TorontoHye #171 January 2020

Page 1

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Blessings and prayerful wishes for this blessed season© Saint Gregory The Illuminator Armenian Catholic Church

We look forward to welcoming you in our new centrally located space at

We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with abundant happiness, great health, good luck and much love. Armenian Family Support Services

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ANCC Marks December 8 as Cultural Genocide Day

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ANCC Statement on International Human Rights Day and Genocide Convention Day

The khachkars of Jugha Djulfa

OTTAWA- December 8, 2019 marks the 14th anniversary of the systematic destruction of the historic Armenian cemetery of Djulfa by Azerbaijani troops as part of a deliberate campaign to erase Armenian monuments in territories currently occupied by Azerbaijan. By December 15, 2005, over 200 Azerbaijani soldiers had already destroyed 10,000 masterfully hand-carved Khachkars (stone crosses) some of which dated to the 6th century. Recognized by UNESCO as a significant expression of Armenian culture and history, Khachkars signified the resilience of the Armenian people and their deep connection with their Christian faith. In recognition of this crime against humanity s shared heritage, the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) commemorates each December 8 as Cultural Genocide Day. ANCC calls upon all Canadians to join us in remembering past cultural genocides, working to preserve the riches of our diverse history and celebrating the contributions of threatened indigenous cultures everywhere. ANCC also calls upon the Canadian government to condemn the destruction of the Djulfa Armenian cemetery and Azerbaijan s policy of cultural genocide against its indigenous peoples. In an extensive report published in February 2019 and widely distributed in the arts community, researchers Sarah Pickman and Simon Maghakyan concluded that for the past thirty years, Azerbaijan has continuously engaged in a process of systematically

destroying all traces of Armenian indigenous culture from Azerbaijan and the Republic of Artsakh. The report concluded that Azerbaijan s covert operations to destroy these artifacts exceeded the crimes committed by ISIS while destroying the city of Palmyra in Syria, said Shahen Mirakian, co-president of the ANCC. In addition to continuous threats to eradicate Armenians from Artsakh and attacking Armenia proper, Azerbaijan s destruction of irreplaceable Armenian heritage is another element of its state-sanctioned policy of hatred towards the Armenian people, said Hrag Tarakdjian, co-president of the ANCC. Despite conclusive evidence and condemnation by the European Parliament and other international bodies, Azerbaijan categorically refuses to accept responsibility for its crimes or end its policy of cultural genocide. Canada and other western countries should safeguard the cultural treasures of the world and take concrete action against rogue states such as Azerbaijan that demonstrate absolutely no respect for cultural heritage, history, and human rights. By ignoring Azerbaijan s blatant policy of eradicating all physical elements of the indigenous Armenian culture and rewriting history to erase the presence of Armenians, Canada is encouraging cultural genocide and endangering indigenous peoples everywhere concluded Tarakdjian and Mirakian.

OTTAWA- The Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) joined the international community in marking International Human Rights Day (December 10) and the 71st anniversary of the 1948 adoption of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (December 9). As the largest and most influential Armenian-Canadian grassroots human rights organization, the ANCC continues to stand on the frontlines of combatting human rights violations in Canada and around the world and stands firm in its commitment to continue working for the prevention and punishment of the crime of Genocide, said Hrag Tarakdjian and Shahen Mirakian, co-presidents of the ANCC. Earlier this year, after a miscalculated decision by US President Donald Trump to withdraw US troops from northern Syria, the international community witnessed a reckless Turkish invasion into Kurdish-led territories, causing a humanitarian catastrophe while sounding the alarms for potential genocide. The ANCC was quick in mobilizing its efforts and working alongside partner communities to bring this issue to the attention of the Canadian Government and to call on Ottawa to condemn the attack and take concrete action to contain the Turkish invasion, said Tarakdjian.

We were proud of our joint efforts which led to a strong condemnation and timely decision by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, to halt all arms exports to Turkey added Mirakian. Over the years, the ANCC has worked closely with elected officials, civil servants, various cultural communities and nongovernmental organizations to uphold our shared values of respect, tolerance, and justice, while bringing more attention to issues that are often left on the margins of society. On December 8, the ANCC participated in a panel discussion, titled Seeking Justice After Genocide , organized by PAGE Rwanda, in collaboration with the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and the Montreal Holocaust Museum, commemorating the 71st anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention. Dr. Lalai Manjikian spoke on behalf of the ANCC, highlighting key themes such as solidarity, the advancement of justice, building bridges and collective remembrance. We look forward to continuing our nationwide efforts in contributing to the protection of the fundamental human rights of all peoples and working with various stakeholders to prevent future atrocities and hold perpetrators to account concluded Tarakdjian and Mirakian.

Zoryan Institute Added To The Liberation75 Education Day Lineup

TORONTO The Zoryan Institute announced that it will join the largest international event marking the 75th anniversary of liberation from the Holocaust, Liberation75. Contributing to education and awareness has always been at the heart of the Zoryan Institute s work for the past 37 years. Thus, Zoryan is especially pleased to be taking part in the Student Education Day portion of

