Timber Trader UK Magazine Issue 9 Summer 2020

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SUMMER 2020 www.timbermedia.co.uk ISSN 2517–26X (PRINT)

LONZA WOOD PROTECTION  30 Introducing the next generation VACSOL 6118 treatment technology SUDDEN IMPACT  12


Merchant recovery from the effects of Covid-19 on business and trading

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The latest news and views from across the industry.

Sudden Impact and the Road to Recovery.................12 Recent industry statistics showed the devastating full effect of Covid-19 on business and trading figures. As Travis Perkins announced huge job cuts, what can we expect for the next few months?

Profit from Knowledge.....................................................19 Merchants profit from their knowledge and encourage customers to come back time and again. But with timber treatments, there is still room for improvement.



Furniture to Full Home.....................................................21 A unique prototype dwelling has used SMARTPLY MAX to provide structural support and flooring in a series of innovative building projects addressing environmental concerns and the modular building industry.

Out With the Old: In With the New...............................23 Chris Fisher, UK operations director LBMH at ECI Software Solutions, explores how a document management solution can help builders’ merchants streamline processes and provide instant access to key data and customer information.


Sylva Wood Centre Gets Brimstone Facelift.............25 The installation of Brimstone timber at the Sylva Wood Centre has transformed an old grain store into an exciting new workspace showcasing the best of British timber.

Are You Fit for Purpose?..................................................28 With the Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) original 1980 Racking Design Code due to be formally withdrawn at the end of 2020, get refreshed on what the Code is designed to achieve.

Cover Story – Lonza Wood Protection.......................30

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The preservative protection of timber is an important factor in helping to keep wood as the premier construction material choice. Effective industrially applied treatments not only greatly extend the service life of our most sustainable building material, they also add value for specifiers, merchants and their end customers.

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Timber Trader UK Magazine

10/07/2020 17:13:43

Summer 2020



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Covid-19 & Bark Beetles Key to Sawmillers In June the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) held its first ever online General Assembly. One of the main topics was the country-by-country analysis of the impact that the sudden Coronavirus outbreak had on the sawmill businesses. EOS Members provided an exhaustive overview of the various market segments which depicted a mixed picture and an uncertain outlook for the coming months. The market discussion was introduced by David Hopkins, CEO, UK Timber Trade Federation (TTF). David emphasised several features that are characterising the current market which were echoed by many EOS Members. Most countries in Europe have seen buoyant DIY markets as people spent much more time at home. The construction of temporary hospitals and major infrastructure projects added to

industries, have forced the sawmill industry to reduce its production.

demand for structural carcassing. The pallets and packaging sectors

While it is difficult to make estimates due to the current high level

are also doing well on the back of a strong health and retail sector.

of uncertainty, it seems that the industry can brace itself for a 10%

In general the Coronavirus crisis has taken a heavy toll for many

production slump in 2020.

sawmills across Europe. While some forecasts predicted even more

Northern European countries have been navigating the crisis

painful short-term effects for many businesses, restrictions on

overall much better than Southern European countries, where the

international trade and travel, volatile lumber markets, as well as

virus hit harder. The reduction of economic activity has been higher

restrictions for the construction sector, trade and lumber purchasing

in the South. Also, the activity level of sawmills in the hardest-hit countries is now on average slowly coming back to normal, but there are many sawmills still operating at a low activity level. Overall, the softwood sector has been less impacted by the hardwood sector, the latter being more exposed on markets which are comparatively


weaker, such as the furniture industry. Looking at the future, there is huge uncertainty. Whilst in the short-term the construction sector – with significant local differences – has overall held up better than initially feared by many, it seems that this is due to many projects and investments already in the pipeline being completed. In the coming months it is likely that the building sector will be subdued. The length and intensity of the crisis will be crucial as to the shape of the eventual recovery. While the coronavirus outbreak was the most visible challenge in the last few months, bark-beetle outbreaks which have been ravaging Central Europe over the last couple of years. Many sawmills, especially in Central Europe, are bracing themselves for high quantities of damaged raw materials even in 2020. The future of spruce stands, in particular, seems especially endangered by climate-related

Yes we do, in fact that’s all we do! So, when you’re planning your next marketing campaign drop me

disturbances. In order to tackle this important issue, the EOS has tasked some researchers to come up with an ambitious project, a realtime forest information system – which has already been presented

an email at terry.hanlon@timbermedia.co.uk or

to the European Commission. The system will provide accurate

call me on 01925 270093. Magazine advertising,

information to the wood processing industries in the context of a

e-marketing, web advertising and our new

circular and sustainable green economy. EOS also reported that starting from 2022 the Harmonised

comprehensive Products & Services listings can all

System will include codes for structural engineered wood products,

be found on our website www.timbermedia.co.uk

such as glulam and cross laminated timber. These high-potential products have become more and more relevant in the market and it is important that their trade to be properly tracked. More at  www.eos-oes.eu

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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New CPD Training Centre for Builders’ Merchants Trade Fabrication Systems (TFS)

a training session on its IRO Timber

recently opened a training centre at

range, which is processed by TFS –

its Warrington-based manufacturing

helping to make the product scalable

facility. Targeted at builders’

for mainstream manufacture. James

merchants and sales staff, TFS

Brennan, marketing manager at BSW

is hosting seminars to educate

Timber said: “It’s vitally important that

the market on the value add and

we share our knowledge of offsite

profitability potential of embracing

processing and the benefits of pre-

processing methods with a ‘processing

finished products with the wider team

partner’, utilising their own stock.

at BSW – and the new facilities at TFS

The UK’s leading business to business

allowed us to do just that. The training

processor of coated and laminated

centre gave us the opportunity to discuss

wood-based panel products has launched

our new projects, while the factory tour

a new facility that enables builders’

allowed us to understand the capabilities

merchants to explore the benefits of processing to add value to timber

of each machine and how to add further value to product ranges.”

substrates and improve overall product offering. When attending a CPD

Howard Morris, managing director at TFS, said: “Following our recent

seminar at the facility participants will be provided with valuable insight

investment programme, we have substantially enhanced our processing

into the scope of services that TFS can offer.

facilities. People are the backbone to successful business, and training is a

With the ability to process virtually any timber substrate in-house,

fundamental requirement to development and a driver of industry change.

TFS is sharing its expertise with builders’ merchants across UK and Irish

Recognising this, we invested in a training centre and seminar programme

markets, helping them to better understand the potential of utilising

to educate the industry on our capabilities, hoping to spark inspiration for

offsite processing. Following a £500k year-long investment programme,

builders’ merchants to retain their buying power and control of substrates

TFS has recently expanded its service offering, as well as improving and

whilst enabling TFS to ‘add value’ into the supply chain.”

extending internal operations. More at  www.tradefabricationsystems.co.uk

Long-term partner, BSW Timber recently used the new facility to host

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Tree Planting: a growth industry

A survey to support an independent review of the National Forest

administrations, communities and landowners to do so.

Inventory (NFI) has been launched. The survey calls on landowners,

Launching the consultation, Forestry Minister Lord Goldsmith,

forestry and woodland professionals, and others with an interest to

said: “In many ways the coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on the

contribute their views on what information the future NFI produces.

importance of nature. Growing and protecting our nation’s forests will

The independent review, commissioned by Forest Research, is

be an integral part of our recovery, and the England Tree Strategy will

being undertaken by a board of four experts from the public and

give us the tools to do this. This consultation will help inform a keystone

private forestry sector. Established in 2009, the NFI was mandated and

strategy which will be vital for helping us deliver the government’s

implemented to produce an enduring evidence base of woodlands

tree planting commitment, our commitment to the recovery of nature

across Great Britain which could meet both current and future

and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. But, we need input from the

reporting requirements. The review will inform the planning and

sector and public. I encourage everyone to give their views to design a

reporting schedule of future NFIs.

tree strategy that delivers the maximum benefits for our environment

Professor James Pendlebury, chief executive of Forest Research, said:

for generations to come.”

“I am pleased the Review Board have launched the survey today. Evidence

Forestry Commission Chair and former National Tree Champion,

from the NFI has underpinned many recent woodland policy and forest

Sir William Worsley added: “The England Tree Strategy will set out how

sector decisions across Great Britain. We must ensure that future NFIs

we plan to accelerate woodland creation, but also importantly how to

continue to produce both high quality and relevant information on trees,

manage and protect the trees we already have. Significant work has

woods and forests. This timely review comes at a time when technological

gone into developing the groundwork for a strategy which will ensure

advances offer new opportunities, and increased interest from both the

the right tree is planted in the right place, and for the right reason.” The

public and governments in woodland data has never been higher.” The

consultation period is due to conclude in 12 weeks on 11 September

final report is due at the beginning of 2021.

