TorontoHye #182 March 2021

Page 1

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Volume 16, No. 2 (182), MARCH 2021 Toronto Armenian Community Newspaper


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Toronto Armenian Community Newspaper

ARS Canada Activities In Armenia: With the People, For the People

Position: Editor-in-Chief, TorontoHye Newspaper Job Description & Key Responsibilities: ·

The Editor-in-Chief of the TorontoHye Newspaper will be responsible for overseeing the various facets of the publication; including all published content in a timely manner (print, online, social media), liasing with leaders of all community organizations and ensuring appropriate coverage of key events and recent developments. The Editor-in-Chief will also be responsible for the delivery and adherence to, an annual budget, formal bookkeeping, all advertising revenues, and financial reporting. The Editor-in-Chief will further be responsible for managing a team of 5+ staff. Finally, the Editorin-Chief will be tasked with developing a strategy that focuses on upholding the integrity and reputation of the newspaper while increasing readership.

Additional Editorial Tasks: ·

Browse and acquire news items from major Armenian and related media outlets for daily online publication


Brainstorm and develop story and interview ideas for content and come up with assignments for reporters with reasonable deadlines. Content should be according to the publication s style, approach and editorial policy


Write editorial pieces and conducting interviews pertaining to important events in the community and beyond


Evaluate submissions from writers with final decision on what to publish. Proofread, edit and improve stories or pieces from community reporters and other writers


Arrange news and feature stories on the grid following the standards of news judgment, prominence and communicating the main message of our publication


Oversee layout and the production process (text, artwork, design, photography) and check content for accuracy and errors

Armenian Relief Society (ARS) Canada member ungeroohi Iren Telemian visit Hyreniki bashdbani verakangnoghakan kendron

Armenian Relief Society (ARS) Canada Armenia got in touch with Hyreniki bashdbani member Iren Telemian visited Armenia in verakangnoghakan kendron and arranged a December and filed the following report: gathering to give Christmas gifts to fallen wounded soldiers children on behalf of ARS I had an opportunity to visit Armenia Canada. We were able to have those children during the month of December 2020 and see, come to the center on Dec. 21 and receive a first-hand, the activities and the immense gift from Santa. I watched as the children amount of work that the Armenian Relief received their gifts with smiles on their faces Society is doing in Armenia and Artsakh. and tears in their mother s eyes, as they Living in the diaspora, it is very difficult to observed their children s happiness. imagine what our people are going through We couldn t arrange all this without help and what difficulties they are facing every day. of our ungeroohiner in the ARS office. You ARS has always been where there is a need, can t imagine what our ungeroohiner are going and nowadays our homeland needs our help through these days. They spend most of their more than ever. The ARS members are doing time in the office, where there is a lot of their utmost to help people in need. I visited the ARS office in Yerevan and paperwork and logistical work to be arranged, saw how our ungeroohiner (members) are and the rest of the time they are visiting families implementing ARS programs. They are visiting in need. I would like to especially thank different villages outside of Yerevan and ungeroohiner Hamesd Sassounian (ARS meeting families who lost their homes in Central Executive Representative) , Marineh Artsakh. ARS is implementing the Stand with Hampartzoumyan (ARS Armenia Executive an Artsakh Family and Amanor programs, Chair), Mrs. Nara ( Rep. from Verakangnoby handing these families cash to support ghakan kedron) and all the other ungeroohiner them during the cold months of winter. who work tirelessly and helped arrange the In addition, while I was there, ARS Christmas gift exchange.

Skills and Qualifications (IMPORTANCE): ·

Superior command of both Armenian and English languages (HIGH)


Experience managing teams and meeting deadlines (HIGH)


Experience in writing, publishing, editing (HIGH)


An active participant of the Armenian Community in Toronto (HIGH)


Financial and Accounting skills (MODERATE)

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13 The Late Bishop Meghrig Parikian s 40th Day Of Passing Commemorated At St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church In Toronto TORONTO-ARMENIANS

Meghrig Parikian Needy Family Fund Established Meghrashounch Badoumner , authored by the Late Bishop Parikian, Published Zareh Aznavourian Children s Choir Renamed Meghrig Parikian Children s Choir On Sunday, February 21, St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church commemorated the fortieth day of passing of the late Bishop Meghrig Parikian, Great House of Cilicia monk, former Prelate of the Armenian Prelacy of Canada, and beloved and long-serving parish priest of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church in Toronto. The Divine Liturgy and Requiem Service was presided by Archbishop Papken Tcharian, Prelate of the Armenian Prelacy of Canada, and was celebrated by the Parish Priest, the Very Rev. Fr. Vartan Tashjian. Also present at the liturgy was Archpriest Rev. Fr. Zareh Zargarian, Parish Priest of Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church and Vicar of the Armenian Diocese of Canada. At the end of Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Tcharian delivered his sermon reflecting on the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the paradise. Prelate Tcharian stated: We all have a responsibility to look for the path of righteous and not sin, and the Great Lenten period gives

us that opportunity even more so. He then went on to speak about the late Bishop Meghrig Parikian s life and stated: Bishop Parikian, a member of the Great House of Cilicia, served lovingly, served with dedication, served with his entire heart. On the occasion of Bishop Parikian s 40th day of passing, Prelate Tcharian announced that at the request of the Parish Priest s and Board of Trustees of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church the Church has established the Meghrig Parikian Needy Family Fund , th entire proceeds of which will be donated to the needy families, a matter so dear to the late Bishop Parikian s heart. Prelate Tcharian then announced the publication of Meghrashounch Badoumner , a book authored by the late Bishop Parikian himself, which contains over 60 real life stories for today s youth, that are built upon biblical foundations. Archbishop Tcharian thanked Doctor and Mrs. Jirair and Eky Ternamian as well as Archdeacon Manuel Shehirian who graciously sponsored the printing of the book. He also thanked Mrs. Suzie Kaltagian and Mrs. Maral Kavasian who worked day and night to have the book presented at this commemoration. The books will be ready for purchase in a couple of weeks. Finally, Prelate Tcharian stated: Bishop

Eulogy For Bishop Meghrig Parikian

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Commemoration of the 40th day of passing of Father Meghrig Parikian at St. Mary church, Toronto, Feb. 21.

