Way of the Champion | Fall 2019

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Great reasons to get your daily water

PLUS The benefits of taking a girl's trip The need for self-care

Image by RAB

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Hello to Fall, hello to changes in seasons, hello to the final stretch of the year and accomplishing your goals and aspirations, hello to finishing the year strong, hello to living a life full of vitality… Hello Champions!

Michele Modellas

The goal for this magazine is to encourage you to live The Way of the Champion. It’s not about perfection or beating out an opponent. It’s not about anything except being the best versions of ourselves and knowing we can push beyond our own beliefs. Remember, champions risk and may even fail. But, they get up and go for it again and don’t let set-backs, hardships, or their past dictate their future. They continually seek to grow, learn from the past, and transform their lives by pushing through the internal resistance. There is a champion is every one of us!

I’m excited for this first issue of The Way of the Champion magazine. You will find articles, information and success stories to help you live your best life… and inspire you to increase Determination, Confidence, and Vitality in all you do. These are key elements to being a champion! I’m thrilled to share the launch of my nutritional supplement line, Tap Into Vitality, and the first product being launched! Vitality. This amazing product will help you increase Energy, Focus, and Stamina. To live a life as a champion, nourishing your body and giving it the best ingredients is vital. When you take care of your body, mind, and soul, it’s easier to Tap Into Vitality. As you flip through these pages, my intention is for you to be inspired by the information and resources. More importantly, my desire is for you to be motivated to take action—action in the area(s) of your life you want transformed.



The Way of the Champion means you choose excellence as your driving force. It means you are up for a challenge and ready to overcome it, no matter how tough. Champions have the ability to focus their vision to make it a reality, in spite of challenges or obstacles that come. A champion will push themselves because they are determined not to be held down. Champion means one is brave, courageous, confident, and not afraid to pursue the uncertain. A champion is actually living life full out with passion and on purpose. They are ready to defend themselves, defend what is right, and push through any circumstance.








Michele's definition of "The Way of the Champion."





14 WHAT'S THE 4-1-1 ON H20? 10 great reasons to get your daily water.


An article by Dr. Carney on the benefits of using organic vegetables for detoxification and reducing your cancer risk.

8 TRANSFORMATION: FROM THE INSIDE OUT Making the commitment to end complacency and embrace a positive outlook on life—and how that made all the difference.

20 IT'S NEVER TOO LATE An interview with Dr. Grace Syn about how seeing a picture of herself motivated her to start training... and why she's still competing in bikini competitions at 54!


26 LIVING LIFE AS A HEADLINER Have you ever identified yourself as a Headliner? Or have you been viewing yourself as a sideliner?

27 THE M.O.D.E.L.L.A.S. METHOD How to create Champion results in your life.


30 THE NEED FOR SELF-CARE Self-care is not selfish. It’s mandatory if you want to be that champion who is on your game and able to champion others.



Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness That most frightens us. We ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small Does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking So that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, As children do. We were born to make manifest The glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; It's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON NOTE: This inspiring poem is taken from Marianne Williamson's book A Return to Love. Though often quoted as part of Nelson Mandela's moving inaugural speech, "Our Deepest Fear" does not appear in the speech. Marianne Williamson herself has commented on this mistaken attribution.


ABOUT MICHELE MODELLAS I grew up in Sacramento, CA and was raised by a single mother for most of my childhood, except for several years in early elementary school when she was married to a man who was not a good role model and was abusive to her. I witnessed things children shouldn’t. She was strong and brave enough to leave, and she did what she was able to do to provide for my brother and me. I'm happy that my mom eventually married and experienced 25 years with the love of her life after such struggling years. In early years, we lived in quite a few different apartments (some in areas not so great). I was exposed to a diverse group of people and I didn’t know anything different. Some say I could have ended up using those situations as an excuse to not amount to anything or to not have goals for a different life. What I knew was that I needed to work if I wanted more than the basics that my mother worked hard to provide. I remember being the babysitter that would take the lower paying jobs; figuring little money was better than no money and I wanted cute school clothes. I remember having to walk miles with my sack of newspapers over my shoulder to deliver papers to my customers at 5 a.m. when my bike was broken one summer. I also had a couple of fast food summer jobs and department store gigs. Even back then, I was determined to do what was necessary to be able to have the things that were important to me and to experience what I knew was out there. I have always had an entrepreneurial drive. High school years were fun. They were not strugglefree, but I had a lot of great experiences. I was in student government, and I was a cheerleader. I got married less than two weeks after graduation, and started a family immediately. I always held a job and advanced my career, but I wasn’t satisfied just doing the “9-5 J.O.B.” so I had side jobs and work-from-home ventures selling products and creating various products and programs. There really is a job for everything and as a certified consultant for 18 years, I had a business where I taught, consulted, and sold products for breastfeeding mothers. I rented out breast pumps and I taught parent education through hospitals. I was on boards of directors for philanthropic organizations. I became a licensed real estate agent. I knew there was more to life than to go to an office and make some-one else’s vision a reality. I knew I had a passion for empowering others to obtain more out of life. In 2005, I resigned from my job, which was a wonderful place to work with great people. I took a risk, and I started a meeting planning, and association management company. I began to find more associations who were looking for contracted companies to create meetstressful

ings, conferences, and manage their associations. I had always wanted to own my own business, and that was a great opportunity. In the first year of starting my own company, my world came to a crashing halt. In life, there are five most stressful events one can go through; I was facing most of those simultaneously. Within days of my mother passing, my primary client and I parted ways. Shortly after, I decided to make a long-awaited courageous decision to leave a 23+ year marriage. And then things got worse. I faced the most challenging times of my existence. During a 4-year divorce process and losing just about everything, I questioned everything about my life and my purpose. Without going into the ugly details, I finally came to that point where I had to make a decision. I chose to live well, to embrace the challenges and then change myself. I literally transformed my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life. I jumped at opportunities for growth, stepping into my discomfort zone, meeting new people, trying new things, travelling the world, and living life on purpose! It didn’t happen overnight, but with determination, I decided not to let life’s challenges stop me from being authentic or true to my convictions. I would not live a contented life and allow complacency to continue to have its way with me. I began to inspire others to do the same, without even knowing I was. I started speaking to groups and organizations about overcoming challenges, becoming a champion in your life, discovering your purpose, how confidence opens opportunities, how to thrive in business and achieve results, and how having a 3-D formula for life and business sets you apart (to name a few). I took experiences, skills and talents from my life and my corporate career to further develop my event planning company. In addition to coaching and corporate consulting, I started the Global Association for Women in Transformation. As an entrepreneur, I am continuously tapping into opportunities for wealth creation and wealth building. I’m passionate about working with clients, meeting them where they are, and empowering them to do the same. They can take their vision and achieve results. My latest and very exciting venture is the creation of my own nutritional supplement line—Tap Into Vitality. My first product, Vitality, is launching and ready for distribution.



