Retail Focus 123

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retail focus



2022 #123 @retailfocus

retail focus

SUN, SEA, SAND AND SHOES Christian Louboutin takes over the Corner Shop at Selfridges with its Loubi’s on the Beach pop-up

















JINs park

27-29 Project Focus Louboutin

20-22 FEATURE VM Show Review

24-25 Project Focus

36-39 Project Focus FLANNELS

41-42 Project Focus


44-45 Feature



New Retail Design


Q&A Interview with Daniel Astarita, Managing Director, Kesslers London.




FEATURED: CONNECTIONS BOUNCE, LONDON SPRING 2023 Creative Design & Connections provides an element of fun and networking as well as one-to-one meetings. The quirky setting of Bounce Old Street, London, will let suppliers and buyers soak up the atmosphere, play some ping-pong and enjoy networking drinks and food after the one-to-one meetings have taken place. RETAILERS SIGN UP FOR FREE AT


VM & Display Show bdc, LONDON 18-19 april 2023


the VM & Display Awards have been successfully running for 25 years, and as a standalone event in its current format for 16 years. Held annually in an iconic, Central London location, the Awards bring together the UK’s most influential creatives, retailers and suppliers in celebration of their considerable achievements.

The VM & Display Show is the place for all your visual merchandising and display needs. Visitors can meet with an array of industry experts who can help make displays a reality, from concept to installation. Discuss your visual merchandising and display requirements with experts in your field.

Event for retail and hospitality organisations looking for the right tools, solutions and advice on how to enhance customer experience, increase operational effectiveness and drive sales.





SHOPTALK EUROPE BARCELONA 8-10 MAY, 2023 Founded in 2016, it quickly became America’s largest retail innovation show in just three years and is now widely accepted as the global home for retail innovators. After launching this year, Shoptalk Europe will be coming back to Barcelona on 8-10 May, remaining it’s status as the new home for Europe’s retail boldest and bravest trailblazers to reimagine the future. This year 3000+ attendees from large retailers and brands, startups, technology companies, investors, media and analysts came together to learn, network, collaborate and evolve. As if that’s not enough, 200+ mic drop industry legends and rising stars rocked our stages to reveal their secret sauce on tomorrow’s most critical opportunities and trends.


FEATURED: CREATIVE RETAIL AWARDS LONDON 22 SEPTEMBER 2022 The Creative Retail Awards are a dynamic and exciting annual event designed to recognise and reward innovation and excellence in retail design and experience. Organised by the Shop & Display Equipment Association (SDEA) and Retail Focus, the awards span a number of disciplines, including store design, surfaces, display systems, innovative technology, lighting and much more. The awards are judged by a panel of industry leaders and experts. Bringing together the whole industry, the Creative Retail Awards is a night that blends networking with an informal party atmosphere celebrating the diversity in our industry. The Awards recognise talent across the full spectrum of retail design and display in a broad range of awards categories.



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A very warm welcome to i s s ue 1 2 3 of Reta i l Foc us This month’s cover ima g e i s the i mp r es s i ve L oub i ’ s on the B ea c h, The Chr i s ti a n Louboutin pop-up foun d i ts home a t the S el fr i d g es Cor ner S hop . As the s um m e r h o l i d a y s begin and the weather g ets w a r mer , a b ea c h i n S el fr i d g es s ound s ver y a p p e a l i n g , a s do the cool branded dr i nk s ! Fi nd out mor e a b out the p r ojec t on p a g e 2 7 We have had a busy fe w months a ttend i ng va r i ous tr a d e s how s a r ound E ur o p e , including ISE in its new home i n B ar c el ona a nd D E L I VE R i n Ams ter d a m. Cl os e r to home we experienced the new Reta i l Tec hnol og y S how a nd enjoyed tw o i ns p i ra ti o n a l days exhibiting at the VM & D i s p l a y S how . The Cr ea ti ve Reta i l Aw a r d s hos ted a f te rshow drinks on the firs t da y of the exhi b i ti on a t B ub b a O a s i s Rooftop B ar . Su pp l i e rs and retailers attended to netw or k a nd fi nd out mor e a b out thi s yea r ’ s a w a r d s w h i ch take place on the 22 Sep temb er . The Cr ea ti ve Reta i l Aw a r d s s hor tl i s t c a n no w b e seen on www.creativereta i l a w a r d s . c om a nd ti c k ets c an b e p ur c ha s ed fr om w w w . c k etoffi c e In this issue, we get the i ns i d e tr a c k on s ome of the l a tes t devel op ments i n th e w i d e r retail industry, including how the p a nd emi c w a s a c a ta l ys t for ‘ New Reta i l ’ de s i g n a n d how the experience economy c oul d p l a y a r ol e i n the futur e of the Hi g h S tr e e t. O u r extended news section ha s a deta i l ed r ound -up of the l a tes t s tor e openi ng s a n d n e w signings. We also cov er the l a tes t i ns p i r a ti ona l p r ojec ts w hi c h i nc l ud e, FL A NNE L S’ n e w Liverpool store which i nc l ud es a r es ta ur a nt a nd a r ooftop b a r . W e di s c over th e l a y e re d design of Theory Rege nt S tr eet a nd ta k e a l ook a t the uni q ue c ommuni ty s p a ce co n ce p t JINS Park. From all of us here at Reta i l Foc us , w e hop e you enjoy thi s i s s ue a nd w e l oo k f o rw a rd to keeping you regularly up d a ted on our w eb s i te a t w w w . r eta i l -foc us . c o. uk Lee Cullumbine



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Lee Cullumbine +44 (0)330 0535 024


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Shaftesbury launches Soho Incubator pop-up shop competition S h af te s bu r y h as l au n c h e d a n e w ‘So h o I n c u bato r ’ i n i ti ati v e gi v i n g bu ddi ng U K b r a n d s w i th s u s t ai n abi l i ty c r e de n ti al s ac ro s s f a s h io n , be au ty , l i f e s ty l e an d h o m e w ar e th e ch a n ce to w i n a f r e e th r e e -m o n th po p- u p s h o p th is a u tu m n / w i n te r . Th e c h o s e n e m e r gi n g br an d w ill r e ce ive f u l l s u ppo r t f r o m S h af te s bu r y an d Th is Is So h o to s e t u p an d l au n c h f o r th e f i r s t tim e in th e i c o n i c W e s t E n d v i l l age , s i tti n g alo n g s id e a h o s t o f i n de pe n de n t an d f l ags h i p b r a n d s s u ch as RÆ B U RN, Ol i v e r S pe n c e r , U n i v e r s a l Wo r k s , B L E A CH an d M i s an Fabr i c s . A l o n g w ith th e p o p u p s pac e th e w i n n e r s o f th e c o m pe titio n w ill a ls o w i n þ 5 , 0 0 0 to w ar ds i n t e r n al f i t o u t p lu s e x clu s ive 1 -2-1 bu s i n e s s m e n to r i n g. E n tr an ts a r e in vite d to c o m pl e te th e f o r m o n w w w . th i s i s s o h o .co .u k. RF

Ksubi will open their FIrst UK FLagship at Carnaby Street Originally fo und ed i n Syd ney, K sub i ha s grow n i nto a g l ob a l l y recognisab le a nd notori ous streetwea r bra nd . K now n for i ts d istinctive den i m a nd emb ra c ed b y celeb rities, K su b i ha s b ui l t a l oya l following and ha s c ol l a b ora ted w i th na mes such as Tra vi s Sc ott a nd K end a ll Jenner . The b ra nd i s one of the fastest grow i ng d eni m b ra nd s i n the US and stoc k ed a mong s t s ome of the world’s mos t noted fas hi on retailers includ i ng Sel fri d g es a nd Harvey Nichols i n the U K . K subi will op en thei r fi rs t U K fla g ship at 10 C a rna b y Street i n O ctob er 2022. The 2 , 1 32 s q ua re ft store will b e a þ a g s hi p l oc ati on for the b ra nd as it l ook s to exp a nd i ts loy a l fan ba se w i thi n the U K . The Lond on s tore w i l l b e the third K subi sto re to op en i n 2 0 2 2 , with its new Mi a mi a nd C hi c ag o loca tions set to l a unc h i n Augus t 2022, and stores i n Sydney a nd Melbourne to o p en i n 2 0 2 3.



