Tex-O Key

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October-November 2011

Tex-O Key T-O Spotlight:

Words of wisdom from an LTG

Riddle Me this: canyou Decipher these brain busters?

SUgar, Sugar: Sweet K-Family Relations

Scary THoughts:

K Family Relations

What the world would be like without Key Club

Awesome Ideas for holiday service projects!


e T


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p.12 wisdom spotlight


Your Space Readers review articles of past Tex-O key issues and let their voices be heard.

news and updates


International Update Get the scoop on what’s happening in Key Club world-wide from our favorite Trustee, Rebecca Riley!


Governor’s Column Madam Governor Megan Iselin reminds about some dates and events to remember.


Letter From the Editor District Editor Kaitlyn Levett updates on some Tex-O Key news.

special project

10 Beads of Courage Division 39 North’s LTG, Alex Yauch shares on a project that touches the lives of young men and women in need of a little bit of encouragement. Find out how you can be a part!

october special

11 K-Family Relations LTG Maci Slater shares how anyone can get involved with other branches of the K-Family near their communities in a fun and easy way.

from a member’s point of view


T-O Wisdom Spotlight LTG Alex Yauch gives a little insight on the impact Key Club has around the globe. October-November 2011


Key Tex-O Key

Brain Busters How far can you stretch your brain?








Sweet as Candy

LTG Brian O’Hara talks about the sweet rewards of working with other K-Family branches.


Poetry Pause

What would the world be like without Key Club? Prepare your snapping fingers and berets.

October-November 2011


x e OVE

A World Without

Key Club has a hand in lots of behind-the-scenes work, what would be done without them? LTG Amritha Gourisankar tells us more.


Reagan Key Club President Shivi Agarwal talks about a special stuffed animal donation project at Ronald Regan High School.

K O -

p.25 break from the usual




Time to Give




Key Club Week Rocks Bullard High Key Club Week was a huge success. Find out how they made it “ROCK”. Really.


Trick or Treat

Brownwood High School gets their community into the Halloween spirit with Trick-orTreat for UNICEF.


A Break from the Usual

Two Key Clubs take a break from their usual activities for a whole new kind of social. COVER


Your Space



y e


This was by far the best Tex-O Key I’ve ever seen! SIMPLY AMAZING!! Diana Hernandez

The Tex-O Key is amazing!! As good as International’s publication in my opinion. AWESOME JOB! Rebecca Riley

Tell me what YOU think!

Submissions should include the writer’s name, email and home club and should be sent by e-mail to kaitlyn.levett@gmail.com or by mail to 413 Windcrest Drive, Early, TX 76802. Messages may be sent to the Tex-O Key’s Facebook page (Tex-O Key). Submissions may be edited for length and clarity. All submissions become the property of the the Tex-O Key and will not be returned. October-November 2011


y e K Tex-O Key



Friendly Competition Cy-Ranch and Cy-Woods match up in a football game to benefit Muscular Distrophy research, a win no matter what the score!



ex-O Key Early Morning Labor

Cypress Ranch shakes off their yawns and helps out with the Houston Triathalon.

p.29 early morning


Youth Opportunities Fund

Students of Cypress Ranch show military and firefighters that their efforts don’t go unnoticed.



Shoe Boxes Filled with Love

Lieutenant Governor Chris Brierly gives an excellent project idea that almost anyone can participate in. With just a shoe box and a few everyday items, a huge difference can be made in the life of a child somewhere in the world.

O x e T Key Club’s Major Emphasis

What is the Major Emphasis? How is Key Club working toward its emphasis? Find out how you can help!


October-November 2011


Special Report from CKI Jace Venters from Circle K International has a special word for all you Tex-O Key Readers.


Kaitlyn Levett Editor In Chief Megan Iselin Governor’s Column Rebecca Riley International Update Alex Yauch Maci Slater Brian O’Hara Layeeka Ismail Amritha Gourisankar Vanessa Yeley Shivi Agarwal Brianna Helms Meagan Lloyd Chris Brierly Jace Venters Taylor Gossett Contributed Articles Pictures: D-CON 2010 Contributing Authors Samaritan’s Purse

A special thanks to CKI’s Jace Venters for his special contribution to the Tex-O Key this month!

October-November 2011


International Update


Okay, so here's what went down. Many years ago, International used to have an annually changing focus program dedicated to the betterment of children ("Children: Their Future, Our Focus") which was revealed each year at International Convention. This focus program was called the "Major Emphasis Program," and all Key Clubbers were encouraged to especially remember that program in planning club projects and fundraising during that year. More recently, International decided that emphasizing one program every year was becoming too complicated--by the time Key Clubbers knew what the Major Emphasis Program was and how they could help, there was a new Major Emphasis Program--and so they voted to begin revealing a new Major Emphasis Program, or "Service Initiative," every two years. The most recent Service Initiative, or two-year Major Emphasis Program, was Live 2 Learn. The newest change was brought about by last year's International Board, who voted the Major Emphasis Program down altogether. They felt that the Major Emphasis Program was becoming too confusing and was distracting from Key Club's main objective of service; the Major Emphasis Program is now simply a Major Emphasis, which is "Children: Their Future, Our Focus." The Board felt that this more DFFXUDWHO\ UHĂ€HFWV ZKDW ZH DV D VHUYLFH RUJDQL]DWLRQ VWDQG IRU 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ LW ZLOO WDNH TXLWH D ELW RI WLPH WR extinguish the good ole MEP acronym, so please continue to help beat Major Emphasis into your Lt. Governors' heads and have them be especially stressing Major Emphasis in their communications with their clubs.

