Reunions Magazine Volume 30 Number 4 Virtual Edition December 2021

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Kewaskum Community High School 55+1 Reunion


ike many other class reunions, the 55th Class of 1965 reunion from Kewaskum (Wisconsin) Community High School in 2020 became the 55+1 reunion in 2021.

Just a friendly reminder to mark this on your calendar: As a member of the Class of 1965 be prepared to have some fun and meet up with those old friends who were a blast from the past. Cocktails and conversation, dinner and dancing, and a group photo with a paper plate in front of your face. What more could you ask for? See you there.

The Kewaskum Class of 1965 reunion meets every five years, and they get together once a year for lunch. They printed a booklet with names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, graduation pictures and a write-up for each member of whatever they wanted to share with their classmates. Some wrote a couple paragraphs; some wrote a page. For their 39 dearly departed classmates, they included the obituary or a write-up from the family as a tribute. About 117 graduated in the 1965 class but they invited all members who had ever been in the class, a total of 160 classmates. They still remember the good days. Above all else, they were taught both by their parents and their teachers to respect each other and they appreciate learning that skill more and more each day, it’s a great gift. Shared by Phyllis Naumann, West Bend, Wisconsin

Two pictures of the Kewaskum Community High School, Class of 1965 were taken. The first with numbered paper plates on which each person wrote h/her name and handed them in.

After the picture was printed, classmates names (first, maiden, and current last names of the ladies) were added to a caption by row. 2021 REUNION CELEBRATIONS! v REUNIONS 7

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