2020. Subject to review, the England Tree Strategy will be published

Plans to accelerate tree planting and improve the management

later in the year.

of our existing trees and woodlands is underway as the government

In Scotland, more than 20 million new trees were planted last year,

also launched a consultation to inform a new England Tree Strategy.

according to Scottish Forestry. New figures reveal almost 29,000 acres

Everyone – from farmers, foresters and land managers, experts and

of new woodland were planted in the year to March 31. This accounts

environmental organisations, to members of the public – is being

for more than 80% of all new tree planting across the UK and represents

invited to give their views on the future creation and management

the second-highest level of new plantings in Scotland since 2001. “This is

of our trees, woodlands and forests. Subject to consultation, the

an outstanding result, in what were really difficult circumstances,” said

new strategy will set out policies to expand tree cover, support

Fergus Ewing. “A very wet winter slowed planting which then came to a

woodland management and increase public engagement with trees

stop as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. This was the right approach –

and woodlands. It will help ensure the government’s tree planting

no target is worth pursuing if it puts people’s lives at risk.”

commitment – to increase tree planting to 30,000 hectares per year More at  www.forestresearch.gov.uk

across the UK by 2025 – is delivered, working closely with the devolved

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Sixth Generation Takes the Reins at James Donaldson & Sons Leading timber specialist, James Donaldson & Sons has announced its new senior team, as Andrew Donaldson and Michael Donaldson take over as chief executive officer and chairman. As the business celebrates its 160th anniversary, 2020 is a momentous year for the Group, with the change in leadership also marking the sixth generation of Donaldsons to run the family firm. Andrew was appointed as CEO in April, with Michael commencing his position as chairman from 31 July. Andrew joined the family business in 2010 after completing a graduate training program at KPMG (Edinburgh) and

in 2018 and takes over the role of chair in July when his father, Neil

qualifying with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland

Donaldson retires. Outgoing chairman of the James Donaldson Group, Neil Donaldson

(ICAS). He has spent the last ten years working in a variety of roles within the business, primarily as commercial director for MGM Timber

said: “It was always my hope that the business would be passed on to

and then latterly for James Donaldson Timber, before becoming

the next generation, so for both Andy and Mike to be taking on the

group finance director in 2019. Andrew takes over the top job from

reins is an ideal scenario and a proud moment for me. The business is a

Scott Cairns, who stepped down as group managing director in April

very different one to the one I started running in 1985, and I’m pleased

after nine years in the role, which saw him as the first ever non-family

to be leaving it on a high and in such good hands. The transition from

member to lead the Group.

one generation to the next has been well considered and planned for

With almost 20 years of experience in the industry, Michael joined the Donaldson Group in 2003. He started his career manufacturing roof

over the last ten years, and I’m confident that both Andy and Mike will do an excellent job in their roles.” The James Donaldson Group comprises seven subsidiaries, trading

trusses for Donaldson Timber Engineering in Cramlington. Since then he has worked with three of the JDS trading companies in roles ranging

from 31 sites throughout the UK, with over 1000 employees and a

from internal sales and operations through to director level. In 2007

turnover of circa £225m. The business has been operating in Fife for

he became one of the first to qualify with an MSc in Timber Industry

160 years.

Management at Edinburgh Napier University and he is also a director More at  www.jamesdonaldsongroup.co.uk

of the Timber Trade Federation (TTF). Michael became deputy chair


Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020


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We Need To Talk About Forests The ways in which we choose to interact with the natural world can have huge consequences, not just for our environment but also, as we have seen from the COVID-19 pandemic, for human health at large. But who is stepping up to help and who is looking the other way?


orests cover nearly 1/3 of land on Earth (4.06 billion

forests are primarily designated for the conservation of biodiversity, and

hectares) and they’re under threat, it’s old news but it’s

more than 700 million hectares falls within legally established protected

still true. Although the rate of forest loss has declined

areas such as national parks. These figures have increased over the past

substantially, an estimated 420 million hectares of forest

30 years, as has area of forest under long-term management plans, an

has been lost since 1990. Not only is this bad news for wildlife (many

estimated 2.05 billion hectares in 2020. But although we may welcome

scientists agree we’re experiencing a sixth mass extinction) and the

these increases, we must firstly acknowledge that these areas still exclude

fight to mitigate climate change (forests have the potential to act as

a significant proportion of forests and secondly, question how effective

both carbon sinks and emitters), it’s bad news for humans too.

these mechanisms are – protection and management plans alike, don’t

In November 2019, just over a month before Wuhan Municipal Health

inherently produce positive results.

Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan,

Take for example the Maya Biosphere Reserve, created in 1990 by

an article in the National Geographic prophesised that: “as more and more

the Guatemalan government to protect the largest area of tropical forest

forest is cleared around the world, scientists fear that the next deadly

in Central America. Occupying about 2.1 million hectares, it is split into

pandemic could emerge from what lives within them”. And they weren’t

areas designated as strictly protected, multiple use (including concessions)

wrong, COVID-19 is the is the third zoonotic coronavirus, after SARS-CoV

or private holdings. The reserve, however, has had mixed results. In the

and MERS-CoV. Writing during the lockdown imposed in response to the

protected areas in the west illegal cattle ranchers have caused some of

COVID-19 pandemic, Kim Carstensen, Executive Director of the Forest

the fastest rates of deforestation in the world. However, the reserve’s

Stewardship Council (FSC), said: “When forests are destroyed and when

community forests in the east have proven more resilient to land grabs

wild animals are traded, the interaction between humans and animals lead

and remain intact. FSC certification is a requirement for maintaining a

to an increased risk of the spread of zoonotic viruses.”

concession within the reserve and has: “functioned as a mechanism for

FSC was established to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. Its pioneering certification system, which now covers more

accountability and complements the monitoring capacities of public institutions, which are limited.”

than 211 million hectares, is one way in which people are working to take care of forests. Present estimates indicate that 422 million hectares of

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020

In 2018 The Collaborative Partnership on Forests listed five actions to halt and reverse deforestation. These included that: “governments at



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all levels must take the lead in putting in place the enabling conditions

logging. The policy means that FSC licence holders can be investigated and

needed to ensure all forests are sustainably managed.” They also called on

excluded from the system on the basis not just of company activity within

the forest products industry to work with local communities and: “ensure

FSC-certified concessions but also that carried out elsewhere.

legal and sustainable value chains for forest-based commodities, including

FSC is continuing to innovate, in part by developing more efficient,

through forest management and chain-of-custody certification.” The WWF

digital tools such as blockchain. It also follows up on alleged wrongdoing

UK Timber Scorecard assesses businesses on their timber product sourcing

when identified or reported. If allegations are proven, perpetrators are

policies and performance. Of their 2019 report they say: “Our findings

suspended or terminated. In extreme cases, they are expelled completely

suggest that, overall, the private sector’s willingness to take further steps

from the FSC system. This is another development, a new certification

to develop their standards of operating is waning: and the businesses that

status (‘terminated and blocked’), which applies when a company is caught

plan to do their part are already doing so, while the gap between leaders

deliberately issuing false claims, a change prompted by investigations

and laggards is widening.”

and terminations in Ukraine. Forest practices in the Eastern European

Certification provides a way not just to expand the area of forest under

country have received public attention recently following the release of

long-term management plans, but also to ensure that those plans and their

a critical new report by Earthsight, a non-profit organisation. FSC says it

implementation pass muster. But how can certification schemes absolutely

has adopted a holistic approach to tackling the problems in the Ukrainian

guarantee that all forest products come from responsibly managed

timber industry, including improving supply chain integrity, for which FSC

forests? In short, they can’t – at least, not on their own. Certifications,

has a dedicated team who verify FSC transactions in relation to locations or

such as FSC, are voluntary and cannot replace government oversight

products identified as high risk.

and action against fraudulent activities. What’s more, as the FSC scheme

The fight for the natural world and all who depend upon it cannot be

has expanded and experienced success, this has in turn created greater

won alone. Governments, businesses, NGOs and individuals all have their

incentives for fraud within its own system. Disappointing, undoubtedly,

part to play, both in taking their own actions and holding those of others to

but FSC is aware of its weaknesses. In 2009 it introduced a policy to which


organisations associating with FSC had to commit, forbidding them from More at  www.fsc-uk.org

involvement in potentially destructive forest practices, such as illegal


International Timber undertakes a company-wide rebrand International Timber, one of the largest timber suppliers in the

high standard. We feel that our newly refreshed corporate identity,

UK, with branches in Manchester, the South West, South East and

supported by the launch of a new website, maintains that standard.

Scotland has undertaken a company-wide rebrand, expanding their

We are focused on delivering a clear, simple set of tools that give

offering and making several significant changes to the business.

our customers the information they need, as quickly and effectively

With an increased focus on the future needs of merchants and

as possible. Following Covid-19, all of our sites are now back

manufacturers, a new corporate identity and digital presence has

open, adhering to strict government guidelines in terms of social

been implemented in order to enhance growth. To support the

distancing and health and safety. This ensures the needs of our

constantly evolving timber market, as demand increases in terms

staff are met, as well as keeping us on hand to help our customers

of sustainability, specification knowledge and added value services,

with all of their timber requirements.”

