Stellar Day Magazine, July Issue, 2016

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July Issue


Read interviews from two military wives who share encouragement and advice for others .

RED, WHITE & BLUE SPRITZER A perfect poolside spritzer and an easy beverage to have on hand this Fourth of July !


One moms encouragement about allowing her children to express their creative freedom through the clothing they choose .

stellar day table of con tents 03 Freedom & Thankfulness 05 Freedom In Flowers 07 To The Market: Interview




12 Free From Negative Thoughts 15 Military Wives : Interviews 20 Red, White & Blue Spritzer 24 Painted Wooden Utensils 25 Freedom Through Repentance


14 27

27 Isolation Party of One 29 Mis-Matched Freedom 32 Editors Note



stellar day magazine

FREEDOM & Thankfulness By Jessica Williams

July is my favorite month of the year. I LOVE summer, for starters. Yes, it’s hotter than hell in sunny Arizona with temperatures climbing well above 115 on a lot of days and yes, you can scramble eggs on the sidewalks. That is no lie, my friends. But I truly love summer all the same. I love pool days, ice cream, iced tea, iced coffee, hot dogs, pot lucks, the smell of sunscreen, the feel of sun hitting your skin, lazy days, and vacations. The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday each year and ten days after that, I celebrate my birthday with zero fear of getting older. To me, July brings

freedom, dreams that are meant to be chased, opportunity, and abundant happiness. I can’t NOT be happy in July. I chose Freedom for this month’s issue on purpose. Obviously the Fourth of July brings about a natural opportunity to celebrate and discuss our freedoms that we have, but I always see this time of year as more than that. To me, it’s the beginning of a new year in a lot of ways. It’s a chance for me to reflect on the past “year” and to remember how much I have to be grateful for. It’s been over six months since New Year’s and I get the chance to evaluate whether or not I’m achieving goals that I set for myself a few months back. It’s a time of year that I usually feel the MOST free.

Stellar Day Magazine

Turning another year older brings freedom in my spirit. It’s another chance to live with all my heart, soul, and being. It’s another opportunity to work hard to achieve dreams that I have. It’s another year to make NEW dreams and goals to chase and conquer. It’s a fresh start and a chance to reset my heart and reflect on how lucky I am to have the freedom to do all of those things. It’s a chance to deeply remember ALL the lives and sacrifices lost and made so that we can live in a land that is totally free. I am so thankful. The truth is, I have a lot to be thankful for. Freedom doesn’t come easy for a lot of people. We all experience and live freedom on different levels. We can be free in our lives, but slaves to our mind, or even the other way around. We can experience freedom in our hearts but feel burdened in our physical situations. We can daily feel oppression or constant reminders of our freedoms being taken away. We can be caught up in fear that threatens to take our freedom away one day at a time, holding us captive to much more than can be physically present. Holding fast to my belief in Jesus is what gives me true freedom in my life. Struggle as I may, in and out of high season and low, one constant remains. Christ brings freedom that none other can provide. Thankful doesn’t begin to describe it. When I feel held captive to so much, my fears, my anxieties, my burdens, my sin, I am reminded that I am not alone. That the freedom I desire is real. And while every day isn’t perfect, I am so thankful for the opportunity to experience freedomin my daily life and in my faith. I am grateful for so many who have fought for these freedoms, who have lost their lives to keep us safe and for all the families that sacrificed right along with them. Home of the free because of the brave. And for that, I say thank you with my entire heart. And somehow it doesn’t seem like enough.




Holding a grudge doesn't make you strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn't make you weak; It sets you FREE.


I didn't want to write about waiting again this month, I think I've written about it the last three times I've written something. And yet these words spill out of me like a turned over can of paint; how can I keep them inside when this is my season? And how can I keep these words from you, dear reader, when we're all in a season of waiting for something? This is my heart, and if it encourages one out of one hundred, then I am grateful. Uncomfortable, but grateful. Flowers have a certain stigma for me; they represent freedom. They do this for a multitude of reasons, but mainly I just think it's because when I think of a flower, I think of a big, wide open field; brimming with colors and fragrances from tiny little buds all over the place. Earlier this year I felt like the Lord was speaking a season of freedom over my life. Not that I didn't already have freedom; but now it would be an extra abundance of freedom. Freedom to choose what comes next and freedom to move forward, freedom to grieve, and freedom to forgive. Freedom

Freedom to wait. Freedom to be frustrated in the waiting. To be honest, though, I never expected to be waiting. When I first heard the verse for the year I imagined bountiful amounts of gifts and everything I wanted on a silver plate. No, the Lord never promised that, but He said He'd give me His Kingdomand naturally I assumed that meant a culmination of the things that I had been waiting for, for some time, coming to me this year.

behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree ripens its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away." I received a picture of a field full of flowers and I felt like the Lord was saying, "This represents my will for you. You can go anywhere in this field and you are still within My will."