Liberation75 s multi-day event! The Student Education Day will take place on June 2, 2020, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Liberation75 s multifaceted Education Day will provide an incredible platform to highlight the importance of a continued commitment to genocide education and the impact of a comparative approach in genocide studies. It is estimated thousands of students from grades 7 to 12, and hundreds of educators from across Canada will be in attendance! The list of participating organization includes some of the leading voices on Holocaust remembrance and education such as, Yad Vashem, Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, USC Shoah Foundation and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights and the Zoryan Institute, and its subsidiary, the International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (IIGHRS) The Zoryan Institute will be presenting its program, Animating History: The Stories of Aurora Mardiganian and Anne Frank, which will focus on developing the idea of genocide as a shared experience, by engaging

students with the stories of these two teenage girls. Anne Frank s diary, documenting her years in hiding during Germany s occupation of the Netherlands between 1942 to 1944 has been transformed into plays, movies and incorporated in school curricula around the world as a symbol of the Jewish experience during the Holocaust. In a similar fashion, the remarkable story of Aurora Mardiganian, an Armenian genocide survivor, was chronicled by her best selling book Ravished Armenia in 1918 and then adapted into a silent film, the first Hollywood film on genocide, in which she starred a year later. Aurora became the face of an unparalleled humanitarian campaign that raised nearly $30 million for Near East Relief, and a symbol of survivors of the Armenian genocide. The Institute is proud to incorporate the viewing a short selection of its oral historybased project, Aurora s Sunrise, an animated film developed in partnership with Bars Media of Armenia and co-produced with Gebrueder Beetz film produktion (Germany), Artbox

(Lithuania)and Les Steppes Productions (France), to tell the story of Armenian Genocide survivor Aurora Mardiganian. Students will interact with the testimonies of both girls, by viewing an excerpt from the animated film Aurora s Sunrise together with selected excerpts from Anne Frank s diary in order to identify the commonalities in their experiences. From this comparative exercise students will be able to recognize some of the warning signs of genocide, such as, us vs them classification, discrimination through law, custom, and political power, and the dehumanization of one group by another, in order to understand the importance of humanizing the experience of genocide to help prevent mass human rights abuses and atrocities in the future. This exercise will also allow the Institute to raise awareness about the importance of collecting, analyzing and studying g oral history testimonies and archival documents and disseminating the information in modern, comprehensive and attainable ways.


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US Senate Recognizes The Armenian Genocide

US Congress

The US Senate has passed S.Res.150 the Armenian Genocide Resolution by unanimous consent. The Armenian Genocide Resolution notes that the U.S. has, as early as 1951, officially recognized the Armenian Genocide through a filing with the International Court of Justice, followed by House legislation adopted in 1975, and 1984 and President Ronald Reagan s Proclamation in 1984. The Senate today joined the House in

rejecting Ankara s gag-rule against honest American remembrance of the Armenian Genocide overriding the largest, longest foreign veto over the U.S. Congress in American history, said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. Today s unanimous Senate action shines a spotlight on the President, who continues against all reason to enforce Erdogan s veto against honest American remembrance of Turkey s extermination and exile of millions of Christians.

Placating Turkey, Trump Admin Says Doesn t Recognize Armenian Genocide

President Trump in the Oval Office.

Washington, (AFP)- President Donald Trump s administration said Tuesday it does not consider the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 to be genocide, seeking to placate Turkey which was angered that the US Congress recognized it as such. The position of the administration has not changed after the votes by Congress, State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said in a terse statement. Our views are reflected in the president s definitive statement on this issue from last April, she said. In the statement on the mass killings anniversary, Trump said the United States honored victims of one of the worst mass atrocities of the 20th century but did not use the word genocide. He instead encouraged Armenians and Turks to acknowledge and reckon with their painful history. Armenia says that 1.5 million were killed in an effort to wipe out the Christian ethnic group in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire, the forerunner of modern-day Turkey. Turkey puts the number far lower and adamantly rejects the term genocide, saying that Turks also died in what it considers fighting as part of First World War. Turkey last week summoned the US ambassador to Ankara, David Satterfield after the Senate followed the House of Representatives in recognizing the killings as

genocide. The Senate and House resolutions, both passed overwhelmingly, said it was the policy of the United States to commemorate the Armenian genocide through official recognition and remembrance. But the so-called simple resolutions, unlike laws passed by Congress, do not have the force of law or require the president s signature, meaning that the administration still has significant leeway in how to proceed. Allies of Trump had initially tried to block the resolutions in Congress in hopes of preserving relations with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. During a meeting in Washington last month, Trump said he was a big fan of Erdogan despite wide criticism in Congress over his human rights record and his incursion into Syria to fight Kurdish fighters formerly allied with Washington. Trump has also held off on sanctions urged by Congress over the NATO ally s purchase of Russia s S-400 missile defense system. Previous presidents have also struggled with how to address the events of 1915, with the Armenian-American community pushing hard for genocide recognition. Barack Obama as a candidate promised to recognize the genocide but after his election did not use the word, instead of saying that he stood by his pre-White House views.

It s time for the Executive Branch to join Congress in ending any and all American complicity in Ankara s lies. Together, the President and Congress should put in place a sustained and pro-active policy that rejects Turkey s lies, challenges Ankara s obstruction of justice, and works with Armenian and Turkish stakeholders toward the international reparations and other remedies required of this crime. The resolution resolves that it is the policy of the United States to: 1) Commemorate the Armenian Genocide through official recognition and remembrance; 2) Reject efforts to enlist, engage, or otherwise associate the U.S. Government with denial of the Armenian Genocide or any other genocide; and 3) Encourage education and public understanding of the facts of the Armenian Genocide, including the U.S. role in the humanitarian relief effort, and the relevance of the Armenian Genocide to modern-day crimes against humanity. For the fourth time today, Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Senator Ted Cruz (RTX) issued a bipartisan call for Unanimous Consent for Senate Adoption of S.Res.150 the Armenian Genocide Resolution. None of the Senators objected. The previous attempts were blocked by Republican Senators.

Turkey Could Close Incirlik Air Base In Face Of U.S. Threats: Erdogan (Reuters) Turkey could shut down its Incirlik air base, which hosts U.S. nuclear warheads, in response to threats of U.S. sanctions and a separate U.S. Senate resolution that recognized mass killings of Armenians a century ago as genocide, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday. If it is necessary for us to take such a step, of course we have the authority If this is necessary, together with our delegations, we will close down Incirlik if necessary, Erdogan said on A Haber TV. Turkey can also close down the Kurecik radar base if necessary, he added. If they are threatening us with the implementation of these sanctions, of course we will be retaliating, he said. Turkey condemned the U.S. Senate measure last week. Erdogan suggested on Sunday that Turkey could also respond with parliamentary resolutions recognizing the killings of indigenous Americans in past centuries as genocide.

