijas vajadzîbas. Atseviðíu mâjokïu kvalitâte gan pakâpeniski uzlabojas, bet publiskâ ârtelpa turpina degradçties, jo tâs nozîme joprojâm tiek uzskatîta par sekundâru. Virsuzdevums turpmâkajai dzîvojamâs vides attîstîbai ir daudzfunkcionâlas un intensîvi izmantotas pilsçtvides radîðana, kâ arî vietas identitâtes saglabâðana, tâs pilnveidoðana un vides mçroga harmonizâcija. Treija S. Factors Affecting Development of the Structure of Large-scale Residential Districts in Riga The processes of the last decades – the housing sector reform, social differentiation of population, etc. have resulted in serious changes in the situation and problems pertaining to the large-scale residential districts. New residential developments are in different stages of implementation within the territories of the existing districts and in the areas bordering on them. The new developments considerably change the existing structure of districts and create preconditions for spatial as well as social conflicts. Characteristic features of development of these urban areas in Riga between 1991 and 2007 have been affected by several political, economic, demographic and social-psychological factors. The housing ownership reform, carrying out denationalisation and privatisation, along with a core capital for many inhabitants has also created a range of problems – there are many new private owners who are either not willing or do not know how to manage the common property and to be owners. Currently the quality of large-scale residential districts does not comply with the modern requirements and does not meet the social and recreational needs of inhabitants. The quality of individual flats is gradually increasing, while the public open space continues to degrade because it is still seen as being of secondary importance. The principal task for further development of the living environment is the creation of a multifunctional and intensively utilised urban environment along with the preservation of the identity of the place, its improvement and harmonisation of environmental scale. Òðåéÿ Ñ. Ôàêòîðû, âëèÿþùèå íà ðàçâèòèå ñòðóêòóðû êðóïíîìàñøòàáíûõ æèëûõ ðàéîíîâ ãîðîäà Ðèãà Ïðîöåññû ïîñëåäíèõ äåñÿòèëåòèé, – ðåôîðìà æèëèùíîãî ñåêòîðà, ñîöèàëüíàÿ äèôôåðåíöèàöèÿ íàñåëåíèÿ è ò.ä. ïðèâåëè ê ñåðüåçíûì èçìåíåíèÿì â ñèòóàöèè è ïðîÿñíèëè ðÿä ïðîáëåì, êàñàþùèõñÿ êðóïíîìàñøòàáíûõ æèëûõ ðàéîíîâ.  òåððèòîðèÿõ ñóùåñòâóþùèõ ðàéîíàõ â ðàçëè÷íûõ ñòàäèÿõ îñóùåñòâëåíèÿ íàõîäÿòñÿ çíà÷èòåëüíîå êîëè÷åñòâî íîâîñòðîåê. Íîâûå ðàçðàáîòêè çíà÷èòåëüíî èçìåíÿþò ñóùåñòâóþùóþ ñòðóêòóðó ðàéîíîâ è ñîçäàþò ïðåäïîñûëêè äëÿ ïðîñòðàíñòâåííûõ, à òàêæå ñîöèàëüíûõ êîíôëèêòîâ. Îñîáåííîñòè ðàçâèòèÿ ýòèõ ðàéîíîâ ãîðîäà Ðèãà â ïåðèîä ìåæäó 1991 è 2007 ãîäû áûëè çàòðîíóòû ïîëèòè÷åñêèìè, ýêîíîìè÷åñêèìè, äåìîãðàôè÷åñêèìè è ñîöèàëüíî-ïñèõîëîãè÷åñêèìè ôàêòîðîìè.  íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ êà÷åñòâî êðóïíîìàñøòàáíûõ æèëûõ ðàéîíîâ íå ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ñîâðåìåííûì òðåáîâàíèÿì è íå ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ñîöèàëüíî-ðåêðåàöèîííûìè ïîòðåáíîñòÿìè íàñåëåíèÿ. Êà÷åñòâî îòäåëüíûõ êâàðòèðàõ, ïîñòåïåííî óâåëè÷èâàåòñÿ, â òî âðåìÿ êàê îáùåñòâåííûå îòêðûòûå ïðîñòðàíñòâà ïðîäîëæàåò óõóäøàòüñÿ, ïîñêîëüêó ýòè òåððèòîðèè ïî-ïðåæíåìó ðàññìàòðèâàþòñÿ êàê âîïðîñ âòîðîñòåïåííîå çíà÷åíèå. Ãëàâíîé çàäà÷åé äëÿ äàëüíåéøåãî ðàçâèòèÿ æèëèùíî-áûòîâûõ óñëîâèé ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñîçäàíèå ìíîãîôóíêöèîíàëüíîé ãîðîäñêîé ñðåäû.



Key words: high-rises, spatial composition of the cities, involvement of the public.

Jau kopð seniem laikiem teritorijas ap Baltijas jûras ir piesaistîjuðas lielu interesi, kas saistîtas ar saimnieciskâm funkcijâm kâ, piemçram, tirdzniecîba un transports, gan arî ar tûrismu un atpûtu. Nekad vçl ðî interese nav sasniegusi tâdu lîmeni kâ ðodien, bet ðeit jâmin pretrunas, ko veido ðo procesu aktivitâtes un esoðo dabas un pilsçtbûvniecisko ainavu îpatnîbu saglabâðana. Arvien vairâk iedzîvotâju dzîvo pilsçtas, bet strauji augoðâ ekonomiskâ situâcija diktç savus noteikumus. Tâdçï tik svarîgi ir runât par ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu un izaugsmi Baltijas jûras reìiona pilsçtâs, îpaði valstîs, kurâs ekonomiskie procesi norisinâs îpaði dinamiski. Ðo pilsçtu telpiskâs attîstîbas pamatojums un tendences apskatâmas saistîbâ ar faktoriem, kas ietekmç visa reìiona attîstîbu kopumâ. Tâ Rîga kâ aglomerâcija ar strauju ekonomisko izaugsmi un potenciâlu Baltijas mçrogâ ir kïuvusi par pievilcîgu mçríi ârvalstu investîcijâm, taèu tajâ paðâ laikâ pilsçta saskaras ar bûtiskâm problçmâm pilsçtas attîstîbas kontekstâ, ko veido konflikts starp pilsçtas vçsturiskâ mantojuma saglabâðanu un ekonomiskâs attîstîbas interesçm, jo nav definçtas stingras attîstîbas vadlînijas daþâm pilsçtas teritorijâm. Tas dara svârstîgu pilsçtas izpildvaru un piesardzîgus potenciâlos investorus. Ðî problçma ir aktuâla ne tikai Rîgâ, bet arî citâs Baltijas jûras reìiona pilsçtâs, kas ir atguvuðâs pçc piecdesmit gadus ilgstoðâ politiskâ reþîma. Ðeit var pieminçt visâ Eiropâ izskançjuðo Sanktpçterburgas problçmu par stâvu skaita regulçðanu pilsçtâ un gâzes kompânijas Gaz Prom ambîcijâm, kas vçlas izbûvçt, iespçjams, pasaulç augstâko celtni Sanktpçterburgas centrâlajâ daïâ Òevas upes krastâ. Taèu pilsçtas plânotâji uzsver ðî jautâjuma politisko nozîmîgumu, kaut arî par apbûves stâvu skaita regulçðanu pilsçtâ ir

Since time immemorial the territories around the Baltic Sea have attracted considerable interest that was related to economic activities, such as trade and transport, as well as tourism and recreation. Never before this interest had reached the present level, yet here one should mention contradictions between these processes and preservation of the existing nature values and urban landscape features. Increasingly more people live in towns and cities but the rapidly developing economic situation dictates its own rules. Therefore it is important to speak about sustainable development and growth in the cities of the Baltic Sea region, especially in those countries where economic processes are particularly dynamic. Substantiation for spatial development of such cities and tendencies are viewed in connection with the factors affecting the overall development of the entire region. So Riga as agglomeration with rapid economic growth and large potential on the Baltic scale has become an attractive target for foreign investments, while at the same time the city encounters a variety of problems that are related to its development and the conflict between the preservation of its historic heritage and economic concerns, as strict guidelines for development have not yet been defined for several territories of the city. It makes city authorities undetermined, but potential investors cautious. This problem persists not only in Riga, but also in other cities and towns of the Baltic Sea region that have convalesced from 50 long years of political regime. The St. Petersburg case that has resonated all over Europe can be mentioned here. It pertains to the permitted number of floors in the city and the ambition of the gas giant Gaz-prom, which wants to build, perhaps, the highest building in the world in the cen-


strikta nostâja – maksimâlais pieïaujamais apbûves augstums ir 70 m. Latvijas kaimiòu galvaspilsçtâs Baltijas valstîs, tâpat kâ Rîgâ, noris diskusijas par augstceltòu rajonu veidoðanu pilsçtas centrâlajâ daïâ. Runâjot par Tallinas tçla veidoðanu, jâpiemin tâs centieni pretstatît pilsçtas centru no perifçrijas, ko pilsçta mçìina panâkt veidojot augstceltnes. 1913. gadâ Eliels Saarinens izstrâdâja Tallinas ìenerâlplânu, kas paredzçja pilsçtu izveidot kâ policentrisku pilsçtu ar seðu stâvu apbûvi, kas bija liels kontrasts tâ laika esoðajai apbûvei pilsçtâ. Vçlâk pilsçtâ radâs ierosinâjumi augstceltòu radîðanai, taèu tie netika realizçti [4]. Pirmais debesskrâpis Tallinâ tika uzcelts 1972. gadâ (viesnîca Viru), pçc kura sekoja viesnîca Olympia 1980. gadâ. Pçc Igaunijas neatkarîbas atgûðanas pilsçta savu ekonomisko izaugsmi pauda ar augstbûvju celtniecîbu – ârpus centra tika uzbûvçta sarkanâ biroju çka. 1999. gadâ sekoja ar zilu stiklu klâtais Estonian Union Bank asimetriskais apjoms, kura apkârtnç, pateicoties jaunizbûvçtajai ielai, parâdîjâs vçl citas augstbûves. Taèu augstceltòu attîstîtîba Tallinâ tiek ïoti kritizçta. Viens no galvenajiem pârmetumiem ir pilsçtas domes plânoðanas biroja nespçja vadît ðîs aktivitâtes, saskanîga redzçjuma trûkums un galvaspilsçtas varas monopols [4]. Funkcionâli Tallinâ nav nepiecieðamîbas pçc augstceltnçm, taèu tâs papildina pilsçtas siluetu un ðî iemesla dçï tâs varçtu bût pat vçl vairâk. 2004. gadâ Tallinas domç tika uzsâkts augstceltòu izvietoðanas pilsçtâ koncepcija, kurâ tiek noteikti rajoni, kur ðîs çkas drîkstçtu parâdîties, kâ arî definçts to maksimâlais augstums – Sv. Olafa

tral part of St. Petersburg on the bank of the Neva River. And, although the regulation determining the permitted number of floors in the city is strict – the maximum permitted height of the building is 70 m, the town planners are emphasising the political significance of this issue. In the capitals of the neighbouring Baltic countries, similarly as in Riga, discussions are going on about creation of high-rise districts in the central parts of the cities. Speaking about the nascent image of Tallinn, town planners’ attempts should be mentioned to juxtapose the city centre to the periphery, what the city has been trying to do by erecting high-rises. In 1913 Eliel Saarinen developed the master plan for the town, which intended to develop Tallinn as a polycentric city with six-storey buildings, what at that time was in sharp contrast with the existing built-up area of the town. Later suggestions were made to construct high-rises in the city, however, they were not implemented [4]. The first skyscraper in Tallinn was built in 1972 (the Viru Hotel), then in 1980 the Olympia Hotel followed. After restoration of Estonia’s independence, the city demonstrated its economic growth by constructing high-rises – the red office building was erected outside the centre. In 1999 the asymmetric, blue-clad structure of the Estonian Union Bank was built. Owing to the newly constructed street, other highrises started appearing next to it. Nevertheless, construction of high-rises in Tallinn is being severely criticised. One of the most serious reproaches refers to the inability of the Planning Office of the City Council to control these activities, to the lack of

1. attçls. Skats uz Tallinas siluetu iebraucot pilsçtâ ar prâmi. Picture 1. A view to the Tallinn skyline from the ferry approaching the city.


baznîcas toròa smaile (124 m). Bet kritikâ, kas tiek vçrsta pret Tallinas plânotâjiem, tiek aizrâdîta viòu nespçja kontrolçt nekustamo îpaðumu attîstîtâju patvaïu. Lietuvas galvaspilsçtas Viïòas telpiskâs kompozîcijas galvenais elements ir Neris upe, kas dala pilsçtu divâs daïâs. Upes labajâ krastâ atrodas mâjvietas apmçram 60% iedzîvotâju, bet darba vietas atrodas pilsçtas centrâ un vecpilsçtâ, kas 1994. gada decembrî tika iekïauta UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma sarakstâ, upes kreisajâ krastâ. Pilsçtas attîstîbas prioritâte ir labi attîstîta transporta infrastruktûra policentriskâ pilsçtâ. Viïòas attîstîbas plâns pilsçtâ paredz divâs zonâs veidot apbûvi ar paaugstinâtu stâvu skaitu – pilsçtas centrâ Neris upes labajâ krastâ Ðnipiðkes rajonâ un pilsçtas rietumu daïâ. Teritorija 120 ha platîbâ Viïòas centrâlajâ daïâ kopð 20. gs. seðdesmitajiem gadiem ir plânota kâ pilsçtas centra paplaðinâðana upes labajâ krastâ, paredzot ðeit jaukta tipa daudzstâvu apbûvi. 1982. gadâ ðeit tika uzcelta 23 stâvus augstâ viesnîcas augstceltne. Jaunâ Viïòas centra plânoðanu atsâka 20. gs. deviòdesmitajos gados, lai uzlabotu iedzîvotâju apkalpoðanu un piesaistîtu privâto kapitâlu teritorijâm upes labajâ krastâ. 1999. gadâ tika izsludinâts konkurss jaunai Viïòas domes çkai. Ðobrîd jaunâ centra galveno telpisko kompozîciju veido 20 stâvus (77 m) augstâ Viïòas domes çka, 33 stâvus augstais (129 m) darîjumu centrs jeb Eiropas tornis, 27 stâvus (90 m) augstais Eiropas laukuma apartamentu nams, kas tiek papildinâti ar vçl citâm daudzstâvu çkâm, kas pçc Viïòas plânotâju domâm nedrîkstçtu bût augstâkas par Eiropas torni.

a concordant vision and the monopoly of power of the capital [4]. Functionally there is no need for high-rises in Tallinn, yet they add new strokes to the skyline of the city and, from this aspect, there could be more of them. In 2004 the Tallinn City Council initiated development of a concept for location of highrises. It determined districts where such buildings may appear as well as defined the maximum height limit – the height of the spire of St. Olaf’s Church (124 m). Yet the criticism aimed at the town planners of Tallinn rebukes them for their inability to control the real estate developers. The basic element in the spatial composition of the Lithuanian capital Vilnius is the Neris River that divides the city into two parts. Almost 60% of population reside on the right riverbank while their working places are situated on the left bank, in the city centre and in Old Town that in December 1994 was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The priority of urban development is a well-organised transport infrastructure in a polycentric city. The Vilnius Development Plan intends to create two high-rise areas with the increased number of floors – in the city centre on the right bank of the Neris River, in Ðnipiðkës district and in the western part of the city. Since the 1960s the territory with an area of 120 ha in the central part of Vilnius has been planned as an extension of the city centre on the right riverbank intending there construction of multistorey buildings of mixed type. In 1982 a 23-storey hotel was built there. The planning of the new centre of Vilnius was resumed in the 1990s in order to improve the quality of services available to

2. attçls. Viïòas jaunâ centra telpiskâs attîstîbas vîzija. Picture 2. A vision for spatial development of the new centre of Vilnius.


No Subaèius skatu laukuma, ko paði Viïòas iedzîvotâji sauc par Viïòas Monmartru, jo tas atrodas pakalnâ, no kura paveras skats pâri pilsçtai, var aplûkot daudzos vecpilsçtas toròus, kâ arî Viïòas jaunâ centra apbûvi, kas paveras aiz tiem. No ðîs vietas ïoti labi var redzçt pilsçtbûvnieciskâs veiksmes un neveiksmes (piemçram, tumði zaïâ stikla augstceltne, kas uzcelta 2000. gadâ un ir bijis sâkums jaunajai arhitektûrai pilsçtâ). Viïòas jaunâ centra projekts veicinâs pilsçtas labâ krasta attîstîbu. Ðis ir lielisks piemçrs privâto investoru un paðvaldîbas sadarbîbai pilsçtas attîstîbas veicinâðanâ. Rîgas telpiskâs kompozîcijas savdabîbu ir noteikusi pilsçtas raðanâs Daugavas upes krastâ. Tieði ðeit tika celti un turpina veidoties mûsdienâs nozîmîgâkie pilsçtas kompozîcijas ansambïi. Rîgas izdevîgais ìeogrâfiskais novietojums, tâs kultûrvçsturiskâs vçrtîbas un lielais attîstîbas potenciâls nodroðina labvçlîgus apstâkïus pilsçtas ekonomiskajai un arhitektoniski telpiskajai attîstîbai. Bet atcerçsimies, ka pilsçtas kodols, kas kâdreiz bija visa pilsçta, tagad ir kïuvis par 307 km2 lielâs pilsçtas telpas sastâvdaïu, un Vecrîgas baznîcu toròu raksturîgais siluets ir nesamçrojami mazs salîdzinâjumâ ar pilsçtu kopumâ. [1] Ðobrîd pilsçtas plânojuma struktûrai raksturîgs monocentriskums, un ðî centra attîstîba pilsçtas vçsturiskajâ daïâ, bet sakarâ ar Rîgas centra paplaðinâðanâs nepiecieðamîbu, Rîgas teritorijas plânojums 2006.–2018. gadam paredz pilsçtas attîstîbas un centru apbûves teritorijas, kur noteiktâ atïautâ izmantoðana ir centru apbûve, kas nozîmç zemes gabalus ar intensîvu jauktu apbûvi ar daudzveidîgâm funkcijâm. Ðis zonçjums noteikts Rîgas vçsturiskajam centram, jaunajam pilsçtas centram Pardaugavâ, kâ arî vietçjiem centriem pilsçtas apkaimçs. Rîgas teritorijas plânojumâ noteiktâs pilsçtas kompozîcijas vadlînijas ir shçma pilsçtas telpiskâ tçla veidoðanai, bet tâ realizçðana ir ilgs un komplicçts process, kurâ iesaistîtas daudzas arhitektu paaudzes. Rîga vienmçr ir bijusi pilsçta, kas atainojusi ðî pasaules reìiona arhitektûras ambîcijas. Jau vçsturç izteiktâs idejas par jaunâ Rîgas centra izveidoðanu Daugavas kreisajâ krastâ tiek saglabâtas vçlâkajos pilsçtas attîstîbas posmos, kaut arî pilsçtas un valdîbas kompleksa izvietoðana visdrîzâk nenotiks Klîversalâ vai Íîpsalas dienvidu daïâ, ðîs vietas atvçlot privâto investoru rokâs, bet jaunâs Rîgas domes administratîvâs çkas atraðanâs vieta pretî Vecrîgai pie Uzvaras bulvâra iezîmç Rîgas varas asi. Pilsçtas un valsts pârvaldes kompleksu pilsçtas jaunâ centra dienvidos Uzvaras parks savienos ar darîjumu centru, kas izvietosies pie Vanðu tilta.

population and to attract private investments to the right riverbank. In 1999 a competition for the new building of the Vilnius City Council was announced. Today the 20-storey (77 m) building of the Vilnius City Council, the 33-storey (129 m) business centre or the Europa Tower and the 27-floor (90 m) skyscraper of Europa Square Apartments make the backbone of the spatial composition of the new centre, which is being supplemented with other highrises that, according to Vilnius town planners, must not exceed the height of the Europa Tower. The Subaèius panorama platform or the Montmartre of Vilnius, as locals refer to it because it spreads out on the hill, provides a splendid view over the city and the towers of Old Town as well as over the new buildings in the centre of Vilnius behind them. This site provides a good look at successes and failures in urban planning (e.g. the dark green glass skyscraper built in 2000, which was the beginning of the new architecture in the city). The project of the new centre of Vilnius will facilitate development of the right riverbank of the city. This is a wonderful example of co-operation between private investors and municipality for facilitation of urban development. The specific character of spatial composition of Riga has derived from its location on both riverbanks of the Daugava. This is the spot where the most important urban ensembles were built and where construction is continuing also today. The pivotal geographic location of Riga, its heritage values and the impressive development potential provide favourable conditions for economic, architectural and spatial development of the city. However, let us remember that the nucleus of the city, which used to be the entire city, now has become part of the 307 km2 large urban space and the characteristic skyline of Old Riga with its church spires and towers is incommensurably small in comparison to the whole city. [1] Currently the planning structure of the city is monocentric and this centre is developing in the historic part of the city. However, because of the need for the centre of Riga to expand, the Riga Spatial Plan for 2006–2018 foresees territories for urban development and centre-type construction where the permitted utilisation is construction of centres, i.e. plots of land with intensive mixed construction and various functions. This zoning is determined for the historic centre of Riga, for the new city centre in Pârdaugava and for the local centres in the outskirts of the city. The guidelines for the compositional structure of the city set out in the Riga Spatial Plan are a scheme for the future spatial image of the


Tâtad ar dinamisko attîstîbu raksturojamâs Baltijas jûras reìiona pilsçtas savas ambîcijas telpiskâs attîstîbas jomâ ir definçjuðas augstas, kaut arî to realizâcija ir tikai sâkuma stadijâ. Ðajâ situâcijâ ïoti bûtisks ir arhitektu un pilsçtplânotâju darbs, kas padara attîstîbas faktorus saprotamus un ierosina to realizâciju, nosakot urbânâs politikas aprises lçmumu pieòemðanai politiskajâ lîmenî. Kâ viens no priekðnosacîjumiem sekmîgu pilsçtplânoðanas projektu izstrâdç ir veiksmîgs dialogs starp iedzîvotâjiem un pilsçtplânotâjiem. Tas ir viens no demokrâtiskas sabiedrîbas jautâjumiem, kas ir ïoti nozîmîgs gan valstîs, kas jau gadiem ilgi ir zinâmas kâ demokrâtijas, kas strâdâjuðas pie stratçìiskas plânoðanas sabiedrîbas iesaistîðanai plânoðanas procesos, gan arî valstîs, kas salîdzinoði nesen ir sâkuðas izstrâdât pilsçtplânoðanas politiku ðo procedûru attîstîbai. Viens no pamatjautâjumiem, kas skar pilsçtplânotâjus ðodien ir, kâ padarît saprotamus pilsçtplânoðanas projektus sabiedrîbai un politiíiem, parâdot pilsçtu, kas ðobrîd neeksistç, radot demokrâtisku dialogu.

3. attçls. Demokrâtisks dialogs. Picture 3. Democratic dialogue.