International Timber has introduced dedicated sales teams to More at  www.internationaltimber.com

support their key merchant and manufacturing customer groups. Additionally, the timber giant has introduced new ranges, enhanced their engineered, modified and laminated timber offering, and increased milling capacity across their six UK sites. Kerry Wardle of International Timber said: “International Timber has a depth of knowledge that we believe is unsurpassed in the industry. We like to think we set a

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Timber Transport Network Set for Major Investment The Scottish Government has awarded £7 million to projects which

allow a long-term sustainable forest industry.”

help to improve Scotland’s timber transport network. Forestry is

Over the past 14 years, nearly £60 million Scottish Government

included under Phase 1 of the Scottish Government’s Covid-19 Route

Strategic Timber Transport Funding has helped deliver around 280

Map, which allows outdoor work such as forestry to fully restart its

projects. Most of the work involves upgrades to minor rural roads


but also promotes the movement of timber by sea. This work helps

The awards are drawn from the Strategic Timber Transport Fund which is managed by Scottish Forestry. Projects are co-financed and

keep timber supplies moving but also reduces timber lorry miles and therefore reduces impacts on small rural communities.

mostly include improvements to minor rural roads and promote the

“This is a fantastic boost for Scotland’s forestry sector as we seek

transport of timber by sea. Funding has been awarded to projects

to recover from the harsh impacts of Covid-19. This welcome and very

in Aberdeenshire, Ayrshire, Argyll & Bute, Highland, Perth & Kinross,

significant investment not only provides vital support to help the sector

Lanarkshire, Stirling and the Scottish Borders.

continue to grow, it also provides a real confidence boost at a difficult

“Forestry is an important part of the rural sector, generating £1

time,” said Stuart Goodall, CEO of CONFOR. These are challenging times

billion to the Scottish economy each year and supporting 25,000

for everyone, and I’d like to pay testament to the support that cabinet

jobs,” said Fergus Ewing, cabinet secretary for Economy and Tourism.

secretary Fergus Ewing continues to provide to the sector. This is an

“Forestry will have a very important role to play as we start a careful

industry that supports many thousands of rural jobs and contributes

and considered restart of key industries. We need to ensure that the

to tackling climate change as well as supplying essential products for

infrastructure is there to support the industry on a number of fronts

the fight against Covid-19. Our partnership with Government helps us

and assisting with getting timber to market is one of them. Getting

achieve more than we otherwise would be able to.”

these important timber supplies out to market relies on a good More at  www.forestry.gov.scot

transport network and this funding will help ensure this is in place to

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Plywood Under Pressure in Finland The Profitability of Jyväskylä plywood mill has been weak for a long time, even during periods of high-demand. Despite investments as well as savings and improvement activities, the profitability has not improved to a sustainable level. Competition in the birch plywood market is increasing constantly. New birch plywood capacity has been built especially in Russia, where the production cost level is significantly more competitive than in Finland. If realised, the planned actions would strengthen UPM Plywood’s overall competitiveness and performance in the long run. “In Finland, a full run of the capacity has not been feasible due to the terms in the woodworking industry. In addition, repeated labour market disturbances have weakened the delivery reliability of Finnish mills. According to the plan, the products currently manufactured in Jyväskylä would be produced in other UPM Plywood mills in Finland, Estonia, and Russia”, says Mika Sillanpää, EVP UPM Plywood. UPM will recognise restructuring charges of approximately EUR 22 million as items affecting comparability in its Q2 2020 results. The planned actions would result in annual savings of approximately EUR 11 million. UPM Plywood offers high quality WISA® plywood and veneer products for construction, vehicle flooring, LNG shipbuilding, parquet manufacturing and other industrial applications. In 2019 UPM Plywood UPM Plywood is planning to permanently close its Jyväskylä

sales was EUR 450 million and it had around 2,400 employees. UPM has

plywood mill, which is producing spruce and birch plywood. The

six plywood mills and one veneer mill in Finland as well as plywood mills

company starts a consultation process concerning the entire

in Russia and Estonia.

personnel working at the mill. UPM Jyväskylä plywood mill employs More at  www.upm.com  www.wisaplywood.com

167 people.

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



 @Timber_Media


Raised European Status Needed for Wooden Pallets and Packaging The European Federation of Wooden Pallet & Packaging Manufacturers (FEFPEB) has called for European governments to recognise the wooden pallet and packaging industry as essential to supply chains of vital goods both during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The organisation, which represents the sector across Europe, has lobbied for ‘essential’ status for wooden pallets and packaging

“We are therefore calling for the EC and governments of all

throughout the crisis. This was officially given by authorities in

European countries to designate this industry as essential. This will

countries including Belgium, Italy, the UK and in some German regions;

ensure continuity of supply during any subsequent pandemics or other

and in other countries the industry has been allowed to work – all

crises, but also help guarantee they will continue to function on a day-

with additional health and safety measure in place - in order to keep

to-day basis and throughout critical periods such the Brexit transition

products such as food and medicines flowing into the market.

phase. Wooden pallets and packaging are the epitome of sustainable

FEFPEB is now asking for officially recognised ‘essential status’

products. They are made from a continually renewable resource and are

across Europe and on an ongoing basis, to give governments

repaired and reused until they are recycled into products or fuel at the

understanding of the sector’s vital role in supply chains and clarity

end of their useful life. As a key facilitator for the movement of goods,

about the necessity to keep supplies of pallets and packaging moving at

they sit at the heart of the vision of a circular economy.”

all times – during a crisis and in general.

FEFPEB is continuing to communicate the central part wooden

FEFPEB secretary general Fons Ceelaert said: ‘Wooden pallets and

pallets and packaging have to play in the EU’s Circular Economy Action

packaging play a key part in keeping supply chains for vital goods including

Plan, which aims to make sustainable products the norm in the EU,

foods and medicines moving – this has been proved during the different

ensure less waste and lead global efforts on the circular economy.

coronavirus lockdown measures across Europe. If manufacturers and More at  www.fefpeb.eu  www.timcon.org

repairers cannot operate, these supply chains will break down.











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Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Goodbye to Captain of Timber Industry Tributes have been paid to the long-time

Thomas Smith & Sons (Kirkoswald) Ltd,

head of BSW Timber following his death

based in Ayrshire was acquired by Sandy

at the age of 84 recently. Alexander J.

in 1988. BSW Timber PLC was formed on

Brownlie CBE – better known as Sandy –

4 July 1988. Sandy Brownlie becoming

was a well-known and respected figure

BSW’s first Chairman and by 1991 BSW had

in the timber industry for many years.

built a major new state of the art sawmill

Born into the family sawmilling business

at Carlisle. Sandy was awarded the CBE at

based in the heart of the Scottish

Buckingham Palace by the Queen in 1994

Borders, he had a brief spell in the office

for his services to the industry. Throughout

of a Liverpool timber broker and began

his career Sandy served on many Trade

working fulltime in the business in 1953.

Associations Boards, always driving and

In 1955, he worked at the company’s

promoting the Forest Industry.

auditors in Edinburgh before going back

An eye on the future, BSW seized the

to what he loved, working in the Earlston

opportunity to buy in 2006 the former Arjo

sawmill, in the autumn of 1956. He was

Wiggins paper mill in Fort William adjacent

appointed a Director in 1959.

to its existing Kilmallie mill, where the UK’s

Late 1970, Sandy pressed ahead

most technologically advanced sawmill

with investment in new equipment and

now operates. As chairman, Sandy Brownlie

transport fleet. With the team, he revived

was always eager to see the business grow

a business his father had come to believe was in decline. In July 1981

further and had the strategic vision to make this happen. Sandy retired

A & R Brownlie bought Western Softwood, based in Wales. Overnight

as chairman in 2009. He was a most admired Gentleman Sawmiller and

Brownlie’s became a major force in the UK softwood producing industry

a Captain of the sector, respected by his peers, colleagues, employees

and have continued to be so as the UK’s largest sawmilling business

and friends for the passion and commitment to grow BSW.

and now the UK’s only fully integrated forest products business with More at  www.bsw.co.uk

European operations.

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Summer 2020



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Sudden Impact and the Road to Recovery Recent industry statistics showed the devastating full effect of Covid-19 on business and trading figures, what can we expect for the next few months?


wo separate pieces of market intelligence for April 2020

“Sadly, April’s figures come as no surprise with the majority of

shone a light on the damage done by Covid-19 on the

construction sites and builders merchants closing, or significantly

builders merchant sector and overall construction industry.

reducing operations, as a first response to the Government’s lock down

The headline seasonally adjusted IHS Markit/CIPS UK

measures to prevent to transmission of Covid-19,” said John Newcomb,

Construction Total Activity Index fell from 39.3 in March to 8.2 in April,

CEO at the Builders Merchant Federation (BMF).

to signal a rapid downturn in overall construction output. Moreover, the

“However, the BMF tracked the operational status of our members

latest reading was the lowest since data was first collected in April 1997.

throughout the crisis and the majority quickly adapted their business

The previous record low was 27.8 in February 2009.

to offer phone or online sales and, following publication of our new

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of survey respondents (86%)

branch operating guidelines, many were able to open branches and

reported a reduction in business activity since March, reflecting

trade safely. Throughout May we could see the numbers open for

widespread site closures and shutdowns across the supply chain in

business increasing on a daily basis and today all are operational.

response to the public health emergency.

