TorontoHye #179 September 2020

Page 1

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Canada Launches Matching Fund To Respond To Beirut Explosion Canadians to donate to the Lebanon Matching Fund to help save lives and meet the urgent, immediate needs of the affected Lebanese communities. Karina Gould, Minister of International Development

Global Affairs Canada, which leads Canada s international development and humanitarian assistance, announced on August 8 that it is creating the Lebanon Matching Fund to assist Lebanon after the horrific explosion that devastated the capital Beirut. The announcement says: Canada is deeply saddened by the devastating toll of the tragic explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, on August 4, 2020. The generosity of Canadians when a crisis strikes is always remarkable, and their efforts in times of need make a difference. The Government of Canada is setting up the Lebanon Matching Fund to help Canadians mobilize resources to assist those affected by the explosion. Karina Gould, Minister of International Development, announced that the Government of Canada will match every donation made by individual Canadians to the Humanitarian

Coalition and its members between August 4 and 24, 2020, up to a maximum of $2 million. The Matching Fund, created in collaboration with the Coalition, is an important mechanism that will help Canada deliver life-saving assistance. The situation on the ground in Beirut is critical. Concerted humanitarian action is required to meet the immediate needs of people impacted by the blast, including health care, food, shelter and water. Canada continues to monitor the situation and remains in close contact with humanitarian partners to determine the best way to respond to this crisis. The situation in Beirut remains critical, and coordinated humanitarian action is required to respond to this terrible tragedy. Canada is known for its efficient humanitarian work and we have trusted aid organizations already working in the country. I encourage

United Canadian Committee For The Relief of Armenians In Lebanon Communique

Dear compatriots, On August 4, 2020, the double Lebanese crises of a sharp economic downturn and the COVID-19 pandemic were compounded by the atrocious explosion at the port of Beirut. The devastation that followed didn t spare the nearby Armenian quarters. Since that tragic day, being conscious that the rehabilitation of the LebaneseArmenian community requires a pan-Armenian effort, we have united the efforts of our churches and various organizations and have initiated a pan-Canadian fundraiser for the benefit of our brothers and sisters in Lebanon. For us, the immediate relief of the families that suffered the loss of loved ones or have wounded members is a priority, the restoration of their destroyed dwellings an emergency, the support of our educational institutions an imperative and the recovery of our community s religious, cultural, charitable and other structures a vital necessity. On August 9, at the instigation of Catholicos Aram I, the Lebanese-Armenian

Rehabilitation Commission was created, with the participation of representatives of the three religious denominations, the three traditional political parties, and three charitable organizations. In the same spirit, we will move forward with our campaign through united efforts. The sums collected will be transferred to the bank account of the Lebanese-Armenian Rehabilitation Commission, in Geneva. You can transmit your tax-deductible contributions online, by following this link: or by calling 1-855-RLF4BEY (1 855 753 4239) We hereby call upon the Armenian community of Canada to participate to this fundraiser in a spirit of unity, so that we can reach out to our brothers and sisters in Lebanon, to help them overcome this ordeal and restore the Lebanese-Armenian community s crucial position within the Diaspora. UNITED CANADIAN COMMITTEE FOR THE RELIEF OF ARMENIANS IN LEBANON

As emergency services and humanitarian partners continue their work on the ground, the full extent of the crisis is becoming clear. In the past few days, there has been an amazing outpouring of support from Canadians looking to help however they can. That is why, today, we are announcing that we will support Canadians who wish to help by matching their generous donations. We are proud to stand by the people of Lebanon every step of the way from emergency response, to reform and reconstruction. François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada s Humanitarian Coalition brings together leading humanitarian organizations to provide Canadians with a simple and effective way to help during international humanitarian disasters. The Humanitarian Coalition members are Action Against Hunger, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, CARE Canada, Doctors of the World, Humanity & Inclusion, Islamic Relief Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam Québec, Plan International Canada, Save the Children Canada and World Vision Canada. The Government of Canada quickly responded to the tragic explosion that occurred in Beirut with an August 5, 2020, announcement of up to $5 million in humanitarian assistance, which includes its contribution to the Lebanon Matching Fund and $1.5 million to the Lebanese Red Cross.