Ziemeïvalstis jau ilgstoði ir strâdâjuðas pie politikas, lai pilsçtplânoðanas procesâ radîtu veiksmîgu dialogu ar sabiedrîbu. Ðeit var minçt ne tikai lielo pilsçtu pieredzi, bet arî mazâs pilsçtas, kurâs pilsçtplânotâji uzsver sabiedrîbas iesaistîðanas nozîmîgumu plânoðanas procesos. Kâ iespçjamos veicinoðos faktorus var minçt: moderno tehnoloìiju izmantoðana, padarît radoðâku pilsçtplânoðanas procesu, veidot informâcijas vidi, kas ir pievilcîga jauniem cilvçkiem, paplaðinât iespçjas iesaistît sabiedrîbu, birokrâtisko termiòu samazinâðana, investoru piesaistîðana.

city, but its implementation is a long and complicated process which involves several generations of architects. Riga has always been the city that embodied the ambitions of the architects of this region of the world. The ideas about establishment of the new centre of Riga on the left bank of the Daugava expressed over the long run have been preserved in later stages of urban development, and although the city and state administrative complex is not likely to be located in Klîversala or in the southern part of Íîpsala, providing these sites for private investors, the location of the new administrative building of the Riga City Council opposite Old Riga in Uzvaras bulvâris marks the power line of Riga. Uzvaras Park will connect the city and state administrative complex in the south of the new city centre with the business centre located at Vanðu Bridge. So the cities of the Baltic Sea region that are characterised by their dynamic growth, have defined ambitious goals for their spatial development although their implementation has only begun. In this situation the work of architects and town planners is very important as it makes development factors understandable and leads to their realization, outlining the urban policy for decision making at the political level. One of the preconditions for development of good urban development projects is a successful dialogue between population and town planners. It is one of the aspects of democratic society that is very important both in the countries that have been stable democracies for years and have been working at strategic planning for involvement of the public into the planning processes, and also in the countries that comparatively not so long ago have started developing the urban planning policy for development of these procedures. One of the most essential questions facing the town planners today is – how to make urban planning projects understandable to the public and politicians, showing the city that does not exist today and establishing a democratic dialogue. The Nordic countries have been working for years on the policy in order to establish a successful dialogue with the public during the urban planning process. Not only experience of large cities counts here but also of smaller ones where town planners emphasise the importance of involvement of the public in planning processes. The possible motivating factors could be: application of modern technologies, making the urban planning process more creative,


4. attçls. Dialoga veidoðana starp politiíiem, investoriem, sabiedrîbu un profesionâïiem. Picture 4. Establishment of a dialogue among politicians, investors, the public and professionals.

2007. gada nogalç organizâcija Union of Baltic States (Baltijas valstu apvienîba) uzsâka projektu “Visual Cities” (Vizuâlâs pilsçtas), kura mçríis bija diskusija par virtuâlo realitâti, kâ stratçìisku ieroci informâcijai un komunikâcijai pilsçtplânoðanas procesâ. Projektâ iesaistîjâs pârstâvji no Lietuvas, Latvijas, Igaunijas, Somijas, Zviedrijas, Polijas un Krievijas. Lai veidotu veiksmîgu dialogu starp iedzîvotâjiem un pilsçtplânotâjiem, aizvien plaðâk pilsçtplânoðanas procesâ ir jâiesaista modernâs tehnoloìijas. To pielietojums bûtiski uzlabo pilsçtplânoðanas procesa demokratizâciju, padara procesu “caurspîdîgu”, un tas ir viens no dialoga veidoðanas paòçmieniem. Tâdçï pilsçtâm ir jâmeklç veidi, kâ pilsçtplânoðanas procesu padarît atraktîvâku un pieejamâku iedzîvotâjiem tieði izmantojot iespçjas, ko piedâvâ mûsdienu tehnoloìijas. Projekta ietvaros tika iegûta un apkopota informâcija un dalîbvalstu pieredze par pilsçtplânoðanas rezultâtu prezentâcijas iespçjâm, pielietojot modernâs tehnoloìijas. Katras dalîbvalsts pârstâvji prezentçja savu pilsçtu iniciatîvu un pieredzi pilsçtplânoðanâ, pielietojot informâcijas tehnoloìijas. Viïòai, piemçram, ir izstrâdâts visas pilsçtas digitâlais trîsdimensiju modelis, taèu trûkst perspektîva skatîjuma par ðî modeïa lomu sabiedrîbas iesaistîðanâ pilsçtplânoðanas procesâ. Sanktpçterburgas speciâlisti uzsver nepiecieðamîbu stratçìijai, kas noteiktu sabiedrîbas iesaistîðanas politiku plânoðanas procesos, kâ veidot diskusiju starp îpaðniekiem un sabiedrîbu. Liela vçrîba tiek

establishment of information environment that would be attractive to young people, larger possibilities for involvement of the public, curtailing the bureaucratic time-limits, attracting investors. At the end of 2007 the organisation the Union of Baltic States launched a project Visual Cities that was aimed at the establishment of a discussion about the virtual reality as a strategic instrument for information and communication during the urban planning process. The project involved representatives from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland and Russia. In order to make a successful dialogue between population and town planners, modern technologies should be applied more extensively in the urban planning process. Their application considerably improves democratisation of the urban planning process, makes it transparent, and this is one approach how to establish a dialogue. Therefore the cities have to find the means how to make the urban planning process more attractive and accessible to the inhabitants, using the opportunities offered by modern technologies. As part of the project the information and experience of member countries about the ways of presentation of urban planning results when applying modern technologies was gathered and summarised. Representatives from each country presented the initiative and experience in urban planning of


pievçrsta informâcijas tehnoloìiju izmantoðanas nepiecieðamîbai plânoðanas procesâ. Igaunijâ, Polijâ (Gdiòâ) un Somijâ (Vasa) ir tikai sâkuðies pirmie mçìinâjumi informâcijas tehnoloìiju pielietojumâ pilsçtplânoðanâ, veidojot atseviðíu objektu digitâlos trîsdimensiju modeïus. Turpretî Zviedrijas paraugs râda, ka moderno tehnoloìiju izmantoðana ir ievçrojami paaugstinâjusi daþâda vecuma grupu sabiedrîbas interesi par pilsçtplânoðanu. Rîga projekta ietvaros izcçlâs ar plânveidîgu un mçrítiecîgu darbu, lai izveidotu pilsçtas digitâlo trîsdimensiju modeli un tas bûtu pieejams ikvienam sabiedrîbas loceklim. Lîdz mûsdienâm Rîgas pilsçtas telpiskâ plânoðana Rîgas domç ir veikta, izstrâdâjot plânoðanas dokumentus divu dimensiju plaknç. Maketus un digitâlos trîsdimensiju modeïus ir izstrâdâjuði arhitekti un citi speciâlisti, kuri darbojas pie apbûves projektu attîstîtâju pasûtîjumiem. Jâpiebilst, ka nereti darba rezultâts, kâ arî lçmums par tâ atbilstîbu pilsçtvides situâcijai ir subjektîvs. Lai nodroðinâtu kompleksu un harmonisku pilsçtvides attîstîbu, pilsçtas kopçjam telpiskajam redzçjumam ir jâbût Rîgas domes kompetencei, taèu ikvienam sabiedrîbas pârstâvim jânodroðina iespçja piedalîties lçmumu pieòemðanas procesos. Tâdçï Rîgas domes Pilsçtas attîstîbas departamenta darbâ, izvçrtçjot Rîgas pilsçtas telpiskâs struktûras attîstîbu, kâ arî Rîgas domei prezentâcijas vajadzîbâm, ir nepiecieðama digitâlâ trîsdimensiju modeïa izveidoðana un pilsçtas maketa izgatavoðana, tâdçï Rîgas domes Pilsçtas attîstîbas departaments 2006. gadâ ir uzsâcis darbu pie projektiem “Rîgas pilsçtas digitâlais trîsdimensiju modelis” un “Rîgas pilsçtas makets”. Pçc Rîgas pilsçtas digitâlâ trîsdimensiju modeïa izveides pilsçtas plânoðanas interesçs digitâlajâ modelî ievietos bûvobjektus, kuri atrodas bûvniecîbas stadijâ, kâ arî Rîgas domes institûcijâs saskaòotus bûvprojektus. Arhitektiem un pilsçtplânotâjiem jaunu bûvniecîbas priekðlikumu gadîjumos bûs iespçja ievietot modelî piedâvâtos bûvapjomus, kâ arî veidot fotomontâþas. Rîgas pilsçtas digitâlais trîsdimensiju modelis nodroðinâs Rîgas domes amatpersonas ar objektîvu informâciju lçmumu pieòemðanai – jaunas bûvniecîbas ieceres apstiprinâðanai, vai arî – prasîbai pârstrâdât ieceri tâ, lai uzlabotos pilsçtvides arhitektoniskais veidols. Pçc Rîgas pilsçtas digitâlâ trîsdimensiju modeïa izveides realizâcijas digitâlâ trîsdimensiju modeïa datus varçs lietot ikviens sabiedrîbas pârstâvis. Bûs iespçjams ievietot publiskajâs apsprieðanâs izvirzîtos objektus. Rîgas pilsçtas digitâlo trîsdimensiju modeli

their cities when applying information technologies. Vilnius, for instance, has developed a digital three-dimensional model of the entire city, however, there is no clear vision how to use this model for involvement of the public in the urban planning process. Specialists from St. Petersburg emphasise the need of the strategy that would determine the policy for involvement of the public in planning processes and how to establish a discussion between the owners and the society. A special attention has been paid to the necessity of IT application in the planning process. In Estonia, Poland (Gdynia) and Finland (Vaasa) the first attempts for IT application in urban planning have only begun, creating digital 3D models for separate objects. Whereas Sweden’s experience shows that the use of modern technologies has considerably increased the interest in urban planning of different age groups. During this project Riga stood out with schematic and purposeful activities aimed at creation of the 3D model of the city that will be available to each member of the community. Until now the spatial planning for the city of Riga has been performed at the Riga City Council, developing planning documents in a two-dimensional plane. Architects and others, who are involved in the projects commissioned by real estate developers, have made the models built to scale and the digital 3D models. It has to be noted that pretty often the result of the work as well as assessment of its suitability for the particular urban situation is subjective. In order to ensure a complex and harmonious development of the urban environment, the overall spatial vision of the city must be the area of responsibility of the Riga City Council, however, each citizen should be given a chance to take part in the decision-making processes. Therefore it is necessary to create a 3D model and a scale model of the city which the City Development Department of the Riga City Council could use for assessment of the development of the spatial structure of Riga and the City Council could use for presentation. For this reason in 2006 the City Development Department of the Riga City Council started working at the projects Three Dimensional Model of Riga City and Scale Model of Riga City. After creation of the 3D model of Riga, during the urban planning process the objects under construction as well as construction projects that have been approved with the institutions of the Riga City Council could be inserted into the digital model.


5. attçls. Rîgas pilsçtas makets (2007. gads). Picture 5. The scale model of Riga City (2007).

varçs izmantot pilsçtbûvnieciskâ un arhitektûras fiziskâ maketa izgatavoðanai daþâdos mçrogos un materiâlos. Baltijas jûras reìiona pilsçtu pârstâvji uzsver, ka sabiedrîbas iesaistîðanai pilsçtplânoðanas procesos ir ïoti liela nozîme. Bet jâatzîmç, ka galvenâ problçma ir cilvçku piesaistîðana. Trîsdimensiju vide ir viena no iespçjâm, jo tâ ïauj ikvienam iedzîvotâjam reâlâk iztçloties un ieraudzît situâciju, kas gaidâma nâkotnç. Tâ ïauj padarît pilsçtplânoðanas procesu radoðâku ne tikai plânotâjiem, bet ikvienam sabiedrîbas loceklim. Pilsçtplânoðana nav tikai zinâtne un mâksla, bet arî ekonomika un politika. Tâdçï, lai varçtu ievçrot pçctecîbu, ir nepiecieðams izstrâdât stingras vadlînijas pilsçtas telpiskâs struktûras attîstîðanai. Teritoriju, kas ir nozîmîgas pilsçtas ainavâ un kas ir svarîga publiskâs telpas sastâvdaïa, kâ arî tajâs, kur ir plânota liela mçroga attîstîba, attîstîbai ir jânotiek pçc visu ieinteresçto puðu akceptçta plâna.

When reviewing new construction proposals, architects and urban planners could put the offered building volumes into the model and make photomontages. The digital 3D model of Riga City will provide the officials at the Riga City Council with objective information for decision making – for approval of a new idea for construction or for request to readjust the idea so that to improve the architectural image of the urban environment. After creation of the digital 3D model of Riga, any resident of the city could use the obtained data. It will be possible to insert the objects proposed for public discussion into it. The digital 3D model of Riga could also be used for preparation of the physical urban and architectural models in various scales and from different materials. Representatives of the cities of the Baltic Sea region emphasise that involvement of the public in urban planning processes is very important. However, it has to be noted that the main problem is attraction of people and the three-dimensional environment is one of such opportunities as it gives each resident of the city a clearer vision of what might be expected in future. It allows making the urban planning process more creative not only for town planners but also for each member of the society. Urban planning is not only science and art, but also economics and politics. Therefore in order to ensure succession, it is necessary to develop strict guidelines for the development of spatial structure of the city. The development in the territories that are important in the urban scenery and that are key elements of the public open space as well as in those where large-scale development is planned, should be carried out according to the plan accepted by all interested parties.

Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.



Asaris G. Rîgas siluets // Latvijas Arhitektûra. – 2005. – Nr.1 (57). – 40.–42. lpp. Crosby Th. How to play the environment game. – Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd, 1973. – p. 263. Rîgas dome. Rîgas teritorijas plânojums 2006. – 2018. gadam. – Rîga: Rîgas dome, 2005. – 206 lpp. Ruudi I. Augstceltnes pilsçtâ, kas grib bût liela // Latvijas Arhitektûra. – 2005. – Nr.1 (57). – 52.–53.lpp.

Mâra Liepa-Zemeða Chief Urban Planner – Project Manager, Mgr.arch. Riga City Council, City Development Department 4 Amatu Str., LV-1004, Riga, Latvia E-mail: Liepa-Zemeða M. Telpiskâs plânoðanas aktualitâtes Baltijas jûras reìiona pilsçtâs Rakstâ tiek aplûkotas Baltijas jûras reìiona pilsçtu arhitektoniski telpiskâs attîstîbas tendences. Pilsçtas ar strauju ekonomisko izaugsmi un potenciâlu Baltijas mçrogâ, tâdas kâ Rîga, Tallina, Viïòa, Sanktpçterburga, ir kïuvuðas par pievilcîgu mçríi ârvalstu investîcijâm. Ðîs pilsçtas ir definçjuðas augstas ambîcijas telpiskâs attîstîbas jomâ, taèu tajâ paðâ laikâ tâs saskaras ar problçmâm, jo nav definçtas stingras vadlînijas atseviðíâm pilsçtu teritorijâm pilsçtas telpiskajai attîstîbai, it îpaði tâm, kurâs plânota vçrienîga attîstîba. Ðo projektu realizâcija nereti ir tikai sâkuma stadijâ, un kâ priekðnoteikumi ðo teritoriju attîstîbai jâmin gan ekonomiskie, gan politiskie faktori, gan arî sabiedrîbas ieinteresçtîba projektu îstenoðanâ. Bûtisks ir arhitektu un pilsçtplânotâju darbs, kas padara attîstîbas faktorus saprotamus un ierosina to realizâciju, nosakot urbânâs politikas aprises lçmumu pieòemðanai politiskajâ lîmenî. Darbam ðo projektu realizâcijâ jânorit pçc visu ieinteresçto puðu akceptçta plâna, kura kopçjais telpiskais redzçjums ir paðvaldîbas kompetencç, taèu ikvienam jâbût iespçjai piedalîties lçmumu pieòemðanas procesos. Tâdçï pilsçtplânoðanâ liela ievçrîba jâpievçrð sadarbîbai starp profesionâïiem, politiíiem un sabiedrîbu. Liepa-Zemeða M. Topical dimensional planning in cities of Baltic Sea region The article deals with development tendencies of architectonic dimension of Baltic Sea region cities. Cities with a quick economic growth and potential on the Baltic scale, such as Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, St. Petersburg, have become a target for foreign investors. These cities have defined high ambitions on the dimensional development level, though at the same time they face problems, because there are no strict guidelines for several city territories in city dimensional development context, especially for those, where a scope development is planned. Frequently the realization of these projects is in the initial stage, and as preconditions for development of these territories there should be mentioned both economic and political factors as well as a personal interest of society in a project realization. The work of architects and city planners is essential, which can make understandable development factors and instigate their realization. They define the line of urban politics for to make a decision in the political level. The work in the course of these projects should pass in accordance with the plan accepted by interested parties, where the common vision is in competence of municipality, but everyone should be possibility to take part in decision-making processes. That is why during the city planning the great attention should be paid to cooperation among professionals, politicians and the society.


Ëèåïà-Çåìåøà Ì. Àêòóàëüíîñòü ïðîñòðàíñòâåííîãî ïëàíèðîâàíèÿ â ãîðîäàõ ðåãèîíà Áàëòèéñêîãî ìîðÿ  ñòàòüå ðàññìàòðèâàþòñÿ òåíäåíöèè àðõèòåêòîíè÷åñêîãî ðàçâèòèÿ ãîðîäîâ ðåãèîíà Áàëòèéñêîãî ìîðÿ. Ãîðîäà ñ áûñòðûì ýêîíîìè÷åñêèì ðîñòîì è ïîòåíöèàëîì â ìàñøòàáàõ Ïðèáàëòèêè, íàïðèìåð, òàêèå ãîðîäà êàê Ðèãà, Òàëëèí, Âèëüíþñ, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã ñòàëè ïðèâëåêàòåëüíîé ìèøåíüþ äëÿ çàðóáåæíûõ èíâåñòèöèé, íî â òîæå ñàìîå âðåìÿ, îíè ñòàëêèâàþòñÿ ñ ïðîáëåìàìè ïðîñòðàíñòâåííîãî ðàçâèòèÿ ãîðîäà, ïîñêîëüêó äëÿ îòäåëüíûõ ãîðîäñêèõ òåððèòîðèé íåîïðåäåëåíû ñòðîãèå äèðåêòèâû, à â îñîáåííîñòè äëÿ òåõ òåððèòîðèé, íà êîòîðûõ ïëàíèðóåòñÿ ìàñøòàáíîå ðàçâèòèå. Êàê óñëîâèå äëÿ ðàçâèòèÿ äàííûõ òåððèòîðèé íåîáõîäèìî îòìåòèòü êàê ýêîíîìè÷åñêèå, òàê è ïîëèòè÷åñêèå ôàêòîðû, à òàêæå çàèíòåðåñîâàííîñòü îáùåñòâåííîñòè â ðåàëèçàöèè ïðîåêòà. Âî âðåìÿ ðåàëèçàöèè äàííîãî ïðîåêòà, ðàáîòà äîëæíà ïðîõîäèòü ñîãëàñíî ïëàíó, óòâåðæäåííîìó çàèíòåðåñîâàííûìè ñòîðîíàìè, ïîýòîìó ïðè ïëàíèðîâàíèè ãîðîäà, íåîáõîäèìî óäåëÿòü áîëüøå âíèìàíèÿ ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâó ìåæäó ïðîôåññèîíàëàìè, ïîëèòèêàìè è îáùåñòâîì.



Key words: quality of living environment.

Dzîves, vides un dzîves telpas kvalitâtes jçdziens Cilvçks un sabiedrîba atspoguïo viens otru kulturâli èetrâs pamatkategorijâs – gars, intelekts, emocijas un sajûtas. Ðîs kategorijas mâkslâ un arhitektûrâ, daþâdos stilos tiek uzsvçrtas daþâdâs intensitâtçs un veidos, atkarîbâ no individuâliem arhitektiem, kultûras un mâkslas ideâliem un vîzijâm, ka arî laika un vietas konteksta. Cilvçkam vai sabiedrîbai, kas pârvçrtç, nespçj novçrtçt vai neizprot vienu no ðîm pamatkategorijâm, pastâv iespçja attîstît nozîmîgus, daþkârt pârspîlçtus vai arî ðaurus estçtiskâs izpratnes uzskatus. Daþâdos laikmetos tie var tikt atbalstîti vai noliegti atkarîbâ no attiecîga laikmeta vajadzîbâm, lietu izpratnes un izjûtam, mâkslas un arhitektûras profesionâïiem, vispârçjâm zinâðanâm, politiskâm ambîcijâm un, protams, sabiedrîbas viedokïa [1]. Pçtnieki un teorçtiíi starpdisciplinârajâ vides psiholoìijas zinâtnç pçta un cenðas izprast cilvçka un apkârtçjâs vides fizioloìiskâs, psiholoìiskâs, emocionâlâs un uzvedîbas mijiedarbîbas principus un sakarîbas. Pçc Pasaules Veselîbas Organizâcijas (World Health Organisation), laba veselîba ir ne tikai cilvçka stâvoklis bez slimîbâm, bet tas ir arî pilnîgs fiziskâs, mentâlâs un sociâlâs labsajûtas stâvoklis. Teorçtiski visâm dzîvâm bûtnçm ir pamatinstinkts, kas nodroðina veselîbu, labsajûtu un sociâlo saskarsmi. Cilvçkiem ðie pamatinstinkti ir transformçti kultûras un sociâlo normu ietekmç, tâdçï ir svarîgi izprast tieði emociju nozîmi uzvedîbas un lçmumu pieòemðanâ. Dzîves kvalitâte ir komplekss sociâls, ekonomisks un politisks jçdziens, kas ietver plaðu iedzîvotâju dzîves apstâkïu kopumu. To raksturo gan indivîdam pieejamais patçriòa lîmenis, gan sociâlo pakalpojumu klâsts un kvalitâte, gan iespçja iegût

Concepts of quality of life, environmental quality and quality of living environment A human being and society reflect each other culturally in four basic categories – spirit, intellect, emotions and feelings. These categories in art and architecture, in different styles are emphasised in different intensities and ways depending on individual architects, ideals and visions of culture and art as well as the context of space and time. A person or a society that overestimates, cannot evaluate or does not understand one of these basic categories, is likely to develop significant, sometimes exaggerated or too narrow opinions of aesthetic perception. In different eras they may be supported or denied depending on the needs of the respective epoch, understanding of things and feelings, professionals of art and architecture, general knowledge, political ambitions and, of course, the public opinion [1]. Researchers and theoreticians in the science of interdisciplinary environmental psychology have been studying and trying to understand the principles and coherence of physiological, psychological, emotional and behavioural interaction between the human being and the surrounding environment. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Theoretically, all living beings have a basic instinct that ensures health, feeling of well-being and social relations. For humans these basic instincts have been transformed under the influence of cultural and social standards, therefore it is important to understand the role of emotions in behaviour and making of decisions. Quality of life is a complex social, economic and political concept that includes a combination of attributes forming living conditions of the


izglîtîbu, dzîvot ilgu un veselîgu mûþu, piedalîties sabiedriskajâ dzîvç utt. Tas ir indivîda vai cilvçku grupas labsajûtas lîmenis, kas sastâv no diviem aspektiem, pirmais ir fiziskais aspekts, piemçram, veselîba un diçta, otrais ir psiholoìiskais aspekts, piemçram, stress un atpûta. Vides kvalitâte savukârt ir vidi raksturojoðs îpaðîbu kopums, vispârçjs vai katrai vieta konkrçts, piemçram, gaiss, ûdens, daba, piesâròojums, utt., kas viennozîmîgi ietekmç cilvçkus un visas citas dzîvas bûtnes, to fizisko un mentâlo veselîbu [2]. Dzîves telpas jçdziens ietver sevî ne tikai indivîdam piederoðo îpaðumu vai viòa apdzîvoto mâjokli, bet arî privâto un publisko telpu kopumu ap ðo mâjokli, arî dabu un kultûrvidi, kas ir neatòemama kvalitatîvas dzîves telpas sastâvdaïa. Dzîves telpas un vides kvalitâtei ir bûtiska loma jebkura pilsçtas ekonomiskajâ attîstîbâ. Pievilcîga daba un kultûrvide ir unikâla, aizvien pieaugoða ekonomiska un sociâla vçrtîba. Vides aizsardzîbas, tâs saudzîgas apsaimniekoðanas un attîstîbas jautâjumi kïûst arvien nozîmîgâki ekonomiskâs attîstîbas un globâlâs sasilðanas kontekstâ. Jebkuras pilsçtas un tâs apkârtçjo teritoriju vides kvalitâte kïûst par arvien svarîgâku faktoru investîciju piesaistei. Pieòemot lçmumus par jauno ekonomisko aktivitâðu izvietojumu, investori vçrtç arî dzîves un vides kvalitâti, kas ietver labi saglabâtu dabas un kultûras mantojumu, kâ arî sakârtotu infrastruktûru un vides pârvaldi. Dzîves kvalitâte Latvijâ Sabiedrîbâ, kura izraujas no pieticîbas, kâda ir Latvijas sabiedrîba, dzîves kvalitâte kïûst par pârmaiòu râdîtâju. Tâ iemieso izaicinâjumu un mçríi, darbojas kâ jauns sabiedrîbu raksturojoðs spçks. Dzîves kvalitâtes nokïûðana sabiedrîbas uzmanîbas lokâ un pat politiskâs darba kârtîbas degpunktâ ir interesanta parâdîba, kas analizçjama gan no politiskâ, gan ekonomiskâ, gan sociâli psiholoìiskâ viedokïa. Pagâjuði 16 gadi kopð neatkarîbas atjaunoðanas, Latvija kïuvusi par Eiropas Savienîbas (ES) un NATO dalîbvalsti, sasniegti svarîgi ârpolitiski uzdevumi. Cilvçku ikdienas dzîve un tâs kvalitâte kïûst par jaunu politisku orientieri. Tas jau vçrojams stratçìiskos plânoðanas dokumentos un politiskajâs diskusijâs. Piemçram, sagatavots un Saeimâ pieòemts dokuments “Latvijas izaugsmes modelis. Cilvçks pirmajâ vietâ”. Arî Nacionâlajâ attîstîbas plânâ dzîves kvalitâte definçta kâ sabiedrîbas mçríis [3].

