TorontoHye #176 June 2020

Page 1

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Volume 15, No. 8 (176), JUNE 2020 Toronto Armenian Community Newspaper

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Chair Of Canada-Artsakh Foreign Affairs Minister, FrancoisParliamentary Friendship Group Philippe Champagne Clarifies Rachael Harder Sends A Canada s Position on Artsakh Congratulatory Letter To President Of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan

Minister of Foreign Affairs François-Philippe Champagne

(OTTAWA) In a letter addressed to the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) on May 4th, Canada s Minister of Foreign Affairs, François-Philippe Champagne clarified Canada s position on Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), reported the ANCC. Contrary to the diplomatically irresponsible and one-sided tweet published by the Canadian Embassy in Ankara, following the General Election held in the Republic of Artsakh on March 31st, Minister Champagne clearly stated that Canada fully supports the OSCE Minsk Group Process, the peaceful resolution of the conflict and the principle of self-determination amongst others as outlined in the Helsinki Final Act. While I regret any concern that this tweet may have caused the Armenian National Committee of Canada and the CanadianArmenian community, I would like to reassure you that there has not been any change to our long-standing position on NagornoKarabakh said the minister in his letter. We are satisfied to see that the Minister has restored the balance vis-à-vis Canada s position on this issue of paramount importance to Armenian-Canadians, effectively overriding the lopsided and foreign-influenced tweet published by the embassy in Ankara said

Hrag Tarakdjian and Shahen Mirakian, copresidents of the ANCC. The position of Canada remains based on our strong and consistent support for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group s work toward a negotiated solution, and our position does not prejudge the outcome of this process. Canada agrees with the Minsk Group that there can be no military solution to the conflict and that any resolution must take into account the Helsinki Final Act. We want peaceful societies, and we will support the solution, when achieved. Concluded the minister in his letter addressed to the ANCC. There is still a lot more that needs to be done on this issue and the ANCC will continue to stand at the forefront and work with our government to ensure that the fundamental human rights of the people of Artsakh are protected and upheld concluded Tarakdjian and Mirakian. On April 3rd, the ANCC forwarded a letter to Minister Champagne, raising serious concerns regarding the tweet, asking for its retraction and for the Minister to recall the ambassador for his irresponsibility and inability to uphold Canada s balanced foreign policy.

President of the Republic of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan and Chair of the Canada-Artsakh Parliamentary Friendship Group, Member of the Canadian Parliament Rachael Harder.

(Artsakhpress)-Chair of the CanadaArtsakh Parliamentary Friendship Group, Member of the Canadian Parliament Rachael Harder addressed a congratulatory message to the President of the Republic of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan. The address runs as follows: Dear President Harutyunyan: I am writing to congratulate you and people of Artsakh on successful elections on March 31, and the presidential run-off vote on April 14, 2020 It is inspiring to witness that Artsakh continues to register progress in democratic development even in conditions of unresolved regional political and economic challenges. Furthermore, I wish to congratulate you on being elected as President of the Republic

of Artsakh. Your decisive victory in competitive elections serves as a strong mandate from your compatriots to continue consistent development of Artsakh as a sovereign, democratic, and economically prosperous Republic. You have much to be proud of. As you assume your responsibilities, you do so at a time when Artsakh faces various unresolved regional political and economic challenges. As Chair of the Canada-Artsakh Parliamentary Friendship Group, I can assure you that we will continue raising awareness about your cause, and support Republic of Artsakh in your aspirations for sovereignty. I wish you and your administration every success in your important mission, and productive service on behalf of the people of Artsakh.

