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Volume 14, No. 6 (162), APRIL 2019 Toronto Armenian Community Newspaper


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Minister Of Small Businesses And Export Promotion Mary Ng Visits Armenian Community Centre

Clockwise: Minister Mary Ng tours ARS Private school with ACC president Sevag Kupelian, Toronto March 28. ANCC and ACC leaders with minister Mary Ng, March 28, Toronto. Minister Ng being welcomed at ACC by ANCT representatives. Minister of Small Businesses and Export Promotion Mary Ng during her visit to ACC Toronto.

On March 28, Mary Ng, Minister of Small Businesses and Export Promotion and MP for Markham-Thornhill, visited the Armenian Community Centre of Toronto for a special meet and greet with the vibrant and dynamic

On community level, she said government GTA Armenian community. Minister Ng had discussions with has allocated huge resources in support of members of the Armenian National Committee small businesses and she encouraged the of Canada (ANCC) and leaders of ACC about new comers to venture in the field. expanding Canada Armenia trade relations. She also toured the Centre and ARS

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private school with ACC leaders and got acquainted with its operations. Present to the meeting also were Willowdale MP Ali Ehsassi and Richmond Hill MP Majid Jowhari.

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²äðÆÈ 2019 ĸ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 162


The Parliamentary Friends Of The People Of Artsakh Holds Its Inaugural Meeting In Ottawa

ANC Members with MP Rachael Harder, MP Harold Albrecht and MP Bob Saroya, Ottawa, March 19.

OTTAWA On March 19th, the inaugural meeting of the Parliamentary Friends of the People of Artsakh was held in Ottawa, with the presence of various members of parliament and representatives of the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC). In the spirit of Canada s long-standing tradition of peacekeeping, peacemaking and humanitarian assistance, Parliamentary Friends of the People of Artsakh will establish a friendship network between the people of A r ts a k h a n d c o n c e r n e d C a n a d i a n parliamentarians, dedicated to listening compassionately to the Artsakh people s desire for peace and harmony and to generate awareness of their daily life and the many

hardships they continue to endure read a part of the mission statement published on Wednesday. During the meeting, the group read and ratified the proposed mission statement, discussed the current situation in Artsakh and elected MP Rachael Harder as chair, to lead the group s activities. Thank you to the Armenian National Committee of Canada for inviting me to work with them to launch the Parliamentary Friends of the People of Artsakh. I am honoured to accept the role of chair for this important Parliamentary friendship group said MP Rachael Harder. I m excited to work with the Armenian

National Committee of Canada and my parliamentary colleagues to promote awareness and education and engage in constructive dialogue as we pursue Canada s long-standing tradition for peacemaking, peacekeeping, and humanitarian assistance added MP Harder. The group will also assist in promoting a space for dialogue and various types of exchanges amongst the peoples of the region and Canada and also in disseminating our shared values of respect, tolerance and regard to human rights in the South Caucasian region. We are extremely pleased and grateful to see that our elected officials are dedicating their time and energy to learn more about the current situation in Artsakh and explore new ways on how to assist and give a voice to those that are often left voiceless said Vatche Chamlian, chair of the ANCC. There is absolutely no alternative to the peaceful resolution of the Artsakh conflict and initiatives such as the establishment of this parliamentary group will further enroot that conviction within our public sphere said Sevag Belian, executive director of the ANCC. The group will also serve as a source of hope and encouragement for the region s population, to engage with Canadian legislators and share their stories of concern and optimism, while assisting in breaking the international isolation of the people of Artsakh. Breaking the international isolation of Artsakh is a key priority to guarantee Artsakh s safety and security in the region and to ensure that violations do not continue to take place at the expense of the people s fundamental human rights. said Chamlian.

Artsakh s MFA Welcomes Parliamentary Friendship Group With Artsakh In Canada s Parliament Armenpress - The Foreign Ministry of Artsakh welcomed the creation of parliamentary friendship group in Canada with Artsakh, which will contribute to regional peace and stability by fostering respect towards universal values such as freedom, democracy and human rights. We welcome the establishment of a Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Artsakh on March 19 in Canada. Parliamentary diplomacy is one of the most important formats for expanding the international cooperation of Artsakh. This step by the Canadian parliamentarians once again proves the inadmissibility and unacceptability of the policy of isolation of Artsakh and its people. We are convinced that the formation of the Friendship Group will assist the expansion of friendly ties between the peoples of the two countries, as well as contribute to the strengthening of peace and stability in the region through the promotion of the universal values of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights. We express our gratitude to the Canadian Committee of the ARFD Hay Dat for its support in establishing the Friendship Group .

Pallone s New Bill Seeks to Break Down Barriers to U.S.Artsakh Travel, Communication, and Cooperation Congressional Armenian Caucus founding Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) was joined Thursday by a dozen of his House colleagues in introducing the U.S.-Artsakh Travel and Communication Resolution, a bipartisan measure that aims to break down artificial barriers to unrestricted travel and open communication between the United States and Artsakh, reported the Armenian National Committee of America. Joining Rep. Pallone as original cosponsors of the legislation are Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Jackie Speier (D-CA), Vice-Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Representatives Salud Carbajal (D-CA), Judy Chu (D-CA), David Cicilline (DRI), Katherine Clark (D-MA), Jim Costa (DCA), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Jim McGovern (DMA), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), and Brad Sherman (D-CA). We thank Congressman Pallone and his House colleagues for their bipartisan leadership in support of a durable and democratic peace between the republics of Artsakh and Azerbaijan, said ANCA Chairman Raffi Hamparian. Outdated and obsolete U.S. restrictions, adopted decades ago under pressure from Azerbaijan, prevent direct dialogue artificially handcuffing our diplomats and blocking the path to peace. Hamparian called for broad bi-partisan support for the measure during a trip to the Republic of Artsakh airport. Similar to the resolution introduced in the previous Congress, the U.S. Artsakh Travel and Communication Resolution praises the Artsakh Republic for having developed democratic institutions, fostered a pluralist political system, and, over the past quartercentury, held parliamentary and presidential elections that have been rated as free and fair by international observers. It also highlights Artsakh s commitment to common-sense peace initiatives, first advocated by former