population. Generally the emphasis is on the amount and distribution of jointly consumed public goods, amount and quality of social services, a possibility to acquire education, have a long and healthy life, take part in social activities, etc. It is the degree of wellbeing felt by an individual or a group of people which consists of two components: physical and psychological. The physical aspect includes such things as health, diet, but the psychological aspect includes e.g. stress and relaxation. While environmental quality is a general term of varied characteristics, which can refer to the entire environment or a specific site: air and water purity or pollution, noise, access to open space, and the potential effects which such characteristics may have on physical and mental health of people and other living beings [2]. The concept of quality of life includes not only the property belonging to an individual or his/her dwelling, but also all private and pubic spaces surrounding this dwelling, including also nature and cultural environment that is an integral part of the high-quality living environment. Quality of living environment and environmental quality play an essential role in the economic development of any city or town. Attractive scenery and cultural environment is a unique quality the economic and social value of which is constantly increasing. The issues of nature protection, environmentally friendly management and development are becoming more and more important within the context of economic growth and global warming. Environmental quality of any city or town and its surrounding areas is an essential factor for attraction of investments. Making decisions on the location of the new economic activities, investors are evaluating also the quality of life and environment, which implies well-preserved natural and cultural heritage and developed infrastructure and environmental administration. Quality of life in Latvia In the society extricating itself from modesty, what is Latvia’s society, quality of life becomes an indicator of changes. It embodies challenge and aim, it acts as a new driving force of the society. The quality of life being the focus of public attention and even being high on the political agenda is an interesting phenomenon that needs to be analysed from the point of view of politics, economics and social psychology. Already 16 years have elapsed since restoration of independence, Latvia has become a member state of the European Union (EU) and NATO, important foreign policy tasks have been achieved. Everyday


Pçc pçdçjiem pçtîjumiem, Latvijâ cilvçki ir vidçji apmierinâti ar savu dzîvi. 10 ballu skalâ vidçjais vçrtçjums ir 6,1. Pirms trim gadiem – 2003. gadâ veiktajâ Eiropas dzîves kvalitâtes apsekojumâ jauno ES dalîbvalstu iedzîvotâju vçrtçjuma râdîtâjs bija 6,1, savukârt Latvijâ – 5,5. Vismazâk aptaujâtie ir apmierinâti ar jomâm, kuras skar materiâlo labklâjîbu un darbu, – ar uzòçmçjdarbîbas iespçjâm, nodarbinâtîbas iespçjâm, algu pamatdarbâ un kopçjiem ienâkumiem, ìimenes labklâjîbu, kâ arî iespçjâm realizçt darbâ savus mçríus. Visvairâk apmierinâti tie ir ar sociâlajâm saitçm, ìimeni un dzîves telpu – droðîbu un atbalstu, ko saòem no radiem, draugiem un kolçìiem, ar lîmeni, droðîbu un atbalstu, ko paði sniedz radiem, draugiem, kolçìiem, dzîves vidi un mâjokli. Gan ar dzîvi kopumâ, gan ar atseviðíiem tâs aspektiem ievçrojami apmierinâtâki ir cilvçki, kuriem ir lielâki ienâkumi un augstâka izglîtîba. Nepietiekami ienâkumi relatîvi nabadzîgâ valstî nozîmç sastapðanos ar nopietnâm eksistenciâlâm problçmâm. Savukârt labâka izglîtîba nodroðina pieeju labâk atalgotam darbam, kâ arî iespçjams, ka izglîtotâki cilvçki efektîvâk izmanto savas spçjas un citus pieejamos resursus un labâk pârvalda savas dzîves virzîbu, kas kopumâ sniedz lielâku gandarîjuma sajûtu [4]. Latvijas Nacionâlais attîstîbas plâns 2007.– 2013. gadam paredz uzsâkt îstenot Latvijas izaugsmes modeïa izvirzîto mçríi – paaugstinât valsts iedzîvotâju dzîves kvalitâti ar uzdevumu tuvoties ES25 vidçjam lîmenim. Ðajâ stratçìiskajâ dokumentâ nozîmîga vieta atvçlçta arî mâjokïa un vides attîstîbai. Viens no cilvçkam nozîmîgâkajiem dzîves kvalitâtes râdîtâjiem ir nodroðinâjums ar mâjokli koptâ un çrtâ vidç. Vienlaikus sakoptas dzîves telpas esamîba ir priekðnosacîjums cilvçka veselîbas saglabâðanai un aktîvai dzîves darbîbai. Tirgus ekonomikas apstâkïos mâjokïu pieejamîbu kopumâ nosaka vispârçjais dzîves lîmenis valstî, tâpçc valsts dalîba mâjokïu attîstîbâ no makroekonomiskâ viedokïa ir jâvçrtç kâ bûtisks ieguldîjums tautas attîstîbâ [5]. Ekonomiskâ attîstîba un bûvniecîbas apjomu palielinâðanâs Latvijâ, pçdçjo piecu gadu laikâ, zinâma ekonomiska uzplaukuma rezultâtâ, ïoti strauji palielinâs bûvniecîbas apjomi. Pçc Centrâlâs statistikas pârvaldes datiem, bûvniecîbas kopapjoms Latvijâ laika posmâ no 2000. lîdz 2006. gadam ir pieaudzis 2,6 reizes, bet dzîvojamo çku bûvniecîba

life of people and its quality is becoming a new political direction. It is already reflected in strategic planning documents and in political discussions. For instance, the document A Growth Model for Latvia: People First has been prepared and adopted at the Latvian Parliament (Saeima). In the National Development Plan the quality of life has also been defined as the aim of the society [3]. According to the latest studies, on average people in Latvia are satisfied with their life. In a 10point rating system the average evaluation is 6.1. Three years ago when the 2003 European Quality of Life Survey was performed, quality of life in the new EU member states was assessed with 6.1 points, while in Latvia – with 5.5 points. Respondents are less satisfied with the spheres affecting material welfare and work – opportunities for entrepreneurial activities, employment, salary in the principal work and total income, welfare of the family and opportunities to realise one’s ambitions at work. They are most satisfied with the social ties, family and living environment – safety and support from relatives, friends and colleagues, and with the level of safety and support they themselves provide to relatives, friends and colleagues, and with living environment and the home. People who have larger income and higher education are more satisfied with life in general and its single aspects. Insufficient income in a relatively poor country implies serious existential problems. While better education provides access to a betterpaid job, and perhaps people with higher education use their abilities and other available resources more efficiently and better manage their life, what, in general, brings a greater sense of satisfaction [4]. The Latvian National Development Plan for 2007–2013 intends to start advancing towards achievement of the aim set by the development model of Latvia – to increase the quality of life of population, thus approaching the EU25 average level. In this strategic document development of housing and environment is one of priorities. One of the most important indices of a person’s life quality is provision of a dwelling in a tidy and comfortable environment. At the same time the existence of an aesthetically appealing living space is a precondition for preservation of human health and active life. Under the market economy conditions the overall living standard in the country determines availability of housing, therefore participation of the state in housing development, in the macroeconomics context is seen as a substantial investment in nation’s development [5].


pat mazliet îsâkâ laika periodâ pieaugusi 6,3 reizes. Pçc ES statistikas biroja “Eurostat“ datiem 2007. gada jûlijâ–septembrî salîdzinâjumâ ar 2006. gada treðo ceturksni bûvniecîbas apjomi Latvijâ palielinâjuðies par 13,2%. Pieauguma tempa ziòâ izceïas mâjokïu bûvniecîba. Aktîva sabiedrisko çku un individuâlo mâjokïu bûvniecîba notiek ne tikai Rîgâ, bet arî tâs apkârtnç, kâ arî citâs Latvijas pilsçtâs. Kaut arî Rîgas pilsçta kopumâ ir iesaistîjusies vides kvalitâtes un ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas ideju atbalstîðanâ, ðodienas pilsçtas attîstîbas realitâte pierâda pretçjo. Lîdzîga situâcija ir arî mazpilsçtâs ap Rîgu un citâs Latvijas pilsçtâs. Lielâkâ daïa bûvniecîbas, îpaði dzîvojamo mâjokïu attîstîba, notiek haotiski, bez pârdomâtas stratçìijas, atstâjot negatîvas sekas uz vidi, iedzîvotâjiem, veicina nekvalitatîvas dzîves telpas veidoðanos. Ðodien Latvijas pilsçtu attîstîbas procesâ novçrojamas ðâdas galvenâs problçmas, kas izraisa vispârçju dzîves telpas kvalitâtes pazeminâðanos: haotiska, nepârdomâta, tirgus likumu virzîta attîstîba, kas izraisa esoðâs vides degradâciju Rîgâ un citâs Latvijas pilsçtâs; daþâdâs pilsçtâs, pilsçtu dzîvojamos rajonos attîstîba notiek nevienmçrîgi, kas nâkotnç var izraisît pilsçtu, dzîvojamo rajonu noslâòoðanos; Latvijas mazpilsçtâm nav attîstîbas vîziju, kas definçtu mçríus un lîdzekïus to realizçðanâ, kâ rezultâtâ nenotiek dzîves telpas kvalitâtes uzlaboðana; esoðâs situâcijas, vides, kultûrvçsturiskâs ainavas analîzes trûkums; nenotiek dialogs ar sabiedrîbu, ka rezultâtâ nenotiek uzlabojumi pilsçtâs, parâdâs iedzîvotâju neapmierinâtîba ar esoðo situâciju; zemas kvalitâtes apbûves attîstîba, nav labiekârtojuma, iedzîvotâjiem nepiecieðamo atpûtas zonu, infrastruktûras; netiek veicinâta ilgtermiòa attîstîbas ideja, netiek veicinâta zaïâ bûvniecîba; Latvijâ pçc îpaðuma formas maiòas privâtîpaðumâ ir vairâk kâ 80% mâjokïu. Mainîjuðies ir mâjokïu bûvniecîbas finansçðanas avoti un sociâlie mçríi. Tagad to galvenokârt finansç privâtais kapitâls, kas bûvniecîbu îsteno ekonomiski aktîvajâs teritorijâs, kur ir visaugstâkais mâjokïu pieprasîjums un pârdoðanas cenas. Valsts un paðvaldîbas atbalsts ðobrîd virzîts tikai uz maznodroðinâtu un krîzes

Economic development and growing construction intensity In Latvia, over the last five years, as a result of a certain economic growth, construction intensity is rapidly increasing. According to the Central Statistical Board, the total volume of construction in Latvia between 2000 and 2006 has grown by 2.6 times, but construction of apartment buildings in a slightly shorter period has increased by 6.3 times. According to the EU Statistical Office Eurostat, in July–September 2007 as compared to the third quarter of 2006, the construction volumes in Latvia have risen by 13.2%. The fastest growing segment is construction of housing. Public buildings and private houses are being actively constructed not merely in Riga, but also in its neighbourhood and in other cities and towns of Latvia as well. Although the city of Riga has been supporting ideas of environmental quality and sustainable development, the current urban development proves the opposite. The situation is similar also in towns around Riga and in other cities of Latvia. The largest part of construction, especially housing development, is chaotic, it lacks any reasonable strategy, affecting environment and population, thus leading to formation of a low-quality living environment. Today the following principal problems can be identified in the urban development process of Latvia, which are leading to overall deterioration of the quality of the living environment: chaotic, unadvised development that is driven by market forces, what leads to degradation of the existing environment in Riga and in other cities of Latvia; in different cities, in different residential districts development is uneven what may result in differentiation and fragmentation of the cities and districts in the future; smaller towns in Latvia have no development visions, which would define goals and means for their implementation, as a result the quality of living environment is not improving; there is no analysis of the existing situation, environment and cultural and historic scenery; there is no dialogue with the public, as a result there are no improvements in the cities and towns, population is becoming discontented with the existing situation; the new built-up environment is deteriorating in quality, there are no improvements, recreational areas and necessary infrastructure; the idea of long-term development is not promoted, no support for green construction.


situâcijâ nonâkuðu iedzîvotâju mâjokïa jautâjumu risinâðanu [6]. Iedzîvotâju vidçjo ienâkumu neatbilstîba salîdzinoði augstiem maksâjumiem par mâjokli kavç esoðâ dzîvojamâ fonda efektîvu uzturçðanu un atjauninâðanu. Vienlaikus tas rada priekðnosacîjumus segregâcijai, jo turîgâkâs mâjsaimniecîbas izvçlas pârcelties uz dzîvi augstâkas kvalitâtes mâjokïos, sakoptâkos pilsçtu rajonos. Ievçrojot atðíirîgo iedzîvotâju maksâtspçju, nepiecieðams radît priekðnosacîjumus mâjokïa piedâvâjuma daþâdoðanai, îres sektora, tostarp sociâlâ îres sektora attîstîðanai, iedzîvotâju lîdzekïu kooperâcijai bûvniecîbâ, publiskâs un privâtâs partnerîbas projektu veicinâðanai, kâ arî jaunas bûvniecîbas attîstîbai reìionos. Bûtu nepiecieðams veicinât esoðo mâjokïu efektîvu izmantoðanu ( progresîvu apsaimniekoðanu, atjauninâðanu un modernizçðanu); radît priekðnosacîjumus daudzveidîgam mâjokïu piedâvâjumam, lai palielinâtu mâjokïu pieejamîbu iedzîvotâju grupâm ar daþâdu ienâkumu lîmeni, efektîvi realizçt visaptveroðas palîdzîbas sistçmas izveidi mâjokïa sektorâ, sadalot pienâkumus un atbildîbu starp valsti, paðvaldîbu un indivîdu; izveidot sistçmu jauno mâjokïu kvalitâtes uzraudzîbai; ieviest finanðu atbalsta instrumentus mâjokïa pieejamîbas veicinâðanai atseviðíâm mçría grupâm, piemçram, ìimenes ar bçrniem, jaunie speciâlisti [7]. Latvijas Ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas stratçìija un realitâte 2001. gada beigâs Ministru Kabinets akceptçja Koncepciju par Ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas padomes (IAP) izveidi. Koncepcijâ ir atsauces gan uz RIO deklarâciju, kas valstîm uzliek par pienâkumu izstrâdât Ilgtspçjîgas stratçìijas (IA), gan uz ES iestâðanâs sarunâm, kas IA izvirza par priekðnosacîjumu veiksmîgam iestâðanâs procesam. Tiek norâdîts, ka “Eiropas lîgums prasa, lai Latvija veidotu un îstenotu tâdu attîstîbas politiku, kurâ valda ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas principi un kurâ visâ pilnîbâ iestrâdâti vides apsvçrumi”. Ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas jautâjumi bija arî ietverti Eiropas Komisijas Asociâcijas komitejas darba kârtîbâ sarunâs ar Latviju. Bez tam Latvija ir arî iesaistîjusies Baltic 21 procesâ, kas ir uz ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu vçrsta reìionâla iniciatîva valstîm Baltijas jûras sateces baseinâ. Tomçr par galveno iemeslu IAP izstrâdei ir jâmin nevis lçmumu pieòçmçju vçlme Latvijâ îstenot uz ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu virzîtu politiku, bet vçlme integrçties ES. To arî atzîst paði procesa veidotâji. Kâ otru bûtiskâko

After the change of property ownership form in Latvia, more than 80% of dwellings today are private properties. Sources of financing and social purposes for housing construction have also changed. Now these are mostly private investors who are financing construction in the economically active areas where demand for housing and prices are the highest. Currently the state and municipality provide their support merely to housing projects intended for lowincome and displaced people [6]. The discrepancy between the average income of population and increasingly high rental payments prevent efficient maintenance and renewal of the existing housing stock. At the same time it creates preconditions for segregation, because better-off households choose to move to more comfortable dwellings and tidier districts. With regard to the diverse paying capacity of population, it is necessary to create preconditions for diversification of dwelling supply, i.e. for development of private rental sector and also social rental sector, mutual self-help housing programmes, establishment of public and private partnerships for project development and encouragement of new construction developments in the regions. More efficient use of the existing homes should be encouraged (incl. their advanced management, renewal and modernisation); preconditions should be established for supply of diverse dwellings in order to increase availability of housing for groups of population with differing levels of income. It would be necessary to introduce more efficiently comprehensive support systems in the housing sector, splitting duties and responsibilities among the state, the municipality and the individual; to establish a system for supervision of quality of the new dwellings; to introduce financial support instruments in order to increase availability of housing for separate target groups, e.g. families with children, young specialists [7]. Sustainable development strategy of Latvia and the real situation At the end of 2001 the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the Concept on Establishment of the Council for Sustainable Development (the Concept). The concept contains references to the Rio Declaration that calls on the states to adopt sustainable development strategies and to the EU accession negotiations that define sustainable development as a precondition for a successful accession process. It is indicated that “according to the Europe Agreement Latvia has to establish and implement the


faktoru var minçt ANO IA konferenci jeb Rio+10 Samitu Johannesburgâ, kur Latvijai, lîdzîgi kâ citâm valstîm, vajadzçja atskaitîties par sasniegto ceïâ uz ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu. IAP izstrâde bija viens no apliecinâjumiem, ka Latvija strâdâ ar IA jautâjumiem. IAP izstrâdi vadîja VARAM, taèu tam nebija viennozîmîga politiskâ atbalsta valdîbâ kopumâ. IAP izstrâde vairâk tika formulçta kâ Latvijas pienâkums un nepiecieðamais ieguldîjums ANO virzîtajam procesam ceïâ uz IA, taèu IAP loma un potenciâls nacionâlâs attîstîbas jomâ netika pietiekami novçrtçts. Trûkstot stingrai politiskai gribai virzît IA procesu nacionâlâ lîmenî, IAP bija liels risks kïût par “kârtçjo” stratçìisko dokumentu, kas “nonâk plauktos”. Kâ sekas pasîvo metoþu lietoðanai sabiedrîbas iesaistîðanâ ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas stratçìiju pamatprincipu izpratnç ir sabiedrîbas neinformçtîba un neieinteresçtîba par procesiem kopumâ. Latvijai kâ valstij, kas strauji ekonomiski attîstâs, paðlaik aktuâlas ir sociâli ekonomiskâs problçmas, tâdçï arî valdîbas atbalsts ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas nodroðinâðanai un popularizçðanai nav prioritâte. Sabiedrîba un tâs prasîbas pilsçtvides attîstîbai SIA “Jaunrîgas attîstîbas uzòçmums” un “Analîtisko pçtîjumu un stratçìiju laboratorijas” veiktais pçtîjums “Rîdzinieku dzîvesstils un vçrtîbas 2020. gadâ”, liecina, ka lielâkajai daïai pçtîjuma dalîbnieku latvieðu un krievu auditorijâ nav ilgtermiòa skatîjuma par to, kâdai jâbût Rîgai un kâdi bûs tâs iedzîvotâji. Arî stratçìiskie dokumenti, kas ietekmç pilsçtas nâkotni, nesniedz skaidru priekðstatu par nâkotnes rîdziniekiem. Pçtîjuma mçríis bija noskaidrot, kâdi varçtu bût nâkotnes Rîgas iedzîvotâji, viòu vçrtîbas, ieradumi un vajadzîbas pçc sociâlâs un kultûras dzîves, kâ arî prasîbas pret pilsçtvidi. Pçtîjumâ mçìinâts prognozçt, kâdi ir iespçjamie Rîgas attîstîbas scenâriji nâkotnç un kâdi faktori tos ietekmçs. SIA “Jaunrîgas attîstîbas uzòçmums” mçríis realizçjot Andrejsalas ilgtermiòa attîstîbas projektu, ir veidot pilsçtvidi, kas atbilst Rîgas pilsçtas attîstîbai un tâs nâkotnes iedzîvotâju vajadzîbâm un veiktais pçtîjums palîdzçs gan Rîgas pilsçtas attîstîbas plânoðanâ, gan definçjot sociâlâs struktûras vajadzîbas un veidojot Rîgas starptautisko tçlu. Pçtîjumâ iegûtie rezultâti vçlreiz apliecina, ka pastâv atðíirîbas starp latvieðiem un krievvalodîgajiem Rîgas uztverç, ko nosaka atðíirîgâ mediju telpa, kultûras dzîve, informâcijas pieejamîba, draugu un

development policy that is based on sustainable development principles and with fully incorporated environmental concerns”. The issues of sustainable development were also included on the agenda of the Association Committee of the European Commission in negotiations with Latvia. Besides, Latvia has also joined the Baltic 21 process that is a regional multistakeholder initiative for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. However, the main reason for development of the Concept was not the intention of decision-makers to implement in Latvia the sustainable development policy but a desire to secure integration in the EU. It has been acknowledged also by the developers of this process themselves. Another relevant factor was the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Strategy or Rio+10 Earth Summit in Johannesburg where Latvia, like other countries, had to report on its progress towards achievement of sustainable development. The elaboration of the Concept presented a proof that Latvia, indeed, was working on the sustainable development issues. The Concept was drafted under the guidance of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia, however, it lacked general unequivocal political support from the government. The development of the Concept was seen more like Latvia’s duty and necessary contribution to the United Nations process towards achievement of sustainable development, however, the role of the Concept and its potential in the sphere of national development was not appropriately appraised. Because of the lack of strong political willingness to make the sustainable development process the issue of national importance, the Concept was close to becoming another strategic document that lies neglected on dusty shelves. The application of passive methods for public involvement has resulted in ignorance and disinterest of the public in issues pertaining to the principles of sustainable development strategy. For a country with rapid economic development, like Latvia, today social and economic problems are at the top of the list, therefore governmental support in promotion and popularisation of sustainable development is not a priority. Society and its requirements to urban development The study Life Style and Values of Inhabitants of Riga in 2020 performed by the companies SIA Jaunrîgas attîstîbas uzòçmums and SIA Analîtisko pçtîjumu un stratçìiju laboratorija shows that the majority of respondents among Latvian and Russian


