TorontoHye #160 February 2019

Page 1

Volume 14, No. 4 (160), FEBRUARY 2019 Toronto Armenian Community Newspaper

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öºîðàô²ð 2019 ĸ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 160

"Honey" Shop

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Ara Graphics



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Ontario Premier Doug Ford Visits St. Mary Church and the Armenian Community Centre On January 11th, Ontario Premier Doug Ford paid a visit to the St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church and the Armenian Community Centre. The purpose of his visit was to congratulate the Armenian Community who just celebrated Christmas over this past weekend. Present also were politicians including MP Bob Saroya, MPP Aris Babikian, and MPP Vincent Ke. Other high ranking politicians as well as community leaders also took part in the visit. After prayers offered by Fr. Keghart Kosbakian of the St. Mary Apostolic Church and Fr. Yeghia Kirejian of the Armenian Catholic Church of Toronto, premier Ford met with representatives of the Armenian Community and Church leaders in the main hall of the church. Following, Premier Ford took a tour of the Armenian Community Centre and then addressed the present crowd at the ACC Harout Manougian Library.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford on January 11th visits the St. Mary Armenian Church and meets with perish council and community leaders.

Mayor John Tory Visits St. Mary Church On Armenian Christmas Day Toronto Mayor John Tory visited the Armenian Community Centre in Toronto on January 6th and partook in Christmas Divine Liturgy at St. Mary s Armenian Apostolic Church. The mayor was greeted by close to a thousand of Toronto-Armenians who were present at the celebrations. He then met with community leaders and members of the Armenian National Committee of Toronto. Toronto Mayor John Tory on January 6th visits St Mary Armenian Church and meets with members of the congregation and the leaders of the Armenian Community Centre.

ANCT Hosts Christmas Dinner In Honor Of Local And Federal Officials

ANCC chairman Shahen Mirakian (L), councilor Jim Karygiannis (R) and Liberal MP Michael Levitt.

Armenian National Committee members with municipal, provincial and federal guests.

ANCT s Harout Matossian handing recognition letter to MPP Billy Pang along with MPPs Aris Babikian, Paul Calandra, Vincent Ke.

ANCT members with municipal guests.

Bob Saroya (R), Levon Hasserjian (L) and Sevag Kupelian.

Also present at the dinner were committees, ARS Day School, as well as close The Armenian National Committee of Cafeteria. Over 20 politicians who over the years representatives from St. Mary Armenian friends of the Armenian National Committee Toronto celebrated Armenian Christmas with their federal, provincial and municipal friends have remained supportive of the Armenian Apostolic Church and from the Armenian of Toronto. Community Centre s organizations and various on January 10th during a dinner at the ACC Community attended the event.


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Elie Wiesel Genocide And Atrocities Prevention Act Signed Into Law President Donald Trump signed the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act, a ground-breaking genocide prevention law, overwhelmingly adopted by the Senate and House, which codifies earlier measures, including those implemented by the Obama Administration, and puts in place a set of clear policies and processes to prevent new atrocities. The ANCA welcomes the President s signature on the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act, and thanks all the legislators who spearheaded and supported this landmark bipartisan genocide prevention measure, said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. As Armenian Americans descendants of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide we are particularly gratified to see a measure signed into law that speaks to transitional justice, criminal accountability, and the moral imperative to apply the lessons of past genocides in seeking to prevent new atrocities. The genocide prevention measure was spearheaded by Senators Ben Cardin (DMD), Todd Young (R-IN), and Thom Tillis (R-

NC) in the Senate and by Representatives Ann Wagner (R-MO) and Joe Crowley (DNY) in the House during the previous Congress and received broad bipartisan support. It enjoyed broad-based support from genocide and atrocities prevention organizations with the Friends Committee on National Legislation at the forefront along with over 70 grassroots groups, including the ANCA and In Defense of Christians. The law states that U.S. must regard the prevention of genocide and other atrocity crimes as a core national security interest and moral responsibility. To that end, it calls for the creation of a task force to strengthen State Department efforts and assist other agency efforts at atrocity prevention and response. The law also calls for the training of Foreign Service Officers on recognizing patterns of escalation and early warning signs of potential atrocities, and methods of preventing and responding to atrocities, including conflict assessment methods, peacebuilding, mediation for prevention, early action and response, and appropriate transitional justice measures to address atrocities.

Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel addressing the United Nations General Assembly in New York, January 24, 2005. (AFP/DON EMMERT)

As part of the new provision, the President is required to transmit a report to Senate and House Committees on Foreign Affairs and Appropriations, offering a review of countries and regions at risk of atrocity crimes, the most likely pathways to violence, specific risk factors, potential perpetrators, and at-risk target groups.

ANCA Empowers Record Number of Graduates Starting Policy, Political and Media Careers in Washington

The law also calls on the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to support programs and activities to prevent or respond to emerging or unforeseen foreign challenges and complex crises overseas, including potential atrocity crimes.

Getty Research Institute Digitizes Photos Documenting Armenian Genocide

Hovig Apo Saghdejian Gateway Program Welcomes Largest-Ever Class of Fellows WASHINGTON, DC A record class of eleven graduates from top universities across the United States, Australia, Canada, and Armenia have arrived in Washington, DC as the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) kicks off its Winter 2019 session of the Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Program (CGP). This is the largest class of fellows in the program s 16-year history. These highly educated, ambitious and articulate young professionals, with backgrounds in fields ranging from political science and international relations to economics and environmental studies, are now part of the robust community of Armenian Americans in the public policy, political, government, communications, and international development worlds of the nation s capital. We are impressed by the incredible talent of our largest ever class of Fellows and eager to help these goal-oriented graduates start their careers in our nation s capital, remarked ANCA CGP Director Tereza Yerimyan. We are looking forward to our expanded seminar series led by program alumni and to the full array of career services offered by our staff and the many DC-area professionals who volunteer their time to help the next generation. Yerimyan kicked off the Winter 2019 CGP session with a day long orientation briefing capped by an alumni mixer event led by the CGP Advisory Committee (CGPAC). Current fellows participated in a speed networking environment, meeting with over 20 program alumni who are now working on Capitol Hill, at think tanks, and in consulting and development companies throughout Washington, DC. Yerimyan and the CGPAC have been providing targeted guidance to the fellows through intensive seminars on resume development, cover letter writing, interviewing and networking skills. The fellows have already been applying lessons learned as they begin

A sample of Armenian genocide related picture digitalized by Getty Institute.

