TorontoHye #178 August 2020

Page 1

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ú¶àêîàê 2020 ĺ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 178


ANCC Strongly Condemns Ongoing Azerbaijani Violence Against Armenia

Canada s FM Urges To Respect Ceasefire On ArmeniaAzerbaijan Border

resumption of war and violating the very norms of international law. Such attempts are largely being carried out by Azerbaijani authorities to divert their citizens attention from their domestic failures resulted from the COVID19 pandemic. Following large-scale military exercises and numerous ceasefire violations in May, Azerbaijan is now endangering the sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia. Any attempt that intends to violate the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia is unacceptable and must be categorically condemned by Canada and the international community. Additionally, the statement made by the Turkish Foreign Ministry unconditionally supporting the Azerbaijani army is deplorable and must be addressed accordingly. Soldiers of an artillery unit of the Armenian army train at a military base in Tavush province, The ANCC is closely monitoring the Foreign Minister François-Philippe Champagne September 18, 2019. situation and is in direct contact with officials (OTTAWA) The Armenian National Tavush Region of Armenia. (TorontoHye)- Canada s Foreign Minister from Global Affairs Canada (GAC), providing Committee of Canada (ANCC) strongly Despite a global pandemic and François-Philippe Champagne expressed updates and urging the government to remain condemns the ongoing attempts by the international calls for ceasefire by the United Azerbaijani Armed Forces to infiltrate and Nations, Azerbaijani authorities are continuing vigilant and condemn all sorts of Azerbaijani concern over the eruption of violence over the Armenia Azerbaijan border but stopped provoke military aggression in the northeastern their military aggression, constantly threatening aggression. short of condemning Azerbaijan for initiating an attack on the internationally recognized borders of its neighbour. The Foreign Minister s statement said: Canada is concerned by the violence along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. Alongside the Organization for Security Azerbaijani community. The dictatorial regime of Azerbaijan, and Co-operation in Europe s Minsk Group, supported and emboldened by Turkey are Canada urges both sides to refrain exporting their government s aggression and immediately from using force, to respect the state-sponsored hate towards Armenians, to ceasefire and protect civilians. A resolution to this conflict must take into Canada. This is highly unacceptable and account the Helsinki Final Act, in particular condemnable in the strongest terms possible. the principles of non-use of force, territorial Since Azerbaijan s latest aggression towards integrity and self-determination , the statement Armenia on July 12, 2020, Azerbaijanis in added. various parts of the world supported by their In an interview with CBC Radio Canada Turkish compatriots have tried assaulting International, Sevag Belian, executive director Armenians and disrupting law and order of Armenian National Committee of Canada, outside of Azerbaijan. It is highly disturbing said that the ANCC appreciates Champagne s that these toxic and foreign-sponsored actions call for the cessation of hostilities and return are now being witnessed in Canada. What to negotiations, but also urged the Liberal adds insult to injury is the fact that the government to properly condemn Azerbaijan s Armenian youth protest Azerbaijani aggression in Ottawa. Azerbaijani community, following last night s aggression towards Armenia. Belian added: failing to distinguish The Armenian National Committee of Azerbaijani community and urges law incident, actively and immediately began Canada (ANCC) learned that on Saturday, enforcement agencies in the GTA and across spreading misinformation by trying to frame between the aggressor and the victim will August 1, at 10:30 PM, a group of Azerbaijanis Canada to remain vigilant, investigate and Armenian-Canadians as aggressors. This further empower the dictatorial military and harassed and assaulted a group of Armenian- prosecute the provocative actions of the provides further evidence that this was not an political regime of Azerbaijan to commit its Azerbaijanis and ensure the safety and security isolated incident and it was carefully planned crimes and continue destabilizing the region. Canadians in Toronto. Since July 12th, Azerbaijan has launched The ANCC strongly condemns these of our community. At the same time, we urge and organized to defame the Armenianabhorrent acts of violence and aggression by our community members to refrain from Canadian community and provoke an a series of cross-border attacks against Armenia s northern Tavush province. the foreign-sponsored members of the responding to any provocations by the intercommunal strife.

ANCC Strongly Condemns Azerbaijani Violence Against Armenians In Canada

Vancouver Armenians Unite To Confront Azeri Demonstrators

Armenian and Azerbaijani protestors confronting each other in downtown Vancouver, July 25, 2020.