AGBU Raises $2 Million USD For Lebanon Relief In A Span of A Week

In the aftermath of the devastating explosion in Beirut that took place less than a week ago, AGBU Central Board engaged in worldwide appeals for urgent contributions to accelerate relief for Lebanese Armenians with a designated relief fund. Immediate and generous support from across the globe resulted in over $1 million raised over the weekend with both benefactors and grassroots donors rising to assist. The first million was doubled by a matching contribution from Chairman of the AGBU Council of Trustees, Vatche and Tamar Manoukian, with the additional commitment to match all subsequent funds generated in the coming weeks to this urgent effort. We have been impressed by the surge of impressive contributions in less than one week noted AGBU President Berge Setrakian. It is together that we can address the vast needs on the ground through our dedicated volunteer AGBU Disaster Relief Unit executing unprecedented work on the ground. AGBU is appealing to all Armenians worldwide to be a lifeline to their compatriots in Lebanon by donating quickly and generously to maximize the matching gift opportunity.

Hayastan Armenian Fund Launches Urgent Support to LebaneseArmenians Fundraising Campaign The Hayastan Armenian Fund has launched the Urgent support to LebaneseA r m e n i a n s f u n d r a i s i n g c a m pa i g n . One of the oldest Armenian communities, which for over a century has represented the unbreakable spirit and survival of our nation, today needs our help. The devastating explosion in Beirut coupled with the recent economic crisis and the Pandemic, has left our compatriots struggling to survive. For years, the Armenians of Lebanon have supported both the Homeland and Diaspora Communities. Now it s our turn. Committed to its unwavering mission of preserving the Armenian identity, over the last year, the Hayastan Global Armenian Fund has provided financial supported to Armenian cultural and educational institutions during the economic crisis in Lebanon. To overcome the unimaginable horror caused by the catastrophic blast in Beirut, Armenians around the world must be united in their support to our community in Lebanon. Please support this critical relief effort and help Lebanese-Armenians today! Donations can be made on the Fund s or directly to the Fund s dedicated Central Bank account (details on the website). All funds raised will be directed to the most urgent needs of Lebanese-Armenians.

Almost $1.4 Million Raised during HyeAid Lebanon Telethon

Almost $1.4 million was raised Sunday during the HyeAid Lebanon telethon to provide much-needed and immediate assistance to the Armenian community of Lebanon, which has been reeling since a massive explosion at the Beirut port on August 4 that devastated the city and rippled through the entire country. Soon after the explosion, the PanArmenian Council of Western United States launched Hye Aid Lebanon, a communitywide fundraising effort with the participation of all Armenian religious denominations and the leading community organizations. The ongoing fundraising effort, which began almost immediately after the tragedy, got a boost during a three-and-a-half-hour telethon, broadcast on ARTN, USArmenia, and other American Armenian media platforms.

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Yerevan Working On Immigration Plan For Lebanon Armenians (RFE/RL)- Armenia s government is working on a wide-ranging plan to help ethnic Armenian citizens of Lebanon immigrate to their ancestral homeland, according to a senior official in Yerevan. According to various estimates, there are between 80,000 and 120,000 Armenians living in Lebanon at present. The vast majority of them are descendants of survivors of the 1915 Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey. The once thriving community has shrunk dramatically since the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975. Many of its remaining members have also been gravely affected by Lebanon s ongoing economic woes aggravated by the August 4 massive explosion in Beirut. At least 13 Lebanese Armenians were among 181 people killed by the blast. The Armenian government sent three planeloads of humanitarian aid to Lebanon in the wake of the blast. It faced growing calls from opposition and public figures in Armenia to facilitate the repatriation of Lebanese Armenians. Zareh Sinanyan, the government s high commissioner for Diaspora affairs, said that his office is already working on a relevant package of government measures. We are putting together a social, economic, educational and healthcare package for those people who do not want to stay in Lebanon, who plan to emigrate and would like to come to Armenia, Sinanyan told RFE/RL s Armenian service. We want to bring them to Armenia, he said. We do not want them to move to another

