Metal por tus Venas no. 82 julio-agosto 2022

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Editorial ¡Saludos lectores! Debido a retrasos con varias bandas para enviar las entrevistas en tiempo, no fue posible sacar esta la edición del verano (que además es 2 en 1). Pero gracias a la insistencia fue posible que saliera ahora esta edición no. 82 de Metal por tus Venas. ¡Espero como siempre la disfruten y sea de su agrado!! Edición, Diseño y Realización: Alejandro Pérez Zerquera. Contactos: Lacret 411 apto 4 e/ D’Strampes y Figueroa, Santos Suárez, 10 de octubre; La Habana, Cuba. WhatsApp: (+53) 5 469 78 16 Sitio Web: Medium: Linktree: Facebook: Correo: Canal YouTube:

Agradecimientos y saludos A Omar Vega Riaño (SubtleDeath), a Yusniel Valdés Puig (Jesús es mi Rock), a Osvaldo Rojas (Instinto Básico), a Nelson Rodríguez (La Nueva G), a Junior Hernández (Opia Magazine), a Humberto Manduley, a Javier, a Miriela y a Joaquín Borges - Triana. También a Locki Sanher (Duque Producciones y Sanher Promociones), a Javi Izkar (Izkar Producciones), a Tomas (On Fire Rock Promo Records), a Javier (Maldito Records), a Nat (Wormholedeath Records), a Mike de Cohene (Hardlife Promotion), a Samantha Dodson (SamBone Promos), a Jon Asher (Asher Media Relations) y a Unai Endemaño. A Tempore Anomalia (Provectus), a Alex (y demás miembros de Nulled) y a Arne y Niels (Malfested). En esta edición: 1. Entrevistas a: Provectus, Nulled y a Malfested. 2. Noticias: - “Better days… And Nights” es el nuevo album de Smith/Kozen y Mr. Big. -ZZ Top publica su nuevo álbum “RAW”, el ultimo con Dusty Hill. -The Dead Daisies anuncian nuevo disco “Radiance” para septiembre. 3. Póster: Chester Bennington.

Provectus emerged in 2015 from the darkest roots of Old School Black Metal. To this we can add that they focus their music on the Black Metal of the 90's of the last century and therefore it is not directed to sensitive ears. Proof of this is "Postero Mundi", the most recent musical work of this dark trio. Let's see what other details Tempore Anomalia, vocalist and guitarist, told us. By: Alejandro Pérez. Hi Provectus, how are you? A pleasure to interview. How has the pandemic taken you so far? Hello, thanks’ for asking... we are doing well! It's our pleasure to do this interview. The pandemic was not really desirable for us as artists in general and being in a band for that matter even worse. We are just satisfied that all these lock-down periods are over, and can keep focusing on what needs to be done. Even though public performances, and rehearsals where off the table that period. We still managed to go on fine, and made good use of the down time period. For now, is the time to be back on stage again more than ever. According to your bio, the band emerged in 2015 so you've been around for a few years now. How did the idea of creating the band come up? We (Tempore Anomalia and Obitus) always had a passion for Black Metal... and already played in bands before together. So when the time came we could really dig deeper into Provectus we did. What are your musical influences? Initially it was more of a 2-man project on low key, yet after making several songs and let Roach join in on bass guitar we completed the band to our vision. It was both a factor of wanting to do this for a longer time, and finally have the time free to start so. We kept writing, playing... going on... To the point we hit the stages.

Who are its current members? Our influences come from Black Metal in general, although more oriented to the earlier work (late 80's /early 90's) "Postero Mundi" is your first full-length album and I really enjoyed it! It's pure darkness! Congratulations! We love that u feel that way about our new album! How was the editing and recording process? The recording process: We converted our rehearsal room to back up as a fully functional recording studio. So just like our E.P. this album was recorded at the same location. For the sake of a good solid sound and performance, we did a full pre-recording of the album. This to have all used gear, settings, and every little thing into detail saved for when the actual recording happens. Call it a major test run and set up at the same time... And once we had a solid pre-recording mix we navigated a step further on how to make the difference at the final recording. All for the sake of nailing the sound on every instrument and performance obviously, and not having to navigate all that during the initial and final recording. (saves a hell of a job) From that point on, it was go time... and record the final product. The editing portion, is like any record I guess... mix it until everything is balanced out as desired... From there on we looked into what we could add or do different just to widen our sound yet with subtle refreshing touches, and make it sound that explosive. Due the fact we had this pre-production, the mix was already laid out in the bigger picture. The general editing went fine, although in mixing techniques this can get pretty endless as well. For us it was the post-production that finalized it and gave the most value to the record. Just by going beyond the general mix and adding these final touches. How many songs does it include and what are the songs about? What inspires you to create your songs? Darkness, evil, etc? Inspiration: We all have a deep rooted passion for Black Metal, the occult, the history and lore behind matters as paganism, Satanism... It's really the darkness in mankind and what it creates or destroys down that attracts us deeper in a pure way. And not to forget, our lives...our own stories... there is so much that fuels the inspiration to a bursting flame. And not everything has to come from some greater good/evil nor a greater god. Sometimes (in our case often) it's the real life endeavors and horrors that one can go through that get channeled in a musical and lyrical fashion.