Major Emphasis now: At the moment, there is no real plan for the Major Emphasis that I've really picked up on, but I'm hoping it morphs into a sort of service to children through our International Service Partners theme. I'm subtly sliding that into the award criteria by proposing a new Major Emphasis award in place of the Major Emphasis Award and the Partners in Service Award; to win you have to work with one or more of our International Service partners to serve children. If there's anything you'd like to know VSHFL¿FDOO\ DERXW WKH 0DMRU (PSKDsis, contact me! Can’t wait to see you all at Winter Board.


rebecca riley October-November 2011

Governor’s Column


Hey T-O! Did you know that November is Kiwanis Family month? Keep in touch with the Kiwanis and Circle K members in your area! Have you visited your local Kiwanis clubs yet and told them how much you appreciate them? Have you approached them about potentially co-sponsoring other SLP branches? If not, get on it! It's not too late. Not all of this has to be done this year, but encourage your local K-Family to make these potential long term goals. What about the Eliminate Project? There’s so much out there for your Key Club to get involved in!

March of Dimes Prematurity Campaign In the United States, 1 in 8 babies is born prematurely. Worldwide, 13 million babies are born too soon each year. We’re working to address the crisis at home and abroad.

The Texas-Oklahoma District Boards from Kiwanis, Circle K and Key Club all congregated in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area for a joint board meeting full of fun and fellowship this last weekend in October. There we participated in Kiwanis Governor Susan Hennum’s project Shoes for Orphan Souls, Circle K Governor Donnesh Amrollah’s project One Family- One Legacy, DQG , WRXFKHG EULHÀ\ RQ P\ JRYHUQRU¶V project: Operation Overwatch. I just recently found out that November is Military Family Appreciation month! Don't forget to do your two service projects to support our troops overseas, their families here at home, veterans, the deceased or to show your American patriotism to participate in Operation Overwatch! Veteran’s Day is right around the corner. God bless the USA! Last but certainly not least, November is Prematurity Awareness month! Do you know about the Major Emphasis and how 0DUFK RI 'LPHV LV RQH RI WKH WKUHH RI¿FLDO VHUYLFH SDUWQHUV RI KUHH RI¿FLDO VHUYLFH SDUWQHUV RI Key Club International? I certainly ainly hope so!

October-November 2011


Letter From the Editor


time flies when...? well, time just plain flies


here did all of the time go? I

could have sworn that we started school yesterday, and now here it is, already time for a holiday! One semester down, one to go. Fortunately for all of us Key Clubbers that also means only four more months until April and it’s time to celebrate an awesome year at District Convention! (Between you and me, this year’s DCON is going to be absolutely unbelieveable! You

DON’T want to miss it.) Unitl then, we’ll take this special time of year to remember just how blessed all of us are, and that we should always give back to those in need through the wonderful activities of Key Club. This issue is packed with ideas for simple but meaningful project ideas for the holiday that can help all of us make a difference in the world this holiday season. THEME: D December/January: Holiday Help and New Year, N New Service W Write about a project that your club did over the holidays or that pertains to a holiday celebrated in ho December (Christmas, Hannukah, etc.), or write DERXW VRPH RI WKH ¿UVW SURMHFWV \RXU FOXE SODQV WR do in the new year! Don’t forget to include at least TWO pictures.


October-November 2011

As seen at Key Club ICON in July 2011!!

Beads. What seems like such a simple piece of jewelry can mean so much to a child. In the past, beads have been symbolic of many things, such as status, strength, and wealth. In abacus’ you see beads used all the time to count! Walk down the street and it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll see at least a few beaded necklaces or shirts. Why should these beads only be used for decoration though? By using beads, Beads of Courage helps children coping with serious illnesses by awarding them a bead for an act of courage or milestone they have overcome during their medical journey. Their beaded necklaces have decreased stress and also give children a way to express their story meaningfully.

Mail donations to:

Want to help out? YOU can make a difference in a child’s life too by making or buying beads! -MAKING BEADS: Using colorful polymer clay, create fun shapes with bright and vivacious colors! -BUYING BEADS: Extra beads, those that are bought and manufactured, go towards making bracelets to raise funds and awareness for Beads of Courage.

Beads of Courage 10501 E. Seven Generations Way Suite 161 Tucson, AZ 85747

**Don’t forget to include the Bead Donation Form which can be found on their website or simply email me at: AlexLTG39N@gmail.com and I can get it for you.