paziòu loks, kâ arî citi faktori. Pilsçtas telpas, kultûras un ekonomikas attîstîbu ðîs kopienas plâno, realizç un patçrç atðíirîgi, kas savukârt kavç liela mçroga pilsçtas attîstîbas projektu radîðanu un kultûras, izglîtîbas un inovâcijas sfçras attîstîbu. Pçtîjumâ secinâts, ka nâkotnç dzîvesvietas izvçli pilsçtâ noteiks iespçja gût daudzveidîgu kultûras un darba pieredzi, ekonomisko kapitâlu pârvçrðot kultûras kapitâlâ un otrâdi. Strauja biznesa vides attîstîba, salîdzinâjumâ ar citâm valstîm mierîga un relaksçta vide, draugu un radu klâtbûtne, identitâtes un piederîbas sajûta ir vieni no iemesliem, kas mudinâs Rîgu izvçlçties par dzîvesvietu. Rîgai, kâ arî citâm Latvijas pilsçtâm, ir nepiecieðams atrast unikâlu pazîmju kopumu, uz kâ pamata veidot atðíirîgu nâkotnes pilsçtas vîziju, kas bûtu konkurçtspçjîga ilgâkâ laika periodâ. Ieguvçjas bûs tâs pilsçtas, kuras òems vçrâ toleranci – sociâlâs vides veidoðanâ, valsts pârvaldç, uzòçmçjdarbîbâ un citâs jomâs. Tolerance pilsçtas iedzîvotâju kultûrâ (atvçrtîba pret daþâdâm sociâlâm grupâm, imigrantiem, minoritâtçm) sekmçs radoðâs ekonomikas un t.s. radoðâs ðíiras funkcionçðanu. Tiek arî secinâts, ka Rîgai bûtu bîstami asociçties tikai kâ kultûras galvaspilsçtai, nefokusçjot uzmanîbu uz radoðâm nozarçm. Eksperti norâda, ka migrâcija (arî no citâm Latvijas vietâm uz Rîgu), iedzîvotâju skaita pieauguma un sastâva izmaiòas, sabiedrîbas vçrtîbu maiòa, nacionâlâs identitâtes jautâjumi, tehnoloìisko jauninâjumu ietekme uz sabiedriskâ sektora darbîbu un sabiedrîbas fragmentâcija nâkotnç bûtiski ietekmçs Rîgas attîstîbu [9]. Institûcijas un dokumenti vides un dzîves telpas kvalitâtes nodroðinâðanai Latvijas Nacionâlais attîstîbas plâns nosaka, ka LR Ministru kabinets ir atbildîgs par tâ îstenoðanu, Reìionâlâs attîstîbas un paðvaldîbu lietu ministrija koordinç un uzrauga tâ ieveðanu, kâ arî kopâ ar Valsts Kanceleju nodroðina ministriju un sekretariâtu izstrâdâto nozaru/sektoru stratçìiju un programmu atbilstîbu attîstîbas plâna izvirzîtajiem mçríiem un tâ sasaisti ar reìionu un paðvaldîbu plânoðanas dokumentiem, sekmçjot valsts iestâþu decentralizâciju, pakalpojumu pieejamîbu iedzîvotâjiem un sadarbîbu reìioniem. Reìionu padomes un paðvaldîbas ir galvenais attîstîbas virzîtâjspçks pilsçtâs un laukos. Ðo plânu ir iespçjams realizçt tikai ar sabiedrîbas un privâtâ sektora atbalstu. Sociâliem partneriem un nevalstiskâm organizâcijâm, kas ir

population do not have long-term visions of future Riga and its inhabitants. The strategic documents, which have a direct influence on the future of the city, also do not provide a clear vision about the future inhabitants of Riga. The aim of the study was to find out what the future inhabitants of Riga would be like, what would be their values, habits and needs in social and cultural life, and their requirements to urban environment. The study offers the possible scenarios for future development of Riga and lists factors that may affect it. The aim of the company SIA Jaunrîgas attîstîbas uzòçmums implementing the long-term development project of Andrejsala, is to create the urban environment that would comply with the development needs of the city and expectations of its future inhabitants, and the performed study will help both in development planning of Riga City, in defining the needs of the social structure and in shaping the international image of Riga. The results of the study once more prove that there are differences between the Latvian and Russian population in perception of Riga, what are determined by diverse media environments, cultural life, availability of information, circles of friends and acquaintances, as well as other factors. These communities are planning, carrying out and using development of urban space, culture and economics differently, what, in turn, impedes initiation of large-scale urban development projects and advancements in the spheres of culture, education and innovation. The study has shown that in future the choice of the city as a place of residence will be determined by the possibility to acquire varied cultural and employment experience, transforming the economic capital into cultural capital and vice versa. A rapid development of business environment, as compared to other countries, a calm and relaxed environment, a circle of friends and relatives, the feeling of identity and affiliation are some of the reasons what will make people choose Riga as a place of residence. Riga, similarly as other cities in Latvia, needs to find a set of unique qualities that can be used as a basis for development of a different vision for a future city what would be competitive in a longer period of time. Those cities would benefit which would rely on tolerance – in formation of the social environment, in state administration, entrepreneurial activities and in other spheres. Tolerance in the culture of urban citizens (openness towards different social groups, immigrants, minorities) would ensure functioning of the creative economics and the so-called creative class.


galvenais pilsoniskâs sabiedrîbas virzîtâjspçks, bûs noteicoðâ loma ðî plâna veiksmîgâ realizâcijâ. Sprieþot pçc negatîvâs pieredzes ilgltspçjîgas attîstîbas stratçìiju popularizçðanâ un ievieðanâ, valsts institûciju galvenais uzdevums ir veiksmîgi panâkt sabiedrîbas ieinteresçtîbu Nacionâlâ attîstîbas plâna koncepciju izpratnç un îstenoðanâ gan Latvijas lielpilsçtâs, gan mazpilsçtâs un laukos. Rîgas Domes Vides departaments ir atbildîgs par Rîgas vides aizsardzîbu un dabas resursu racionâlu izmantoðanu. Tâ pakïautîbâ ir Rîgas ilgspçjîgas attîstîbas centrs “Agenda 21” kas kâ patstâvîga Rîgas domes struktûrvienîba izveidots 2002. gadâ. Pirms tam divus gadus tas darbojâs kâ Rîgas domes Vides departamenta nodaïa. 1998.–1999. gadâ ar plaðu sabiedrîbas lîdzdalîbu un ES Phare programmas finansiâlu atbalstu tika îstenots Rîgas un Norèçpingas (Zviedrija) kopîgs projekts, kura galvenie mçríi bija izstrâdât Rîgas vides stratçìiju laikposmam lîdz 2010. gadam un izveidot pilsçtas vides centru “Agenda 21”. Centra izveidç par prototipu tika izvçlçts analogs centrs Norèçpingâ, kas tajâ laikâ bija atzîts par labâko Zviedrijâ. Projekta rezultâtâ tika izstrâdâts Rîgas vides stratçìijas projekts, bet pati stratçìija apstiprinâta 2000. gada 20. jûnijâ ar pilsçtas domes lçmumu Nr. 8683, uzticot Centram koordinçt stratçìijas rîcîbas programmas izstrâdi. Lai Centrs varçtu sekmîgi îstenot tam uzticçtâs funkcijas, 2002. gada sâkumâ to reorganizçja par neatkarîgu Rîgas domes struktûrvienîbu ar juridiskas personas tiesîbâm. Spçkâ esoðajâ Rîgas attîstîbas plânâ noteikts, ka pilsçtas attîstîbas mçríis ir veidot veselîgu pilsçtvidi, îpaðu prioritâti pieðíirot dabas vçrtîbu saglabâðanai un degradçtas vides atjaunoðanai un pilnveidoðanai. Rîgas pilsçtai ir izstrâdâts attîstîbas plâns. Tas ir izveidots, lai nodroðinâtu pilnvçrtîgu un efektîvu paðvaldîbas pârvaldi, kâ arî skaidri iezîmçtu Rîgas pilsçtas nâkotnes redzçjumu, norâdîtu attîstîbas prioritâtes, mçríus un to sasniegðanai izraudzîtos ceïus. Plâna vispârçjais mçríis ir sekmçt Rîgas ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu, nodroðinot visaugstâko iespçjamo dzîves kvalitâti visiem cilvçkiem, kas Rîgâ dzîvo, strâdâ, investç vai vienkârði to apmeklç. Tas tiek regulâri papildinâts un uzlabots, òemot vçrâ investoru piedâvâjumus un sabiedrîbas ieteikumus [10]. Par ilgspçjîgas attîstîbas îstenoðanu Latvijâ bija atbildîga Vides ministrija. Paðlaik to uzrauga Reìionâlâs attîstîbas un paðvaldîbu lietu ministrija. Globâls rîcîbas plâns XXI gadsimtam tika

It has also been concluded that it would be risky for Riga to be associated only as the capital of culture, disregarding creative industries. Experts point out that migration (also from other parts of Latvia to Riga), changes in the number of population and its composition, the change of values of the society, issues pertaining to national identity, impact of technological innovations on the functioning of public sector and fragmentation of the society will considerably affect development of Riga in future [9]. Institutions and documents ensuring environmental quality and quality of living environment The Latvian National Development Plan defines that the Cabinet of Ministers of the RL is responsible for its implementation, the Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government co-ordinates and monitors its adoption, and together with the State Chancellery ensures the compliance of the sectoral strategies and programmes developed by the ministries and secretariats with the goals set out in the development plan and their reciprocity with the regional and municipal planning documents, facilitating decentralisation of public institutions, accessibility to services for population and co-operation among regions. Regional councils and local governments are the main driving forces of development in towns and rural areas. This plan can be implemented only with the support from the society and the private sector. Social partners and non-governmental organisations, which are the principal driving forces of civic society, will have the decisive role in successful implementation of this plan. Taking into account the negative experience in popularisation and adoption of sustainable development strategies, the main task of state institutions is to stimulate public interest in the concepts of the Latvian National Development Plan and its implementation in the cities and towns of Latvia as well as in the rural areas. The Environmental Department of the Riga City Council is responsible for protection of Riga’s environment and rational use of natural resources. It is in charge of the Riga Sustainable Development Centre Agenda 21 that was established in 2002 as an independent structural unit of the Riga City Council. Two years prior to that it functioned as a section of the Environmental Department of the Riga City Council. In 1998–1999 with active public involvement and funding provided by the EU Phare Programme the joint project of Riga and Norrköpping (Sweden) was


apstiprinâts ANO Konferencç par vidi un attîstîbu (UNCED – United Nations Conference on Environment and Development), 1992. gada jûnijâ Riodeþaneiro, Brazîlijâ. Agenda 21 (A21) ir 179 valstu, arî Latvijas, vienoðanâs par globâlâm partnerattiecîbâm, kuru mçríis ir apmierinât visu pasaules tautu nepiecieðamîbu pçc augsti kvalitatîvas vides un veselîgas ekonomikas. A21 aptver visas ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas jomas, tâ populârâ versija tulkota un izdota arî latvieðu valodâ. A21 uzsvçrts, ka daudzu problçmu un risinâjumu sâkums ir meklçjams vietçjâ lîmenî, bûtiska loma ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas mçríu sasniegðanâ ir paðvaldîbâm. Dokuments paðvaldîbâm uzdeva sagatavot savas rîcîbas programmas (Local Agenda 21 jeb LA21). LA21 paredzçta ne tikai paðvaldîbâm un politiíiem, bet visai sabiedrîbai, kam rûp sava un nâkamo paaudþu nâkotne. Tas ir demokrâtisks process, kurâ sabiedrîba tiek informçta un aktîvi iesaistîta. Tâdçjâdi paðvaldîbas var gût papildu zinâðanas un informâciju no iedzîvotâjiem, biznesa pârstâvjiem un raþotâjiem un rast jaunus problçmu risinâjumus. Pirmâs paðvaldîbas, kuras Latvijâ izrâdîja iniciatîvu saistîbâ ar LA21, bija Jûrmala, Jelgava, nedaudz vçlâk Talsi, Cçsis, Rçzekne, Rûjiena, Rîga, Ventspils, Kuldîga, kâ arî daþi pagasti Liepâjas rajonâ. Rîgâ par LA21 programmu var uzskatît Rîgas vides stratçìiju (2000–2010), kuras mçríis ir radît priekðnoteikumus pilsçtas ilgtspçjîgai attîstîbai [11]. Sadarbîbâ ar LR Kultûras ministriju un LR Saeimu kopð 2005. gada tiek izstrâdâts Latvijas arhitektûras kvalitâtes likums. Stratçìija nâkotnei Eiropas kontekstâ Kopð Latvija ir pievienojusies Eiropas savienîbai ir svarîgi apzinâties Latvijas arhitektûras un dzîves telpas kvalitâtes lîmeni Eiropas kontekstâ. Viena no vadoðajâm arhitektu profesionâlajâm organizâcijâm ir Eiropas Arhitektu padome (EAP – The Architects Council of Europe (ACE)), tâ ir Briselç bâzçta organizâcija, ko veido Eiropas valstu arhitektûras profesionâlâs organizâcijas, apvienojot vairâk nekâ 450 tûkstoðus arhitektu. EAP ir dibinâta 1990. gadâ un tâs galvenâ funkcija ir pârraudzît un ietekmçt attîstîbu Eiropas Savienîbas lîmenî tajâs nozarçs, kam ir tieða ietekme uz arhitektûru, arhitektûras praksi, politiku un pilsçtvidi. Eiropas Arhitektu padomes 21 svarîgs vçstîjums 21. gadsimtam “Arhitektûra un dzîves kvalitâte”, ir dokuments, kas nosaka galvenâs vadlînijas – mçríus efektîvai dzîves

carried out. The main goals of the project were elaboration of the environmental strategy for Riga till 2010 and establishment of the Riga City Environment Centre Agenda 21. The analogous centre in Norrköpping, which that time was deemed to the best one in Sweden, was chosen as a prototype. As a result of the project, the draft of the Riga Environmental Strategy was prepared, and the strategy itself was approved on 20 June 2000 with the decision No. 8683 of the Riga City Council, entrusting the Centre with co-ordination of the development of the strategy action programme. So that the Centre could successfully carry out the functions entrusted to it, at the beginning of 2002 it was re-organised and became an independent structural unit of the Riga City Council with the status/rights of a legal person. The existing Riga Development Plan defines that the aim of the city development is to create healthy urban environment, focusing on preservation of natural values and regeneration and improvement of the degraded territories. The Development Plan has been elaborated for Riga City. It has been structured so as to ensure thorough and efficient administration of the local government and clearly define a future vision for the city, indicate development priorities, goals and ways for their attainment. The ultimate goal of the plan is to promote sustainable development of Riga, ensuring the highest possible quality of life for all citizens residing, working, investing in the city or simply visiting Riga. The plan is regularly undated and improved, taking into account the proposals from investors and recommendations from the society [10]. The Ministry of Environment was in charge of implementation of sustainable development in Latvia. Currently it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government. A global action plan for the 21st century was adopted at the UNCED – United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Agenda 21 (A21) is the agreement of 179 states, including Latvia, on global co-operation aimed at meeting the need of all nations of the world for high quality environment and healthy economics. A21 encompasses all spheres of sustainable development, its summary version has been translated and published also in Latvian. A21 emphasises that the beginning for solution of many problems can be found at the local level and that local governments play an essential role in attainment of sustainable development goals. The document required local governments to prepare their own


vides ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas realizâcijai. Dzîves telpas kvalitâtes kontekstâ Latvijâ vçrts ir pieminçt ðos vçstîjumus: 4. Tâ kâ sabiedrîba kopumâ un pilsoòi jo îpaði ir gan arhitektûras pakalpojumu pasûtîtâji, gan to izmantotâji, ir svarîgi, lai valsts politika visos lîmeòos censtos radît çtosu sabiedrîbâ, kas novçrtç çku un publisko telpu kvalitâti. Turklât ir svarîgi, lai spçja saprast arhitektoniskas vçrtîbas un izpratne par tâm tiktu ieaudzinâta pçc iespçjas agrâk mâcîbu procesâ, sâkot no bçrnudârza un turpmâk visos izglîtîbas lîmeòos. 5. Ir svarîgi nodroðinât, lai nâkotnes ES zinâtniskâs izpçtes programmas bûtu pareizi formulçtas un iekïautu svarîgus jautâjumus, piemçram, dzîves kvalitâte, pilsçtvide, novatoriskas pieejas bûvniecîbâ un kultûrvçsturiskâ apbûve, îsi sakot – arhitektûru. Turklât Eiropas Arhitektu padome (EAP) aicina Eiropas Komisiju atbilstoði òemt vçrâ ðâdas izpçtes rezultâtus visos savos politiskâs stratçìijas priekðlikumos, kas ietekmç dzîves vidi. 6. Sabiedrisko un privâto çku ilgtspçjîba un publisko telpu droðums bûtiski ietekmç iedzîvotâju labklâjîbu un tâdçjâdi arî sabiedrîbas sociâlo struktûru. Tâpçc ir nepiecieðams nodroðinât, ka visi ilgtspçjîbas aspekti – sociâli ekonomiskie, kultûras un vides – tiek òemti vçrâ dzîves vides attîstîbâ. Ðajâ sakarâ nepârtraukta profesionâla attîstîba darba dzîves garumâ arhitektiem kïûst par svarîgu nosacîjumu, kas nodroðina, ka viòu zinâðanas un iemaòas atbilst mainîgajai tehnoloìiskajai, sociâlajai un normatîvajai videi. 7. Jebkura celtniecîbas projekta kvalitatîvs iznâkums lielâ mçrâ ir atkarîgs no labâm darba metodçm un attiecîbâm starp visiem projekta dalîbniekiem. Ir nepiecieðama arhitekta, kâ arî pârçjo dalîbnieku atbilstoða lîdzdalîba visos projekta posmos, lai nodroðinâtu atbilstîbas, efektivitâtes un kvalitâtes prasîbu pienâcîgu ievçroðanu. 13. Lai dzîve pilsçtâ bûtu augstiem kvalitâtes standartiem atbilstoða, ir nepiecieðams nodroðinât augstu saskaòotîbas un sadarbîbas lîmeni starp pilsçtâm un reìioniem. Ðajâ sakarâ Eiropas Telpiskâs attîstîbas perspektîvâ izklâstîto politisko principu turpmâka îstenoðana ir atbilstoðs sâkumpunkts ðâdai vienotai rîcîbai. 20. Arhitektûra ir katras mûsu valsts vçstures, kultûras un ikdienas dzîves galvenâ sastâvdaïa; tâ ir svarîgs mâkslinieciskâs izteiksmes veids pilsoòu ikdienas dzîvç un tâ veido rîtdienas mantojumu. Piederîbas un identitâtes sajûta ir svarîga uz

action programmes (Local Agenda 21 or LA21). LA21 is intended not only for local governments and politicians, but also for the entire community who cares of its own future and the future of next generations. It is a democratic process when the public is kept informed and actively involved. In this way local governments can obtain additional knowledge and information from the population, businessmen and manufacturers and find new solutions to the problems. The first local governments in Latvia, which produced their initiatives with regard to LA21, were Jûrmala, Jelgava, slightly later Talsi, Cçsis, Rçzekne, Rûjiena, Riga, Ventspils, Kuldîga, and some civil parishes in Liepâja region. For Riga the LA21 programme is the Riga Environmental Strategy (2000–2010) aimed at the setting of preconditions for sustainable development of the city [11]. Since 2005 in co-operation with the Ministry of Culture of the RL and the Latvian Parliament (Saeima) the Law on Architectural Quality has been drafted. Strategy for future in the European context Since Latvia has joined the European Union, it is important to be aware of the level of quality of architecture and living environment in Latvia in the European context. One of the leading professional organisations of architects is the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE). It is a Brussels-based organisation, its members are the regulatory and professional representative bodies of all European states, representing the interests of over 450,000 architects. The ACE was established in 1990 and its principal function is to seek influence in those areas of EU Policy that have an impact on architectural practice and on policies affecting the overall quality and sustainability of the built environment. The document of the Architects’ Council of Europe that is entitled Architecture and Quality of Life contains 21 key messages for the 21st Century and presents the key guidelines-proposals aimed at improving the quality and sustainability of the living environment. In the context of the quality of living environment in Latvia, it is worth mentioning the following guidelines: 4. As society at large, and citizens in particular, are both the clients and users of the results of architectural services, it is imperative that public policies, at all levels, should strive to create an ethos within society that values quality in buildings and in public spaces. Moreover, it is important that awareness and the capacity to understand architectural values should be instilled as early as possible in the educa-


humânisma vçrtîbâm balstîtas sabiedrîbas un kultûras îpaðîba. Arhitektoniskajâ izteiksmç bieþi izpauþas ðâdas kultûras un sociâlâs vajadzîbas, tâpçc ir svarîgi, lai ðîs ietekmes atbilstoði atspoguïotos dizainâ [13]. Dzîves telpas kvalitâte Latvijâ Dzîves telpas kvalitâtes jçdziens Latvijâ nav sveðs. Pirms neatkarîbas iegûðanas 1991. gadâ, tolaik vçl PSRS sastâvâ, Latvijas arhitektu prâti bija nodarbinâti ar veselîgas vides, vides estçtikas un telpiskâs vides organizâcijas jautâjumiem. Tâ laika ekonomiskâ situâcija un ideoloìiskâ nosliece uz tautas saulaino nâkotni, atïâva domât par vides kvalitâti un estçtiku. Prof. I. Strautmanis savâ grâmatâ “Dialogs ar telpu” aicina izvçrtçt apkârtçjâs telpiskâs vides organizâcijas un estçtikas nozîmîgumu. Cilvçks nedzîvo tikai no materiâlajiem labumiem vien. Aizvien lielâku nozîmi viòa ikdienas dzîvç iegûst garîgâs vçrtîbas, to skaitâ arî apkârtçjâs telpiskâs vides organizâcija un estçtika. Ir svarîgi, lai jauno dzîvojamo rajonu iemîtnieki bûtu nodroðinâti ne tikai ar nepiecieðamo komfortu (mâjâs, sabiedriskajâs iestâdçs, darba vietâs), bet spçtu iemîlçt savu mâju, pagalmu, ielu. Bet tas iespçjams tikai tad, ja ðîs telpiskâs formas modinâs cilvçkos pozitîvas emocijas [14]. Kopð 1991. gada Latvija ir attîstîjusies kâ neatkarîga valsts, ðo 17 gadu laikâ sabiedrîba ir pilnveidojusies, uzlabojusies ekonomiskâ situâcija, ir pienâcis brîdis, kad ir izveidojuðies ekonomiskie priekðnoteikumi dzîves vides uzlaboðanai un sabiedrîbas vçlmei pçc augstâkiem dzîves standartiem. Arî Latvijas Nacionâlais attîstîbas plâns 2007.–2013. gadam paredz uzsâkt îstenot Latvijas izaugsmes modeïa izvirzîto mçríi – paaugstinât valsts iedzîvotâju dzîves kvalitâti ar uzdevumu tuvoties ES25 vidçjam lîmenim. Ðajâ stratçìiskajâ dokumentâ nozîmîga vieta atvçlçta arî mâjokïa un vides attîstîbai visâ Latvijâ. Sakoptas telpas esamîba tiek uzsvçrta kâ priekðnosacîjums cilvçka veselîbas saglabâðanai un aktîvai dzîves darbîbai. Dzîves telpas jçdziens sevî ietver indivîdam piederoðo mâjokli, privâto un publisko telpu kopumu, dabu un kultûrvidi. Katras ðîs sastâvdaïas kvalitâte ietekmç kopçjâs dzîves telpas kvalitâti un attîstîbu. Paðreizçjâs Latvijâ esoðâs iniciatîvas un dokumenti galvenokârt uzsver dabas un kultûrvides, kâ arî ilgspçjîgas attîstîbas nozîmîgumu, izklâsta tuvâkâ vai tâlâkâ nâkotnç sasniedzamos mçríus. Ir skaidrs, ka pastâv vispârçja izpratne par kvalitatîvas vides pamatvçrtîbâm. Vienîgais dokuments, kas

tional process, starting in kindergarten and continuing throughout all stages of formal education. 5. It is necessary to ensure that future EU programmes for research are properly formulated so as to include issues of importance such as quality of life, urban environment, innovative approaches to construction and the built heritage – in short, architecture. Furthermore, the ACE calls on the European Commission to ensure that it adequately takes into account the results of such research in all of its policy proposals that affect the living environment. 6. The sustainability of public and private buildings and the security of public spaces strongly influence the well being of citizens and thus the social structure of society. It is therefore necessary to ensure that all aspects of sustainability – socio-economic, cultural and environmental – are taken into account in the development of the living environment. In this respect, formal continued professional development for architects throughout their working lives becomes an essential undertaking that ensures their knowledge and skills keep up with the changing technological, social and regulatory environment. 7. The achievement of a quality result for any building project largely relies on the establishment of good working methods and relationships between all of the participants in the project. The adequate involvement of the architect, as well as the other actors, throughout the chain of events is necessary in order to ensure that consistency, efficiency and quality are more readily built into the process. 13. In order to achieve a high quality of life in our urban areas, there is a need to ensure a high level of co-ordination and co-operation between cities and regions. In this respect, the further implementation of the political principles set out in the European Spatial Development Perspective is an appropriate starting point of such conjoint actions. 20. Architecture is a fundamental feature of the history, culture and fabric of life of each of our countries; it represents an essential means of artistic expression in the daily life of citizens and it constitutes the heritage of tomorrow. A sense of belonging, of identity, is an important feature of human society and culture. Architectural expression is frequently the carrier of such cultural and social needs and it is therefore important that these influences are adequately accounted for in design [13]. Quality of living environment in Latvia The concept of quality of living environment is not unfamiliar in Latvia. Before the restoration of


apskata priekðnoteikumus kvalitatîvas arhitektûras radîðanai, ir jau treðo gadu sagatavoðanâ esoðais Latvijas arhitektûras kvalitâtes likums. Nav tâdu dokumentu vai iniciatîvu, kas definçtu priekðnoteikumus kvalitatîvas publiskâs ârtelpas – pilsçtvides dizaina veidoðanai. Ðâds dokuments bûtu nepiecieðams, lai Rîgas pilsçtai un pârçjâm Latvijas pilsçtâm tiktu izstrâdâta pilsçtvides dizaina koncepcija. Daudzas Latvijas pilsçtas ir izstrâdâjuðas attîstîbas vîzijas vai attîstîbas plânus, kas nosaka galvenâs pilsçtas attîstîbas prioritâtes. Pilsçtas dizaina koncepcija iezîmçtu un palîdzçtu izveidot sakoptu, sabiedrîbai patîkamu, kvalitatîvu publisko ârtelpu.