Parikian was a musician, wherever he went he established choirs. In Toronto, he established the Zareh Aznavourian Children s Choir . In order for Bishop Parikian s memory to remain an ever-lasting one, at the request of the Parish Priest and the Board of Trustee, I am happy to announce that as of today, the Children s Choir of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic

Church shall be renamed Meghrig Parikian Children s Choir . Archbishop Tcharian alongside Fr. Tashjian and Fr. Zargarian blessed the new stoles of the Children s Choir and conducted Requiem Service for the late Bishop Parikian. The service ended with the Lord s Prayer.

Rejoice! He Will Always Be With Us By Krikor Astourian

Today, the world lost a great man. I lost a friend; I lost a brother and a mentor. Someone that had great influence on my life and the life of many. Someone who owned nothing yet gave a lot. Someone who witnessed hate yet gave love. Someone who never rested yet gave comfort. Someone who placed the collective good over personal gain. Someone who always managed to find hope even in the darkest aspects of life.

I was never a good wordsmith and I don t think my words will do him justice; however needed to say few words in his memory no matter how crushed I feel. For everyone who knew our beloved Bishop Meghreak,; to all the lives he touched, I say, keep the faith brothers and sisters, keep the positivity the prayers and the good work; as that s what our beloved friend would ve wanted us to do. Rejoice by knowing that he will always be with us in spirit. Till we meet again my friend, rest in peace!

In Memory Of His Grace Bishop Parikian

St. Mary Armenian Apostolic church members with Father Meghrig.

Isabel Kaprielian

Hayr Meghrig came to Toronto like a young lion with towering musical talent and like a gentle lamb with profound faith before God. Selflessly, he shared both his musical genius and his abiding faith with an entire community. Father Meghrig was a visionary, who summoned us, inspired us, and taught us the joys and beauty of our Armenian musical traditions. He was a man whose energy, dedication, and capacity for hard work knew no bounds. Like magic, he drew out talents in others, especially young people often talents they did not know they possessed. Nothing was ever impossible, neither for him nor for

his followers. The concerts, choirs, and events he organized were always perfect, for Father Meghrig was a perfectionist. He was a kind and generous man a man who knew no greed and had no interest in worldly things. People showered him with gifts, which he accepted and immediately gave away to others. Hayr Meghrig s faith shone on his face and in his work. Sometimes, during Mass, I would be very moved by his countenance. He seemed totally transfixed in his communication with God. It was a blessed sight that will remain with me all my life. He uplifted our souls with his divine music and with his deep faith. With affection and sweet memories.


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Father Meghrig with congregation during a mass service, Toronto, January 2015.

Aida Kantzabedian

Dear Hayr Meghrig, You are always in our hearts even though you have gone away. The church was your birthplace where you grew up, nourished and inspired. Where you enlightened by the oil droplets embedded in the unwavering faith of our first yebiskobos saint Gregory the Illuminator. The church became your existence and the congregation your love and devotion. You were the relentless sower, planting the seeds of perfection, perseverance and forgiveness; hoping to harvest the teachings of our Church and its doctrine through the pathway designed by our Almighty Lord. You became the Renaissance of our community for a better life and future. You loved our children and our youth. You

foresaw and retrieved their hidden potentials and encouraged their talents and confidence. This empowered them to walk smoothly through the challenges of life. Our last encounter was the farewell afternoon tea organized by Armenouhi Kololian and myself. An unforgettable and light hearted summer afternoon. You and Lena Beylerian sang and played the piano and we all laughed and sang along. You left by blessing us each with a cross to keep. Little did we know that this would be our last goodbye. But, dear Hayr Meghrig, please rest assured. You will always remain in the deep pages of our hearts even though you are now gone. Let your pure soul float in the eternity of peace where there is no pain but tranquil melody, guiding us with your ongoing blessings.


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The Armenian National Committee Of Canada Purchases New Property In Ottawa To Serve As Its New Headquarters (OTTAWA February 10, 2021) On February 1st, 2021, the Board of Directors of the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) finalized the purchase of a new property in Ottawa that will now serve as its new headquarters, reported the ANCC. Since 1965, the ANCC has been the largest and most influential Armenian-Canadian grassroots human rights organization, actively advancing the policy priorities of the ArmenianCanadian community. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCC advocates for a broad range of issues and works to eliminate abuses

of human rights throughout Canada and the world. In 2006, the ANCC opened its first headquarters in the National Capital Region and has maintained a full-time presence in Ottawa ever since. As a result of the recent TurkishAzerbaijani aggression against Armenia and Artsakh, Armenians in Canada and around the world are united more than ever in their pursuit of justice and truth. At such crucial times, the purchase of this new property will expand and diversify the ANCC s day-to-day operations and help in strengthening its nationwide grassroots activism and engagement.