For more information: www.beadsofcourage.org

October-November 2011


Made by your Div. 39N LTG, Alexandra Yauch

K-Family Relations


here are multiple ways to increase those relationships between Kiwanis, Key Club, Circle K, and Builders Club! Host a joint service project. Plan something that each of the clubs would be able to take part in. Host a fundraiser for ELIMINATE or March of Dimes. Something that all clubs are well aware of. Throw a social! There is nothing better than getting a group together and eating pizza or ice cream! Find a date and time that works for all clubs, call ahead and enjoy a fun time!!

The relationships you build through throughout the K-Family are simply unlike any other! Meeting new people, building long lasting friendships are simply some of the many temptations of service. Not only are you growing in friends but also in leadership skills. Being in Key Club provides you with an opportunity to change your world, one sweet treat at a time. In doing so you .LZDQLV &OXE LV WKH 多UVW WR KHOS \RX 7KH\ DUH DOZD\V ORRNLQJ IRU ZD\V WR KHOS RU ZD\V WR KHOS out. Contact your local Kiwanis club today!


Maci Slater October-November 2011

E 3 Wisdom


ithin our K-Family, some people share coulrophobia, more commonly known as a fear of clowns; fewer people may have arachibutyrophobia, which is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth; still fewer I think would have ideophobia, or the fear of ideas. A concept such as this may be hard to grasp since the fact that in Key Club, we are constantly looking for new ideas; new ideas to recruit members, host a party, hold a fun meeting, raise money for a convention, or even pick out local service events to participate in. Now, with that said, imagine a Key Club without ideas and innovation. When you take away the factor RI LGHDV DQG WKH DELOLW\ WR VKDSH \RXU FRPPXQLW\ LQ ZKDWHYHU ZD\ \RX VHH ¿W \RX WDNH DZD\ WKH EDVLV for such a great organization. I fear that one day the core values of Key Club- leadership, character EXLOGLQJ FDULQJ DQG LQFOXVLYHQHVV ZLOO À\ RXW WKH ZLQGRZ ZLWK WKH HYHU FKDQJLQJ YDOXHV RI PRGHUQ VRciety. When that day comes when there will not be a toleration of other cultures, no willingness to help the less fortunate, and no one will strive to step up and lead the community. Then, there will be at least one person with atychiphobia, or the fear of failure, and that person would be me. As individuals, we can each do a small amount and when added together, we can change the world. If in TO each club gave $5, we could donate almost $2500 to a charity, or if every club collected only 10 pairs of baby shoes for TexasOklahoma Kiwanis Governor Susan Hennum’s project called Shoes for Orphan Souls we could have almost 5,000 pairs RI EDE\ VKRHV 7KH OLWWOH ELW WKDW HDFK FOXE GRHV DOWKRXJK VRPH SHRSOH PD\ ¿QG LW LQVLJQL¿FDQW FDQ LPSDFW WKH OLYHV RI hundreds when combined together. The joy of Key Club is getting to see the impact you can have upon your home, school, and community. In a world without Key Club, the enthusiasm for service among high school students would be at a minimum. Key Club brings to service a certain ere about it; a passion which is unmatched in other school organizations. Although as all things start, they must surely end, such as a great 2011 baseball season from the Texas Rangers, or a Lieutenant Governor term on the District Board, for now, we won’t worry about what may happen way far off in the distant future of Key Club, but rather today and tomorrow, and maybe possibly what is happening next week. Seneca once said, �If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living.� In Key Club, it’s a well-known fact that we sure do like life, and WKHUHœV QRWKLQJ TXLWH OLNH OLYLQJ OLIH XS DQG UHDSLQJ WKH EHQH¿WV RI D OLIH IXOO RI VHUYLFH , WKLQN ZH FDQ all agree when I

say that a life without service just ZRXOGQÂśW EH TXLWH WKH VDPH DQG WKH thought of that that just might be a little “scary.â€?

Alexandra Yauch

Lieutenant Governor 39N

Sweet as



andy. It’s sweet, succulent and is always good in doses! Something else that’s sweet is helping out those who need your help the most! Each year in 24 South, a few Kiwanis Clubs hold garage sales of things they have donated to their club or simply don’t use anymore. As the years have come and passed, it has been harder and harder for them to set up this annual garage sale. This was an annual fundraiser for their club and they had always counted on the money raised from that garage sale...that is until the year they couldn’t set it up. We all age, this is not news to anyone, but because nobody had helped those Kiwanis Clubs with their garage sales they had let their age get the best of them. That is before the local Circle-K came to their rescue! The Circle-K at UT (Austin) had heard that these Kiwanians QHHGHG KHOS PRYLQJ ER[HV WHOHYLVLRQV DQG DQ DVVRUWPHQW RI RWKHU NQLFN NQDFNV \RX ZRXOG ¿QG at a garage sale and they set off into action. For two days, these volunteers helped make sure that these people could do what they wanted to do: improve their community. Being in the K-Family is like being in any other kind of family. At one point or another, somebody will need help (whether it is lifting boxes or seeking the wisdom and experience of someone who’s been in the game longer than you). At that point, someone just like you has step up and help them when they’re in need. Go out and see if your Kiwanis Club needs help today!