ANCA Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Program Director Tereza Yerimyan (C) with Winter 2019 Fellows (from L to R): Karoun Tcholakian, Alex Avaneszadeh, Allen Sarkissian, Armine Sargsyan, Ani Karapetyan, Natalie Manukian, Mane Voskanyan, Mikael Matossian, Bianca Bernardi, Alex Galitsky, and Marc Papazian.

their job search process. The CGPAC will also be launching a career development series, open to program alumni and DC based Armenian American professionals, sharing the expertise of international development, government, and consulting sector leaders on career expansion opportunities. Winter 2019 Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Program fellows are Alex Avaneszadeh, Bianca Bernardi, Alexander Galitsky, Ani Karapetyan, Natalie Manukian, Mikael Matossian, Marc Papazian, Armine Sargsyan, Allen Sarkissian, Karoun Tcholakian and Mane Voskanyan. Launched in 2003, the ANCA Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Program (CGP) helps secure permanent employment and professional internships in Washington, DC for young Armenian American professionals and students. Through the years, the ANCA has developed many relationships in and around Capitol Hill and identified a wide range of opportunities in the Washington, DC area. The CGP utilizes these resources and contacts to help candidates identify and secure jobs that fit their interests and needs. The Program is named after Hovig Apo

Saghdejian, a beloved young community leader who lost his life in a tragic car accident and whose eternal memory continues to inspire new generations of Armenian Americans. His family generously established the Hovig Apo Saghdejian Memorial Fund in his memory and, over the past decade, has played a vital role in the expansion of the program. Substantial support has also been provided by the Kirk Kerkorian s Lincy Foundation, Gerry Cafesjian, Julian and Annette Setian, the Norman K. Miller Charitable Fund, Frank and Barbara Hekimian, and the Armenian American Veterans Post of Milford, Massachusetts. Program fellows and interns stay at the ANCA s Aramian House, made possible through a generous donation by the family of the late community leader and philanthropist Martha Aramian of Providence, R.I. The Aramian family led by sisters Sue, the late Margo, and the late Martha have long been among the most generous benefactors of ANCA programs as well as of charitable projects in the Armenian homeland and the diaspora.

(Getty Iris)- The Getty Research Institute has digitized over 6,000 of Ottoman-era photographs from French collector Pierre de Gigord s collection, making them available to study and download for free From albumen prints to lantern slides, glass negatives and albums, the collection documents landmark architecture, urban and natural landscapes, archaeological sites of millennia-old civilizations, and the bustling life of the diverse people who lived over 100 years ago in the last decades of the waning Ottoman Empire. The digitization project focused on photographs from the nineteenth century until World War I. In the album Turkei = Kleinasien 1917 1918 (Turkey = Asia Minor), a German military officer, yet to be identified, dedicated his photographs to a faraway beloved Pauline. This album documents in great contrast to his romantic dedication the presence of the German army in Turkey during the Armenian genocide. Photographs of cities, markets, and sites of destruction are recorded along with encounters with government functionaries such as the minister of war, Enver Pasha, the highest-ranking perpetrator of the Armenian genocide. The Gigord digitized images, with their records of people, architecture, urban spaces, and landscapes of a bustling world a century ago, make a noteworthy comparison with the work of the late Armenian photographer Ara Guler (1928 2018). His photographs and family history document the aftermath of World War II. Guler, who lost his grandparents to the Armenian genocide, worked for the photo agency Magnum and built an archive of 900,000 photographs.


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Globe Spots Names Artsakh As One of The Top Destinations For 2019

Peeling The Onion By: Talyn Terzian-Gilmour I wish I had a mental camera , like Jim and Pam on The Office (one of my all time favourite shows and an absolute masterpiece in ensemble writing) so I could take a snapshot of those moments which I know I ll want to recall for all time. This is particularly true for me since I unexpectedly lost my beloved aunt Susan. My Shoushig Horkour was a pure, beautiful soul. While she was tall, and with a commanding stature, she was very kind and generous just like my father. Only, unlike him, she was also extremely in touch with her emotions. To know her, or to be in her presence, meant that you were going to be exposed to an absolute range: from her boisterous belly laughs, to her stern berates of her beloved parakeet, Sammy, to her Niagara Falls worthy tears borne from joy, sadness or whatever typically because she would once again, be leaving us, her brothers and her nieces, to go back home. As a child, she fascinated me. Her downto-earth and extremely sweet nature was in stark contrast to my mother s cosmopolitan elegance. And she stuttered which made her even more endearing. I understood from my father that this very slight stutter of hers came about while she was just a young girl, and as a result of the inconsequential actions of a spider who found a soft landing in her lap. She was startled into a stutter. I shudder to think what that spider may have looked like though knowing my aunt, and her big, huge heart, she probably gave it way too much importance to the detriment of herself. Interestingly, the almost 9 year old and her must be cosmically connected given his almost total, irrational fear of spiders also! Only in his case, his big heart is buried much, much deeper! Some of us, like my aunt Shoushig, wear our emotions on our exterior, like clothes we leave nothing to your imagination. As much as I want to maintain a cool, elegant and dignified exterior like my mother and sister, I m afraid I will forever be that open book : what you see is what you most definitely get. Perhaps that s why I have such a fascination with poker players and international spies Mr. Niceguy, in a way, is my complete opposite. I guess we inevitably end up balancing ourselves out perhaps for the good of our species or to ensure the survival of the human race??? Who knows Mr. Niceguy is more like a sweet Maui onion (Aloha!), that you have to, sometimes painstakingly, peel away, layer upon layer, and fight through the tears stinging your eyes, just to get to the centre where true emotions live. It seems that as the mother of two boys, I am completely surrounded by Maui onions and as they get older, they develop even more layers and I know my eyes will water and tear ever more as I try to get to the bottom of things. Yet, I believe the universe, or God, has mercy on me. I can say this because every now and then, that onion peels without any effort. And it s absolutely glorious to watch: like a symphony of fireworks (not just those cheap, convenient store, backyard roman candles). Like when we go through the Tim Horton s drive thru and Mr. Niceguy s stuck ordering for our family, notorious for changing our order at least 45 times, and the sheer