country. I hope our compatriots will be a little patient. I believe that this package will be ready soon. Sinanyan was among several Armenian officials who flew to Beirut on August 9 on board a plane carrying medicines, food and other relief supplies. They met with Lebanese officials and leaders of the local Armenian community. According to Sinanyan s office, as many as 25,000 residents of Lebanon already have Armenian passports or residency permits. More than 100 of them were flown to Yerevan just days after the Beirut blast. Sinanyan said ahead of his trip to Lebanon that many other community members want to relocate to Armenia in the medium or long term. They cannot do that now because they want to solve issues connected with their properties affected by the explosion, he explained. Thousands of ethnic Armenians from Lebanon s neighbor Syria have fled to Armenia during the bloody conflict in the Arab state. Many of them have struggled to find decent jobs in a country that has long suffered from high unemployment. Sinanyan, who himself is a U.S. citizen born and raised in Yerevan, cited Armenia s limited resources when he commented on a possible mass immigration of Lebanese Armenians on August 14. We would have very much liked to provide all immigrants with free housing, work and the best economic, social and healthcare packages, the official told a news conference.

Humanitarian Aid From Armenia, Artsakh Reaches Lebanon

Lebanese Armenians arrive at Zvatnots airport.

But Armenia is not the United States or integration package covering various spheres Switzerland. At any rate, we are ready to do will be finalized after receiving feedback and our best. proposals from several departments. Under the package, Lebanese-Armenians Package for integration of will have access to health, socio-economic, Lebanese-Armenians submitted for educational and a number of other services. government consideration During the preparation of the package, Soon after, a package of programs for High Commissioner Zareh Sinanyan has held the integration of Lebanese-Armenians has been submitted to the government and put meetings with Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, Artsakh President Arayik into circulation today. Just 20 days after the High Commissioner Harutyunyan, Catholicos of All Armenians Zareh Sinanyan s visit to Lebanon, the Karekin II, and a number of ministers.

The Armenian Relief Society Successfully Continues Its Stand With Lebanon Assistance Program

The ARS organized Stand with Lebanon benefit concert on August 15, securing a sum of $600,000. The Armenian Relief Society would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all those who supported this project with donations and voluntary assistance, said a press release. With Our People, For our People forever. We ask you to continue to support the ARS. Continue your help to our brothers and sisters of Lebanon. We pledge to continue our efforts so that our community in Lebanon may rise again to its former glory, said ARS Chairperson, Dr. Nyree Derderian. The artistic program was organized in cooperation with Yerkir Media TV with the participation of performers from Armenia and the Diaspora. More than 54,000 spectators watched the Workers at Zvartnots airport load aid packages onto a Beirut bound airplane event live on the screen. In addition to the concert fundraiser, on We will continue providing assistance A plane carrying humanitarian assistance from Armenia and Artsakh to Lebanon, to based on needs of Lebanon s government August 17, 2020, the very first humanitarian assist in the massive destruction that was a n d t h e A r m e n i a n c o m m u n i t y. flight to Lebanon was organized by the ARS, caused by last week s explosion in Beirut, #StayStrongLebanon, added Pashinyan. with the cooperation of Code 3 Angels, a nonarrived in Lebanon. Armenia s foreign minister Zohrab profit organization, and the Armenia Fund The shipment From the People of Mnatsakanyan also announced the arrival of USA. The flight was loaded with 2.5 tons of Artsakh to Lebanon has already arrived in the Armenia s first shipment of humanitarian necessary items, consisting of 171 cases of Beirut, said Artsakh President Arayik assistance to Lebanon in a Twitter post. medical and other needed items secured by Harutyunyan is a social media post on Sunday. First of the three airlifts of assistance ARS. Code 3 Angels loaned its main office to The assistance is in the form of food, from Armenia to brotherly Lebanon arrived in gather the items and prepare the bundles. At President Harutyunyan said. And this isn t Beirut, Mnatsakanyan tweeted. From the same time, Los Angeles based Lebanese the end of it, because I am going to convene American organizations, Cedars Relief, a meeting on this issue tomorrow and I will Armenia s heart to Beirut . Two more flights carrying humanitarian American Lebanese Medical Association, and report on our decisions. Artsakh stands by Lebanon in overcoming this difficult challenge. aid will be sent from Armenia to Lebanon this Middle Eastern Pharmacy Association (Mepha), in cooperation with Lebanese groups, From #Armenia s heart and Artsakh s week. Armenia s High Commissioner for helped the ARS to secure and deliver much people to Lebanon. First 2 airlifts of humanitarian assistance have been sent to Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan, other needed medical supplies to the Rafik Hariri Lebanon, said Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan government officials and lawmakers made the University Hospital. Derderian noted they expect that over the in a Facebook post. trip to Lebanon on board the flight. following days, the medicine and sundries will be delivered and immediately available to those in need. We are hopeful that soon, with the continued assistance of Code 3 Angels non-profit organization, and the All Armenia

