Arbor Vitae - Twenty-fifth Edition

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Gaming Disorder is a Mental Health Condition. Am I Included?

Songs You Could Listen On Your Journey

Get to Know Ambassador of Public Health AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 25th Edition/January 2020





ideo gaming is an extremely popular leisuretime activity with more than two billion users worldwide. However, the media as well as professionals have underscored the potential dangers of excessive video gaming. Part of the concern here is that stifling video games could substantially harm people. Games are now used in education all the time There’s even some early research into “prescription video games,” trying to see how games — especially with the advent of virtual reality — could be used to help treat mental health conditions. But beyond a medical setting, video games entertain people. They can let people relax after a hard day. They can provide an escape. All of these are real benefits that help people on a daily basis. What is it about games that some people find addictive? Or is what looks like gaming addiction simply a symptom of other underlying problems, such as depression? The second Arbor Vitae on this tenure is finally released with the gaming addiction as the main topic. Find all the information about this issue in Current Medical Affairs. Don’t forget to check the #AskTheReader Section to know who is the winner of the previous quiz! We would like to thank every contributor of this edition. You guys are all awesome and full of ideas! Keep inspire and share your thoughts through this magazine! I hope you guys are excited as I am. Enjoy reading!

Best Regards,

Ignatius Evan Santosa Editor-in-Chief


Ignatius Evan Santosa Editor-in-Chief Prasista Ariadna Kusumadewi Medical Affairs Editor

Pierre Harold Aristo Interview Editor

Elisa Wulur World Issue Editor

Amelia Minarfah City Guide Editor

Michelle Putri Music Editor

Rani Permata Photography Editor

Nadya Halida Technology Editor

Raina Maharani Tasyandita AMSA Events Editor Rani Permata Cover Illustrator

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Karmenia Jessica AMSA-Universitas Tarumanagara

Barii Ikraam Majiid Ahmad AMSA-Universitas Tarumanagara

Bagus Amartya AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada

Nadya Intan Alyssa AMSA-Universitas Trisakti

Matthea Thessa Ophira AMSA-Universitas Pelita Harapan

Michelle Putri Christianti Nugroho AMSA-Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Gita Manerlin AMSA-Universitas Tarumanagara

Fenska Seipalla AMSA-Universitas Airlangga

Jane Felicia AMSA-Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Putri Rahmadyani Condroasih AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada

Hanifa Nurul Hana AMSA-Universitas Padjadjaran

Gabriella Belinda AMSA-Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya


Petra Damiana Anindita AMSA-Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana

Denok Mareta Haq AMSA-Universitas Jambi

Sekar Arum Srigati AMSA-Universitas Jember

Prima Nabila Berliana AMSA-Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

Theodorus Wijaya AMSA-Universitas Tarumanagara

Jeanette Sefanya Yefta AMSA-Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana

Allysa Nadya Choirunisa Ramadhani AMSA-Universitas Hang Tuah

Galuh Mahendra AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada

Sagung Ngurah APD AMSA-Universitas Trisakti

Anita Dominique AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya

Cindy Jilbert AMSA-Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran� Jakarta


Anis Rohmasari AMSA-Universitas Padjadjaran

Wilhelmina Wilma Wijaya AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada

Rosalia Dwi P. AMSA-Universitas Jember

Josephine Passaareta Riduvan FN. AMSA-Universitas Hang Tuah

Salsabillah Chaerunnisa AMSA-Universitas Kristen Indonesia

I. Dewa Ayu Meyta Putri Sandradevi AMSA-Universitas Halu Oleo

Nissa Daradinanti AMSA-Universitas Sriwijaya

Helena Arnetta Puteri AMSA-Universitas Indonesia

Venna Bella Sabatina AMSA-Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Athaya Haura Tiza Azizah AMSA-Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani





Video Games: Recreation or Addiction?