(TorontoHye)- Around 100 Vancouver Armenian community members showed up in downtown Vancouver on July 25 to confront a smaller number of Azeris who came out chanting anti-Armenian slogans and holding posters. Armenian community members were joined by St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic

C h u r c h pa s t o r Ve r y R e v. K a r e k i n Shekherdemian and St. Vartan Armenian Apostolic church priest Rev. Father Keghart Garabedian. The standoff in the heart of downtown in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery started off with singing of the Armenian National anthem followed by speeches and Armenian shoorjbar and lasted over two hours.

ANCC Western Region representatives Hagop Agopian and Palig Kochkarian read speeches condemning Azerbaijan s recent attack against Davush province and called on the dictatorship in Baku to stop its continued aggression against Armenia and Artsakh. All the while, the Armenian protestors were chanting Armenia wants peace, Azerbaijan

wants war , Artsakh belongs to Armenia and other pro-peace and anti hate slogans. Meanwhile, around 50 counter protesters holding up Azerbaijani and Turkish flags kept shouting Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan , Azerbaijan . The demonstration wrapped up with Hayr Karekin Shkherdemian leading the protestors in Lord s Prayer and the singing of Giligia .

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Azerbaijan s Threats To Bomb Armenian Nuclear Power Plant A Crime Against Humanity. Pashinyan

Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant

(Armradio)- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the Ministry of Defense where he met with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces, headed by Defense Minister David Tonoyan and Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Onik Gasparyan. Minister of Foreign Affairs Zohrab Mnatsakanyan attended the meeting. PM Pashinyan said the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the operative situation on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. Before that, he noted that the military-political situation in the region has become tense due to Azerbaijan s aggression against the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia. The Prime Minister reminded that on July 12, the Azerbaijani armed forces launched an attack to occupy the Anvakh border position of the Armenian Armed Forces. For a full understanding of the situation, it should be noted that this position is located on our side of the border, in the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia, and Azerbaijan s actions can only be described as aggression, he said. At the same time, he noted, the Azerbaijani armed forces targeted the villages of Movses, Aygepar, Chinari, Nerkin Karmiraghbyur in the Tavush region with artillery fire and drones, causing significant damage to civilian infrastructure and homes. We have evidence factual data that the Azerbaijani armed forces deployed artillery and armoured vehicles between the houses and in the yards of the village of Aghdam in front of Chinari. It was from there that our villages were targeted in order to present our retaliatory actions as an attack the civilian population, Pashinyan stated. It is very important to emphasize the meaning and context of the events that are taking place because the offensive actions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces must have an explanation; therefore, it is important to answer the following question: What does the militarypolitical leadership of Azerbaijan want to do and why? he added. In recent months, the Prime Minister said, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev s longstanding military rhetoric has intensified. He

is threatening to solve the Karabakh conflict by force more aggressively, openly demonstrating his intention to abort the talks within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group chairmanship. Against this background, he was developing the thesis about the strength and invincibility of the Azerbaijani army, trying to justify the failure to direct the billions of dollars spent under the pretext of the development of the army to the welfare of the Azerbaijani people over the past one and half years, Pashinyan noted. The military-political leadership of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that it is waiting for an order from Ilham Aliyev to resolve the Karabakh conflict by military means. This continuous rhetoric had to get some expression. Naturally, against the background of the aggressive statements of the militarypolitical leadership of Azerbaijan, the vigilance and attention of the Artsakh Defense Army should have been doubled. Therefore, Azerbaijan decided to strike in the direction we least expected, he added. According to the Prime Minister there was one goal: to materialize the myth of the invincibility of the Azerbaijani army with an unexpected blow, to crush the moral and psychological positions of the Armenian side with military success, and to attack the Republic of Artsakh in that situation. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, however, showed an exceptionally high level of combat readiness, not only ensuring the inviolability of Armenia s borders but also shattering the myth built by the incumbent President of Azerbaijan for a decade and a half about the combat effectiveness of the Azerbaijani army, he stressed. At the same time, he added, with these actions, Azerbaijan caused significant damage to the countries, which it has extensive militarytechnical cooperation with because during this last week our Armed Forces have damaged weapons, which are considered invulnerable all over the world. The biggest surprise in this story, however, is the contemptuous attitude of the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan

towards the lives of its own soldiers, who are being sent to predictable death even when the task set before them is clearly unachievable, he added. The provocation is undertaken by the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan also has a much broader geopolitical context. The Azerbaijani propaganda, in an attempt to cover up its own failure, has begun to develop a thesis that the Armenian armed forces are positioned to disrupt and destroy the international energy infrastructures originating in Azerbaijan. This is done to present Armenia as a global threat, Nikol Pashinyan continued. But the most important proof of the absurdity of this idea is that Armenia theoretically had the opportunity to take such an action even before the events of last week. But it has never had such a goal; it has never been on our political agenda, we never sought to create economic, political, military-political or security instabilities in the region and in the world, he stated. Our task is to ensure our sovereignty, our borders, the security of our country and people, and to promote global security. It has become clear in recent days that Azerbaijan poses a threat not only to Armenia but also to global security. An Azerbaijani official stated a few days ago that their country could launch a missile attack on Metsamor nuclear power plant, Pashinyan added. He stressed that Armenia is capable of ensuring its own security, including the Metsamor nuclear power plant, but this is a statement that should be unequivocally considered a crime against humanity, because such an action is a threat to commit terrorism against humanity, it should be given an appropriate international response and probe. As for the next steps, the he said we must all get out of the vicious cycle of mere statements about ceasefire violations: an international system of reliable ceasefire monitoring needs to be established. And next, the negotiations held in the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing format should be continued, and Azerbaijan should finally adopt a constructive position, he added. Pashinyan expressed his satisfaction with the high efficiency of the Armenian Armed Forces and stated that the Government s army development policy, including the development of the military-industrial complex, has fully justified itself. There is no doubt that we will continue along this line. As I have said on many occasions, the development of our armed forces is not a priority for us, but the priority of priorities. And I would like to address a crucial issue that we have raised in this context, that is, the return to the state of ill-earned money obtained through corruption, and the investment of that money for the development of Armenia s Armed Forces. This objective has not been met in full as of yet. But we will be consistent: specific legal mechanisms have already been established to that effect, which will come into force soon, he concluded.


U.S. House Approves More Funding For Mine Clearance In Karabakh

(RFE/RL)- The U.S. House of Representatives approved $1.4 million in fresh U.S. funding for humanitarian demining operations in Nagorno-Karabakh carried out by a British charity. The HALO Trust has cleared tens of thousands of anti-personnel and anti-tank landmines, mostly left over from the 19911994 Armenian-Azerbaijani war, since it began its work in Karabakh in 2001. The U.S. Congress has financed the effort as part of its direct humanitarian assistance to the Armenian-populated territory allocated over strong Azerbaijani objectives. The current U.S. administration has sought to end that assistance. An amendment to a House bill on U.S. foreign aid in the fiscal year 2021 requires it continue funding the demining program in Karabakh. The amendment was drafted by three pro-Armenian members of the House. One of them, Jackie Speier, argued that Karabakh has one of the highest per capita mine accident rates in the world. More than 400 of its residents have been killed there by landmines since 1994. The measure was also co-sponsored by more than 30 other lawmakers, virtually all of them Democrats. Armenian-American advocacy groups lobbied hard for its passage. Today s vote represents a powerful rebuke to the Azerbaijani government-driven, State Department-supported effort to end Artsakh s demining program despite its remarkable record of having removed tens of thousands of landmines and saving countless lives, said the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). The Armenian Assembly of America also hailed the amendment. For a relatively small investment, the United States can make a significant difference for the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, especially for the children, it said in a statement. The Assembly statement quoted Kristen Stevens, a representative of The HALO Trust, as saying: We are overjoyed to see the House of Representatives include funding in the State and Foreign Operations bill for humanitarian demining in Nagorno-Karabakh. The aid allocation also needs to be backed by the U.S. Senate. The ANCA said it is already working with Senate leaders to include the funding in their version of the foreign bill.

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Armenia Seeks To Offset Turkish Threat

(RFE/RL)- Armenia counts on Russia s support in its ongoing efforts to counter a serious threat to its national security emanating from neighboring Turkey, a senior Armenian official said over the weekend. Armen Grigorian, the secretary of the Armenian government s Security Council, reaffirmed Yerevan s serious concerns over Turkey s vehement support for Azerbaijan shown during and after recent deadly clashes on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Seeing that Azerbaijan is unable to keep the situation under control on its own, Turkey is trying to intervene, Grigorian told RFE/RL s Armenian service. I think that this poses a