“With construction, housing and home improvement works all

On top of this, the April Builders Merchant Building Index (BMBI)

back on site, we expect the picture to improve as data for the rest of

report was “unlike any other”. With the main Covid-19 lockdown

Q2 becomes available. It will be vital for the construction industry to

announced late in March, April figures showed the full impact, “with

work together to implement the Construction Leadership Council’s

many trades not working and most merchants temporarily closing

(CLC) Recovery Plan in the months ahead and the BMF is involved in

branches or providing a restricted service only for essential sectors or

developing outputs to accelerate the Housing and RMI sectors, both

emergencies. As a result, this report contains unprecedented figures.”

key customer groups for builders merchants.”

The report says: “Total Builders Merchants value sales in April were down

IHS Markit/CIPS UK reported that lower volumes of construction

76.3% compared with April 2019. Compared with March, total merchant

output were almost exclusively attributed to business closures in April. April

value sales in April dropped -72.1%, with two less trading days. All categories

data also highlighted a severe impact on construction supply chains, with

were severely hit with Services (-59.0%) and Landscaping (-64.5%) the

closures at builders merchants and stoppages of manufacturing production

least affected. Timber and Joinery Products fell (-75%), Tools (-87.4%) and

leading to widespread supply shortages. The latest lengthening of average

Kitchens & Bathrooms (-85.3%) were weakest. Average sales a day, which

lead times for the delivery of construction products and materials was by far

removes trading day differences, were 69.3% lower overall than in March.

the steepest since the survey began in April 1997. Meanwhile, construction

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Cutting sheet materials for your customers? SPECIAL OFFER for best-selling wall saw SECTOR 1254

Offer your customers more from only £73 per week* Special offer price £17,995.00 + vat Including delivery and installation *subject to status

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Michael Weinig (UK) Ltd. 5 Blacklands Way, Abindon, OXON, OX14 1DY | www.holzher.co.uk


firms reported that staffing had dropped sharply in April, with employees

marginal profitability will be eroded in a reduced volume environment. Nick

often placed on furlough until work on site could recommence with social

Roberts, chief executive, said: “The Covid pandemic has created significant

distancing measures. The latest survey also indicated by far the steepest

challenges across our Group and I have been hugely encouraged by the

decline in sub-contractor usage in the survey history.

flexibility of our colleagues to adapt our business models successfully and

TimberTrends revealed that a provisional analysis of timber imports, showing an overall 30-35% drop in import volumes in April

at pace, which has enabled us to maintain safe working practices whilst continuing to provide an effective service to our customers.”

2020 as compared to April 2019. “Products with healthy local domestic

“Whilst we have experienced improving trends more recently, we

production saw imports drop most significantly, with Particleboard

do not expect a return to pre-Covid trading conditions for some time

falling by 60-70%, MDF by 50-60%, and OSB by 40-50%. On the other

and consequently we have had to take the very difficult decision to

hand, Hardwood and Hardwood Plywood dropped by between 40-45%,

begin consultations on the closure of selected branches and to reduce

and Softwood, which is by far the largest import category for timber in

our workforce to ensure we can protect the Group as a whole. This is

the UK, saw 30-35% reduction in volume.”

in no way a reflection on those employees impacted and we will do

Despite drops in imports and sales, the UK Timber Trade Federation

everything we can to support them during this process.”

(TTF) reported that timber stocks are more than sufficient to meet

The wider ‘Roadmap to Recovery’ announced and being driven

demand. David Hopkins TTF CEO, said: “Yes, there are pockets of

by the CLC, is a strategy to drive the recovery of the construction and

shortages, and longer lead times on certain products, such as decking,

built environment sectors, and through them the wider UK economy,

fencing and garden products – a category which saw unprecedented

following the Covid-19 pandemic and economic downturn. The

demand when the furlough scheme kicked in alongside good weather –

strategy aims: “to increase the level of activity across the construction

but the level of supply for commercial construction remains healthy.”

ecosystem, accelerate the process of industry adjustment to the new

The scale of impact was revealed with the UK’s largest builders’ merchant Travis Perkins announcing in June they were cutting 2,500

normal, and build capacity in the industry to deliver strategic priorities, with three phases to the plan, to be delivered over two years:

jobs with plans to close 165 stores, as it forecast a lasting recession that would weigh heavily on demand for construction materials. The job cuts

represents around 10% of the firm’s workforce. Only in March, they had announced that the Group’s trading performance in 2020 had been in

line with expectations growing by 2.4% year-to-date, with solid trading in the merchanting businesses and a strong start in Toolstation and Wickes

Restart: increase output, maximise employment and minimise disruption (0-3 months) Reset: drive demand, increase productivity, strengthen capability in the supply chain (3-12 months)

– they were not wrong in saying that: “The Group expects the trading

Reinvent: transform the industry, deliver better value, collaboration and partnership (12-24 months).

environment to change quickly and materially in the coming weeks.” Branch closures will be concentrated in the merchant businesses, in

The outcomes will be a more capable, professional, productive

particular the Travis Perkins General Merchant, focusing on small branches

and profitable sector, which delivers better value to clients, better

where it is either difficult to implement safe distancing practices, or where

performing infrastructure and buildings, and competes successfully

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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in global markets. Commenting on the plan, Nick Boulton, chief

and resilient industry is within our gift if we all choose to work in this

executive of the Trussed Rafter Association (TRA) said:  “As part of the

way. As a sector we also place a high priority on professionalism and

essential supply chain for housebuilders, housing associations, general

strongly support all the measures proposed for the ‘reinvent’ phase

builders and other parts of the construction industry, TRA members are

related to training and apprenticeships, including the development

fully supportive of the recovery plan.

of an overarching competency framework for industry. The TRA will

“Technology, quality, safety and sustainability are key principles

seek to contribute to the future development of the plan via the

in the trussed rafter sector and so TRA members are well placed

forthcoming sector groups, such as through the Construction Products

within the housebuilding and domestic RMI sectors to help deliver the

Association and Home Builders Federation.”

plan’s objectives. The TRA and its members welcome the demand-

While the figures for May will be equally poor and the overall

side measures proposed for the ‘reset’ phase in the housing sector.

forecast for the rest of 2020 gloomy, it is hoped that the phased return

This includes the extension of the Help to Buy scheme and delivering

to work across the merchant sector and construction sites returning to

commitments under the housing guarantees programme to support

action across the UK, will mean that an upturn and more positive sets of

social housing, build-to-rent and SME housing delivery.

statistics are hopefully not too far away.

“The TRA has long advocated a more collaborative approach More at  www.ttf.co.uk  www.bmbi.co.uk

through technology in the housing sector. A more collaborative, fairer


CORONAVIRUS (CICV) FORUM Created in March, the CICV Forum, made

intact and, in turn, this Forum is fighting for

up of trade associations, professional

them.” By pooling expertise and knowledge,

services bodies, companies and individuals

the Forum represents the interests of

are pro-actively advising on how to operate

Scotland’s diverse construction supply chain

safely while carrying out emergency or

with one consistent voice.

essential work.

HELP KEEP US ALL SAFE Read your company’s COVID-19 policy and risk assessment and follow these golden rules to protect you, your colleagues and your family:

If possible, travel to and from work alone

Observe physical distancing at all times

Wear a proper face covering if required

Wash your hands properly and often

Regularly clean frequently-touched tools, objects and surfaces

Bring your own pre-prepared food and drink

Stay on-site or use your vehicle during break periods

Cough into your sleeve or elbow if you don’t have a tissue

Stay at home and follow government guidance if you have COVID-19 symptoms

Relevant to all parts of the UK –

Ostensibly directed to Scottish businesses

they released a short film outlining

and speaking to the Scottish Government on

the key health and safety steps that

issues affecting members in the current crisis,

all staff should take during the return

the CICV Forum includes representatives from

to work. Entitled ‘Working Together’,

24 bodies including the Builders Merchants

the 90-second animation illustrates the

Federation. “Whether merchant/wholesaler,

positive day-to-day measures that workers

contractor, or multi-million-pound building

in the construction industry can take to

firm, Scotland’s construction sector is fighting

protect themselves, their colleagues

to keep its people, businesses and livelihoods

and the wider community. Its release

For further information, please contact your COVID-19 Compliance Officer:

follows the success of a previous Forum animation, In It Together, which outlined


procedures for emergency domestic work and was adapted by a host of other UK and European organisations for their own use. Rebecca Crosland, Health and Safety

distribution and the first port of call for advice and clarity for many enterprises.