Australia Urged To Follow The U.S. Lead And Recognize The Armenian Genocide (Armradio)- The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) has used the United States Senate s historic passing of Senate Resolution 150 (S.Res.150) to call on Australia s Federal Parliament and Government to recognize the Armenian Genocide. The Senate passed S.Res.150 unanimously, recognizing the Armenian Genocide despite three previous blocks by three separate Senators at the order of the White House. Senators Bob Menendez (DNJ) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) maintained their faith and kept bringing it to the floor, until this passage of what is an almost identically worded resolution to the one passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in October. The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU), whose colleagues at the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) led the United States recognition effort, said discussions were being accelerated about Armenian Genocide recognition by Canberra, in light of this U.S. legislative success. This resolution is a major step towards justice for the Armenian nation globally, and we are calling on our own legislators to continue the thrust towards the Federal Parliament, joining the great States of New South Wales and South Australia, in its inevitable recognition of the Armenian Genocide, said ANC-AU Executive Director Haig Kayserian. The speeches, the debates, and the commentary have all proven that it is time that the Federal Government cease either directly or indirectly appeasing Turkey s immoral genocide denial, and sides with truth and justice, by once and for all recognizing the Armenian Genocide for what it was, he continued. Kayserian added: The good news is we have our own Bob Menendezes, Ted Cruzes, Adam Schiffs and Gus Bilirakises in the likes of Tim Wilson, Kristina Keneally, Trent Zimmerman, Joel Fitzgibbon, Eric Abetz, John Alexander, Julian Leeser, Michael Sukkar, Josh Burns, Richard Di Natale, Jason Falinski, Rex Patrick and others. We have the supporters who want to chaperone Australia to the side of truth and justice on this issue. In 2018, two House of Representatives

debates saw Members of Parliament from both major parties calling on the Australian government to recognize the Armenian Genocide, including recognizing eyewitness testimonies of ANZAC POWs and Australia s first major international humanitarian relief effort which was to aid survivors of the Armenian Genocide. The state parliaments of New South Wales and South Australia have also recognized the Armenian Genocide, as have a number of local councils, political parties including the Australian Greens and Centre Alliance, several senior and youth state branches of the major political parties, as well as influential advocacy groups including the Australian Christian Lobby and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. Kayserian added that the ArmenianAustralian community expects the Australia government to reject the Armenian Genocide gag-order imposed on it by Erdogan s Turkey a regime is under increased scrutiny following their military insurgency into northeastern Syria and on-going human rights violations at home. Earlier this year, Prime Minister Scott Morrison linked his decision to avoid using the term genocide when referring the Armenian Genocide to Australia s Anzac Day commemoration service in Gallipoli, confirming long-held views that Australia was under influence by the Turkish dictatorship on this issue. We ve been working closely with the Turkish government to ensure that we continue to have a very strong relationship that enables Australians, and New Zealanders for that matter, to make that pilgrimage, Morrison said, which attracted the criticism of public figures including politicians, columnists, and broadcasters including Alan Jones.

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Senate Recognition Of Armenian Genocide: Reactions And Next Steps To Be Take

By: Harut Sassounian

For the first time since the Genocide of 1915, the US Senate adopted a Resolution unanimously on December 12, 2019, recognizing the Armenian Genocide, after it was blocked for three consecutive weeks by different Republican Senators at the request of the White House. Since then, I have received countless phone calls and emails from Armenians asking me if this Resolution, along with its companion Resolution adopted overwhelmingly by the House of Representatives on October 29, 2019, will now go to Pres. Donald Trump for his signature. I have written about this subject many times before, but it bears repeating that these two Resolutions are stand alone Resolutions, which means that they do not go to the White House and the President is not requested to sign them. This is the end of the road for these two Resolutions. If they were submitted to the two Houses of Congress as a Joint Resolution, they would then have been submitted to the President for his signature. Nevertheless, regardless of the type of Resolution, if Pres. Trump so wishes, he can use the term Armenian Genocide in his annual statement on April 24, 2020. Even though the October 29, 2019 recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the House of Representatives was the third time the House has passed such a Resolution, the December 12, 2019 Senate Resolution is historic since it is the first time since 1915 that the US Senate has adopted such a Resolution using the term Armenian Genocide. Furthermore, these two stand alone resolutions do not have the force of law, therefore, no legal consequence. They are simply considered the Sense of Congress. Nevertheless, the adoption of these two Resolutions and their international media coverage angered the Turkish government. Several Turkish officials issued statements condemning the US Congress and threatening to expel the US troops from two air bases in Turkey. Turkish officials also tried to minimize the importance of these Resolutions by stating