Karimunjawa, Jewel Hidden in Java

Gaming Disorder is a Mental Health Condition. Am I Included? Press Quit Now! Or Getting Hijacked Inside & Ruined Outside

Intriguing Hidden Place of Jember

Gaming Disorder Idle Game: Waiting is Playing Virtual Reality: A Future for Mental Disorders Therapy

MUSIC Menari Dengan Bayangan: Emotional Therapy by Hindia A Sweet Elegy from Niki Red Velvet Completes 2019 with Their Latest Album “The ReVe Festival: Finale”


Songs You Could Listen On Your Journey

Discrimination: The Catalyst

Fine Line: The Evolution of Harry Styles

Jakarta Flood, Climate Change,and Capitalism

Music: The Underrated Aspect of a Film Dance Monkey Top 3 Twenty One Pilots Songs About Mental Illness




Photography, Social Media, and Excessive Photoshopping

Brain Games: Do They Really Work? Game Fact TIME Little Poem for The Sea



Ambassador of Public Health AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020

Skuy Living


? V

ideo games have been an escape from daily stresses since 1970s. In the early days of video games, most of them were only accessible through arcade machines which were not available for twenty-four hours. Although the graphic features were primitive compared to today’s complex, it has successfully seized the attention of not only children, but also teens and adults. Nowadays, varies games are so popular and can be played continuously on game devices, personal computers, even smartphones. Video games become more elaborated with multiple characters with gifts and powers, complicated storylines, and

inviting people from other part of the world to play with. Children or teens may find that they can avoid interacting with ‘real’ people by engaging with online gamers. It soon become apparent that video games have consumed a large amount of time as people always tried hard to win. Even though gaming has been around for about fifty years, but studies about its harms and addiction are still in the early stages. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) added “gaming disorder” to the 2018 version of its medical reference book, International Classification of Diseases.


Popular beliefs about video games Not all researchers agree that video gaming is harmful and addictive. Some believe that video games expand imagination, sharpen reflexes and cognitive skills. Nevertheless, when people spend most of their times playing and neglecting schoolwork, physical exercise, social activities, or even family events, the benefits of video gaming seem less certain. There is still controversy whether video gaming is addiction, compared to gambling, drug abuse or alcoholism. However, according to WebMD, video game addiction can be considered as impulse control disorder. The source of addiction is still unknown, but some believe that the process of playing and winning may trigger the release of dopamine, a brain chemical that elevates mood that is also involved in other addiction, such as alcoholism or drug abuse.

1. Poor performance at school, work, or household responsibilities as a result of time-consuming video games 2. A decline in personal hygiene or grooming 3. Neglecting social activities and other hobbies 4. Irritability, anxiety or anger when forced to stop or pause gaming 5. Careless of conflicts and other situations Adults may also suffer from this problem. When they are no longer able to control the amount of time they spend on video gaming thus affecting their jobs or relationships, they may have crossed the line from recreation to addiction.

Health and social risks

The major risk of gaming is sedentary When does gaming become an lifestyle as most gamers spend their time sitting without doing any physical addiction? activities. The lack of physical exercise The APA’s manual, the DSM- may lead to weight gain, poor posture, 5, doesn’t include video gaming as and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes addiction but there are some warning because they usually spontaneously eat signs of video gaming problems: snacks while gaming.

Gamers may also have problems with concentration and attention. There is some concern that the rapid movements and fast-paced action of video games promote a loss of concentration in players. Children who spend a lot of time video gaming may become less interested in reading books and school activities which requires more focused attention. Last but not least, video games focusing on combat and fights may result in an aggressive child.

How to stop? There are some tips for gamers that are trying to stop or reduce addiction of video gaming: 1. Set time limits for play and try to stick to them 2. Keep phones and other gaming devices out of the bedroom so you won’t play it all nights 3. Do other activities, including exercise and social gathering

There is a hypothesis that thalamus development takes place on the first three years of life. It means if a child is introduced to games and get attached to it, he will stick to it his whole life. By reading this, we can evaluate whether we take video games as recreation or it has shift into addiction because no one knows the effect of video games to us better than ourselves. References Video Game Addiction [Internet].WebMD Medical Reference. 2019 [cited 28 December 2019]. Available from: https://www.



t is fun to enjoy the things you like a disorder and you don’t realize whole life? This situation happe playing game in spare time, but som jeopardizing personal, family, acad common behavior are the thought o play or play less, avoiding social life problems and bad feelings.

e to do. However, how if your hobby becomea e that it suddenly involved and affected your ena the most in gaming. Many people enjoy me over-playing internet or video gaming until demic, financial, and occupational life. Their of gaming all time, feeling bad when they can’t e, and using games as self-help to overcome