level. But these issues are on the agenda because they are about challenges facing the region and we need a common response to these challenges. Ankara has blamed Yerevan for the fighting that broke out at a western section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border on July 12 and vowed to boost Turkish military support for Baku. In what appears to be a related development, Turkish and Azerbaijani troops began on July 29 joint military exercises in various parts of Azerbaijan. The Armenian Foreign Ministry expressed concern at the exercises before the Armenian military put some of its forces on high alert. Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan said on July 28 that Armenian army units as well as a Russian-Armenian military contingent are serious threat to the region. It is also a continuing to constantly monitor and analyze challenge to the regional security architecture. Turkish-Azerbaijani military activities with all The regional security architecture has long reconnaissance means at their disposal. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his been unchanged. Turkey is now trying to change it through its intervention. Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan We are fully prepared and will take steps discussed the Armenian-Azerbaijani flare-up to minimize this [threat.] he said. We also during a phone conversation on July 27. have a lot of work to do in this direction with According to the Kremlin, Putin stressed the our strategic ally Russia in order to prevent importance of preventing any steps that could such changes in the region. cause an escalation in tensions. Russian Asked about Moscow s reaction to the Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov similarly urged Armenian concerns, Grigorian said: The July the Turks to exercise restraint. incidents [on the border] coincided with the Russia is allied to Armenia and has coronavirus pandemic, and we have not yet thousands of troops stationed in the South been able to discuss the issue at a higher Caucasus state.

Azerbaijan, Turkey To Hold Joint War Games will certainly pay for what they have done to his country s main regional ally. Another Turkish official expressed readiness to supply Turkishmade military drones and missiles to the Azerbaijani army. Such statements fuelled speculation about a direct Turkish intervention in the Karabakh conflict. Successive Armenian governments have relied on a military alliance with Russia and, in particular, the presence of a Russian military base in Armenia to prevent such a scenario. The base has up to 5,000 soldiers mostly deployed along the closed ArmenianTurkish border. Analysts believe Moscow would strongly oppose Turkish military presence in a region regarded by it as a zone of Russian geopolitical influence. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged Ankara to exercise restraint in its reaction to the upsurge in ArmenianAzerbaijani and Turkish troops hold a joint military exercise, May 1, 2019 Azerbaijani tensions when he spoke with his By Emil Danielyan them with the July 12 outbreak of heavy fighting Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu by at a western section of Azerbaijan s border phone on July 23. (RFE/RL)- The armed forces of Azerbaijan with Armenia which lasted for several days The Turkish and Azerbaijani militaries and Turkey will start joint exercises two weeks and left at least 17 soldiers dead. have held joint exercises on an annual basis after deadly hostilities on the ArmenianThe Armenian Foreign Ministry expressed for the last several years. They will apparently Azerbaijani border which led Ankara to promise concern over the drills. A ministry combine ground troop maneuvers with air more military assistance to Baku. spokeswoman said they are part of Baku s force drills for the first time. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry provocative actions aimed at obstructing Russian-Armenian exercises are also announced on July 27 that the large-scale international mediators efforts to de-escalate held regularly. A military official in Yerevan exercises will involve warplanes and artillery the situation at the border and kick-start said last week that an Armenian army regiment and air-defense systems. It did not specify the A r m e n i a n - A z e r b a i j a n i p e a c e ta l k s . and the Russian troops in Armenia will take number of soldiers that will take part in them. Turkey has blamed Armenia for the flare- part in Russia s Caucasus-2020 war games A ministry statement cited by Azerbaijani up and reaffirmed its full support for Azerbaijan scheduled for September. news agencies said ground forces of the two in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Yerevan In preparation for these drills, Russian states will simulate joint operations in Baku has decried the Turkish reaction, accusing President Vladimir Putin ordered on July 17 and Azerbaijan s Nakhichevan exclave from Ankara of trying to destabilize the region, a snap "combat readiness check" of some August 1-5. It said separate drills involving undercutting international efforts to resolve 150,000 troops deployed in Russia s southern the Turkish and Azerbaijani air forces will be the conflict and posing a serious security threat and western military districts bordering. held in these and three other locations from to Armenia. Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov July 29 through August 10. Immediately after the border clashes, a telephoned his Russian counterpart Sergei The ministry also said that the war games high-level Azerbaijani army delegation flew to Shoygu the following day to discuss the military will take place in accordance with a Turkish- Ankara for talks with Turkey s top military and event. Shoygu reportedly assured him that it Azerbaijani defense treaty and an annual plan defense industry officials. Turkish Defense is not connected with the latest escalation in of bilateral military cooperation. It did not link Minister Hulusi Akar told it that the Armenians the Karabakh conflict zone.

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Armenian, Russian Troops Train For Drone Warfare

Armenian and Russian troops hold joint military exercises.