Australian Government Supports OSCE Process And Principles Including Self-Determination For Artsakh Peace (Armradio)- Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne has reaffirmed the Australian Government s support for the OSCE Minsk Group process, highlighting equal rights and self-determination of people as one of the three equal principles that must guide Nagorno Karabakh to permanent peace following the bloody war of 2020, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia. In a letter responding to relentless advocacy by the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) and the ArmenianAustralian community, Minister Payne welcomed the break to hostilities as a result of the agreement while highlighting the need for both sides to observe the Helsinki Final Act, which calls for respect of the principles of the non-use of force, territorial integrity, and equal rights and self-determination of people . Minister Payne further called on both Armenia and Azerbaijan to support the efforts of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group to achieve peace in the region. So far, Armenia has expressed its willingness to partake in this process, while Azerbaijan s dictator Ilham Aliyev has attempted to sidestep and ridicule

the OSCE Minsk Group, stating what they were unable to achieve through negotiation, he achieved through military force. The Armenian-Australian community s peak public affairs body welcomed the Australian Government s position as a major step in the right direction . It is important to the Armenian-Australian community that the OSCE Minsk Group with all three co-chair countries including Russia, France and the United States takes the lead in negotiations to bring peace to Nagorno Karabakh, and critical that the rights to selfdetermination as exercised by the indigenous Armenians of the Republic of Artsakh are respected during this process, said ANC-AU Executive Director Haig Kayserian. This must start with the return of all military and civilian prisoners of war that Azerbaijan continues to hold and torture, as well the replacement of the occupying Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno Karabakh with peace-keeping forces before Aliyev is allowed to complete the deliberate obliteration of the ancient, indigenous Armenian cultural and religious monuments in those occupied territories.

Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne

Kayserian added: Similar to Kosovo and East Timor, Australia should stand on the right side of history on this issue, and Minister Marise Payne has articulated a path towards this through her correspondence. Recently, over 3,000 Australians signed

an Australian Parliamentary Petition calling for Australian to recognise the Republic of Artsakh, as we believe the war proved beyond doubt that this would be the only way to ensure security for the most vulnerable, the indigenous Armenians of the region.

100 U.S. Representatives Call On Biden Administration To Stand With Artsakh And Armenia

President Joe Biden

Bipartisan Letter Signed by Legislators from 20+ U.S. States Advances ProArmenian Policy Priorities Washington One hundred Members of Congress from more than twenty U.S. states have called upon the Biden Administration to undertake concrete steps for Artsakh s survival and Armenia s security, in a bipartisan Armenian Caucus letter strongly supported by the Armenian National Committee of America. The strong Congressional participation in the Armenian Caucus letter to the Biden Administration reflects and also powerfully

reinforces growing bipartisan support for Artsakh among legislators from across America, said ANCA Government Affairs Director Tereza Yerimyan. We look forward to working with the leadership of the Caucus and each of our legislative friends to translate these pro-Armenian, pro-peace policy priorities into action. The letter, addressed to the Secretaries of State and Defense, underscoring the severity of the regional crisis caused by six weeks of unrelenting Azerbaijani and Turkish aggression last fall, proposes urgent action on the following U.S. policy priorities: U.S. emergency assistance that provides the people of Artsakh with the ability to reconstruct their communities and rebuild their lives without fear of further bloodshed. U.S. re-engagement in the search for an enduring regional settlement based on the fundamental right of self-determination that protects the security of Artsakh and helps to ensure another war does not break out. U.S. recognition of the right to selfdetermination for the people of Artsakh and their role as a legitimate negotiating party in resolving this conflict. U.S. leadership in securing the immediate release of Armenian prisoners U.S. accountability, including sanctions against high-ranking Azerbaijani and Turkish leaders, the withholding of U.S. aid to Baku,

and ending the waiver of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act. U.S. support for Armenia s economic development and assistance to Armenians displaced by Azerbaijani aggression U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide by President Biden. The Armenian Caucus letter was spearheaded by its leadership, Reps. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Jackie Speier (D-CA), David Valadao (R-CA), and Adam Schiff (D-CA). Joining them in co-signing this bipartisan appeal were Representatives Jake Auchincloss (D-MA), Jim Banks (R-IN), Nanette Barragan (D-CA), Karen Bass (DCA), Don Beyer (D-VA), Jamaal Bowman (DNY), Brendan Boyle (D-PA), Julia Brownley (D-CA), Ken Calvert (R-CA), Salud Carbajal (D-CA), Tony Cardenas (D-CA), Judy Chu (DCA), David Cicilline (D-RI), Katherine Clark (D-MA), Jim Costa (D-CA), Jason Crow (DCO), Madeleine Dean (D-PA), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Ted Deutch (D-FL), Mike Doyle (DPA), Veronica Escobar (D-TX), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), Dwight Evans (D-PA), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), John Garamendi (D-CA), Chuy Garcia (D-IL), Mike Garcia (R-CA), Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Glenn Grothman (R-WI), Josh Harder (D-CA), Chrissy Houlahan (DPA), Jared Huffman (D-CA), Darrell Issa (RCA), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Hank