Beauty Pie opened ‘Warehouse of Dreams’ pop-up in Covent Garden Founded in 201 6 b y s eri a l entrepreneur M a rc i a K i l g ore, Bea uty Pie wa s c rea ted a s a one-stop desti na ti on for l uxury b ea uty prod uc ts a t ‘ w a rehous e p rices‘. The D2C bra nd c l a i ms i t d oes not charg e c ons umers for the ‘mid d leman’ or reta i l er mark-up s . Crea ted in a s s oc i a ti on w i th creative a gency B a c kl a s h, the ‘Wa rehouse of D rea ms ’ offered shop p ers the o p p ortuni ty to d iscover how B ea uty Pi e op erates , including an ins i g ht i nto i ts netw ork of over 5 0 lab s c rea ti ng hi g h-end p rod ucts at a ff ord a b l e p ri c es . Ex perts were al s o b e on ha nd a t the Covent Ga rd en p op -up to offer b ea uty lovers a d vi c e, hel p i ng them to find the bes t p rod uc ts for thei r skincare conce rns s tra i g ht from the p rod uction line. The bra nd o p ened i ts d oors i n Covent Ga rd en from 30 June to 1 1 July . RF

Goldsmiths unveils its Bluewater Showroom Go l dsmiths, one o f the U K ’ s l ea d i ng l uxury watch and jewellery reta i l ers a nd p a rt of th e Wa tches of Sw i tzerl and Group , op ened its l atest new lux ury c onc ep t s how room at Bluewater Shop pi ng C entre i n K ent, on Fr id a y 24 th June. The new Gold s mi ths s how room b oa s ts a f r e s h interior conc ep t, a s w el l a s a l i neu p of lux ury timepi ec es a nd fi ne-jew el l ery br and s, creating r eta i l envi ronment of the f u ture—embra cing a mod ern a nd rel a xed way to b rowse. The new ca lming , yet d yna mi c s p a c e was designed in pa rtners hi p w i th the awa rd -winning UK-b a s ed d es i g n c ol l ec ti ve Qu ad ra nt Design. L i g ht, unc l uttered , o pen sp a ces in a monoc hrome p a l ette of lu xurious materia l s s uc h a s w hi te-w a s hed o ak timber, white terra zzo a nd b l a c k ened ste el, ha ve b een comb i ned w i th vi s ua l ar c hitectura l form s tha t i nc l ud e repea ti ng v e r tica l lines and s oft c urves i ns p i red b y th e Gold smiths log o, to p erfec tl y c omb i ne c o ntemp ora ry lux ury d es i g n w i th a rel a xed atmosp here.RF



Creative Design & Display Connections The org a nisers b ehi nd the Creative Reta il Aw a rd s ha ve launched the i na ug ura l C rea ti ve Design & Displ a y C onnec ti ons (CDDC) meet th e b uyer event. To b e held in 20 2 3. The event consists of pre-ma tc hed one-toone meetings betw een b uyers a nd sup p liers over the c ours e of the

d a y. W i th S u ppl i e r e n tr y f r o m jus t £ 1 , 7 5 0 + VA T, th e e v e n t c o u l d p rov i de th e h i gh e s t e v e r ROI for co m pan i e s at th i s di f f i c u l t tra d i n g pe r i o d. A ppr o v e d d el e gate s r e c e i v e f r e e e n tr y . Reg i s te r y o u r i n te r e s t at

Pride in London pop-up opened on Foubert’s Place Th e Pr i de i n L o n do n p o p -u p o p e n e d th e i r do o r s o n Fo u ber t’s Place m ar k i n g th e 5 0 y e ar a n n ive r s a r y o f Pr i de . T h e po p-u p o f f e r s a s af e s pac e f o r L o n do n ’s LGB T+ c o m m u n i ty , an d i s l oca te d a t 15 -17 Fo u be r t’ s Pl ac e , L o nd o n , W1F 7 QB – j u s t o f f Car n aby S tr e e t – o p e n th r o u gh 3 Ju l y , 20 22 . B r i an B i c ke l l , CE O a t Sh a f te s b u r y s ay s “ W e ar e de l i gh te d to w e l c o m e th e Pr i de i n Lo n d o n po p-u p to Car n aby to m a r k th e ir 5 0 th an n i v e r s ar y . W i th th e LGB T+ c o m m u n i ty be i n g s o p r e s e n t in th e ar e a i t i s i m po r tan t to u s a t S h af te s bu r y to m ar k th e a n n ive r s a r y an d to s h o w o u r s u pp o r t f o r th e c o m m u n i ty an d be y on d . So h o h a s e m br ac e d th e L B G T+ co m m u n ity f o r ge n e r ati o n s s o i t’s þttin g f o r u s to m ar k th i s i m po r ta n t Pr id e an n i v e r s ar y . ”



Frenchgate to welcome luxury fashion brand Tessuti Th e Fr e n c h gate Par tne r s h ip h a s an n o u n c e d th e s i gn i n g o f p r e m iu m f as h i o n s to r e , Te s s u ti a s p a r t o f its r e gi o n al e x pan s i o n p la n s . To tal i n g 9, 0 0 0 s q f t, th e n e w Te s s u ti s to r e w i l l be lau n ch in g in D o n c as te r ’ s pr e m i u m s h o pp in g de s ti n ati o n th i s A u tu mn a n d is ta k in g th e f o r m e r To ps h o p sp a ce o n th e f i r s t f l o o r , adj ac e n t to H&M a n d Rive r I s l an d. Ch r i s Ro w an , D i r e cto r o f B r a n d & Cu s to m e r Co n n e c ti o n a t Te s s u ti s a id : “ W e v al u e th e i m po r ta n ce o f r e g io n a l l o c ati o n s an d as a gro u p w e a lr e a d y h av e e x pe r i e n c e o f D o n ca s te r a s po pu l ar de s ti n ati o n . It w a s a n e a s y de c i s i o n to s e l e c t Fr en ch g a te to l au n c h a n e w Te s s u ti s to r e an d b u ild u po n o u r gr o u p pr e s en ce a t th e s c h e m e . Th e n e w s to re is in a p r im e l o c ati o n an d w i l l n o d o u b t b e a b ig dr aw f o r Fr e n c h gate vis ito r s o n ce w e l au n c h l ate r th i s y e ar.” Nespresso opens new experiential boutique at Trinity Leeds A prime high s treet uni t i n Portma n Sq ua re , London, ha s been tra ns formed i nto Hy d ra Facia l’s n ew L ond on fl a g s hi p l oc a ti on a s their first p hys i c a l p res enc e i n the U K , af te r ty p ica lly working onl i ne, B 2 B a nd w i th i n-pe r s o n skin clinic. Hy d raFa c i al i s a w orl d w i d e a es th e ti c d evice ma nufac turer s p ec i a l i s i ng i n noninva sive skinca re tha t ha s , up unti l thi s p oi n t, b een pred omin a ntl y l oc a ted i n the U SA. LDN Fla g shi p i s a hyb ri d venue tha t features retail, c os meti c trea tment a nd offi c e workspa ces a s w el l a s a n event s p a c e for b r an d events, ma ster c l a s s es a nd expert-l ed forum s with doctors, fac i a l i s ts a nd ma keup a rti s ts , an d even a VIP suite. Thi s new c onc ep t ha s b ee n d esigned by aw a rd -w i nni ng d es i g n a g enc y , S o … Visualise, who enl i s ted C ha mel eon B us i nes s Interiors a s the ma i n c ontra c tor for the p roj e c t. The sp a ce incl ud es a vl og g ers area s p ec i f i c al l y d esigned for intervi ew s , c omp l ete w i th s oc i al med ia ba ckd rop s , VI P trea tment rooms a nd a neon archway a c ti va ted b y movement. Thou gh Hy d ra Facia l ha d a s trong s ens e of b rand b e f o r e this spa ce wa s c rea ted , i t took the g ui d a nce o f the team a t So … Vi s ua l i s e to l oc a l i s e thi s i n to the interiors of thei r L ond on s tore. RF


FlashNEWS to go here

Gilly Hicks delivers a daily dose of happy to Carnaby Street Gilly Hicks, a bra nd i n the Ab ercrombie & Fi tc h p ortfol i o offering activew ea r, l oung ew ea r a nd underwea r, ha s tod a y a nnounced the op eni ng of i ts new store located a t 39 C arna b y

Stree t, i n th e h e ar t o f L o n do n ’ s b us ie s t s h o ppi n g di s tr i c t. Th e n e w s to r e s h o w c as e s an exp an de d pr o du c t as s o r tm e n t, d i g i tal e x pe r i e n c e , an d a rei m agi n e d br an d pu r po s e .