MPP Babikian s Office s Pandemic Relief Efforts In The Community in our society, added MPP Babikian. The donation by GlobalMedic reaffirms the drive by the Ontario Government to mobilize the private sector to partner with the government to help combat the dire consequences of COVID-19. The donation also demonstrates that Ontarians, regardless of background, stand shoulder-to-shoulder, and work together to ensure that Ontarians are cared for. The Salvation Army Agincourt Community Church is a pillar in our community and has extended a helping hand to many of our residents when they were in need. MPP Babikian has secured this kind donation to help the food bank continue its exemplary work in serving the community. He pledged his commitment to stand by them. We are grateful to Mr. Arpan Khanna for facilitating the generous donation. GlobalMedic is affiliated with the David McAntony Gibson Foundation, a registered MPPs Aris Babikian and Belina Karahalios with St. Nishan Armenian Church pastor and Canadian charity that has provided disaster council members, Cambridge, May 3, 2020. relief and life-saving humanitarian aid since GlobalMedic Deliver 650 lbs. Food to Our residents will greatly benefit from the 2002. donation. Masks to Cambridge Armenian Local Food Bank MPP Babikian said: I would like to Community Centre On May 14, Scarborough-Agincourt MPP On May 3, representatives of the Aris Babikian partnered with GlobalMedic to express my thanks and heartfelt appreciation deliver 650 lbs. of non-perishable food to the to GlobalMedic and the David McAntony Armenian Community Centre of Cambridge Agincourt Salvation Army Food Bank. Gibson Foundation for their generous donation. and Archpriest Gomidas Panossian, Pastor Throughout these turbulent times, it is of St. Nishan Armenian Apostolic Church of The food included barley, rice, green peas, chickpeas, and other non-perishable foods. heartwarming to see such an initiative in Southwestern Ontario welcomed Aris Babikian, These healthy and nutritious foods are pantry response to the COVID-19 crisis. By supporting Member of Provincial Parliament for staples for a cross-section of our community. our food banks we assist the most vulnerable Scarborough Agincourt, and Belina

Karahalios, Member of Provincial Parliament for Cambridge. In response to a request by the Armenian Community Centre board, the MPPs delivered 500 masks and gloves that will be used by volunteers and members of the Armenian Community Centre. The masks will play a vital role in ensuring the safety of members and volunteers of the Centre during and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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As COVID-19 Cases Pass 10,000 Pashinyan Appeals to Nation ( Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan again insisted that the success of his administration s fight against coronavirus depends on ordinary people s behavior after Armenian health authorities reported more than 500 new COVID-19 infections for the second consecutive day on Wednesday. Pashinyan said that noncompliance with social distancing and other rules set by the government has become so widespread that law-enforcement authorities cannot effectively enforce them. I am arriving at the conclusion that there is no security or administrative body in the world that can solve the problem of such scale, he declared in a video address streamed live on Facebook. This is not a merely organizational issue, he added. Even if it is, no structure, not even the government, can solve this problem unless each of us views this problem as their own. Pashinyan pointed to dozens of photographs of people across the country not practicing social distancing which he has received from Facebook users and shared on his page since Tuesday night. Pashinyan repeated these complaints when he held a daily news briefing later on Wednesday. He said that given the huge scale of popular complacency the Armenian police and sanitary authorities should not be

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announces he and his family are infected with corona virus, June 1st, 2020.

blamed for the continuing rapid spread of the virus. He pledged at the same time to ensure a stricter enforcement of the safety rules. Speaking at the news briefing, the national police chief, Arman Sargsyan, said his officers fined on Tuesday more than 900 people who did not wear face masks in cars and buses. Sargsyan also confirmed that riot police quelled overnight a protest by angry traders at a wholesale agricultural market outside Yerevan

who defied sanitary authorities order to shut down temporarily. Pashinyan has regularly stated in recent weeks that the onus is on Armenians to end the coronavirus crisis by wearing masks, observing social distancing and frequently washing their hands. Critics have responded by accusing him of incompetence and attempts to avoid responsibility for his failure to contain the

epidemic. They say that the authorities never properly enforced a nationwide lockdown imposed in March and ended it too soon. Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan, who coordinates government measures against the epidemic, said Wednesday that the authorities still hope to avoid a renewed lockdown. He said they will continue to put the emphasis on enforcement of the existing rules and a substantial change in our social behavior for now. Avinian also announced that starting from Thursday Armenians will have to wear masks not only in enclosed spaces but also in the streets and other public areas. This requirement will not apply to children under the age of 7 or adults exercising outside their homes, he said. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health reported in the morning that the total number of coronavirus cases in the country of about 3 million rose by 515 to 10,524 in the past 24 hours. It also said that 12 more people died from COVID-19, bringing the official death toll to 170. A ministry spokeswoman, Alina Nikoghosyan, told RFE/RL s Armenian service that there are now virtually no vacant beds left at the intensive care units of Armenian hospitals treating COVID-19 patients.

