TorontoHye #154 Augst 2018

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Taste ofAleppo Aleppo Taste of #1 Baklava in Toronto


ú¶àêîàê 2018 Ķ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 154


Canadian PM Reaffirms His Participation In the 17th Francophone Summit In Yerevan On July 12, 2018, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a series of informal working meetings with leaders of different countries on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Brussels. In particular, the Prime Minister met with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Macedonia Zoran Zaev, Slovak President Andrej Kiska and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. With the aforementioned leaders and the NATO Secretary General, Prime Minister Pashinyan discussed prospects for the development of bilateral and multilateral

relations, as well as various issues of mutual interest. Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau confirmed his participation in the upcoming 17th Summit of La Francophonie in Yerevan and noted that he had happened to stay in Armenia as early as in 1988 with his father, and he had good memories of our country. French President Emmanuel Macron, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras invited Prime Minister Pashinyan to visit their countries. They stated their interest in expanding bilateral cooperation with our country in a number of spheres and expressed confidence that effective cooperation would be established with the new government of Armenia. Noting that Italy boasted deeply-rooted friendly ties with Armenia, the Italian Premier stressed the need for their furtherance and strengthening.

Pashinyan meets Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Brussels, July 12, 2018.

The Prime Minister of Armenia and the on the agenda of Armenia-NATO cooperation. NATO Secretary General discussed issues

Ontario Premier Doug Ford Visits ACC Summer Festival

Armenian community leaders and ANCT members with Ontario Premier Doug Ford, MPP Aris Babikian, MPP Raymond Cho and MPP Vincent Ke.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford visits boots at Toronto ACC Summerfest on July 15, Toronto.

On Sunday, July 8, Ontario Premier Doug Ford visited the Armenian community centre s Summer Festival in Toronto. Premier Ford was impressed by the vibrant Armenian Community.

In addition to Vatche Kelobozian, the Minister Raymond Cho (Scarborough North) President of the Armenian Community Centre, and MPP Vincent Ke (Don Valley North) were and Harout Matossain, the Chair of the on hand to welcome the Premier. Armenian National Committee of Toronto, MPP Aris Babikian (Scarborough-Agincourt),

Later, in a tweet he wrote: Had a great time today at the Armenian Community Centre s SummerFest. Lots of fun activities and a wonderful display of culture from Toronto s Armenian community.

Imagine Armenia Forum Held in Toronto Targets Engagement with Armenia By: Kamo Mayilyan Repat Armenia Foundation, in cooperation with the DEPOP Institute and AGBU of Toronto, organized Imagine Armenia forum on May 09, 2018, at Glendon College of York University in Toronto. The goal of the forum was to discuss ways of engagement with Armenia and promote more ties between diaspora and Armenia, by showcasing different ways of getting engaged with Armenia, including stories and successful examples of repatriates and diasporans who are currently making positive change in Armenia. This was the 18th event of the series of Imagine Armenia forums, following successful completion of similar forums during the past five years in major diaspora communities in cities such as Los Angeles, Boston, New York, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam, Paris, Marseille, Brussels, London, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tbilisi, Tehran, and Beirut. The forum brought together speakers such as Armen Orujyan from FAST foundation, Larisa Hovhannisian from Teach for Armenia, Linda Yepoyan from Birthright Armenia, Lucineh Kassarjian from Sensyan, Raffi Elliott from Get Treated Medical Travel, Shaunt

Tchakmak from Homeland Development Initiative Foundation, Tania Chichmanian from Armenia Volunteer Corps, and Tatev Petrossian from OneArmenia, who showcased their success stories and discussed ways of possible engagement with Armenia. Vartan Marashlyan, Repat Armenia s Executive Director said times for charity donations have gone, and now it is time for engagement in business, development and other sectors, and suggested the participants to network with the speakers and come up with ways of getting and staying engaged with Armenia. The forum was moderated by Raffi Kassarjian and Kamo Mayilyan. The event that hosted approximately 150 people from the Armenian community of Toronto was opened by Annie Demirjian, Rita Karakas and Vahan Kololian, who highlighted the importance of engagement with Armenia in this important moment when the country is going through fundamental positive changes for development. The timing of the forum coincided with the revolutionary changes in Armenia, and the participants highlighted that it is very important for this momentum to turn the energy in Armenia into work for positive change and development for more long-term development

Imagine Armenia Forum at Glendon College, May 9, Toronto.

prospects and secure Armenia as when economic and legal environments improve, there will be more people willing to return to Armenia and live in the Homeland. Following the forum, participants asked questions and approached the speakers to discuss ways of getting connected with the Homeland through business and social initiatives, to promote different ways of engagement, including but not limited with

volunteering, internship, education, professional repatriation, support to impactful business and social projects. For members of the Armenian community in Toronto, who are planning to repatriate or get engaged in any way with Armenia, the team of Repat Armenia will be happy to get connected and discuss ways of collaboration and engagement: contact Repat Armenia team at



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ANCA Discusses Policy Priorities with Armenia s First Deputy Prime Minister Armenia s First Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan visited the ANCA Thursday for a constructive working meeting about new opportunities for the expansion of U.S.Armenia relations and the full range of ANCA advocacy priorities. Mirzoyan was joined by Armenia s Ambassador to the United States Grigor Hovhannissian, his Armenian government colleagues, and senior Embassy staff. The discussion covered a broad array of shared concerns, including regional challenges, threats, and opportunities, the security of Artsakh, justice for the Armenian Genocide, and the prospect for robust growth in the U.S.-Armenia political, economic, and military relationship. In terms of specific economic policy priorities, the ANCA is 1) exploring a $140 million MCC Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math grant for Armenia s public schools, 2) advocating for a modern Tax Treaty

to eliminate double taxation and promote financial transparency, 3) seeking a Social Security Agreement to protect benefits earned by people who divide their careers between the U.S. and Armenia, 4) researching the commercial viability of non-stop flights from Los Angeles to Yerevan, and 5) working to maximize the effectiveness of the existing Trade and Investment Framework Agreement Council and the U.S.-Armenia Economic Task Force. At the level of bilateral relations, Armenia s peaceful, constitutional political transition to a forward-leaning new government has created exciting new opportunities for the growth of U.S.-Armenia ties. In terms of regional relations, policymakers in Washington increasingly understand and accept that the The ANCA members with US-Armenia relations with Armenia s First Deputy Prime Minister glaring democracy gap between Armenia and Ararat Mirzoyan, Ambassador Grigor Hovhannissian and senior Embassy staff. Azerbaijan needs to inform U.S. policy toward between Artsakh and Azerbaijan. We had an these fronts, and a broad array of shared these two nations and, of course, the resolution excellent discussion with Deputy Prime priorities, said ANCA Executive Director Aram of outstanding status and security issues Minister Mirzoyan regarding progress on both Hamparian.