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and current Chairman Eliot Engel (D-NY), calling for the removal of snipers and heavy artillery from the Artsakh-Azerbaijan line of contact, the deployment of additional Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) monitors, and the placement of gun-fire locator systems along the lines of contact. The measures, which have been embraced by Armenia, Artsakh, and the OSCE Minsk Group peace negotiators, have been thus far blocked by Azerbaijan. T h e U . S . - A r t s a k h Tr a v e l a n d Communication Resolution notes that current State Department policies place self-imposed restrictions on travel and communications between the United States and Artsakh, limiting oversight of United States taxpayer-funded assistance programs and discouraging the open dialogue and discourse that can contribute to a peaceful resolution of Artsakhrelated status and security issues. The measure calls for a U.S. policy which Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) addressing the Republic of Artsakh parliament on September 20, 2017 would: Congressman to the Republic of Artsakh since Bayshore and oceanfront areas of Monmouth 1. allow officials at all levels of the United its independence in 1991. He last County. He is the Chairman of the House States Government, including cabinet-level visited the region in September, 2017, joined Energy and Commerce Committee, which has national security officials, general officers, and by Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) and jurisdiction over issues pertaining to energy, other executive branch officials, to travel to former Representative David Valadao (R-CA). environment, health care, commerce, and the Artsakh Republic and openly and directly In remarks before the Artsakh Parliament, telecommunications. communicate with their Artsakh counterparts; Rep. Pallone touted the Republic s As founder and a Democratic Co-Chair 2. encourage ongoing open commitment to democracy, self-determination of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, Rep. communication, meetings, and other direct and economic development and discussed Pallone has been a leading voice on Armenian contacts between officials of Artsakh and the the Armenian Caucus on-going efforts to share Executive and Legislative branches of the American issues since 1988. He has been a Artsakh s powerful story of peace and freedom United States, state and local governments, consistent cosponsor of Armenian Genocide with Congress and the Administration. and American civil society; and legislation. Working with his colleagues, he 3. seek the full and direct participation of Whatever we do, we will always insist that has initiated calls for expanded U.S. assistance the democratically-elected government of the Artsakh has to be Armenian and it has to be to Armenia and Artsakh and spoken out about Artsakh Republic in all OSCE and other able to exercise its right to self-determination, the plight of Armenians and other Christians Rep. Pallone told Artsakh Parliamentarians. negotiations regarding its future. Rep. Pallone is currently serving his 16th in the Middle East. He has been a perennial Pro-Artsakh advocates can encourage term in Congress, representing New Jersey s participant at Armenian American community their U.S. Representative to support the sixth Congressional District, which covers events, including the Armenian Genocide measure. most of Middlesex County, as well as the Observance at Times Square. Rep. Pallone is the most traveled U.S.


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ARS Toronto Roubina Chapter Celebrates Its 10th International Women s Day Event By: Nyrie Telemi On March 3, the ARS Toronto Roubina Chapter hosted 400 guests at the 10th annual International Women s Day event at the Westin Prince Hotel. The event began with beautiful piano music by the talented Ara Arakelyan at the welcome reception, where guests enjoyed a morning coffee and tea. Artwork by Hamazkayin was on display and the talented Annie Naranian drew sketches of some of the lucky guests. With wonderful memories from last year s event, the anticipation in the foyer could be felt in the moments leading up to the main reception. As the doors opened, guests entered the reception hall and began taking their seats, while mingling with friends, family and new acquaintances. The stage was set up with beautiful lighting and curtains and the podium awaiting the day s keynote speaker. Over 100 lottery gifts were set up to the right of the stage, ready to be won by the audience members. The guests were also delighted by the beautiful table favours prepared for each attendee by Sylva Tourian of Laurier Artisan Soaps. The day s masters of ceremony, Nanor Shohmelian and Garine Bebedjian took the stage and the event commenced with the national anthems of Canada, Armenia and the ARS. Nanor and Garine introduced the audience to the Armenian Relief Society and, specifically, the work done during the year by the Roubina Chapter, in both Armenian and English. The highly anticipated keynote speaker, Sevaun Palvetzian, CEO of CivicAction, was introduced by her younger sister, Talene Palvetzian. Sevaun Palvetzian is one of Canada s leading experts on civic engagement and has been the CEO of CivicAction since January 2014. A Harvard School of Business graduate, Sevaun has advocated for new voices at the tables of influence including championing the next generation of leaders. During a decade of senior executive leadership within the Ontario Government, she launched a strategy to attract and retain future generations of leaders which included the award-winning Learn and Work Program for at-risk youth and led the team responsible for the new Trillium Park at Ontario Place. She has also held positions at the University of Toronto, the World Bank Group and Presidential Classroom

Organizing committee with Palvetzian.

Sevaun Palvetzian, CEO of CivicAction, at ARS IWD event, Toronto, March 3.

Masters of ceremony, Nanor Shohmelian and Garine Bebedjian.

Participating artists in a group photo.

a civic education organization in Washington DC. Sevaun s keynote address inspired all 400 guests, who took away her lessons in knowing the value of oneself, owning your place, being authentic and taking initiative and being part of the game. After the keynote address, Palvetzian was presented with a bouquet of flowers and a couple of unique Armenian gifts to thank her for being the keynote speaker. The tokens of appreciation were presented by Iren Telemi, Chair of ARS Toronto Roubina Chapter and the Co-Chairs of the ARS Toronto Roubina

Chapter s International Women s Day event committee, Isabelle Davidian and Hoori Chitilian. Then, guests enjoyed a delicious meal, while Ara Arakelyan of performed on stage with his saxophone. Following the luncheon, the second half of the event included performances that showcased talented Armenian women entitled Celebration of Women Through Music and Dance . Elizabeth Sakarya performed Renewing the Promise on her flute, followed by Beautiful and Someone Like You performed by Narine

Titizian. Lana Der Bedrossian danced the Flamenco , capturing the audiences attention with her emotion-filled performance. Mineh Satourian took the stage next with Badranki Tevov leaving almost no dry eyes in the room. Three talented young women from the Hamazkayin Dance Ensemble then performed an Armenian dance followed by Gohar Grigoryan s rendition of Amado Mio , accompanied by dancer Ani Grigoryan. The second half of the event concluded with the song Yerevan performed by Mineh Satourian, accompanied by dancer Ani Grigoryan.

Jazz Project: Armenia Meets Cuba Arsho Zakarian We read this captivating line on FB. We are all intrigued. The date is Friday February 15th, sponsored by Hamazkayin Klatsor chapter. The venue is Hamazkayin Theatre. Jazz is explained as musical technique and style in which two or more melodic lines are in a fair juxtaposition. In other words, jazz gives the musician a special freedom to interpret the music differently. In the intro of the program we read Jazz often combines musical elements from various cultures, genres and time periods to create rich, new and diverse sounds. The theatre is a full house. Jazz lovers from all walks of life are present. The band is composed of both young and seasoned musicians. The heart of the band is the saxophone player Ara Arakelyan; Madiana Torosyan on Kanun, Armen Matosyan on duduk and pku, Joaquin Nunez Hidalgo on drums, Dyalis Machado on percussion, Yoser Rodrigues on bass and the world renowned Hilario Duran on piano join Ara Arakelian creating a fascinating journey. Gomidas Gakavik, Qele-qele, Zarznga, Vagharshabad, Mut Amber creations along with Sayat Nova s Ashkharhums imn dun ees, Artem Ayvazian s Araks are echoed with the powerful and daring tunes of Cuba. We are introduced to Cuban Jazz music


Ani Katoki

Arakelyan and the band

with Hilario Duran s Havana City, Descara en la egren, Joacquin Nunez Hidalgo s Steel and Firo, Ernesto Lecuona s Danza Lucumi and Moises Simons El manisero compositions. The program ends with the Armenian traditional Nazan im yare music. Wow! we are all tapping, clapping and cheering with every composition. Ara Arakelyan is a talented and ambitious young musician. This Yerevan born musical

Saxophonist Ara Arakelian

powerhouse joined with Armen Matosyan s passionate duduk, and Mariana Torosyan s unique canon strings to bring forth the soulful Armenian music. Sandor Schwisberg s classical and jazz background on keyboard, Hilaria Louis Daron s masterful Afro Cuban Jazz on piano, Dyalis Machados lively percussion, Joaquin Nunez passionate drums brought together the

Armenian Cuban Jazz music fusion program. The talented musicians gave the audience a unique and memorable night. This exciting musical experience was accompanied by live painting from artist Tamara Harutunyan, who with her daring and expressive brush and vibrant colours created two unique pieces, inspired by the musical tempo.