And yet- here I am, six months into this year and I'm still waiting. Waiting for direction and clarity; waiting for answers and promises to be fulfilled.

Yet still He asks me to wait. And that is frustrating. What happened to the freedom? What happened to the field? What happened to the Kingdom?

Six months ago when I was praying about this year and what God had in store for me, I heard the verse Luke 12:32, "Do not be afraid little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." Two months later as I prayed about a pretty big life-altering decision, I felt release and heard Song of Solomon 2:10-13, "My beloved speaks and says to me, “Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away, for

I finally sat down and asked these questions and I heard Ecclesiastes 3:9-11, "What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." As I sat and pondered and questioned these verses I heard 'patience' and I wrestled with that answer. Patience. Oh, this little heart is so bad at that

thing. I am so terribly impatient. And yet this is the very thing He is asking me to do; so will He not give me the strength to be patient for the things I toil after? Those things that my heart terribly craves yet the Lord asks me to be patient for; will He not supply the grace, patience, and freedom in my waiting? There are plenty of frustrations on my end. So many things unknown; so many answers unaccounted for. Yet amidst the 'wait' I hear repeatedly, I am finding so much freedom in the midst. There is freedom for me to be joyful, frustrated, curious, excited, determined, full of angst, and so much more. There is freedom and grace waiting for me to run and jump off this cliff into a daring and unknown adventure and I sit here thinking about that wonderfully sweet Erin Hanson quote, "There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky, and you ask "What if I fall?" Oh but my darling, what if you fly?� Sometimes our freedom looks a lot different than we ever expected it to look, sometimes the blessings the Lord gives us come in unexpected packages. Sometimes waiting takes months, and sometimes it takes years. Sometimes waiting can be scarier than the thing we're waiting for. So in freedom I go; I pick up my pace and take a leap off the cliff, and I hear Him say, "You're flying."




TTM showcases survivors’ handmade goods made exclusively by proud and passionate artisans who have overcome the perils of abuse, conflict, and disease across the world. Having been involved in my community advocating for survivors of sex trafficking, this organization was instantly near and dear to my heart. Not only was I mesmerized by their beautiful accessories, home goods, stationery, and the cultures they reflected, but I was even more captivated by the stories behind the creations. So, I followed the account, religiously ogling their products and one day, they advertised that they were in town, holding a popup shop that very night at Pinspiration in North Phoenix. So I high-tailed it out of the house planning to do a little early Mother’s Day shopping for myself. While purchasing a beautiful necklace created by a survivor in India and some notecards designed by one in Kenya, I had the pleasure of meeting CEO and Founder Jane Mosbacher Morris. Jane also spoke later that evening and graciously also allowed me to

Photos Provided by TTM

interview her so that I could share her inspiring vision for empowering vulnerable women through the artisan enterprise to gain economic freedom.

Esther: I understand that your background is in counterterrorism, working for the State Department with Cindy McCain. I’m sure that role gave you unique insight into various, vulnerable living situations of women around the world. Jane: Yes, as I travelled, I was able to observe different circles of women and I quickly discovered how little control and how very limited value women survivors felt they had. Esther: Last night you shared a powerful story about your meeting with an artisan group in Calcutta’s red light district, and how you were struck by a very different behavior exhibited by these women. You didn’t find the downcast eyes and timid posture typical of women in donorreceiver settings, but direct, proud eye-to-eye contact of these women fulfilling a sales role in a business transaction. You

TTM advocates that these women are artists first and foremost—their products are not pity purchases—and there is such freeing power in that message."



recognized an opportunity to use this buyer-seller model to help set women in war refugee, abuse, and other traumatizing settings free. Jane: Absolutely. To the Market was formed one and a half years ago to not only work with co-ops to employ survivors and pay them fair living wages, but also to develop these women for leadership and provide them with business training, in an effort to help elevate their selfesteem and encourage overall empowerment. To the Market tells their stories, provides them with support such as mental health service to help them continue to thrive, and sales assistance to help them continue to think about their business practices. TTM advocates that these women are artists first and foremost—their products are not pity purchases —and there is such freeing power in that message.

