TorontoHye #156

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Volume 13, No. 12 (156), OCTOBER 2018 Toronto Armenian Community Newspaper


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Eye-Opening Documentaries Expand POM s Horizons

Hamazkayin s 13th annual Pomegranate Film Festival will take place between November 15th-18th. This year s program will present a broad range of films, including a diverse selection of riveting documentaries. Arthur Balder s American Mirror is an insightful doc, starring New York- based artist Tigran Tsitoghdzyan and Academy award-winner Susan Sarandon. The poetic film reflects upon ideas of beauty and aging, as Tsitoghdzyan paints a portrait of Sarandon in his studio. Their intimate, candid conversations raise important questions on modern society s standards of beauty and the pressures of social media. Cynthia Lowen s documentary, Netizens, highlights the experiences of three women as each wages war against the internet s darkest culture of harassment, misogyny and stalking. One of these women, Anita Sarkeesian, a Canadian-Armenian now based in the United States, has become a powerful voice and feminist media critic. Appropriately, this year s Festival will commemorate the 100th

anniversary of the 1st Republic of Armenia with a special series titled May 28th: Remembering The Heroes where one of the films features Diana Apcar, who served as Armenia s Ambassador to Japan between 1918-1920 and became the world s first female diplomat. Music lovers will enjoy Tatiana Danielyants Six Musicians and the City. Filmed in beautiful Yerevan, Danielyants presents the experiences of a group of famous Armenian musicians, whose lives are closely intertwined with the changing identity of the capital. The documentary presents renowned musician and duduk player Jivan Gasparyan, Grammy award-winner Arto Tuncboyaciyan, composer and singer Lilit Pipoyan, jazzman Malkhas, new star and composer Michael Voskanyan and singer Forsh. Danielyants will be attending this year s Festival which will include a number of films about Armenian musicians, including the Father of Armenian Jazz, directed by Canadian talent Nuné Melik. Born in Siberia, Melik is highly versatile violinist, who has performed as a soloist with the orchestras in Carnegie Hall and the Glenn Gould

Oscar winning actress Susan Sarandon and Padma Lakshmi in American Mirror - Intimations of Immortality (2018). (Armenian painter Tigran Tsitoghzhyan)

Auditorium. Along with films about Armenian music, POM 2018 will also include a highly fascinating film about the famous Armenian dance Kochary.

The focus on Armenian legends continues with the film, Poem About the Lonely Wolf, by Taron and Vrezh Petrosyan. The entertaining doc focuses on Armenian boxer, Israyel

Hakobkokhyan, who earned the title for multiple world championships. While the short film Under the Walnut Tree is based on the experiences of

cont. on page 28


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ÐàÎîºØ´ºð 2018 Ķ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 156


CANADA-ARMENIA 20 ANCC Urges Canadian Government to Statement by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Deepen Ties with Armenia ÐàÎîºØ´ºð 2018 Ķ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 156

The Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) issued a statement on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of Armenia s Independence. Today is a proud moment for Armenians in Canada and around the world, as we see Armenia strengthening its adherence to democratic standards, diversifying its economy and becoming a beacon of hope and progress in a region that is increasingly being marred with autocracy and backwardness said Shahen Mirakian, president of the Armenian National Committee of Canada. After centuries of foreign subjugation and a genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish Empire in 1915, Armenia was able to gain independence for the first

time in 1918, only to lose it again to the Soviet Union in 1920. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Armenia declared its independence on September 21st, 1991. However, shortly after this historic moment, neighbouring Turkey and Azerbaijan sanctioned an illegal blockade against the young republic, causing a considerable amount of economic hardship and instability. Despite many foreign challenges, Armenia s 27 years of independence have been marked by a stable and forward-leaning foreign and economic policy that has placed Armenia at the forefront of international attention said Mirakian. Since 1992, Canada and Armenia have established and maintained strong bilateral relations that have been characterized by growing political cooperation, promising economic prospects, deep people-to-people ties and cordial cooperation within international organizations, such as La Francophonie. In October 2018, for the first time ever, Armenia will be hosting the XVIIe Summit of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie , where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

will be leading the Canadian delegation. Besides its vital importance in fostering stronger relations between Francophone countries and preserving Francophone culture around the world, the upcoming visit will undoubtedly be recorded as the most important and historic event in the history of bilateral relations between Canada and Armenia. We believe that alongside the summit of La Francophonie, this trip presents a unique opportunity for both countries to initiate high-level exchanges and further strengthen their bilateral ties, both within and outside of the framework of the anticipated summit. We are confident that a bilateral visit of the highest level will positively impact Canada s geopolitical footprint in the South Caucasian region and bring new impetus to the already strong relations between Ottawa and Yerevan. said Mirakian. This trip also presents a unique opportunity for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to visit the Armenian Genocide National Memorial in Yerevan and pay tribute to the 1.5 million innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide concluded Mirakian.

on Armenia s Independence Day

September 21, 2018 Ottawa, Ontario The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Armenia s Independence Day: Today, we join Armenian communities in Canada and around the world to celebrate the anniversary of Armenia s independence. Armenia and Canada enjoy a special relationship one that we are committed to strengthening. More than 60,000 Canadians trace their heritage to Armenia, and their contributions help make Canada the prosperous, vibrant, and open country it is today. Over the last few years, Armenian Canadians have come together to welcome thousands of Syrian refugees to Canada. They have gone above and beyond to make newcomers feel safe and welcome, reunite families, and give people a chance at a new life. Their generosity and compassion inspire us all.

Armenia and Canada share similar visions of peace, justice, and democracy, and collaborate in international organizations such as La Francophonie. On behalf of the Government of Canada, I offer my best wishes to everyone celebrating Armenia s Independence Day.

Prime Minister Trudeau To Attend Prelacy Sponsors A Playground For The Community Of Vahan XVII Francophonie Summit In Village In Armenia Armenia

Canada s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced on September 21 that he will be traveling to Yerevan, Armenia, from October 11 to 13, to attend the XVII Francophonie Summit. This will be Trudeau s first official visit to Armenia. Held every two years, the Francophonie Summit gathers Heads of states of all member countries of the International Organization of the Francophonie around the themes of discussion. The year s theme is Living together in solidarity, shared humanistic values, and respect for diversity: a source of peace and prosperity in La Francophonie. Canada enjoys an excellent relationship with Armenia, and I look forward to further deepening that friendship. Together, we will discuss ways to create more economic opportunities for businesses and people in both our countries, mentioned the Prime Minister. In addition to the Canadian prime minister, the Francophone Summit will bring to Armenia officials and heads of state from 84 countries. Armenia joined the International Organization of La Francophonie in 2004 as

an observer and obtained full member status in 2012. Trudeau believes that, The Summit in Yerevan will be a chance to deepen the strong friendship the international Francophone community shares. La Francophonie plays a major role to promote important values like peace, diversity, and inclusion, and I am pleased that La Francophonie and Armenian organizers have chosen to highlight these common values. By building on our diversity, we can innovate, collaborate, and create a better world for everyone. Following the Summit, Prime Minister Trudeau will also take part in a bilateral visit to the country. Diplomatic relations between Canada and Armenia were formally established in 1992. Since then, Canada and Armenia have regularly worked together in multilateral forums, including the United Nations and La Francophonie. In 2017, Canada s exports to Armenia totalled $9.3 million and imports from Armenia reached $26 million. Canada is host to an Armenian community of more than 60,000 people.