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Arsinee Khanjian Takes Lead Role In New Adaptation ûf Chekhov s The Cherry Orchard Too Much, Too Fast By: Talyn Terzian-Gilmour One Tuesday afternoon in the not too distant past, while I was admiring my newly acquired March Break tan and berating my newly acquired March Break belly, unbeknownst to me, the world had leapt forward by about 4 years Every Tuesday, I get the distinct honour and privilege to be assistant coach to the now 9-year old s community soccer team. Some may say this is a pure act of selfflagellation. Others suggest that I m missing some kind of self-care chip and that I should use my free time to do something exclusively for myself. To the head scratchers I say, this is an act of pure selfishness: I get to be around the 9 year old s friends, immersed in a 9-year old s world, wear my sneakers, jump, run around, and for one complete hour, the job I m doing as mom, wife, or daughter, the bills I have to pay, the deadlines I have to meet, all melt away. Every now and then, when I think no one is looking, I also have a good kick at the ball! But on this particular Tuesday, the almost 13 year old had also come along and was doing what he does best: entertaining the 9 year old s friends. That kid and I share that same microchip of wanting to play host and entertaining akin to basking in the spotlight who d have thought? Knowing the team was in good hands, I set off on my organizational duties when I was approached by two soccer dads: Dad 1: Wait til you hear what happened! Dad 2: **Pure dad-style belly laughter** Ho-Ho-Ho oh yes! Me: ***uh-oh, did I do something?*** Umm what? Dad 1: He (gesturing to Dad 2) asked me who that was in the net (pointing to the almost 13 year old playing goalie and inviting a swarm of raucous, rowdy 9 year olds to try and get a goal past him). My brain failed me and I told him it was your 9 year old! The 9 year old!! Imagine that!! Me: **totally perplexted** Huh? Dad 2: Ya! He said your almost 13 year old was in fact the 9 year old **interrupting laughs** and I said hahaha I said what are they feeding that 9 year old??!! He s huge!! How did he get SO BIG in just ONE MONTH!? Dad 1: **Joins in on dad-style belly laughter.** Yes, yes and that s when I realized that I had mislead him! I said the wrong name!!! Me: Oh dear! That must have been shocking! That is the almost 13 year old! Otherwise, I d have to say **joking** it s all the growth hormones in our food!! Or is it?? Before I know it, the 9 year old will be the almost 13 year old, while the almost 13 year old will be the almost 17 year old and I still will not have painted my deck, taken

that trip to Brazil to see the carnival, sugar loaf mountain and the giant statue of Jesus, figured out what I m going to do with the rest of my life, and be that much closer to THE CHANGE. Most importantly, though, I will have TWO teenage boys living under my roof who will probably both do what my own mother always jokes about and stand at least a foot taller than me on either side and oh my goodness, they ll exaggerate the look of my then-not-so-newly-acquired-belly!!! No. It s too much. Too fast. HOW WILL I EVER BE READY??!!! Mr. Niceguy is often reading through at least 9 or 10 books on his nightstand with titles like, How to be a good parent and The development of the male brain from 5 to 50 , How to be a warrior at work and play and Rules for a happy life . Scanning the titles on my side of the bed one may find a very dusty journal about comparative genocide from 2008 which I m still planning to crack open, a stack of dog-eared design magazines, my trusty read and re-read Harry Potter to which I cling like a lifeline but which serves as a paperweight, and my latest acquisition a book about baking bread because DAMMIT there must be a way to save the reputation of this glorious food and make it a good carb once again! Whenever I share my anxieties about parenting teenagers in the not-too-distantfuture with Mr. Niceguy, oftentimes, I m encouraged to read one of his books like the analysis and engineering of human behaviour that s when I blame myself for sharing my anxieties You know the type that you find browsing in the non-fiction or self-improvement sections of the bookstore? She happens to be one of my very best friends, actually. She s calmly looking through gardening, nutrition or child care books with a look of absolute bliss. Well, that s not me. I m the one tearing through the aisles looking for the fun print, colourful, picture-enhanced, feel-good books mainly in the fiction section! Or quite frankly, I ll be in the housewares and gift aisles! If I m in the self-improvement section, I m the one with that look of absolute despair and desperation because I m at my wit s end my absolute last straw! B-R-E-A-T-H-E Note to self: remember how this all started? A misunderstanding. A misunderstanding that the almost 13 year old was the 9 year old when in fact, he is simply the 12-and-three-quarters-year old. I ve got time before I m the mom of 2 teenage boys. I ve still got to paint my deck, I ve still got some travelling to do, redemption to get and of course, find the recipe for a non-bellyforming-glutenous bread. I just need to laugh-out-loud like those two dads and put on my sneakers and kick the ball like nobody s watching. Time will take care of everything else

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Andrew Scorer and Arsinee Khanjian in The Cherry Orchard. Production photos by John Lauener Photography, Toronto, March 30.

(TorontoHye)- Armenian Canadian actor Arsinee Khanjian is returning to the Toronto theatre scene with a new leading role in Anton Chekhov s The Cherry Orchard directed by Iranian Canadian director Soheil Parsa. Khanjian will star as Lyubov (Andreyevna Ranevskaya), a Russian aristocratic landowner who returns to her family estate to pay its debts but finds herself forced to sell it to a wealthy merchant. Family ties and love affairs intertwine in this tragicomedy bringing forth themes such as family values, social transformation and change. The Cherry Orchard is given new life at the hands of Modern Times Theatre s coartistic director Soheil Parsa who has four Dora Awards and multiple nominations under his belt. Parsa is joined by a 12 member cast which also includes Steven Bush, Colin Doyle, Tara Nicodemo, Oyin Oladejo, Keshia Palm, Cliff Saunders, and others.