embarrassment of having to apologize for inconveniencing the drive thru operator again and again sets him on fire, just like a firework, and we see a true expression of emotion! More often then not, though, I m peeling, and crying. Take my mom-friends who tell me that their children give them a full recap of their day complete with their feelings. Oh the envy! They re connecting and truly relating: Hi mom! You know we did a lot of work today and I made this drawing of our house look that s you and me shoveling the snow! I have math homework pages 24 to 26 for tomorrow, and Alex said that I m a fart face so I told the teacher instead of calling him names, just like you said, and my friends and I are working on a new comic book. Utopic. For me, the reality of living with my sweet maui onions goes a little more like this: Me: Hey boys! How d it go today? Boys: ***GRUNT*** Me: Anything interesting happen? Who d you have lunch with today? That boy Johnny seemed nice. What about him? Or Michael? Boys: Hmmmpppphhhh. *Big shoulder shrug* Me: Are you going to tell me anything? How am I supposed to know if you re ok? Arrgg!! Well, do you have any homework? Boys: I dunno why d you make us go to school today?! It was so cold and snowy and so many kids got to stay at home. Me: What?! Why on earth would you skip school? I pay good money to get you an education! You know, I walked, WALKED to the subway every day to go to work, even when I was pregnant with you two, in the cold and the sleet to earn the money to pay for these schools. And now I m even helping them to raise money to make sure that you get the best teachers and best opportunities! Now WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR HOMEWORK? Boys: Hrrrmmmpph. I can t remember. Me: Seriously??! You CAN T remember?? How do you NOT know? Were you NOT there for the past 7 hours!? I wasn t there! I don t know what s going on! You guys are practically teenagers!! You have to tell me these things! How will we stay connected??? What s going to happen to your futures especially if you don t keep track of your responsibilities??? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO???? Text the other moms to find out what you have for homework?!!! Boys: Ya. Could you? Oh, and can I have a playdate with Maybe I m much more like my aunt than I thought open, emotional though perhaps with the added sting of onion myself. A nice mix. After all, Mr. Niceguy s grandfather said it best, If it doesn t taste right, add another onion Keep relating, keep at it, and keep making those connections they may be gone before you know it. Also I mentioned above that I m helping to raise money for my boy s school: ARS Armenian Private School. This year is the school s 40th anniversary. For 40 years this school has related the centuries-old Armenian history, language, music and culture to our children all while preparing them for their futures here, in Canada. Please show your support. Go to and click DONATE. Thank you!

Vank village in Artsakh

Globe Spots portal released the ranking of top 10 countries to travel to in 2019. For our 11th Top 10, we captured what s hot on the travel scene. But, being true to our tradition of directing attention to places that deserve more recognition, we spiced up the list with a few places that recently relaxed their visa requirements for tourists. Ignore them no more, they are easier than ever to get to. You won t be disappointed says the report posted on Artsakh is sixth in the ranking, according to the report.. With more countries relaxing their visa requirements, the number of countries and regions that are cut off from the rest of the world is becoming smaller. That is definitely not a bad thing, but from a traveller s perspective, it s always exciting to visit a new

place that is totally different from anything else. Republic of Artsakh is one of those pockets. Known by few and recognised by even fewer, it recently changed its name from Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to Republic of Artsakh. The republic lies within Azerbaijan, but has always been mostly populated by Armenians. During the Soviet times, Artsakh was given to Azerbaijan, which resulted in an armed conflict when the USSR dissolved. Though the fighting stopped in 1994, the latest clash was in 2016. Note that it s only possible to visit Artsakh from Armenia and you will be denied entry to Azerbaijan later on, if they find any proof of a visit to Artsakh|, says the report. Top 10 for 2019 includes Sao Tome and Principe, Belarus, Sweeden, Bhutan, Angola, Artsakh, Mauritius, Taiwan, Far East Russia and Dominican Republic.

Forbes: Armenia Among The Best Budget Travel Destinations For 2019

Datev Monastery

News ,- An articles in Forbes named Armenia among the best budget travel destinations for 2019. Set in the Caucasus Mountains, Armenia is a hidden gem that s still untouched by mass tourism, and yet has so much to offer: rich history, wineries, impressive landscapes, ancient monasteries and breathtaking mountains as far as your eyes can see. The capital, Yerevan, is a lively city with wide avenues, delicious restaurants, museums and street markets selling local handicrafts, says the article by Alexandra Talty.

Because of my Armenian heritage, I grew up on delicious Armenian food. Some of my favorite local dishes include dolma, khorovats or barbequed meat, and local cheeses with lavash bread. For wine lovers, Armenia is the perfect place to try wines made from different fruits such as pomegranate (Armenia s national symbol), blackberries and cherries. Outside of the capital is picturesque nature. You can pay a visit to the oldest winery in the world in Areni, stop by stunning monasteries, or check out the oldest cathedral in the world in Etchmiadzin.



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Pashinyan Meets With Apple CEO Tim Cook, Other Business Leaders DAVOS, Switzerland Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan who is in Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum met on January 22 with Apple CEO Tim Cook. The news of the meeting with Cook was reported by Pashinyan s chief advisor Arsen Gasparyan who reported about it on his Facebook page, exclaiming, What a great start at the World Economic Forum in Davos, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting . Pashinyan also met with leaders of Mitsubishi, the Japan International Cooperation Agency and eBay on the sidelines of the Davos summit. While meeting with Mitsubishi board member Christina Ahmadjian, Pashinyan said that the Armenian government wanted to turn the political revolution in the country into an economic one, adding that real changes were expected in Armenia to achieve that goal.

Pashinyan discusses prospects for investment in Armenia with Mitsubishi board member Christina Ahmadjian Pashinyan stressed that Armenia has a huge potential for technological development and added that a cooperation with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries could be promising in this regard. Ahmadjian emphasized the importance of the processes taking place in Armenia in terms of attracting new programs and expressed willingness to help the Armenian government to establish ties with different Japanese companies. She is going to visit Armenia in the near future to discuss further cooperation. Pashinyan discussed expanding bilateral cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency during his meeting with the agency s president Shinichi Kitaoka, who briefed the Armenian leader on the

ongoing activities in Armenia. Pashinyan met with Japan International Cooperation Agency president Shinichi Kitaoka Kitaoka said that all JICA programs will continue and announced that the agency will be sending a group of experts to Armenia to assess and discuss prospects for further cooperation. At a meeting with eBay VicePresident Cathy Foster, Pashinyan referred to the company s ecommerce services, noting that they comply with the ongoing technological transformation. Foster expressed willingness to visit Armenia to discuss the perspectives of future investment programs. The Prime Minister added that eBay s services are of great demand in Armenia and emphasized the need to expand the scope of its activity in At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Prime Minister Nikol the country. Pashinyan meets with Apple CEO Tim Cook, January 22, 2019.