HOW TO ACHIEVE A CHAMPION MINDSET by Michele Modellas MY DEFINITION OF THE WAY OF THE CHAMPION It means you CHOOSE EXCELLENCE AS YOUR DRIVING FORCE. It means you are up for a challenge and ready to overcome, no matter how tough. A champion has the ability to focus their vision to make it a reality, IN SPITE OF AND AS A RESULT OF challenges. They push themselves because they are DETERMINED to not be held down. CONFIDENTLY defending themselves, champions STAY READY SO THEY DON’T HAVE TO GET READY! They are full of VITALITY and create positive change. They’re living life FULL OUT, with passion, and purpose.



TO ACHIEVE A CHAMPION MINDSET: Stay Focused Trust the process and go through the journey Avoid dwelling on the negative Understand the mind is extremely powerful— manage it wisely Reverse engineer goals Have positive self-talk Be ready for change— Change is good and will continually happen View failures as options for growth Surround yourself with people who are going after AND achieving goals—friends, mentors, and coaches Maintain integrity and honor your values Acknowledge the things you love about your life and decide how to make changes to the areas you don’t love Decide to thrive in life… not just survive— regardless of how you get shaken up

A CHAMPION BY COMMON DEFINITION: Someone who shows marked superiority, someone who is strong, a person who shows courage and fights for what is right! I just love music, and there are so many uplifting songs. In the words from Katy Perry’s song "Rise":

I won’t just survive, oh, you will see me THRIVE. I won’t just conform, no matter how you shake my core. Don’t doubt it… VICTORY IS IN MY VEINS. I know it! I’ll fight! I will transform! I WILL STILL RISE!

I encourage you… I even challenge you…

Stand UP, step OUT and EMBRACE





FROM THE INSIDE OUT by Michele Modellas

Transformation — wow! This word runs deep. And I love it! Are you yearning for a change, a new way of doing things… or new way of living? Are you tired of the same old, same old and not achieving what you truly desire for your life? Have you experienced some sort of change, but end up going back to your old ways of doing things in your life? Transformation is defined as: a profound and radical change (my favorite kind!); a marked change in form, nature or appearance; a metamorphosis (a startling change induced by or as if by a supernatural power), a change in character and condition with little or no resemblance with the past configuration or structure. Hmm... that’s deep. But before I continue, I want to say that I’m 50 (something), and I don’t want to imply I have life all figured out, because I certainly do not. I like to live by two mottos: (1) life is short, so stop and smell the roses, and (2) I’m not going to let nothing or noone take me out because I have a purpose! With all of this, I realize I still have much to learn about this thing called life. Even so, I feel confident in saying a few things…

I’m not asking you to believe everything I say I’m not asking you to agree with everything I say I’m not asking you to necessarily do anything I say I’m probably not going to tell you anything you may not already know But I am going to give you some nuggets I have gleaned. If you find something in these ideas you feel can work for you, add value to your life, or that you can take and apply personally, professionally or spiritual life, use them. I love to talk with people and speak to audiences about Transformation. It is near and dear to my heart because I personally have gone through some major transformation in my life over the past 10 or so years. I’m going to get a little vulnerable with you, so I hope it’s okay... 8

Back in summer 2006, my life was radically changed. My mom passed away, and 4 days later, my main client and I terminated our contract, and then I filed for divorce from a 23+ year marriage… and then things began to really spiral downward. I questioned my existence. Not having any of the roles I'd had just days and weeks prior caused me to take a look at what my life was really about. I discovered that for so many years, I had been living a very complacent life—everything looked like it was in order, yet I was really so unfulfilled and not living authentically. I was organizing this and that, that, starting a new business, running kids around to various activities and events… many of the things women do —and need to do—for the sake of their family. However, it wasn’t until much later that I realized how complacent I had become. Complacency means to be so self-satisfied that you don’t realize the impending dangers… even to the point of death. That’s pretty serious. I can identify with Sheila Walsh who said in one of her books, “For many years, I applied an anesthetic to my soul, only to discover that you cannot be selective about which parts of your life you deaden. When you choose to contain pain, you contain joy, too.” I came across a picture some time ago that was taken in spring of 2007—which has been the hardest time in my life so far. I didn’t even know I looked like that back then.

THE WAY OF THE CHAMPION To me, this depicts extreme sadness… It was the saddest time of my life! I recall my life being extremely tough. Literally everything in my life had changed. I felt alone and abandoned... all my family was gone! I’m grateful for so many amazing friends in my life who kept me moving forward and surrounded me with support and love. I’m convinced that if they were not in my life at specific moments, with specific words, I would not be here today. An example is my friend Ellen—she may not even know the depth of what her words have meant to me, and they ring in my mind and heart continuously, even now. One day, when I was probably carrying on, in her most serious voice and expression she told me, “You are more than his wife and more than your kids' mother. You have so much to offer this world.” Words are so powerful! They were life-giving! I’m also eternally grateful for the grace of God over my life to give me a sound enough mind and the ability to “attack” taking care of myself—body, mind, and Soul! I began to work out with a buddy, I began taking Ellen’s Zumba classes at the gym, I surrounded myself with people who were positive, I read a lot of books, and I listened to positive music (Mary J. Blige is one of my alltime SHEroes. I fed my mind and did activities that kept me from staying closed up in my house. I participated in bible studies with my church, and I adopted one (of many) mantras: “I’m not going to let nothing or no one take me out.” While that sounds easy, it wasn’t, and I had to constantly make choices to do things that were good for for me even when I didn’t feel like it. Transformation requires commitment—even if you don’t feel like it. I found the photo that was approximately 18 months from the first one. There is such a difference in everything about this photo. I initially started on my fitness quest to make sure I was as healthy as possible (I had kidney cancer a few years prior to all the changes I started going through in 2016. I knew when my divorce was final, I would have to go without medical insurance—at that time, California would not insure preexisting conditions). While I did want to lose weight, my real focus was on being healthy. While only about 10 pounds less than the other pic, you can see in this photo that everything about me looks lighter! This is what transformation, from the inside out, does—it changes everything about you!

When you are chasing after the things that you are passionate about, you become contagious! And you become the muse that so powerfully entices others to dig deep within to know there is so much more to their own lives! They can become empowered to make their own radical changes!