Johnson (D-GA), David Joyce (R-OH), Ro Khanna (D-CA), Dan Kildee (D-MI), Young Kim (R-CA), Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), James Langevin (D-RI), Brenda Lawrence (D-MI), Susie Lee (D-NV), Andy Levin (D-MI), Mike Levin (D-CA), Ted Lieu (D-CA), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), Stephen Lynch (D-MA), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), Brian Mast (R-FL), Tom McClintock (R-CA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), James McGovern (D-MA), Grace Meng (DNY), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Richard Neal (D-MA), Joe Neguse (D-CO), Donald Norcross (D-NJ), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), Devin Nunes (R-CA), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), Chris Pappas (D-NH), Kathleen Rice (D-NY), Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), John Rutherford (R-FL), Linda Sanchez (D-CA), John Sarbanes (D-MD), Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA), Janice Schakowsky (D-IL), Brad Schneider (D-IL), David Schweikert (R-AZ), Brad Sherman (D-CA), Albio Sires (D-NJ), Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), Christopher Smith (R-NJ), Michelle Steel (RCA), Haley Stevens (D-MI), Tom Suozzi (DNY), Mike Thompson (D-CA), Dina Titus (DNV), Paul Tonko (D-NY), Lori Trahan (D-MA), David Trone (D-MD), Juan Vargas (D-CA), Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), Maxine Waters (DCA), Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ), Peter Welch (D-VT), and Susan Wild (D-PA).


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Secretary Of State-Designate Blinken Testifies In Support Of Renewed U.S. Leadership To Strengthen Armenia s Security And Resilience Commits to U.S. Reengagement in the OSCE Minsk Group Peace Process to Help Protect the Security of Nagorno-Karabakh Washington President Biden s nominee to serve as Secretary of State, Antony Blinken in written responses submitted following his confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee expressed support for U.S. funding to meet the security needs of Armenia and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, reported the Armenian National Committee of America. We welcome Secretary-designate Blinken s commitment to renewed U.S. leadership that supports the security needs of Armenia and the protection of Artsakh, said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. In the wake of months of reckless U.S.

indifference to Azerbaijan s relentless aggression, we look forward to constructive, responsible engagement by the Biden-Harris Administration on the full range of issues of special concern to Americans of Armenian heritage and our many coalition partners. In four detailed responses to Questions for the Record submitted by Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (DNJ), Blinken voiced support for the provision to Armenia of security assistance and aid to strengthen democratic governance and promote economic growth, both of which will help to strengthen Armenia s security and resilience. He added that: In light of the recent outbreak of hostilities in NagornoKarabakh, our administration will review our security assistance to Azerbaijan , noting that, if the circumstances warrant, the Biden-Harris administration will be prepared to suspend waivers of requirements under section 907 of

the Freedom Support Act. In three of his responses, he underscored his commitment to working with Congress and the Secretary of Defense to determine the appropriate level of assistance to meet the security needs of Armenia and the region. In response to a question by Chairman Menendez regarding U.S. reengagement in the OSCE Minsk Group process in a way that advances a sustainable peace that reflects the interests of Armenians, not just Aliyev, Erdogan, and Putin, Blinken stated that he will reinvigorate U.S. engagement to find a permanent settlement to the NagornoKarabakh conflict that protects the security of Nagorno-Karabakh and helps to ensure another war does not break out. This includes stepping up our engagement via the Minsk Group, of which the United States is a cochair, and additional diplomatic work to prevent any further interference by third parties.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken expresses his commitment to U.S. leadership that supports security needs of Armenia and Artsakh.

European Parliament Condemns War Crimes Against Armenians, Says Those Should Not Go Unpunished (Armradio)- The European Parliament not only condemns war crimes against Armenians, but also stresses that these crimes should not go unpunished, Spokesperson for the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Naghdalyan says. The comments come in the wake of adoption by the European Parliament of the annual report-resolutions on the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) , which also include provisions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Turkey s role. There are a number of important provisions enshrined in the report-resolutions adopted by the European Parliament, which are related to the Azerbaijani aggression against Artsakh and Turkey s involvement in it, the committed war crimes, as well as the steps to be undertaken to eliminate the consequences of the aggression, especially to address humanitarian issues, Naghdalyan said in comments to Armenpress. She particularly emphasized that the European Parliament not only condemned the war crimes, including the targeting of civilian population and infrastructure, places of

worship, but also stressed that these crimes should not remain unpunished. We agree with the European Parliament s call for Turkey to refrain from any intervention in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, including offering military support to Azerbaijan, and to desist from its destabilizing actions. In this context, it is especially important that the European Parliament has also condemned the fact that Turkey transferred foreign terrorist fighters from Syria and elsewhere to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, the Spokesperson added. She emphasized the position of the European Parliament on humanitarian issues, particularly regarding the immediate repatriation of prisoners of war. It should be noted that the issues of security of the people of Artsakh, protection of historical-cultural and religious heritage were properly highlighted in the resolution. It is crucial that the European Parliament expressed its position of providing unhindered humanitarian assistance to Artsakh, Naghdalyan noted. We emphasize the importance of the efforts of international community, in the form

of such resolutions, to contribute to the elimination of the causes and consequences of the war, which in accordance to the resolution, supposes the lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group CoChairs and the determination of the future