Brian O’Hara


October-November Oc O cto tober-r-No N veem No mbbe ber er 22011 011 01

A World Without Key Club A World without Key Club is sad:

Desolate, idle, and mad. Imagine eons in this world WITHOUT SERVICE, making change absolutely impervious. The thought just makes me so nervous, As it is tremendously horrendous. A world without Key Club volunteers Makes everyone’s mannerisms simply austere. Why what would high schoolers do when they’re bored? A WORLD WITHOUT KEY CLUB IS LIKE PULLING THE CORD. I love Key Club, as it’s my life and soul, Without it, I’m like an apathetic and agitated troll. A World without Key Club is frightening and terrifying!


Division 3N Lieutenant Governor October-November 2011


A World


Have you ever been bored on a Friday night and desperately needed something to do, when all of a sudden a Key Club volunteering opportunity comes up? Have you ever been in dire need of service hours IRU WKLV VFKRODUVKLS DSSOLFDWLRQ WKDW KRQRU VRFLHW\ RU WKH RWKHU FROOHJH UHTXLUHPHQW DQG WKHQ IRXQG \RXUVHOI ZHOO DERYH WKH UHTXLVLWH E\ SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ .H\ &OXE VHUYLFH SURMHFWV" 2U KDYH \RX HYHU EHHQ QHZ WR D VFKRRO without any friends and then attended a Key Club meeting , after which your Facebook friend list triples in size?

WHERE WOULD YOU BE WITHOUT SUCH A GREAT ORGANIZATION? $QG WKRVH DUH MXVW VRPH RI WKH ORFDO DQG SHUVRQDO EHQH¿WV 2Q D PRUH JOREDO VFDOH .H\ &OXE KDV GRQH many great projects to servpeople in dire situations- the ELIIMINATE Project, March of Dimes, Children’s Miracle Network are just a few examples. KCI has donated major amounts to each of these groups and has worked to spread the word about them around the world. Individual clubs have also contributed to their communities and nation through projects such as this year’s governor’ss project, Operation r s governor Overwatch, and institutions like Ronald McDonald House, Adopt opt a River, the local food bank, and others. Without help from the approximately tely 18,000 members, just in our district, imagine who might mig gght have been affected, or been affected might not have hav ve been in a positive way. ay. Key Club International is an organization that can cater to any person. what you make it to be. Some enjoy the leadership side of it; the presidents, s, lieutenant governors, governors, etc who run meetings, set


October-November 2011


is is

up and direct projects, and facilitate the club. Others like to roll their sleeves up and get their hands dirty; the committed members who rarely talk, but attend every event and participate in every opportunity for service. What ever your personality is, Key Club has some role for you- make the scrapbook and club poster if you’re an artist! Design the club website and video if you’re tech savvy! A meticulous nerd? Be club secretary! And there are service opportunities for everyone as well. Animal shelter for the pet lovers, river/park clean-ups for the tree huggers, troop drives for the patriotic. The core value of “Inclusiveness” can really be seen in the diversity of members that are in the might T-O District as well as across KCI. Key Club International has had a profound impact on many local and global organizations, people of various communities, within and outside of Key Clubs, and on the environment. So, when you’re trying to give a good scare to some people on Halloween night, tell them to imagine their lives without Key Club- it’s a frightening thought! Raise your hand and volunteer today.

Amritha Courisankar

October-November 2011


Bullard High Key Club Week


ey Club week is a way to emphasize what it is Key Clubbers do all the time- service. Bullard High School has a spirit rock that was donated to the senior class of 2011. Clubs, classes, and other organizations are allowed to paint the rock with permission from the principle. Taking advantage of this opportunity Key Club kicked the week off early, painting the rock blue and gold Sunday afternoon. Several Key Clubbers signed their name on the rock, leaving their mark of spirit behind until it is the


October-November 2011

next group’s turn. Monday was recognition; all the student’s lockers were marked with a tag acknowledging them as Key Clubbers. 7XHVGD\ WKH .& RI¿FHUV ZHQW WR WKH .Lwanis meeting and prepared lunch for our Kiwanians. They had a build-your-own Mexican Stack-up with tea and amazing ¿JKW IRU WKH ODVW RQH FRRNLHV :HGQHVGD\ Key Club bagged beans and rice at King’s Store House all day long. King’s Store House was about to have to turn away business because they had a huge order for rice and not enough ready but the club intervened and kept the chain rolling.

Rocks Thursday the Key Club Week committee decided to do “show your ‘K’ in every way�. Everyone represented their club by wearing their “Just Serve� Key Club shirt. When it got dark on Friday Key Club went to the Sky Vue drive-in movie theater in North Tyler. The movies Courageous and Real Steal were playing, second year Key Clubber Tiana Ballard said, “It was very chilly, but everyone had a great time anyway.� The members who weren’t really sure about Key Club are sure about it now, and the returning members are even more hyped up; excited for the rest of the year and what is to come. Key Club week attracted a few would- be members but it really helped build a sense of unity in the already existing members.