that they have no value at all. The Turkish government went as far as compelling its Parliament to issue a resolution condemning the US Senate for recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The Turkish government also summoned US Ambassador in Ankara David Satterfield, telling him that the Armenian Genocide Resolution would disrupt US-Turkish relations, while claiming that the Resolution has no value at all. Why then has the Turkish government spent millions of dollars for years on lobbyists trying to block the Resolution in Congress? How can a worthless Resolution disrupt US-Turkish relations and why would Turkey threaten to expel the United States from the Turkish airbases? Just as offensive is the attacks on the Senate Resolution by Azerbaijan s officials. The adoption of the resolution is an attempt to falsification of historical facts and its use as a means of political pressure, stated Leyla Abdullayeva, Azerbaijan s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman. The Resolution serves only the dirty purposes of the Armenian lobby circles, she added. Armenia s officials should react sharply by condemning Azerbaijan s denialist statement which makes Azerbaijan an accomplice to the crime of Genocide after the fact. As a punishment, Armenia should declare that it is temporarily freezing all negotiations with Azerbaijan on Artsakh. While it was expected that the Turkish government would lash back at the Armenian Genocide Resolutions, we are chagrined that the newly-elected Armenian Patriarch of Turkey, Sahak Mashalian, gave a lengthy interview to the Turkish newspaper Sabah, calling the Senate Resolution not very moral. While it is understandable that Armenians in Turkey are hostages deprived of their basic human rights, nevertheless there was no reason for the Patriarch, who was elected just one day before the adoption of the Senate Resolution, to go to such great lengths to parrot the Turkish government s denialist propaganda! He not only condemned the US Senate but said such offensive things as calling for a historical commission to study if a genocide had taken place, falsely claiming that some Armenians sided with Russian troops in attacking the Ottoman forces, accusing Armenians and Turks of massacring each other, urging Armenians and Turks to find a mutual solution without the interference of third parties, and supporting the adoption of the infamous Armenia-Turkey Protocols by both countries. All of these are arguments advanced by the Turkish government. Patriarch Mashalian stated at the end of his interview that I am not a politician; there is a political dimension to this [issue]. He should have refused to talk to Sabah, stating simply that he is a spiritual leader and does not wish to engage himself in political matters.

Regarding the Patriarch s suggestion that third countries should not involve themselves in the Armenian Genocide issue, he is completely wrong! If it weren t for the Diaspora s lobbying efforts for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, this issue would have been forgotten by the world long ago! Rather than taking the side of the denialists and liars, Patriarch Mashalian should have worked tirelessly to establish the truth inside Turkey. This is the least one can expect from a man of God! Finally, even though the Patriarch is parroting the Turkish denialist talking points, we are not sure that the Turkish government has actually pressured him to give the interview to Sabah. He may have done it on his own to score points with the Turkish government, expecting that Ankara will shortly approve his election as Patriarch. No one in this congregation would want to vote for a patriarch without approval from the state, Mashalian told Sabah. The Patriarch is scheduled to meet with Turkish President Erdogan this week! Since Catholicos Karekin II and Aram Catholicos rushed to congratulate the newlyelected Patriarch of Turkey, I wonder if after Mashalian s cowardly statements to Sabah, the two Catholicoi would retract their congratulations and denounce the Armenian Patriarch s denialist statements. Armenian government officials, including the President, Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister issued statements thanking the US Congress and Armenian Americans for their support of the Genocide Resolution. While Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that the adoption of the Resolution would reduce the Turkish threat to Armenia s security, he regrettably added that he supports the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions. If the recognition of the Genocide defends Armenia s security, why would the Prime Minister say that for us recognition of the Armenian Genocide is not on the agenda of our relations with Turkey? In terms of next steps, it is high time that the Armenian government applies to the World Court (International Court of Justice) demanding from Turkey everything that Armenians lost as a result of the Genocide. These are: 1) Pay monetary compensation for the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide; 2) Return to victims heirs all personal properties, such as houses, farms, bank accounts and valuable items in bank safe deposit boxes; 3) Restore churches, monasteries, schools and cemeteries to the Armenian community in Turkey; 4) Liberate and unite Western Armenia with the Republic of Armenia.

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Genocide Denial And Impunity The Main Obstacles To Its Prevention, Armenian Foreign Minister says (Armradio)- Genocide denial and impunity are the main obstacles to its prevention, Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan said at an event at the UN Office in Yerevan dedicated to the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. Armenia is an international leader in the fight against genocide and has been consistently working with the UN and its many partners on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, on raising awareness of the continuing dangers and challenges of hate crime, as well as on building legal and institutional capacity for prevention, Minister Mnatsakanyan said. A number of resolutions initiated by Armenia have contributed to the international effort to prevent genocide, the Minister said, reminding that in 2015, at its 69th session, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution by consensus initiated by Armenia to proclaim December 9th as International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. Today, in the face of the rise of extremism and decline of international commitment to respect for human rights, education is central to effectively confronting this and other challenges facing the humanity., he added. The Foreign Minister stressed that education must be the driving force to unite and direct the political, diplomatic, socioeconomic and cultural efforts of societies and states. According to Minister Mnatsakanyan, denial and impunity are the main obstacles to its prevention. Denied justice chases generations of genocide survivors and impedes genuine reconciliation. The fight against denial has always been and remains one of our biggest priorities. As a nation that has survived the genocide, we also recognize our commitment to pushing the agenda of never again , the Foreign Minister stated. In this context, he said, the process of Armenian Genocide recognition is not only a step towards recognition of our justice but also a step towards preventing genocides, as it is a message that impunity will not work.

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Canadian Armenian Student Becomes The first Charles Aznavour Scholar At UWC Dilijan A 17-year-old Armenian from Canada became the first Charles Aznavour scholar at United World College Dilijan in Armenia. Charles Aznavour scholarship was launched in October 2018 by the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative in the memory of the artist and humanitarian Charles Aznavour. In the 20192020 academic year, UWC Dilijan has welcomed the first student awarded with the scholarship. Just over a year ago Aurora Humanitarian Initiative announced the establishment of the Charles Aznavour Scholarship. Aznavour lent his name and his energy to Aurora from the beginning he was an important part of the first two Aurora Prize ceremonies in 2016 and 2017. It was decided that the new scholarship launched in his memory would be awarded annually to students from France and Francophone countries who will have the opportunity to study at UWC Dilijan international boarding school in Armenia, part of the UWC movement. This scholarship was envisaged to bring together Aznavour s two worlds France and Armenia as a small way to memorialize those links and to continue to thank Charles Aznavour through the generations. UWC Dilijan together with the Aznavour Foundation established specific criteria for the scholarship. The successful candidate was expected to demonstrate artistic skills abilities to compose or perform music, write, act in theatre, paint, etc. Nicolas Aznavour, Charles Aznavour s son and co-founder of the