The Cherry Orchard is Russian playwright Anton Chekhov s final play, written in 1903. It has been described as a theatre poem of the suffering of change . It unearths and explores the human comedy in the most tragic conditions. In a director's note, Parsa says the play encompasses many of the themes of "loneliness, the conflict between fate and free will, the mystery of existence, the inevitability of social transformation and the human suffering that comes with it." ---------------------------

Modern Times Stage Company s The Cherry Orchard runs March 26 April 13, 2019 (Media night: March 29) at Streetcar Crowsnest (345 Carlaw Avenue) in the Guloien Theatre. Shows are scheduled Monday through Saturday at 8:00pm with Saturday matinees at 2:00pm. Tickets are now available starting at $20 and can be purchased at

UNESCO To Mark Gomidas, Tumanian Anniversaries


Hovhannes Tumanian

The 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference held in Paris, France has decided to include the 150th anniversaries of Gomitas and Hovhannes Tumanian in the UNESCO Calendar of anniversaries of eminent personalities and important events of 20182019. The proposals on The 150th anniversary of the birth of Soghomon Soghomonian, known as Gomitas Vardapet (1869-1935), composer, ethnomusicologist, researcher and singer submitted by Armenia with the support of France and Germany, and The 150th anniversary of the birth of Hovhannes Tumanian (1869-1923), poet, writer, translator

submitted by Armenia with the support of Georgia and Russia have been approved by the organization. It should be noted that since 1998, 23 anniversaries submitted by the Republic of Armenia have been included in the UNESCO Calendar of anniversaries of eminent personalities and important events. Two anniversaries submitted by the Republic of Armenia were included in the Calendar for the 2016-2017: The 350th anniversary of the first printed Bible in Armenian by Voskan Yerevantsi, and The 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Aivazovsky (1817-1900).


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AAT Youth Hosts Live Interview With Evan Hadfield By Tamar Atik Toronto-based filmmaker Evan Hadfield learned about the war-torn region of Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) shortly after arriving in Armenia in June 2018 to film the next episode for his YouTube series Rare Earth . His resulting video, The Country The World Says Doesn t Exist , has earned Hadfield supporters and haters in equal measure. The short doc was the topic of discussion at a Q&A event organized by the Armenian Association of Toronto s (AAT) recently established youth division. The event, which was held at the Fairview Library Theatre on March 15, brought out about 200 attendees who engaged in a lively question and answer period following the main interview. Hadfield, who is the son of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, first entered the spotlight when he ran his father s social media campaign while he was in space. That experience also piqued his interest to share human stories more directly than the mainstream media. Hadfield s video on Artsakh currently has more than 1.2 million views on YouTube since being posted in July 2018. He has been banned from entering Azerbaijan and has received death threats from Turkey specifically concerning mention of the Armenian Genocide. It s almost like there s a river of hate that you ve never stepped foot in

because you ve had no reason to be there and I dove into this one, Hadfield explained. When asked if being persona non grata ever worried him, Hadfield said, No, it s like a badge of honour, to which sounds of cheers and applause immediately filled the room. If somebody says, You went somewhere and you told the history; you can t come here anymore. What are they really saying? It s got nothing to do with me, it s all about themselves, Hadfield continued. Hadfield, who had just returned from spending two months in Ethiopia and Somalia said people are confronting the same issues in every corner of the world; they have just adapted to their individual environments. His wife Kata, who was seated in the audience, often travels with him to help produce episodes. They have called Toronto home for the last six years and have lived in various countries to date in order to experience daily life in different parts of the world. I think the coolest thing about 2019 is that for the first time ever, an individual can make a splash with all the other individuals, Hadfield told the audience. You don t need to be an organization. You don t need permission. You don t need anything except your own willpower, and I think that s going to open up a lot.

Evan Hadfield during a Q & A event at Fairview Library Theatre, Toronto, March 15.

Attendees of the event posing questions to Hadfield

ARS School Volleyball Wins 3rd Championship Banner By Sam Manougian On February 28, 2019 the ARS Armenian private school girls Under 20 high school volleyball team went to the SSAF high school girls volleyball championship tournament as defending champions from 2018 and with a goal of bringing home a new championship banner for 2019. The ARS school participates in the SSAF (Small Schools Athletic Federation) league. The volleyball program at ARS is relatively new. Six years ago athletic director Alex Movel set out to develop an athletic program that would add athletic achievement to academic excellence. He recruited volunteer coaches Sam Manougian and Jack Hagop Kakousian and started a training program for the girls volleyball team at the elementary and high school levels. For the first few years the teams struggled as they faced more experienced teams. However the players never gave up and continued to work hard and started to develop their skills and teamwork. Every year their results slowly improved and finally after 2 short years they won their first championship in 2016. Last year the team won their 2nd championship banner and this year they would be faced with the task of having to defend their title and trying to win a back-to-back championship. This year the ARS U20 high school team once again finished their regular league season in 1st place in the south division with a perfect 6-0 win-loss record. They were headed to the final championship tournament as the number 1 seed. The top 4 teams in each division came together for an all day tournament. The tournament draw was made up of 2 pools of 4 teams each. Each team would play a roundrobin match with each of the other 3 teams in their pool. The ARS team which finished in 1st place in the South Division was in the same pool with Toronto Waldorf School and Peoples Christian Academy who had finished 2nd and 3rd in the North Division as well as UOG which finished 4th in the South Division. In their pools each team would play 2 straight games and the total number of wins would

ARS Armenian private school girls under 20 high school volleyball team champions.

determine which team advances. That makes each game and each point very critical and leaves no room for mistakes. The ARS team defeated UOG (25-12, 2518), PCA (25-13, 25-11) and Waldorf (25-15, 25-12) and completed their 3 round-robin games in 1st place in their pool with a perfect undefeated 6-0 record. In the semi-final game ARS faced a very tough team from Town Centre Montessori who had finished in 1st place in the North Division. The semi-final match would be a game where the winner would have to win 2 out of 3. This was by far the toughest competition that ARS had faced all day. The scoring went neck and neck. ARS kept passing, setting and pounding the ball to the opposition only to have it returned time after time. Town Centre eventually prevailed to win the first set by a very close score of 25-22. This was the first set that ARS had lost all day. Now faced with the possibility of elimination if they lose the 2nd set, coach Jack Hagop Kakousian reminded the players that they needed to calm down, have confidence in their abilities, trust their teammates and to do what they have been doing all season. As the 2nd set started, the team immediately took control of the play with their serving, passing, setting and repeatedly

pounded the ball at the opposition. ARS completely dominated the 2nd set winning 2512. Now the teams were tied 1-1 and had to play a 3rd and deciding game. In the 3rd game ARS did not waste time and stepped up like true champions winning the deciding game 15-8. After a long day and many matches it came down to 2 teams and the final match of the day to decide the championship. In the final championship game ARS was matched against the team from Hudson College. Hudson College had also advanced to the championship game with an undefeated record during the final tournament. The championship game was also a 2 out of 3 affair. ARS started the game with their powerful serves and a continued barrage of powerful hits to the opposition. However Hudson countered by returning everything that ARS sent their way. ARS didn t let up and continued their relentless attack which kept chipping away at Hudson s defence and won the 1st set with a convincing score of 25-15. ARS now had Hudson on the ropes and could taste victory. During the 2nd set it was clear that Hudson was getting tired under the ARS attack and could not avoid the inevitable and ended conceding to ARS 2512. Immediately the ARS team erupted with

joy and so proud of what they had accomplished. It had actually happed. They had won their 3rd championship in 4 years and had repeated as champions. They all cheered as they raised the championship banner with pride which was a culmination of all their hard work and dedication throughout the season. Coach Jack Hagop Kakousian said Our players matured throughout the season and when they set aside their individual needs and focused on the needs of the team, magic started to happen. It is all about attitude. I was especially happy to see the team elevate their game to a different level when they were faced with a tougher competition. They were in the zone. It was volleyball at its best. I was so proud of them. Captain Liza Babaoglu provided the leadership the team needed on and off the court. Her experience was invaluable and she always provided the team with that extra lift when they needed it. During the championship tournament she said All the players supported each other. It was a team victory. We were focused on our goal but also had lots of fun playing volleyball this year. Thank you to all our coaches . Next year will be a rebuilding year for ARS as 4 of the team s top veteran players will be graduating this year. Team captain Liza Babaoglu, Ariane Ghazarian, Paulina Boyadjian and Elizabet Uzel were all part of the 3 ARS championship teams and they have contributed so much to the ARS volleyball team over the years. They will be missed but we thank them for the excellent role models they have become for the younger players to follow. Now the new championship banner hangs proudly in the ARS gymnasium next to all the other championship banners for all to see and as a constant reminder of their achievement. Every time the girls see the banner, they are reminded of what can be accomplished if you have a goal and are willing to work for it. The younger students see the banner and say I am going to work hard, become a better athlete and win a championship banner for the school before I graduate.


