Scribbling Trix - digital sketch book and poetry scribbles

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Scribbling Trix Tricia ”Trix” Johansson

Digital sketch book and poetry scribbles

The inner feeling The inner feeling

In which they are hidden

There’s no power of healing

The things that are forbidden

A little, tiny, very small

Peeking through the wall

Short, not very tall

The most whimsical of us all

Power we cannot see

The ghastly things are up for a walk

The prisoners are we

Suddenly we’re not able to talk

A dried fiend,

A false end,

At least it can make us understand

All the faces we won’t see

All the places in which we cannot be

For all, we can’t make ourselves free

What begins with lies It begins with lies

prepared with flaws

The spaced thoughts flies

what's left just dies.

The beginning

was unfortunately the end

I wouldn't spend

A thought

with no chance of winning.

The eternal pain

is gone by wishing

I can't complain

I'm held back with a chain.

Back to the start

the beginning of lies

But even if it dies

I will remember in the heart.

Broken and gone

Trashed and wrong

I won't wait to long

To hear the spaced thought's song.

I wish I could end

what begins with lies

Thoughts; they always flies

I don't want to spend

The eternity in hell,

all the partial smell

I can already tell

this won't end well.

Autumn sun I can feel it in my hands

All kinds of colors

Shapes and forms.

Made by both monsters,

and humans,

Made by us all

Sometimes in the

Autumn sun

You can see 'em fall.

Sometimes I can

hear the sound

of a hymn

All kinds of shades

Made by both humans,

and monsters,

Made by us all

Sometimes in the

Autumn sun

You can see 'em fall. 

The internal The internal conclusion

of what’s happening inside

is confusion

and I’d be the dying bride

The confusion,

the names it throws at me

The conclusion,

the fact that is obvious to see.

I’m not me, but still not you,

I’m not free to be compared to what you do.

I’m not the one, and you cannot choose it

We cannot run, and you will lose it.

The conclusion will be.

The internal emotions,

for the sake of feeling

I despise it, why not put them in the ceiling?

I do wrong, I’m confused,

I’m just hold, beaten and used.

The internal conclusion,

of what’s happening outside,

Is the inner confusion,

which I’m forced to hide.

I wonder I wonder

what you're going

to do

When my ghost

is in front of you.

I wonder

what you're going

to say

When my ghost

suddenly blocks your way.

I wonder

what you're going

to see

When the odd one

is over me.

I wonder

what you're going

to do

When my ghost

is in front of you.

I wonder

what you're going

to hear,

I wonder

what you're going

to see.

When you'll realize

the ghost isn't me. 

In the light of the full moon The barely visible moon

A misty, dark night

the extraneous light

is slowly coming to sight.

I'd look at it

with an interested mind

Only one of a kind,

Oh, I must be mentally blind.

I'll carefully hit

the bottom line

It's fully mine

The moon is now lit.

I cannot sit

here and define

What's up with what's mine

I fell asleep, this is it. 

Value Anything for you

There is nothing

compared to you

The light

The dreams

In our eyes

There is nothing

of value

We were kissing

I held you


In the universe of


Anything for you


I do

It doesn't mean anything

In the end

the only of value

Were the feelings

My own


Which were never

truly responded

Don’t care to speak I know I'm cold and weak

C0ld, and I don't care to speak

I would like to fly

but not like a bird


no that's not a lie.

Speak up!, you'd say,

do yourself a favor,

just in any way.

I know I'm cold and weak

wherefore I don't care to speak

It's almost

like playing hide and seek

If this game wouldn't be

in a total of an internal streak.

Of pain

that will gain

a serious amount of shame

Out of the blue

due to the two.

Do yourself a favor

do not play hide and seek

because in hide and seek

you're not supposed to speak. 

The mind is set on pause mode The cabinet is half-open

Perhaps not open to it's half,

Perhaps just somewhat opened;

Like a solid part

of what mostly seems insane

Opened enough for you to notice

I'm not here

Probably I'm in the goblet,

in which the souls of the dead creatures are


Created out of weakness

You'd said

Not in those words

But close enough my flaws

The defect of the soul;

Like it's sold to this stranger

The one - that one

Whom talking

She's singing - the voice is the hymn

of an insane

Fewer flaws

Wouldn't help me out


The mind is set on pause mode

The cabinet is closed

Very closed; barely unspeakable

You'll see

The every secret thing

The remains

Wisdom - thoughts worth repeating

Outstanding knowledge

What you'd do in a case of this sort

Unfortunate occurrences

They'd show their faces

even to the most fortunate 

Called by the name I'm still the same

Quite whimsical

Still that curious thing

Still the same

Called by the name

Of a queer goth

Clearly the one

Quite disappointing

That whimsical thought

Distinctly dark and somber

Still the same

The one to blame

Wherefore I'm called by the name

Of a queer goth

It's me, you'd see, even before

Peeking through the door,

It's me you are looking for

I know who I am;

I'm aware of it all

Quite hopeless

Still not very amusing

Still the same

Called by the name

Of a queer goth 

Words spelled in silence Out of the blue

Able to think about blue eyes

And blue water

Able to hear

Words that were spelled in silence.

No matter what you can see

Listen to yourself

Towards the belief

Of the words

that were spelled in silence.

Out of the blue

Completely out of place

My character, the spirit slowly changing

Because of the words

that were spelled in silence. 

Him He was covered in scars

but had enough teeth

he had diďŹƒculties sleeping

and very small feet.

He was kind as a flower

naive as a child

strong as three horses

but have never gone wild.

Cleverness was a skill he never had

he is somehow always in trouble

it starts to make him mad.

Humble and kind

isn't always enough tools

Before; he was the good spirit

now; he is just like us; fools.

He used to be strong

he used to do what's right

he is no longer as before

other people made him fight.

Now when he's gone

we know what we've done

it's always too late for this song

Only God knows what went wrong. 

The reason behind a falling tear I listen to the sound

of the wind,

the rain and the trees,

and the life was somber.

I think the understanding

may appear,

behind the reason

of a falling tear.

A girl listen to the sound

of her friend,

the somber eyes,

whimsical thoughts.

She thinks the understanding

might appear,

behind the reason

of a falling tear. 

Copyright Tricia ”Trix” Johansson Published 2019 All rights reserved I hope you enjoyed my book and my scribbles as much as I did when I created them.

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