Innovation and Technology Park to Be Constructed in Yerevan

Armenian, German Business Associations To Cooperate In The IT Sphere

Angela Merkel at the TUMO Centre, August 24, Yerevan.

Armenpress .-Yerevan will become home to the first Innovation and Technology Park in the region to be constructed in Armenia. It will become the future workplace for more than 6000 leading professionals which will lead the integration of IT and innovation into all the major industries in the country, including engineering, finance, banking, healthcare, insurance, agriculture, mining, media, and telecommunication. The Innovation and Technology Park will differ from other parks with its type and scale. Currently, there are many different small and medium IT and engineering parks in the world. The Innovation and Technology Park which is being built in Yerevan will be the first multiindustry park among CIS and Eastern Europe countries in terms of represented industries and geography of companies originating from.

The philosophy of the Innovation and Technology Park is the creation of an ecosystem of innovation . This will be possible through the involvement of educational, research and development institutions along with startupers, venture funds, incubation and acceleration programmers. The Park claims to become the environment, where IT meets major industries and defines innovative products and services of future generation putting Armenia and Armenian innovative products into a global innovation map. The initiative of the project comes from the Galaxy group of companies together with Armenian IT community. The project planning phases lasted for more than 2 years, and the details of this large-scale project will be released soon.

Armenian startup Renderforest among Top 100 Software Products Armenian startup Renderforest has been named a top-ten company in G2 Crowd s Top 100 Software Products. Renderforest was placed higher than Facebook, while Google took the top spot. This is no subjective list by a few people giving their opinions, G2 Crowd CEO Godard Abel explains. With the highest traffic and engagement, largest selection of products and services, and highest quality data, G2 Crowd is able to harness more than 4 million data

points to determine which products and companies are doing the best job of helping businesses reach their potential. G2 Crowd s Best Software Awards provide the definitive ranking of the best software companies and products worldwide, based on user reviews. This list was compiled using data collected from over 270,000 authentic customer reviews written between January 1st and December 31st, 2018.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who is paying official visit to Germany, met on February 1 with the representatives of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations and leading German companies. The Managing Director of German Committee Michael Harms welcomed the PM, noting the agenda with Armenia is quite ambitious In April an economic delegation will pay visit to Armenia. We are set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding today which relates to one of Armenia s priorities the IT sphere, Harms said. The German official noted Armenia serves as an economic hub in terms of being integrated both to the European Union and the EAEU. That increases the economic attractiveness of the country, he added. Pashinyan, in turn, highlighted the

importance of the meeting with the representatives of the German economic community, outlining Armenia s economic agenda. Economy is the key part of our agenda as the political changes have created opportunities for economic changes. We want to introduce serious changes into the economic structure of Armenia, increase the standards in the mining sector and turn high tech into the locomotive of the economy, he said. The meeting was concluded with a signing of MoU between the managing Director of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations Michael Harms and President of the Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE) Alexandr Yesayan. The document sets out the scope of cooperation in the IT sphere between Armenian and German business associations.

DataArt Eager To Establish A Center In Armenia Minister of Transport, Communication and IT Hakob Arshakyan on January 22 met DataArt Board members Julia Zavileyskaya and Mikhail Zavileysky who expressed a wish to establish one of their centers in Armenia. Zavileyskaya and Zavileysky unveiled the company s activity to Arshakyan, revealing that they are also eager to support the development of IT startup ecosystems in the country, integrate into the Armenian high-tech industry and share their knowledge and

experience. Arshakyan said, in turn, that there is no shortage of innovation in Armenia. According to him, in the event of creating the appropriate environment and conditions, rapid growth will be inevitable. DataArt is an international network of companies that design, develop, modernize and support IT solutions. More than 2,600 specialists work in 20 DataArt locations in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America.


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Council of Europe Commissioner Report on Armenia: Women Significantly Underrepresented in Public Decision-Making Hetq - The report focuses on women s rights, gender equality and domestic violence; the human rights of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups; and accountability for past human rights violations. A press release summarizing Mijatovi s findings notes that: Finding that women in Armenia remain significantly underrepresented in public decision-making, the Commissioner urges the authorities to ensure women s full and effective participation, as well as equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of public life, equal pay and equal access to the labour market. In order to counter the persisting discriminatory gender stereotypes, Commissioner Mijatovi recommends raising public awareness and promoting gender equality, especially through education. The report also focuses on the human rights of persons with disabilities, children, older persons and LGBTI people. While welcoming the authorities clear commitment towards de-institutionalisation of persons with disabilities, the Commissioner recommends that revised legislation governing state support to persons with disabilities ensure their inclusion in all decision-making processes that concern them. In particular, she calls on the authorities to put an end to plenary

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic, published the report of her visit to Armenia carried out in September 2018.

guardianship for persons with psycho-social disabilities and to move from a substituted to a supported decision-making model for all persons who may require such support. The Commissioner encourages the government to achieve its aim to make all education fully inclusive by 2025. Commissioner Mijatovi recommends that Armenia strengthen its efforts to combat

child poverty and to guarantee the right of all children to an adequate standard of living. She is particularly concerned by the placement in state care of children whose parents face socio-economic difficulties. Mijatovi also addresses the inadequate level of social protection of older persons in Armenia and recommends raising the overall level of old age pensions, increasing the

availability of primary and specialised health care at the home or in the community, and tackling the shortage of medical professionals specialised in geriatric services. The Commissioner further recommends that the authorities promptly adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law which should specifically include a clear reference to sexual orientation and gender identity. In her report, the Commissioner also refers to measures underway to finally establish the truth and prosecute those responsible for the deaths that occurred during the violent events of March 2008. In this regard, she stresses the importance of ensuring that this process is conducted in a careful manner and in strict adherence to the principles of rule of law, judicial independence, transparency and guarantees of fair trial, in order to dispel any accusations of alleged revenge politics or selective justice. She also calls on the Armenian authorities to protect the presumption of innocence of any person charged with criminal misconduct and to avoid using polarising, stigmatising or inflammatory language in their public discourse, which the Commissioner believes to be an obstacle to building a cohesive society and healing past divisions.

