Sun City News - 24 September 2015

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sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

The only local community newspaper distributed every second Thursday in Carramar, Neerabup, Nowergup, Carabooda, Alkimos, Eglington, Two Rocks, Yanchep, Woodridge, Guilderton, Gabbadah, Sovereign Hill Estate, Redfield Park Estate, Seabird, Ledge Point, Lancelin, Gingin and Wannamal.

INSIDE  Colourful sports day  Try a Trade for students

MAYOR’S RATING After four years in the top job Wanneroo Mayor, Tracey Roberts, is seeking community support for another term. The Sun City News ponders the question has the reality of Mayor Roberts’ term meet with our expectations?

Sun City News editor, Terry Loftus, scores Wanneroo Mayor, Tracey Roberts’ first term as a pass at 5.5 out of 10. The atmosphere surrounding the election of a new mayor is not unlike that of parents welcoming a newborn into a family. They start out new, fresh, and untainted by the world and often offer so much promise. However, after the excitement wears off reality can set in. In this case the reality is that our new elected members can, in the longer term, also bring with them smelly messes, teething problems and the dreaded terrible twos. The good news for voters, unlike parents, is that we get to choose our mayor. So is Mayor Roberts a keeper or it is it time for catch and release. Put simply the evidence is mixed and it may be good to pause and reflect before you cast your vote. It is worth noting that despite inheriting a City in good condition there were always going to be some settling in issues. At the time of Mayor Roberts’ election the City had successfully managed 12 years of rapid growth and concurrent renewal of the older areas. This is evidenced by the City’s high approval rating at the time of her election. However, former Mayor Jon Kelly, was always going to be a tough act to follow and the challenge for Mayor Roberts was to develop her own style whilst maintaining what worked. For the first 12 months the new Council seemed to be getting the balance right. We think Mayor Roberts handled the initial transition well. With the exception of the occasional rush of blood the Mayor keep the City moving along. However, as was always going to happen, there were to be challenges ahead and 2014 proved to be particularly difficult for the Mayor. In that year the City seemed to lose most of its focus and direction. The Mayor was forced into a series of embarrassing back downs and policy backflips. . . . Continued page 2

Put simply the evidence is mixed and it may be good to pause and reflect . . .


sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

Mayor’s Rating Continued from page 1 . . . Arguably the best illustration of this was the Mayor’s now famous radio interview in relation to a four wheel drive vehicle access to the beach via Dewars Track - In this interview the Mayor initially committed Council to a position without consulting her colleagues and was subsequently forced to fight a series of tactical retreats resulting in her unconditional surrender. If you need further evidence of underlying problems at the City during this time look no further than the exodus of senior staff. Only a lack of lifeboats stopped the situation from becoming much worse. To be fair to Mayor Roberts, she has been able to stem most of the bleeding in the last 12 months and has started to get things back on track; for that we must award her a pass of 5.5/10 for her first term. The obvious question for voters is, where to from here?

I would not be overstating it to say that many in the community have raised questions about her judgment. A quick look at recent social media commentary will tell you the mayor has as many detractors as supporters. Take for example the Mayor’s decision to accept a position on the Australian Local Government Associations Board, which sees her jet of to Canberra on a regular basis. We know it looks good on paper and it gives her more money in her pocket along with some nice flights that allow the Mayor to rub shoulders with Canberra’s political elite, but many cannot see how that benefits the people of Wanneroo as much as it benefits our Mayor. For some this smacks of selfinterest. Importantly, the Mayor’s election profile states that she is a full time Mayor. It is possible that some electors may think her regular out

of this state interests are at odds with that claim. While on the subject of things that need a closer look perhaps we might circle back and look at the Mayor’s statement that she is [politically] independent. Mayor Roberts forgets that I served on Council and have heard first hand about her socalled independence. We think the term ‘Omni politically’ is perhaps a more apt description of Mayor Roberts’ political status. The truth is that in general Mayors are by nature politically ambitious and make no mistake Mayor Roberts is no exception. When I was on Council, Mayor Roberts was not only a member of the ALP (Mindarie Branch), but she also once told me, in front of witnesses, that she encouraged an immediate family member to join the Liberal Party so she could also keep them onside.

I have no issue with the Mayor’s ambition. I suspect she has what it takes to be a successful politician. I just believe what the Mayor says to the public should match what she says elsewhere. There are many genuine political independents in local government; however, in my experience they don’t usually meet party power brokers to discuss their political future. Call me old fashioned but genuine political independents also don’t usually have parliamentarians assist their campaigns and fundraising efforts or be the first to endorse them on social media. Again, there is nothing wrong with an ambitious Mayor; many successful political careers have started in local government. In addition, they are often driven and hardworking. Political ambition and the public interest are not always mutually exclusive. However, personal ambition needs to be balanced with transparency.

Whilst we are on the topic of transparency we also don’t think it was a good thing for the Mayor’s profile to claim all the hard work done in conjunction with her colleagues and the staff as solely her own. In the past the done thing was to acknowledge the input of the ‘team’ in election profiles. Clearly that convention went out the window this election. Certainly, if the electorate decides that Mayor Roberts is a little confused about what she stands for or believes in other than her own personal advancement the election may not be a one sided affair. In the meantime if you are a Hari Krisha and your eligible to vote don’t despair about not being important, Mayor Roberts is dusting off her orange robe and tambourine as you read this article. After all we all have to stand for something even if it’s just political office.

Figures up for council elections A field of 12 people will contest two City of Wanneroo positions in the North Coast Ward at the 17 October elections - The biggest number in the history of the council. The candidates include two councillors, a former councillor and a mix of business, sporting and community figures. The order of the candidates drawn on the ballot paper was John Ware, Brad Lewin, Sonet Coetzee, Russell Driver, Kevin Russell, Rudi Steffens, Maryka Groenewald, Natalie Sangalli, Mark Diggins, Lewis Flood, Peter Hunter, and Bob Smithson. Voters should receive their election package in the mail this week with the ballot paper for the Mayoral election and the North Coast Ward election. There are 34,929 registered voters in the North Coast Ward, and 100,690 registered voters in the mayoral election.

In the City of Wanneroo mayoral election, there are two candidates Brett Treby and Tracey Roberts. In the Shire of Gingin council election ten candidates will contest the five positions on the shire council. The candidates include three councillors, an ex-shire president, a former councillor and a mix of business, sporting and community figures. The order of the candidates drawn on the ballot paper was Xavier Delbost, Maxwell Benari, Ian Collard, John William Elgin, Frank Peczka, Dean Brady, Sandra Stafford, Wayne Fewster, Jan Court and Robert Kestel. There are 4,337 registered voters in the Shire of Gingin. Voters should receive their ballot papers this week. Read all candidate profiles, starting page 9.

sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

Top loaves for local baker Yanchep based Patisserie Picasso’s Ned Jahshan, collected three Royal Perth Show awards, last week. Ned said: “We won first prize for our creative vanilla slice and second prize for the 680g Devon condensed loaf and the ciabatta bread.” Patisserie Picasso has been operating at Lindsay Beach Shops opposite Yanchep Beach Primary School for around 12 months. Owner, Ned, has been in the patisserie industry since 1989 with his first store in Mindarie. About five years ago, he relocated to Drovers Marketplace and operated the bakery there with his business partner for three and a half years. Ned told the Sun City News: “I’ve been baking for 30 years and still love it.”

Patisserie Picasso is open seven days a week from 6.00am every day.

From next year the Lancelin Ocean Classic will receive funding from Tourism WA’s Regional Events Program, which is funded by the State

Comment on heritage open space

If you are looking for a great variety of freshly baked breads, call into Patisserie Picasso in Lindsay Beach Blvd any Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 6.00am and 4.00pm. Ned said: “We would love to supply fresh bread seven days a week, but until the demand for my breads grow we have fresh bread every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.” Ned also specialises in creating wonderful cakes for special occasions Birthdays, anniversary, etc. Don’t forget to call into Patisserie Picasso, check out the award winning vanilla slices and grab a loaf of bread too.