COVID-19 in Armenia: A Case of Failed Risk Communication (Armenian Weekly)- The decision of the government of Armenia to reopen the economy starting on May 4 was followed by a steady growth in the number of new COVID-19 cases and spurred criticism about the early timing of the removal of the two to three weeks lockdown. The surge in the number of cases observed since lifting the lockdown has been attributed by the government to the noncompliance of the public to preventive measures as well as to a consistent increase in the number of tests (around 1,000 per day). The government has been calling for citizens individual responsibility and using this as its main message to entice people to abide by self-protective measures put in place, such as wearing face masks, demonstrated by the Prime Minister himself in recent media appearances. On May 29, Armenia s government announced that the number of cases of COVID-19 infections per one million population has now surpassed the number registered in Iran and in France and blamed the public for non-compliance with recommended selfprotection measures. Prime Minister Pashinyan did not anticipate re-imposing the lockdown hoping for compliance in the midst of an unprecedented spike in the number of cases that kept rising over the last 10 days, reaching a daily high of 460 and a total of 8,676 cases in addition to 120 deaths by May 29 a heavy toll for a country with a population of around three million. Lockdown was issued in Armenia in late March. Relaxing of restrictions began in midApril despite the absence of sustained decrease in the number of new cases. In addition, the government s response lacked a national risk communication strategy and is fraught with contradictory messages to the general public which recently was demonstrated in a victim blaming approach in an effort to force compliance. The government s current response consisting of obligatory use of face masks while keeping businesses open is heavily driven by economic considerations. Lockdown is an evidence-based public health measure that aims at flattening the curve of the outbreak while the country prepares its healthcare system and strengthens its epidemiological surveillance system to be able to effectively test, contact trace and isolate when the lockdown is lifted gradually. There are also short and long term economic and health effects of the lockdown that need to be

government responsible for managing the outbreak, ultimately manifesting as noncompliance to recommendations. In the absence of strategic communication in the management of the COVID-19 outbreak in Armenia, the general public cannot be expected to form an accurate perception of risk. The attributed irresponsible behavior of citizens and the call for individual responsibility to revert the course of the outbreak in the country are examples of this failed communication. Risk communication during emergencies and crises should not only address the threat but also how people perceive the threat and respond to it within their socio-cultural context. The call for individual responsibility has been criticized by scholars for its lack of equity and the use of victim blaming in health communication. Implying that people s actions solely influence health outcomes is questionable when other structural and situational factors of importance A masked commuter rides a bus in Yerevan, May 18, 2020 considered in decision-making when battling predicts individuals engagement in behaviors are not considered. The didactic, message-centered the pandemic. The recent rising numbers of that reduce the risk. Second, conflicting COVID-19 cases is straining the health care messages are known to further heighten communication adopted by the authorities in system in the country that is still unprepared concerns within this global context of public Armenia needs radical transformation. A risk for a surge in the number of cases. Actually, anxiety and uncertainty. The public is therefore communication strategy that prioritizes the the latest statements of the Health Minister expected to react by refuting the acceptance engagement of the public and embeds the demonstrate that authorities are sounding the of risk as a defense mechanism to control this social understanding of risk and disease is alarm on the restricted number of remaining anxiety. Third, the contradiction in messages urgently needed to protect individuals and hospital beds and calling for shortages in will also contribute to reduced trust in the communities as well as to save lives in medical supplies and personnel. source of information as well as in the Armenia during this public health emergency. A national risk communication strategy seems to be missing in Armenia. Initially, officials downplayed the severity of the outbreak. The Health Minister claimed that it was not serious enough to consider specific control and preventive measures. These nonevidence based messages were at the core braces D.D.S., M.Cl.D., F.R.C.D.(C) of the official discourse at the beginning of for children the outbreak and sent out contradictory messages contributing to the circulation of and adults misinformation about the disease. Lately, with the ease of the lockdown and the surge in the number of cases, the government announced Richmond Hill (Hillcrest Mall): that personal responsibility of the citizens is 9350 Yonge Street, Suite 216 the principle tool to fight the outbreak coupled 905-884-4161 with a punitive response to enforce public health measures. Subsequent official North York: messages focused on individual responsibility 3333 Bayview Avenue, Suite 203 for behavior change. 416-221-0660 As a consequence of contradictory official Downtown Toronto: messages over the course of the pandemic, 11 King Street West, the public has failed to comprehend the risk Suite C115 involved. First, the official discourse did not 416-363-3018 contribute in shaping the public s perceived susceptibility which is determined by the subjective assessment of perceived risk and