Armenian Government Vows National Health Insurance (RFE/RL)- The Armenian government plans to start introducing in 2021 a system of national health insurance that should cover the country s entire population, Health Minister Arsen Torosian said recently. Torosian indicated that an additional income tax will be introduced for that purpose. In developed countries, the average income tax rate for medical insurance is 20 percent, he told a news conference. These are the wealthiest, most industrialized countries. There are countries, for example in Eastern Europe, where it is set at 2-3 percent. We suppose that we will start with approximately the same rates, he said. Public access to healthcare in Armenia declined significantly following the collapse of the Soviet Union as cash-strapped governments allowed hospitals to legally charge their patients. Most Armenian hospitals were privatized in the 1990s. Currently only state-run policlinics are required to provide medical services to the

population free of charge. Healthcare, including surgeries, is also supposedly free for children aged 7 and younger. Their parents often have to make hefty informal payments to doctors, however. Also, for the past several years the state has partly covered healthcare expenses of civil servants, schoolteachers and other public sector employees. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian s My Step alliance promised to ensure accessible and high-quality healthcare in the country during the recent parliamentary election campaign. Its election manifesto said that a compulsory national insurance system will be put in place for that purpose. Torosian, who is a senior member of My Step, announced that Pashinian s government has started fully covering the cost of cancer surgeries performed at local hospitals. It will also finance expensive radiation therapy for around 200 cancer patients this year, he said. In addition, the minister went on, the government will provide underage Armenians

A newly built hospital in Vanadzor, November 10, 2018.

suffering from cancer with 15 types of cancer drugs for free. The Armenian state budget for 2019 commits the government to spending 90 billion

drams ($186 million) on healthcare. It envisages pay rises for 14,000 or so doctors and other medical personnel working in the state-run policlinics.

EU, World Bank Pledge More Funds For Armenian Road Upgrades (RFE/RL)- The European Union and the World Bank have allocated over 730 million euros ($832 million) for investments in Armenia s transport infrastructure that will be made by 2030, a senior EU official confirmed. The loans and grants are part of the TransEuropean Transport Network (TEN-T) Investment Action Plan announced by them last week. It is designed to boost connectivity and economic growth in six former Soviet republics included in the EU s Eastern Partnership program. Together, the projects will require an estimated investment of almost 13 billion and foresee a total of 4,800 kilometers of road and rail, 6 ports, and 11 logistics centers, the World Bank and the EU said in a joint statement. Those projects will make possible the construction and rehabilitation of new and existing roads, rail, ports, airports as well as logistical centers and border crossing points, they said. Armenia will be eligible for 732 million euros worth of such funding, added the

statement. This huge program of connectivity will bring Armenia and the European Union closer together, Piotr Switalski, the head of the EU Delegation in Yerevan, told RFE/RL s Armenian service. Some of the projects are already being implemented in Armenia, he said. Switalski pointed to the ongoing reconstruction of two Armenian highways running from Yerevan to the Georgian border. The EU has contributed over 90 million euros in loans and 15 million euros in grants to the effort, he said. The diplomat also mentioned the 54 million-euro modernization of Armenia s three border checkpoints with Georgia which was carried out from 2013-2017.The EU provided the bulk of the sum in the form of a grant and a loan. According to the joint statement by the Workers renovate a tunnel on a highway in the Lori province, 14Jul2018 World Bank and the EU, road projects allocated much greater sums for similar outline, is the reflection of the expectations of launched in Armenia as part of TEN-T are projects in Georgia and Azerbaijan: 3.4 billion the Armenian side, Switalski said when asked worth more than 200 million euros. euros and 2.8 billion euros respectively. to explain the difference. What we have as a result, this initial The bank and the 28-nation bloc have


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Peace? Not So Fast, Many Armenians And Azerbaijanis Say News about potential progress in peace negotiations was greeted largely negatively among Armenians and Azerbaijanis. By: Joshua Kucera News that Armenia and Azerbaijan had made a small step toward peace was welcomed by observers as a rare sign of hope in the conflict between the two countries. But many leading voices in the region reacted negatively to the news, vividly illustrating the hardened attitudes toward the sorts of compromises that would be necessary to achieve a real peace deal. After the foreign ministers of the two countries met in Paris on January 16, they issued a statement saying that they agreed upon the necessity of taking concrete measures to prepare the populations for peace. Many welcomed the gesture, the most positive formulation by the two sides in years after a long period of stagnation in peace talks. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres hailed the statement, and particularly welcomed the Ministers agreement on the need to take concrete measures to prepare the populations for peace. But the prospect of a vague peace appeared threatening to many Armenians who feared that it would require territorial concessions that are unacceptable to them. And many Azerbaijanis, for their part, saw it as a naïve capitulation to Armenians who would only use the illusion of diplomatic progress to continue to prolong their occupation of Azerbaijani lands. In both Armenia and Azerbaijan, the governments did little to immediately explain the statement to their skeptical citizens, and their respective foreign policy leadership remained mostly silent. (Neither the Armenian nor Azerbaijani foreign ministry press offices responded to questions from Eurasianet by

the time this piece was posted; it will be updated as they do.) In the absence of public support for the ministers statement, the reactions to it were largely negative. Artak Beglaryan, the human rights ombudsman for the de facto government in Nagorno Karabakh, greeted the Paris announcement with a skeptical tweet, asking what steps Azerbaijan planned to take to prepare for peace. (The Armenia-backed Karabakh authorities are not part of the negotiations, though Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has vowed to bring them in to the process.) "The Azerbaijani side's optimism is understandable, but the Armenian side's optimism is incomprehensible to me, said Vardges Baghryan, a member of NagornoKarabakh s de facto parliament, in an interview with the Armenian newspaper Tert. "If Azerbaijan is satisfied with the situation, it is clear to me where the wind is going. I do not see anything good for us." Armen Ashotyan, a senior member of the formerly ruling Republican Party of Armenia, wrote a Facebook post calling the statement incomprehensibly optimistic and demanded that the government explain it in greater detail. The official reactions to the news in Azerbaijan were more muted and more mixed. The newly appointed head of Azerbaijan s association for people displaced from NagornoKarabakh, Tural Ganjaliyev, welcomed the ministers statement. The Azerbaijani community of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan hopes for a speedy peaceful settlement of the conflict and ensuring co-existence with the Armenian community," he said in a press release. The website Haqqin, connected to Azerbaijan s security services, ran an interview with a Russian analyst on the announcement that expressed skepticism about any potential deal. Azerbaijan can hardly expect any positive changes in the peace process, much

The foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, along with international mediators, meet in Paris on January 16.

less the return of lands, said the analyst, Grigoriy Trofimchuk. But another pro-government website, Trend, ran an article with a series of foreign analysts who expressed optimism over the announcement. In an interview published January 18, Azerbaijan s chief of general staff, Necmetdin Sadikov, expressed skepticism over negotiations. The president [of Azerbaijan] has given the new prime minister of Armenia the chance to think and to peacefully free the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, Sadikov said in the interview, which didn t directly refer to the foreign ministers announcement but which was interpreted in Baku as a reaction nevertheless. The Azerbaijani military, Sadikov added, is ready to fulfill any command at the highest level of professionalism and to free the occupied territories. In Armenia, they should not think that they will be able to maintain the status quo in negotiations. On both sides, the lack of explanation of what sort of peace people should be prepared for led to speculations that tended toward the worst-case scenario for the respective sides.