The City of Wanneroo is seeking public comment from the Yanchep and wider community on the redevelopment of public open space adjoining the Mary Lindsay Homestead.

Lancelin riding the wave with three-year deal Lancelin Ocean Classic, one of the world’s longestrunning windsurfing events has signed a new three-year sponsorship agreement with the State Government.


Government’s Royalties for Regions program. Tourism Minister, Kim Hames, said the race was a renowned home-grown event, which attracted competitors from across the globe and had helped cement the town’s reputation as one of the world’s best windsurfing destinations.

“The Lancelin Ocean Classic started in 1986 when a small group of windsurfers held a 25 kilometre race from Ledge Point to Lancelin. “Thirty years on, professional and amateur competitors travel from around the world to take part in the competition,” Dr Hames said.

The City has allocated $900,000 for the Mary Lindsay Homestead public open space redevelopment.

Regional Development Minister, Terry Redman said the Royalties for Regions investment in the Regional Events Program had helped to increase the number and calibre of regional events across the State.

The redevelopment of the public open space will include play and picnic areas as well as a car park with access to Capricorn Esplanade.

“The Lancelin Ocean Classic is a real drawcard on the local events calendar.”

Construction of the public open space is expected to start in 2016 and take 12 months to complete.

The community is invited to meet planning staff at the site on Thursday 1 October, between 4.00pm and 5.30pm. Public comment on the proposal closes on 7 October.


sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORDINARY ELECTION ELECTION NOTICE (Local Government Act 1995, s4.64) (OHFWLRQV DUH EHLQJ KHOG E\ SRVWDO YRWH RQ 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU WR ÂżOO WKH following vacancies: Shire of Gingin District (5 Councillors) '(/%267 ;DYLHU %(1$5, 0D[ZHOO &2//$5' ,DQ (/*,1 -RKQ :LOOLDP 3(&=.$ )UDQN

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City of Wanneroo District (1 Mayor)

Central Ward (2 Councillors)

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South Ward (3 Councillors)

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North Coast Ward (2 Councillors)

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ELECTION PACKAGES will be sent to the electors on the local government electoral roll where there is an election in their electorate. REPLACEMENT PACKAGES can be obtained from the Local Governments listed below prior to election day or at the polling place from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm on election day if the package is not received or should any papers be missing. Note: A Local Government can only issue replacements for their own district. POST YOUR VOTE EARLY completed postal voting packages must reach the 5HWXUQLQJ 2I¿FHU E\ SP RQ HOHFWLRQ GD\ 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU YOU MAY HAND DELIVER YOUR PACKAGE WR DQ HOHFWRUDO RI¿FHU DW \RXU /RFDO *RYHUQPHQW OLVWHG DERYH GXULQJ EXVLQHVV KRXUV EHIRUH HOHFWLRQ GD\ RU DW WKH SROOLQJ place between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm on election day. CHIEF POLLING PLACE Shire of Gingin – 7 Brockman Street GINGIN City of Wanneroo – 23 Dundebar Road WANNEROO THE COUNT OF VOTES will commence at 6.00 pm at the chief polling place listed above. RETURNING OFFICER Gingin George GIFFORD Wanneroo E.H. (Jim) KELLY

9575 2504 or 0467 802 594 0417 961 194

Your letters and emails Disappointed

I’m so disappointed to hear that dog trainer, Heidi Clayton, is having a hard time from the council regarding holding dog training classes at Wilkie Park. We rescued a four year old spoodle, two years ago, who had no training, separation anxiety, she would dig her way out of the backyard and would bark at anyone and everyone and couldn’t be trusted o leash at parks/beaches.

there are no facilities at Wilkie Park that would justify paying additional fees to hold these classes. Protzman family & Molly Dog via web site.

The ‘old way’ still works

The day I met Jacob, the sun shone! I met Jacob on Sunday 30 August.

placed there. “for me?� “Yes,� said Jacob. A touch of Spring on a rainy cold day and all for me. When I handed Jacob a little set of toy surf boards and a small chocolate his beautiful eyes opened wide and a sweet, timid smile curled his mouth. I left with my heart warmed by a ray of sunshine. Jacob blew a kiss to me as I said thank you and ciao to him and he said ciao to me. Jacob is one of eleven siblings and adopted. Easy, I brought him up the ‘old way’ said his mum. It can be done!

With Heidi’s training we now have a loving, sweet, obedient dog, who we can now trust o leash at parks/beaches and the most important thing is she’s friendly to people and other dogs in the community.

A young boy, 6 or 8 years old walked into the Subway where sitting at a table, I was eating a baguette. With his sweet, shy smile and a wave of his little hand, he said: “Hello, my name is Jacob.�

Heidi not only provided aordable group training, but also went out of her way to drop o some equipment for us to use to help with her issues.

His mother followed him pushing a trolley and ordered at the counter.

Elena Lumsdaine, Yanchep.

Jacob opened the back door and a gust of wind blew the serviette (napkins) on the oor‌quickly and concerned after picking them up, he handed them to the counter. Gently he oered me a clean one.

ď Ž Drivers beware Wanneroo 70kmph speed zone extended past the coee van at bottom of hill past Hester Ave.

Heidi’s also known to take in ‘trouble’ dogs, train them and rehome them. She has a genuine interest in animal welfare. Heidi is providing a valuable service that I believe is essential to any community. It would be a shame to see her have to discontinue her classes because the council is looking to raise revenue. We are already paying rates to the council and

I commented to his mum how polite and kind Jacob was. A ‘charmer’ she answered. I noticed the pot of white jasmine on her trolley. ‘How beautiful’ I said, nicer than mine. When I looked down on my table, a twig with owers was

Ciao Jacob, thank you, you brought so much love into my gloomy day!

Community Chatter

ď Ž Dog killed a snake in Oldham Way/Kiaber Ave - Be on the lookout for them now the weather warming up. ď Ž Thieves stole car tyres o a car in Capricorn Estate. If you have a garage it might be a good idea to start putting your car in it at night and lock the garage.

sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

MORE Your letters and emails Anonymous letter

I’ve just received an anonymous letter in my letterbox about my dog barking day and night being a nuisance to the neighbours. My dog is rarely outside, yes, she does bark at people, dogs, birds, planes and horrible kids that throw rocks at her during the day time in the tiny amount of time she’s out there. At night she goes out to do her thing and yes, she does bark sometimes. What could she be barking at? My neighbour’s dog that barks at her? Cats, that should be locked up at night, in her yard? Foxes trying to steal her bones or maybe even strangers looking for houses to break into? Instead of coming to my door and whinging to my face you put a weak, typed and printed piece of paper in my letterbox. Have you heard us calling her back inside or are you that ignorant you just hear her bark, not knowing if she’s just stopped someone from breaking into your house or car, and think she’s just doing it to annoy you. You are the nuisance not my dog. Name and address supplied.

Council elections

Hopefully everyone in the community is now aware of the postal Local Government elections that are upon us. As a first time councillor who is not up for re-election until 2017, it has been interesting for me to watch and observe the process from a different perspective. When I had the honour of being elected as a councillor in 2013, less than 22 per cent of eligible voters posted back their ballot papers. As someone who believes passionately about community participation and consultation I have tried to better understand this poor response from our community. I must point out participation within of Wanneroo is by other council throughout WA.

this low the City mirrored elections

There are a variety of responses that I receive when discussing this with residents. Some residents don’t know who the candidates are and other residents don’t appreciate what councillors can and should do to represent them. Of course there are residents who are frustrated and

skeptical with the political process or some who may feel frustrated by past actions or inaction by council.

This sees stiff competition for your very important vote. This is a fantastic opportunity for you.

Sadly there are many residents too who don’t vote because they don’t know how to. I am amazed how many people don’t appreciate that it is all residents who are on the Electoral roll that can vote.