Dutch Government Says Release of All Prisoners Of Paramount Importance

(Armradio)- The Dutch government says the release of prisoners after the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is of paramount importance. The EU called for this in the statement of 19 November, and on 29 January this call was repeated by the EU spokesman for external relations. The Netherlands is also

discussing this in bilateral talks with the parties involved, the government said in response to a question by CDA Group. The release of prisoners of war after an armed conflict is an obligation for all parties involved. This obligation is based on the Third Geneva Convention, which has also been

ratified by Armenia and Azerbaijan. The release of these prisoners is also an important condition for the road to lasting peace, the cabinet said. The Government added that the fact that the Nagorno-Karabakh situation is not on the agenda of the Council of Foreign Affairs in no way means that there is no longer any attention for the region. The ceasefire is only the first step towards ending this long-lasting conflict. Now a concerted effort by the international community must contribute to a diplomatic, peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict, including on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh, the cabinet said. The Netherlands supports the work of the Minsk Group led by the three co-chairs (France, US and Russia) to look for a lasting solution. This topic is high on the agenda at various levels within the EU and in many international for a, it added. The cabinet said it continues to argue for an international investigation into the use of phosphorus, cluster munitions, foreign fighters and possible war crimes. The government does this in both a multilateral and bilateral context.

legal status of Artsakh on the basis of the Basic Principles proposed by the Co-Chairs. As it was once again emphasized by this respective international body, right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination and security is at the basis of the NagornoKarabakh conflict, the Spokesperson said.

South Australia Recognizes The Republic Of Artsakh, Condemns Azerbaijan And Turkey South Australia became the second state in Australia to recognize the rights to selfdetermination of the Republic of Artsakh, condemning Azerbaijan and Turkey for their invasion of the country s indigenous Armenians in a motion passed with a vote in the House of Assembly, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU). The motion follows one passed by the New South Wales Parliament s Legislative Assembly in October 2020, and similarly calls on the Federal Government to also recognize the Republic of Artsakh as the only permanent solution to the conflict to avoid further attempts of such military aggression .


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Over 184 Tons Of Humanitarian Aid Delivered To Armenia With The Support Of All Armenian Fund

Large-scale humanitarian aid has been sent to Armenia by different Diaspora communities since the very beginning of the war, through the efforts of the Diaspora and with the support of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund. To date, approximately 184,345 kg (more than 184 tons) of humanitarian aid has arrived in Armenia. The assistance received includes modern medical equipment, first aid supplies, wound treatment and skin recovery products, warm winter clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, tents, beds, food, gift packages for Artsakh schoolchildren and so on. During the war, starting on October 10th, through the efforts of Armenians living in the

Diaspora and Armenian organizations from different communities, approximately 87,941 kg of humanitarian aid had been collected in the USA and Europe and transported to Armenia with the efforts of the All Armenian Fund. Cargo shipments were received from Los Angeles on October 10th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 30th and 31st, with a total weight of approximately 61,549 kg, and 10,415 kg from the Netherlands on October 11th and 12th. Two planes arrived in Armenia from France and Belgium on October 23rd and October 26th, respectively, which delivered approximately 15,977 kg of humanitarian aid donated by different Armenian communities

around Europe. To ensure the swift and efficient delivery of aid to those most in need during the state of emergency, the Hayastan All Armenian Fund waived its right to these shipment during the 44 days of the war in favor of the Ministries of Emergency Situations, Health and Defense, which enabled the humanitarian aid to be directed to meet the needs of each institution immediately. After the end of military actions, 33,389 kg of humanitarian aid arrived and was distributed directly by the Fund. Most of the aid received during this period originated from Los Angeles and France. Cargo shipments were received on November 19th, 20th, Avagyan family kids in front of their new December 6th, 7th, 14th, 18th, 21st, 24th, house renovated by Tufenkian Foundation. 26th, 28th, 29th and January 14th, 2021. (Tsovategh, Martuni, Artsakh) The The assistance received during this period Avagyans, an Armenian family of eight, whose was distributed to a number of health and home sustained major damage by Azerbaijani community structures, including Kanaker- shelling last year, was given a second chance Zeytun Medical Center and Maternity Hospital, at life in the region. The Avagyan family residence was Institute of Hematology, Central Military Hospital, Martuni Medical Center, Kapan renovated thanks to the efforts of the Tufenkian Medical Center, the regional administration of Foundation. Theirs is the first home restored Tavush, Ararat and Gegharqunik, the in a new initiative initiated and undertaken by Homeland Defender s Rehabilitation Center, the Foundation, in cooperation with the Noyemberyan Medical Center, Surb Hayastan All Armenian Fund. Tsovategh, a small village situated in Astvacamayr Medical Center, Vardenis Artsakh s Martuni region, is home to a little Hospital, Erebuni Medical Center, Surb Grigor more than 150 residents. It was recently made Lusavorich Medical Center, Goris Medical a target during heavy bombardment in the Center. Significant assistance was also region in the course of the 44-day war against provided to the Artsakh Ministry of Health. Azerbaijan. Our home was hit twice and Humanitarian aid continues to arrive in suffered substantial damage it was no longer 2021 with approximately 63,015 kg of aid habitable, explained Gegham Avagyan, currently awaiting customs clearance, whose family has lived in the village for processing, and classification prior to generations. He, along with his wife Elina, are distribution. parents to six children, with a seventh on the way. We never intended on leaving here. This is our home, Gegham added. The renovated Avagyan home. The residence was severely damaged after being hit twice by Azerbaijani fire. The six Avagyan children were excited to see their once damaged home completely of many people who lost their homes or were renovated in just a few weeks. We are excited otherwise affected by the conflict in Nagorno to move back as we expect the birth of our Karabakh. As usual, it is our pleasure to new sister. She will grow up here like we cooperate with help those who need it the have, explained Vahram, the eldest of the most, mentioned EU Ambassador to Armenia six. A veterinarian by education, Gegham Andrea Wiktorin. The ultimate objectives of the Action intends to continue and develop his agricultural include covering the immediate needs of the work by enlarging his farm and planting more displaced families, as well as providing policy crops this spring. Both he and Elina are hopeful recommendations to the RA Government- that they will also expand their family in the coming years. We want 10 kids. Ten is a level decision makers to address the future good number, said Gegham. needs of the displaced families. The Avagyan family home is the first of The Action is implemented in partnership a total of 13 homes in the region, which the with the Armenia s Labor and Social Affairs Tufenkian Foundation has decided to renovate Ministry and is coordinated with the regional and restore following the perils of the war. administration offices and local municipalities The program will focus on Herher and its to identify the families from Nagorno Karabakh surrounding villages, including Tsovategh and in the target villages and exclude the possibility Kherkhan, and completely renovate of duplication of the aid provided to the same residences that have suffered major damages during the war, as well as the family homes family. of fallen soldiers. The Member States of the European We are happy to announce the launch Union have decided to link together their know- of this program, the main purpose of which is how, resources and destinies. Together, they to help our compatriots return to a normal life have built a zone of stability, democracy and in their own homes, said Tufenkian sustainable development whilst maintaining Foundation executive director Raffi cultural diversity, tolerance and individual Doudaklian. We are excited that the freedoms. The European Union is committed Avagyans a family with six children with a seventh on the way are the first to return to to sharing its achievements and its values their restored home, Doudaklian added, with countries and peoples beyond its borders. during a visit to the home on Feb. 11, at which The Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) is the village mayor, Samvel Abrahamyan, was a non-profit, non-governmental organization also present. that employs community-led approaches According to Mayor Abrahamyan, the aimed at improving the quality of life in rural renovation program is an important way to Armenia, with a particular focus on children ensure that the region s residents remain in and youth. COAF s target development areas their villages and help safeguard their future are education, healthcare, social and economic success. Tsovategh is an ancient Armenian village that has been around for more than a development. COAF launched its programs millennium. We ve uncovered an eighthin 2004, starting in one village and expanding century khatchkar (cross-stone) here; we have to 64 villages in Armavir, Aragatsotn, Lori, an ancient church here. We have to make Gegharkunik, Shirak, and Tavush regions, sure that our villagers remain here and carry impacting more than 107,000 beneficiaries. on their families legacies, Abrahamyan said.