Esther: I love that the organization honors artistic expression and the talents used to create such aesthetically pleasing products--all for the purpose of freeing women! Hosting the pop-up at Pinspiration, a DIY Arts and Crafts Studio/Wine Bar, was the perfect community setting to talk about embracing creativity and supporting handcrafted products. What role does creativity play in the lives of these women? Jane: Well, the process of creating is not only beautiful but also therapeutic for these women. Creating allows them to reconnect with their goodness and restore their spirit. Esther: What’s the most impactful experience you’ve had in your world-wide travels?

Jane: In Mumbar, I met a spirited, spunky, wide-eyed, little girl living with her mom in the red light district. She clung to and followed me everywhere. When it came time for me say goodbye and drive away, I stopped the car just outside the clearing area where she was not allowed to pass. The image of her in the rearview mirror, standing there, is burnt into my memory and a reminder that we keep fighting for her. My hope is that we can work to help her mother get out of the district so that one day when the girl is ‘of age’ (14 years old), she doesn’t have to be exploited like her mother. Her picture is my phone’s home screensaver and reminds me of her joyful spirit and of the work that remains to be done—to keep pushing forward. Esther: I think sometimes people are hesitant to support a cause for financial reasons. How can people that feel a connection to this, or other causes for that matter, show support? Jane: First, I encourage people to pay attention to what’s tugging at their heart strings and really listen to that. It might take years of listening and reflecting to find not only what you’re passionate about, but what you can do to help create opportunity and how to use your talents to support your passion! If you’re a CPA, perhaps you can offer accounting services to an organization. Are you a photographer or event planner? Identify your gift and put it to work. Esther: I’m intrigued by the topic of ‘fast fashion’ in which you described big industry companies that are quickly reproducing styles from the runways because social media makes it readily available for

them to copy instantaneously. While this makes it hard for certain designers and brands to remain competitive and unique, does it create a niche opportunity for co-op markets selling artisan goods? Jane: Fast fashion is definitely a contrast to the artisan market. As consumers tire of this easily mass-produced world, they have an opportunity to get excited about and reconnect with handcrafted fare. We can thank Pinterest, the farm-to-table and DIY spheres of influence for helping to re-popularize creation-based markets and for places like Pinspiration to take those concepts to a whole new level.

Esther: You’ve met survivors from all walks of life. What is one thing that you would want people to understand about survivors? Jane: I’d want them to keep in mind that survivors are more than what’s ‘happened’ to them. They do not want to be defined by what’s happened to them but rather by what choices they make. They are people with interests and dreams and should not be pigeon holed in any way. Esther: In reading recent articles, I learned that To the Market recognizes the importance of collaborating with faith-based partners. How does your own faith connect with how you’ve built your organization? Jane: I want to spend my days serving and making the world better for others. I believe in using my skill set to share with others and help improve their quality of life. I believe it’s important for everyone to look at how they can use their strengths to impact the world. Esther: To the Market champions the entrepreneurial spirit of women. What quick tips would you give a woman with entrepreneurial ideas? Jane: We are often our own worst enemy. Don’t let your mind be a barrier to your own success and don’t sell yourself short. Walt Disney said, ‘If you can dream it, do it.” Your mindset is powerful so think big, but also put in the elbow grease needed to start anything of consequence. And that last answer was the perfect end to our interview because I’m encouraged that the entrepreneurial spirit can be found and cultivated in all dreamers-- even the spunky, wide-eyed girl in the Mumbar red light district who dreams of escaping and financial independence. I applaud Jane and the To the Market team for their efforts to support dreamers far and wide. …

Free From


Over the last few years in my walk with God, He has taught me that the freedom we have as believers in Christ begins in our minds. You have most likely heard the saying that our thoughts become our words and our words become our actions. The freedom that has been given to us starts with our thoughts and those thoughts are the foundation of our mindsets. We can choose to think certain ways and act on those thoughts because God lets us, but His desire is that we choose to think and act in freedom. We have the choice to think negative thoughts or positive thoughts and whichever we choose, our lives will result based off of our decision. For some, a negative mindset is normal because it is all they know. They may have been raised in a negative environment and are not even aware that they are thinking negative thoughts on a daily basis. Some may be stuck in the past because they prevent themselves from thinking that there is any hope for a future. Most people don’t even realize that they can choose what they think about and will allow their negative thoughts to control their lives. The thoughts that can keep our minds imprisoned can be anything from insecurity, fear, discouragement, anger, hatred, jealousy, depression, or anxiety. We were never meant to live our lives by being controlled from negative thoughts. Someone once told me that they would never be able to change their negative views on life because the lies that they believe about themselves are easier to believe rather than the truth. My heart breaks for those who are unaware that they are trapped by their own minds, are miserable on the inside, and believe that they are unable to overcome. If you are not enjoying your life, think about what you are thinking about on a daily basis. The first step is to