We also need to remember that it is the City of Wanneroo who actually pays the bill for this election.

This election is not just for home owners and rate payers. Of course the postal election system doesn’t suit us all. I can’t remember the last time I had to post a letter with the huge shift towards electronic payments and email. So it becomes difficult to motivate people to take the time to fill in their ballot and find a postbox, a challenging task with Australia Post cutbacks. We really have become Facebook participants in democracy and no amount of debate, commentary or following or liking on Facebook that we engage in is as powerful as putting your ballot paper in the postbox. This election sees a significant increase in the number of candidates who have nominated to be your representatives.

From the editor’s desk So much has happened in the last week and a bit - Firstly the Sun City News received a beautiful Thank you card from the Wittstock family ‘thanking everyone at the Sun City News and the Yanchep Two Rocks community for all their support, love, kindness and generosity’ since tragedy struck their family. In addition, over the past two weeks, I’ve meet two great local families who are doing their bit for wonderful causes in this local community. One of these great causes involves a local student volunteering and trying to raise funds to help the Yanchep District High School.

In our discussion, I suggested that the student seek permission from the school to publish the article and photo.

Ray was a long time Yanchep resident, author, cartoonist and valuable community member.

Disappointingly, the student was told ‘no we don’t do anything with that newspaper’.

Ray, we will all miss you, you touched so many lives with your kindness and laughter.

Now, I thought schools were supposed to be part of the community, not above it or outsiders - The sooner something is done to change the principal and all the deputies at this school, the better. It is bureaucracy gone mad. Then on Monday this week, I received the very sad news that long time local identity, Ray Krakourer passed away over the weekend.

In this week’s Sun City News, we have presented all residents in the City of Wanneroo and the Shire of Gingin with one of the biggest ‘form guides’ to the upcoming local council elections. There is a record number of nominations across Western Australia - 1021 nominations for 88 council elections. Without a doubt the ‘wage increase’ up to $30,000 per

In other words you as ratepayers pay for the WA Electoral Commission to run this election. This level of direct communication to every resident isn’t cheap. We often hear criticism that there is a lack of community consultation. You will be receiving an individual letter with your opportunity to have your say in who represents you and advocates for the things that are important to you. Not knowing who the candidates are is not an excuse not to exercise your important right. Give them a call and ask them a question about something that matters to you. Are they going to advocate for you and how? Everyone, the City of Wanneroo is your company. It’s time to get involved and have your say. Cr Sabine Winton, North Coast Ward.

annum for councillors has attracted plenty of interest. As a former City of Wanneroo councillor, it is important that all elected councillors are ‘community focused, community-minded and willing to be involved in what is going on in the local community. More importantly, it is vital that everyone cast their vote, make it count, show the mayor, councilors and administration we all care and hold them responsible for their actions or inactions. Our local government authorities are managers of our assets, services and facilities, they work for us.



sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

ICONIC Appointments call Donna on

9561 6336 or 0403 768 933 4 Foreshore Vista,Yanchep

Lancelin’s iconic Endeavour Tavern sits on one of the finest blocks of absolute beachfront land in WA but shortly it will have a new owner. Current tavern owners, Bill McWhirter and Con Jury, have decided to sell the 9,330 square metre block. “We bought it 30 years ago and while we love the place, it’s time for us to sell.” said Bill. “This is a rare piece of earth with nearly 100 metres of frontage to Lancelin Bay. You can’t find land like that on our coast and just 45 minutes by car from Perth’s northern suburbs.“ The property consists of three separate blocks and three dwellings (a disused shop, a two storey home and the Endeavour Tavern). There’s also an opportunity for the buyer to pick up a further 6,390 square metres

of vacant land across the road from the tavern. The tavern building itself has quite a history. The first section was built by the Baker family in the early 70s with timber from the old Narrogin flourmill. In the early 80’s, the second section was built using timber salvaged from the Mogumber Railway Bridge. Respected WA property valuer, Gavin Hegney, says,

“With Lancelin being an ideal day-trip destination, the tavern site is one of the best redevelopment sites on the coast. It’s world-class!” The current owners bought the ocean-front properties thirty years ago and are committed to selling them by way of “Best Offer”, by the end of January 2016. What it will go for in this market is uncertain but prime beachfront land like this, just

40 metres from the high water mark, is extremely rare in WA. Drinkers and diners at the tavern can rest easy in the short term though as Bill McWhirter explains, “We’ve negotiated a new lease with the existing tavern operator so patrons will still be able to enjoy a meal and a drink overlooking the bay for some years to come.” Articles and photo submitted by Kym Illman.

Sun City gets silent treatment City of Wanneroo council’s CEO and his media handlers, who are paid by the public to liaise with the media, seem to be black-balling the Sun City News because they don’t like our coverage of the council, in particular the mayor Tracey Roberts. Over the past three months, the Sun City News has lodged a number of media enquiries, responses are either very late or not-at-all. Last month, the Sun City News lodged a media enquiry about international and

interstate trips by the mayor and various councillors We were told there would be a delay in the response because the CEO and mayor were in Canberra. That was over three weeks ago, and still no response. For more than twelve months, staff out of the City of Wanneroo media office are sending ‘Media Releases’ at different times favouring publications that don’t criticise or question the council.

Even the mayor doesn’t return calls or respond to Sun City News’ media enquiries - Over two weeks ago, the Sun City News was seeking clarification about her statement about political independence - To date no response. Over the past 18 months, the Sun City News spoke with the CEO, and he said it doesn’t happen, but couldn’t provide any reason why council news articles appeared in other publications before the media release is being sent to the Sun City News.

The Sun City News has never received any official or unofficial complaint from the City of Wanneroo, CEO, staff, mayor or councillors, no logical explanations has never been provided. Meanwhile, the Sun City News will continue to provide honest, open and fully detailed articles about one of the country’s fastest growing local councils who seem to think it doesn’t need to be fully accountable to its residents and ratepayers.

Heliport questioned A number of Neergabby residents attended last week’s Shire of Gingin council meeting raising their concerns about a proposed heliport and commercial business planning application at Lot 10 Chitna Road. The meeting was told the heliport shed and landing pad was already constructed and believed the application was actually seeking a retrospective approval and

linking a business venture to the approval. In correspondence sent to the Shire, it states that Michael Harte and Emma Brown propose to operate scenic helicopter flights from the Chitna Road property. It is anticipated that no more than three flights on any weekend day and no more than ten flights in total per week.

The letter goes on to state: “Our Robinson R44 is already housed on our property in a purpose built limestone hangar . . . . The concrete helipad is surrounded by several metres of reticulated grass to prevent any dust and the whole area is fully fenced.” Shire president, Michael Aspinall told the council meeting that elected members didn’t know anything about

the application until it was raised in the meeting by concerned residents. The Shire of Gingin has extended the public submission period by three weeks. Submissions now close Friday 23 October. Neergabby resident, Kate Lane said: “It would appear that no one has actually carried out a risk assessment as to how suitable the site is is this CASA’s responsibility?”

sun city news

Try-A-Trade for students

Thursday 24 September 2015

We’ll put the sparkle back into your kitchen! We love to do the job you hate and use only non-caustic, fume free, eco-friendly solutions.

$15.00 OFF our standard price*.

