TorontoHye #181 January 2021

Page 1

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Volume 16, No. 1 (181), JANUARY 2021 Toronto Armenian Community Newspaper


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ANCC Distributes a Legal Brief on Artsakh Recognition, Authored by Canadian Lawyers (OTTAWA December 16, 2020) Today the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) distributed a legal brief, titled The Case for Canada s recognition of the Republic of Artsakh as a measure of the responsibility to protect , researched and prepared by a group of Canadian legal experts. The 48-page bilingual brief presents all the legal arguments that are relevant to the importance of Canada s recognition of the Republic of Artsakh, with a specific focus on the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect. said ANCC Co-President, Hrag Darakdjian. Canada s moral and legal obligations to prevent further atrocities against the Armenians of Artsakh have been triggered, both generally

as a result of the doctrine of the Responsibility to Protect ( R2P ), and also specifically by virtue of its authorization of the sale of drone technology to Turkey which was used to commit atrocity crimes against Armenians. reads a part of the report s executive summary. The summary further mentions, If the status of Artsakh is not resolved it further emboldens Azerbaijan s admitted quest to take over the remaining region and eliminate Armenians from the area. The report has been shared with different levels of government, the Prime Minister s Office (PMO), Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the House of Commons and the Senate of Canada.

This is a very important and a professionally researched document that will help us further strengthen our advocacy efforts directed towards the recognition of Artsakh, said Shahen Mirakian, ANCC Co-President. The brief is researched and authored by a group of Canadian legal experts, including Sheila Paylan, Anaïs Kadian, Giselle Davidian, Vrouyr Makalian, Emilie Kokmanian, Kami Temisjian and Bela Kosoian. The paper was prepared with advice and guidance from ANCC Co-President, Shahen Mirakian and the chairman of the Armenian Youth Federation of Canada, Manoug Alemian.

ANCC Urges Canada to Condemn Turkish-Azerbaijani Canadian Senate Disapproves Motion War Crimes and Act on the Return of POWs been missing in action, however, due to the malicious unwillingness of the Azerbaijani government to cooperate, they have not had much success. The letter also addressed the war crimes committed by Turkey and Azerbaijan, that are unfortunately continuing to this day, as Azerbaijani forces are gradually occupying the Armenian territories. Aside from using internationally banned cluster munitions and chemical weapons, the Azerbaijani-Turkish forces bombed schools and hospitals, tortured and mutilated innocent civilians and desecrated cultural and religious sites that represented the wealth of Armenian heritage in Artsakh. read a part of the letter. The letter urged the Canadian Government to condemn the ongoing war Artsakh Human Rights Defender s office published pictures of Artsakh forest set on fire. crimes, work with international organizations (OTTAWA December 2, 2020) On status of Armenian POWs and personnel that to ensure the safe return of POWs and apply the necessary pressure on Ankara and Baku December 2, 2020, the Armenian National are missing in action. Committee of Canada (ANCC) issued a letter The letter, signed by ANCC Co- to cooperate in this regard. While the international community failed to Canada s Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Presidents, Hrag Darakdjian and Shahen Hon. Francois-Philippe Champagne, regarding Mirakian said While a final status for the to contain Turkey and Azerbaijan as they the war crimes that continue to be committed Republic of Artsakh remains uncertain, a large unleashed their unprovoked aggression by Turkey and Azerbaijan, the status of nearly number of Armenian Prisoners of War (POW) against Armenia and Artsakh, denouncing 100,000 displaced Armenians and the plight are under Azerbaijani custody and nearly their war crimes and ensuring the safe return of Armenian Prisoners of War (POW) whose 100,000 Armenians are displaced, without any of POWs and missing personnel is the least fate remains uncertain. mechanisms in place to ensure their safe that must be done to provide a sense of closure The so-called ceasefire that was return. International organizations such as the to the over 100,000 people who have now announced on November 9, 2020, by Russia, International Committee of the Red Cross been displaced and the countless others who Armenia and Azerbaijan achieved very little have been tasked to facilitate the return of have lost their loved ones due to Turkishand left many issues unresolved, namely the POW s and search for all personnel who have Azerbajani aggression. , concluded the letter.

Canadian City of Laval Recognizes Independence of Artsakh

City council of Laval

On November 4th, the city council of Laval, Quebec, unanimously recognized the independence of Artsakh and condemned the joint Turkish-Azerbaijani aggression, reported the Armenian National Committee of Canada. In the resolution introduced by city

councillor for Renaud, Mr. Aram Elagoz, the City of Laval declared that it; -Recognizes the right of self-determination of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh. -Condemns the military aggression of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Republic of

Artsakh started on September 27, 2020. -Calls the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec to do everything in their power to assert full respect for International Humanitarian Law and particularly the Geneva Conventions. -Invites the Government of Canada to grant the Armenians of Artsakh (NagornoKarabakh) the right of remedial secession by recognizing the independence of the Republic of Artsakh. With this resolution, the City of Laval becomes the first governmental entity of any level to recognize the independence of the Republic of Artsakh in Canada. The Armenian National Committee of Canada and its Quebec provincial branch welcome this unprecedented victory and thank the City of Laval for their principled decision and solidarity with Armenia and Artsakh. The decision taken by the Laval City Council must serve as an example that in the face of injustice and aggression, Canadians will not remain indifferent and will step-up to call out all crimes against humanity and stand on the side of justice and truth.