COAF Provides Emergency Aid For Displaced Families From Artsakh

From L to R: EU-ambassador to Armenia Andrea Viktorin, COAF founders-representative Erik-Gyulazyan, Lithuania's Ambassador to Armenia Inga Stanyte Tolockiene, COAFs managing director Korioun Khatchadourian.

YEREVAN In the framework of the EU funded Emergency Aid for Displaced Families from Nagorno Karabakh RRM action implemented by the Children of Armenia Fund 150 displaced families will receive support. Through the 60,000 Euro Action, 150 displaced families currently residing in COAF beneficiary villages of the Aragatsotn, Armavir, Lori, Shirak, and Tavush regions will be provided with aid packages (including food, winter clothes, hygiene and health supplies) and 450 children will receive stationary. Thanks to the contribution of the Lithuanian Embassy in Armenia intended for the population affected by the conflict, 35 children will receive tablets, and 70 children will receive school bags and stationary. In addition, 150 families will benefit from the psycho-social, health, and speech therapy services, upon need. The distribution of the aid packages will be completed by the end of

February 2021. On February 11, EU Ambassador to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin and the Ambassador of Lithuania in Armenia Inga Stanyte Tolockiene visited the COAF Yerevan office, where the parcels for displaced families were being prepared for distribution. COAF highly values this special partnership with the EU Delegation in Armenia. It is not the first project we are implementing together to react to a crisis. After our successful partnership in supporting rural families to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, we now stand by the displaced families from Nagorno Karabakh who found shelter in our beneficiary communities, highlighted COAF Managing Director Korioun Khatchadourian. This is the European Union s second cooperation with COAF under the Rapid Response Mechanism. I hope that together we are managing to ease the difficult situation

Tufenkian Foundation Begins Major Home Renovation Project In Villages Of Martuni


Post-War Reconstruction Continues In Artsakh (Armradio)- Post-war repair, reconstruction and cleaning works continue on the whole territory of Artsakh, the Ministry of Urban Development informs. According to the Ministry, the reconstruction of more than 250 residential building has already been completed. The restoration is being carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the roofs of the houses were repaired, doors and windows were installed, and heating conditions were created. The apartments are being furnished in the second stage. The reconstruction of the houses damaged by the war continues according to the waiting lists, the priority is given to the families of the victims and the missing. Other housing projects in Stepanakert and other regions are also being developed. The funding to be provided by the Hayastan AllArmenian Fund has already been approved. Ongoing reconstruction work in Stepanakert

Artsakh Ombudsman Publishes Report On The Threat To Armenian Cultural Heritage

The Staff of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Artsakh has published a on vandalism against the Armenian cultural heritage in the occupied territories of the Republic of Artsakh and the threat of destruction of Armenian monuments. As a result of military aggression against the Republic of Artsakh, at least 1456 overwhelmingly Armenian historical and cultural prominent immovable monuments,

including 161 monasteries and churches, 591 khachkars (cross-stones), the ancient sites of Tigranakert, Azokh, Nor Karmiravan, Mirik, Keren, fortresses and castles, sanctuaries and other monuments remained under the control of Azerbaijan. 8 state museums also came under the control of Azerbaijan with 19 311 exhibits, as well as private museums of Armenian Carpet and dram of Shushi. The report presents a number of cases