Murmur gets into bed with Northern Irish outlet with first ever I r i s h h o m e w ar e br an d , M u r m u r h as to day an n o u n c e d p la n s to o pe n i ts f i r s t-e v e r s ta n d a lo n e s to r e as par t o f l o n ge r -te r m am bi ti o n s to r o l l o u t m o r e s to r e s ac r o s s th e U K a n d I r e l an d. Th e 1 , 1 0 8 s q f t i n a u g u r a l s to r e w i l l o pe n at des ign e r o u tl e t, T h e B o u l e v ard , a L o tu s Pr o pe r ty -o w n ed s ch e m e bas e d be t w e e n B e l f a s t a n d D u bl i n c r e at i n g s i x j o b s . RF

Miele launches experience centre at Touchwood shopping centre M iele has selec ted Touc hw ood s hop p i ng c e n tr e i n S o l i h u l l as th e l o c ati o n f or its la test store. The Germa n p remi um dom e s ti c appl i an c e m an u f ac tu r e r ha s ta ken 2,000 s q ft on a new ten-yea r l eas e . Th e s to r e tak e s th e f o r m o f an ‘Ex p erience C entre’ s how c a s i ng M i el e’ s m o s t po pu l ar an d s u s tai n abl e app lia nces.


NEWS Flash to go here Harrods launch fifth standalone H beauty in Gateshead Ha rrod s has o p ened H b ea uty Gateshead , th e b ra nd ’ s fi fth sta nd a lone b ea uty s tore i n the U K , located in the M etroc entre. The 3 0,203 sq .ft. s p a c e b ri ng s tog ether a diverse portfol i o of mus t-ha ve prod ucts and exc epti ona l s ervi c es from an arra y of b ea uty b ra nd s for customers to e njoy. The store h a s b een d es i gned as an ex p erien ti a l p l a yg round , where b ea uty novi c es a nd exp erts alike can discover s ome of the ind ustry ’s mos t forw a rd -thi nk i ng and vibra nt b ra nd s a s w el l as stock up on th ei r forever-fa vouri te prod ucts. The c ura ted p rod uc t offering , paire d w i th Ha rrod s renowned reta i l i nnova ti on a nd ex p ert- driven s ervi c e, c rea tes a bea uty wonderl a nd for enthus i a s ts to discover, and to enha nc e thei r inner and outer w el l b ei ng . RF

H&M HOME opens unique concept store in Berlin

H&M HO ME has opened the doors to i ts new sta nd a lone Concep t Store i n B erl i n. The in terior and lifestyl e d es ti na ti on ma rk s a n e w eleva ted level of g l ob a l H& M HO M E f lagship stores and w i l l offer a d yna mi c an d insp iring cus tomer exp eri enc e. The store pres ents the l a tes t i nteri or c o llections in an i nvi ti ng a nd c ontemp ora ry su rrounding , inspi red by mod ern c o smop olitan homes a nd hotel s a nd w i th v isua l elements of B a uha us s tyl e. The newly d es i g ned C onc ep t Store is located in the vi b ra nt M i tte a rea o f B erlin and is s et a c ros s tw o fl oors c o vering more than 650 s q ua re metres . Th e a rchitectural s p a c e ha s a w a rm and we l coming atmos p here, w here a uthenti c de tails in concrete a nd w ood c rea te a m odern metropol i ta n feel i ng , c el eb ra ti ng th e timeless b ra nd uni vers e of H& M HO M E . While ex periencin g the ri c h d i vers i ty of our e xtend ed assortm ent, c us tomers w i l l b e m et with uniq ue f ea tures s uc h a s a n i nstore ca fé s erving hot d ri nks a nd d el i c i ous pastries and an o ra ng ery w i th fres h se asona l flowers a nd p l ants . R F


Flash NEWS to go here

JYSK continues UK expansion As p a rt of JYSK’ s p l a ns to exp a nd in the UK , the l a rg es t D a ni s h reta iler, op era ti ng g l ob a l l y, will be opened i ts fi rs t Tel ford store on 2nd June 2 0 2 2 a t U ni t NQ 1, Northern Q ua rter, Tel ford Shopp ing Centre.

Th e n e w s to r e bo as ts 1 20 0 s q mtrs o f f l o o r s pac e i n th e l at e s t JY SK s to r e c o n c e pt l ay o u t. JY S K w i l l br i n g af f o r dabl e S c an di -c h i c hom e w ar e to Te l f o r d, i n addi ti o n to 1 0 j o bs be i n g c r e ate d by th e D a n i s h br an d.

Marks and Spencer to open new store at Lakeside, Essex L ak e s i de ’ s e x i s ti n g M &S s to r e w ill m o v e f r o m i ts c u r r e nt lo ca tio n to th e n e w u n i t, c o v e r i n g 98 ,0 0 0 s q f t o f n e t s e l l i n g s pac e. Th e s to r e w ill o f f e r c u s to m e r s a w id e r a n g e o f M &S pr o du c ts ac r o s s i ts n e w Fo o d h all an d Cl o th i n g & Ho m e d e p a r tm e n ts . Ni c k Pu c c i , Re gi o n al M a n a g e r at M &S , s ai d: “ W e a r e r e a lly e x cite d to be r e l o c at i n g to a n e w s to r e a t L ak e s i de . W h e th e r y o u ’r e lo o k in g f o r s ty l e i n s pi r ati o n in o u r Clo th in g & Ho m e de par tm e n ts o r g r e at va lu e , tr u s te d qu al i ty M &S p r o d u ce a n d f am i l y m e al o pti o n s in o u r n e w Fo o dh al l , y o u ’ l l be a b le to ch o o s e f r o m th e v e r y be s t of M &S in o u r r e f r e s h e d n e w s to r e.” Th e m o v e c o m e s a s M &S c o n ti n u e s i ts s to r e e s ta te tr an s f o r m ati o n , i n v e s tin g to m a k e s u r e th e y h av e th e rig h t s to r e s in th e r i gh t l o c ati o n s to o ff e r cu s to m e r s a br i l l i an t s h o ppi n g ex p e r ie n ce .


/ IG EDIT Photography: Daniel Salemi

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18/02/2021 13:58:17



D & VM

e v i t a e r c With a historical venue, inspirational features and a packed exhibition space, the Business Design Centre was the place to be this April for all things VM Dazzling lights; scented graphics; beautifully crafted paper furniture; innovative display systems: stylish, self-assured mannequins. These are just some of the pieces stiring the senses at the 2022 VM & Display Show. Taking place over two days at the Business Design Centre in London, this was the first opportunity for the industry to come together following the pandemic. Predominant topics discussed were the future of retail design, the importance of emotion to drive customer loyalty, the shopper and the store of the future, the right use of in-store technology and VM trends.

THE SHOW RETURNS 18-19 April, 2023 Business Design Centre, London



g n i k n i h t e TE



VM & DISPLAY SHOW dorotape Giving you exactly the finish you need. Dorotape supply specialist self-adhesive films to help the retail design, display and graphics specialists achieve the perfect finish each and every time. Their vast range of films from leading European manufacturer ASLAN includes metallised, iridescent and dichroic films as well as eco-friendlier non-PVC recycled products suitable for both indoor and outdoor displays. Years of experience and expertise gained working across a spectrum of sectors has made Dorotape the go-to display films specialist. This was recognised recently when they were awarded Gold Distributor status for ASLAN products in the UK.

E: W:


your complete omnichannel partne

Antalis is a leading supplier of papers, packaging and visual communication products offering a wide portfolio of leading brands across the globe. With a strong focus on sustainable materials and practises, we are able to help clients choose eco-friendly alternatives via our Green Star System™ which rates our Visual Communication portfolio from zero to five stars, providing a simple guide to recycled and recyclable materials. With an expanding sustainable media range for signage, POS, décor and other retail display graphics, get in touch for advice and support in finding solutions for your retail spaces.

concept / develop / manufacture / installati

Retail environments / displays / fixtures / VM & Pro

physical retail formats & e-commerce integrati E:, W:

NORTHBANKS Northbanks is a climate positive retail design and manufacturing agency, we create shopper experiences that better your brand We help our clients to create, develop, design, build and install retail environments to produce the ultimate brand experiences We work with you to make a difference – to stand out from your competition and engage your brand followers Pop-ups / Concessions / Experiential / Stores / POP / Fixtures / Displays / Retail VM / Shop-fit / Omnichannel W:



A r c hitecture stud io Syb ari te d i s ti l l ed the es s en c e o f Theory into a cohes i ve d es i gn l a ng ua g e c en tr e d ar o und timelessnes s , c ons truc ti on, b a l a nc e, a n d o penness. The sto re i s d es i g ned a s a vol up tuo u s l y sc u lpted and curva c eous s p a c e w here there ar e pu r posefully no ha rd ed g es . As s uc h, the s hop i s n av ig a ted throug h a s eri es of s hop p a b l e l ayer s t h at ar e continually unc overed a s the c us tomer mo v e s ar o und the enviro nment. Simon Mitchell, c o-found er of Syba ri te c omm e n te d: “Working with Fast Reta i l i ng on the Theory s tor e i n Re gent Street was a b out b ui l d i ng c onnec ti vi ty f o r th i s pr o gressive bra nd . Thei r c ore va l ues of ti mel es s n e s s , bala nce a nd opennes s i nformed our d es i g n an d th e pr o cess around it a nd w ere i ntri ns i c to the c a n v as we crea ted. Reg ent Street i s a n i nvi ti ng a nd c o h e s i v e backdrop navig a ted i n a n org a ni c c i rc ul a r mo ti o n th r ough susta inab l e, muted a nd textured tone an d m ateria lity ”. The material pa l ette c ons i s ts of a l a yeri ng e f f e c t o f te xtures which offer ta c ti l i ty, va ri a ti on and w a r m th i n a sub tle and class i c w a y. Ha nd -c ra fted p l as ter i s s e e n alo ngside natural ma teri a l s of c ork , ti mb er, l i m e s to n e , an d soft a nd envel op i ng touc hes of vel vet. B l ac ke n e d br o nze, lucite and s mooth s tone form the b es po ke f am ily of fix tures a nd d emons tra te a d el i c a te b al an c e


t he n e w T he o ry f l ag s h ip s to r e w i l l b e part of a ‘ c o n n e ct e d r e ta il s pac e ’ w i t h U n i q lo, It is t he f i r s t t i me t he two fas hi o n b r an d s hav e o c c u p i e d a r e tai l s pac e i n t he same lo cat i on in t he U K an d E u ro p e.

be tw e e n l i gh tw e i gh t an d s o l i di ty . A n e u tr al c o l ou r w a y h as be e n s e l e c te d i n s h ade s o f c am e l an d be i g e , w h i c h c r e s c e n do s i n a tr an qu i l pi s tac h i o f o r the f ittin g r o o m ar e a. S o f t c u r v e s f o r m i n g s e v e r al c i r c u l ar ar e as with th e u n de r l y i n g pr i n c i pl e o f br i n gi n g s h o ppe r s i n to th e c e n tr e to f u l l y i m m e r s e th e m s e l v e s i n th e e x pe rie n ce . Th e s h ape o f e ac h c i r c l e i s de l i n e ate d by i n s e t co r k u n de r f o o t an d c an be tr an s f o r m e d w i th m o v e able f i x tu r e s an d f i tti n gs to c o m m u n i c ate w i th e as e h o w to s h o p th e l o o k . S to n e pl i n th s at th e bas e o f r ai l di s pl ay s c o m p le te th e s to r y w i t h f o o tw e ar an d ac c e s s o r i e s . Th e r e is th e o ppo r tu n i ty to s h o w c as e tw o l o o ks at e ac h e n d o f th e s e gi v i n g th e o pti o n al i ty t h at v e r y m u c h de f in e s th e Th e o r y e t h o s . S e am l e s s f o r m an d tr an s i ti o n e x is t be tw e e n t h e pl as te r o f th e w al l s an d th e c e i l i ng s . Th e c e i l i n gs h av e c u t-o u t s ph e r e s w i th i n s e t B ar r is o l l i gh ti n g di r e c tl y abo v e e ac h o f th e r o u n de d ‘ c or k ’ m e r c h an di s i n g z o n e s to s u bl i m i n al l y h i gh l i gh t th e m a s f o c al po i n ts an d to c r e ate ti m e s o f pau s e w i th i n th e journey. D i s pl ay tabl e s o f ti m be r , ac r y l i c an d s tu c c o a r e ti e r e d at di f f e r i n g h e i gh ts to gi v e a c h an ge able a n d n atu r al i s ti c bac kdr o p. Fu r n i tu r e e x i s ts i n m o du le s an d h av e be e n de s i gn e d s pe c i f i c al l y f o r th e s to r e fr o m th e s e ati n g to th e f i x tu r e s i n c l u di n g m i r r o r s , r ai l s , p lin th s , s h e l v e s , h o o k s an d c o l u m n di s pl ay s f o r s h o e s a n d ac c e s s o r i e s . B r i n gi n g n atu r e i n to th e i n te r i o r wa s o f par am o u n t i m po r tan c e an d po tte d gr e e n pl an ts w ill be f e atu r e d th r o u gh o u t. G i v e n th at th e s i te s h o u ld s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m m u n i c ate du al i s m i n Th e o r y an d h o w i t s i ts w i th i n th e l ar ge r f o o tpr i n t o f th e U n i ql o s ite , it w as i m po r tan t to c o n s i de r c l e ar an d o pe n s i gh tlin e s f r o m o n e e n d to an o th e r as w e l l as th e m u l ti pl e e n tr y po i n ts an d l ar ge w i n do w s . Th e m i ddl e o f th e s to r e i s s h o ppabl e f r o m bo th s i de s an d th u s pu r po s e f u lly appr o ac h abl e . A pu n c tu ati o n be tw e e n bo th br an d s an d th e i r u n i qu e i de n ti ti e s an d o f f e r i n gs i s r e i te r a te d s u btl y bu t de c i s i v e l y th r o u gh a s h i f t i n m ate r i al ity . K az u m i Y an ai , G l o bal Ch ai r m an o f Th e o r y an d Ch ai r m an o f U NI QL O U S A , s ai d: “ E s tabl i s h i n g o u r br an d pr e s e n c e i n E u r o pe i s i m po r tan t f o r o u r g lo b a l bu s i n e s s s tr ate gy , w h i c h al r e ady i n c l u de s a s tr o n g pr e s e n c e i n A m e r i c a, Japan , Ch i n a, an d K o r e a . Th is n e w f l ags h i p s to r e o n Re ge n t S tr e e t c e m e n ts o ur c o m m i tm e n t to th i s par t o f th e w o r l d. W e ar e e x cite d to o f f e r m e n an d w o m e n i n t h i s m ar k e t o u r i m p e ccab ly c r af te d w ar dr o be e s s e n ti al s . ”



Christian Louboutin SELFRIDGES, London

Christian Louboutin takes over the Corner Shop at Selfridges with its Loubi’s on the Beach pop-up The Loubi’s on the Beach, pop-up is inspired by the pure joy, nostalgia and high energy of summer beach culture. The fully immersive space celebrates seaside living with the integration of a Louboutin fantasy beach complete with boardwalk, beach huts, kiosk and a lifeguard on site. Embracing the maison’s playful wit and charm, red and white striped beach huts and parasols house shoes, leather goods and accessories from the new summer collection. Promenade along the boardwalk to the beach, where deck chairs await. Take a seat and enjoy the interactive space whilst you enjoy a limited-edition Christian Louboutin branded ice cream and chilled seltzer served from the kiosk whilst the Loubi lifeguard patrols the beach. Out at sea a troupe of synchronised swimmers show their footwear, in the playful window display that also echoes Christian’s love of dance and movement. >>>>>>



The 4-week pop-up, produced and installed by StudioXAG, will showcase the new summer collection inspired by Christian’s insatiable love of travel. The Greekaba capsule recalls island-hopping through the Cyclades in the warm Aegean seas, whilst the new Loubieyes print, a reimagining of the traditional ‘blue eye’ talisman, is featured throughout the collection. To commemorate Loubi’s on the Beach, a collection of limited-edition beach essentials will also be available, including surfboards in three prints: the Loubi’s on the Beach design, featuring the bold stripes of the pop-up space, Antique recalling motifs from the Greekaba collection and one in bold Louboutin Red. Complementing the surfboards are matching swim sets and a range of lifestyle products including a bat and ball for beach games, enamel cups and water bottle. All are exclusively available from Loubi’s on the Beach at The Selfridges Corner Shop.


project Flash to go here


Flash to go here




This summer, Selfridges launches new destinations to help customers optimise wellbeing, including a dedicated Corner Shop that focuses on improving and enhancing sex and sleep. With sales of wellbeing supplements, superfoods and ingestibles up almost 125% at Selfridges since last year and almost 700% compared to pre-pandemic, The Feel Good Bar launches as a new permanent wellbeing destination at Selfridges London, dedicated to the discovery of feeling good. The bar will be a place for visitors to explore more than 250 of the latest and best products in wellbeing innovation, ranging from gut health to hormones, the ultimate hangover cures, and sleep hacking. The destination will be anchored by a new energy-lifting bar concept brought by JENKI, introducing a menu of matcha and alternative drinks that reimagine drinking culture. The long-term addition of a wellbeing category will be celebrated at The Selfridges Corner Shop, with a four-week project that explores two focus areas in depth, sex and sleep, offering new ways to optimise and embrace both with greater clarity and transparency. ......