Under the auspices of Archbishop Papken Tcharian, a playground and a recreational space for the children in the Village of Vahan was sponsored by the Prelacy with a gracious donation from the Manouk Djoukhajian Family Foundation. The initiative was supervised and realized by the Governor (Marzbet) of the Province, Ishkhan Saghatelian. The opening ceremony took place on September 16, 2018 at the Armenia s border village Vahan, at the northeast gate, the main

border-guard of Armenia in the Gegharkunik Province. Gegharkunik Province is located at the eastern part of Armenia, bordering Azerbaijan and the Shahumyan Region of Republic of Artsakh. Gegharkunik is the largest Province in Armenia. Archbishop Papken was accompanied at the opening by the Prelacy Executive Council (EC) chairperson Zovig Terzian and EC members Hagop Janbazian and Osig Mksyartinian.


ÐàÎîºØ´ºð 2018 Ķ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 156


Bust of Rev. Dr. Movses B. Janbazian Unveiled in Yerevan

Stilettos for Steel Toe Boots By: Talyn Terzian-Gilmour I m trading in my stilettos for steel toe boots. What can I say? Stilettos have been a staple in my closet for as long as I ve been on a career path. Whether I ve collected them because while wearing them, I could imagine myself to be a high-rolling international spy or diplomat, or whether I needed them for a once-in-a-lifetime event, or more likely, to match my RW & Co. or Banana Republic suit for my high-flying downtown job stilettos were part of my uniform. It s been over 4 years since I left my downtown skyscraper and since then, my collection has changed in composition a few more flip flops and sneakers, sandals and ballet flats yet, I ve managed to add the odd black jeweled or gold snakeskin high heels (they are my absolute favourites and wearing them always transports me to my spirit era the time of glitter, big hair and disco, and the start of MTV). Now, the latest addition to my collection: Steel Toe Boots. A little over two months ago, my father approached me and said: Dad: Daughter, I ve watched how well you manage all of your commitments your volunteer work, etc. Me: **Beaming with pride because I m an addict for praise** Thanks dad. Dad: You ve done an excellent job caring for your family your children, your husband, your mom and me. Me: **I know, I know, there s no one quite like me keep that praise coming** Uh-huh. Dad: But it s time. You re coming to work with me. Me: **GULP** For those of you who don t know, my family is made up of a long list of engineers and entrepreneurs who may as well be, engineers like my dad. It just so happens, that Mr. Niceguy s family are also a family of engineers for the most part. Permit me some latitude as I indulge (nay, brag). Oftentimes, when I ve had a brainchild about how to put something together, how to fix something, or how to create, I declare, should ve been an engineer. It s in my blood. I think the ability to look at something, break it all apart in one s mind, and then put it all back together so that it is comprehensible, maintainable, and better than what it was before is a true gift. One that I ve often claimed to have but now this is for real! This is real life and I M NOT AN ENGINEER!!! I m hardly an ENTREPRENEUR! The last time I tried to sell something on Kijiji I ended up practically hyperventilating from all the stress of potentially being accosted by an axe murderer! Let me tell you I was not thinking about what the extra $50 would buy me or what empire I might build with it.

No. I m a lottery ticket buyer (but only when the prize is big), a finger crosser, a day dreamer and my greatest discovery last year was that I m the best number 2 you could ever ask for. Unless of course, we re in an emergency situation like a subway stuck on the tracks or a power outage then I m the one you want to follow because I know how to stay CRAZY calm so long as someone else is freaking out. Still, I had to go to work. My dad was not in any negotiating mood. He laid it out at my feet without so much as a question as to whether I agreed with his plan or not. He had absolute faith in me. And his first instruction, you ll need a pair of steel toe boots. We ve all heard that adage To understand someone you must first walk a mile in their shoes or some version thereof. Now I was being asked to walk a mile in steel toe boots. Try as I might to represent myself, like buy a cute pair maybe with a little bit of pink or with a little bit of bling, I scoured the town (ok, two stores neither of which were in a mall because where on EARTH does one find, budget approved, cute steel toe boots?). Let s just say that try as I might, there is NO SUCH THING. Before I knew it, I was wearing said notso-cute steel toe boots, was strapped into a giant orange and yellow safety vest, with a gigantic white hard hat on top of my head (FYI, no hairstyle can tame the look of a white safety helmet hovering on top of your skull), and climbing on top of buildings with no walls, no safety rails, and certainly no elevators. It was pure magic. While I ve never felt more out of my element than the moment I stepped out of my dad s car at the construction site in that getup, on top of the roof of that soon-to-be medical building, I was part of creation. I was part to something new. And I could practically reach up and touch the sky. For years I would point out company signs to my kids and tell them, mommy got that company the money to build a new factory or mommy devised the plan for that university to get all those students a new residence building. I would point to different landmarks around town taking pride in the work I did from behind a computer in my tall, glittering skyscraper. And now, for the first time in a long time, I was given the opportunity to take pride in the actual guts of the buildings that continue to grow in our city from ground zero. So this is all new. Every day, my brain expands just a little bit more. Every day, I learn a little bit more. Every day, I walk a little bit further in my steel toe boots. And while the best part of the job is sharing an office with my own superhero, I will declare that despite it all, the stilettos will continue to make an appearance in this new chapter.

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On September 3, 2018 the unveiling of the bust of Rev. Dr. Janbazian, sculpted by Rev. Janbazian s brother Hagop Janbazian, took place at the Movses Janbazian No. 79 Middle School of Yerevan. The ceremony was attended by Rev. Janbazian s wife Louisa Janbazian, son Vahak Janbazian, brother Hagop Janbazian, sister Ani Janbazian Hasserjian, Armenia Representative of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) Harout Nercessian, President of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in Eurasia Rev. Dr. René Léonian, Senior Pastor of the Evangelical Church of Armenia Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian, Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Aram Sukyasyan, Head of General Education Department Anna Stepanyan, Former Prelate of the Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Canada, Arch. Khajag Hagopian, employees of the AMAA and Armenian Evangelical Churches of Armenia, teachers, parents, children and guests. The celebration began with the anthems of the Republic of Armenia and the Movses Janbazian School. School Principal Knarik Hayrapetyan welcomed the guests. Special remarks were made by Rev. Dr. René Léonian,

Hagop Janbazian, Aram Sukissyan, Louisa Janbazian, Arch. Khajag Hagopian and others. They spoke about Rev. Janbazian s life and activities highlighting his patriotic services through the AMAA in Armenia and Artsakh, and his great role in strengthening Armenia Diaspora ties in education and other spheres. Sculptor Hagop Janbazian said: Soaked with national and spiritual ideas, with Rev. Janbazian s magnificent vision and efforts, the AMAA established its center in the newly independent Armenia, which for the past 27 years has continued its mission of extending a hand to the disadvantaged, the poor, the needy, the students, the children and to all mankind in the Homeland and Artsakh. From Anjar to Beirut and Damascus, from Brazil to the United States of America, from Istanbul to Canada and to the Motherland and Artsakh, he acted unwaveringly, preached with faith tirelessly and unshakably, remaining steadfast, first to his own person and then to his surroundings. Following the unveiling of the bust, the school children presented a special program dedicated to the life of Rev. Janbazian. The program concluded with a video presentation which highlighted his activities in Armenia.