Avinyan Solidifies $30.5 Million Investment Agreements During U.S., Canada Visit After a visit to Canada, Armenia s Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan led a delegation of government officials to the United States from June 28 to July 2 in order to negotiate and solidify investment agreements between the U.S. and Armenia. The visit resulted in investment agreements worth a total of $30.5 million. The U.S. visit began with a visit to the ServiceTitan software company s headquarters in Glendale, California, where the Armenian officials met with the company s founders as well as founders of Teamable and Airobotics, which operate in Silicon Valley. Topics discussed included developing Armenia s engineering education opportunities, scientific research, startup development and involving Armenia in multinational organizations. The officials discussed the government s priorities in these sectors, existing issues and the Diaspora s participation in the field s development. A preliminary agreement was reached with ServiceTitan to assist in opening a branch of the company in Yerevan. The Armenian delegation later met with representatives of over two dozens business associations at the Armenian Consulate in Los Angeles. Agreements on cooperation between Armenian companies were reached and organizing a visit of the American Business Federation to Armenia was discussed. The delegation also took part in a reception with major Armenian-American businessmen, during which Avinyan presented the new government s Armenia-Diaspora

cooperation framework and the new government s priorities regarding international business engagements. During the meeting, the sides agreed to carry out projects focusing on knowledge and experience exchanges as well as opening manufacturing, waste processing, textile and renewable energy plants in Armenia. The businessmen plan to visit Armenia in the near future in order to launch the agreed-upon projects. On June 30, the delegation met with dozens more Armenian businessmen, many of whom agreed to invest in a national venture fund and participate in a national startup summit in Armenia. The delegation presented its Diaspora Bonds initiative, which is a mechanism for encouraging mass investments and contributing to the sustainable development of Armenia s economy. Avinyan held one-on-one meetings with many investors to discuss concrete investment programs in the sectors of healthcare, agriculture, IT, education, tourism, military industry, filmmaking and others. At the same time, Business Armenia Armenia s national authority for trade, investment and tourism inked a memorandum of understanding with Crystal Lake Holdings LLC, whereby the latter agreed to invest $10 million to construct a hotel complex in Lake Sevan. The issue of opening an Armenian branch of the St. Jude Medical Inc. a healthcare giant engaged in the production of cardio devices was discussed with businessman Dro Darbinyan. Eco Panel Group Inc.,

Armenia s Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan with LA Mayor Eric Garcetti and LA City Councilman Paul Krekorian.

represented by Director Khachik Khachikyan, also expressed a willingness to invest $10 million for establishing an EPG eco-panel production in Armenia. A group of U.S.-based Armenian doctors suggested financially assisting families of servicemen in Armenia in providing medical insurance. The establishment of a pharmaceutical plant was discussed with Armenian-American businessman Ashot Tadevosyan. Preliminary agreements were reached over investments in the banking system, organic food and honey production in Armenia. Deputy Minister of Diaspora Babken TerGrigoryan met with California State Senator Anthony Portantino to discuss issues relating

to strengthening relations between Armenia and California specifically. The working visit concluded with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti hosting the Armenian delegation on July 2. Possible cooperation paths in the sectors of IT, transportation, energy efficiency were discussed. A memorandum of understanding was signed between the city of Los Angeles and the Armenian government to cooperate in the exchange of experience; the sides plan to design a project to involve Armenian civil servants in L.A. s administrative institutions. A potential visit by Garcetti to Armenia in December was also discussed.

US Ambassador Says Efforts Underway for Pashinian-Trump Meeting (Asbarez)- The United States Ambassador to Armenia, Richard Mills, told reporters recently that active efforts are underway to arrange a meeting between Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in September. He added, however, that no decision has been made. We are looking at whether it might be possible for President Trump and Prime Minister (Pashinian) to meet in New York around the margins of the UN General Assembly, said Mills. The Ambassador said the U.S. government and the Embassy in Yerevan were satisfied with the high level of bilateral relations between the two countries. Just in the last six weeks we had President (Armen) Sarkissian in Washington

to meet with the Secretary of State (Mike Pompeo); we had the first deputy prime minister [Ararat Mirzoyan]; and the minister of justice (Artak Zeynalian) is there this week, added Mills. During his chat with reporters, Mills said that interest in Armenia, in terms of investment and trade, has increased in the U.S. since the peaceful popular movement last spring, which overthrew the government of former president Serzh Sarkisian. He also hailed efforts by the Armenian government to advance and strengthen the investment climate in Armenia for U.S. and foreign investors. Investors are watching some of the changes here in the country which they welcome. They are also watching the investigations into corruption and tax evasion that the government has launched. And I can

tell you that U.S. investors welcome that. They want to make sure that these investigations are done in accordance with the rule of law, and so that anyone who did investment here in good faith is not mistreated, added Mills. To illustrate the continuing strong bond between Armenia and the U.S., the ambassador pointed to recent meeting between high-level Armenian government officials to advance relations. Recently the Armenian minister of defense (Davit Donoyan) was in Brussels and had a chance to meet with senior defense department officials and discuss the opportunity to deepen our existing cooperation in the military field. Both for the U.S and Armenia it s very important to see the deepening and expansion of our economic and commercial relations, explained Mills. US ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills.