Advisor at Forum member the Building


Communications at SELECT and Chair of the

said: “The restart has the potential to be an

Communications Sub-Group on the CICV

unsettling time for everybody concerned, with

Forum, said: “The Forum has been at the

people unsure about exactly what they should

forefront of information flow since the start

do. This latest animation lays down in simple

of the crisis in March. The number of trade

terms, with bright and cheerful graphics, the

associations, professional bodies, companies

common-sense ways in which everyone can

and individuals who have come together

contribute to a safe working environment and

for mutual benefit and for the sake of the

help keep the virus at bay.” Bringing their own

preservation of the sector underlines the

prepared food and drink

core message of the film that, by working

The new film follows the launch of the Forum’s return to work pack, and reinforces its www.cicvforum.co.uk

Timber Trader UK Magazine

together, we can successfully navigate a safe return to work.”

reputation for proactive innovation, with the collective being at the forefront of information

Iain Mason, Director of Membership and

Engineering Services Association (BESA),

Summer 2020


More at  www.cicvforum.co.uk


 @Timber_Media


Conversations about Climate Change Design Competition – Join the Conversation OPEN CALL: 1st June – 24th August 2020


he Timber Trade Federation has announced

emission reduction needed for mitigating the worst impacts of climate

a Conversations about Climate Change Design

change. However, tropical forests have often been undervalued and


cleared for agricultural development, rather than sustainable timber

Conversations about Climate Change is a specially


commissioned design competition, exhibition, and event series providing a platform for urgent climate debates.

Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) is the UK and EU’s Action Plan to combat illegal logging, subsequent trade and

Setting the challenge of creating ‘conversation’, the Timber Trade

deforestation, and instead introduce forest monitoring, auditing, multi-

Federation is calling for innovative, playful, and thought-provoking

stakeholder dialogue and engagement with local communities. This

designs from architects, designers and craftspeople.

landmark shift in governance and procurement means FLEGT licensed

The Timber Trade Federation, in association with the Building Centre in London, will showcase winning designs in tropical timbers from sustainable

timber is a safe, legal and responsible form of timber which will help keep forests standing.

sources to demonstrate the importance of this natural resource.

We want more countries to engage in these Governance reforms and start producing FLEGT licenced timber. Engaging designers and

The Context

creating high value markets is one way to do this.

2020 had been designated a super year for climate conversations with COP26 scheduled to take place in November. Now postponed due

The Challenge

to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the battle against climate change remains an urgent threat to humanity.

Conversations about Climate Change sets architects, designers, and craftspeople the challenge of creating ‘conversation pieces’ from responsibly sourced tropical timber.

Image credits: EFI EU FLEGT and REDD facilities

Sustainable forest management is an essential solution to the

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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We are asking designers to respond to this material and to consider how their role as a specifier is vital for implementing change. The ‘conversation pieces’ could be furniture, sculpture, a model or functional design object – anything, as long as it stimulates a conversation about material provenance and its place in the climate debate, drawing inspiration from the palette of tropical hardwood species selected.

The Competition Six winners will be chosen by an expert judging panel to be fabricated for the show. All winners will be provided with sustainably sourced FLEGT tropical hardwood and a £1,000 maker’s bursary. The winning designs will be created using tropical hardwood species from the fifteen countries engaging with the FLEGT Action Plan, through the Timber Trade Federation’s members. All entrants will have their designs exhibited in an online gallery and a shortlist will be displayed in the exhibition at the Building Centre in London in November, timed to mark the original date of COP26 and highlighting the vital role for tropical forests in the climate debate.

To enter, find out more, and read the supporting resources, visit: www.buildingcentre.co.uk/climateconversations The competition opens 1st June and closes 24th August 2020. The six winners will be announced at the beginning of September.

Supported by the Department for International Development

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Advertise with Timber Media’s Products & Services

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HIGH PERFORMANCE TREATED TIMBER - perfect for fencing, decking, leisure wood, playground equipment and general building applications TANALITH is a BPR authorised product


Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020

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Profit from Knowledge

Image © Arbor Forest Products

Merchants profit from their knowledge, encouraging customers to come back time and again. In the case of timber treatments, that knowledge is not as broad or as solidly embedded amongst merchant staff as it perhaps should be.


his can occasionally lead to confusion and to the wrong

of the quality and service they offer to customers. Local reputations are

products being recommended to customers, storing

built on selling ‘Timber you can Trust’.

up potential for future complaints. The Timber Trade Federation (TTF) has been working closely with the

Ask your supplier to confirm in writing, or on the order or delivery documentation, to which Use Class the timber you’re receiving has been

National Merchant Buying Society (NMBS) in the last six months to

treated and ask for Use Class 4 treatment if you are ordering any kind of

bring accessible information to the thousands of NMBS member

softwood product that will be in contact with the ground. Any external

branches across the country through a series called ‘Timber Topics’,

softwood timbers in ground contact are covered by the need for Use

available on both the TTF and NMBS websites. Treatments are high on

Class 4 treatments, including fence posts, agricultural timbers, retaining

the list for further education. Getting the right timber treatment for a

walls, playground equipment, as well as decking posts and joists.

particular end use is key to merchants selling a fit for purpose product. The first step is to ask the customer where the timber is to be used. Many merchants sell joist material. Some of that may be labelled as ‘preservative treated’, or ‘green treated’, or ‘brown treated’, or even


just as ‘treated’. But what do those terms actually mean? Joist material, carcassing or studding, along with roofing or tiling battens, are for use

Merchants are welcome to download a copy of two TTF/NMBS

internally within a building where they will receive minimal exposure to

Timber Topics covering timber treatments at:

water or weather. Such timbers need a level of timber treatment for a  www.nmbs.co.uk or  www.ttf.co.uk/merchants/

Use Class 2 application, under BS 8417.


A Use Class 3 timber treatment is needed for all external construction timbers used above ground – which is the critical point

Also look for ‘Getting the treatment right’ published in May

– such as deck boards, fence rails and boards, claddings and fascias.

2020, and ‘Decked out for Easter’ published in March 2020.

Previously, decking joists were also considered as an ‘above ground’

Merchants can also download a copy of the TTF’s special leaflet

use, but regulations are changing. As of this year, decking joists must be

for builders’ merchants - ‘Wood:

treated to Use Class 4 for ground contact, as the joists are permanently

Good margins, good business’. It

exposed to wetting. The key factor is that decking joists, even if they’re

includes a diagram detailing all the

on top of a membrane, gravel, or grass, are still in contact with the

applications and the Use Classes,

ground, which means wood will stay wet for a lot longer and thus needs

produced in conjunction with

to be treated accordingly.

the Wood Protection Association

Decking joists treated to lower Use Classes have failed in use causing

(WPA). The WPA website also

complaints at merchant trade counters. To protect the reputation of your

offers a wealth of information

business, make sure you are selling decking bearers which have received a

about timber treatments:

Use Class 4 timber preservative treatment. Timber treated to Use Class 2  www.thewpa.org.uk

for interior applications simply won’t last outside. Merchants should take advantage of the opportunity to market this new level of treatment as part

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



 @Timber_Media


Timber Frame: Accommodating the Differential

With sales of timber homes and buildings heading towards £1bn in the next 12 months*, Andy Swift, sales and operations manager, UK & ROI for ISO-Chemie, considers sealant tapes for timber frame structures and accommodating differential movement.


he latest figures from the Structural Timber

What does this mean for the fenestration industry? As a window

Association (STA) show that timber frames currently

manufacturer, the quality of the window installation is paramount

account for 22% of new housing starts in England,

because any problems are usually laid at your door; while installers might

17% in Northern Ireland and 30% in Wales, indicating

see a poorly sealed unit tarnish their reputation with the house builder

that the technique can be seen as a viable alternative to traditional

or indeed, the occupants. It also means that using a silicone solution to

construction methods.

provide a seal, which gives a MAF (Movement Accommodation Factor) of

Indeed, as some industry experts predict offsite construction

between 15% - 50% to accommodate the timber frame movement, could

overtaking traditional onsite methods due to sustainability factors

be largely ineffective - unless extremely large gaps around the window

- with panellised and modular homes being made from recyclable

are required to accommodate movement.

materials and using up to 67% less energy in the building process than

Alternatively, the use of advanced foam sealing tapes can be

equivalent traditional onsite builds - the outlook for timber frame does

beneficial, adding value to the quality of the final finish. The current

indeed look rosy.

generation of tapes, such as ISO-Chemie’s ISO BLOCO T-Max, can

However, when it comes to effective weather sealing of fenestration and external facades, which might have to last upwards of 20 - 30 years,

accommodate up to 36 mm of movement (MAF = 257%) while remaining weather proof to Storm Force 10.

new build timber frame structures can experience a huge amount of

When sealing the windows in timber frame houses the gap at the

settlement occurring during the first 18 - 24 months of their life. Therefore,

head increases as settlement occurs while the gap at the cill decreases.

careful consideration must be given to this condition and factored in as

Sealing the vertical sides also becomes problematical due to sheer

part of the design at the critical product development stage.

movement. This can be overcome using sealant tapes. The window

Timber frame dwellings have unique requirements regarding

should initially be located higher in the aperture than the expected final

differential movement between the internal timber wall and the

position, which means that the head tape will be in a more compressed

external masonry wall. Basically, the internal timber wall will shrink

state while the cill tape will initially be in a more expanded state. This

in height due to a combination of loading and moisture loss, while

will equalise or reverse following the settlement movement, but will

the external wall grows in height as the bricks swell due to moisture

still remain intact and weather tight. Horizontal gaps should also be

gain. As the windows are generally fixed to the internal timber wall

installed first to prevent any problems forming post settlement.

this means that the windows also have a large amount of downward movement within the aperture of the masonry wall.