Sex and Sleep at The Selfridges Corner Shop will bring together a curation of sex and sleep enhancing products and services as Selfridges rethinks ways to make customers feel good. Pricc will host acupuncture sessions, there will be hypnotherapy from House of Wellbeing and the exclusive launch of Maude, the modern sexual wellness start-up where Dakota Johnson is Co-Creative Director. Customers will be the first to shop new products from brands such as LBDO and The Oh Collective, aiming to change conversation around pleasure, and explore the latest in sleep-tech. Selfridges team of wellbeing experts will be on hand to help navigate the selection, ensuring that everyone leaves feeling restored and informed. For the first time, The Cinema at Selfridges will be open for sleep sessions, inviting customers to take time out for the ultimate power nap in serene surroundings. This and other Feel Good Events will be available throughout July. Set on the second floor of the Oxford Street store, restaurant Adesse from globally recognised chef Matthew Kenney offers ways to enhance lifestyle and wellbeing, with an innovative plant-based menu and a wine list of organic and biodynamic varietals. Through its new permanent destinations and an experimental temporary space, Selfridges’ ambition is to test and imagine a future for the wellbeing category that is inclusive, cliché-free and designed to maximise the potential for every ‘super self’. Sebastian Manes, Executive Buying & Merchandising Director at Selfridges, says: “The pandemic has placed wellbeing in the spotlight and accelerated the evolution of the wellbeing ecosystem. As a result, wellbeing is becoming ever more holistic and tech driven. People are re-evaluating what feeling good actually means and embracing new ideas. We want to help our customers to live brighter by offering experiences and solutions in a way that is non-conventional and future-thinking.”


project Flash to go here




Perspex Distribution introduces PERSPEX®re first range of 100% recycled PERSPEX® cast acrylic sheets. Now available from stock across all 5 PDL branches, PERSPEX®re meets the growing demand from retail POS fabricators, specifiers and end users for recycled substrates with a long lifespan.

PERSPEX®re is manufactured using 100% recycled methyl methacrylate (rMMA), obtained from PERSPEX® acrylic sheet and production waste. This waste is depolymerised using various techniques including a distillation process which recovers methyl methacrylate (MMA), turning this waste back into its original monomer regardless of original colour or aesthetic effect. A range of commonly ordered colours are currently held in stock including PERSPEX®re clear, opal, dense white and black sheets. As with all PERSPEX® acrylic ranges, a bespoke colour matching service is available enabling customers to order recycled PERSPEX® acrylic in any colour. PDL Marketing Manager Luke Martyn commented, “We are delighted to launch PERSPEX®re and further increase the availability of recycled products to our customers. There is a strong demand in many sectors to increase their share of recycled products and the introduction of PERSPEX®re further supports this. By using 100% rMMA in the manufacture of PERSPEX®re acrylic sheets, a valuable contribution is made to the reduction of waste and C02 as it cuts down on the amount of virgin MMA required. PERSPEX®re is produced with a 10 year external warranty offering longevity of life and a truly long term sustainable product.” PERSPEX®re is the perfect choice for a wide range of applications due to its high optical transparency, durability and UV stability. Whether looking for new corporate signage, a high quality POS/POP display, a luxury shop fitting or even individual pieces of furniture and art works – PERSPEX®re will maintain the same properties as material produced with virgin acrylics. Its 10 year warranty guarantees the sheets against the harmful effects of ultra violet rays and there are no significant changes with regard to optical or mechanical properties. This extended life also leads to saving resources as fewer replacements are required.

PERSPEX®re is a product offering sustainable, longterm use and excellent product performance.



FLANNELS LIVERPOOL, UK T he l atest F LA NN ELS o p e n i n g has found a home in a b u i l ding wit h historic fas h i o n heritag e. Over se ve n F Loors a nd 120,0 0 0 sq ua r e f eet, t he behem oth space fo r mer ly own ed by re vo l u t ion a ry dra per Owen Owe n host s a n ex pa n sive fas h i o n of f er in g . The revoluti ona ry s tore b ri ng s a va s t, d y n am i c b ea uty edit, fo ur res ta ura nts , a ‘ tw ea k men ts ’ d estina tion courtes y of c el eb ri ty-a p p roved D r . E s h o , the world’s firs t B a rry’ s B ootc a mp s i tua ted i n s i de a store a nd a so on-to-b e-unvei l ed roof terrac e w i th sp ecta cula r vi ew s of the c i ty. Michael Murra y, FL ANNE L S’ C hi ef E xec u ti v e comments: “Thi s i s a mi l es tone moment for o u r b usiness. The s c a l e, s ervi c e p rop os i ti on a n d br an d offering to be d i s c overed a t FL ANNE L S L i ve r po o l is truly in a lea g ue of i ts ow n – I c a n’ t w a i t f o r o u r customers to s ee i t. W i th the op eni ng of ea c h o f th e s e ex perience-or i enta ted Fl a g s hi p s , w e’ re d o u bl i n g d own on our commi tment to ‘ new l uxury’ , o n o u r und erstanding of youth c ul ture, a nd on the v al u e d p rop osition we g i ve to brand s : a c c es s to u n tappe d a ud iences.” >> >>>




Jack Brid g es , FL ANNE L S C rea ti ve C ons u l tan t and pa rtner a t l uxury d es i g ners , Arg ent, no te s : “ Fo r FLANNELS Liverp ool , w e w a nted to c reate th e m o s t uniq ue store to d a te. The c onc ep t w a s a l w ay s to cura te a store tha t w a s p us hi ng the b ound ar i e s o f any other in th e U K – to b e a p l a yg round fo r l u x u r y . Our bea uty hal l , w hi c h i s now our b i g g es t pu r s u i t i n to the market, is unl i k e a ny other s tore i n the w o r l d – w e wanted to ensu re tha t w e c oul d c reate a n u l tr a-m o de r n visual id entity tha t b ri ng s b eauty i nto the s po tl i gh t as only Fla nnel s B ea uty c a n. From the outs i de , w e have ensured tha t k ey d eta i l s w ere res tore d f r o m th i s bea utiful ‘‘late Georg i an a rc hi tec ture’ ’ to th e c o n tr as t of our curated mod ern w i nd ow d i s p l a ys . ” Customers c a n exp ec t to d i s c over a n un r i v al l e d Balenciag a edi t, L oew e ma k i ng thei r d eb u t i n r e tai l u p north, Christian L oub outi n s how c a s i ng a c u r ate d e di t, as well a s ex cl us i ve p op -up s pa c es w i th b r an ds s u c h as Burberry an d O ff-W hi te. FL ANNE L S ha s in v e s te d sig nifica ntly in new -w a ve d es i gners , a nd tr ai l bl az e r s making waves – s uc h a s C a s ey C ad w a l l a d e r ’ s M u gl e r , as the Liverp ool s tore s tak es i ts c l a i m a s M u gl e r ’ s s o l e stockist in the North of E ng l a nd (a s w el l a s pr o du c i n g ex clusive sell-out c ol ourw a ys on thei r b es t-s e l l i n g bod y suits). As a pionee r of the ri s e of s treetw ea r a cr o s s th e la st d ecad e, c ol l a ti ng a n exc i ti ng ed i t of k e y pl ay e r s and ones-to-w a tc h rema i ns a c ore foc us fo r FL A NNE L S . Sta lwarts inclu d i ng Stone I s l a nd , C P C omp an y an d Ca sa b lanca hang s i d e-b y-s i d e w i th up c om i n g l abe l s currently ma king thei r ma rk , w i th Fea r of G o d an d Rep resent a mong them. M ore exc l us i ve c a ps u l e s come courtesy of Off-W hi te a nd RHU D E , w ith L A -bas e d Amiri sta ging a p op -up l a ter thi s s ummer. Th e s to r e hosts an 18 Montros e c onc ep t s p a c e c entre d ar o u n d a modern hy pe e d i t, the b es t of s treetw ea r a n d e x c l u s i v e colla b ora tions from the l i k es of Ri c k O w ens x Co n v e r s e to Pha rrell Will i a ms x a d i d a s . With the perfec t p a i r of jea ns notori ous l y di f i c u l t to la y ha nd s on, FL ANNE L S s tri ves to c ha l l enge th e n o r m