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Terzian Appointed Interim Hayastan Fund Director that you? By: Talyn Terzian-Gilmour Ever notice how much your surroundings influence you? For example, there are now stories about how Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, is faking an accent and changing the way she speaks all in an attempt to appear more British . I assure you, if these rumours are true, it s not necessarily for publicity s sake or at least that s what the optimist in me says. Her slips into British are more likely the cause of her innate ability to relate and a keen sense of observation she is, after all, an actress. While I m no Meghan Markle although I was once compared to her from behind at a grocery store by an elderly woman after I d taken inspiration from (*shamelessly copied*) her entire coming-outwith-Harry outfit at the Invictus Games I too consider myself highly observant, intuitive and when I make an effort, extremely relatable. For the past four weeks my best friends have been my 12-year-old and the 8-yearold. It s summer break a break from routine, a break from school, a break from HOMEWORK!!!! It s been heaven. And while that doesn t mean that I can just sit on the couch and binge watch Grey s Anatomy (I m still trying to now conquer the jargon of the medical field), there s a different kind of running around that we ve been up to. The world through the eyes of pre-teens is an interesting place. One moment it holds every kind of possibility and excitement the next, it is a cage, a jail, a dark chasm of hopelessness and that s usually when I ve made them turn off the electronics, come out into the light, and get outside. My 12-year-old is cerebral, curious, and one with whom you can have long conversations about all sorts of things. I ve been told he s a deep soul and as his mother, I m only just discovering his depth. While we re very alike in our care and compassion for people, he is much more guarded than I ever was or could be and he is very passionate about his video games! The 8-year-old, on the other hand, is a different being all together. He s much more confident, independent, stubborn, and has a very strong character though he s an absolute ball of mushy love on the inside very deep on the inside. Growing up, I m told I was a fun-loving, compassionate and curious kid more like the 12-year-old. Always inclusive, a caregiver and organizer, I liked to make sure that everyone was having a good time, though I wasn t a saint. This carried into my teens and 20s, and when I found that group of everlasting friends, I took their wellbeing to heart so much so, that when it came to fending off unwanted attention or gaining entry to the latest and most exclusive downtown club, I d pull out my alter ego, Estella. Alter egos are handy. They help to give us confidence in situations which are out of our ordinary. For example, there may be some who truly enjoy going on job interviews and as my most recent experience can postulate, I am not one of them. But I had promised myself that I would at least try, and try I did with Estella. With her hair tied back into a smart, sleek ponytail, she answered questions with a level of confidence that would ve taken me at least another week to find. I believe Estella could be the female version of the 8-year-old Mr. Niceguy and I are sometimes, well, afraid of our 8-year-old. We are in awe of his strength in character and are so grateful to him as he s allowed us to elongate the kid years that we were initially in such a rush to pass by. People tell you to enjoy your kids while you can because they grow up so fast and in the early days of diaper changes and bottles, you wish for time to speed up. But now, as I relish every moment, and try to observe every characteristic have I become, my 8-year-old? When the 8-year-old is unhappy with something, his usual response is to hit, throw, kick, scream or yell. However, when he is in a more forgiving mood, he lets you know his displeasure but giving you a simple thumbs down no words, just a simple gesture. I find the thumbs down so endearing and a wonderful way to just let the world know, hey, that s not for me, and so I m outta here without hurting anyone s feelings. But imagine the confusion on a salespeople s faces when a grown woman starts giving the thumbs down, store after store, on her shopping excursion. Yes, that was me. Could all my recent powers of observation have channelled the 8-year-old into Estella?? Rather, into a new alter ego?? But didn t the chicken come before the egg? Is there a buried side of me that is much more like the 8-year-old than I ever thought? On a few recent shopping trips, I have not been able to refrain from giving the thumbs down thumbs down because I couldn t find the flowers I was looking for, thumbs down because I had to wait in a long coffee line, thumbs down because they didn t have the dress in the size and colour that I wanted thumbs down, thumbs down, thumbs down!! I can t help it. I ve adopted this very simple, very effective, and very confident way of expressing myself albeit totally out of place and seemingly bizarre to everyone around me perhaps just like an American suddenly adopting an English accent. It takes me by surprise and makes me chuckle just a little each and every time. By the end of the summer, I wonder what other characteristics and mannerisms I ll assume from my two boys a few I hope to be sure of: their zest for life, their energy and their sense of adventure! No thumbs down to that! We re halfway through my favourite season have a safe and happy rest of summer!

Prime Minister Pashinyan with Bedros Terzian

President Armen Sarkissian on July 11 recommended the appointment of Bedros Terzian as interim executive director of the Hayastan All-Armenia Fund who will step in following the resignation of the fund s embattled director Ara Vardanyan who was arrested on charges of misappropriations of funds. Sarkissian also recommended that the Hayastan Fund Board accept Vardanyan s resignation. Vardanyan admitted to using the fund s credit card for online gambling. After posting a 1 million dram bail, he returned to the Hayastan Fund offices before submitting his resignation two days later. Terzian has served as chairman of the Hayastan Fund s France affiliate and also serves on the fund s national board. Terzian also has been tasked to appoint and chair a commission to select a new executive director. This group will include

representatives from the offices of t he Armenian Prime Minister and President of Artsakh, as well as Albert Poghosyan, a member of the Hayastan Fund board. Terzian was born in 1948 in Beirut where he earned degrees in economics from SaintJoseph University, philosophy from L Ecole des Lettres and computer sciences from L Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs. He received a doctorate in economics from Paris famed Sorbonne University. He was a co-founder of the Petro-Money Report at the Financial Times in Beirut and London, deputy director of the Arab Center for Oil Studies in Paris, and was a professor at University of Grenoble. Terzian has held leadership roles in the French affiliate of the Hayastan All-Armenia Fund since its inception.

Varak s Crescent The Memory Of You, Felt This Very Night Written by: Vahan Tekeyan Translated by: Varak Babian The memory of you, felt on this very night, lures me to tears. I presumed it had retreated from my heart..yet with no announcement, no fanfare, On this very evening, it returns. It demands its once claimed space, It longs for the tenderness felt during days now buried. It kneads my core; it ascends, it mounts my chest. Your image is embedded in my eyes, and your voice saunters across my ear The two stir with ambition on this very night. Your sweet breath dances through my veins It pillows me, All while your invisible fingers seem to graze my face. One by one, our everlasting moments are rewinded They resurface within the caravan of stars, My soul acts as the stable, providing comfort for its sweet flock. With the memory of you, felt this very night..I feel refined, I feel privileged, as if I ve bathed in joy and pure goodness. As I am immersed; my compassion is inspired And I m tempted to share this very memory of you, With all the poor and wretched souls of the world. *Translated from the original, Vahan Tekeyan s, §øáõ ÚÇß³ï³Ï¹ ²Ûë ¶Çß»ñ¦.



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Aram Manoukian Statue Unveiled at Yerevan s Republic Square Pashinyan calls Manoukian, the ARF leader who became the first prime minister of the 1918 Republic, the greatest apostle of modern history.

The statue of Aram Manoukian unveiled at Republic Square, July 17, Yerevan.

Hundreds gathered at Republic Square on Tuesday evening, for the long-awaited unveiling of a statue of Aram Manoukian, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation leader who became the first prime minister of the First Republic of Armenia in 1918, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, President Armen Sarkissian and His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians joined ARF leaders and members for the momentous ceremony. In remarks delivered at the foot of the statue, Prime Minister Pashinyan hailed Manoukian as the greatest apostle of modern history, saying that his predecessor

from the First Republic of Armenia had carved victories from defeats and sowed his mission of marshaling the Armenian Nation to statehood after 600 years of living under foreign rule into this land. Perhaps I won t be wrong to say that in the person of Aram Manoukian we are dealing with the greatest apostle of our modern history. He was born to realize a great mission, and he succeeded. It truly was the greatest mission to find victories within storms of defeats, to find hope in a flood of despair, to find strength when it seems your arms are weakened and knees bent. Aram Manoukian fully implemented

Time Magazine Names Nikol Pashinian and 3 Others Crusaders of World Democracy

Time magazine has named Armenia s prime minister one of the modern world s four prominent crusaders keeping the dream of democracy alive . The publication has spoken with all the four people about their motivation to fight authoritarian regimes in their countries. Opposition politician who led the protests that toppled Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian in April and shortly after became the nation s leader, reads the description about Nikol Pashinian. It was love for my people that forced me to get out of my comfortable office as head of a parliamentary faction and spend about 20 nights in the woods, the streets, in a tent, in protest at the government led by Serzh Sarkisian. I had no personal motivations. All I wanted was to win freedom and happiness for my homeland and people.