LAND FOR PAPER: Madrid Principles ask Armenians to trade land for paper, tweeted the Armenian National Committee of America, an Armenian-American lobbying group, referring to the current framework for the negotiations, agreed by the two sides in Madrid in 2007. For 25 years, we have been reading the same statements and explanations, while the occupation continues. If everything is as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims, and discussions are going in a useful and positive direction, then why is nothing happening? wrote Azerbaijani foreign policy commentator Elkhan Shahinoglu. The announcements are quite promising at first glance, that people should be prepared for peace, said Azerbaijani foreign policy analyst Rauf Mikradirov, in an interview with RFE/RL. That is, at first glance it supposes that there should be some sort of contours of peace, so that the people will have something to be ready for. If there are no contours of a peace agreement, then people have nothing to be prepared for.

companies in Malta was exposed by the Paradise Papers and published in newspapers around the world. As I had reported in my article, the Yildirim family owned the following shipping and other foreign assets worth $140 million: 18 ships (Dutch conglomerates, fully or partly owned) 1 ship (Netherlands Antilles company) 4 Malta companies 7 properties in the Netherlands 8 ships in the Netherlands 3 ships in Malta Strangely, Pelin Unker was the only journalist punished for exposing the Yildirim assets. Unker said she will appeal the unfair sentence as Yildirim acknowledged in court that he owned the companies in an offshore tax haven. The former Prime Minister and his sons filed a lawsuit in November 2017, accusing Unker of insulting and slandering

a public official. Gerard Ryle, Director of the International Consortium of Independent Journalists, condemned Unker s punishment as yet another disgraceful attack on free speech in Turkey. Ryle added: the sentence ignored the truth of the Paradise Papers investigation and it would have a chilling effect on what little remained of press freedom in Turkey. This unjust ruling is about silencing fair and accurate reporting. Nothing more. ICIJ commends Pelin Unker s brave and truthful investigative reporting and it condemns this latest assault on journalistic freedom under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan s autocratic rule. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) ranked Turkey 157th of 180 countries on the 2018 World Free Press Index. RSF described Turkey as the world s biggest prison for professional journalists!

Turkey Ranks Among Top 10 Countries With Probability of Committing Genocide By Harut Sassounian According to the Early Warning Project of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Turkey is ranked 8th among countries with the highest risk of committing mass killings. Azerbaijan is wrongly ranked much lower at 87th, and Armenia is correctly ranked even lower at 102nd. Turkey is assessed as having 11.2 percent or a one in nine chance of new mass killings during 2019. The Early Warning Project stated that genocides are never spontaneous. They are always preceded by a range of early warning signs. If these signs are detected, their causes can be addressed, preventing the potential for catastrophic progression. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum s founding charter, written by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, states that only a conscious, concerted attempt to learn from past errors can prevent recurrence to any racial, religious, ethnic or national group. A memorial unresponsive to the future would also violate the memory of the past. Turkey s high risk of committing genocide once again is based on its past and present actions. The Turkish government has not only committed genocide against Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks a century ago, but continues to commit mass killings against its minority Kurdish population. Even more concerning is the fact that Turkish leaders deny their history of mass murders and shamefully remain unapologetic, which leads to the commission of new crimes against humanity! Turkey s genocidal risk assessment is understated as the study only includes mass

killings within a country, excluding the victims of interstate conflict. As Turkey has been involved in large-scale military attacks against Kurds in Syria and Iraq and threatens to expand its military actions in Northern Syria, the risk of its commitment of mass crimes is much higher than the study indicates. The Early Warning Project explains that the failed coup attempt in 2016 increased the chances of mass killings in Turkey. Over 100,000 military and civilian personnel were dismissed and tens of thousands were imprisoned, many without a trial. Other [Turkish genocide] risk factors include a lack of freedom of movement, the country s anocratic regime type [a mix of autocratic and democratic characteristics], a large population, a history of mass killings, and the ongoing armed conflict between the government and Kurdish rebels. Turkish Journalist Jailed for Telling the Truth An Istanbul court sentenced Turkish journalist Pelin Unker to imprisonment for 13 months and 15 days after being accused of defaming her nation s former Prime Minister and two of his sons. She was also fined $1,615 on January 8, 2018. Unker had written an article in the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, exposing that former Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and his two sons owned five shipping companies in Malta. After serving as Prime Minister for two years, Yildirim became Speaker of Turkey s Parliament. He is currently a mayoral candidate in Istanbul on behalf of Pres. Erdogan s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). The Yildirim family s ownership of


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Varak s Crescent Sometimes People Miss Their Wives After A Divorce (Part II) Written By : Aram Haigaz Translated By: Varak Babian As our conversation takes place, the usher, who has finally gotten wind of the impromptu dialogue taking place between the theatre s patrons, quickly makes his way towards us . Stern questioning commences. What s going on here? Instead of answering his question, I utter You finally decided to join us, ayy? He lets out another question. You couldn t find any other place to air your spousal grievances? Come again? What do you mean spousal? Thank the heavens that she s not my wife. I immediately regret my heavyhanded statement. This lady and I share no such connection. She was a stranger before I met her in the lineup to purchase tickets for this film. She s accusing me of stealing her twenty dollars. Ahh I let out my own Ahh, surprised at his reaction. Listen, either both of you shut up and remain in your seats, or follow me to the office. While making direct eye contact with the lady who has hurled accusations my way, I answer That s exactly what I suggested. All of us should follow you to your office. On the walk out of the hall, the two children start sobbing. Surely being scared of the unknown. I feel bad for them. Leaving the theatre, we are guided towards a door located on the right side of the lobby. Behind the impressive, heavy mahogany table, thick cigar in mouth, lost in a dense cloud of smoke, waits an obnoxiously overweight man with tired eyelids. The usher eloquently relays the reason for us being there. The man behind the desk intently examines the newcomers that are presently taking up space in his office. After an assertive point in my direction, the man behind the desk offers the opinion that: This man doesn t really look like a thief. I bow slightly at his direction. I thank you for your honorary opinion. I don t care if he looks like one or doesn t, he stole my twenty dollars. The woman is now in tears. Here? In my theatre? I don t know where! Probably outside by the cashier, when we were waiting in line for tickets. I ask the fat man if I can voice a question. Go for it. Examine me, search me top to bottom. I raise my arms up to the skies. Are you crazy? I don t have that right. I ll end up getting in trouble that I don t need. I give you permission. The fat man doesn t respond to my request. He turns to the lady and asks if she would like for him to call the police. Foreshadowing his offer, he places his fingers on the phone. Ready to pick up and dial as soon as given the green light. I don t know, I don t know. I don t know anything! I don t know anything! What am I supposed to say?!? . Tears stream down the woman s face. C mon now, don t cry. Just know that without proof, you ve laid a heavy accusation on this fellow. Who if I understand correctly, was just trying to help you and your kids out? I just don t have the right to search him. I can get in serious trouble. You won t, I give you the right! He ignores me. I don t know, I just don t know. What I do know is that a whole weeks worth of my living