Transformation had happened on the inside. The inside changed the outside. Without a doubt, I believe total and true transformation happens when you hit every aspect of your being… body, mind, and soul. I also believe that transformation is never-ending. It takes mental toughness and a belief deep in your core for what you desire. And people take notice when there is such a drastic change. I share this with my clients: when you are chasing after the things that you are passionate about, you become contagious! And you become the muse that so powerfully entices others to dig deep within to know there is so much more to their own lives! They can become empowered to make their own radical changes! In 2010, life wasn’t perfect, but it was pretty stable. I had gone through a lot of emotional healing, had new views of thinking and knowing more what was best for me. I was feeling great. Physically, I did my biggest and most challenging push, up to that point, and completed my first shorter distance triathlon in September of 2010. It was big for me because I had never really been an athlete. 3 weeks after this “mountain-top experience,” I was in a near head-on collision. I had to be cut out of my car by the jaws of life, sustaining a concussion, brain bleed, trauma to my left and right frontal lobes of my brain, and significant back and neck injuries... BAM! Another life interruption! I was pulled off all exercise for the next 18 months and rehabilitation ensued. When I was able to start exercising, I created another mantra. I decided that I was going to TAKE MY LIFE BACK, so I came up with some plans in a few areas of my life. For fitness, I took a crazy big leap and signed up to do a Half Ironman 70.3 triathlon with one of my besties. Training for this tri was on a whole other level of transformation that caused me to adopt more new life views. This endurance race created a new love and new level of determination in other areas of my life. Training long hours in all weather and pushing yourself beyond your limits turns out to be extremely exhilarating. Collecting the medals at the finish 9

THE WAY OF THE CHAMPION finish line of a race is the proof you can do what you set your mind to do.

Transformation happens when we work on many areas and its almost like a domino effect. One area is changed and it spills into other areas. There are a dozen or so areas I think are vital to transforming your life: having freedom in your life (that can be from many things), taking brave steps, having a good support system in your life, creating physical movement in your life, not being afraid to love, having laughter— LOTS of laughter—deciding to play full-out, having forgiveness with people who have wronged you, having a giving and thankful attitude and way of being, and having an overall positive outlook on all you do. Taking a life interruption, as I call it, or a major transition, and turning it around to discover all the lessons that are there for you is the start. Transformation can be achieved by anyone… if they desire. Past circumstances, other people’s decisions, or their harm to you (intentional or unintentional) don’t have to dictate your final outcome. Everyone has choice. Playing the victim won’t move you in a positive direction. Choosing to take the circumstances, learn from them, and move forward is step 1. Determination to create the life you desire is the next step. Developing a champion mindset and taking action to move forward take you in the direction of your total transformation.

Go Champions—

I’m cheering you on at the



from the inside out 12 MODULE PROGRAM

SUPPORTING YOU IN TRANSFORMING YOUR LIFE—MIND, BODY, SOUL Transformation = A complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone… an extreme and radical change. It is a marked change in appearance, a metamorphosis. Are you feeling stuck, complacent or want to make a change in one or more areas of your life?

This program is designed to catapult you into an amazing life transformation so you can live fully and freely in all you have been created to be. Living a life of purpose is such a gift.

It’s time to stop playing small, take the steps to CREATE RESULTS, THRIVE AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!

Module Topics: Total Transformation Program Includes: Videos

























Guest interviews (from individuals around the world) Written lesson plans Action points for you to work on to achieve your results You will move through the focus area of each module and implement change through the processes and activities.

Bonus Items: Access to a private Facebook group for you to engage with others in this community Monthly Q&A calls Weekly encouragement


A Girls Getaway...


by Michele Modellas

Grab your girls and take a trip. It's true! Taking that girls trip is good for you, your overall health and your mental alertness. According to an article by Southern Living, researchers discovered that friendships can extend life expectancy, lower the chances of heart disease, and even help tolerate pain. Interestingly, psychologists were able to predict the size of someone’s social network based on how much pain they were able to withstand. Friendships are the best when you need a listening ear or someone to bounce ideas off. Having friends also makes us feel good. In 2016, researchers found evidence that hanging out with friends can increase production of oxytocin, which is the feel good/cuddle hormone that our bodies make when we’re happy. It’s one of our happy chemicals. Science shows us that oxytocin can make people more trusting, more generous and overall, friendlier. These are character qualities we like to find in our friends and the people we like to spend time with. A Harvard study also reveals people who don’t have strong friendships tend to be more depressed, have later


life cognitive decline, and, frighteningly enough, were more likely to die at a younger age. Not to be morbid, but to state the facts. There is also a study which looked at the lives of 309,000 people and found that a lack of strong social ties increased the risk of premature death from all causes by 50%, which was about the same effect as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day. That is a significant fact! An additional study from 2012 found an increased risk of dementia with people who felt lonely. But the good news is we have the power to change this! Psychologist William Chopik from Michigan State University found that friendships are a stronger predictor of health and happiness in older adults. "Keeping a few really good friends around can make a world of difference for our health and well-being,” he said. “So, it's smart to invest in the friendships that make you happiest." He also noted that friendships may be more influential on our happiness and health than other relationships. Friendships and spending time with friends has been shown to have positive effects, mentally, especially for seniors.

THE WAY OF THE CHAMPION seniors. Studies show a decrease dementia rate among people who surround themselves with friends. The study was conducted at the Arkin Mental Health Care Center in Amsterdam, using the data of 2,200 people between the ages of 65 and 86 living in the Netherlands. So, go ahead and take that trip with your friends. Your health and mental activity will benefit from it. You can see it’s more than worth it to take that trip, spend time with your friends, and enjoy time away to connect and experience life with your besties. A girls trip is a must… for your health and wellbeing.


Create a Whatsapp group or group text so you can create excitement before leaving for the trip and to share photos. Another part of the fun is taking group snapshots of activities. Looking at photos taken and remembering the events is super fun. Setting up a group text allows everyone to be included in the conversations and it creates excitement for what’s ahead. (For any iPhone users, airdropping photos to each other is a quick way to share photos when you are together.)


Be flexible with the schedule — Inevitably, there will be the on-time ladies and the casually late ones. Remember, the goal of the trip is to get away and spend time together. Unless you have a reservation and have to be someplace at a specific time, decide ahead of time that patience and flexibility with each other is necessary. Enjoy your time together.


Plan at least one designated time for a bonding session — It’s fun to do activities together, but make sure to allow for time to just hang out on a back deck, a hotel room slumber party, sitting by the lake, or enjoying an afternoon at the spa. The bonding time is priceless.


Chill out and relax — Keep the trip light and fun and don’t take things too seriously. Laughter is the best medicine, and even better with your besties.


Make it collaborative — Be on the same page, openly discussing what everyone wants to do and then deciding together as a group is a sure way for an epic girls getaway.