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Presentation of Grit and Grace in a World Gone Mad : A Book About Remarkable Humanitarians In The Ottoman Empire By: Kamo Mayilyan On November 28, 2018, AGBU Toronto hosted a presentation of a newly published book entitled Grit and Grace in a World Gone Mad: Humanitarianism in Talas, Turkey 19081923 by Canadian writer Wendy Elliott. The book is based on the personal history of a dedicated group of American and Canadian missionaries and relief workers who saved thousands of orphans during the times of the Armenian Genocide. The presentation was organized within the framework of series of AGBU events to coincide with the UN s International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. I first met Wendy Elliott in Yerevan where she had gone for development work on behalf of Canada. She had also worked in Gyumri and Vanadzor, and I knew she had a great affinity for the Armenian people. Years later when I came across the unpublished personal archives of Susan Wealthy Orvis, an American missionary in Talas, Turkey, I asked Wendy to write a book about Susan s story. She declined because she did not believe she could add much to the already large collection of books about the genocide. However, after I urged her to read some of Susan s letters and a manuscript about her journey across Russia in 1917 to help establish a relief centre, Wendy changed her mind. She had never before heard of this massive humanitarian effort that Canadians and Americans were part of, and decided everyone should know about this important endeavour. Wendy told the Toronto audience that another reason for writing the book was to answer a puzzling question for herself: How

Armenian Genocide Museum to Open In Buenos Aires (Estacao Armenia)- The Buenos Aires City Council has given the green light to the construction of an Armenian Genocide Museum in the city. The city council voted 54 to 2 last week to approve the measures, which will enable the Armenian Genocide Memorial Foundation to build what it called a Museum of Armenian Memory, History and Culture. The property is located on Gurruchaga Street, very close to heart of the Armenian community in the suburb of Palermo. The city granted the building to the foundation for a period of 30 years, with a possibility to renew. The resolution aims to promote the creation of a museum that maintains the contribution of the Armenians to the social construction of Argentina. Thus, an archive of the history of the Armenian presence in Argentina will also be created. A library and archive of Armenian genocide is also expected to be created. Argentina was one of the first countries to recognize the Armenian Genocide. In September 1987, Argentina s President Raúl Alfonsín described the massacre of a million and a half Armenians at the hands of the Turks between 1915 and 1923 as genocide. Two decades later, in 2007, Argentina declared April 24 as Day of action for tolerance and respect among peoples in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide.

could the Ottoman Empire go from the joy of the 1908 Young Turk revolution to horrible desecration and genocide in a mere 7 years? She quoted a letter from a young missionary in Constantinople who wrote to her family in the US, describing the euphoria of nations living together in harmony immediately after the revolution: Last Sunday Turks, Christians and Jews in one wagon were seen singing and embracing and congratulating one another, said the missionary. People can scarcely take time to sleep for their joy. Wendy then spoke about her research into how the government began to change and how the situation went from bad to worse. To write the story, she put herself in the shoes of everyone in the book, including the Ottoman leaders, Enver and Talat Pasha. I thought, if I were them, I would be terrified to go down in history as the guys who lost the empire. And as it turned out, their fears were realized. But governing by fear produces bad results. During the time period of this book I counted 2 coups d état, 4 regional wars, 2 genocides (Armenian and Assyrian), and a world war, followed by a war of independence and another genocide (Greek). I thought: The world had gone mad! That phrase was turned into the book s title. Grit and Grace in a World Gone Mad starts with the background of Susan Wealthy Orvis and her American and Canadian colleagues who were employed in Talas by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Theirs was the largest mission in Turkey, covering an area about twice the size of Switzerland, the author said. The Talas station included a hospital, a boys boarding school and a girls boarding school, and there were 32 outstations, where the ordained ministers would visit as part of their evangelical touring.

She then described the deportations and massacres in the Talas region, and the ultimate expulsion of the missionaries, too, between 1915 and 1917. The American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief (ACASR) set up relief centres in Port Said, Egypt and in Alexandropol (Gyumri), Echmiadzin and Yerevan, which were then part of Russia. At that time, the Ottoman government would not let international aid into Turkey. In 1919 after the Great War, ACASR became known as Near East Relief, and the missionaries now relief workers were joined by other humanitarian workers and finally allowed to bring relief supplies to Turkey. The author showed photographs and read passages from her book about the overwhelming need of the mainly women and children for food, clothing and medical help. She described many details about the work of the humanitarians, who established orphanages and created clothing industries that employed hundreds and clothed thousands. Wendy felt it was important to include stories of righteous people as well. The term righteous was first used by Jews to refer to non-Jews who saved Jews during World War II. Its definition is action taken arising from an outraged sense of justice . There are many examples in the book of righteous Turks, Kurds, Arabs and fellow Christians, such as Greeks, Americans, Canadians and others, who risked their lives to save Armenians. The number of orphans in the Talas mission fluctuated during the four years of the war of independence, but by 1922 there were 3,000. When the political situation suddenly changed, and Christians were invited to leave Turkey, the Talas team rolled up their sleeves and, within 10 harrowing days, evacuated

3,000 orphans: the Greek children by boat to Greece, and the Armenians by train to Beirut. Susan was justifiably proud to say that all the children arrived safely at their destinations, said the author. The missionaries had started their mission believing they were going to save souls, but they ended up saving lives and the seeds of future generations. It took Wendy Elliott almost four years to do extensive research, write the book, and arrange publication. The publisher is Gomidas Institute in London, UK. The book received endorsements by Canadian filmmaker Atom Egoyan, professor emeritus of the Royal Military College of Canada Alan Whitehorn, journalist and executive at Voices of Dialogue Kumru Bilici, secretary-general emeritus of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent George Weber, and Bishop Terry Brown. And the forward was written by this author. The book is available for purchase on Amazon and directly from the publisher s web site.

Armenian Khachkar at Canterbury Cathedral Officially Unveiled, Blessed

Dean of Canterbury Robert Willis in front of khachkar, dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, March 2.