I said that if citizens took to the streets in the hundreds of thousands and power did not change, I would no longer engage in political activities. From the very first day, we kept saying we would not resort to violence against anyone, even if we were met with brutality. From the podium, I said we would be guided by a biblical verse: if someone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. We knew we would never retreat, Pashinian said in comments to the magazine. Pashinian is branded as a crusader of democracy along with Farida Nabourema, an activist and blogger from Togo, Enrieth Martínez, a Nicaraguan activist who leads a protest movement to oust President Daniel Ortega and Ouided Bouchamaoui, a Tunisian opposition leader who won Nobel Peace Prize in 2015 for nurturing democracy in her country after the Arab Spring.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was joined by President Armen Sarkissian and Catholicos Karekin II

his mission, he never lived for himself, his family or relatives, he lived for his people, he struggled and won for his people, said Pashinyan to the cheers of the crowd at the ceremony. Saying that Aram Manoukian walked the very street, where the crowd had gathered, he pledged to be guided by his principles in advancing and strengthening the modern-day Republic of Armenia. We have our mission. The mission of state and public officials and citizens of Armenia is to be worthy to Aram Manoukian s virtue and to live in a way to be entitled to look right into his eyes when walking next

to his statue and say that we are the masters of his mission, his work is not incomplete. His victory is alive, added Pashinyan. After the ceremony, President Sarkissian laid flowers at the foot of the statue and mingled with participants of the ceremony. ARF Bureau member and head of its political office Giro Manoyan delivered remarks on behalf of the organization, citing Manoukian s accomplishments as an ARF member, a soldier for the Armenian Cause and a leader who led the realization of the dream of establishing an independent Armenian Republic.

$42 Million In Unpaid Taxes Restored By Authorities In Just 45 Days

Tax inspectors raid the offices of the GLG Project company in Yerevan, 23 June 2018.

(Armenpress)- 20 billion 622 million drams in tax evasion damages have been restored in one and a half months alone as of July 1, PM Nikol Pashinyan said at today s Cabinet meeting. As you know, since the formation of the government the combat against corruption and black market is actively ongoing in Armenia, he said. Pashinyan said that 20 billion 622 million drams or 42 million dollars, in unpaid taxes have been restored amid criminal cases initiated by different law enforcement bodies. This is a very important indicator and we must continue working in this

direction, he said. State Revenue Committee President Davit Ananyan said the money was restored due to joint efforts of the national security service, the State Revenue Committee itself and the police. Ananyan said the figure is changing day by day. The Prime Minister said that the money will be transferred to the state budget. This figure relates solely to tax obligations; this figure doesn t relate to corruption occurrences or illicit enrichment. We will restore the damage to the state to the end with no retreat.


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Armenia Not Eligible For U.S. Aid Scheme By: Nane Sahakian (RFE/RL)- Armenia can no longer qualify for a multimillion-dollar U.S. aid program because of what the World Bank regards as growth in living standards in the country, according to First Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan. The administration of former U.S. President George W. Bush launched the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) program in 2006 in an effort to reward developing nations committed to major reforms. Shortly afterwards Armenia received $177 million in MCA funding for the rehabilitation of its rural irrigation networks. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a U.S. government agency running the aid scheme, also planned to allocate $60 million for the reconstruction of the country s rural roads. But it scrapped that allocation shortly after a disputed 2008 presidential election that was followed by a government crackdown on the Armenian opposition. Former President Serzh Sarkisian s government tried unsuccessfully to get the MCA to unfreeze aid to Armenia. U.S. officials said, among other things, that it is not doing

First Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan speaks at a cabinet meeting in Yerevan, 22 May 2018.

enough to combat widespread corruption. The United States signaled its readiness to boost its economic assistance to Armenia following a democratic revolution that swept Nikol Pashinian and his allies to power in early May. U.S. Ambassador Richard Mills said in late May that Washington is now exploring possibilities of doing that, including the MCA. Mirzoyan discussed the issue with U.S.

officials when he visited Washington last week. He said he was told that Armenia is not eligible for MCA funding anymore because the World Bank recently upgraded its status from a lower middle income to an upper middle income country. Mirzoyan said he suggested that the U.S. government consider other channels of financial support for the new authorities in

Yerevan. If we no longer meet MCA criteria, then I think it s definitely possible to think about a new mechanism whereby the U.S. would provide assistance to democracy in Armenia, he told RFE/RL s Armenian service ( Ambassador Mills said last week that Washington is still considering increasing assistance to Armenia. We are looking at what is possible, including changes in levels of our funding through the USAID and other U.S. government agencies, he told reporters. Suren Sargsian, an Armenian political analyst, was skeptical about the Pashinian government s chances of securing greater U.S. aid. I consider that unlikely at least at this stage, under the Trump administration, because the Trump administration s [international] priorities are a bit different, he said. Sargsian suggested that the situation might change if the Democratic Party gains control over the U.S. Congress in the November mid-term elections. Democratic lawmakers have traditionally been more supportive of causes championed by the Armenian-American lobby groups than their Republican colleagues.

Pashinyan in Brussels: We expect more assistance The new Armenian PM reiterated that he won't make any geopolitical shifts, but tried to impress Western leaders with his democratic credentials. ( Armenia's newly elected prime minister Nikol Pashinyan visited Brussels and had a clear message for European Union and NATO officials: We're democratic now, so we deserve your support. Pashinyan's visit to the NATO summit, held in Brussels on July 11 and 12, was being closely watched due to his geopolitically delicate balancing act: dependent on support from Russia but clearly more sympathetic to the West. That Pashinyan went to the summit itself wasn't geopolitically noteworthy Pashinyan's predecessor, Serzh Sargsyan, also was a regular visitor to NATO summits. And Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, also a regular, was in Brussels as well, albeit at somewhat of a lower profile. (That didn't stop the Russian Eurasianist news site Tsargrad from trying to stir things up ahead of the summit, with a piece headlined: Who is a friend, and who not so much: Pashinyan is going to the NATO summit, Aliyev declined. They turned out to be wrong about Aliyev.) Armenia has no prospect of joining NATO, but does have a partnership agreement with the EU, signed in the last months of the Sargsyan presidency. Its ties to Russia are much stronger: It is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union, the Russia-led security and economic blocs, respectively. Nevertheless, Pashinyan made some telling remarks during his time spent with the leaders of the West, suggesting he wants Armenia to be treated as part of their team now that Armenia is on the road to democracy. On security issues, he presented Armenia's conflict with Azerbaijan as one between democracy and authoritarianism. Unfortunately, I saw rising tensions on Nagorno-Karabakh s borders and along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border immediately after taking over as prime minister, Pashinyan said at a meeting with Latvian President Raimonds Vejonis, RFE/RL reported. I want to stress that any Azerbaijani attack on Armenia would also be an attack on democracy. I hope that the international community will send a very strong signal to Baku to the effect that any attempt to escalate the situation