o f de s i gn e r s an d s i z e r u n s – e n h an c i n g its a cce s s ib le an d c o n te m po r ar y de n i m e di t. W i th a s i ze r a n g e s pan n i n g s i z e s 6-22 f r o m th e l i k e s o f G oo d A m e r ica n , A go l de an d Fr am e . Fo r th o s e s ti l l s tr u gglin g to f in d th e i r pe r f e c t f i t, an o n -s i te al te r ati o n s er vice cu s to m s tai l o r j e an s – ac r o s s al l br an ds – w i th i n m in u te s . Fo r th o s e w h o ar e n ’ t l o o k i n g f o r an of f -th e -p e g s u i t, l o o k n o f u r th e r th an an al l -n e w , o n -s ite m a d e -to m e as u r e s e r v i c e w h e r e y o u c an h av e pro p o r tio n s n o te d do w n to ge t n i ppe d an d tu c k e d as r e quir e d . Situ a te d o n th e m e n ’ s pr e m i u m f l o o r , th e di gi tal ly -f o cu s e d c o n c e pt w i l l be r o l l e d o u t th r o u gh o th e r FLA NNE LS f l ags h i ps n ati o n w i de . B e y o n d f as h i o n , a n e w c h apte r o f FLA NNE LS’ B e au ty s to r y h as be gu n w i th th e L i v e r po o l do o rs o p e n in g . FL A NNE L S w e r e th e i n n o v ato r s be h i n d the w o r ld ’s f ir s t B e au ty ‘ Ch an gi n g Ro o m s ’ – o f f e r i n g s h op p e r s th e c h an c e to e x pe r i m e n t w i th a v as t s w athe o f p r o d u cts f r o m th e l i k e s o f Pat M c G r ath L abs , K y l i e Co s m e tics , He r m è s , G u c c i B e au ty , To m Fo r d, Ch an el, a n d Pa tr ick Ta, o r bl as t th e m s e l v e s w i t h a w i n d m ach in e f o r th e Ho l l y w o o d e f f e c t. Y o u c an al s o s i m pl y s ca n a Q R co d e to r e c e i v e a di gi tal s n aps h o t o f th e l o ok . Th e b e au ty e di t i s bo l s te r e d by h au te an d c u l t f r agr a n ce b y Cr e e d , L e L abo , Fr e de r i c k M al l e , an d B y K i l l i an, a s w e ll as s k i n c ar e by D e r m al o gi c a an d m o r e , an d th e r e is a ls o a de di c ate d ‘ tw e ak m e n ts ’ s pac e , c o u r te s y o f ce le b r ity appr o v e d c o s m e ti c do c to r D r . E s h o . FL A NNE L S ’ o f f e r i n g s i ts al o n gs i de a s e r ie s o f w o r ld c l as s f o o d an d be v e r age de s ti n ati o n s se t a cr o s s th e s to r e . Th e s to r e f u s e s r e tai l an d l e i s u r e u n d e r o n e r o o f an d br i n gs f o u r v e n u e s – c r e ati n g a n e w a ll-d a y d in in g c o n c e pt i n L i v e r po o l c i ty . On th e gr o u nd f lo o r ‘B a cin o ’, br i n gs a m o de r n , s o c i al I tal i an th r o u gh its f r e s h , au th e n ti c , an d c r e ati v e m e n u . Th e s i x th f lo o r w ill bo as t th r e e v e n u e s i n c l u di n g a r o o f to p br as s er ie , a n a ll-d a y di n i n g s pac e , an d a pan -A s i an r e s tau r an t. O p e n in g in A u tu m n , e ac h c o n c e pt w i l l pr o v i de an ex p e r ie n ce f o r c u s to m e r s to e n j o y w h i l s t e x pl o r i n g th e w o r ld o f lu x u r y at FL A NNE L S L i v e r po o l .





Gunma Prefecture

the shop in Gunma Prefecture was designed to act as a space for the community to gather whether they are shopping in the store or not. Yuko Nagayama & Associates envisions the space being used as an indoor community plaza with food and coffee served along with glasses being sold. A large triangular staircase divides the space in two, with the glasses store located on one side and the cafe on the other. The widening staircase, under which the cafe’s servery and the shop’s consultation rooms are located, leads to an additional seating area and a triangular, outdoor terrace. This space is intended as another community area, offering benches and a generous amount of open space where children can run around. Broadly lit by floor-to-ceiling windows with the roof supported by angled columns, the interior is broken up by a number of freestanding timber units. For the eyewear shop, these are used to display the glasses on sale, while for the cafe they contain pastries and other food.



“We proactively created public spaces that are not part of the sales floor, which encourages community members to come for reasons other than shopping,” the studio explained. “In stores of this type, the second floor is typically not open to customers, [we] utilised it as a terrace and also included a bakery-cafe in the store.” The trapezoidal building is topped with a sulphurised-copper facade that was designed to mimic the reddish-brown Mount Akagi that can be seen from the shop. Visitors approach JINS Park through a neatly landscaped garden, before being greeted by the central fan-shaped staircase which provides seating with views of the store, garden, and street. “We began by reversing the typical layout of roadside stores, with a parking lot located in front, and instead located the parking lot behind the building,” said Yuko Nagayama & Associates. “As the landscaping matures and the copper facade blends more fully into its surroundings, we hope the store will become part of everyday life in the neighbourhood,” said the studio.



How the pandemic was a catalyst for ‘New Retail’ design By Izzy H i ll, Cli ent Re l at i o n s hi p M an ag e r , S e e n D i s plays A creative shift in retail design isn’t a new, post-Covid development. Serious changes were happening before the pandemic, which kicked the creativity and the need to stay relevant, up a gear. Long before Covid, retailers were lacking a certain originality having become too transactional, but in the years leading up to 2020, imaginative changes were already being made to re-engage consumers. During the pandemic, hygienic transactions and one-way systems were the primary focus (not like we need reminding!), meaning experiential design took an obvious back seat. In the months since, we’ve opened our eyes to the need for brands to push the boundaries of creativity with store flexibility, experiential design and ‘phygital’ touch points, paving the way for a ‘New Retail’. This new era is opening endless opportunities for brands to challenge the strength of consumer loyalty and buyer experience, whether that be through virtual stores, sustainable store fixtures, or immersive spaces.

Store flexibility Something that’s prevalent in articles from 2020 and in recent months, is the need for stores to be agile and flexible. In 2020, the changes that retail had to make to accommodate for the ever-changing rules, meant that flexibility both emotionally, to keep people safe, and operationally, to enable displays & POS to adapt with rules, was vital. Although now free of restrictions, brands must maintain flexible store displays to allow for events, showcasing new products & regularly updating store aesthetics to consistently re-engage consumers who have predominantly shopped online for the past two years. Instead of making permanent bricks-and-mortar changes, the future of efficient creative store design must allow for easy modifications to match sudden changes in trends. In 2021, we at Seen Displays designed and produced the Bally London and NY flagships, with display flexibility and design detail celebrating each city. One of the ways we achieved this was by commissioning sustainable artist James Shaw to produce the

Bally London Flagship, By Seen Displays 44


Seen Beyond Metaverse

surfaces. We designed the fixtures to allow for the surfaces to be replaced with new artists over time, to welcome new materials. Throughout the year, these fixtures hosted sculptures by new artists during London Craft Week, Freeze Festival and as part of Bally’s Art Trail. >>>>>

Experiential If you’ve been back to the theatre since restrictions were lifted, you’ll have felt the relief of being back in a crowded place where everyone is there to be entertained & to appreciate craft and creativity – consumers are seeking that thrill we lacked for so long in-store too. Katie Mitchell, Managing Director of Seen Displays, spoke of immersive experiential retail in an interview with Cream of the Shop, as ‘a stage in which a brand invites the audience to be the leading role. In that sense, retail hasn’t changed, but the ways in which the show plays out has.’ This movement towards a ‘New Retail’ demands more from brands in what they offer to their in-person consumers. From captivating windows to strategic way finding and digital touchpoints, experiential retail is all about the consumers personal journey in the space. A positive personal journey which triggers self-reflection, contemplation, or thought beyond the brand’s product, will likely lead to deep lasting connections between brand and consumer. Those connections are key to maintaining consumer loyalty and elevating brands to become a community, surpassing the goal of simply selling product. Brands therefore must now reinvent their approach to their craft, across all touch points.

‘Phygital’ The buzzword of 2022 so far in our industry, has undoubtedly been ‘Metaverse’. What is it? We were overwhelmed by it at first too, and there’s still a lot to learn. To try our best to understand, we designed ‘Seen Beyond’, our very own Metaverse space, to host a panel discussion with digital design experts. After an insightful learning experience, our main take-away from the project was that it’s important to respect both the real-world of retail, and the inevitable expansion of the metaverse. ‘Phygital’, the blending of both physical and digital experiences, feels like a happy medium for retail today. In physical stores, technology’s role should be to enhance, not to distract from the spectacle. The idea of ‘Calm Design’, is that the interaction between a user and technology is a smooth shift of attention when needed, but should remain frictionless in the periphery. In our work for Bally London, we featured a transparent LED TV to subtly display campaign content video, shot in keeping with the store aesthetic. With the aim not to distract from the store, which was designed to celebrate both London and the British Countryside whilst respecting the brand’s Swiss roots, we wanted to ensure that any technology only enhanced these natural tones & textures, whilst adding a different dimension to the space.