Azerbaijan ProhibitsRemoval Of Over 1,500 Works Of Art, Exclusive Samples From Armenian Shushi ( Geologist and philanthropist Grigor Gabrielyants, Director of the Museums of the City of Shushi SNCO Lusine Gasparyan and the Ministry of Culture of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) are actively negotiating with the Russian side to save the museum samples that are still preserved in the city of Shushi transferred to the enemy and remove them from the city. Before the war that broke out in September 2020, there were 4 state and 2 private museums operating in Shushi, which is considered the center for culture in Artsakh. Unfortunately, during the war, only the samples of a private rug museum were removed from the city, and the samples of 3 of the 4 museums operating as part of the SNCO were moved to a bomb shelter. I was in Shushi in early November, and moved to Yerevan on November 5. During that period, it didn t cross anyone s mind that the city could be transferred to the enemy and it would be necessary to remove the collections kept in the bomb shelter. We moved all the samples to the bomb shelter amid shooting, and if we had known that the city might be transferred to the enemy, we would have moved the collections to Stepanakert, Gasparyan said stressed that the authorities of Artsakh and Armenia hadn t informed her

and the others about the intention to hand the city, and until November 9, the Ministry of Defense insisted that Shushi was under Armenians control. There are 197 monuments representing the history and culture of Shushi, nearly 800 paintings, graphic works and sculptures of the Museum of Fine Arts and over 700 samples of the Geology Museum of Shushi that are currently under the control of the enemy. Today the Azerbaijani side doesn t even want to hear about the return of collections remaining in Shushi, but these collections are the cultural heritage of us Armenians and need to be returned to us. Knowing the enemy, we don t have good expectations from the negotiations, but we have to do everything we can to save whatever there is, Gabrielyants said. Gasparyan added that she is regularly following the scenes published in Azerbaijani sources showing that the museum wasn t destroyed during shelling. According to her, this shows that the samples moved to the bomb shelter couldn t have been damaged before November 9, and if the Azerbaijani side refuses to return the samples or declares that they haven t been preserved, the only thing left to do is to conclude that we are dealing with another war crime.

of destruction and acts of vandalism against the Armenian cultural heritage during the Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression and after the ceasefire, including deliberate targeting and vandalism against St. Holy Savior Ghazanchetsots Cathedral and St. Hovhannes Mkrtich (Kanach Zham) Church of Shushi. The report also refers to Azerbaijan s policy of deliberately spreading disinformation on Armenian cultural heritage and albanizing the Armenian cultural monuments which is also a threat of extinction of the Armenian cultural heritage in the territory of Artsakh. The analysis of the identified cases and the context of Armeniaphobia shows that the destruction and distortion of the Armenian cultural heritage are systematic and widespread. The actions and statements of the Azerbaijani state bodies and public figures show that this is a criminal state policy of inciting hatred against the Armenian nation. Given the many precedents and the real threats of deliberate destruction of the Armenian cultural heritage in the territories under the control of Azerbaijan by the Azerbaijani authorities, the Staff of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Artsakh considers it urgent for the international organizations and especially UNESCO to take effective and immediate steps to preserve the Armenian cultural heritage in the territory of Artsakh.

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Timber Frame Homes Being Built In Artsakh

(Armradio)- Houses with timber frame are being built under Artsakh Government s pilot program, the Ministry of Urban Development informs. One will soon get a final look, the interior decoration has been completed. The contractor Shen Artsakh company was chosen because it has experience in designing and building such houses, the Ministry said in a Facebook post. According to the company s deputy director Mher Derdzyan, a specialized group of five people can build a three-room house in one month and put it into operation. Depending on the volume of orders, the price will range between $200-300 per square meter. With a 70-year warranty, the houses have two entrances, one of which is the main one, and the other is the exit to the land plot. The walls of the houses are soundproof and have a surface made of heat-retaining materials. Wooden parts are not visible inside or outside the house. It is also planned to have an area of '3f '3f1000 square meters of land next to the house. The government is carrying out the largescale project with support from the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund.

New Settlement Being Established In Artsakh s Askeran Region

President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan visits Astghashen community of Askeran region, where a new settlement is being established

President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan visited the administrative territory of Astghashen community of Askeran region, where a new settlement is being established. About 200 new houses to be built on government funds are intended for homeless families in the region. Accompanied by the Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Artsakh,

the Ministers of Urban Development, Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, members of the National Assembly, the President got acquainted with the conditions of the future settlement. He emphasized that in addition to housing, the families will be provided with necessary conditions for economic activity in rural communities.