Fund USA, it will be possible to have additional humanitarian flights to Beirut. This way we remain in constant support of mending the wounds of our people, she said. Immediately after the devastating explosion in Beirut s seaport, the ARS mobilized all of its entities, and on the very same day, declared its Stand with Lebanon fundraising project. The funds collected are used to secure immediate help to the needs of the community. At the Araxi Boulghourdjian Sociomedical Center of ARS/Lebanon, bolstered by the efforts of volunteers, hundreds of our community members continue to receive the medical care they need. In addition, all victims and needy elderly receive hot meals.

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Canada Allocates $260,000 For COVID-19 Assistance To Armenia (OTTAWA, August 27, 2020) The Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) thanked the Government of Canada and particularly Ministers François-Philippe Champagne (Foreign Affairs), Mary Ng (Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade) and Karina Gould (International Development) for contributing $260,000 to assist Armenia with initiatives relating to the novel coronavirus pandemic. This funding package comes at a time when a worrying rise in infections over the past few weeks has seen Armenia s case total reach nearly 43,000, placing significant pressure on the government s response plan. Since the onset of the global pandemic, we have been on the frontlines advocating for international aid and relief to help alleviate the mounting pressure on Armenia s economy and health care system and ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens. , said Hrag Darakdjian, Co-President of the ANCC. After learning about the official request for aid made by the Armenian Embassy in Ottawa, the ANCC immediately reached out to Global Affairs Canada, asking the government to allocate funds to help Armenia battle the novel coronavirus.

Discussions were held with Minister Ng and other elected officials where we shared with them the situation on the ground and the urgency for immediate help and we are grateful that our government recognized the severity of the situation and decided to help Armenia said Shahen Mirakian, Co-president of the ANCC. The funding that will be distributed soon will be channelled to the Armenian Red Cross, via the Canadian Red Cross and will help Armenia fight the pandemic based on its needs and capacities. Stronger bilateral relations between Canada and Armenia a top priority for the ANCC has significantly advanced in recent years, especially after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau s historic visit to Armenia in October 2018. Canada s presence in Armenia has significantly increased through more robust diplomatic and economic relations and various programs such as the Arnold Chan Initiative for Democracy in Armenia, the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives and now this aid package that comes at a time of urgent need. As bilateral relations grow stronger and deeper, we will continue to strongly advocate

for the establishment of a permanent Canadian diplomatic representation in Yerevan that will substantially increase the level of bilateral engagement, facilitate more trade and ease the process for Canada s aid programs in the Armenia , concluded Darakdjian and Mirakian.

Armenian Government Moves To Lift Coronavirus State Of Emergency

People wear faces masks on a street in Yerevan, August 11, 2020

(RFE/RL)- The Armenian government signaled on plans to lift a state of emergency which it declared more than five months ago to fight against the coronavirus pandemic. The government approved a bill that would allow it keep in place safety and hygiene rules and even impose, if necessary, nationwide or local lockdowns without again extending emergency rule, which is due to expire on September 11. Under the bill involving amendments to several Armenian laws, authorities will also be able to seal off local communities hit by serious coronavirus outbreaks, quarantine infected people and continue requiring all citizens to wear masks in public spaces. Speaking at a cabinet meeting in Yerevan, Justice Minister Rustam Badasian confirmed that the government will not again extend the state of emergency if the bill is passed by the Armenian parliament by September 11. Badasian insisted that the new legal regime will involve fewer restrictions on people s freedom of movements and civil rights. In particular, he said, the authorities will stop accessing personal data from mobile phones to identify individuals who have had physical contact with COVID-19 patients and completely banning any type of business activity. The government already lifted earlier this