An Armenian cross-stone (khachkar), dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, was unveiled in Canterbury on March 2. The cross-stone by the initiative of the Armenian community erected in the Memorial Garden of the Canterbury Cathedral, a Mother Church of the worldwide Anglican Communion, was consecrated by the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Great Britain Hovakim Manukyan. The Ambassador of Armenia to the United Kingdom Arman Kirakossian, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the Dean of Canterbury Robert Willis and more than 200 representatives of the Armenian community in the United Kingdom participated at the event.

During the evensong followed by the dedication ceremony, the Dean of Canterbury Robert Willis emphasized the symbolism of installation of the Armenian cross-stone in Canterbury, the spiritual centre of the United Kingdom, noting that khachkar is considered as a symbol of peace, reconciliation and hope. In his welcoming speech Kirakossian noted that from this day on the Armenian cross-stone, a magnificent symbol of the Armenian medieval culture, will be a part of the more than 1,400-year old rich history of Canterbury. The Ambassador underlined that this cross-stone has been marked to symbolize the Armenian genocide of 1915. In that regard, Arman Kirakossian recalled with gratitude the efforts of the Archbishop of Canterbury Randall

Davidson, who not only gathered and published British materials on the Armenian Genocide, but played also a significant role in the process of adoption of the resolution on the Armenian issue and financial assistance, provided by the League of Nations to the First Republic of Armenia. According to Kirakossian, the fact that the Armenian Genocide went unpunished was a major impetus for future dictators and crimes against humanity as it happened during the Holocaust, genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur. In this sense Never again is a challenge to nations and to us all, because it is a bitter truth that too often, the world has failed to prevent the killing of innocent people on a massive scale, he said. Kirakossian stressed Armenia s commitment and resolve towards a continued effort of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, as well as advancing the human rights agenda, preventing atrocity crimes, including genocides. The main message of the Genocide is the message of survival, resilience, hope, a triumph of life over death, and celebration of new victories of the Armenian people.

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U.S. Alabama State Recognizes Armenian Genocide MOBILE, Ala. Alabama has officially become the 49th U.S. state to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Governor Kay Ivey issued a powerful proclamation recognizing the Ottoman Turkish Empire s centrally-planned and executed annihilation of close to three million Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians and Syriacs from 1915-1923, according to the Armenian National Committee of America Eastern Region (ANCA-ER). We welcome this proclamation by Governor Ivey, making Alabama the 49th state in the union to officially re-affirm this international crime against humanity, said ANCA-ER Board Chairman Steve Mesrobian. This proclamation serves as a powerful reminder that truth about genocides should never be held hostage to the denial of its perpetrators and those who continue to profit from that crime. We salute the Alabama Armenian community and our ANCA coalition partners who together stand united in our efforts to create awareness about the Armenian Genocide and prevent future such atrocities, said Mesrobian.

While Governor Ivey s proclamation notes that the Ottoman Turkish government s crime still requires justice, it also provides a glimpse into Alabama s active participation in the Near East Relief s efforts during the Armenian Genocide as well as the U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide in 1951. The proclamation recognizes genocides that followed the Armenian Genocide as well as the act of genocide committed against Christians and Yazidis by ISIL, recognizing that proper commemoration and awareness and education about the Armenian Genocide helps ensure that similar atrocities do not occur again. I am so proud of the work that the ANC of Alabama and our friends in Alabama have done to obtain this official recognition of the Armenian Genocide, said ANC of Alabama activist Jack Hagopian. Armenians have long called Alabama home, aiding in the education and awareness of the Armenian Genocide throughout the state, he said. It brings me great pleasure to know that

Krikor Balakian s The Ruins of Ani Published By Rutgers University Press

our work has been successful. I know that we With the addition of Alabama as the 49th will continue to educate, motivate and activate state, Mississippi remains as the last U.S. our community to ensure that the cycle of state to officially recognize the Armenian genocide comes to an end, he added. Genocide.

Italy s Lazio Region Recognizes Armenian Genocide

Peter Balakian

Today, Ani is a popular tourist site in Turkey with many of the Armenian churches partially restored and supported by the World Monument Fund, but the city has been falsified in its presentation by the Turkish government in order to erase Armenian history in the wake of the Armenian Genocide. This timely publication raises questions about the preservation of major historic monuments in the face of post atrocity campaigns of cultural erasure, and about the ethical ownership of Ani in the post Armenian Genocide impasse. The book has already received critical praise from major scholars: A remarkable and invaluable study, Robert Jay Lifton; breathes new life into a crucial yet neglected source, Christina Maranci, His eye on the ancient capital is mournful and creates new depth post genocide, Donna-Lee Frieze, underscores forcefully how central cultural destruction was and is in the unfolding of that crime against humanity, Jay Winter. The young vartabed Krikor Balakian published his first book just a few years before his arrest on April 24 in Constantinople at the outset of the Armenian genocide, after which he wrote his epic survivor memoir Armenian Golgotha. This new translation by Aram Arkun and the author s great-nephew, Pulitzer Prizewinning poet Peter Balakian, eloquently renders the book s vivid descriptions and lyrical prose into English. Peter Balakian s new introduction explores Ani s continued relevance in the twenty-first century.

(Armradio) The Regional Council of Lazio, Italy, has recognized the Armenian Genocide, one month before the commemoration of the victims of the tragedy on 24 April, the Armenian community of Italy s website reports. At a sitting on Monday, March 18, the Council unanimously approved a resolution submitted by its member Sergio Pirozzi to acknowledge the fact of the Armenian Genocide. The resolution expresses full solidarity

with the Armenian people in their struggle for historical truth and human rights protection efforts. Thus, Lazio becomes the 136th Council to recognize the Armenian genocide. The Armenian community of Rome has expressed gratitude to the Council. Lazio is one of the 20 administrative regions of Italy. Situated in the central peninsular section of the country, it has almost 5.9 million inhabitants making it the second most populated region of Italy.

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(Armenian Mirror Spectator)- The Ruins of Ani published in 1910 in Constantinople has been published for the first time in an English edition the translation by Peter Balakian and Aram Arkun, with an introduction by Balakian. The edition includes the 33 original black and white photographs taken by Balakian in 1909 and a dozen color images take by Peter Balakian in the past decade. The Ruins of Ani is the only monograph on the history and legacy of Ani in print today. A unique combination of history, art criticism, and travel memoir, Balakian s book charts the historic pilgrimage made there in 1909 with a clerical retinue led by Catholicos Matteos II. Balakian documents carefully the Armenian founding, building and decline of Ani. From the 10th to the 13th centuries, the city of Ani was the capital of the Armenian Bagratuni kingdom, and a leading city of trade on the silk road and renowned for its architecture and arts and crafts. Balakian argues the cathedral at Ani is the forerunner of the European Gothic style, and that the dozens of other Armenian churches and buildings there were landmarks in Armenian and world civilization. From the eleventh century on Ani was conquered by Seljuks, Mongols, Georgians and Kurds and by the 15th century Ani had been ruined by pillage and earthquakes and abandoned until the excavations of the archaeologist Wilhelm Marr in the 1890s. Its ruins have remained a symbol of cultural accomplishment that looms large in the Armenian imagination.