Vanessa Yeley

August 2011


Brain Busters RIddle Me This!

1 2 3 4 5

I always run but never walk, I have a mouth but never talk, I always travel down and never up, $OO LQ DOO \RX FDQ Ă€W P\ FRQWHQWV LQ D cup answer: You walk into the forest and get me, You sit down to look for me but FDQ¡W Ă€QG PH You get up and leave with me. answer: Weight in my belly, Trees on my back, Nails in my ribs, Feet I do lack. What am I? answer: Who makes it, has no need of me, Who buys it, has no use for me, Who uses it can neither see nor feel me. answer:

My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured, Thin, I am quick, Fat, I am slow, Wind is my foe. answer:


October-November 2011


I cannot be felt, seen or touched, Yet I can be found in everybody, My existence is always in debate, Yet I have my own style of music.


Only one color, but not one size, 6WXFN DW WKH ERWWRP \HW HDVLO\ Ă LHV Present in sun, but not in rain, Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.



I am is greater than gods, Yet eviler than devils, All rich people want me, Yet all poor people have me, If you eat me you will die. answer:

8 9 10

I’m sometimes white, Although sometimes I’m black, I take you there, But never bring you back. answer:

I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg, I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole, answer:

Answers #1



















Do NT PE EK October-November 2011



$ 7LPH WR Give A

s the holiday season rolls around, we all start to anticipate the excitement of receiving presents from our family and friends. In contrast, Key Club focuses on the joy of giving! Following with the theme of “A Time to Giveâ€?, Ronald Reagan High School’s Key Club dedicated themselves to providing a form of happiness to children in abusive and distressed situations with their Furry Friends for KiDs (Kids in Distress) Drive. The mission of the drive was to collect stuffed animals that police could give to these abused children while rescuing them and offer them a small comfort, like D WHGG\ EHDU ZKLFK FRXOG PDNH WKHLU GD\ DQG KHOS WKHP ÂżQG D OLWWOH OLJKW LQ WKH GDUNQHVV RI their lives. Reagan Key Club members, students, and faculty all poured in and contributed to help make this drive extremely successful, far surpassing the goal of 100 stuffed animals to collect an astounding total of 196 stuffed animals! The Reagan Key Club sponsor, Dean $UWHDJD DQG RIÂżFHUV ZHUH DOO MXPSLQJ RXW RI WKHLU VHDWV ZLWK H[FLWHPHQW DV WKH\ ZDWFKHG the pile mountain animals in the Reagan Key Club ile of donations transform into a m ountain of stuffed anim room. provide a moment of happiness m. “We’re just glad tthat hat we are able to pr in these lives and let them know that ese children’s uunfortunate nfoortunate liv someone them,â€? states Reagan Key Club one out there ccares ares for th President $JDUZDO Âł7KLV GULYH DOVR UHĂ€HFWV RXU dent Shivi $JDUZDO appreciation support to all the policemen & eciation aand nd sup policewomen who make daily efforts to save these policeewomen w ho m children.â€? childre The Reagan Key Club aspires aspire to conduct more donation drives to help their San Antonio community and hopes that they will commu continue continu to be successful in these endeavors. en

Shivi Agarwal


October-November 2011


Treat O

n Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011 Brownwood High School Key Club stood outside the KOXE radio station asking for donations. All the donations Key Club received went to UNICEF. UNICEF was created with this purpose in mind, to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. They believe that we can, together, advance the cause of humanity. Steve Romero, Brownwood High School Key Club Webmaster said “It was a really great experience collecting the money for UNICEF. It’s amazing how generous people can be when it comes to EHQH¿WLQJ RWKHUV´ 7KH .H\ &OXE DQQRXQFHG RQ WKH UDGLR WKDW WKH\ ZRXOG EH FROlecting donations from 11:00 to 2:00 on Saturday. The overall amount of money that was raised was $116.05. Amy Villarreal, Key Club member said, “I really enjoyed collecting money to benH¿W WKRVH LQ QHHG´ +DYLQJ VR PDQ\ people donate money for a cause so special is incredible. Brianna Helms October-November 2011


(YHU\ EDE\ GHVHUYHV D KHDOWK\ OLIH <RX FDQ KHOS With a simple donation of $1 to the March of Dimes, you are helping further research to prevent birth defects, premature births, and infant deaths.

October-November 2011




ith brilliant gold and an electrifying blue, Key Club promotes enthusiasm in service and having fun! Other service organizations consistently exhibit a habit of sucking out the excitement and true purpose of bettering the community. However, Key Club is the initiative of IRFXVLQJ RQ GHHS TXDOLW\ of impact rather than creating an extensive resume of service activities. While other organizations hold a million fun-run water support team events, we visit animal shelters, hospitals, and send thank you cards to our troops over seas. We promote heartfelt interaction and civic duty through more than 250,000 teenagers worldwide. And the best part is, we not only build our communities, we build characters, and know how to have a blast!