(RFE/RL)- Armenian and Russian troops are practicing how to deal with enemy military drones during a joint air-defense exercise that began in Armenia on Thursday. According to the Armenian Defense Ministry, the command-and-staff exercise involves the commanders of a RussianArmenian air-defense system and the Armenian army s separate anti-aircraft units as well as air force officers from the two states. During the exercise they will develop new ways of fighting against UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) for the purpose of improving the counter-drone system, the ministry said in a statement. They are simulating various scenarios of drone warfare, it said. The joint air-defense system was set up in the late 1990s and upgraded by a RussianArmenian treaty signed in 2015. It includes elements of a Russian military base stationed in Armenia. The Defense Ministry statement also said that participants of the drill are looking into last week s deadly clashes on Armenia s border with Azerbaijan during which both sides used reconnaissance and attack drones. The Armenian side is analyzing the enemy s tactics and actions of its air-defense detachments, it added. The Armenian military claims to have shot down or intercepted 13 Azerbaijani drones during the hostilities that broke out at a border section on July 12 and left at least 17 soldiers from both sides dead. It demonstrated on Tuesday what it described as fragments of some of those Israeli-made UAVs. A m i l i ta r y s p o k e s m a n , A r ts r u n Hovannisian, publicized on Friday a photograph of two Armenian officers standing next to a SkyStriker suicide drone manufactured by the Israeli company Elbit Systems. Hovannisian said earlier that the largely intact drone was brought down by an Armenian electronic warfare system. The Armenian military also says that it used for the first time domestically manufactured attack drones during last week s hostilities. It claims that they destroyed at least one Azerbaijani tank. Baku has dismissed these claims. It claims, for its part, that Azerbaijani forces shot down two Armenian drones. The Armenian side denies that. Russia helped to largely stop the fighting on July 16. The Foreign Ministry in Moscow said on Thursday that Russia s Defense Ministry is also involved in efforts to deescalate the situation along the border between Armenia s Tavush province and the Tovuz district in Azerbaijan.

ú¶àêîàê 2020 ĺ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 178



Armenia Sees Steady Decrease In COVID Cases (Eurasinet)- July has seen a steady decrease in COVID-19 infections in Armenia, which had been one of the most heavily virushit countries in the world. Over the past three weeks, the number of recoveries has topped the number of new infections for all but three days, according to the official data. In recent days the country has been reporting 300 or fewer cases per day; in June it was regularly reporting 600 or more. We have a chance to break the back of this epidemic, said Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at a July 30 government sitting, saying that he hoped Armenia will be able to register the end of the crisis in September. For the first time since June 11 we have 9,000 active cases. We haven t had such a low number since then, he said. Over the past six days we had less than 400 new cases A worker disinfects a bus stop in Gyumri. (photo: Gyumri Municipality) per day, he said, calling on Armenians to act responsibly so that the epidemic continues has been continuing the last few days, he Yerevan that had been converted into COVIDsaid. only facilities, including in Vanadzor, Vedi, and to wane. The country, which in June had begun to Dilijan, should as of August 1 begin to function Armenia hit its coronavirus peak on July 6, Health Minister Arsen Torosyan said at a run out of hospital capacity for COVID-19 normally, Torosyan said. If the situation briefing on July 29. Every day since then we patients, now has plenty of beds, including in continued to improve, three additional hospitals have had fewer infections and that same trend intensive care units. Several hospitals outside in Yerevan will also transition back to their

standard function, he said. 2,800 beds will be ready at all times to be added back [for COVID-19 treatment] if we ever need them, he said. The numbers of Armenians getting tested also has decreased but that is due to a decrease in the number of people who seek testing, the press secretary for the Ministry of Health told RFE/RL. We have the capacity to conduct 2,000-2,500 tests [per day] but people aren t applying as much, said the spokesperson, Alina Nikoghosyan. During the peak of the outbreak, in May to the beginning of July, Armenia was conducting around 2,000 tests a day but on July 30 the figure was 1,374. In total, Armenia has registered 38,196 cases of COVID-19 as of July 30. There are 8,877 active cases, and 728 people are reported to have died from the disease, with an additional 225 dying while they had the disease. The daily death rate in Armenia remained significantly higher than its neighbors in the Caucasus, at 1.69 per million people on July 30, according to the European Center for Disease Control. Azerbaijan registered a rate of 0.79, and Georgia 0.25.