month a coronavirus-related ban on rallies strongly criticized by the Armenian opposition. But it set strict physical distancing requirements for organizers and participants of public gatherings. The government approved the bill even though Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian strongly criticized its authors, the Armenian ministries of justice and health, for not consulting with the Ministry of Defense beforehand. He also deplored the fact that the bill was sent to the office of the state human rights ombudsman only two days before the latest cabinet meeting. Meanwhile, Health Minister Arsen Torosian dismissed rumors about his impending dismissal and defended his decision to go on vacation despite the continuing coronavirus crisis in Armenia. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian allowed him to take a three-week vacation, effective from August 31, amid media reports saying that Torosian tendered his resignation after a tense meeting with the premier. A spokeswoman for Torosian was quick to deny the claims. The 38-year-old minister likewise insisted that he did not step down and was not lambasted by Pashinian over the coronavirus situation in the country. I don t even remember when I last met with the prime minister [tete-

a-tete,] he told reporters. It was so long ago. He also denied that a body coordinating the Armenian government s response to the coronavirus pandemic has demanded a detailed financial report from the Ministry of Health to investigate a possible misuse of government funds allocated for treatment of COVID-19 patients. Asked after the meeting about opposition criticism of his upcoming vacation, Torosian said: Nobody has a right to exploit the expediency of my vacation. I will stay in Armenia, remain reachable and probably go to work on some days. Torosian again defended the health authorities handling of the coronavirus crisis, which has been denounced by opposition groups and other critics of Pashinian s government. The percentage of Armenia s citizens who have been infected with and, unfortunately, died from the coronavirus shows that the public health system has done more than it could considering the financial resources and attention given to healthcare over the past decade, he said. The daily number of new confirmed cases has shrunk by more than half since mid-July despite the virtual absence of lockdown restrictions. Torosian did not exclude that Armenia could soon face a second wave of COVID-19 infections as a result of a colder weather, easing of sanitary restrictions on business activity and the government s recent decision to reopen schools and universities in September. He said Armenians should therefore continue to follow anti-epidemic rules set by the authorities. Armenia has had one of the highest infection rates in the wider region, with 43,270 coronavirus cases and at least 864 deaths recorded to date. The daily number of new confirmed cases has shrunk by more than half since mid-July despite the virtual absence of lockdown restrictions in the country of about 3 million. Citing the downward trend, the government decided recently to reopen all schools and universities in September. The Ministry of Education went on to put in place detailed safety protocols for all educational institutions.

The ANCC thanks the Canadian government, Ministers Champagne, Ng and Gould and our elected officials for their efforts on this important matter and we remain committed to helping Armenia as it safely makes its way out of this global crisis.

ARS Sends Medical Supplies To Artsakh Amid Covid-19 Armenian Relief Society (ARS) and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) have sent an additional shipment of 75 noncontact infrared thermometers (NCITs) to Artsakh. The load was delivered to the Ministry of Health of Republic of Artsakh on August 8, 2020 to assist the authorities in their efforts to prevent the spread of the virus in Artsakh. The shipment was sent in a joint effort between the ARS and the ARF. All expenses were covered by the ARF Central Committee of Canada. The ARS thanked donors, entities and members who showed their support to the Armenian Relief Society s efforts in assisting compatriots in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora.

9 More Lebanese Armenian Families To Settle In Artsakh (RFE/RL)- Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan announced that an additional nine Armenian families from Lebanon will be settling in Artsakh in the near future. Last week, the Artsakh government announced that two families had decided to settle in Artsakh. During a meeting with Armenia s High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan in Yerevan, President Harutyunyan said the all relevant administrative elements for the families settlement in Artsakh have been completed. Artsakh has joined the global effort to assist the Lebanese Armenian community since the August 4 blast in Beirut, which has left hundreds dead and hundreds of thousands homeless. I reiterate that every effort must be made to preserve the [Armenian] community in Lebanon. However, for those of our compatriots who have decided to move to another country, the preferred option should be a return to the Homeland, President Harutyunyan said in a Facebook post.


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100 Years On, The Treaty of Sevres Remains An Important Document For Just Solution To The Armenian Cause: President Sarkissian Armradio - The Treaty of Sèvres was truly a peace treaty, and from this perspective it could have solved one of the most complex issues in our region, the Armenian Question, Armenian President Armen Sarkissian said in an interview with Before the Treaty of Sèvres, the first conference was held in London between February and April in 1920, when a political decision was taken to create a single, unified Armenian state. Under the Peace Treaty of Sèvres, Turkey would recognize Armenia as a free and independent country. Turkey and Armenia would agree to leave the issue of demarcating the borders between the two countries in the provinces (states) of Erzurum, Trabzon, Van and Bitlis to the decision of the United States of America (President Woodrow Wilson s Arbitral Award, the centenary of which will also be marked on November 22), and immediately accept this decision with all his proposals related to granting Armenia access to the sea and demilitarizing all the neighboring Ottoman territories, President Sarkissian noted.