Aznavour Foundation, personally participated in reviewing the applications and choosing the nominee. Armen Erzingatzian was chosen as the first Charles Aznavour scholar. Armen, a 17-year-old first-year student at UWC Dilijan, was born in Montreal, Canada and lived there for most of his life. He is a Canadian-Armenian, parents of Armenian descent. Armen is a very curious, motivated person, fascinated by science, biology, passionate about music Armen has been playing piano since a very young age. Also, for the past two years, Armen has been involved in many activities and volunteering opportunities related to his interests such as working at hospitals, leading a green cooperative at his school and tutoring young kids in French and Math at local kindergartens. Armen first heard about UWC in the ninth grade when the school s student counselor visited their class and shortly mentioned UWC where people from all over the world come, live and study together for two years. The story about the movement fascinated the boy and he told himself that one day he would love to study at the UWC Dilijan College in Armenia. I am very proud of my origins and the idea of coming back to my roots sounded fascinating, says Armen. In the fall of 2018, Armen applied through his national committee and became the candidate for the Charles Aznavour Scholarship. It was surreal. I couldn t imagine that I was being considered for this prestigious scholarship, it was a dream. I sent a video to

Armen Erzingatzian

the International Committee telling them who I was, what I did, why I wanted to go to UWC and why I should be the one getting the scholarship. After a while, they sent an email saying I would be going to UWC. I cannot describe what it felt like to be awarded a scholarship in the name of such a prominent person for all Armenians and French-speakers and indeed globally. Someone whose music I had listened to my whole childhood, as in probably most Armenian homes. I cannot thank enough the Aurora and Aznavour Foundations for awarding me with this scholarship and for giving me the chance to come to UWC Dilijan, to live and learn in such

a diversified and rich environment. It is truly a delight to be at UWC Dilijan and a huge opportunity for me to be in Armenia, my place of origin, says Armen Erzingatzian. We are very excited to have the first Charles Aznavour Scholar. The Aznavour Foundation s mission is to support the field of education and young people in fulfilling their dreams and potential. This annual scholarship will open new opportunities for those who believe in the power of education and wish to become a member of the UWC family, says Nicolas Aznavour, co-founder of the Aznavour Foundation.

Armenian Genocide MuseumNicolas And Kristina Aznavour Attend Institute Foundation Presentation Of Children s Book Charles Announces 2020 Lemkin cultural and humanistic heritage, Scholarship and such initiatives directly

Nicolas and Kristina Aznavour at the presentation of the books Charles and Aurora

Raphael Lemkin

(Armradio),- The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Foundation announces the 2020 Lemkin Scholarship program for foreign young researchers and Ph.D. candidates. Raphael Lemkin scholarship is intended to extend research on the Armenian Genocide, promote multilayered research of the theme and engage young scientists. The program will enable one up to 40-year-old foreign Ph.D. students or young researchers who specialize in the field of genocide research and work on their doctoral thesis, to spend one month in Armenia and conduct their research at the archives of the Armenian Genocide MuseumInstitute, as well as other local scientific institutions and libraries. The duration of the scholarship is one month. Lawyer Raphael Lemkin (19001959) coined the term genocide as well as participated in the preparation of the UN Convention on the

Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of December 9, 1948. The Armenian Genocide has a special place for study in Lemkin s extensive scientific heritage. Raphael Lemkin was greatly impressed by the mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915. When studying at Lvov University, he learned from the local newspaper about the murder of exMinister of Interior of the Ottoman Empire Talaat Pasha by Soghomon Tehlirian in Berlin. The impunity of Turkish criminals who committed the Armenian Genocide caused anxiety to Lemkin. He decided to go into the field of international law, specializing in the study of crimes against humanity. Unable to find appropriate international norms to prevent genocide and punish the perpetrators, he undertook the task of creating those norms.

(Armradio),- Two children s books telling about the legendary Charles Aznavour and Armenian Genocide survivor Arshaluys (Aurora) Mardiganian were presented to the public today. The books are part of the My Little Book series initiated by comics-producing company HY Pictures. Attending the event were the co-founder of the Aznavour Foundation Nicolas Aznavour and the Foundation s Executive Director Kristina Aznavour . The book Charles tells about the legendary French-Armenian artist Charles Aznavour. The idea for this book came last year when Nicolas and Kristina Aznavours got acquainted with the first books in the My Little Book series at the Dilijan Christmas Fair. The first books were about singer Lusine Zakaryan and astrophysicist Victor Ambartsumian. We are very pleased that the

publishing house has developed the initiative and has also published brochures about Charles Aznavour and Aurora Mardiganyan. Our son, who is one and a half years old, will soon be able to explore his grandfather s path through this colorful book, said Nicolas Aznavour. I think it is very important for children to have inspirational examples from an early age heroes whose path and achievements can be the right landmarks. All these people in the brochures are examples of this. Charles Aznavour s life story will also allow children to see and believe that the strong will, talent, diligence and desire to pursue their dreams can make the dreams come true, Kristina Sarkissian said, in turn. She said the mission of the Aznavour Foundation is to preserve and disseminate Charles Aznavour s

contribute to the fulfillment of that mission. We like the illustrations and content of the booklet, and plan to collaborate with the book creation team to make it accessible to children in other countries to ensure that the life story of Charles Aznavour inspires as many children as possible around the world, she added. The book Charles features episodes from the singer s childhood and his first steps in the youth theater. It also presents scenes from film shootings and a meeting with Edith Piaf, which became a turning point in Aznavour s life. Little readers will get to know Charles as a little boy who was able to overcome many difficulties and become a famous artist and great benefactor. The Aurora book is about Arshaluys Mardiganian, a survivor of the genocide who was destined to become the first Armenian film star in Hollywood silent cinema. The fate of Aurora was not an easy one, and the book s authors do not shy away from talking to a small reader in an accessible language about loss and difficulty. The book s heroes will inspire the little reader to overcome difficulties with their boldness and unwavering will.