October-November 2011

brilliant gold and electrifying blue

This month, two Key clubs from Kempner and Lamar High School had a dragon boat regatta race as an interclub social and meeting. These clubs consistently work on bettering their homes, schools, and communities, but yet, they found some time to relax, get their spirit on, and enjoy their weekend with a social. Dragon boat racing is a Chinese sport that resembles crew boating. Each boat weights approximately 500 pounds and holds 22 crew members. It is raced against about 3-4 other teams in each sub-race. Lamar and Kempner beat the Texas heat by enjoying their day in the water. These mighty Key Clubs furnished their skills through extensive practice days throughout October, and on race day, their hard work was TXLWH DSSDUHQW Kempner and Lamar, or as they call themselves the Z3Sty (Division 3S) Sailors, hit the water with a splash placing 3rd place in their division. Each club had a great time and made some friends in the other respective Key Club! Not only does Key Club prevent the dry, monotonous, bureaucratic mechanics of many other service organizations, it enjoys more than bettering its communities ZKLOH HTXDOO\ important), Key Clubbers know how to have a blast and enjoy themselves. This organization adds a new light to bettering our world, by bettering our members’ characters and life experiences. Paddles up to service DQG IXQ /HW¶V ¿QLVK ZLWK D ELJ VSODVK WKLV \HDU

We Know How to Have Fun!

Meagan Lloyd

October-November 2011





ecently, Cypress Ranch Key Club took part in the annual “Coach to Cure” football game between Cypress Ranch High School and Cypress Woods High School. What made this game special was not the fact that two rivals were facLQJ HDFK RWKHU LW ZDV DOO DERXW UDLVLQJ PRQH\ WR KHOS ¿QG D FXUH IRU 'XFKenne Muscular Dystrophy. Cypress Ranch Key Club helped out as much as possible by volunteering all around the game. Before the big game, Key Club members were able to purchase “Coach to Cure” t-shirts that were sold during the students’ lunches. All the proceeds made from each shirt ZRXOG JR WRZDUGV ¿QGLQJ D FXUH IRU 'XFKHQQH 0' $ PDMRULW\ RI WKH FOXE¶V PHPEHUV purchased the shirts- so many in fact that the shirts were sold out in a matter of days! Members were also able to purchase “Coach to Cure” bracelets, which they could sport


October-November 2011

MPETITION both at school and the game, to show their support for those ZKR DUH ÂżJKWLQJ WKHLU RZQ EDWWOH DJDLQVW WKLV KRUULÂżF GLVHDVH Those suffering from Duchenne MD eventually lose their ability to walk and towards the end of their 30 year life expectancy are unable to eat or speak. Brett Bullers, a father whose son suffers from Muscular Dystrophy, says “These boys look like normal children, but have limitations. We are trying to make sure that they can stay healthy as long as possible.â€? Key Club members were also a big help in promoting the game. The club’s poster-making committee decorated WKH VFKRRO ZLWK SRVWHUV DQG Ă€\HUV WR JHW WKH ZRUG RXW 7KH game was well publicized within club meetings and members were highly encouraged to not only attend the game but also to give back and volunteer while they were there. At the actual game, Key Club volunteers were up and around promoting “Coach to Cureâ€?. As soon as game attendees walked in to Pridegeon Stadium, club members were greeting them and handing them informative brochures about Duchenne MD. Key Clubbers also took part in collecting money during halftime; buckets were passed around the stands, and those attending the game were encouraged to drop in donations as the bucket came by. Other behind-the-scenes work that went on by Key Club members were the working of concessions as well as the selling of school merchandise. The “Coach to Cureâ€? game was a complete success! Although Cypress Ranch lost, there was a great victory in the fact that over $7,000 was raised by both schools to help put an end to Duchenne MD. Cypress Ranch Key Club is proud to say that it was there every step of the way. “Coach to Cureâ€? is just one of the many foundaWLRQV LQ VHDUFK RI KHOS WR ÂżQG D FXUH IRU 'XFKHQQH 0' DQG DV ORQJ DV WKH\ DUH ZLOOLQJ WR ÂżJKW IRU WKH YLFWLPV WKHQ &\SUHVV 5DQFK .H\ &OXE Taylor will always be there to lend a helping hand. Gossett

October-November 2011


Early Morning La


he early bird gets the worm. The early racer gets the medal. The early Key Club gets the honors. On September 25th, the Cypress Ranch Key Club had the opportunity to volunteer for the Houston Triathlon. This race, consisting of a swim, bike, and run course, is hosted annually by Onurmark Productions. Memorial Hermann Hospital is one of the big sponsors for such a huge event. In fact, WKHUH ZHUH VSRQVRUV IURP DOO RYHU WKH 86 WHQGLQJ WR WKH ¿QDQFH DQG VXSSRUW RI WKH triathlon. But the sponsors weren’t the only ones in attendance: the Houston Triathlon usually draws hundreds of people who want to compete for various reasons weather that is for the challenge, the fun, or just the adrenaline of racing. The Cypress Ranch Key Club was there to lend a helping hand for the many different jobs within the Triathlon. On that cold, crisp Sunday morning, anxious racers, entourages of family members, and half-asleep Key Club Volunteers arrived well before the light of dawn. The volunteers soon straightened up as they hurried about preparing the race and FKHFNLQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW IRU WKH FRPSHWLWRUV