To Condemn Turkish-Azeri War Against Artsakh, Ban Arms Sales and Recognize Independence Of Artsakh

Canadian Senate

The Armenian National Committee issued the following statement: The Armenian National Committee of Canada is greatly disappointed by the results of the vote on Motion-36 in the Senate of Canada. Presented by Senator Leo Housakos of the Conservative Caucus, Motion-36 called upon the Government of Canada to condemn the joint Turkish-Azerbaijani aggression against Artsakh, ban all arms sales to Turkey and recognize the independence of the Republic of Artsakh. Unfortunately, most Senators passively ignored the opportunity to do the right thing and stand firmly on the side of justice and truth. Despite this setback, the ANCC and the entire Armenian-Canadian community will continue their strong and united advocacy efforts in pursuit of Artsakh s rightful recognition as a free and independent state. We thank Senator Leo Housakos for championing this cause and for his efforts in raising more awareness on this important matter. We also extend our thanks to all the Senators who voted in favor of the motion, standing in solidarity with the free people of Artsakh.


His Holiness Aram I Declares 2021 The Year Of Artsakh

Catholicos Aram I

(Armradio)- His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has declared 2021 the Year of Artsakh. Starting from 2003, His Holiness has dedicated each year to a value, concern or event related to the church, culture, homeland, our past and present. In this context, the theme of the year has become a special subject of attention for the children of our people through various events within our dioceses, re-emphasizing the imperative of our spiritual and national belonging, His Holiness says. The official proclamation of His Holiness will be read at St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Antelias on Sunday, January 10, 2021. As a first practical step in the call for support to the families in Artsakh, His Holiness has called on Armenians to stay away from the festivities on the occasion of the New Year and allocate the expenses to be made to those in need.


Armenian Prelacy Of Canada Launches Artsakh Humanitarian Crisis Response Project Montreal, December 21, 2020 The Armenian Prelacy of Canada concluded the first phase of its humanitarian crisis response project aimed at alleviating the suffering of Artsakh residents forcibly displaced by Azerbaijan s military assault on their ancestral homeland from September 27 to November 10. This recent war saw not only the transfer of several contested regions but also the occupation of large swathes of land in Artsakh proper by Azerbaijan, which also carried out a policy of indiscriminate shelling causing the destruction of over 10 000 structures in numerous towns and villages. The peaceful existence of more than 100 000 indigenous residents (by certain accounts up to 125 000 or about 80% of the population) was disrupted in a matter of days. Those affected were hastily displaced in order to minimize casualties and took refuge mainly in temporary shelters, as well as public and private institutions in Armenia. Since the Big Earthquake of 1988, Armenians have not witnessed such a dramatic scale of human suffering. Beginning in the second week of the war, the Armenian Prelacy of Canada undertook the planning of relief efforts to provide emergency assistance to the displaced families. Following initial discussions with donors and other stakeholders in Canada and Armenia, a dedicated amount of funds and in-kind material donations were secured. A delegation led by the Prelacy s Executive Director was dispatched to Armenia midNovember to manage the first phase of project implementation. Following rapid needs assessments conducted in regions outside of Yerevan, humanitarian aid packages were prepared and distributed to displaced families including those taking refuge in border villages. Prelacy representatives targeted communities near Charentsavan (Kotayk province), Artik (Shirak), Va r d e n i s , D r a k h d i k a n d J a m pa r a k (Gegharkounik) to meet with families and

deliver assistance. In total, more than 100 families counting over 450 beneficiaries were reached. Resettlement, whether temporarily in Armenia or permanently in Artsakh, is a lifesaving and sustainable solution for those with nowhere else to turn. Therefore, the Prelacy s initiative foresees a follow-up to existing efforts and a new component for rental cash subsidies for returning families to Artsakh who have lost their homes. The delegation s direct interactions with displaced persons have allowed not only for the smooth coordination of the first phase of the project, but also for gaining first-hand awareness of these future needs. To-date, the majority of the displaced families are still living in limbo waiting for safe living conditions back home and the rebuilding of their towns and villages. Many families have nowhere to go since their land is now occupied. Those who have returned are struggling to find a way to normal life. We are very grateful for the support of our generous community making it possible

ANCC Statement on International Human Rights Day and Genocide Convention Day

(OTTAWA December 10, 2020) The Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) joins the international community in marking International Human Rights Day (December 10) and the 72nd anniversary of the 1948 adoption of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (December 9). While defending human rights and preventing genocidal acts must always be on the forefront of the international agenda, today serves as a reminder to all of us that we must renew our strong commitment in the fight against hate, discrimination, and human rights

