California Style by Maggy Siegel: The Re-birth of Big Sur and the Post Ranch Inn

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Photography by Kodiak Greenwood

The Rebirth of Big Sur and the Post Ranch Inn As the longest and most scenic stretch of undeveloped coastline in the United States,

grounds provide a habitat for the endangered Smith’s Blue Butterfly, California

California’s Big Sur coast is often praised for its rugged nature and stunning mountain

Red-Legged Frog, Western Pond Turtle and California Condor. A longtime leader

views. Recent winter storms have battered the area, and although Highway 1

in responsible tourism, Post Ranch Inn’s goal is to create a distinctive, luxurious

remains closed, the spirit of Big Sur is alive and well. Local businesses south of the

guest experience that blends seamlessly with environmental and social stewardship.

condemned Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge, including the iconic restaurant Nepenthe, the adjacent Phoenix Shop, Hawthorne Gallery and famed Post Ranch Inn, are all open.

One of my favorite features of the property is the edible garden and the chicken

With Post Ranch Inn open by air only, they have taken the experience of Big Sur

coop, giving the property a natural organic feel. As you wander around the

to new heights. During May and June, the resort is offering a unique helicopter

property, there is a commanding calm that surrounds you. The hillsides are bursting

package, “Escape through the Skies,” with access from destinations throughout

with wild flowers, immersing your senses in the beauty that is Big Sur. As I walk

Southern California such as Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs, Santa Barbara

the property with owner Mike Freed, we discuss the history of the area, how he

and Northern California’s cities of Monterey, Paso Robles and San Francisco. And

acquired the property and the best lessons learned from the struggles of life.

now with Highway 1 closed, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bike, walk or hike to experience the area without the distraction of noisy cars, motorcycles

Something you said really resonated with me. You eloquently described to me that

and trucks. Walking on scenic Highway 1, you can feel the rebirth of the area

the Earth is healing. Can you elaborate for my readers what you mean by that?

happening before your very eyes. New growth is everywhere, birds are soaring

Big Sur is one of the most healing places on the planet and, like Post Ranch Inn,

and the wildlife is singing. The demolished Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge is just a distant

what makes this area unique in the world is its harmonious relationship with the

reminder of Mother Nature’s strength, and her message to slow it down.

wild and the untamable aspects of nature. Of course, the unobstructed ocean and mountain views, the incredible hiking, the amazing trees, birds and other wildlife,

Bill Post

The rich history of the area starts with the Post family,

etc. are what bring visitors from all over the world to experience this unique

who were among Big Sur’s first pioneers. The inspiring

paradise. In order for us to continue to enjoy the natural, seemingly untouched

landscape—with its cliffs, mountains and panoramic

beauty that is Big Sur, the public needs to walk softly on the land, respect the

ocean views—has been embraced by the Post family

environment and to be aware (and stay sober) while driving the coast.

for generations. Under the Post family’s stewardship, the Ph

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100-acre Post Ranch Inn has evolved from a homestead and working ranch to one of the most acclaimed luxury resorts

What has been the most positive thing that has come out of this recent struggle for the Big Sur area?

in the world. From the moment a guest arrives, Post Ranch Inn’s respect for the

The amount of volunteerism to solve everyday issues is extraordinary. One hundred

land and commitment to the environment are evident, including its own 990-panel

volunteers helped build the community trail to reconnect Big Sur. When the kids

solar farm (the largest hotel solar project in California) and its lodgings built from

couldn’t get to school, a temporary school was set up at Post Ranch. The community

sustainable materials and designed to complement their natural surroundings.

raised funds to help those who were in need. The Coast Property Owners Association,

Outdoor native and drought-resistant plants populate the area. In addition, the

the Big Sur Volunteer Fire Brigade and the Big Sur Chamber of Commerce worked



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together to help the community in so many ways. Big Sur is a diverse community, where neighbor helping neighbor is the rule, not the exception. Through every challenge, there is always someone or something that makes you stop and think, “Wow, I did not see that coming. ”We call them “random acts of kindness.” Have you experienced this? When we started flying helicopters to Post Ranch Inn, I thought there would be more pushback from the Big Sur community. In fact, the community understood that by flying helicopters from Monterey to Post Ranch Inn, we were putting people back to work, not just at Post Ranch Inn, but at Nepenthe and the Hawthorne Gallery, who also decided to reopen on April 20. I thought back to Billy Post’s

© Kodiak Greenwood

great grandfather, W.B. Post, and recognized that when he came to Big Sur in 1860, there was no bridge or road, and he made it. So I figured if he could do it

I have a mantra that I live by, “If the mind can conceive it, the soul can achieve

in 1860, we could do it in 2017!

it.” Do you have a mantra and, if so, can you share it with me? Treat everyone you meet as an old friend. Post Ranch Inn has a shaman on the property. What advice has he given you through this whole process? Jon Rasmussen, the shaman at Post Ranch, told me: “There is always a bigger and mysterious picture at play, and the more we don’t take it personally, the more we benefit from the experience. The power we hold to overcome any obstacle is in our adherence to the overall vision.” Is there a special place on the Post Ranch Inn property that you love the most? There is, but if I told you, it wouldn’t be so special. © Kodiak Greenwood

Is it true you acquired Post Ranch Inn with a shot of Jack Daniels and a handshake? Billy Post, who I met in 1982, drank Jack on the rocks, and it became the unofficial What improvements do you feel the State of California must make to ensure

drink of the Post Ranch Inn. My agreement with Billy to partner with him on

this does not happen again?

building the Post Ranch Inn started with a handshake and we worked closely

Build a STRONG bridge. The closing of Highway 1 doesn’t just impact just Big Sur,

together for the first four years, with no written agreement.

it ripples throughout all of California, as it is one of California’s key destinations and main artery to other destinations in bringing tourism and employment throughout California. Highway 1 needs a master plan that balances public access with protecting the environment. So many people in our state rely on the coastal highway as their way of life, which is why so many people in our state live within an hour of the coast. I want to compliment State Parks and Caltrans, and the dedicated people who work for them, who have worked incredibly hard to get Big Sur reopened. State Senator Bill Monning, County Supervisor Mary Adams, Congressman Jimmy Panetta, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, and everyone in Governor Brown’s office, including Secretary of Transportation Brian Kelly to Secretary of Natural Resources John Laird to Advisor Mike Rossi, for playing an important part in getting Big Sur reopened. Special thanks to Caroline Beteta, who oversees Visit California, California’s tourism arm, who recognizes the importance of the coastal highway to the economy of the state.

© Kodiak Greenwood


Maggy Siegel

A Los Angeles based lifestyle designer, Vintage Finds buyer for One Kings Lane and a veteran apparel industry leader who pioneered several popular children’s brands. She is a mother, an art and nature lover, and collector of all things chic for the home. Contact information:

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