Any audiovisual material? Audiovisual material like a live DVD or such is not for us at the moment, yet u can enjoy our video clips on multiple sources like YouTube for example. From Postero Mundi: We have a video clips out for Disordered Phenomenon and Bane of Existence. Where is it possible to get a copy of it? U can get a physical and digital copy at Bandcamp, or order them through our Meta (FB) shop. And we have a lot of new merchandise to offer now recently to with the release of the album, and better yet try our Lucid Nightmare Beer! Focusing more on the album. How do you plan to promote and promote it? We are signed with Neck twister so the most courses of action regarding promo actions for the record already have been done. This mostly by releasing singles from the album that are introduced with small video teasers first. And more important the social media coverage is a big necessity to get the word out, and make the most of a promotional item. How do you think it will be received, in general, by both the public and the specialized press? In general, beyond the steps you take for promotional purposes, u always try to engage further and more on social platforms. Aside from that there is always still a good pitch required to get your music further down the line. And having good contacts and connections helps out a lot! To save u all the minor details, it's a lot that goes on behind the screens of Provectus to promote every aspect and element of it to the world.

In addition to this, your first album, in 2018 you released the album "Existential Delusion". Could you briefly tell us about it, as for sure there will be those who don't know the band and want to acquire it? Existential Delusion is our first record indeed, It's a four track album with 35 minutes of playtime. It's a very special album to us since it is our first, yet for other reasons as well. The album really takes you on this desolate, deep and darker voyage from start to finish. With a lot of twists and bends in the narrative and also the music. It's a good variety of more melancholic rawness, and rhythmical aggression at the same time. It's a very conceptual album, therefore every track really had its own stamp or identity, covering all the existential crisis within. And even for only four tracks it really has a unified feel, and yet every track is its own world, journey and story within. Perhaps if the individual (not knowing the band) starts listening to this record, they would understand our conceptual and lyrical angle even better towards the new record, while also have a good comparison at the same time of how we grown towards the second album. Is it still available to get a copy? There are still copies available, and we will always have them available. For those who want to acquire a copy: Bandcamp or Meta (FB) shop. Changing the subject, a little bit. It strikes me that several European bands choose black metal and its variants as musical style. What do you think this is due to, according to your opinion? Perhaps it's the normal thing to do aside from being another cover band. In Europe we have a big EDM (electronic dance music) and pop culture scene, so it's normal for people to pick up an instrument instead. Obviously like always, there is more and more commercial music than what was years ago underground. A little theoretical guess: there are indeed multiple bands rising over the years who are all in the same Black/Death or the more extreme genres of music. So it's not that it is a shortage or something odd like that. The guess is that Black Metal or any extreme genre is not that 'underground anymore' then it used to be, and therefore the numbers rise hard. Do you think that black metal, and its variants, can become the style that leads the rock scene worldwide? We cannot say if this is a global fact, yet for Europe it's very true. And hopefully this will change to offer a bigger and broader platform for all new bands to come. Perhaps a good time to be alive? Who knows :) Extreme music is rising period.