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Year 9 students from Yanchep District High School attended a recent ‘Try-A-Trade work experience program. Try-A-Trade is an excellent opportunity to help students make an informed decision about a career in plumbing and gasfitting, painting and decorating or building and construction. Try-A-Trade is a short practical three day hands-on program aimed at providing students with some insight into plumbing and gasfitting, painting and decorating or building and construction trades. Yanchep students experienced many skills including bricklaying, plastering, tiling and created an amazing mosaic. These photos were first published on the Yanchep District High School Facebook page - The Sun City News thought this was great local news and the wider community would be delighted to see what students from our local school are doing. If your school has a great news article, then call the Sun City News on 9561 2500 or email the article and photos to news@

The Sun City News is delivered to more local residential homes than the North Coast Times

Offer expires 31.10.15

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sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

Colourful sports day Yanchep Beach Primary School recently held their highly successful ‘Faction Sports Carnival’ . Faction Carnival student results: Pre-Primary Boys runner-up champion: Charlie S, Zamia. Champion: Samual N, Lindsay. PrePrimary Girls runner-up champion: Cordelia A, Crystal. Champion: Madison E, Crystal. Year 1 Boys runner-up champions: Lincoln A, Lindsay and Reid M, Lindsay. Champion: Ben W, Zamia. Year 1 Girls runner-up champion: Lauren L, Lindsay. Champion: Leona Y, Crystal. Year 2 Boys runner-up champion: Jasper S, Zamia. Champion: Chase S, Crystal. Year 2 Girls runner-up champion: Alyssa T, Zamia. Champion: Sophie W, Zamia. Year 3 Boys runner-up champion: Owen C, Crystal. Champion: Lachlan E, Zamia. Year 3 Girls runnerup champion: Tameeka S, Lindsay. Champion: Chelsea S, Lindsay. Year 4 Boys runner-up champion: Ethan J, Crystal. Champion: Billy E, Crystal.

Year 4 Girls runner-up champion: Ada M, Crystal. Champion: Aria B, Crystal. Year 5 Boys runner-up champion: Vaughn A, Crystal. Champion: Braedyn F, Lindsay. Year 5 Girls runnerup champion: Elisha J, Lindsay. Champion: Abigail T, Crystal. Year 6 Boys runner-up champion: Nathaniel O, Crystal and Tyson R, Lindsay. Champion: Dylan V, Lindsay. Year 6 Girls: runner-up champion: Evie C, Zamia. Champion: Isabel E, Lindsay.

There were many highlights throughout the day, you can watch the video on the school web site.

Interschool Sports In only their second year Yanchep Beach Primary School came third at the MDSA carnival. The team was brilliantly lead throughout the carnival by Mr Jefcoate, strongly supported by Mr. Axton and parents and some outstanding talented

Long weekend patrols City of Wanneroo rangers and police will be targeting anti-social behaviour on Durrs Track over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. They will be targeting unregistered vehicles, antisocial and illegal activity such a drink-driving in and around the entrance to Durrs track near the corner of Sovereign Drive and Dame Pattie Drive. Only off-road vehicles are permitted on the track and

anyone digressing off the easement was trespassing on private property and could be prosecuted. Over the past few years, the track and access through Two Rocks has caused a number of protests and complaints from nearby residents. Representatives for the landowner, Capricorn Joint Venture stated they would not be funding any alternative track.

performance by: Year 6 Champion Boy - Dylan V. Year 6 runner-up champion Girl - Isabel E. Year 3 runnerup champion girl - Chelsea S. Junior runner-up champion boy - Chase S.

Overall School Scores 1st Bullsbrook 2nd Gingin 3rd Yanchep Beach 4th Two Rocks 5th Yanchep DHS 6th Lancelin 7th Bindoon

330 299 296 281 240 134 119

sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

Hell of a day at Lancelin The ‘Lancelin Hell of the North’ celebrated its fourth year, last week, with a surprisingly sunny day. A field of more than 300 riders tackled the two races. The handicapped race featured some of Perth’s finest riders, including Navitas Satalyst Racing Team members: Jackson Mawby, Jonathan Bolton, Ben O’Connor, Tim Sellar.

The provisional mens winner was Anthony Chisholm, from David Dyson and Nick Lowe. The grade winners were:

Looking at business opportunities

Earlier this week a group of Japanese business men, lead by Yoshihko Yagyu (centre), from Shodoshima Healthyland company visited Yanchep and surrounding areas looking at possible future commercial business opportunities.

Graham Brown won the 140k event in a time of three hours, 21 minutes and 13 seconds. Johnathan Taitt won the 95k event in a time of two hours, 34 minutes and 17 seconds. The women event was won by Alison Dyson, from Jessica Allen and Lorna Henson.


Car hit pole A Grade – Graham Brown; B Grade – Tom O’Neil, C Grade – Patrick Quinlan, and D Grade – Anthony Chisholm. The ‘Lancelin Hell of the North’ is based on the

one-day European Spring Classics. Starting and finishing in the coastal fishing town of Lancelin you can witness stretches of the world-famous wildflowers in full bloom as you head out

along this challenging and rewarding course. Photo: Courtesy of Kym Illman.

Two ambulance officers attacked An ambulance was allegedly smashed with bats and paramedics were threatened after they were lured to a hoax call-out at the weekend. Two St John Ambulance officers responded to an emergency caller who claimed a teenage girl had been assaulted at a Flax Road, Yanchep house about 3.00am on Saturday. It is alleged when the ambulance arrived 10 people armed with bats allegedly set

upon the ambulance and one paramedic was told “you’re going to die tonight”.

James Sherriff said counselling was offered to affected staff.

The second paramedic set off a duress alarm that alerted police.

Police confirmed they attended the incident scene and a teenage girl had been cut on one of her fingers.

North West Metropolitan response officers raced to the scene. The paramedics, career officers from Two Rocks, were not injured. St John Ambulance metropolitan ambulance service general manager,

It is believed her injuries were not serious enough to require hospital treatment, and no one was taken from the scene. Police arrested three people, including a 16-year-old

Manjimup girl who was charged with making threats. A 48-year-old Belmont man was charged with damage. A 41-year-old Manjimup man was fined for disorderly behaviour.

Man died

A Jurien Bay man died after he was thrown from his car when it hit a ditch and crashed at Wannamal last Sunday afternoon.

Around midnight, last Sunday night a car hit a pole on Brazier Road, near Lennard Way in Yanchep. The power pole had to be replaced, while the vehicle remained at the scene. Police are investigating the accident. If anyone witnessed the accident or has any information about the accident, call police on 131 444. The Sun City News has been unable to confirm the injury status of anyone involved in the accident.


sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

City of Wanne

The Sun City News invited all candidates in the mayoral election and the North Coast Ward to submit their own personal write up so local residents and rate payers could see what they offered. These write up are what the candidates provided to the Sun City News. Some candidates did not respond, we have provided the information they submitted on their nomination form. The order of the candidates are as they were drawn on the ballot papers.

BRETT TREBY - Mayoral candidate occurring along our wonderful coastline. As a Capital Investment Analysts and Strategic Planner, I have the financial and public policy skills that will be so necessary through this period of significant growth and renewal. I have strong family values and believe that your City has an important role in providing community well-being as well as delivering the social, economic and employment creating opportunities to support our vibrant and growing community.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve as your Councillor and for a period as your Deputy Mayor since 1999. Having been an integral part of supporting and building the community of the City, I have developed a reputation of knowing ‘how to get things done’. I have nominated for the position of Mayor as I believe this next period of growth will bring many challenges. Within the next two years the City of Wanneroo will become the largest local government by population in Western Australia with much of this growth

I also understand the importance of providing sporting facilities to support the growth and development of our youth as well its value in bringing communities together. This not only for traditional sports, though also for the significant and emerging cycling community within the northern corridor. We very much need to develop important infrastructure and facilities and deliver key services to support our growing communities. I also value and respect our unique and fragile natural environment and believe it is vital that our growth also balances the need to secure our fragile natural environment for the communities of tomorrow.

John Ware - North Coast Ward candidate John Ware’s nomination form states: “My career with the Department of Capital Territories in the ACT provided four years experience in local government. I then joined the Australian Government diplomatic service and completed seven overseas postings.

Brad Lewin - North Coast Ward candidate Brad Lewin’s nomination form states: “As a local resident for over half my life I have seen the City of Wanneroo grow from a small quiet place to a thriving metropolitan powerhouse. “I am passionate about creating a vibrant, harmonious community in which all generations and cultures can thrive. I

Proud to be elected Mayor in 2011, I promised to work hard and smart for the benefit of our Community; this I have done with strength and dignity. I uphold the values of integrity, honesty, compassion and am regularly out in the community talking with and listening to residents. Closely involved with community groups and sporting clubs, my strategic leadership and Councils responsible

have many years of experience leading a dynamic non-government organisation in the local area and now working in management in the private sector I believe I have the right blend of skills and experience to make a significant contribution as a councillor.”