Discuss goals and budgets for the girls trip — Decide together what the budget for travel, lodging, activities will be. Friends will be able to discuss opinions and ideas without anyone being offended.


Establish a “girl code” for when you go out — take care of each other and have each other’s backs. Establish a designated driver if there are plans to have wine or cocktails.


10 GREAT REASONS TO GET YOUR DAILY WATER You may not realize all the benefits to your body that drinking the appropriate amount of water, daily, provides. And by water, this means water…not tea, not sports drinks, not anything else other than plain water! (In fact, adding caffeine to your daily intake creates the need for even more water.) To function properly, all the cells and organs of the body need water.




It lubricates the joints: Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contains about 80% water. Long-term dehydration can reduce the joints' shock-absorbing ability, which can lead to joint pain.

It delivers oxygen throughout the body: Blood is more than 90% water, and blood carries oxygen to different parts of the body. It boosts skin health and beauty: With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling.







WHAT'S THE 4-1-1 ON H2 0? by Michele Modellas 14


It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues: Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. It is also involved in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning. The digestive system depends on it: The bowel needs water to work properly. Dehydration can lead to digestive problems, constipation and an overly acidic stomach. This increases the risk of heartburn and stomach ulcers, among other things. It flushes body waste: Water is needed in the processes of sweating and removal of urine and feces. It helps maintain blood pressure: A lack of water can cause blood to become thicker, increasing blood pressure. It prevents kidney damage: The kidneys regulate fluid in the body. Insufficient water can lead to kidney stones and other problems. The kidneys filter around 120-150 quarts of fluid. Water is essential for the kidneys to function. The leading cause of kidney stones is a lack of water. It can boost performance during exercise: There are studies that show dehydration reduces performance in activities lasting longer than 30 minutes. Weight loss: Water may also help with weight loss. The body burns more calories when properly hydrated. "Preloading" with water before meals can also help prevent overeating by creating a sense of fullness.

How much is enough? At minimum, men should drink around 100 ounces, or 12.5 cups of water per day. Women should drink around 73 ounces, or just over 9 cups or water, per day. An easy formula to remember is to drink half your body weight, in ounces, each day. YOUR BRAIN AND THE NEED FOR WATER AND HYDRATION: Even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can have a negative effect on the many aspects of brain function. Hydration during exercise is critical, and it’s important to ramp up the hydration with exercise or when hotter conditions exist. Cheers to the benefits of H2O!

Why a Blue Door? One day I felt like painting a Blue Door. I wasn’t sure why, but it was a strong feeling. I continued to be drawn to look up blue doors to paint more. After the third one, I decided to look online for symbolism and meaning to a “blue door.” I discovered a few meanings: (1) A blue door is considered a place of refuge—calm, serene and relaxing, the perfect retreat from an often harsh and demanding world. It’s where people enjoy peace and value truth. (2) The blue door welcomes abundance, growth and prosperity, intention and creativity.

Very fitting for The Way of the Champion…wouldn’t you say?


VITALITY by Michele Modellas Do you struggle with brain fog, lack of focus and lack of motivation? Do you overcaffeinate or use artificial/ harmful ingredients to raise or regain your energy level, and STILL struggle? Then, you need Vitality, a proprietary blend of vitamins, amino acids, and ingredients, with over $10 million in clinical studies, that will give you the vitality you want and deserve in your life. It is safe and effective for daily use and doesn’t contain added sugars or caffeine. Nourish your brain, increase your energy without a “high or jitter,” experience mental clarity and focus, and feel confident with this daily beverage. Each serving is refreshing, delicious, and is the perfect start to your day. If you need an afternoon pick-me-up or you are heading out for a good workout, let Vitality help you get the best out of your day— naturally.

I am thrilled to announce the launch of Vitality! The first product in the Tap Into Vitality nutritional supplement line. 16


WHO IS VITALITY FOR? This incredible product is for anyone who wants more energy, increased mental clarity and focus, enhanced fitness stamina, and endurance. It’s for all the baby boomers who want to remain active and mentally sharp for many years to come, for the athlete in all of us who loves a great workout session, for anyone who wants to feel great and still have energy at the end of the day instead for feeling run down. This product was developed with you in mind!

ORDER YOURS NOW AT TAPINTOVITALITY.COM! IT ALL STARTED WHEN... Having energy, clear mental focus, stamina to live a life of adventure and the ability to feel great in all areas of my life is vital to me! Fitness and exercise and having done all of the endurance races I have in the past years has made me much more aware of the need for not only the proper nutrition for my health, but nutrition and supplements so I can thrive in my daily life, personally and professionally. Last year, I had a surgery in June for an issue that affects as many as one in two women. I was anticipating being in a recovery mode for about 3 months, with certain weight-bearing restrictions. My doctor shared with me that due to my great health overall, my energy and zest for life, I would do great post-surgery. However, I found myself with extremely low energy for much longer than expected, which shocked both my doctor and me. We weren’t sure if it was due to effects from the general anesthesia, the procedures themselves (two procedures with two doctors doing tag-team procedures), or something else. I don’t like to take pain medication, so I stopped that about a week after surgery because I didn’t like the way it made me feel. I was also prescribed 600 mg Motrin to take several times a day to help reduce inflammation. But even that caused ongoing dizziness for about 8 weeks before I stopped taking it. I eventually began to start feeling a little better. In November, we discovered I needed to have another— unexpected—surgery, which was scheduled for the following month (December). Two major surgeries within 5 months is a lot on anyone’s body, and I found myself, once again, with low energy, not feeling well, and very frustrated at the amount of time I had not felt myself. Having previously been very active with running, fitness and exercise, traveling, and working, it was very difficult to have to be so inactive and tired most of the time.

For the past twelve years, I had been focused on a healthy lifestyle which included clean eating, taking vitamins and supplements, regular exercise, and a very active life of travel, fitness training, and work. Even prior to the surgeries, there were products and supplements I took that were just “okay.” Many of the ingredients weren’t the best that I wanted my body to have. There would be several benefits and great ingredients, but then there would be an ingredient or two that were either not natural or even harmful. After the surgeries and experiencing this lack of energy, I decided I needed to do something about what was missing. Having tried a lot of supplements and different products (both from network marketing companies and natural food stores), I knew if I needed a solution to the missing piece of the puzzle, I would have to create it myself.

FINDING A FORMULATOR I set out and began asking around within my business network of professionals for someone who could help me with formulating exactly what I wasn’t able to find in stores or online. I was introduced to a formulator who has been in the business over 25 years. After our initial discussion of what my overall objectives were, the type of product I was looking to create, and the natural and quality ingredients it needed to have, the ball started rolling. It has been nearly a year in the making to ensure there would be no compromise in the quality of ingredients. I knew it needed to be something I could take every day and get results for my overall health and energy. It needed to be something I could take to en-hance my athletic performance, and it definitely needed to be something that would help with creativity, mental clarity, and focus to all the details I work with in my life. It needed to embody my personal branding and character elements of determination and confidence. If my name was going to be behind the product, I knew it needed to be effective, safe, and of value for anyone using it.