Varak s Crescent Oceans of Wheat Written by: Daniel Varoujan Translated by:Varak Babian

Winds pass, And my wheat softly, gently wakes from slumber. Boundless trembling surges within its depth Its dense, evergreen flank tucked beneath the hill Oceans pass Winds pass. Immensely overflowing, it agitates the abundant plain There, the grazing goat will risk choking, Nestled in the valley s bosom; with its rolling waves Oceans pass Winds pass. The wheat dons its garment, twirling about. They take turns: first tearing, then sewn brilliantly. Amidst shadows, smothered by the foaming light Oceans Pass Winds Pass. Beneath the bristle, the nettle billows about; And the magician s carafe runneth over with milk. From threshing floor to village, from village until mill. Oceans pass Winds pass. Emeralds wave within endless, open country The sparrow sings , perched atop a swaying ear of corn As the enraged wheat idles below. Oceans pass Winds pass.

*Translated from the original, Daniel Varoujan s §òáñ»³ÝÇ Ìáí»ñ¦.



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Yerevan Gives A Vote ûf Confidence In Pashinyan The prime minister's allies won a convincing victory, and the would-be opposition is left licking its wounds.

By: Ani Mejlumyan (Eurasianet)- The bloc aligned with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has won an overwhelming victory in Yerevan's municipal elections. The vote was the first since Pashinyan came to power this spring vowing to reform Armenia's traditionally corrupt elections, and the results appeared to be both fair and to represent a significant vote of confidence in Pashinyan's rule so far. According to results with 43 percent of the votes counted, the My Step bloc of Pashinyan allies had gained more than 81 percent support in the September 23 election. With the result, Hayk Marutyan a popular comedic actor turned civic activist will become mayor without an additional vote by the city council. The other parties and alliances to be represented in the new city council will be Prosperous Armenia, the party led by oligarch Gagik Tsarukyan, which gained about 7 percent of the vote; and the Light Alliance, another bloc of Pashinyan supporters, with about 5 percent. The mayor's seat has been vacant since July, when Taron Margaryan a deeply unpopular member of the formerly ruling Republican Party of Armenia stepped down after sustained protests and revelations of apparently corrupt behavior. After preliminary results were announced, Marutyan wrote on his Facebook page: Thank you for your trust. I will work every day, every hour, every minute and every second to make Yerevan the city of our dreams. According to the Central Election Committee, just under 44 percent of eligible voters cast ballots, a slight increase over the

last municipal elections, in 2017, when turnout was 41 percent. The election took place under new laws that criminalized vote-buying, a practice that had been pervasive under the former administration of Serzh Sargsyan. Daniel Ioannisyan, the head of one of the largest election-monitoring groups, Independent Observers, said only minor violations were recorded: We haven t received any calls regarding major violations, but we did receive reports of some violations such as bringing people to the polling stations with minivans, or bribe offerings. Another observer, Levon Barseghyan, said the number of violations were reduced four or five times from previous elections. Both Ioannisyan and Barseghyan are outspoken supporters of Pashinyan and the new government. In the wake of the dominant victory in Yerevan, Pashinyan suggested that the date for parliamentary elections for which the municipal vote was a sort of dress rehearsal may be moved up. It was expected that the elections will be held by next June but we should hold the elections earlier so that we can start the process of restoring the economy as soon as possible, Pashinyan said the day after the vote. He argued that the results showed that the shift brought about by what he calls the Velvet Revolution is irreversible: This means that all the claims and discussions that refer to some forces being able to make a counterrevolution are false. It is impossible, and today this was shown by the election results. The results appeared to be a serious blow to Prosperous Armenia, which had consistently been the second most powerful force in the country after the Republican Party, and who

Yerevan Vote Hailed As Democratic By ARF

(RFE/RL)- The weekend municipal elections in Yerevan were free and fair, a senior representative of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation acknowledged. Davit Hakobian joined other political leaders in congratulating Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian s My Step alliance on its landslide election victory. My Step got as much as 81 percent of the vote, compared with just 1.6 percent polled by ARF. The latter will therefore have no seats in Yerevan s new municipal council. We have to conclude that these were free and fair elections and we hope that after these elections a new kind of electoral struggle will take root

in Armenia, Hakobian told reporters. He said his party also hopes to see real reforms implemented in the country. Commenting on the election outcome, Hakobian suggested that most voters in Yerevan primarily expressed confidence in Pashinian, rather than chose programs and policies promised by the 12 parties and blocs that took part in the mayoral race. During the election campaign Pashinian repeatedly portrayed the September 23 vote as a referendum on his and his government s political future. He said on Monday that he now has a fresh mandate to push for the early conduct of parliamentary elections. Arsen Hambardzumian, the head of Dashnaktsutyun s governing body in Armenia, said later in the day that his party is ready to take part in consultations which Pashinian plans to hold with various political forces for that purpose. In the last few months there has been no change in our position on this issue, Hambardzumian told RFE/RL s Armenian service. Therefore, I see nothing inappropriate in joining political discussions on the time frame and road map for holding pre-term parliamentary elections. Dashnaktsutyun is represented in Pashinian s government by two ministers. The government s policy program approved the National Assembly in June calls for the snap polls to be held by June 2019.

was thought to be the one party in the country that might challenge Pashinyan now. The party spent the most money on the elections of all the 12 factions that competed, according to data collected by the investigative news website Hetq. Categorically rejecting a dangerous approach to dividing the society into black and white, the Prosperous Armenia Party accepts the election results and congratulates the 'My Step' alliance, the party said in a statement following the results. I also thank my team for a competent and decent fight. We hope that all the projects promised to Yerevan residents will become a reality. Another consistently strong opposition force, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsutyun, got less than 2 percent of the votes and won't be represented in the city council. The Republicans did not even field a slate

of candidates for the election. The dominant win nevertheless poses a challenge for Pashinyan and his team, wrote Anahit Shirinyan, a Yerevan-based analyst for the think tank Chatham House, on Twitter. It implies huge responsibility & the need not to disappoint. It is also clear they are going to be mostly unrivaled in the immediate future -- they should keep themselves in check & not allow arrogance of power. Shirinyan continued: The Yerevan vote might've proved that concerns over a counterrevolution are exaggerated, but many uncertainties and risks, both domestic and foreign, remain, so a snap parliamentary vote is expected to take place earlier than initially planned -- by the end of this year. *Ani Mejlumyan is a journalist based in Yerevan.

Democracy Key To Regional Peace, Says Pashinian Democratization is essential for peace and stability in the South Caucasus, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said during the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit held at the UN headquarters in New York. I come from a region where unfortunately bloody conflicts, corrupt system of governance, animosity between people overshadow wisdom and the need for peaceful coexistence, Pashinian told the summit attended by dozens of world leaders. Democracies are not supposed to wage wars against each other, he said. I hope that one day our region s democratic development will rule out the risks of hostilities, wars and hatred. Armenia has firmly embarked on this path and strongly stands for regional peace, stability and reconciliation. Pashinian swept to power in May after weeks of massive antigovernment protests organized by him. He has repeatedly described the protest movement as a velvet revolution that will turn Armenia into a democratic state. Addressing the UN summit dedicated to Nelson Mandela, the 43-year-old former journalist described the late South African president as a role model who

inspired his own political activities. Having been a political prisoner myself, I closely followed the political path and life story of this most famous political prisoner who would change his own country and indeed the aspirations of millions worldwide, said Pashinian. Mandela s walk, the long walk to freedom was with me during my imprisonment, and to a great extent influenced my conscience and motivated me to embark on my own long walk to freedom through prison and persecution, through struggle against injustice

across the towns and villages of my country, he declared. In the true spirit of Mandela s ideas, our movement became known to the world as Armenian non-violent velvet revolution of love and solidarity and now, months after my people s success, I stand here at the high rostrum of this summit as the head of modern Armenian government to celebrate the legacy of this great person whose courage and determination served as an example for others around the globe, added the Armenian premier.