By Sara Cohan

He added, however, that the Treaty of Sèvres did not receive final ratification (therefore it remains unperfected). It is true that the decisions regarding Armenia were not implemented due to changes in the international policy situation, but their cancellation was never announced, he stated. The Sevres Treaty is an international legal document, and it is also de facto enforceable, because based on this document the status of a number of Middle Eastern countries was established or derived in the period following the First World War, especially Syria (currently Syria and Lebanon), Mesopotamia (now Iraq and Kuwait), Palestine (now Israel and the Palestinian Authority), Hejaz (now Saudi Arabia), Egypt, Sudan, Cyprus, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya, the President sad. Thus, he added, the Treaty of Sèvres could have contributed to solving the Armenian Question, and the Armenian people would unite on their historical lands. It could have, at least partially, cured the damage inflicted on the Armenian people after

the Armenian Genocide in 1915, and create conditions for the settlement of relations between Armenia and Turkey, and the promotion of lasting peace between the peoples of our region, Aarmen Sarkissian noted. However, in September 1920 the incursion against the Republic of Armenia unleashed by the Kemalists ended with the abolition of the independent Armenian statehood and the sovietization of Armenia. Thus, the long struggle of the Armenian people did not succeed in uniting the divided parts of Armenia into one state. But the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian people as a whole, scattered around the world, are still the inheritors and the owners of their history and civilization spanning thousands of years, President Sarkissian stated. Whatever they do, no matter how they deny the obvious facts, no matter how much they remove the monuments of the Armenian heritage and the Armenian civilization and wipe the traces of Armenians over the historical lands of Armenia, they cannot erase the

President Armen Sarkissian

memory of the Armenian people, he added. According to President Sarkissian, until today, the Treaty of Sèvres remains an important document on the right of the Armenian people to reach a just solution in the Armenian Question.

Three Lessons to be Learned from the Treaty of Sevres

(Armenian Weekly)- August 10, 2020 marked the centennial anniversary of the Treaty of Sèvres. The Treaty s life was very short as it was replaced in 1923 by the Treaty of Lausanne. The long-term consequences of this switch in diplomacy has been devastating to Armenians, Kurds and Greeks, and to the global struggle for human rights and preservation of dignity to victims of human rights abuses. The physical distance between Lausanne and Sèvres is approximately 500 kilometers. The outcome of the Treaty of Lausanne set Armenians and other minorities of the former Ottoman Empire back nearly five hundred years to the beginning of the colonization of their homeland. The Treaty of Sèvres promised Armenians an independent nation and trials for the Turks responsible for the Armenian Genocide. Without ratifying the treaty, justice for Armenians regarding the Genocide was lost, and they were again without a homeland. Historic Armenia was again under full control of the Turks, and this time the Armenian presence was all but obliterated. As the education director of The Genocide Education Project, I am tasked with creating ways for educators to teach the Armenian Genocide to their students. In the beginning of every workshop, I discuss the following main goals of genocide education and specifically the Armenian case. Remember the victims. The particular histories of victims must be remembered. By learning the specific history of a people, we are able to better comprehend the magnitude of what is lost during genocide and human rights atrocities. Study the patterns. Every genocide and human rights atrocity does not unfurl in the exact same way, but there are traits and stages that are shared. By analyzing these, we are better equipped to identify early warning signs of potential genocidal acts today. Explore how atrocities can be prevented. Prevention strategies must be studied and taught if we want to end mass violence and genocide. Apply lessons learned to human rights crises today. While knowing particular histories is important, if those historical lessons are not applied to our world today the histories will lack meaning to youth who are so far removed from them. Contemporary connections heighten the struggle of our ancestors from a historical footnote to a blueprint to save others from similar fates. Teaching about the case of the abandonment of the Treaty of Sèvres touches on all these goals. It provides a lens for not only understanding the ramifications of the Treaty for Armenians, but also American