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global stage have acknowledged past genocides and declared Never Again , they have a moral responsibility to protect vulnerable populations that are being faced with a genocidal threat. Statements that feign contrition and offer condolences are not enough to save lives. Canada and the rest of the international community must take concrete actions and hold the perpetrators accountable through sanctions and other effective measures that are at their disposal said Shahen Mirakian, Co-President of the ANCC. While the war in Artsakh is over, the Turkish-Azerbaijani crimes have not stopped. Many Armenians remain displaced, deprived of some of the most essential needs for their basic sustenance. Moreover, hundreds that are under Azerbaijani captivity are being tortured, humiliated, and treated inhumanely; violations around the world said Hrag causing one of the worst humanitarian Darakdjian, Co-President of the ANCC. catastrophes the region has seen in decades. Even with the world ignoring the situation 105 years have passed since the Armenian Genocide, however, in 2020, the in Artsakh, it still gained more attention than Armenian people were once again subjected dozens of different instances of human rights to gross human rights violations and faced violations and mass atrocities in different parts with the threat of yet another genocide. of Africa, including Nigeria and Burkina Faso. On this important day, the ANCC calls The same culprits with the same intentions, the Republics of Turkey and upon the government of Canada and the rest Azerbaijan jointly attacked the Republic of of the global community to take action by Artsakh on September 27th, leaving thousands holding Turkey, Azerbaijan and all human dead and injured as they committed their rights violators accountable and do everything in their power to restore justice and uphold crimes with absolute impunity. If Canada and other major actors on the human rights

to immediately coordinate vital assistance to our brothers and sisters suffering from injustice. Despite the many challenges posed by the COVID pandemic, the Prelacy s team led by Executive Director Mrs. Dania Ohanian, effectively managed to implement our relief targets on the ground in several regions. The future of the brave people of Artsakh must be secured at all costs, stated His Eminence Archbishop Papken Tcharian. Individuals and organizations wishing to support the Prelacy s Artsakh Humanitarian Crisis Response Project can contact the Prelacy or simply donate by visiting AHCR). Our priority is to alleviate the suffering of the people of Artsakh through direct interventions. Your encouragement and support, in any amount or form, will make a difference. Let us stand up together, encourage and develop a vision and hope in those new surroundings, in which the proud people of Artsakh may dwell in peace and harmony for the years to come.

Economic Damage To Artsakh From War Could Reach $2 Billion

(Panarmenian)- Direct economic damage to Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) as a result of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan may reach $2 billion, said Artsakh Ombudsman Artak Beglaryan, who stepped down as Karabakh Human Rights Defender on Wednesday, December 23. According to our calculations, over 15,000 houses and apartments were damaged in Azerbaijan s shelling. We cannot say what happened after the occupation: we have data and evidence that in many places our houses have been burned or damaged otherwise. It is impossible at the moment to gauge the damage, he said, according to He noted that the 15,000 houses were damaged as a result of artillery, rocket attacks and airstrikes. Beglaryan said that about 3.54 thousand infrastructural units and public facilities, including schools, kindergartens, hospitals, culture, were damaged. The objects remaining under their [Azerbaijani ed.] control, which cannot be assessed, are not taken into account either. But, we still managed to assess and record particular objects before they got under their control, he said. Also, according to Beglaryan, more than 2,500 vehicles were damaged or destroyed.


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French Senate Adopts Resolution Calling For Recognition Of Artsakh The French Senate voted 305 to 1 to adopt a resolution, calling for recognition of the Republics of Artsakh by France. The resolution was authored by Senators Bruno Retailleau, Patrick Kanner, Hervé Marseille, Éliane Assassi, Guillaume Gontard. The voting was preceded by nearly two hours of debate. The resolution condemns the military aggression of Azerbaijan against the people of Nagorno Karabakh, emphasizing that Azerbaijan has been supported by the Turkish authorities i.a. through the involvement of jihadist mercenaries and calls for the immediate withdrawal of the Azerbaijani armed forces from the territories occupied after 27 September, 2020. The French Senators also: -calls for providing massive humanitarian aid to the civilian population of Nagorno Karabakh -calls for conducting an international investigation into the war crimes committed by Azerbaijan in particular against the civilian population of Nagorno Karabakh including the

use of weapons prohibited by the international law -calls for an appropriate and firm response to Turkey for its role in this conflict -calls for action from the French Government to do everything in its power to ensure that negotiations for a lasting resolution of the conflict resume under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group -emphasizes that the negotiations should address the restoration of the borders defined in 1994 as well as the security of the Armenian populations and the right of return of displaced persons and the preservation of Armenian cultural and religious heritage. The resolution underlines that the security and freedom of the Armenian populations of Artsakh are not guaranteed under the Azerbaijani control, which is i.a. attested in the reports of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe (ECRI) and of the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). The Senate reminds of the Armenian

French Senate

massacres of Soumgaït, Kirovabad, in Baku and Maragha, systemically organized by the Azerbaijani authorities. The resolution of the French Senate also states that the Turkish military support provided

to Azerbaijan is at the origin of the war unleashed on 27 September by Azerbaijan. It denounces the deployment of jihadist mercenary groups from Syria by Azerbaijan and Turkey.