However, it is only minority of gaming enthusiast that fall to gaming disorder. Do gaming make you feel joyful? Or do gaming make you feel like the more you play the more you feel depressed?. You may not realize those feelings, but when someone around you said that you are too much, maybe it is the perfect time for you to cut back. In 2018, WHO includes Gaming Disorder (GD) as a mental health condition. Previously parties are questioning whether negative condition caused by gaming is an addiction and how to distinguish the one to a normal condition such as a professional gamers or someone playing often without suffers any negative impact. While in its most recent edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published in 2013, APA didn’t include video game addiction but gambling as mental health disorder. At that time, APA stated that there wasn’t enough evidence to determine whether gaming disorder is a unique mental health condition. Until then, they recommended further research in the area.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, addiction term strictly referred to substances abuse such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Over the last 15 years, the idea of behavior become addiction has gained traction, moreover after neuroimaging showed that gambling behavior could activate the brain’s reward system in the same way as drugs. It is also mentioned that behavior can also change neurochemistry, not only the ingestion of drugs, as stated by Prof. Howard Shafer, a Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. For some clinical psychiatrists, the debate is moot. Some don’t care about the definition whether it’s an addiction or what’s happening at a neurobiological level. The interesting thing is what’s happening to the patient in the real world that should be help. Based on WHO 11th edition of ICD (International Classification of Diseases) in mid-2018, Gaming Disorder (GD) defined as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.1 To diagnosed the disorder, the behavior pattern stated previously must disturb life function, cause sufficient severity to suspect and observed for twelve months.

someone who’s actually fine to be called as “gaming disorder or gaming addict”. This kind of situation might be happening to a professional gamers or regular gaming use (RGU) who often playing game frequently for recreation, or have similar amounts of time gaming as the GD but without the negative consequences. After the inclusion of GD to ICD-11 by WHO, the organizations representing the games industry such as the Electronic Software Association (ESA) have been opposing this decision. They argued that ‘Gaming disorder’ inclusion by WHO is not based on sufficiently robust evidence, common sense and objective research prove video games are not addictive, and putting that official label on them recklessly trivializes real mental health issues like depression and social anxiety disorder, which deserve treatment and the full attention of the medical community.2

Now WHO concern is to avoid overdiagnosed by making standardization. On the other hand, the inclusion of GD in ICD-11 allows physician and countries to plan treatment programs for people with the gaming disorder characteristics. According to dr. Richard Graham, a technology addiction specialist at London’s Nightingale Hospital, the in creating the opportunity for more specialized services. It puts on the map as something to take seriously. Just because parties are still debating several things about the disorder, don’t forget that there are people that need help to The pattern behavior “plus” cope gaming disorder. the signs of significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other negative behavior are important to include, since we don’t want to mislead people judging

References WHO: Gaming Disorder. 2018. Available from Rachel Kaser. The WHO Makes ‘Gaming Disorder’ Official Despite Industry Pushback. Available from: https://thenextweb. com/gaming/2019/05/28/world-health-organization-gaming-disorder-industry-reaction/ Mark Zastrow. Is video game addiction really an addiction?.

“Just one more level.”


ave you ever heard or even experienced that kind of feeling?

Video game has now joined the gang of addictive substances. It is unique, it differs from the addictive drugs we’ve seen on TV. However, just like the others, it won’t let you go that easy. Video games are designed to be addictive using the art of behavioral psychology to keep us ` hooked. All of us admit that the game developer had succeeded, don’t we?

Hijacked inside Games stimulates our brain with high amount of dopamine. Overexposure of this level of stimulation can cause structural changes to our brains. National Institute of Mental Health stated the neuroimaging studies of Internet gaming addiction with associated changes in brain structure. Internet gaming addiction was found to share similarities with other addiction, including substance dependence, at the molecular, and behavioral levels. The similarities include altered dopaminergic and neuronal activity. This brand-new type of addictions cause deficient impulse control, behavioral inhibition, and general cognitive functioning. In a simple way, you are out of control of your own self and the games are able to hijack your brain. You decide who win the battle: is it the game or you?

The Virtuality Games provide enjoyment in a whole exciting virtual world. We can be anyone in a game: a villain, a hero, a monster, a zombies, you name it! Furthermore, we are able to experiences varieties of life situations. We can leave our boring and stressing reality and enjoy the interesting virtual world. However, please don’t forget to return to real life. This virtual world may lead to a retreat from real life for some individuals. We might don’t want to go back to our reality and trapped there. Once the virtual world has taken over your reality, the game has reached the boss level in your virtuality. Hence, we get more addicted to the games.