priorities toward political minorities within and outside its boundaries then and today. Studying the Treaty of Sèvres can create a historical bridge from understanding the world after World War I and human rights today. These are a few of the lessons that can be learned from studying the Treaty of Sèvres. Selfishness impedes justice The American fairytale is that when bad things happen justice prevails. This mythical utopian vision is pervasive throughout the American narrative. Like the characters John Wayne played, Americans ride into town and deliver justice. Of course, in the case of John Wayne s characters, the justice delivered glorified the genocide of Native Americans. In much the same way, Americans and Western Europe saved and then abandoned the Armenians. The reality was that Americans worked tirelessly to provide aid and charity to the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire for decades. What they did not provide was consistent political support to save the Armenian nation. Some of Woodrow Wilson s closest advisors were both businessmen and philanthropists who provided charity to Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as an expression of their Christian faith. As businessmen they saw the crumbling empire as a treasure trove of raw materials including oil, copper and silver that they could control with the right political finesse. Dr. Stephen Wise, a staunch advocate for the Armenian Case, wrote in May 1923, two months before the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne: We are mute in the presence of the immeasurable woe of Armenia and we threatened to become vocal about advantages, commercial and industrial, which are to accrue to a group of American money-makers. Armenia must be sacrificed, but the Chester claims must be saved. By 1923, Americans turned their backs on the Armenians as they saw the opportunity to add to their wealth and international power. Helping Armenians was the first international human rights effort supported by Americans. They set a tone for humanitarian work that still persists today: Provide aid until economic opportunities arise or when economic interests are involved. Fighting for justice may require personal sacrifices to be made. The gain of helping others achieve justice should far outweigh lining the coffers of the elite. Denial is caustic Denial continues when perpetrators have never acknowledged their responsibility for the crime they committed. As Armenians are reflecting on the injustices dealt to them 100 years since the signing of the Treaty of Sèvres, Turkey maintains they were and are the victims

of the Treaty. Known as the Sèvres Syndrome, the Turkish government regularly notes they were forced to extreme nationalism in order to protect themselves from the harsh punishments inflicted upon them by Europe and the US at the end of World War I. With the overturning of the Treaty of Sèvres, Turkey faced no significant consequences for the Armenian Genocide. This tactic of painting oneself as the victim is a classic aspect of denial. Emboldened by a lack of repercussions, Turkey continually seeks new ways to destroy the Armenian people. This year Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan again used the Treaty of Sèvres as a divisive tool to foster deep-rooted hatred against the West and to promote the concept that Turkey is not the perpetrator of human rights abuses and genocide but instead the victim of slander campaigns. One example of this vicious ideology was the conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque for worship on the 97th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne. Hagia Sophia was built as a Christian cathedral approximately 1,500 years ago. After the Ottoman conquest of 1453, the church was used as a mosque by the Ottomans. As a part of Ataturk s desire to gain a closer relationship with Western Powers, he allowed for the Hagia Sophia to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a museum in 1934. Now, Erdogan has added the erasure of the rich history of the Hagia Sophia to his list of ways to eliminate any mention of non-Turkic claims to its historic land. Treat minorities with respect This summer, we all witnessed and many

of us participated in civil rights protests across the world. After the death of George Floyd on May 25, people of all backgrounds took to the streets demanding change in the US and in their own countries. The systematic oppression of African Americans hit a nerve and many took a stand. This is not a new movement, but a continuation of the ongoing struggle for civil rights in the United States. Armenians are well aware of the steps that need to be taken for African Americans to get justice because they are comparable demands to those that would bring a measure of justice to address the crimes and damages of the Armenian Genocide. Acknowledge the crime, prosecute those who are guilty, receive reparations and see that policies are put into place that support the aforementioned acts and prevent future injustices. These are the core components for gaining justice. The Treaty of Sèvres was the policy piece that would bring justice to Armenians. The dissolution of the Treaty of Sèvres and the adoption of the Treaty of Lausanne left Armenians and Kurds without justice. The aftermath has been brutal for both, and bloodshed and human rights abuses at many levels have yet to cease a century later. This is just one of so many historical examples that can be applied to the case for civil rights in the United States. The results are all similar. When minorities are oppressed and justice is denied, societies are unhealthy. Democracy cannot thrive, and human rights for all are hindered when the oppression of any group is allowed. The United States is at a turning point in history. One hundred years ago, they turned their backs on the Armenian Cause. Will the United States find its way to providing a just life for all members of its society today?


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