French National Assembly Joins Senate to Call for Recognizing Independent Artsakh Republic

(Asbarez)- France s National Assembly on December 3 in an almost unanimous vote passed a resolution recognizing Artsakh and condemning Azerbaijan and Turkey for their aggression against Armenia and Artsakh. This follows last week s vote by the French Senate, which similarly recognized Artsakh and condemned Turkey and Azerbaijan. The Armenian National Committee of France welcomed the passage of the resolution, saying that it was time for the French government to take a firm stance and recognize Artsakh s independence. Following the vote in the Senate, the National Assembly passed a resolution recognizing Nagorno-Karabakh by a vote of 188 to 3. The consensus is broad including the majority which opposed the pressure from the [France s] Minister of Foreign Affairs, said Jules Boyadjian, the chairman of the ANC France. The message is loud and clear, said Boyadjian. The government must change its policy. It must recognize the NagornoKarabakh Republic and invite its allies to follow in the footsteps of this resolutions. The government must, as of today, open a direct channel of communication with the Artsakh authorities, establish diplomatic relations, and ensure the French presence in Stepanakert, the capital of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh),

added Boyadjian We welcome the French National Assembly s overwhelming call today for the recognition of Artsakh and encourage the United States as a fellow OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair country to join in recognizing Artsakh s status as a free and independent republic, said Armenian National Committee of America Executive Director Aram Hamparian. Azerbaijan guilty of weeks of non-stop war crimes against the citizens of Artsakh lacks any legal, political, or moral standing to oppose international recognition of Artsakh s independence, an essential remedial action required to ensure the safety and survival of its at-risk, indigenous population, added Hamparian. The National Assembly resolution cited Turkey s aggressive and continued build-up French national Assembly of military and Ankara-backed mercenaries settlement of the conflict guaranteeing the not only in Karabakh and around the world, lasting security of the affected civilian warning of a surge in islamist violence that is populations and the implementation of a being managed directly by Ankara. process of peace and recognition of NagornoIt also cited Azerbaijan s massive military Karabakh. buildup and its targeting of civilians during the 2. Calls on the government to consider Karabakh war as war crimes and a threat to with its European partners the rapid delivery stability not only in the Caucasus but also of humanitarian aid; around the world. 3. Invites the government to reconsider The resolution specifically: with its European partners, taking into account 1. Affirms the urgent need to reach a final the proven role of Turkey in this conflict, the

continuation of the process of accession of Turkey to the European Union. 4. Invites the government to reaffirm, with the active support of its European partners, the fundamental values '3f '3fof the European Union based on the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms. 5. Stresses the need to actively defend threatened minority Christian communities in Europe, the East and the world.

Dutch Parliament Imposing Sanctions Against Aliyev, His Wife & Erdogan For War Crimes Against Artsakh (Zartonk Media)- The Dutch Parliament has adopted the resolutions on imposing individual sanctions against the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdo an and others for war crimes and atrocities against Artsakh, per Ambassador of Armenia to the Netherlands Tigran Balayan wrote on his Twitter page, reports Armenpress. The Ambassador also informed that the EU imposed an embargo against supplying arms to Turkey for participating in the aggression. The resolution authored by Sadet Karabulut calls on the parliament of the Netherlands to impose individual sanctions against those in Azerbaijan and Turkey who are responsible for the violence in Nagorno Karabakh. In light of the fact that violence between the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave between Armenia and Azerbaijan has resurfaced in recent months, noting that the latest attempt of violence was initiated by Azerbaijan with the encouragement

of Turkey, the MP calls on the government to impose individual sanctions on those individuals in Azerbaijan and Turkey, who are responsible for these atrocities , reads the resolution. Another resolution offers imposing individual sanctions on Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his family members and key individuals in connection with the Azeri attack and the deployment of Syrian militants in NagornoKarabakh by Turkey. Based on the fact that Azerbaijan and Syrian jihadists sent by Turkey have committed largescale war crimes in Nagorno Karabakh in the last 5 weeks, considering that Genocide Watch has alerted that there is an unnoticed genocide, we call on the government to pursue at the EU level personal sanctions against Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, his family members and key individuals over the Azerbaijani attack and Turkish deployment of Syrian militants in NagornoKarabakh , reads the second resolution.

Dutch Parliament

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15 French Mayors Recognize NK s Independence, Urging Government And Other Countries To Do The Same

(Armenpress)- 15 French Mayors issued a declaration, recognizing the independence of Nagorno Karabakh Republic (Artsakh), urging the French Government and the international community to also recognize it. Azerbaijan re-ignited the Karabakh conflict on September 27, 2020, which had been frozen by an unstable ceasefire since 1994, launching an unprecedented large-scale offensive against the self-determined republic. The Azerbaijani army which included mercenaries that had served in Syrian jihadist groups, resulted in a humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh), which was accompanied by serious violations of international conventions on armed conflict. Both the capital Stepanakert and the