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Armenia s New Government Takes Aim At Vote-Buying Efforts to reform the voting system are meeting resistance, though, from the old forces who benefit from the status quo.

been pushed ahead by the new authorities. This law doesn't limit ongoing charity, said Deputy Minister of Justice Artur Hovhannisyan, during a discussion of the law in parliament. This law says: Dear benefactor, if you conduct charity hoping for something to receive an honor from the president of Armenia or tax benefits the state will also support you; report to us and we will see if this is charity or not. And if you don't have any expectations of privileges, then you can continue your charity work and there will be no interference. Nevertheless, the law has occasioned a testy reaction from members of Prosperous Armenia, the party headed by oligarch Gagik Tsarukyan. The party has reportedly been one of the pioneers of vote-buying in Armenia, and party members appear to be concerned about how the law may interpret charity. Naira Zohrabyan, a Prosperous Armenia MP, fired back at the proposal, arguing that philanthropists including Tsarukyan may be targeted based on the tastes and political expediency of those in power. How do you determine [if an act of charity] is carried out impartially or for your political intentions? she asked. Unlike you, everything that Gagik Tsarukyan has done over the years as a benefactor has not had any sort of political context. There have been consistent rumors that under previous governments, many big businesses and especially oligarchs would avoid paying taxes in exchange for alleged charity work they do, Anahit Shirinyan, a political analyst for the British think-tank Chatham House told Eurasianet. The very fact that Tsarukyan supporters made a big fuss about it is telling and points to the business-politics merger behind his activities. Yerevan is slated to hold mayoral elections on September 23, and parliamentary elections will follow at a yet-to-be-determined date. Pashinyan has long promised to hold elections within a year, arguing that this will provide ample time for voters to make an informed decision rather than give his party an absolute majority built on the back of a postrevolutionary euphoric atmosphere. Speaking at a July 20 press conference, Pashinyan set the deadline for elections as May 2019.

By: Bradley Jardine Legislation to reform Armenia's electoral system a key campaign promise of new Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is nearing completion. But the new system, along with other new laws aimed at improving the country's notoriously corrupt elections, is running into resistance from entrenched political forces. On August 20, Armenia s government posted a draft of the new Criminal Code, which would criminalize the buying and selling of votes. Selling a vote would be punishable by up to three years in prison or a fine of up to 700,000 drams (about $1,500). Buying votes would get stiffer penalties, of up to five years in prison or a four million dram ($8,400) fine. Vote-buying has long been rampant in Armenia. For a cynical citizen with a vote to sell, the going rate in last year's parliamentary elections was 10,000 drams, or about $20. The vote-buying law is part of a broader effort to reform the country's electoral system. The main problem that has been blocking Armenia s development, which has resulted in systemic problems in the country, is the consistent and continuous deformation of the people s will during the elections, Pashinyan said during a June parliamentary session. Armenia s new government has created a commission responsible for reforming electoral legislation; one of its key recommendations is moving to a fully proportional system, in which voters would only have to choose a party, rather than individual candidates from their regions. The current system uses a modified proportional system, under which people vote for the party but also indicate their preferred candidate within the party. This was done in order to provide motivation for the local authorities oligarchs, bureaucrats, criminal elements to mobilize their resources (supporters, election bribes, etc.) for the sake of the party, said Yerevan-based political

analyst Mikayel Zolyan. Reforming that system would also give a political advantage to Pashinyan and his Yelk Alliance Pashinyan himself is highly popular but many of his allies and potential future MPs are unknown or received skeptically by voters. The formerly ruling Republican Party of Armenia, along with the Armenian Revolutionary Federation which both have offices throughout the country have come out against the fully proportional system. Imagine that a party receives just a few votes less than it needs to be in the majority, while the other votes were distributed among smaller parties that do not have a big base or influence in society. As a result, if the [small parties] unite against the big party, then you d have a majority but if just one of them leaves, then the entire system would crumble, said Republican Party MP David Harutyunyan, the news site JAM News reported. Pashinyan has argued that the proportional system will be simple and understood by everyone. Another key policy proposed by the working group would be a change to the country s coalition thresholds. Under current rules, a party needs to gain 5 percent of the popular vote to appear in parliament. Failing this, a party can enter an alliance with up to two more parties to form a coalition bloc, which requires 7 percent of the popular vote to appear

in parliament. The government is currently proposing reducing thresholds to 4 percent for individual parties and 6 percent for coalition groups. Thresholds have been crucial in Armenian politics, in particular for Pashinyan s Yelk Alliance, which consists of Bright Armenia, Civil Contract and the Republic Party (no relation to the Republican Party). In 2017, the bloc collectively earned 7.8 percent of the vote; with 13,000 votes fewer, it would have been shut out of parliament. Other reforms are more technical, including a ban on fountain pens in voting booths, replacing them with devices which would display the name and candidate and automatically print and file the voting sheet. Another potential reform is to dye the fingers of voters with invisible ink in order to prevent double voting. The legislation is still being negotiated and should be adopted by September or early October, the commission's secretary, Daniel Ioannisyan, told the news site Separate legislation would amend the country's Law on Charity, to set up a new regulatory body to approve, monitor and register charitable activities in the country. The body will report directly to the office of the prime minister. That bill was introduced in April, before *Bradley Jardine is a freelance journalist the new government took power, but it has who covers the Caucasus.

Trump Hails New Era In Armenia ( U.S. President Donald Trump has praised mass protests that led to regime change in Armenia in May and said his administration stands ready to help the new Armenian government implement sweeping reforms promised by it. Armenia has much to celebrate this year, Trump wrote to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian in a congratulatory message on the 27th anniversary of the South Caucasus country s independence marked on Friday. A peaceful, popular movement ushered in a new era in Armenia, and we look forward to working with you to help you execute the will of your people to combat corruption and to establish representative, accountable governance, rule of law buttressed by an independent judiciary, and political and economic competition, read the message publicized by Pashinian s office. I look forward to further strengthening the partnership that began between our countries one hundred years ago, it said. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo similarly saluted remarkable changes in Armenia. The peaceful popular movement that transformed the government has ushered in an exciting new chapter of Armenian history, he said in a written statement on the country s Independence Day.

