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Colours light up the world


COLOURS AFFECT US more than we realise. Understanding their ability to add character and create moods is vital when deciding which combinations to use on interior and exterior surfaces. Whether your preference is vibrant, cool, neutral, conservative, modern or glamorous, striking effects can be achieved using the right combination. Berger Colour World Tinting System offers endless possibilities in combinations to create the desired effect in every room and space. Here are some examples of the effects of colour:

PINK – This soft side of red, traditionally considered subtle and subdued, can be lively, hot or trendy, and is most accepted as unconditional love – nurturing, comforting and always there. Vibrant pinks are no longer considered little girls’ colours and are nowadays used as accent walls to add an appealing element of sophistication.

BLUE – Associated with tranquility, openness and optimism; the colour of the sky, the ocean, and mountains, blue complements a wide range of colours, creating a feeling of nurturing and ease. Light to medium blues create a calm, relaxed feeling, whereas darker blues can evoke dignified and regal feelings in a space. Blue creates a sense of calm and relaxation to both interior and exterior spaces.

VIOLET – The colour of royalty, violet also has a mystical side. Use any shade of violet to infuse a sense of luxury in the air. Violet also has a meditative quality that makes it a colour of clarity and foresight. Use lighter shades to create a soothing, calming feel to a room. Use darker shades to accent the décor of interior and exterior surfaces.

RED – This most powerful colour, commonly associated with flowers and fruits can be rich and intense, romantic and passionate or hot, flamboyant and can definitely make a statement. Chosen with any colour, red adds energy and excitement and never goes unnoticed. Tones of red are often used on focus walls in many dining rooms to encourage social interaction and appetite.

GREEN – Often associated with nature, new growth and trees, yellow-greens make a striking combination with any colour, creating a sense of cheer and a carefree atmosphere. Use deeper greens sparingly as accent colours on both interior and exterior surfaces.

BROWN – Rich, sophisticated, warm and comforting, brown is frequently associated with earth, Mother Nature and warmth. Brown remains unaffected by passing fads and styles used in combination with any colour.

YELLOW – This colour is strongly linked to sunshine and is considered to be the happiest colour in the spectrum. It is often associated with warmth, action and joy, and is strongly linked to flowers. Yellow marks an area as a “day space”, when combined with any other colours. Lighter shades are more soothing, whereas brighter tones are playful and more suitable for graphic decors. While not necessarily conveying energy or intellect on an exterior surface, yellow can add a sense of cleanliness, freshness and happiness to an interior space.

GREY – represents neutrality and balance. The balance colour of compromise and control, this neutral, conservative and unemotional colour is practically solid as a rock, making it stable, reliable and calm. Grey avoids attention but offers mature insight advice to anyone who asks.

WHITE – Generally considered pure, clean, bright and new, too much white on an exterior can be boring. When used as the primary colour include other colours to add personality and drama.

ORANGE – Optimism and energy, it’s an attention-grabbing warm colour that really pops when combined with cool greens or blues, this bright and vibrant colour is used to convey positive and uplifting and stimulating messages.

40+ years club members

30+ years club members