Sonet Coetzee - North Coast Ward candidate My family have lived in the North Coastal suburbs since 2006. I’m passionate about my community and want to make decisions that better the environment. I love interacting with kids in teaching and coaching various sports. I’m actively involved in our community whilst being a software developer and have experienced the commitment and dedication involved in business. We face a number of challenges; safety on roads, medical and recreational facilities, bus shelters and walking/cycle paths, whilst caring for our environment.

Russell Driver - North Coast Ward candidate For the last 4 years I have been a Coastal Ward Councillor.

A graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, qualified in Business Management and Local Government, I am a Justice of the Peace actively working with police to support safer suburbs. Having worked hard for the extension of the freeway, I am strongly advocating for: Rail to Yanchep  Freeway extension to Romeo Road  Improved public transport  Local employment  Sporting facilities  NBN

“I wholeheartedly support our bid for the ocean pool at Quinns Rocks, Yanchep rail extension, youth facilities and improved green spaces.”

“As a retired diplomat I have sufficient time and effort to devote to the duties of

TRACEY ROBERTS - Mayoral candidate financial management has resulted in $170 million being spent over the last four years on community infrastructure.

a council member to ensure funds are devoted to priorities.

With the new ward boundary changes the North Ward and Coastal Ward become one ward the NORTH COAST WARD. It will be a privilege to be re-elected as a NORTH COAST Councillor and I’m excited at the prospect of helping the very community based areas of Two Rocks and Yanchep in their plight for a better community. Please Support me to help you build our COMMUNITY.

Kevin Russell - North Coast Ward candidate

Approachable and visionary, I have strategically selected membership of prominent Boards and Committees that shape the future of our community. Not politically aligned I maintain effective relationships with State and Federal politicians to benefit our City and environment. My vision is to build a future together; a City where we enjoy lifestyle choices and are proud to call home.


I am seeking office in order to bring my skills and experience to the local council in Wanneroo to ensure that the needs and aspirations of the community may be fulfilled to the greatest extent possible. As a semi-retired professional, I believe I have an appreciation of the issues and processes needed to make a productive contribution to our community. I led the successful funding, planning and construction of clubrooms and playing fields to serve the needs of four different sports codes.

sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

eroo elections Rudi Steffens - North Coast Ward candidate

I served as a Councillor at Wanneroo from 1999 to 2013. I have a proven track record and experience of working hard for residents and getting issues resolved. I want to return to Council to continue to achieve positive outcomes for residents. Honesty, Integrity and accountability is what I offer you as your representative on Council. I am not politically aligned with any party or faction and would be honoured to receive your vote to be your voice on Council.

Maryka Groenewald - North Coast Ward candidate Maryka Groenewald’s nomination form states: “I have loved working with, around and for communities. The idea of being able to identify collective opportunities - is not only exciting, but necessary to ensure healthy communities. I served on the National Council of Women board for several years as advisor for

youth, and in 2010 developed the School Passport Program. My knowledge of communities and diverse mix of people expands daily. I believe what I do, has the capacity to add to my community - making me an ideal candidate for this position.

Natalie Sangalli - North Coast Ward candidate Resident of North Coast Ward for 32 years, leader of Save Our Foreshore community group, community representative of Freeway reference group, HAND (homeless assistance) and Quinns Beach Long term coastal protection.

Mark Diggins - North Coast Ward candidate Mark Diggins’ nomination form states: “Is Wanneroo ready for growth? The decisions our Council makes over the next few years affects us directly now.

I bring years of experience working with large corporations, small business and not-for-profit organisations and can see the big picture.”

Lewis Flood - North Coast Ward candidate Lewis Flood’s nomination form states: “I will listen to residents if elected and work hard to represent you. I support local businesses for local employment, safer

communities including more CCTV and more sports and recreational facilities. I will carry out my duties with integrity and honesty.”

Peter Hunter - North Coast Ward candidate I’m standing for council for North Coast Ward because I feel that our councillor’s are unaware of some of our needs. I attended the AGM of Two Rocks Sea Rescue, attended Two Rocks community meetings to see the job volunteers are doing. Met with Manager of Yanchep Sports Club as there is no community hall in Yanchep and this club needs extensions and a lease from the shire. Grass roots sports and ovals are of major importance.

Bob Smithson - North Coast Ward candidate

I will fight for new and upgraded community facilities, further extension of our road networks, greater security through CCTV and more rangers and investigating a fairer rates system for seniors.

Bob Smithson’s nomination form states: “The new North Coast Ward now stretches from Mindarie to Two Rocks, the fastest growing area in Austrralia, a great place to live. Helping you develop this area is very exciting.

I regularly attend council meetings, have asked countless questions and submitted motions on behalf of our community.

“Am politically independent, experienced businessman and committed Christian.



“It is a privilege to be your Councillor and I respectfully ask you to allow me to support you for another four years. There has been a lot accomplished and there is much yet to do. “Please support me to help you build the community you want.”


sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

Shire of Gingin elections The Sun City News attempted to contact all candidates in the Shire of Gingin council election inviting them to submit their own personal write up so local residents and rate payers could see what they offered. These write ups are what the candidates provided to the Sun City News. Some candidates did not respond, we have provided the information they submitted on their nomination form. The order of the candidates is as they were drawn on the ballot papers.

Xavier Delbost

John Elgin

Being a local resident the last ten years, I nominated for councillor. Those of you who know me will be aware of my dedication to community welfare and desire to provide as many services as possible to our residents.

I have lived in the Shire of Gingin for 13 years. I am a volunteer fireman, first responder and Justice of the Peace. I feel that everyone in the Shire of Gingin deserves real representation at Council level and I offer that. I will be available to all rate payers all the time.

I see the role of a councillor to provide the reasoning for the way we are moving forward. I seek your vote as a councillor to the Gingin Shire, on the basis I will serve both you the community, and Shire.

Jan Court

You can phone, email or text me and I will be very happy to discuss your concerns and deal with them.

Wayne Fewster I have been a councillor for the past 4 years.

Having lived in Gingin my entire life, I am passionate about representing the interests of the community.

I am passionate about delivering better health outcomes for the Shire of Gingin to include seniors and people with a disability to stay their own communities.

I was elected onto Council in 1993 and served for sixteen years, including time as Deputy and Shire President.

I envision the Shire of Gingin to be a vibrant region that sustainability manages the demands of increasing population.

In my time away from Council I have stayed actively involved in the community on sporting and community group committees.

I see increased tourism opportunities looking after the environment encouraging support the diversity.

With experience in small business ownership and also in farming I believe that I have the knowledge, skills and commitment to represent the town again.

I am aware all communities have different needs.

Frank Peczka Frank Peczka’s nomination form states: “I have has 33 years of extensive knowledge and experience in the local government industry. “I am keen to consult and work together promoting our Communities and Shire lifestyle and business choice.

“ I seek to provide a fresh and creative voice and new ideas for our future growth and development of coastal, communities.

Robert Kestel I have been a resident of the Gingin Shire for 21 years. I have been actively involved in your local community. I am a firm believer that local government should be open and accountable, I also believe in our Shire and our unique place to live, that is why I will continue to support development of retired living facilities, employment opportunities, sustainable practices that will enhance both our environment and agricultural pursuits.

I appreciate your input and views that makes a difference to our Community and Shire growing towards our future.

“Keen to facilitate increased social, recreation and economic opportunities for our youth, seniors and families.