The U.S. State Department closely monitored the Pashinian-led protests that brought down in late April Armenia s previous government headed by Serzh Sarkisian. During the political crisis it repeatedly urged Armenia political factions to embark on dialogue. Trump expressed Washington s readiness to work with the new authorities in Yerevan on the many areas of mutual interest when he congratulated Pashinian on becoming prime minister in May. Pashinian said afterwards that he would like to strengthen and expand U.S.-Armenian relations. The two leaders chatted briefly at a NATO summit in Brussels in July. Pashinian hoped to hold his first talks with Trump on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York which he will address next week. Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanian said on Thursday that such a meeting is extremely unlikely. Pashinian campaigned for Armenia s withdrawal from a Russia-led alliance of exSoviet states and closer ties with the European Union when he was in opposition to the Sarkisian government. However, he ruled any change in Armenia s traditional foreign policy orientation immediately after coming to power. Both Trump and Pompeo also stressed

the importance of a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The coming months bring opportunities to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which would create even more possibilities for U.S. Armenian cooperation, said the U.S. president. For his part, Pompeo urged the conflicting

parties to resume intensive negotiations as soon as possible. The U.S. as well as Russia and France have long been spearheading international efforts to broker a compromise solution to the Karabakh dispute.



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Revolution at Home, Continuity Abroad: Pashinyan in UN Debut By: Emil Sanamyan NEW YORK CITY - The United Nations General Assembly became the first major international forum for Nikol Pashinyan, where he spoke on behalf of Armenia. Armenia s prime minister also used the trip to New York to meet with Armenian Americans. In his September 25 address, Pashinyan gave a quick update on Armenia s developments last spring and his intentions going forward. The protests that resulted in his election as prime minister succeeded against all expectations and his government most recently won a strong victory in Yerevan municipal elections. Pashinyan would now push for early general election, since as he pointed out, the current parliament does not represent our people s will. He also mentioned his plans to introduce more elements of direct democracy in Armenia, such as regular local and national referenda on various issues. While highlighting the revolutionary changes he was seeking to achieve in Armenia, Pashinyan again promised continuity in foreign policy and efforts to develop relations with all partners. He put the resolution of the Karabakh conflict in the context of genocide prevention. Karabakh must not be a part of Azerbaijan, unless one wants to trigger a new genocide of Armenian people, he stressed. Pashinyan spoke in English and concluded in French, announcing the upcoming Francophonie summit in Yerevan next month.

Speaking of last spring s events in Armenia as one of the positive developments worldwide, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres praised the youth of Armenia [who] showed the power of their voice for progressing democracy by the peaceful political changes in the country. The changes in Armenia appear to have failed to capture the imagination of the president of the United States, however. According to initial reports, Pashinyan sought to secure a meeting with Donald Trump, who

addressed the UN on the same day, but the meeting did not take place. Diaspora asked to shift focus Pashinyan arrived in New York on Sunday evening after casting a ballot in the Yerevan city council elections in the morning. Immediately after arrival, the prime minister went to meet with representatives of Armenian American organizations from around the United States. The event held at the Yale Club of New York went on for over two hours and focused on Armenian political developments

and Armenia-Diaspora relations. Pashinyan sought to play down his own, clearly central role in Armenian politics today and argued that the Armenian revolution does not have a [Vladimir] Lenin or a Fidel [Castro], adding that our Lenin s and Fidel s are the citizens of Armenia. However, as in most of his speeches, Pashinyan spoke of his plans and his hopes for the Armenian people, with virtually no mention of any of his allies. Apparently mindful of the recent halt in foreign investments in Armenia, Pashinyan promised a corruption-free, investor-friendly Armenia, arguing that fresh parliamentary elections would address any ongoing concerns about political stability. At the same time, it remained unclear how the parliamentary majority would be convinced to disband and forfeit any remaining political influence they still have. Pashinyan thanked Armenian Americans for their contributions to Armenia, highlighting the success of Tumo centers. He asked for continued shift in emphasis towards long-term development projects. The Armenian national idea has to focus on Armenian statehood, the prime minister said, noting that repatriation to Armenia must become a key element of this focus. In subsequent days, Pashinyan also held a number of bilateral meetings with foreign leaders, spoke at the UN-organized Nelson Mandela peace summit and attended the Armenia! exhibit at New York s metropolitan museum of art.

Mnatsakanyan Highllights Importance of Genocide Recognition, Prevention

GENEVA Armenia s Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan delivered the opening remarks at the High-Level Panel on 70th Anniversary of the Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Having in mind the upcoming 70th Anniversary of the Convention this coming

December 9, I want to acknowledge and pay tribute to Raphael Lemkin, a profound lawyer who had dedicated his entire life to challenging and confronting the right to kill behind the thick curtain of sovereignty, elaborating the legal term of genocide and endorsing international responsibility upon sovereign states to protect their populations from the crime of genocide, said Mnatsakanyan in his remarks. Of course, I want also to pay tribute to every single national and international activist, advocate, expert and practitioner of the difficult challenge to stand up and prevent atrocities, massive crimes and genocides. I want to recall, in particular, Benjamin Whitaker, who back in 1985 in a landmark document, known as the Whitaker report, for the first time initiated the idea of establishing an impartial international body concerned with the prevention of genocide. Unfortunately it took a long time and more genocides to occur before the international community took heed of what the late Secretary General Kofi Annan termed complicity with evil and endorsed, back in 2004, his proposal for tangible, yet still modest mechanisms for the prevention of genocide, added Mnatsakanyan. This is the 21st century. We mark 70 years since we have adopted the Convention and

committed never again to allow this crime to happen. We have uttered Never Again so many times since, yet genocides have not been fenced off. Tendencies of radicalism, exclusion and hatred are rattling the international agenda. Particularly troubling is the conspicuous decline in the international commitment to multilateralism and respect for human rights at a time when we need more international cooperation and stronger institutions for this, especially the United Nations, explained the foreign minister. Genocides may not be occurring too often, but seldom as they may be, they are the ultimate crime. Lemkin s argument to the sceptics of the need to legislate such crimes has been about the permanent loss of a group targeted with genocides, while the survivors of genocide would be forever deprived of an invaluable part of their identity. We know this from experience. Armenia has been consistently promoting the recognition of the importance and priority of early prevention, which entails sufficient capacity to detect, monitor and address early warning signs of situations, which, if not addressed, may lead to deteriorations beyond control and all the way to the perpetration of massive crimes. Early prevention means early

action. Prevention first of all implies legal and institutional capacity, firmly based on political and moral responsibility to protect and promote basic human rights and freedoms for all within the jurisdiction of states, said Mnatsakanyan. The international community and the UN system should be resolute in reacting to all patterns of discrimination and targeting of vulnerable groups, to hate speech, radicalism and incitement to hatred. Denialism and impunity are fundamental obstacles to prevention. Justice denied haunts generations of genocide survivors and obstructs genuine reconciliation, asserted Mnatsakanyan. By having established a Global Forum Against the Crime of Genocide back in 2015, Armenia offers a solid platform for international co-operation for the prevention of genocide. The third Global Forum to take place in Yerevan on December 9, 2018 will gather a prominent list of scholars and practitioners of genocide prevention and will particularly focus on the role of education. Armenia is duty bound and resolute to contribute to the collective international effort in prescribing remedies to prevent future genocides. I conclude with the reiteration of a deep conviction that never again should be uttered once and for all, concluded the foreign minister.