Or could it be that people feel more identified with a style that sometimes shows the darkest side of humanity? Black Metal always has been something u need to have an acquired taste for, yet how things are going now... It might be less underground and more open to public performance on larger scales nowadays. Though if it really will shift to leading the music scene worldwide over the rock scene, that we strongly doubt. Although it would be very nice if so. The identification: That is a golden question! It's very true that most people carved out of the same wood are unifying over the same music. There are more people tapped in to that darker side of life, who see life as it is. Without the walls, without the charades... and truly see how mankind really is. And it's not always pretty as we know. And this creates another type of bond, beyond music where you almost get spoken to on a deeper level, stimulating you on the entire E.Q. spectrum. Back to the band. Just by listening to your songs you can feel the darkest roots of black metal. What is it like to be in a Provectus show? We can only tell from our perspective: Amazing! There is always good crowd engagement, and every show is remarkable on its own. If you can bring your music to the masses live and have great reactions, and a great evening on top... that is what u do it for. And it's just a great experience overall every time again. How is the interaction with the audience and their reaction? We always tend to improve on every aspect as well, so the fans, audience get the full experience every time. Some will probably need a chiropractor for a stiff neck after a show, yet that's how it goes, with plenty of devil horns raised in the air and tons of mutual respect! Regarding upcoming presentations. Do you already have dates planned? We have some dates planned already for future shows so that is a good foresight. A tour might not be in the cards right now, yet it might be very possible on the other side. Can we expect any tour, either European or international? There might be even some separate shows aside from touring that will be both European and/or International. Well Provectus, this is it. Thank you for your time and just wish you the best of luck. Before finishing, something you want to say. Thank you for the opportunity, and the interview. And best of luck to u in Cuba!

Oh, and as a curious fact to tell you that here in Cuba black metal has a great public, so you would be well received here. That's just amazing to hear, I hope we can come over one day for a great show! It's also very nice to know how Black Metal is alive like that everywhere. Thanks again for your time! Hail black metal! Links:

"Strokes Of Reason" es el título del primer álbum de Nulled, banda surgida en el 2017. Tal vez lo más peculiar a resaltar de esta banda es que sus miembros provienen de varios países lo que les ha permitido crear temas en diferentes idiomas, dándole un sello propio y particular a la banda. Pero veamos que nos contó sobre esto Alex (su vocalista) de conjunto con el grupo. Por: Alejandro Pérez.

¡Hola Nulled! ¿Cómo estáis? Un placer poder entrevistarlos. ¿Cómo os llevo la pandemia todo este tiempo? El placer es nuestro, con todo esto de la pandemia fue un tiempo difícil para todos, pero lo aprovechamos para componer el disco, grabarlo en estudio y grabar un videoclip Tengo entendido que la banda surge en el 2017, por lo que llevan pocos años de creados. ¿Cómo surge la idea de crear la banda? La banda surgió con un concepto muy claro, y es que queríamos hacer metal, pero dándole un toque de teclados/sintetizadores, haciendo también que cada canción tuviese su propio estilo. ¿Cuáles mencionarían como sus principales influencias? Las influencias musicales de la banda van desde formaciones como Slipknot, Korn, Machine Head, Pantera, In flames y Taproot hasta While She Sleeps, Trivium, Architects, Gojira, Parkway Drive, ... ¿Cómo definirían su estilo musical? Nos definiríamos como una banda Metalcore/Synthcore/Death Metal Melódico.

Enfocándonos más en la banda. ¿Quiénes son sus miembros actuales y dónde proceden, pues tengo entendido que no todos son de España? Los miembros de la banda somos: Alex (Voz), Ashton (Guitarra), Oscar (Guitarra), Iban (Bajo y Coros) y Mikel (Batería y Sintetizadores). Alex es de origen francés de ahí que algunos temas sean en dicho idioma, Ashton es de origen inglés y el resto son nacidos en el País Vasco en España. ¿Tienen experiencia de proyectos anteriores? Todos los miembros de la banda hemos tenido varios grupos antes lo que nos da ya cierta experiencia en el campo, y no solo grupos de metal sino también de indie y otros estilos. Hablemos sobre “Strokes of Reason”, el primer álbum de la banda y que saliera hace unos meses. ¿Cómo fue el proceso de edición y grabación? El proceso de grabación del álbum fue algo largo debido a la duración del mismo, pero tras mucho esfuerzo, cambios y pulir detalles estamos muy orgullosos de haber podido sacarlo a la luz. ¿Cuántos temas trae y sobre que van los mismos? El disco se compone de 13 temas de los cuales destacaríamos Black Pond que relata el cómo a una chica la han asesinado, y como desesperadamente pide que la encuentren, o Sr. Untenable, que significa señor insostenible, y habla un poco sobre cómo estas metido en un bucle y te anima a salir de él. ¿Algún material audiovisual? Tenemos publicado en YouTube un videoclip llamado “Nulled – Black Pond” y próximamente planeamos sacar otro videoclip del mismo disco. ¿Cómo han dado a promover y promocionar el mismo? El videoclip como el disco lo hemos promocionado en nuestras redes, con conciertos, con entrevistas e incluso en el periódico. ¿Cómo ha sido recibido de manera general, tanto por el público como por la prensa especializada? Hemos tenido muy buenas reacciones tanto del público como de los medios y eso nos anima aún más a seguir haciendo lo que nos gusta.