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Noubar Afeyan: If We Do Not Create A Collective Future Together, It Will Be Too Late Years Later Dr Noubar Afeyan, Founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering and Moderna Therapeutics, Co-author of At the Crossroads and Co-Founder of Aurora Humanitarian Initiative has spoken about the current situation in Armenia, the vision of development, and the prospects of Armenia-Diaspora relations within the series of interviews Talk about the future, initiated by Futures Studio discussion platform and journalist Mark Grigorian, IDeA Foundation informs. Armenia: Current crisis During the interview, Afeyan stated that there was a high level of uncertainty in Armenia in all directions: no one knows where the truth is and what is the most effective strategy. Obviously, the most important issue in the country is security at this moment in the military, economic, health, and social terms. It must be secured. The issue of security will be on the agenda for at least 100 years, Afeyan said. He thinks that the political processes and omissions that have certainly been in different years, has not created the Armenia they were thinking about. Unfortunately and ironically, Armenians found themselves in a country where they were able to develop and create a new future, but, sadly, we were not able to take our imaginary future to Armenia. Afeyan urges to focus on the future and

future a priority: everyone looks to the past. People must understand that the work of their brain should be directed to the future. In this case, the painful present will become meaningful and will acquire content because it serves the purpose of the future, Afeyan The development of the country and the emphasizes. vision of the future Armenia-Diaspora connection Afeyan compares the development of the According to Afeyan, the current country with a start-up, where one must understand their resources, opportunities and environment and the crisis that Armenia is desires. According to Afeyan, the leader must facing is an opportunity for the Diaspora: We have the ability to deal with uncertainties to must try to understand why the Diaspora wants to remain a member of the club of being create a new future. Clear and ambitious goals are required Armenian. We must understand what for the development of Armenia. It must be responsibilities we bear or can bear before figured out what to do to make the country a Armenia. The Diaspora does not participate place for the creation of ideas and values. The in everyday decisions. Many say it should, leader must be future-oriented, have the ability maybe they are right, but then the question to take risks, overcome difficulties, and adapt arises, What should the Diaspora do? The to different situations. The country can develop current crisis in Armenia makes it have a more if there are people with such qualities at the difficult discussion on our roles and responsibilities. helm, he says. Afeyan is convinced that to strengthen He emphasizes that Armenians have always been tried to be uprooted. So the roots Armenia-Diaspora ties, it is necessary to create should be grown in the future. Armenians a single body. But for that, it is vital to have a should imagine that future and risks should common vision of the future and a perception be taken for the sake of that future. of a collective goal. Political agendas must emerge in a If we do not create that collective future together, it will be too late years later. Today competitive environment, in which common people suffer from the phenomena they talked values '3f '3fare eventually born. When about back in 2001. People cannot make the seeking help, you need to put aside the think about the steps that will lead Armenia to development. According to him, progress can be ensured with different capabilities, but when it comes to big flights, transformations, one must be extremely future-oriented.

Noubar Afeyan

skepticism of being criticized because no one knows the truth, but the questions that arise can help in the search for the truth and in finding the answers. At the end of the discussion, Afeyan urged all those who try to help Armenia to become Armenians by making informed choices, not by origin. Whatever we do, this is the moment when we have a commitment to the future of Armenia, which is a hope for the people living in Armenia, Afeyan concluded.

What Can the Diaspora Do Now?

By Raffi Bedrosyan

Undoubtedly, Armenians all over the world are devastated by the 44-day war that resulted in the defeat for Artsakh and Armenia against the overwhelmingly large combined army of Azeris, Turks and jihadists equipped with much more superior armaments and drones. The shock was even further exacerbated

by the encouraging but misleading communications from the Armenian army that all was well and we were going to win, until the last day of the war. Diaspora Armenians enthusiastically contributed to the war effort by donating more money during one month than the funds collected during the past twenty years. Many Diasporans further contributed materials, medications and clothing. Now that the war is lost, there is complete disappointment, loss of faith and trust among diaspora Armenians, combined with angry blames and accusations against both the present and past government leaders. Once the flurry of fury and protests subside, cooler heads prevail and we are again able to discuss the lessons to be learned from the mismanagement of past and present governments, I suggest the following steps be considered to improve the chances of survival for Armenia: · Armenians in diaspora do have the financial, technological, scientific and economic resources and know-how to help the recovery of Armenia, as well as at least double the population of Armenia. They can and must be involved in the growth of Armenia by

contributing their resources in a coordinated and organized way, not on a voluntary basis, and not regarded as a milking cash cow as it is until today. · This can only be achieved by representation of diaspora Armenians in the government of Armenia. The Diaspora Armenians who do contribute to the improvement of Armenia financially, technologically, scientifically or economically must be allowed to vote and be voted for in the government of Armenia. · In order to provide a reliable and steady funding mechanism, diaspora Armenians should contribute a fixed amount monthly, say five percent of their income, as a tax or bond to the government of Armenia. In order to provide accountability for the proper investment and spending of these funds, diaspora Armenians should vote for diaspora Armenian candidates to be elected in the parliament, based on quotas for five different Diaspora regions, Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Russia. The Ministry of Diaspora must be re-established with increased powers with representation from the elected diasporans, regardless of

which party is in power. I believe this is the only way to re-establish a meaningful relationship between Armenia and Diaspora now. · In order to provide additional ties for Armenian diaspora youth of high school age, a kibbutz-like program must be established for at least two summers of compulsory visits to Armenia by Diaspora youngsters, financed by the government. · In order to provide technological and cultural interaction for Armenian diaspora university students, a university exchange program must be established for at least two semesters between world universities and Armenian ones for all diaspora Armenian university students. · In order to capitalize the technological and scientific expertise of diaspora Armenians, sabbatical exchanges must be arranged through the companies where they work, financed by the government of Armenia. All of these suggestions should and could have been considered before the war was lost. It is even more imperative to implement them now. After all, Armenians have only Armenians to help themselves.

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Dr. Raffi Aynaciyan braces for children and adults

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