Dr. Raffi Aynaciyan Orthodontist

Ara Graphics

By Tamar Kabakian-Khasholian

ÚàôÜÆê 2020 ĺ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 176



TORONTOHYE INTERVIEW: Halo Trust Has Cleared Majority Of Minefields In Artsakh But Needs Funds To Complete Its Mission Since 2000, HALO Trust deminers have cleared over 47 million square metres of minefields and have destroyed nearly 12,000 landmines in various regions of Artsakh where people have been endangered by the presence of explosives since the 1988-94 Artsakh War. The nonprofit NGO also visits schools and communities to teach people, especially children, how to stay safe in proximity to landmines. The humanitarian organization receives its funding from western countries, primarily the US. But recently the U.S. government halted its funding of Halo Trust in Artsakh arguing that the program objectives have been completed and the need to direct resources to higher priorities in the region. In April, Senator Bob Menendez submitted a letter to the Senate Foreign Operations Related Programs Appropriations Subcommittee requesting $1.5 million in the Fiscal Year 2021 budget for USAID s humanitarian demining program in Nagorno Karabakh. Thirty other senators also signed the letter. The organization s efforts, which employ hundreds of locals, is highly dependent on this support alongside other individual donations. TorontoHye conducted an email interview with Rob Syfret, HALO Nagorno Karabakh Programme Manager, where he talks about various projects the organization implements in Artsakh and the importance to continue the funding to bring the demining of the region to completion. Q. For around 20 years, Halo Trust has been involved in mine clearing in Artsakh. Now, when the US Government stops funding, how will the organization be able to continue its demining activities in Artsakh. Are there other donors that support you? A. We are very grateful to the U.S. Government for their support the last two decades and hope that USAID funding for humanitarian demining in Nagorno Karabakh will become available again in the near future. Currently our only funding is from the generosity of private individuals. These include benefactors of private philanthropic foundations who have seen the value of our work and been engaged with us for several years. Generous individuals, who have been moved by the plight of the people of Karabakh, have also donated directly through our website or via our fundraising campaigns. Of course, the Armenian diaspora globally has likewise been instrumental in supporting our program both financially and through advocacy, and we hope that individuals and communities in the diaspora will continue to help make our humanitarian work in Karabakh

possible. We are also extremely fortunate to have a donor who is currently matching all gifts that we receive, dollar for dollar. This has made an enormous difference and is what is allowing us to continue our work today. (Donations can be made on our website: Q. How long has HALO been working in Artsakh and how much area has been cleared and how much area is left to be cleared? A. Since 2000, HALO has been the only humanitarian organization clearing landmines in Karabakh. We are also one of only two international organizations providing humanitarian support in Karabakh at all and are the only international organization that reaches the civilian population living outside the Soviet-era boundaries of the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast. In the last two decades, we have cleared over 47 million square metres of minefields

Q. In Artsakh how many people are provided with work at your organization? A. For many years now, HALO has been one of the largest employers in Karabakh. We focus on the employment of local men and women, often those who come from mineimpacted communities. Currently, we employ 148 Karabakhis. In the past, we have been able to employ over 270 people. Our ability to employ more people is heavily dependent on available funding. If more becomes available we will increase our staff numbers again. Q. Does HALO conduct only mine clearance activities or are there any other programmes that you implement in Artsakh? A. In addition to clearance and survey, we conduct the following activities in Karabakh: · Mine Risk Education (MRE): For families living in landmine-impacted

Group of HALO female deminers.

and have found and destroyed nearly 12,000 landmines. In addition to landmines, we have found and destroyed nearly 250,000 other explosive remnants of war, including cluster bombs and air-dropped bombs. Demining has reduced the number of landmine accidents in Karabakh, which has one of the highest per capita accident rates in the world. Landmine clearance has also improved the socioeconomic well-being of Karabakhis, many of whom rely on their fertile land to feed themselves and their families. Last year, we launched the Nagorno Karabakh National Survey Project, with the goal of conclusively mapping out the remaining landmine contamination in the entirety of Karabakh. The project is being undertaken in a systematic manner, with our survey teams visiting every single community to establish exactly how much clearance remains to be achieved before Karabakh is Mine Impact Free.

communities, MRE is a matter of life and death. MRE teaches people how to stay safe while we work to remove the explosives for good. MRE targets those who are at highest risk of becoming victims of an accident. In Karabakh, a quarter of all accident victims are children. Therefore, we have developed and use a variety of tools tailored toward children to teach them about the dangers of landmines and other explosive remnants of war, and teach them basic rules to stay safe. Farmers and shepherds also represent a high-risk group. Nearly 40% of all victims were engaging in agricultural activities at the time of the accident. In the last several months, there have been about a dozen occasions when farmers have been fortunate enough to plough items without detonating them or have been involved in the explosions of munitions but by chance escaped injury or death. Our MRE team ensures that farmers and shepherds receive life-saving risk education.

Halo NK programme Manager Rob Syfret.

· Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD): When a member of the community finds a landmine or another explosive remnant of war, they report it to HALO. Our EOD teams immediately respond to all reported items. The team will safely remove and destroy the hazardous item, ensuring that it does not harm or kill anyone. Q. In the current situation, when Coronavirus has already reached Artsakh, do you conduct any activities against the pandemic? A. As one of only two international organizations in Karabakh, we see it as our responsibility to ensure no community is left behind during this global pandemic. We have the manpower, ambulances and scale to make a difference and protect Karabakhi families from the threat of COVID-19. To date, HALO has supported Karabakh with the following: · Donated 1,000 facemasks to the Central Republican Hospital in Stepanakert, which will be used by approximately 200 medical staff. · Distributed over a hundred hygiene kits and hygiene messaging to six villages, reaching over 400 people, with more planned. In addition to this, HALO is conducting preparations to conduct further activities should the situation deteriorate, including: · Preparing HALO ambulances with airtight seals between the passenger and driver compartments to allow the safe transport of infectious patients. · Planning further distributions including food supplies that will allow households to reduce the risk of infection during travel to markets, and help reduce the economic impact of COVID-19 on the poorest households. · Developing a mapping capacity to track the progress of the outbreak. HALO Nagorno Karabakh has also offered the assistance of personnel, vehicles and management capabilities to the authorities of Karabakh and also Armenia in any other manner necessary to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the population.

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ÚàôÜÆê 2020 ĺ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 176


The Documentary About Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Under The Same Sun Currently On Hot Docs Online

TorontoHye Interviews Filmmaker Francois Jacob, Author And Human Rights Advocate Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte By Karin Saghdejian

French-Canadian filmmaker Francois Jacob s documentary on Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Under the Same Sun , that premiered at Hot Docs Film Festival on May 28, explores the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through the eyes of various individuals, including Armenian American author and city councilmember Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte as a refugee from Baku and an advocate for Artsakh. The filmmaker and his team travel to the United States, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia and Azerbaijan in an attempt to gather different viewpoints regarding Nagorno Karabakh war. I reached out to Francois Jacob and Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte to learn more about the genesis and the making of the film. Below are my interviews with them conducted remotely: Karin Saghdejian-Nowadays, the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is considered a frozen conflict and has fallen off the international radar. How did you come up with the idea of making a documentary on the NK conflict? Francois Jacob- I shot my previous film (A Moon of Nickel and Ice) in Norilsk (arctic Russia), and had learned Russian in the process. I also met several people from the Caucasus there. So, when journalist friends of mine who specialize in Oil and Gas industries asked me to join them on a trip to explore the new energy hub of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, I welcomed the opportunity to extend my interest in the former Soviet Union. However, while researching the region, we discovered what had happened to the Azerbaijani writer Akram Aylisli, and slowly but surely, we became very interested in the elephant in the room: the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. We felt that the separation of people so close during the USSR and the ongoing resentment between these two people was of universal interest. KS- While watching the documentary I realized you don t provide any historical background as to what the fighting is all about and why did it break out in 1988? Why is that? FJ- We do, but on a minimal level. In any case, there are several reasons for that. First and foremost, this film is not an informational historical film. If you are looking for facts from both sides and a chronology, the recently released joint project Parts of a Circle might slightly satisfy you more. Our project is much more about the current emotions and thoughts in the region roughly 30 years after the war rather than the factual (and lengthy) explanations of how it all started. Had we ventured down that path, we might have done a 3-hour film on the 1988-1991 period alone, loaded with experts and controversial statements about the events. Our privilege as foreigners was to be able to work on both sides of the barbed wire and listen to what people had to say today, not re-write the history of these people for a Western audience. Secondly, most of the events of 1988 leading to 1991 are seen in diametrically opposite ways in Armenia and Azerbaijan, and any historical discussion of these events would rekindle war time arguments. Most of the regional viewers already know these arguments, albeit possibly in the light of their own country s perspective. Nevertheless, we did interview a lot of politicians, veterans and experts, and our first edits of the film ran for about 2 hours and 45 minutes. However, when

we discovered that by removing these interviews from our structure, the core matter was actually clearer for the audience and the understanding of the conflict was not diminished, we felt that we had found a surprisingly deeper film. KS-The documentary proceeds without any voice-over or a narrator giving context; it lets the pictures and scenes narrate themselves. Any reason you chose this format? FJ- As you mentioned, the scenes speak for themselves. As a foreigner to the South Caucasus, I feel that explaining to Westerners the story with a narration of mine would be inappropriate, in the same way that commenting, fact-checking or introducing what we see would not be respectful or even necessary. This film is not the story of our