Ruined Outside: Do you get this too? Corresponding with the damage it caused to our brain, gaming addiction can be characterized by 1. Impaired control over gaming (onset, frequency, intensity, duration, termination, context) 2. Increasing priority given to gaming, over other life interests and daily activities 3. Lacking of control, continuing gaming despite its negative consequences 4. Loss of interests These behavior pattern is enough to ruin our personal, family, social, educational, occupational, or even

phone (or game controller, etc). The awkward position leads to musculoskeletal issues, such as Playstation thumb, Nintendonitis, and Wii fracture. The name of diseases corresponding to the games causing Let’s stop and think, is Glorious each. People who remain physically Mythic, Glory Crown, and others, are inactive for extended periods due to gaming may have a higher risk of sleep worth enough to ruin your life? problems, obesity (keep in mind that obesity is the mother of many diseases Gaming Addiction: Don’t Let the such as cardiovascular disease, so please Game Play You don’t stuck with your games), and other World Health Organization health issues. (WHO) have listed gaming disorder as a disorder due to addictive behavior You are not cursed with death in the International Classification of sentence by only playing games. For Diseases (ICD-11). We can be diagnosed specified amount, playing games can having a gaming disorder if we show the bring several benefits. However, keep in characteristics mentioned above for at mind that you are the one who in charge least 12 months. The required duration of your own life. Don’t let it hijack you. may be shortened if all diagnostic From now on, limit your gaming and do requirements are met and symptoms are not hesitate to press the quit button. severe. other important aspects of our life. Our mood will change, we might become a deceptive person, and ruining our relationship, job, and other precious things.

There is no doubt that some gaming behaviors are problematic. Excessive gaming has even resulted in death in some cases. Having a battle in League of Legends means sitting endlessly in very awkward position with strained eyes and our hands not willing to let go our precious mobile

“Still not sure about exitting game?” References Leonard, Jayne. 2018. What is A Gaming Disorder? Medical News Today. URL: https://www.medicalnewstoday. com/articles/322478.php. Accessed 29th December 2019. Kuss D. J. (2013). Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives. Psychology research and behavior management, 6, 125–137. doi:10.2147/PRBM.S39476


veryone has a different hobby, and now almost 90% of various age groups, especially kids have a hobby of playing games. Game online is a game that is very worldwide. In fact, the last few years have penetrated into Indonesia and have many enthusiasts.

when playing games they seem to be brought to the world of the game they are playing and without them knowing that a lot of time is wasted which should have been used for produtive things at that time. As has been widely reported recently, a young child experiences a game addiction that causes mental Excessive pleasure in this online disruption. game turned out to have a bad impact. There are many cases that can prove World Health Organization (WHO) this in Indonesia. From those that have officially establishes game addiction as mediocre effects to those whose effects a mental disorder and also included it are very severe. in the list of “disorders due to addictive behavior� or diseases caused by habit or Games are not just a hobby for addiction. them, but they are like addictions and

Game addiction can be called a disease if it fulfills three things: First, someone can’t control the habit of playing games; Second, someone starts to prioritize games over other activities; Third, someone continues to play the game despite the obvious negative consequences. And also the other characteristics of addiction to games in children include forgetting the learn, forgetting doing homework, getting up late, often skipping school, then not wanting to be separated from games, and getting angry when games are taken. Online video game play has two opposing sides. It can educate, and make us more creative. On the other hand, it can actually cause addictions that damage the brains of the addicts. Game online are indeed created in such a way as to cause addictive effects for the players. So only we ourselves can control the impact. Could it be addictive to the “game” form of emptiness off the soul? Many people get the wrong perception when calling someone playing internet games for hours, as addictive behavior. The behavior is not addictive, but the person is not happy in his life. The behavior conditions of gamers can’t be compared to the treatment of drug addiction. If someone is playing games just to fulfill their psychological needs, then this will be a big problem if they can’t fulfill those needs in the real world. There are several factors that influence a person becoming addicted to online games, for biological factors: in people who like to play this game, dopamine neurotransmitters will