New Retail ‘New Retail’ is the seamless execution of omni-channel consumer experience. This means a clear design synergy between the logistics, UX, digital content, physical space and the product. Ultimately, this change in retail was already very much on the way, before the pandemic caused a more immediate shift in creativity. We’ve thankfully circled back to the personalisation of store experience, interactivity, and theatrical retail, where leading brands can showcase the craft and creativity which defines their design ethos – what an exciting time to be in such a fast-paced industry.



The Experience Economy: The Future of the High Street?

H av e you ever wo nd er e d h ow to g ra b t h e at tenti o n o f cus to m e r s wa lki ng d own t h e h i g h street ? In the hustle and bustle, it can be hard to stand out, and it is even harder to draw in sales with many consumers opting to shop online. Harder still is retaining those new-found customers. Competition has never been fiercer for retailers, and as we emerged from the pandemic, the hopes that retailers had for shoppers to flood through the doors didn’t meet the expectations – as we were faced with an increase in the cost of living. However, while it might feel like the way forward is to slash prices in hopes of attracting more footfall, it turns out it is no longer just about cost savings if you really want to make an impact. What consumers are really looking for is a unique and memorable experience.

Experience is everything in today’s commerce

Jon Knott, Head of Customer Insight at Dojo

Latest industry research has shown that 1 in 3 of us seek out memorable experiences most of the time, and we are



prepared to pay 28% extra when we find it. As consumers demand more from business owners, these are the new drivers powering the dramatic shift from commoditised goods and services to engaging experiences on the high street. In order to make these encounters memorable, it means placing experience at the core of what retailers are offering. While this might seem like an obvious and more natural fit for services that offer a social setting, it is possible for many retailers across a variety of sectors to really take advantage of this by focusing on the customer experience. In part, this shift has been driven by the pandemic as there is no getting away from the fact that consumers have missed the simple things, such as shopping in store and having a chat with a store member. In fact, 58% of consumers cited that COVID has made them realise how much they value experiences, which provides an enormous opportunity for retailers to capitalise on, if they are open to creating a new approach.

Small and strategic changes can be the difference Meeting these expectations can feel like a difficult task. Businesses need to reach customers on an individual level while also appealing to a wide customer base, and at first, it might feel as though this presents a paradox. However, offering a genuine and personal experience through customer experience is a great way to achieve this. Understanding customers can be the key and this doesn’t have to mean any extra expenses for businesses. In addition, technology can also play a critical role, especially as we strive for a more seamless customer experience.


Technology is defining the age we live in and it is no different for shops on the high street. Digital touchpoints are increasingly defining the way businesses interact with their customers. However, there are still many misconceptions about the role and impact of technology. For some, technology can be seen as a blocker, removing the personal elements and adding a barrier. However, if used correctly, technology can actually bring you closer together. It can enhance customer experiences through apps and digital devices, and even facilitate faster and more effective decision-making, together with providing insights that enrich everyday interactions with customers to enable long-term engagement. In addition, technology plays a critical role when it comes to the payment process. After all, no customer wants to be faced with a long and tedious payment process when they are ready to check out and leave the store. The experience should run smoothly throughout the entire process. Things like integrated payments and contactless go a long way to building a positive and efficient interaction, and we shouldn’t forget about providing the right mix of payment options for customers to create a seamless payment experience. The experience economy is really about consumers having a distinctive experience where they feel appreciated, listened to, and understood. Sometimes this means quick payments and speed, other times this means making that emotional connection. It is about understanding customer needs and creating an experience that is right for them. The businesses that will thrive will be the ones that can bring elements of the experience economy into their business model.

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Daniel Astarita

Kesslers London MD


By: Gemma Balmford

As Kesslers Lo nd o n embarks o n a new ch a p t e r , Managing D i r ecto r Da n i e l Asta ri ta s i t s d own wi t h Retai l Fo cus to ta lk a bou t r ecent ch a llen g e s a nd new o ppo rt uni t i es at th e UK ’s o ld es t po i n tof - pu rc h as e d es i g n a n d manu fact ur i ng co m pa n y. When Kesslers International fell into administration last December, the perception probably was that it was the end of the company, admits Managing Director Daniel Astarita. ‘Nobody really expected anything to go beyond that,’ he said, with an air of resignation. The East London-based point-of-purchase display company, which has traded for more than 130 years, entered administration after attempts to diversify and grow the business through an outsourced supply model were unsuccessful. Coupled with the rising cost of raw materials and the rent on the Stratford manufacturing facility, the business was no longer deemed viable and as a result more than 120 people were made redundant just before Christmas. >>>>>



It was an extremely sad and difficult time, recalls Astarita, but he wasn’t ready to give up on the company he started working for more than eight years ago. ‘I believed there was still a business at it’s core but we needed time to take it back to its roots,’ he says. Following a number of meetings with potential buyers, Astarita and the rest of the management team supported a bid by Manchester-based PFI Group and in January 2022 part of Kesslers was bought out of administration, along with its bespoke artisan mannequin and Visual Merchandising brand, Proportion London. Maintaining the Kesslers name and incorporating the VM brand, the company became Kesslers London. Now, three months down the line, the firm has gone back to its roots as a UK-manufacturing business, employing 82 people and working with a number of its original customers, including Poundland, Dobbies and L’Oreal. It’s latest project is an interactive pop-up display for cosmetics brand Charlotte Tilbury, which launched in Selfridges London, before being moved to Selfridges Bullring and later the Trafford Centre.

What is the role of the retail store? Charlotte Tilbury – a new client for Kesslers – has become one of the biggest make-up brands in the world in recent years and it’s done that by building relationships with its customers, claims Astarita, as our conversation moves on to the changing role of bricks-and-mortar stores. By pure serendipity, on the morning of our meeting, I came across some notes I’d made back in 2016 from a seminar given by Matt Lyons, then Senior Design Manager at Boots, at Kesslers HQ. On the topic of “Tomorrow’s next retail experience”, Lyons’ admitted that, as a retail designer, he found the rise of the internet a bit of a worry and argued that the physical store is at the heart of any omniretailing strategy. So I asked Astarita if – six years on – he agrees with this sentiment. ‘It’s part of your experience of the brand but I wouldn’t say it’s at the heart,’ he responds. ‘What’s at the heart of the shopping experience now is the individuals’ relationships with the brand. I think that a physical experience is even more intertwined with the holistic representation of the brand across all channels; the experience is led by a complete immersion of the brand, whether it be online, digital, social or physical. The physical, for me, needs to represent and match every other part of the experience. It’s our job as one of the custodians of retail spaces to support and challenge the retailers to excel in their physical environment and keep shoppers excited. ‘Brands and retailers are starting to think about their shop space as a marketing spend rather than operational spend,’ continues Astarita. ‘I think retail is going to be a theme park experience. It has to be memorable, engaging and a place that you are excited to share online or talk about with friends – somewhere that creates a buzz and draws you back’

How is the high street changing? With the closure of high street stores during the COVID-19 pandemic, people were forced to shop online. Now, as the world opens back up, what does the future hold for the high street, which was already struggling to retain retailers?


‘The high street needs to find itself again,’ claims Astarita. ‘We’re looking for an experience and that’s hard to do on a high street because, to have an experience you need a number of brands and retailers in the same place. The high street is struggling and that’s going to be harder again as cost of living increases, [and] inflation and energy prices go up.’ What’s interesting, points out Astarita, is that big outlet retailers like garden centre chain Dobbies are coming into town and opening smaller units with a more cultivated selection of products. ‘The shops are buzzing,’ enthuses Astarita. ‘People are popping in after work rather than having to take hours out of their day to drive 10 miles out of town.’ In February, Swedish furniture brand IKEA also opened its first small format high street shop in the UK, which is a quarter of the size of a typical site. The company said the aim is for customers to be able to visit the retailer more often and shop more spontaneously. ‘Automotive is also diversifying from big box units on the peripheries of towns and opening shops at [shopping malls such as] Westfield,’ adds Astarita. ‘You can customise your cars on iPads, you can have a driving experience and if you want to test drive [a vehicle] they deliver it to the car park and off you go.’ With the likes of Westfield, Bullring, Selfridges, and Meadowhall, Astarita believes there are enough brands and retailers to do exciting things to keep the average consumer interested.

