1 minute read

Anais Lee

Interview by Carol Wright |Photographer: Lena Melnik

Anais Lee began acting at only 3-years-old, but has since catapulted her career with numerous television, film, and commercial roles. Her newest project is starring as Jessi Ramsey in the Netflix series The Baby-Sitters Club, a contemporary take on the beloved book series. The talented 13-year-old actress talked about bringing her character to life, as well as some of her favorite experiences on set with her co-stars.

What is your favorite thing about being an actor?

One of my favorite things about being an actor are the amazing people I get to meet and work with! I’ve met so many wonderful people and formed some of the best friendships on set. I love being on set, portraying a role, and bringing a character to life. It’s an amazing experience, and despite the hard work, a lot of fun.

Can you relate to your character Jessi Ramsey?

Yes. I relate to Jessi because we are both ballet dancers who are focused on mastering this skill! I’ve been doing ballet since I was 2-years-old. When I received this audition, I knew this role was perfect for me. I’m so grateful to play a role that combines my two favorite things: acting and dancing!

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