between shoots. The main difficulties we faced in Azerbaijan were linked to the authoritarian regime: we were not free to film wherever we wanted, and could not access the border towns across the line of contact from where we filmed on the Armenian side, which was frustrating. Also, very few people would take the risk of talking to us - and I am extremely thankful to those who did. I would also say that on both sides, trust was not easily earned. We told people that our project was being done both in Azerbaijan and in Armenia, and in a lot of situations it created an uncomfortable backdrop to our conversations: people would withhold information or be suspicious of us being spies. We did believe however that it was more truthful to disclose the full extent of our project. In the rare instances that we didn t, people

call a «gloomily optimistic» finale. I would also like to take the opportunity here to honor a writer whose work we were unfortunately not able to include in the film: Levon Djavakhian. He has often been compared to Akram Aylisli for his humanistic approach. And I would conclude by hoping that the Aylislis and Djavakhians of tomorrow will receive a more attentive ear in the future than they do today.

Karin Saghdejian-How did you get involved in becoming a part of the documentary? Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte- The director and producer François Jacob contacted me via my official Facebook Page. He told me he just finished reading my book Nowhere, A Story of Exile and was quite taken with my story and the story of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in general. He told me he was in the process of making a documentary film on the conflict and thought my story of fleeing from Baku as an Armenian refugee and the work that I do for the people of Artsakh would be emblematic for the Armenian side of the story. He wanted to balance it off with the Azerbaijani side as well. At first I said no way. Right before this exchange I had a very negative experience with a disorganized and disappointing documentary production of a film on Artsakh conflict and I wasn't going to go through that mess again. But he was convincing. He and his co-writer Antoine DionOrtega drove from Montreal to my home in Maine and we spoke about their concept all afternoon. They showed me footage of what Armenian and Azerbaijani protagonists debate the Karabakh conflict. Still from Under the they ve already filmed in Baku with Azerbaijani writer Alram Aylisli. In our first meeting and Same Sun . Courtesy of Francois Jacob. the follow up interactions I learned that he was an intellectually curious film maker and he was an artist. His imagery was beautiful, he asked the right questions, and he was emotionally invested. While working on his last film in Russia, Francois became fluent in Russian. By the next time we met in person he spoke in Armenian, which was quite telling of the level of research he does on each subject matter he covers. After that first meeting, I immediately did a thorough due diligence to ensure that this was not some sort of a provocation by Azerbaijan and thankfully Francois turned out to not be an Azerbaijani agent. And hence, I agreed to take part in the film.

Stepanakert Soviet theatre in ruins as featured in Under the Same Sun . Photo courtesy of Francois Jacob.

team discovering the region, it is a depiction of how people of the region feel this situation themselves. I believe letting the people speak and intervening as little as possible is more authentic and respectful. Of course, we have the privilege of editing the footage and choosing what matters most in the end, but I believe we have accomplished that process with the same mindset.

spoke their minds more openly.

KS- How long did it take to shoot the film and did you encounter any major difficulties during the filming or later in the production process? FJ- We started shooting in February of 2017 in Baku and concluded in the summer of 2019 in Armenia. The final film was outputted in late February of 2020. Including research phases, we have travelled the South Caucasus five times, on top of the 4 different trips we made to the USA for the film. We had approximately 120 days of shooting with the crew, and over 200 hours of footage, which is enormous, considering that the final film is only 97 minutes long. Our project involved a lot of exploration, research and reading

KS- The film has many symbolic scenes. In the last scene, a theatre hall gets illuminated gradually while an Azeri writer cites a biblical verse. What was your main intention to wrap it up with that scene? FJ- That theatre hall is the former Stepanakert Soviet theatre in Nagorny Karabakh. One of the other victims of war is culture, and I thought it was interesting to show a still ruined theatre in an otherwise entirely rebuilt city. Also, Akram Aylisli s words come from another world, that of a fragile shared identity: that theatre would showcase plays in Armenian and in Azerbaijani. Those days are obviously long gone, but I thought the setting was appropriate for what I would

KS- Azerbaijan blacklists anyone who enters Karabakh. How did you overcome that hurdle? FJ- Indeed, Azerbaijan sometimes opts to blacklist people who enter Nagorny Karabakh without official permission. We haven t been notified of anything up until now.