impressed with Pashinyan, though. What happened in Armenia was very European, said Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, at least according to a statement from Pashinyan's office. You can count on European Union support on the road to reforms. But Olesya Vartanyan, a Tbilisi-based analyst at the International Crisis Group, said Pashinyan may be expecting too much from Europe, at least yet. I think Pashinyan is too fast in his conclusions, and this might be a mistake, she said in a tweet. She cited a European diplomat in Yerevan as telling her: The world continues spinning while new leadership still hasn't presented a program for any outsider to support. So why frustration with Brussels? Vartanyan concluded. *Joshua Kucera is the Turkey/Caucasus Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan met with European Commission President Jean- editor at Eurasianet, and author of The Bug Claude Juncker (July 12, 2018) in Brussels. Pit. in the region, any attempt to start a war would ahead of the summit. The way to counter the meet with a strong reaction from the Russian-Azerbaijani threat is Western political international community, he added. support, and also a security guarantee which, At meetings with EU officials on the NATO we hope, will be a topic of discussion during summit sidelines, Pashinyan also said he Pashinyan's visit to Brussels. expected economic support from the West in It's not clear if that was in fact a topic of the wake of his rise to power, after he toppled discussion if so, everyone was wise to not Sargsyan in a wave of street protests. mention it in public and Pashinyan repeatedly In essence, after the revolution there reiterated that he did not intend to make any were very warm statements [of support for the geopolitical moves. We will stay a close ally new Armenian leadership], but there has been of Russia and we hope to develop our relations no policy change, he told reporters. Frankly, with Russia but with NATO and Western I made it clear to our partners that this is not countries and European Unions and United quite understandable and acceptable We States as well. So we aren t going to make a specifically expect more concrete and greater U-turn in our foreign policy, he said in an assistance. interview with Euronews. Russia has maintained an Whatever their merit, Pashinyan's appeals uncharacteristically soft touch with Pashinyan to democratic values seem a bit of a throwback and his revolution, in an apparent to the 1990s or 2000s, when Western leaders understanding that playing tough would at least made more of a show of caring about backfire, as it has in Ukraine and Georgia. But the types of governments they worked with. there are signs that the Kremlin may be trying As the world trends in a more realpolitik to cause trouble discreetly, with the recent direction, it may not matter much if Armenia visit of several prominent Russians to is a democracy or not. Azerbaijan earlier this month, where they Pashinyan was photographed in an offered a strong show of support. exchange with U.S. President Donald Trump To withstand that [Russian pressure], one of the leaders of the new international Armenia should deepen its ties with Western amorality but it wasn't reported what they partner countries and structures, wrote talked about. Armenian commentator Garnik Gevorgyan Many of the Western leaders were clearly

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ú¶àêîàê 2018 Ķ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 154

Russia Can Prevent Karabakh War, Says Pashinian By: Karlen Aslanian (RFE/RL)- Armenia expects Russia to prevent Azerbaijan from starting another war for Nagorno-Karabakh, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said on Friday. We know that our strategic partner, our centuries-old friend and our brother Russia has all the capacity and the levers to prevent Azerbaijan from resorting to a provocation in both the short and long terms, he told journalists. And I can t believe that Russia will not use those levers. Pashinian insisted in that regard that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev will not act on his regular threats of a military solution to the Karabakh conflict in the absence of appropriate geopolitical conditions. In any case, we must be prepared for defending our homeland at any moment, he said. The war is not over. Only its first phase has ended, Aliyev said during a military parade in Baku on June 26. He threatened military strikes against strategic Armenian targets. Pashinian s remarks were construed by Stepan Grigorian, a Yerevan-based analyst, as a preventive message addressed to Russia. He is saying: We know that you are influential, so warn them, Grigorian told RFE/RL s Armenian service (

Another analyst, Hakob Badalian, claimed that the Russians could have prevented the April 2016 hostilities around Karabakh which nearly degenerated into an all-out war. He said Pashinian was therefore right to send the message to them. Azerbaijan s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov and his recently appointed Armenian counterpart, Zohrab Mnatsakanian, met in Brussels last week in a bid to kick-start the Karabakh peace process. They began the talks in the presence of the U.S., Russian and French mediators co-chairing the OSCE Minsk Group. The mediators said afterwards that Mammadyarov and Mnatsakanian discussed a range of possible confidence-building measures in the conflict zone. The Ministers agreed to meet again in the near future under the auspices of the Co-Chairs, they added in a joint statement. Pashinian on Friday questioned Baku s commitment to a peaceful settlement that would involve mutual concessions by the warring sides. When we get a message that Azerbaijan is ready for a compromise we will discuss that, he said. And we will discuss our limits of the compromise not at the government level but in a nationwide format, so to speak.

Armenian Defense Chief Warns Baku (RFE/RL)- Armenia will strike back harder if Azerbaijan again launches offensive military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh, Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan said in a recent interview. Speaking to the Russian publication , Tonoyan warned Baku against a repeat of the April 2016 aggression against Karabakh which nearly degenerated into an all-out Armenian-Azerbaijani war. He said the Armenian military has drawn conclusions from the four-day hostilities that left at least 190 soldiers from both sides dead. Those include unspecified measures that have excluded the element of surprise another Azerbaijani might have, he said. I don t want you to be left with the impression that Armenia is a solicitor of peace, said Tonoyan. I would advise the Azerbaijani side not to be so confident that it controls the issue of escalation of the military situation. It s not that mediators will manage to convince the Armenian side to suspend retaliatory punitive actions if the Azerbaijani side resumes hostilities, even if Baku conducts a military operation of limited scale. In case of a repeat of the scenario of the April 2016 aggression, the Armenian side may

not resist the temptation of using its entire arsenal to counter the enemy in a resolute and large-scale way Azerbaijan would not be allowed to retain a monopoly on determining the place, time and scale of escalating the situation, he warned. President Ilham Aliyev and other Azerbaijani leaders regularly threaten a military solution to the Karabakh conflict. Senior military officials in Yerevan and Stepanakert say that the Azerbaijani military has deployed more troops along the line of contact around Karabakh since April. The war is not over. Only its first phase has ended, Aliyev said during a military parade in Baku on June 26. He threatened military strikes against strategic Armenian targets. During the parade the Azerbaijani army demonstrated 240 pieces of military equipment, including Belarusian-made Polonez and Israeli-made LORA missiles which were reportedly purchased by Baku in recent months. While admitting that Yerevan is worried about weapons demonstrated during the parade, Tonoyan stressed: There are means of countering any type of weapon and the Armenian side not sitting idly by.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) meets with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinan in Moscow, June 13, 2018