What’s in-store for Kesslers London? As Kesslers London finds it feet, the year ahead will focus on conversation, says Astarita. ‘We’ve got a plan and we want to stick to the plan. That plan is to return the model to profit [and] we’re hopeful that we have the relationships and customers in place to allow us to do that. We want to take the chance that we have been given and deliver excellence ‘We’re qualifying the type of work we want to do,’ he continues. ‘We’re not looking to take on activities that we can’t deliver excellent results for. We’re looking to be a UK manufacturing business, supporting a number of sectors with high-quality display equipment. We’re not a construction business. We’re a point-of-sale, point-of-purchase display equipment [manufacturer] and that’s what we’re going to stay true to… at least for the next 12 months.’

Products @retailfocus

PRODUCTS TORMAX Safe By Design Helping ensure the safety of pedestrians, TORMAX automatic sliding door systems can be fitted with a fullglass screen behind which the door leaf can recess as the entrance opens. This removes the risk of the sliding door mechanism being interfered with or blocked by anyone, allowing immediate clear opening as people approach the door. To keep the entrance looking smart, the pocket screen features a lockable hinge, allowing it to be quickly opened out for easy cleaning and for any accumulated debris to be removed. “Without the screen, if someone is, for example, leaning on the side panel as the door opens,” explains Simon Roberts, MD for TORMAX UK Ltd, “the sensors on the outer edge of the leaf will pick up the obstruction and cause the door to stop moving and return to the closed position. This is obviously unhelpful for those walking through the doors, as the sensors on the inner edge then respond to the obstruction in the doorway and try to re-open.” In particularly busy locations, such as shopping centres and hospitals, the pocket screen can significantly improve the flow of foot traffic into and out of the building whilst protecting those people on either side of the doors. Aesthetically it also neatly finishes off the doorway, creating a sleek and minimalist entrance that is safe for all users. TORMAX has always been at the cutting edge of safety when it comes to automatic access and their range of revolving, sliding, swing and folding doors feature sophisticated sensors that can include infra-red, radar and light beams, delivering precise movement control in all directions. W:



Excellent zephyr eCommerce agency Excellent Zephyr Launches their brand-new services to digitally transform independent retailers around the UK Excellent Zephyr showcases their new eCommerce services to digitally transform independent retailers around the UK. Excellent Zephyr had previously worked with various household retail names such as Deliveroo, Monsoon and De Beers to deliver top-quality project management services. However, looking forward to the future of retail, they have spotted a unique gap in the market to deliver various professional eCommerce services to independent retailers. Their eCommerce services focus on three key areas; Digital Strategy, eCommerce Integration and Support. T: +44 020 4566 7337 W: E: S @excellentzephyr

PowrPOD PowrPods are unique charging stations, delivering increased footfall for businesses such as salons, restaurants, or retail outlets. Not only do they solve a perennial problem for consumers, low battery anxiety, but the PowrApp app also directs consumers to their nearest local charging station, and can promote vendor special offers. This is a key way to drive more consumers into businesses. Sponsored pods are currently in place at various locations in the UK, including universities, where the pods have proved a huge success with sponsored brands and students. Lauren Jade Adams, Founder of PowrPod, said that: “Everyone is suffering now due to the dire economic consequences of the pandemic. Our charging solutions provide an essential service for people on the go and helps increase footfall into businesses in a safe and controlled manner and generating a much-needed new revenue stream for the vendor.” Each PowrPod is a custom-made, high-tech table that is supplied with a range of comfortable seating, super-fast

Qi wireless charging pads and charging cables, a touchfree hand sanitiser dispenser and an 18.5” LED digital advertising screen. The Bar Call app is a digital ordering system that is based on consumer input and feedback. E: Twitter: PowrUpClub



PRODUCTS Troldtekt Danish manufactured Troldtekt panels are commonly specified throughout the UK and Europe to improve the interior acoustic environment. Troldtekt® line forms nine acoustic solutions that make up the “design solutions” range which combines the best ideals of form and function. Founded on the Cradle to Cradle design concept, 100% Troldtekt’s natural wood wool panels are manufactured in a new state-of-the-art production facility. With a variety of different surfaces and colours, they can be supplied in the FSC® 100% category (FSC®C115450) contributing to a building’s BREEAM, DGNB and LEED rating. In addition to their high sound absorption and tactile surface, the panels offer high durability and low cost life cycle performance, as well as inherent sustainability. They are also a natural, breathable material which can absorb and release moisture, which is why they have been awarded an Allergy Friendly Product Award by Allergy UK. T. +44 (0)1978 664255 W.

FAAC Entrance Solutions Following the completion of the EUR 100 million acquisition by the Italian multinational FAAC Group, 7 European divisions of Assa Abloy Entrance Systems and Agta Record (also part of the ASSA ABLOY Group) are now being rebranded as FAAC Entrance Solutions. As part of the EU Commission approved purchase, FAAC Entrance Solutions UK Limited will be the sole supplier of all ASSA ABLOY branded automatic pedestrian door products in the United Kingdom, including swing, slide and revolving door systems and operators. The UK division (Auto Pedestrian Doors Limited Registration No. 1256207), based in Sunbury-On-Thames – has now been rebranded as FAAC Entrance Solutions UK Limited. The transaction doesn’t represent any operational changes to management, staffing, services, or product offering. The legal entities registration number remains unchanged.



Flooring + Surfaces

Armourcoat Decorative specialists Armourcoat have provided the finishing touches to The Soak, a bar and restaurant next to London’s Victoria Station with an all-day menu that is built around signature soaked flavours through fermenting, pickling, brining and steeping techniques. Armourcoat’s Koncrete polished plaster finish is used to great effect on the bar front with recessed logo. Koncrete is an urban range of polished plaster colours and finishes designed for contemporary projects. The range offers a wealth of design options to achieve a distinctive modern look including distressed effects or recessed ‘shutter’ markings. Outside the building, Armourcoat PPX has been used to repeat the restaurant logo design. PPX is a low maintenance, durable external limestone render system that can create stunning honed and textured stone like finishes for both new build and renovation projects. T. +44 (0) 1732 460668 E. Twitter: @armourcoat



The Creative Retail Awards and Save The High Street partner to promote the importance of store design and display in independent retail

The Creative Retail Awards and Save The High Street have formed a partnership to promote the importance of design and display in independent retail, with Save The High Street becoming sponsor of the Best Independent Store category at the 2022 Creative Retail Awards. The Creative Retail Awards is a dynamic and exciting annual event that recognises and rewards innovation and excellence in retail, leisure, and hospitality design, display and experience. The Awards span a number of disciplines including store design, surfaces, omni-channel, technology, sustainability, lighting, and more. Save The High Street is an industry movement to ensure successful high streets now and for the long term by supporting over 25,000 local businesses. John Abbate, the retail design and visual merchandising expert on the Save The High Street Advisory Board, is a staunch believer that effective design and display can provide a real competitive advantage to independent retailers: “Independents are the heartbeat of our high streets. They offer the local community and beyond a unique and personal shopping or service experience. Their ability to provide a more ‘personal touch’, together with the individual look and feel of their physical space, adds character and diversity to our high streets. The freedom of the independent to express their personality in creative ways provides an advantage over national chains, which can often lack variety and feel impersonal. Many large brands often try to emulate the spirit of an independent shop, but no one can do it as authentically as the real thing. And that’s what we need more of in the retail design and display world, the real thing. To be inspired, creative and quirky – making retail fun. To offer a personal experience and become a ‘destination’ – even on a small budget. are proud to be associated with this Award.”


Antony Behiels, Director of SDEA and co-organiser of the Creative Retail Awards continues: “With ever more competition to attract consumers to the high street, effective VM, design and display is imperative. When it is done correctly it will engage and attract more customers, help increase sales and give customers a reason to return in the future. This is especially important for independent stores who often lack the budget for large scale marketing campaigns.” The Save The High Street team will provide the winner of the ‘Best Independent Store Award’ with access to their business support platform JO, and an exclusive mentoring session with one of their high street experts. Join over 500 of the industry’s elite at the 2022 Creative Retail Awards on the 22nd September at Proud Embankment in London’s West End. The night will offer plenty of networking opportunities to meet with retailers, suppliers, and designers. Enjoy a drinks reception, live music, entertainment, DJ, and more. Tickets for the event are available to reserve at

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the joy of shopping


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Photo Credit: SLVHCS ‘Project Legacy’, New Orleans, USA © Sean Airhart/NBBJ

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