LOGOS AND WEBSITES, OH MY... I began to sketch out a company logo, a product logo and symbol, along with verbiage for a website. With the help of who I call, “the amazing Amy” (AKA, my web designer and graphics expert), that all came to life!

WHY TAP INTO VITALITY? I remember meeting with a new business coach a couple of years ago, and in our initial get to know each other session, he made a comment to me that in spite of everything I had gone through in my past, the word vitality kept coming to his mind. He said, “You are the epitome of vitality.” A couple of months later, I decided to create a YouTube video series entitled, “Tap Into Vitality" I


THE WAY OF THE CHAMPION where I began to upload ideas and information, in short videos, on how one can create vitality in their lives and therefore have a reservoir to tap into. I felt it was fitting for the company to be called Tap Into Vitality and my first product to be called Vitality!

INGREDIENTS ARE EVERYTHING... So here we are! Vitality is ready for launch and distribution to the marketplace. It is a powder formula, and all you do is add water for a tasty beverage. Drinking the beverage, you can be confident you will receive benefits like no other product on the market! I’m extremely proud to have trademarked ingredients in the product that have over $10 million in clinical studies behind them. My proprietary formula includes six different B vitamins, with the B9 vitamin being one of the trademarked ingredients that will knock your socks off with all the benefits. It has achieved awards and recognition worldwide! It is loaded with brain nourishing and boosting ingredients. Suntheanine is another trademarked ingredient that has many health benefits, including increased cognitive function, better mental focus, and an increased immune system, to name a few. The special combination of adaptogens include Ashwagandha Root, Asian Ginseng Root, and Rhodiola Root, which have amazing benefits to decrease brain fog, increase focus, give you energy, provide anti-aging effects to the body, reduce stress and cortisol levels in the body… and so much more. The magnesium is great for your heart, your bones, your mood, and your sleep. It contains Polyphenols, which have endless benefits including booting digestion, aiding your brain health, and the bonus effects of powerful antioxidants. It is naturally sweetened with monk fruit and stevia and has a beautiful rich purple color from the natural blackcurrant with a gentle and natural berry flavor that doesn’t overpower your taste buds. Please visit the website for a full list of ingredients and benefits.


BUT WAIT... THERE IS MORE TO COME! There are more products to be formulated that will be included in the Tap Into Vitality nutritional supplement line. My objective is for each of the products to be easy to take, easy to travel with, achieves great health results! Ultimately, each product will help you Tap Into Vitality.

A NOTE FROM MICHELE I can’t wait for you to get this product in your system, experience the results and Tap Into Vitality! If you are interested in becoming an affiliate marketer with Tap Into Vitality, please visit the website and send us a message. We will provide all the details for you.


R O F L A N R U SUCCESS JO N O I T A M R O F S N A R T N I N E M WO Your daily companion to living NOW, abundantly, and transformed in ways beyond what you can even imagine. A journal that allows you a consolidated space for dreams, goals, significance, and gratitude. And this journal is not date specific, so you can begin using it right away, no matter what time of year it is! NOTE: Planner is formatted as 8½" x 11" for maximum writing space and ease of reprinting at home or any local office supply store. Reprint and use year after year.

CREATING YOUR SOUL STATEMENT Start with the core of who you are and what you desire for your life. Create your declaration that sums it all up.

When it takes determination and digging as deep as necessary to live fully and intentionally, having the right tools is vital. This journal was designed to assist you in a daily routine to stay focused. It is designed to be a progressive and proactive approach to your life of a champion!

YOUR GOALS Write down your goals and desires then create action steps to actually accomplish them. You can continue to add to your goals lists. We have separated your goal categories: Health, Family, Relationships, Finance, Career, and Personal Development.

AFFIRMATIONS Create and list out positive affirmations. You can refer to this daily to visualize and create the life you desire.

GRATITUDE JOURNAL List the things you are grateful for. Beginning each day with a mindset of gratitude causes a shift in the way you move throughout your day. Plan your day, reflect on gratitude, create new affirmations you want for that particular day, and write down what can help you gain positive results. Then, just let your thoughts flow and write down what comes to mind. You have a treat with a different positive quote daily at the bottom of each page.




AN INTERVIEW WITH DR. GRACE SYN by Michele Modellas I met Dr. Grace and knew right away she was a a champion. I was able to observe her at one of her fitness

competitions, and the words that kept coming to my mind as I watched the competitors that day were determination and confidence… what determination it took to get to the day of competition, and what confidence it took to stand on that stage in front of a building full of observers and a row of judges who were looking at her body, up close and personal. To say I was impressed is an understatement. To say I was motivated to take my own fitness to another level is spot on. Dr. Grace is an inspiration for anyone—especially women— to believe in themselves and know they can achieve their dream body, regardless of their age. You have an amazing transformation with a before and on stage competing in fitness and bikini competitions. What motivated you to compete? I was getting ready for work one morning and caught a glance of my body. For some reason, I stopped and really looked. Then, I said, "Oh, Hell NO! How the heck did I get SO FLUFFY?!" I decided right then that I'm going to do something about it. I set a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) for myself... so I decided to compete in a body building show in the bikini category. What is involved with mindset and preparation to be able to walk on stage and compete? Firstly, be committed to do what it takes... no matter what. Secondly, be excited. Months and months of hard work, sweat, and dedication, and you get to share with others what that looks like. Thirdly, be proud. At 54, I found that it is possible to work at and attain your dream body at any age. That's where the "SASS" personality on stage comes in. Lastly, be happy. Being in a state of joy and gratitude is key to knocking out the stage nerves!


When you keep your word to yourself, own your hard work and dedication, and give it your all, the confidence comes naturally. This means SELF-validation, SELFesteem, SELF-appreciation. Depend on no one but you. Avoid all thoughts that weaken you. In this society, we are taught to be "humble." I think a lot of people mistake being confident for being arrogant... BIG DIFFERENCE. As a fitness expert, you work with clients to help them achieve health and fitness goals. What do you share with them as the first few concepts/ strategies to achieve their goals?