KS- In the film you walk through quite an emotional journey. What prompted you to relay your story? AAT- I spent the last eight years of my life advocating for Artsakh since coming out publicly about my childhood through my book and story of the sacrifices my community of 350,000 Armenians from Azerbaijan had to make to survive: many were killed, raped, all were robbed and exiled in response to Artsakh s independence movement. I do this painful and haunting walk through the memory lane over and over again to demonstrate and educate about the amount of pain the Armenian community of Azerbaijan endured and the type of horror Artsakh will see if ever under Azerbaijani control. This was another venue to educate. And this was another way to give back to honor the Armenian history. This is another way to honor my killed neighbors and demolished graves of my grandparents in Baku. KS-Do you feel you were able to reveal your truth, as a refugee who has fled Baku, and as a human rights advocate who believes in the self determination of Artsakh, while sharing your experiences?

cont. on page 16

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Varak s Crescent

Flaneur Of The Present And Past

By Varak Babian

Recently, I ve been trekking down familiar streets using unfamiliar routes; and then sprinkling more steps everywhere in between. I ve walked down avenues that lead into boulevards, trails that pour into intersections. I ve walked by parks where visits were once encouraged, then discouraged, then ruled unsafe, and eventually safe enough to reopen and enjoyed by the socially distancing masses. With the changing approach towards these public spaces, so too changed my attitude towards the people I observed utilising them. A young boy flying a kite with his grandfather initially made me smile. I d see them often, and I concluded that the pair probably walk over to the park at around the same time everyday; a pattern in travel that seemed to parallel my own. The little boy with the blue baseball cap laughing while he trips over ambitious strides, shaded by the supervision of oak trees and a loved one alike I pondered just how important keeping morale up during times of palpable anxiety must be. I admired the older gentleman for the sweat glistening off his forehead and the happiness in his overheard cadence. After walking by them a handful of times, I felt myself tempted to pry with over care. Wishing the man would not move with such youthful strides himself; imagine if he were to fall. Break a hip. Who would help prop him up? What would

the little boy in the blue baseball cap do? After imaging plenty of more fun, slightly less tragic story lines for them, I was disappointed when I heard that our communal spot was no longer deemed safe for public enjoyment. A place once serene was flagged as another viral hotbed. Stop the spread. Do your part. Shaped by routine, I would still head over to the park in question and take a loop around it instead of cutting through. Yellow caution tape flung around metal gates that not too long ago were wide open, inviting. My favourite duo was unbothered. Time and time again, there they were. The little boy, his grandfather, and the kite. The first couple of times I thought that maybe they didn t get the memo. Maybe it was the grandfather proving he was still big and strong. His devotion to spending time with a loved one remained unfazed. But did he not feel burdened by any moral obligation? Did he know he was skewing the moral compass in front of impressionable youth? My impression of that sweet dynamic of the old generation playing with the new was now tainted. I started to judge them, resent them even. Then I started to judge and resent myself for allowing my range of emotions to be so fickle and easily subject to change. Oh well, unprecedented times and such I ve used analysing people while walking to motivate me. I ve used the sheer number of steps and conquered KMs to inspire me.

refugee. Longing for the elements of a back home twice removed now. Imagine if I was new to Toronto and excited to spend my first warm months here. This new country brought with it new appreciations for what the word cold truly means. Finally, after an inaugural first winter, abstract impressions etched on windowpanes by blowing snow have melted. Summer is quickly approaching, and what if it would be the first time I was free from winter shackles and ready to explore my new city. 50 years ago, I would do some research. I would purchase and annotate the most current Perly s Toronto edition of the time, and figure out the optimal method in visiting a curated list of destinations. I d choose to walk because it was free and it always helps me think. I am homesick at times, and wonder how people can be alone without feeling lonely. Walking along this newly adopted city would maybe ease the loneliness, maybe help feel familiar in an unfamiliar continent. The list of basic needs for all human beings has been well documented and discussed to death: an Eat, Prey, Love of sorts. I let my imagination route the Varak of 50 years ago across a 15 km radius (the same one used by pandemic times Varak) to direct his travels and gain a sense of civic familiarity. I circle three spots on the map: a place ****** Imagine I was living in the same city, the to call home, a place to observe and practice same apartment; let s say 50 years ago. my faith, and a place that offers a decent Imagine if I was a freshly implanted immigrant- source for pita bread, cheese, and olives. When that started to grow stale, I pivoted to the lure of landmarks and the personal memories they re anointed with to be my carrot on the stick. Veni, Vidi, Vicci. I went, I saw, I conquered. A familiar 15 km radius surrounding my apartment proved to be a ground zero of sorts. I had developed a sustainable routine. Curated a number of various options. Walks down scenic, picturesque paths? Done. More utilitarian meets urbane city background? Done. Long story long, the world is dealing with a pandemic. What to do to keep my mind uninterrupted by flickers of grief and anxiety . If new memories with friends and family have to be put on cautious hold, re visiting old ones sounded like an appropriate compromise. Old pictures, hand written letters, books with personalised anecdotes in the margins, boxes containing a collection of retired lined notebooks scribbled with Eureka moments of the past. Usually these memories have the tendency to trigger should have , would have , and could have s. However, the unrest of the present and a future unknown have whisked up new textures and nuances to my reflection: what about imaging what if s?