increase, causing excitement. Humans are born with low dopamine, will always look for ways, objects or activities that can increase dopamine. So in terms of biology, someone who has the neurotransmitter dopamine disorder, will be more prone to adiction. Online based games are often presented with content that stimulates adrenaline players. There are also challenges that always increase at every level of the game. This is certainly an attraction as well as risk for people who are basically psychologically happy to look for challenges. Meanwhile, from the social side, one of theanwhile, from the social side, one of the patterns is parenting parents who give games to their children from an early age so as to form a mindset that if the game is a place to find pleasure, so they end up dependent. Even now for the first time, the olympic Council of Asia (olympics Council of Asia, OCA) includes a competitive video game alias eSports in Asia’s most prestigious sporting event. eSports began to be included because it is a part of modern sports that involves a lot of millennials, and sports that are rapidly evolving entertainment in the community. Gaming disorder is a newly defined condition, the stage of treatment can’t be clearly explained yet. Even so, handling other addictions, such as gambling addiction, has the possibility to be applied in overcoming addiction to playing games. Gambling addiction is usually overcome by therapy, drug administration (medication), and attending meetings or gatherings aimed at mutually supporting the healing of fellow addicts.

Some of the treatment steps below might also be used as a treatment option for gaming disorder: 1. Education. Treatment is carried out by providing knowledge about the dangers of gaming addiction to mental health as well as about gaming disorder as a whole. Try treatments that are commonly used for addiction conditions. This treatment generally includes helping sufferers control their desires, how to deal with irrational thoughts that arise, and learn to find solutions to problems encountered. 2. Intrapersonal. This treatment will help someone to master their own identity, build self-confidence, and increase emotional intelligence. 3. Interpersonal. In this step, sufferers wil be taught to improve their communication skills, build self-esteem increase emotional intelligence, and interact with others. 4. Family help. If the game addiction experienced worsens the relationship with the family, the family is also encouraged to participate in the therapy. 5. Live a new lifestyle. To prevent addictions from playing games, a person must be able to recognizee their abilities and strengths and find other activities besides playing games that are considered fun.



ave you heard of idle games? It is a recent minimalist gaming phenomenon in which the game requires less player interaction to progress. It usually involves repeating simple action such as clicking to accumulate resources/in-game currency, which in turn allow players to obtain items, characters or skills. There are several types of idle games such as zero-player games which the player is involved only during first set up and the game will play itself, ambient games - which derived from ambient music and the player’s interaction is reduced so that they can do other things as their main focus and gaming as their background activity, and lastly, background games - which the majority of work happens when player is not playing. It is interesting how a game that offers inter-passivity gain so much popularity. Some aspects made this genre appealing that is: The economy of attention - the game doesn’t need constant presence therefore it treats player attention as scarce resources. Second, recurring gratification - the reward is given for the player even for their absence from the game. Third, compulsive gameplay - is based on behavioral models (such as in social platforms) that stimulate the player to check the status often. Lastly, elimination of drudgery - or elimination a lot of difficult/repetitive tasks by automating the gameplay.

The good thing about this game is it requires less clicking and have the waiting period in between the next clicking. It is nice to have a game playing by itself for hours and the player can do another thing, yet some games have a short amount of waiting. For example, a game only requires players to collect food for the animal and the waiting time is 2 minutes. The player would be less likely to leave it because of less waiting and the thoughts of “what can be done only in 2 minutes”. Thus the engagement time to the game becomes longer and the player won’t get their work done.

Most of the games offer a calming atmosphere and relaxation for the player. They usually accompanied by beautiful visuals, mainly minimalistic. There is also gentle instrumental music playing in the background. One example, in a game player can choose some plants and water it once a day with only one click, and then wait for some amount of time for the plants to grow. It enables the player to decorate the terrarium based on their preference. Other examples the player can decorate and take care of an island or home. Some games also have cute animals or plant characters you can tap to make them “talk”. Surprisingly, the words written in the character speech bubble is some motivational words and word of wisdom.

Not all games require you to watch an advertisement (ad) video. Yet I realized a problem after trying to play and encountered an ad. Sometimes, the ad is a game ad that demonstrates computer players intentionally making mistake in completing such an easy

task (how depressing...) Thus, people watching it have the urge to download and try finishing it. Some of them are rewarded advertising which might give the player in-game currency. This could increase player engagement to the ad and possibly cause changes in behavior. Then questions start popping in my head. Does this make people relax? Does it worth the player’s time to wait and watch? This genre of gaming sounds promising, but does this type of game genuinely serves the psychologically healthy relaxation? With the current lack of evidence and issues that have been seen, I think this would be rather depressing. People will spend more time doing nothing and unable to fully focus on finishing another task. Soon people will end up stressing more because of the work undone.