THE WAY OF THE CHAMPION Set a goal and decide to be 100% in Get a plan (Meal Plan and Fitness Plan) in place, and ask an expert if you need some help or guidance Execute and work the plan daily Make no excuses... taking total self-responsibility (for what do or don't do, eat or don't eat) is key to goal attainment. Give no one or nothing permission to take you off your plan. Organize, plan, and prepare... daily. As a successful chiropractor, you help people align their spine. How does having a healthy spine contribute to overall health? Our bodies are self-regulating and self-healing organisms. The nervous system controls all functions and systems of the body. This includes your immune system, metabolic system, muscular system, cardiovascular system, etc. If your spine is out of alignment, Transformation — wow! This word runs deep. there is interference to the nerves exiting the spine at And I love it! Are you yearning for a change, a new way of the level of the misalignment. This causes dysFUNCTION doing things… or new way of living? Are you tiredGetting of the to the tissues and cells that nerve supplies. same old, same old and not achieving what you truly spinal adjustments by a qualified licensed doctor of desire for your life? Have you experienced some sort of chiropractic can really make a difference in helping you change, but end up going back to your old ways of doing feel and function better naturally... without drugs or things in your life?your spine aligned, and your body and surgeries. "Keep Transformation is defined a profound and radical mind will work fine." True as: health comes from proper change (my favorite kind!); a marked change in form, mechanics of the body and a healthy, functioning nature appearance; a metamorphosis (a startling nervousor system... not patentable drugs. change induced by or as if by a supernatural power), a change in character and condition with little or no resemblance with the past configuration or structure. Hmm... that’s deep. But before I continue, I want to say that I’m 50 (something), and I’m don’t want to to imply I have life all It’s never too late feel figured out, because I certainly do not. great and look your best. I like to live by two mottos: (1) life is short, so stop and smell the roses, and (2) I’m not going to let nothing or GRACE SYN noone take me outDR. because I have a purpose! With all of this, I realize I still have much to learn about this thing called life. Even so, I feel confident in saying a few things… How does having a healthy spine contribute to brain health and the ability for the body to provide and receive nutrients? In 1984, Dr. Roger Sperry (an American Neuro-Scientist who won a Nobel Prize for discovering the fact that the brain gets 90% of its energy from spinal movement), having good spinal alignment is key for all body organs and cells to work properly. The latest research study suggests that when we adjust the spine, changes do occur in the prefrontal cortex. That part of the brain is like the conductor in the brain. Getting regular spinal check-ups is a key component to good health, similar to regular dental check ups and healthy teeth. What few pieces of wisdom can you share with our readers to encourage them to live their best lives, from a healthy body perspective?

A human being needs to do these 4 things to get healthy and stay healthy: 1. Sleep ENOUGH hours (minimum 7 hours every night) 2. Hydrate ENOUGH (1/2 your body weight in ounces of water) 3. Nourish ENOUGH (eat to fuel the body instead of just eating for taste) 4. Move ENOUGH (exercise regularly and get regular spinal check-ups)

Dr. Grace Syn is a Health and Fitness Expert, Author and a nationally sought out speaker for Women’s Wellness and natural Anti-Aging. Dr. Grace has a Doctorate in Chiropractic with post graduate training in Functional Endocrinology, Functional Neurology, and clinical Nutrition. She specializes in helping women of all ages successfully reset their metabolism into a fat-burning machine, balance hormones naturally, and win at the game of stress management and sustainable weight loss. Dr. Grace’s speaking style is humorous, educational, and inspirational. She has been in private practice for 25 years. She owns a successful holistic wellness center, online Fitness Coaching business, and is the Executive Producer to a soon to be released health documentary. Dr. Grace has been an expert in the Fitness industry for over 30 years. She served as the Director of Group Fitness for Gold’s Gym Redondo Beach for over a decade mentoring 40+ fitness instructors as well as coaching women of all ages to get into the best shape of their life… for life. Dr. Grace is currently a competitive body builder (bikini category) and is still “Doin' IT.” Her motto is, “It’s never too late to feel great and look your best.” She is happily married and resides in Redondo Beach with her husband, Bill, and their handsome 50-pound English bulldog, Atlas.

www.SynChiropractic.com www.DrGraceFitPlan.com @drgracesyn 21



Adaptogens. By definition, they are nontoxic plant extracts that increase the body’s ability to resist pl

damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning. They create and store important chemicals needed by the body to handle stress (dopamine—our happy chemical, norepinephrine, epinephrine—all very valuable to our body). Adaptogens have been around and studied for a long time, but they are more recently gaining increased attention. They are fast becoming the choice for people to combat adrenal fatigue. They are a protector for our body, our health, and our overall wellness. They help with anti-aging and are a great source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. An antioxidant is what protects nerve cells from the daily harmful free-radicals. They basically help prevent damage to your cells in your body. Adaptogens strengthen the adrenal system—similar to how muscles benefit from exercise, adaptogens build and strengthen the adrenal glands. So, what are adrenal glands and why are they so important? They are extremely important to overall health and the protection of the body. We have two that are about the size of the top part of our thumbs and they are just above our kidneys. They help control blood sugar, they burn protein and fat, they react to stressors like illness and injury, and help regulate blood pressure. They are extremely sensitive to stress and will attempt to regulate the body by releasing hormones to help deal with the anxiety or other stress emotions. When our adrenals become overtaxed and begin to malfunction, we will feel fatigued and exhausted and can harm our body. If we have adrenal fatigue, we could also experience feelings of mild depression, food allergies, lack of energy, heart issues, the need for more effort to perform daily tasks or a decreased ability to handle “normal stress.” Adaptogens are a winning combination for adrenal health, as well as having overall health benefits to the body and brain. Adaptogens are considered generally safe, non-toxic, and non-habit forming. They help normal 22

ize systems and bring balance to the body. They are not a stimulant or a sedative. They help the body adapt to environmental and psychological stresses. They also support the major systems in the body—the nervous system, immune system and the endocrine system. Studies on humans throughout history show how adaptogens help the body maintain health during extreme phases of stress and exhaustion. They help decrease sensitivity to stressors, which result in the body going into a stress protection mode. Instead of exhaustion, the anti-fatigue effect of adaptogens is activated and the body maintains rather than spiking and dropping. They increase the body's resistance to physical, chemical, biological, and psychological stressors. Some of the more well-known adaptogens are: Asian Ginseng American Ginseng Ashwagandha Goji Berry Licorice Root Rhodiola Root Holy Basil Siberian Ginseng Optimize your health with incorporating adaptogens into your daily supplement intake. Adaptogens are crucial to being able to tap into vitality and live a full and bold life.