1800 Avenue Rd: Ararat International Fine Foods

Opening up its doors in 1969, the proprietors of this Toronto gem arrived in the city from way of Egypt. Its doors are open and ready to serve the city up to this day and this corner greengrocer remains one of the longest standing Armenian institutions in the city. While today every big box store has an ethnic food aisle, in a thoroughly more WASPy Toronto this corner store beamed with the lighthouse of sensory tastes and memories of back home . As I make a final travel through time via the written word, my face lights up in the most sincere of grins as I come across the signage, the name, so far from home. With every can of chickpeas, handful of olives and small bag of ground coffee beans, I am lifted in spirit and reassured of my decision. Now in Canada, in Toronto, a world away, I am taking in the ambience of a place called Ararat. The closest I ve felt to Armenia while physically being the farthest away.

18 DuPont Street: Armenian Community Centre

12-14 Woodlawn Avenue West: Holy the condos of 12 Woodlawn now occupy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church the highly desirable lot. In Toronto, it A few steps away from Yonge Street, The Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church opened its doors to the faithful in 1953 at 14 Woodlawn Avenue. During the 1950 and 60 s, it served the religious needs of the blossoming TorontoArmenian Community. Speaking of a changing city, this particular enclave has only grown in prestige while continuously being aligned with the finer things. The church would have been nestled within the privileged bosom of the affluent Summerhill neighbourhood. After eventually being sold in 1987, the Armenian church was torn down and

seems that not prayer nor tradition can stand in the way of the development train as Holy Trinity s Greek Antiochian neighbours of yesteryear have been reanointed as one of the earliest residential church conversions in the city. With more imaginary leaps across decades, imagine a Sunday afternoon on Woodlawn with matrons from various corners of the Mediterranean in their Sunday finery being led by the elbow by their first-generation grandsons. They chat with one another as big, American cars move like boats and retrieve them in time for Sunday lunch. Perry Como croons on the radio

The original ACC was acquired in 1967. The Hare Krishnas, with their impressive grey building and cascading, exposed brick played the role of spiritual neighbour at one point, their flagship house of warship hugging the corner of Dupont St. and Avenue Rd. They ve remained a part of the neighbourhood, but the Armenians have long gone. In the 60 s, the Avenue / Dupont St community centre became the home away from home for a vast majority of the earliest incarnation of Toronto Armenians: summer schools and Saturday schools were established focusing on language and culture, but as the community expanded and more ample space was desired, the Dupont property was sold. An upscale professional office space rests currently at 18 DuPont, with a handful of restaurants that have come and gone over the years sharing close proximity to its front doors. As we jump across imaginary timelines, imagine being a teenager growing up at 18 Dupont. Imagine courting young, budding love on picturesque strolls up and down Yorkville, as opposed to sitting across picnic tables behind Johnny s Hamburgers. All things considered; a hamburger is a lot easier to share than Coq au Vin.


ÚàôÜÆê 2020 ĺ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 176


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The Documentary About ... cont. from page 14 AAT- I do and I don t. I m proud and stand by every word that I said, especially when speaking about Artsakh and their plight and resilience. François gave me an opportunity to speak and tell my story and through me I was able to speak about the violence against Armenian civilians of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and now Artsakh. And I tell my truth, regardless of the audience. But many things weren t included in the film. And that is one

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speeches always bring 2-3 people who want to share their story with me. But this was different. After my speech so so many people came up to me and told me stories about their killed family members or the details of their escape from Azerbaijan, many for the first time. They were so proud that someone was actually speaking on their behalf when the diaspora at large ignored and forgot them. They were so broken still 30 years later because of the trauma they endured at the hands of Azerbaijani government. After the event when I was alone, I sobbed myself to

sleep. It was that powerful. And François chose not to include this scene. That was disappointing. Whether for the lack of time or the lack of balance of the same amount of information from the Azerbaijani side, I don t know why. But my pain, my story is minuscule compared to the violence and trauma endured by so many refugees. There is no comparisons on the other side. That s why I think it was cut. And that imbalance in the scene alone would have been enough to tell our story.

ÚàôÜÆê 2020 ĺ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 176

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