expenses is gone. Gone right in front of this theatre. It s gone, it s gone! And now I don t know how am I supposed to feed my children? Do you have anybody who could help? No I don t I don t have anybody I ve been separated from my husband for fifteen years now. It was the courts decision that all he is required to give us is twenty dollars a week. He s not a wealthy man by any means. He s often unemployed. He has minimal income to work with. The man turns to the crying woman. How many years have you been separated from your husband did you say? Fifteen years. But your youngest daughter is barely what eight? nine? Yes, she s 8.Well, because sometimes my husband comes spends time with me because he misses me so much. I m forced to bite down on my lip to restrict a chuckle escaping. The fat man preps another question for the crying woman. When you left your house today to come here, how much money did you have on you? Twenty three dollars and some loose change, from which I used three dollars to buy our tickets. I also bought a pack of chewing gum for the kids. And how much money do you have in your possession now? Apart from some loose change, nothing. Will you allow me to check your purse? Of course. She removes her plastic purse from the snug spot under her arm. The man takes the purse and dumps its belongings on the sprawled out newspaper on his desk. Well , he says, Let s see what we ve got here. On the table now rests a silver hoop with three keys, gum, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, matches, a gold coloured container of rice powder, a mirror, a mascara stick, lipstick, a comb, tweezers, three buttons, an address book, a pencil, a handkerchief, stamps, an empty perfume bottle, shoelaces, eyeglasses, worn out postcards, a bottle of vitamins. In other words, enough items to start a variety shop. The man examines the items, and I imagine him letting out an internal snicker. He collects the purse from the far side of the table, and slowly lowers his vantage point inside it.

Aram Haigaz

The inquiry doesn t last long. From the depths of the stained, dirty purse, he pulls out a creased green piece of paper. He flattens the paper in front of the woman s bewildered eyes and asks. Is this your misplaced money? I can t believe it- Yes! Yes it is! When I was inside in the dark and checking my purse to find the money, because you know, that money was for a full week s worth of groceries, it must have fallen inside the lining. How could I have not noticed it? And I blamed this gentleman, who now I ask for forgiveness in front of all of you. I m...I m ashamed and I beg for all of your forgiveness. Especially this gentleman She points her trembling finger in my direction. How could I be so dense, so stupid. You have a right to hate me, to curse me, to file charges against me. Dear God how could I be so stupid, so irrational. I swear on my children that it wasn t done with malice. I want you all to believe me. You believe me right? Her disgruntled stare takes turns greeting all our faces. And while her regret and sorrow continue to runneth over, I slowly leave the room and return to my seat inside the theatre. I m forced to sit through the film I was advised to skip, so that the picture I was forced to walk out of could re start, and I would be able to finish viewing it in its entirety.

Photo by Kaloust Babian

In the midst of everything that had happened, the only thing that inspired any kind of positivity was the scene with the calm lake being pelted with heavy rain drops. I got to see that scene twice. *** Sometimes, as I walk the streets or when I partake in grocery shopping, I run into that same woman. She ignores me when I cast looks in her direction. She pretends to not know me at all. If she were to ever summon the courage and greet my eyes without blushing, she would realize that I hold no ill will towards her. If she ever summons an advanced level of courage and questions me about the smile which I often greet her with, I have a prepared response waiting. Perhaps you ve predicted it. It has to do with the estranged husband who sometimes misses his wife. But then sometimes I think that even if such an opportunity presented itself, I wouldn t have the courage to be so straightforward. * This short story is translated from Aram Haigaz s Armenian short story §²å³Ñ³ñ½³Ý¿Ý ºïù سñ¹ÇÏ ºñµ»ÙÝ ÎÁ γñûïÝ³Ý Æñ»Ýó ÎÇÝ»ñÁ¦ from a collection of Haigaz s short stories titled §ºñç³ÝÏáõÃÇõݦ.

Spring s Commencement Written by: Hovhannes Shiraz

Translated by: Varak Babian

Sweet violets by my feet and lilies at arm s reach, Roses etched on my cheeks, and spring beneath my chest, The sky within my soul, and with eyes brimming with sun, And with fountain tides near my tongue; I descended from the summit with steps towards the town I frolicked as I walked, dampening sidewalks with dew Violets, roses, and lilies capped with snow, And as people took sight of me their weary eyes gleamed sight of a foreign world they saw the sprouting of spring. Such freshness, they exclaimed Such freshness, they cried out; Window panes were cast open before me and while putting forth my heart, I roamed while crooning and crowning sidewalks with dew. Violets, roses, and jasmines under solicitude, It s as if the once budding spring had come of age into adulthood Having left the hills in lieu of the city, it flowed via emerald fables Moving from one dimension to the next, dotting the tulips clustered in my palms with dew The daybreak of our melodies and the spring of our summits. * Translated from the original, Hovhannes Shiraz s §¶³ñݳݳÙáõï¦



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First-Ever English Translation of Andranik Tzarukian s Letter to Yerevan Debuts at #1 on Amazon s Hot New Releases List WATERTOWN, Mass. Letter to Yerevan, the firstever English translation of the 75-year-old Armenian classic «ÂáõÕà ²é ºñ»õ³Ý», debuted at #1 on Amazon s Hot New Releases list for both Russian and Former Soviet Union Poetry and Middle Eastern Poetry categories. It also debuted in the #8 spot in the Poetry category week of its release. We are overwhelmed by the public s positive response to the book and the community s willingness to support a worthwhile cause, said Rupen Janbazian, one of the translators of Tzarukian s long-form poem. Announced on Jan. 11, the publication of Letter to Yerevan is the first of several initiatives planned celebrating the 120th anniversary of the Hairenik Association. All the proceeds from book sales are directly donated to the Hairenik Association s Newspaper Digitization Project, through which, the archives of the Hairenik Daily (Armenian), Hairenik Weekly (English), the Armenian Weekly (English), and the Hairenik Weekly (Armenian) will be digitized and made available to the public. The translation was a collaborative effort between Torontoborn Janbazian the former editor of the Armenian Weekly and Tatul Sonentz-Papazian the former director of the ARF and First Republic of Armenia Archives and former editor of the Armenian