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Prophet Muhammad s Rarely-Known Decree To the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem By: Harut Sassounian For many years, I have heard that there had been written communication between the Prophet Muhammad and the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, but I had not seen any of the documents to that effect. Two months ago, I read a fascinating article published in the Armenian newspaper Aztag in Beirut, Lebanon, by Dr. Garbis Harboyan of Montreal, Canada, who had uncovered the details of the communication between Prophet Muhammad and the then Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem and their successors. Dr. Harboyan mentioned his sources as: Gregory Krikorian s, Through the eye of an Armenian needle, published by the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia in 2002. Krikorian had stated that his book was the summary and English translation of History of Jerusalem, a two-volume, 1385-page book by Dikran Sayalanians, published by the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem in 1931. Dr. Harboyan also mentioned that he had recently seen the book, Armenian Art Treasures of Jerusalem, by Bezalel Narkiss, Michael E. Stone, and Avedis Sanjian, published in New York, in 1979, which included a copy of Prophet Muhammad s decree to the Armenian Patriarchate. The Armenian Patriarchate was established in Jerusalem almost 2,000 years ago. Many Armenians had gone on pilgrimage to Jerusalem after converting to Christianity in 301 AD. They had built a part of Sourp Hagop Convent in 420 AD. By the sixth Century, Armenians had constructed 66 religious institutions in Jerusalem. In 626 AD, the Armenian Patriarch Apraham of Jerusalem, seeing the looming dangers of Islamic expansion and conquest, went to the Holy Islamic city of Mecca with a delegation of 40 prominent Armenians to meet with Prophet Muhammad to secure his

protection. Dr. Harboyan reported that the Prophet had welcomed the Armenian guests with affection, respect, and kindness, and listened to Patriarch Apraham s suggestions. The Armenian delegation expressed its submission to the Prophet, readiness to cooperate with him, and sought his protection. At the end of the meeting, Prophet Muhammad issued an decree which stated: I, Muhammad, the son of Abdallah, prophet and servant of God, I pay my respect to Patriarch Apraham, I honor him and all archbishops, bishops, and priests in Jerusalem, Damascus, and Arab regions, in other words, those people who are subject to Jerusalem, such as Ethiopians, Copts, and Assyrians. I recognize and guarantee their monasteries, churches, educational centers, properties and lands. I, Prophet Muhammad, with the witness of God, and the 30 people around me, I grant my patronage and protection, and I dispense my mercy to the Armenian churches, wherever they may be, throughout Jerusalem, the Holy Tomb of Christ, Sourp Hagop Church, Bethlehem Church, all prayer houses, monasteries, Golgotha road, and the holy sites. I also secure and ensure that my protection also extends to Christian hills, valleys and Christian income-generating institutions. I declare all of this in my name as Prophet and in the name of my Muslim faithful. The Prophet Muhammad instructed his successors to respect his decree and execute it in all of its details. Present at that meeting was Omar the son of Khattab who became one of the Prophet s successors and issued a similar decree confirming the Prophet s decree. Thus, the Prophet s decree became the first official document confirming the status of the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, the original decree cannot be located in the Patriarchate s archives. However, a yellowish copy exists in the

P a t r i a r c h a t e s M a r d i g i a n M u s e u m . When Omar took over as Khalif in 634 AD, he appointed Abu Obeid as the head of the army. Abu Obeid s forces attacked Damascus and Jerusalem. The Greek Patriarch Sophronius and Armenian Patriarch Krikor met with Abu Obeid and informed him that occupying Jerusalem would enrage God, because Jerusalem is a holy city. Abu Obeid reported to Khalif Omar about his meeting with the two Patriarchs. Omar personally came to Jerusalem. The brother of the Greek Patriarch met with Omar and reminded him about the decree of Prophet Muhammad. Omar then issued his own decree and confirmed the Prophet s decree. Omar entered Jerusalem with his followers, visited the religious sites, and suggested building a Mosque in a plot of land next to the church of Christ s tomb. The Mosque was built in 935 AD and named Al Omariye. Omar allowed freedom for Christian worship, but forbade the ringing of church bells. Omar was succeeded by Khalif Ali who also issued a decree for Armenians in Jerusalem, confirming the previous decrees by the Prophet and Omar. In 1097 AD, the Crusaders invaded and liberated Jerusalem. In 1187 AD, Salahuddin al Ayoubi who is Kurdish and his family originated from Dvin in Armenia, occupied Jerusalem and expelled the majority of 100,000 Christians from the city. He took over all the Latin churches in Jerusalem and forbade church services. However, he granted Armenians partial freedom. Armenian Patriarch Apraham with a group of his clergy met with Salahuddin and showed him Prophet Muhammad s decree. Salahuddin then issued his own decree and confirmed the decrees issued by the Prophet and Khalifs Omar and Ali. Salahuddin particularly noted in his decree Armenians jurisdiction over churches, holy places, Sourp Hagop Convent, churches of Bethlehem and Nablus, the Holy

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Tomb, other holy sites, and especially Armenians freedom to worship. He also lowered the taxes on Armenian merchants and pilgrims. In 1517 AD, Ottoman Sultan Selim occupied Jerusalem and issued his decree which confirmed the privileges bestowed upon the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem by Prophet Muhammad, Khalif Omar, and Salahuddin. Sultan Selim s successor, Sultan Suleiman, issued his own decree reconfirming the Armenian rights in Jerusalem. Subsequent Sultans also issued decrees, such as Mehmed IV in 1659 AD, Sultan Mahmud I in 1735 AD, and Sultan Abdulmejid I in 1853 AD. The Prophet Muhammad s decree, besides being a valuable historical document, indicates that Armenian Christians and Muslims have enjoyed the most cordial relations from the ancient times to the present. Armenians need to publicize the Prophet s crucial decree as well as those of his successors to counter the anti-Armenian propaganda spread by Turkey and Azerbaijan in the Islamic world.

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Eco-Tours Are Putting This Small Village in Armenia on the Map By Ani Melkonian KARIN, Armenia--This tiny village with a population of 300 in the Sasunik district of Aragatsotn is attracting visitors from all over the world. The village boasts no historical monuments, churches, museums, or galleries. What it does have is a tree nursery where Armenia's supply of green goodness is cultivated. Armenia Tree Project (ATP) opened the Karin Nursery in 1996 to have a continuous supply of trees for its planting initiatives, and to provide jobs for newly settled Armenian refugee families from Baku. Today, they are experts in tree propagation and are ready to share their knowledge and love for nature with the world through eco-tours. ATP's "Green Tours" to Karin present an opportunity for visitors to see and learn about more than 150 different types of trees and shrubs, including both endemic (native) and non-native sorts. "Trees which have changed the history of medicine, trees whose leaves are edible, trees that fight off evil spirits, and even trees that give hugs are just a few of the fascinating things found in ATP's gardens," says Nursery Manager Samvel Ghandilyan. Guests are shown the amazing journey trees take from seeds to seedlings. "We show visitors how trees are grown, grafted, irrigated, cultivated, and replanted at community sites

across the country," adds Ghandilyan. The tour includes a visit to ATP's greenhouses which are equipped with modern agricultural technologies, as well as the Michael and Virginia Ohanian Environmental Education Center, where visitors are likely to encounter schoolchildren learning about the environment. The center hosts more than 2,000 students of all ages from Armenia and the diaspora every year. Guests contribute by paying a $20 fee for

Don t Tax the Green in Armenia

the tour and some even get their hands dirty doing nursery work. "Our guests love seeing the endangered species which we grow here," says Karin Nursery Team Leader Svetik Tarjumanyan. "It's a quiet place but thanks to all the tourists it's gotten a bit more exciting to live here. They also enjoy seeing Ararat, Aragats, and Ara mountains all at once from this spot," she adds. Svetik's been with ATP since 1996. After the nursery tour, a fresh, healthy

"village style lunch" is offered under ATP's tent. But why end it there? Voskevaz Winery is just a 15 minute drive away and presents the chance to turn the Green Tour into a real countryside excursion. The combined nursery/winery tour is offered for $50. Established in 1932, Voskevaz is the oldest functioning winemaking company in Armenia and uses both traditional old karases and modern technology in its production. In their medieval-style cellars, guests can learn about the different methods and secrets of winemaking and, of course, taste their selection. If all the trees with superpowers and delicious local wine aren't action enough, ATP's Ashtarak Park is right next to the nursery and for a fee of $100 visitors get a chance to actually plant a tree and contribute to the greening activities of a new community which will shape around the park. "Ashtarak Park is a great example of how ATP is transforming landscapes from desert to oasis, and inviting the public to be part of it," says Ghandilyan. "For many years, people have asked us how they can plant their own trees in Armenia, to get their hands dirty and put roots into the soil. Now with the establishment of ATP's park in Ashtarak, we are offering that opportunity to help with the greening of Armenia."