This little plant is amazing and a champion in its own right. It is used as an "adaptogen" to help the body cope with daily stress, reduce levels of fat and sugar in the blood. It can help prevent the effects of aging, improve brain function and thinking and boost your mood. Ashwagandha is one of the herbs in the adaptogenic blend of the proprietary formula of Vitality™. Benefits of this little gem of a plant include:


Reduce stress and anxiety


Increase energy levels





Studies show it can help to reduce blood sugar levels 12






It has anti-cancer properties believed to promote the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside cancer cells, disrupting their function

Studies show it can decrease inflammation, attributed to its high concentration of withanolides. It helps your immune cells fight infection in your body to keep you healthy. Having a reduction in inflammation helps to reduce your risk of heart disease… along with many other health risks. May help improve heart health by reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It helps to reduce your “bad cholesterol,” which reduces your risk for heart disease Improved brain function and memory: Studies show improvements in reaction time, task performance, attention and memory. It can be applied to the skin, topically, to help heal wounds and backaches.

It can reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is known as a "stress hormone" because your adrenal glands release it in response to stress, as well as when your blood sugar levels get too low. If cortisol levels are elevated consistently, this can lead to high blood sugar levels. Chronically high blood sugar levels increase the fat stores in the abdominal area (AKA puffy/fatty tummy area). Lack of sleep also can increase cortisol levels. In a study performed on adults who were chronically stressed, those who took an ashwagandha supplement had significantly reduced cortisol levels than the control group.

It can help reduce symptoms of depression

For the Men… It can help to boost testosterone and reproductive health

Research shows improved body composition: increased muscle strength and reduced body fat percentage

23 Image by Hari Prasad Nadig





It all starts with your commitment to set aside time to work on yourself and your business. What better way than to spend a weekend away with other likeminded individuals, with an ocean-front view, to set the tone for creativity, action planning, inspiration, and strategy to create results? As the end of the year approaches, it’s a time that brings thoughts, hopeful goals, and dreams you may be thinking about and setting. It’s a great time to set ourselves—and our businesses—up for success for the coming year. Typically, once we are into January, we may not always follow through with what we set out to accomplish. By mid-year, we may not even remember what we set early in the year. This happens for a couple of reasons: Lack of Accountability. When we don't have the tools for success—a coach or group of other business people to hold us accountable—goals and dreams often fall by the wayside. Mind Management/Negative Self Talk. Once we make a decision to move forward with goals and in our lives and businesses, it seems a conspiracy begins to form to derail us . . . fears, unresolved limiting beliefs, and negative self-talk begin to take flight to prevent us from reaching such big goals. Mastermind groups offer a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability, and support in a small group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills. The Mastermind Weekend helps you achieve success. You will challenge each other to set powerful goals for the coming year and, more importantly, to create strategies to accomplish them. The Mastermind Weekend requires commitment, confidentiality, willingness to both give and receive advice and ideas, and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion. Mastermind Weekend group members act as catalysts for growth and support.

We will be focused, and we'll spend our time wisely and efficiently… and HAVE FUN!

YOU CAN DO IT— I CAN HELP YOU Take Part In a Mastermind Weekend! LOCATION: Vitality Resources, Inc. Conference Facility, Redondo Beach, CA

WHAT'S INCLUDED FRIDAY EVENING: Meet n Greet, Weekend layout, Session 1 (Individual Overall Goals Discussion—bring at least one BHAG / Big Hairy Audacious Goal) SATURDAY: Session 2 (“Hot Seats”), Session 3 (strategy sessions to create plans to accomplish goals), Session 4 (Format for Vision Casting in 4 areas— Health/Fitness, Financial, Relationship, Personal Development), Session 5 (Group Beach Activity), Dinner SUNDAY: Session 6 (Create Action Plan for 30, 60 and 90 Days, 6 mos, 12 mos. And reverse engineer the plan to create the results). Session 7 (Map out resources needed to accomplish goals). And… so much more!

Register at MicheleModellas.com/Events



If you’re a woman, you’re going to enjoy reading this short article by Dr. Carney on the benefits of using organic vegetables for detoxification and reducing your cancer risk.

I've found that most women know—too much estrogen in their system is related to a higher risk of e

breast cancer as well as uterine cancer. That’s not good news… So, here’s the whole story and why I’m talking to you in a nutshell. Breast cancer rates fell dramatically for the first time in history when women paid attention to their diet, medications and stopped taking prescribed estrogen. You might be saying, “But Dr. Carney, what happens if your own body is making too much estrogen?" Great question. Normally, your organs of detoxification (which are your kidneys, liver, etc.) eliminate your body's excess estrogen. If not, that is a big reason for you to go on a purification program. The program has been shown to enhance how your body detoxifies, which is why it’s so important to your health, especially in cancer cases or for those people who are prone to getting cancer.

SO WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? This process is not supernatural, but let’s just say this. Your liver and other organs of detoxification use something called phytochemicals derived from vegetables (especially whole cruciferous, brassica vegetables such as Brussels sprouts and kale) to enhance your body's liver detoxification. A recent study showed researchers that consuming a special dried vegetable powder made up of organic Brussels sprouts and kale significantly increased those people’s detoxification and excretion of excess estrogen. Here’s why that’s so important. Estrogen excretion was measured with something called the 2/16 hydroxyestrogen ratio. I don’t know what that is, but it’s best that we just accept it for what it is, and move on. Knowing this is important for "premenopausal" women who have conditions like breast problems, breast cancer in the family, or who already have or had breast or uterine

ine cancer. This study I’m mentioning here was done by the Metametrix Institute on this special type of vegetable powder. The company was found to be completely unbiased. Almost all subjects in the study showed increased rates of excess estrogen excretion while consuming 3.6 grams of a supplement called Cruciferous Complex Complete on a daily basis. (Those women with the highest excess estrogen showed the greatest increases in their detoxification, averaging around 500% or 5x greater than normal). Here’s the big takeaway: If you are a premenopausal woman (with any type of breast or uterine cancer markers), you can now lower your excess estrogen risk easily, safely, and without drugs with this one whole food supplement. All you have to do is: take 6 of the capsules of the Cruciferous for 6 to 18 months, and then after you are fully recovered, 3 capsules thereafter until menopause. The fact is, using these types of organic vegetables for detoxification helps to lower you and yours cancer risks. It also provides women with proof that they can use cruciferous brassica vegetable powder to help them prevent estrogen-induced cancers. If you would like to know more information about this supplement or any other supplement, just hop on your computer and email me at drroddc@yahoo.com and mention that you read about it in this magazine. Dr. G. Carney is a nutritionist, author, speaker, marketer, and Doctor of Chiropractic. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic located in Davenport, IA in 1983. He loves helping people understand why they need proper nutrition and supplements. He speaks at the local and state levels on subjects like Alzheimer's, Asthma, Restless Leg Syndrome, Arthritis, Back Pain and other health related diseases. He is currently working on his eighth book entitled, THE SECRET TO WEIGHT LOSS. "Why People Can't Lose Weight and Keep It Off." He also loves animals and has nine dogs.