identify the negative thoughts you are struggling with and then make the decision to change your thoughts and renew your mind. Renewing our minds takes time, especially if you have been thinking in the wrong ways for years. Once you are able to identify what you are struggling with, realize that a change needs to take place and that the negative thoughts need to be reframed into positive ones. What are some things you need to stop thinking and start thinking instead? When our minds are so focused on lies about ourselves, it is difficult to receive the truth and live it out each day. If you are unsure of where to start, ask God to help you become free from thoughts that are not from Him. When I truly turned to God, He began to reveal to me how I was thinking about myself and that it was not the way He was thinking about me. For all those years I was never even aware of my negative thoughts because they were what seemed normal to me. God showed me how to have freedom in Him and by choosing to receive that freedom, I have changed in several ways. I have let go of thoughts of insecurity, fear, worry, and discouragement and replaced it with security, confidence, trust, and joy in the Lord.

When I began to live in freedom, a major change that took place for me was that I stopped having the mindset of insecurity. For so long I would look at others and had the “they have that and I don’t, so I’m not good enough” mentality. Freedom from the lie of insecurity and not being good enough has allowed me to stop caring about what others think of me and start focusing on what God thinks of me instead. I learned to stop comparing myself to others and not let what they have in their lives make me feel insecure about what I had in mine. It has been life changing and has brought me so much joy. When you look at the point where someone else is at in life and compare it to where you are, there will always be something that someone else has that you don’t have. Always. Anything from a better job, more money, a bigger home, newer car, a better body image, or happily married with kids. Being free of constantly comparing myself to others has allowed me to reframe my perspective on my circumstances and wait on God to bring into my life what He has in store just for me. Instead of focusing on what others have that I don’t, my new thoughts of freedom are “If God wanted me to have it, then I would."




Living out this freedom has taught me to be happy for others and join in the celebration of their accomplishments while being completely satisfied with my own.

Your thoughts can take you higher or bring you lower. Know that you are capable of choosing your own thoughts and learn to become aware of the negative ones that bring you down. Learn how to reframe and replace the negatives with positives. Free people are happy, positive, secure, and confident people. Don’t let your thoughts hold you captive, but think in ways that allow you to walk in freedom and joy.

With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy? Oscar Wilde



Freedom comes at such a high cost. A cost that a lot of us take for granted on most days as we live our lives and go about our business. Forgetful that hundreds and thousands of men and women work every single day to make sure our country is kept safe. Daily putting their lives on the line to defend us and generations to come. They work so hard and some in such challenging situations. They are away from their friends and family and asked to travel from military base to military base all in accordance of what is needed from them. It's a huge responsibility, job and one that these brave men and women don't take lightly.

country in such a huge way. They are sacrificing more than a lot of women I know and they are faced with unimaginable stress and strengths to watch their loved ones head off to defend our country each day.

I am personally so thankful for the gravity of this sacrifice.

My hope is that if you're a military wife in need of encouragement, that you will find it here. And that if you are not a military wife, that you will be able to resonate with their hearts and that you would feel gratitude for the sacrifices they have made as well to keep our country safe.

Today, I wanted to take some time to recognize the other side of the coin. The wives and families of those serving on the front lines. Because while they are indeed home and holding down the fort while their husbands are serving, they are also serving our

I had the pleasure of interviewing two military wives for this issue, and while I don't know either of them personally, it was amazing to hear a little bit from their hearts. I know there has to be many military wives out there now who feel alone, burdened, sad, scared, angry, and hopeless who could use the words that these women have written down.

The interviews begin on the next page.

Alexandra Bowersox Dayton, Ohio

Jess: Thank you so much for being willing to be a part of Stellar Day Magazine! Can you tell me a little bit about where you live right now, your family, and how long your husband has been in the military? Alex: My husband, Brian, and I live in Dayton, Ohio. He was just medically separated from the army, after 7 years of service as an engineer. We both grew up here, so returning home seemed logical. The Lord made it very clear this is where He wants us right now. We have three children, two boys and a girl. Jackson is almost 7, Keiran is 3, and Julia is 20 months.

Jess: What was something that you enjoyed the most about your husband serving in the military? Alex: I enjoyed learning about new people and cultures. No two duty stations were the same. Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska was by far our favorite. The people were like a second family. I made lifelong friends through the post bible study. The climate was an adjustment. The temperature got down to -45ยบ but up to 90ยบ in the summers. It was absolutely beautiful. There was very little pollution once out of the city limits. The sky and landscape was visible for miles.