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EU Grants EUR 12.5 Million To Establish Center For Armenian Picsart Hits 130M Monthly Engineering And Applied Science In Armenia

TUMO students during sessions.

The European Union in partnership with Tumo Center for Creative Technologies launched the EU TUMO Convergence Center for Engineering and Applied Science, a stateof-the-art STEM ecosystem for young adults in Armenia. Commenting on the event, Carlos Moedas, Member of the European Commission in charge of Research, Science and Innovation, said It is vital for the economy of the future that the young people of today have access to the best science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. Our young people need to be encouraged to make the best use of their talents and ideas. We know this in theory. EU TUMO Convergence Center makes this happen. Chief Development Officer at TUMO, Pegor Papazian, delivered a presentation about the project to stakeholders and media in attendance: We are thrilled to be creating a world-class STEM ecosystem in Armenia where the next generation of high tech professionals can learn and innovate, said Pegor Papazian, chief development officer at TUMO. With support from the European Union, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Armenia, and other partners both local and

Piotr Antoni witalski, EU Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation to Armenia and Arayik Harutyunyan, Minister of Education of the Republic of Armenia were the keynote speakers at the launch ceremony. The event included a ceremonial signature and groundbreaking in the presence of the officials, students, young professionals and media. EU TUMO Convergence Center for Engineering and Applied Science project This new project will establish a center for provision of cutting-edge education to STEM students and young professionals in order to prepare them for the labour market, as well as offer a platform for existing initiatives (incubators, accelerators, universities and industry) in order to build linkages and allow for synergies between all stakeholders. The educational approach applied in this international, we will bridge a gap between higher education and the rapidly changing project emphasises practical skill-based education that can complement the theoretical needs of the global economy. Close to 15,000 square meters of building and academic education provided by the local space will be constructed in Yerevan. The university system. It is based on a combination campus will include infrastructure for of two concepts: (1) Project-based learning educational programming such as TUMO and (2) Just-in-time learning. Project based learning consists of Labs, a STEM research laboratory, a conference center, and revenue generating involving university students and young commercial space to ensure the center s long- professionals in leading edge, real life term financial sustainability. TUMO Labs will technology projects with a tangible, industry constitute a logical continuation of the TUMO relevant outcome, as the most effective way programme, allowing university students and of imparting skills and knowhow, with young professionals to gain applied and state- sponsorship from a private company. Just-inof-the-art skills related to STEM once they time learning is the idea of preparing students for participation in the above-mentioned reach the age of 18. The center will be a hub for research, projects with highly targeted coursework education and startups, bringing together local customized for the purposes of the project. and international partners to bridge the gap The project aims to strengthen the link between higher education and industry in between the academia and the IT/engineering Armenia.The French University of Armenia is industry, accelerate the transformation of a major partner of the project. It s new Faculty Armenian higher education system, while for Informatics and Applied Mathematics will providing shared research facilities and projectbe part of the Convergence Center. based instruction open to all Armenian STEM Lawrence Meredith, Director for students. To further strengthen the link Neighbourhood East at the European between research and industry, the center will Commission s Directorate-General for offer incubator facilities to start-ups and small Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, technology companies.

New Mayor Takes Bulldozers To Yerevan s Cafe Blight

Cafes near the Opera House in Yerevan are being dismantled by the decision of the municipal authorities, 14 March, 2019

Ani Mejlumyan To make Yerevan green again and reverse the city s relentless quasi-formal construction boom has seemed a pipe dream for many years. But the city s new mayor has undertaken an effort to reclaim some of the city s lost parks, over protests by the workers who will lose their jobs. On March 13, city authorities began dismantling some of the dozens of cafes that have proliferated over the years on former parkland surrounding Yerevan s central opera house. City workers and bulldozers, backed by rows of police officers cordoning off the area, tore down the structures and posted photos on the city government s web page. Mayor Hayk Marutyan wrote on his

Facebook page: Today we are fulfilling our dream of many years to liberate the area around the opera and to bring back the atmosphere of culture. This is the beginning of the process and it will continue. The dismantling, which continued for several days, led to protests by workers at the cafes. Some clashed with police, during which several protesters and one police officer ended up in the hospital. The proliferation of cafes around the opera house dates from the early 2000s, when former city authorities rented out the land under dubious terms to politically well connected business people. While the cafes helped ensure that visitors to Yerevan s center were never more than a few steps from a cup of coffee, many residents complained that they

largely covered up what used to be the city s green spaces. In addition, the contracts were so favorable that the city s benefit was negligible, Marutyan complained. How is it that the land next to the opera was rented for less than $200 a month? he told journalists after a March 19 city council meeting discussing the issue. He added that the demolitions would continue beyond the opera area into other similarly blighted areas, but that they would be done gradually and would attempt to minimize disruption to the café owners and their employees. While café owners tried to argue that the dismantling violated contracts they had with the municipality, city officials said that everything was being done by law. According to the agreements signed with the economic entities, the [city government] has the right to terminate the contract with a prior notice of 30 days, the mayor s spokesman, Hakob Karapetyan, said in a January 11 Facebook post announcing the municipality s intentions. Some opposition political figures weren t convinced. Those nice pictures that were published on the page of municipality, will the area of those dismantled cafes be a beautiful park? So why don t you dismantle the other cafes too? asked Naira Zohrabyan, a member of parliament from the Prosperous Armenia party. Because you can t, because people went to court and before the verdict comes into legal force no action can be committed. So I advise you to be more realistic before publishing pretty pictures and writing heartbreaking texts about oxygenless Yerevan.

Active Users Worldwide

Panarmenian Armenian app PicsArt, a rival to filtering companies VSCO and Snapseed, recently hit 130 million monthly active users worldwide, roughly a year after it amassed 100 million MAUs. Like VSCO, PicsArt now offers video overlays though images are still its focus, TechCrunch reports. Nearly 80 percent of PicsArt s users are under the age of 35 and those under 18 are driving most of its growth. PicsArt has so far raised $45 million, according to data collected by Crunchbase. It picked up $20 million from a Series B round in 2016 to grow its Asia focus and told TechCrunch that it s actively considering fundraising to fuel [its] rapid growth even more. Most of PicsArt s users live in the United States, but the app owes much of its recent success to China, its fastest growing market with more than 15 million MAUs. The regional growth, which has been 10-30 percent monthover-month recently, appears more remarkable when factoring in PicsArt s zero user acquisition expense in a crowded market where pay-to-play is a norm for emerging startups. Many larger companies [in China] are spending a lot of money on advertising to gain market share. PicsArt has done zero paid marketing in China, noted Tammy Nam, who joined PicsArt as its chief operating officer in July. China is now the company s second largest market by revenue after the U.S. Despite being headquartered in Silicon Valley, PicsArt has placed its research and development center in Armenia, home to founder Hovhannes Avoyan. This gives the startup access to much cheaper engineering talents in the country and neighboring Russia compared to what it can hire in the U.S. To date, 70 percent of the company s 360 employees are working in engineering and product development (50 percent of whom are female), an investment it believes helps keep its creative tools up to date.