Upon surfing the web for this topic, I couldn’t find any scientific even reliable source of supporting data. It made clear that this field of gaming still needs much research. Even though there is little evidence for the engagement or chances of gaming addiction, we have to find out whether it is a relaxation technique or merely some sort of procrastination. Positive side of this genre is stated a paper written by Villereale. It recognizes this type of gaming as a promising direction for exergame and games that is designed for behavioral changes. This gives us a silver lining of opportunity and threat in the medical field. It can be a good weapon to fight against mental health or even other behavioral problems yet it can fight against us and causing more health problems in the future. It is on our hands, fellow medical students, researchers, psychologists, and even game scientist, to give more attention and to further research to this field.

References Eyles, M. and Eglin, R. (2019). Ambient Games, Revealing a Route tocmd=”newline”a World Where Work is Play? Alharthi, S., Alsaedi, O., Toups, Z., Tanenbaum, J. and Hammer, J. (2018). Playing to Wait. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ‘18. Villareale, J., Gray, R., Furqan, A., Fox, T. and Zhu, J. (2019). Enhancing social exergames through idle game design. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games - FDG ‘19.



irtual reality (VR) is an artificial environment generated by software and presented to the user in such a way that the user recognizes it as a real environment. The concept of VR itself had been started in 1935 as American science fiction writer Stanley G Weinbaum stated it in a short story called Pygmalion’s Spectacles. “But listen - a movie that gives one sight and sound. Suppose now I add taste, smell, even touch, if you interest is taken but the story. Suppose I make it so that you are in the story, you speak to the shadows, and the shadows reply, and instead of being on a screen, the story is all about you, and you are in it. Would that be to make real a dream?”

VR headset was created. Since then, the VR technology has been evolving rapidly. Nowadays, we can buy and have our own VR devices for as cheap as Rp300.000 or even try it for free in technology exhibitions. VR has been widely used for video and other entertainment purposes. It’s affordability and versatility make it so popular some people willing to give whatever it takes to have a chance to experience VR.

Although it’s popularity keeps rising, there’s been many controversies going around about the damages VR can do to our body, especially our nervous system. The idea of living out normally unrealistic fantasies or experience a realistic gaming experience through VR The concept remained a concept seems extremely intriguing for some until 2010 when the first prototype of a people, making them spends hours

using them that it interrupts their daily activities or in another words, they get addicted. Aside of inflicting addiction, some sources stated that VR can also cause brain confusion, eye damage, and other psychological effects. The illusion VR creates may trigger headaches, eye strain, dizziness, nausea, and potentially exposes user to harmful electromagnetic radiation through the smartphones and headsets used. Despite it’s popular use for entertainment and said negative side effects, some studies has found that VR can also be used to treat some mental disorders, especially posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A person with PTSD usually takes medication or go to talk therapy to help calm the nightmares, edginess, and extreme

emotional changes caused by PTSD. But, the most effective therapy often involves confronting the trauma itself. Exposing patients to their trauma will gradually teach them to approach trauma-related memories, situations, and feelings. In virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET), patients will be immersed in a computer-generated virtual environment that’s been programmed to help them confront triggering situations or locations. This way, patients can be exposed to their trauma in a safer and quicker way. Stephane Bouchard, the Canada Research Chair in Clinical Cyberpsychology at the University of Quebec stated that the use of VR also allows therapists to have greater control over the intensity