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Armenia s Tech Sector Continues Rapid Growth

Young people at the annual Digitec Expo exhibition in Yerevan, October 6, 2018.

Sargis Harutyunyan

(RFE/RL)- Armenia s burgeoning information technology (IT) industry dominated by software firms has grown by around 30 percent this year and will double its output by 2024, Minister of High-Tech Industry Hakob Arshakian said on Wednesday. The industry currently employing at least 15,000 people has been expanding at double-digit annual rates for more than a decade, making it the fastest-growing sector of the Armenian economy. Government data cited by Arshakian showed the sector s combined turnover increasing by 33 percent to $250 million in 2018. Its average growth was around 28 percent from 2015 to 2018, said the minister. The former Armenian government reported much higher turnover numbers. Arshakian attributed the conflicting figures to the fact that the revenues of IT firms operating in the country are mostly generated abroad.

The head offices of international tech firms operating in Armenia are located abroad, which is where their financial turnover occurs, he told a news conference. Their Armenian branches only get money needed for paying their employees wages. Our research shows that a large part of Armenian companies operate in the same way, he went on. That is, their revenues are generated in foreign companies This is why we have small turnover figures. The government is therefore looking into ways of helping homegrown tech firms circulate their entire revenues in Armenia, added Arshakian. In his words, it expects that the sector s combined annual revenues will reach $500 million in 2024. Speaking about government efforts to spur its continued growth, the minister singled out tax breaks up for IT startups that were first introduced several years ago. He said they benefited 230 firms and resulted in 1,200 new jobs in the course of

this year alone. About 45 firms were opened by Diaspora Armenians, he said. This means that we have an influx of talent. Many of the Armenian IT engineers work for local subsidiaries of U.S. tech giants like Synopsys, National Instruments, Mentor Graphics and VMware. A shortage of skilled personnel is widely seen as the main challenge facing these and other high-tech companies active in the country. Industry executives have long complained about the inadequate quality of education at IT departments of Armenian universities. Many of their students require additional training after graduation. Please increase human talent, invest in technology education, VMware s chief operating officer, Rajiv Ramaswami, reportedly told Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian when they met during the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) held in Yerevan in October.

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Armenia To Ban Indoor Smoking In 2022 (RFE/RL)- The National Assembly voted on December 10 to accept a government proposal to ban smoking in cafes, restaurants and all other indoor public places across Armenia starting March 2022. Under a government bill passed in the first reading by 83 votes to 15, Armenians will also not be allowed to smoke whiling cars or buses. In addition, the bill imposes a blanket ban on any form of tobacco advertising in the country. Indoor smoking will be punishable by up fines ranging from 50,000 drams ($105) to 200,000 drams. Health Minister Arsen Torosian promoted the bill when it was drafted by his ministry and submitted to the government for approval in February. From now on I won t visit any restaurant or cafe in Armenia that allows indoor smoking until our new tobacco control law is adopted, he tweeted at the time. The proposed restrictions underwent some amendments after being discussed in the government and the parliament in the following months. In particular, it was decided that they will come into force in March 2022. Some lawmakers echoed restaurant owners claims that the ban on indoor smoking would hurt their businesses. Armenia is a nation of heavy smokers with few restrictions on tobacco sales and use enforced to date. According to Ministry of Health estimates, 52 percent of Armenian men are regular smokers. Medics blame this for a high incidence of lung cancer among them. The smoking rate among Armenian women is much lower: 3 percent.

Deputy Health Minister Lena Nanushian also warned of health risks posed by passive smoking when she presented the bill to the parliament on Monday. Citing surveys conducted in 2016 and 2017, she said: More than 70 percent of pregnant women are exposed to secondhand smoke every day. If all these measures take effect on the same day we will have 1-2 percent annual decreases in the smoking rate among the population, Nanushian told lawmakers. Armenian authorities have already attempted to curb smoking in the past. A law that came into force in 2005 banned tobacco in hospitals, cultural and educational institutions and public buses. Additional restrictions introduced a year later required other entities, including bars and restaurants, to allow smoking only in special secluded areas. But with no legal sanctions put in place against their violation, those measures proved largely ineffectual.

Rural Villagers Plant ATP s Six Millionth Tree in Lori By Ani Melkonian

Lori Following a year of 25th anniversary celebrations and the inaugural Forest Summit in October, Armenia Tree Project planted its six millionth tree this fall. At a time when tree planting is trending across the globe, ATP is thrilled to reach this milestone, placing the country among others that are part of the solution against climate change. ATP s six millionth tree, a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), was sourced from and planted in Armenia s northern Lori region. The pine traveled from the Mirak Family Reforestation Nursery in Margahovit village to a 43.4 hectare (107 acres) forest being planted in Mikhaylovka Village. Like all the other trees ATP produces, the Scots pine is a native species that commonly grows in the northern and southern regions of Armenia. The seedling was selected and unearthed by Mirak Nursery employee Siranush Harutyunyan. All the seedlings we grow are special and beautiful to us, but I chose this particular pine because it stands taller and prouder than the rest, explained Siranush. Unlike ATP s five millionth tree, which is under the care and attention of staff at the Karin Nursery, the six millionths would have to thrive in less hospitable conditions, in the wild. Its roots are strong and healthy, so it will withstand the elements. We re certain it s going to survive in the front lines. It s a real warrior, concluded Siranush, as her coworkers nodded in agreement and helped her carry the tree to the truck in a bucket full of soil.