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Raffi Bedrosyan Tells The Story Of Hidden Armenians In A New Book: Trauma And Resilience: Armenians In Turkey The Armenian Genocide in 1915 caused the destruction of 1.5 m i l l i o n Armenians lives in historic A r m e n i a . To escape the fate of their compatriots, many Armenians stayed behind, converting to Islam to save themselves. Today, they are known as the Hidden Armenians in Turkey, often unable to speak up or reveal themselves- the living victims of the Genocide. Raffi Bedrosyan, during his numerous visits and activities in Eastern Turkey, has met many hidden Armenians and chronicles their stories and awakening in a new book titled Trauma and Resilience: Armenians in Turkey published by Gomidas Institute in London, England. Here s TorontoHye editor Karin Saghdejian s interview with Bedrosyan: Karin Saghdejian- Can you give us a comprehensive definition of the Hidden Armenians ? Who can be considered a hidden Armenian nowadays? Raffi Bedrosyan- During the 1915 Armenian Genocide thousands of Armenians children were orphaned and taken to Turkish orphanages, Turkish and Kurdish homes where they were forcibly Islamized, Turkified and Kurdified. These orphans, who were the living victims of the Genocide, had to endure difficult living conditions, often ending up in the family of the murderers of their own Armenian parents. But they secretly kept their Armenian identity, and passed on this secret to the next generations, most likely just before they passed away. Almost one hundred years after the Genocide, certain events in Turkey encouraged the present generation of hidden Islamized Armenians to reveal their Armenian identities, and to return to their Armenian roots, language, culture and in some cases, back to Christianity. The book explains some of these recent events, and my role in them, that triggered a new movement among the hidden Armenians to become 'no longer hidden'.

started a series of cultural events, followed by other concerts, art exhibitions and conferences about Armenians. More than 1000 hidden Armenians attended my second concert on April 23, 2015 during Genocide centennial commemorations. Armenian language classes that we organized in Diyarbakr, Dersim and Istanbul were well attended. The trips that I organized to Armenia for groups of hidden Armenians from Diyarbakir, Dersim, Sasun, Urfa, Ayntap, Van and Hamshen regions of Artvin and Hopa created widespread interest among other hidden Armenians. People connected through social media, resulting in even marriages and baptisms. I called all these activities Project Rebirth, establishing a vast network among the hidden Armenians from various regions of Turkey.

roots, or if they are aware, how many of them would decide to come out as Armenian. But recent developments indicate that a large number of them are aware of their Armenian roots and wish to return to their Armenian identity, despite the risks and dangers. There are connections established with these hidden Armenians in almost every region of Turkey, but more concentrated in the east, northeast and southeast of Turkey. K.S.- Through your many trips to Turkey and interactions with Hidden Armenians you have come to know their dilemma up close. That's why you title your book "Trauma and Resilience". Can you give us examples of traumatic experiences they go through in their daily life? Similarly, what acts of resiliency you can mention?

Diyarbakir Armenians baptized at Etchmiadzin in Aug. 2014 during a trip organized by the author (standing second from R) (Photo: Gulisor Akkum/The Armenian Weekly).

K.S.- How many hidden Armenians are there and in what regions are they usually concentrated? R.B.- It is very difficult to estimate the present number of hidden Armenians. But independent studies about the 1915 events indicate that there were about 200,000 Armenians who survived the Genocide by converting to Islam in certain regions, and about 100,000 Armenian orphans who ended up in Turkish/Kurdish homes. The population of Turkey increased sevenfold since then; K.S.- What triggered their awakening? therefore, we can estimate that the R.B.- Along with a bit more liberated descendants of these hidden Armenians conditions in Turkey, certain events helped exceeds 2 million. To this number, we should trigger the courage of the hidden Armenians add even greater number of conversions to to openly say they are Armenian, and return Islam during the 1894-1896 massacres in to their roots. The reconstruction of eastern Turkey, and the significant number of Dikranagerd Surp Giragos Church was one Hamshen Armenians converted to Islam three trigger, giving the hidden Armenians not only centuries ago in northeastern Turkey, who still from Diyarbakir but also from neighbouring speak an Armenian dialect. Even though the number of hidden regions, a secure place to congregate, to share life stories, to support and encourage Armenians or people with Armenian genes one another during monthly breakfast meetings are in the millions, no one can know how and social events. My two piano concerts many of them are aware of their Armenian

R.B.- The two common themes in most stories of the book are trauma and resilience. There is generally widespread hatred, threats and discrimination against Armenians, in Istanbul and even more in the provinces. The word 'Armenian' is used as a swear word among Turks. The trauma is felt by most Armenians because of the danger and fear of losing their family, work or life, combined with anger and outrage against injustices and denials of truth. The trauma is felt even more by hidden Armenians because there is the added threat from their own family members who wish to remain as Islamized Turks and Kurds. Conversion from Islam to Christianity is punishable by death, in fundamentalist Islamic regions. Yet, there are these hidden Armenians willing to take the risk and return to their roots. The resilience of the Armenians in these dangerous circumstances can be explained by their flexibility and survival instincts. For example, there is a story about a hidden Armenian working as a Muslim cleric praying to Allah during the day, but reading

his Bible secretly at night. K.S.- It's a topic of debate that this new type of Armenians should be considered "Armenian" or not. What are your personal thoughts about this as far as it relates to your experiences? R.B.- One of my objectives in writing this book was to raise these questions, even though we may not have the answers yet. Who is an Armenian? What are the requirements to be called an Armenian? Does one have to have Armenian parents? Does one have to speak Armenian? Does one need to be Christian? Or is it sufficient that, once you are aware of your Armenian roots, you 'feel' Armenian and you wish to return to your Armenian roots, no matter what new risks and dangers that brings to you or your family? Secondly, I hope the reader thinks about the following questions: Who has the right or authority to decide whether someone is Armenian or not? Is it the Armenian government? Is it the Church - Etchmiadzin, Antelias or Istanbul Patriarchate? Is it community leaders? I think we should debate these questions, in order to face the new reality that there is a large and potentially critical group of people in the Armenian world, apart from Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora, which is the hidden Armenians, living right in our historical lands. K.S. Is there any risk associated with your research and interactions in Turkey with hidden Armenians? R.B.- The present conditions in Turkey have worsened a lot in the last three years. The limited progress toward democratization, respect for human rights or minority rights is replaced by a dictatorial regime, intolerant toward anyone who does not support the government. There are hundreds of thousands of Turks and Kurds, who are imprisoned. During clashes between the Turkish state and the Kurdish militants, the Surp Giragos Church was taken over by the state and used as a military headquarters, causing damage to the church. Our hidden Armenians have also suffered during this period, but they are resilient and will survive. Interactions among them and with me continue. Following persistent communications by the Surp Giragos Church Foundation leadership, the government finally got convinced to repair the church at their own expense. The restoration work has now begun. It is my hope that once the church restoration is completed, the hidden Armenians will once again start organizing themselves, support one another and continue forming a bridge between Armenians and Turks toward a just and peaceful future.

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Design & Graphics: Ara Ter Haroutunian (


²äðÆÈ 2019 ĸ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 162

²äðÆÈ 2019 ĸ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 162



²äðÆÈ 2019 ĸ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 162

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