In this regard, the fall of Shushi, Artsakh s second city, is fraught with the danger of depriving the people of Artsakh of their own historical memory, given all the unprecedented destruction that has taken place in the city, including the recently renovated Ghazanchetsots Church. From now on, it is our duty not to hide behind cautious neutrality, which means approving the Azerbaijani aggression. We must reaffirm our full support for the friendly people, supporting the return of the Armenian people to their ancestral lands, reads the statement. The statement notes that since the declaration of independence in 1991, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (Artsakh) has always guaranteed institutional stability for its border communities were bombed. Many own people on never disputed democratic civilians were killed and thousands of Artsakh s grounds, territorial integrity and defense, as well as economic-cultural prosperity. people were deported. Bringing together all the components of At midnight on November 10, after 44 days of bloody fighting, a ceasefire agreement a state in line with the international law signed under the auspices of the Russian territory, population, sovereignty, Nagorno authorities entered into force, fixing the Karabakh Republic (Artsakh) should be positions of the conflicting parties. assesses as such subject of law, endowed Although the final provisions of this with sovereignty that legitimately embodies agreement are not at all satisfactory, they help the people of Artsakh. The people united in at least save lives from both sides , the territory of the Artsakh state are radically ARMENPRESS reports reads the statement connected with the land of their ancestors, issued by the 15 Mayors, adding that the loss with a common language, common history, of territories can lead to extremely unfavorable inherited culture and religion. Given these situation, particularly in terms of the crucial factors, the independence of Artsakh preservation of hundreds of ancient churches seems to us more than ever to be legally strong, legitimate and fair , reads the and Cathedrals.

Palermo Recognizes The Independence Of Artsakh (Armradio)- The City Council of the Italian city of Palermo recognized the independence of Artsakh Republic. The Council has also condemned the aggression of Azerbaijan against the peaceful population of Artsakh and numerous cases of targeting civilian facilities. The resolution urges the Minister of Education to ensure that the schools of all types and levels conduct research on the issues that have plagued the region since the Armenian Genocide of the 20th century. Over the weekend the Armenian community in Palermo, in collaboration with

the Armenian Union of Italy and the youth of Lega Party, organized a peaceful demonstration in Piazza Castelnuovo to draw attention to the Azerbaijani aggression against Artsakh and call for its recognition. We want to focus on the situation in the Caucasus and ask for the support of the Italians to reach a diplomatic solution, said Igor Gelarda, Lega leader at the Palermo City Council, and first signatory of the resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and the recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic by the Italian government.

Australian City Of Willoughby Recognizes Artsakh

(Armradio)- The City Council of the Australian city of Willoughby has voted unanimously to pass a motion that properly recognizes the Republic of Artsakh, condemns Azerbaijan and Turkey for their aggression and calls on the Australian Government to recognize the Republic of Artsakh and its people s rights to self-determination, reports the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU). The motion, moved by Councillor Stuart Coppock and seconded by Mayor Gail Giles-

Gidney, was voted in favour by all councillors of the City of Willoughby, which is home to a large number of Armenian-Australians. I moved the motion to express my deep concern and sorrow at current events in Artsakh, Councilor Coppock told ANC-AU following the historic Council meeting, which ensured Willoughby joins Ryde City Council and the New South Wales State Legislative Assembly as Australian legislatures who have passed similar motions since the start of Azerbaijan s Turkey-supported and terroristfuelled attacks. ANC-AU Executive Director Haig Kayserian thanked the Willoughby councillors for their leadership on this important issue. This is a time where the Armenian homeland is facing an existential threat against genocidal dictators openly threatening ethnic cleansing, Kayserian said. It is not a time for fair weather friends , and this is why we thank Councillor Coppock, Mayor Giles-Gidney and all Willoughby City Councillors who have ensured this motion is passed and our community s call against Australia s silence is heard loud and clear in Canberra, he added.

statement, urging the Government of France and the international community to also recognize the independence of Artsakh as the only effective means to protect the people of Artsakh from ethnic cleansings that still threatens them. The declaration has been signed by Nicolas DARAGON, Mayor of Valence (Drôme) Laurence FAUTRA, Mayor of Décines (Rhône) Thierry KOVACS, Mayor of Vienne (Isère) Hervé REYNAUD, Mayor of Saint-Chamond (Loire) Philippe MARINI, Mayor of Compiègne (Oise) Richard MALLIE, Mayor of Bouc-Bel-Air (Bouches-du-Rhône) Michel AMIEL, Mayor of Pennes Mirabeau (Bouches-du-Rhône) Jean-Jacques GUILLET, Mayor of Chaville (Hauts de Seine) Luc CARVOUNAS, Mayor of d Alfortville (Hauts de Seine) Maud TALLET, Mayor of Champs sur Marne (Seine et Marne) Marie-Hélène THORAVAL, Mayor of RomansSur-Isère (Drôme) Marlène MOURIER, Mayor of Bourg-lèsValence (Drôme) Nathalie NIESON, Mayor of Bourg-de-Péage (Drôme) Christian GAUTHIER, Mayor of Chatuzangele-Goubet (Drôme) Sylvie GAUCHER, Mayor of GuilherandGranges (Ardèche)

Catalan City Of Berga Recognizes The Republic Of Artsakh (Armradio)- The city of Berga, Catalonia, has recognized the independence of the Republic of Artsakh. The City of Berga has also condemned the military aggression of Azerbaijan against the Artsakh and the active participation of the Republic of Turkey. The motion was proposed by the Armenian Cultural Association of Barcelona. The motion also called for the

condemnation of war crimes committed by Azerbaijan, such as the use of prohibited cluster munitions against civilians in Artsakh, the bombing of cities and monuments, and the execution of prisoners of war. In addition, the city recognized the right to self-determination of the Armenians of the Artsakh Republic and the independence and sovereignty of Artsakh.

