Antigua & Barbuda THE CITIZEN

Page 7


letter Susan Brophy Editor

elcome to the 12th issue of Antigua & Barbuda The Citizen. We hope you enjoy delving into this issue to read more about citizenship by investment in these beautiful islands and a whole lot more. They say that to understand a country’s culture, you must learn about their cuisine. This issue’s cover story sees how the food and drink of Antigua & Barbuda is a microcosm of the islands’ history on a plate; from the ingredients brought by the enslaved people from the African motherland to the rum given to the colonists’ sailors to keep them docile. And it is the food traditions of Antigua that Chef Claude Lewis, winner of television’s Chopped, is introducing to the public at his restaurant in New Jersey. His mission is to make the food of his Antiguan heritage, not only the food of happy vacations in the West Indies, but of fine dining restaurants everywhere. Another second-generation Antiguan, this time from Britain, the talented, Oscar-nominated actor Marianne Jean-Baptiste, talks about her heritage and career in film, television and theatre. 2022 is a big year for homegrown talents Howard and Mitzi Allen, the most prolific filmmakers in the Eastern Caribbean. Not only does their company HAMA Films turn 30, but they will be releasing their fifth feature-length movie. Expo 2020 Dubai came a year later than planned, but for Antigua & Barbuda the event has been the perfect vehicle to showcase its natural beauty, culture and investment opportunities to new markets. Our featured photographer Jonathan Murphy’s sublime shots of Antigua perfectly demonstrate the natural beauty that the islands are so eager to share with the world. Whilst the island’s adopted daughter, Jan Farara’s fabulous colourful paintings depict the vibrancy of Antigua’s markets, shorelines and ocean. This issue’s conservation article looks at the majestic whale. There are few people on Earth unmoved on sighting one of these gentle giants. But many aren’t aware that these magical creatures may just be the answer to climate change. Sports have been around since the beginning of time and are vital for physical and mental health. Like so many aspects of life, access to this vital activity depends on the socio-economic class into which you are born, and sports philanthropy’s goal is to level the playing field for all. As usual, our Thought Leaders give us their insights into the world of citizenship by investment. And the CIU’s very own Charmaine Donovan lets us in on the Unit’s plans for 2022. On behalf of the Select Publishing team, I thank all our contributors and readers. We would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous 2022!



Articles inside

Antigua through my lens by Jonathan Murphy

pages 62-66

Eat local, eat healthily

pages 46-47

Ital food: connecting with nature

pages 43, 46-47

Drunken sailors and rum shops

page 45

Is a second citizenship the new "must-have" luxury item for Americans?

pages 40-41

Can citizenship by investment help you benefit from cryptocurrencies?

pages 38-39

Thought Leadership: From luxury to necessity

pages 36-37

How sports philantrophy can level the playing field

pages 80-81

Saving the whales may be the answer to climate change

pages 76-79

Arts & Culture: Jan Farara

pages 72-75

Chef Claude Lewis

pages 68-70

Howard & Mitzi

pages 58-60

Spotlight on the twin islands at The World’s Greatest Show

pages 56-57

Interview with Marianne Jean-Baptiste

pages 52-55

Antigua's long tradition of sugar and rum

pages 44-45

Of sovereignty and survival

pages 30-33

Interview with Charmaine Donovan

pages 26-29

Editor's letter

page 7

Welcome message from Gaston Browne

page 3

Antigua & Barbuda welcomes you

pages 4-5
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