LIVING LIFE AS A HEADLINER by Michele Modellas Have you ever identified yourself as a Headliner? Or have you been viewing yourself as a sideliner? Each one of us has been created intentionally with gifts and talents. And the particular way you were designed was certainly not meant to be limited! So, What are you waiting for? Have you ever asked yourself that? We are not guaranteed another day… As the song from Mandisa asks, What are you waiting for? I don’t want to live my whole life wasting and wondering if good enough could have been Better! Every day is a day that’s borrowed, so why am I waiting for tomorrow? This is not about perfectionism; it’s about choosing excellence, being determined to do your best, and understanding we can make a difference while we are here on earth. Many times, limiting beliefs stand in the way of us living the life of a champion and obtaining the things we desire—either personally, professionally, or both. These limiting beliefs prevent us from feeling we are important enough to make the headline. Can you think about your own life and some of the limiting beliefs you have either made up for yourself or adopted from others who have told you that you cannot do something or achieve something?

CATEGORIES OF LIMITING BELIEFS: Fear of Failure OR Success Experience or Education Upbringing Living in a past of hurts/wounds inflicted by others

Personal appearance not what society says is “normal” Health issues And many, many more

TRY ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING: What are some limiting beliefs I am believing?

If I am believing these lies, how is doing this serving me to to live a full life?

What changes will I make today to help change my thought process from limiting beliefs?

The Headline I want for my life, starting today is?

Its time to make the changes. After all… YOU are THE Headliner! There’s no need to wait until tomorrow!

EXTRA! EXTRA! I can’t wait to read all about you! 26


Incorporate one or all of these that Michele has created to live by to create Champion Results in your life—personally or professionally.


MENTAL TOUGHNESS the ability to bring to life whatever talent and skills you have, on demand

OVERCOMER in spite of—and as a result of—challenges and adversities

DETERMINATION having a fixed intention or resolution, a firmness of purpose

EXCELLENCE AS YOUR DRIVING FORCE choose excellence over perfection and let it drive what you do in life

LIVE FULL OUT embrace adventure and be willing to take risks

LOVE INSTEAD OF BLAME this has everything to do with forgiving others as well as yourself

AUTHENTIC ALWAYS stay true to yourself and be real... authenticity is attractive

STAY READY SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO GET READY be proactive, rather than reactive



THE BENEFITS TO LIVING THE WAY OF THE CHAMPION In my personal life, I have thrived in the midst of some pretty life-altering and devastating circumstances, and I have chosen to adopt a mantra:

“I won’t let nothing or no one take me out—I’ve got one life, and the rest is still waiting to be written.” MICHELE MODELLAS I did my first short distance triathlon in 2010 and fell in love with it. A few weeks after the triathlon, I was in a near head-on collision where the “jaws of life” had to cut my car apart before I could be transported to the hospital. They discovered a concussion, brain bleed, brain trauma to my frontal lobes, a bulging disc that encroached in my spinal column, and a bulging disc in my neck. None of these, except for the concussion, were discovered until months later because I advocated for my health to get answers. In the meantime, I was doing everything in my ability to deliver excellence to my existing clients; my brand-new, well-known corporate client; and my other entrepreneurial streams of income. When I was finally cleared by the doctors to return to physical activities, 18 months post-accident, I decided to sign up for an Ironman 70.3 triathlon. I created a “take my life back" program. I didn’t want to allow someone else’s actions dictate what was going to happen in my life. Since then, I have accomplished 5 Ironman 70.3 Triathlons, 2 Marathons (26.2 miles each), 2 Century distance cycling events (112 miles each), and over a dozen half-marathon, 5Ks, and fun runs. I found that fitness and endurance races were a way to reclaim my life, my health, and my vitality. Whether its fitness goals or any other personal or professional goal, there are a few things to keep in mind when you choose The Way of the Champion: 1. Run your own race, set your own pace, and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. 2. Honor your body, listen to your body and take GOOD CARE of your body. 3. Surround yourself with others who have similar goals. 4. Be adventurous and enjoy the journey. 5. Step out of your comfort zone and try something you never thought you could do. 6. Do it, even if you are afraid! It doesn’t matter how fast you are at a race or accomplishing any other goal. What matters is that you finish and finish strong! This is The Way of the Champion. 28

"A champion will push themselves because they are determined not to be held down." MICHELE MODELLAS


2 3

Self-confidence is created by a combination of good physical health, emotional health and social health. It is hard to feel good about yourself if you hate your physique or constantly have low energy. You have the choice to do something about this. Squash the inner voices of self-doubt and negative self-talk. Spend some time in your Discomfort Zone: do things that scare you, do them while you are afraid, and watch your confidence soar when you accomplish the thing you once were fearful about.


Practice visualization of your goals being accomplished. While visualizing, speak what you see with words of affirmation. Remember, what we look for, we are sure to find.


Surround yourself with people who care, support and believe in you. Listen when they speak into your life. AND, do the same for others. Share genuine, encouraging, words.

Practice these moves to create a more confident you!

I will always remember some of the last words my mother spoke to me before she passed away: “Michele, I know you are smart and can do anything you set your mind to. I know you have the capability to figure things out on your own. But, I also know that if there is anything you don’t know how to do, you will be able to find the resources to get things done.” I have had to lean on my mom's words and the belief she had in me when I didn’t quite believe in myself.


THE NEED FOR SELF-CARE Caring for yourself, recharging, and restoring your energy. Self-care is vital and is in no way a selfish act. It doesn’t have to break the bank, and it doesn’t have to cost a lot—or anything, even. Self-care is not selfish. It’s mandatory if you want to be that champion who is on your game and able to champion others.

HERE ARE JUST A FEW IDEAS OF NOOR LOW-COST SELF-CARE ACTIVITIES: Meditation Prayer Breathing exercises Make healthy changes to your diet (get rid of sugar, at least) Enjoy movement outdoors and in nature Walk on a beach Try a new fitness class at your gym Read that book you have been wanting to read Enjoy a cup of tea—maybe with your new book Go to a movie Get a pedicure or a massage or facial Enjoy a daytime nap—what a luxury that is! Have a fun conversation with a friend and agree only to talk about fun and funny things, memories, or events Try using a diffuser with a calming essential oil Learn a new hobby Stretch or take a yoga class Spend time with your best friend Create a list of all your wins—celebrate YOU as you write them (work on a couple pages in the Success Journal) Enjoy a bubble bath and some nice music Create a bucket list


e l e h c Mi

(916) 214-6455





YouTube: @MicheleModellas






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