Ministry ûf Diaspora Initiates Neruzh Youth Startup Program For Young Entrepreneurs ûf Armenian Descent «NerUzh» Diaspora Youth Startup Program is an interactive program for young entrepreneurs of Armenian descent, aged 1835, to advance their businesses by enriching their knowledge base, expanding network, and receiving funding after pitches. It aims to create an opportunity for young Armenian entrepreneurs from diaspora to bring startups to Armenia and enhance startup ecosystem in the country. The Program will take place from 16 to The Ministry of Diaspora has launched a 21 December, 2018 in UWC, Dilijan, Armenia. program called Neruzh cooperating parallelly The target sectors of the Program are with the FAST and IDEA Foundations, UWC Agriculture, Tourism and Innovative Technologies. Dilijan and Impact Hub Yerevan.

1st Tumo Center Outside Armenia Opens In Paris By Gor Mkrtchian Armenia s collection of renewable energy firms, among them Arpi Solar, Shtigen LLC, Redinet CJSC, and Solaron, are all operating under a terrible burden that doesn t have to exist: taxation. In 2017, Armenia took the wonderful step of removing import taxes on electric vehicles, but why is the renewable energy industry taxed at all? When you tax something, you get less of it, and we need more energy, not less. Yet, Armenia s renewable energy firms face property, income, payroll, social security, corporate, sales, and import taxes. Given Armenia s lack of confirmed coal, oil, or natural gas reserves, the nation is dependent on fuel imports from Russia and Iran, and blockaded by its two other neighbors. This means it s important to insulate against geopolitical risk. If energy imports from Russia and Iran were for one reason or another to cease, the results would be dire. The capability of producing energy domestically may prove vital to Armenia s future and independence. A total tax-exemption would not only mean the growth of existing firms, but also an

expansion of the industry altogether, with new entrants suddenly finding the sector profitable thanks to reduced participation costs. The energy sector would be more vibrant and competitive, and produce more domestic energy at a lower price. As a result, consumers would adopt its use in growing numbers. The economy would experience a major windfall in the face of such a reform. With this move towards a freer market, employment opportunities would be created, and the decreased cost of energy would lead to citizens having more money left over after paying their energy bills to spend elsewhere. The positive effects would spill over into the entire economy, not only because consumers would have lower energy bills, but also because energy is the master resource. Every aspect of the modern economy requires energy: every factory, every farm, every store and every home. Thus, reducing the cost of energy would directly benefit the entire economy. Making Armenia s renewable energy sector totally tax-free would be an enormous boon to the country s security and economy. The state shouldn t wait one moment longer to implement this policy.

Armenpress - Tumo s 1st international center, Tumo Paris, opened its doors on September 25 in front of students. Half of the 1500 students of Tumo Paris will start their studies this year, while the other half will start from January 2019. We got to know Armenia as a country with traditions in science, technologies and education. With the help of Tumo we provide the youth of Paris with all the tools necessary

for shaping the future world , Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo as saying, who visited the center accompanied by Head of Tumo Development Department Bekor Papazian. Tumo is free of charge for students. The syllabus has been translated into French. Nearly 1/3 of the students are from families with low income. The official opening ceremony will take place on October 15.


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How A Phone Call Can Change an Armenian National Institution By: Natalie Teperdjian (Asbarez)- In 2016, when Constantine Orbelian received the call from Armenia asking him to become Artistic Director of the Yerevan Opera House, no one could have imagined what epic changes were on the horizon. Two years on and under the guidance of Maestro Orbelian, this landmark institution has begun to write a new chapter in its history and embarked on its first international tour in 25 years. For 85 years the Armenian National Opera and Orchestra has played an iconic role in the Armenian narrative. Historically significant opera, ballet, orchestral, dance and other creative performances have been brought to life, and its building in the heart of Yerevan serves as the epicentre of the city s vibrant street and even political culture. But despite all this, in the last 17 years the Opera has only produced 8 new opera productions, 4 of which never made it far beyond the opening night. Financial constraints, lack of support and political unrest all contributed to this dearth of productivity. But the arrival of Maestro Orbelian has started to change all this. In his brief time with the Opera, Orbelian, an internationally acclaimed pianist and conductor, has injected new life into the Opera. I came here to support a national treasure, said Orbelian. We have so much untapped potential within the Opera and across Armenia. Before the end of the year we will have 6 new opera and ballet productions on stage, more than was launched in the last 17 years combined. This new vitality has already manifested

significant results with the Opera embarking on its first international tour in almost 25 years. Masterfully bringing to life Bizet s Carmen and Mozart s The Magic Flute to packed audiences at the beautiful and acoustically excellent Dubai Opera House in the UAE who were witnessing the first ever performance of either in the country. Two hundred performers, Tech crew, a costume team, full orchestra, Opera chorus, children s chorus, conductor and directors travelled from Yerevan to Dubai. Later this month the Opera will continue its international tour when they open the new Kuwait Opera House located on the compounds of The Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Center with the new production of the Magic Flute and orchestral selections marking

a significant first for both the Opera and Kuwait. The Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Center, informally known as the Kuwait Opera House, is a prominent cultural center in Kuwait, located on the Gulf Road in the capital Kuwait City. It is the largest cultural center and opera house in the Middle East. We are over joyed to be part of these firsts for the UAE and Kuwait, said Orbelian. Our invitations to perform in both countries are a true testament to the artistry of the Opera company and marks the important relationships between these countries and Armenia as a whole as they share our vision for the importance of a thriving arts community. All this innovation, however, belies the Opera s minute budget, and its rehearsing and

performing in a building that is a visual icon for the city, but needs much repair and work inside. Every great city has a thriving Opera House. From Sydney to Moscow, from Milan to New York a rich tapestry of historically significant and modern musical journeys come alive on the stages of these opera houses. Bringing culture and vibrancy to audiences. Each thrives in large part due to their team of business leaders and supporters who financially back the arts and understand the significance of a thriving arts community for a truly modern nation, which Armenia is still lacking. Orbelian s vision for the Opera is infectious, captivating all those who have an audience with this creative giant. He has plans for everything from developing an updated production of the Anush opera to developing an archive library to preserve Armenia s rich performing arts history. But it is clear that Orbelian cannot continue indefinitely to carry the full weight of the Opera s journey forward on his own. It s rare that such perfect moments arise where a historically significant national arts institute is poised at the edge of major change and opportunities exist to play a role. But that s exactly where the Armenian National Opera is today. While the curtains will soon close on its first successful international performances in the UAE and Kuwait what comes after is yet to be seen. Whatever the future holds, however, the story is waiting to be enriched by people around the world ready to foster the physical space and human talent pool to ensure Armenia is firmly on the map with the world s greatest arts centres.