Sandra Stafford I have been living in Seabird for more than 17 years. I am an active member in our community and currently volunteer one day a week at the Lancelin Community Resource Centre. I would bring to the Council: sincerity and honesty; excellent work ethics; and hands on attitude. I stand for: the development of aged care facilities on the coastal area of Gingin; promoting tourism, environmental safeguards for our fragile coast bring the voice of the Ratepayers to the Council.

I am passionate about people, both young and aging and understand what is needed across the Shire.

Ian Collard Ian Collard’s nomination form states: “In 1979, I served as a councillor for the North Ward for six years, in 2009, I became the member for Guilderton, Caraban Ward.

Shire has come from a small agricultural community to one of tourism and market gardening. There is scope for growth in many other ways as yet untapped.

I have seen a lot of change in that time.

I look forward to continuing to be part of the team that takes Gingin Shire into the future.

The bitumen finished at the post office in Gingin, all the other roads were dirt. The

Dean Brady I have lived in the Shire for 12 years and been a frequent visitor to our family property at Guilderton all my life. I was elected on to Council in 2007 and served for several years. During my time away from Council I have been active in various community groups and maintained a keen interest in the activities at the Shire. I have experience owning and managing businesses large and small within the Shire and elsewhere. I believe I have the time, skills, experience and desire to effectively represent the people of the Gingin Shire.

Maxwell Benari Maxwell Benari’s nomination form states: “Gingin Shire has a population density around two persons per square kilometre, and Breton Bay is an unpopulated wilderness and has plenty of potential for development, ‘it needs development’. “The Shire should take in to account electricity requirements in it’s planning

processes, this could be easily done with any planning application. “Indian Ocean Drive presents many new opportunities for development such as, retail and garages. I undertake to bring these and any other opportunities that may occur to fruition.”


sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015


Pine plantation replant below it and cause depleted water levels well outside the forest boundary. Landholders need to know the ramifications the decision to replant will have into the future on the water resources they and their environments rely upon. The region bounded by Gingin Brook, Military Road across to the coast and down to the pine plantation contains some significant horticultural and environmental assets. These have been suffering from seriously reducing water tables over the last 15 to 20 years. Gingin Brook flows in the Neergabby region have reached their lowest ever annual volumes since records began at the Bookine Bookine monitoring station. Summer flow virtually stops now and winter flows are much reduced from historical levels. The exact influence that these low flows now have on the health of the Moore River estuary is unclear but can only be negative with worse to follow in the future from a drying climate. It is with some concern that Gingin Water Group learns of the program to replant 5000 hectares of the most Northern regions of the Gnangara pine plantation. Around 1500 hectares has already been cleared and replanted over the last three years with the balance to be

completed over the next three/ four years. A developing pine plantation of this size may have no influence on water levels in the regions on the Gnangara mound to the north and west of it or the mature plantation may significantly reduce recharge to the aquifer

The Department of Water is well aware of the state of the water resources in this south western portion of the Gingin region. They have covered the water allocation levels and limits in the three Allocation Plans that overlap this locality and the objectives of these plans are

designed to bring this region’s water resource into a more natural balance to provide the demands of the full spectrum of user, both licensed and unlicensed and including the social and environmental requirement, in a more sustainable manner. It is with concern that the Gingin Water Group learnt of the decision to replant the 5000 hectare pine plantation in an area which could jeopardise the Department of Water’s objectives for the Neergabby/Guilderton South region. A region that is already over allocated from all types of the water resource. Gingin Water Group has been unable to discover who actually made the decision to replant. The Forestry Products Commission and the Department of Parks and Wildlife could not provide the answer. They are just acting instructions ‘from above’.


The Department of Water appears not to have made the decision and disturbingly have refused to discuss the scientific basis, as it relates to the water resource, upon which the decision was made. All these agencies and others sit on the Strategic Assessment of the Perth Peel Environment Region (SAPPER) committee which appears to operate under the direction of the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

The Commonwealth Government seem to have influence in the decisions of this committee and they have an obligation through national and international treaties to protect endangered species. Concerns over Carnaby cockatoos may have played a part in this decision. Viewing the website ‘Directions 2031’ suggests housing the future population of Perth without exacerbating urban sprawl may also have been a factor. Regardless of the source and the background of the decision to replant the pines, Gingin Water Group suggests that the local community of the Neergabby region deserve to understand the decision process and particularly the science of how it might affect their water resource into the future and how the Department of Water will accommodate such changes into the stated aims of their Allocation Plans to provide all users, including the wetlands, with sufficient water to adequately meet their demands sustainably into the future. Gingin Water Group may be contacted via the website www. Their AGM will be held on Saturday 31 October. at 11.00am in the Granville Centre. The general public is invited to attend and discuss this and any of the region’s water issues. Chairman, David Rickson can be contacted on 0427 612 918.

Coastal erosion Coastal erosion has been a concern of many residents living on Sovereign Drive in the Two Rocks Yachting Village for many years. This recent photo, taken by Pam Annesley shows the extent of winter erosion this year. For close to 20 years the City of Wanneroo council has been spending tens of thousands of dollars on coastal management reports without any solutions. Earlier this year, The City of Wanneroo council unanimously voted to note the latest erosion report and ‘manage’ the situation. It is only a matter of time and the seafarers warning beacon and road comes under dangerous threat, but no one appears to want to do anything. Recent coastal erosion problems have been reported at Quinns Rocks, Seabird and Lancelin, will Two Rocks be next?


sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

ACROSS 1 Nightclub 6 Odours 9 Temporary dwelling 11 Worries 15 Insects 19 Wanderer 20 Forearm bone 22 Flutter 24 Banish 25 Foot digit 26 Unemployed person 27 Amatory 28 Docket 29 Title of a knight 30 Cafeteria 31 Scarce 32 Prison room 33 Vigilant 34 Allure 35 Fabric with a thick soft pile 36 Shipping hazard 37 Melody 38 Instruct 39 Towards the interior 40 Drive away 41 Very small fish 44 Atmospherics 47 Contrived 50 Bunk 52 Beast of burden 54 Irksomeness 57 Hermits 59 College 60 Arms magazines 62 Bombs 65 Reverential fear

68 Cabin 69 Grain-storing building 70 Of a lower price 71 Hindering 74 Small guitar-like instrument 75 Separate article 76 Open to view 78 Bird of prey 79 Wise persons 80 Hindu women’s garments 82 Blemish 83 More unrefined 85 Weirdness 87 Join up 89 Chooses 90 Astonish greatly 91 Walked up and down 92 Gyrate 93 Majestic 95 Confuse 96 Upright 99 Ages 100 Appalling 104 Loathes 106 Sewing implement 107 Examines 109 Hell 110 A written testimonial 113 Public fight 114 Thousands of units of power 118 Reloads 120 Magnificent tomb 121 Subject 123 Category 124 Planned 126 Think

127 Bird of peace 129 Loose garment 131 Moneylender 135 Wrestling grips 139 Extensive 140 Councils 142 Bullfighters 143 The mouth (coll) 144 Chops 145 Protuberances 146 Personnel 147 NZ flightless bird 148 Officers in a monastic order 151 Applauds 155 Oldest 157 Dudes 158 Bitter hostilities 161 Brown pigment 162 Nude 163 Curl the lip 165 Short skirt 166 Correcting 167 Able to be let 168 Sweets 169 US State 170 Part of a circle 171 Pioneer aviator, Charles ... 172 Accord 174 Swindlers 176 An outing 177 Drove backwards 179 Part of the foot 182 Picas 183 Turf 184 Lively intelligences 189 Free from moisture (3,3)

192 Objects of ridicule 196 Clamorous 197 A covering 198 View closely 199 Entrance 200 A suburb within a city 201 Refreshing 204 Part of a ship’s sail 205 Grumbles 206 Horses (coll) 207 Wallaroo 208 Grass cutter 209 Be in debt 210 Tusk-like 211 He asked for more 212 Shorebird 213 Supplement 214 Actor’s parts 215 Lion’s neck hair 216 Ham and beef shop (abb) 217 Grooves 218 Australian folk group 219 Multitudes 220 Extremities 221 A WWI battleground 222 Pendent ornaments DOWN 1 Sauce 2 Polished by friction 3 Withdraw 4 Dealt with 5 In general 6 Small cake of batter 7 Small particles 8 Dreamlike 9 A town on the Manning