Montevideo Recognizes The Independence Of Artsakh (Armradio)- The Montevideo Departmental Council has approved a declaration in which it recognizes the independence of the Republic of Artsakh and denounces the agreement to end the war signed by Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, which, it says is a consequence of the illegal use of force and not of authentic balanced negotiations as established by the UN. The resolution denounces the military attacks against the population of the Republic of Artsakh and Armenia by Azerbaijan with the support of the genocidal state of Turkey, noting that Turkey was involved in transferring mercenaries to fight against Artsakh, violating the Minsk Group Agreements and the ceasefire for all conflicts declared by the UN during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, Montevideo conveyed it greatest solidarity with the entire civilian population (Armenian and Azerbaijani), the main victims of numerous destabilizing attacks and violations of international law, the people of Artsakh and Armenians who continue to fight for their survival, confronting the continuation of the genocide perpetrated in 1915. Montevideo also declared that the agreement signed by Azerbaijan, Russia and

Montevideo Departmental Council

Armenia is the consequence of the illegal use of force and not of authentic balanced negotiations as established by the UN, representing a forced transfer of historical heritage and territory populated by Armenians for millennia. Finally, the Montevideo Departmental Council announced its recognition of the Republic of Artsakh, calling on the international community to respect its status as an independent state, this being the true path for a peaceful solution and granting lasting peace for Artsakh and Armenia.


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Moscow Wants Karabakh To Revert Back To Its Soviet Status

Russian peacekeepers demining roadsides in Artsakh

Status of Karabakh will be Determined Based on Inter-Ethnic Unity, Says Russian Foreign Minister The status of Nagorno-Karabakh will be determined after establishing the rights of all categories of the region s population, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during an online press conference on Thursday, reported The agreement to end war in Karabakh, signed by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan on Monday did not specify mechanism to establish the status of Karabakh, which had been one of the key elements of the peace negotiations headed by the OSCE Minks Group cochairmen. Several days after the agreement, the Russian Foreign Minister is pointing to a return of Soviet status, where Azerbaijani and Armenian lived in Nagorno-Karabakh

Autonomous Oblast. We are moving forward with the assumption that the status will be determined depending on what actions we must take to restore inter-ethnic harmony in NagornoKarabakh, Lavrov noted. Now the issue of the status of NagornoKarabakh is the main topic of the political process, since the process of restoring Azerbaijan s control over five and then two more regions is already underway. It is creating temporary administrations and will restore peaceful life, Lavrov said. According to the minister, Moscow does not set artificial deadlines on this issue. He noted that previous agreements on this territory lasted for many years until the war broke out during the USSR collapse, referring to the status given Karabakh during the Soviet times, with borders drawn by communist despot Josef Stalin.

This is very difficult to do, and we do not set any artificial deadlines for determining the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. We already see that Azerbaijani refugees will have the opportunity to return to the south of NagornoKarabakh, including the Shushi region, we will provide calm in this area, said Lavrov. The status can be determined only after it becomes clear what rights will be granted to all those who lived in Nagorno-Karabakh and have the right to return there, and, of course, those who continued to be in this territory all the time, Lavrov stressed. While Pashinyan said Thursday that the issue of the Karabakh status is still under negotiations, Azerbaijan s Ambassador to Russia, Polad Bulbuloglu to that Azerbaijan considers that the Karabakh conflict already been resolved. According to Lavrov, it is essential to ensure respect for the rights of all ethnic and religious groups in the region. All refugees and displaced persons have the right to return to Karabakh and restore their cultural and religious heritage. The situation with numerous houses of worship cathedrals and mosques many of which are in deplorable conditions, is yet to be considered. This, by the way, also applies to religious sites in other parts of the region. The Armenian side has repeatedly raised the issue of the fate of Christian churches in Nakhichevan, he said. Moscow will involve UNESCO in preserving the cultural heritage in Nagorno Karabakh, said Lavrov. We, of course, will involve UNESCO in restoring these symbols of cultural heritage, to ensure respect for them, Lavrov said.

UNESCO Proposes Sending Mission To Nagorno Karabakh

A Russian peacekeeper at Tadivank

(Armradio)- During a meeting with representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan to UNESCO, the organization s Director-General Audrey Azoulay proposed sending a mission to Nagorno Karabakh in order to draw up an inventory of the most significant cultural assets, as a prerequisite for effective protection of the region s heritage. The Director-General recalled the statements made by the United Nations Secretary-General, who had expressed his relief and welcomed the agreement on a total ceasefire and cessation of hostilities in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. The Director-General also reaffirmed the universal dimension of cultural heritage, as a witness to history and as inseparable from the identity of peoples, which the international

community has a duty to protect and preserve for future generations, beyond the conflicts of the moment. The Director-General would like to recall the provisions of the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Protocols, to which both Armenia and Azerbaijan are parties, and which are based on the States Parties conviction that damage to cultural property belonging to any people whatsoever means damage to the cultural heritage of all mankind . She also recalls UN Security Council resolution 2347 (2017), which stresses that the unlawful destruction of cultural heritage, looting and smuggling of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, including by terrorist groups, and attempts to deny historical