Antes del disco “Strokes of Reason” lanzaron el EP “Pointer Exception” en el 2019. ¿Podrían comentarnos brevemente sobre el mismo? El nombre de dicho EP proviene de un error de informática que significa algo así como apuntar a algo que no existe o no ha sido creado y nos gustó mucho el concepto para empezar a crear nuestro propio género. ¿Aún está disponible para obtener copias? El EP sigue estando disponible tanto en Bandcamp, como en Youtube y Spotify. Cambiando un poco de tema. Recientemente firmaron con el sello Rising Wave. ¿Cómo se sienten con esto? Estamos muy contentos con ello, ya que Jordi nuestro mánager nos está guiando estupendamente y se nota que tiene mucha experiencia. ¿Qué ventajas les puede traer trabajar con este sello? El sello aporta muchas ventajas como conocer los trucos para publicar correctamente un single, sus consejos para promocionarnos, al fin de al cabo es un integrante más del grupo. Volviendo a la banda. ¿Cuáles son los planes más inmediatos? Nuestros planes más inmediatos son dar conciertos y componer singles para darnos a conocer y que vayan viendo nuestros progresos ¿Tienen previstas próximas giras? Sí que estamos organizado algunas cosillas, pero queremos dejar la sorpresa para más adelante.

Bueno Nulled, esto es todo. Agradecerles por su tiempo y desearles suerte y éxitos en su carrera. Antes de terminar, algo que deseen decir. Os agradecemos a vosotros por darnos un espacio donde darnos a conocer, asimismo a Izkar y a Rising Wave por su apoyo. Y comentar que si queréis contactarnos tenemos una web con todas las redes y contactos. Enlaces:

Nulled “Strokes of Reason” 1- Cross the Line 2- Black Pound 3- Twelve fucking kicks in your fucking mouth 4- Sr. Untenable 5- The end of your fucking world 6-Mediant 7-Brothers 8- All on one card 9- Souciedad 10- Six sex six 11- Ate an ape 12- Counterflow 13-Procrastinate (Bonus Track)

Malfested was formed in 2020, the year the pandemic began to sweep the world. So it could be said that they are a pandemic band just like the two EP's they released a short time apart. About these and other aspects the band told us exclusively. By: Alejandro Pérez.

Hello Malfested! How are you? It's a pleasure to interview you. How has the pandemic been going for you all this time? We are doing very well now, thanks. We finally got to release our second EP and got to play our first one live since Covid made sure we didn't get to play these songs live. Now we have 2 EP's and shows are slowly returning back to normal, so we're eager to hit more stages! According to your bio the band was born in 2020, so you have already been created for 2 years. How did the idea of creating the band come up? Malfested was supposed to be a project initially. You might hear this kind of story a lot lately. Covid happened and a lot of people suddenly had a lot of free time. We had to restrict our social contacts, so the two of us got to work and started our first death metal band together. It all went very fast as we are two driven people who enjoy doing all the work ourselves. DIY bitches! The first EP, logo, artwork... we even financed the recording and pressing ourselves and drove around the state to deliver the albums to people who ordered it online. We had a lot of fun so we decided to add to the fun by making this a full-blown band. We turned to some old friends who weren't had to persuade to join.

What would you mention as your main influences? We are inspired by the old (death)metal bands but not in a way that we want to copy what they did. You can tell if you listen to our music. What made the old bands so awesome is the diversity... Entombed, Death, Edge of Sanity, Suffocation, … Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing and in those days the copycats didn't get much attention. These days they unfortunately do. How would you define your musical style? We play death metal but to go a bit more in depth... we don't shy away to add other metal subgenres. There is definitely some doom and black influences. There's even a bit of hardcore influences. I played hardcore for over 10 years so it's ingrained in my very being. We like to make sure every song is brutal but also contains some melody to give the song its own unique identity. Who are the current members of the band? Arne (Vocals), Niels (guitar), Cyril (guitar), Ruben (bass) and Peter (drums) Do they have experience from previous projects? Together we have a ton of experience. Peter has been my drummer in every project I did since 2002. We played metal core, hardcore and melodic death metal. In the latter, we enlisted Arne first as guitarist but we all saw a very promising front man in him. Arne played with Ruben in a deathcore band before and Ruben also joined my hardcore band after I left. So you see our paths crossed many times before. We didn't get to play with Cyril before. He has his own list of previous bands but we mostly knew him to be the guy to visit to record cheap demos haha. He recorded a demo for our melodic death metal band and we revisited him for our debut EP Shallow Graves. Afterwards I said: “Now that you've heard these songs a billion times, you won't be having any trouble playing them live, right?”. He just nodded and said: “Sure! Thanks for having me”. That's the spirit! So far the band has released 2 EP's "Shallow Graves" and "Unethical Creations" and it's funny, because both were released in the middle of the pandemic, so it could be considered pandemic EP's haha! How was the editing and recording process for both of them? I recorded everything at Cyril’s place. I'm a very impatient person and studio recordings can get tedious. Thanks god Cyril excels at everything I suck at. Getting the guitar sound right and editing the damned thing... you may certainly call these “pandemic” EP's. Lyrically they both tell a story about a threat or a plague wiping out human kind. Also the recording got halted a lot due to quarantine measures. Recording the vocals was the most fun! I just could sit there drinking a beer while pushing Arne to work it harder! Shriek that part, grunt that part, ... I told him if he didn't vomit during the