"There is an automatic camaraderie with other military wives. They get it."




Jess: What was the most challenging part about being a military wife?

having Christ in common was so comforting and allowed for deeper friendships.

Alex: For me, the most challenging part was leaving family and friends from back home. It was also challenging to move after finally feeling adjusted to a new area. I had all of my children at different duty stations, and that was hard. The army is also notorious for changing plans at the last minute, which didn’t always sit well with my over-planning personality.

Jess: We are so thankful for the service that your husband and your family provided for our country! What are a few things that you are excited about for the future?

Jess: What is a piece of encouragement or advice that you would give to a new military wife just beginning on this journey? Alex: My advice is to join a church and make some friends who seem more concerned for others than themselves. I found most (not all) of my friends through church, bible studies, and the library. Without women who had the same core belief system, it would have been much harder to adjust and feel connected. There is an automatic camaraderie with other military wives. They get it. But,

Alex: Now that we have moved home, we are looking forward to supporting Wright Patterson Air Force Base, which is located in Dayton. We are enjoying the stability of being home and spending time with family and friends. My kids love seeing their grandparents every week. My husband has taken a job in IT and I am working at our home church. It’s been a transition, with some tears and lots of prayer, but we know this is where God wants us to be. Many doors opened and closed at the right time, making it clear that Dayton is where our immediate future is.

"The best part is how much he loves it. He enjoys his job and is proud to serve and I'm happy for him!"

Kate Craig San Antonio, Texas

Jess: Thank you so much for being willing to be a part of Stellar Day Magazine! Can you tell me a little bit about where you live right now, your family, and how long your husband has been in the military? Kate: We live in San Antonio and this is our third base. Josh has been in the Air Force for seven years. We have two girls, Kylie (4) and Emily (2). Jess: What is something that you enjoy the most about your husband serving in the military? Kate: The best part is how much he loves it.

He enjoys his job and is proud to serve, and I'm happy for him! I also am amazed at how much support we get. I wouldn't know where to start listing the opportunities we've been given and the ways people have helped us because we are a military family. Jess: What is the most challenging part about being a military wife? Kate: The moving. Starting over every three years has been difficult for me. It's also hard to give up control of that part of your life. Jess: What is a piece of encouragement or advice that you would give to a new military

wife just beginning on this journey? wife just beginning on this journey? Kate: Be intentional about communicating with your husband even if he's not able to communicate back. Make talking to him Kate: Be intentional about communicating with your husband even if he's not able to communicate back. Make talking to him always a part of your always a part of your daily life. And thank the Lord we live in the days of email! Also be intentional about building a life for daily life. And thank the Lord we live in the days of email! Also be intentional about building a life for yourself. Find a church, join a gym, volunteer at yourself. Find a church, join a gym, volunteer at your kids' school, meet your neighbors, or find a playgroup. Go wherever it your kids' school, meet your neighbors, or find a playgroup. Go wherever it makes sense for you to find friends. Ask for help. Family Readiness has makes sense for you to find friends. Ask for help. Family Readiness has so many services that most people don't know about. so many services that most people don't know about. There are many churches and non-profits that have programs for military families. There are There are many churches and non-profits that have programs for military families. There are so many people who would love so many people who would love to help you, but you need to ask. And as an older wife just reminded me (because I needed it), see each new place as to help you, but you need to ask. And as an older wife just reminded me (because I needed it), see each new place as an an adventure. adventure. Jess: We are so thankful for the service that your husband and your family is providing for our country! What are a few things that you are excited Jess: We are so thankful for the service that your husband and your family is providing for our country! What are a few things about for the future? that you are excited about for the future? Kate: I am excited about seeing new places. That's the fun part of moving! Kate: I am excited about seeing new places. That's the fun part of moving!

Red, White & BLUE SPRITZER Article & Recipe by Jennifer Stamps

Aw, summer. My favorite time of year. Growing up in southern California it meant long days at the beach and bonfires in the evening. Even though I’m no longer coastal, summer time still brings happiness. The sun, warmth, grilling with friends, baseball games – what’s not to love? As an adult, I’ve also grown pretty fond of crisp beverages… just makes the long summer days even better, right? Here’s my go-to, festive summer drink! Red, White, and Blue Spritzer 5 oz Riesling (or other sweet white wine) * 4 oz flavored bubble water (I love the strawberry flavor from Whole Foods) * Frozen strawberries and blueberries (fresh will work, but the frozen keeps the drink cold, even poolside!) *




Stellar Day Magazine ' s

Book Club Pick July 2016


Painted Wooden Utensils By Christine Cram I really enjoy getting to spend time with friends and craft. Over the last year I have had many “craft parties” at my home and they each have been such a blast. I love seeing what people create from the simple tools I provide. This craft was my most recent project where I had a few friends come over and make them with me. Super easy, and simple.