roots and cultural diversity in this context, can fuel and exacerbate conflicts and impede postconflict national reconciliation, thus undermining the security, stability, governance and social, economic and cultural development of affected States . The Director-General of UNESCO reiterates her appeal of 9 October for the protection of heritage in this region and the absolute necessity of preventing any further damage. During these meetings, the DirectorGeneral formally proposed the technical support of UNESCO, who have been unable to visit these zones to date despite past attempts, and who could, with the agreement of all concerned parties, carry out a preliminary field mission, in order to draw up an inventory of the most significant cultural assets, as a prerequisite for effective protection of the region s heritage. With this in mind, UNESCO will work with all interested partners to create the conditions for such a mission. High-level consultations have begun with the States co-chairing the Minsk Group.

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World Council Of Churches Calls on UNESCO To Protect Holy Cites in Artsakh

(Armradio)- The executive committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) has called on UNESCO to take all possible and appropriate measures to protect these sites. We join with His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, in praying for wisdom, unity and calm, the Council of Churches said after the announcement of the trilateral agreement to end the war in Karabakh. We grieve with all those who have suffered terrible losses not only in the renewed fighting since 27 September but throughout the long history of the struggle for selfdetermination in the region, entrenching antagonism more deeply with each precious life lost, WCC said in a statement. We stand in solidarity with the Armenian communities that are threatened by the renewal of the genocide against their people, particularly in light of the egregious comments made by Turkish President Erdogan vowing to fulfill this mission, which our grandfathers have carried out for centuries, in the Caucasus region and in light of Turkey s role in the current conflict. The WCC condemns any such threats, explicit or implicit, and the actions of those who have insinuated themselves in the conflict and exacerbated its violence, including by supplying internationally-banned weapons, sending mercenaries and jihadists from Syria and elsewhere, and seeking to turn it into a religious conflict, the statement reads. The WCC condemned the use of chemical weapons and cluster munitions, the targeting of civilians, hospitals, and public infrastructure, and all other war crimes, beheadings, torture, and other atrocities witnessed in the past weeks. They also appealed for respect for the holy sites and cultural heritage of NagornoKarabakh/Artsakh, though the repeated shelling of the Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Shushi on 8 October and the numerous reports being received of other more recent desecrations indicate a different reality. They also urged UNESCO to take all possible and appropriate measures to protect these sites. We call urgently upon all members of the international community to join in supporting efforts for the protection of such holy sites, for the return in safety and dignity of all refugees and displaced people, for protection of the Armenian people from the threat of genocide, for a lasting peace founded on justice and human rights for the people of Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh and the wider region, and to refrain from instigating or encouraging antagonism, conflict, and injustice, the World Council of Churches said. We lift up and accompany the continuing ministry and witness of the churches of the region, and pray that the church leaders may be given strength and wisdom to guide their people through this crisis, the Council concluded.

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Now Comes A Karabakh War Over Cultural Heritage

Fears are growing in particular for Armenian monuments being handed over (Eurasianet)- Azerbaijan s military success confirmed by a Russian-brokered ceasefire has rapidly changed the map of the South Caucasus. Attention has now turned to the rich cultural heritage, in particular the Armenian churches falling under Azerbaijani control. Beyond preserving these precious monuments for future generations and as places of worship, this is a test of goodwill. Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to a cessation of hostilities but are still a long way from peace. On an issue where human lives are not at stake, can the parties agree to a more inclusive narrative of regional history that does not seek to erase the identity of the other? The early signs are not positive. This is not a simple story. As Azerbaijani armed forces recaptured territories this autumn that had been under Armenian occupation since 1993, the scale of cultural devastation became apparent. Armenians had not just destroyed almost all the houses, but also, in many cases, wrecked graveyards. Pictures of a mosque in Alkhanli village of Fizuli region, which had been turned into a cowshed, caused outrage. The Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture also expressed indignation at Armenian excavations at the famous Azykh cave, a prehistoric site in the Martuni region which was extensively researched in the Soviet period, and at alterations to the Shahbulaq fortress in Aghdam region. As Azerbaijani forces moved deeper into Karabakh, the issue then arose of the hundreds of Armenian churches, tombstones and monuments there. Azerbaijan now controls most of Hadrut region and its monuments such as the Gtichavank church, which dates back to the 13th century. As Armenians prepare to cede Azerbaijani territories under the November 10 deal, they are handing over many significant monuments. These include the Tsitsernavank basilica church in Lachin region and the archaeological site of the old city of Tigranakert in Aghdam region. The Amaras monastery in Martuni region, which contains a 5th century mausoleum and is said to date back to the era of St. Gregory the Illuminator, the founder of the Armenian church, is situated on the new front line and it is not clear whether Armenians or Azerbaijanis currently control it. Most attention has focused on the 12th century Dadivank monastery in Kelbajar region, now due to be returned to Azerbaijan on November 25. News footage showed Russian peacekeepers at the site. Azerbaijan s Ministry of Culture has said it regards churches such as Dadivank to be Albanian, not Armenian. Anar Karimov, first deputy culture minister of Azerbaijan, posted a controversial tweet in which he referred to the monastery as having been built by wife