About an hour later, the much-anticipated six millionth tree was given a great big welcome by ATP s seasonal workers at the new forest site in Mikhaylovka. The northernmost village was almost entirely covered by fog, but that only added to the drama of the day. Arevik Zoroghlyan was picked from the crowd to do the honors. She was shy and hesitant at first but quickly decided to accept the responsibility and enjoy the moment. The hole was dug with help from her three young teammates Sarkis Bezoyan, Armen Khachatryan, and Gevork Khachatryan. When Arevik completed the task and pressed down on the soft earth with her hands, the planting brigade broke into applause. ATP has given me work for the past six years. I help them plant forests near our community, said Arevik, flushed with delight. ATP provides jobs for dozens of people to plant trees; last week, Mirak nursery worker I m proud to be a part of the story of the six Siranush Harutyunyan (pictured at left) selected this Scots pine to be ATP s six millionth million trees. It s one of the best gifts I can tree to be planted in northern Armenia give my children, my grandchildren, and my people around the world have recognized the across the country for successful survival country. benefits of planting trees and expanding rates. This fall, ATP s forestry team added This fall, ATP hired 60 people from Lori forests. The Armenian government has 190,651 trees to forests in the communities to help with afforestation and reforestation pledged to double the country s forest cover of Mikhaylovka, Tashir, and Saratovka in Lori. projects. Using trees, we re able to improve by 2050 and recently announced a campaign Armenia has a grand objective to double the quality of life in communities, so it gives to get 10 million trees planted on October 10, its forest cover by 2050, began Dr. Anthony people a good reason to plant forests and 2020. What is being called the 10-10-10 S. Davis, interim dean of the College of preserve them, said Forestry Manager Campaign will increase Armenia s forests by Forestry at Oregon State University during his Navasard Dadyan. When we plant forests, one percent. The long-term survival of these we make sure to include different species so new forests is essential for them to serve their keynote speech at the Forest Summit hosted that a more complex ecosystem can be purpose of offsetting greenhouse gases and by ATP and AUA in October. Now is the time to define what those future forests look like. formed. The trees store carbon, regulate the fighting climate change. water cycle, enrich the soil with nutrients, and ATP s forestry and community tree- By 2050, half of Armenia s forest cover will be promote biodiversity, he added. planting programs plant an average of based on decisions made today. There should It s an exciting time to be an 230,000-250,000 trees and shrubs every year. be no greater calling to work together than environmentalist in Armenia. Experts and The organization works with communities this piece of information, he added.



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Christmas in Armenia: A Culinary Perspective By Lena Tachdjian

Christmas time for an Armenian family tends to be one of the biggest events of the year, with non-stop cooking and eating, your 100-plus family members visiting and pinching your cheeks endlessly, and of course the countless genats (toasts). Being one of the few kids who didn t have to go to school on January 6 was also an added perk! When I decided to extend my initial threemonth stay in Armenia, my host-family told me it was great timing since I would, in a month, experience the local Armenian celebrations of both New Year s and Christmas. They explained to me how it usually lasted from Dec. 31 to Jan. 11 or so, until the Old New Year. After hearing their descriptions of what usually happens on each day, I realized local Armenian traditions were similar to the ones back home but on steroids. Some families would even go into debt as a result Khash, the centerpiece in Armenia. of the cost of celebrations. I told them that during this time, more than ever, not to treat the hooves of cows, which you eat with garlic, I had no way of distracting myself from the me like a guest, but as a participant who would lavash, and more vodka than you can imagine work that followed these sessions. try to blend in and be an active member as (for digestion purposes). The history of khash? I escaped a couple of times to meet much as possible. My host-sister agreed with When laborers prepared the king s food, they d friends who lived alone or with roommates, a smile that made me a little nervous. choose not to discard the cow s feet and and within 30 minutes the phone calls would Back in Canada, after my veganism instead make a soup with it to sustain begin: I was needed. I had to bring something, became common knowledge, my aunts and themselves during the long, arduous process. make something, or clean something. A couple uncles expressed their concern that I wouldn t The fat and thickness of the soup would keep of times I would wake up early with the be able to eat anything and went out of their them full for hours after, which was exactly intention of going for secret runs prior to the way to think of vegan dishes. I had to remind what they needed. In modern-day Armenia, chaos, but would instead see my host-family them, and my own immediate family, that people still consume khash as a tradition busy working and happy that I was finally besides the meat in the center (usually turkey), during the winter and become immobile for awake and could join them. Amazed at their my family s choices of side dishes, excluding hours later. Khash jelly is the broth of this energy, and bitter at being caught, I would. the labneh, were 100 percent vegan. Having soup, mixed with spices, shaped into a log, New Year s was by far the busiest day of family from Jerusalem, Lebanon, Istanbul, and put into the freezer. It is sliced and eaten the almost two-week-long celebration, with and Mexico resulted in hummus, tabouleh, cold with lavash. Meat jello, in short. food-covered tables, music playing, people vospov kufteh, babaghanush, guacamole, and My role would be to help make the various dancing, vodka pouring, and toasts coming much more as side dishes on the table. salads and desserts that would surround the one after the other well into the wee hours of Similar to the rest of my family members, I table. This way, I would also know which ones the morning. My host-sister s bood was a hit, would easily fall into food-comas until it all were vegetarian and which were off limits. and it seemed that her grandmother sat beside began again the next day. But in Armenia, Many salads had a Russian-influence to them, me to specifically chastise me for not eating when my host-sister listed the foods that would and were lathered in mayonnaise as a dressing the meat (out of love, I assume). The process be made for New Year s and Christmas, or had small cubes of chicken in them. I began: Eat, toast, drink, dance, welcome more including the side dishes, I realized she wasn t counted three delicious-looking salads/side guests and repeat. By 4 a.m., everyone was misguided when she said we needed to make dishes I could eat, and agreed with my host- so full of food and alcohol, things officially a vegetarian dish for me to eat. sister that although it was not on the traditional began to settle down. Bood is the centerpiece in Armenia. It menu, we would include some basooc There s a reason no one returns to work is literally the large thigh/leg of a cow, and the [pronounced basoots] dolma for me as well feeling rested or energized: Mini-versions of cooking process includes the initial shaving as some hummus. I was content. the New Year s celebrations continue during of the leg to make sure no hairs remain (or at In the days that followed, beginning as the days that follow. My co-workers and I least in my host-family it did). While my host- soon as Dec. 26, I regretted my I want to be arrived to work on Jan. 11 looking haggard, sister described it, she reassured me that I a participant speech more times than I could with dark circles under our eyes and pants would not be needed in the shaving/cooking count. Being a participant in preparing for the that had suddenly become far too tight. of this dish, and said it was the most delicious holiday season in Armenia meant that was all Smaller and more spread-out versions and popular thing on the table. I could do. I had no life outside of cooking, continued during those first few days in Next, she described the khash jelly. I cleaning, shopping, and planning. The power January. Groups of guests would come, a few had heard about khash; for those who do not breaks would include coffee and cigarette at a time, and leftovers would constantly go know, it is a soup of fat, boiled overnight from sessions, but since I didn t partake in either, back and forth into the fridge. I was able to