I love how each of them turned out different. So fun. Wait for the paint to dry. I would recommend painting two coats of paint.

Here is what you need:

4. After everything is completely dry, remove the blue tape.

-Wooden Utensils (I ordered them from Amazon) -Paint -Blue painters tape -Brown paper bags -Shellac (the spray kind…you can find at any home improvement store) -Paintbrush 1. First I took the painters tape and taped off where I wanted the paint to go. Then I took the brown paper bag and folded it over the spoon part and taped that down as well. You need to do that so when you spray the Shellac (which is the protected sealer more or less) the spray will not get into the spoon part.

3. After the paint is dried, spray the Shellac over the handle part. This should only take a couple minutes to dry. I would also recommend spraying this outside.

There you have it! Brand new, stinkin cute utensils. Some of the girls were saying what a cute bridal gift this would make to give to a friend that’s getting married, or someone that just bought a new home. I couldn't agree more! ** I would suggest hand washing the utensils after using them just to be safe. Enjoy making these!!

2. Next paint the handle part. Any color you like. I took pictures of all the girls’ utensils. STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE




Freedom Through Repentance by Nicole Thompson



he thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 I have to admit, I thought about changing the title for this article several times. I honestly wasn’t sure anybody would want to read an article about repentance. There seems to be some negative associations and misunderstanding about the subject. It just doesn’t seem to exude warm and fuzzy feelings for most people. Although I myself am no expert on the subject, last year I came to a completely different understanding of repentance. If I had to boil it down to one word, to me repentance is all

about freedom. It has deepened my relationship with the Lord and brought me the long sought after release I’d been waiting for. It’s the difference between sanity and anxiety, enslaved and free. I’d been a Christian for quite a while before I started practicing this spiritual discipline during my quite time with God. Honestly, for a long time I really didn’t know if I needed to repent. I mean, I’ve accepted Jesus as my savior and all my sins were forgiven at salvation. So why do I have to ask for forgiveness again? Isn’t that a little redundant? Oh how I am so thankful for His patience with me! It wasn’t until a conversation with a friend that I realized repentance isn’t for God, it’s for ME. I repent to clear away the sin that has caused distance in our relationship and

to restore it once again. Through repentance I surrender to Him, turning from my own way and back to his. It’s then when I’m at the feet of Jesus that I’m in a posture to receive his love and accept his truth. It’s in those moments that my chains are broken and He sets me free. Where lies and anxiety had taken hold there is now peace. Where sin had enslaved me there is now freedom. It’s because of his great love for me that I must repent. With an enemy that seeks to ensnare me, it’s the only way I can find my way back to Him and regain my freedom once more.




The thing about freedom is that once you’ve tasted it, it’s not enough to just have it for yourselfyou want everyone else to have it too.

I remember having coffee with a friend and feeling a little embarrassed to ask her how she hears from God. I meant literally, how did she sit quietly and wait to hear God in the silence? For the longest time I could not sit quietly. If I wasn’t talking at God, a million thoughts were racing through my mind. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stop it. After I shared this, my sweet friend gently said to me, “Nicole that’s anxiety.” Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I always prided told myself I was so laid back and easy going. I didn’t struggle with anxiety. Nope, not me. I was fine. What a lie! I had allowed myself to be deceived into thinking I was easy going when in reality I was just denying and stuffing my own feelings. That’s the thing about bondage, often we don’t even realize we’re tied up in it. What a great strategy for the enemy to keep us from the freedom Jesus came to give us!