October-November 2011

abor 7KHUH ZHUH HQGOHVV ZDYHV RI UDFHUV ZKR QHHGHG HTXLSPHQW FKHFNV DQG KHOS JHWWLQJ VHW XS /DVW PLQXWH MLWWHUV DQG KHDUW SXPSLQJ WHQVLRQ ÂżOOHG WKH DLU +RZHYHU WKDW GLGQÂśW faze the volunteers, who kept doing what they had to do to make the race as successful as possible. As soon as the race began, the volunteers switched to different roles. Many Key Club members found themselves passing out water and cheering on bikers and racers. Junior Akshay Daga describes the scene from a water station, “It was hectic but awesome. It was fun to pass water to people while they zoomed by me. These people ZHUH VR ÂżW VR GHWHUPLQHG DQG VR IRFXVHG RQ JHWWLQJ WR WKHLU JRDO WKH ÂżQLVK WKDW , ZDV afraid to get in their way.â€? Later that morning, volunteers served food and refreshments to tired racers. “We went through so many slices of pizza, and granola bars,â€? said Katie Morgan, Cypress Ranch Key Club’s Vice President. “Not going to lie, the work was pretty tiring, but I believe we had plenty of fun,â€? Katie said, in reference to the other Cypress Ranch Key &OXE RIÂżFHUV VKH ZRUNHG ZLWK 7KH YROXQWHHUV KDG DOVR VHW XS WHQWV IRU WKH YDULRXV sponsors to show support for the triathlon and to show off products. After a long morning D IHZ YROXQWHHUV ÂżQDOO\ KHDGHG KRPH 6WLOO VRPH ZDQWHG WR JR WKH H[WUD PLOH DQG VWD\HG DIWHU WKH UDFH WR KHOS WDNH DSDUW WKH HTXLSPHQW /LIHJXDUG 7\ :LOVRQ GUDJJHG RXW EXR\V and cinderblock weights after all the swimmers were done. “If only the river weed didn’t grab on the cinderblocks, I wouldn’t have to work so hardâ€? exclaimed Ty, but he admitted he still had a great time, despite taking a few stray kicks from passing racers. All in all, the Key Clubbers had done a spectacular job of making sure this year’s race ran smoother than ever.


œœhectic, but


Taylor Gossett

October-November 2011


Youth Opportunities Fund Helping Key Clubs Serve the World The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held in the Kiwanis International Foundation. Some examples of what YOF has supported include:

Cy-Fair High School Key Club, Cypress, TX P R OJ e C T G R an T $ 550

ReaD, ShaRe, CaRe Tapes fOR TOTs ReaDInG PROGRam fOR 8 ElemenTaRy SchOOls E Eighteen books were selected, bought, and read onto cassette tapes for each of the 8 re elementary schools. The books were then e bagged into Ziploc bags and placed into b plastic laundry baskets. All were labeled and p delivered to the libraries of each school. d

ElDOn B.KeIth ElemenTaRy SchOOl PlayGROunD COmmiTTee

Brockton High School Key Club, Brockton, MA P R OJ e C T G R an T $ 2000

Funds were raised over a three-year period for playground equipment at the elementary school. The Key Club committee worked hard to get corporate sponsors in addition to doing their own fundraising.

Application on Key Club website www.keyclub.org. You may request funding assistance from $100 to $2,000. Application on Key Club Web site www.keyclub.org. You may request funding assistance from $200 to $2,000. Application must be received by October 15. Postmark deadline is October 15. Applications submitted to Key Club Leadership Specialist at Applications submitted to Youth Funds & Scholarship Specialist at: Key Club International, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis IN 46268.


Kiwanis International Foundation, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268; or fax at 317-879-0204.

August 2011




n 1946, Key Club International challenged all Key Clubs and members to focus energies on making an international impact. This program still is followed today through the Major Emphasis: “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.�

7R IXO¿OO WKH PLVVLRQ RI WKH 0DMRU (PSKDVLV .H\ Club International serves children in many ways. Members participate in the hands-on service initiative, currently The Eliminate Project, and fundraise for Key Club International’s partner organizations: Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes and UNICEF.

What you need to know


1 We are uniting to make a positive difference

in the world on behalf of children. In our first global campaign, we worked to virtually eliminate iodine deficiency disorders, raising and leveraging nearly US$100 million.

2 We are partnering with UNICEF in a global

effort to eliminate MNT, a deadly but highly preventable disease that kills mothers and newborns in the world’s poorest regions.