I can rule out a resolution of the Karabakh conflict that would be unacceptable to our people, he added. Pashinian again did not clarify his view on a framework peace accord that has been advanced by United States, Russia and France for more than a decade. It calls for a phased settlement that would start with the liberation of virtually all seven districts around Karabakh

which were fully or partly occupied by Karabakh Armenian forces during the 19911994 war. In return, Karabakh s predominantly ethnic Armenian population would eventually determine the territory s internationally recognized status in a referendum. Former President Serzh Sarkisian s government said all along that this compromise peace formula is largely acceptable to Yerevan.

Russia Completes Delivery of Military Equipment to Armenia

(Moscow Times) Russia has reportedly delivered $200 million worth of weapons to Armenia as part of a loan deal Moscow extended to help Yerevan build up its military capabilities. Moscow granted Armenia a $200 million credit in 2015 to buy Russian weapons and modernize its armed forces. The country s new prime minister, Nikol Pashinyan, who took office following peaceful anti-corruption protests this spring, has since promised to continue pursuing friendly relations with Russia. Under the agreement, Armenia purchased missile launchers, surface-to-air missile

systems and ground-based radio reconnaissance technology, the state-run TASS news agency said. The arms provided under the $200 million contract are advanced and modern, and are not even in service yet in Russia, the Armenpress news agency quoted Armenia s Defense Minister David Tonoyan as saying Sunday. In addition sniper rifles, guided missiles and grenade launchers, Russia s RBC business portal reported in 2016 that Moscow was due to send Armenia BM-30 multiple launch rocket systems.

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ú¶àêîàê 2018 Ķ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 154


Mining dispute threatens Armenia s post-revolutionary political consensus rocks will sit on a thick layer of clay with a specific characterization to avoid spillage, Stepanyan said. We then use a geomembrane a high-density outer layer that stops any chemicals leaking through.

By: Bradley Jardine, Grigor Atanesian ( Honestly, would you come here for a vacation? asks Aharon Arsenyan, 24, an environmental activist, as he points to construction works on top of a nearby mountain. They re planning to flatten it. This is Jermuk, a once-prosperous Soviet resort town in southeast Armenia, famed for its mineral springs and the eponymous brand of bottled water drunk across the country. But the nearby mountain is Amulsar, where a controversial gold mine project is threatening the area's natural beauty and, many residents believe, their health. It has also become a key early political challenge for the new government of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, forcing him to mediate between the grassroots activists who brought him to power and the foreign investors who promise the economic development the country so badly needs. For over three weeks, Arsenyan and other local activists have been blocking all roads leading to the mine at Amulsar. Workers, unable to reach their job site, have responded with counter protests in Yerevan demanding an end to the protests. Pashinyan has gotten personally involved in the dispute, traveling to Jermuk and Amulsar in early July, meeting with protesters and representatives from the mining company and holding a public forum where he announced an independent audit of the project based on facts rather than emotion. Pashinyan said that he would never have sanctioned the project himself, but that for now he is honoring his predecessor's agreements. We face a situation where a huge amount of investment has been made with the legal permission of the Armenian government, he said on his visit to Amulsar. Right now, we have no information that any regulations have been violated. Inspections at the mine have started and will continue. We must answer two questions. We must ascertain the mine s impact on the water resources and its possible impact on the development of Jermuk as a health resort. If we take any unlawful step in this situation we may face major problems, he added. The issue has divided residents of Jermuk. The hospitality industry has joined with environmental activists in organizing against the mine. Several major hotels have signed a statement in opposition to the mining project, arguing that it will damage their business along with the environment. Each year the quality and quantity of tourists is dropping, said Vazgen Galstyan, 29, a local activist who works in Jermuk s tourism sector. Even though the mine isn t operational, people are already seeing it when they look up the town on Google and they are starting to fear the effects on their health. But the mine means jobs. The initial construction phase employs 1,400 people, with 700 expected to operate the mine over its lifetime. As many as 1,400-1,500 people earning a living there are now forced to stay at home, one of the protesting miners told RFE/RL s Armenian service Azatutyun at the July 2 counter protest in Yerevan. If our operations are illegal then let them find a solution to that. If they are legal, then the roads must be reopened so that the people can go back to work. Environmental activists are unsympathetic, arguing that on aggregate more jobs will be lost in tourism than gained in mining. I ask these miners: 'You want to earn money by risking our children s future? Their health?' says Arsenyan. I don t care what any of them say, everyone has an alternative choice in life. I don t believe people need to

The Armenian military demonstrates the Russian Iskander missile systems during the Sept. 21, 2017 parade in Yerevan. (Photo: Photolure)

support the destruction of their country to survive. In Yerevan, the new government is wrestling with a similar dilemma. Lydian Armenia began working in the region more than ten years ago. But it was in 2012, when the company began exploratory drilling around Amulsar, that activists began organizing against it. Now, with Pashinyan in power, environmental activists have new hope that their voices will be heard in the government. But Amulsar is one of the largest foreign investments in Armenia s modern history Lydian says it has already invested $300 million. According to the company's calculations the project will contribute $488 million to the state budget through taxes and royalties over its 11-year operation, or 1.4 percent of GDP. Both the UK and the U.S. have been strong backers of the project, and it has received equity from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Mining in Armenia is an opportunity to diversify the nation s economy and increase the number of well-paying jobs, but only if mining operations are conducted to the highest international standards to protect the environment, U.S. ambassador Richard Mills said on July 11. Lydian Armenia, a subsidiary of Lydian International a Colorado-based company registered in the British tax haven of Jersey says it is losing half a million dollars for every day the project s construction is delayed. So far, the protests have cost the company over $14 million, it says. If for whatever reason the project stops [ ] it may be a serious blow to [Armenia s] investment reputation, said Vanane Ararktsyan, executive director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia, in an interview with Eurasianet. We believe Lydian is a leader in the country in terms of environmental management in mining and it will be very difficult to justify actions against a leading environmental performer. This is a real test for Pashinyan, said Yerevan-based political analyst Mikayel Zolyan. He is hoping to avoid alienating the activists who helped bring him to power, but at the same time, he needs to attract foreign investment into the country. Some members of the new government have come out against the mine. Minister of Nature Protection Erik Grigoryan endorsed the protests against Amulsar on July 10. Because of its biodiversity and natural resources, Armenia is one of the world's major global ecological zones, Grigoryan said. In the past, the previous government called mining a privileged industry, exempting it from regular inspections so long as the mines created jobs, First Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Irina Ghaplanyan told Eurasianet.