recordings, he didn't try hard enough! He was a good sport and he definitely have it his all haha. How many tracks do they come with and what are it about? Shallow Graves counts 6 tracks adding up to around 22 minutes. Unethical Creations counts 5 tracks adding up to over 27 minutes so longer songs on this one. Both EP's are telling a story so every song is a chapter to that story. We are very proud when it comes to the lyrics although many people don't bother reading them since harsh vocals can be a bit hard to translate. Shallow Graves is about vengeful spirits out of desecrated graves returning to the realm of the living to have their revenge. The humans turn to a banished witch to find a way to stop the undead. Unethical Creations is about a genius who's shunned because of his unethical studies filled with loathing and hate. He decides to grow monsters in his basement to unleash upon the world. It's just some fun horror stories, there is some social satire but no politics whatsoever. Any audiovisual material? We released the first single “The Abhorrent Arise” of our latest EP with a video clip we shot and edited ourselves. You can watch it on this link on YouTube: We also made a lyric video of the title track “Unethical Creations”: Where is it possible to get copies of both? You can find the digital copies on our Bandcamp: If you want physical copies, we recommend you order these on the site of our label “Necktwister”: Regarding both EP's. Have you been able to play them live? Of course we had our share of canceled gigs! It really sucks because people tend to forget you real fast if you didn't get the chance of leaving a lasting impression. You can hype people online all you want, it's still no substitute to playing live and exchanging energy with the crowd. The shows we did get to play, have been absolutely great! How have been received in general, both by the public and by the specialized press? Our albums did get reviewed a lot and they all seemed to like our songs. They all seemed to agree we are a promising band. That's an amazing thing to hear and read about ourselves and now it's up to us to live up to the expectations.

Changing the subject, a bit. I know the band is from Belgium. Could you tell us about the scene in that country? In our hometown, death metal isn't very big. The scene primarily revolves around hardcore, we even see a lot of metal heads playing hardcore because there are more shows and followers so more opportunities to play. This goes hand in hand with competition between bands which adds to the already mostly hostile rep hardcore has with its out-of-control violent moshing. I've seen so many bleeding faces and broken bones, I got sick of it. I'm fairly new to the death metal scene although I've loved the music a long time. We do have an interesting variety of bands and I'm still exploring the scene myself. And how are the festivals? The biggest metal festivals here are Graspop Metal Meeting and Alcatraz (in our hometown). We also have Wacken and Hellfest in nearby countries. Then there are tons of other metal festivals and events we enjoy and would absolutely want to play! We have a lot of festivals and events in our own country with a variety of genres, so we can safely say there's enough to go around. Back to the band. What are the most immediate plans? Do you already have upcoming presentation dates planned? Our immediate plans are to play more live shows and introduce our music to new people and have fun with our audience and the other bands. Before hitting the studio again, we want to explore our sound even further and create some memories together. Links:

SMITH/KOTZEN -el guitarrista de IRON MAIDEN y el guitarrista de POISON y MR.BIG- tienen nuevo álbum 'BETTER DAYS ...AND NIGHTS'. ¡Video disponible! BMG se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de un nuevo CD (y formato digital) de Smith/Kotzen, 'Better Days... And Nights', que llegará a las tiendas en CD y Digital el próximo 16 de septiembre de 2022. El nuevo álbum de los dos legendarios guitarristas Adrian Smith (Iron Maiden) y Richie Kotzen (Mr.Big, Poison, The Winery Dogs) contiene cinco temas inéditos grabados en directo y, además, por primera vez en formato CD, las cuatro pistas de estudio que publicaron en Vinilo/EP de 12’’ pulgadas, para el Record Store Day (en Noviembre 2021) y que está totalmente agotado y descatalogado, desde su edición. Las canciones en vivo se grabaron durante su primera gira por los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido a principios de 2022, estos eventos en directo acapararon críticas unánimemente entusiastas por parte de los seguidores y medios de comunicación. Celebrando el debut del dúo sobre los escenarios, junto con el imprescindible respaldo de dos jovenes músicos, internacionalmente conocidos, como la bajista Julia Lage (Vixen, The Sister Knot) y el batería Bruno Valverde (Angra, Kiko Loureiro, ...). Listado de temas incluidos en ‘Better Days ...And Nights’: DAYS: Better Days Got A Hold On Me Hate And Love Rise Again

NIGHTS: Hate and Love (Live) Got A Hold On Me (Live) Scars (Live) You Don’t Know Me (Live) Running (Live)

ZZ TOP publica su nuevo álbum 'RAW'. La última grabación con su desaparecido bajista Dusty Hill ¡¡¡ Histórico y especial disco!!! Ya disponible en tiendas de discos y plataformas digitales el esperado álbum ‘RAW’, lo que empezó siendo una reunión para hacer un documental sobre la historia, de más de cinco décadas, de la legendaria banda de Rock tejana se convirtió en la última grabación de Dusty Hill, el eterno bajista de ZZ TOP. Al igual que las otras 11 canciones que acompañan a ‘RAW’, se grabó en Gruene Hall, el notorio honky tonk (denominación local para el bar de copas con actuaciones en vivo) de Texas. Un local mítico, que data de 1878, que fue elegido para esta especial sesión en directo. Sin grandes escenarios y sonando como el título del disco “crudo”. Inspirado el sonido de los comienzos del trío y cuya vida se relata en el documental nominado al Grammy ZZ Top: That Little Ol’ Band from Texas. Dirigido por Sam Dunn y distribuida por Banger Films, el imprescindible documental ofrece una visión de la historia de la formación clásica de la banda: Billy F Gibbons, Frank Beard y Dusty Hill. Las 12 pistas de RAW incluyen "Certified Blues" que se escuchó originalmente en el primer álbum de ZZ Top, así como "La Grange", el avance de la banda en 1973 y "Tush", "Gimme All Your Lovin'", "Legs" y otros eternos éxitos destacados del catálogo de canciones. El álbum capturado durante un día mantuvo todo el proceso simple y directo. Un guiño a los primeros días de la banda. Las canciones de ‘RAW’ se grabaron en el transcurso de un día con el objetivo de mantener todo el proceso lo más simple y directo posible, un guiño a los primeros días de la banda. El álbum está producido por Billy F Gibbons, con los ingenieros Jake Mann y GL G-Mane Moon y mezclado por Ryan Hewitt. El disco, se publica en homenaje a la memoria de Dusty Hill, su -siempre recordadobajista, que falleció el año pasado. Tracklist del LP, CD y Digital Side 1 Brown Sugar Just Got Paid Heard It On The X La Grange Tush Thunderbird Side 2 I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide Legs Gimme All Your Lovin’ Blue Jean Blues Certified Blues Tube Snake Boogie

RADIANCE SHINES IN SEPTEMBER Get ready… 'RADIANCE' is about to shine on Friday, September 30th!! Strap yourself in people, ‘RADIANCE’ is ten tracks of pure unadulterated rock. The thunderous rhythm attack of David is accented by Doug’s lightning licks and fretboard tease. Glenn’s rock-solid bass grooves and unmatched vocal intensity are backed up by Brian’s pulverizing beats which only intensifies the fire! “Radiance’ is another slab of butt-kicking rock! The guys all brought their A-Game and a tight, powerful record was created! I’m looking forward to everyone hearing it and playing more of these songs live in the near future!” Brian Tichy This album is going to radiate some heat and take you on a rockin’ ride. Thank you for streaming the singles from the album, ‘Radiance’ and ‘Shine On’ over 200,000 times and showing us the love when we’ve played them live on our EU Summer Tour. “The new album ‘RADIANCE’ is our 2nd album with Ben Grosse producing from top to bottom. We had a great time composing and recording the record and I’m very excited for you all to hear what we put together. Definitely a heavy album but with some cool twists and turns! Hope you all like it.” – Doug Aldrich You can order your copy now at:

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