EliminateMNT Facebook.com/


Official site


3 The support of our strong global network of

Kiwanis family members at the club, division, district and international levels is essential to conduct a successful campaign.



4 The campaign seeks funds in addition to those provided for other Kiwanis service initiatives.

5 We will showcase The Eliminate Project at Kiwanis International conventions.


6 We will celebrate success in 2015, the same

year as Kiwanis International’s 100th anniversary.

7 A successful campaign will raise Kiwanis’

visibility, grow our membership and strengthen the Kiwanis International Foundation.

Kiwanis International Foundation The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 USA +1-317-217-6213 +1-317-471-8323 (fax) campaign@TheEliminateProject.org www.TheEliminateProject.org GIEP-311-12 English

August 2011


Shoes Boxes Filled with


peration Christmas Child is a program roggram run by the organization organnization SamariWDQœV 3XUVH 7KH\ JDWKHU VKRHER[HV ¿OOHG ZLWK VPDOO WR\V DQG RWKHU R[HV ¿OOHG Z ZLWK VVPDOO WWR\V DDQG RWKHU items and deliver them around the world every Christmas to under privileged children. My family and I have been participating in Operation Christmas child for many years now. This year we donated eleven shoeboxes for the project. In our shoeboxes, we included toothbrush and toothpaste, small toys (balls, Matchbox cars, dolls, OLWWOH SODVWLF ¿JXUHV FDQG\ DQG JXP VXQJODVVHV FUD\RQV FRORULQJ ERRNV ÀDVKlights and batteries, hair barretts, and many other small items. With each shoebox you are asked to include seven dollars to help cover the delivery. We also include D SLFWXUH RI RXU IDPLO\ DQG D 0HUU\ &KULVWPDV QRWH :H ZLOO JHW DQ H PDLO QRWL¿FDtion of where our box went. Last year, Operation Christmas Child delievered over eight million shoeboxes, and


October-November 2011

delievered all of them BY HAND! Can you imagine the impact that had on those kids? To go from never having a Christmas present to having someone come around the world to deliever you a box full of presents. I think this is a fantastic project and is one of my favorites to participate in. My school’s Spanish Club decided to participate in this project as well this year and I will support them by making a box. If you would like to learn how you can help, please go to: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/occ/

Chris Brierly

October-November 2011


y e K K O X T s g n i t e m e o r Gr f s r e b b u Cl


I wanted to provide you guys with a quick update on what the Kiwanis Family Relations (KFR) committee of TX-OK CKI has been working on for the last eight months. In April, the committee decided to begin compiling information to complete a K-Family directory. This directory was to be a collection of points-of-contact at all levels of the K-Family for each active university within the TX-OK District of CKI. The committee has put in countless hours of collecting information and gathering data in order to complete a comprehensive directory. The information will be posted on our new district website (www.txokcki.org) by Spring semester 2012 and can be accessed at any time to see what K Family clubs are near you. Note for LTGs: If you have not sent your division’s contact information to Jace Venters (kfamilyinternational@txokcki.org), please do so ASAP so that the information can be added and accessible to CKI members. The KFR Committee has also focused on connecting with Key Club members in the TX-OK District through the "Key to College" program. I and Governor Donnesh Amrollah have hosted several webinars in an effort to help graduating seniors in making the transition into college from high school. This presentation is aimed at answering any questions you guys might have involving the admission process, applying for financial aid, housing, to living with a roommate. If you are interested in having a Key to College presentation at your local high school, please email myself or Governor Donnesh Amrollah so that we may get you in contact with a local CKI to host. More webinars will be given in the spring semester so be sure to look out for those dates! The Freshman Leadership Incentive Program (FLIP) is also well underway that allows graduating high school seniors to get connected with CKI members at their potential colleges or universities to receive advice about college admissions and college life. By filling out a short survey found at our district website, Key Club members can be quickly linked with T-O CKI members. This survey takes less than five minutes to complete and I highly advise everyone to take advantage of this resource! Neal Wright, the Co-Chair for Sponsored Kiwanis programs, has also been in contact with administrators for the sponsored K-Family branches (K-Kids, Builder’s Club, and Aktion Club) to find the best strategies for our CKI members to connect to sponsored and youth programs. We have found that they often have short, hands-on meetings at local schools with built-in service projects that CKI and Key Club members could be very active in supporting. Through several presentations that the committee has given over the past eight months and will continue to give, we have promoted KFR events and hope that this will not only help us to achieve our 175 KFR goal set by this year's District Board of CKI, but also surpass it. Be on the lookout for Kiwanis Service Week and Kiwanis One Day promotional materials that will be coming up next semester! This is a great opportunity to unite with your local K-Family branches and support our service partners. Good luck with the end of your semesters and please feel free to get in contact if you have not done so yet!

Jace Venters

Kait Levett T-O District Editor Phone: (325) 203-0632 Email: kaitlyn.levett@gmail.com Skype: kait.levett Facebook: Kaitlyn Levett

KEY CLUB Texas-Oklahoma District Key Club International

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