independence in 1991, when Latvia was still part of the USSR, Latvian architects were contemplating on the issues of healthy environment, environmental aesthetics and organisation of spatial environment. The economic situation of that period and ideology focused on the bright and sunny future of the nation predisposed to thinking about environmental quality and aesthetics. Professor Ivars Strautmanis in his book Dialogue with Space (Dialogs ar telpu) points to the importance of evaluation of the organisation and aesthetics of the surrounding spatial environment. Human beings do not only live by material values. Spiritual values are becoming increasingly more important in their everyday life, and also organisation and aesthetics of the surrounding spatial environment. It is important that the inhabitants of the new housing estates would not only have the necessary comfort (homes, public institutions, working places), but also could feel affection towards their house, yard, street. But it is possible only if these spatial objects arouse positive emotions in people [14]. Since 1991 Latvia has been developing as an independent state, in those 17 years the public has become more educated, the economic situation has improved, and the time has come when the economic preconditions allow for the improvement of the living environment and for the aspiration for higher living standards. The Latvian National Development Plan for 2007–2013 also intends to start advancing towards achievement of the aim set by the development model of Latvia – to increase the quality of life of population, thus approaching the EU25 average level. Development of housing and environment in Latvia is set as one of the priorities in this strategic document. And the existence of an aesthetically appealing living space is emphasised as a precondition for preservation of human health and active life. The concept of quality of life includes not only the property belonging to an individual or his/her dwelling, but also all private and pubic spaces surrounding this dwelling, including also nature and cultural environment. The quality of each of these components has its effect on the quality of the entire living space and development. The current initiatives and documents existing in Latvia mostly emphasise the importance of nature and cultural environment as well as sustainable development, setting out the aims to be achieved in a shorter or longer period. It is clear that there is general understanding of the basic values of high-quality environment. The only document that sets out preconditions for creation of high-quality architecture is the Law


on Architectural Quality of Latvia which has been drafted already for three years. There are no such documents or initiatives that would define preconditions for qualitative public open space – creation of urban design. Such document would be necessary so that the city of Riga and other towns and cities of Latvia could develop the concepts for urban design. Many cities and towns of Latvia have prepared their development visions or development plans defining the development priorities of the city. The concept of urban design would set preconditions and help establish a tidier and more appealing, high-quality public open space. Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.

IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Cold B. Aesthetics, Well-Being and Health: Essays within Architecture and Environmental Aesthetics. – Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2002. – 321 pp. 2. 3. Bela B., Tisenkopfs T. Dzîves kvalitâte Latvijâ. Rîga: Zinâtne, 2006. – 21 lpp. 4. Bela B., Tisenkopfs T. Dzîves kvalitâte Latvijâ. Rîga: Zinâtne, 2006. – 58. lpp. 5. 6. Treija S., Dzîvojamâs vides attîstîba Rîgâ. – Rîga: RTU Izdevniecîba, 2006. 7. 8. Brizga J. NVO ziòojums par ilgspçjîgu attîstîbu Latvijâ. Zaïâ brîvîba, 2007 9–11 lpp. 9. www. 10. 11. 12. 13. un 14. Strautmanis I., Dialogs ar telpu. – Rîga: Liesma, 1977. – 6. lpp. Zane Karpova Architect, Mgr.arch. 8 Rîgas Str., LV-5052, Ikðíile, Latvia E-mail:


Karpova Z. Dzîves telpas kvalitâte Latvijâ. Situâcija ðodien Dzîves telpas jçdziens ietver sevî ne tikai indivîdam piederoðo îpaðumu vai viòa apdzîvoto mâjokli, bet arî privâto un publisko telpu kopumu ap ðo mâjokli, arî dabu un kultûrvidi, kas ir neatòemama kvalitatîvas dzîves telpas sastâvdaïa. Dzîves telpas un vides kvalitâtei ir bûtiska loma jebkura pilsçtas ekonomiskajâ attîstîbâ. Sabiedrîbâ, kura izraujas no pieticîbas, kâda ir Latvijas sabiedrîba, dzîves kvalitâte kïûst par pârmaiòu râdîtâju. Tâ iemieso izaicinâjumu un mçríi, darbojas kâ jauns sabiedrîbu raksturojoðs spçks. Kaut arî Rîgas pilsçta kopumâ ir iesaistîjusies vides kvalitâtes un ilglaicîgas attîstîbas ideju atbalstîðanâ, ðodienas pilsçtas attîstîbas realitâte pierâda pretçjo. Paðreizçjâs Latvijâ esoðâs iniciatîvas un dokumenti galvenokârt uzsver dabas un kultûrvides kâ arî ilgspçjîgas attîstîbas nozîmîgumu, izklâsta tuvâkâ vai tâlâkâ nâkotnç sasniedzamos mçríus. Ir skaidrs, ka pastâv vispârçja izpratne par kvalitatîvas vides pamatvçrtîbâm. Vienîgais dokuments, kas lîdz ðim apskatîja priekðnoteikumus kvalitatîvas arhitektûras radîðanai, ir jau ceturto gadu sagatavoðanâ esoðais Latvijas arhitektûras kvalitâtes likums. Paðlaik nav tâdu dokumentu vai iniciatîvu, kas definçtu priekðnoteikumus kvalitatîvas publiskâs ârtelpas – pilsçtvides dizaina veidoðanai. Iespçjams tâda bûs Latvijas arhitektûras politika. Ðâds dokuments bûtu nepiecieðams, lai radîtu priekðnoteikumus un nodroðinâtu finansiâlu atbalstu kvalitatîvas arhitektûras radîðanai, par galveno mçríi îstermiòâ uzstâdot Rîgas pilsçtas un pârçjo Latvijas pilsçtu pilsçtvides attîstîbas un dizaina koncepcijas izveidi. Karpova Z. Quality of Living Environment in Latvia. Situation Today Built environment that describes one's quality of life comprises not only person's private property but also private and public space surrounding it. Nature and cultural heritage becomes integral in describing the quality of the build environment. Quality of built and natural environment is essential for economic development of any city. For society that breaks away from poverty, like Latvia experienced, quality of life becomes indicator of change. It embodies challenge and acts as a new force in society. Officially the city of Riga participates in supporting ideas contributing to a quality environment and sustainable development, although the reality of development in the city shows the opposite. Today political guidelines and development plans for Latvia mainly emphasize importance of natural and cultural heritage as well as sustainable development and talk about general future plans for implementation of these concepts. It is clear that there is a general understanding about the basics of quality of built space. The only document that actually determines prerequisites for creating good architecture and public space is the Law of Quality of Architecture in Latvia. Today there are no regulations or initiatives that would define prerequisites for creating quality public environment – design guidelines for urban space. It is expected that the Architectural Policy of Latvia could become a public document that would reinforce positive future development. This document is essential for providing financial support and creating prerequisites for quality public environment and architecture that would better serve the citizens of Latvia. Creation of a through design concept of development of quality public space for Riga and every city in Latvia must be recognized as critical short term goal. Êàðïîâà Ç. Êà÷åñòâî æèçíåííîé ñðåäû â Ëàòâèè. Ñèòóàöèÿ ñåãîäíÿ Òåðìèí “æèçíåííàÿ ñðåäà” îõâàòûâàåò íå òîëüêî òàêèå ïîíÿòèÿ êàê ÷àñòíîñòü îòäåëüíî âçÿòîãî èíäèâèäóìà èëè åãî ëè÷íîå æèëîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî, ýòî ñîâîêóïíîñòü ÷àñòíûõ è îáùåñòâåííûõ ïðîñòðàíñòâ âîêðóã ýòîãî æèëèùà, à òàêæå ïðèðîäíàÿ è êóëüòóðíàÿ ñðåäû, êîòîðûå ÿâëÿþòñÿ íåîòåìëåìûìè ñîñòàâëÿþùèìè äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ êà÷åñòâåííîé æèçíåííîé ñðåäû. Êà÷åñòâåííàÿ ñðåäà èãðàåò âàæíóþ ðîëü â ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì ðàçâèòèè êàæäîãî ãîðîäà. Òðåáîâàíèå ê âûñîêîìó êà÷åñòâó æèçíè ÿâëÿåòñà ïîêàçàòåëåì ïåðåìåí äëÿ îáùåñòâà, æåëàþùåãî èçáàâèòüñÿ îò ïóò íåâçûñêàòåëüíîñòè. Ñòðåìëåíèå ê âûñîêîìó êà÷åñòâó æèçíè ïîðîæäàåò âûçîâ è öåëè, à òàêæå ñòàíîâèòñÿ íîâîé õàðàêòåðèñòèêîé êîíêðåòíîãî îáùåñòâà, êàêîâûì íà äàííûé ìîìåíò ðàçâèòèÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ îáùåñòâî Ëàòâèè. Íåñìîòðÿ íà òî, ÷òî ãîðîä Ðèãà âûñòóïèë â ïîääåðæêó èäåé î êà÷åñòâå è äîëãîñðî÷íîì ðàçâèòèè ñðåäû, íàñòîÿùåå ðàçâèòèå ãîðîäà äîêàçûâàåò îáðàòíîå. 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ÌENÇTISKÂS ARHITEKTÛRAS NEIEROBEÞOTÂS IESPÇJAS THE UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES OF GENETIC ARCHITECTURE A. Riekstiòð Atslçgas vârdi: ìençtiskâ arhitektûra, 21. gs., algoritms, arhitektûras hibridizâcija.

Keywords: genetic architecture, XXI century, algorithm, hybridization of architecture.

Ievads Mçs dzîvojam visiespaidîgâko sasniegumu laikmetâ. Pçdçjo gadu laikâ zinâtnes progress, it seviðíi medicînâ, íîmijâ un digitâlajâs tehnoloìijâs, ir bûtiski izmainîjis cilvçces uztveri par organizâcijas loìiku, kas ir pamats matçrijas uzvedîbai. Antîkâs pasaules drakoni un hibrîdâs radîbas turpmâk vairs nepaliks kâ fikcionizçta (latîòu val. fictio – izdomâjums, ko uzdod par faktu) mitoloìija [1]. Skaitïoðanas un ìençtiskâs inþenierijas progress ir atvçris vârtus jaunâm arhitektûras izpausmes formâm. Vçsturiski izveidojusies izpratne par dzîvâs

Introduction We are living in the age of the most impressive achievements. During the last years progress in science, especially in medicine, chemistry and digital technologies has substantially changed the mankind’s perception on organization logics that is the base for behavior of substance. The dragons of antique world and hybrid creatures are no longer fictionized mythology. Computing and genetic engineering progress has opened gates for new architectural expression forms. Historically developed understanding of living and unliving

Klasiskâ pagâtne Classic past

Modernâ tagadne Modern present

Ìençtiskâ nâkotne Genetic future


Lîdz 19. gs. Until 19 century

20. gs. 20 century

Formâlâ sistçma Formal system

Vertikalizçðana Verticalisation

Horizontalizçðana Horizontalisation

Sâkot ar 21. gs. un turpmâk Starting with 21 century and onward Organiska veidoðana Organic forming

Strukturâlâ sistçma Structural system Materiâlu sistçma Material system

Spiedes konstrukcijas Compression structures Akmens, íieìelis, koks Stone, brick and wood

Stiepes konstrukcijas Tension structures Betons, metâls, plastmasa Concrete, steel, plastic


Process un Manuâls bûvniecîbas bûvniecîbas sistçma process katrai atðíirîgai un vienâdai detaïai Process and construction system Manual construction process for each different and similar part

Dzîvas konstrukcijas Living structures Programmatûras vadîta DNS: augi, miesa un kauli Software controlled DNA: plants, flesh and bone

Masu unificçta raþoðana Automatizçta atðíirîgu ar iekârtâm visâm detaïu raþoðana ar iekârtâm vienâdajâm detaïâm un dabiska audzçðana Mass unified produc- Automatized production and tion with machinery for natural growth of different every similar part parts

1. tabula. Arhitektûras stadijas [2]. Table 1. The stages of architecture [2].


un nedzîvâs matçrijas kopsakarîbâm mainîsies, lîdzko tiks apmierinâta cilvçces ziòkâre replicçt dzîvîbu. Treðâ stadija arhitektûras evolûcijâ – ìençtikas stadija – sâksies, tiklîdz tiks izvçrtçti jau pieejamie zinâtniskie un tehniskie sasniegumi, un ìençtikas pârnestais un tieðais lietojums arhitektûrâ radîs izmaiòas dizaina iespçjâs, raþoðanas procesos, struktûrâs un formâs, ko tâs ataino. Ar 21. gs. sâkumu ir aizsâkusies nâkotnes organiska veidoðana, dzîvo struktûru (augu vai miesas un kaulu), daþâdu “detaïu” dabiska audzçðana vai kibernçtiski-digitâla raþoðana (1. tabula).

matters interrelationship will change as soon as the human urge for replicating life will be satisfied. The third stage in evolution of architecture – genetic stage – will begin as soon as the already existing scientific and technical achievements will be evaluated, and the indirect and direct use of genetics in architecture will make changes in design possibilities, fabrication processes, structures and forms that they depict. With the beginning of the XXI century has begun the organic forming of the future, living structures (vegetal or flesh and bones), different components natural growing or cybernetically-genetic fabrication (Table 1).

Arhitektûra uz lielo pârmaiòu sliekðòa Arhitektûras jçdziens paðlaik iegûst jaunas definîcijas, jo ir izmainîjusies tâs bûtîba un koncepcija. Arhitektûra pârveidojas lîdz ar izmaiòâm sabiedrîbâ, zinâtnç, politikâ. Ðobrîd pasaulç valda daudz daþâdu viedokïu, priekðstatu, kuros neiedziïinoties, ir grûti saprast, kas ir pamatâ t.s. jaunajâm izpausmçm. Jaunâ digitâlâ arhitektûra, kas tiek veidota ar datorizçtiem grafiskiem lîdzekïiem, ir attîstîjusies lîdz tâdam mçrogam, ka var droði apgalvot – digitâlais organicisms (ðeit un turpmâk tekstâ kursîvâ apzîmçto terminu un jçdzienu skaidrojumi meklçjami ðî raksta beigâs) ir agrînâ 21. gs. arhitektûras avangards [2]. Ðajâ laukâ tiek veikti nopietni inovatîvi pçtîjumi, piemçram, Kolumbijas Universitâtç ASV, kas ir gan telpiski, gan formâli. Vçl arvien medijos un sabiedrîbâ parâdâs nicinoði un skeptiski apzîmçjumi: “burbuïu, olu vai guríu arhitektûra”, tâdâ veidâ netieði norâdot uz ar datoru veidotajâm izvalbîtajâm formâm. Ðie epiteti rodas realitâtes izpratnes trûkuma dçï, jo vçl salîdzinoði nesen nebija îstenotu objektu. Situâcija kopð deviòdesmito gadu beigâm ir mainîjusies, jo ðâdas arhitektûras materializçtie piemçri katru gadu skaitliski pieaug, piemçram, Jokohamas ostas terminâla çka (2002. gads, Foreign Office Architects), Kitagatas kopienas centra çka (2005. gads, Mutsuro Sasaki (Mutsuro Sasaki)) un Pasaules izstâdes tilts Zaragosâ (2008. gads, Zaha Hadida (Zaha Hadid)). Pirmo reizi arhitektûras vçsturç ìençtisko arhitektûru 1992. gadâ piemin arhitekts Karls Èû (Karl Chu). Viòa arhitektûras teorijas veidoðanos ietekmçjusi viòa dziïâ interese par matemâtiku, fiziku, filozofiju un metafiziku vienkopus. K. Èû ir pçtîjis evolucionârâs kosmoloìijas (astronomijas nozare, kas pçtî Visumu kâ vienotu veselumu, tâ îpaðîbas un attîstîbu) konceptuâlo telpu, balstoties uz

Architecture on the threshold of big changes The definition of the architecture currently is obtaining new definitions, because its essence and conception has changed. Architecture is transforming together with changes in society, science and politics. At the moment many different opinions and concepts are dominating in the world and if not being delved into, it is difficult to understand what is in the basis of the so-called “new expressions” in architecture. New digital architecture that is being made with computerized graphical means has developed until such a scale that we can surely affirm that digital organicism (from here onwards all the terms and meanings in italics are explained at the end of this article) is the early XXI century architectures avantgarde [2]. Serious innovative research is being made in this field, for example, in University of Columbia, USA, that is both spatial and formal. Still in media and society we can hear contemptuous and skeptical naming: “bubble, egg or cucumber architecture”, in that way indirectly pointing at bulging forms that are made by computerized means. These contempts are being stated due to the lack of reality perception, because before there were no real accomplished objects like these. The situation since the end of nineties has changed, because such architectures materialized examples each year increase, for example, Yokohama port terminal building (year 2002, Foreign Office Architects), Kitagata community center building (year 2005, Mutsuro Sasaki) and World Expo bridge in Zaragoza (year 2008, Zaha Hadid). The first time in the history of architecture genetic architecture was mentioned in 1992 by architect Karl Chu. The forming of his architectural theory was influenced by his deep interest about mathematics, physics, philosophy and metaphysics altogether. Karl Chu has investigated evolutionary


metafiziku un skaitïoðanu. K. Èû skaitïoðanu uzskata par fiziskâ visuma bûtisku îpaðîbu un ir iesaistîts arhitektûras jaunâ konceptualizâcijâ ar skaitïoðanas monâdoloìijas (monâde – filoz. esamîbas, substances vissîkâkâ, tâlâk nedalâmâ daïa) palîdzîbu. Viòð uzskata, ka, saplûstot skaitïoðanai un ìençtikai, paðreiz mçs esam uz jaunas, drosmîgas pasaules sliekðòa, kas atvçrsies mûsu priekðâ, un mums tikai atliek attîstît adekvâtu arhitektûras teoriju, kas dziïi balstîta uz ðîm idejâm, kurâm nolemts pârveidot pasauli tâ, kâ neviens to lîdz ðim cilvçces civilizâcijas vçsturç vçl nav redzçjis. Jaunâkie Kârla Èû pçtîjumi paðlaik ir saistîti ar arhitektûras monâdoloìiju kâ modâlu (tâds, kas pauþ runâtâja attieksmi pret izteikto saturu) iespçjamo pasauïu arhitektûras koncepciju. Starptautiskajâ arçnâ termins “ìençtika” plaðâkâ mçrogâ ar arhitektûru ir bijis saistîts kopð 2000. gada. Gan jauni, gan pieredzçjuði arhitekti lieto ðo apzîmçjumu arvien bieþâk, viòi to ir noveduði lîdz “kulminâcijai”, ir atzîts tâ atributîvais lietojums, jo ir viegli paredzçt ìençtisku nâkotni, un ðobrîd pastâv apgalvojums, ka treðâ gadu tûkstoða sâkumâ jaunâ arhitektûra ir – viss par ìençtiku [3]. Vienlaicîgi digitâlais organicisms kïûst par arvien lielâku “hitu”. Pasaulç ir vairâkas arhitektûras skolas, kas ðo virzienu jau iekïâvuðas savâs mâcîbu programmâs. Lîdzîga situâcija bija novçrojama dekonstruktîvisma parâdîðanâs laikâ, tikai ðoreiz ìençtiskâ arhitektûra ir stipri atkarîga no datorprogrammatûras pieejamîbas, kas to var padarît dzîvotspçjîgu. Tâpçc daudzâs pasaules arhitektûras skolâs ðî virziena apmâcîbas uzsâkðanas aizkavçðanâs varçtu ilgt lîdz pat paaudþu maiòai vadîbâ, kas ïaus vadîbai redzçt lietas atðíirîgi. Ðis jaunais kibernçtiski digitâlais dizains, kas nesenâ pagâtnç tik ïoti izplatîjies, izskauþ rasçðanu ar roku, aizvietojot to ar datorgrafikas paòçmieniem. Jâievçro, ka datoru lietoðana ir attîstîjusies no datorresursu dziïas bûtîbas, ka dators ir ne tikai grafisks, bet arî radoðs, dizaina un raþoðanas instruments. Vai ìençtiskâ arhitektûra ir biomorfiskâ arhitektûra? Sâkotnçji ðis jautâjums ir palicis neatbildçts, kas pçc savas bûtîbas ir saprotams tâpçc, ka pçdçjo gadu digitâlâ organicisma panâkumi to stipri atbalsta. Un lai arî ìençtiskâ arhitektûra ir radusies kâ kustîba un lîdz ðim ir bijusi spontâna, vçl neorganizçta, kamçr kâda lielâka starptautiska organizâcija to sistematizçs, kâ tas ir izdarîts ar 20. gs. arhitektûras vçsturi daþâdâs starptautiskâs izstâdçs un izdevumos, tâ veiksmîgi nobruìçs ceïu galîgai ìençtiskâs arhitektûras atnâkðanai [2].