Tapes can be used to reduce vertical side gaps, too. They will adhere to the window frame only, allowing it to creep down the brickwork

The UK Timber Frame Association’s ‘Differential Movement Calculator’ document, which has been used by NHBC for its

during the settlement period, accommodating the substantial sheer movement forces that can rip apart a silicone seal.

technical standards for some years, and which lays down compliance requirements for house builders for follow, suggests that even on a

*MTW Research report on the UK Timber Frame House Building &

two storey dwelling, the first floor windows will move by upwards of 16

Construction Market in 2020 with forecasts to 2024.

mm while second floor windows on a three storey house can move by More at  www.iso-chemie.eu/en-GB

almost as much 30mm.

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



 @Timber_Media


Furniture to Full Home

A unique prototype dwelling has used SMARTPLY MAX to provide structural support and flooring in a series of innovative building projects looking to address environmental concerns and the modular building industry.


arvan de Bruir – traditionally a furniture maker – has

construction site surroundings are two vital criteria that have made

created a series of self-build structures that are now

sustainability advocates become offsite advocates. Furthermore, when

the workshops for his design studio DE BRUIR, in

responsibly managed, timber is one of the few construction materials

Kildare Town, Ireland. “As a furniture maker my core

that can be 100% sustainable.

skills lie in working with timber,” he explains. “I wanted to see how

“It was important to me that locally sourced materials were used for

far these skills would take me when applying it to housebuilding,

the project,” says Garvan. “I’m based in Kildare, and I like that the MEDITE

rather than furniture making, and if I could offer any new or

SMARTPLY factories are relatively close, and that they use timber from

innovative step into timber building. With wood as the common

sustainably managed forests right here in Ireland. SMARTPLY MAX was

material, it is easy to simply scale up techniques and construction

the perfect solution to offer the structural support my designs needed,

methods from furniture and cabinet-making into building design.”

and it’s Irish timber, used in Ireland—what could make more sense?

Using digital design and manufacturing methods, the objective was to

“The intention is to refine the design of these buildings into something

design and build a modular building that could be replicated over and over

suitable for large scale, offsite production. Each component is able to be

again: a building that would offer warm, energy efficient living spaces, built

reproduced, and the building put together like a simple jigsaw.”

from sustainably produced timber that is entirely locally sourced. “Some years ago, I built a small single-story building to try out the technique,” says Garvan. “After that proved successful, I moved on to building a larger two-storey version and created the first prototype prefabricated building. These buildings only featured SMARTPLY MAX as the flooring, but the next self-build showroom had a much more comprehensive use of SMARTPLY MAX throughout. This gave me a much better appreciation of its properties. Currently, I’m working on a full-sized, two-bedroom dwelling which is all prefabricated in SMARTPLY MAX.

Local, Natural & Sustainable Optimising the design for offsite manufacturing is a way in which this project is truly optimised for sustainability. The element of control that offsite manufacturing offers, coupled with minimal disruption to

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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MEDITE SMARTPLY, owned by Coillte, the Irish forestry company which owns and sustainably manages over 7% of Irish forests, guarantees that all of its panels are sustainably produced from only the thinnings of fastgrowing pine trees. The entire SMARTPLY MAX range is also manufactured with no added formaldehyde, for the peace of mind of both the craftsmen who work with the boards, and the eventual building occupants.

Design Innovation The unique design of each building is inspired by a monocoque: a structural system where heavy loads are able to be supported through an object’s external skin, similar to an egg-shell. In Garvan’s design, the outer walls curve up and over to become the roof, as a single seamless arch. The word monocoque is derived from a French term meaning ‘single’ and ‘shell’ and is traditionally used in the design of aircrafts. The benefits of a monocoque is that they are very lightweight, but extremely rigid and able to bear heavy loads - great design criteria for modular buildings, sections of which would have to be transported from factory to site and craned into place. Not only a furniture-maker and self-builder, but also a skilled leather craftsman, Garvan de Bruir’s leather working skills also

Garvan hopes to complete the house towards the spring of

feature in the project, providing coverings and accents. “All the leather

2020. Meanwhile the existing buildings are in daily use creating the

used is responsibly sourced. It’s another natural material that underlines

collections for his studio DE BRUIR.

the message of living naturally, sustainably and in harmony with the More at  www.debruir.com  www.mdfosb.com

surrounding environment, which this project tries to demonstrate.”

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Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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Out With the Old: In With the New Chris Fisher, UK operations director LBMH at ECI Software Solutions, explores how a document management solution can help builders’ merchants streamline processes and provide instant access to key data and customer information.


ow can a document

if a customer calls wanting details of their

greatly reducing any confusion or mistakes

management system save you

last transaction or to get a summary of their

and increasing record-keeping accuracy.

time and money? The period of

account, it’s likely they’re after a quick response.

These systems can also offer powerful version

enforced lockdown has allowed

Gone are the days of putting people on hold to

control elements that track changes and allow

some business owners the headspace and

trawl through endless documents, invoices or

users to revert to previous versions without

time to assess efficiency levels, take a step

receipts to find these answers – a delay that can

compromising data integrity.

back and analyse what works, and what

adversely impact the business, relationships, and

doesn’t. It’s estimated that UK businesses

the brand being represented. With a document

waste approximately £20 billion every year

management solution this data is instantly

on inefficient document management – from

available within a few clicks, ensuring customers

are typically included in a document

photocopying to filing, paper-based systems

feel valued, safe in the knowledge you have

management system too, ensuring only

are both outdated and costly.

their full order and account history on screen.

the relevant people can access certain data

With a cloud-based document management system you can manage, track, and store documents online – greatly reducing the need for paper and improving overall

Increased Security Role-based user permission functionalities

and allowing you to differentiate standard

Boost Efficiency & Improve Accuracy Efficiency, productivity, and performance

users from those who’ve been given special permissions. Additionally you can access auditing features, able to track changes,

efficiency, collaboration and productivity in

all see marked increases when documents

views, and employee usage. This information

the workplace. Of course, the upheaval of

are centralised on a cloud-based system.

is stored within the system and provides a

implementing new software can be off-

Instead of wasting time searching for valuable

measure of security and accountability that

putting for a business owner, and whether you

yet hard to find information, a document

a paper-based workplace simply cannot

run a chain of builders’ merchants or a single

management system can retrieve files using a

compete with. The ability to align with more

site, the short-term disruption is a worthy

phrase or a word.

efficient ways of working is essential for

sacrifice for the longer-term rewards.

You can also rest assured that your

builders’ merchants looking to maintain their

records are accurate. For example, it’s

competitive edge and grow. Taking a step

common for a busy tradesperson to stop by

back to analyse what works, and what doesn’t,

with a list of material requirements scribbled

can be an invaluable exercise for business

instantly access a customer’s previous order or

on a sheet of paper – leaving it with your team

owners, especially if you feel processes are

any specialist requests can really help set you

to process. With a document management

currently inefficient or draining resources.

ahead of the competition and allow you to take

solution, users can scan the list, attach it to

customer service to the next level. For example,

a quote and, safely store it in the system,

Improved Accessibility For builders’ merchants, being able to

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Summer 2020


More at  www.ecisolutions.com


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We’d like to pay tribute to all of you skilled tradespeople and companies across the nation, from builders to joiners to fitters, to name a few. You have delivered a valued contribution to critical construction projects, including NHS Nightingale hospitals and temporary isolation units that extended the capacity of GP surgeries. Together we’re building a safer and better future.