of Albanian prince Vakhtang. The Albanian reference is to a bitter political-historical quarrel that has raged in parallel to the military Karabakh conflict. The idea that churches in Karabakh are not Armenian but actually Caucasian Albanian stems from a 1960s Soviet Azerbaijani thesis advanced by Ziya Buniatov, an influential scholar who was later regarded as Azerbaijan s national historian. The Albanians were a small Christian people in the Caucasus region who had mostly

this story has not received the attention it would if the region were more accessible. Unilateral and tendentious restoration has been visited on several monuments on both sides of the conflict. For example, Armenians have restored and re-opened a Blue Mosque in Yerevan, a city which had a strong Muslim identity in the 18th and 19th centuries. The mosque is mostly used for worship by resident or visiting Iranians. A smaller less conspicuous mosque in Yerevan situated at Vardanants Street near

Father Hovhannes walks past a military vehicle of the Russian peacekeepers at the Dadivank, located in a territory turned over to Azerbaijan under a peace deal that followed the fighting over the NK region, in the Kalbajar district, November 15, 2020. (Reuters)

died out by the 10th century although the Udins, a small ethnic group in northern Azerbaijan, are their likely successors. A handful of old fragments of Albanian script have survived and been deciphered. However, Buniatov and others argued that a Christian ecclesiastical eparchy named the Church of Albania had lasted until the 19th century and that this was proof of a separate Albanian identity lasting hundreds of years longer than previously thought. This ambiguity allowed Azerbaijani politicians to assert that Karabakh s churches were not actually Armenian (and its people were therefore not either) while ignoring the fact that they were built in an Armenian style and covered in Armenian-language inscriptions. What will happen to Karabakh s Christian monuments now? Judging on past experience, their future may be one of preservation, unilateral restoration or destruction. Destruction has been the fate of almost all Armenian monuments in Azerbaijan s exclave of Nakhchivan. The most egregious case was the razing of the famous medieval Armenian cemetery at Djulfa, with thousands of khachkar cross-stones, in Nakhchivan in 2005-06. As Nakhchivan is relatively unvisited,

the city center was pulled down as the Karabakh conflict began. The Karabakh Armenian authorities also controversially restored the two mosques in the town of Shusha. The Yerevan and Shusha restorations used the mirror image of the Albanian theory. Armenian restorers called the mosques Iranian or Persian, seeking to deny any Azerbaijani identity to them even though it is clear that the Turkic-speaking Shiite builders of these mosques were the ancestors of modern-day Azerbaijanis. Similarly, the Azerbaijani authorities have restored the Armenian church in the center of Baku. However, they have not put a cross on the dome, and the only public service in the church in the last 30 years occurred when Catholicos Karekin visited Baku in 2010. A smaller 18th century church of the Virgin Mary near Baku s Maiden Tower was pulled down in 1992. In 2008 many graves in the Christian cemetery in the north part of Baku, known as Montino (the main Armenian cemetery in the city), were also hastily razed to make way for a new road. The Azerbaijani authorities have also restored churches in the towns of Nij and Gabala in controversial fashion. The Nij church

which has good reason to be called Albanian as it is located in a region populated by the Udin ethnic group was restored with the support of a Norwegian NGO, Norwegian Humanitarian Enterprise. However, Armenianlanguage inscriptions on the church were erased at the end of December 2004, with the result that foreign ambassadors declined to attend the re-opening of the church. Based on that experience, Steinar Gil, Norwegian ambassador to Azerbaijan at that time, commented, I am worried because Azerbaijan has a sad reputation related to Armenian religious monuments, and referred to the almost total Albanization of Armenian churches and monasteries, irrespective of their time of construction. As members of UNESCO, Armenia and Azerbaijan are both obliged to honor international cultural conventions, including the 1954 Hague Convention which is designed to protect monuments at risk due to armed conflict. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also invoked UNESCO in comments on November 12. But UNESCO mainly operates in a country at the discretion of a national government. So pressure to preserve monuments may come down to mobilization by international heritage experts. Well-known monuments may remain untouched after the intervention of no less an authority than Russian President Vladimir Putin, who personally asked President Ilham Aliyev for and reportedly received reassurances on the preservation and normal operation of churches such as Dadivank. Simon Maghakyan, an Armenian scholar who researched the Djulfa cemetery destruction, says he is more worried about the fate of lesser-known Armenian monuments. He said, My fear is that the monuments at the highest risk for immediate erasure are being overlooked, including smaller medieval churches and especially the numerous statuesque khachkars that are nearly impossible to Albanize, given their rich Armenian inscriptions. One of the most prominent khachkars at grave risk is the 14th century Angels and the Cross in the Vank village of Hadrut region, which Azerbaijan captured last month. Those Armenian and Azerbaijani experts who work to an international standard rather than a nationalist agenda can play a positive role but only if given the space to do so. Azerbaijani scholar Cavid Aga argues, By preserving Armenian heritage, we can learn Caucasian Albanian heritage too. ------Thomas de Waal is a senior fellow with Carnegie Europe, specializing in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region. He is the author of numerous publications about the region.

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