We can’t heal what we don’t recognize as broken. Our conversation then led me to realizing I had a big root of fear/unbelief in my heart. If I truly believed God and what the Bible says then I would be secure in his promises and love for me, I wouldn’t be riddled with insecurity and anxiety. So I started every morning repenting over and over again until my mind was quieted and I could finally just listen for God in the silence. My prayers often started like this, “Jesus I repent of this anxiety and lack of focus. I repent of my fear and unbelief. I pray your blood over all my sins and thank you that through the cross it is finished. Holy Spirit, remove the lies in my heart and replace them with the truth that God is good and trustworthy. Help me to believe how much he loves me and cares for me. Help me to find my worth in who Christ says I am instead of others approval. Show me any lies hidden in my heart. Reveal what the enemy doesn’t want me to see.” Sometimes I needed to repeat this same prayer more than once. Other times, the Holy Spirit would bring to mind other things I needed to repent of. However, God was always faithful in meeting me right there and quieting my mind. Girls, these prayers CHANGED MY LIFE! For years I had tried declaring truth and repeating scripture but that was only half of it. What was missing, what my heart really needed, was repentance. That is when the sweet release of freedom finally came. The thing about freedom is that once you’ve tasted it, it’s not enough to just have it for yourself- you want everyone else to have it too. That is the desire of my heart and the intention behind all my words. I want women everywhere to find true freedom in Christ. We don’t have to be a slave to sin, walking around in bondage. (Mental bondage can be just as debilitating, longer lasting, and harder to recognize than physical bondage.) Jesus didn’t come for us to just make it through this life until we enter into heaven. We are daughters of The Most High King, co-heirs with Christ, and we are meant to be victorious! So ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and show you where this is sin hiding in your heart. Then cry out to God in repentance, get up, straighten your crown, and get to living the abundant life Christ offers us. Dear reader, make no mistake, whatever you’ve done or whatever has been done to you, YOU are meant for freedom!

ISOLATION Party of One

By Danielle Nesper

My name is Danielle Nesper. I’m 30 years old, I am a believer, a wife, a mom, and my family is my everything. I am shy, until you get to know me, and I can be hilariously awkward at times. I’m goofy, a kid at heart, and I try not to take myself too seriously. My journey into isolation began when I made the decision, with my husband’s full support, to transition from a full time working 20 something at a job that never really fulfilled me to a full time homemaker. Even though it was exactly what I wanted I lost my purpose for a season. It took me a while to be proud of what I was doing, to recognize all my new accomplishments and embrace this transition. I’ve always wanted to be home full time but you never truly know what you’re in for until you’re smack dab in the middle of it. I was not prepared. I found myself withdrawing and had a hard time being intentional with relationships. Then I had my daughter, Cadence, and I was suddenly a new mom. I had a lot of new things to juggle and I put my sole focus on my husband and my daughter. But what about Danielle? Hobbies? Interests? Passions? Nope. All out the window ​ leading to further isolation. It was a very confusing season because on one hand I was very happy to be a new mom and very happy with my life but completely lost in who I was and who I was becoming. I have always had a strong relationship with the Lord but this season put a significant strain on my




trust in Him. I have an amazing set of family and

you and I have to fight it almost every day.

friends that have always been my support system

Sometimes I get in my own way and I stop myself

and yet while I was surrounded by everyone I felt so

from putting myself out there for fear of rejection,


ridicule, judgement.. the list can go on and on. But I know that fear is not of the Lord and He doesn’t want

I spent a lot of time with family and friends but

me to live in hiding. The enemy does. If I’m hiding

emotionally closed myself off to everyone. My

then I can’t be who I am proudly, boldly, and

internal struggles and battles that I was doing alone

unashamed. I can’t love on others the way that the

made me feel like I had no one. I put myself in

Lord calls us to love others. I can’t find my true gifts

isolation. I have a hard time talking about myself and

that I have been given and utilize them for His glory.

I sometimes don’t want to burden people with my “problems” and that’s where I got myself into trouble.

That’s why I’m here. I’m breaking free from isolation

I had convinced myself that no one needed to hear

and I’m putting myself out there again. I’m ready to

my silly struggles and I just need to figure it out on

be vulnerable and make new friends along the way

my own.

even though it’s scary to think about. It’s a process. Being free from the lies and the fear breaks the

While attending a Propel Women’s event at my

vicious cycle. If I’m free from those things then

church the Lord revealed Himself to me and made it

nothing can hold me back. The enemy has no place

clear that I’m valued well beyond what I even thought

here in my life, my home, my marriage and my

I was. The Lord immediately spoke into my heart and

friendships. Period.

made it clear that He wants to take the burden of my insecurities and to free me to live with deep

You have to find community, be vulnerable, step out

meaningful relationships with those around me. The

of your comfort zone and trust that the Lord has

weight had been lifted and I didn’t have to bear it on

your back. Stay true to who you are and don’t worry

my own anymore. God wants us to lean on Him and

about what others think about you. I have a long way

depend on Him. I am so thankful for that season

to go with this journey but I do know, no matter

even though it was the hardest season that I have

what, that I’m worth it, valued, and I have broken

ever been in because I came out of it stronger and

free! So if I can leave you with anything it’s this: You

with an even better relationship with the Lord than

are loved, you are valued, and you are worth it. Don’t

I’ve ever had.

let anybody or anything tell you differently!