It is our responsibility to our citizenry to conduct inspections. Other senior officials have ties to the mine. President Armen Sarkissian, an appointee of ousted ruler Serzh Sargsyan who has stayed on in the new regime, was on Lydia s board of directors but resigned in 2013 when he became ambassador to the UK. The president s former role on the board, along with previous work with the EBRD, give rise to questions about a conflict of interest, Zolyan argued. We have to think about how deals were made under Sargsyan, he said. Everyone needed connections to the ruling family to invest the logic of the old regime tells us that there must have been a personal connection in place for Lydian to invest. Sarkissian, though, has denied that he has any current interest in Lydian. Relations with Lydian are very clear. If there is any company in London, Paris, Europe or wherever, which is interested in making investments in Armenia, I am always willing to meet and advise them, he said in a January interview with Shant TV. Residents of Jermuk, a town famed for its naturally flowing mineral water, fear mining will ruin its reputation as a health resort. The mine project, which is still in its construction phase, has already caused damage to irrigation systems and water supplies in the neighboring village of Gndevaz, local activists have reported. Dust plumes have also engulfed Jermuk over the past year. We re a mining company and our experience is in mining, not in construction, Armen Stepanyan, Lydia s vice president of sustainability, told Eurasianet. There are sometimes problems in the construction phase because we rely on third-party companies. Stepanyan insisted that dust clouds and other issues will be much easier to manage once Lydian takes over the site and begins its operations, but that has not allayed locals' concerns. The Amulsar mine will use heap-leaching, a process that separates gold from ore using cyanide. Lydian International says it will dispose of the cyanide safely and that there s no risk of pollutants leaking into the environment. A recent international report commissioned by Harout Bronozian, an Armenian-American environmental engineer and activist, challenges this claim, and argues the process will threaten groundwater. The water resources of Armenia are at risk from development of the Amulsar project. This sensitive and highly prized part of Armenia should not be a testing ground for Lydian s experimental methods, the report concluded. Scientists at Lydian in turn insist they have technologically advanced preventive measures in place that will make the process safe. The facility is zero discharge and the

Conflicts of interest breed distrust Lydian has on a number of occasions used environmental experts to tout the safety of the mine, presenting them as independent when they in fact have financial ties to the company. In January 2018, Lydian's executive team held a meeting with Artsvik Minasyan, then Armenia s minister of nature protection and Grigoryan, who at the time was deputy minister. Testifying at this meeting was Larry Breckenridge, who Lydian presented as an independent international expert. Breckenridge is a principal environmental engineer at Global Resource Engineering, a firm contracted by Lydian to work on at least three technical reports. In Pashinyan s government, Minasyan has been appointed minister of economic development and investments, while Grigoryan was promoted to head the Ministry of Nature Protection. The meeting was held three months after a talk on the same subject by another expert, Aaron Steeghs, was scheduled at the American University in Armenia. Titled Modern Mining Practices and The Beyond Zero Harm Framework, the event's organizers did not disclose that Steeghs is married to Christina Carreau, the daughter of Bob Carreau, a vice president of Lydian International. Prior to joining Lydian, Carreau served as senior vice president of the Iamgold Corporation, a Canadian producer of African gold. During the same period, Steeghs was the Corporate Social Responsibility manager at the same company. Lydian Armenia told Eurasianet that the company has never hidden Breckenridge's affiliation. His ties with Lydian are an advantage since it means he has first-hand information about the project, said Anna Saghabalyan, a spokesperson for the company. The university event was canceled after activists protested it. That is regrettable, as it was a missed opportunity to raise questions and discuss issues with an international expert, Saghabalyan said, regardless of his family ties. Pashinyan gently alluded to the various conflicts of interest during his visit to Amulsar. I hope that all those here understand that we, specifically I, have no interest in this case other than the balanced interest of Armenia, he said. The anti-Amulsar activists are holding on to hope for Pashinyan. I love this government very much and I ll be disappointed if they keep the mine open, but I understand it isn t their fault, said Arsenyan, the environmental activist. It s sad to see our government under so much pressure from the U.S. and Britain but I am sure Pashinyan will close it. Jermuk is the heritage of every Armenian across the world and we must all come together to protect it, he said, holding up a bottle of Jermuk water. This is the real gold. Bradley Jardine is a freelance journalist who covers the Caucasus. Grigor Atanesian is a freelance journalist who covers Armenia.

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ú¶àêîàê 2018 Ķ. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 154

Artsakh Karabagh First Memories

By: Raffi Bedrosyan My first trip to Armenia was not really to Armenia, but to Artsakh, known internationally as Nagorno Karabagh, right after the war with the Azeris ended in 1993 with victory for the Armenians. The united goodwill, cooperation, sacrifice and courage of Armenian leaders, peoples of Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora had made the miraculous victory possible in those early days, followed by enthusiastic rebuilding and reconstruction projects. Unfortunately the winning spirit was replaced over the years by selfish greed, power grab, corruption and bribery by the leaders, while bringing disillusionment, disappointment, frustration and poverty to the people. It is my hope that the leaders and people of independent Armenia and Artsakh as well as the Diaspora learn from the lessons and memories of the first quarter century, build on the good deeds and avoid the bad ones. I remember the Hayastan All Armenian Fund or Himnatram was just formed then to provide desperately needed funds and knowhow to construct civil infrastructure such as highways, water distribution networks, gas pipelines, schools and hospitals, either destroyed during the recent war or left in ruins during decades of neglect. As a civil engineer specializing in public works infrastructure in Toronto, I volunteered to go to Karabagh and help the Himnatram engineers in implementing these essential projects. I informed the Armenian Ambassador to Canada: The leader of Himnatram is Mrs. Manoushag Bedrosyan, the leader of Karabagh is Leonid Bedrosyan (assassinated along with other politicians in the Armenian Parliament in 1999), the leader of Armenia is Levon DerBedrosyan, and since my name is also Bedrosyan, I have no choice but to volunteer and go to Armenia and Karabagh . Therefore, I boarded the Tupolev jet of Armenian Airlines in Paris and landed in Yerevan around 3 am one night. Himnatram engineers picked me up at the airport, and we travelled in pitch dark from the airport to a downtown hotel, with electricity and streetlights off. There were several gas tanker trucks parked along the road, selling gas by container, as gas stations didn t function. In the morning, I saw beautiful Mount Ararat and beautiful Yerevan for the first time, but also the makeshift pipe chimneys sticking out from all apartment windows and the thousands of chopped down trees all over the city for heating and cooking purposes.