Jivan Avetisyan to Attend 2020 Berlinale Talents Summit Armenian filmmaker Jivan Avetisyan has been selected from over 3,400 applicants from 134 countries to attend the Berlinale Talents in Berlin. Berlinale Talents is an initiative of the Berlin International Film Festival. Jivan Avetisyan s new feature film project Revival, slated for production in Spring 2021, was the premise of his selection. The sixday summit will be held from February 22-27, 2020. The selection committee shared with Jivan Avetisyan: We appreciate your ambitious approach to filmmaking and to the content of your stories. Avetisyan thrives to tell Artsakhian stories through film. His latest project Gate to Heaven is set to premiere in Los Angeles on March 21, 2020 at the renowned Alex Theatre. The drama film was co-produced with Armenia, Lithuania, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Czech, Italy, and the U.S. Gate to Heaven is presented in four different languages: English, Armenian, German, and French, but is primarily in English. Richard Sammel (Germany) and Tatiana Spivakova (France) play the lead roles, while Sos Janibekyan (Armenia), Naira Zakaryan (U.S.), Leonardas Pobedonoscevas (Lithuania), Nina Kronjager (Germany), Benedict Freitag (Switzerland), play the supporting roles. The premiere was held in Armenia on October 17. An international award-winning film director, Avetisyan, is best known for his first feature film Tevanik (2014), as well as his second feature film The Last Inhabitant. Tevanik was screened at the 67th Cannes International Film Festival and received worldwide attention from cinema professionals who were in attendance. It also screened in more than twenty countries worldwide and participated in various film

festivals held in Armenia, China, Italy, Romania, and the United States, winning honorary awards including in the category of Best Feature Film. The film was translated into nine languages and was represented by international distribution in Greece, Romania, and the United States. The second full-length feature film, The Last Inhabitant, was created in 2016, again with the collaboration of the National Cinema Center of Armenia and Lithuanian Artbox Production House. It was presented at several significant international film festivals including the 69th Cannes International Film Festival, Le Marché du Film. The film was also considered for the 2017 Golden Globe Awards, Best Foreign Language Film category. Additionally, The Last Inhabitant was included in the 20th Shanghai International Film Festival in the Panorama Program. It was then screened at the 74th Venice International Film Festival (August 30 to September 9, 2017) within the framework of the Venice Production Bridge. Most importantly, the film was purchased and licensed by HBO to air in Eastern European countries. The cast included A-class, world talents from Iran, Lithuania, Greece, Russia, and the U.S. The film s composer is a prominent System of a Down rock group soloist, Serj Tankian. The music of The Last Inhabitant was recorded live with the participation of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, under Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Eduard Topchyan and Hover Chamber Choir, Artistic Director, Sona Hovhannisyan. Serj Tankian s musical score for The Last Inhabitant was considered by Golden Globes for Best Original Score (2017). Today, the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is available on Amazon, iTunes, and other music platforms for streaming or purchase.

leave the house more often, but without fail, every time I returned, there were new family members or friends I had never seen before making toasts and getting ready to eat. Their departure was immediately followed by cleaning, to make sure there was enough cutlery and plates for the next round of guests. I could not believe this would continue multiple times every day, and wondered if the bood was really big enough (it was). The following year, living with two spyurkahays (diasporans) and two odars, we decided to organize a big dinner at our house to mimic the ones we had experienced living with host-families. A few days before the planned dinner, we had to cancel, and instead made a large reservation at a restaurant. Although we had more time to prepare and had many helping hands, we could not pull off feeding 20 people; with work and other obligations, we could not find the time to actually focus on preparation. It made me really appreciate and understand even more so how hard my host-family had worked. No matter how busy they were, they still created enough food for so many guests for almost two weeks. So we ate at a Western Armenian restaurant and followed that with a night out dancing, and were home by 2 a.m., without a single worry about cleaning or getting up early to cook. The following day, after some friends had come over to spend a lazy day inside, a neighbor who we barely knew knocked on our door and gave us containers upon containers of food that she had made for her own celebrations. There was meat, cheese, pastries, desserts, and fruits. She said she knew our mothers were so far away, and wanted to make sure we were well fed and had some real food during the holidays. Two of our local friends came over shortly after with both basooc dolma and cake. Even within our 100 percent spyurk-bubble way of celebrating, we still got a glimpse of the local Armenian traditions. Those acts alone seeing how generous and considerate people could be even in the middle of the busiest season were the best parts of our New Year s. While I arrived to work that year feeling rested, energetic, and with pants that fit just fine, I knew something important had been missing in our safe option. While local Armenian traditions seemed a little extreme for me, and the idea of going into debt absurd, the tradition is surrounded by the idea of generously feeding those you love albeit sometimes forcefully. No restaurant experience can even come close to that. (January 5, 2014, The Armenian Weekly)


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