There are still lots to be explored of their patients’ experiences, which may regarding this novel treatment option lead to better treatment results. for mental disorder. But considering The result of studies regarding VRET the great outcomes, VR therapy surely for PTSD has shown satisfying results. In is a promising alternative treatment a systematic review and meta-analysis that hopefully will be able to provide a of 15 articles done by Deng Wenrui, et al better and more accessible treatment for in 2019, it’s been known that VRET had mental disorder patients. a positive significant effect in treating PTSD. Although it’s not absolutely better References 4 Health Risks From Using Virtual Reality Headsets than traditional therapies it helps reduce [Internet]. 2019 [cited 26 December 2019]. from: and its depressive symptoms. Not Available using-virtual-reality-headsets/ Prolonged Exposure (PE) [Internet]. https://www.apa. only PTSD, VR therapy can be used for org. 2019 [cited 26 December 2019]. Available from: https:// patients with anxiety. Several studies How Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) Treats have found that VR therapy can help PTSD [Internet]. Verywell Mind. 2019 [cited 26 December 2019]. reduce the length of anxiety treatment, Available from: save on time and cost. That exposure-therapy-vret-2797340 Deng W. The efficacy of virtual reality exposure therapy way, VR can help therapists to provide for PTSD symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2019;257:698-709. more accessible exposure therapy.


1. Friend, Please “Living like a ghost you walk by everyone you know You say that you're fine but you have lost your sway and glow So I stopped by to let you know Friend, please remove your hands from Over your eyes for me I know you want to leave but Friend, please don't take your life away from me�

Friend, Please merupakan salah satu lagu dari debut album Twenty One Pilots yang dirilis tahun 2009. Lagu ini memiliki makna yang cukup dalam. Bila dipahami dari sudut pandang kita –pendengar- sebagai tokoh utama, lirik lagu ini bercerita mengenai teman dekat yang berusaha untuk mengakhiri hidupnya. Bahkan dalam liriknya, depresi digambarkan sebagai laba-laba yang hidup dalam pikiran. Meski menghadapi gejolak emosi dan ingin mengakhiri hidupnya sendiri, seorang teman ini justru membentengi dirinya seolah ia baik-baik saja, selalu tersenyum. Tetapi, ia selalu merasa sendirian dan menolak siapapun yang mengulurkan tangan. Dalam lagu ini, kitalah yang pada akhirnya harus mencegahnya mengakhiri hidupnya. Berusaha membuka pandangan dan pikirannya bahwa ia tak sendiri. Kitalah yang mengajaknya melepaskan pikiran negatifnya dan menunjukkan padanya bahwa seberat apapun hidup, kita selalu ada dan siap mendengarkan ceritanya.

2. Gun for Hands “I know what you think in the morning When the sun shines on the ground And shows what you have done It shows where your mind has gone And you swearing to your parents That it will never happen again I know, I know, what that means, I know~ That you all have guns And you never put the safety on And you all have plans, To take it~ take it~”

Gun for Hands dirilis Twenty One Pilots pada tahun 2011 dalam album Regional at Best. Berbeda dengan Friend, Please yang lebih slow, Gun For Hands merupakan lagu yang cukup upbeat lengkap dengan rap khas Tyler Joseph. Namun, disinilah uniknya Twenty One Pilots. Mereka mampu mengemas lagu berlirik ‘dark’ dengan melodi yang upbeat. Bahkan ada yang mengatakan jika Twenty One Pilots mampu menutupi sebuah kesedihan dengan kegembiraan dalam lagu-lagunya. Kembali pada Gun for Hands. Secara umum lagu ini menceritakan tentang ketakutan-ketakutan kita yang siap membunuh layaknya memegang sebuah senjata yang bisa meletus kapanpun. Setiap orang tidak bisa lepas dengan masalah dan selalu berusaha untuk lebih baik setiap harinya. Namun, perasaan bersalah karena merasa gagal dalam hidup selalu mengganggu pikiran setiap malam. Lagu ini menggambarkan perasaan seseorang dengan mental illness yang insomnia karena sibuk dengan pikirannya yang berkecamuk.


TIME By: Barii Ikraam Majiid Ahmad

How much time do you spend playing games? Have we ever counted how long we play? Yes, playing games can help us cope with stress as long as its not excessive because nothing in this world is good if we do it too much. Don’t waste your precious time.

Brain Games: Do They Really Work?

Brain games topic has been controversial for years. New literature shows that there is no evidence to support the idea brain games can improve cognitive performance. So, don’t believe everything you see in the ads. The best brain-health advice is to stay physically active, keep a healthy mind, and socially connected.

By: Fenska Seipalla

Game Fact “One of the best lessons children learn through video games is standing still will get them killed quicker than anything else.� -Jinx Milea

By: Michelle Putri Christianti Nugroho

By: Hanifa Nurul Hana

TIME Nothing can stop them. The clock could only tick while the mother nature did its job. And when it was done, the clock stopped ticking, leaving us proof that when it’s time to be destroyed, then that’s the time to be destroyed.