cosmologies conceptual space, basing on metaphysics and computation. Karl Chu regards computation for being physical universe’s essential feature and is involved in new architectures conceptualization through the help of computational monadology. He considers that converging computation with genetics, at the present moment we are on the threshold of a new brave world that will open in front of us, and we just need to develop appropriate theory of architecture that is deeply profound on these ideas that are meant to transform our world so as nobody has ever seen it before in the history of human civilization. Latest Karl Chu’s research is related with architectures monadology as modal possible worlds architectures conception. In the international scene term “genetics” in wider scale has been related with architecture since the year 2000. Both young and experienced architects are using this definition more often, they have lead it until culmination, its attributive use has been recognized, because it is easy to predict genetic future, and at the moment there exists a statement that in the beginning of the third millennium new architecture is all about genetics [3]. At the same time digital organicism is becoming ever bigger “hit”. In the world there are many schools of architecture that have included this direction into their educational programs. Similar situation could be seen during appearing of deconstructivism, only this time genetic architecture is strongly dependant of availability of the software that can make it viable. Therefore in many worlds schools of architecture the delay of this directions implementation in their programs could last even until the change of generations in schools managements that would allow them to see things differently. This new cybernetic-digital design that has spread so much in the near past is eradicating sketching by hand, replacing it with the means of computer graphics. It has to be noticed that the use of computers has developed from the deep essence of computing resources, that computer is not only graphical, but also creative, design and fabrication tool. Is genetic architecture biomorphic architecture? In the beginning this question has remained unanswered – that can be understood by its essence because in the past years the success of digital organicism supports it strongly. And although genetic architecture has evolved as a movement and so far has been spontaneous and still unorganized, until some kind of international organization will systematize it like it has been done with the history


Digitâlâ arhitektûra iedalâma èetros galvenajos virzienos: 1. Morfoìençtika. Ðajâ pieejâ ir trîs apakðvirzieni: 1.1. Ìençtiskâ arhitektûras hermeneitika (iztulkoðanas, izskaidroðanas prasme), kâ to pasniedz Peters Eizenmans (Peter Eisenmann). 1.2. Algoritmiskâ arhitektûra, kuru pçta Sesila Belmonda (Cecil Belmond), Dþons Freizers (John Frazer) un citi, kas balstâs uz fraktâïu sistçmâm, Lindenmaijera (Lindenmayer) sistçmâm un ìençtiskajiem algoritmiem, lai ìenerçtu rekursîvi (tâds, kas atkârtojas, atgrieþas pie iepriekðçjâ) definçtus ìeometriskus objektus. 1.3. Ìençtiskâ arhitektûras monâdoloìija, kas pieòem simbioìençzi kâ darbîbas plânu, lai konstruçtu “iespçjamâs” pasaules. 2. Morfodinamika. Ðajâ pieejâ nav ìençtiska koda, tâ kâdu noteiktu formu sapludina “burbulî”, daïiòâs, ðíidrumâ vai tamlîdzîgi. 3. Biomorfisms. Imitç formas, nav iekðçjas izpratnes par bioloìiju. 4. Biomimçtika. Ðî pieeja ir ïoti populâra, tiek imitçtas bioloìiskas sistçmas, plaði izmanto skaitïoðanas procesu priekðrocîbas [1]. Projektçðanas iespçjas Ìençtiskâ arhitektûra apskata abstraktas sistçmas. Tâs pamatâ ir vienkârða loìiska ideja – paðreplicçðanâs. Biomimçtikâ mçs, piemçram, apskatâm ziedu, mçìinâm to analizçt, uzzinât tâ îpaðîbas, lai vçlâk to reproducçtu arhitektûrâ, bet ìençtiskajâ arhitektûrâ virzîba notiek cauri attîstîbas procesiem tâ, ka gala rezultâts var pat neizskatîties kâ kaut kas no dabas nâcis. Ìençtiskâ arhitektûra attîstâs caur sistçmas loìiku, vienkârðiem algoritmiem, lai radîtu kompleksus rezultâtus. Ðâda pieeja ir iekðçja, tas nozîmç radît no iekðienes, nevis òemt piemçru no ârienes. Ðobrîd arhitektûrâ nav nevienas datorprogrammatûras, kas pçc savas bûtîbas bûtu ìençtiska, toties ir vesela virkne trîsdimensiju modelçðanas programmatûru, kur katrai ir savas priekðrocîbas un trûkumi, iespçjas tâs ekstensîvi pârveidot, paplaðinât ar daþâdiem plug-in (angïu val. – papildinâjumi). Neviena no ðîm programmatûrâm nav kompleksa matemâtiska sistçma, un tâs nespçj radît paðreplicçjoðas sistçmas. Lai tajâs radîtu ìençtiskas arhitektûras izpausmes formas, ir jâdomâ,

of architecture of the XX century in different international exhibitions and publications, it will pave the way for the final advent of genetic architecture [2]. Digital architecture can be divided into four main directions: 1. Morphogenetics. In this approach there are three sub-directions: 1.1. The hermeneutics of genetic architecture as it is being presented by Peter Eisenmann. 1.2. Algorithmic architecture that is being researched by Cecil Belmond, John Frazer and others that are basing on fractal systems, Lindenmayer systems and genetic algorithms for generating recursively defined geometrical objects. 1.3. The monadology of genetic architecture that accepts symbiogenesis as the action plan for constructing “possible” worlds. 2. Morphodynamics. In this approach there is no genetic code, it merges definite form into blob, particles, fluid et cetera. 3. Biomorphism. Imitated forms, no internal understanding of biology. 4. Biomimetics. This approach is very popular, biological systems are being imitated, widely uses the benefits of computation processes [1]. Design possibilities Genetic architecture examines abstract systems. It is based on simple logical idea – self-replicating. In biomimetics, for example, we examine a blossom, try to analyze it, and get to know its features for later reproduction in architecture, but in genetic architecture the advance happens through development processes, so that the final result may not even look like something that has come from the nature. Genetic architecture develops through systems logic, simple algorithms, for creating complex results. This kind of approach is internal, it means creating from inside, not taking example from outside. At this moment there is no software in architecture which by its essence would be genetic, while there is a range of three dimensional modeling softwares where each of them has their advantages and disadvantages, possibilities to transform them extensively, expand with different plug-ins. None of this software is complex mathematical system, and they can not create selfreplicating systems. To create genetic architectures expression forms in this software it is necessary to think how to adapt various processes to particular


kâ daþâdos procesus pielâgot konkrçtai situâcijai. Daudzas darbîbas ir jâdara manuâlâ reþîmâ vai jâizvçlas vçl sareþìîtâks process – programmçðana un skriptçðana. 2008. gada aprîlî Barselonâ notikuðajâ Starptautiskajâ arhitektûras konferencç – simpozijâ par negaidîtiem risinâjumiem arhitektûrâ (Conferencia Internacional d’Arquitectura: Simposi d’Arquitectura Emergent – spâòu val.) noslçguma diskusijâ slaveni digitâlâs arhitektûras meistari Bernards Kaðç (Bernard Cache), Evans Doglis (Evan Douglis) un Alî Rahims (Ali Rahim) paziòoja, ka: “AutoCAD ir uzskatâma par miruðu programmatûru, kurai nav vieta nâkotnes arhitektûrâ, jo ar to arhitekti var radît tikai vâju un vecmodîgu arhitektûru”. Ja ir izvçlçti pareizie instrumenti (programmatûra), tad ar ìençtisko arhitektûru var veidot ìeneratîvas sistçmas, to var interpretçt kâ ìeometriskas formas, topoloìiskas virsmas, pilsçtbûvnieciskas plânojumu struktûras, dizaina priekðmetus, skaòu, mûziku utt. Ðâdas sistçmas var pastâvîgi turpinât veidoties, attîstîties tâlâk. Ar laiku ðâdas arhitektûras izpausmes var iegût mâkslîgo intelektu. Tâs ir tikai daþas iespçjamâs nâkotnes vîzijas, jo ìençtiskâ arhitektûra ir tikai paðâ pirmsâkumâ. Katram arhitektam ir savs rokraksts, gaume, imidþs un filozofija. Lîdz ar to, projektçjot pçc standarta shçmas: vieta – programma – apjoms – detaïas, katra autora darbs bûs savâ ziòâ lîdzîgs paðam autoram. Ar ìençtiskâs arhitektûras palîdzîbu arhitektu radoðâs spçjas tiek paplaðinâtas, projekti var iegût absolûti jaunas, neparedzçtas iezîmes. Arhitektûra ir cieði saistîta ar laiku, un katrs projekts ir sava laika liecîba, ar konkrçtam laikam raksturîgâm stilistiskâm vai konstruktîvâm iezîmçm. Dabâ sastopami piemçri, kas pçc savas uzbûves un îpaðîbâm bija moderni senâ pagâtnç un vçl ilgi nezaudçs aktualitâti. Izcils piemçrs tam ir haizivs, un ìençtiskâ arhitektûra dod iespçju projektçt lîdzîgi, jo pçc iegûtâ rezultâta nebûs viegli noteikt, kad tieði tas radîts. Ìençtiskâs arhitektûras piemçrs Ìençtiskâs arhitektûras projektçðanas process ir pretçjs standarta projektçðanas shçmai. Visa pamatâ ir vienkârðs algoritms, ko lîdzîgi kâ DNS kodu, interpretç kâ konkrçtu darbîbu procesus pçc noteiktas loìikas, noteiktas reizes pçc kârtas. Tieði ðâda interpretâcija un tâs kompleksâ uzbûve ir pamatâ tam, ko mçs vçlamies iegût. Autors eksperimentçja ar vienkârðu algoritmu, t.s. “lokâlo loìiku”, to interpretçjot kâ paðu elementârâko vektora kustîbu

situation. Many operations need to be done in manual way or a more difficult process has to be chosen – programming or scripting. In an international architecture conference about emerging architecture (Conferencia Internacional d’Arquitectura: Simposi d’Arquitectura Emergent – in Spanish) held in Barcelona in april 2008 at the final discussion board famous masters of digital architecture Bernard Cache, Evan Douglis and Ali Rahim announced that AutoCAD has to be considered as a dead software which has no place in futures architecture, because architects can create with it only weak and old-fashioned architecture. If the correct tools (software) is chosen, then with the genetic architecture it is possible to create generative systems, it can be interpreted as geometrical forms, topological surfaces, urban planning structures, design objects, sound, music et cetera. Such systems can independently continue to evolve, develop further. With time such architectural expressions can gain artificial intellect. These are only few possible future visions because genetic architecture is just in its beginning. Each architect has his own style, taste, image and philosophy. With that when designing by standard scheme: location – program – form – details, each authors work will be in some way similar to the author itself. With the help of genetic architecture architects creative skills are expanded, projects can gain absolutely new, unpredictable features. Architecture is closely related with time and each project is its times evidence, with exact stylistic or constructive treats of particular time. In nature we can find examples that by its structure and features were modern in ancient past and which will stay such for a long time. An excellent example for this is a shark, and genetic architecture gives an opportunity to design similarly because by the obtained result it will not be easy to establish when exactly it was made or designed. An example of genetic architecture The process of genetic architectures design is opposite to standard design scheme. The base of everything is a simple algorithm, which similarly as the code of DNA is being interpreted as exact operation processes by definite logics, definite times in a row. Exactly this kind of interpretation and its complex structure is base for what we want to achieve. Author experimented with simple algorithm, so called “local logics”, interpreting it as the most simple vector movement in the three dimensional


1. attçls. Vienkârðs algoritms (t.s. "lokâlâ loìika"), kas sastâv no èetrâm a-b-c-d darbîbâm katrâ apakðgrupâ un no trim darbîbâm x-y-z grupâ, atkârtojot ðos procesus n reizes. Picture 1. Simple algorithm (so called "local logic"), that consists of four a-b-c-d actions in each subgroup and three actions in x-y-z group, repeating these processes n times.

trîsdimensiju telpâ, pieðíirot katram simbolam tieðu kustîbas virzienu (1. attçls). Vçlâk vektori tika apvienoti topoloìiskâ virsmâ un tad ðîs virsmas tika grupçtas pçc t.s. “globâlâs topoloìijas loìikas” (2. attçls). Secîgi atkârtojot ðo procesu n reizes, iegûstam kompleksu – hibrîda apjomu, ko turpmâk jau ar grafiskiem paòçmieniem iespçjams interpretçt kâ orgânu, çku vai jebkâdu citu apjomu vai nozîmi, kas atkarîga tikai un vienîgi no lokâlâs un globâlâs loìikas noteikumiem un tâlâkas ðo loìiku interpretâcijas. Konkrçtais autora veiktâ eksperimentâlâ projekta galarezultâts sâkotnçjâ algoritmâ a-b-c-d nebija paredzams, tâpat kâ nav paredzams neviens ìençtiskâs arhitektûras galarezultâts. Arhitektam ðâda metode ïauj pieòemt noteikumus, kâ rîkoties tâlâk. Ðî projekta rezultâts ir tuvâks abstrakcijai par kompleksu DNS skaitïoðanu, kas savâ ârienç ieguvis asociatîvas anatomiskas aprises (3. attçls), taèu, izmainot tikai vienu lçmumu par tâlâku telpisku attçloðanas noteikumu, tas varçtu bût, piemçram, sâkumskolas projekts (çka) vai pilsçtbûvniecisks priekðlikums (plânojuma struktûra). Ðim apjomam ir vairâkas perforâcijas, atvçrumi. Kopçjais apjoms sastâv no vairâkâm sistçmâm, kur savienojas iekðtelpa ar ârtelpu (arhitektoniska dizaina îpaðîba). Daïas ir savstarpçji “iesçdinâtas” viena otrâ un savienotas daþâdu lîmeòu starpâ. Topoloìiskajâm virsmâm ir pieðíirta telpiska masa un apjoms, lîdzsvarojot daþâdâs daïas. Krâsu un materiâlu izvçlei ðim procesam nav izðíiroðas lomas, visu nosaka algoritms.

2. attçls. Projekta bûtiskâkais posms, t.s. "globâlâ topoloìijas loìika", pçc kuras tiek veidotas galvenâs ìeometriskâs topoloìijas attiecîbas starp lokâlajâ loìikâ iegûtajâm virsmâm. Ðajâ shçmâ seðas reizes atkârtojas lokâlâs loìikas vienkârðie algoritmi, kas sakârtoti shematiskâ apïa ârçjâs malâs kâ smalki vektoru tîkli. Picture 2. Projects most essential stage, so called "global topological logic", after which the main geometrical topology relations are being made between the obtained surfaces of local logic. In this scheme local logics simple algorithms are being repeated six times, they are aligned at the outer circles edge as fine vector networks.

space, attributing each symbol its direct movement direction (Picture 1). Later, vectors were joined together into topological surface and then these surfaces were grouped by so called “global topological logic” (Picture 2). Consecutively repeating this process n times, we obtain complex 0 hybrid form, that further, already with graphical means, is possible to interpret as an organ, building or any other form or meaning, that is depending only from the local and global logics rules and further interpretation of these logics. The particular result of the author’s experimental project could not be foreseen in the initial algorithm a-b-c-d, as well as none of the genetic architectures final result can be foreseen. For architect, such a method allows him to decide on rules how to proceed further. The result of this project is closer to an abstraction about complex DNA computing, which by its external looks has obtained anatomical outlines (Picture 3), but, changing only one decision about further spatial representation rule, it could be,


for example, project of an primary school (building) or urban planning proposal (planning structure). This volume has several perforations, openings. Total volume consists from a couple of systems where internal space is being connected to the outer space (architectural design feature). Parts are mutually “nested” one into each other and they are connected between various layers. Topological surfaces are given structural mass and volume, balancing different parts. The choice of colors and material in this process plays no decisive role, all is being determined by an algorithm.

3. attçls. Abstrakcija par ìençtiskâs arhitektûras kompleksu virsmu – organismu. Autora vizualizâcija. Picture 3. Abstraction on genetic architecture's complex surface – organism. Visualization: Arne Riekstiòð.

Terminu un jçdzienu skaidrojumi Tekstâ pieminçtie termini un jçdzieni skaidroti ar nolûku tieði un vienkârði saprast nianses starp daþâdiem Latvijâ, arhitektûrâ iepriekð reti sastopamiem vai nemaz nelietotiem jçdzieniem. Autors neizslçdz iespçju, ka ðeit uzskaitîtajiem terminiem un jçdzieniem pastâv alternatîvas definîcijas, kas vismaz paðreizçjâ izpratnes lîmenî, labo vai precizç ðeit minçto. Biomorfiskâ arhitektûra (biomorphic architecture – angïu val.) – arhitektûra, kuras formâlâs izpausmes ir lîdzîgas dzîvu radîbu izskatam. Ðis virziens skar arî priekðmetu dizainu – biomorfiskais dizains. 1. Tas var notikt autora dçï, ar vai bez vçlmes bût biomorfiskam. 2. Tas var tikt saprasts, kâ esam vai neesam lîdzîgi dzîvâm radîbâm. 3. Tas var tikt radîts, iedvesmojoties dabâ, no atmiòas vai kopçjot dabu, ar tâs formu niansçm, tas var bût visprecîzâkâ fotogrâfiski dabiska imitâcija vai ïoti abstrakta atdarinâðana, kas savukârt var bût bez nekâda nodoma lîdzîga jebkurai dzîvai radîbai. Bioniskâ arhitektûra (bionic architecture – angïu val.) – arhitektûra, kuras funkcionçðana,

The explanation of terms and meanings The terms and meanings mentioned in the text are explained with a purpose to understand directly and simply the nuances between notions that have been rarely or never used before in Latvian architecture. Author does not rule out that terms and meanings have also alternative definitions that at least in the current insight level, corrects or specifies mentioned herein. Biomorphic architecture – architecture that’s formal expressions are similar to the looks of living creatures. This direction involves also object design – biomorphic design. 1. It may happen due to an author, with or without a wish to be biomorphic. 2. It may be understood as being or not being similar to living creatures. 3. It may be created by an inspiration from nature, from memory or copying nature, with its forms nuances, it may be the most precise photographic natural imitation or very abstract imitation, that in its turn can be without any intention similar to any living creature. Bionic architecture – architecture that’s functioning, systems or processes are similar as in living beings. This direction involves also object design – bionic design. Organic architecture –- architecture that in unity and continuity merges elements that are responsible for various functions, as it may be seen in living organisms. Especially it merges bifurcation between supporting and supported elements into one continuous shape. This direction involves also object design – organic design. Digital organicism – part of organic architecture or design that uses the newest cybernetic and digital resources for design and/or fabrication


sistçmas vai procesi ir lîdzîgi kâ dzîvâm radîbâm. Ðis virziens skar arî priekðmetu dizainu – bioniskais dizains. Organiskâ arhitektûra (organic architecture – angïu val.) – arhitektûra, kas vienotîbâ un nepârtrauktîbâ sapludina elementus, kuri atbild par daþâdâm funkcijâm, kâ tas sastopams dzîvos organismos. It îpaði, tâ sapludina dihotomiju (bot. dakðveida zaroðanâs) starp balstîtajiem un balstoðajiem elementiem vienâ vienlaidu veidolâ. Ðis virziens skar arî priekðmetu dizainu – organiskais dizains. Digitâlais organicisms (digital organicism – angïu val.) – daïa no organiskâs arhitektûras vai dizaina, kas izmanto jaunâkos kibernçtiskos un digitâlos resursus dizaina un/vai raþoðanas procesâ. Digitâlais organicisms ir virziens, kas 21. gs. paðâ sâkumâ izveidojâs kâ arhitektûras un dizaina avangards. Lai arî sâkotnçji robotizçtas raþoðanas attîstîbas iespçjas reâlai arhitektûrai mçrogâ 1:1 bija ierobeþotas (ar daþiem izòçmumiem) un notika tikai dizainçðana, paðlaik tas ir îstenojams no jebkura rasçjuma. Ìençtiskâ arhitektûra (genetic architecture – angïu val.) – arhitektûra, kas piemçro ìençtiku. Ðis virziens skar arî priekðmetu dizainu – ìençtiskais dizains (mâkslâ savukârt virziens – ìençtiskâ mâksla). 1. Ìençtika var tikt piemçrota arhitektûrâ reâlâ un dabiskâ veidâ. Tâ ir îsta ìençtiska arhitektûra, kuras veidoðanai nepiecieðams kombinçts ieguldîjums kâ no arhitektu, tâ ìençtiíu puses. 2. Ìençtika var tikt piemçrota arhitektûrâ metaforiskâ un mâkslîgâ veidâ. Tâ ir ìençtiskâ arhitektûra tikai pçc paplaðinâjuma vai lîdzîbas ar ìençtiskâm definîcijâm un procesiem. Jaunais kibernçtiski digitâlais dizains (new cybernetic-digital design – angïu val.) – tâds dizains, kas aizstâj un salîdzina datora lietoðanu kâ skaidru aizvietotâju rasçðanai ar roku, savâ uzbûvç ietverot virtuâlus un mâkslîgus datorizçtus elementus. Tas tiek îstenots it kâ no paðas programmatûras iekðienes, kâ ar instrumentu, kas ir ne tikai grafisks, bet arî radoðs, paredzçts dizainam un raþoðanai, atkarîgs no robotizçtas raþoðanas iespçjâm, vçl arvien ar pârejoðiem ierobeþojumiem arhitektûrâ. Tâ bûtu ìençtiska arhitektûra, ja tâ patiesi strâdâtu ar mâkslîgo programmatûru tâpat kâ ar dabisko DNS, jo zinâmâ mçrâ tie ir lîdzîgi, jo abi virknç informâciju paðraþoðanai un izaugsmei.

process. Digital organicism is direction that it the very beginning of XXI century formed as architectural and design avant-garde. Although in the beginning robotized fabrication development possibilities for real architecture in the scale 1:1 were limited (with few exceptions) and only designing was being performed – at the present it can be realized from any drawing. Genetic architecture – architecture that applies genetics. This direction involves also object design – genetic design (in its turn in the art – genetic art). 1. Genetics may be applied in architecture in a real and natural way. It is real genetic architecture for which formation is necessary combined contribution from both architects and geneticists. 2. Genetics may be applied in architecture in a metaphoric and artistic way. It is genetic architecture only by extension or similarity to genetic definitions and processes. New cybernetic-digital design – such design that substitutes and compares the use of computer as a clear substitute for sketching by hand, including in its structure virtual and artificial computerized elements. It is being realized as if it was from the inside of the software, as with the tool that is not only graphical, but also creative, meant for design and fabrication, depending from robotized fabrication possibilities, still with overcoming limitations in architecture. It would be genetic architecture if it truly worked with artificial software the same way as with the natural DNA, because, to a certain extent they are similar due to the fact that both of them are arranging information for self-reproduction and growth. Digital architecture – architecture that may be created only using computer resources. Also digital design and digital art may be defined. Cyber-eco fusion design – such design that merges and integrates newest cybernetic-digital resources for design and/or fabrication with the newest ecological environment insight. It is widely defined and equally, separately or in a combined way refers to: 1. The mix of cybernetic-digital resources and sustainable architecture achievements. 2. The mix of cybernetic-digital resources and new contemporary understanding, wherein this understanding about natural or urban space in a continuous evolution is not figurative neither conservative.


Digitâlâ arhitektûra (digital architecture – angïu val.) – arhitektûra, kas var tikt veidota tikai izmantojot datoru resursus. Ir definçjama arî digitâlâ mâksla un digitâlais dizains. Kiber-eko sajaukuma dizains (cyber-eco fusion design – angïu val.) – tâds dizains, kas sapludina un integrç jaunâkos kibernçtiski digitâlos resursus dizainam un/vai raþoðanai ar visjaunâko ekoloìisko vides izpratni. Tas ir plaði definçts un vienlîdz, atseviðíi vai kombinçti, atsaucas uz: 1. Kibernçtiski digitâlu resursu un ilgtspçjîgâs arhitektûras sasniegumu sajaukumu. 2. Kibernçtiski digitâlu resursu un jaunas mûsdienîgas izpratnes sajaukumu, kur ðî izpratne par dabisku vai urbânu vidi pastâvîgâ evolûcijâ nav ne tçlaina, ne konservatîva. 3. Kibernçtiski digitâlu resursu un ìençtikas sajaukumu, kas vienâ laidâ savienotu nulles un vieniniekus arhitektûras rasçjumos ar DNS robotizçtajâm manipulâcijâm, lai sakârtotu nepiecieðamo ìençtisko informâciju, kura atbild par apdzîvojamas dzîvâs radîbas dabisko augðanu saskaòâ ar dizainu, kas iepriekð izstrâdâts ar datoru [2].

