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How passenger information contributes to customer satisfaction

Samuel Taylor takes a look at the benefits of passenger information to help and support customers on route and some of the benefits and the positive impacts of Wi-Fi on public transport

At the end of a long journey, reaching their coveted destination will always feel very special for passengers. Once they’ve arrived, passengers will delete their tickets and forget about their luggage for a while, taking some time to relax. The convenience of a journey, however, will impact a passenger’s mood long after they’ve finished travelling.

There’s no denying that passengers can find events leading up to reaching their destination to be stressful. From hurriedly preparing trollies to waiting for transport to turn up on time, trips can easily become a nuisance for travellers. This is particularly true if a mishap occurs along the way. Indeed, even one unexpected misadventure can have a lasting negative impact.

With the aid of passenger information, using public transport can become far less stressful. Indeed, there are a few ways that passenger information can improve passenger satisfaction.

What makes a pleasant journey Oftentimes, travellers will undertake their entire journey smoothly. Once they’ve reached their destination, they would likely be unable to tell exactly what they enjoyed about the trip. In fact, according to research, 95 per cent of human thought is subconscious. Therefore, it is often difficult for customers to identify what aspects of the trip made them happy.

However, it has been found that passengers go through nine phases in a trip. They start with trip preparation at home, while reaching their final destination is the final phase. Sitting in a moving bus or train is when travellers tend to experience the most positive sensations. Possibly, this is because they are slowly but surely on their way towards their desired location. But if transport is running late or all seats are already taken, passengers’ mood can soon dampen – especially if these setbacks are unannounced.

On the whole, there are three core needs that travellers require in order to have a satisfying trip. Firstly, they want to be in control. This means they like to have all the necessary information from the outset and be aware of any potential hurdles. Secondly, they want to be appreciated and looked after. Finally, they want to be free to access information whenever and wherever they wish.

Arguably, passenger information ticks all the boxes. How does it contribute to customer satisfaction?

Reduces complaints and saves time Importantly, passenger information decreases people’s complaints. Being able to consult real-time departure and arrival details works wonders on customers’ satisfaction levels. For instance, it allows passengers to see whether their train or bus

Passenger information decreases people’s complaints. Being able to consult real-time departure and arrival details works wonders on customers’ satisfaction levels.

is running behind schedule. With the information they need, travellers have more control to rearrange their plans and manage their time more effectively. They may want to let their work colleagues or friends know they’ll be late for an appointment or event. Or they may simply seek to organise alternative travel arrangements. Either way, it helps them ‘time’ their movements.

Knowing about a delay to trains or buses before you reach the station is better than travellers having to stand impatiently at the stop, uninformed about what is going on. Ultimately, passenger information helps riders reduce both their perceived and actual time wait.

Boosts passengers’ experience It is likely that customers will need an internet connection to access live updates about departures, arrivals, and onboard situations. The need for passenger information promotes the adoption of railway Wi-Fi connectivity, which truly enhances travellers’ experience. Alongside providing free online entertainment to engage customers, it can also help them monitor their movements, source possible transport connections, and see where they are at any given time.

Considering the importance of internet access, passenger information can also efficiently provide travellers with Wi-Fi updates. Indeed, by highlighting when trains or buses will be passing through a Wi-Fi blackspot, travellers will be able to make sure that they are not doing anything important as they enter the forecasted tunnel. However, it should be noted that the operator can counteract Wi-Fi blackspots by implementing Trackside Radio Networks.

Increases perception of safety As mentioned, being aware of how long it will take for an operator’s buses or trains

by accurately telling people when they can expect transportation to arrive, passenger information can instil a feeling of safety in customers.

to reach a stop gives a crucial advantage for customers trying to save time. In this respect, passenger information can also enhance people’s sense of personal security.

This is especially true when waiting for transport at night. With fewer fellow travellers around, passengers may feel vulnerable. Standing in the dark, guessing what time the bus or train will arrive, can truly heighten passengers’ feelings of insecurity. Instead, by accurately telling people when they can expect transportation to arrive, passenger information can instil a feeling of safety in customers. This all helps to shape an enjoyable and stress-free journey for people at every hour of the day.

Based on a passenger’s destination, travelling can be an exciting experience. But it is no secret that the journey itself can hide obstacles or setbacks that may lower their morale. Therefore, providing passenger information plays a substantial role in improving customer satisfaction.

Onboard internet access can encourage public transport use It has become almost impossible to find a home that does not have an internet connection. Most pubs and restaurants have followed suit, with Wi-Fi codes in plain sight at the bar to invite guests to take advantage of the building’s free internet access. In this respect, public transport is adapting and upgrading too.

In fact, internet access onboard can truly make a massive difference in encouraging passengers to use trains and buses. This is particularly pressing as we hear more and more worrying stories about the dreadful effects of climate change on our planet, not to mention the news about London being the most congested city in the world.

Provides entertainment If your destination is hours away from your starting point, you may be in for a long ride, yawning and nodding off as you look at the views darting by. Some may read an enticing thriller or the daily newspaper to pass the time; however, some passengers suffer from kinetosis – otherwise known as ‘motion sickness’ – that prevents them from laying their eyes on a book for a certain length of time while travelling.

By having internet access onboard, travellers can find endless ways to fill their journey. If staring at a screen for too long makes you feel dizzy, you can always search for a podcast or some music and listen to your choice as you watch the world go by.

Ultimately, this helps decrease the perception of travel time, therefore lifting the mood of bored passengers. With the power to provide onboard entertainment for all tastes, internet access and railway Wi-Fi connectivity are essential tools to encourage commuters to hop on trains and buses more frequently. access is that it allows passengers to be productive while on the road – or the rail. Indeed, with a laptop, tablet, or smartphone at hand, workers can start carrying out their job duties as they make their way to the office. Whether it is checking your emails, revising for an exam, or setting up meetings in your digital diary, onboard Wi-Fi can help you prepare for the day ahead on the go.

Internet access on public transport can truly promote productivity. Giving employees the chance to look at assignments on trains and buses, onboard Wi-Fi can positively influence and favour workplace efficiency.

Offers live updates When at the wheel of your own car, it is tricky to source information about road traffic and potential on-route delays. Instead, as you sit comfortably on a bus or a train, internet access can help passengers discover all the information they need about their trip. What time will you reach your final destination? Can you catch the next connecting service?

Wi-Fi connection on public transport can actively provide customers with live updates. Being aware of arrival details and possible setbacks along the way gives passengers the chance to shape their plans accordingly. This works wonders on their mood and satisfaction levels too. Ultimately, offering commuters the opportunity to both rearrange their programs and manage their time will encourage more people to resort to public transport.

Aids emergencies and increases safety Unfortunately, unexpected events can happen from one moment to the next. Therefore, they could also occur during your journey without prior notice.

In these situations, having internet access can be a significant advantage. Indeed, it will allow you to contact authorities in many different (and subtle, if necessary) ways – from texts to messages on social media. It also offers you the chance to share your location with friends and family at the click of a button.

Moreover, Wi-Fi connection can increase passengers’ perception of safety. By browsing live information about their trip and connecting services, especially at night, customers can travel with more confidence and peace of mind.

Thanks to continuous advances in technology, we can enjoy information and entertainment all day long. Likewise, by using onboard Wi-Fi and internet-connected devices, passengers can truly make the most of their travel time. From live updates to productivity, it is safe to say that internet access has an array of important benefits to encourage travellers and commuters to use public transport on a regular basis.