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Gemma Styles

Interview by Carol Wright |Photos Courtesy of Kenmark

Writer Gemma Styles can now add sunglasses designer to her resume with the launch of her second collection with Kenmark. Inspired by the ’70s and one of Styles’ oldies playlists, the collection’s classic look makes the sunglasses wearable for any point in time. Styles chatted with us about the importance of sustainability in fashion and the creative process behind working on the collection.

How influential has fashion been in your life?

I’ve never really considered myself a ‘fashionable’ person, but I am very particular about what I like and don’t like. My mum thinks I’m pretty hard to buy for because she’ll see something and feel sure I’ll be into it, but small details can really throw me off! I think a person’s clothing can say a lot about them, and all the better when you focus on what you want and not what’s ‘in’ that month. I think I dress reasonably modestly and don’t like to be too exposed, which matches parts of my personality pretty well!

This is your second collaboration with Kenmark. What about the brand makes you want to keep working with them?

I’ve had such a positive experience working with Kenmark. This partnership is the first time I ever worked with a brand to create products, and the reason I felt comfortable in doing so is because I know we align in our vision for what our collaboration should be. I’m fully involved in the entire process of creating the sunglasses as well as all of the extra details that go along with them. I take mood boards, color palettes, and some thoroughly untrained doodles, and their amazing design team turns them into the technical drawings and specifications we need! We go back and forth constantly with ideas and things we’d like to achieve within the collection. It’s a really open working relationship that I feel very lucky to enjoy.

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