River 10 Two times 11 Chaps 12 Disconcert 13 Egocentric 14 Complaint 15 Solicit 16 Angry 17 An Arnhem Land river 18 Without nationality 21 Sinews 23 Relating to vinegar 42 Prisoner 43 Control 45 NRL player 46 Venerate 48 Bludgeons 49 Annual Christian festival 50 Collided with 51 More expensive 52 Excite into action 53 Consequence 55 Free from restraint 56 Unlearnt 58 In good spirits 61 Absence of particular micro-organisms 63 Incidents 64 A commissioned officer 66 Border 67 Ova 72 XI 73 Speech sounds 77 Shaving instrument 81 Covered with water 84 Follow in order 86 Silly 88 A beginner

93 Renouncers 94 Age group 97 Gifts 98 Disciplinarian 101 Wages 102 Calendars 103 A non-commissioned officer 105 Recompensed 107 Watched TV 108 Ferocious 110 South African monetary unit 111 Swing about loosely 112 A long river 115 Whip 116 Lofty 117 Spoken 119 Ephemeris 122 Display 125 A project undertaken 128 Alcoholic drink 130 Resound vibrantly 131 Makes ghastly 132 Swift 133 Community service club member 134 First 136 Units of magnetic field strength 137 Many times 138 Crocuses 141 Distance measured in yards 149 Narcotic 150 Sweeteners 151 Qualified 152 More demented

153 In short (2,5) 154 Swerve 155 Whirling currents 156 Rushed 159 A distant planet 160 Form of football 163 Atelier 164 Weasel 172 Of one mind 173 Able to be set on fire 175 Prohibitions 178 Visual perversion 180 Dishes, etc 181 Hagglers 184 Something unpleasant to look at 185 Orchard workers 186 Not fitted 187 A Germanic language 188 Names derived from other persons 189 Mythical monster 190 A number 191 A diffusion of fluids t hrough membranes 192 Synthetic rubber base 193 Rowlock 194 Most solemn 195 Stews 202 Small island 203 Requires

Solution - Next issue.

sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

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Thursday 24 September 2015

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Thursday 24 September 2015

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sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

CLASSIFIEDS Local ads in your local newspaper, getting results by selling faster.






Life Guard (Casual - Seasonal)

The Shire of Gingin has been successful in obtaining funding from the Department of Local Government and Communities to assist us in the preparation of an Age Friendly Community Plan.

Notice is now given to advise that Council has extended the closing date to Friday 23 October 2015.

The Shire wishes to be a place where opportunities for health, participation and security is ensured by establishing policies, services and structures that improve the quality of life for community members as they age.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposal can be viewed on the Shire’s website Alternatively, a full copy of the proposal will be available for viewing at Council’s Administration Centre, 7 Brockman Street, Gingin and the Lancelin Office, Vins Way, Lancelin during normal office hours. Submissions in relation to this proposal should be made in writing and directed to the Chief Executive Officer by 4.00pm Friday 23 October 2015. Jeremy Edwards CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER T: (08) 9575 2211 F: (08) 9575 2121 E:

The Shire is therefore looking for seniors, carers and service providers to attend a Focus Group Meeting and provide input on the future needs of seniors living in the Shire of Gingin. The Focus Group Meeting will be held on Thursday 1 October 2015. To register your interest, and for details of time and venue, please RSVP Linda Fidge, Coordinator Community Services, on either 9575 5119 or by 4.00pm on Tuesday 29 September. Jeremy Edwards CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

This position will be casual employment only over the vacation swimming lesson duration, six hours a day five days a week for four weeks. Other casual work opportunities may arise outside this period. The primary role is to assist the Aquatic Centre Manager to effectively supervise the Gingin Aquatic Centre. Full details of the position may be found on the Careers page on the Shire website www. Applications should include a covering letter, a statement addressing the selection criteria, and a current CV. Written applications should be emailed to or posted to Mr Jeremy Edwards, Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Gingin, 7 Brockman Street, Gingin WA 6503 and marked “Private & Confidential” by 4pm, Friday 9 October 2015. For further information contact Lynley Fewster, Human Resources Officer, Shire of Gingin on (08) 9575 5124.

Sun City News Letterbox Distributors With the expansion of the Sun City News distribution area increasing, we are looking for more Letterbox Distributors in Yanchep.

Application for Planning Approval Proposed Expansion of Caravan Park on Lot 7 Gingin Brook Road, Neergabby

Application for Planning Approval Proposed Use Not Listed (Shed) Lot 264 Seaview Drive, Karakin

Council is considering an Application for Planning Approval on Lot 7 Gingin Brook Road, Neergabby.

Council is considering an Application for Planning Approval on Lot 264 Seaview Drive, Karakin.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposal can be viewed on the Shire’s website Alternatively, a full copy of the proposal will be available for viewing at Council’s Administration Centre, 7 Brockman Street, Gingin and the Lancelin Office, Vins Way, Lancelin during normal office hours.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposal can be viewed on the Shire’s website Alternatively, a full copy of the proposal will be available for viewing at Council’s Administration Centre, 7 Brockman Street, Gingin and the Lancelin Office, Vins Way, Lancelin during normal office hours.

Submissions in relation to this proposal should be made in writing and directed to the Chief Executive Officer by 4.00pm Friday 16 October 2015.

Submissions in relation to this proposal should be made in writing and directed to the Chief Executive Officer by 4.00pm Friday 16 October 2015.



T: (08) 9575 2211 F: (08) 9575 2121 E:

T: (08) 9575 2211 F: (08) 9575 2121 E:

Advertisement of intended application for Incorporation of Yanchep Little Athletics Club Incorporated

Advertisement of intended application for Incorporation of Lancelin District Community Association Inc

Notice is hereby given that: Narelle Coffey, 16 Current Street, Yanchep WA 6035, Business Manager, being duly authorised by the above named association intends to apply to the Commissioner for Consumer Protection on or after 30/10/2015 for incorporation of Yanchep Little Athletics Club Incorpated.

Notice is hereby given that: Kym Illman (Company Director) PO Box 8214, Perth BC, WA 6849, being duly authorised by the above named association intends to apply to the Commissioner for Consumer Protection on or after 29/10/2015 for incorporation of Lancelin District Community Association Inc.

The association is formed for the purpose of: supporting Yanchep and surrounding areas in providing sporting and physical activities to children aged between 5 and 16. The philosophy of Little Athletics is ‘Family, Fun & Fitness’.

The association is formed for the purpose of: promoting Lancelin and surrounding communities in a positive light, fostering a strong sense of a progressive community, supporting sustainable development, retaining the current values of Lancelin communities, working with the Shire and other relevant statutory authorities, recognising and supporting the role tourism plays and identifying and supporting new ideas/ initiatives that will benefit the community.

Signed by: Narelle Coffey.

ADVERTISING - 9561 2500

Signed by: Kym Anthony Illman.

If you would like more details, please call Carolyn on 9561 2500 during office hours.


Need Help with new technology? Help is at hand……... We are volunteer computer tutors (TRY Computing) and run one-to-one classes on computers, tablets and smart phones. Classes are informal, enjoyable and friendly. Booking essential. Cost $3 per session Classes: Thursdays 09.00 to 10.30 and 10.30 to 12.00 Yanchep Community Centre. To book call 95611270 Anyone interested in joining as a volunteer tutor please contact Ross on 9561 6934.


GINGIN WATER GROUP Inc. 4th Annual General Meeting Saturday 31 October 2015 11am-12noon at Granville Centre General public invited to raise any water related issues of concern. Membership invited. Committee positions invited.

Email your bookings and ad material to

Council has previously advertised an Application for Planning Approval on Lot 10 Chitna Road, Neergabby, scheduled to close on Friday 2 October 2015.