I still sometimes struggle with isolation. I struggle with insecurities and I definitely struggle relationally. It’s hard to ignore the lies that the enemy tries to tell

Mis-Matched Freedom

By Adrienne Dalaly

In our house, the phrase “Are you wearing THAT?” isn’t spoken aloud, even though my husband and I may exchange smiles when one of the kids strolls through in an interesting color combination. I will admit, there are some occasions where we do offer outfit choices – but honestly, it’s maybe once or twice a year. And every now and then, we do make some suggestions to avoid dress code violations. Some days, the outfits are mismatched and pajama-based. Other days are super dressy with fancy-schmancy braids. Whatever works. Here’s what’s interesting, though – as I made the decision not to fight the child clothes battle – my own clothes choices started to change. Since childhood, I followed certain style rules: not mixing gold and silver, not combining black and brown, and definitely no white after Labor Day.

She was wearing a teal hoodie with a rainbow mane, complemented by hot pink sneakers, one Halloween sock, one Peanuts sock, and her favorite red, blue, and yellow Star Wars pajama pants. My daughter was an explosion of sparkles and color as we walked to the park that winter morning, and not only did it make me smile, it was one of those rare moments in parenting in which I patted myself on the back. She was mismatched. I’ve heard clothes described as “loud” before – and now I know what the term looks like. Everything about her outfit symbolizes everything she is: colorful, confident, and comfortable. When I found out I was going to have a family of my own – I wasn’t sure what kind of parent I was going to be. As the days, months, and years went by – I realized what clothes my children are wearing isn’t a big deal to me. I think the way their personalities show in their choices is inspiring. It’s a small choice which has big repercussions throughout the day – in a good way. Letting children wear what they choose helps build their confidence, and helps them understand they are unique and important. In a world teaching un-ending teamwork, and a culture where everyone gets a trophy, standing out by being your authentic self should be applauded.


In so many offices, black and neutrals are considered the standard for professional wear. My closet is now a rainbow – mustard yellows, fuschia, lime green, violet. When I wear my favorite colors – as well as styles that I’m comfortable in – I have better days. As it turns out – it’s part of my learning style – that I process information better when I’m physically comfortable. Who knew a choice as simple as picking out the clothes I want to wear – would make me more open to learning? Being a better learner makes me more confident, and happier – which is a win-win for everyone, my family, my friends, my co-workers, and myself. More and more offices are adopting a more casual dress code – for the very reasons I just listed. Some people still dress up – the key is the choice is their own. Years ago, I ran across a meme which read “Forget the rules. If you like it, wear it.” Being able to be sure of yourself and your choices is a trait which intertwines into every piece of your journey through life, especially into your successes. Science tells us building confidence with small choices leads to the ability to make big changes when the time comes. If my tiny humans are doing just that at a young age – they’re one step closer to being prepared for the real world. And that, my friends, is reason for a sparkly, mismatched celebration.



So thankful for you.

Editor in Chief Jessica Williams

Associate Editor Jennifer Stamps Contributors Brianna VanderWeide Christine Cram Danielle Nesper Esther Gallagher Jennifer Stamps Kate Williams Nicole Thompson Rennai Hoefer Robyn Baldwin Sarah Costa Sarah Trapp Columnists Adrienne Dalaly ALexandra Bowersox Christine Cram Danielle Nesper Esther Gallagher Jennifer Stamps Jessica Williams Kate Craig Nicole Thompson Rachel Deitrick Robyn Baldwin Special Thanks AFC Chiropractic Hello Happiness Card Co. Nine Retreat Jay & Jess Photography To The Market

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Jessica Williams EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

I believe in freedom. I want every woman who feels enslaved, held captive or prisoner to their own mind and insecurities to be set free. I want every woman to realize how insanely beautiful they are, no matter what size, and to find freedom in their physical self. I want every woman to be free in their friendships and relationships and to remember that they deserve better. It takes a lot of courage to let go and to be free in your life, whatever that means for you. I am personally still discovering this for myself in a lot of ways, even. It's so easy to become subject to what others expect of us and to lose what we really want out of life. I believe in freedom to be YOU. Unapologetically, you. Full of support, surrounded by amazing community who not only love you but GET you. Freedom to be. We all want freedom to be exactly who it is that God created us to be. And I hope and pray that every woman who reads Stellar Day, is able to find exactly that.


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