Little Poem for the Sea

See how the fluffy clouds tumble, hear how the waves rumble and feel how the sand crumble underneath your barefoot.

By: Nadya Intan Alyssa

A walk about paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of life.

— Paris.

By: Jane Felicia

Skuy Living The human mind often creates problems that donĂ­t even exist. Learn to chill out and relax. By: Gita Manerlin


hotography has developed greatly since the time it was first invented in the 1800s. Nowadays, we often use our smartphones to take pictures, even in the context of professional photography. In fact, photography through smartphones has given rise to a new market sector named “iPhone Photography”. Alongside photography, social media and editing have also become prevalent. Social media itself plays a big role in the culture of photography. Sharing pictures on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and the good old Facebook has never been easier. All we need is a single click of the camera, a few editing tools and a clever caption. Due to this simplicity, social media has played a huge role in the popularization of photography. These platforms are used not just by amateur photographers, but also professional ones who seek to reach a larger audience. Moreover, we must also note that a crucial part of photography involves post-production. Although photoshopping tools were intended for enhancing purposes, the general tendency to use them unsparingly has removed the authenticity behind the photography industry. This, in turn, presents issues such as unrealistic beauty standards, low self-esteem, and pressure to conform to what has been featured as the “norm”.

Photography, Social Media, and Excessive Photoshopping By Matthea Thessa Ophira

Excessive photoshopping is most prominent in the fashion industry. Models are frequently photoshopped to fit the beauty standards of today, no matter how unrealistic they are. Waists are shaped smaller; freckles are erased to make way for a glass-skin finish; darker skin tones become victims to whitewashing. All this to make them look more conventionally “attractive�. Many models, actors and actresses alike have dissented from their pictures being overly altered. However, not much has been done to change what has seemingly become a culture in the industry. Seeing as post-production plays a major part in photography, we must ensure that it still preserves the integrity of the pictures taken. Photoshopping should be used solely with the intent to enhance, not to radically alter.



District one:


Daradinanti “You’ll never know if you never try.”



District two:


B. Sabatina “When you have an ambition or a dream you can feel overwhelmed but when you look at it as just one step at a time, one day you are gonna look up from your feet and you will be at your destination.”


District three:


H.T. Azizah “Be thankful for what you have. Work hard for what you don’t have..”


District four:

Wilhelmina Wilma W.

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”


District five:

Josephine Passareta R.F.N. “Stay focus with the purpose”



District six:

I Dewa Ayu

Meyta Putri S.

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”

Moreover, games are especially popular with children and adolescents whose emotions are not yet mature. It is unfortunate if the cognitive growth, social skills, and behavior of these people are disrupted due to uncontrolled time playing games that cause damage to the future. The importance of caring for others around us to remind that anything excessive is not good especially playing games.




Arnetta Puteri


ASK THE READER Get a Chance to Win

AMSA-Indonesia’s Official Merchandise! Hello! Thank you for your massive participation in #AskTheReader previous edition! The answer for the last edition’s #AskTheReader is:

CONCUSSION The winners for #AskTheReader 24th Edition of Arbor Vitae are:

Clarissa Puteri (AMSA-Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang) Jesi Pebriani (AMSA-Universitas Jambi) Siti Aisyah (AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada) Congratulations for all the winners! You can contact your District Supervisors to claim your prize! For those who haven’t won yet, don’t worry! #AskTheReader is now back for Twenty-fifth Edition! For this edition, can you name 6 old-school video game characters below?



Send your answer to email with the subject Name_University_AskTheReaderAV25 Example:





Evan_Universitas Gadjah Mada_ AskTheReaderAV25

or you can answer directly to our Line Official Account or Instagram @amsaindonesia. Make sure to put the subject before submit your answer! The answer is awaited until February 20th, 2020 and will be announced on the next Arbor Vitae! We are waiting for your answer!

LETTER FROM READERS How do you feel after reading Arbor Vitae 25th Edition? We hope you like it! Want to give some suggestions and ideas for Arbor Vitae? Send your thoughts to: with the Subject: Name_University_Letter to AV25 Example: Evan_Universitas Gadjah Mada_Letter to AV25. Or you can contact our District Supervisors. All suggestions will be post on the next edition. Thank you!

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