Review. It features an in-depth introduction by another former editor of the Armenian Weekly and the volume s English e d i t o r, Va h e Habeshian, as well as six original illustrations by Yerevan-based artist M e r u z h a n Khachatryan. The Armenian language republication was edited by Yeprem Tokjian of Toronto. Copies of the book are also available for purchase at Amazon (Paperback and Digital and will become available at several Armenian booksellers and institutions across North America in the coming weeks. Written in 1944 in response to Soviet Armenian writer Gevorg Abov s «Ø»Ýù â»Ýù Øáé³ó»É» ( Menk chenk moratsel, We Have Not Forgotten ), and published the following year, «ÂáõÕà ²é ºñ»õ³Ý» ( Tught ar Yerevan, Letter to Yerevan ) made Tzarukian a prominent voice in the Armenian Diaspora almost overnight from the Middle East to Europe and the Americas. The poem was republished more than a dozen times in various Armenian communities including in Syria, the United States, Lebanon, and Cyprus up until the early 1990s, and as a result became a source of inspiration for tens of thousands. Letter to Yerevan (1945) is

urgent and timeless. It may seem easy to turn the page on an oeuvre penned in a political context that no longer exists. Yet Andranik Tzarukian s powerful poetic rebuttal continues to resonate. When, as in the aftermath of the Velvet Revolution in Armenia, Dashnak dogs and other Abov-esque tropes are unleashed, Tzarukian s Letter is the best antidote. Hence its urgency. When history is distorted and alternative facts are tossed around, Tzarukian s Letter is highly relevant. Hence its timelessness, said Columbia University professor Dr. Khatchig Mouradian on the occasion of the book s publication. The English translation of Tzarukian s poem was announced on May 28, 2017 the 99th anniversary of the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia (19181920) and published in book form on Dec. 24, 2018 74 years to the day that Tzarukian sent his lengthy rebuttal to Abov s publisher in Soviet Authors Tatul Sonentz Papazian and Rupen Janbazian Yerevan. translation, those texts can again the translation, the two added. Translators Sonentz-Papazian inspire, becoming for English The translators, editors, and Janbazian, two generations speaking readers what they were for illustrator, and designers have all apart, are themselves testament to previous generations of Armenians, graciously donated their time and the enduring power of this work that Sonentz-Papazian and Janbazian efforts to making the publication of reaches English-language readers said about the book, which also this book a reality and for that, we on the 100thanniversary of the First includes their translation of Abov s are extremely grateful, the Hairenik Armenian Republic, added We Have Not Forgotten. Association said in a statement. Mouradian. Established in 1899, the The original Armenian version Parts of Sonentz-Papazian and of the poem also accompanies the Hairenik Press is the publishing Janbazian s translation were English translation in the 119-page division of the Hairenik Association periodically published in the book. We also hope that our humble of the Armenian Revolutionary Armenian Weekly between 2017 and attempt might prompt Armenian Federation (ARF) of the Eastern 2018. youth to engage with and learn United States. Its headquarters are Making foundational texts like Armenian, the language of the l o c a t e d i n W a t e r t o w n , Letter to Yerevan available in English original text. That is why we found it Massachusetts. can only create opportunities for integral to include the original (Copies of the book Now such text to be read not only by Armenian which has not been Available at the Hamazkayin Toronto Armenians but also by others. In republished in decades along with Bookstore)

Book Review: Letters to Barbra

Author: Paul Chaderjian, Meshag Publishing, 2018. Pp. 524. As a reader who had the chance to read the manuscript before publication, I thank Paul Chaderjian for letting me into the world of Adam Terzian, a world in which the past, the present, and the future co-exist in conflict, never in harmony, a world that is marked with the trauma our parents and grandparents lived and unwillingly transmitted to us to shape our identity that we have to live with tragically, in conformity; and if we object, if we turn away, we are doomed; we cannot find peace. The sense of belonging is displaced, it becomes meaningless, only a source of pain and compunction, an anxiety. If you are looking for a leisurely, easy reading, a narrative that takes you on a smooth ride of chronologically recorded episodes, this book is not for you. It needs your full commitment and concentration. It is not a text you just read and forget, but something you live with. Here, the reader becomes the subject, the teller of his/her own life story. And this is because the author offers an exceptional style and language that grabs, that pulls the reader deep into the world he describes. Letters to Barbra is profound. The torrent of ideas, the thoughts flying back and forth in time, the anachronistic sequence of events make the text difficult to digest. It does not

read smoothly like a novel or an ordinary autobiography. So, I do not see it to gain popularity immediately after its release. One is to expect more than that. Chaderjian writes, I wrote because I had to write. So, I would add, you read because you have to read and see the mirror image of your life, a part of yourself in the complexity of your identity, an Armenian caught in the web of intricate relationships defying time and space. Chaderjian had the courage to be honest with the character he created. As an eleven-year old boy, this character, named Adam, witnessed the Beirut bombing, the fears and tears during that senseless civil war. But that experience did not remain in the past. It comes forth like an episode recurring throughout Adam s life, thus showing the persisting impact of the trauma. And although, the purpose of writing letters to Barbra Barbra Streisand, a Hollywood idol of the time comes to light only towards the end of the text, it is obvious that this game Adam played so faithfully was a catharsis he sought, a need that did not subside over the years. The burden of the past and its impact on his/our everyday life is there, resonating, as Adam experiences, in debilitating downfalls, unsatisfying successes, the real life and not the imagined or coveted, or the ideal in multicultural, multireligious Los

Angeles, the transgenerational pain, the unfulfilled parents expectations. And in addition to all that, the true face of the Diaspora and the homeland and its people with a huge gap between them. Chaderjian/Adam felt that gap. He recognized the truth before many of us did. Letters to Barbra is an artistic chronicling of generational struggle for self-realization and quest for identity. Now that it is published and available, let it run its own life. May that be a long one.

Author Paul Chaderjian

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