Deadline for all ad material and bookings is 4.00pm, Friday 2 October.

Are you interested in helping the Shire of Gingin develop its Age Friendly Community Plan?

The Shire of Gingin is pleased to offer an excellent employment opportunity for a Life Guard, with the opportunity for training if required, to join our progressive community services team.

The next issue of the Sun City News will be published on Thursday 8 October.

Age Friendly Community Plan Focus Group Invitation


Application for Planning Approval Proposed Use Not Listed (Helicopter Landing Site and Hangar) on Lot 10 Chitna Road, Neergabby

Authorised by David Rickson Chairman Phone 0427 612 918

Sun City News advertising - GETS RESULTS

sun city news

Thursday 24 September 2015

COMMUNITY DIARY Your daily guide of local things to do, places to go and community activities

SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER Yanchep Sports and Social Club AGM 11.00am at the Club House, all members urged to attend.


THURSDAY 24 SEPTEMBER Garden Party & Fashion Parade The Lancelin CWA is holding a Garden Party and Fashion Parade to raise funds for Motor Neurone Disease research. $15 per person for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, stalls, raffles fabric table and fashion parade with local models. Contact Muriel on 9655 1399 or Ronice on 0457 983 213 for tickets and more details.

SUNDAY 27 SEPTEMBER Neergabby Fireworks Gates open at 3.00pm, bonfire starts at 6.30pm with the fireworks at 7.30pm. This great family event has kids activities, face painting, sausage sizzle, hamburgers, coffee van and lots more. $30 per family or $10 per person.

WEDNESDAY 30 SEPTEMBER Magical Mystery Tour TransPerth! Salad Days with Yanchep Colour Diet Group, meet at Butler station at 10.10am. Phone 9561 2512.

OCTOBER 3-11 York Art & Craft Awards This event takes place at the York Town Hall, October 3-11 from 10.00am to 4.00pm daily. Entry is $2.00pp. For all inquiries contact the York Society on 0428 322 167.

SATURDAY 10 OCTOBER Volunteers Breakfast The Yanchep Two Rocks Community and Recreation Association will hold their annual Volunteers Breakfast. Full details can be obtained from president, Ron Arnold on 9561 5551 or Julie Otremba on 9561 1538.

SUNDAY 11 OCTOBER Country Market Gingin Railway Station, Jones Street, Gingin. 10.00am to 4.00pm. Local produce, plants, poultry, cottage industry, artisans, arts, crafts, collectables, alpaca garments and art exhibition.

SATURDAY 17 OCTOBER Bindoon Ag Show 9.00am to 9.00pm at the Bindoon Oval and Town Hall.

SUNDAY, 18 OCTOBER 1st Wanneroo Scouts Car Festival 11:00am to 4:00pm at Lake Joondalup Park, Scenic Drive Wanneroo.

St John Ambulance Chittering Gingin Sub Branch AGM will be held at the Gingin Sub Centre, starting at 6.30pm.

TUESDAY 20 OCTOBER Community Casino Bus The bus will leave the Phil Renkin Centre at 5.15pm, so please be early, then we will pick up passengers at the Yanchep Sports Club. To book your seat, phone Linda on 9561 5321.

WEDNESDAY 21 OCTOBER High Tea Fashionista The Yanchep Two Rocks Community Association is putting on a High Tea Fashionista in the Phil Renkin Centre, starting from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Enjoy mouth-watering refreshments by the CWA ladies, fashions by the Two Rocks Red Cross Shop using local models. There will be raffles and prizes including vouchers from Bunnings and free hair style donated by Two Rocks hairdressers ‘Imriez’. Fashions will be on sale.

Get your Community event or meeting listed

MONDAY 5 OCTOBER Yanchep Two Rocks Community Association monthly meeting This meeting starts at 7.30pm at the Phil Renkin Centre, Two Rocks. All members of the local community welcome.

THURSDAY 8 OCTOBER Yanchep CWA meeting The Yanchep CWA monthly meeting will be held in the Phil Renkin Centre, Two Rocks, starting at 9.30am. All welcome. Call Clare on 9561 2905 for more information.

To get your community group, club or association meeting, community event or activity listed, email all relevant information to:


Community Groups & Clubs Atlantis Productions Inc.

Ted Dowling

0414 992 380

Friends of Moore River Estuary

Linda Johnson

0414 631 273

Gingin Arts & Crafts Group

Irene Dewar

0427 752 348

Gingin/Chittering Lions

Pat Elliot

9575 2316

Guilderton Community Association

Gillian Lamont

9577 2730

Guilderton Community Library

Madeline Henshaw 9577 1528

Guilderton Country Club

Cheryl Spiers

9577 1013

Gingin Lower Coastal Computer Group

Anne Stroud

9577 1498

Gingin Lower Coastal Meet and Greet

Glenna Macaskill 9577 2281

Guilderton Golf Club

Carolyn Meharry 0448 814 020

Lancelin and Coastal Districts RSL

Norm Pearce

9655 1161

Lancelin Bowling Club


9655 3053

Lancelin CWA

Muriel Swan

9655 1399

Lancelin & Districts Lions

Dawn & Ron

0417 090 178

Lancelin Golf Club

Annette Morck

9655 2156 0447 551 289

Lancelin Volunteer Marine Rescue Group Ledge Point Country Club

Sheryl Dempster 0408 947 548 Jan Court 0417 961 627

Moore River Weight Watchers

Jae Watson

9577 1573

Son City Church

Jon Spurgeon

9561 2486 0427 990 605

Suncity Art & Craft Gallery, Two Rocks

Jack Thorne

9577 1495 9561 1148

Sun City Country Club Sun City Yacht Club

John Utley

0428 628 753

TRYCAN - Two Rocks Yanchep Culture & Arts Network

Pam Annesley

0427 957 612

Two Rocks Social Badminton Group

Roy Jackson Nigel Tilbury

9561 6121 9561 6946 9561 1066 0488 722 078

Two Rocks Writers Group

9561 5777 Two Rocks Volunteer Marine Rescue Group Radio room A/hrs/Emergency 0488 615 777 WA Sugarcraft Academy Inc - Cake Decorating Jan Cooper

0427 761 330

West Coast Angling Club Two Rocks Marina

Ian Stott Jon Stanley

9561 1166 9561 2242

Yanchep Colour Diet Group

Sunny Strobel

9561 2512

Yanchep CWA


9561 2905

Yanchep Districts Junior Football Club

Michael Browne Sue Moir

0428 559 026 0417 978 281 yancheplac@

Yanchep Dolphins Little Athletics Club Yanchep Golf Club

Bob Cherry

Yanchep Ladies Dart Club

Raye Leslie 0418 936 600 Amanda Van Padua 0408 943 987

Yanchep Netball Club

Karolyn Holmes

0458 458 948

Yanchep Redhawks Cricket Club

Diane Whiteley

0416 014 757

Yanchep Redhawks Football Club

Les Porter

0423 855 115

9561 5406

Yanchep Sports Club Inc.

9561 1196

Yanchep Two Rocks Arts & Craft Workshop Cathie Close

9561 2738

Yanchep Two Rocks Catholic Church

Father Augustine 9561 21 72

Yanchep Two Rocks Lions Club

Malcolm Gow Lorraine Alvin

0401 646 183 0438 682 678

Yanchep Two Rocks Recreation Assoc Inc. Julie Otremba Ron Arnold

9561 1538 9561 5551

Yanchep Two Rocks Home Support Group

9561 5161

Yanchep Two Rocks RSL

Joyce Harris

9561 1672

Yanchep Two Rocks Senior Citizens

Jill Scholte Dot Blower

9561 5581 9561 1287

Yanchep United Football Club (Soccer)

Shaun Parkin

0406 369 411

Is your group or club here? Are your contact details correct? If not, please let us know so we can update the list. Email:


Thursday 24 September 2015

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