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Summer 2020



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Sylva Wood Centre Gets Brimstone Facelift

The installation of Brimstone timber at the Sylva Wood Centre has created an impressive research and display area as well as helping to transform an old grain store into an exciting new workspace showcasing the best of British timber.


he Sylva Foundation aims to help Britain’s trees and

of the Brimstone project,” said Vastern Timber Managing Director Tom

woodlands thrive. The renovation of an old grain store

Barnes. “In fact the Sylva Centre can lay claim to having the very first

provides a vast new space for their work, creating a new

batch of thermally modified British hardwood after their original building

facility for woodworking enterprise, innovation and

was clad in thermally modified British ash and sycamore. We all saw this

skills training. Vastern Timber donated cladding and joinery material

project as a great opportunity.”

in return for the opportunity to set up a long-term test and display facility for their Brimstone range of thermally modified British timber. Vastern Timber supplied over 100m2 of Brimstone to the project,

The Grain Store is clad on three sides with British larch feather-edge cladding, selected because it is locally grown, naturally durable and importantly for this project affordable, with the front elevation clad in

split between the ash, poplar and sycamore varieties, and each was

Brimstone. The first thermally modified British ash and sycamore were

installed using a different fixing system by Sylva Centre tenant Rodas

installed at the Sylva Centre in 2015. Since then, Brimstone has been

Irving. “The team at Sylva have for many years been great supporters

rigorously tested both in the lab and on-site. All three species have

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Summer 2020



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Summer 2020



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achieved Class 1 Durability for out of ground use in lab-based testing and mechanical tests have demonstrated a minimum of 50% improvement in dimensional stability. This new installation of Brimstone cladding and joinery at the Sylva Wood Centre is the latest step in testing,

The Grain Store is clad on three sides with British larch feather-edge cladding, selected because it is locally grown, naturally durable and importantly for this project affordable, with the front elevation clad in Brimstone.

observing and fully understanding the characteristics of this innovative material. During 2018 Vastern Timber invested in an Environmental Product Declaration and an

the horizontal battens as an accurate guide for the position of the nails.

in-depth lifecycle analysis to establish the full carbon impact of the

The quality of all the timber was very good indeed. I think we only had

three Brimstone species. In 2019 they installed a weathering station at

one piece that had to be put to one side out of the whole lot of around

the yard in Wootton Bassett to gather information about the natural

500 pieces. There were very few pieces that had any defects – the odd

weathering processes of the timber on different elevations.

piece with a minor split. Most pieces were straight, a few had some

Both the cladding and the joinery will be monitored over time and the

spring but this was easily corrected as we nailed in place.

lessons learned will contribute to the growing body of knowledge and advice

“The Ash tongue and groove was perhaps the trickiest to put up,

that can be offered to architects and specifiers for projects of the future.

just because you have to fit one piece into the other. It could split

In addition to the cladding, Vastern Timber worked with George

when nailed if the grain was angled or we nailed a bit close to the

Barnsdale to produce timber-framed windows and doors made of

edge. The Sycamore has the most interesting grain pattern and looks

Brimstone ash for this project. This is the first commercial site to house

really beautiful. The Poplar was the easiest to fit. We purposely did

joinery made from Brimstone timber. The Brimstone ash was primed

this fairly rapidly with a second-fix nail gun into both the lap and the

and painted using advanced technologies at George Barnsdale, giving

face of the boards just lining things up by eye. Everyone who came past

the best protection from the elements.

commented on how good it looked.”

The Brimstone cladding was supplied in three versions. All were

The renovation of the Grain Store increases capacity, providing

installed vertically to offer variation to the original thermally modified

more space for woodworking businesses and for skills training to

timber cladding that was installed horizontally. While it was important

be delivered at the centre. The Grain Store hosts the MicroFactory

that the main elevation looked attractive and consistent, It was also

for “designers, makers and proto-typers and new or small creative

important to include a range of Brimstone types, cladding profiles and

businesses that want to work in a rural setting but with a city buzz.” The

fixing systems to maximise the opportunity to learn from the project.

Grain Store is now almost unrecognisable from its former state with

“Fitting the battens accurately paid dividends later on in the

many visitors convinced it is a newbuild.

process,” said Rodas Irving who worked on the project. “Particularly for More at  www.vastern.co.uk/old-grain-store-brimstone

the Sycamore which had the hand-nailed fixing as we were able to use

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Summer 2020



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Are You Fit for Purpose? With the Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) original 1980 Racking Design Code due to be formally withdrawn at the end of 2020, we thought it time to refresh memories on what the Code is designed to achieve.


racking installation is a carefully designed engineering

cantilever racking systems and the design and use of racking protection.

structure and ideally fulfils a number of criteria: your

First published in 1980, the SEMA Design Code has a long history of

structure should be suitable for the intended purpose,

providing racking with a high level of safety and many warehouses in the UK

offer longevity and give you no cause for concern. The

will have at least some of their racking designed to this standard. Responding

wish list is hardly a big ask, but as a fully-loaded, highly-stressed

to changes in technology and methodology the SEMA Design Code was

piece of engineering how do you make sure your racking fits the bill?

substantially reviewed and updated in 2008 taking into account new design

When planning your warehouse, initially the layout of the racking is

procedures and with an emphasis on a risk-based method where safety

determined based on the throughput requirement of the warehouse

factors are used to take into account the effect of different loads considered

however, considerations must also be given to the end-user operational ‘need’.

in the design. A revised version was issued in 2014 – all current and previous

Throughout the process, codes are used to ensure that the racking can work

editions of the SEMA Design Code are available through from SEMA.

correctly with the other equipment and fulfil the desired requirements. Design codes are specialist, but the purpose is simple, to make sure

SEMA Quality Assurance Scheme (QAS 2000)

that you can have a reasonable level of confidence that the rack will stand

Unique to the UK market, the SEMA Quality Assurance Scheme (QAS

up when it is used for its intended purpose. The codes give guidance on

2000) is an ongoing initiative which requires SEMA Members to undertake

how to do the structural analysis, what types of load must be considered,

third-party assessments. Commissioned by SEMA manufacturers,

how to test components and what factors of safety are required.

the University of Salford’s Directorate of Civil Engineering School of

Within the UK, quality assurance of your racking system comes when

Computing, Science and Engineering, carry out compliance checks to

it has been designed to either the SEMA Code or the European Code EN

ensure that a manufacturer’s design calculations and product testing

15512 (at least under the SEMA Quality Scheme). The SEMA Design Codes

processes meet with acceptable codes – either CEN EN 15512 or the SEMA

have been written specifically to reflect racking systems designed and

Design Code. The initiative helps inform customers that a racking system

maintained in the UK market and it is acceptable to buy or sell storage

purchased from a SEMA member conforms with best industry practice.

equipment in the UK that has been designed to either of these codes.

The SEMA Design Code has been in use for over 30 years and has a long history of providing racking with a high standard of safety.

What is the SEMA Design Code?

Manufacturers are familiar with the SEMA Codes of Practice, knowing

SEMA has been advising the racking industry for over 50 years,

that they ensure quality of design, manufacture, installation and

providing a source of reassurance to with regard to the safe design,

finally usage, which includes inspection and repair. The design code

installation and use of storage equipment. SEMA has developed a series of

is continually updated as part of a regular review process and SEMA

design codes covering both static and other pallet racking types together

manufacturers are committed to new revisions of the standard.

with formal publications for both low and high-rise static steel shelving. Its More at  www.sema.org.uk

codes also cover mobile racking, mobile shelving systems together with

 SEMA SAFETY CONFERENCE 2021 The SEMA Safety Conference is an annual event designed to

on legislation, regulations and best practice affecting end users,

update all players in the storage industry supply chain on the

designers, manufacturers, suppliers and inspectors.

latest health and safety developments affecting the sector. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic the next event will be

Speakers include industry experts, health and safety officials

4 November 2021 at The National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham.

and key authorities on safety matters who provide presentations

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Summer 2020



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Traceability, continuity and consistency: a spotlight on SR Timber SR Timber’s Trading Director Shaun Revill gives an insight into the company’s meteoric rise since its launch in 2004 to become the UK’s largest importer of roofing batten and establishing its flagship, market-leading Premium Gold.


oming from a background as a

batten that leaves the sawmill is factory graded to

roofing contractor, I knew that

British Standard BS 5534:2014 + A2:2018.

the there was a gap in the market for an alternative supplier of

the product because of my experience as a roofer. Roofers can be quicker, more efficient in their

We also have great partnership with shipping

work and ultimately more profitable if they are

and transport companies, which means we always

using quality materials; all of our experience has

quality roofing batten. There was an opportunity

have a constant supply of quality batten in various

gone into developing a product that is the gold

for a supplier who could produce batten that is

stages of transit to the UK.

standard. We’re qualified timber graders and have

sustainably sourced, conforms to all the regulations and standards and offers a 60-year warranty.

Having full control over the forest to roof

lots of other qualifications that have all contributed

supply chain is how we maintain the traceability,

to making Premium Gold the market leader.

continuity and consistency that ensures roofing

From the forest to the roof

The future of batten

contractors can have complete faith in every

The key to our growth is having complete

length of our Premium Gold batten.