We started our long journey to Karabagh, six people including two young soldiers going to the front, all crammed into a small Niva. We stopped for breakfast by the Arpa River in Yegheknadzor, not with tea or coffee but with the obligatory mulberry vodka, tuti oghi in Armenian. As we left Goris and entered Karabagh through the Lachin corridor, we could see the violence of the war all around us, the burnt houses as well as hundreds of destroyed Azeri tanks strewn on the side of the road. One of the Himnatram engineers who knew the heroic commander Monte Melkonyan explained how Monte changed the course of the war when he told the Armenian fighters: Why do you destroy the gift of the Turks (Azeris) to us? After that, the Armenians changed tactics to preserve the

gained control of Shushi, which paved the way to victory. I worked for a while on the highway construction project joining Armenia to Karabagh, known as the Goris-Stepanakert Highway, which became a lifeline and replaced an almost unpassable mountain road reducing the trip from Yerevan to Stepanakert from 11 hours to 5 hours. During the war, even this road was blocked and the only connection between Armenia and Artsakh was via helicopters, bringing supplies, medicine, arms into Artsakh, and returning with wounded soldiers back into Armenia. I then moved on to the water supply and water distribution project for Stepanakert, capital of Karabagh. Before fleeing, Azeris had destroyed all the plans for existing infrastructure, making it even more difficult for our contractors. Without

as a patriotic mission. Donations poured in to Himnatram, from Diaspora as well as from within Armenia and Artsakh, large and small, even from a beggar on a Yerevan street. I learnt a lot about land mines on this first Karabagh trip. They are one of the most cruel and sinister inventions. Years after the war ended, children playing in the countryside would blow up, or a farmer working in the field, or a grazing cow. Some mines are weight sensitive, which will not detonate when several cars pass over it, but will blow up if a heavier bus or truck rolls by. Some mines have counter mechanisms, designed to blow up after a certain number of passes over them. Other mines are designed to blow up even at the slightest touch. On a rural road, we

knowing the location of underground gas, electric or telephone ducts, it was slow and dangerous work to dig the streets for new water pipes. Almost everyone that I met in Karabagh had participated in the war or had lost a family member to the war. The main contractor, Felix, told me his story. He was sitting with his friend on the front steps of his contractor s office one day, to smoke

had a close encounter. The road had a huge failure creating a pothole the size of a car, filled with water like a pond, virtually impossible to pass. We had no choice but leave the road and find a way through the forest nearby. As we started weaving a passage through the trees, we suddenly came by a car blown up by a mine in the forest When planning the route of water supply or gas pipelines in the mountains or countryside, I learnt that we had to walk behind one another in a single line, with the most experienced engineer familiar with the area or the mine tracker in front. In the western world, a sign of respect is to give way to someone and tell him/her: Please, after you , whereas in Artsakh, a sign of respect or care is: Please, walk behind me . I doubt if any engineering contract in the western world has a tender item making the contractor responsible to detect and clear land mines along the project route. We went to northern Artsakh near Sarsang Reservoir, to provide preliminary engineering and cost estimate for another water project. The flowers were budding in the beautiful spring weather, and we picked up some of them. The village leader and his three year old grandson greeted us. When the little boy, Armen, saw the flowers in our hands, he started calling Baba, baba , leading us and his grandfather in a certain direction. Curiously, we followed him and his grandfather until we reached a home-made cemetery with a tombstone covered

Hounod gorge, Artsakh

captured Azeri tanks instead of destroying them, and won the war against the Azeris by using Azeri tanks. To understand the realities of the war and the enormity of the victory, one should visit two sites in Shushi, Karabagh. The beautiful white church in Shushi, Ghazantchetsots Church, was used as an arms depot by the Azeris on the assumption that Armenians

Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Shoushi

would not fire on their own church. The Azeris controlled Shushi, which is situated on high cliffs literally on top of Stepanakert, enabling the Azeris to target and rain hundreds of rockets on any Stepanakert building that they wished to destroy. But Armenian commandos accomplished the impossible, climbed the almost vertical cliffs at Jdrduz near Shushi in one night, and

cigarettes. He couldn t find matches and went inside to get some. Just then, an Azeri Grad missile landed at his friend s feet, blowing him to pieces. Seeing this, Felix just grabbed a Kalashnikov, stopped being a contractor and became a soldier. From the highest government official to the lowest construction labourer, every person regarded these construction projects

by flowers. In tears, the grandfather explained that his son, Armen s father, was recently martyred in the war, and every day the grandfather and Armen would bring flowers to the grave. The grandfather had two sheep, and he offered to slaughter one of them for us so that we can have dinner together, basically offering half of his entire assets as a donation or present to us for bringing water to his village We also went into Aghdam with my Himnatram engineer buddies, Azerbaijan s third largest city before the war. In a calculated way to keep Karabagh Armenians isolated, Azeris had not built any roads within Karabagh and one had to go through Aghdam, in order to travel from north to south Karabagh. As we know, Armenians have now built an economically and militarily critical north-south highway within Artsakh joining most cities and villages to one another, as well as a second lifeline link between Armenia and Artsakh through Kelbashar. Aghdam was evacuated in panic by the Azeris due to the superior military tactics of the Armenians, even though Armenians were outnumbered both in men and equipment. There were even restaurant menus intact in Aghdam for the day of the rout. The city had become an open air building materials supply centre for the Karabagh Armenians, a virtual Home Depot Armenians would come and pick up housing materials, furniture, even pots and pans from the abandoned city. With some of the army commanders and contractors, I helped transport pipes, electric poles, even hydro transmission towers to the Armenian side. But when one of the contractors proposed to use the precast concrete girders from a recently blown up bridge as the sides of a water reservoir, I had to object Perhaps this was the first time in Armenians history that instead of being plundered, Armenians had become plunderers. In one of our travels, we brought a wealthy Armenian lady from California with us to Aghdam. She was in her eighties and in a wheelchair, but very feisty and determined to see Karabagh, as she had donated substantial sums to Himnatram. We stopped at the Aghdam mosque as some of the engineers wanted to climb the minaret to see the entire city from up above. This lady told us that she also wanted to go into the mosque. Our objections that it may be unsafe or difficult to take her in a wheelchair were to no avail, and she insisted that we carry her into the mosque. We had no choice but to comply. Once inside, she knelt, lifted her skirt, and urinated. And she said: Now I can die in peace . She told us her story, that she was an orphan of the 1915 Armenian Genocide, and most of her family was put to the sword by the Turks who had then urinated on the dead Armenians Armenians of Armenia and Artsakh have paid and continue paying a high price for Karabagh/Artsakh but it is worth it, for many survival reasons - strategic, military, economic, and last but not least, historic.


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