After Reopening, Armenian Economy Continues To Struggle By Ani Mejlumyan

(Eurasianet)- On a normal evening, the Calumet bar in central Yerevan has a packed crowd of hipster locals, repatriated Armenians, and tourists dancing to modern versions of classic Armenian folk tunes. After midnight on weekends, it s so crowded the Armenian phrase applies: If you drop a needle it won t pass through. These days, it s a very different scene. On a recent visit, there were fewer than 10 customers. The music was soft, and several of the clientele were playing checkers or backgammon. Customers are afraid of the closed space the bar is underground with no windows and in any case aren t spending much. Indoor places frighten people, said Sevag Davidian, a co-owner. On top of that, he told Eurasianet, customers can t spend as much as they used to. Almost nobody is ordering expensive drinks, opting for $1-2 beers rather than the $8 Long Island iced teas. Overall, business is down 80 percent, Davidian said. When Armenia ended its coronavirus lockdown in early May, even as the epidemic s spread was accelerating, the government cited the need to keep the economy going and let people get back to work. For a time after reopening, Armenia had one of the world s worst infection rates. And nearly three months on, the economy has continued to suffer. Nevertheless, many Armenians believe the government had no choice. We have enough information now, including the reactions of people and businesses to these kind of [lockdown] measures, to say that fully shutting down the economy is not the most effective measure, Artak Manukyan, an economist and a member of parliament for the ruling My Step coalition, told Eurasianet. For the most part, Armenians have supported the government s strategy. Ninety percent of Armenians are worried about the coronavirus s impact on the economy, with 71 percent very concerned, according to a newly released poll by the International Republican Institute. At the same time, 71 percent of those polled were overall satisfied with the government s response. Some economists disagree. Lifting the lockdown in May was a mistake, said Hrant Mikaelian, an economist at the Yerevan think tank Caucasus Institute. Mikaelian draws a comparison with neighboring Georgia, which imposed a stricter lockdown and kept it in place for much longer than did Armenia.

While Georgia has had a significantly lower spread of the disease 1,160 total infections and 17 deaths, compared to more than 38,000 infections and 728 deaths in Armenia its economy performed roughly the same. In May, according to government data, Armenia s economy contracted 12.8 percent compared with May 2019, while Georgia s contracted 13.5 percent. Georgia s economic decline is very similar to what we see in Armenia, Mikaelian told Eurasianet. But compared to Armenia, Georgia saved hundreds of lives. In June, Armenia s economy declined 7.5 percent compared with the same month a year before; the comparable statistics for Georgia are not yet available, but it was in late May and early June that Georgia ended its lockdown. From what we could observe in May, the absence of the lockdown did not save the Armenian economy. It was the pandemic that hit the economy hard, not the lockdown itself, Mikaelian said. In its July update on Armenia, the World Bank also suggested that the ongoing spread of the disease could continue to slow the economy: The recovery is likely to remain sluggish. The lifting of most mobility restrictions was accompanied by a strong increase in new infections (on average 550 new cases in the first week of July). This remains a barrier to economic recovery. Armenia s service sector, including bars and restaurants, has led the slowdown. Many small business have been able to stay afloat with the help of a variety of government stimulus efforts. Kond House, another trendy bar in Yerevan, got an interestfree loan and its employees a one-time payment that helped it survive the difficult spring, said owner Narek Bakhtamyan. Now, helped by a large outdoor space and a clientele of mostly locals, the bar is relatively thriving, he said. It was definitely the right decision to open up in May, Bakhtamyan told Eurasianet. There was a time at the beginning of the pandemic when even if we were allowed to stay open no one would have come, everything was confusing. During the one-and-a-half months of lockdown, they managed to strengthen the health care system and opened up the economy as quickly as they could. But Davidian, of Calumet, said the government aid he got wasn t enough and that there really was no choice but to reopen his basement bar, given what he saw as the futility of the coronavirus fight and the

An empty street cafe in Yerevan, March 14, 2020.

ineffectiveness of the bailout. If the lockdown had been properly implemented in the beginning, the situation would be different, but it wasn t. By May it made no sense to keep the economy closed, the damage was already done, he said. And if the government support was more comprehensive, businesses could handle a longer lockdown, but in this case it wasn t. Economic projections around the world have become progressively more pessimistic as time has passed, including in Armenia.

Before, we were projecting a 2 percent decline [for 2020], now the central bank says it will be 4 percent, Manukyan of My Step said. To help soften the blow from the service sector decline, the government has been spending on infrastructure to try to jump start the economy: Manukyan said that the government has started 100 new construction projects. It s clear that the 2020 decline will linger, affecting the economy for two more years, he said. In 2023 there is a chance to fully return to normal.


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