What is becoming increasingly important in

control over our own supply chain. This starts with our close ties with forestry management organisations in the Baltic region who oversee the

the roofing industry are the credentials of timber

Recommended by roofers

products and the with the growth in demand

Those of a certain vintage will remember the

for batten that originates from well-managed

management of the forests. It extends to having

TV adverts featuring Victor Kiam Remington and his

forests with certification covering both legality

a dedicated sawmill in Latvia that only produces

catchphrase, “I liked the product so much, I bought

and sustainability. All Premium Gold batten carries

roofing batten. This is vital because it enables us

the company”. Although I didn’t buy the company, I

either FSC or PEFC certification, proving it is

to set quality standards so that every length of

started it because, like Victor, I had complete faith in

sourced sustainably.

Reliability from the forest to the roof


Fully graded roof batten


Consistent quality


60 Year lifetime warranty


‘Full to size’ in all dimensions


Certified and compliant to British Standards

Choose PREMIUM GOLD from SR Timber

TEL: 01623 446 800 www.sr-timber.co.uk

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Summer 2020



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Bringing Innovation to Market The preservative protection of timber is such an important factor in helping to keep wood as the premier construction material choice. Effective industrially applied treatments not only greatly extend the service life of our most sustainable building material, they also add value for specifiers, merchants and their end customers.


he Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) now shapes the wood preservative formulations of the future. Andy Hodge, Marketing Director at Lonza,

explains: “The BPR continues to reduce the palette of modern chemical actives available to many industries, including wood protection. Therefore we constantly need to bring innovative and focused solutions to help keep our customers at the very heart of the wood protection world. “A key strength of the Lonza business is our fullservice approach. Within these focused services we have experienced and influential regulatory experts, who not only help determine future regulation developments, but who can also make sure that the latest preservative products we offer will meet regulatory challenges and

New oil-based TANASOTE treatment

changes and, most importantly, will protect the long term business interests of our customers. “TANALITH is our most respected and wide reaching preservative

and joinery timbers. A patented VAC-VAC booster technology and a

brand. Over the years we have developed our TANALITH preservatives

powerful new co-biocide in tandem will make VACSOL 6118 a really

and the way they are applied to provide the highest levels of

flexible product that will widen the protection possibilities. There

performance and confidence across changing markets. TANALITH was

will be wider preservative solution strength options to suit specific

the first copper-based preservative brand to gain BPR authorisation.

components to be treated, giving focused treatment uptakes that can

Its ingredients are tried and tested to help provide the broadest range

help to lower the treatment price per litre and can also cut the amount

of protection against decay and insect attack and the built-in and

of wasted preservative uptake in the timber packs.

innovative BARamine application technologies within TANALITH deliver

“VACSOL 6118 can be used to protect traditional Use Class 1,

premium protection results on a consistent basis. Our message for high

Use Class 2 and Use Class 3 coated timbers but will also be suitable to

pressure preservative treated timbers is simple – TRUST TANALITH. It

protect some Use Class 3 external uncoated timbers. The new product is

will provide a future proofed path for you and your customers.

expected to be available in the Autumn of 2020 with BPR authorisation

“Our R&D teams are committed to developing a future pipeline of wood protection products to help produce quality treated timbers to meet your

and conversion within treatment operations will be a simple process managed through the Lonza engineering and technical support teams.

markets need. For instance, our new mineral oil-based TANASOTE preservative

“We are also developing some exciting colour options with the

will shortly provide an effective alternative to traditional creosote treatments

product that should interest our customers and potentially open new

of heavy duty, high performance timbers – designed to provide a 40-year

market areas for them. Correct application of wood preservatives is

service life protection against decay and insect attack for telecommunication

vital in achieving the long term protection of our timber components.

and electricity poles, rail track timbers and industrial fencing.

Our market leading Auto-Treater treatment plant management

“TANASOTE now has a BPR provisional assessment report and we

software technology has created easy-to-use and focused control

are anticipating mutual recognition of the new product later this year.

of our customers operations as well as intuitive information to help

Field testing and optimisation of TANASOTE treatment continues at

ensure cost effective treatments. We will soon be unveiling a new

a pace. Field tests for both communication poles and railway sleepers

digital platform that will provide custom dashboards that will drive our

are in place around Europe. We have also established small agricultural

customers’ treatment efficiency to even greater levels.

fencing field test projects in conjunction with a couple of our interested

“We believe that the combination of modern future proof

customers. Whilst still not fully approved we also have TANASOTE

preservative products with our proven support services and application

within a full-size commercial treatment facility to help optimise

technologies makes us the attractive full service supplier for you and

treatment cycles and test treatment on different commercial species.

your wood protection business.”

“Later this year we are also introducing our latest metal-free More at  www.lonzawoodprotection.com/eu

VACSOL preservative product for the protection of construction

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FOR CONSTRUCTION TIMBERS VACSOL 6118 - metal free wood preservative that can be used in both low and high pressure treatments Can be used to protect Use Class 1, 2, 3 Coated and now Use Class 3 Uncoated timbers Can have colours added Simple conversion from existing preservative product

lonzawoodprotection.com/eu Use wood preservatives safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020



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SR Timber assures industry over roofing batten supplies SR Timber has issued an assurance to roofing industry over the supply of timber batten as the housebuilding sector and wider construction industry continues to ramp up activity.

directly to sites up and down the UK - and the last few months have really been a test of our mettle and we’ve come through it with flying colours.” Shaun also thinks that the recent lockdown may go some way to rid the industry of blighted batten.

The Nottinghamshire-based business is keen to emphasize that the availability and supply of its materials remains unaffected, meaning that it can respond quickly to the requirements of merchants as demand continues to grow. Its ability to deliver consignments of batten within 48 – 72 hours after an order is placed remains unaffected.

“Before lockdown, we heard of instances where some suppliers were offering unbelievable prices on batten – which we strongly suspect to be of poor quality and probably don’t comply to British Standards – but they couldn’t deliver for weeks,” said Shaun. “That raised alarms bells for reputable suppliers and we hope that we may now see the back of some of this batten, especially if merchants and contractors turn their back on it because of the poor availability.

The company – which is a leading importer of timber products and the UK’s largest importer of roofing batten, including its flagship Premium Gold – is keen to point out that its supply chain in the Baltics, its transportation and its stockholding levels in the UK are all “robust” and can flex easily to meet demand.

Also, reflecting on the widespread media reports during lockdown which showed the lowering of emissions globally, Shaun is also hoping that the eco credentials of materials come even further to the fore.

Trading Director Shaun Revill said that the company recognised the small but significant role it plays in ensuring that the industry has the stock required so that housebuilders and contractors have the materials they need, when they need them so the UK construction industry can get back up to full speed. “The UK, and the world for that matter, has experienced some really tough times and it’s important that we all pull together to try and get back up and running as quickly as we can,” said Shaun. “And we’re a cog in a big machine that serves the construction industry – but we recognise the importance of being able to supply merchants and contractors with the materials they need. “We’ve always prided ourselves on having a robust supply chain - from the forests of Latvia, to the sawmills, to the ships that bring the timber into the UK and the delivery to merchants and

“It was amazing to see the reduction in the amount of pollution during lockdown and we hope the environmental agenda maintains its momentum,” said Shaun. “It goes to show that little differences add up to a big change and everyone on the planet has a role to play on that. “For example, all Premium Gold batten carries either FSC or PEFC certification proving it is sourced sustainably. Whenever purchasing batten this should be a main point for everyone, ensuring we all play our part in reducing the environmental impact.” For more information about SR Timber, go to: www.sr-timber.co.uk or follow the company on Twitter @SR_Timber_.

CaberShieldPlus: keeping you building for up to 60 days, even with the roof off CaberShieldPlus is the ideal flooring solution when building in Britain’s unpredictable climate. Comprising Norbord’s popular moistureresistant CaberFloor P5 tongue-andgroove particleboard flooring panel, CaberShieldPlus is specially designed to withstand exposure to wet conditions. CaberShieldPlus has protection on both sides, not just the exposed upper surface. The top surface features a permanent non-slip coating that prevents damage to the board and

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2020


ensures a safe working platform. The underside is protected with the smooth coating that protects against damage and makes sure that the board slides easily into position. For added durability, the waterproof coating applied to CaberShieldPlus is not designed to be peeled off after completion but is bonded permanently on both sides of the panel. With CaberShieldPlus, fast-track build programmes won’t be derailed by rain, sleet or snow. BBA-approved for up to 60 days’ continuous exposure to the


elements when used with CaberFix D4 adhesive, the board lets builders carry on building even with the roof off. The easy-to-handle 2,400mm x 600mm tongue-and-grooved panels are available in 18mm and 22mm thicknesses and are colour-coded to make them easy to identify the top surface. Ideal for domestic new-build and refurbishment projects, as well as many commercial applications, CaberShieldPlus is delivered in packs of 80 (18mm) or 66 (22mm). Visit: www.norbord.co.uk

 @Timber_Media


A new normal

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