Director Arthur Makaryan Hits the Road with Two New Productions By: Lilit Petrosyan

(Asbarez)- Arthur Makaryan is an emerging New York-based Armenian theatre and opera director, and a recent graduate of the Columbia Graduate School of the Arts and Juilliard Opera Directing Fellowship. He has worked all over the world, under the tutelage of Ann Bogart, Stephen Wadsworth and Tadashi Suzuki, among others. Arthur is currently busy orchestrating the last preparatory activities before he takes off to Europe to present his two latest endeavors to the international theatrical stage, HamletMachine and Black Garden. LILIT PETROSYAN: Why did you decide to take on producing such an incredibly complex play as HamletMachine ? ARTHUR MAKARYAN: I ve been longing to resume working with Armenian actors, and last summer, when I was visiting Armenia, I got together with an incredibly talented actor, Narek Baghdasaryan and immediately offered him to take part in the play. It is a solo performance, one-person show, a lot of which requires intense physical performance and not so much speaking. Within very short timelines and with the support of Luys Foundation

and AGBU, we produced a play that has all credentials to be called a contemporary art, a genre that is still not very popular in Armenia. My team and I wanted to experiment and see what we can achieve in that field.

we ll be playing at Theater Row on 42nd Street famous district as part of the United Solo Theater Festival, the world s largest solo theatre festival in October 24.

L.P.: It seems like the message of diplomacy, tolerance, self-criticism and self-reflection runs as a red thread through the other play of yours, Black Garden. Why is that so important to you? A.M.: Black Garden is inspired by the historical events in NagornoKarabakh where over 30,000 soldiers were killed between 19881994. It is a theatrical collage that portrays the distressing extent of an Armenian woman s trauma who is haunted by the memories of a lost lover. We ve created the play with an intention to launch a dialogue towards peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, countries that have been unable to resolve a conflict over the disputed territory for decades. As an Armenian, I have never met an Azeri in my life, yet we are presumed enemies. With this play, we try to bring awareness of the conflict to an international stage A lot of times, within the and create a platform for a dialogue. Armenian reality as well, the matter L.P.: It s interesting to note that of pride and revenge is placed above the ramifications which sometimes the author of Black Garden, a play can be catastrophic. Diplomacy, fair about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict judgment and the ability to see the a topic which is so incredibly bigger picture are the core messages Armenian, is American. How did this happen? of the play. A.M.: The author of Black L.P.: At which festivals have you Garden is Gordon Penn, an presented HamletMachine so far? American playwright who I met A.M.: The play was presented during my studies at the Columbia in Armmono International Festival in University. Until recently, Gordon Yerevan and is now leaving for knew only the briefest about Russia to be performed at Golden Armenia. It was until he was Gates festival in September 23rd at managing actors in Los Angeles, Vladimir Theatre. Later this year, we where he happened to live in the have performances in Lithuania, part of Hollywood called Little Moldova and New York. In New York, Armenia that things changed. L.P.: What s the main message of the play that you want to convey to your audience? A.M.: When we say Hamlet, we think of Shakespeare and lengthy elaborate monologues. In this case w e h a v e a n a d a p ta t i o n o f Shakespeare s Hamlet and Henrikh Muller s HamletMachine. It s a play, which essentially is Hamlet s visit to a psychotherapist, where Hamlet is in an emotional turmoil trying to reevaluate, justify and understand the motives of people who he kills in Shakespeare s play. Hamlet is presented as a utilitarian who adheres to maximize the good and produce the best consequences possible despite all the circumstances present. This is in direct contrast to Kant s moral philosophy where all actions are performed in accordance with some underlying principle and duty rather than emotions or end goals.

Moreover, we have quite an international team working on this two-handed play, Tamara Sevunts, a Canadian-Armenian actress from Montreal and Alex Marz, an American actor. L.P.: Where are you presenting the play in the nearest future? A.M.: Black Garden is among the official selections of the Pleins Feux festival in Paris at the Théâtre de l Opprimé (Theater of the Oppressed) and will be performed 5 times between September 5-9. We are delighted to be part of a program that includes companies emerging from Strasbourg National Theatre, National Conservatory of Paris, l ENSATT de Lyon. A lot of big names are presented in this festival and it s our biggest honor to perform amongst them, especially with the production of Black Garden. L.P.: With the new political reality in Armenia, what are your immediate plans with Armenia? A.M.: I know one thing for a fact you can never sit and wait for someone to give you an opportunity.

You should come up with your own initiatives, and the new realities in Armenia motivate you to do so. Currently I am thinking about new projects and I would love to work with the National Theater of Armenia and the National Opera and Ballet Theater as the new directions are extremely progressive and supportive of producing new plays and operas. I d love to have an input into the development of the Armenian theater. Additionally, I ve been thinking about starting an English Speaking performance series in Armenia which would not only make the international language more scalable across the country, bring the tourists to see Armenian theater but will also give an opportunity to perform plays in their original language. As part of that project, I am also trying to launch a play translation project to translate Armenian plays into English. This will multiply our chances to be presented on the international stage and make our message more accessible and relatable.



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Eye-Opening ...

cont. from first 1

a young Shahan Natalie, the mastermind of Operation Nemesis. Producer Nare TerGabrielian will also be in attendance from Yerevan to introduce her new award-winning film Taniel about Taniel Varoujan. Ece Günesh Saadetyan s One Love, Three Holy Books, is a brave exploration of mixed marriages in Turkey. The documentary grapples with a taboo topic, underscoring the challenges various couples must overcome for love. The film shares parallels to the POM feature film, Tabu, by independent filmmaker and academic Robert Deranian, which follows the tragic romance between Armenian and Turkish college students. Looking further back in time, the documentary, Red, by Turkish filmmaker Kadir Akin, is based on his book on Paramaz ,

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leader of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party, who was executed in 1915 along with his Hunchakian comrades at Beyazit Square. It will be presented as part of the Armenians In Turkey: Then & Now series alongside the short film Murat by the renown Kocharian sisters, winners of the Best Short Doc Award previously at both POM and HOT DOCS. Captivating feature films will include LAbased director Prince Bagdasaryan s drama, Diverted Eden. A gripping story about a father s

mission to find his young daughter who is kidnapped. Those in search of comedy will enjoy Hotel Gagarin by Simone Spada. The charming film is about a group of Italians who are sent to shoot a film in Armenia. They are unexpectedly abandoned at a hotel in the forest and find an unexpected opportunity for happiness. History buffs will relish producer Mary Apick s Price for Freedom, based on a true story by Iranian dentist Dr. Marc Benhuri. The

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film stars Hollywood star Paul Sorvino as the shah of Iran. Sorvino is best known for his roles in Goodfellas and Romeo and Juliet. Apick, originally from Tehran, is a multi-talented producer, director and actress. An impressive series of shorts will also be screened, including the recent TIFF selection, Antouni, by Alik Tamar; WWII themed Dirty Bomb by Valerie McCaffrey, producer of Lost and Found in Armenia; A Flock of Birds/ Seamstress of Ourfa by Cypriot Victoria Harwood Butler-

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