3. The mix of cybernetic-digital resources and genetics, that continuously would join zeroes and ones in architectural drawings with DNA robotized manipulations, for arranging necessary genetic information that is responsible for habitable living creatures natural growth according to design that is made beforehand with a computer [2].

Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.

IZMANTOTIE AVOTI REFERENCES 1. Chu K. The Turing Dimension // Archilab. – 2001. – pp. 490.–494. 2. Estevez A. Arquitecturas Geneticas II: Medios digitales y formas organicas. – Barcelona: SITES Books, 2005. – pp. 77–78. 3. Estevez A. Genetic Architectures. Poster for UIA XXI World Congress of Architecture. Berlin, 2002. – Berlin: International Union of Architects, 2002. Arne Riekstiòð Lecturer, Mgr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Riga, Latvia E-mail:


Riekstiòð A. Ìençtiskâs arhitektûras neierobeþotâs iespçjas Sasniegumu laikmetâ, kad norisinâs milzu progress daþâdâs nozarçs, ir izmainîjusies cilvçku izpratne par matçriju. Pasaules arhitektûrâ ir sâkusies treðâ – ìençtikas stadija. Ìençtikas procesi un DNS skaitïoðanas principi hibrîdâ veidâ tiek krustoti ar arhitektûras veidoðanas procesiem, radot ðo jauno arhitektûras evolûcijas stadiju. Arhitektûras jçdziens iegûst jaunas definîcijas, digitâlâ arhitektûra pâròem pasauli. Raþoðanas tehnoloìijas un materiâlu attîstîba nodroðina, ka praktiski viss datoru virtuâlajâ telpâ uzzîmçtais ir realizçjams. Ðâdas arhitektûras veidoðanai nepiecieðams reorganizçt mâcîbu saturu pasaules arhitektûras skolâs, kâ arî jâveido jauni, objektîvi un kritiski skatîjumi uz ðajâ arhitektûrâ notiekoðo. Ìençtiskajai arhitektûrai ir neierobeþotas iespçjas – to var izmantot jebkura mçroga projektçðanas procesos: no interjera elementa lîdz pilsçtbûvnieciskiem plânojumiem. Autors ðajâ publikâcijâ apskata savu eksperimentu kompleksa apjoma veidoðanâ no vienkârða algoritma. Publikâcijas pçdçjâ nodaïa skaidro terminus un jçdzienus, no kuriem daþi Latvijas arhitektûras vçsturç iepriekð lietoti reti vai nekad. Riekstiòð A. The Unlimited Possibilities of Genetic Architecture In the age of achievements, when there is extreme progress in various fields, people’s perception of materia has changed. The third stage in Worlds architecture has begun – the genetic stage. Genetic processes and DNA computing principles are hybridly being cross-bred with architectures designing processes, making this new stage of architectures evolution. The meaning “architecture” is obtaining new definitions, digital architecture is overwhelming the World. The technologies in production and material developments support that practically all what is drawn in virtual space can be built. For producing this kind of architecture, it is necessary to reorganize the contents of Worlds architecture schools study programs, as well as new, objective and critical views have to be made accordingly with the things happening in this architecture. The genetic architecture has unlimited possibilities – it can be used for practically all scale design processes: from interior elements up to urban plannings. In this publication author reviews his experiment in making complex shape from a simple algorithm. The last caption of publication explains terms and meanings, few of which in Latvian architecture have been used rarely or never. Ðèåêñòèíüø À. Áåñêîíå÷íûå âîçìîæíîñòè ãåíåòè÷åñêîé àðõèòåêòóðû Âî âðåìÿ äîñòèæåíèé è çíà÷èòåëüíîãî ïðîãðåññà â ðàçëè÷íûõ ñôåðàõ âîñïðèÿòèå î ìàòåðèè ó ëþäåé ìåíÿåòñÿ.  ìèðîâîé àðõèòåêòóðå íà÷èíàåòñÿ òðåòèé ýòàï – ãåíåòè÷åñêèé. Ãåíåòè÷åñêèå ïðîöåññû è ïðèíöèïû âû÷èñëåíèÿ ÄÍÊ ãèáðèäû ñêðåùèâàþòñÿ ñ ïðîöåññàìè ñòðîåíèÿ àðõèòåêòóðû, ñîçäàâàÿ ýòîò íîâûé ýòàï ýâîëþöèè àðõèòåêòóðû. Ïîíÿòèå “àðõèòåêòóðà” ïîëó÷àåò íîâûå îïðåäåëåíèÿ, öèôðîâàÿ àðõèòåêòóðà îáëàäàåò ìèðîì. Òåõíîëîãèè ïðîèçâîäñòâà è ðàçâèòèå ìàòåðèàëîâ îáåñïå÷èâàþò òî, ÷òî ïðàêòè÷åñêè âñå íàðèñîâàííîå êîìïüþòåðîì â âèðòóàëüíîì ïðîñòðàíñòâå âîçìîæíî ðåàëèçîâàòü. Äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ òàêîé àðõèòåêòóðû íåîáõîäèìî ðåîðãàíèçîâàòü ñîäåðæàíèå ïðîãðàìì â ó÷èëèùàõ ìèðîâîé àðõèòåêòóðû, òàê æå íàäî ñîçäàâàòü íîâûå, îáúåêòèâíûå è êðèòè÷åñêèå âçãëÿäû íà ïðîèñõîäÿùåå â àðõèòåêòóðå. Ãåíåòè÷åñêàÿ àðõèòåêòóðà èìååò íåîãðàíè÷åííûå âîçìîæíîñòè – åå ìîæíî èñïîëüçîâàòü ïðàêòè÷åñêè âî âñå ïðîöåññû êîíñòðóèðîâàíèÿ ëþáîãî ìàñøòàáà: îò ýëåìåíòîâ èíòåðüåðà äî ïëàíèðîâîê ãîðîäñêîãî ñòðîåíèÿ.  ýòîé ïóáëèêàöèè àâòîð ðàññìàòðèâàåò ñâîé ýêñïåðèìåíò ñîçäàíèÿ ñëîæíîãî îáúåìà ñ ïðîñòîãî àëãîðèòìà. Ïîñëåäíèé ðàçäåë ïóáëèêàöèè ðàçúÿñíÿåò òåðìèíû è ïîíÿòèÿ, íåêîòîðûå èç íèõ â èñòîðèè ëàòûøñêîé àðõèòåêòóðû ðàíåå áûëè èñïîëüçîâàíû ðåäêî èëè íèêîãäà.


JAUNAIS URBÂNISMS UN TÂ INTERPRETÂCIJAS LATVIJÂ NEW URBANISM AND ITS INTERPRETATIONS IN LATVIA S. Treija, J. Truðiòð Atslçgas vârdi: Jaunais urbânisms, pilsçtu izpleðanâs, apkaimes, kopienas.

Keywords: New urbanism, city sprawl, neighbourhood, community.

Globâlâ urbanizâcija, kas koncentrç iedzîvotâjus metropoïu reìionos, ir cieði saistîta ar plaðu izplatîbu guvuðiem suburbanizâcijas procesiem. Ðobrîd vairumâ attîstîto valstu pilsçtu dominç pilsçtvides telpiskâ kârtîba, kas aizsâkusies pagâjuðâ gadsimta 70. gados. Pilsçtas vienmçr ir bijuðas sadalîtas starp kultûras, funkcijas un statusa robeþlînijâm, tomçr to ðodienas modelis ir jauna, daudzveidîgâka un dziïâka minçto virzienu kombinâcija. Lai gan pastâv atðíirîbas daþâdu pilsçtu attîstîbâ, kas izriet no to vçsturiskâs attîstîbas, nacionâlajâm, politiskajâm un ekonomiskajâm struktûrâm, attîstîbâ iesaistîtajiem pretrunîgajiem spçkiem un citiem aspektiem, tomçr to veidoðanâs pamatiezîmes ir lîdzîgas. Robeþas starp dalîjumiem, kas atspoguïo sociâlâs vai fiziskâs ðíirtnes starp pilsçtu rajoniem, pieaug. Rezultâts ir atseviðíu pilsçtas daïu hierarhiskâs attiecîbas. Ðâdu sadalîjumu nosaka tirgus ekonomika, taèu tâ radîðanâ un iemûþinâðanâ ir dziïi iesaistîta arî valsts un paðvaldîbas. Valsts var uzlabot ðo situâciju, izstrâdâjot specifikas metodes pilsçtu attîstîbas regulçðanai. Vairumâ pilsçtu tas netiek darîts. Rezultâts ir izplûstoða pilsçtu struktûra, kas ir pietiekoði atðíirîga, lai to nosauktu par “jauno telpisko kârtîbu” [8, 3]. Ðî jaunâ attîstîba, kâ arî komunikâciju un transporta tehnoloìiju integrâcija ir vedinâjusi daþus futûristus pareìot jaunas, revolucionâras urbânâs attîstîbas formas nepiecieðamîbu. Runa ir par “karkasa pilsçtu” – ar nelielu vajadzîbu pçc nodarbinâtîbas vai fizisku iepirkðanâs aktivitâtes koncentrçðanos. Tomçr lîdz ðim informâciju tehnoloìijas ir noveduðas pie ekonomikas izaugsmes un iedzîvotâju pieauguma lielâs urbânâs struktûrâs [10, 12]. Nostâdnes un pamatprincipi pilsçtu plânoðanâ 20. gs. ir vairâkkârt mainîjuðies. Pçdçjos gadu desmitos par vienu no pilsçtu plânoðanas virzieniem ir izvirzîta Jaunâ urbânisma ideja.

The global urbanisation, which causes people to concentrate around metropolitan regions, is tightly connected with the widely spread city suburbanisation processes. The majority of the cities in the developed countries are determined by the urban spatial order the development of which started in 1970s. Cities have always been divided along the lines of culture, function and status; the modern model, however, represents a new, more varied and thorough combination of these trends. Although there are differences in city development, which arise from their different historical background, the national, political and economic structures, the contradictory forces engaged in their development, as well as other aspects, the principal features of their development are similar. The gaps created by the social and physical differences between various districts of a city are growing wider, which results in a hierarchic relation of said districts. Such division is determined by the market economy, although the state and local authorities are also deeply involved in its creation and perpetuation. The state can amend the situation by creating specific methods for the regulation of the urban development. In most cities this is not being done, and the result is an outflowing city structure, which is different enough to be called “the new spatial order” [8, 3]. This tendency, as well as the integration of communication and transport technologies, has led some futurists to prophet the necessity for a new, revolutionary form of urban development. They speak of a “framework city”, which would have little need for employment or the physical concentration of shopping activities. The information technologies, however, have led to an economic development and the growth of population in large urban structures [10, 12]. In the XX century the approaches and basic principles of urban planning have changed several times. In the last few decades the


Jaunais urbânisms, arhitektu, plânotâju un nekustamo îpaðumu attîstîtâju kustîba, kas aizsakusies ASV, pamatojas uz vairâkiem plânoðanas un arhitektûras principiem, kas kopâ izmantoti veicinâtu cilvçka mçrogam atbilstoðas, kâjâmgâjçjiem piemçrotas kopienas (communities) radîðanu. Ðî tendence, kas satopama arhitektu un plânotaju darbos jau 1970. un 1980. gados, 1990. gados izveidojâs par vienotu koncepciju. Ðobrîd Jauno urbânismu var uzskatît par nozîmîgu virzienu ASV pilsçtplânoðanâ. Pçc II Pasaules kara, lîdz ar pilsçtas teritoriju zonçðanas idejas attîstîbu un automobilizâcijas strauju pieaugumu, visâ ASV notika plaða apbûves attîstîba, kas kïuva zinâma kâ conventional suburban development (CSD) jeb izpleðanâs (sprawl). Ðobrîd lielâkâ daïa ASV iedzîvotâju dzîvo piepilsçtu teritorijâs, kas celtas pçdçjo 50 gadu laikâ. Izpleðanâs tiek definçta kâ izkliedçta, autoatkarîga, monofukcionâla attîstîba, kurâ nav iespçjams veikt ikdienâ nepiecieðamâs funkcijas. Ðî tipa apdzîvojums parasti ir izvietots gar automaìistrâlçm lauku teritorijâs ârpus iepriekð apdzîvotâm vietâm. Tâ galvenie trûkumi ir: zema blîvuma apbûve vâjina lauksaimniecîbâ izmantojamas zemes un dabas teritorijas, paaugstina sabiedriskâs apkalpes izmaksas, mudina cilvçkus un finansu resursus atstât vçsturiskâs pilsçtas, rada nopietnus satiksmes sastrçgumus, degradç vidi un cilvçku dzîves kvalitâti. Lai gan CSD ir populâra dzîvesvieta, mâjoðana tâda veida dzîvojamajâ vidç ir saistîta ar ievçrojamâm izmaksâm. Pilsçtas centra un kâjâmgâjçju mçroga trûkuma dçï CSD aizòem plaðas lauku teritorijas, pat pie iedzîvotâju skaita lçna pieauguma. Automaðînu skaits uz vienu iedzîvotâju pieaug, jo automaðîna ir gandrîz vienîgais pârvietoðanâs veids ðâda tipa apbûvç. Tiem, kas nelieto privâto autotransportu, ir ievçrojami ierobeþota viòu mobilitâte. Lîdz ar to, Amerikai raksturîgu ainavu, kurâ vairâkums cilvçku dzîvo un strâdâ, pamatâ veido lînijveida komerciâla apbûve, kas izvietota gar galvenajâm maìistrâlçm, uz autotransportu orientçtas sabiedriskas un tirdzniecîbas çkas un viena otrai lîdzîgas savrupmâju apbûves grupas bez îpaðâm rakstura iezîmçm. Reaìçjot uz arvien pieaugoðo pilsçtu izpleðanâs tendenci, 1993. gadâ Èikâgâ tika nodibinâts Jaunâ urbânisma kongress, kura dibinâtâji bija arhitektu grupa P. Calthorpe vadîbâ. Piecpadsmit gadu laikâ organizâcijai ir piebiedrojuðies vairâk kâ 3000 biedru un tâ ir kïuvusi par vadoðo starptautisko organizâciju, kas veicina Jaunâ urbânisma ideju popularizçðanu un îstenoðanu. Jaunâ urbânisma

idea of New Urbanism has become one of the branches of urban planning. The New Urbanism is a movement started in the USA by architects, planners and real estate developers. It stands on several principles of architecture and urban planning, which help create a humanscale, pedestrian-friendly communities. The This trend, which could already be glimpsed in the works of architects and planners in 1970s and 1980s, became a single group of ideas in the 1990s. Nowadays the New Urbanism may be considered an important trend in the American urban planning. After the World War II, when the idea of city zoning was developed and the number of cars grew sharply, the development of built-up territories was widely spread throughout the USA. It became known as conventional suburban development (CSD), or sprawl. Nowadays the larger part of the Americans live in suburbs built in the last 50 years. Sprawl is defined as a dissipated, car-dependent, monofunctional development, in which it is impossible to perform everyday functions. Such type of housing is usually located along motorways in rural territories that were not inhabited before. The main drawbacks of the sprawl are that the low housing density weakens the agricultural and nature territories, increases the costs of public services, compels people and finance resources to leave the historic cities, creates heavy traffic jams, degrades the environment and the human life quality. Although it is quite popular to live in a CSD, it is always related with considerable expenses. Because of the lack of a city centre and the pedestrian scale, the CSD cover large rural territories even if the population growth is slow. The number of cars per capita is constantly increasing, as the car is almost the only means of transport in such type of developments. Those who do not use the car are considerably restricted in their mobility. As a result, the landscape most typical to the USA basically consists of a linear commercial development along the main motorways, car-oriented public and shopping centres, and almost identical groups of detached houses without any specific characteristics. As an answer to the ever-growing trend of urban sprawl a group of architects under the leadership of P. Calthorpe founded the Congress for the New Urbanism in Chicago in 1993. In fifteen years time more than 3000 members have joined the organisation and it has become the international leader of popularising and implementing the ideas of the New Urbanism. The Charter of the New


hartâ, starp vairâkiem postulâtiem, ir definçti pilsçtvides veidoðanas pamatprincipi: “Mçs aizstâvam sabiedriskâs politikas un apdzîvoto vietu attîstîbas pârveidoðanu, lai atbalstîtu sekojoðus principus: apkaimçm jâbût daþâdâm to izmantoðanas un iedzîvotâju sastâva ziòâ, kopienâm jâbût paredzçtâm gan kâjâmgâjçjiem, gan autotransportam, pilsçtu plânoðanas pamatâ jâbût telpiski definçtâm un universâli pieejamâm publiskâm ârtelpâm un sabiedriskajâm iestâdçm, pilsçtvidi veidojoðajai arhitektûrai un ainavu arhitektûrai jâievçrtç vietçjâ vçsture, klimats, ekoloìija un celtniecîbas tradîcijas.” [2]. Vairâk kâ 600 jaunas pilsçtas, ciemati vai pilsçtu rajoni, kuros ir izmantotas Jaunâ urbanisma idejas, ir jau îstenoti vai atrodas realizâcijas stadijâ. Simtiem neliela mçroga jaunu projektu atjauno pilsçtvides struktûru pilsçtâs un ciematos, veidojot ielas un kvartâlus, kas piemçrotas kâjâmgâjçjiem. Reìionâlâ lîmenî arvien pieaug Jaunâ urbânisma nozîme, plânojot kâ un kur augt un attîstîties metropoïu reìioniem. Vismaz 14 lielmçroga plânoðanas iniciatîvas ir bâzçtas uz savienotu transporta un zemes izmantoðanas politiku un apkaimes kâ pilsçtas un reìiona pamatelementu. Merilendâ un vairâkâs citâs pavalstîs Jaunâ urbânisma principi ir iekïauti reìionu attîstîbas politikas dokumentos. Tâdas pilsçtas kâ Seaside Floridâ, Stapleton Kolorâdo vai Riverside Atlantâ uzskatâmi parâda ðo principu iemiesoðanas panâkumus un arî diskutçjamos jautâjumus. Eiropas pilsçtâm jautâjumi, kas saistîti ar pilsçtu izpleðanos ir nozîmîgi, jo arvien vairâk pilsçtu iedzîvotâji, kam ir atbilstoðas finansiâlas iespçjas, pamet kompaktâs, blîvi apbûvçtâs pilsçtas. Suburbanizâcija ir kïuvusi par grûti regulçjamu procesu – iepirkðanâs centri, darbavietu objekti un izklaides iestâdes ir sekojuði mâjokïu rajoniem teritorijâs ap lielâm pilsçtâm. Ðâda veida attîstîba reprezentç divkârðu bîstamîbu – telpiski tâ veicina pilsçtu izplûðanu ainavâ, un sociâli tâ veicina izolâciju un sociâlu noslâòoðanos. Arî Eiropâ ir ietekmîgas pilsçtplânoðanas institûcijas, asociâcijas, koncepcijas, idejas un realizçti projekti, kas risina ðo nozîmîgo tçmu. Leon and Rob Krier, Pier Luigi Cervellati un Richard Rogers ir labi zinâmi kâ aktîvi Eiropas pilsçtplânoðanas jautâjumu debatçtâji profesionâlajâ presç un praksç. Pounbury Anglijâ, Ouderkerk Holandç, Kirchsteigsfeld Vâcijâ, Karow-Nord Vâcijâ un citas kopienas, kuru plânoðanâ izmantotas Jaunâ urbânisma pamatnostâdnes demonstrç ðîs pieejas daþâdâs iespçjas un

Urbanism, among other postulates, defines the basic principles for creating the urban environment: “We advocate the restructuring of public policy and development practices to support the following principles: neighbourhoods should be diverse in use and population; communities should be designed for the pedestrian and transit as well as the car; cities and towns should be shaped by physically defined and universally accessible public spaces and community institutions; urban places should be framed by architecture and landscape design that celebrate local history, climate, ecology, and building practice” [2]. More than 600 new cities, towns and urban districts making use of the New Urbanism ideas have already been built or are in the stage of implementation. Hundreds of small-scale new projects are renewing the urban structure in cities and towns by creating streets and blocks appropriate for the pedestrians. The importance of the New Urbanism is ever increasing on a regional level while planning the space and manner of the growth and development of metropolitan regions. At least 14 large-scale initiatives have been based on the joint transport and land use policy and the neighbourhood as the primary element of a city and a region. In Maryland and several other states the principles of the New Urbanism have been incorporated in the documents of the regional development policy. Such cities as Seaside in Florida, Stapleton in Colorado and Riverside in Atlanta demonstrate the success of the implementation of these principles, as well as the problems to be discussed. Issues related to the urban sprawl are topical also for the European cities, as more and more people having the financial opportunity leave the compact, densely built cities. The suburbanisation has become a hardly manageable process: the shopping centres have followed the housing sprawl around the large cities, and are in turn followed by employment objects and recreation facilities. This type of development represents a double danger - it contributes to the spatial dissipation of cities into the landscape, and it stimulates the social isolation and segregation. In Europe there are influential urban planning institutions, associations, conceptions, ideas and implemented projects too, that try to solve this important problem. Leon and Rob Krier, Pier Luigi Cervellati and Richard Rogers are all well known as active debaters of the European urban planning issues in the professional media and in practice. Pounbury in the UK, Oudekerk in the Netherlands, Kirchsteigsfeld and Karow-Nord in Germany, as


kalpo par eksperimentâlâm platformâm aktuâlajiem urbanizâcijas jautâjumiem. Latvijâ pilsçtu izpleðanâs problemâtika ir îpaða aktualitâte Rîgas reìiona kontekstâ. Rîgas reìiona apdzîvoto vietu tîkls un pilsçtu iekðçjâs telpas struktûras ir relatîvi stabilas kopð 90. gadiem. Ðobrîd vçrojamas dinamiskas izmaiòas iedzîvotâju kustîbâ Rîgas reìiona centrâlajâ daïâ, Rîgas tieðâ tuvumâ, un turpmâkajos gados tâs vçl pieaugs. Rîgas reìionu raksturo izteikti monocentriska apdzîvojuma struktûra ar Rîgu kâ galveno centru. Ðobrîd var definçt galvenâs attîstîbas tendences: pçc “klusâ” perioda 90. gados, sâkot no 2000. gada, aktivizçjas jaunu mâjokïu bûvniecîba. Tâ koncentrçjas reìiona kodolâ – Rîgâ, Jûrmalâ un Rîgas rajonâ. Bûvniecîbai visbieþâk tiek izvçlçtas iepriekð neapbûvçtas teritorijas. Vienìimenes mâju bûvniecîbai attîstîtâji izvçlas lauksaimniecîbas un meþsaimniecîbas zemes Pierîgas pagastos. Apmçram puse no visiem Latvijâ veiktajiem darîjumiem ar neapbûvçtu lauksaimniecîbas zemi platîbâ lîdz 3 ha un pâri par 80% darîjumu ar neapbûvçtu, ìimenes mâju apbûvei izdalîtu zemi 1999.–2006. gadâ notikusi Rîgas reìiona lauku paðvaldîbâs. Pârdoto neapbûvçto zemes platîbu daudzums liecina, ka ìimenes çku ciemu attîstîðana piesaista investorus un tie nodroðinâs ar zemes platîbâm nâkotnes ieceru îstenoðanai. Nekustamo îpaðumu tirgû tiek piedâvâti vairâki tûkstoði jaunbûvçti/iecerçti mâjokïi vairâk kâ simts daþâdos ciematos [6]. Vienlaikus tiek norâdîts, ka paðreiz tirgû jaunu vienìimenes çku/projektu piedâvâjums pârsniedz pieprasîjumu un bieþi netiek nodroðinâta izveidoto zemesgabalu savlaicîga apgâde ar infrastruktûru: ielâm, piebraucamajiem ceïiem, ûdens piegâdi/novadi, elektroenerìiju. Turpinoties ðâdai apdzîvojuma attîstîbai, Rîgas reìions var zaudçt iespçjamâs rezerves teritorijas

well as other communities that have been planned according to the basic principles of the New Urbanism demonstrate the various opportunities offered by this approach and serve as grounds for experiments related with the topical problems of urbanisation. In Latvia the urban sprawl problem is especially urgent in the context of Riga region. The network of settlements in the Riga region and the inner spatial structure of the cities is relatively stable since the 1990s. At the moment, however, a dynamic change may be noted in the population movement in the central part of the region close to Riga, and in the future it will increase even more. The Riga region is characterised by a monocentric population distribution structure with Riga as its main centre. At the moment it is possible to discern the main development tendencies, as starting from 2000 the construction of housing has activated following the “silent” period in 1990s. The construction is concentrated in the region’s centre – in Riga, Jurmala and in Riga district. In most cases, houses are built in previously vacant territories. Real estate developers often choose agricultural and forest areas in civil parishes near Riga for the construction of single-family homes. From 1999 to 2006 approximately one half of the Latvian deals concerning vacant agricultural lots smaller than 3 ha and more than 80% of the Latvian deals concerning vacant land intended for the single-family home construction have taken place in the civil parishes of the Riga region. The quantity of the vacant land sold indicates that investors are interested in the development of singlefamily home villages and they are insuring themselves with land for the implementation of their future plans. Thousands of newly built or planned homes in more than a hundred different villages are

1. attçls. Tipiska savrupmâju apbûve Rîgas rajonâ. Picture 1. A typical single-family housing in Riga region.

2. attçls. Savrupmâju apbûves ciemats Babîtes pagasta Piòíos. Picture 2. Single-family home village in Pinki of Babite civil parish.


Rîgu apkalpojoðâs infrastruktûras attîstîbai, kâ arî daþas no savâm priekðrocîbâm – relatîvi sabalansçtas apbûvçtâs un apzaïumotâs vides proporcijas tâ centrâlajâ daïâ un samçrâ labu piepilsçtas un centra savstarpçjo sasniedzamîbu ar sabiedrisko transportu. Pieaugot piedâvâto dzîvesvietu kvantitatîvajam aspektam, mainâs arî izvçles kritçriju un piedâvâjumu kvalitâte. Nekustamo îpasumu attîstîtaji meklç atðíirîgas formas un velta lielâku uzmanîbu plânoðanas procesam. Viens no piedâvâtajiem, jau daïçji realizçtajiem projektiem, kas atðíiras ar konceptuâli pârdomâtu plânojumu ir “Beberi”, kuru tâ attîstîtâjs – nekustamo îpaðumu uzòçmums “ Latio” pieteicis kâ Jaunâ urbânisma principos bâzçtu dzîves vietu (arh. L. Saðko, arh. J. Gertmanis, arh. R. Gertmane, arh.V. Gintere, arh. N. Pavârs). “Beberi” atrodas Babîtes pagastâ pie Beberbeíu dabas parka starp Prieþuciemu un Piòíiem, 1 km attâlumâ no Rîgas un 3 km – no Jûrmalas robeþas. Ciemata kopçjâ teritorija ir 30 hektâri, no tiem apbûves platîba aizòem 12,4 hektârus, dabas pamatne – 12,3 hektârus. “Beberu” tuvumâ Piòíos atrodas vidusskola, mûzikas skola, bçrnudârzs. Apkârtnç ir Babîtes ezers, izklaides un sporta objekti – “Akvaparks”, “Siemens Ledus halle”, golfa laukumi. Ar virsuzdevumu sekmçt kopçjam stilam atbilstoðu bûvniecîbu, visas potenciâlâs bûves apstiprina “Beberu” ciemata galvenais arhitekts, kurð novçrtç katra projekta atbilstîbu ciemata kopçjâs arhitektoniskâs un sociâlâs telpas viendabîbai, tâ filozofijai un estçtikai. Ir izstrâdâti un apstiprinâti “Beberu” ciemata Apbûves noteikumi, kuros tad arî balstâs arhitekta saskaòojuma tiesîbas. Ciemata koncepcija paredz, ka iedzîvotâji varçs çrti un vienkârði ik dienu iegâdâties galvenâs pârtikas un sadzîves preces, nepametot tâ teritoriju [1]. Laika gaitâ ir izstrâdâti vairâki Jaunâ urbânisma principu traktçjumi. Lai analizçtu “Beberu” ciemata

offered in the real estate market [6]. At the same time the supply of new single-family homes and projects exceeds the demand, and the newly created lots are often not timely equipped with the needed infrastructure: streets, access roads, water mains, sewage and electricity. Should such housing development continue, the Riga region may lose the potential spare territories needed for the future development of Riga infrastructure, as well as some of its advantages, namely the comparatively well-balanced proportion of green and built-up territories in its central part and the rather good mutual access of its suburbs and the downtown ensured by the public transport. With the quantitative increase of housing supply, the choice criteria and the quality of the supply change accordingly. Real estate developers are looking for novel forms and paying more attention to the planning process. One of the offered, partly implemented projects excelling in a conceptually wellconsidered planning is Beberi; its developer, the real estate company “Latio”, has declared it to be a place of residence based on the principles of the new Urbanism (architects L. Sashko, J. Gertmanis, R. Gertmane, V. Gintere and N. Pavars). Beberi is located in Babite civil parish near the Beberbeki Nature Park between Priezuciems and Pinki. It is 1 km far from the Riga border and 3 km from the Jurmala border. The village covers 30 hectares, 12,4 of which is coverage and 12,3 is nature base. Not far from Beberi there is a high school, musical school and a kindergarten in Pinki. There is also the Babite Lake, recreation and sports facilities like the “Akvaparks”, the “Siemens” skating rink and golf courses. The higher objective being the promotion of such construction as corresponds with the general style of the village, the head architect of Beberi must approve all potential buildings. Each design is evaluated according to its compliance with

3. attçls. Beberu centrâlas daïas parks un apbûve. Picture 3. The housing and the park in Beberi centre.

4. attçls. Atpûtas zona Beberu centrâlaja daïâ. Picture 4. Recreation zone in Beberi centre.


plânojuma un apbûves atbilstîbu autoru paustajiem Jaunâ urbânisma principiem, rakstâ izmantoti oriìinâlie Jaunâ urbânisma kongresa dibinâtâju arhitektu Andrés Duany un Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk postulçtie pamatprincipi. Kopumâ Beberi jâvçrtç kâ labi pârdomâts projekts, kas ietver lielâko daïu no Jaunâ urbânisma pamatprincipos paustajâm prasîbâm. Projekts vçl realizçts daïçji, tâdçï vairâkas bûtiskas aktivitâtes nav iespçjams realizçt nelielâ iedzîvotâju skaita dçï – lokâli veikali, apkalpes iestâdes, bçrnudârzs kïûs rentabli pieaugot cilvçku kopskaitam. Lielâka problçma ir koplietoðanas sabiedrisku telpu trûkums, to esamîba neapðaubâmi veicinâtu iedzîvotâju kopienas formçðanos. Atzinîgi vçrtçjama vienkârðâ, draudzîgâ

1. princips 2. princips 3. princips 4. princips 5. princips 6. princips

7. princips 8. princips 9. princips 10. princips 11. princips 12. princips 13. princips

the general architectural and public space homogeneity, its philosophy and aesthetics. The Building Regulations of Beberi village have been drawn up and approved, and the architect must consult them before approving or disapproving a design. The conception of the village envisages that all residents should be able to easily buy the main food and household commodities while not leaving the village territory [1]. In length of time several interpretations of the principles of the New Urbanism have been developed. In order to analyse whether the Beberi planning and construction conforms with the principles of the New Urbanism expressed by the authors of this article, the original basic principles postulated

Jaunâ urbânisma principi Apkaimei ir izteikts telpisks un funkcionâls centrs, kurâ ir arî sabiedriskâ transporta pieturvieta

Beberu ciemata plânoðanas principi Beberos ir izteikts telpisks centrs, kurâ ir arî labi organizçta sabiedriskâ ârtelpa Vairums mâjokïu atrodas 5 minûðu kâjâmgâjçju attâlumâ no centra Jâ Apkaimç ir izvietoti daþâdi mâjokïu tipi – ìimenes mâjas, rindu Jâ mâjas un dzîvokïu mâjas – lîdz ar to daþâdi iedzîvotâju slâòi var atrast sev piemçrotâko mâjokli Pilsçtiòâ atrodas ikdienas nepiecieðamajâm vajadzîbâm atbilstoði Projektâ ir paredzçta iespçobjekti – veikaliòi un citi apkalpes objekti ja attîstît apkalpes objektus, pagaidâm tie nav realizçti Nelielas palîgçkas ir pieïaujamas katras mâjas pagalma pusç, tâs Jâ var izmantot kâ darbnîcu tipa darbavietas Formâli jâ, reâli grûti Pamatskola ir izvietota kâjâmgâjçju attâlumâ no apkaimes sasniedzama automaìistrâles neorganizçta ðíçrsojuma dçï Jâ Bçrnu rotaïlaukumi ir viegli pieejami un sasniedzami no katra mâjokïa Apkaimes ielas veido vienotu sistçmu, kas izkliedç transportu un Projektâ paredzçtie ielu tîkls realizçts tikai daïçji ïauj tam çrti sasniegt daþâdus mçríus Projektâ paredzçtie ielu Ielas ir relatîvi ðauras un noçnotas ar koku stâdîjumiem. Tas stâdîjumi realizçti tikai palçnina satiksmi un rada vidi piemçrotu gâjçjiem un daïçji riteòbraucçjiem Jâ Çkas rajona centrâ ir izvietotas tuvu ielai, radot labi definetu ârtelpu. Automaðînu stâvvietas parasti nav vçrtas uz ielu, bet ir izvietotas Automaðînas bieþi tiek novietotas uz ielas, garâþas çku aizmugurç vçrstas uz ielu Atseviðías izcilas novietnes ielu noslçgumos vai apkaimes centrâ Sabiedriskas çkas nav tiek rezervçtas sabiedriskâm çkam, lîdz ar to nodroðinot apkaimes paredzçtas iedzîvotâju komunikâciju, izglîtîbas vai kultûras aktivitâðu iespçjas Apkaimç ir organizçta paðpârvalde, piedalâs uzturçðanas, droðîbas Iedzîvotâju paðpârvalde nav organizçta un telpiskâs attîstîbas jautâjumu lemðanâ

1. tabula. Jaunâ urbânisma principu salîdzinâjums ar Beberu ciemata plânoðanas principiem.


Principles of the New Urbanism 1. principle The neighbourhood has a well-defined spatial and functional centre with a public transport stop

Principles of Beberi planning There is a well-defined spatial centre in Beberi, in which the public space is also well-organised Yes Yes

2. principle Most houses are situated a five-minute walk far from the centre 3. principle There is mixed housing in the neighbourhood (single-family homes, terraced houses and apartment buildings) which allows people with different income find the most suitable housing 4. principle The village contains the facilities needed in everyday life – small The design envisages the shops and other services opportunity for creating service facilities; they have not been implemented yet 5. principle Small subsidiary buildings are allowed at the back of the house; Yes they may be used as workshop-type workplaces 6. principle Primary school is within a walking distance from the neighbour- Formally yes, practically no, because it is difficult to hood reach, as the crossing of the motorway is unorganised Yes 7. principle Children playgrounds are easy to reach and access from every house 8. principle The streets of the neighbourhood belong to a single system that The designed street netdissipates the traffic and enables free access to different destina- work is implemented only partly tions 9. principle The streets are relatively narrow and shaded with trees, thus slow- The designed street greening down the traffic and creating a pedestrian- and bicycle-friend- ery is implemented only partly ly environment 10. principle The buildings in the centre are located near the street, thus creat- Yes ing a well-defined space. 11. principle Car parking is not street-oriented, and is located at the back of the Cars are often parked on the streets, the garages face house the street 12. principle Separate excellent lots in the street dead-ends or community cen- No public buildings are intended in the design tre should be reserved for public buildings, thus providing the opportunities for communication, education and culture activities of the local residents Resident self-government 13. principle The neighbourhood has an organised self-government, the residents participate in the decision-making concerning the upkeep, is not organised safety and spatial development issues Table 1. The comparison of the principles of the New Urbanism and the principles applied in the planning of Beberi.

un mûsdienîgâ arhitektûras valoda, it îpaði centrâlâs daïas çkâs, kas ar savu mçrogu, ritmu un plastiku rada mazpilsçtas atmosfçru. Nepârprotami risinâma problçma ir neorganizçtais Rîgas apvedceïa maìistrâles ðíçrsojums Piòíu virzienâ, kur atrodas visi Beberu iedzîvotâjiem nepiecieðamie (un nekustamo îpaðumu attîstîtâju solîtie) gan sociâlâs, gan apkalpes infrastruktûras objekti – skola, bçrnudârzs, veikali, ârstniecîbas iestâde, baznîca un citi. Bez ðî

by the architects and founders of the Congress for the New Urbanism Andrés Duany and Elizabeth PlaterZyberk were used. On the whole Beberi may be recognised as a well-considered project incorporating the majority of requirements set by the principles of the New Urbanism. The village is still under construction and therefore many important activities cannot be implemented because of the small population – local shops,


jautâjuma atrisinâðanas Beberi faktiski paliks tâds pats uz autotransportu orientçts ciemats kâ lielâkâ daïa Rîgas pilsçtas izpleðanâs dalîbnieku. Salîdzinot Beberu ciematu ar daudziem citiem Rîgas reìionâ tapuðajiem dzîvojamâs apbûves objektiem, acîmredzama ir atðíirîga, ievçrojami augstâka dzîvojamâs vides kvalitâte. Jaunâ urbânisma ideja ir radusies kâ reakcija uz pilsçtu izpleðanos, tomçr lielâkajâ vairumâ realizçto vai plânoto projektu konstatçjams, ka tie ir plânoti brîvâs, iepriekð neapbûvçtas piepilsçtu teritorijâs, tâtad faktiski ir pilsçtu izpleðanâs cita, organizçta forma. To var saukt par kontrolçtu izpleðanos, kur atðíirîbâ no îstas izpleðanâs, ciemats tiek iepriekð rûpîgi izplânots, nevis veidojas stihiski. Neattîstoties apdzîvotâm vietâm ar pietiekami spçcîgâm centra funkcijâm, reìionâ var pazeminâties ekoloìiskâs vides kvalitâte un palçninâties tautsaimniecîbas izaugsme, jo esoðais centrs nespçs efektîvi organizçt savu neproporcionâli paplaðinâjuðos ietekmes zonu, savukârt, pasliktinoties darba un pakalpojumu sasniedzamîbai no mâjokïa, pazeminâs urbânâs vides kvalitâte.

service facilities and a kindergarten will all become financially viable once the population grows larger. The biggest problem is the deficiency of common public space, as it would undoubtedly contribute to the formation of resident community. One should approve the simple, friendly and contemporary language of the architecture, especially the buildings in Beberi centre, the scale, rhythm and plasticity of which help create a small town’s feeling. One of the problems to be solved is the unorganised crossing of the Riga ringroad, which prevents the Beberi residents from accessing all the needed (and promised by the real estate developers) public and service infrastructure facilities – the school, the kindergarten, shops, medicinal facility, church and others. Should this issue remain unsolved, Beberi will in fact remain a car-oriented village just like the majority of other participants of Riga city sprawl. By comparing Beberi with many other housing construction objects built in the Riga region, one cannot help notice a different, much higher quality of the living environment. The idea of the New Urbanism arose in an answer to urban sprawl, however, in the majority of the implemented or planned projects it is evident that they have been planned in free, previously vacant suburban territories, thus in fact representing another, more organised form of urban sprawl. It could be called controlled sprawl, because contradictory to the case of a real sprawl a village is pre-planned, not spontaneously developed. If settlements do not develop well-defined functions of a centre, the region may experience the decline of the quality of the environment and the slow-down of economic development, because the existing centre will be unable to organise the unproportionally sprawled zone of influence well enough, and with the deterioration of employment and service accessibility from one’s housing, the quality of the urban environment takes the turn for the worse.

Ðis darbs izstrâdâts ar Eiropas Sociâlâ fonda atbalstu Nacionâlâs programmas "Atbalsts doktorantûras programmu îstenoðanai un pçcdoktorantûras pçtîjumiem" projekta "Atbalsts RTU doktorantûras attîstîbai" ietvaros. This work has been partly supported by the European Social Fund within the National Programme "Support for the carrying out doctoral study programm's and post-doctoral researches" project "Support for the development of doctoral studies at Riga Technical University.



Beberi // http: // – skatîts 12.06.2008. Charter of the New Urbanism // – skatîts 26.05.2008. Gertmanis J. “Beberi” // Latvijas Arhitektûra. – 2003. – Nr. 3(47). – 30.–32. lpp. Grava S. Cik plaða bûs Rîga? // Latvijas Arhitektûra. – 2004. – Nr. 6(56). – 6.–10. lpp. Grava S. Pilsçtvides vârdnîca. – Rîga: Jâòa Rozes apgâds, 2006. – 318 lpp. Jaunie projekti. Nekustamâ îpaðuma katalogs Nr.2/2005. – Rîga: Hansabanka, 2005. – 267 lpp. Krier R. Town Spaces, Conteporary Interpretations in Traditional Urbanism. – Basel: Birkhauser Verlag, 2003 – 279 p. 8. Marcuse P., van Kempen R. Influences on the Spatial Order of Cities // Globalizing Cities. A New Spatial Order. – London: Blackwell Publishing, 2005 – 318 pp. 9. Principles of Urbanism // – skatîts 24.05.2008. 10. Roald H.-J. Sustainable Historic Cities? A Baltic-Nordic Approach. – Oslo: Nordic World Heritage Office, 2000 – 153 pp. 11. Rîgas attîstîbas plâns. Rîgas aglomerâcija // 4.3._Rigas_ aglomeracija.pdf – skatîts 26.05.2008. 12. Saliena –çta // – skatîts 16.05.2008. Sandra Treija Associate Professor, Dr.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Rîga, Latvia E-mail: Jçkabs Truðiòð Professor, Dr.habil.arch. Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 16 Âzenes Str., LV-1048, Rîga, Latvia E-mail: Treija S., Truðiòð J. Jaunais urbânisms un tâ interpretâcijas Latvijâ Globâlâ urbanizâcija, kas koncentrç iedzîvotâjus metropoïu reìionos, ir cieði saistîta ar plaðu izplatîbu guvuðiem pilsçtu suburbanizâcijas procesiem. Jaunais urbânisms, arhitektu, plânotâju un nekustamo îpaðumu attîstîtâju kustîba, kas aizsakusies ASV, pamatojas uz vairâkiem plânoðanas un arhitektûras principiem, kas kopâ izmantoti izmantoti cilvçka mçrogam atbilstoðas, kâjâmgâjçjiem piemçrotas kopienas (communities) radîðanu. Simtiem jaunu, daþâda mçroga projektu, kuros ir izmantotas Jaunâ urbanisma idejas, ir jau îstenoti vai atrodas realizâcijas stadijâ. Latvijâ pilsçtu izpleðanâs problemâtika ir îpaða aktualitâte Rîgas reìiona kontekstâ. Apdzîvojumam ir tendence izplûst uz pilsçtai pieguloðajâm teritorijâm, galvenokârt savrupmâju apbûves veidâ. Tâdçjâdi samçrâ strauji pieaug savrupmâju bûvniecîbas apjoms, kam seko arî iedzîvotâju skaita pieaugums Rîgas pilsçtai tieði pieguloðajâs paðvaldîbâs. Pieaugot piedâvâto dzîvesvietu kvantitatîvajam aspektam, mainâs arî izvçles kritçriju un piedâvâjumu kvalitâte.Viens no piedâvâtajiem, jau daïçji realizçtajiem projektiem, kas atðíiras ar konceptuâli pârdomâtu plânojumu ir “Beberi”, kurâ ietvertas lielâkâ daïa no Jaunâ urbânisma pamatprincipos paustajâm prasîbâm un kurâ dzîvojamâs vides kvalitâte vçrtçjama ka potenciâli augsta.


Treija S., Truðiòð J. New Urbanism and its interpretations in Latvia The global urbanisation, which causes people to concentrate around metropolitan regions, is tightly connected with the widely spread city suburbanisation processes. The New Urbanism is a movement started in the USA by architects, planners and real estate developers. It stands on several principles of architecture and urban planning, which help create a human-scale, pedestrian-friendly communities. Hundreds of new different scale projects making use of the New Urbanism ideas have already been built or are in the stage of implementation. In Latvia the urban sprawl problem is especially urgent in the context of the Riga region. The housing tends to dissipate into the outlying territories mainly in the form of single-family housing. Thus the construction volume in the civil parishes neighbouring Riga grows relatively fast followed by an increase of population. With the quantitative increase of housing supply, the choice criteria and the quality of the supply change accordingly. One of the offered, partly implemented projects excelling in a conceptually well-considered planning is Beberi; it incorporates the majority of requirements set by the principles of the New Urbanism, and its living environment quality is to be assessed as potentially high. Òðåéÿ Ñ., Tðóøèíü Å. Íîâûé óðáàíèçì è åãî èíòåðïðåòàöèè â Ëàòâèè Ãëîáàëüíàÿ óðáàíèçàöèÿ, êîòîðàÿ êîíöåíòðèðóåò ëþäåé âîêðóã ñòîëè÷íûõ çîí, ñâÿçàíà ñ øèðîêî ðàñïðîñòðàíåíûìè ïðîöåññàìè ñóáóðáàíèçàöèè. Íîâûé óðáàíèçì – äâèæåíèå íà÷àòîå àðõèòåêòîðàìè, ãðàäîñòðîèòåëÿìè è ïðîÿâèòåëÿìè íåäâèæèìîñòè â ÑØÀ, áàçèðóåòñÿ íà ïðèíöèïû çîä÷åñòâà è ãðàäîñòðîèòåëüñòâà, êîòîðûå íàöåëÿíû íà ñîçäàíèå óþòíûõ ïî ìàøòàáó îáùèí. Ñîòíè íîâûõ ïðîåêòîâ ðàçëè÷íîãî ìàñøòàáà ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì èäåé Íîâîãî óðáàíèçìà óæå ñòðîÿòñÿ èëè íàõîäÿòñÿ â ñòàäèè ðåàëèçàöèè.  Ëàòâèÿ ïðîáëåìà ñóáóðáàíèçàöèè îñîáî àêòóàëüíà â êîíòåêñòå Ðèæñêîãî ðåãèîíà. Æèëüå, êàê ïðàâèëî, ðàññåÿíî â îòäàëåííûõ òåððèòîðèÿõ, â îñíîâíîì â âèäå îòäåëüíûõ äîìîâ. Ñ êîëè÷åñòâåííûì óâåëè÷åíèåì ñíàáæåíèÿ æèëèùåì, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî èçìåíèëèñü îòáîðíûå êðèòåðèè. Îäèí èç ïðåäëàãàåìûõ, ÷àñòè÷íî ðåàëèçîâàíûõ ïðîåêòîâ, êîòîðûé îòëè÷àåòñÿ ñ êîíöåïòóàëüíî ïðîäóìàííîé èäååé, ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïîñåëîê Áeáeðè; ãäå âêëþ÷åíû áîëüøèíñòâî òðåáîâàíèé, óñòàíîâëåííûõ ïðèíöèïàìè Íîâîãî óðáàíèçìà.




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